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The Newsletter of the www.TrulyRichClub.

com • Issue Number 203 • September 2015

From Bo’s Brain:

Are You Lucky?

When I talk to financially struggling people, I discern a
foolish idea about wealth.
It hit me again when a guy asked me, “Bo, how did
you do it?”
“How did I do what?” I asked.
He said, “Become rich?”
“It’s a long story,” I said.
“Oh, you’re so lucky….”
That’s when I laughed.
We hear it all the time.
That’s what some people think wealth is all about.
Except, of course, the people who worked for it.
Becky Aranaz, founder of one of the most successful fashion exporters in the country, who has made bags for top
global brands like Rafe, Nine West, Adrienne Vittadini, Esprit, Franchi, Cynthia Rowley (and many, many more) was our
special guest in one of our meetings with our Platinum Members. Becky shared how she started 35 years ago: She bravely
sent one bag design after another to the New York agency, only to have all of them rejected. Every single one of them
thrown out.
How many of her designs were rejected?
Answer: 500+. All of them receiving a big, fat, “No!”
But she kept sending designs until that fateful day
when one of them got accepted. And as they say, the rest
is history.
Tell me, is that luck?
In another Platinum Members meeting, Mary Grace
Dimalanta of Mary Grace Cafes was our special guest, and
she told us how she started selling ensaymadas in bazaars.
The first time she did it, not a single one was sold. So
she gave them away. In another bazaar sale, she sold so
poorly, she still had lots and lots of boxes of ensaymadas.
So she went to the parking lot of a church (without asking
permission) and tried selling these perishable items. Guess
what happened? It rained. But did that stop her? No. She
just pulled out her umbrella and kept selling.
Fast forward to today. That same unstoppable spirit has created 25+ successful Mary Grace Cafes in the country.
Question: Is that luck? Was she just lucky?

Contents: 1 From Bo’s Brain • 3 Love the Leap: From Employee to Entrepreneur by Tina Santiago Rodriguez • 5 What It Takes to Become a Medical Doctor in the U.S.: An Interview with Francis Balucan, MD Page 1
by Sha Nacino 7 A TRC Story of an OFW in Milan by Sha Nacino • 8 Coming Events • 9 TrulyRichClub Ladder of Abundance • 10 The Power of Acceptance by Bo Sanchez
Whenever I speak to successful people, I hear the same story over and over again.
Yes, it’s luck. But it’s a very different kind of luck.
For these successfully people, luck is created.
They manufacture it by sheer drive. They build it. They make it happen.
If you ask both Becky and Mary Grace, they will tell you how God has blessed them. (Both are very prayerful women.)
But they just didn’t receive God’s blessings; they’ve graduated to manufacturing His blessings so that others are blessed
as well.
Friend, do you want to be lucky too?
Create it.

May your dreams come true,

Bo Sanchez

P.S. Fulfill your dream of becoming a Bestselling Author. If you do it right, you inspire many people and also earn money
while you sleep. To know how to do it right, grab my Authors Bootcamp Video Seminar PLUS the One-Day Authors Crash
Course on November 14. For details, visit

Whenever I speak to
successful people,
I hear the same story
over and over again.
Yes, it’s luck. But it’s a very
different kind of luck.
For these successful people,
luck is created.
They manufacture it
by sheer drive.
They build it.
They make it happen.”

Issue Number 203 • September 2015 Page 2
Love the Leap: From Employee to
By Tina Santiago Rodriguez

Lori Greiner

There is a quote by American inventor, investor, entrepreneur, author, and television personality Lori Greiner that
goes like this: “Entrepreneurship is the way we take control of our lives in a tough economy.”
I’m sure most entrepreneurs would agree with Greiner. Setting up one’s own business can indeed become a stepping
stone to one’s financial success — if you do it right, of course. You would also need to consider several factors before you
start your own business, to make sure that you are on the correct path.
If you are currently employed though, you might be thinking, “But starting a business is too risky! I have greater security
at my job now,” or other similar thoughts. If you’re one of those people who are afraid of exploring entrepreneurship,
here’s what Rich Dad, Poor Dad author and financial literacy activist Robert Kiyosaki has to say about it: “Successful people
take big risks knowing that they might fall hard. But, they might succeed more than they ever dreamed, too.”
Kiyosaki would most likely encourage you to get tips from people who have taken the leap from employee to
entrepreneur too, i.e. to “listen to the advice from the one who’s already achieved your goal” (he actually posted this on
his Facebook page in August 2012).
So where does one begin then? How does one begin the journey from employee to entrepreneur?
To help you get started, here are some inspiring tips from employee-turned-entrepreneur Ginger Arboleda, CEO of
Manila Workshops. Arboleda considers herself a “serial entrepreneur and blogger,” and was a product manager at one of
the Universal Banks in the Philippines before she became a fulltime entrepreneur.

1. Set your goals. “Have a specific goal in mind on why you want to start your business,” Arboleda advises. Ask
yourself questions like, “Will the business be to raise funds for travelling? Will it be for the tuition fee of your
“Like any other investment vehicle, a business should be able to fulfill that goal in the long run,” she adds.

2. Make a plan. Arboleda says every wannabe entrepreneur should have a “concrete business plan.” “Business
plans need not be long,” she expounds. “A one-page document will do. What is important is that you can review
all of your plans by reverting back to this documentation.”

3. Seek the help of others. Like other aspects of life, Arboleda encourages everyone who wants to start a business
— especially those who are fulltime employees — to get other people’s support and help.
“Accept that you will not be able to do it on your own,” she explains. “As early as now, try to get the buy-in
or the support of your spouse, family, etc.”
Arboleda elaborates, “People who love you will always be willing to support the things that you are
passionate about. If they have doubts about the business that you want to get into, hear them out as well. I’m
sure people who genuinely love you will not want you to fail. Get feedback and adjust your plans for the business
if need be.”

Issue Number 203 • September 2015 Page 3
4. Build your “parachute fund.” “A parachute fund is a pool of funds that you can get from while you are still setting
up your business,” explains Arboleda. Every time she coaches aspiring entrepreneurs during her “Love the Leap”
entrepreneurship programs, she usually recommends that they have at least six months’ to one year’s worth of
funds for personal expenses and expenses for the business.
“By knowing that you have that fund to turn to, you won’t stress yourself too much and worry about the
business,” Arboleda says.

For those who wish to learn more about what is needed to start a business, Arboleda has a “Love the Leap Checklist”
readily available for viewing, via her “GTV” channel on YouTube channel.
Making the transition from employee to entrepreneur — whether part-time while keeping your job, or fulltime like
Arboleda did — is certainly not easy. However, with the right mindset, plus wise advice and guidance from those who’ve
taken the leap themselves, the journey will be so much easier.

Miller, J. (2015, February 16). 5 Inspiring Entrepreneurship Quotes on the Benefits of Entrepreneurship. Retrieved from http://

“Successful people take big risks knowing that

they might fall hard. But, they might succeed more
than they ever dreamed, too.” (Robert Kiyosaki)

Tina Santiago Rodriguez is a Catholic wife and home educating mom by vocation, and a writer and editor by profession. Drawing
from over a decade’s worth of experience serving as a fulltime mission worker, Tina also gives talks on topics  like parenting,
homeschooling, and family life, and is currently working on her first book about being a “truly rich mom.” She is also the host of “The
Truly Rich Mom Show,” an online TV show that airs on Bukal.TV and YouTube. Connect with Tina through her blog (TrulyRichMom.
com) or on Facebook (, Twitter (@tinasrodriguez) and Instagram (@tinasrodriguez).

Issue Number 203 • September 2015 Page 4
What It Takes to Become
a Medical Doctor in the U.S.:
An Interview with Francis Balucan, MD
by Sha Nacino

What does it take to become a Medical Doctor in the U.S.? It’s common to hear stories of Pinoy medical doctors who
become nurses abroad. Recently, I met a young man who is very successful in his profession as a medical doctor in the U.S.
He is only in his early 30’s and he is already making waves in a foreign territory.
I asked him if he can share his insights with us and he was kind enough to accommodate an interview. Let’s meet Dr.
Francis Balucan.

SHA: Hi Francis! What does it take to become a doctor in the

DR. FRANCIS: The system is pretty organized in the United
States. The physician has to take the US Medical Licensure exams.
There are three exams, two of which can be taken in the Philippines,
and one has to be taken in the United States. The exams cover a
range of topics in the medical sciences. Afterwards, he has to apply
to the different hospitals, which is done online. There are thousands
of physicians applying from all over the US, so this becomes very
competitive. A lot of people do ways to make their credentials more
competitive, getting research, etc., and most importantly—the best
grades as much as possible. 

SHA: What were the major challenges you encountered as a

medical doctor in the U.S. during your early days? How did you rise
above them?
DR. FRANCIS: The culture is different in the US, and I had to
learn it within the first few weeks after I started working here. I had
to hit the ground running, and I had to learn the nuances of dealing
with physician-colleagues, mentors, nurses, other staff members
here within the first few days. I had to learn how to use the electronic
medical record very quickly.
I went to a program in New York City. It allowed me to deal and
learn with a diverse population. Every nationality that I dealt with deals with disease in a different way, and as a physician
you have to learn how to handle that. There is a higher accountability for physicians here, with their malpractice laws, and
I had to learn them quickly. 
I never “rose against the challenges” completely, rather I reached a state that I was able to perform well at work, and
develop a way to get new learnings on a day-to-day basis. Assuming perfection will lead to burnout. I functioned better
when I realized I cannot always be perfect, and will always make mistakes. I was in an environment that was not punitive
– It accepted that, and allowed me to grow. I “rose against the challenge,” when I accepted that learning is a lifestyle. We
learn, we change, we adapt every single day. 
SHA: You are also an Assistant Professor at Indiana University School of Medicine. How do you juggle your time as
a doctor and a professor? What is your typical schedule like?
DR. FRANCIS: It’s different here in the academic medical centers in the United States. The title assistant professor is
a title, not necessarily a function. I do clinical teaching occasionally at work, but it’s not like I have a course load to teach
medical students on a regular basis. I deal with medical students, and residents who rotate at our hospital. 

Issue Number 203 • September 2015 Page 5
My health institution is a very big tertiary – even a quarternary hospital that deals with complex diseases. I work in
a very narrow niche, in inpatient internal medicine and Critical Care Cardiology. I do not do any outpatient work, and that
being said allows flexibility in my schedule. I have to set early on my schedule for the month, and this allows me flexibility
to arrange certain other activities around my schedule. I do my MBA classes around my work, so I have to make sure they
don’t overlap. 
SHA: What makes you excited to go to work each day? 
DR. FRANCIS: At my core, medicine combines two things I really love:
problem-solving and human interaction. I really love taking care of people. I
love hearing people’s stories. Learning new things every day from patients,
from new advances in medicine, from my colleagues makes me excited. Putting
what I know, and what I am continuously learning into something productive is
something that excites me every day. 
I do a lot of things outside of work, so when I go back to work I’m fully
energized when I’m back. 
SHA:  How do you envision yourself five years and 10 years from now?
DR. FRANCIS: Five years from now, I see myself getting better at medicine,
and involving myself in other fields within medicine, like population health.
Additionally, hopefully I’d be able to organize a business by that time that can
allow me to put all my energy into. Ten years from now, hopefully I’ll be happily
settled already. 
SHA:  What advice can you give those who want to work abroad either
as a medical doctor or whatever profession they want to pursue there?
DR. FRANCIS: Every country has its own nuances and rules on how
things are done. The quicker you learn these rules the easier it will be. That is a
disadvantage of an immigrant; you have to learn it on your own, no parents, no
uncles, no cousins to help you out. Thankfully, the internet is there. And reddit.
SHA: Can you share with us three success principles that you live by?
DR. FRANCIS: Enjoy the journey – don’t get too burn out trying to reach
the future, and forget the present.
Continuous Improvement – Things change every day. Take the opportunity
to learn something.
Take control of your life – Know what you want, and work hard for what you want. Don’t allow traditions, family,
friends control what you want to go or where to go. 

I liked that one of Dr. Francis’ guiding principles is for us to take control of our lives. Whether we want to become an
entrepreneur or we want to pursue our profession in a foreign country, or we want to make our passion our profession, we
need to work hard and smart towards the fulfilment of our goals.  
I wish you success and happiness!

Sha Nacino is an inspirational speaker and an author of eight books. Sha believes that everyone has a story to share. She is passionate
about helping aspiring authors make their dream of writing a book come true. You may connect with Sha through authorsha@ You may also  download her FREE eBook How to Earn while on Vacation  with a Foreword by Bo Sanchez  at www.

Issue Number 203 • September 2015 Page 6
TrulyRichClub STORY

Blessed to be a Blessing:
Elienor Llanes-Castillo, a TRC Story of
an OFW in Milan
by Sha Nacino

Elienor Llanes-Castillo, an OFW based in Italy, has been blessing her fellow OFWs through the foundation she founded
called MAIA, which stands for Migrants’ Advocacy for Integration Association.
“I am a positive and a learner person. I love new ideas and at the same
time, I am futuristic. I see the good in every situation and if there are good news, I
automatically have the urge to share it to other people so that they feel better too...
I don’t know why but I always believe that we all have a brighter future ahead, of
course, if we take our part. I believe we are all connected and whatever we do may
affect the other people around us. That is why I founded MAIA.”
She also shared that she was inspired by her first daughter, Mia Asia, who was
born with mosaic down syndrome (to which she suffered depression for almost a
year). God healed her child and founding MAIA was her simple way of thanking God
for “healing” her child and her way of sharing the blessings God has showered her. 
Elly shared that MAIA aims to give wisdom to our fellow OFWs so they can
integrate well in society. They also have a beneficiary in the Philippines, the SPED
School in Batangas.  

How Elly Met the TrulyRichClub

Asked how she met the TrulyRichClub, Elly said that she was looking for a mentor who could nourish her and their
organisation. She watched different motivational videos and read inspirational books.
One day, she saw one of Bo Sanchez’s Power Talks and she felt goosebumps as she told herself, “This is exactly what
people has to know. He (Bo Sanchez) is the mentor we are looking for!”
She joined TrulyRichClub last February 2014. One of the greatest lessons she learned so far was that God wants us
to prosper and that He wants us to be rich so we can help other people. 
Asked what she liked best about the TrulyRichClub, Elly said,  “Its teachings are like science meeting religion... It
is open for all. It makes you realize how loving really God is... TRC gives a lot of hope to people, it opens the door of
To date, Elly has been sharing TrulyRichClub among her fellow OFWs.
By the way, Elly, a mother of two girls and a wife to a business-minded man, is only 32 years old. 
We are never too young or too old to make a difference in the lives of the people around us. Like Elly, two of the key
factors would be our passion to help coupled with a guide of a great mentor. Elly is happy that Bo Sanchez, through the
TrulyRichClub, serves as her mentor. 
What is your TRC story? Email me at
I wish you success and happiness!

Sha Nacino is an inspirational speaker and an author of eight books. Sha believes that everyone has a story to share. She is passionate
about helping aspiring authors make their dream of writing a book come true. You may connect with Sha through authorsha@ You may also  download her FREE eBook How to Earn while on Vacation  with a Foreword by Bo Sanchez  at www.

Issue Number 203 • September 2015 Page 7
Coming Events

Don’t Miss These Coming Events!

SUPERCONFERENCE2015: Earn 1000%, Live Bestselling Authors Crash Course (Exclusive for
1000%! Those Who Got the Video Seminar)
October 21 to 23: In three wisdom-filled and inspiring days in November 14: Have You Ever Dreamt of Writing Your
Coron, Palawan, you’ll learn how to earn like a billionaire— Own Bestselling Book? Fulfill your dream of becoming an
and learn how to live like a billionaire—without being one Author. If you do it right, you inspire many people and at the
yet! There will be many wise mentors in the room who same time earn money while you sleep. To know how to
have already built their wealth and who can teach you how do it right, get Bo’s Authors Bootcamp Video Seminar PLUS
to do the same. They will be there with you, in the same the One-Day Authors Crash Course on November 14. For
room, to consult, pick their brains, and be infected by their details, visit
energy. There’s also a Pre-Conference on October 20 with
our Mentors in a more intimate meeting. You don’t want “Receive Your Miracle” 10-Day Pilgrimage to the
to miss this powerful boost for your personal and business Holy Land
growth. Visit February 9 to 19: You can walk where Jesus walked. We’ll
go to Calvary where Jesus was crucified, Bethlehem, where
Jesus was born, and Galilee, where Jesus preached--and
How to Make Millions in the Stock Market
so many other incredible places.  It’s always a joy to see
November 7: This is one of our “banner” seminars that
the actual places that you read in the Bible.  It’s like the
gives the most essential steps needed to start investing in
Bible coming alive—in technicolor—before you. We’ll
the stock market—and create millions over time. If you
have lots of fun. Led by Bo Sanchez, Kerygma Preachers,
want to know how it’s done step-by-step, join Bo Sanchez,
and a Chaplain. For more information, email Meann at
Mike Vinas, with a special participation by COLFinancial’s
Chairman Edward Lee. For more information, visit www. or email Meann at
For TrulyRichClub’s Platinum Members Only:
Platinum WealthCircle Quarterly Mastermind Meeting on
September 26; Evenings with The Dean on November 4,
Kerygma Conference 2015: Coming Home December 2; To apply to become a Platinum Member, visit
November 21-24: Join our biggest inspirational event of the
year. Listen to 50+ Speakers, including our very TrulyRichClub
Mentors. For details, visit

Issue Number 203 • September 2015 Page 8
TrulyRichClub Ladder of Abundance

Titanium InnerCircle (NEW!)

+Four Quarterly Whole-Day Closed-Door Titanium Innercircle Mastermind Meetings with Bo Sanchez/
+Extended “Hot Seat” to dissect your business and discover hidden money and underutilized assets
+3 FREE Bootcamps for 2015 (exclusive of hotel costs).
+Create your very own premier issue newsletter for customer-building and customer-retention.
+Co-branding opportunity with Bo’s brand in your newsletter for 12-months
+Lowest Registration to attend the TrulyRichClub SuperConference
+Lowest Registration to attend the TrulyRichClub Wealth Summit
+All the HUGE Benefits of Diamond EntrepCircle, SuperGold, and Gold Membership

Platinum WealthCircle
+Four Quarterly Whole-Day Closed-Door Platinum WealthCircle Mastermind Meetings with Bo Sanchez/
+Platinum WealthCircle Videos/Webinars
+Special Surprise Gifts for WealthCircle Members Only
+Special Discount to the TrulyRichClub’s SuperConference
+Special Discount to the TrulyRichClub’s Wealth Summit
+All the Benefits of Diamond EntrepCircle Membership

Diamond EntrepCircle (NEW!)

+Monthly Diamond EntrepCircle eReport from Bo and Dean Pax
+Monthly Diamond EntrepWebinar from Dean Pax Lapid
+Private Annual Networking Event at a TrulyRichClub Event
+Diamond Member Discounts
+25% Discount on Dean Pax’ 2-Day Entrepreneur Workshop
+All Benefits of SuperGold Membership

SuperGold Members
+Monthly DVD PowerTalks by Bo Sanchez
+Bonus Gift: DVD of How To Be Truly Rich Seminar
+All Benefits of Gold Membership

Gold Members
+Twice a month PowerTalks by Bo Sanchez
+Twice a month StocksUpdate by Bo Sanchez and Mike Vinas
+Monthly WealthStrategies eReport by Bo Sanchez
+Daily GodWhispers
+Huge Starting Bonus Pack: TrulyRich Seminar in MP4; 3 eBooks, etc.

Issue Number 203 • September 2015 Page 9

The Power of Acceptance

Life Strategies from Life Tragedies
THE Bible says, Accept whatever befalls you, and in There are some things in life that you have no control
times of humiliation be patient. (Sirach 2:4) over. Accept reality and move on.
One day, a young woman—let’s call her Crusilda—was I was talking to a girl whose boyfriend left her almost
in her bedroom, moaning and groaning about the many three years ago. To this day, she is still crying, praying,
problems in her life. She said, “Lord, why are my problems hoping, that he’ll come back to her arms. Every day, she’s
like iced tea? They’re bottomless. There’s no end to them…” in pain. Every day, she’s in this cloud of darkness. She told
That night, Crusilda lay down on her bed and cried me she can’t ride the MRT because that was what both of
herself to sleep. That was when she had a dream. She saw them rode every day to work. She can’t eat donuts because
herself walking on an uphill road, carrying a heavy cross. that was his favorite food. She can’t even listen to the
When she reached a huge building, she knocked and St. radio—because if their theme song is played, she will just
Peter opened the door. cry buckets of tears.
Crusilda said, “St. Peter, I don’t like my cross. I hate it. I told her, “Once, I was stuck on EDSA traffic for four
It’s too heavy. May I have it exchanged?” hours. But you’re not stuck on EDSA. You can move on...”
“Sure,” St. Peter said. “Come in…” If you’re at rock bottom right now, you need to do
When she went through the door, she saw a cavernous three things…
bodega filled with thousands of crosses of various shapes,
sizes, colors, textures. Plain, neon, shocking pink, polka- 1. Accept Reality
dotted, striped. Scented or non-scented. Organic, non-
GMO, Hypo-allergenic. And she walked around, looking, I repeat: I’m not preaching fatalism.
searching, touching, trying out this and that cross. Since There are two types of crosses. Crosses that come by
she’s a woman who loved shopping, her cross shopping chance and crosses that come by choice. If they come by
took several hours. chance, accept. If they come by choice, act.
But even after trying out hundreds of crosses, she
could not find one that fit her. If Crosses Come By Chance, Accept
When she was about to give up, she saw a cross
resting on the wall and liked the way it looked. She touched Let me give you another obvious example: Aging.
it and liked the way it felt. She tried it on and liked the way One day, a little girl was on the lap on her grandfather.
it fit her shoulder. She was so happy. She said, “St. Peter, I While looking at his face and touching his skin, she said,
found the cross that’s just right for me!” “Lolo, did God make your face?”
St. Peter nodded, “Yes, I knew this one was right for “Yes, God made my face,” the old man smiled.
you.” She held her face, touched her smooth skin, and said,
“Why?” Crusilda asked. “Did God make my face, Lolo?”
“Because that was your old cross—the same cross you “Yes, God made your face too,” he said.
brought here.” She smiled. “I think God is getting better in making
Here’s God’s message to you today: Most of your faces, Lolo!”
pains don’t come from your cross but from denying your Once upon a time, your face was smooth. Today, your
cross. Fighting your cross. Rejecting your cross. Avoiding face has the road map of the Philippine Islands.
your cross. And what is the one common thing among whales,
Don’t misunderstand me. I’m not talking about rhinocerous, tigers, the dodo bird, and your hair? They’re
fatalism. all endangered species. They will soon be extinct. My friend
But there are some things in life that you cannot who has a receding hairline said, “I always look at the bright
control. The earlier you accept it as reality, the better… side. I don’t have less hair. I have more face.”
A family member dies. For many, aging is one of the most difficult crosses
You have a physical handicap. a human being must carry. But you accept your age either
A relationship breaks apart. gracefully or grudgingly.
Your company goes under and you lose your job. One of the most beautiful sights in the world is

Issue Number 203 • September 2015 Page 10
someone growing old gracefully. These people are happier But feeling what you feel does not mean acting what
than they’ve ever been before. They laugh more. They you feel. Accepting your feelings means accepting your
worry less. They forgive more. They love more. And they are responsibility over those feelings. Feel what you feel, yes,
free from the opinion of others because they have nothing but act what you know.
else to prove. I remember this mother who was waking up her son,
But there are crosses you don’t just accept… “Felipe, wake up. It’s Sunday morning. It’s time to go to
church now.”
If Crosses Come from Choice, Act Felipe said, “Mommy, I am so sleepy. I’m so tired. I
don’t want to get out of bed. Give me three reasons I should
I met a woman who married a monster. get out of bed.”
Almost every week, her husband would beat her The mother said, “Felipe, first reason, because Sunday
up. Not just punching her or slapping her or pushing her. is God’s Day. Second reason, because God has to be first in
That’s Kindergarten. This monster was so cruel, he would your life. And third reason, you’re the parish priest…”
get a hammer, push her hand on the wall, and hammer her Two Sundays ago, from Dubai, I landed at the Manila
fingers. airport at 1 a.m. I slept at 3 a.m. and woke up at 6 a.m.
Yet she stayed with this monster for 18 years. Of course, I didn’t want to get out of bed. After preaching
Why? She didn’t accept reality. She still called him for 11 days straight in Israel, Abu Dhabi, and Dubai, I was
husband when she should have called him monster. When bone tired. But I had to accept my responsibility as the
friends advised her to leave him, she said, “But after he shepherd of Light of Jesus. So I got up and went to The
beats me up, he asks for forgiveness.” Feast. Backstage, I was still tired and sleepy. So I had to jump
She was living in some fantasyland where she believed up and down like a hyperactive rabbit—just to shake off the
if she loved him enough, her husband would change. (When exhaustion in my body—because the attendees deserved a
someone is abusing you, you need to love him from a preacher that’s alive.
distance.) Let me give you another story….
If you’re being abused in anyway, run away. Hide. Get
out. Honor yourself. If you don’t honor yourself, you cannot You Are Your Choices
honor anyone—not even God.
Second step… A woman asked me to pray over her. She confessed
that she had seven boyfriends—some single, some
2. Accept Responsibility already married. And all of her relationships were sexual
relationships. She felt like a used, dirty rag.
Are you sick right now? Don’t just accept reality. When I prayed over her, I was inspired to tell her, “God
Accept responsibility too. Don’t just say, “Boohoo is me, I’m says you’re very beautiful.”
sick. I’m going to die now.” Instantly, she broke down, crying non-stop. I allowed
Ask yourself, “What can I do to reverse this disease?” her to cry because I felt they were healing tears that were
For the longest time, doctors said that heart disease washing her soul.
is irreversible. A blocked artery is irreversible and can only Later, she told me that when she was a child, her
be cured by a bypass operation. Enter Dr. Dean Ornish father told her, “You’re ugly.”
who invited heart patients who were already scheduled So all her life, she felt ugly. And she knew that she
for surgery to join a 30-day retreat where he taught them jumped from guy to guy because she was hungry for a
how to change their lifestyle. And those guys left his retreat father’s love.
cured. They no longer needed the surgery. For the past But she was tired of what was happening in her life.
30 years, he’s been curing people with heart disease by In our prayer together, she realized she couldn’t just blame
advising them to change their diet, exercise moderately, her father for what was happening to her. Yes, her father
practice yoga and meditation, and build relationships. hurt her, but she was hurting herself more. She decided to
accept responsibility.
Feel What You Feel, Act What You Know Remember: Life is not what happens to you. Life is
what you do to what happens to you.
I always tell people, “Feel what you feel.” If you’re After our prayer, after I embraced her (in public—with
angry, feel your anger. If you’re sad, feel your sadness. If hundreds of people around us), she was like a new person.
you’re worried, feel your worry. Never deny what you feel. Years later, I met her again. She was still single and happy.
Why? What you feel, you can heal. The reason many persons She realized she didn’t need any man in her life to make her
are stuck-up is because they deny their feelings. happy.

Issue Number 203 • September 2015 Page 11
And finally, the third step… But today, 10 years later, I thank God He allowed me
to fail. Because today, my current businesses are 10 times
3. Accept Rescue bigger than all those small businesses combined.
If my earlier businesses didn’t fail, I would still be stuck
Don’t lose hope. in those small businesses, selling hotdog (that I didn’t eat
When you hit rock bottom, God will be there to rescue because I’m semi-vegetarian), engine oil (that I didn’t know
you. a single thing about), and memorial plans. (By the way, did
Open yourself up for God’s miracle. you notice? When you sell memorial plans, you can’t tell
But many times, His miracle comes in the way you the customer, “Free-Trial for 30 Days”?)
don’t expect. Friend, if you’re at rock bottom now, don’t lose hope.
The Bible says, “No testing has overtaken you that is
I Didn’t See God’s Answer not common to everyone. God is faithful, and he will not
Because I Didn’t Like His Answer let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the testing
he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to
Four years ago, our Feast was still in Valle Verde endure it” (1 Corinthians 10:13).
Country Club. We had three sessions, and all sessions were Are you experiencing “rock bottom”?
jampacked. We could no longer fit the 3,000 attending Are you going through a rocky marriage?
there. Are you buried in debt?
So we prayed. Someone already told me that we Is your job making you so miserable, you want out?
should look into PICC as our next venue. My problem was Are you plagued by addictions?
that it was too expensive. At that time, we paid Valle Verde I pray that you accept your reality, accept your
P70,000 per week. PICC was charging us P250,000 a week. responsibility, and accept God’s rescue.
That was three times the amount! May you embrace your cross the way Christ embraced
So we kept looking for another venue. But after His, until you climb out of “rock bottom.”
months of searching, we couldn’t find one. In the meantime,
Valle Verde was bursting at its seams.
Finally, we had no choice. With fear and trembling, May your dreams come true,
we made the jump to PICC. That was four years ago. And
we’ve never looked back. Fast forward today—from 3,000
members, we’ve grown to 16,000. And because we occupy
PICC the entire day, we now have to pay P1 million every
week. But God has provided. BO SANCHEZ
Here’s my realization: God already answered my
prayer when we thought of PICC, but I didn’t want His P.S. Join me to the Holy Land this February. You can walk
answer. where Jesus walked.  We’ll go to Calvary where Jesus was
Perhaps you’re praying for something. And God crucified, Bethlehem, where Jesus was born, and Galilee,
has already given you the answer, but because you were where Jesus preached—and so many other incredible
expecting something else, you couldn’t see the answer that places. It’s always a joy to see the actual places that you read
is right in front of you. in the Bible. It’s like the Bible coming alive—in technicolor—
before you. We’ll have lots of fun. For more information,
Thank God I Failed in Business email Meann at

Many years ago, I wanted to earn more money. I was

very desperate. I was getting married soon and I had no
money. (Thus, my potluck reception.)
And in my desperation, I put up all sorts of
businesses—I sold hotdog, engine oil, squid balls, ice cream,
herbal juice, even memorial plans. I remember even trying
out the concert business. We invited foreign artists and big
name artists. Believe me, I have never lost more money in
my life. Every single one of those businesses failed. During
that time, I felt so betrayed by God. I had to ask Him, “Lord,
aren’t we friends? Why did you allow me to fail?”

Issue Number 203 • September 2015 Page 12

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