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Mock Exam 50 items

1. Process of creating metadata for
resources by describing a resource, o Cataloging
choosing name and title access points,
conducting subject analysis, assigning o Classification
subject headings and classification
numbers, and maintaining the system o Library Catalog
through which the cataloging data is
made available
o Card Catalog
2. An organized compilation of
bibliographic metadata that represents the o Cataloging
holdings of a particular institution and /or
resources accessible in a particular o Classification
o Library Catalog
o Catalog
3. Describes the makeup of an information
resource and identifies those entities o Subject cataloging
responsible for its intellectual and/or
artistic contents without reference to its o Descriptive Cataloging
classification by subject or to the
assignment of subject headings both of
which are the province of subject
cataloging o Resource Descriptions
4. Tool for Descriptive cataloging tool
that consist of 8 different areas o LCSH
o Functional Requirements for
Bibliographic Resource
5. Who defines the following four functions
-To disclose every reader his or her o James Duff Brown
-To secure for every document its reader o Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan
-To save time of the reader
-To save the time of the staff o Charles Ami Cutter
o Melvil Dewey
6. According to IFLA principle of
international library catalog in 2016, o Accuracy
Bibliographic and authority should be
an accurate portrayal of the entity o Significance
o Representation
o Consistency and standardization
7. The library located in present day Iraq
who has an evident use of the first to o Baghdad
be considered as classification and
cataloging system. o Alexandria Library
o Library of Nineveh
o Library of King Ashurbanipal
8. Considered to be the first librarian in
the history o Julius Ceasar
o Callimachus
o Caligula
o Zenodotus
9. Greek librarian who wrote the Pinakes
consisting of Greek literature in the o Julius Ceasar
ancient library of alexandria
o Callimachus
o Caligula
o Zenodotus
10. The library who pioneers the use of
alphabet as an organizing tool for o Alexandria Library
arrangement of catalogues in 1290
o Vatican Library
o Library of Congress
o Sorbonne Library in Paris
11. The library who pioneers the use of
topical catalogues o Alexandria Library
o Vatican Library
o Library of Congress
o Sorbonne Library in Paris
12. Anthony Panizzi introduced this
cataloging rule while working in the o 100 thesis
British Museum
o 91 cataloging rules
o Rules for a dictionary catalog
13. He devised a system that uses seven
separate schedules, each designed to be o Charles Ami Cutter
used by libraries of different sizes. After
the first, each schedule was an expansion o Charles Arni Cutter
of the previous one.
o Melvil Dewey
o Anthony Panizzi
14. This Classification schedule consist of
10 major classification and further sub o Herodutus
o Melvil Dewey
o Melvin Dewey
o Charles Jewett
15. This initiative of ALA and Library
association of the UK produced a o RDA
single descriptive cataloging standard
that eventually used across the globe. o FRBR
o Colon Classification system
16. He invented Colon Classification
system o Melvil Dewey
o Mary Polk
o Adreas Colon
o S.R. Ranganathan
17. He criticize ALA rules for entry and
ask for a clearer objectives a o S. R. Ranganathan
principles this led to IFLA convention
of international conference on o Seymour Lubetsky
cataloging principles in 1961
o C. Sumner Spalding
o Paul Winkler
18. Which meeting resulted in the creation
of ISBD or the International Standard o IFLA 1961 conference
Bibliographic Description
o Copenhagen International Meeting of
Cataloging Experts
o ISBD Convention of 1980
o International conference on the
principles and future development of
19. Year where the AACR was first
released o 1976
o 1967
o 1885
o 1961
20. A standard for electronic cataloging
developed by Henriette Avram for the o BIBFRAME
Library of Congress
o MARC Standard
21. is a conceptual entity–relationship model
developed by the International o Functional Requirements for
Federation of Library Associations and Bibliographic Records
Institutions (IFLA) that relates user tasks
of retrieval and access in online library o MARC Standard
catalogues and bibliographic databases
from a user’s perspective o Functional Requirements for Authority
o International Cataloging Principles
22. This precedes the AACR as the
descriptive cataloging tool and was o RDA
introduced in 2010.
o Dublin Core
23. This card sometimes referred to as
Master card for it contains all data o Catalog Card
about the material that it represents
o 3x5 Card
o Tracing card
o Shelflist card
24. Chief source of information in RDA
o The Item itself
o Title page
o The cover
o Shelflist card
25. Chief Source of Information for
Books and other printed monographic o The Item itself
o Title page
o The cover
o Shelflist card
26. If the necessary information cannot be
found in the chief source, what are the o Other source that is part of the
other option to get the title of a bibliographic resource itself
o Library of Congress Database
o Accompanying materials
o The Official receipt
27. What punctuation precede each area in
the descriptive cataloging using o Full stop (.)
o Semi Colon (;)
o Space ( )
o Full Stop, space, then dash ( . -- )
28. Where should GMD be placed
o After the title statement
o After the title and statement of
o After the main entry
o Before the edition area
29. Which is correct format for parallel
title o Lavie en rose [Life in pink]
o La vie en rose (Life in pink)
o La vie en rose = Life in pink
o None of the above
30. Which is correct format for multiple
statement of responsibility o Stirring the head, heart, and soul :
redefining curriculum, instruction, and
concept-based learning / H. Lynn
Erickson ; Anthony Atuel.

o Stirring the head, heart, and soul :

redefining curriculum, instruction, and
concept-based learning / H. Lynn
Erickson [and] Anthony Atuel.

o Stirring the head, heart, and soul :

redefining curriculum, instruction, and
concept-based learning / H. Lynn

o Stirring the head, heart, and soul :

redefining curriculum, instruction, and
concept-based learning / H. Lynn
Erickson, Anthony Atuel.
31. Which is correct format for an item
whose author is also part of the title? o The Portable Oscar Wilde
o The Portable Oscar Wilde / Oscar
o The Portable / Oscar Wilde
o None of the above
32. Which is correct format for an item
with multiple place of publication, o Thousand Oaks, Calif ; Quezon City
distribution, etc.
o Thousand Oaks, Calif [also published
in] Quezon City
o Thousand Oaks, Calif : Quezon City
o Thousand Oaks, Calif + Quezon City
33. RDA Stands for?
o Resource Description and Access
o Resource Descriptive Accessibility
o Readers Descriptor Access
o none
34. RDA is based on this functional
requirement which are FRBR or o Functional requirements for Accessing
Functional Requirements for Data
Bibliographic Records and FRAD.
What does FRAD stands for o Functional requirements of Authority
o Functional requirements for Authority
o Functional requirements of Authority

35. Developed by the US library of Congress

by James Hanson and Charles Martel in o Library of Congress Classification
1897 System
o Library of Congress Subject Heading
o Both
o None
36. Is a carefully selected list of words and
phrases, which are used to tag units of o Controlled Vocabulary
information (document or work) so that
they may be more easily retrieved by a o Open Vocabulary
o Natural Language
o Closed Vocabulary
37. Sears list of subject heading was
originally known as? o List of Subject headings for small
o DDC Subject heading
o Small libraries subject heading
o MeSH
38. This see reference structure means
that a topic or subject cannot be used o BT
and instead referred to another subject.
o RT
o UF
39. In MeSh, the main subject is also
known as? o Subject heading
o Qualifiers
o Descriptors
o Supplementary type
40. This subject heading was first introduced
in 1960s where Subjects or descriptors are o MeSH
arranged in hierarchy and usually forms a
tree like structure due to the web of o Colon Classification system
subjects that may be linked to one
another. o Sears list of Subject heading
41. How many main classes are there in
Library of Congress Classification o 19
o 20
o 21
o 22
42. Which LC sub classification is the
most appropriate for the subject oB
LOGIC—Study and Teaching
o BC
o BF
o BD
43. Which LC sub classification is the
most appropriate for the topic Yoga as o BD
a weight loss regimen
o RS
o RA
o BF
44. Assign a Cutter number for this term
“Adam” o A33
o A34
o A32
o A3
45. Assign a Cutter number for this term
“100 voices of new millennium” o A14
o O64
o V65
o None
46. Assign a Cutter number for this term
“Queen” o Qu44
o Q44
o Q84
o None
47. Assign a Cutter number for this term
“Qtulu” o Qt8
o Q20
o Q84
o None
48. The sixth area in the descriptive
cataloging using AACR o Edition
o Series
o Publication distribution area
49. What is called the additional area in
the card catalog that contains the o Edition
subjects assigned, added entries, and
the title o Title statement
o Tracing
50. Last reproduction of AACR
o 2002
o 2005
o 2006
o 2004

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