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Meeting presided by Ms.

Sheree Ann Laguatan:

Meeting started:

Absent : Fidelina Tanay

Approval of the Agenda

Mr. Cortez moved for the approval of agenda December 15, 2022. Seconded by Ms. Vicente.

Minutes of the meeting presented by Mr. Solmirano

Corrections and Revisions on the minutes of the meeting

Line 50 – From Ms. Cortez to Mr. Cortez, Line numbering break removed.

Line 52 - Strikethrough “of the Philippines”

Line 58-59 – Grammatical corrections

Mr. Cortez moved for the approval of the minutes of the meeting.

Committee reports

Mr. Cortez suggest including the schedule of the Strategic Planning on “other matters.”

Committee on Conference

Ms. Laguatan presented the reports for the Committee on Conference

Ms. Laguatan raised the concern of Ms. Ablin regarding the March 2023 activity for PLAI. Ms. Ablin
explains that the PLAI asked AASDI if we could provide a seminar for their event. She further clarifies
that PLAI asked different organizations if they could participate to their event. The Board suggests LIKAS.

Ms. Garcia-Atuel raised the concern of some participants relating to the previous seminar. Links for the
certificates and evaluation were sent to the people concerned, however responses are yet to be
received. In total, 13 participants did not accomplish the evaluation.

Pertaining to the Reports on General Assembly, Mr. Rondilla Reminded the board that financial report
must be sent to the members a month prior to the General Assembly. An unaudited report may be
presented to the members.

Committee on Legislation
Mr. Cortez mentioned the drafting of a board resolution on the years of unpaid dues should be drafted
by the secretary instead of by the Committee on Legislation.

Mr. Rondilla mentioned that the membership of members in PLAI is incomparable to AASDI since failure
to update the membership status in PLAI will lead to non-issuance of COGS. In the case of AASDI, failure
to comply with the annual dues has no impact to its members instead, it will only discourage delinquent
members not to further renew their membership.

Ms. Romena suggested amending the by-laws regarding the payment of annual membership dues.

Mr. Rondilla suggested reminding all members, whether delinquent or in a good standing, to renew
their membership.

Mr. Cortez explained the flexibility of memberships in other organizations. Members may or may not
pay their dues. Years of unpaid dues is not an issue if an individual wishes to become a member. Status
of their membership only vary if an individual is paid or not.

Ms. Ablin mentions that there is an existing application on the amendments of by-laws to SEC however
the board failed to make a follow up due to Pandemic.

Committee membership

Ms. Vicente explains that they will send a letter of notice to members once they have finished reviewing
the lists of members. Unpaid years of membership will not be collected based on the board resolution.

Committee on Ways and Means

Ms. Vicente gives figures on the sales of merchandise, particularly on AASDI shirts. She also reminded
the board that the shirt will now be 280 pesos capital per shirt.

Treasurers Report

Ms. Vicente explains that 51,000 is the income for the year 2022. She also reminded the board about
the expenses the following year particularly on permits and BIR. Breakdown of the income and expenses
will be available in the treasurer’s report.

Mr. Rondilla recommends that mayors permit be renewed since this was the practice before therefore
should be continued for the future’s board perusal.

Cake raffle earned 12,000.

Mr. Rondilla shares Ms. Lily’s message regarding the amendments. Documents may be picked up later.
Certificate of amendments has not yet been received.

Ms. Ablin suggests that the 30% source of allocation for the University Library will come seminar instead
of the entire year’s earnings.

Committee on Publications

Ms. Garcia-Atuel shows the postings been made.

1. Congratulatory post to Martial and Elaine Barbara Cruz.

2. Teaser for Book binding workshop
3. Basic Book Binding workshop registration reminder
4. Announcement for the closing of registration for Basic Bookbinding workshop.
5. Promotional video of Institute of Islamic Studies.
6. Acknowledgement post for the success of Basic Bookbinding workshop
7. Announcement for Cake Raffle
8. Promotional Video of ASP library
9. Current Awareness posting SLIS posting.
10. Promotional video of Serials section
11. Raffle Reminder

ISAIS promotional video was already updated and ready for posting. The College of Architecture has
already submitted their entry. Cataloging section will submit in February.

Committee on Project

Ms. Vicente suggests that the ticket for the next Raffle will use thinner paper. Some heads who did not
donate have purchase tickets instead.

Mr Solmirano mentions the project of AASDI, Ms. Ablin further explains that books and candies will be
given by AASDI for the employees’ children is ready for pick up. Forms are being revised by Ms. Ablin.
Emails for the children’s giveaway will be sent once the form is finalized. Registration will be in google

Other Matters

Ms. Ablin mentions the UL General Assembly. AASDI will report on the General Assembly.

Pre drawn raffle was also raised by the president. Winners will be drawn beforehand and there will be
10 items to be raffled. All winners will be drawn from the updated AASDI members directory.

Below is the list of winners for the pre-drawn raffle:

1. Lomerio, Reina R.
2. Gerodias, Edwin R.
3. Jayag, Elizza Mae
4. Fernando, Ericka May
5. Daguman, Dolores A.
6. Rufin, Mylene P.
7. Evangelista, Jerald
8. Tabiendo, Grace B.
9. Baradas Josephine
10. Ogame, Liziel

Winners must claim their prizes on the date of General Assembly.

Each Prizes is groceries worth of 500 pesos each.

AASDI General Assembly 2023.

Ms. Ablin raised the issue of venue. Mr. Solmirano suggests the School of Statistics’ auditorium. The
board hesitated concerning the price of the venue, but Mr. Solmirano volunteered to negotiate with the
administrative office of the School of Statistics. The approximate number of attendees is around 100

Ms. Ablin suggested holding the general assembly online.

Strategic planning will be held on 14 th day of January at UP BGC. Food will be potluck.

Meeting Adjourned at 12:40 PM.

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