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The Problem and its Background


This includes the introduction of the researcher on the topic being

research and some legal basis for the conduct of the study.

This includes the articles and the like supporting the law you chose.

This also includes the personal observation and or justification why the

researcher conducted the study.

The researchers conducted this study…..

Background of the Study

This includes the supporting articles, or even studies that would elaborate

the discussion and reason behind the conduct of the research.

Literature, studies and statistics can also be included in this part.

Statement of the Problem

This includes the questions you want to answer in the conduct of your

research such as:

1. What is the profile of the respondents if there is a need to know it?

2. What is the topic you want to discuss?

3. Is there a significant difference/relationship between the profile and the

(title) of the respondents?



This is where the researcher writes what he/she believes about the topic

he/she is going to research.

Scope and Limitation

This includes the answers to questions such as: What is the topic all

about?; Who will be your respondents?; Where will you conduct the study?;

When will you conduct the study?; Why are you conducting the study? And How

will you conduct the study?

Significance of the Study

This includes all those who will benefit your study. This should be in

hierarchy of position/level. You may begin with the words:

To the ______________ - This study will be of help to _________


To the …..

To the …

To the Future researchers – this is always the last in the list

Definition of Terms

This includes the definition of the words used in the research whether they

are used conceptually or operationally. This must be at least 15 words. This must

be alphabetically arranged.


Review of Related Literature

Foreign Literature

This includes all foreign (from abroad or other countries) documents,

articles or writings related to your research. You may use the internet, books,

magazine or even pamphlets to get information necessary for your research. Old

literature can also be used to support your research.

Local Literature

This includes all local (from the Philippines only) documents, articles or

writings related to your research. You may use the internet, books, magazine or

even pamphlets to get information necessary for your research. Old literature can

also be used to support your research.

Foreign Studies

This includes all studies or research conducted abroad related to your

research. You may use the internet, manuscripts/researches to get information

necessary for your research. Only those within the ten (10) years period can be

used as studies.

Local Studies

This includes all studies or research conducted in the Philippines related

to your research. You may use the internet, manuscripts/researches to get

information necessary for your research. Only those within the ten (10) years

period can be used as studies.


Research Methodology

Research Design

This includes the type of research you are going to use in the conduct of

your research. You may define the type of research you use and relate why you

used this in your study. You may cite it by getting the meaning of the type of

research from the book or from the internet.

Research Locale

This includes the setting of your study. You may start from the history of

the locale where you are going to conduct your research. A map is also

necessary to be included to give a view of the location of your research.

Research Map

This map will figure out where your study will be conducted. This should

be on a separate page. As much as possible if you are conducting a

Qualitative/Quantitative Research you should make your own creative picture

of the map you will be using.

Subject of the Study

This includes the respondents of your study. You may state how you

chose them or why you chose them as your respondent/s. Give a short

description of your respondents especially why are you including them as part of

your research. You may include a statistics if necessary.

Sources of Data

This includes the tool you will be using in your study. You may chose from

interview or research. You may also discuss the contents of the questionnaire

you’ll be using in the conduct of your study. If you adapted a questionnaire, kindly

acknowledge the resource you used.

Procedure of the Study

This includes all the things you did in the conduct of your study. You may

begin with the conceptualization of the title down to the last thing you do before

you submit the final manuscript.



Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data


This should give the historical background of the research you are

conducting. You may trace how, where and when this topic started.

Data/Information about the topic



Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations

Summary of Findings

This includes a recap or summary of all the data you gathered from your

research. You may chose the topics or information in this summary. Be reminded

of the questions in your Statement of the Problem as the basis of this summary.

The number of topics to be included here depends on the number of questions

used in the S.O.P.


This will give conclusion to the questions you raised in your Statement of

the Problem. Make sure that your conclusion is based on the result of your

research. Again the number of conclusions depends on the number of questions

in the S.O.P.


In this part, you may base your recommendations on the result of your

research. But in this part you may recommend as many as you can as long as it

is related to the result of your study. You may also include persons, organization

or whoever can this research be of use.


This includes all the references used in your study. You may be guided

with the following format. Remember to alphabetize all the references you used.

A. Books

Title of the Book, Author, Publication, Date and year of publication and

number of pages

B. Thesis

Title of the research, Author, Date and year of publication and

number of pages

C. Internet

The link you used in the research, date and time of your research


This includes all other materials you used in your research. You also

include the answer sheet or questionnaire you used in conducting the research.

This may also be the place where you can put the narrative and pictures you

used. If necessary, a letter can also be included.

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