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NPM. 17.40601.011


Aris Wibowo, Woro Kusmaryani, Ridwan , ,

This research investigated the implementation and the students’ perceptions of authentic assessment
in English subject at the Eleventh-Grade of SMAN 2 Tarakan. This research employed a qualitative
descriptive design. The data were collected using documents, observations, and interviews from the
Principal, the English teacher, and the students in class XI of the Language Department of SMAN 2
Tarakan. The findings from this research were that in the implementation of authentic assessment,
there were four stages, namely: preparation, implementation, reporting, and follow-up. In the
preparation stage, the teacher prepared the 2013 Curriculum syllabus, developed lesson plans, and
determined assessment tools for affective, cognitive, and psychomotor domains. In the
implementation stage, the authentic assessment began by providing learning materials and then
assessing the students with tasks or tests for each domain. In the reporting stage, the teacher provided
students with corrections and feedback and recorded the results in the students’ grades notebook
which were then included in the e-report. In the follow-up stage, the teacher provided remedial and
enrichment. Finally, the students expressed their satisfaction and positive perceptions of how the
assessment, the teaching materials, and the learning media were carried out by the teacher.

Keywords: Assessment, Authentic Assessment, Curriculum 2013

The implementation of teaching and learning activities (KBM) indeed cannot be separated from
assessment activities, namely the activity of collecting data or information by the teacher towards
students regarding the level of their understanding of the material that has been delivered and
measuring the level of ability of each students, as described by Arifin (2013: 4 ), assessment is a
process or activity that is systematic and continuous to collect information about the process and
student learning outcomes to make decisions based on specific criteria and considerations.
Assessment is an integral part of learning. In each lesson, assessment serves to measure the extent
to which students can achieve the learning goals set. Assessment in learning assists teachers in
evaluating the effectiveness of the curriculum, teaching strategies, and learning activities that cover
student competencies, knowledge, attitudes, and skills. In conducting the assessment, Permendikbud
Number 104 of 2014 concerning Assessment of Learning Outcomes by Educators in Primary and
Secondary Education explains that educators' assessment of learning outcomes serves to monitor
learning progress, monitor learning outcomes, and detect the need for continuous improvement of
learning outcomes from students. Assessment of learning outcomes by educators has the aim of (a)
knowing the level of mastery of competence, (b) determining the mastery of competence mastery,
(c) determining improvement or enrichment programs based on the level of mastery of competence
and (d) improving the learning process.
The researcher conducted this research from January 2022 until Desember 2022. In this
reasearch, the data were collected using documents, obervations, and interviews from the Principal,
the English Teacher, and the students in Class XI of the Language Department of SMAN 2 Tarakan.
The following findings were from analyzing the documents and observations, in the implementation
of authentic assessment, there were four stages, namely: preparation, implementation, reporting, and
the follow-up.

2.1 Research Design
This study was designed as a qualitative descriptive that aimed to obtain information about
the phenomenon to describe the conditions in the field (Moser & Korstjens, 2018; Merriam &
Grenier, 2019). In other words, descriptive qualitative research reflects the nature and reports the
data based on the instrument performed, not test a hypothesis. The instrument performed meant that
this research focused on the reports of experience or data which cannot be adequately expressed

2.2 Setting and sample of the research

This research was conducted at SMAN 2 Tarakan which is located on Jalan Gunung Kerinci,
Kampung Enam, East Tarakan, Tarakan City. The researcher conducted this research from January
2022 until Desember 2022. In this reasearch, the data were collected using documents, obervations,
and interviews from the Principal, the English Teacher, and the students in Class XI of the Language
Department of SMAN 2 Tarakan.

2.3 Data analysis

This research employed a qualitative descriptive design. The data were collected using
documents, observations, and interviews from the Principal, the English teacher, and the students in
class XI of the Language Department of SMAN 2 Tarakan
In this study the researcher using documents, observations, and interviews to collect the data.
The data in qualitative data were using miles and Huberman model namely data reduction, data
display, and conclusion drawing.
The researcher conducted this research from January 2022 until Desember 2022. In this
reasearch, the data were collected using documents, obervations, and interviews from the Principal,
the English Teacher, and the students in Class XI of the Language Department of SMAN 2 Tarakan.
The following findings were from analyzing the documents and observations, in the implementation
of authentic assessment, there were four stages, namely: preparation, implementation, reporting, and
the follow-up. In the preparation stage, the teacher prepared the 2013 Curriculum syllabus, developed
lesson plans, and determined assessment tools for affective, cognitive, and psychomotor domains. In
the implementation stage, the authentic assessment began by providing learning materials and then
assesing the students with tasks or test for each domain. In the reporting stage, the teacher provided
students with correction and feedback and recorded the results in the students’ grades notebook which
were then included in the e-report. In the follow-up stage, the teacher provided remedial and
enrichment. Further description of the implementation of authentic assessment in the class, as

1. The Implementation of Authentic Asessment Based on Curriculum 2013 at Eleventh

Grade of SMAN2 Tarakan

In the preparation section, there were several documents analyzed by researcher related to
the implementation of authentic assessment, as follows:
a. Syllabus of Curriculum 2013 for English Class XI
The English teacher does not have a manual in physical form, only in the form of
a soft file that can be accessed easily through the official website of the Ministry of
Education and Culture. He developed it through adjustments to the English Teacher

Meeting (MGMP), which is contained in the Lesson Plan (RPP), indicators of learning,
learning objectives, evaluation guidelines, and basic competencies (KD) in each
learning material. The English teacher followed the agreed guidelines in the MGMP,
and teacher also said that in existing regulations, teacher per Subject was given the
authority to adjust the syllabus, lesson plan, teahcing material, teaching mathod,
teaching media and use of assessment to measure students’ skillt based on their needs.
(IT.Gr. 02. 1-3)
b. Lesson Plan (RPP)
The researcher found that the implementation of learning (KBM) was following
the stages and indicators in the lesson plan that had been made, including the media and
assessment instruments. The teacher made his lesson plan and adapted it to the
guidelines and the rules implemented before starting teaching and learning activities.
The teacher usually followed directions or agreements from existing MGMPs; this also
served as a guide for teacher. (IT.Gr. 02. 1-3)
c. Learning Material
The researcher found that the learning material taught by the teacher was following
what was in the lesson plans; based on the observations, it was also seen that, before the
teacher started new material, the teacher also reviewed some of the past material as a
reference and still had relevance to the material to be taught, not only that the teacher
also had time to provide input and suggestions to students to continuously improved
their learning competence because in this case, the English teacher was also the
homeroom teacher. (FN.01-FN.02)
d. Authentic Assessment Instrument used
The teacher created an assessment tool according to KD and the learning material
to be taught and adapted it to the lesson plans that had been made, such as practice
questions, practical assignments, and daily tests (UH). This assessment instrument also
included students' cognitive, psychomotor, and attitude or affective assessments.
2. Implementation
Based on observations and interviews conducted by the researcher with the English
teacher, the researcher obtained an overview of the implementation of authentic assessment
in the class. In applying authentic assessment, the teacher assessed three aspects using
several techniques and instruments.

Table 4.1. The aspects, techniques, and instruments of authentic assessment

Aspects Assessment Technique Instrument forms

Attitude Assessment Teacher observation Rating scale
Field note

Knowledge Short questions and answers Essay test
Assessment Written test Homework or tasks that are
Assignment done individually and
Skill Assessment Project Work Scoring rubric
Product assessment Scoring rubric
Oral report/presentation

From Table (2), it can be seen that the teacher applied authentic assessment, which
included three aspects, namely attitude assessment, knowledge assessment, and skills
assessment. The first is an attitude assessment. Based on these data, the assessment
technique used in attitude assessment is teacher observation in class during teaching and
learning activities (KBM). The instrument used in the attitude assessment technique is a
checklist with a rating scale and field notes. The attitude assessment rubric included student
behavior, cooperation, mutual respect, curiosity, discipline, and honesty. The teacher used
a checklist consisting of a list of expected attitude assessments of sequential students
arranged into categories to determine whether a student exhibits the listed behavior. In
addition, field notes were used to recorded student behavior during the learning process.
Second, knowledge assessment techniques included written tests, oral tests, and
assignments. The instrument is a Daily Examination (UH); multiple-choice, essays and
homework or assignments were done individually and in groups. In the written test,
students were given a text; they were asked to identify the structure of the text, language
features, and the function itself. In addition, the instrument used in the assessment of
knowledge is assignment. Students were asked to produce several simple texts according
to the material in the syllabus; The material is asking and giving a suggestion. The third is
the assessment of writing skills. The techniques used in skills assessment were project work
and product assessment. The scoring rubric is used as an instrument. The teacher gave a
duration of time for students to complete project assignments and products, namely
compiling texts and giving and receiving suggestions in groups. In this process, students
are assigned to produce texts in detail.
This task was done in group work. The assessment included text ideas, linguistic
features such as structure, appropriate use of vocabulary, and appropriate content that
supports ideas. The teacher measured student work using an assessment rubric. It is used
by the teacher as feedback on the quality of student work. The teacher used the grading
rubric as a scale tool to measure student scores for each predetermined criterion. The rubric
listed in the teacher's lesson plan was in the form of a table. The rubric is based on the
assessment aspects of each competency along with the criteria and level of performance.
3. Reporting
In the reporting stage, the teacher provided students with the corrections and feedback
and recorded the results in the students' grades notebook which were then included in the e-

report. Student learning outcomes were recorded and became material for teacher evaluation
and follow-up. The results of these notes were open for students to see, who were then given
the option to do remedial and enrichment. The results recorded and reported are the results
and process assessments during the teaching and learning process.

4. Follow-up
In the follow-up stage, the teacher provided remedial and enrichment, Students who
had scored below the passing standard of 70 (KKM) were allowed to improve their scores
by taking remedial classes outside of learning hours; before that, the teacher provided
evaluation and reinforcement to students to enhance the quality of their learning. Then
students who had scored above the KKM were given the option to do enrichment, with the
provision that if the score were lower than before, then the first grade would still be taken.
Such openness and opportunity or flexibility are also characteristics of authentic

2. Students' Perceptions of Implementing Authentic Assessment in Their Classrooms

The researcher conducted interviews to find out students' perceptions about authentic
assessments conducted by the teacher. The researcher interviewed three students by focusing on six
questions related to their perceptions about implementing authentic assessment in their class; two
out of three students gave answers that were almost related to authentic assessment, and the answers
they gave could be described as follows; to the question whether the teacher provided information
regarding the minimum passing standards or KKM and competencies must be achieved in learning,
the two students answered that the information was given at the beginning of learning, such as
learning contracts that contained graduation standards, and how to take the assessments.

“seingat saya memang ada awal-awal masuk kelas, maksudnya di awal pembelajaran
dimulai. Bapak jelaskan dulu itu.” ( IT.Pd.03.1)
( As far as I can remember, there was an early start to class at the beginning of learning. He
explained that first.)
Students also said there was an agreement regarding the assessment even though the teacher
agreed in advance, and most of students agreed. Regarding what media or books their teacher use to
teach and wheter they knew that there were three aspects of assessment, Cognitive, psychomotor,
and affective Assessment or attitude assessment, students’ opinion about the methods and
assessment instruments used by the teacher, the three of them answered that teachers used various
media for teaching such as books from the library, sometimes presenting material in PowerPoint
media. They also knew from the start that three aspects of the assessment mentioned above, made
them feel that their teacher's assessment methods and instruments were appropriate although, only
using books or Powerpoint was sometimes boring because English lessons were place the end of
school hours; reading from books or PowerPoint media made them sleepy and tiring, maybe with

pictures or other interesting learning videos. However, they were satisfied with the teacher's
openness about how the teacher assessed them in class. The teacher allowed them to improve their
grades if the students did not get the result basrd on KKM scores, the teacher would give them
remedial and students who passed the KKM score the teacher would give them the enrichment. The
students said that it was fair enough.

This study focussed on implementing an authentic assessment conducted by the English
teacher at SMAN 2 Tarakan. This study investigated the implementation and students’ perception
of authentic assessment in English subjects. This research collected documents, observation, and
interview data, which were analyzed through qualitative data analysis (coding).
In the implementation of authentic assessment in English subject based on Curriculum 2013,
there were two stages in implementing authentic assessement; preparation and the process of
authentic assessment implementation. Preparation consist of syllabus of the Curriculum 2013 for
English teacher at Eleventh grade, lesson plan and the authentic assessemnt used. The
implementation of authentic assessment devided three activities; opening, main activities and
closing. Assessment system in Curriculum 2013, the assessment was carriout during learning hours
with the KKM score that was 70, that was cognitive, psycomotoric, and affective (attitude
assessment). The teacher prepared two options for authentic assessments. Remedial will be given of
the students score lower than KKM and enrichment will be given if the student score higher than the
The researcher in his findings has described that the teacher implemented authentic
assessment in class was good enough according to the curriculum, starting from preparation,
implementation and reporting at the end of learning; it was found that the teacher had made the
lesson plans following the existing guidelines and formulated it at the Subject Teacher Consultation
(MGMP) level, but there were also deficiencies; teachers did not own the existing guidelines, only
looked at the soft files available on the Ministry of Education and Culture's website. In the
implementation of the teacher's assessment, it has been confirmed as it should be the application of
authentic assessment; the teacher's explanation of the subject matter is related to the student's lives
or the real needs of students in everyday life, the types of assignments are related to the needs of
students, and assessments are carried out for cognitive, psychomotor, and affective assessments
directly in class and have openness with students in making their assessments.
The two students responded that the information was provided at the start of learning, such
as learning contracts that contained graduation standards and instructions on how to take the
assessments, when the teacher explained the minimum passing standards or KKM and competencies
that must be achieved in learning. The teacher and the majority of students having agreed in advance,
students said that there was still consensus over the evaluation. If the student knew there were three
types of assessment and what materials or books their teacher used to educate, the mental, motor,
and emotional Three of them responded that teachers employed a variety of teaching aids, such as
books from diverse authors, in order to analyze students' attitudes and approaches. Considering the
teaching materials or texts their teacher used and whether they were aware of the three components
of assessment, cognitive, motor, and emotional. The three of them said that teachers used a variety
of media for teaching, such as books from the library and occasionally PowerPoint presentations.
Assessment or attitude assessment, students' opinions about the procedures and assessment
instruments employed by the teacher. Aside from the fact that English classes were held at the end
of the school day and that reading from books or PowerPoint media made them sleepy and
exhausted, they also knew from the beginning that the three assessment factors mentioned above
made them feel that their teacher's assessment methods and instruments were appropriate.


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