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Case 9 Discovering Your Authentic Leadership

This particular module discusses a research conducted about how a
large number of CEOs and Leaders achieved at being and discovering
about their Authentic Leadership from their past experiences. It
basically covers a brief information from the book Authentic Leadership
and covers one of the most noticeable leaders from one of the 125
leaders aged between 25 to 93 explaining specific traits of an Authentic
Leader pointed out by them.


In this particular case we study about a leader who had the most
difficult journey of the 125 they conducted their research on and his
name was Daniel Visella CEO and Chairman of the company Novartis
which dealt in Pharmaceuticals. According to Visella he suffered a harsh
childhood with both health and wealth issues. But these issues of his
childhood have made him the person he is today and how to use those
emotions to good use at work. Just like him different leaders like David
Potruck, Jon Huntsman, John Thain are also discussed with their life
experiences and challenges.


In this case we can see different type of issues with different leaders
as for Daniel Vasella he was unfocused till a specific age which caused
him to be at a stagnant point in his life. Then the problem with the
owner of the company “ Charles Shwab “ David was that he was always
in denial despite being and wrong and not listening to others. Then
John Huntsman who was the CEO of the company called Huntsman
Coorperation was that he knew Values and Principles as a CEO but
himself neglected them and caused major issues created by himself.

Decision Criteria

So the recommendations for these leaders will be made according to

the data present in module 9 and the basic traits of Authentic
Leadership will be used for it like specific traits of having a purpose,
keeping strong values, having trust, self-discipline, kindness etc.


So firstly in the case of Visella I recommend that he should have tried to

focus on a particular field and not waste time with his friends getting in
bar fights. As for David Pottruck he should have been more attentive to
his co workers as well as his wives in the earlier stages of his life. For
John Huntsman developing moral values is really important because
people these days not just focus on money but also in ethical values
practiced by a company and it’s employees.

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