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High Cholesterol

William : Hi Roy, what do you think are foods that are high in cholesterol?

Roy : a lot, like fried foods, fast food, eggs.

William : Is it harmful to health?

Roy : Of course. Everything that too much is not good

William : oh, no wonder. I've been consuming it a lot lately

Roy : Why? Have a problem with your health?

William : Of course. My lab test shows high cholesterol content in my blood, so I have to
reduce it.

Roy : Wow, when did you realize that?

William : This happened by accident anyway. I went to the doctor a few days ago to check on
my illness. However, after the doctor examined my whole body, he found that my cholesterol
was high. I decided to go to the lab to check it and it was true

Roy: But you're not fat either, how come your cholesterol is high?

William : Maybe lack of sleep and stress. I've been doing a lot of assingnments lately.

Roy : Oh yeah, you often stay up late to do your assignments, why don't you reduce your
staying up late?

William : It's hard to reduce it, but I'll try my best to get more sleep than reducing food

Roy: Don't do it, keep reducing the consumption of food. I know that high cholesterol food is
delicious, but you have too much

William : Honestly, foods high in cholesterol are really delicious. Sometimes I can't control
myself not to eat it.

Roy: If you keep eating it, your cholesterol will become a more dangerous disease, you know.

William : You're right, fortunately not to cause disease anyway. I'm lucky about that

Roy : Thanks God. Alright, don't mess with cholesterol food. The effect is huge, especially if
you already have high cholesterol.
William : Actually, if I consume it regularly these days, I will get sick. Because my cholesterol
is almost over the limit.

Roy : Just eat a lot of vegetables, it's okay to eat fried or fast food once in a while, but not too

William : All right, I'm going to buy some healthy food soon. Honestly, I didn't expect this.
What healthy foods do you think I can eat?

Roy : As far as I know, all vegetables can lower cholesterol, or if you want something
expensive, Salmon can reduce your cholesterol

William : Don't fish, I don't have the money for that

Roy : beans, I often see you eating Boiled beans. Eat a lot.

William : Oh yeah. Thank you. I finally remember that

Roy : Get well soon, just focus on eating healthy food. Not fried food. I know it's delicious.
But if you keep consuming it, you will get a more dangerous disease and you can die

William : Don’t scare me please

Roy : I’m just kidding

William : Okay okay, then, come accompany me to buy the food

Roy : Ready

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