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General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level

HISTORY 2167/1

PAPER 1 Southern Africa



Carefully study the following sources and then answer all the questions which


Before the 1980 General Elections, guerrillas gathered at assembly points where
they were monitored by Common wealth observes, in accordance with the
Lancaster House Agreement. Under the same agreement, Rhodesian defense
forces were confined to barracks. However, some of Smith’s forces and many of
Muzorewa’s auxiliaries remained outside the barracks, terrorizing people and
committing a number of atrocities.

Adapted from a book by Zimbabwean historians, published in 1993.


The above picture shows a helmeted British policeman, a feature at every polling
station, to monitor the election process.


On Election Day, whites sent their domestic servants off with a final instruction to
vote for Bishop Muzorewa. Farmers also took their labourers to vote with the
same instruction. In small towns, members of the Rhodesian defense forces had
been holding meetings with white employers, telling them that their labour must
vote form the Bishop, if the white people’s future was to be assured.

Adapted from a book by Zimbabwean writers published in 1981.

Answer all parts of this question.

1. (a) Read Source A

How does the source reveal that the preparations for the elections favoured
Bishop Muzorewa? [4]

(b) Study Source B

Does this source sufficiently show that the elections would be free and
fair? Explain your answer. [5]

(c) Read Source C

Why do you think the whites preferred Bishop Muzorewa in the general
elections of 1980? [5]

(d) Read Source A and Source C

Are the two sources similar on the general elections of 1980 in

Zimbabwe? Explain your answer. [5]

(e) Study Source B

What do you think were the reactions of the various groups of people in
Zimbabwe to the presence of British policeman at all polling stations in
the country? Explain your answer. [6]

2. (a) List any six crafts practiced by the people of Great Zimbabwe. [6]

(b) Outline the factors which led to the rise of Great Zimbabwe. [11]

(c) To what extent did economic factors contribute to the rise of the state? [8]

3. (a) List any six responsibilities of the Rozvi ruler. [6]

(b) Describe the social organization of the Rozvi state. [11]

(c) How important was the social organization in the political system of the
Rozvi state? [8]
4. (a) List any six economic activities of the Kololo in Bulozi. [6]

(b) Describe Sebetwane’s political system in Buozi. [11]

(c) Did the people of Bulozi benefit from the political system? Explain your
answer. [8]

5. (a) Name any six groups that the Ndebele fought south of the Limpopo River.

(b) Describe the Ndebele migration from the Transvaal and their settlement in
Western Zimbabwe between 1837 and 1840. [11]

(c) Did the Ndebele settlement in Western Zimbabwe bring security to the
Ndebele state? Explain your answer. [8]

6. (a) Name any six Portuguese trading posts (ferias) in the Mutapa State. [6]

(b) Outline the terms of the alliances between the Portuguese and

(i) Mutapa Gatsi Rusere and,

(ii) Mutapa Mamvura. [11]

(c) Did the alliances benefit the people of the Mutapa State? Explain your
answer. [8]

7. (a) Name any three pioneer missionaries and any three pioneer mission
stations in Zimbabwe during the 19th century. [6]

(b) What problems were faced by pioneer missionaries in their work in

Zimbabwe during the 19th century? [11]

(c) To what extent were the missionaries able to solve these problems at that
time? [8]

8. (a) State any three classes and their duties during the Industrial Revolution in
Britain. [6]

(b) Describe the economic and social problems caused by the Industrial
Revolution in Britain. [11]

(c) To what extent did economic problems contribute to the Scramble for
Southern Africa? [8]
9. (a) State any six African kingdoms colonized by the whites during the
Scramble for Southern Africa. [6]

(b) Describe the terms of the Berlin Conference of 1884 to 1885. [11]

(c) To what extend did the Berlin Conference contribute to the Scramble for
Southern Africa? [8]

10. (a) State any six people who assisted Rhodes to get the British South Africa
Company Royal Charter in 1889. [6]

(b) Describe the Pioneer Column’s march into Zimbabwe in 1890. [11]

(c) Did the Pioneers find it easy to reach their destination? Explain your
answer. [8]

11. (a) Identify any six grievances of Africans in colonial Zimbabwe between
1897 and 19232. [6]

(b) Describe the methods used by the British South Africa Company to
control Africans up to 1923. [11]

(c) How far were Africans affected by these methods? [8]

12. (a) List any six industries that employed Africans in colonial Zimbabwe fore
1945. [6]

(b) Outline the factors which mad it difficult for African trade unions to
achieve their aims before 1945. [11]

(c) Were the African trade unions to blame for failing to achieve their aims?
Explain your answer. [8]

13. (a) Identify any six ways used by the mine employers to control African
workers in South Africa before 1910. [6]

(b) Describe how the compound system functioned at the mines in South
Africa before 1910. [11]

(c) Did the African workers benefit from the compound system? Explain your
answer. [8]
14. (a) Identify the three African nationalist leaders of the former Central African
Federation who led their states to independence and their respective countries.

(b) Outline the economic achievements of the Central African Federation

from 1953 to 1963. [11]

(c) Did Africans benefit from these economic achievements? Explain your
answer. [8]

15. (a) Identify any six commissions that were set up to discuss the affairs of the
Central African Federation between 1935 and 1963. [6]

(b) Outline the role played by Britain in the formation of the Federation.

(c) How important was Britain’s role in the formation of the Federation? [8]

16. (a) Identify the six political parties involved in organizing mass nationalist
activities before 1965 in Southern Rhodesia. [6]

(b) Outline the measures taken by the Southern Rhodesian government to

suppress the activities of the African political parties between 1955 and
1965. [11]

(c) How successful was the government in suppressing African political

activities? [8]

17. (a) Identify any six problems experienced by peasants in protected villages in
the 1970s. [6]

(b) Describe the methods used by the Rhodesian forces to stop guerrillas
getting assistance from the people during the war. [11]

(c) Were the Rhodesian security forces able to stop the people from assisting
the freedom fighters? Explain your answer. [8]
18. (a) Identify

(i) any four dates when parliamentary elections and,

(ii) any two dates when presidential elections, have been held in
Zimbabwe since independence. [6]

(b) Describe the process of holding parliamentary elections in Zimbabwe. [11]

(c) To what extent has the process of holding parliamentary elections been
free and fair in Zimbabwe? [8]

19. (a) Identify any six provinces in Zimbabwe. [6]

(b) Outline the social and economic problems experienced by urban dwellers
in Zimbabwe since independence. [11]

(c) To what extent has the government succeeded in solving these problems
since independence? [8]

20. (a) Identify any three leader of ZANU (PF) and any three leaders of PF-
ZAPU when the Unity Agreement was signed in 1987. [6]

(b) Describe the events which led to the signing of the Unity Agreement in
Zimbabwe in 1987. [11]

(c) To what extend did the Unity Agreement succeed in solving political
problems between ZANU (PF) and PF-ZAPU? [8]

21. (a) Identify

(i) any three qualifications for Africans in Mozambique to become

assimilados and,

(ii) any three privileges of assimilados in Mozambique before


(b) Describe the measures taken by FRELIMO to consolidate their control of

liberated zones during the liberation war in Mozambique. [11]

(c) To what extent were these measures successful? [8]

22. (a) List any six laws enacted by the National Party government in South
Africa between 1948 and 1960 to implement apartheid. [6]

(b) Outline the effects of the apartheid system in South Africa. [11]

(c) How far did the whites benefit from the apartheid system? [8]

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