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Dear respondent,

My name is Nimo Dahir Arab. I am student in Master degree graduate /Candidate under the
School of Postgraduate Studies this year 2023 from the University of Hargeisa, the Republic of
I am writing my thesis on entitled, “The Impact of Economic Diplomacy on Recognition:
Assessing Somaliland’s case”, for summation to the school of postgraduate studies in partial
fulfillment of the award of a master’s degree in International Relations and Diplomacy at the
University of Hargeisa. Therefore, as a participant you are randomly selected among the
Ministry of Investment and Industrial Development and The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
International Cooperation . This research is purely academic in purpose and the information you
provide will be kept confidential. This exercise will take you only 30 minutes to participate. The
questionnaire tool contains statements in line with the Independent variable constructs and
dependent variable measurements respectively as described in sections A, and B subsections .
I kindly request you to provide your responses to the described questionnaires.
Your kind support will be highly appreciated.
Thank you,
Sincerely Yours,

Nimo Dahir Arab

(Master Degree Candidate)
Telephone: 002522634401321

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Please choose an option by ticking the most appropriate answer to you.

1. Indicate your Gender?

1) Male  2) Female

2. Age category of the respondent

a) 20- 25years b) 26 -35 years  c) 36-45years d) 46-55 years

e) 56 years and above

3. Please indicate your highest education level

a) PhD Master’s degree  b) PGD (c) Bachelor’s Degree

d) Ordinary Diploma e) Professional certificate

f) Others Specify……………………………………………………

5. Under which department in the Ministry do you work and under which title:

Deparment: Industrial Development Title Departmental Director

6. Please indicate How long have you been worked with the ministry?

a) 3 years & below  b) 3 - 5 years c) 6 - 8years d) 9 years and above

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Section B 1– Export of Goods/commodities, B2-Economic

Integration and B3- Economic Benefits of Geopolitics/Strategic
location on State Recognition
Rate the below questions with regard to the Impact of Economic Diplomacy on Recognition:
Assessing Somaliland’s Case” for Target Population of the Specialized Ministries which are
Ministry of Investment and Industrial Development and Ministry of foreign Affairs and
Cooperation on basis of the following parameters by circling the number

No. B.1 Questions on Economic Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Strongly

Diplomacy of export of Disagree Agree
Goods/Commodities Agree nor

Exploration of energy like oil ,gas and

petroleum and export have positive
1 impact on recognition 1 2 3  4 5

Export of necessary commodities

like food and medical drugs have
2 positive impact on recognition 1 2 3  4 5

Export of technology and highly

advanced industrialized materials like
electronic devices ,transport and other
valuable commodities have positive
3 impact on recognition 1 2 3  4 5

The more the country is exporter of the

most needed commodities is the more
4 its trade has an impact on recognition 1 2 3  4 5

Reducing the import and increasing the

export is almost has an impact on
5 recognition 1 2 3  4 5

No. B.2 Questions on Economic Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Strongly

Diplomacy of Integration Disagree Agree
Agree nor

Sharing common market has positive

1 impact on recognition 1 2 3  4 5

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Waving trade barriers including double 1 2  3 4 5
taxation avoidance has positive impact
2 on recognition

Hosting the foreign

industries/Companies and traders to
access free economic zones have
3 positive impact on recognition 1 2  3 4 5

Bilateral and Multi-lateral economic 1 2 3  4 5

agreements have positive impact on
4 recognition

Over all , Integration creates more

dependences and has positive impact
5 on recognition 1 2 3  4 5

No. B.3 Questions on Benefiting from the Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Strongly
Economic Diplomacies of Disagree Agree
Geopolitics/strategic location Agree nor

Using the coastal strategic location and

hosting bases have positive impact on
1 recognition 1 2 3 4  5

Hosting the aviation and more 1 2  3 4 5

international flights to advanced and
developed airports have positive impact
2 on recognition

Making trust full and well-organized

investment policies ,rules and
regulations can realize to invest the
strategic locations and have positive
3 impact on recognition 1 2 3  4 5

Hosting industries for the strategic

locations ,fertile and full of raw
materials has positive impact on
4 recognition 1 2  3 4 5

Total of all , Somaliland ‘s national

geopolitics has positive impact on
5 recognition 1 2  3 4 5

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