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Worthy of Everything.

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/M, M/M
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Spider-
Man - All Media Types, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies)
Relationship: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson, Wanda
Maximoff/Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker &
Natasha Romanov, Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, James "Bucky"
Barnes/Natasha Romanov
Character: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes,
Pepper Potts, Ned Leeds, Flash Thompson, Natasha Romanov
Additional Tags: Hydra Peter Parker, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental
Figure, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Peter Parker is
Natasha Romanov's Biological Child, Natasha Romanov Is Not A
Robot, Domestic Fluff, Domestic Avengers, BAMF Peter Parker,
Precious Peter Parker, Precious Ned Leeds, Protective Tony Stark,
Protective Avengers
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-04-26 Updated: 2023-07-26 Words: 10,024 Chapters:

Worthy of Everything.
by ItisWhatitis76


AU, where Peter parker was captured by and forced to work for them. but is that the truth.


This is my new story and im happy to take my version of hydra peter i hope you enjoy id
love comments on how to improve and make it better or just wether the story was
interesting or not.
Mission ready

“Wakey Wakey…”

“Wake up.” The man was visibly annoyed at the man. A low growl pointed at the prisoner.

The shackled man was unresponsive, almost on purpose, as if he knew that would upset the person
asking him to wake up.

“SX-1221, honestly, it's such a shame that you refuse to give in to HYDRA fully; if you give in,
we could have ruled the world years ago.”

The injured teen looked up, slowly blinking, his tired eyes wandering until they met the captor.

“Ahhh… Back again so soon, Zaros. We should stop meeting like this; at this point, I think you
might have a crush on me.” A wide shit-eating grin appears on his face to punctuate his cavalier

“Honestly, boy, if we were allowed to kill you, I would have done it years ago. Sadly you’re just
that big of an asset for us even if you somehow manage to break the control after a day or two.
Would it not just be easier to give us complete control over it? It's a miracle how you manage to
break the brainwashing every time.” The man spat at SX-1221. Lowering himself down until he's
at eye level before grabbing a fist full of hair and yanking it back so he can stare him down.

“Tell me how you do it. Just give in.”

SX-1221 grin only widened, unwavering in the face of his torturer. His eyes were bloodshot, tired,
broken and sacred, yet focused on Zaros. “I’ll tell you the moment I sleep with your mom and not a
second sooner.” before laughing in his face as if he had reached the pinnacle of comedy.

“That can be arranged,” Zaros replied, clearly annoyed by the experiment.

His words took back the experiment, only to look at him with a bemused look. Zaros opened his
mouth to continue but was cut off by SX.

“Well, too bad, your mom’s probably just a fat doink like you.” That shit-eating grin is ever present
watching Zaros.

“She was lovely, I'm sure. After this last mission, you can join her 6 feet under.” Zaros
unexpectedly grinned at the experiment for the first time since knowing him.

“Stop that. It's so creepy. Like, id rather be dead than watch you even come close to me with a
smile. That's nightmare fuel.” Shivers ran down the experiment's spine.

“Oh, don't worry, I won't be haunting them for long.” his head turned slowly to nod at the goons
stationed beside him. The two goons nodded back, one moving towards the restraints fulling the
lever. SX-1221 let out a low growl in an attempt to resist.

“I preferred talking to the twins compared to you. At least they knew how to hold a conversation.”
he spat out. His voice displays hatred against the man. A slight yawn sounded throughout the

The handler's arm raised before stopping, his hand closed into a tight fist as a sign to the others. A
low hiss of gas being released filled the room before the sound spark ignited the forge. SX-1221
clenched his jaw, preparing for what was to come—slowly lifting his head to look Zaros in his cold
dead eyes.

“Come on, guys, not this again. I mean, we could skip this stage. I could listen to what you say for
an hour or two.” he tried to quip, hoping to talk his way out of the pain.

“I will miss our chats and the way you scream after, but I guess this will be the last time I hear that
sweet, sweet sound of your pain. Besides, you know that we like you weak before we activate the
words; otherwise, you just break the hold earlier and try to run like last time. Worry not. After this
mission, the words won't be in your head anymore. I guess neither will your brains.”

A smug, sly grin of condescension looked down at the boy before signalling the others in the room
to proceed. They moved the now red-glowing Wrought iron rods with the metal tongs into place,
each radiating heat close to 1200 degrees.

“If my healing factor didn't evolve, this would have killed me ages ago,” SX-1221 spoke with

“You think I care.”

The teen cleaned his jaw slightly, biting his inner cheek and tasting the metallic red liquid in his
mouth. This may be the last little victory over his handler, and god be damned if he won't take it.
Feeling the rods jabbed into his body, hearing his skin sizzle to being scorched off instantly, it took
everything as his body tensed around the six rods that impaled his torso.

Three on each side were precisely placed so they wouldn't injure the asset too much before sending
him to his mission, having been inserted firmly into his chest. Blood leaked from his inner cheeks
with how hard he bit down on them. Low grunts escaped him, but nothing that would give his
handler satisfaction.

Long, grimy stands of hair partially covering his eyes, SX-1221 tilted his head back, slowly
pushing through the pain as his fresh new cells tried to regenerate around the rods, knowing full
well that it would hurt again when they pulled it out again.

“Such a shame you couldn't see the greater good of Hydra.” a book now in his hand that caused the
asset's skin to squirm everything in his body, telling him he needed to escape or stop listening.

“NO... NOO….” His attempt to escape or run instantly quieted the monument words were spoken.
Eyes were constricting to the point of a brown dot but empty. Tense muscles now relaxed, no
longer resisting, his head turned slowly, now fully focused on the handler.

“Ready Asset”,

“Ready to Comply”, the asset replied.

“Good, we have your final mission for you. Get ready. It's a Thunder run undercovers. Your
mission is to kill the Traitor. Then report back so we can take final samples from you.”

Zaros finally signalled for the rods to be removed, allowing the Blood soldier to prepare for the
task ahead of him.
“Come on please, done make me goooo.”

“I'm sorry, Wanda, but if I'm being forced to go against my will,l then I'm making sure that you
have to be there with me.”

“Pleasseeeeee Tony, you know I have school as well tomorrow. I mean, what if they see me at the
gala and start asking questions like why’s a 16-year-old hanging out with the Avengers.”

“Ya, and does that school happen at the same time as the gala or before or after…”

“After… but my point still stands.”

“No, it doesn't. No one knows you’re an Avenger. You’ve managed to keep your powers in check
in the hell hole that is school, so I’m sure you can manage to go to this gala. Plus, it'll be fun. Nat
and Pepper look forward to dressing you in a nice fancy dress. And if anyone asks, just say you’re
my secret daughter or something not like my rep can go any lower.”

“Your daughter, that's the best you can come up with for a supposed genius. You’re rather stupid.
Sometimes anyone ever told you that.”

“All the time, how all by women as well? Hmm, it must be genetic. Also, it's somewhat true at this
point, isn't it? I mean, I know it's only been two years since we helped you escape Hydra, but I feel
like we have a bond now, don't you.”

“I guess I mean I can tolerate you more now.” A faux girn appeared on the girl showing full well
she what teasing.

“Still not calling you dad though, and will be so bored it will be filled up with stuffy old rich
people roaming with the dinosaurs. I'll be the only teen there.” she reiterated annoyedly.

“Wow, you calling me old and stuffy damn, you really know how to hurt your old man.” his hand
is on his chest in the form of false hurt.

“You know what I mean.“ slapping his shoulder only to watch him overreact like he was shot,
making a pained face. Only to watch as Wanda playfully slapped his shoulder again.

“Ok, look, if you’re really that worried about having someone to talk with, I know for a fact that
some of the attendees have teenagers, how snobby they might be. I don't know, but if that doesn't
help, Bucky also decided to go. So maybe you can chill with him.”

Her head whipped around to look at the man sitting across her sofa chair.

“Really, are you coming? Don't lie to me just to get me to go because I swear to god if you so, I'm
putting a hex on you to make you 4ft tall.”

A threat that he knew she wouldn't have followed through with, but he let it go just to humour her.

“Ya, I mean, I've got nothing better to do.” he shrugged carefreely.

“You know Tony and other rich snobs will be there, right?”

“Yes, and honestly, it's an easy way out. They all know to be wary of me. They will leave me
alone, so just hang out with me if they bother you too much.”

She leaned her head back, facing the ceiling, before making an annoyed sound for what seemed
like two full minutes.
“Fine, I guess maybe there might be a cute boy. Who knows, maybe I might get a boyfriend.”

The dreadful words that escaped her mouth hit Tony’s ears, causing him to shoot up to a standing
position looking down at her.

“No, no, no, anything but that. I’d instead let Bucky shoot me and tie me up to make me watch him
and Sam make out before I even entertain the possibility of allowing my princess to get a BF. Hell,
if it comes down to it, ill shoot your BF with my suit myself.”

Both Wanda and Bucky rolled their eyes at the man.

Wanda, with a slight blush at the endearing way he, called her Princess. The tension then broke
when a voice came down the corridor.


The two ex-Hydra agents opened the dams letting out a flurry of giggles and laughs.

“Hell isn't a proper swear, boy wonder.” He shouted back, knowing full well that he could hear
him just fine with his super hearing—promptly turning around to face Wanda with a grin before

“I’ll let your Mother know that you're going to the gala.” He teased her while pulling his phone out
to text Pepper and watching as the teenage girl rolled her eyes annoyingly and pressed the remote
to turn the tv back on.

Nat walked in a while, typing on the latest version of the stark pad manoeuvring her way through
the people before sitting on the chair's armrest. Looking up at Bucky, reading a book enjoying the
view for a second before kissing him on the cheek.

“So, what have I missed?”

“Not much. I got The royal highness herself to go to the gala,” replied Tony before doing false
half-bows in Wanda's direction.

“Tony wants me to call him dad and says I can't have a BF.” She bluntly said while sticking out her
tongue at Tony.

“I'm glad you're coming, honey. Pep and I picked a nice dress for you. I'm sure whatever boys go
would love to ask you out.” She said with a slight smirk.

“Okay, well, I guess she’s not going now. I mean, she has school tomorrow. Sorry princess.” Tony
bluntly stated to Nat, causing Wanda to giggle.

“Nice try, Tony, but can't back out now.”

“Well, I tried.” a soft-spoken reply.

Nat turned her attention to Bucky. “Hey, handsome, got everything ready for the gala today?”

“Yep, suit and all. I’ll probably clean up like an hour before we leave.”

“I’m sure you’ll be dashing. I can’t wait to see you dress up.” Planting a soft kiss on his rough lips,
to the dismay of Tony and Wanda, both pretending to throw up at the sight. Nat only responded by
giving them the finger while still kissing Bucky.
“LANGUAGE”, another shout came again from the corridor.

“Ok. How does he know, though.” Strained Tony, completely shocked. The others laugh at Steve's
omniscient ability for swears.

“Asset, are you in position?”

The stern voice of Zaros funnelling its way through the earpiece.

“In position, ready to go dark,” SX-1221 replied.

“Good, it's only a matter of time. When he shows you, get near the traitor and take him out in front
of the Avengers.”

“Orders received. Going dark.” taking out the earpiece before walking into the building dressed as
one of the waiters.
Chapter Notes

I am finally free from uni so hopefully i can wire more also tell me what you think of
the chapter any improvements
Give it a rating out of 10

“Stop fidgeting so much. You look like you’re going through withdrawal.” Tony hissed at Wanda.
Trying to calm her down.

“It’s not my fault they’re all staring at us like we're some sort of rare treasure.” She hissed back.

Pepper slowly walked next to Wanda, putting her hand on her shoulder, reassuring her. “Honey,
you’re doing fine. Just walk around and see if you can find anyone your age, and maybe make
some new friends. You don't have to stick next to us.” shooting a soft smile at the girl.

“Your Dad and I will be here, so relax and have some fun. Don't let these old dinosaurs disturb
your enjoyment.” she teased.

Wanda giggled at how nervous Tony looked at her. “Fine, I’ll go and try to have some fun. Why
don't you go and have some water.”

“Don’t have too much fun.” He smirked as the girl walked away from the couple.

She moves through the crowd, trying to find someone even remotely close to her age, yet all she
finds is a sea of old or middle-aged individuals. Most of the people near her looking down at her
trying to figure out who she is or whether it’s worth their time trying to gain connections with her.
Wanda felt suffocated by their stares. Quickly making her way towards the back of the room to try
and get some fresh air, a second of silence or just something to help her reorganise her thoughts.

God, it feels like everyone is trying to suck up to each other in here. I wish Pietro were here. I'm
sure he would have loved to make chaos or at least give something to shove up their entitled asses.

Wanda stood out on the balcony, enjoying the city view and taking in the night light along with the
somewhat polluted air of New York. She stood thinking about how she joined Hydra at age ten and
how they made friends with a boy in one of the bases for a year before they were transferred to the
base in Sokovia to finally be given their powers along with the experiment.

She and her brother often missed the boy they left behind. There was something about him that
always drew them closer to him. Often they introduced him to new ideas of society and a few social
norms like handshakes and high fives and talked about the outside world to him. It only took the
twins two meetings with the boy to realise that he didn't have any knowledge of who he was before
the age of ten. The boy and his innocent brown eyes shone at the two whenever they talked about
the outside world. She often hoped he made it out like Hydra on quiet nights like this, as she and
her brother did, but knowing Hydra, there’s a higher chance of him being dead than ever escaping.

A long, heavy sigh found its way out as she looked back and felt the hunger hit her stomach. “Fuck,
might as well get some of the food.” Her mood rose, realising that Tony was bragging about the
high-quality food at the Gala today.

Wanda silently made her way back into the gala, ensuring no one noticed her while her mind was
focused on one thing: food. She was making a b-line to the buffet almost there, her hand only a few
feet away from an empty plate before something made her tense.

“LOOK AT THIS NERD WITH HIS STUPID ASS MASK”, a loud annoying voice spoke. Wanda
instantly recognised it.

Wanda instantly clenched her hands, praying to Thor and whatever god might be out there for a
slim chance that the boy who shouted wasn't who she thought he was. She turned slowly, praying
that she wouldn't have to interact with him here. Sadly the monument she turned around, the most
annoying creature greeted her sights.

“Fuck… Eugene,” a low breath sigh escaped.

Taking a second to evaluate the situation, a group of him and his lackeys tried to make fun of one
of the servers wearing a masquerade mask. The server in question had a blank expression while
taking the verbal abuse from the teenager.

SX-1221 slowly but methodically looked at the idiots individually, thinking how little they
mattered to him and the mission. His senses warn him that someone is looking, staring, and
studying him. He looks over to spot Wanda. The instant his eyes lock on to hers, a sharp inhale of
oxygen before his body automatically regained his train of thought.

Who is she? How does she make my body react like that without trying? She might be a problem
for the mission.


His head turned 90 degrees, taking a second to realise what had happened before slowly turning to
face the culprit. The cocky boy was now looking at him, seething that his attention wasn't on him.

SX-1221 looked the boy up and down, imagining a million ways to end his life right then and there
if it wasn't for the mission slowly realising his killer bloodlust aura onto the boy.

Eugene slowly had everything in his body warn him not to fuck with the server in front of him, his
knees trembling in fear as beads of sweat formed on his forehead, a shiver running up his spine
telling him just how badly fucked up.

“Umm…. ll... Lo…look at... Mm.. me when I m talking to you” Eugene doubles down on his
stupid mistake stuttering at almost every word.

SX-1221 only responded with a fake emotionless smile, scaring the boy even more as he stepped
back from the server. “I'm so so sorry, sir. I'm sure I can get you some better food or a drink ill just
be back in a minute,” he said, giving a blatant excuse for not paying attention to the boy's original
problem against him.

The boy taking the out that SX had provided him stutters again.”Th… Thats… ri… Right… p…
p…pay attention next time.”

SX just did a light bow before looking the boy in the eyes. If stares could kill, Eugene would have
died multiple times.

The server moved away from the group towards Wanda, not wanting to strike up a conversation
but get past her to get closer to the target before he was once again disturbed by a teenager.

“Hey… Excuse me.” The girl called out to him.

His body stopped instantly. What the fuck is wrong with me? Why am I even entertaining her?

SX faced the girl with a genuine smile that came from god knows where Hydra agents were
thoughts to never show their emotions.

“Yes, miss, how may I help you?”

Wanda instantly flushed, her cheeks quickly filling with heat. Now a rose pink shade was
momentarily thrown off by his smile.

“Umm… yes… oh… I just wanted to ask you if you’re ok. Don't take what he said to heart. Most
people have something stuck up their asses.” she spewed out to receive a cute snort and giggle
from the server.

“It's fine. I'm glad that not all of them are like that. Thank you.” he notices her blushed face and the
care in the worry within her word, and somehow, even in his brainwashed stage, he felt something
warm in his stomach. He felt something flutter like butterflies.

Am I poisoned? Drugged? What is wrong with me? Focus on the mission.

“No worries.” she paused, wanting to know more about him. Her hand flew forward in front of her
in an offer of a handshake. “Hi, I'm Wanda.”

SX just looked at the hand before him and decided that the mission could wait for a second; he
reasoned that he wouldn't want to draw unnecessary towards him. Taking the hand before him
shaking it. “Nice to meet you. Sadly, I can't tell you my name,” not that he had one.

Wanda only giggled at his blunt honesty, instantly bewitching him with her soft laughs. “Is there
anything you can tell me”

“I'm 16, just working till I can get out of my current life.”

“No way, I'm also 16. Well, this is pretty cool, mystery man.”

“Thank you, Wanda. I don't have a choice in the jobs I take, so I guess, but I'm hoping after this
one, I'll be free to do whatever I want.”

“That sounds like it sucks.”

“It does.” He replied before he noticed the traitor sitting near the side. SX zones out Wanda as the
brainwashing retakes control learning everything about his target from his body language. Before
he locks eyes with the traitor.

Bucky flinches at the sight of him, slowly looking at Natasha with a worried look. Who follows his
gaze back at SX, also getting a read of him, and looks like she's reaching for something under the

SX turns to Wanda. “Excuse me for a second.”

Instantly reaching for his back pocket, Natasha quickly notices and kicks her table over for
protection before ducking behind the cover and dragging Bucky.
The bullets rapidly fired at their cover as SX switched weapons and continued shooting. A flicker
from the side caused him to change where he aimed to see a plate shatter before looking back at the
two ex-assassins. Natasha was holding a dagger, and Bucky cocked his arms, ready to fight hand to
hand, knowing he was out of ammo.

Wanda instantly recovered from her shock as the cute boy she was flirting with did a complete 180,
pulled out guns, and started shooting at her teammates/ family. Her hands shook as a red mist
formed around them instantly. Her superhero costume with a red mask covering her face quickly
used her magic to push SX away a few meters before she flew to Bucky and Nat’s side to check up
on them.

“You ok.” She asked.

“Peachy,” Bucky responded, his gaze entirely focused on the assassin before them.

SX slid to a stop while crouching his shin on the floor as he looked like he was kneeling before
standing up and looking at the three, no emotion showing on his face, slowly reaching for his side
as the heroes flinched at his movent before altogether stopping to a complete stop as SX put on
Buckys old face mask his head sidewards in both directions cracking sounds filled the room.
“Traitor.” words sounding cold and distant.

Bucky was the first to break free of his trance “Hydra”, growling at the boy, his legs rushing to
cover the distance as trying to get in a punch in his face using the full force of his super strength
with the combination of vibranium arm. Enough power to send the Hulk back a few steps or even
crush twenty inches of stainless steel-like paper. Hoping to end the fight before it started.

SX grinned, knowing he faced worse, so he stood his ground. He did not move as the soldier
approached him, letting him throw the punch before moving forward and catching his punch with
one arm as if it meant nothing.

Bucky stared at the boy, utterly confused at what was happening before him. How was this boy
matching his strength? He, however, didn't see the boy step inside his range, allowing him access
to his knees. Felling the boy's kick caused him to lose his balance as the boy pulled his arm using
momentum and a form of Aikido to fling his body at Nat like a rag doll.

Nat and Bucky crashed into each other, knocking Nat unconscious. Bucky was weakened enough
to lose consciousness for a few minutes. SX turns to see Stark trying to activate his suit near the

“Sorry, Stark can't let you do that.” He grinned, knowing full well that the EMP was taking out the
functionality of his suit. Turning his attention to Wanda.


He pulled out a few smoke bombs, one in each finger, looking at the girl. He had a cold, calculated
look on his face, throwing one of the bombs towards the girl and one at her feet before running
straight at her, using anything and everything within his reach to distract the girl.

Wanda waved her hands, throwing the items back at him and watching him dodge while he
activated more smoke bombs to hide his location. Entirely surrounded by a thick layer of smoke,
trying to focus on locating the boy, she closed her eyes to try and see if she could sense him, but a
second too late, feeling a cold metal on her neck.

SX held the knife close to her neck, her back on his chest, his mind yelling, No, NO, STOP STOP,

“Wanda, stop. I don't want to hurt you,” he growled in her ear as a warning.

“Should have thought of them before trying to kill my friends.” She whispered before slamming the
back of her head into his nose, causing him enough pain to drop the knife. Wanda quickly turned
around to attack again but stopped as a firm hand gips her neck firmly.

SX swiped her legs as he slammed her to the ground, still squeezing her neck, looking her in the
eyes. Watching them struggle.


Wanda tried resisting feeling weaker the longer he held on.


She watched his eye dilate, and his grip loosened, but he still held her neck almost lovingly. The
next thing caused Wanda.exe to stop working, completely crashing her brain. He… he… he…
kissed her.

His words brought her back. “Sorry, I never wanted to hurt you,” He said with every ounce of
affection in his bones. His thumb slowly caressed her cheek before she felt a sting near her arm.
She turned her head to look at a syringe jabbed in her arm before looking back at him frantically.

“What did you do!!!” She asked, suddenly feeling sleepy.

“Sorry, you should be knocked out for a while. I promise that I won't hurt anyone dear to you.”
Watching her eyelids slowly close on her sleeping face.

He let go of her and saw a shocked cap staring at him.

“She's asleep. Make sure you look after her. If anything even hurts her, I promise you ill come back
to put a bullet through your head.” SX warned the captain

“Im giving you two options here, Captain. The first one is that you let me go right now, and I won't
bother you again, and I go hunt down the Hydra fuckers that captured me and either kill them or
make them wish they were dead.”

“What's the second option?” Rogers asked, unsure how to hold his own against the boy without his

“We fight and let each other become injured while I try and think of any means necessary to escape
from here while your injured friends try to get back up.” He points at the unconscious Wanda, Nat,
and Bucky.

Surprisingly SX found that Cap had taken option 1 out of worry for his friend. SX moved, not even
thinking as he approached the door.

“You know we will come after you, right.”

“You’d be stupid not to.” He smirks, giving the captain a two-fingered salute. “Till then, Cap.”
To lost Friends.
Chapter Notes

took me a while had life to deal with but here you go tell me what you think leave a
comment if u enjoyed or rate it out of 10

The boy stood outside the hall in an empty hallway. He took a deep breath, steadying his breath,
calculating his next few steps. Releasing a sigh at the realisation for any of the plans to work, he
would have to convince the hydra members that he had accomplished his mission.


Letting out another sigh. Contemplating if walking back into the room and asking Cap a favour
would be too much. Would Cap even agree? After beating up his friends and saying bye, it would
be awkward to walk back in and ask for a favour. The boy, however, had no other option putting on
an unreadable face to mask the nervousness before slowly opening the door again to pop just his
head in.

The captain was hovering over his teammates/family, happy that the damage done to them was
superficial, with some bruising on some sides but nothing that would last after taking some Advil.
His head snapped to the door as he heard it open, worried that a reporter or civilian had found their
way back.

To his surprise, the head and only the head of the attacker literally popped into view, albeit at a 90
degrees angle, making the captain tense a little, wondering if the boy would attack them again.

SX-1221 looked at the captain, trying not to show emotions as Rodgers asked him a question.

“You come back to finish the job”, while slightly getting into a fighting stance.

His statement confused the boy a little. “What? No, I gave you my word.”

“So then, why are you back here.”

“I was just wondering if you could do me a favour that could help bring down a Hydra base.”

Steve's look became a bit tense at the boy's statement.

“You know you don't have to do this yourself. We could help you.”

SX walked back into the room, closing the door behind him before crossing his arms and
comfortably leaning against the door.

“I know, but I don't need it, and I can do it myself without hurting anyone.” his gaze softened a
little, looking at Wanda before it snapped back to the Captain, showing his emotionless facade.

“Besides, I kinda have to pay them back for the pain they caused me.”

“I’ve fought against Hydra all my life, kid, and I know you'll need help. You're just a kid. You
don't know what kinda monsters they are.” He opened his mouth to continue in speech.

“I know Cap… I'm one of those monsters born into that life raised to be a weapon for them. I know
what they are; I know what I am.” SX spoke with venom in his tone.

Captain America just closed his mouth. He could see that the person before him believed every
word he had just spoken. His eyes flashed with anger, rage, Loneliness, Loathing, and Shame, none
of which were aimed at the captain.

“Listen, I've taken down governments, crime syndicates that opposed Hydra, CEOs of major
companies. I am more dangerous to the Avengers than Hydra ever could be, so I fully expect you
to hunt me down like a dog when I take them down. I promise to ensure that I injure or kill as
many of you as possible before you kill or capture me because I've just got my freedom. I'll be
damned if I go quickly down to hell without taking anyone else with me.” His tone was cold and
distant. The mood now is that any movement would cause a fight to break out again. Tense yet

The Avenger stood tall and firm in his spot, not backing down from his views yet also showing
that he would protect his family no matter the cost. Glaring the boy down in front of him, his tone
matching the coldness of the room.

“So what do you want then?”

“I Need you to pretend that Brooding Bulldog is dead so that my handlers think I finished the
mission successfully. That way, I go back to them without any suspicion about me so they can take
me back to base to kill me after I debrief them on this final mission.”

His last sentence caused the Captain to drop his expression into worry before speaking up again.

“So if u know they’ll kill you, why not let us help you.” with his tone of worry blatantly showing.

“Because this is personal. Like I said, I take all of them with me if I go to hell. I promise you that.”

Amazed at the determination in his eyes, he just let out a heavy sigh. “Fine, kid. Anything else?
Also, who’s meant to be the brooding bulldog?”

At his question, the boy let out a shit-eating grin as he pointed at Bucky. Before opening his mouth

“Also, tell the bulldog no hard feelings; the student has become the master now, so he shouldn't
feel so bad losing to his student.” his eyes wandered over to Wanda and listened to her calm
heartbeat as she lay sleeping.

“And tell Star enchantress over there that I'm sorry and ill try my best to fully get out so I can go
see the stars under the willow tree or maybe read the harry potter books when I get free.” a small
smile filled with fondness and care wormed it way out of the assassins heart.

Turning to face the captain, he wiped his face of any emotions getting ready for the mission ahead.
Grabbing a device from his pocket and chucking it at the Captain. Steve caught it with a single
hand in the air lowering his hand to find the device, wondering what it was.

“It's a monitor for the tracker that I'm holding, and before you get ideas, it won't get a signal if I
don't turn my one on first, so tell Stark not to bother. If things go south, and I can't finish the job,
then ill turn it on so you can at least get the base's location. Or if I do get the job done, ill turn it on
so u can do clean up.” the teen looked at the captain with a slight smirk of respect for the man
before turning around and walking back to the door giving a two-finger salute and letting a small
whisper that even a super soldier would struggle to here but not impossible.

“Thank you, cap.”

The avenger just let a melancholy smile pondering the nature of the situation.

A groggy teenage girl woke up in what seemed to be the Avenger's common room. Moving slowly,
trying to sit up as the others in the room turned to look at the girl. One arm steadied her body up
while the other rubbed both sleepy eyes. Blinking slowly awake.

“Whaa… what… what happened.” She asked, looking at the others to see they all looked annoyed
at themselves for allowing a kid to beat them unconscious. Before her finger moved to her lip,
tensing at the touch.

“That.. th… that BASTARD. He kissed me. He stole my first kiss.” She stated in a fit of rage. Her
eyes glowed red ready to kill, as she stood up, looking around to see if he was nearby. She hated
herself for thinking he was cute with those cute brown eyes. “Fuck.” she shouted again at the
realisation that she didn't mind the kiss with him.

“Language. ” The captain reprimanded the girl before sitting on the single-space sofa. The teen
was ready to talk back but was cut off by an annoyed Billionaire.

“Forget about the language, Wanda is awake, and everyone is here, so get on with it and tell us
what happened after we were knocked out. How are we not dead. I'm pretty sure the last time I
checked, the kid assassin was going for shots to the head.”

Steve sighed and explained what happened, not revealing the messages to Wanda and Bucky.

The team looked at Steve with a look of disappointment as Nat spoke up.

“You just let him do to deal with Hydra on his own?” She asked, annoyed.

“Not much of a choice seeing as he took down both you and Bucky simultaneously and Wanda and
Tony. What the hell was I gonna do to him?” He stated and revied a low growl from all of his

While Wanda just stood to the side, thinking about how morbid the idea was that a boy the same
age as her walked back into the tiger's den, knowing that death awaited him and went willingly.
Yet still, charged head wanting to get what? Revenge? Retribution? Closure? Was it worth it to go
willingly back to Hydra knowing the cost? Her hand slowly rubbed her arm in search of comfort.

Steve just watched from the corner of his eyes, watching Wanda zone out slightly. A slight frown
bloomed on his face as his eyes turned back to face the team, still voicing their arguments, and he
decided to zone out.

“He also gave me two messages. One for Bucky and the other for Wanda.”

The team went quite instantly, all looking at the man in anticipation.

Steve's eyes wandered over to Bucky before putting on a small girn and speaking the assassin's
words back to him.

“To the Brooding Bulldog.”

The monument Bucky heard those words. He flinched and stood up tensely. Walking slightly
closer to Steve until he was a foot away. Nat watched the confrontation, no emotions showing on
the outside. But was also ready to stop anything. This was the first time that Bucky had shown his
feelings so clearly on his face. She felt slightly odd at why those two words caused his reaction.

Steve stood up, looking at Bucky directly, slightly nervous but worried for his friend.

“What. Else. Did. He. say!” Bucky asked in a low growl full of venom, almost ready to strike.

“No hard feelings; the student has become the master now, so he shouldn't feel so bad losing to his
student.” Steve relayed the message as Bucky grabbed his collar with his flesh arm gripping it
tightly as he pulled his best friends closer to him, eyes filled with rage and anger.

As soon as he did that, Nat quickly walked closer to her Boyfriend and put a firm hand on his
elbow, trying to ground and calm him.

Bucky calmed slightly at the touch but continued glaring. “And you just let him go without even a
fight.” he spat out in a calm voice a step away from punching his best friend.

“I didn't want to risk him hurting you guys if he got desperate for a way to escape.” Steve calmly
replied. His teammates thought it was a valid response, and so did Bucky. With his limited
knowledge of the attacker, it was a very valid reason to let him go.

Even with the valid reasoning, Bucky still felt his rage and anger seething out as he walked
towards a wall, with a full forced punch going elbow deep into the wall while releasing a shout.


All Avengers and Pepper looked at Bucky in shock at how affected he was by the message.

Nat stepped closer to the man as he took his arm out the wall. He turned to face her, an expression
of sadness and regret clearly showing as Nat stepped closer into his space before letting her hand
rest on his cheek pleasantly. To her surprise, Bucky leaned his face into her palm for comfort.

Now, if this was somewhere private and it was just the two of them, then it might seem more
normal, but doing it publicly in front of his teammates showed Nat how much this was affecting

“Honey, who is he? Do you know him?” Nat asked.

Now slightly calm, Bucky sighed and nodded, looking at Steve and then back to Nat. If he was
going to explain this, he needed some comfort to ground him.

“He was with me when I was the winter soldier. He should have been around 10 at the time. I think
it was mostly just partial memories….. they made me his handler.” As soon as the words left his
mouth, everyone in the room took a sharp breath in.

“At first, it was just regular training… but then they saw that the kid slowly undone my
brainwashing. Some instinct inside me wanted to protect him with everything I had, and Hydra
didn't like that.” Bucky held Nat in his arms, seeking comfort again. She took the ex-assassin into a
tight embrace to help ground him when she saw how his arms trembled.

“They used my words on me again, held him down, and forced me to break both arms. He tried to
resist, but they strapped him to a chair and kept his eyes open.” Bucky somehow manages to get
the courage from within to continue his story.
“No drugs or anything for the pain those fuckers smiled and laughed at him, Nat, when he started
crying without closing his eyes.” Natasha only responded by rubbing a calming circle on his back

“After that day, they ensured I was under the words when training him. They made sure I was
ruthless with no mercy, teaching him the harshest methods, and if he didn't complete the training
correctly, then it was torture. I heard his screams throughout the night.”

“It took him a year to somewhat learn everything I taught him. In our final lesson, I made him
shoot one of the Hydra prisoners. I showed him how to kill, and even after all that, he hugged me
when we were left alone for the last time.”

Bucky stepped back from Natahas embrace, looking at Steve. A tear visibly flowed down his
cheek, but he spoke angrily, “You should have stopped him. I don't care if he even got close to my
level of danger. He would have still needed help taking down a Hydra base.”

Steve just looked at his best friend with sadness in his eyes. “I swear on everything I hold dear that
if I knew, he would have never left that room.” his hand dove into his pocket, pulling out the tiny
receiver. “Before he left, he gave me this device. It's a receiver to his tracker. He told me that it
was one-way. Once he activates it, the location should appear here.”

Tony stepped forward to have a look at the device as Wanda looked at Steve with genuine

“You said he had a message for me as well.” She asked as the curiosity was getting to her.

Steve breathed another sigh before speaking.

“Star enchantress. I'm sorry. I'll try my best to fully get out so I can see the stars under the willow
tree or maybe read the harry potter books when I get free.”

When he turned to look at the girl, he was greeted with a sad smile and a few tears escaping before
Pepper rushed over and hugged her. “Aww honey, it’s ok. Did you know him as well?”

Bucky and the rest of the group looked over at her, wondering what her connection to the boy was.

She took as sharp breath before trying to get her breathing steady.

“He was with me when I was with Hydra. He was the best thing about the place. He was or is
Pietro’s best friend and was my first crush. He always came to us injured, so we helped look after
him at the same base for a while.” She slightly blushed when she called him his crush.

“When he was too injured or in a lot of pain, I would tell him stories of our daily lives before Hydra
and about books I could partially remember, like harry potter, and he always looked at me as if I
was a goddess. He was sweet and a major cuddle bug with Pietro and me” She let out a few

“I thought about him at the Gala, and guess I got my answer if he's alive.” she deadpanned at the
group. “We have to find him!”

Steve looked at Wanda and then back to Bucky. “I promise we will use everything we have to find
and help him.”

They started their search but to no avail when 7 hours later, the receiver turned on with the location
of the Hydra base
A New Chapter
Chapter Notes

Sorry i stook so long to update life has been busy passed my driving test and got a car
wooo also tell me what you think of this chapter idk rate it out 10 or comment
something you want to see it

SX's heart pounded in his chest as he cautiously made his way through the dimly lit alleyways of
the rowdy streets of New York. The mission had taken an unexpected turn, and now he was
walking a tightrope between fulfilling his duty and unravelling the web of pain that had trapped

As he approached the pickup spot, his mind raced with thoughts of strategy and deception. The
time had come for him to strike back, to turn the tables on his handlers, to bring them down to their
knees and watch them writhe in agony, just like how they enjoyed doing the same to him.

But to do so, he needed to maintain his facade of being under their control, playing the role of the
brainwashed agent to perfection.

He knew that a single misstep could cost him his life. His every move, every word, had to be
carefully calculated. The weight of his mission rested upon his shoulders, but he couldn't let it
crush him. Instead, he channelled his fear into determination, fueling his resolve to outwit those
who sought to control him.

Just as he reached the designated spot, a figure emerged from the shadows. It was Zaros, his
handler, a man whose cold, calculating eyes held a sadistic glimmer. Zaros sneered, his voice
dripping with contempt as he addressed SX.

"Well, if it isn't our obedient little puppet," Zaros taunted, relishing his power over SX, taking a
step closer into his personal space. He raised his hand slowly, his finger running over the boy's
cheeks before grabbing his chin to ensure firm eye contact. It took everything SX had not to flinch.
"I hope you enjoyed your little excursion because, after your debriefing, I'll take great pleasure in
ending your miserable existence."

SX clenched his fists, his jaw tight with suppressed rage. He couldn't let Zaros see through his act.
He had to maintain the illusion of being entirely under their control with every word and gesture. It
was the only way to get access to their base. "Of course, sir," SX replied, his voice laced with
feigned submission.

Zaros grinned, savouring the satisfaction of his power over SX. He motioned for SX to follow him,
leading the way toward the waiting vehicle that would take them back to the secret base.

The Handler moved to take the syringe out of his pocket, revealing the sleeping agent used to
transport assets to and from the base safely, and it took every living thought and prayer to try and
not resist at this moment, his sense screaming at him to escape yet no sign of struggle was shown
to the handler. Everything went black as his muscles relaxed.
His eyes snapped open, greeted by the sight of his handler and one more Hydra member, one he’s
never seen before, but the grin on his face was an indication that the sick bastard enjoyed inflicting
pain on others like every other god-forsaken asshole this organisation.

He readjusted his eyes to ensure he was awakened and ready to escape and reduce this hell hole to
rubble. The first step in his grand plan required the razor blade he hid in his mouth to be there. So
he tilted his head down before pressing his tongue against his cheek to feel the cold metal before
looking back up and waiting for his chance.

Zaros walked up to the holding bed, looking down at the teen.

“Mission report Asset.”

The teen looks back with no expression.

“Mission accomplished. The traitor was taken care of. I was able to incapacitate the Avengers long
enough to shoot the traitor in the head; however, after the shot, Captain America came into the
venue with his shield, so I had to make my escape so I didn't get caught.” SX debriefed in a
monotone voice making direct eye contact with his handler.

“Good, now they know what we can accomplish. I'm so happy about this day. I get to kill you
finally.” pure and utter joy radiated through his face as the teen looked at him with no change in

“No more Taking back.”

“No more hearing you whine about how much you want to kill us.”

“No more of you.”

Slowly his hand moved, hovering over SX’s hair, revelling in ecstasy from his power over the teen.

Grabbing a fistful of hair tightly, harshly pulling up, their eyes are met.

“I’ve brought so many new toys to use on you. I will relish your screams every single night I
sleep.” Slowly he pulled out a video camera, placing it in the centre of the room with a perfect view
of the detained asset.

SX looked straight at the man with no emotions present. Zaros moved closer to look at him, “I’m
going to go get all the brand new knives, straps and rods, and so much more.” his voice sounding

The loud echo of the door closing left SX alone, evaluating everything in the room, escape plans
forming as the razor blade rested in his teeth before spitting a shot into his hand. Quickly he cut
the straps.

A heavy sigh escaped into the room. “Finally.” His free hand ripped into the straps, pulling them
out to release himself.

“Now, I guess it's just a waiting game.” He quickly launched onto the ceiling and crawled until he
positioned himself above the door. SX closed his eyes, letting his senses free. Listening to every
heartbeat to scout out how many Hydra agents were in the base and their location.

“36…. Not enough to cause me harm.” he stiffened as a familiar heartbeat approached the room.
Zaros hummed an eerie tune, eyes closed, stepping into the room with a cart full of blades and
torture devices—this time without any aids near him.

He made it halfway into the room before SX catapulted onto him, grabbing his neck and snapping
it before he could speak out to warn anyone. Quickly moving to pick up one of the sharp daggers
gripping it tightly as he focused on his surroundings.

Two guards down the corridor facing away from me, easy enough of a takedown before moving on
to the stragglers.

He jumped back onto the ceiling, making his way towards them.

It only took half an hour before the last of the Hydra agents fell, his neck squirting blood, coving
the walls.

A sigh of relief could be heard as the teenager wiped some blood off his face before running a
hand through his hair. As his body relaxed, his senses no longer sounded any alarms letting him
know he was finally free.

“Kill one head, two more grow back.” he repeated their mantra out into the open “Not if I have
anything to say about it. I'll burn every stump until the beast is dead.”

“FUCKING BASTARDS.” he shouted once more before getting up off the floor to look at the
body that covered the area, the sea of red ever-present, as he moved his way into the command

The only room that could provide information and any other Hydra bases or information about who
he was.

Lucky for him, all the information he needed was on a single drive that he unplugged from its
compartment before moving on to the supply room to find the gasoline. Taking the jerry can, he
flicked the cap open before emptying the contents of each can to cover every inch of the base,
making a small line of it leading out to the entrance.

He stood tall to be met by Siberia's cold and snowy mountains. Each breath condenses into a slight
fog. Lucky for him, the agents had enough sense to have winter clothing he could ‘ Borrow ’.

Opening the small matchbox he took from one of the agents on a smoke break. Thinking back on
every moment that this Fucking swamp of a hellhole caused him pain and misery, he was glad that
today was the day he would be putting an end to it all.

With a flick of his wrist, the like matchstick lit up like a small beacon. He stood there, taking a
steading breath. Looking at the entrance of the Hydra base, a slight smirk worms its way out.

“I’ll meet you fuckers in hell.” Dropping the matchstick as the fire ignites.

SX stood at a safe distance. His eyes fixated on the Hydra base, now engulfed in flames. The
crackling of the fire and the billowing smoke filled the air, creating an eerie dance of destruction.
The scent of burning metal and charred wood mingled with the cold mountain breeze, creating a
haunting atmosphere.

As the base crumbled under the onslaught of the inferno, SX felt an overwhelming surge of
emotions. Relief washed over him like a cleansing wave, knowing that he had finally taken down
the organisation that had imprisoned him for so long. He had done it alone, without anyone's help
—his first taste of freedom.
But the victory was bittersweet. As the fire raged on, consuming the last remnants of Hydra's
control over him, the reality of his solitude hit him like a heavy blow. He was now free but utterly
alone, severed from his known life. A new chapter of his story has begun. The only difference is
that he holds the pen that chooses his ending.

He let out a sigh that carried all the weight of his past and the uncertainty of his future. The sound
of the crackling flames seemed to echo the emptiness he felt inside. He had hoped for this moment,
yearned for it.

As the last vestiges of the base collapsed, he turned away from the destruction he had wrought,
feeling an emptiness in the pit of his stomach. He was no longer the brainwashed assassin, but he
wasn't sure who he was now. The past had defined him, shaped him into a lethal weapon, and now
that he was free of its clutches, he was adrift in an unfamiliar sea.

He had no mission, orders to follow, or purpose for the first time in years. The world around him
seemed vast and daunting, and he was just a lost soul in the midst of it all.

As he stood there, watching the embers float away in the night sky, he couldn't help but think of
the people he had encountered during his time as a weapon of Hydra. Faces flashed before his eyes
—the innocent victims, the fellow agents, the handlers who had controlled him—all mere players
in the grand scheme of this cruel game.

He was haunted by memories of the pain he had inflicted on others, the lives he had taken, and the
darkness he had succumbed to. The guilt weighed heavily on his shoulders, and he wondered if he
could genuinely redeem himself for his past sins.

But he knew he couldn't undo what had been done. All he could do now was choose a new path,
forge a new identity. As the flames of the Hydra base continued to dance, he made a silent vow—
to use his skills, strength, and newfound freedom for good.

Yet, the sense of loneliness remained. The boy who had once been a weapon longed for
connection, for someone to share this newfound freedom with. He had no family, no friends—only
the distant memories of those he had encountered during his captivity.

At that moment, he wished for someone to understand him, to see beyond the assassin and into the
lost soul yearning for a fresh start. But he knew he couldn't expect such a person to appear
magically. He would have to seek out his path and find his way in this vast and unfamiliar world.

SX reached into his pocket and pulled out the transmitter he gave to the captain pressing the button
to activate the deceive before letting it drop onto the ground.

With a heavy heart, he turned away from the burning base and began to walk into the cold night.
His steps were hesitant, trying to figure out where to go or what to do next. But he knew that he
couldn't stand still. He had to keep moving forward, even if the path was uncertain.

As he walked, he vowed to honour the memories of those he had done wrong and carry their spirits
with him as he forged his new identity.

With each step, the weight of his past started to feel a little lighter. The loneliness lingered, but so
did the glimmer of hope—that someday, somewhere, he would find his place in this world and a
family to call his own.

As the stars above him shone brightly, he promised himself—never to forget the journey that had
led him here, never to forget the pain and suffering that had shaped him. But most importantly, to
never forget that he was free to choose his path and become more than just a weapon.

And so, with the echoes of the burning base still ringing in his ears, SX set out into the night, a
lone figure on a path of redemption, searching for his place in a world that had been denied him for
far too long. The road ahead was uncertain, but he walked it with his head held high, determined to
carve out his destiny.

As the hour passed, the Avengers arrived at the decimated Hydra base, stunned by the destruction
before them. Smoke billowed from the ruins, and the acrid smell of burning metal filled the air.
The team split up, cautiously exploring the remnants of the once-secret facility. Captain America,
Iron Man, Bucky, Black Widow, and Wanda moved through the twisted corridors, their senses
heightened, alert for any sign of danger.

The only thing that greeted them was the burned bodies—no information left to help figure out
what happened here.

Bucky knelt to look at one of the bodies; the only thing that made this one different was that there
were signs of a bullet wound. Right between his eyes, his eyes scanned the body, only stopping
when met with the shine coming off the dog tags around the neck. Bucky’s eyes widen, instantly
recognising who they belong to.

His mind ran a hundred miles a second, trying to think of what happened.

“Steve, there's nothing at the lower levels. Any information here got wiped by the fire. Also, the
main drive that held their systems is missing.” Natasha’s voice pulled him back from his thoughts.

“Scans show no signs of life in a five-mile radius. Kid’s gone cap.” Tony's voice followed after.

Bucky pulled the tags of the body as proof. Before he walked back to the parked Quinjet outside,
sitting down on one of the side seats and looking at the tags, so tunnel-visioned he didn't see the
others get back nearby.

A soft hand gently rested on his wrist, causing his head to whip toward Nat. Bucky’s tense body
relaxed at her sight. The others looked at him, wanting to know what he was thinking,

“This belongs to a super soldier, another winter soldier. When they made us train against us, he
was on par with me in terms of skill… I found him dead, bullet to the head.” Bucky finished.

“Well, then we know 2 things about the kid, I guess,” Nat said. “One. He’s powerful and
dangerous. And two is that he didn't want anyone else knowing about whatever they had on him or
at this base.”

Nat looked at Bucky once more. Her hand lifted his chin. Their eyes locked as she made her
promise. “We’ll find him, Bucky”.

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