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Introduction 1

Background of the study

Theobroma cacao (cacao tree or cocoa tree) is a small (6–12 m (20–39 ft) tall)
evergreen tree in the family Malvaceae. Its seeds, cocoa beans, are used to make
chocolate liquor, cocoa solids, cocoa butter and chocolate.


The fruit, called a cacao pod, is ovoid, 15–30 cm (6–12 in) long and 8–10 cm (3–4 in)
wide, ripening yellow to orange, and weighs about 500 g (1 lb) when ripe. The pod
contains 20 to 60 seeds, usually called “beans”, embedded in a white pulp.

The seeds are the main ingredient of chocolate, while the pulp is used in some
countries to prepare refreshing juice, smoothies, jelly, and cream. Usually discarded
until practices changed in the 21st century, the fermented pulp may be distilled into an
alcoholic beverage. Each seed contains a significant amount of fat (40–50%) as cocoa

The fruit’s active constituent is the stimulant theobromine, a compound similar to


One of the most common practices in modern intensive agriculture has been the use of
chemical fertilizer, which has led to a number of adverse effects (Adesemoye, A.O. &
Kloepper, J.W.,2009). For example, the cost of productivity does not increase linearly,
resulting in a massive waste of mineral resources. Furthermore, plants do not absorb
millions of tons of synthetic nutrients that are dumped into soil each year. About up to
50% of N and 90% of P have been recorded to run off from crop fields and escape into
the atmosphere or water resources, contributing in greenhouse gas emissions,
eutrophication in aquatic systems, and soil salinization (da Costa et al., 2013; Simpson
R. J. et al., 2011). In addition, it leads to pest resistance development, and food safety

Several studies have shown that the use of organic fertilizers provide an alternative, and
has the ability to reduce the harmful effects of chemical fertilization to plants, and that
organic fertilizers have typically improved nutritional properties of the products (Oliveira
A. B. et al., 2013). Organic Fertilizers also improve the soil texture, allowing it to hold
the water longer, and increase the bacterial and fungal activity in the soil.

On the other side, food waste is a major issue for the food processing industry (Celano
et al., 2021). Even at home, the undesirable vegetable and fruit constituents which are
peels, trims, seeds and others are left, and these wastes pose a threat of severe
contamination. To address this concern, is by conversion of wastes into useful products,

Organic waste materials such as eggshells, banana peels, spent coffee grounds, onion
peels, and spent grain able to supply enough nutrients to plants that can be suitable as
organic fertilizers (Malek et al., 2021).

In this regard, the researcher of this study came up of utilizing waste-peels of onion, and
banana to make organic liquid fertilizers, and compare its effect on growth of tomato
plant. Onion peels are good organic fertilizer that is high in Calcium, Iron, Magnesium,
and Copper that are frequently ignored in bio-waste disposal (TN et al., 2005). While
banana peels contain Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium, and also many
micronutrients, which enchance the growth of plants from seed germination to flowers
and fruits, and assist plants in disease resistance because of these nutrients (Kim M. K.
et al., 2011).


This study aimed to assess the comparison of Onion (Alium Cepa) and Banana (Musa
accuminata x Musa balbisiana) peels efficacy as fertilizers on growth of Cacao plants.

Specifically, aimed to:

1.Determine the growth of Cacao plants using Onion (Alium Cepa) peels and Banana
(Musa Accuminata x Musa Balbisiana) peels liquid fertilizers in terms of:

a. Plant Height (cm)

b. Stem Diameter (mm)

c. Number of Leaves

2. Compare the growth of Cacao plants using Onion (Alium Cepa) peels liquid fertilizer,
Banana (Musa accuminata x Musa balbisiana) peels liquid fertilizer, and Complete
fertilizer (14-14-14).


Ho: There is no significant difference between Onion (Alium Cepa) and Banana (Musa
accuminata x Musa Balbisiana) peels liquid fertilizers efficacy on the growth Cacao
Significance of the study 3

The result of the study would be beneficial to the following:

The will offer additional choices for organic liquid fertilizers and know
which liquid fertilizers—onion or banana peel—can help cacao plants develop the
fastest. This will help them to see peel waste as potential environmental friendly

The Agricultural Sector. It will help farmers who are struggling financially and those who
are interested in agriculture. Additionally, it educates them on the practices of organic
agriculture by substituting natural and organic fertilizers made from waste from
households for chemical fertilizers.

The Environment. It will lessen the amount of agricultural waste that is piled up and
burned, which can cause pollution and the spread of disease to both people and

The Future Researchers/Students.The study provides background information or a

description of the effects of liquid fertilizers made from onion and banana peels on the
growth of cocoa plants, and it could be used as a guide when undertaking future
research to test the validity of related findings.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study aims compare the growth of cacao plants using onion (Allium Cepa) peels,
banana (Musa acuminata x Musa balbisiana) peels, and complete fertilizer. It also aims
to compare the efficacy of the liquid fertilizers made from the onion and banana peels
on the growth of cacao plants.
Definition of Terms 4

Banana is an elongated, edible fruit – botanically a berry – produced by several kinds of

large herbaceous flowering plants in the genus Musa.

Onion is a vegetable that is most widely cultivated species of the genus Allium, and
also known as the bulb onion or common onion.

Comparison is the act of evaluating the efficacy of Onion (Allium cepa) peels and
Banana (Musa acuminata x Musa balbisiana) on the growth of Cacao plants.

Efficacy is the ability to produce a desired or intended result.

Commercial Fertilizer is a manufactured chemical mixture fertilizer that will be used in

this study, containing the three basic plant nutrients: Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and

Growth is the process of increasing in physical size that will be observed in this study

Liquid Fertilizer is a fertilizer used in this study that is naturally produced from plant

Cacao (Theobroma cacao) is both an economically and ecologically important crop

worldwide especially in the Philippines, a tropical country suitable for its growth and
cultivation. The association of this crop with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) is an
understudied field but the benefits reported from this symbiosis highlights their
irreplaceable role in enhancing growth conditions by facilitating the uptake of
phosphorus, increasing yield through increased plant health and productivity, and in
several ecological aspects such as soil biological dynamics and ecological processes
that are carried out in cacao plant community. This paper proposed the different areas
of improving cacao ecology that need to gain attention in the Philippines to augment the
measures being undertaken to boost the country’s cacao plantations. This includes
more research on areas of soil physicochemical properties, AMF genetic and functional
diversity in cacao communities, and resistance to diseases of AMF-associated cacao
trees. The ecology of the AMF-cacao association is an essential part of developing
effective AMF inocula for the ultimate purpose of increasing the yield of cacao.
Appropriate application of AMF could increase the overall yield of the country’s cacao
plantations and can be translated to improving food security and many other economic
gains (Paguntalan, D.P., Buot, I.E., Aggangan, N.S., 2020).
Organic fertilizer are two types of fertilizers. Chemical fertilizers contain substances that,
if used frequently cam be damaging to plants and other issues will arise as a
result of this dilemma such as plants that are no longer fruitful and are
detrimental to the environment. In addition, chemical fertilizers may cause stream
contamination, crop chemical burn, increased air pollution, soil acidification, and
mineral depletion, among other problems. Organic fertilizer is made out of
organic waste components that can provide plants with all of the nutrients they
require. Organic waste products like eggshells, banana peels, wasted coffee
grounds, onion peels, and spent grain have been used in an effort to reduce the
need of chemical fertilzers (malek et al.,2021).

According to zaini, et al (2022) on a study, chemical used in agriculture may have

considerabe impact on food safety and environmental health. Its overuse csn
change soil properties and contaminate water sources, resulting in a variety of
human and animal health problems. Microbial biofertilisers have recently been
promoted as a more sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture
technique in southeast asia’s common home. Traditionally, thus method has
used leftover leftover food items and widely available bacterial cultures, such as
yoghurt drinks, ferment them in either solid or liquid for a particular amount of
time. The majority of testimonial- based response from local populations has
been good thus far, although there is a relativity minimal information in the
literature about biofertilzer use.
In this study that was conducted by Berces (2019) the effectiveness of banana peel
fertilizer extract was assessed to San Fransisco plant. This aimed to(a) discover
The production method; (b) evaluate if the contents of the banana peels are
effective as organis fertilizer; and (c) determine the efficacy of the banana peel
fertilizer could aid in the natural growth of the plants. The san fransisco plant with
banana peel fertilizer has a better height and leaf attractiveness. Chemical
fertilizer, on the other hand, has a better odor in san fransisco plant with banana
peels fertilizer. When grown without fertilizer in san fransisco, it has a better
appearance in terms of leaves but not in terms of height. San fransico with
banana peels fertilizer had the longer height than the san fransisco wihout a
fertilizer did. In terms of efficacy, the banana fertilizer had a positive result
according to the study. Because of the height and leaves of the san fransisco
plants, the banana peel reveals its usefulness. The result demonstrates that the
banana fertilizer-fed palnt is longer than the chemical fertilizer-fed plant.

Bananas are high in nutrients, including the peel. It can help your soil improve as
a potassium is abundant In the banana peels, which aids in the flow of water and
nutrients between cells, it also protects frim the illness and strengthens their
stems following the blooming of the palnt, potassium can increase the size and
quality of any fruit or nut (Berces,2019).

Banana peels are wonderful sources of potassium, with 42 percent. They are
one of the richest organic potassium sources, with a potassium content higher
than even wood ash. Banana peel, on the other hand, has less nitrogen, making
it an excellent fertilizer for tomatoes and peppers, which both require little
nitrogen researcher looked at the variety of ripeness levels. The goal of their
research was to determine the chemical compostition of the peel in order to
determine if the waste product might be used in any way. The number of
components in banana peels varies. However, the most exact estimate suggests
that banana peels contain 4-4-6.3 percent potassium by dry weight, along with
large levels of calcium (Berces, 2019) the main three macronutrients, nitrogen,
phosphorus and potassium, are required in varying amounts by most plants.
Some plants require more nitrogen, while others require, more phosphorus, while
still others want more potassium. Tomatoes, peppers, honeydew, melon, and
passion flower are all potassium- loving plants. Banana peels contain nitrogen,
phosphorus, and potassium, and also many micronutrients, which enhance the
growth of plants from seed germinations to flowers and fruits, and assists plants
in disease resistance because of these nutrients (Kim M.K. et al.,2011).
The onion (Allium cepa L.) is one of the world's most frequently cultivated crop plants,
and its bulb is being used for both food and medicinal. Onions have distinct
smells and scents that have made them popular as ingredients in a variety of
foods. Onions contains various minerals viz. calcium, iron, manganese,
magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, selenium, fluoride and iron. It also
contains a lot of carbohydrates, proteins, salt, potassium, and phosphorus.
(Gomaa EZ, 2017).

Based on study of Se Ji Jang and Yong In Kuk (2020): 'Onion waste, which is produced
in large quantities during cultivation, harvest, and storage, is primarily burnt, neglected,
and thrown when it might be used as crop fertilizers in conjunction with other agricultural
by-products to improve crop production and quality. In 2019, researchers from Sunchon
National University in South Korea used fermentation, water, and boiled water
extraction methods to evaluate red pepper and tomato plants using liquid fertilizers
generated from onion and tomato by-products. After being treated with onion and
tomato extracts using fermentation, water, and hot water extraction procedures, the
fresh weight of red pepper shoots increased by 9-19, 11- 31, and 34-57 percent,
respectively, compared to the control.
After treatments with the indicated fertilizers, the fresh weight of tomato shoots was 11-
13, 29-54, and 36-39 percent higher than the control. Furthermore, when
compared to the control, the fruit number of red pepper increased by 26-156
percent in tomato and onion fermentation and boiled water extracts. After being
treated with tomato and onion fermentation and boiled water extracts, the
quantity of tomato fruits grew by 68133 percent. With increasing tomato and
onion extract concentrations of 0.1, 0.5, 1, and 3%, the fresh weight of red
pepper and tomato shoots generally rose. In general, the fermentation extracts
were less efficient on the tomato and red pepper shoot fresh weight, fruit number,
and fruit weight than the water and heated water extracts. Red pepper and
tomato, on the other hand, was inconsistent between soaking and foliar
applications. Macro elements such as N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and Na were found in
lower concentrations in the tomato fermentation, water, and boiled water extracts
than in the tomato meal.

Furthermore, macro-element levels were higher in tomato water and boiling water
extracts than in tomato fermentation extracts. On the other hand, tomato, and
onion fermentation extract levels of macronutrients such as Zn, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni,
and B were use. The various potassium-source fertilizers were applied as foliar
fertilizers at their indicated rates: fermented banana peel at 5 tbsp. (75 ml) and K
fertilizer at 200g per 16 liters of water. Based on the soil and leaf tissue
examination, a side-dress application of inorganic fertilizer at a rate of 2 kg per
month was made. Two types of insecticides were applied alternately at one-week
intervals or mixed with foliar fertilizer at 30 ml or 2 tbsp. per 16 liter water during
the administration of foliar fertilizer. Insecticide rotation was used to prevent
pests from developing resistance. (Aceres et al.,2013).
The Effectivity of Onion (Allium Cepa) Peelings Extract as an Alternative to Liquid
Commercial Fertilizer for Pechay.

In this study, the purpose was to develop a liquid fertilizer made from onion
peelings for plants. The research method used in this study was an experimental
one. The scientists used pechay seeds in their experiment. This study was
conducted by creating three t set-ups in which a commercial fertilizer will be
applied to the first set- up, a liquid fertilizer prepared from onion peelings extract
will be applied to the second set-up, and no fertilizer will be applied to the third
set-up. The setups required two clay pots of identical height, loose soil, six
pechay seeds, and measurement cups. In each container, three pechay seeds
were planted with the equal amount of soil and water (300ml). The finished
product was made with 12 onion bulbs, 4 pitchers, 4 empty plastic bottles, and
water. The three onions' skins were peeled and placed in each pitcher filled with
1 liter water, where they soaked for the next 24 hours. The peeled onions were
placed in a separate container. Because the water from each pitcher would be
colored and thick, it was squeezed into an empty 11 plastic bottle. filled with 1
liter water were required. Each plastic bottle was filled with 4 tablespoons of
granules and left for 24 hours. The finished product was applied to pot B once a
week, and the commercial fertilizer was applied to a pot once a week. Both sets
were watered every day for a month. Every day after the seeds germinated for 3-
4 days, observations on plant growth, such as plant height, number of leaves on
each plant, and leaf color, were recorded and documented. On the last day of the
experiment, the leaf area of the plants was measured (Ding et al., 2020).




According to Kadir, et. al (2016), in preparation of the banana peel fermentation

liquid, in order to fully utilize the food waste generated at Makanan Ringan Mas,
the preparation for fermentation liquid is by using banana peel to replace
fermented food and coconut candy to replace sugary water. Banana peel is an
organic waste that highly rich in nutrient especially K, that could support the
microbial growth in fermentation phase. Using banana peel as fermentation liquid
or waste in composting is considered as good as it stimulates soil microbial
growth and activity with the subsequent mineralization of plant nutrients. As
replacement of brown sugar in common fermentation liquid, uses of candy which
serves as food source for the microbes. Three (3) liters of water was mixed with
250-gram candy and 250-gram banana peel from Makanan Ringan Mas.
Fermentation was occurred when bubbles starts to form, which normally occurs
on the second day. Ideally, fermentation should take no longer than 7 days.
Fermentation liquid was completed when the banana peel floats and the liquid settles at
the bottom. During the fermentation process, the lid of the bottle should be
loosened once a day to remove the gas that trapped in the bottle. The sweet and
sour smell produced indicates that the fermentation liquid is successfully


Fermented plant juice is utilized in seed and soil treatments, as well as plant
Nutrition. It’s made up of young shoots from fast_-growing plants that are allowed to
ferment for 7 days with the help of brown sugar. Brown sugar acts as a food
source for the bacteria that carry out the fermentation process, as well as
drawing the juices out of the plant material via osmosis. Chlorophyll (soluble in
ethanol) and other plant components are extracted by the weak alcohol created
during fermentation.



We aim to conduct this study using the Complete Randomized Design (CRD) to assess
the efficiency of onion peels (Allium cepa), banana (Musa accuminata x Musa
balbisiana) peels liquid fertilizers, and complete fertilizer (14-14-14) on growth of
tomato plants. An experiment with (3) treatments, and one (1) control group in
which tomato plant will receive no liquid fertilizers, and each treatment will be
replicated three (3) times. (See Table 1)

Table 1. Sampling and Experimental Layout of the Growth of Tomato Plants Using
Different Liquid Fertilizers
T1R1 T1R2 T1R3
T2R1 T2R2 T2R3
T3R1 T3R3 T3R3
T4R1 T4R2 T4R3

 T1- Control (water)
 T2- Banana Peel Liquid Fertilizer
 T3- Onion Peel Liquid Fertilizer
 T4- Complete Fertilizer (Diluted)

The materials used in the study are onion (Allium cepa) peels, banana (Musa
accuminata x Musa balbisiana) peels, 6 liters of water, soil, complete fertilizer
(14-14-14), brown sugar, paper, and Trinitario Cacao seeds. (See Table 2)

Table 2.List of materials

Materials Quantity

Onion Peels 1kg

Banana Peels 1kg
Water 6 liters
Soil ½ sack
Complete fertilizer (14-14-14) ½ kg
Brown sugar 1kg
Paper 1
Trinitario cacao seeds 9 seeds


The equipment and utensils that will be used in the study are containers, measuring
cup, tablespoon, caliper, ruler, sickle, and cellophane pots. (See Table 3)

Table 3. List of Equipment and Utensils

Equipment and Utensils Unit

1.5 L Containers 4

Measuring Cup 1

Caliper 1

Ruler 1

Cellophane Pots 9

Tablespoon 1
Sickle 1


A. Raising of Trinitario Cacao seeds

1. The soil, 9 cellophane pots, Trinitario cacao seeds and sickle that will used
should be prepared.
2. 1 cacao seed will be planted on each of the 8 cellophane pots.
3. After planting, the researcher should water all the Cacao plants.
4. Weeding, and cultivating will be done weekly.
5. When it reaches the height of 12 cm, peel liquid fertilizers will be applied.

B. Formulation of Onion Peels Liquid Fertilizers

1. Onion (Allium cepa) peels will be obtained from the local market.
2. In making Onion peels liquid fertilizer, the materials and utensils such as Onion
peels, water, paper, and containers should be prepared.
3. The container should be prepared and 1 kg will be put inside of it.
4. The researcher shall add 4 tablespoon of brown sugar with the used paper as
5. Then, fill the container with 1 litre of water, and mix it.
6. The opening of the container should be properly covered, and leave it under the
shade for 15 days.

C. Formulation of Banana Peels Liquid Fertilizer

1. Banana (Musa accuminata x Musa balbisiana) peels will be obtained from local
2. In making Banana peels liquid fertilizer, the materials and utensils such as
banana peels, water, paper, brown sugar, tablespoon and containers should be
3. The container should be ready and 1 kg of banana peels will be put inside of it.
4. The researcher added 4 tablespoon of brown sugar with the used paper as
5. Then, fill the container with 1 litre of water, and mix it.
6. The opening of the container should be properly covered, and leave it under the
shade for 15 days.

D. Formulation of Complete Fertilizer (Diluted)

1. The Complete Fertilizer (14-14-14) will be bought in the local market.
2. The container should be ready and it will be filled with 1 litre of water.
3. Then, 4 tablespoon of Complete fertilizer (14-14-14) will be added with the used
paper as funnel.
4. The opening of the container should be properly covered.
5. The researcher should let it sit for 24 hours.
COMPARISON OF ONION (Allium cepa) AND BANANA (Musa accuminata x Musa

A Science Investigatory Project Submitted to Mr. Cyril Cris G. Rapiz

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements, In JHS Practical II Research Subject

University Laboratory School - University of Southern Mindanao,
Kabacan, North Cotabato






MAY 2023


Table of Contents i

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study 1

1.2 Objectives 2

1.3 Hypotheses 2

1.4 Significance of the Study 3

1.5 Scope and Limitations of the Study 3

1.6 Definition of Terms 4

Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature

2.1 Banana Peels 6

2.2 Onion Peels 7

2.3 The Utilization of Banana Peel in The Fermentation Liquid in Food waste

Chapter 3: Methodology

3.1 Research Design 8

3.2 Locale of the Study 9

3.3 Procedures 9
3.4 Variables of the Study 11
3.5 Statistical Treatment 11


Table of Contents i

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study 1

1.2 Objectives 2

1.3 Hypotheses 2

1.4 Significance of the Study 3

1.5 Scope and Limitations of the Study 3

1.6 Definition of Terms 4

Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature

2.1 Banana Peels 6

2.2 Onion Peels 7

2.3 The Utilization of Banana Peel in The Fermentation Liquid in Food waste 8

2.4 Natural Farming: Fermented Plant Juice 9

Chapter 3: Methodology

3.1 Research Design and Method 9

3.2 Materials 10

3.3 Equipment and Utensils 10

3.4 Procedures 11

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