(English (auto-generated) ) تعمد الحديث بالانجليزية عوض الفرنسية.. أوزين يقطر الشمع على الرئيس الفرنسي ماكرون بالبرلمان الأوروبي (DownSub.com)

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Mr Speaker of Ivory Coast Mr

but then presidents of international

liberal my sister hakima haidi honorable

MPS excellencies fellow liberals ladies

and gentlemen

allow me first to

express my delight together with the joy

of movement popular Union constitutional

and the party liberal as well as the

pleasure of president hakima haidi to

have you to have the read new pack

annual conference being held here in the

Magnificent colorful city of Marrakesh

long second to thank the organizers


and all those who contributed to make

of the renew pack annual meeting in the

event that it is today

the choice of Marrakesh has the venue of

Reno pack annual conference is not

haphazard nor is it fortuitous Maracas

is indeed one of the four Imperial

cities of Morocco the city was founded

in late 11th century

as the imperial capital of the almoravid

Empire which is an imperial bourbon

Muslim Dynasty that stretched over the

Western maghreb and the andalus and the

Lucia which was the Muslim ruled area of

the Iberian Peninsula needless needless

to remind you that the Andalusian

civilization stood for eight centuries

in Europe stretching from Modern Spain

and Portugal to parts of present-day

southern France Marrakesh the Red Sand

stoned or red city grew rapidly and

establish itself as a cultural religious

and trading center for the maghreb and

sub-sahara Africa late King has under

second said once described in Morocco

through the analogy of the tree and he

wants like Morocco is the tree deeply

rooted in Africa with the leaves

stretching over Europe the idea here is

to emphasize both the Moorish influence

in Iberia as you might have noticed in

the cuisine spices architecture and much

more as well as the Morocco's ancient

ties with sub-sahara Africa which go as

far back as the founding of the kingdom

in the 7th Century onwards this is to

say ladies and gentlemen that the choice

of Marrakesh is to host this Miriam is

not inappropriate it's Morocco is indeed

linked historically and culturally to

both Europe and Africa now

re new Europe

and Africa

reinforcing the liberal cooperation a

striking observation here we see more

likely to opt for the use of the prefix

re renew which linguistically means

resume after interruption

my question here is what is it that has

been interrupted in Europe

and that we have to resume today

then again reinforcing the liberal

cooperation the prefix shows up again

that and indicates that liberal

cooperation has been weakened and that

we need maybe to roll up our sleeves to

make this enforcement happen the main

conclusion here is a prevailing

discomfort and an easiness in both

continents Europe and Africa accordingly

growing Consciousness is observed

sprouting lately when biggest UAE

parties try compromise to create

European MPS in fact the biggest EU

party families have agreed to push to

allow for a so-called pan-european

members of the European parliaments

which could further European integration

this move is visibly motivated by the

feeling of an easy anxious Europe that

has never been so much in danger as the

brexit points it out and as president

Emmanuel Kong has warned once the

European trap according to macron is not

one of being part of the European Union

the Trap is in the lie and the

irresponsibility that can destroy it he

carries out by posing the major

misconceptions saying who told the

British citizens the truth about their

post-brexit future

who spoke to them about losing access to

the European markets it is rejection

without alternatives

the anger mongers backed by fake news

promised anything and everything and

getting us to do things that make no

sense and so our democracy ends making

no sense

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