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1. Bookmark
This is used to save web pages that users want to remember and use later instead of typing the
whole URL they click on the saved bookmark. This makes the retrieval of webpage faster and it
enables users to manage the website that they want to revisit.

2. Tools (options)
Most browsers offer a tools menu and a sub-menu option that has many tabs for user use. Most
of them have tabs like privacy; where you set privacy issues, security; general; content;
programs; advanced, etc. depending on the browser.

3. Browser homepage
It allows the user to set the first webpage that will be retrieved every time the web browser loads
for the first time. The default homepage of most browsers is the browser company website, but
users can change to their preference. If you want you can also add your favorite search engine to
your default homepage.

4. Browsing history
Browsing history is another feature of the web browser that is used to record all visited web
pages. Internet browser automatically saves the visited page, although the user can change
settings so that it does not save or delete after every use. History can be used for faster retrieval
of the page that you visited early by clicking on the link on the history. It can also be used to
audit what the user has been accessing for a given period. The history remains until deleted by
the user.

5. View source (code source)

This gives the programmer or any other user a chance to view client-side codes that are used to
create the webpage. It generates only client-side code because if server-side codes are provided
users can temper information that is a security threat to the website.

6. Uniform Resource Locator (URL) 

It is used to enable the user to retrieve a given resource that is stored in a specific server. As its
name suggests it locates resources/documents from the web. URL is entered on the address
bar of the browser to retrieve a resource. URL has four parts that help in retrieving the

7. Address bar: it is another feature that comes with all internet browsers. The bar is a space
where a user enters the address of the specific website they wish to visit or a keyword to search
on the internet.

8. New Tab: The tab helps users to have more than one web page in the same browser. It is like
opening many pages of a book. The plus sign (+) is a keyboard shortcut to creating a new tab.

9. Title Bar: it displays the title of the webpage currently being viewed. It also includes the
favicon of the website.

11. Navigation: they are used to move from the previous or next webpage depending on pages
that were opened.

12. Refresh button: it is used to reload the web page F5 can be used as a shortcut for the same.

13. Scroll bar: there are horizontal and vertical scroll bars that help the user to move the web
page side by side or from top to bottom.

14. Status bar: it is the bar at the bottom of the browser that displays the URL and shows if it is
loading or not.

15. Display window: this is the space where the content of the web page is displayed.

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