Inquisition-Era Threats

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Adversaries for Inquisition-Era Dragon Age RPG

Rules for Red Lyrium

Discovered in a long-forgotten thaig beneath the Free Marches, red lyrium is a form of lyrium that pulses and throbs
with the corruption of the Blight. While handling normal lyrium is dangerous on its own, red lyrium can corrupt both
mind and body.

If a target spends more than 10 minutes in the presence of red lyrium, they must make a Willpower (Self-Discipline)
test (Difficulty 11) or begin hearing strange voices, not unlike the Calling heard by a Grey Warden approaching their
inevitable end. These voices will push the target towards ingesting or otherwise making physical contact with Red
Lyrium. Targets must repeat this Willpower (Self-Discipline) test each hour after their initial exposure, with a failed
test increasing subsequent tests by 2 (i.e. Difficulty 11, then 13, then 15, etc.). These difficulty increase resets to 11,
if the target is not in the presence of red lyrium for at least three consecutive hours.

If a target fails three Willpower (Self-Discipline) tests, they willingly expose themselves to the nearest source red
lyrium as soon as possible. Alternatively, a target may be exposed to red lyrium by accidental contact, by physically
handling red lyrium without proper protective gear (such as heavy work gloves, goggles and the like) or through
combat with Red Templars and their ilk (see the Lyrium Infection stunt).

Physical exposure to red lyrium works much the same as mental exposure. However, instead of testing Willpower,
the target must test Constitution (Stamina) (Difficulty 11); each failure on this test increases subsequent tests by 2.
Upon a first initial exposure, the target’s skin takes on a reddish hue and they will actively crave more red lyrium.
Upon a second failed test, the target begins to sprout small nodules of red lyrium from their body, which hunches and
begins to deform. A target at this stage or later may perform the Lyrium Infection stunt. Upon a third failed test, the
target’s body deforms unrecognizably, turning them into a Red Lyrium Horror, a Red Lyrium Shadow, or even a Red
Lyrium Behemoth. Upon a fourth failed test, the subject’s body simply cannot take any more: their body is overcome
entirely by growths of red lyrium. The target dies, leaving only a pile of red lyrium crystals growing from their fallen

There is no known cure for red lyrium poisoning. Much like the Blight, contact with red lyrium is an inevitable death

Creator’s Note:
The rules listed above for red lyrium were designed to emphasize the addictive, corruptive, and dangerous nature of
red lyrium. However, following the above rules can be rather punishing for PCs, particularly if red lyrium makes up a
major portion of the campaign. Given this, we encourage GMs to play fast and loose with these rules, only calling for
Willpower or Constitution tests when dramatically appropriate, as opposed to at specific times.

Also, before implementing these rules, please ensure that you get buy-in and consent from your players. Not all
players are comfortable with the subjects of addiction or body horror, and red lyrium has both in spades. Be sure to
discuss these elements with your players before including these elements in your games and encourage them to
speak up if something makes them uncomfortable. The game table is meant be welcoming; let’s keep it that way.

Red Templar: A member of the Chantry’s templars, corrupted by red lyrium

Communication: 0 (Investigation) ; Constitution: 3; Cunning: 0 (Religious Lore); Dexterity: 1;
Magic: 3; Perception 0; Strength: 4 (Intimidation; Chosen Weapon Group); Willpower: 2 (Faith)
Speed: 7 (11 without armor); Defense: 13 (10 without Shield); Armor: 8 (Light Plate)
Health: 40; Mana: --
Attack: By weapon, typically Strength-based, one-handed: +6; 2d6+4 damage
Favored Stunts: Mighty Blow; Skirmish; Knock Prone; Corrupting Strike; Lyrium Infection
Corrupting Strike (2 SP): The Red Templar can warp and corrupt the creatures it strikes as a 2 SP stunt. Any spell
affecting the target or currently being cast by the target are nullified. The target has its Magic reduced by 1 until the
end of the encounter.
Essence of Red Lyrium: The Red Templar gains a +2 bonus on tests to resist spells and magical effects.
Lyrium Infection (5 SP): The Red Templar slashes their target with a shard of active red lyrium, which affects that
target as if they were exposed, per the rules for red lyrium.
Mage Slayer: When a Red Templar damages a mage or other creature that has mana points, that target loses 1d6+4
Equipment: Light Plate armor, heavy shield, one-handed weapon of choice.
Threat Level: Minor, Moderate to Mana-using enemies and Mages

Behemoth: A massive, misshapen creature whose flesh has almost entirely become red lyrium.
Communication: 0; Constitution: 8 (Stamina); Cunning: -1; Dexterity: 0;
Magic: 2; Perception 1; Strength: 8 (Bash, Might); Willpower: 2
Speed: 8; Defense: 6; Armor: 10
Health: 120; Mana: --
Attack: Bash +10 (Damage: 2d6+8)
Favored Stunts: Mighty Blow; Quake; Lyrium Infection
Essence of Red Lyrium: The Behemoth gains a +2 bonus on tests to resist spells and magical effects.
Lyrium Hide: A Behemoth’s body is made almost entirely of red lyrium. This provides the Behemoth with a natural
Armor Rating of 10.
Lyrium Infection (5 SP): The Red Templar slashes their target with a shard of active red lyrium, which affects that
target as if they were exposed, per the rules for red lyrium.
Mage Slayer: When a Behemoth damages a mage or other creature that has mana points, that target loses 1d6+4
Quake (2 SP): A Behemoth can Knock Prone all targets within 4 yards of it as a special stunt for 2 SP.
Wall of Lyrium: As a major action, a Behemoth may cause four jagged sections of red lyrium and stone to burst from
the ground within 10 yards. Any enemy within 2 yards of one of these lyrium sections must test Dexterity (Acrobatics)
13 or take 2d6 damage from burst rock. These jagged lyrium sections are often used to bottleneck foes and to shape
the battlefield.
Equipment: n/a.
Threat Level: Major

Red Templar Shadow: A former Templar assassin, twisted and corrupted by Red Lyrium.
Communication: 0 (Investigation) ; Constitution: 1 (Running); Cunning: 1 (Religious Lore); Dexterity: 5 (Initiative,
Stealth); Magic: 2; Perception 2 (Hearing, Tracking); Strength: 3; Willpower: 1 (Faith)
Speed: 15 (10 without armor); Defense: 15; Armor: 3 (Lyrium Hide)
Health: 30; Mana: --
Attack: Shard-arm +5 (1d6+5)
Favored Stunts: Lightning Attack; Vanish; Corrupting Strike; Lyrium Infection
Backstab: A Red Templar Shadow can Backstab, as per the Rogue ability of the same name.
Corrupting Strike (2 SP): A Red Templar Shadow can warp and corrupt the creatures it strikes as a 3 SP stunt. Any
spell affecting the target or currently being cast by the target are nullified. The target has its Magic reduced by 1 until
the end of the encounter.
Essence of Red Lyrium: The Red Templar Shadow gains a +2 bonus on tests to resist spells and magical effects.
Lyrium Hide: A Red Templar Shadow’s hide is studded with lyrium crystals, giving it an Armor Rating of 3.
Lyrium Infection (5 SP): The Red Templar slashes their target with a shard of active red lyrium, which affects that
target as if they were exposed, per the rules for red lyrium.
Mage Slayer: When a Red Templar damages a mage or other creature that has mana points, that target loses 1d6+4
Vanish (3 SP): As a 3 SP stunt, a Red Templar Shadow can seemingly disappear following a successful strike.
The Shadow immediately moves up to 10 yards (as per the Skirmish stunt) and may test Dexterity (Stealth) to hide.
Equipment: Templar insignia
Threat Level: Minor, Moderate to Mana-using enemies and Mages

Red Templar Horror: A former Templar warrior, twisted and corrupted by red lyrium.
Communication: 0 (Investigation) ; Constitution: 2; Cunning: 0 (Religious Lore); Dexterity: 2;
Magic: 3; Perception 0; Strength: 6 (Intimidation; Claws); Willpower: 1 (Faith)
Speed: 12; Defense: 12; Armor: 5 (Lyrium Hide)
Health: 60; Mana: --
Attack: Claws +8 (Damage: 1d6+9); Thrown Lyrium Shard +2 (Damage: 1d6+4 and automatic Lyrium Infection)
Favored Stunts: Mighty Blow; Skirmish; Knock Prone; Corrupting Strike; Lyrium Infection
Channel Might: As a major action, two or more Red Templar Horrors can funnel their power into another Red
Lyrium-tainted creature within 10 yards. That target creature gains a +1 to Constitution and Strength for each Red
Templar Horror that took the Channel Might action. Channel Might can be maintained with a minor action upon
subsequent rounds. If the target of Channel Might dies while under the effects of Channel Might, it explodes, dealing
3d6 damage to all targets within 4 yards; Dexterity (Acrobatics) (Difficulty 13) reduces this damage by half.
Corrupting Strike (3 SP): The Red Templar Horror can warp and corrupt the creatures it strikes as a 3 SP stunt. Any
spell affecting the target or currently being cast by the target are nullified. The target has its Magic reduced by 1 until
the end of the encounter.
Essence of Red Lyrium: The Red Templar Horror gains a +2 bonus on tests to resist spells and magical effects.
Lyrium Infection (5 SP): The Red Templar slashes their target with a shard of active red lyrium, which affects that
target as if they were exposed, per the rules for red lyrium.
Mage Slayer: When a Red Templar damages a mage or other creature that has mana points, that target loses 1d6+4
Equipment: Templar insignia.
Threat Level: Minor, Moderate to Mana-using enemies and Mages
As the Breach opens, a number of new demon types have poured into Thedas. While many of these--desire, rage,
pride, and sloth demons--are documented in the Dragon Age core rulebook, this section details a number of
additional demons found in the Inquisition-era.

Terror Demon: A green insectile spirit of the fade; it knows only bloodlust and brings only fear.
Communication: -1; Constitution: 2; Cunning: 1; Dexterity: 5 (Initiative, Stealth); Magic: 3; Perception 2 (Seeing);
Strength: 4 (Intimidation; Claws); Willpower: 0
Speed: 15; Defense: 15; Armor: 4 (Hide)
Health: 60; Mana: --
Attack: Claws +7 (Damage: 1d6+9)
Favored Stunts: Skirmish, Knock Prone, Pierce Armor, Fade Leap (4 SP)
Breach the Earth: As a major action, the Terror Demon may cause a 4 yard radius area of land to rupture with raw
fade energy. Any non-demon starting their turn within or moving through this area takes 2d6+2 penetrating damage.
This area lasts until dismissed by the Terror Demon or until the Terror Demon dies.
Demon Hide: The insectile carapace of a Terror Demon grants it an Armor Rating of 4.
Fade Leap (4 SP): The Terror Demon leaps through the Fade, teleporting up to 10 yards away from the target as a 4
SP stunt. Any foes within 2 yards of the Terror Demon at the end of the leap is knocked prone. Fade Leap does not
require an action.
Quick Claws: As a minor action, the Terror Demon may make a Claw attack at -2.
Equipment: n/a
Threat Level: Moderate

Despair Demon: A humanoid demon, clad in a ragged dark cloak. Its mouths within mouths show naught
but hunger.
Communication: -1; Constitution: 1; Cunning: 1; Dexterity: 3 (Initiative); Magic: 5 (Primal); Perception 2; Strength: 1;
(Intimidation); Willpower: 3
Speed: 13; Defense: 13; Armor: 2 (Hide)
Health: 45; Mana: --
Attack: Claws +3 (Damage: 1d6+4); Frost Bolt +7 (1d6 penetrating and reduces target’s speed by 2 for one round)
Favored Stunts: Skirmish, Lightning Attack, Mighty Blow
Barrier (3 SP): Despair Demons can conjure a barrier of frigid arcane energy which can absorb attacks. The Despair
Demon gains a pool of 1d6+5 temporary hit points. This stunt may be taken multiple times on a given roll, however it
is subject to Dispel and other similar effects.
Demon Hide: The toughened hide of a Despair Demon grants it an Armor Rating of 2.
Fade Step: As a major action, the Despair Demon may move up to its speed; it may move through objects and
creatures as if their space was unoccupied. Any creature that the Despair Demon moves through automatically takes
damage as if hit by the Despair Demon’s “Frost Bolt” attack.
Frost Barrage: As a major action, the Despair Demon may make 3 “Frost Bolt” attacks against a single target, all
at -2. Only the first successful attack may generate stunt points.
Equipment: n/a
Threat Level: Minor

Fear Demon/Aspect of Nightmare: This creature flickers in and out of existence, a humanoid mass of
shadow and fade energy, complete with tearing claws and insectile legs projecting from its back.

Communication: 3 (Deception); Constitution: 1 (Stamina); Cunning: 5 (Arcane Lore); Dexterity: 3; Magic: 5 (Entropy);
Perception 1; Strength: 2 (Claws, Intimidation); Willpower: 3
Speed: 13 Defense: 13 Armor: 6 (Demonic Hide)
Health: 95 Mana: 50 Spellpower: 15 (17 for Entropy)
Attack: Claws +4 (Damage: 2d6+2)
Favored Stunts: Skirmish, Knock Prone, Pierce Armor, Abject Horror (5 SP)
Spells: Daze, Drain Life, Horror, Paralyze, Miasma; Mind Blast; Weakness
Immunities: A Fear Demon is immune to intimidation, the Horror spell, and any other mind-affecting ability or
Abject Horror: As a 5 SP Stunt following a successful attack (including spell attacks), the Fear Demon may imbue
it target with an overwhelming dread. The Fear Demon may immediately cast Horror on that target with no Mana
cost. A successful spellcasting in this way cannot generate Stunt Points.
Demonic Hide: The fade-toughened hide of the Fear Demon grants it an Armor Rating of 6.
Fade Step: As a Major action, the Fear Demon may shift entirely through the Fade, appearing elsewhere on
the battlefield. This replicates the Stone’s Throw spell, with no Spell Point Cost or casting requirements.
Flicker: As an Activate action, the Fear Demon may shift portions of its body in and out of the Fade,
becoming more difficult to hit. All attacks against the Fear Demon suffer a -2 penalty and none can trace line of sight
to the Fear Demon unless they are within 6 yards of the creature.
Summon Fearlings: As a Major Action, a Fear Demon may spend 10 Mana to summon 2d6 fearlings, which
appear within 10 yards of the Fear Demon.
Whirl of Claws: As a Major action, the Fear Demon may whirl about, making a claw attack against all enemies
engaged with it.
Equipment: n/a
Threat Level: Major

Fearling: A dark shape, twisting and morphing into the most dread fears of any who view it.

Communication: -1; Constitution: 3; Cunning: -2; Dexterity: 4 (Bite); Magic: 0; Perception 2; Strength: 3 (Climbing,
Intimidation); Willpower: 1
Speed: 14; Defense: 14; Armor: 5 (Exoskeleton)
Health: 30; Mana: --
Attack: Bite +6 (Damage: 2d6+3)
Favored Stunts: Knock Prone, Scrabble
Immunities: Fearlings are immune to intimidation, the Horror spell, and any other mind-affecting ability or spell.
Demon Exoskeleton: The insectile carapace of a Fearling grants it an Armor Rating of 5.
Scrabble (5 SP): Fearlings swarm their opponents, overwhelming them with sheer numbers and clacking mandibles.
As a 4 SP stunt, a Fearling may knock its target prone and any other Fearling adjacent to that target may immediately
take a free Bite attack against the target. These additional attacks may not generate Stunt Points.
Tear at the Defenseless: Fearlings deal penetrating damage against any prone foes.
Equipment: n/a
Threat Level: Minor

Optional Rules: Inquisition-Style Healing and the Barrier Spell

Dragon Age Inquisition deviates significantly from its predecessors in that there are few notable healing spells in
DA:I. Rather, mages in the Inquisition-era utilize the Barrier spell to prevent damage to themselves and their party
members. If you would like to alter your game to replicate these mechanics, we offer the following optional rules.

Do note that inclusion of these rules increases the overall lethality and danger of the game and may not mesh with all
groups. Talk to your players before implementing house rules of any sort. Players should consider also investing in
additional healing items and/or the Chiurgery talent to help offset the lessened amount of arcane healing available.

New Spell:
Magic School: Creation
Spell Type: Utility
Mana Cost: 2-10
Target Number: 11
Test: None
Requirement: None

You conjure a shimmering barrier that keeps your allies from harm for a short while. You and a number of allies up to
your Magic score each gain a hit point reserve equal to 1d6 + your Willpower = the result on your Dragon Die from
the applicable spellcasting test. Damage dealt to a target with Barrier active is always dealt to the Barrier first, with
any carryover damaging the target as normal.
When casting Barrier, you may choose to spend additional mana points; for every 2 mana points spent (maximum of
10 total), you may roll an additional d6 and add number that to each target's hit point reserve. Barriers dissipate
automatically after one minute.

Altered rules:
The following spells have their Casting Time increased to One Minute: Group Heal, Heal, Mass Rejuvenation, and

The Spirit Healer Specialization is revised to read as such:

● Novice: You have learned to summon spirits. You learn the Spirit Healer spell group heal. To cast it and
other Spirit Healer spells (that is, spells requiring you to have the Spirit Healer specialization), you must first
enter Summoning mode. This requires an activate action and a successful TN 14 Magic (Spirit) test. If you
fail and roll triples, you must roll on the Magical Mishaps table (see Chapter 5: Magic). If successful, you
attract a suitable spirit and can cast Spirit Healer spells for as long as you stay in this mode. While in
Summoning mode, you may cast the Heal spell as if it had a casting time of a Major Action, rather than One
● Journeyman: (as per DA core rulebook)
● Master: You learn the Spirit Healer spell life ward. While in Summoning mode, you may cast the group heal
spell as if it had a casting time of a Major Action, rather than One Minute.

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