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Roughly 1:1 PC unless a solo creature for an average threat encounter.

½ HP, ¾ leader, full hp bosses. Bosses should have low-threat minions.

Minor 1-4, Moderate 5-8, Major 9-12, Dire 13-17, Legendary 18-20.


DA Bestiary: Crazed apostate, brigand thug, Avarr hunter, Chasind stalker, Dalish raider,
Templar, Genlock, Hurlock, Blight Wolf, Ghoul, Childer hatchling, Childer grub, Dragonling,
Devouring corpse (hunger demon), Enraged Corpse (rage demon), Deepstalker, Fanged skeleton
(hunger demon), skeleton
Beasts: Cave beetle swarm, dog, mabari war hound, falcon, halla, giant spider, giant rat

FA Bestiary: Bakwanee, Beastkin, Bouda, Craterling, Demon (Imp), Knife Hound, Living Doll,
Merfolk, Morlock, Mothman, Ooze/Slime [Minor or Moderate], Sea Devil, Troll.
     Beasts: Bat Swarm, Bison, Boar, Cat, Crocodile, Dog, Eagle, Hawk, Horse, Rat Swarm,
Raven, Shark, Snake (Constrictor, Viper), Weasel.
     Basic Rulebook: Bandit, Giant Spider, Goblin, Orc, Serpentfolk, Walking Dead.

Midgard Bestiary: Alseid Hunter (centaur), Bone Crab, Clockwork Hound, Death butterfly
swarm, Derro fetal savant, Dogmole, Eel hound, Fellforged, Firegeist, Goblin shark (gilled),
Kobold slyblade, Lich hound, Mindrot thrall, Roachling, Sap Demon, Wharfling swarm
Humanoids: Arboness Exile, Harem assassin, Septime sellsword


DA Bestiary: Blood mage, brigand lieutenant (minor solo), Qunari tal-vashoth mercenary,
Qunari saarebas, Templar knight lieutenant, Genlock alpha, Genlock emissary, Ogre (solo),
Shriek, Bereskarn, Childer adult, Drake, Dwarven apparitions, Ash Wraith, Shade, Rage Demon,
Sloth Demon, Abomination, Glowing slime, Rock Wraith, Werewolf,
Beasts: Black bear, Bronto, Great lion

FA Bestiary: Ahool, Amarok, Demon (Assassin), Divine Warrior, Djinn, Elementals (all),
Fomoiri, Gargoyle, Gatorkin, Ghoul, Griffon, Groi, Man-O-War, Minotaur, Night Terror,
Ooze/Slime [Minor or Moderate], Penaggalan, Rat King, Shadow Person, Thin Man, Werebeast
(Werewolf), Yeti.
     Beasts: Bear, Tiger, Wolf.
Basic Rulebook: Demon (Soldier), Golem [Moderate or higher], Ogre, Spectre.
Extra: Hurlock dragon trainer (major if dragonlings), Shriek alpha

Midgard Bestiary: Ala (evil fey), Carrion beetle, Cavelight moss, Clockwork myrmidon,
Dustgoblin scavenger, Ghost knight moragu, Gilded devil, Imperial ghast, Lorelei, Merrow,
Mycolid, Putrid haunt, Shadowfey courtier, Spark,
Humanoids: Kypron deck cleaner, Nieheim enchanter, Mharoti emissary, Zobeck


DA Bestiary: Hurlock emissary, Wyvern, Arcane Horror, Revenant, Pride Demon, Desire
Demon, Cetus (aquatic), Stone Golem, Steel Golem, Ancient Rock Wraith, Wild Sylvan

FA Bestiary: Afanc, Ammit, Basilisk, Carnivorous Plants, Chimera, Charnel Knight, Echinemon,
Eldritch Crown, Fire Ogre, Grootslang, Iron Maiden, Nymph, Reaper, Shard Lord, Soul
Harvester, Treeman, Vampire (Thrall Vampire).
     Beasts: Squid (Giant Squid).
     Basic Rulebook: Giant, Manticore, Medusa.
Extra: Shriek emissary, Wyvern

Midgard Bestiary: Bemmean wizard, Bone collective, Bone powder ghoul, Cave dragon
(young), Crag Drake, Necrophagus ghoul, Weaving spiders
Humanoids: Free Canton siegbreakers, Rhoetian roughnecks,


DA Bestiary: Broodmother, High Dragon, Varterral

FA Bestiary: Burrower, Demon (Demon Lord, Seducer Demon), Ocean Wyrm, Thunderlord,
Vampire (Master Vampire).
     Basic Rulebook: Dragon.
Extra: Ogre emissary, Ogre alpha

Midgard Bestiary: Eye golem, Gypsosphinx, Iron ghoul, Steam golem


DA Bestiary: The Architect, The Mother, The Archdemon

FA Bestiary: Zenedrim.

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