Class 40 - 26 - 07 - 2023

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Benefits of Reading Books: How It Can

Positively Affect Your Life

In the 11th century, a Japanese woman known as Murasaki Shikibu wrote “The Tale
of Genji,” a 54-chapter story of delicate seduction believed to be the world’s first
novel. Nearly 2,000 years later, people the world over are still enjoying novels — even
in an era where stories appear on handheld screens and disappear 24 hours later.
What exactly do human beings get from reading books? Is it just a matter of
pleasure, or are there benefits beyond enjoyment? The scientific answer is a “yes.”
Reading books benefits both your physical and mental health, and those benefits
can last a lifetime. They begin in early childhood and continue through the senior years.
Reading can increase your empathy, build your vocabulary, reduce stress lowers blood
pressure and heart rate, fights depression symptoms and contributes to a longer life.
What’s your opinion about
that? Do you agree with
this text?

Can you think about other

Do you have a favorite book?

- What’s the name of the book?

- What’s the name of the author?

- What’s the story about?

- Where and when the story takes


- Why did you like the book?

Although it rained a lot, we had lots of fun. (with subject and
→ though and even though

In spite of the rain, we had a lot of fun.

Despite being hurt, he walked home. Although → Embora

In spite of → Apesar de
Despite → Apesar de
However → Mas, porém,
contudo, no entanto, …
In spite of/ Despite

In spite of/ Despite

mas, porém, … por exemplo
no entanto por exemplo
apesar disso isto é
ainda assim como
inclusive, incluindo
por exemplo, ou seja
mas, porém, …
She had no experience;
nonetheless she got the job. mas, porém, … It was very stormy,
nevertheless we went
apesar de
em contraste, em comparação
He wanted to reply to
that accusation, yet he enquanto
didn’t. por outro lado
ao contrário
mas, porém, …
Your most embarrassing pet stories

My mastiff, Frankie, is on a strict diet. When he eats other foods it gives

him gases.
During a barbecue at my house, people couldn't resist giving Frankie their
food. Shortly after we ate, he happily lied down on the floor in the middle
of the crowd and went to sleep. Pretty soon it was hard to hear over his
thundering noises. Then came the horrible gassy smell. It got so bad that
people started to move outside. On the plus side, I know one fast way to
end a party that goes on too late.

– Jill Sumiyasu, Altadena

My mother and I were hosting a wedding shower for a dear friend. We
ordered a beautiful — and expensive — cake for the party.
The morning of the shower, my mother asked me to pick up the cake as
well as her laundry. I decided it would be a good idea to take our family
dog, Louise, with us. I also decided it would be a good idea to pick up the
cake first. I placed the cake in the front seat, far away from Louise, who
was in the backseat. I then went to the dry cleaners and left Louise and
the cake in the car.
Picking up the laundry took maybe three minutes. As I walked out the
door with the laundry and entered into my car, Louise had her
white-frosting-covered face. She looked like Santa Claus. I will never
forgot the moment I looked at her eyes. Me, panic-stricken, and Louise,
My next stop was the grocery store to buy a new one, not so good and not
so pretty cake for the party. My mother was not happy, but Louise
certainly was.
→ What do you think about the

→ Do you have any story like

these about your pets?

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