Affidavit 08

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State of Wisconsin )

County of Milwaukee )

BEFORE ME , the undersigned Notary _______________________________on this


day of ____________________ of the common year two-thousand twenty-two, personally appeared:

King, Kimberly Elise, the natural woman, who has reached the age of discretion and is of sound mind,

body and spirit, and affirms the following facts under the penalty of perjury:

1.) King , Kimberly Elise is the biological mother of Shyanniah Johnson.

2.) King, Kimberly Elise has for the past 3 months and is curently providing a safe and healthy

environment for Shyannia Johnson to live within.

3.)King, Kimberly Elise is presently providing the following to Shyanniah Johnson: food, clothing,

shelter, transportation, structured routine and emotional support.

4.)King, Kimberly Elise assures Shyanniah Johnson attends school everyday unless there is an

unforseen emergency.

5.) King, Kimberly Elise is an entrepreneur and business owner.

6.) King, Kimberly Elise has had a spiritual awakening and lives her life in accordance with the laws of


7.) King, Kimberly Elise desires greatly to have legal and lawful custody of Shyannia Johnson.

Further affiant sayeth naught.


Autograph of Affiant


Printed name of Affiant


Address line of Affiant (line 1)


Address line of Affiant (line 2)

Affirmed and subscribed before me on this _____________________ day of July in the common year
of two-thousand and twenty- two.


Notary Public. (Seal)


My Commission Expiries

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