Case Law05

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Statutes that violate the plain and obvious principles of the common law are null and void,

having no
lawful status whatsoever.Bennett Vs. Boggs, U.S. 60, US 1 baldw, (1830)

For a crime to exist, according to the common law of the land, there must be an injured party or
property damage. There can be no sanction or penalty imposed on any people because of their
exercise of God given inalienable rights protected under the original United States
constitution.Sherar Vs. Cullen, 481F. 945, (1973)

The inalienable rights of the people cannot, by act of congress, be bartered away, given away, or
taken away for any reason.Butchers Union Co. Vs. Crescent City Co. 111 us 746 (1884)

Any unconstitutional act is not law, it confers no rights, imposes no duties, it affords no protection, it
creates no office, it is an illegal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never passed.Norton
Vs. Shelby County, 118 US 425 (1886)

Statutes that violate the plain and obvious principles of the common law are null and void, having no
lawful status whatsoever.Bennett Vs. Boggs, U.S. 60, US 1 baldw, (1830)

Where rights secured by the Creator and protected by the constitution are involved, there can be no
rule making or legislation which would abrogate them.Miranda Vs. Arizona, 384 US 426 (1966)

State police powers extend only to immediate threats to the public's safety, health, and
welfare.Michigan Public Utilities Com. Vs. Duke, 266 US 576, 69, 449 (1925)

Any laws that are in conflict with the Common law, or the Supreme law of the land are null and void
upon ratification. The Constitution is the Supreme law that prevails over all other laws as intended by
our forefathers. Any law in conflict with the Supreme or Common law has no power to be enforced,
the courts have no power to uphold them, and there is no obligation for a Sovereign people to obey
any conflicting laws.Marbury Vs. Madison, 5 U.S. 137 (1803)

Our system of Government is based upon the Sovereignty and intelligence of the people. The State
does not claim to have jurisdiction over any people, except where people injure other people or
property, according to the Common law of the land.Mugler Vs. Kansas, 123 U.S. 623, 659, 60 (1887)

All People are endowed with certain inalienable rights and privileges to enjoy, where no written law
and, or Statutes are required. These are fundamental and, or natural rights, which are recognized by
all free people around the world. Morris Vs. U.S. 125 F. 322 (1903)

All People must be free to travel through the several United States uninhibited by Statutes, rules, or
regulations. Shapiro Vs. Thompson, 394 U.S. 618, 89 S. Ct. 1322 (1969)

No State shall convert a liberty into a privilege, license it, and attach a fee to it. A State may not
impose a charge for the enjoyment of a right granted by the Creator and protected under the
Constitution for the United States of America. Murdock Vs. Pennsylvania, 319 U.S. 105, 113 (1943)
If a State converts a liberty into a privilege, the people can engage in the right with impunity, free
from any legal retribution whatsoever. Shuttlesworth Vs. The City of Birmingham, 373 U.S. 262

Every man is independent of all laws, except those prescribed by nature. A natural man is not bound
by any institutions formed by his fellowman without his consent. All People are immune from any
and all government attacks and procedure. Cruden Vs. Neale,2 N.C.338, 1796

Officers of the Court have no immunity from liability when violating the people's inalienable rights,
for they are deemed to know the law.Owens Vs. The City of Independence, 445 U.S. 622, 100 S. Ct.
(1980) Hafer Vs. Melo, 502 U.S. 21 (1991)

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