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Hello to you all! I’m Stefan and I’m happy to be standing here in front of you, among my team
mates Alexia, Nicole, Petra and Oana and together to be hosting this event.

First of all, I would like to give you a heads up of today’s project that will be divided in 3 parts,
two of which will be incorporated in the presentation you can all see behind me and our own
movie, a pamphlet based on the romanians and their “daily” way of living.

Without further ado, I intend to give a warm welcome to our special guests, so let’s hear a round
of applause for them. HOOORAY! I wish you had an enjoyable trip and hopefully you haven’t
thought that the family day has been the best we can offer; I can assure you that romanians have
a fascinating way of making core memories and we have a lot in our minds.

Being partners for a really long time, we all know that our schools together never disappoint
when it comes to having the best moments in an exchange programme. With that in mind, we are
extremely happy to be hosting you all in an exceptional project such as this one. That being said,
let’s meet the main characters we’ll be seeing in action this week.

Nicole: Let’s start from our party people Miriam and Lidia.
Petra: Lavinia and Elise, the divas are in town
Oana: Next are Ana and Teodora, who I’m sure they will be partying a lot with Milou. Have fun,
Stefy: Now it’s time for our first blonde, Ana and Sofia. I’m sorry for you Sofia, but, what can I
say, you’ve won the lottery.
Petra: Following, Alexia, the girl behind the screen, and Nica. There is no need for a comparison
between their heights
Nicole: Next, we've got the duo that has a love hate relationship with cycling, Petra and Jente
Oana: Watch out girls, Andrei and Koen are in town
Stefy: There is no need for introduction as Adina and Yara are next,
Nicole: Ana and Floor, well, I guess the cats have taken over
Petra: George and Bram. I’m convinced, after this week they’ll need a break from FIFA
Oana: Janna, I’m pretty sure you’ll be safe with these strong men, Alex and Lucian
Stefy: Pieke you’d better watch out for potholes, because I m sure Antonia won’t
Nicole: I’m confident you know our strong boys, Razvan and Jens.
Petra: Andrei and Sanne. I must say, there is a lot going on there
Oana:And there we have our funny blonde, Aneliss, and Mirte.
Stefy: Nicole and Fleur. Here you have: a flower to a flower
Nicole: Finally, our “identical” twins Stefan and Radu, which will have a great time with Indy
and Ella.
Petra: There is a party everyday when Oana is there. Good Luck, Julia
Oana: Stefy and Luke, I m sorry for you Luke, I know you had greater expectations
Stefy: Watch out for these two, Theo and Lion. I’m sure our chef has something ready for you,
Nicole: Last but not least, Mara and Joulia. These two are definetely a catch.

Petra: Now let’s move to our main voluteers that happen to be our beloved classmates.
Oana: Let’s give a round of applause to Crina. Boredom is not an option for her.
Stefy: Finally Daria can take a break from biology!
Nicole: You’ve already met Alexandra, so what can I say more?
Petra: Next up is our own and personal paramedic, Teodora.
Oana: You know you’re gonna smile when you’re near our buffon, Iulian
Nicole: Let’s not forget about Ciprian, whose humour is really at the next level.


That being said, let’s hear another round of applause for both romanian and dutch students and
teachers involved in the project. HOORAY! Thank you all!

Before starting to talk about the ecological issue the project is based on, let’s have a quick glance
at our town. I’m aware many of you have already been out in the town so you pretty know the
premises but let’s start fresh. Curtea de Arges is a town filled with history, being situated at the
edge of nature and urbanism. As you’ve probably noticed, we are extraordinary close to the
Fagarasi Mountains and basically surrounded by forest. It is also an old town, being dated around
the 13th century, during the reign of Neagoe Basarb. Curtea de Arges is also a former capital of
Romania, and its Royal Town distinction is due to the fact that here are buried all the Romanians
Kings and Queens. If you haven’t already known that, I suggest you check out the monastery you
can see in the picture. As for the landmarks, we are proud of our Royal Church, Transfagaran and
its beautiful landscapes, the Poienari Fortress and more others, such as: San Nicoara Ruins and
the Royal Train Station.

The second part of this project involves the ecological theme as you have seen in the title:
“Think Teen, Act Green”. We’ll be covering the features that our city has to offer regarding
resources, organisations and associations which are trying to fix this issue and of course, the
sustainability part, about the things which have been already implemented and the things we can
all do to help the environment.
Thank you for your attention. Now it’s Alexia’s time to do the talking and mine to be in charge of
the slides. BE READY FOR CHAOS!

Ok, it’s time to rise and shine.
As my classmate stated previously, Curtea de Arges is a beautiful and historic city
located in the heart of Romania. However, what many people may not be aware of is the
vast array of resources that can be found within the city and its surrounding areas.
From the natural resources -such as timber, landscapes and fertile areas to the human
resources of the educated workforce -this city offers an abundance of opportunities.
So without further ado, let's dive into the rich resources that Curtea de Arges has to offer!
We can start from the very beginning- Natural Landscaping. Well, the goal of these
sceneries is not only to create a sustainable and low-maintenance atmosphere that is in
harmony with the natural environment -but one that also targets a significant impact on
our well-being and surroundings. Public parks and gardens are just a few examples of
what landscapes mean. We can even think of bigger spaces such as urban forests.
Then maybe we can dive into talking about Renewable energy, for whom there have been
implementing measures to reduce the mistaken use of resources.
Most of these measures represent the steps we are trying to take towards sustainability
and eco-friendliness, not only to promote our resources -but to create a more sustainable
and healthy world for ourselves and future generations.
There is no way I could stop here and not talk a little about our city's sustainable
agriculture - the local farms that sell organic produce at local farmers' markets to
encourage healthy eating -or I certainly should mention the city offers of environmental
education programs to schools and community organizations, teaching people about the
importance of protecting the environment.

By working with schools and community organizations, the city is able to reach a wide
audience. Additionally, these programs can help people understand the connection of
environmental, social, and economic issues and the importance of finding sustainable
solutions that benefit both people and the planet.
Overall, Environmental issues are becoming increasingly important, and it is essential to
educate young people about them. In Romania, there are several local organizations
involved in raising environmental awareness among teenagers.
In this presentation, we will look at three such organizations - "Let’s Do It, Romania!",
"European Leader", and "Recycling Map".
Founded in 2010, "Let's Do It, Romania!" is a non-governmental organization that
focuses on environmental education and sustainable development.
The organization's main goal is to inspire and empower citizens to take action against
waste and pollution.
They organize various events and campaigns to raise awareness among teenagers and to
widen the community about environmental issues.
For example, the "Let's Do It, Romania!" campaign aims to clean up the country's littered
areas, and the "Let's Teach Sustainability!" programme provides environmental education
resources for schools and educators.

European Leader is a youth-led organization founded in 2017 to create a
sustainable future by empowering young people.
They organize training sessions, workshops, and other events to educate
teenagers on environmental issues and inspire them to take action.
The organization also works to create sustainable communities by motivating
teenagers to develop and implement eco-friendly projects.
Some of their initiatives include the „Green School” project, which aims to make
schools more sustainable, and the „Green Youth Councils” programme, which
empowers students to advocate for environmental change in their communities.
The „Recycling Map” is an online platform that helps users find recycling facilities
and events in their area.
The platform also provides educational resources, including articles and videos
and ways they can implement the new information related to recycling and waste
„Recycling Map” encourages teenagers to take action by organizing various
campaigns and challenges, such as the „Zero Waste Challenge,” whose goal is for
participants to reduce their waste to zero for a month.
The organization also collaborates with schools and universities such as (cateva
exemple aici) to raise awareness about environmental issues and promote
sustainable practices.
„Let’s do it, Romania!”, „European Leader”, and „Recycling Map” are just a few
examples of the several local organizations involved in raising environmental
awareness among teenagers in Romania. By educating people of all ages, but
especially young people about environmental issues and encouraging them to
take action, these organizations are helping to create a more sustainable and
secure future.

This is especially important in a region that offers numerous economic opportunities
through its natural resources, which must be managed sustainably to ensure their long-
term viability. By promoting conservation and minimizing environmental impact, these
practices not only support the local community's economic and social development but
also safeguard the environment for future generations.
Also, the city has implemented bike-sharing programs and has dedicated bike lanes to
encourage sustainable transportation options. The local public transportation system is
powered by eco-friendly technologies, such as hybrid buses -So, so the green spaces in
Curtea de Argeș are rich and diverse, offering a variety of places where people can relax
and enjoy the beauty of nature.

Well, by what we have presented here for the past ten minutes, we would like to get you
closer to the idea of greening and to arouse your interest in our beautiful city. It might not
be a very big city, but it has a lot to offer, and I would love you to welcome it with open
arms. I think that if more projects like European leader and let's do it Romania were to be
realized, we would be much more familiar with this topic, and we would be more aware
of everything happening around us.
Also, the involvement of teachers in such projects is a beneficial factor for our
development and that of our city. But, without their support, we would not have the
power necessary for change...
To end, I wish we didn't bore you, we tried not to do it, and I hope you will experience
the most beautiful things on this short trip -Thank you for your attention!

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