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 Control all devices from one place

 Increase efficiency in management

 Save money and time
 Entertainment

Smartphones or computers can control all other devices from one place.
For the time being, people can manage household appliances such as
lightbulbs, security cameras, fans, or door lock with an app on their
phones. We are even able to mirror a phone's screen to a laptop or
television using some support applications, namely smart view or team
viewer, which was thought to be impossible in the past. Smart devices
have made working become much more effective as we can now use one
device to access the information on other devices.

Another advantage is that smart devices nowadays are capable of

increasing efficiency in management. A modern computer system can
control the city's streetlights and surveillance cameras. It also helps to
detect and cope with traffic congestion which could reduce the amount of
petrol. As a result, the effects of pollution might be decreased because
vehicles are no longer stuck in the street and they can reach their
destination faster, so less polluted air is discharged. Moreover, smart
computers can also replace humans in some fields which will save money
and increase efficiency. They are even capable of expanding the
government budget by detecting law offense and reporting it to the police.
Smart devices, together with the Internet, have contributed to the
development of management in every field.

Phones and computers can also save time and money. In modern days,
we can book tickets, call a taxi or make hotel reservations just by using
some applications and we can do all of these things on our phones.
Additionally, it saves a lot of time as people do not have to go outside to
do sort of things like paying for the bills, transferring money, or asking
for directions. Smart appliances have made lives easier and much more
convenient. It can also improve work quality because people could do
unnecessary things on their phone without leaving home to finish it so
they could pay more attention to the important ones.

One of the most popular reasons why people prefer smart devices is due
to entertainment. With a smartphone, we can easily find our favorite
movies on the Internet or listen to some catchy tunes using applications
such as Netflix or Spotify. Phones and some laptops are portable, so we
can enjoy music and films everywhere at any time we want. The
entertainment industry has become developed than ever owing to the
appearance of smartphones and computers.

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