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Air Dragon’s Sight

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Air Dragon 2; Type: Simple

Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: , None
This charm allows the martial artist to perceive her environment via the
air.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded, p. 198.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Air Dragon Sight

Cost: 3 motes; Mins: Essence 1, Air Dragon 2; Type: Simple
Duration: One scene
This Charm makes the martial artist immune to being surprised or ambushed.
They may also use it to aid their Awareness rolls.Source Exalted: The Dragon-
Blooded, p. 243.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Wind Dragon Speed

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Air Dragon 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Leader
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Air Dragon’s Sight

Source: Scroll of Errata

Wind Dragon Speed

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Air Dragon 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Leader
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Air Dragon’s Sight

Source: Scroll of Errata

Wind Dragon Speed

Cost: 2 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Air Dragon 2; Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Air Dragon’s Sight
This Charm greatly speeds the movements of the martial artist, adding to their
Join Battle.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 243.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Breath-Seizing Technique
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 1, Air Dragon 3; Type: Simple

Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Stackable
Duration: (Martial Arts) actions
Prerequisites: Air Dragon’s Sight

Source: Scroll of Errata

Breath-Seizing Technique
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 1, Air Dragon 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Stackable
Duration: (Martial Arts) actions
Prerequisites: Air Dragon’s Sight

Source: Scroll of Errata

Breath-Seizing Technique
Cost: 4 motes; Mins: Essence 1, Air Dragon 3; Type: Simple
Duration: Martial Arts in turns
Prerequisites: Air Dragon’s Sight
The martial artist’s attacks buffet the target, making it hard to breathe and
perhaps driving them unconscious.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 243.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Shrouding the Body and Mind

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Air Dragon 3; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: (Martial Arts) actions
Prerequisites: Air Dragon’s Sight
Characters cannot lead a complementary unit while using this Charm.
Source: Scroll of Errata

Shrouding the Body and Mind

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Air Dragon 3; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: (Martial Arts) actions
Prerequisites: Air Dragon’s Sight
Characters cannot lead a complementary unit while using this Charm.
Source: Scroll of Errata

Shrouding the Body and Mind

Cost: 4 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Air Dragon 3; Type: Simple
Duration: Martial Arts in turns
Prerequisites: Air Dragon’s Sight
This Charm makes the martial artist temporarily invisible.Source Exalted: The
Dragon-Blooded, p. 244.

Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Air Dragon Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Air Dragon 4; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Form-type, Leader
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Breath-Seizing Technique, Shrouding the Body and Mind, Wind
Dragon Speed
The character may add dice to any unarmed Martial Arts attack (not any
ranged attack).
Source: Scroll of Errata

Air Dragon Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Air Dragon 4; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Form-type, Leader
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Breath-Seizing Technique, Shrouding the Body and Mind, Wind
Dragon Speed
The character may add dice to any unarmed Martial Arts attack (not any
ranged attack).
Source: Scroll of Errata

Air Dragon Form

Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Air Dragon 4; Type: Simple
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Wind Dragon Speed, Breath-Seizing Technique, Shrouding the
Body and Mind
This charm allows the martial artist to attack accurately at range and dodge
attacks efficaciously.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 245.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Tornado Offense Technique

Cost: 3m/attack; Mins: Essence 2, Air Dragon 4; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Air Dragon Form
This Charm ignores rate, and all actions in the flurry must be unarmed Martial
Arts attacks.
Source: Scroll of Errata

Tornado Offense Technique

Cost: 3m/attack; Mins: Essence 2, Air Dragon 4; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant

Prerequisites: Air Dragon Form
This Charm ignores rate, and all actions in the flurry must be unarmed Martial
Arts attacks.
Source: Scroll of Errata

Tornado Offense Technique

Cost: 4 motes per attack; Mins: Essence 2, Air Dragon 4; Type: Extra Actions
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Air Dragon Form
This Charm allows the martial artist to make additional martial arts or ranged
attacks without penalties.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 245.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Avenging Wind Strike

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Air Dragon 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Knockback, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Tornado Offense Technique
This charm allows the martial artist to inflict great knockback.Source Manual
of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded, p. 198.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Avenging Wind Strike

Cost: 3 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Air Dragon 5; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Tornado Offense Technique
This Charm allows the martial artist to drive their opponent backward, the
force of the wind aiding their blows.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 245.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Wrathful Winds Maneuver

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Air Dragon 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Crippling, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Avenging Wind Strike
To use this Charm the character makes an an attack roll of (Strength + Martial
Arts), which is separately applied to the defenses of all characters in the affected
area and can’t be parried. Targets hit by the attack suffer automatic knockdown,
deafening, and inactivity for the durations specified in the Charm. Targeting a single
individual for +1wp makes this attack undodgeable. All other printed rules for this
Charm do not apply.
Source: Scroll of Errata

Wrathful Winds Maneuver
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Air Dragon 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Crippling, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Avenging Wind Strike
To use this Charm the character makes an an attack roll of (Strength + Martial
Arts), which is separately applied to the defenses of all characters in the affected
area and can’t be parried. Targets hit by the attack suffer automatic knockdown,
deafening, and inactivity for the durations specified in the Charm. Targeting a single
individual for +1wp makes this attack undodgeable. All other printed rules for this
Charm do not apply.
Source: Scroll of Errata

Wrathful Winds Maneuver

Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 3, Air Dragon 5; Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Avenging Wind Strike
With this Charm, the martial artist attacks with a gale of wind, stunning their
opponent or driving past their defenses.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 245.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Cloud Treading Method

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Air Dragon 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: (Martial Arts) actions
Prerequisites: Air Dragon Form
This charm allows the martial artist to run and leap twice as far as normal,
across virtually anything, as long as she keeps moving.Source Manual of Exalted
Power: Dragon-Blooded, p. 200.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Cloud Treading Method

Cost: 3 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Air Dragon 5; Type: Reflexive
Duration: Martial Arts in turns
Prerequisites: Air Dragon Form
This Charm allows the martial artist to move more quickly and to move across
any surface, even smoke or the tips of treetops.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded,
p. 246.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Thunderclap Kata
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Air Dragon 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Crippling
Duration: Instant

Prerequisites: Cloud Treading Method
All beings in range of the Charm make a Stamina + Resistance roll at a difficulty
of the martial artist’s Essence rating. Those who succeed are unaffected; those who
fail become inactive until their next action and suffer a number of levels of bashing
damage equal to (the Martial Artist’s Essence successes rolled), which ignore armor.
Affected victims are deafened as explained. This attack is an environmental effect.
Source: Scroll of Errata

Thunderclap Kata
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Air Dragon 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Crippling
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Cloud Treading Method
All beings in range of the Charm make a Stamina + Resistance roll at a difficulty
of the martial artist’s Essence rating. Those who succeed are unaffected; those who
fail become inactive until their next action and suffer a number of levels of bashing
damage equal to (the Martial Artist’s Essence successes rolled), which ignore armor.
Affected victims are deafened as explained. This attack is an environmental effect.
Source: Scroll of Errata

Thunderclap Kata
Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Air Dragon 5; Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Cloud Treading Method
This Charm allows the character to summon up a clap of thunder to stun their
opponents or delay their action.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 247.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Lightning Strike Style

Cost: 4m, 1hl; Mins: Essence 3, Air Dragon 5; Type: Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Leader, Obvious
Duration: (Martial Arts) actions
Prerequisites: Thunderclap Kata
This Charm extends the range of all unarmed attacks by (Essence x 3) yards,
and adds (Essence) to their raw damage.
Source: Scroll of Errata

Lightning Strike Style

Cost: 4m, 1hl; Mins: Essence 3, Air Dragon 5; Type: Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Leader, Obvious
Duration: (Martial Arts) actions
Prerequisites: Thunderclap Kata
This Charm extends the range of all unarmed attacks by (Essence x 3) yards,
and adds (Essence) to their raw damage.
Source: Scroll of Errata

Lightning Strike Style
Cost: 4 motes, 1 health level; Mins: Essence 3, Air Dragon 5; Type: Simple
Duration: Martial Arts in turns
Prerequisites: Thunderclap Kata
This Charm summons up lightning, striking the martial artist’s target out to a
distance.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 247.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Hurricane Combat Method

Cost: 10m, 1wp, + 1hl per action; Mins: Essence 4, Air Dragon 5; Type:
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: (Martial Arts) actions
Prerequisites: Wrathful Winds Maneuver, Lightning Strike Style
The extra attacks generated by this Charm are unarmed martial arts attacks
which ignore rate and may not be subdivided into flurries. The damage inflicted on
the user by this Charm cannot be prevented by any means.
Source: Scroll of Errata

Hurricane Combat Method

Cost: 10m, 1wp, + 1hl per action; Mins: Essence 4, Air Dragon 5; Type:
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: (Martial Arts) actions
Prerequisites: Wrathful Winds Maneuver, Lightning Strike Style
The extra attacks generated by this Charm are unarmed martial arts attacks
which ignore rate and may not be subdivided into flurries. The damage inflicted on
the user by this Charm cannot be prevented by any means.
Source: Scroll of Errata

Hurricane Combat Method

Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower, 1 health level per turn; Mins: Essence 4, Air
Dragon 5; Type: Reflexive
Duration: Martial Arts in turns
Prerequisites: Wrathful Winds Maneuver, Lightning Strike Style
This Charm allows the martial artist to move swiftly, leap far, evade attacks,
strike quickly and more often, at the cost of damage that accrues when the Charm
ends.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 247.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Fearsome In Her Glory

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 3, Ambrosial Eidolon 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Obvious, Combo-OK, Illusion
Duration: Instnat

Prerequisites: Judgment Descends From On High
Divinity is beautiful and lovely beyond the ken of mortal understanding. Even
the Exalted have trouble living up to the wonder that is often expected of them
by their worshipers, not so those who command this charm. They shine, not with
their own virtue or power, but with the white-hot zeal of their most devout devotees.
Before this idealized brilliance, the might of even their fellow exalted seems small and
fragile. This charm, when invoked against another attack, bathes the Martial Artist
in the brilliance of divinity. They appear, not as they are, but as they are believed to
be, free of any flaw and stripped of all qualities but power and might. This illusion
of perfection can cause even the most devout to give pause, unconsciously weakening
their blows. The attack this charm is invoked against suffers an internal penalty equal
to the difference between the Exalts (Essence + Cult) and the higher of the target’s
Valor, Conviction or Temperance. This illusion costs Mortals 2wp to pierce, essence
users may see through it for 1wp.
However, if the target of this charm has an intimacy of reverence and awe, has
prayed to the Exalt in the last 24 hours, or is a member of the Exalt’s cult. This
charm automatically inflicts a minimum of (Cult) points of internal penalty (without
requiring comparison), and costs 2wp to resist. Each resistance of this charm counts
as a scene spent eroding any reverential intimacies the target might feel towards the
Resisting this charm (essence) times in a single scene makes one immmune to it
for 24 hours.
Source: JiveX

Unassailable Radiant Divinity

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Ambrosial Eidolon 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Obvious, Combo-OK
Duration: One Action
Prerequisites: Judgment Descends From On High
Glowing with the power of other’s faith in her, the Exalt’s palms are wreathed
in the white light of religious Zeal as she calls upon the faith of her followers to
empower her. Thus empowered, she does not parry the blows of her enemies so much
as she transcends them, turning them aside with effortless ease unaffected by the bite
of steel into her flesh as she touches the blades. This charm allows the Exalt to parry
lethal and ranged damage unarmed, her hands are sheathed in a nimbus of Essence
and devotion that protects them from harm. She also adds her (Cult) to the value of
her Martial Arts derived PDV.
Source: JiveX

Ambrosial Eidolon Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Ambrosial Eidolon 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious, Form-type
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Unassailable Radiant Divinity, Fearsome In Her Glory
Spreading her arms wide, the Exalt looks exultantly, defiantly, towards the
heavens and is raised up in a halo of her own legend and myth. Wraped in a burning
cloak of Essence, she partially seperates herself from physicality to become the ide-
alized entity that is worshiped. The sight of a Ascending to Godhood is a wondrous

thing, but it cannot compare to this sight. Indeed, nothing short of the moment of
Exaltation can rival the transformative influx of essence that is witnessed by those
who see this charm initiated. As being empowered beyond even the greatest of gods
the Exalted who transcend physicality (even in this limited sense) do not become
more like spirits, for to do so would mean that they became less, rather, they be-
come, if possible, more like Exalted. Their anima’s flare to full totemic level, and
though they diminish at the normal rate, remain only one step removed from the full
totemic level for the duration that this charm is active. This anima flare does not
trigger anima powers (necessarily). Wreathed in this brilliance, and awash with the
power of her cult’s worship. The Exalt’s every footfall echoes in throughout creation,
and reverberates in the darkest corners of Malfeas and the highest spires of Yu-Shan.
The Exalt, is neither material nor immaterial, while this charm is active, but both
(after a fashion) capable of perceiving and interacting with both worlds (and being
interacted with by them in turn). She cannot distinguish the material from the im-
material however, which presents something of a problem, and cannot perceive or
affect immaterial entities who are not bathed in the light of her Anima (further than
Essence x 8 away). Furthermore her constitution elevated towards the divine. She
adds half her (cult), round down, to her Strength and Stamina, and may soak lethal
with this full value. As a final benefit, her saturation in prayer essence and devotion
cause to respire a number of motes per action equal to the number of motes she would
normally respire hourly as a result of her Cult. Doing so, however, strains the stream
of worship. Therefore, she does not enjoy the increased hourly mote respiration for
12 hours after activating this form. Subsequent activations of the form within this
12 hours reset the duration (but the form still provides its increased mote regaining
benefits). If this charm is activated in the presence of a a social unit comprised of her
worshipers with a magnitude equal to her (Essence)/2 mote this drawback does not
Source: JiveX

Judgment Descends From On High

Cost: –(5m-0m); Mins: Essence 3, Ambrosial Eidolon 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Permanent
The Divine is ever righteous, and swift in his judgment of those who harm his
faithful. Were he not such a awe-inspiring entity, why would anyone pray to him?
The essence of prayer makes this logic a defining force, empowering the Martial Artist
to physically embody the idealized divinity he is worshiped as. The Practioners of
this style can turn the reverence of the masses into Martial Prowess, wreathed in a
halo of light and the whispered prayers and devotions of their faithful, they surge
into battle. Thus does the legend of their divinity spread. This charm adds 1 dice
to the character’s join battle action per point of cult and permits the character to
ready his form weapon as a fully reflexive action. If the exalt is in the presence of a
number of members of his cult to comprise a social unit with a magnitude equal to
his (Essence/2) then he reduces this cost to 0m. Otherwise, the cost of this charm
equals 1m per dot of cult. The Exalt is free to spend less motes on this charm if he
Source: JiveX

Striking Sand Futility
Cost: 3m, 4m, or 4m 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Angry Sands 2; Type: Reflexive
(Step 7)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Striking at the desert sand proves useless. When this Charm is used the martial
artists body explodes in a spray of sand in reply to an attackers strike. This reduces
the post soak damage dice he would suffer by his Essence. This cannot reduce that
number below one die and it only affects bashing damage.
At Essence 4, if the martial artist knows the Angry Sands Form charm, he may
pay 4m when activating this Charm. Doing so allows him to affect lethal damage
with this Charm; it reduces the post soak damage dice by half his Essence, rounded
Once the martial artist has learned Legend Swallowing Sand Coffin he may pay 4m
and 1wp to affect aggravated damage in the same manner as lethal damage through
this Charm.
Source: Jester7789

Grinding-Sand Remains
Cost: 1m+; Mins: Essence 2, Angry Sands 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 1 for
attacker, step 2 for defender)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Touch
Duration: One Scene
The martial artist leaves sand wherever his hands or feet land. As the martial
artist moves to strike sand trails from his attack through the air and, upon impact, a
cloud of sand erupts from the blow engulfing his target. The martial artist spends at
least one mote to activate this Charm and, if his attack is parried or is successful, he
may commit the motes spent for the scene. For every one mote committed in this way
he reduces his targets armors soak by 1B and by 1L for every two motes he commits.
He may not have more motes committed to this Charm per target than his Essence
At Essence 4, if the martial artist knows the Angry Sands Form charm, he may
activate this Charm in response to an attack made against him. He cannot successfully
dodge an attack and use this Charm- he must parry it or suffer the attacks effects.
Source: Jester7789

Self as Sand Awareness

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Angry Sands 3; Type: Simple (speed 4)
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Striking Sand Futility, Grinding-Sand Remains
If the martial artist could feel through every piece of sand he left behind, his
perception would be nearly infinite. With this Charm that becomes possible. For
the duration of this Charm the martial artist may use his sense of touch through
any of the sand he creates by means of this Styles Charms. A target with any
committed motes through Grinding-Sand Remains, for example, cannot surprise the

martial artist even if he were blind because sand has permeated his body giving the
martial artist a perfect vision of where and how he moves. If the martial artist could
somehow spread out a layer of sand summoned through this Style he could expand
his senses to match. This does not allow the martial artist to use his sense of touch
when it is not a legal option (such as with Dematerialized beings) or to bypass effects
that numb him; whatever penalties to touch the martial artists body suffers transfers
through this Charm.
As a specific benefit of this Charm, if the martial artist also has Angry Sands Form
active he can use any Charms in this tree with the Touch keyword while sand created
through this style is touching an opponent. If the Charm requires an attack roll the
martial artist must still be able to make an attack as normal- this does not create an
attack pool for him nor does it allow him to attack through inert sand: an opponent
tagged with Grinding-Sand Remains, as in the example above, could not be struck
if they were 200 yards away because the sand is only passively active. If the martial
artist could summon a storm of sand that possessed an attack pool he could use his
Touch effect charms through that.
Source: Jester7789

Form of the Angry Sands

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Angry Sands 4; Type: Simple (speed 5)
Keywords: Form-Type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Self as Sand Awareness
As the martial artist activates this Form Charm his body takes on the ap-
pearance of sun-baked earth and a torrent of sand begins to swirl around him. He
extends a storm of sand outwards around himself filling an area in yards equal to his
(Essence x 2). Additionally the martial artists body becomes so attuned with the
desert and its essence flows that he may use the Charms Striking Sand Futility and
Grinding-Sand Remains without the need for a combo so long as he hasnt used one
of them in the time between his last action and his current one. If he uses one of
them as a Charm he effectively resets this power (for example if, on his last action,
he used Grinding-Sand Remains he would need to activate it as an actual Charm on
his current action). Those two Charms are treated individually for the effects of this
power (using Striking Sand Futility does not affect Grinding-Sand Remains and vice
versa). The final benefit of this Charm is that the martial artist imposes an external
penalty to all incoming attacks equal to half his Essence rating, rounded up, and can
ignore fatigue and external penalties due to severe and natural heat.
Source: Jester7789

Pitiless Desert Consumption

Cost: 7m or 7m 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Angry Sands 4; Type: Simple (speed 5)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious, Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Form of the Angry Sands
People are lost to the deserts sands every day and only their loved ones lament
their loss. The martial artist makes a (Dexterity + Martial Arts) attack, adding his
Essence in dice as an accuracy bonus, as sand issues forth from his fist to scour flesh
and bone from his target. This pitiless attack reduces his targets Parry and Dodge

DVs by an amount equal to the number of motes committed to that target through
the Charm Grinding-Sand Remains as an External penalty. This attack, if successful,
inflicts a number of lethal dice of damage equal to the martial artists (Essence x
2) after hardness and soak. This is a variable and intelligent effect; if the targets
Hardness is 12 and his soak is 19 the attack effectively inflicts (19 + Essence x 2)
damage. But, if his opponents Hardness were 20 and his soak 5, the attack inflicts
(20 + Essence x 2) for the purposes of bypassing hardness, but only (5 + Essence
x 2) for bypassing soak. Effects that reduce damage dice before soak must reduce
the damage by (the higher of the two calculations) entirely or the martial artist still
inflicts the full damage granted by this Charm.
If the martial artist has mastered the Angry Sands Styles tree, he may spend 7m
1wp and make a single attack roll. This applies this Charms attack to every being
that the martial artist can touch up to a maximum number of targets equal to his
Source: Jester7789

Soothing Oasis Deception

Cost: 3m 1wp or 10m 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Angry Sands 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Illusion
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Form of the Angry Sands
As the cruel desert can bewilder those lost in it to believe that hot and dry
sand is a thirst quenching oasis. Unfortunately for others, the martial artist can
create equally harrowing illusions. This Charm does not require a physical attack roll
to be activated. The martial artist rolls his (Manipulation + Martial Arts) choosing
a target within (Essence x 10) yards; if the martial artist is touching his target then
he can add a number of dice equal to his Essence to this roll. If the martial artist
defeats his targets Dodge MDV he can create an Illusion that the target believes for
the scene. Shaking this Illusion requires someone to call that Illusion into question
or something to contradict it, regardless it requires a successful (Wits + Integrity
or Awareness) roll against a difficulty equal to the martial artists successes on the
activation roll. If the roll is successful the target only needs to spend 1wp to shrug
off the illusion, otherwise it requires the expenditure of 3wp all at once.
If the martial artist has mastered the Angry Sands Style tree, he may spend 10m
and 1wp to affect everyone he is touching up to a maximum number of targets equal
to his Essence.
Source: Jester7789

Enraging the Dangerous Desert

Cost: None (+1wp); Mins: Essence 3, Angry Sands 5; Type: Special
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Form of the Angry Sands
This Charm allows the martial artist to expand the capabilities of his form
Charm. The swirling sand extended by the Form of the Angry Sands is increased to
(Essence x 3) yards. The martial artist may also choose to pay an additional 1wp
when activating that Charm; this allows him to use the swirling sand as a weapon
to strike at his foes (the stats for Sand Attacks follows). He gains a number of Sand

Points equal to his (Martial Arts + Essence) that can be spread out to increase the
Accuracy, Damage, Defense, or Rate ratings of his Sand Attack; no single category
can be increased by more than his Essence at once. He may reallocate these points as
a reflexive action at the beginning of a tick that he acts in if he chooses.width=”70
percent” cellpadding=”3” cellspacing=”0” style=”EssenceColorTable
Source: Jester7789

Violent Sandstorm Emulation

Cost: 8m 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Angry Sands 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious, Shaping
Duration: Essence in Actions
Prerequisites: Pitiless Desert Consumption, Enraging the Dangerous Desert
The martial artist sublimes into a swirling torrent of sand. For a number of
actions equal to his Essence the martial artist exists only as a cloud of sand that
covers either his (Essence) in yards or the area his Form Charm allows, if it is active.
While in this state he can only make sand based attacks (again, if the form charm is
active with the Enraging the Dangerous Desert enhancement activated) with a new
limitation on the rate of that attack: it cannot be increased beyond one but his attack
applies to every target standing within his storm-self he chooses to strike. While he
is in this form he can only be struck by attacks that can completely engulf his body
(an explosion, for example) or that can strike Dematerialized beings; although he is
not truly dematerialized such attacks strike at the essence of the target and not at
his body. The martial artist moves on every tick, if he chooses, at a speed equal to
his (Essence x 5) yards and he may pass through any obstructions so long as sand
would be able to pass as well. He specifically may not leave the ground through the
use of this Charm (i.e. he cannot fly).
Source: Jester7789

Desert Colossus Method

Cost: 5m+, 2wp; Mins: Essence 4, Angry Sands 5; Type: Simple (-3DV)
Keywords: Obvious, Shaping
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Soothing Oasis Deception, Enraging the Dangerous Desert
Sand begins to pour out of the martial artists mouth, eyes, nose, and ears and
it begins to pack around him creating a shell of sand. For every 5m spent on this
Charm the martial artist grows three feet in height and gains three-hundred pounds
as well as gaining the following benefits:
*Every 5m increases his Strength and Stamina by one each, grants him
+4B/+2L/+2A soak, as well as reducing his Dodge DV by one (as an Internal
Penalty). This soak is considered natural.
*Every 10m gifts to him a bonus -0 health level; these health levels, if lost, cannot
be healed in any way until this Charm is cancelled and activated anew.
*Every 15m causes the martial artist to suffer a lack of dexterity that most giant
beings and devices do; he increase the difficulty of actions requiring fine motor-skill
and dexterity (such as lock picking or surgery) by two and increase it again by one
for every 10m committed thereafter.
*When the martial artist has committed 20m or more activating this Charm he
doubles his base unarmed damage.

*At 25 or more motes he doubles his effective Essence rating for determining the
maximum cap on the effects of Striking Sand Futility and Grinding-Sand Remains
while this Charm is active.
The martial artist cannot commit more motes to this Charm than his (Essence x
5). At Essence 6 this Charm has no limit to the number of motes the martial artist
may commit but he is limited by Charm bonus limitations as normal (in regards to
bonuses to strength and stamina).
Source: Jester7789

Legend Swallowing Sand Coffin

Cost: 10m 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Angry Sands 5; Type: Simple (speed 5)
Keywords: Illusion, Obvious, Shaping, Touch
Duration: Essence in Minutes
Prerequisites: Violent Sandstorm Emulation, Desert Colossus Method
Great cities, legendary treasures, even unfortunate would-be heroes have all
been swallowed by the desert over time. This Charm allows the martial artist to
bury an opponent and erase him from the memories of others, if only, for a short
time. The martial artist makes a clinch attack, adding a number of successes equal
to the number of motes committed to his target through the Charm Grinding-Sand
Remains. If the martial artist succeeds the target begins to sink into phantom sand
as he vanishes from the spot he once occupied.
The target is sent to Elsewhere for a number of minutes equal to the martial artists
Essence rating but, to him, it seems as though he were there for only a number of
actions equal to his Essence. While in there the target suffers (Essence) clinch attacks,
one per action hes trapped there. These use the martial artists (Essence + Martial
Arts) with a number of bonus dice equal to the number of motes committed to the
target through Grind-Sands Remain. The damage for this clinch is lethal and its
base damage is equal to the martial artists Essence, adding in bonus successes from
the clinch roll as normal. If the target wins the roll he may spend a number of
willpower equal to the martial artists (Essence rolls won) to escape this sand trap
sooner; the target has still been outside regular time for a number of minutes equal to
the number of clinches he endured. Once sent elsewhere the martial artist does not
need to devote actions to maintaining this magical clinch and the target perceives the
pocket of elsewhere he is shunted to as a coffin of endless sand constantly crushing
inward on him.
While he is elsewhere, all beings (except the martial artist) are stricken with an
Illusion effect: they forget about him until he is returned. Resisting this cost 1wp if
they saw him vanish through this Charm or if they possess an Intimacy towards him,
or 2wp otherwise. If the target is slain in this coffin of sand the Illusion effect persists
instead for a number of days equal to the martial artists Essence.
Source: Jester7789

The Enemy of My Enemy

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Apocalyptic Warlord 3; Type: Extra-Action
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Emotion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Meditations Upon Conquest

War and strife go hand in hand. Generals argue over strategies. Soldiers grow
bitter of orders. The common people grow restless. The warlord knows best how to
exploit the inner conflicts of her opponents before such conflicts within her own ranks
weaken her advance. With this Charm, the warlord makes two unarmed attacks at
her full dice pool which must be against two separate targets. Should either attack
hit, the target that is struck gains a negative Intimacy regarding the other target.
If the target already possesses such an Intimacy, the warlord may select one of her
negative Intimacies to pass along. This Intimacy lasts until it is overcome through
usual methods, but can be suppressed for one scene by spending a point of Willpower.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Apocalyptic Warlord Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Apocalyptic Warlord 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-Type, Emotion
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: The Enemy of My Enemy, The Ravenous March, Death Kindly
War is terror. Even the rumor of its approach makes brave tremble, and no
sensible person ventures toward it willingly. Adopting the mantle of the avatar of
war, the warlord performs a kata to demonstrate the speed and ferocity of her at-
tacks, striking fear into those that witness it and preventing multiple opponents from
mounting an effective coordinated assault against her. While in this form, she ignores
up to (Essence) penalties to her DV from Coordinated Attacks and from being as
solo Unit in Mass Combat. Additionally, if she possesses a negative Intimacy toward
anything in the scene, she imposes a penalty on its DV equal to half her own War
rating, rounding up. Either of these unnatural mental influences can be ignored by
a character for one action by spending a point of Willpower, but the effects must be
resisted separately. In the case of Coordinated Attacks, this allows the full benefits
of the coordinate effort only to the characters who spent the Willpower.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Reap What You Sow

Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Apocalyptic Warlord 5; Type: Reflexive (Step
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Counter-Attack, War
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Apocalyptic Warlord Form
War brings death. Generals exchange the deaths of troops like gamblers ex-
change coins, wagering their victory against acceptable losses. The warlord ensures
those who choose battle lose the most. If an attack successfully strikes the warlord,
she may immediately launch a counter-attack against her attacker. She begins her
attack high and sweeps low, striking through her attacker and moving on to others. If
her counter-attack inflicts at least one level of damage, she may immediately launch
another attack at a -2 internal penalty against another person within range who has
attacked her during this scene. If that attack also inflicts damage, she may continue
on to another attacker at a -4 internal penalty, and so on, until she has struck every
viable target, exhausted her dice pool, or fails to do damage. In Mass Combat, she

is assumed to have struck every viable target within range once she her attacks have
caused the unit to lose a point of Magnitude.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

The Granaries Are Empty

Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Apocalyptic Warlord 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Shaping
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Apocalyptic Warlord Form
War brings famine in its wake. Farmers become soldiers, and fields lie fallow.
The granaries are loaded onto supply trains and exhausted. But only the peasants
suffer, for the lords of Creation keep their own reserves. With this Charm, the warlord
brings the threat of famine even to the mightiest of beings. This charm supplements
an unarmed attack to the targets abdomen and if it inflicts any damage, the target
adds a number of motes to the cost of all his Charms equal to his current wound
penalty, though this can no more than double the cost of the any one Charm. This
lasts until the character has no wound penalty. The target may suppress this surcharge
for a number of actions equal to his own Essence by spending a point of Willpower.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

What Follows
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Apocalyptic Warlord 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Sickness
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Apocalyptic Warlord Form
Like a familiar, the plague loyally follows war, creeping into the small places
war could not reach herself. Infusing her unarmed attack with the essence of this
disease, the warlord exposes her target if she inflicts at least one level of damage
with the attack (see ”’Exalted”’, pg 353). So potent is this weaponized form of the
plague that even Exalts are at risk, resisting and suffering from its effects as mortals
normally would. Mortals who are struck with this attack and infected must make an
immediate Morbidity check or die on the spot. If a person infected by this Charm
dies within the scene, all within the warlord (Martial Arts) yards of the body are
exposed to the disease, resisting it as they normally would.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

War Breeds War

Cost: 10m, 1wp, 1ahl; Mins: Essence 5, Apocalyptic Warlord 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Compulsion
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Reap What You Sow, The Granaries Are Empty, What Follows
In the end, as in the beginning, the warlord strives for one thing: conquest.
She has no greater joy than to see her enemies crushed beneath her and their allies
scattered to the four poles. But for such a prize, how much of herself has she sacrificed
along the way? The warlord activates this charm in the presence of a being against
whom she possesses a negative Intimacy. She calls that being out to face her, which
the being is compelled to do unless he spends one point of Willpower per action to

resist. Each action he resists, however, lowers his War rating by 1. If the target is
a commander of an army, his troops will eventually hesitate while witnessing their
leaders cowardice, ensuring that the effective Magnitude of the unit is not greater
than the adjusted War rating would allow. Once the target agrees to duel the war-
lord, no further expenditure of Willpower is required to resist and his War rating is
immediately restored. Against the designated target, the warlord may sacrifice any
number of other Intimacies in Step 10 to convert (Conviction) dice into successes. If
she successfully slays her chosen target, the warlord inspires all who witness her vic-
tory to pursue their own desires in a similar fashion. For the remainder of the scene,
those who possess a Mental Dodge Defense less than the warlords (Manipulation +
Martial Arts) are compelled to act against their own negative Intimacies fleeing from
those they fear, attacking those they hate unless they spend two points of Willpower
to resist this unnatural mental influence.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Death Kindly Stops

Cost: Varies; Mins: Essence 3, Apocalyptic Warlord 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion
Duration: One Scene
War makes monsters of all men. Terrible atrocities will be committed in hopes
that it will lead to the survival of a few. With this Charm, the warlord dangles the
hope of survival before those she has defeated. If her unarmed martial arts attack
inflicts any damage, she may commit 1 mote per point of Essence the target possesses.
This commitment allows the target to treat his Incapacitated and Dying Health Levels
as -4 Health Levels. Once the character has been Incapacitated, he is compelled to not
fight the warlord, which can be resisted for an action by spending a point of Willpower.
In his Dying Health Levels, the character is, however, encouraged to attack someone
not magically but by his own will to survive. If he inflicts any damage, he regains one
Dying Health Level. Should the character run out of Dying Health Levels, the warlord
may reflexively commit the cost of this charm again to sustain the character for (her
Essence) actions, granting the character as many phantom Dying Health Levels as
necessary, and further encouraging the character to attack others if he wishes to
survive. If the warlord rescinds her commitment to this Charm, the targets Health
Levels revert to their normal values and the character dies if he was beyond his last
Dying Health Level.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

The Ravenous March

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Apocalyptic Warlord 3; Type: Supplmental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion
Duration: (Martial Arts) actions
Simple luxuries are among the first casualties of war, but as conflict drags
on, even basic necessities are sacrificed. In time, both soldiers and civilians yearn for
something their generals and rulers cannot provide. When that time comes, desertion,
mutiny, and revolt are inevitable. Channeling her desire into her unarmed strike,
the warlord inspires the will within her target to pursue something he wants. For

the remainder of the Charm, the target is compelled to act on the most immediately
relevant Intimacy, starting with any negative Intimacy the character might possess. If
the character had previously been struck with The Enemy of My Enemy, the imparted
Intimacy has priority. This effect costs two points of Willpower to resist.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Day and Night Kata

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Arms of the Unconquered Sun 2; Type: Reflexive
(Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Counterattack
Duration: One Action
If an attack hits the practicioner, the attacker is prevented from attacking the
user again. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Glories of the Most High:
The Unconquered Sun, p. 34.
Source: Glories of the Most High: The Unconquered Sun

Spirit Over Clouds Approach

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Arms of the Unconquered Sun 3; Type: Supple-
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Day and Night Kata
This renders an attack unblockable and reduces the attacker’s DV. See the full
text of the Charm for details.Source Glories of the Most High: The Unconquered Sun,
p. 34.
Source: Glories of the Most High: The Unconquered Sun

Rising Sun Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Arms of the Unconquered Sun 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Spirit Over Clouds Approach
This adds to the martial artists’s Move, Dash, and Jump distances, grants him
a bonus to Accuracy, Damage and Defence, allows him to parry ranged and lethal
attacks and makes him immune to Crippling effects. See the full text of the Charm
for details.Source Glories of the Most High: The Unconquered Sun, p. 34.
Source: Glories of the Most High: The Unconquered Sun

Shining Sun Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Arms of the Unconquered Sun 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Spirit Over Clouds Approach
This improves the Martial Artist’s grapple rolls and allows him to inflict piercing
damage. She is immune to knockback, knockdown and Sickness effects. See the full

text of the Charm for details.Source Glories of the Most High: The Unconquered Sun,
pp. 34-35.
Source: Glories of the Most High: The Unconquered Sun

Fading Sun Form

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Arms of the Unconquered Sun 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Spirit Over Clouds Approach
This Form improves the martial artist’s bashing and lethal soak, increases
his onslaught penalties while becoming immune to them himself, and prevents un-
wanted Shaping effects from hurting him. See the full text of the Charm for more
details.Source Glories of the Most High: The Unconquered Sun, p. 35.
Source: Glories of the Most High: The Unconquered Sun

Sleeping Sun Form

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Arms of the Unconquered Sun 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Spirit Over Clouds Approach
This allows the martial artist to inflict lethal damage, make her immune to
coordinated attacks, improves her DVs and makes her immune to Poison effects. See
the text of the Charm for details.Source Glories of the Most High: The Unconquered
Sun, p. 35.
Source: Glories of the Most High: The Unconquered Sun

Meditation upon the Spear

Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Arms of the Unconquered Sun 5; Type: Extra
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Rising Sun Form
If the martial artist makes a successful damaging attack, she may continue to
make attacks at her full dice pool until the Charm ends. She also progressively ignores
more and more of the target’s soak. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source
Glories of the Most High: The Unconquered Sun, pp. 35-36.
Source: Glories of the Most High: The Unconquered Sun

Meditation upon the Horn

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Arms of the Unconquered Sun 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Shining Sun Form
In response to an attack the martial artist makes an attack using a non-standard
dice pool vs. his target’s MDV. If successful, the target comes under the effect of

unnatural mental influence. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Glories
of the Most High: The Unconquered Sun, p. 36.
Source: Glories of the Most High: The Unconquered Sun

Meditation upon the Shield

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Arms of the Unconquered Sun 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Fading Sun Form
When subject to an attack, the Martial Artist may counter by disarming or
clinching her opponet with special modifications to the dice pool. See the full text of
the Charm for details.
Source Glories of the Most High: The Unconquered Sun, p. 36.
Source: Glories of the Most High: The Unconquered Sun

Meditation upon the Laurel

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Arms of the Unconquered Sun 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Sleeping Sun Form
If the practicioner hits with his attack, the opponent is forced to pay a mote
surcharge for every Essence expenditure for the rest of the scene. See the full text of
the Charm for details.Source Glories of the Most High: The Unconquered Sun, p. 36.
Source: Glories of the Most High: The Unconquered Sun

Heaven-and-Earth Stairway
Cost: - (1m); Mins: Essence 3, Arms of the Unconquered Sun 5; Type: Perma-
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Meditation upon the Spear, Meditation upon the Horn, Medita-
tion upon the Shield, Meditation upon the Laurel
This allows the user to reflexively shift between the Form-Type Charms of this
martial arts style. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Glories of the
Most High: The Unconquered Sun, p. 36.
Source: Glories of the Most High: The Unconquered Sun

Crowned Sun Form

Cost: 7m; Mins: Essence 4, Arms of the Unconquered Sun 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-Type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Heaven-and-Earth Stairway
This form conveys many benefits to the Martial Artist. He reduces all multiple
action penalties, adds to the raw damage of his attacks and is immune to unnatural
mental influence. This also allows the user to observe someone using a different Form-

type Charm and emulate their Charm precisley. See the full text of the Charm for
Source Glories of the Most High: The Unconquered Sun, p. 37.
Source: Glories of the Most High: The Unconquered Sun

Floating Peony Fist

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Ascending Scion 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Small Truth Revelation Posture
The self of the Ascending Scion cannot be contained by a physical body. This
charm supplements an unarmed attack, extending the range of the attack by (User’s
Permenant Essence x 2) yards. The force of the attack is visible as a bright arc of
light, though the specifics often vary between practitioners.
Source: Bird Flu

Bond-Breaking Meditation
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Ascending Scion 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Floating Peony Fist
The enlightened mind cannot be bound. An Ascending Scion can extend this
protection to his body as well. This charm allows the user automatic escape from any
mundane attempt to bind or imprison him. It can also be used as a perfect defense
against all grapple attempts.
If the binding forces are enhanced by charms or magic, add the user’s Essence in
successes to the escape attempt.
Source: Bird Flu

Aggression-Destroying Rebuke
Cost: 2m OR 2m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Ascending Scion 4; Type: Reflexive
(step 5)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack, Crippling
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Bond-Breaking Meditation
The Ascending Scion may activate this charm after successfully using his Parry
DV to defend against an attack. He may immediately make a Martial Arts disarm
attempt against his attacker as a free counterattack, negating the usual -2 penalty
and adding his essence in automatic successes to the attempt.
If the disarm attempt is successful, the Scion may reflexively spend 1 willpower
to destroy the weapon. Artifact weapons are immune to this effect. If this effectg is
applied against an unarmed opponent, it instead has a crippling effect on the target.
Source: Bird Flu

Adamant Scion Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Ascending Scion 5; Type: Simple

Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Aggression-Destroying Rebuke
The same understanding that allows an enlightened Scion to reject the physical
universe also allows him to bind himself to it.
For the remainder of the scene, the Scion’s body becomes as hard as stone. He
may parry lethal attacks with his bare hands, and may add his Martial Arts score to
his soak totals and Resistance rating.
Shaping effects used against the Scion also increase their difficulty by the user’s
Source: Bird Flu

Small Truth Revelation Posture

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Ascending Scion 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Until next action
The enlightened easily see through the feints and trickery of the naive. This
charm supplements a guard action, and persists so long as the user continues to guard.
He may add his Essence to his Parry DV, and ignores DV penalties from coordinated
If used at the start of a conflict, the user may add his Essence in automatic successes
to the Join Battle roll.
Source: Bird Flu

Ash Dragon’s Breath

Cost: 3 motes; Mins: Essence 1, Ash Dragon 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: One Scene
The first nature of the Ash Dragon is to dull the minds and slow the reflexes of
those who surround her. Once this Charm is activated, any enemies within (Essence
x10) yards of the character suffer a -1 external penalty to all Awareness rolls made,
as waves of ash catch in their eyes.
Source: FrivYeti

Settling Ash Method

Cost: 2 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Ash Dragon 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Ash Dragon’s Breath
Whenever attacks are pressed against the Ash Dragon, their power ebbs and
their movements slow. This Charm may be activated in response to any attack made
against the character. It increases the Speed of that attack by one.
Source: FrivYeti

Burnt Incense Invocation
Cost: 1 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Ash Dragon 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Special
Prerequisites: Ash Dragon’s Breath
Reaching into the breath of the Abyss, the character draws a fragment of
the power of the Underworld into herself, trading a measure of her potential for
immediate recovery. Upon activation of this Charm, the character will recover one
mote per action, for (Martial Arts) actions. However, the mote spent to activate
this Charm remains committed for the duration of the scene. This Charm may be
activated repeatedly, but the total number of motes gained may not exceed one per
action, and each invocation requires the commitment of an additional mote for the
Source: FrivYeti

Ash-Shrouded Soul
Cost: 3 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Ash Dragon 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Ash Dragon’s Breath
As ash catches in the eye of the living, and memory tugs at their hearts, so
does the Ash Dragon hide momentarily from the sight of those who seek her out.
This Charm may only be activated on the character’s action. It allows her to make
an attempt to re-establish surprise reflexively.
Source: FrivYeti

Five Prayers Strike

Cost: 2 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Ash Dragon 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Ash Dragon Form
Ash appears slow and unwieldy, but it settles onto a target until they find
that they cannot move. Attacks supplemented by this Charm apply a -1 Onslaught
penalty to the target’s DV until her next action, instead of vanishing at the end of
the flurry. A character may supplement multiple attacks in a flurry with this Charm,
applying multiple Onslaught penalties.
Source: FrivYeti

Ash Dragon Form

Cost: 4 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Ash Dragon 4; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Form-Type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Settling Ash Method, Burnt Incense Invocation, Ash-Shrouded
Pushing her limbs through a series of slow gestures, the character takes on an
aspect of Ash, feeling the power of sacrifice welling up inside her. After successfully
activating the form, a character may reduce the die pool of all attacks against her by

her Essence, as enemies find their movements slow and difficult to judge. Furthermore,
the character’s own unarmed attacks become Piercing; her hands and sling pass easily
through armor to strike at unprotected flesh.
Source: FrivYeti

Consuming Ashen Blow

Cost: 4 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Ash Dragon 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Five Prayers Strike
When ash drifts towards the unwary, they soon find that it takes more than
a simple sidestep to avoid its all-encompassing strike; only true prayer and sacrifice
can prevent it. This Charm creates an unarmed attack of the character’s choice. The
attack is unblockable and undodgeable unless the target spends either one Willpower
or 5 motes of Essence. Willpower or Essence spent by the target is given to the
Source: FrivYeti

Choking Field Encompassing

Cost: 4 motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 3, Ash Dragon 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Consuming Ashen Blow
The martial artist opens her hands wide, and ash rises from them, surrounding
the field and causing coughing fits in all those around. The ash settles into the minds
of everyone present, drawing fragments of power from everyone who chooses to remain
near the character. The character rolls (Perception + Martial Arts), and everyone
present rolls their (Stamina + Resistance). Anyone who fails the roll is connected to
the character by lines of prayer. If they wish to spend Essence, they must choose to
either spend an additional mote or allow the character to regain one mote. Mortals
with no access to their Essence pools must do the same with their Willpower pools.
Source: FrivYeti

Empty Northern Wind

Cost: 3 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Ash Dragon 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: (Martial Arts) Actions
Prerequisites: Ash Dragon Form
Ash settles hard on the ground, but it also drifts and floats unpredictably. By
activating this Charm, the character takes on the nature of ash, and floats and drifts
around as needed, slipping around her opponents as needed. For the duration of the
effect, the character is pushed by attacks, moving an automatic (Essence /2) yards
away from any attack made against her. This can break flurries if the attacker cannot
close the distance.
Source: FrivYeti

Regret-Forming Cry
Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Ash Dragon 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Emotion, Obvious
Duration: (Martial Arts) Actions
Prerequisites: Empty Northern Wind
The nature of prayer is to remember loss and pain, and the Ashen Dragons best
know how to call on that loss. The character lets out a howl of misery that extends
(Essence x10) yards in all directions. The character rolls (Martial Arts + Essence),
and this Charm affects everyone whose MDVs are lower than the successes rolled.
For every point that they are lower, they suffer a -1 internal penalty to all actions as
they feel doubt and sorrow overwhelming them. If their penalties are greater than
their Compassion rating, they are unable to take active actions, and can only defend
themselves and suffer quietly.
Source: FrivYeti

Whispered Strike Prana

Cost: 4 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Ash Dragon 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Regret-Forming Cry
The character suffuses her weapon with power, reminding everyone who feels
its power that there is a world of pain that they have forgotten. If the attack strikes
home, it does not deal damage as usual. Instead, the character deals (Strength +
Essence) dice of damage that the target can soak only with her Essence rating. Post-
soak levels of damage are dealt to the target’s Willpower instead of her health levels;
a character reduced to Willpower 0 takes further damage from Virtue channels of
her choice. A character reduced to no Willpower or Virtue channels takes no further
Source: FrivYeti

Stolen Breath, Stolen Hope

Cost: 6 motes, 1 Willpower, 1 ahl; Mins: Essence 3, Ash Dragon 5; Type:
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: (Martial Arts) Actions
Prerequisites: Choking Field Encompassing, Whispered Strike Prana
All life exists to die, and the ultimate principle of Ash states that the blood
of the living is meant to be shed on behalf of the dead. This Charm affects all living
beings within (Essence x10) yards of the character. On every one of the character’s
actions, all other living beings within range suffer a level of unsoakable lethal damage
as this Charm rips the breath from their lungs. This is considered to be an unblock-
able, undodgeable attack. A target may prevent this damage by spending 5 motes
or 1 Willpower; if it is, the character recovers 1 mote. The cost of this Charm keeps
most Ashen Dragons from using it often, but it can tear through opponents if properly
Source: FrivYeti

Recompense from the Forgotten
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Ash Dragon (Alternate) 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Leader, Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Prayers Willingly Received
When worship is not forthcoming from one’s descendants, it is not only right to
take what is deserved, but to convince them to continue this service of giving. This
charm enhances an unarmed strike, adding (Essence+Cult)/2 to damage as both the
Martial Artist and those faithful to her empower the attack. Anyone hit by this attack
may (in step 9 as a ”Counterattack”) spend 1wp and make a prayer roll difficulty of
the (Martial Artist’s Essence) to negate all damage from the attack; the Stylist regains
motes equal to the successes on the roll regardless of the result.
Source: Scarlet Heavens

Deathly Smoldering Burst

Cost: 4+m (1wp); Mins: Essence 3, Ash Dragon (Alternate) 5; Type: Extra-
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Faith of the Pious
The Martial Artist makes an unarmed flurry of up to (Martial Arts) attacks in
a violent wave of ash that extends her reach by (Essence) yards and ignores rate. In
addition her attacks make 90* arcs allowing her to hit as many targets as are within
range at the cost of 1m per extra target, but she must divide her attack pool between
them (she may allocate her dice as she wishes with as many or as few dice as she feels
necessary for each target). If she uses other charms to enhance these attacks they
may only affect one target per attack. She may spend 1wp to allow the charms to
affect all targets. In addition her weapon need not be loaded or reloaded as a part of
this flurry, though if it stores less shots than the attacks made it will be empty after
the flurry. She accumulates DV penalties normally.
Source: Scarlet Heavens

Fire Remnant Feint

Cost: 2+m; Mins: Essence 3, Ash Dragon (Alternate) 5; Type: Reflexive (Step
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Deathly Smoldering Burst
The Martial Artist Exhales billowing ash as she makes an unarmed attack,
distracting her opponent and concealing her blow. The target of her attack takes an
external penalty to his DV equal to (Motes spent)/2. She may not spend more than
(Martial Arts) motes and must spend in increments of 2 if possible.
Source: Scarlet Heavens

Supplication to the Skies

Cost: 6m 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Ash Dragon (Alternate) 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Leader, Combo-OK, Shaping, Obvious

Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Ash Dragon Form (Alternate)
Through ancestors, the Corpse Dragon breathes on sacrifices - money, effigies,
artifacts - and turns them to ash. This Ash rises, lifting prayers to the sky on their
way to the gods. Using this charm the Dragon-Blood calls the dragon’s breath to
turn her armor into ash and spread it in the sky around her. For the rest of the scene
she negates up to 3 points of mobility penalty and fatigue caused by any attuned or
mundane armor. In addition it imposes a visibility penalty similar to Heavy Snow
for enemies within (Essence * 10) yards of the Dragonblood. In this state her armor
continues to grant normal benefits. As a Leader effect the cloud completely covers the
unit, hindering the sight of attacking enemy units. (This charm shapes the characters
armor. All other effects are a natural byproduct of that, thus Shaping Defenses only
apply if they counter that initial action)
Source: Scarlet Heavens

Falling Cinders Strike

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Ash Dragon (Alternate) 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Supplication to the Skies
After prayers float up to the gods, the ash must turn around and proceed back to
the earth, where it can pass through Creation and continue to the Underworld to send
its message to the ghostly recipients. This charm may only be used while Supplication
to the Skies is in effect and calls a wave of ash to fall violently. All beings within range
may roll (Wits+Dodge) to evade, taking (Martial Artist’s Essence - Successes rolled)
damage. Those who don’t evade the attack entirely (didn’t get at least Attacker’s
Essence Successes) find the ash weighing them down both physically and spiritually,
keeping them from moving (including Dashing or Jumping) until their next action.
This does not affect their ability to dodge or parry. She may make a reflexive prayer
roll with a difficulty of (the number of people she wishes the attack to ignore)*2.
Source: Scarlet Heavens

Noxious Embers Enhancement

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3, Ash Dragon (Alternate) 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Falling Cinders Strike
This charm permanently upgrades Supplication to the Skies, turning the modest
ash into yet burning embers. At the beginning of each of the Martial Artist’s Actions
all enemies within range must roll against the environmental hazard with a Damage
of (Martial Arts/2)B, Trauma (Essence). These spirit charged particles affect even
the immaterial (though the Trauma is reduced by half) and those that take at least
one level of damage flash material for the rest of the tick, though they cannot actively
interact with their environment.
Source: Scarlet Heavens

Unwilling Worship Beseeched
Cost: 4m (1wp); Mins: Essence 4, Ash Dragon (Alternate) 5; Type: Supple-
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Illusion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Fire Remnant Feint, Noxious Ember Enhancement
Loving descendants offer prayers and sacrifices at altars and grave sites. How-
ever, if need be an Ancestor may force worship from stingy survivors. The Stylist
makes an Unarmed Martial Arts attack at one of her opponent’s posessions (taking
penalties per a called shot at Storyteller’s discression), which, if the attack hits, turns
to ash. A gust of wind, smelling of incense and funereal perfumes, guides the remains
back to her, where she breathes it in. As unnatural mental influence it costs the owner
of the item 1wp to reconstitute all currently discorporated items for an action. After
spending the Martial Artist’s Essence rating in Willpower he has worked through the
illusion and he cannot be effected by this charm for the rest of the scene, until that
time he may have any or all of his possessions turned to ash by this charm. In addition
to disarming, unarmoring, or otherwise removing him of the object, she gains motes
equal to the resource cost of the target (Resource NA mundane goods grant 6m as do
Artifact 4, Artifact 5 grant 7m, and Artifact NA 8m). Regardless of willpower spent,
all items reform at the end of the scene. Striking an artifact adds 1wp the cost of this
Source: Scarlet Heavens

Ash Dragon Form (Alternate)

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Ash Dragon (Alternate) 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Leader, Form-Type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Prayers Willingly Received, Soot Choking Surge, Deific Vision of
the Dead
The Practitioner of the colloqially known ”Immaculate Ash Dragon Style”, bows
slightly and makes a quick prayer while adopting the From. After successfully making
her roll, her skin turns grey and ashen and flakes trail her attacks, parries, and dodges.
Whenever she defends herself from an attack she gains a cumulative +1 to her DVs for
the rest of the tick, effectively countering onslaught penalties as each strike simply
seems to shave off more ash. When attacked by multiple characters (Even during
coordinated attacks) there’s no such thing as opponents landing simultanious blows.
Have all attackers roll (Wits+Appropriate Combat Ability) and perform the attacks
or flurries in order from the highest to lowest results. This bonus does not negate
onslaught or coordinated attack penalties, it merely moves to overpower them.
Additionally, while declaring her attack in step 1 she may sacrifice up to her Essence
in dice from the attack roll as a prayer, granting herself half those dice (round down)
to the damage roll after soak.
Source: Scarlet Heavens

Prayers Willingly Received

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Ash Dragon (Alternate) 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Leader, Combo-OK
Duration: Instant

Simply entering combat with an Ash Dragon Stylist is offering her prayers,
which she will readily accept. When this charm is invoked on a Join Battle roll, she
receives extra dice equal to the highest performance rating of any of her opponents
+1 per additional opponent.
Source: Scarlet Heavens

Deific Vision of the Dead

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Ash Dragon (Alternate) 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Leader, Combo-OK
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Prayers Willingly Received
Practitioners of this style must get used to walking through buildings, forests,
even city streets filled with falling ash. As such, they learn early on to see through
the blight. While this charm is active the Martial Artist negates all penalties to
vision from environmental effects as well as up to (Essence/2) external penalties to
her vision from other sources. This cannot negate the penalty caused by Invisible
Source: Scarlet Heavens

Soot Choking Surge

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 1, Ash Dragon (Alternate) 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Leader(4), Combo-Basic, Crippling, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Prayers Willingly Received
Attacking with a burst of ash, the Martial Artist clogs her target’s airways
and fills her lungs. This attack deals no damage, but if successful she causes her
target to act one tick later than he normally would have, and forces him to spend a
miscellaneous action coughing up the invading soot (which may be the first action in
a flurry). Non-breathing creatures are immune.
Source: Scarlet Heavens

Faith of the Pious

Cost: 6m (1ahl); Mins: Essence 3, Ash Dragon (Alternate) 5; Type: Reflexive
(Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Shaping, Obvious
Duration: One Tick
Prerequisites: Ash Dragon Form (Alternate)
Seeing an opponent readying a strike against her she utters a quick prayer
and thrusts herself on the attack. This guarantees the attack hits, but it deals only
minimum damage. After rolling damage against her, the Martial Artist vanishes in a
puff of ash and is immaterial until the next tick where she reforms within (Essence)
yards of her last position. Despite being considered immaterial, her body is the ash
and as such she may not reappear anywhere the ash could not reach. Any attack,
after the one on which this charm is activated, that can strike immaterial targets is
unimpeded by this charm. She may choose to pay 1ahl on activation to extend her
time immaterial until the start of her next action.

Source: Scarlet Heavens

Cost: 2m+; Mins: Essence 2, Bear 4; Type: Suplimental

Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: —
The grip of a bear is unbreakable and with this charm, so is the grip of one of
the Chosen.
This charm doubles the Martial Artist’s strenght when calculating damage caused
by a clinch. This charm cannot be placed into a combo that contains extra action
Source: RRimmel

Cost: 6m 1w; Mins: Essence 3, Bear 5; Type: Simple

Keywords: Form-Type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Mighty Bear Hug, Southpaw Strike, Strength of the Bear
The simple perfection of the Golden Bear was legendary even during the first
age. While no specimines remain, their prowess was the basis for the Bear Style which
seeks to embody their durablity and power.
A single success must be rolled to enter into the Bear Form which automatically
grants the Chosen the benefits of Southpaw and Strenght of the Bear while they are
in the form. Additionally any successful attack may expend 2 motes of essence as
a diceless reflexive action to automatically become a cinch with the full benefits of
Might Bear Hug.
Source: RRimmel

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 4, Bear 5; Type: Reflexive

Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Golden Bear Form
The anger of a Golden Bear was legendary and their mighty fangs would devour
those that annoyed them.
This charm allows the Martial Artist to execute a counterattack for every time
they are attacked during a tick. They must be aware of the attack to execute a
Source: RRimmel

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 4, Bear 5; Type: Permenant

Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Golden Bear Form
When a Golden Bear desired something dead, the heavens agreed.
This charm allows the enhances the Golden Bear Form allowing the Chosen to
ignore up to his Essence in damage levels until his DV refreshes as long as he was

activly moving towards a target. It is entirly possible for a Chosen to constantly be
moving towards a target and thus continually maintain this bonus.
Source: RRimmel

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 5, Bear 5; Type: Supplimental

Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Raging Charging Bear
It was said that the Golden Bee’s of the East produced the sweetest honey, but
to gather it was to invite their ire. Of all creatures in Nature only the Golden Bear
was quick enough to move through these insects and feast upon their honey.
This Charm allows the Chosen to strike a target quickly enough that they can only
attempt to block the strike. On a successful strike, a man sized target is flung (Essence
X 5) yards towards another target. The second target may attempt to dodge, but
cannot parry, the attack which does the Exalts strenght plus successes in damage and
leaves both targets prone. The second attack uses the same number of successes as
the first so only one roll is needed. Larger targets are typically immune and smaller
targets are flung (Essence X 50) yards instead.
Legend states one Golden Bear was especially apt at this technique and was known
to use it to knock small rocks into distant targets with some frequency.
Source: RRimmel

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 5, Bear 5; Type: Permenant

Keywords: Combo-OK, Clinch Enhancer
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Raging Charging Bear
Golden Bears loved honey over all other things and would do much to acquire
the sweet necter. It was said that only when the Bear had eaten his fill would they
become docile. If such an occurance ever occured, it was never recorded.
During a clinch, the Martial Artist can expend one mote of essence as a diceless
action to absorb up to his Essence in motes from his target. The motes are gained
when the Martial Artist’s DV refreshes.
If the Martial Artist completly fills up his essence pool with this technique he must
release the cinch and is at a -2 internal penalty until his DV refreshes 2 times.
Source: RRimmel

Cost: 6m 1w; Mins: Essence 5, Bear 5; Type: Extra Action

Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Raging Charging Bear
The fury of an angry Golden Bear was a terror to behold and their rage was
enough to fell mountains.
This Charm allows a Martial Artist to move up to add his strength to his move-
ment to close with an opponent and then executes an extra action flurry as normal
with a number of actions equal to his Martial Arts score. If any attack results in a

knockdown, resisted with a difficulty equal to the Martial Artist’s Essence instead of
2 as normal, the remaining attacks in the combo become undodgable.
At the end of the combo if the defender is prone, the Attacker can choose to either
remain over the defender or thrown them up to the attacker’s strength in yards away
in a direction of the attacker’s choosing. If thrown, the effect is resolved as in Heaven
Thunder Hammer.
Source: RRimmel

Cost: 8m 1w; Mins: Essence 4, Bear 5; Type: Simple

Keywords: Obvious, Combo-Basic
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Golden Bear Form
The Roar of a Golden Bear could be heard all over creation, or so the legends
This charm allows the Martial Artist to execute a powerful roar that is capable of
shaking the heavens. The roar affects all targets infront of the Chosen within (Martial
Arts + Essence) yards causing the martial artists strenght in unblockable, undodgable
bashing damage that can only be soaked through stamina.
The secondary effect of this roar is just as horrible on the battlefield. All creatures
within (100 X Essence) yards of the Chosen must make a moral check with a penalty
to their Valor equal to the Chosen’s Essence, with failure indicating that a terrible
fear has been struck into the creature. Creatures that have failed will flee. Creatures
that botch will flee and consider everything else less terrifying than the Chosen and
will activly leap into molten lava, run head long into tyrant lizards, charge headlong
into legions of zombies to escape, or crush through the lines of their fellow soldiers
in a mad, desperate effort to escape. Creatures that have been reduced to zero valor
are automatically considered to have botched this roll. When attempting to flee, or
while performing physical actions directly tied to fleeing, the creature may add the
Chosen’s Essence to their dice pools.
Additionally the brain can only accept so much terror and other effects that cause
fear will not overpower this effect. The only affect that can superseed this effect is
another Golden Bear roar made from someone of equal or higher essence or Celestial
or high circle sorcery. Those affected will run until they are no longer able to see the
Chosen, and a Solar with his anima banner up can be seen for miles.
This effect is magial and will affect other Chosen, however they can make the
moral check at difficulty one or expend 1 willpower reflexivly to be shaken (-2 internal
penalty) for the duration of combat.
When used in mass combat the Chosen may effect units with a magnitute equal
to or less than their personal essence. It can affect multiple units at once, but they
both must be within melee range of the Chosen and their total magnitudes cannot
exceede his Essence.
This charm does not distinguish between friend and foe. If used in a group situation
it is suggested that rout stemming gesture or other similar charms are used.
Source: RRimmel

Cost: 6m+; Mins: Essence 2, Bear 4; Type: Simple


Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: —
Harnessing the fury of the bear, a martial artist learns to both give and take
The Martial Artist adds their Valor to their bashing and lethal soak. Additionally
their attacks do lethal damage and can parry lethal strikes without a stunt.
Source: RRimmel

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Bear 4; Type: Simple

Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: —
The great bears of creation are known for their strength.
The Martial Artist increases his strength by his martial arts score. This increases
is due to a supernatural martial art and is compatable with additional charms such
as Charms:Strength Increasing Exercise Strength Increasing Exercise.
Source: RRimmel

Open Palm Caress

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Black Claw 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion
Duration: Instant
From the beginning, things start to go wrong. Righteous heroes find themselves
cast as a vicious bullies when they fight a student of the Black Claw Style Black Claw
even if the martial artist picked the fight himself. This Charm supplements a Join
Battle action, adding the user’s Essence in bonus successes.
Regardless of whether the Join Battle roll permits the martial artist to act first,
compare the result to the Defense Value Dodge MDV of all other characters who wit-
ness the fight begin (including all combatants). If the roll result is higher, they suffer
an unnatural mental influence unnatural Illusion effect which costs two Willpower to
resist, convincing them that the martial artist’s opponents initiated hostilities. This
even applies to the opponents themselves, who may suddenly find themselves quite
confused about why they are attacking the character. Characters that do not pay
this cost upfront can pay four Willpower to correct their memories later, but only
with external prompting or a compelling personal reason to question the memory and
not until a day has passed since they last encountered the martial artist. Minds need
distance from such a toxic presence before they can think clearly. This Charm may
enhance only the first Join Battle roll the character makes in a fight.
monkeys-vol-10-black-claw-style.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 10
Source: Ink Monkeys

Torn Lotus Defense

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Black Claw 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 10)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion

Duration: Instant
Every Black Claw student must submit to his sifu. As one whose heart has
already been conquered, he knows that any greater defeat is impossible. The martial
artist draws on the memory of his love and channels it into his stance, projecting
unmistakable and fragile resolution: a sight to move the hearts of gods and demons
This Charm may be invoked when the character successfully negates an attack
with his DV. The aggressor is struck by the character’s posture of resolute defiance,
and treats the successful defense as a scene spent working toward building a positive
Intimacy for the martial artist. The specific emotional context of the Intimacy, be it
respect, admiration, or even unexpected love, depends on the context of the situation
and may be chosen by the attackers player. This unnatural mental influence costs
one Willpower to resist.
This Charm will not function if evoked in conjunction with a Charm possessing a
Flaw of Invulnerability (or equivalent effect, such as an Infernal Imperfection); the
martial artist’s beauty lies in his weakness, not his invulnerable strength.
monkeys-vol-10-black-claw-style.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 10
Source: Ink Monkeys

Flexing the Emerald Claw

Cost: 3m or 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Black Claw 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion, Obvious, Poison
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Open Palm Caress, Torn Lotus Defense
Even for the unjustly wronged, there comes a time to strike back. Students
of the Black Claw opt to do so with deceptive force. By paying three motes to
supplement an unarmed attack, the martial artist’s hand becomes wreathed in a
bilious green spray of Essence. If the attack hits, it inflicts normal damage and the
victim becomes afflicted with a dose of poison with the following statistics: (7L/action,
3, /, -2). This poison is exceptionally subtle, displaying no outward symptoms as it
destroys its victim from the inside. By paying four motes instead, the martial artist
may veil his strike in an unnatural mental influence unnatural Illusion effect, removing
the Obvious tag for all observers save the Charm’s target. This Illusion may be ignored
by observers who spend one Willpower.
monkeys-vol-10-black-claw-style.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 10
Source: Ink Monkeys

Storm-Calming Embrace
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Black Claw 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisites: Black Claw Form
Despite being cruelly assaulted, the martial artist clasps his opponent to him.
Swallowing his rancor, he does nothing to escalate the fightsuch virtue! This Charm

allows the martial artist to add his Essence rating in dice to all attempts to establish,
maintain or control a grapple. However, a clinch enhanced by this Charm may only
be used to apply a hold, not to crush or throw.
Incidentally, as a Crippling effect, the target the martial artist is holding automat-
ically fails all Toxicity rolls, and any poisons in the target’s system add the L tag to
their Toxicity.
monkeys-vol-10-black-claw-style.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 10
Source: Ink Monkeys

Doe Eyes Defense

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 3, Black Claw 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Black Claw Form
The Black Claw practitioner is well aware that vulnerability is his greatest
defense, and exploits it ruthlessly. The martial artist falls back hurriedly in response to
an attack, his every movement accentuating his inferiority in the face of the oncoming
assault. Realization of her target’s weakness unnerves or unduly excites the attacker,
depending on her temperament, causing her to experience an internal penalty on her
attack roll equal to the martial artist’s (Appearance + 2). This unnatural mental
influence costs two Willpower to ignore. In the First Age, this technique was also
sometimes known as the Fainting Maiden Ward, or the Painted Boy Defense.
monkeys-vol-10-black-claw-style.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 10
Source: Ink Monkeys

Table-Turning Reversal
Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Black Claw 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack, Emotion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Black Claw Form
Only a coward would use a weapon to strike down an unarmed man. All Cre-
ation rejoices to see a bully given a dose of his own medicine, and the martial artist
is the one to do it.
This Charm is activated in response to an attack; regardless of whether the at-
tack succeeds, the martial artist may launch a counterattack. This counterattack
is a standard disarm attempt (see Exalted, p.158), save that rather than knocking
the opponent’s weapon away, the martial artist steals and reflexively equips it. If
the counterattack succeeds, he may treat the pilfered weapon as though it were an
unarmed attack for the purpose of all Black Claw style Charms then for the rest of
the scene or until the weapon leaves his grasp, whichever comes first. Weapons made
entirely of Essence and attuned artifact weapons are not valid targets for this Charm.
Additionally, all characters who witness a successful disarm performed with this
Charm treat the sight as a scene of work toward building a positive Intimacy for the
martial artist. The emotional context of this Intimacy is chosen by the observers
player. This unnatural mental influence costs one Willpower to resist.

monkeys-vol-10-black-claw-style.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 10
Source: Ink Monkeys

Outrage-Kindling Cry
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Black Claw 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-basic, Compulsion, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Storm-Calming Embrace, Doe Eyes Defense, Table-Turning Re-
These things are natural in Creation, but not Malfeas: To cheer for the un-
derdog, to feel one’s heart go out to another in pain, and to abhor injustice. Thus
pious critics of Black Claw style are revealed as hypocrites; this technique employs
the weapons of Creation, not Hell.
This Charm may be activated in response to an attack that successfully strikes the
martial artist. It takes the form of a kiai that compresses the character’s agony into
a heart-rending wail. Roll ( Manipulation or Appearance + Performance), adding a
number of successes equal to any wound penalties the martial artist may be suffering,
and apply it against the Defense Value Dodge MDV of all witnesses within earshot
save for the attacker himself. Those who succumb to this unnatural mental influence
(spending the standard one Willpower to resist immunizes a listener for the rest of
the scene) suffer a Compulsion to assault the martial artist’s attacker and to protect
the martial artist. This behavior persists until either the attacker or the martial artist
has been out of sight for one minute, or the scene ends, whichever comes first.
The attack is considered automatically successful against all listeners who have a
positive intimacy toward the martial artist, a negative intimacy toward the attacker,
or who believe the attacker started the fight.
monkeys-vol-10-black-claw-style.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 10
Source: Ink Monkeys

Heart-Ripping Claw
Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 5, Black Claw 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Outrage-Kindling Cry
This is the secret final technique of the Black Claw style. In the past, many
teachers kept this Charm to themselves. Though the Yozis have forbidden their
progeny from withholding it from the Green Sun Princes, it seems likely that many
of the style’s Infernal masters may likewise neglect to mention Heart-Ripping Claw
when they establish their schools in Creation.
Eight wisdoms live at the heart of Black Claw style: Love is a lie; innocence is a
lie; blame is a lie; lies are inescapable. Children betray their parents; gods betray
their makers; students betray their teachers; betrayal is inescapable. Wise masters
are ready to strike first, and strike better.
Enhancing an unarmed attack with this Charm causes the attacking limb to be
wreathed in a corona of screaming black shadows, razor-edged and lashing. An attack

so enhanced inflicts lethal damage, and adds a raw damage bonus equal to twice the
martial artist’s Essence rating.
Moreover, if the Black Claw master is held in someone’s heart, he cannot fail to
strike that mark. This Charm acts as an unblockable and undodgeable attack against
any target harboring a positive Intimacy toward the martial artist. If the attack
would have missed such a target without this Charm, then it strikes with a threshold
of 0 successes. If the target has an Intimacy of love toward the martial artist, then
the attack inflicts aggravated damage in addition to the benefits mentioned above. If
this Charm slays an opponent, the Infernal tears the targets heart out of their chest
and holds it in his fist as it crumbles to ash.
monkeys-vol-10-black-claw-style.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 10
Source: Ink Monkeys

Petal-From-Root Prana
Cost: 2 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Blossoming Rose 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
The weilder of this charm strikes a target in multiple pressure points, feeling
their various strengths and weaknesses to assess the target’s health and either promote
or diminish the target’s health by choosing which to strike deeply and which to lightly
Mechanically this charm required two rolls (not treated as split actions); a Per-
ception+Martial Arts to diagnose any physical or mental ailments the target suffers
from and a Dexterity+Martial Arts to enhance or detract from the target’s health,
both against difficulty 2. Success on the diagnosis test gives a general indication of
health, with each extra success giving knowledge of one specific ailment affecting the
target. Every day this charm is successfully used to enhance a target’s health they
heal twice as quickly as usual, have -1 difficulties to resist and be treated for poisons
and mortal diseases, and as well are not at risk from incidental serious battle wound
infections. Every day this charm is sucessfully used to detract from a target’s health
they heal half as quickly as usual, have +1 difficulty to resist and be treated for poi-
sons and mortal diseases, and will catch infections from even a single health level of
lethal damage taken.
Source: Upaatk

Stem’s Thorough Thorn Strikes

Cost: 3 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Blossoming Rose 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Sickness
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Petal-From-Root Prana
The healer is now able to follow the lines of health in their target’s body, to
strike and strengthen or disrupt them at will.
This charm can be used to treat a disease or inflict a Mortal disease in a target. If
a target is known to have a disease then this charm’s strike, which they can choose to
cause no damage, can also be used as a method of magical treatment requiring only a

successful Dexterity+Martial Arts roll to strike the target. All disease rolls involving
this charm infected disease are at +2 difficulty. Learning or creating a Mortal disease
requires an Intelligence+Medicine roll, difficulty 2. Reduce this difficulty to 1 if
someone teaches the character how to inflict the disease. Developing a disease on the
fly is at a +2 diff penalty.
Source: Upaatk

Delicate Petal’s Dew Technique

Cost: 1 willpower to activate plus 2 motes per health level converted; Mins:
Essence 3, Blossoming Rose 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Petal-From-Root Prana
The martial artist can now brush open or closed wounds on their target’s bodies,
stroking minute pressure points to force wounds open or seal them tight.
This charm allows the character to convert levels of Bashing damage to Lethal
damage or vice versa, it requires a successful difficulty 2 martial arts attack against
an unwilling target
Source: Upaatk

Blossoming Rose in Bloom

Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Blossoming Rose 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Stem’s Thorough Thorn Strikes, Delicate Petal’s Dew Technique
The martial artist now practices the fighting and healing arts in perfect rhythm
with the health of all around them.
The character’s Medicine ability adds to the accuracy and damage of their martial
arts attacks, while their Martial Arts ability adds to their Medicine rolls.
Source: Upaatk

Pachygyrial Pistil’s Scent Strikes

Cost: 5 motes, 1 willpower; Mins: Essence 3, Blossoming Rose 5; Type: Sup-
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Blossoming Rose in Bloom
The healer is now able to follow the lines of health that affect a target’s mind,
to strike and strengthen or disrupt them at will.
This charm can be used to treat or inflict derangements in a target. To inflict a
derangement requires an unarmed martial arts attack that causes at least one health
level of damage, this allows any derangement to be inflicted. All treatment rolls
involving this charm infected derangement are at +2 difficulty. If a target is known
to have a derangement or some form of outside influence on their mentality, except
for Servitude effects, then the character can use this charm to make a healing martial
arts strike as a method of treatment on a successful Dexterity+Martial Arts roll to

strike the target. Unless a specific treatment number is set for the derangement or
influence this is a difficulty 2 test. It can only counteract sorcery spells of instant
duration, ongoing effects must be targeted with countermagic effects. This charm has
no influence over the Great Curse.
Source: Upaatk

Purulent Stamen’s Pollen Technique

Cost: 1 willpower, 1 lethal health level, and 3 motes per health level converted;
Mins: Essence 4, Blossoming Rose 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Blossoming Rose in Bloom
The martial artist can now savagely force the wounds on their target’s bod-
ies open, infecting them with burning essence, or soothe and close even the most
horrendus wounds.
This charm allows the character to convert levels of Lethal damage to Aggravated
damage or vice versa, it requires a successful difficulty 2 martial arts attack against
an unwilling target.
Source: Upaatk

Glorious Blooming and Withering Strikes

Cost: 1 willpower to activate plus 4 motes per health level shifted; Mins: Essence
4, Blossoming Rose 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Pachygyrial Pistil’s Scent Strikes, Purulent Stamen’s Pollen Tech-
This potent charm is used to find the focal points of body and essence in two
targets and re-key each as a mirror to its opposite, making wounds flow from one to
the other.
The martial arts strike from this charm reconfigues one target to match and switch
it with the health of another. This pushes the attack roll difficulty to +1, but does
not require a roll on any willing target. If both targets are unwilling this requires
two attacks in the same round, therefore either splitting dice pools or an extra action
charm. The character can choose whether they inflict damage on a successful martial
arts attack or not.
Source: Upaatk

Thorny Vine Seizes and Releases

Cost: 6 motes, 1 willpower; Mins: Essence 4, Blossoming Rose 5; Type: Sup-
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion or Sickness
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Pachygyrial Pistil’s Scent Strikes, Purulent Stamen’s Pollen Tech-
The scholar who masters this charm has reached a fundamental understanding
of the underpinning principle of disease.

The martial artist can now create First Circle Spiritual Diseases and make infec-
tious Martial Arts attacks by supplementing her strikes with this charm. Creating
such a sickness requires an Intelligence+Medicine roll. The difficulty to create is twice
the disease’s difficulty to be magically treated (diff 2 or 3 for 1st Circle Spiritual Dis-
eases). Reduce this difficulty by -1 if someone teaches the character how to inflict
the disease. Developing a disease on the fly is at a +2 diff penalty. This charm can
instead be used to magically treat a Mortal Disease or First Circle Spiritual Disease
with a Dex+Martial Arts healing point strike, treatment at -1 diff if disease is known
to the character.
Source: Upaatk

Unities and Disunities from Root-to-Petal

Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 5, Blossoming Rose 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Stackable
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Glorious Blooming and Withering Strikes, Thorny Vine Seizes
and Releases
The peak of this style is to disrupt the whole being of its foes or to undo the
disruption of its patients.
Unlike the specific trait disabilities that Spiritual Diseases cause, this charm creates
a total person penalty in its target. Targets of the offensive use of this charm suffer
a -1 internal penalty to all dice pools for every health level of damage suffered in the
strike. These penalties heal and can be cured as if they were aggravated levels of
damage or as if each was a differet magical disease with a difficulty of 5 to treat. This
charm can instead be used to heal targets of penalties with each extra success on a
roll to strike, Dex+MA (diff 0 for willing targets), removing one -1 of penalty. This
could be used to remove pain and fatigue penalties such as a wound penalty or some
charms create, but could not remove the penalty from being shackled or otherwise
physically restrained.
Source: Upaatk

Pounding Hammer of Devastation Technique

Cost: 7 motes; Mins: Essence 5, Brawl 5; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Heaven Thunder Hammer
This Charm allows the Solar’s unarmed strikes to do lethal damage and do
additional damage against inanimate objects. ”See the text of this Charm for full
Source Caste Book: Dawn, p. 72.
Source: Caste Book: Dawn

Inevitable Victory Meditation

Cost: 3 motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 1, Brawl 5; Type: Simple
Duration: Until used
Prerequisites: Fists of Iron Technique

After meditation, the Solar makes a Brawl roll and stores the results for use
later.Source Cult of the Illuminated, p. 100.
Source: Cult of the Illuminated

Irrepressible Bravery Tactic

Cost: 3 motes per success; Mins: Essence 2, Brawl 3; Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Thunderclap Rush Attack
The Solar can convert stunt dice into automatic successes with this
Charm.Source Cult of the Illuminated, p. 100.
Source: Cult of the Illuminated

Dancing with Strife Technique

Cost: 3 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Brawl 3; Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Irrepressible Bravery Tactic
If the character successfully defends themself from an attack, they may regain
a point of Willpower.Source Cult of the Illuminated, p. 100.
Source: Cult of the Illuminated

Supremacy of War Method

Cost: 1 mote per die; Mins: Essence 3, Brawl 5; Type: Reflexive
Duration: One scene or until used
Prerequisites: Inevitable Victory Meditation, Dancing with Strife Technique
Any time a Solar’s opponent takes an action against them, they may purchase
dice to use against that opponent at a later date.Source Cult of the Illuminated, p.
Source: Cult of the Illuminated

Ascendant Battle Visage

Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 4, Brawl 5, Endurance 5; Type:
Duration: One turn
Prerequisites: Supremacy of War Method, Bloodthirsty Sword-Dancer Spirit
Flaring her anima to iconic levels, this Charm enforces the martial artist’s will
in combat, granting her almost assured success through her Essence (trait) Essence,
but risks entering a frenzy or Limit Break.Source Cult of the Illuminated, p. 102.
Source: Cult of the Illuminated

Dragon Coil Technique

Cost: 3m/turn; Mins: Essence 1, Brawl 4; Type: Simple

Duration: Varies
Prerequisites: Fists of Iron Technique
This Charm supplements the damage of a clinch attack, or makes it easier for
the brawler to escape a clinch. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source First
Edition Core, p. 158.
errata-fix edition=Firstsource=Exalted Players Guidepage=206text=The charac-
ter can deal additional lethal damage in a clinch.
Source: First Edition Core

Inescapable Iron Grip

Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Brawl 3; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Until released
Prerequisites: Dead Man’s Grasp
This Charm supplements a hold attempt. If successful, the victim is unable to
breathe, potentially asphyxiating them. The victim suffers a penalty to escape based
on the duration of the hold.
Source Exalted: The Abyssals, p. 160.
errata-fix edition=Firstsource=Exalted Players Guidepage=206text=In a clinch,
neither party can inflict clinch damage and can only act to control the clinch.
Source: Exalted: The Abyssals

Dead Man’s Grasp

Cost: 1 mote per turn; Mins: Essence 2, Brawl 2; Type: Reflexive
Duration: Until released
This Charm allows the Abyssal Exalted Abyssal to perform a clinch that causes
lethal damage. As long as the Charm is continued every turn, the damage increases.
Source Exalted: The Abyssals, p. 160.
Source: Exalted: The Abyssals

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Brawl 2; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Precision Punishment
By means of jarring Essence flows and carefully positioned leverage, the Exalt
turns his opponents armor against itself in a clinch. He is able to force the armor
to bend against vulnerable spots in its make up, increasing pressure and forcing the
armor to dig into his opponent. Subtract the characters Brawl from hiss opponents
armors mobility penalty. The result is applied as a penalty to the opponents soak
against the characters clinch attack this round. In Power Combat, simply subtract
the characters Brawl from the opponents soak.
Source: IsawaBrian

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Brawl 4; Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Deadly Leverage Grip
With rough and forceful twists in a clinch, the Exalt maneuvers her opponent
around between her and incoming attacks. In order to use this Charm, the character
must have control of the clinch. The character may parry a single attack that she can
anticipate with her full Dexterity + Brawl pool. If the parry is successful, then the
opponent she is in the clinch with will suffer the damage instead, with the number of
extra successes on the parry counting as extra successes to attack
Source: IsawaBrian

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Brawl 3; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , None
A Solar in the heat of battle must not be afraid to get up-close-and-personal with
her opponent. By harmonizing the Essence of her body with that of her opponents
attack, she can move in precise opposition to it, slipping in behind her opponents
defenses. This charm is activated before the use of a defense. If the defense is
successful, the number of extra successes on the defense are added to the defenders
next brawl pool as dice. The defender also gains a bonus equal to her brawl score to
initiative the next round.
Source: IsawaBrian

Cost: Reflexive; Mins: Essence 3, Brawl 5; Type: Simple
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Whirlpool Guardian Style
The Exalt progresses in his mastery of crowd fighting. Not only can he defend
himself against large numbers of opponents, but he has become an expert at turning
their mass back upon them. The Solar actually becomes a more efficient fighter when
he is faced with longer odds. Until the end of the scene, add a number of dice equal
to the number of opponents this character faces, either as attackers or defenders
(Storytellers option on who counts as an opponent). The character may not more
than double his Attribute + Brawl pool on any one roll.
Source: IsawaBrian

Cost: 2; Mins: Essence 2, Brawl 4; Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Crashing Wave Throw
The character charges his fist with Essence, and strikes the nearest surface with

all of his might. A wave of force travels through the ground towards the target,
exploding once it reaches her. The character attacks with her Dexterity + Brawl
dice pool and does a base lethal damage of his Strength + his Essence. The Ocean
Upswell Attack is blocked as a ranged attack, not a brawling punch. Ocean Upswell
Attack can strike characters up to (10 x the characters Essence) yards away. This
must travel in a straight line across a surface, so it will have to travel up cliffs and
down stairs to reach characters on different plains. However, there is no requirement
for the surface to be hard; while a character could not use this attack underwater, he
could use it on the surface to attack a boat, for example. In general, this will tear up
whatever is between the character and his target.
Source: IsawaBrian

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Brawl 5; Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Waves Slap the Beach
Upon activating this unusual Charm, the character creates a field of Essence
in whatever solid surface is in front of his feet, and matches it to similar fields in
his hands. With a mighty pull, he tears up the earth or stone or similar substance
with his bare hands and ripples it in the direction of his enemies. The character
makes a single Strength + Brawl attack roll, doing a base damage equal to twice his
permanent Essence added to his strength, which is applied to everyone in a corridor
in front of him (Essence) yards wide and (Essence x 10) yards long. Characters suffer
1 yard of knockback for every health level they take, and anyone in the area must
make a reflexive Dexterity + Athletics roll to stay standing. This will cause major
damage to the surface so used.
Source: IsawaBrian

Sledgehammer Fist Punch

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Brawl 1; Type: Simple
Duration: One turn
This Charm doubles the damage she inflicts against an inanimate object.Source
First Edition Core, p. 159.
errata-fix edition=Firstsource=Exalted Players Guide-
Source: First Edition Core

Heaven Thunder Hammer

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Brawl 3; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
This Charm allows the martial artist’s attacks to knock her foes great distances.
See Crashing Wave ThrowSource First Edition Core, p. 160.

Source: First Edition Core

Ox-Stunning Blow
Cost: 1m/die; Mins: Essence 1, Brawl 4; Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Fists of Iron Technique
This Charm allows the Lawbringer to stun their foe instead of causing them
actual damage. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source First Edition Core,
pp. 157-158.
Source: First Edition Core

Crashing Wave Throw

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Brawl 2; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Sledgehammer Fist Punch
This Charm allows the martial artist to hurl her opponents great distances. This
cannot be blocked, only dodged. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source First
Edition Core, p. 159.
errata-fix edition=Firstsource=Exalted Players Guidepage=206cost=3
motestype=Supplementaltext=This charm can only be used when ending a clinch
with a throw. The distance of the throw is increased.
Source: First Edition Core

Hammer on Iron Technique

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Brawl 4; Type: Extra Action
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Thunderclap Rush Attack
This Charm allows the Lawbringer make a magical flurry of attacks against a
single opponent. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source First Edition Core,
p. 159.
Source: First Edition Core

Shockwave Technique
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 1, Brawl 4; Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Crashing Wave Throw
This Charm allows the martial artist to hurl one opponent into another.Source
First Edition Core, p. 160.
Source: First Edition Core

Crimson Palm Counterstrike

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Brawl 4; Type: Reflexive

Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Horrific Wreath
This Charm allows the character to respond to an attack with a counterattack
of his own, which carries the potential to disrupt the enemy attack as well as harm
him.Source Exalted: The Sidereals, p. 155.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Hero’s Breathtaking Entrance

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Butterfly 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Social
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , None
The butterfly stylist has her own sense of timing. She doesnt join a quarrel
when it starts simply because everyone else rushes inshes content to leave them to
trip over each others heels while she watches in amusement. She makes a striking
entrance when the scene demands it, inspiring awe in her enemies and hope in her
This Charm may be invoked whenever the character would make a Join Battle
or Join Debate action to participate in an encounter which was initiated at least
(6 Essence) ticks ago, to a minimum of 1 tick ago. Instead of rolling her (Wits +
Awareness) the character automatically obtains a number of successes equal to the
reaction count, allowing her to act immediately.
Additionally, if the character stunts her entrance or arrival while using this Charm
and would regain Willpower from it, every participant who has a positive Intimacy
towards her and reasonably expects the butterfly stylist to take their side regains one
point of Willpower as well. This benefit only applies the first time a character would
join an encounter during the scene.
Source: Black Paper Moon

Silk and Gossamer Deflection

Cost: 1m per 2 soak; Mins: Essence 2, Butterfly 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 7)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Hero’s Breathtaking Entrance
The butterfly stylist doesnt have time to prepare for every possible eventuality.
She strides forth, clothed in color and light, and works with what she has.
This Charm enhances the characters clothing with a layer of shimmering Essence,
allowing a silken sleeve to turn aside a blade. It gains two points of lethal and bashing
soak per mote spent, up to (Essence) motes. This stacks with soak from armor, if
the character is wearing any underneath her clothing. This Charm may only be used
once per scene on a given set of clothes.
Source: Black Paper Moon

Armed with Style

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Butterfly 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 1 or 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious

Duration: One action
Prerequisites: Hero’s Breathtaking Entrance
The butterfly stylist garbs herself in trinkets and treasures, but she cares little
for them. Beauty is a tool like any other; if it has no use, it has no meaning. Eager
to please her, the little gods of her accoutrements seek to make themselves useful to
her purpose, so that even crystal goblets and roses may become lethal weapons in her
This Charm enhances all form weapons that the character is carrying or wielding.
Improvised weapons gain the trait of knives, and may be wielded in close combat or
thrown (using the characters Martial Arts ability in both cases) as desired. Weapons
which would be deadly without this Charm have their Speed reduced by 1, and gain
1 point of Accuracy and Damage.
The magic of this Charm only improves weapons for one attack or parry: once a
particular weapon has been used to make or block an attack once, it loses any benefits
granted by this Charm.
Source: Black Paper Moon

Butterfly Form
Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Butterfly 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Silk and Gossamer Deflection, Armed with Style
When the butterfly stylist dances, her skirts fluttering and turning all eyes
towards her, the world itself is her prop. While this Charm is active, the martial
artist may draw and ready form weapons on her person or within hands reach as
a reflexive action that imposes no DV penalty. She may wield up to (Essence) such
weapons without using her hands, releasing them to flitter and twirl enticingly around
her body like butterflies.
Her poise becomes not only flexible, but also irresistibly alluring. If the characters
natural, unmodified Appearance rating is higher than that of an opponent, she adds
the difference as successes in any unarmed Martial Arts attacks she makes towards
him, and increases her DVs against him by the same amount. Attack successes
obtained through this Charm count as providing two dice via Charms.
Finally, awed by the butterfly stylists mystique, those who would have counted
the scene as a step towards building a positive Intimacy for the character gain the
full-fledged Intimacy immediately at the end of the scene instead.
Source: Black Paper Moon

Iridescent Substitution Technique

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Butterfly 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Social, Compulsion, Action-Only
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Diaphanous Mirage Escape
The butterfly stylist is graceful, flirtatious and capricious. When she moves she
catches the eye of women and the hearts of men: if she were to ask for a dance, who
would deny her?
The character may invoke this Charm to substitute herself for one of the partic-

ipants in a grapple. Make a (Charisma or Manipulation + Martial Arts) roll at a
difficulty of the controlling partners MDV. His MDV is modified based on the relative
Appearance ratings between him and the martial artist, as though this was a social
If the roll is successful, this Charm exerts unnatural mental influence on the con-
trolling partner that allows the martial artist to cut into the clinch and take the place
of either him or the subdued partner, as desired. If the martial artist takes control of
a clinch, she next acts and contests the clinch with her victim whenever the previous
controller would have acted. The party removed from the grapple is considered be
Guarding until the next roll to contest the clinch would come up.
In a social occasion, the butterfly stylist may use this Charm as outlined above
to cut in at a dance or any other activity practiced as a couple, smoothly taking the
place of one of the partners.
Regardless of the occasion in which it is used, resisting the effects of this Charm
costs 2wp.
Source: Black Paper Moon

Passion-Fueled Tenacity
Cost: 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Butterfly 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 5)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Disarming Smile Intervention, Iridescent Substitution Technique
The butterfly basks in the faith and admiration of others around her. If they
believe in her, how could she allow herself to be defeated and disappoint them?
This Charm may be invoked against an attack of which the character is aware, and
allows her to perfectly dodge that attackeven if it is undodgeable. The character may
only invoke this Charm once per creature with a positive Intimacy towards her that
is participating in or witnessing the scene; if she does not have a supportive audience,
she cannot invoke this magic. This constitutes a special flaw of invulnerability.
Source: Black Paper Moon

Storm-Inducing Wingbeat
Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Butterfly 5; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Butterfly Form
The butterfly stylist performs a series of misleadingly subtle movements, causing
the weapons she wields to swarm towards her foes like an approaching storm. This
Charm is a magical flurry of up to (Appearance) unarmed Martial Arts attacks. The
martial artist must use a different weapon to make each attack; she may substitute
a single punch and a single kick as a weapon for this purpose. These attacks do not
suffer from multiple action penalties and cumulatively impose a a DV penalty equal
to the highest penalty for any one attack.
Source: Black Paper Moon

Disarming Smile Intervention

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Butterfly 5; Type: Supplemental

Keywords: Combo-OK, Social, Compulsion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Storm-Inducing Wingbeat
The butterfly stylist aims to finish a conflict, not to kill those involved. This
Charm supplements an unarmed Martial Arts attack: if it is successful, the character
automatically disarms her target instead of dealing damage, sending his weapon flying
(Martial Arts) yards in a direction of her choice. This attack doesnt suffer the external
penalty common to called shots.
A foe who has previously attacked the martial artist or a known ally of hers during
the scene and is thus spared of harm gains a positive Intimacy towards the character,
impressed by her magnanimity. This is unnatural mental influence that costs 1wp to
resist. A foe who has no weapons to disarm suffers damage as per a normal attack.
In a social occasion, the butterfly stylist may use this Charm to supplement a
social attack so that it imposes a positive Intimacy towards her. This is unnatural
mental influence that costs 1wp to resist.
Source: Black Paper Moon

Diaphanous Mirage Escape

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Butterfly 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Social, Illusion
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Butterfly Form
The butterfly stylist does not linger: when the spirits of a gathering bank low,
or its dramatic opportunities are exhausted, she is the first one out of the party.
This Charm allows the character to escape from a scene. The martial artist makes
a (Dexterity or Manipulation + Martial Arts) roll, adding her Essence in automatic
successes. Everyone observing her is subject to unnatural mental influence: if the
result exceeds their MDV, they are compelled to ignore her as she leaves the scene.
This may be as subtle as having audience members glance thoughtfully at one another
or the ceiling while talking to the character, giving her a moment to vanish. The
audience may thereafter note the butterfly stylists absence when anyone attempts to
find or interact with her. Resisting the effects of this Charm costs 4wp, which drops
to 1wp if anyone calls attention to the martial artist as shes leaving.
If the character is physically restrained or somehow prevented from leaving, she
gains (Martial Arts) automatic successes to any rolls which would allow her to escape.
If used to contest control of a clinch, the character must immediately Break Hold and
release the opponent without inflicting harm on him before disappearing, leaving him
to find that she has somehow slipped his grasp without his notice.
Note that while a character may rejoin a scene after invoking this Charm, she
cannot do so before at least 5 ticks have elapsed.
Source: Black Paper Moon

Borne on Wings of Fancy

Cost: (+1m, 1wp); Mins: Essence 4, Butterfly 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Form-enhancing
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Passion-Fueled Tenacity

The appearance of a butterfly sometimes lends the scene a wondrous, slightly
surreal atmosphere. Colors seem brighter, the wind livelier, and laughter and song
louder. Scholarly legend states that butterflies have been known to fly along the banks
of the river Lethe; it may be that their wings shed some of its Essence where they fly,
showing a promise of rebirth and renewal to those present. It is likewise known that
blue-winged butterflies sometimes ferry Makarios messages to Creationperhaps it is
that influence instead which tinges their wings with ethereal beauty?
None knowbut power is power, regardless of its source. The enlightened butterfly
stylist may spend an additional 1m,1wp when activating Butterfly Form to infuse all
Butterfly Style Charms with some of the butterflys dreamlike power, casually ignoring
the laws of Creation when dramatically convenient.
”’Heros Breathtaking Entrance:”’ The character may appear in any location of
her choice as part of a stunt for Heros Breathtaking Entrance, regardless of how
improbable it is, so long as she had not been seen and established to be somewhere
else already. The character may not appear in places which are actually ”impossible”
for her to be in, such as magically warded rooms or a closed safe.
”’Silk and Gossamer Deflection:”’ The character may use clothing that has been
enhanced with Silk and Gossamer Deflection as an ablative defense. The character
may negate two post-soak damage dice for every point of soak she sacrifices on step 8
of resolution; this manifests as tears and battle damage? to her clothing as determined
by the player. This is an innate ability that does not count towards the characters
Charm use, and it may reduce the minimum damage of an attack to 0. Exhausting
all the soak provided by Silk and Gossamer Deflection should always be reflected by
significant damage to the characters clothing.
”’Armed with Style:”’ Improvised weapons gain the traits of perfect-quality knives
instead (see Exalted, p. 366). Proper weapons gain one additional point of Accuracy
and Damage, for a total enhancement of 1 Speed, +2 Accuracy and +2 Damage.
”’Butterfly Form:”’ The character regains one point of temporary Willpower when-
ever her actions directly lead to someone gaining a positive Intimacy towards her.
”’Storm-Inducing Wingbeat:”’ The character may spend an additional 5m when
activating Storm-Inducing Wingbeat to enhance every attack provided by this Charm
with the benefits of Disarming Smile Intervention.
”’Disarming Smile Intervention:”’ If a character uses Hero’s Breathtaking Entrance
when joining a conflict for the first time during a scene, and she makes one or more
attacks that are supplemented by Disarming Smile Intervention during that tick, the
first such attack against each foe becomes undodgeable and unblockable.
”’Diaphanous Mirage Escape:”’ The character may spend an additional 6m when
activating this Charm to escape from any physical restraints which would prevent her
from leaving.
”’Iridescent Substitution Technique:”’ The butterfly stylist may use Iridescent
Substitution Technique to cut into a Defend Other action. If the martial artist takes
the place of a guardian, he switches to a Guard action that lasts until his DV would
have refreshed before this Charm was invoked. The Defend Other action is unchanged;
it lasts until the original guardian would next act, whereupon the martial artist may
also act.
If the martial artist takes the place of the ward, the guardian thereafter attempts to
protect the martial artist with the same passion with which he would have protected
his previous (now bereft) ward for the remainder of that Defend Other action.

”’Passion-Fueled Tenacity:”’ The character may spend an additional 1wp to invoke
this Charm as an innate ability that does not count towards her Charm use.
Source: Black Paper Moon

Monkey Tail Distraction Strike

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Celestial Monkey 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , None
This charm allows the martial artist to strike unexpectedly before battle be-
gins.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 85.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Monkey Tail Distraction Strike

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Celestial Monkey 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , None
This charm allows the martial artist to strike unexpectedly before battle be-
gins.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 85.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Flowing Mirror of Opposition Technique

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1, Celestial Monkey 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 1 or 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Monkey Tail Distraction Strike
This charm allows the martial artist to caper in such a fashion that enemy
attack pools are reduced and he can attack more swiftly.Source Scroll of the Monk,
p. 86.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Flowing Mirror of Opposition Technique

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1, Celestial Monkey 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 1 or 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Monkey Tail Distraction Strike
This charm allows the martial artist to caper in such a fashion that enemy
attack pools are reduced and he can attack more swiftly.Source Scroll of the Monk,
p. 86.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Body of War Meditation

Cost: 4m or 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Celestial Monkey 3; Type: Simple (Dramatic
Keywords: Obvious, Stackable

Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Monkey Tail Distraction Strike, None
This charm allows the martial artist to use a meditative prana channel essence
through his Chakra to increase his physical stats.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 86.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Body of War Meditation

Cost: 4m or 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Celestial Monkey 3; Type: Simple (Dramatic
Keywords: Obvious, Stackable
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Monkey Tail Distraction Strike, None
This charm allows the martial artist to use a meditative prana channel essence
through his Chakra to increase his physical stats.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 86.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Withering Paw Strike

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Celestial Monkey 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Body of War Meditation
This charm allows the martial artist to disarm his opponent very effec-
tively.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 86.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Withering Paw Strike

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Celestial Monkey 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Body of War Meditation
This charm allows the martial artist to disarm his opponent very effec-
tively.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 86.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Walking in the Footsteps of Ten Thousand Things

Cost: 10m, 1wp, 2xp; Mins: Essence 3, Celestial Monkey 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: None
Duration: One scene (with Permanent aspects)
Prerequisites: Body of War Meditation, Celestial Monkey Form
This charm allows the martial artist to meditate on an opponent and internal-
ize lessons on him to gain a big advantage fighting that opponent when next they
fight.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 86.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Walking in the Footsteps of Ten Thousand Things

Cost: 10m, 1wp, 2xp; Mins: Essence 3, Celestial Monkey 5; Type: Simple

Keywords: None
Duration: One scene (with Permanent aspects)
Prerequisites: Body of War Meditation, Celestial Monkey Form
This charm allows the martial artist to meditate on an opponent and internal-
ize lessons on him to gain a big advantage fighting that opponent when next they
fight.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 86.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Four Halo Golden Monkey Palm

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Celestial Monkey 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Celestial Monkey Form, Walking in the Footsteps of Ten Thou-
sand Things
This charm allows the martial artist to attack an opponent in one of his chakras,
doing lethal damage equal to the target’s highest virtue.Source Scroll of the Monk,
p. 87.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Four Halo Golden Monkey Palm

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Celestial Monkey 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Celestial Monkey Form, Walking in the Footsteps of Ten Thou-
sand Things
This charm allows the martial artist to attack an opponent in one of his chakras,
doing lethal damage equal to the target’s highest virtue.Source Scroll of the Monk,
p. 87.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Four Halo Golden Monkey Realignment

Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Celestial Monkey 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Walking in the Footsteps of Ten Thousand Things, Four Halo
Golden Monkey Palm
This charm allows the martial artist to manifest his chakra as deflective energy
fields, giving him an enormous parry DV.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 88.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Four Halo Golden Monkey Realignment

Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Celestial Monkey 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Walking in the Footsteps of Ten Thousand Things, Four Halo
Golden Monkey Palm

This charm allows the martial artist to manifest his chakra as deflective energy
fields, giving him an enormous parry DV.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 88.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Celestial Godbody Understanding

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 4, Celestial Monkey 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Four Halo Golden Monkey Palm, Four Halo Golden Monkey Re-
This charm allows the martial artist to wield any martial arts weapon as an
unarmed attack, wear armor, and use weapons normally beyond his abilities.Source
Scroll of the Monk, p. 88.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Celestial Godbody Understanding

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 4, Celestial Monkey 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Four Halo Golden Monkey Palm, Four Halo Golden Monkey Re-
This charm allows the martial artist to wield any martial arts weapon as an
unarmed attack, wear armor, and use weapons normally beyond his abilities.Source
Scroll of the Monk, p. 88.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Celestial Monkey Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Celestial Monkey 4; Type: Simple (Speed 3)
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Four Halo Golden Monkey Realignment, Flowing Mirror of Op-
position Technique, Withering Paw Strike
This charm allows the martial artist to ignore their virtues, all natural mental
influence, and easily resist unnatural mental influence.Source Scroll of the Monk, p.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Celestial Monkey Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Celestial Monkey 4; Type: Simple (Speed 3)
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Four Halo Golden Monkey Realignment, Flowing Mirror of Op-
position Technique, Withering Paw Strike
This charm allows the martial artist to ignore their virtues, all natural mental
influence, and easily resist unnatural mental influence.Source Scroll of the Monk, p.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Motion Of Myriad Legs Technique
Cost: 2m or 1m (see below); Mins: Essence 1, Centipede 2; Type: Reflexive
(Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Action
The centipede strikes with a speed that belies its small stature. This Charm
augments a flurry, which contains at least one unarmed Martial Arts attack. This
Charm may also aid actions granted by an Extra Action Charm as long as at least
one action in the Combo is an unarmed Martial Arts attack. Motion of Myriad Legs
Technique adds one to the Rate and Accuracy of the Exalts unarmed Martial Arts
weapons until the Exalts next action. In addition, this Charm reduces the attack
Speed of all such weapons by one until the Exalts next action. For example, a Kick
would have Speed 4, Accuracy +1, and Rate 3 for the duration of this Charm. A
martial artist who knows the Centipede Form Charm may invoke a special version of
this Charm. The Exalt may spend only 1m of Essence to activate Motion of Myriad
Legs Technique; the Charm then adds one to Rate and subtracts one from Speed
but does not modify any weapons Accuracy. This effect is considered the same as
invoking the original version of the Charm; an Exalt may not use different versions
of the Charm during the same action. The speed bonus granted by this charm does
not stack with other speed bonus effects, such as the magical material bonus to speed
granted by jade.Source White Wolf Quarterly White Wolf Quarterly, Winter 2006
Source: White Wolf Quarterly

Blurry Scurry Prana

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Centipede 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: 3 ticks
Prerequisites: Motion Of Myriad Legs Technique
The centipede is a blur as it darts from place to place. The Exalt activates
this Charm and then performs a Dash action. Their form blurs as every movement
is magnified. The Speed of the Dash action is considered to have a value of 1. There
is no DV action penalty for the Dash action this Charm affects. The martial artist
may parry normally during the Dash action. These modifications apply to all Dash
actions the Exalt performs during the duration of the Charm. Once anyone under the
effect of this Charm does not perform Dash movement (either through moving less
than 2 meters/tick or taking a non-Dash action), the effect ends even if the Duration
has not expired.A martial artist with Essence 4 or higher may reflexively spend one
mote of Essence to continue the Charms duration by 3 ticks. As long as the Charms
conditions are met, the Exalt may continue the Charm as long as they are able to
pay the Essence cost.
This Charm is explicitly able to be placed in a Combo with Charms from other
Source White Wolf Quarterly White Wolf Quarterly, Winter 2006
Source: White Wolf Quarterly

Chitinous Chilopod Shell

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 3, Centipede 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 8)

Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Blurry Scurry Prana
A centipedes hard shell is crushed only by mighty force. When this Charm is
activated, the Exalts skin gains Hardness equal to (Essence + Martial Arts) for one
attack.Source White Wolf Quarterly White Wolf Quarterly, Winter 2006
Source: White Wolf Quarterly

The 99 More Technique

Cost: 3m, 1hl; Mins: Essence 3, Centipede 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Counterattack, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Blurry Scurry Prana
When a centipedes leg is held, the centipede may detach it to escape with
the remaining ninety-nine legs. The 99 More Technique allows an Exalt to similarly
sacrifice a portion of them selves to escape the clutches of an adversary. The 99 More
Technique is activated after an opponent successfully places the martial artist in a
clinch, but before the martial artist becomes inactive due to the opponents success or
the opponent chooses the results of the clinch. Once the Exalt activates this Charm
by paying three motes of Essence and one unsoakable level of bashing damage, the
opponent must immediately perform a clinch renewal due to a crunching shift of the
Exalts sinew or a grip made slippery by the Exalts shed blood. The opponent re-rolls
their (Strength or Dexterity + Martial Arts), opposed by the Exalts (Strength or
Dexterity + Martial Arts). The winner controls the clinch as per the clinch renewal
process. This is a Counterattack effect, but the Exalt does not suffer a Counterattack
DV penalty due to this Charm.Source White Wolf Quarterly White Wolf Quarterly,
Winter 2006
Source: White Wolf Quarterly

Centipede Form
Cost: 7m; Mins: Essence 3, Centipede 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Chitinous Chilopod Shell, The 99 More Technique
When under the effect of the Centipede Form, the Exalts limbs move quickly,
almost of their own accord. Arms may appear to multiply, or be in many places at one
time. Legs seem to be striding toward an opponent, kicking them, and bracing the
Exalt in case of a counterattack. For the rest of the scene, the Exalt negates multiple
action penalties up to a value of half their Essence (round up). The Exalt also negates
onslaught penalties up to a value of the Exalts Martial Arts score. Additionally, the
Exalt negates coordination penalties up to a value of the Exalts Essence score. The
Exalt may parry lethal and ranged attacks unarmed without a stunt. The Exalt
may not be suffering a mobility penalty due to armor and still receive the effects of
this Charm (although donning armor that gives a mobility penalty does not end the
Charm prematurely, but the Exalt still loses the charms effects). An Exalt may only
have one Form-type Charm active at any given time; the original Form-type Charm
must end before another begins.Source White Wolf Quarterly White Wolf Quarterly,

Winter 2006
Source: White Wolf Quarterly

Venomous Maxilliped Strike

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Centipede 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Poison
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Centipede Form
The venom of the Varang Violet Centipede kills hundreds of children and elders
every year. Venomous Maxilliped Strike gives an Exalt the ability to deliver a more
potent poison to their foes. After this Charm is activated, the martial artist makes an
unarmed Martial Arts attack. If the attack does at least one level of damage to the
opponent, an Essence-fueled poison is also introduced into their body. This poison
has a Damage of (Attack Damage Levels + Attackers Essence) delivered as Levels
of Bashing Damage per Action. The poison has a Toxicity of (Attackers Essence),
and a Penalty of (Attackers Essence). If an Exalt has an Essence of four or greater,
a stronger poison may be delivered. If the Exalt pays a cost of 6 motes of Essence
instead of 3 motes, the poison inflicts levels of Lethal damage instead of Bashing
damage. If an Exalt knows Numberless Blows Technique, a vicious poison can sear
the veins of an opponent. If the Exalt pays a cost of 6 motes of Essence and 1
point of Willpower instead of 3 motes, the poison is delivered as Levels of Aggravated
Damage instead of Bashing Damage. This use of the Charm is sometimes given its
own infamous name, Vitriolic Fang of Damnation. Only one version of the Charm
may be used per action.Source White Wolf Quarterly White Wolf Quarterly, Winter
Source: White Wolf Quarterly

Numberless Blows Technique

Cost: 12m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 5, Centipede 5; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Venomous Maxilliped Strike, Agony Of One Hundred Hells Strike,
Tenacity Of The Centipede
The master of Centipede Style martial arts is a whirlwind of limbs and motion.
The Exalt seems to grow not taller, but longer to accommodate all the arms and
legs they need to perform their duties. This Charm is a magical fl urry with a total
number of actions equal to the sum of the Exalts Dexterity and Martial Arts values.
These can be any actions that can be flurried, as long as the actions would not take
longer than 7 ticks on their own and at least one unarmed Martial Arts attack is
included. The DV penalty of this fl urry is always zero, no matter what actions are
taken. This Charm is considered Combo-OK with other Centipede Style Charms, and
other Centipede Style Charms are also considered Combo-OK with it, even if they are
normally Combo-Basic. However, a Combo with Numberless Blows Technique and
Combo-Basic Centipede Style Charms may not contain Charms from other styles or
Abilities.Source White Wolf Quarterly White Wolf Quarterly, Winter 2006
Source: White Wolf Quarterly

Tenacity Of The Centipede
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Centipede 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: None
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Centipede Form
If a centipede is carved in half, both segments may scuttle around, as if the
creature is merely inconvenienced by being cut in twain. By force of will, martial
artists of the Centipede Style may duplicate this resilience. Once this Charm is active,
the Exalts wound penalties are halved (round down). In addition, Bashing damage at
the Incapacitated level is only considered a -4 wound penalty (which is not halved);
the Exalt may still function as normal for the duration of the Charm, albeit with a -4
wound penalty. The Exalt will still be Incapacitated if this wound level takes Lethal
damage or if the Charm ends with the Bashing Incapacitated wound level unhealed.
Bashing Damage is still converted to Lethal damage after the Incapacitated Health
Level is fi lled with Bashing Damage. Tenacity of the Centipede also allows the
Exalt to ignore Crippling effects for the duration of this Charm.Source White Wolf
Quarterly White Wolf Quarterly, Winter 2006
Source: White Wolf Quarterly

Agony Of One Hundred Hells Strike

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Centipede 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Poison
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Centipede Form
Many types of centipedes have bites that are painful, but ultimately harmless.
Martial artists of the Centipede Style are feared not only for the ability to bring
a swift and direct end to their opponents, but also for the ability to bring a slow
and painful death to their foes. After Agony of One Hundred Hells is activated, the
martial artist makes an unarmed Martial Arts attack. If the attack does at least
one level of damage to the opponent, an Essence-fueled poison is also introduced into
their body. The poison does no damage, but has a Damage value of (Attack Damage
Levels + Attackers Essence). This is the number of actions the poison remains in the
victims system. The poison has a Toxicity of (Attackers Essence), and a Penalty of
(Attackers Essence x 2). With one successful Toxicity check, this poison is fl ushed
out of the victim, as if the poison did Bashing dice of damage. If an Exalt has an
Essence of four or greater, a stronger poison may be delivered. If the Exalt pays
a cost of 6 motes of Essence instead of 3 motes, the poison requires two successful
(Stamina + Resistance) checks to be fl ushed out, as if the poison did Lethal levels
of damage. If an Exalt knows Numberless Blows Technique, a resilient poison can be
created to make even the stoutest Solar double over in pain. If the Exalt pays a cost
of 6 motes of Essence and 1 point of Willpower instead of 3 motes, the poison requires
three successful Toxicity checks to be fl ushed out, as if the poison did Aggravated
levels of damage. Only one version of the Charm may be used per action. The effects
of this Charm do not stack with previous applications of this Charm.Source White
Wolf Quarterly White Wolf Quarterly, Winter 2006
Source: White Wolf Quarterly

Showing the Cobra’s Fangs
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 2, Cobra 2; Type: Permanent
Duration: Permanent
The Cobra stylist forms his hands into the famous fangs for which this style is
known. Bending and poising his fingers into perfect receptacles for his killing Essence,
his hand fang? strike gains the following stats: Speed 5, Accuracy 3, Damage +5L,
Defense 2, Rate 1, Tags: N. A character using this attack adds one automatic success
to all Martial Arts attacks which seek to Poison the target. The Cobras Fangs share
Rate with the martial artists punch attack; so, since a punch is Rate 3, the character
could punch twice and fang strike once in a single flurry. The Cobras Fangs are
considered an unarmed attack for the purpose of Cobra style Charms, or for any
Martial Arts Charm with the Poison Keyword, but are not compatible with any
other Charms of any other style.
When the character has learned the Charm Marked by Eternity, his fangs are fur-
ther enhanced: they now do 8L Damage, have a Defense of 3, and add two automatic
successes to Poison-inflicting Martial Arts attacks.
Source Ink Monkeys, vol. 39
Source: Ink Monkeys

Cobra-Eye Splendor
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Cobra 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion
Duration: One tick
Prerequisites: Showing the Cobra’s Fangs
The cobras eye flashes as he marks his targets, instilling them with paralyzing
fear. The martial artist imbues opponents with this terror and himself with the cobras
impossible grace. This Charm inflicts an external penalty equal to the Martial Artists
(Presence / 2, round up) on all attacks against him, as an Emotion effect which may
not be resisted with Willpower. If an incoming attack is undodgeable, this Charm
removes that quality.Source Ink Monkeys, vol. 39
Source: Ink Monkeys

Cobra Form
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Cobra 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Showing the Cobra’s Fangs, Cobra-Eye Splendor, King Cobra
The martial artist rises up, body coiled to move, hands steady. While in Cobra
Form, the martial artists Cobra Fang attacks gain Rate 2. He may fight while prone
without suffering any penalties, and may reflexively regain his feet at will without
being considered to have taken a rise from prone action. Any Poison-keyword Martial
Arts Charms the character uses are reduced in price by one mote, to a minimum of
one mote, and their Toxicity increases by 2.
Finally, any unexpected attacks the martial artist makes ignore soak altogether.

The first time a Charm with a Flaw of Invulnerability is used during the same
action Cobra Form is activated, it adds a two Willpower surcharge to its activation
Additionally, the Cobra stylist enjoys the following benefits, if applicable:
* The Cobra stylist may invoke Snake Strikes the Heel (see Exalted, p. 241),
Charms:Feather-Stirred Arrow Deflection Feather-Stirred Arrow Deflection (see Glo-
ries of the Most High, p. 103), and Charms:Flexing the Emerald Claw Flexing the
Emerald Claw (see Ink Monkeys, vol. 10) as innate powers, if he knows any of those
Charms. If activated in this manner, those Charms reduce their activation cost by
one mote.
* If the character has an Overdrive pool, he adds one mote to that pool on every
damage interval for poisons he has inflicted on anyone in the scene, including himself.
This mote benefit stacks by the number of poisons on a single target, as well as poisons
across multiple targets, but may not exceed five motes per action.
Source Ink Monkeys, vol. 39
Source: Ink Monkeys

Cobra Form
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Cobra 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Showing the Cobra’s Fangs, Cobra-Eye Splendor, King Cobra
The martial artist rises up, body coiled to move, hands steady. While in Cobra
Form, the martial artists Cobra Fang attacks gain Rate 2. He may fight while prone
without suffering any penalties, and may reflexively regain his feet at will without
being considered to have taken a rise from prone action. Any Poison-keyword Martial
Arts Charms the character uses are reduced in price by one mote, to a minimum of
one mote, and their Toxicity increases by 2.
Finally, any unexpected attacks the martial artist makes ignore soak altogether.
The first time a Charm with a Flaw of Invulnerability is used during the same
action Cobra Form is activated, it adds a two Willpower surcharge to its activation
Additionally, the Cobra stylist enjoys the following benefits, if applicable:
* The Cobra stylist may invoke Snake Strikes the Heel (see Exalted, p. 241),
Charms:Feather-Stirred Arrow Deflection Feather-Stirred Arrow Deflection (see Glo-
ries of the Most High, p. 103), and Charms:Flexing the Emerald Claw Flexing the
Emerald Claw (see Ink Monkeys, vol. 10) as innate powers, if he knows any of those
Charms. If activated in this manner, those Charms reduce their activation cost by
one mote.
* If the character has an Overdrive pool, he adds one mote to that pool on every
damage interval for poisons he has inflicted on anyone in the scene, including himself.
This mote benefit stacks by the number of poisons on a single target, as well as poisons
across multiple targets, but may not exceed five motes per action.
Source Ink Monkeys, vol. 39
Source: Ink Monkeys

Raising the Cobra’s Hood
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Cobra 4; Type: Simple (Speed 3)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Cobra Form
The cobra unfurls its hood to show its victim deaths true form. His stance
radiates the authority over death he wields, permitting him to make a (Manipulation
+ Martial Arts) social attack against the Dodge MDV of one target within 20 yards,
adding (Presence / 2, round up) automatic successes.
If successful, the target is completely paralyzed, and may not move or actthey
are Inactive as if held in a clinch. Even drawing breath is difficultthe victim begins
to suffocate so long as they remain paralyzed (see Exalted, p. 130). The martial
artist also may not move or attack while his victim is paralyzed (save for launching
Counterattacks), as though he were controlling a clinch. Each time the martial artists
DV refreshes, his victim may attempt to free himself (this is treated as a standard
Martial Arts attempt to breaking a clinch against a number of successes equal to the
Cobra stylists Presence + Essence). Otherwise, he remains paralyzed until the martial
artist releases the motes committed to this Charm, or until he spends one Willpower to
resist the Charms unnatural mental influence. However, breaking Raising the Cobras
Hood by spending Willpower imposes a five-mote surcharge on the next Charm the
victim activates on that tick. Characters become immune to Raising the Cobras Hood
for the rest of the scene after spending Willpower in this fashion three times.
Source Ink Monkeys, vol. 39
Source: Ink Monkeys

False Crane Posture

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Cobra 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One tick
Prerequisites: Raising the Cobra’s Hood
The snake attempts to cloak its lethal aspect behind the majesty of the crane,
but can never truly hide its nature. The practitioner raises her arms and turns them
out like the cantilevered wings of a water bird while folding her legs beneath her like
the coils of a snake. She remains this way for one tick. During this time she may move
along the ground by flapping her wings? and twisting her waist sharply, spinning side
to side, backwards or forwards as if she were standing. However, she may not take a
Dash action, and her Dodge DV suffers a -3 penalty. Taking any sort of Jump action
(including Charms such as Charms:Leaping Dodge Method Leaping Dodge Method)
terminates this Charm automatically, but the uncoiling action doubles the length
of the jump and adds (Essence) raw damage to any attack made during the jump.
While assuming the False Crane Posture, each attack from a hostile opponent the
practitioner successfully dodges without using a Charm with a Flaw of Invulnerability
at any point during attack resolution adds one dodge to¡span¿ ¡/span¿a pool of up
to (Martial Arts + 3) free reflexive perfect dodges. These dodges each last for one
instant, are capable of dodging even undodgeable attacks the martial artist is aware
of, cost 0 motes, do not count as a Charm activation and have an inverted Compassion
Flaw; they cannot be used while the practitioner is aware of the presence of a character
to whom she has an Intimacy with a positive emotional context.

False Crane Posture does not count as a Charm activation while Cobra Form is
Source Ink Monkeys, vol. 39
Source: Ink Monkeys

Dread Scale Fascination

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Cobra 5; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: False Crane Posture
The martial artist meditates for five ticks, at the end of which his Essence coils
around him like a second skin, shimmering and scaled, accompanied by a serpentine
hiss of anima. This creates (Essence) shimmers in the practitioners anima. Each
time the Cobra stylist fails to dodge an attack, the post-soak damage rolled against
him is applied to one of his shimmers before it is applied to the martial artist. The
attack appears to strike, and even feels as if it strikes the martial artist, but instead
it tears away a castoff skin. Each shimmer has a number of -0 health levels equal
to half the practitioners Dodge DV (unmodified by Charms, spells or equipment),
rounded up, with a minimum of 5. These health levels vanish when they suffer any
damage at all, and the castoff skin is torn away and vanishes in a curl of steam. If
an attack does more than the shimmers health levels, the rest of the damage goes
through to the martial artist. The practitioner must use his Dodge DV to qualify for
this benefit; if he applies his Parry DV, attacks ignore the shimmers entirely. The
Cobra stylist may not use Dread Scale Fascination again until all of his shimmers have
been removed. Area-of-effect attacks apply their damage to all of the martial artists
shimmers simultaneously. If an attack destroys any shimmers without harming the
martial artist, the martial artist is considered to have successfully dodged the attack
for the purpose of False Crane Posture.Source Ink Monkeys, vol. 39
Source: Ink Monkeys

Death-Dreaming Flux
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Cobra 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Cobra Form
The cobra slithers through a dream. Provoked by the presence of others, it
condemns the living so that they might join it in a reverie of death. This Charm
may only be used once per action; upon activation, the martial artist selects a single
opponent who did not attack him during his previous action. The martial artist
experiences an illusory affront on behalf of the selected opponentan attack against
himself which the practitioner imagines. This imaginary attack only occurs if the
martial artist is inside the opponents engagement range, and is made with whatever
weapon the opponent currently wields (for example, if the opponent were wielding
a bow, they would make an imaginary Dexterity + Archery attack). The attack is
assumed to be automatically successful, but may be rolled to determine successes,
damage and other elements of resolution if knowing this information is important for
whatever Counterattack the martial artist plans to activate in response. If rolled, the

illusory attack ignores the Cobra stylists DVs and soak. As the attack is imaginary,
no harm actually befalls the martial artist as a result of the strike; the attack is
considered only real enough to permit the martial artist to trigger Counterattack
Charms in response.
If Cobra Form is active, Death-Dreaming Flux does not count as a Charm activa-
Source Ink Monkeys, vol. 39
Source: Ink Monkeys

Hypnotic Swaying Motion

Cost: 7m; Mins: Essence 3, Cobra 5; Type: Simple (Speed 3)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Death-Dreaming Flux
The cobra reels in his victims with deadly magnetism. Upon activating this
Charm, the martial artist makes a (Manipulation + Martial Arts + Essence) attack
that is applied to the Dodge MDV of all opponents within 50 yards. Those affected
are compelled to immediately move as close as they are able to the martial artist and,
having gotten as close as reasonably possible under the circumstances, attack him
once. (For example, if the martial artist is in an open field, opponents will chase him
until they are able to get to point blank range; if the martial artist is on the other side
of a wide pit, opponents will approach the lip of the pit and then attack across it if
able; if not, they will seek a path around). Resisting this unnatural mental influence
costs one point of Willpower.
Any character affected by this Charm whom the martial artist has poisoned resolve
poison damage twice during each interval that passes until they are able to launch
an attack at the martial artist, or until they spend Willpower. This does not hasten
the poisons departure from the bodies of the afflicted; it merely increases its lethality.
Spending Willpower to resist the Charm also causes any active poisons in the system
to resolve one additional time on that tick; again, this does not reduce the amount of
time it takes for the poison to leave the victims system.
Source Ink Monkeys, vol. 39
Source: Ink Monkeys

Touch of Finality
Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Cobra 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 10)
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Forked Tongue Transition
This strike is feared as one of the deadliest in martial arts. This Charm may be
activated in step 10 during an unarmed Martial Arts attack that successfully inflicted
damage on its target. If the target is already poisoned, the total Damage of all poisons
in their system discharges at oncerather than moving through them at one tick per
interval, the total damage value of all poisons is combined and rolled at once. This
damage becomes aggravated regardless of previous type, and has a Toxicity rating
equal to that of the highest value among all poisons, plus 2.
If the target survives Touch of Finality and had any poisons in his system, all

poisons are burned out of his system, but he suffers a -4 internal penalty for two
actions due to excruciating pain, and takes an automatic aggravated health level of
damage in addition to any inflicted by the poisons.
Source Ink Monkeys, vol. 39
Source: Ink Monkeys

Forked Tongue Transition

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Cobra 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One action
Prerequisites: Dread Scale Fascination, Hypnotic Swaying Motion, Touch of
Finality, Cobra Form
”His defense is a lie”, thought Syn. ”My attacks humor him.” The Cobra hones
his defense, transforming his fighting style in response to each of his enemys attacks.
Each time the practitioner is attacked while this Charm is active, he gains one style
point which can be used to create a number of different enhancements to his fighting
style. The martial artist must gain five style points (his lead?) before he can begin to
transition into graduated combat effects. Additional style points accrued beyond the
lead may be spent for combat benefits; point assignment is reflexive, costs no motes
and does not count as a Charm activation. Style points are stocked indefinitely, but
the martial artist may stock no more than (Martial Arts) points beyond the five
point lead. Finally, he may not spend from the initial five style points unless an
effect specifically allows him to do so. However, doing so renders him unable to spend
additional style points, hampering his transitioning power until he has refilled his five
point lead.* The character may expend one style point to ignore all penalties to one
of his DVs against a single attack.
* The character reduces his wound penalties by the number of points expended for
one action.
* The character retroactively increases his Join Battle result by one success for
one point. This may assist King Cobra Strikes.
* The character gains two successes on his Join Battle roll per point expended. He
may only pay this effect from his five point lead.
* The character adds one automatic success to his next use of King Cobra Strikes
for each two points expended.
* The character spends two points to succeed on all poison resistance rolls for one
* If the character has an Overdrive pool, he may spend two points for one offensive
* The character may stock one free reflexive attack for four points. Abyssal, Infer-
nal, and Solar Exalted may stock up to (Dexterity + 3) free reflexive attacks, while
Terrestrial and Celestial Exalts may stock up to their Dexterity. Other characters are
limited to (Essence) free reflexive attacks. These attacks may only be invoked on the
characters action tick, or on any tick on which the practitioner is attacked. However,
attacking outside the characters action tick consumes two free reflexive attacks.
* The characters Move and Dash actions gain ten yards per tick for one action, for
two points.
* The character adds the unexpected quality to a Counterattack Charm. This
costs five lead points.

Source Ink Monkeys, vol. 39
Source: Ink Monkeys

Forked Tongue Transition

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Cobra 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One action
Prerequisites: Dread Scale Fascination, Hypnotic Swaying Motion, Touch of
Finality, Cobra Form
”His defense is a lie”, thought Syn. ”My attacks humor him.” The Cobra hones
his defense, transforming his fighting style in response to each of his enemys attacks.
Each time the practitioner is attacked while this Charm is active, he gains one style
point which can be used to create a number of different enhancements to his fighting
style. The martial artist must gain five style points (his lead?) before he can begin to
transition into graduated combat effects. Additional style points accrued beyond the
lead may be spent for combat benefits; point assignment is reflexive, costs no motes
and does not count as a Charm activation. Style points are stocked indefinitely, but
the martial artist may stock no more than (Martial Arts) points beyond the five
point lead. Finally, he may not spend from the initial five style points unless an
effect specifically allows him to do so. However, doing so renders him unable to spend
additional style points, hampering his transitioning power until he has refilled his five
point lead.* The character may expend one style point to ignore all penalties to one
of his DVs against a single attack.
* The character reduces his wound penalties by the number of points expended for
one action.
* The character retroactively increases his Join Battle result by one success for
one point. This may assist King Cobra Strikes.
* The character gains two successes on his Join Battle roll per point expended. He
may only pay this effect from his five point lead.
* The character adds one automatic success to his next use of King Cobra Strikes
for each two points expended.
* The character spends two points to succeed on all poison resistance rolls for one
* If the character has an Overdrive pool, he may spend two points for one offensive
* The character may stock one free reflexive attack for four points. Abyssal, Infer-
nal, and Solar Exalted may stock up to (Dexterity + 3) free reflexive attacks, while
Terrestrial and Celestial Exalts may stock up to their Dexterity. Other characters are
limited to (Essence) free reflexive attacks. These attacks may only be invoked on the
characters action tick, or on any tick on which the practitioner is attacked. However,
attacking outside the characters action tick consumes two free reflexive attacks.
* The characters Move and Dash actions gain ten yards per tick for one action, for
two points.
* The character adds the unexpected quality to a Counterattack Charm. This
costs five lead points.
Source Ink Monkeys, vol. 39
Source: Ink Monkeys

Striking at Dawn Approach
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Coils of Typhon 1; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
A student of the Coils is capable of readying himself in the razored moment
between the sun’s appearance and the spreading of his first rays of light, and will never
be caught unprepared for battle. This Charm supplements a Join Battle roll, adding
a number of dice equal to the character’s Martial Arts score. Additionally, he may
ready his weapons reflexively, without need of a Draw/Ready Weapon Miscellaneous
Source: HLS

One Against the Legion Technique

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Coils of Typhon 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisites: Striking at Dawn Approach
Whirling about his limbs or the weapons of the style, a student of the Coils
may fend off the attacks of a multitude. The character’s Parry DV becomes immune
to Coordinated Attack penalties.
Source: HLS

Midday Darkness Kata

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Coils of Typhon 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Striking at Dawn Approach
Laying about with his fists or weapons, the martial artist spreads an Essence-
born darkness into the air. This Charm supplements a Miscellaneous Action to
reestablish surprise, adding the character’s Essence in dice to the attempt. It also
produces a viable environment for the attempt to take place for (Essence x 10) yards
around the character, in case such does not already exist (i.e. if used in the middle
of an open courtyard on a sunny day). Further, the lingering patches of darkness
impose a -1 external penalty against all ranged attacks occuring within or targeting
a space within the darkened area. The darkness lingers until the character’s DV has
refreshed three times.
Source: HLS

Coils of Typhon Form

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Coils of Typhon 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: One Against the Legion Technique, Midday Darkness Kata
The character pulls in on himself, ever-moving, limbs and weapons weaving
intricate and disturbing patterns in the air. Motes and coils of darkness may appear
briefly in the anima banners of Celestial Exalts using this Form. When used by

Abyssal Exalted, tiny serpents seem to writhe in the corners of a room illuminated by
their anima, only to disappear if gazed upon directly. Opponents must succeed in a
Valor roll or suffer a -1 external penalty to all attempts to attack the character. This
Charm adds the character’s Essence in dice to all attempts to inflict, maintain, and
control a clinch. It also adds the character’s Essence to the damage of clinch crush
Characters cannot use more than one Martial Arts Form-type Charm at a time.
The character must end Coils of Typhon Form to assume another Martial Arts Form.
Source: HLS

Lashing Coil Technique

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Coils of Typhon 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Coils of Typhon Form
The character lashes out at a distant opponent. Inky Essence builds new links
or length to his weapon, allowing him to strike or ensnare his target. The character
may make a Martial Arts attack or clinch out to 10 yards away. By paying an extra
1 mote upon successfully striking the target or initiating a clinch, the character may
draw the target in to their position. This Charm may only be used with Coils of
Typhon in-style weapons. It cannot be used unarmed.
Source: HLS

Human Shield Exchange

Cost: 4m, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 3, Coils of Typhon 5; Type: Reflexive
(Step 5)
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Nimble Serpent Dance
It is the way of the Coils of Typhon to fell one’s opponents by any means
necessary; if that means the blades of their own comrades, then so be it. A moment’s
vulnerability is turned to terrible tragedy with this Charm. Human Shield Exchange
may be invoked when the character is targeted by an attack while involved in a clinch
(this includes while the character is Inactive as the losing participant in a clinch).
The character applies his DV (with a +3 bonus) to the incoming attack. If the
attack succeeds, the character’s DV subtracts successes as normal. If his DV negates
the attack, the character substitutes his victim (if he is in control of a clinch) or
the character grappling him (if he is the loser in an ongoing clinch; in the event of a
teamwork clinch, the leader is substituted) as the target of the attack, and all negated
successes are applied to the substituted target. A character may not invoke Human
Shield Exchange against any character already engaged in a clinch with him.
Source: HLS

Uncoiling Assault Method

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Coils of Typhon 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant

Prerequisites: Lashing Coil Technique
The character snaps an opponent free of his deadly embrace, hurling him into
his allies and using him to break their lines. This Charm may be invoked when the
character ends a clinch by throwing an opponent. The character makes a Dexterity
+ Martial Arts attack against a target within (Essence x 5) yards. This attack is
unblockable. The thrown character is treated as a weapon with -3 Accuracy and
+4B damage. If any damage is inflicted, the target of this attack automatically
suffers knockback or knockdown. Should the attack miss, the thrown character will
continue to travel the full (Essence x 5) yards, with effects as noted in Heaven Thunder
Hammer. If the attack strikes a target within 10 yards and the character is wielding
an in-style weapon, he may reflexively pay 3 motes to ’reel’ the thrown character
back in and throw him again at a different target. This may only be done once per
invocation of Uncoiling Assault Method.
Source: HLS

Essence Toxin Blow

Cost: 8m, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 3, Coils of Typhon 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Poison
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Uncoiling Assault Method, Human Shield Exchange
The character’s limbs or weapons are wreathed in virulent black and white
Essence as he delivers a savage blow, poisoning his target’s Essence pool. This attack
does lethal damage. If any levels of damage are inflicted, the target’s Essence becomes
briefly poisoned. Whenever the target spends Essence, he suffers one die of unsoakable
bashing damage for each mote spent. This effect persists until the target’s DV has
refreshed 3 times, at which point the poison loses its potency.
Source: HLS

Nimble Serpent Dance

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Coils of Typhon 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisites: Coils of Typhon Form
The weakest moment of a serpent is when it is already engaged with its prey;
this was not true of Typhon, however, nor is it the case with its students. The martial
artist rolls and lashes about, joints and free segments of his weapons darting through
the air while grappling his foes. The character is permitted to apply his DV normally
while in control of a clinch.
Source: HLS

Multi-Limbed Crustacean Stability

Cost: 3 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Crab 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: (Martial Arts) Actions
The crab is a symbol of stability and dependability, keeping its footing on the
most jagged reefs and righting itself in even the roughest surf. This Charm grants

the user perfect immunity to all Knockdown and Knockback effects. This is explicitly
considered a defense. Additionally, it makes standing from prone a Reflexive action
with no DV penalty.
crab-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Aquatic Adaptive Meditation

Cost: 6 motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 2, Crab 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious, Shaping
Duration: One Scene
Most crabs are, in fact, aquatic, unable to breathe the life-giving air of Creation.
However, they frequently sojourn onto land, and so have learned myriad tricks to
extend their air supply. This Charm mimics that adaptation. The Charms user
multiplies successes on a Stamina + Resistance roll to hold his breath by his Martial
Arts rating. Additionally, the martial artist suffers no environmental penalties to
movement, DVs, or Martial Arts rolls due to being submerged.
crab-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Independent Eyestalk Awareness

Cost: 3 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Crab 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
The crabs eyes are constantly moving, on the lookout for both predators and
prey. It is nearly impossible to sneak up on a crab, though they will not always flee.
The crab, after all, is content with what comes. This Charm may be activated in
response to an unexpected attack or an attempt to re-establish surprise. Against an
unexpected attack, it allows the user to apply his Parry DV. Against an attempt to
re-establish surprise, it grants the user his Martial Arts in additional dice.
crab-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Autonomous Sacrificial Escape

Cost: 3 motes, 1 lhl; Mins: Essence 3, Crab 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Scuttling Crabwise
Lizards are famed for their ability to shed and regenerate limbs to escape hostile
situations. Few know that the crab taught the lizard this trick. This Charm may be
used when the martial artist is the target of a successful Clinch attack. The martial
artist suffers a Crippling Amputation injury of his choice and slips free of the clinch.

This injury heals at the start of the characters next action, with the limb regrowing
from the stump, though any items held in an amputated limb must be recovered
crab-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Crab Form
Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Crab 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Multi-Limbed Crustacean Stability, Aquatic Adaptive Medita-
tion, Independent Eyestalk Awareness
When the martial artist aligns his Essence with that of the crab, he fortifies
himself, physically and mentally. He understands that solutions to problems are not
always direct, and that moving with the current is simpler than fighting it. For the
duration of the scene, his Essence hardens like the crabs carapace and claws. He
soaks Lethal damage with his full Stamina, and he can parry Lethal attacks unarmed
without a stunt. His unarmed attacks may deal Lethal or Bashing damage as the
martial artist chooses. Finally, as the crab is a symbol of resilience and protection, all
Defend Other actions become Speed 3, DV -0 Miscellaneous actions for the Charms
crab-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Impenetrable Arthropod’s Exoskeleton

Cost: 6 motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 3, Crab 5; Type: Simple (Speed 6,
DV -1)
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Autonomous Sacrificial Escape
The crabs shell is its life, its home, and its defense. For the duration of the scene,
the crab becomes at one with his armor, treating all his armor as either natural soak
or armor soak, whichever is more advantageous. He adds his Essence to his Bashing
and Lethal soaks, as well as to his natural Hardness, though this last benefit does not
stack with worn armor. Finally, he reduces all wound penalties by (Essence/2) for
the Charms duration.
crab-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Karkinos Disarms the Hero

Cost: 3 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Crab 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant

Prerequisites: Razor-Armed Pincer
The crab behemoth Karkinos was sent by Kimbery to disarm the hero Culeus
when he sought to slay one of her many-headed spawn. Like that behemoth, the mar-
tial artist can remove an enemys weapon effortlessly. This Charm may be activated
in response to any attack against which he applied his Parry DV. As a counterattack,
the martial artist may Reflexively make a disarming Martial Arts attack. The martial
artist does not suffer the usual -2 external penalty to this attack, and the victim of
the attack subtracts the martial artists Essence as an internal penalty to the resulting
crab-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Razor-Armed Pincer
Cost: 3 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Crab 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Crab Form
When forced to defend itself, or when capturing prey, the crabs pincers are
wicked things, biting through shell or flesh to reach the tasty meat beneath. This
Charm supplements an unarmed Martial Arts attack, adding the users Essence to the
attacks raw damage and granting the attack the Piercing tag.
crab-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Scuttling Crabwise
Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Crab 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Crab Form
To the unenlightened, the crab moves sideways. To the crab, the crab simply
moves. The martial artist invokes this Charm in response to an opponents Move
or Dash action. It allows her to make a Reflexive Blockade Movement action (with
the usual -1 DV penalty), moving up to (Dexterity + Martial Arts) yards in order
to interpose herself between the target and his destination. Furthermore, the crab
stylist adds her Martial Arts to the subsequent (Strength or Dexterity + Athletics)
crab-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Severing the Offending Limb

Cost: 2 motes (+1 Willpower); Mins: Essence 3, Crab 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling
Duration: Instant

Prerequisites: Karkinos Disarms the Hero
Those who oppose the crab often find themselves losing more than the fight.
This Charm supplements an unarmed Martial Arts attack. That attack deals Lethal
damage, and if it deals at least two levels of post-soak damage, the martial artist may
pay a point of temporary Willpower to focus the blow. In this case, the attack deals
no damage, but inflicts a single Amputation effect on the victim as a Crippling effect.
crab-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

The Invulnerable Crab

Cost: 5 motes, 1 ahl; Mins: Essence 4, Crab 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 7)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Severing the Offending Limb, Impenetrable Arthropod’s Exoskele-
The shell of the crab cannot be pierced by mortal means. The shell of the Crab
cannot be pierced at all. The martial artist invokes this Charm immediately before
the damage of a physical attack or similar effect is rolled. This Charm is a perfect
defense against the damage of the attack, reducing pre- and post-soak damage to zero
after all other effects. The Charms cost is considered a unique Flaw of Invulnerability.
crab-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Wisdom of the Celestial Crane

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 4, Crane 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Holy
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Kindly Sifu’s Quill, Feather-Stirred Arrow Deflection, Wings
Spread to Sky
With this Charm, the martial artist may freely Combo Charms from Crane
Style. This also causes her attacks to have an extra effect against creatures of darkness
if he has Crane Form active. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Glories
of the Most High: the Maidens of Destiny, p. 24.
Source: Glories of the Most High: the Maidens of Destiny

Wings Spread to Sky

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Crane 5; Type: Refelxive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One Action
Prerequisites: Beak Spears Frog
This Charm allows the martial artist to glide for a small amount of time. If
used to close with an opponent the martial artist gains extra successes for the raw
damage of the first attack. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Glories
of the Most High: the Maidens of Destiny, p. 24.
Source: Glories of the Most High: the Maidens of Destiny

Beak Spears Frog
Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Crane 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Crane Form
This charm prevents the user from making physical attacks against beings, but
allows for enhanced counterattacks. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source
Glories of the Most High: the Maidens of Destiny, p. 24.
Source: Glories of the Most High: the Maidens of Destiny

Feather-Stirred Arrow Deflection

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Crane 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Crossed Wings Denial
This Charm is a counterattack against a ranged attack. The martial artist hurls
the projectile at a different target, disarming them. See the full text of the Charm
for details.Source Glories of the Most High: the Maidens of Destiny, pp. 23-24.
Source: Glories of the Most High: the Maidens of Destiny

Crossed Wings Denial

Cost: (0+)m; Mins: Essence 3, Crane 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Crane Form
This is a perfect unamred parry with a varying mote cost. This Charm has
a special flaw of invulnerability. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source
Glories of the Most High: the Maidens of Destiny, p. 23.
Source: Glories of the Most High: the Maidens of Destiny

Kindly Sifu’s Quill

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3, Crane 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Humbling Enlightenment Commentary
This Charm increases the martial artist’s ability to channel Compassion in
battle. It also provides benefits to the roll augmented by a Compassion channel. See
the full text of the Charm for details.Source Glories of the Most High: the Maidens
of Destiny, p. 23.
Source: Glories of the Most High: the Maidens of Destiny

Humbling Enlightenment Commentary

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 2, Crane 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Crane Form

This Charm allows bonuses to attacks and defenses as a social attack. This
also allows dramatic sparring actions as accelerated training time. See the full text
of the Charm for details.Source Glories of the Most High: the Maidens of Destiny, p.
Source: Glories of the Most High: the Maidens of Destiny

Crane Form
Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Crane 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Empowering Justice Redirection
This form allows the martial artist to ignore off-hand penalties for paired form
weapons. It also potentially increases his Parry DV. He never fails to maintain his
balence, and increases the dice bonus of stunts used to enhance unarmed Martial
Arts actions. He may recover a Compassion channel in place of other stunt awards.
Finally, the damage done by the martial artist is limited to bashing. See the full text
of the Charm for details.Source Glories of the Most High: the Maidens of Destiny,
pp. 22-23.
Source: Glories of the Most High: the Maidens of Destiny

Empowering Justice Redirection

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Crane 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Until Next Attack
Prerequisites: Fluttering Cry of Warning
In response to an attack, the martial artist augments her attack roll depending
on how successful the strike against her was. This only inflicts bashing damage and
never spills over to lethal. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Glories of
the Most High: the Maidens of Destiny, p. 21.
Source: Glories of the Most High: the Maidens of Destiny

Fluttering Cry of Warning

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Crane 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
This Charm makes an unexpected attack expected if the target of the attack
has not physically attacked thus far in the scene. See the full text of the Charm for
details.Source Glories of the Most High: the Maidens of Destiny, p. 21.
Source: Glories of the Most High: the Maidens of Destiny

Swaying Leaves Dance

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Cricket 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Grass-Cutter Scythe

Delivering a kick with a spinning leap, the martial artist catches his foes off-
guard. This Charm may enhance any unarmed Martial Attack. Any penalties that
reduce the DVs of the attacks target are doubled. Effects that halve DVs or otherwise
reduce them are considered penalties normally, but inapplicability never is.
Source: The Demented One

Rustling Leaves Feint

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Cricket 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Grass-Cutter Scythe
Folding his leg inwards, the martial artist makes a corkscrewing kick from an
unexpected direction. This Charm may enhance any unarmed Martial Attack. The
attack becomes unexpected, unless the target makes a successful (Wits + Awareness)
roll at a difficulty of the martial artist’s (Essence). Any penalties that apply to the
target’s DVs are also added to the difficulty of the roll.
Source: The Demented One

Cricket Form
Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Cricket 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Rustling Leaves Feint, Swaying Leaves Dance
Spreading his legs wide and leaning low, the martial artist assumes the stance
of the cricket, using peerless balance and light-footed poise to make bounding leaps.
He may parry lethal attacks with his unarmed attacks, and adds one to his Dodge
DV. The martial artist may jump as a Move action, and adds his (Martial Arts) in
bonus dice to any dice pool to jump or maintain balance.
Source: The Demented One

Angry Chirping Cry

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Cricket 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Stackable
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Cricket Form
A rapid snap of the knee delivers a quick jab, a blow that knock enemies out of
form. When faced with a quick barrage of these kicks, no one can hope to maintain
a proper defense. This Charm may enhance any unarmed Martial Attack. If it deals
any levels of damage, then its targets DV does not refresh itself until one tick after
his next action tick (though effects dependent on his DV refreshing, such as being
able to use a new Charm selection, still occur). The penalty from multiple attacks
enhanced by this Charm is cumulative, but the DV refresh cannot be delayed beyond
the action tick immediately after his next one.
Source: The Demented One

Beating Drum Rhythm

Cost: 8m; Mins: Essence 3, Cricket 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Angry Chirping Cry
Raising one leg high, the martial artist brings down his heel in a crushing blow,
battering his opponent senseless. He makes an unarmed Martial Arts attack at his
full dice pool. Should it inflict any damage, the target is stunned until his DV has
refreshed twice. The penalty from being stunned also applies to the dice pool used
to calculate his DVs.
Source: The Demented One

Grass-to-Sky Leap
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Cricket 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Angry Chirping Cry
Crouching down into a low, coiled stance, the martial artist leaps forward into
a driving kick. He may make a horizontal leap of up to (Martial Arts x 10) yards.
Activated defensively, the martial artist may use this Charm as a counterattack in
Step 9, allowing him to leap away from an attacker. If he uses the leap to close the
distance between an opponent and himself before making an unarmed Martial Arts
attack, he may spend a point of Willpower to double his Strength score for calculating
the raw damage of the attack. If he makes a flurry of multiple attacks, he may extend
the effects of this Charm to other attacks in the flurry for a cost of two motes each.
Source: The Demented One

Humbling Whirlwind Revolution

Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Cricket 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Angry Chirping Cry
Cutting low with a brutal strike, the martial artist shatters his foes legs, ripping
tendons and cracking bones to leave them laid flat. He makes an unarmed Martial
Arts attack at his full dice pool. Should it inflict any damage, the target is knocked
prone and suffers a Crippling effect that reduces his Move and Dash speeds to 0 for
(Martial Arts) actions. His effective (Strength + Athletics) pool is reduced to 0 for
purposes of jumping. Characters with awakened essence instead have their speeds
and dice pools reduced to a minimum of their Essence.
Source: The Demented One

Mate-Pleasing Posture
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Cricket 5; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Beating Drum Rhythm, Grass-to-Sky Leap, Humbling Whirlwind
With a swift, forceful kick, the martial artist drives his foe upwards, making an

opening for a powerful follow-up. The martial artist makes a single unarmed Martial
Arts attack at his full dice pool. Should it inflict damage, he may follow it up with a
second attack against the same target. Alternatively, he may then activate any simple
Terrestrial or Celestial Martial Arts Charm he knows that would allow him to make
an unarmed attack against the same target, without need for a Combo. If the second
or any subsequent attacks successfully hit, the martial artist may pay two motes to
make another attack or activate another Charm, up to a maximum of (Martial Arts)
attacks. The flurry ignores Rate and has a total Speed and DV penalty equal to the
highest of any individual attack.
Source: The Demented One

Grass-Cutter Scythe
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Cricket 3; Type: Simple (Speed 3, DV-1)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Swinging his leg in a rapid crescent, the martial artist batters his enemy with
a quick blow to the head. He makes an unarmed Martial Arts attack at his full dice
pool. The attack gains the Piercing tag. Should it inflict any damage, then the target
suffers a -1 penalty to his DV until the next time it refreshes.
Source: The Demented One

Fog of War
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Crimson Panoply of Victory 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Until next action
By taking advantage of the chaotic nature of battle to conceal his weaknesses
and motives, the user increases the difficulty of coordinated attacks against himself
by his Essence, and prevents multiple attackers from getting an unexpected attack
regardless of their number.
Source: Blackwell

Ruthless Expediency
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Crimson Panoply of Victory 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
On the battlefield, efficiency is key to victory. This charm supplements an
unarmed attack, which gains the Piercing quality.
Source: Blackwell

Stonewall Attack
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Crimson Panoply of Victory 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant

Prerequisites: Ruthless Expediency
An expert tactician can attack without dropping his guard. This charm sup-
plements an unarmed attack by removing its DV penalty.
Source: Blackwell

Career Officer Strategem

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Crimson Panoply of Victory 3; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisites: Fog of War
The professional soldier knows how to throw caution to the wind when the
stakes are high, and in so doing achieve incredible results. This charm Supplements
an Aim action; double both the DV penalty and attack bonus resulting from the Aim
action. This benenefit only applies if the resulting attack is made unarmed.
Source: Blackwell

Crimson Panoply of Victory Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Crimson Panoply of Victory 4; Type: Simple (Speed
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Stonewall Attack, Career Officer Strategem
The character assumes the mean of the master gereral. His defenses are sure,
his every attack is a masterstroke, and his movements account for the vaguarities of
the battlefield. He can parry ranged and lethal attacks unarmed without a stunt, add
Essence automatic successes to Join Battle pools, and ignore the effects of adverse
terrain (such as mud or underbrush) on dice pools.
Source: Blackwell

Knight’s Fork Kata

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Crimson Panoply of Victory 4; Type: Supple-
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Crimson Panoply of Victory Form
By threatening his opponent with multiple threats, the master strategist leaves
him open to the most effective attack. Reroll the supplemented attack (which must
be made unarmed) a number of times equal to the user’s Essence, taking the highest
result. Otherwise as Essence Resurgent.
Source: Blackwell

Armageddon Method
Cost: –; Mins: Essence 2, Crimson Panoply of Victory 4; Type: Permanent
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Crimson Panoply of Victory Form

When the enemies of Creation assault its borders, the hosts of Creation need
only fight to a draw to declare victory. While Crimson Panoply of Victory Form is
active, if the character makes an unarmed attack which exactly matches his opponent’s
DV, he may reflexively spend 1m during step 6 to convert the miss into a hit with 0
successes. This does not count as a charm activation.
Source: Blackwell

Poisoned Pawn Strike

Cost: 2m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Crimson Panoply of Victory 4; Type: Reflexive
(Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Knight’s Fork Kata
One of the hallmarks of an expert tactician is the ability to conceal the potency
of his strategem until it is too late to effectively respond. This charm allows the user
to reroll an unarmed attack, but unlike most reroll charms, it’s activated after step
6 but before step 7 of attack resolution. Further, an attack enhanced by this charm
counts as a counterattack, and so cannot itself be countered.
Source: Blackwell

Three-fold Repetition Defense

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Crimson Panoply of Victory 5; Type: Reflexive
(Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Knight’s Fork Kata
With one defensive manuever, the master strategist protects himself against not
only one attack, but all similar attacks. This charm enhances a unarmed parry or a
dodge against a close-combat attack. If the defense is successful, further attacks in
that flurry are rendered invalid.
Source: Blackwell

Master of Victory Stance

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 4, Crimson Panoply of Victory 5; Type: Simple
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Armageddon Method, Poisoned Pawn Strike, Three-fold Repeti-
tion Defense
Where the master strategist controls where his battles occur, the transcendent
strategist makes any battlefield favorable by certitude and mettle. Once this charm
has been activated, attacks against the user suffer an external penalty equal to the
user’s Conviction, and unarmed attacks made by the user gain a dice bonus equal to
Source: Blackwell

Terror Invoking Kata

Cost: 5m, 1w; Mins: Essence 3, Crimson Talon of Horrors 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Scene
”Whose blade heralded dread”¡br¿The motions of the Martial Artist are so
vicious that the air itself lets loose blood curdling screams with each movement. Any
physical attacks by the Martial Artist are heralded by the shrieks of rent reality and
those that attempt to defend suffer a penalty equal to (Martial Artists PE the Targets
Valor). This is applied like a wound penalty. Further the never-ending echoes of pain
playing back on each other and reverberating put all those in PEx10 yards down one
to valor rolls. This noise penetrates the hearts and mind of those around the Martial
Artist preventing those in the radius from being able to channel valor.
Source: Sobriquet

Confidence Penetrating Strike

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Crimson Talon of Horrors 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Obvious
Duration: Instant
”Whom all he struck learned to fear”¡br¿Transforming their weapon into the
element of fear and cowardice at the moment they strike their enemy, the martial
artist with this charm can strip away the courage and resolve of their opponents.
As the martial artist strikes their opponent, their weapon (or hand) dissolves, doing
no damage. However, as long as the attack roll was successful, the martial artist
subtracts one Valor from the target to a minimum of one. A mortal that would be
reduced to valor 0 with this attack instead runs fleeing in senseless terror, and will
most likely go insane before the effects of this charm wear off. Those whose valor
cannot be reduced below a certain amount begin losing 1 willpower per application
of this charm after their valor has reached its minimum. Valor loss due to this charm
comes back at a rate of 1 point per day. Willpower is not regained except through
normal means.
Source: Sobriquet

Inner Demon Rising

Cost: 10m, 1w; Mins: Essence 4, Crimson Talon of Horrors 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Terror Invoking Kata, Confidence Penetrating Strike
”And who brought nightmares to those he beheld”¡br¿The Martial Artist
dredges forth from the deepest recesses of his soul a dark nightmare secret not meant
for this world. This secret is whispered forth and carries the length of a single breath
before the waking world cringes from it, leaving it to the void of that which isnt.
In that time it can seep into the mind of the martial artists target hiding from the
waking world, and drawing its wrath to the target. This charm has a range of 500
cubits, a 6th of a mile, or roughly 300 yards. The martial artist rolls Manipulation +
Martial Arts against the targets DMDV. If the roll succeeds the target draws the ire
of creation for a turning of the moon, during this time they are afflicted with the 3

Point Nightmares Flaw and a 1 Point Enemy Flaw (Creation). A person inflicted with
this subtle charm suffers from terrible nightmares every time they fall asleep. The
martial artist does not influence the nightmares, rather the targets own secret fears
resonate with the whispered nothing and are personal to the target. If the afflicted
target wishes to shake off the nightmares, they can do so with a descriptive stunt and
a successful willpower roll at a difficulty equal to the Martial Artists (PE+1) the
Targets Valor . They may make one attempt per nights rest. Overcoming a terrible
nightmare is a very satisfying and cathartic experience as is the withdrawal of the ire
of the waking world. Those who overcome a nightmare immediately regain a number
of temporary willpower equal to the dif -2; this has a minimum of 0.
Source: Sobriquet

Crimson Talon of Horrors Form

Cost: 10m, 1w; Mins: Essence 4, Crimson Talon of Horrors 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Crippling, Form-Type, Obvious
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Inner Demon Rising
”His wrath lingered perpetually, a terrible reminder”The adepts of the Crim-
son Talon of Horrors Form often become the worst nightmares of those who survive
their assault. Upon assuming the Crimson Talon of Horrors Form, the martial artist
becomes the embodiment of the darkest dreams. Shadows of screams and moans
float around the character like tangible fear while their movements invoke unsettling
anticipation and distress. Their strikes carve deep and leave lasting marks to remind
those that escape of the horror they have seen. Individuals seeing the Exalt observe a
striking likeness to that which they fear the most. Those in combat with the Martial
Artist must pass a valor roll each round or flee. Those who are forced to flee may
defend themselves. Much like a horrible nightmare, the attacks of the Exalt linger
long after the combat. Thus the Exalts attacks take ten times as long to heal and
leave terrible scars, even on Exalts, this is a crippling effect. Whenever the wounded
has a natural nightmare in the future, they wake up to find the scars burning uncom-
fortably, even if they long ago healed them. The Martial Artist may use a mutation
from Nightmare Embodiment Transformation while in this form if they have that
Source: Sobriquet

Face of Terror Envisaged

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 4, Crimson Talon of Horrors 5; Type: Reflexive (Step
Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Crimson Talon of Horrors Form
”His visage paralyzed the valiant”¡br¿If terror had a face, what would it look
like? Although it may vary from individual to individual, through this charm a
universal visage is found. Weaving the essence around them into layers of emanating
fear, the martial artist produces a mien so terrifying that it can paralyze even the
most valiant of Exalted heroes in fear. The Martial Artist may attempt to use this as
a means of interrupting an opponents attack before it can be executed. The attacker

must succeed at a Valor roll, difficulty 2, or abort their attack action. Resisting this
unnatural illusion effect costs 1 Willpower. Once this Charm has been resisted by
spending willpower 3 times by a single target that individual is immune to it for the
rest of the scene.
Source: Sobriquet

Nightmare World Unfolds

Cost: 10m, 1w; Mins: Essence 5, Crimson Talon of Horrors 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Face of Terror Envisaged
”His passing twisted the world”¡br¿One of the most terrifying things about a
bad dream is the strange world in which it occurs. Things are never quite as they
seem there, shapes twist and distort without reason, and the landscape can work
against you. A martial artist invoking this charm twists the essence around them
into their movements, braiding nightmare with the threads of reality. At the end of
the action in which this is invoked, the world begins to take on a hellish distortion.
The scenery around the Exalted gains a wisp-like ethereal nature and takes on a sickly
green pallor. The space between objects shifts noticeably and things become far more
ominous. These changes are no illusion, and after an invocation of this charm the area
around the Exalt is indeed left surreally twisted. The effects of this charm permeate an
area with a radius around the Exalt equal to (Permanent Essence + Martial Arts)x10
yards. While in the area the Martial Artists natural Essence respiration is doubled
and the costs of the charms in this style are lowered by 2 motes. Any other person in
the area cant naturally respire essence and stunts they perform are down one level.
The Shaping effect of this charm is on the landscape and the essence thereof, not
individuals in it.
Source: Sobriquet

Relentless Pursuer’s Dance

Cost: 5m, 1w; Mins: Essence 4, Crimson Talon of Horrors 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: 1 Hour
Prerequisites: Crimson Talon of Horrors Form
”He could be neither escaped nor caught”¡br¿Sometimes the most horrible thing
about a nightmare is the way you seem to have no control over it. When your efforts
accomplish nothing, terror sets in. Building upon one of the principal events of bad
dreams, the futile chase, the martial artist puts their enemy in the same position.
Upon activation of this charm the Martial Artist becomes that terror for the target.
As long as the victim moves away from the Martial Artist, the Martial Artist can
follow - he is the inevitable horror trailing at the edge of consciousness.
No amount of running, flying, or even teleporting can change it. In a nightmare
you can never escape whats chasing you. If the target manages to somehow create a
large distance, such as by teleporting or leaping mountains or such, they have only
gained a temporary reprieveenough time for fear to set in. The Martial Artist walks
the secret nightmare twisted paths beyond creations walls and arrives one scene later
(’Scene’ being what is dramatically appropriate). They tend to appear in some subtle

fashion, rounding the corner of a mist choked alley to meet the subject instead of
appearing in a flash of light - this holds less true if the target is in a Nightmare
If the target manages to escape the Martial Artist for the full duration of this
Charm it cannot be reactivated on said target again until he has slept.
Source: Sobriquet

Panic-Provoking Phantasm Assault

Cost: 20m, 2w; Mins: Essence 5, Crimson Talon of Horrors 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: Action
Prerequisites: Relentless Pursuer’s Dance
”His fleetest appearance bade horror linger”¡br¿Nightmares can sometimes be
quite fleeting, and difficult to remember, however, the terror remains. The Exalt who
masters this charm mimics the fleeting nightmare, the ones that are brief but leave
a lingering sense of doom. When this charm is activated, the user appears instantly
behind a target they specify, who must be within (Essence)x100 miles. They must
be familiar with their target in some way, having personally seen them at least once.
Both individuals roll their join battle action, however if this charms invoker does not
win initiative, this charm makes them win by 1. Just as quickly as their attack began,
it abruptly ends. At the end of the duration of the martial artists action when this
charm was activated the martial artist reappears where they originally stood. Any
damage done during the effects of this charm are real and linger afterwards, leaving
the target confused, injured, and afraid.
Source: Sobriquet

Nightmare Embodiment Transformation

Cost: 15m, 1w; Mins: Essence 5, Crimson Talon of Horrors 5; Type: Simple (6
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Shaping
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Panic-Provoking Phantasm Assault, Nightmare World Unfolds
”He was the nightmare of all who stood against him”¡br¿This charm transforms
the martial artist into one of the embodiments of subconscious fear. It combines the
elements of various nightmares into one cohesive shape that defies calm thought. This
form varies by Martial Artist and each Martial Artist has a shape carved from their
own nightmaresor perhaps their favorite wisp nightmares gleaned from their terrified
targets. This charm adds the users Conviction to their lethal and bashing soak and
adds their Valor to their unarmed damage. While in this shape the Exalt can either
appear to take no damage whatsoever, until the moment they actually die or choose
to make all damage they take seem truly horrific. Either way the user gets a bonus to
their Presence dice pools for intimidation equal to the wound penalties they should be
at. The user also crafts a nightmare form upon purchasing this charm with a number
of mutation points equal to their PEx5.¡Br¿¡br¿
”’Edge”’ (3xp): Transcendant Terror Mastery: At this level of mastery the martial
artist realizes the truth. In mastering this style the Exalt has become the greatest
of nightmares, even his own. Knowing that they have become in many ways the

embodiment of fear, fear holds no power over them. The Exalt can reflexively spend
one mote to automatically succeed at any Valor roll while in Nightmare Embodiment
Example: ”Tirian entered into a strange kata, weaving strands of nightmare essence
into a conical shape around him. The essence quickly solidified into a smoking black
rock. Then, just as the enemy soldiers began to contemplate the rock-like encasing,
they realized it was not a rock at all. The encasing split down the center, spreading out
like two great black smoking wings, as a towering balrog rose out from within them.
With a roar it announced its presence to the battlefield, and the enemy soldiers turned
on their heels and ran screaming into the night. Eye Color (1), Tail (1), Tough (2),
Acidic Postules (4)(Lava splash), Quills (4)(as magma skin), Gargantuan (6), Stone
Skin (6), Wings (6).”
Source: Sobriquet

Thrashing Tail Counter

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Crocodile 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Boiling Teeth River
Strike the crocodiles eyes, for they are unarmoured and his spirit is too selfish
to bear much pain. Beware his tail, though, for it will lash at you even as he makes
his hateful escape. This Charm may be activated in response to any attack that fails
to inflict any levels of damage on the martial artist (whether through being dodged,
parried or soaked). It gives the martial artist a single unarmed counterattack at his
full dice pool, resolved in Step 9 of the original attack.
If the attack was made against him while he was in at least 50 percent hard cover,
he may sacrifice any number of dice from the dice pool of his counterattack; if he
does so, then after resolving the attack he may reflexively move a number of yards
away from his opponent equal to the dice removed (if he is still in sufficient cover
after doing so, this may allow an attempt to re-establish surprise).
Source: Revlid

Boiling Teeth River

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Crocodile 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Tick
Prerequisites: Harmless Log Imitation
The water erupts into froth and spray as the crocodile lurches into the attack.
You will not see him coming, and even if you do, you can only struggle futilely against
the current. This Charm may be enhance an unexpected attack, reducing the natural
soak of the target by (Martial Arts) against all unarmed attacks made by the martial
artist for the rest of the tick.
Source: Revlid

Jagged Crushing Jaws

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Crocodile 3; Type: Reflexive

Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Tick
Prerequisites: Boiling Teeth River
The crocodile smiles. He knows that you quit his jaws only at his sufferance,
and he rarely suffers at all. This Charm may be used when making a (Strength
+ Martial Arts) roll to establish or maintain a clinch, giving the martial artist two
bonus successes to that roll. If successful, the martial artist adds (Martial Arts) dice
of pre-soak damage to any crush he makes against the target of the clinch this tick.
Source: Revlid

Crocodile Form
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Crocodile 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Jagged Crushing Jaws, Thrashing Tail Counter
Leave the river be. The grass may be greener across it, and the girls prettier
still, but the crocodile lies in wait in its waters, and not for all the money in Creation
will he let you pass without sitting at his dinner table. All the martial artists unarmed
attacks cause lethal damage (if they did not do so already) and he may parry lethal
and ranged attacks with his bare hands. He adds his (Martial Arts) to his (Strength +
Athletics) for the purposes of determining whether he can drag a clinched opponent.
The martial artist ignores all penalties for taking actions in a liquid environment,
and treats rolls to stay afloat as reflexive (he never needs to flurry to stay afloat). He
doubles his base swimming speed, and may hold his breath indefinitely. Finally, he
may always treat bodies of liquid as hard cover, though its effects are limited at a
maximum of 75 percent cover. This maximum is reduced to 50 percent if it is being
applied against another character who is fully submerged in the same body of liquid.
As a Form-type Charm, the first time the martial artist uses a Charm with a Flaw
of Invulnerability during the same action Crocodile Form is activated, it adds a two
Willpower surcharge to its activation cost.
”Dynamic Form Transition”:
Crocodile Form may be reflexively assumed in the following ways:
If the practitioner successfully makes an unexpected unarmed clinch.
If the practitioner completely submerges an opponent by knocking them prone
with an unarmed attack.
Source: Revlid

Brought To Table
Cost: (+1m); Mins: Essence 3, Crocodile 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Form-enhancing
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Crocodile Form
You cannot refuse the invitation of a crocodile, for his smile is most affecting,
both in charm and in dragging his dinner-guests to their set place. While in Crocodile
Form, if the martial artist crushes a grappled opponent who is trying to hold their
breath (for any reason perhaps to avoid drowning, perhaps to avoid poisonous gas),
they are considered to immediately run out of breath, and are forced to breath in or
begin suffocating (”’Exalted”’, pp.130).

Harmless Log Imitation is also enhanced while in Crocodile Form, allowing the mar-
tial artist to use it reflexively, with a surcharge of one point of temporary Willpower,
on any tick in which he has used Thrashing Tail Counter.
Source: Revlid

Harmless Log Imitation

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Crocodile 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: None
The crocodile takes on the mien of an inert piece of debris, drifting aimlessly
down the river. Fall not for his tricks! Look for his greedy eyes, and the smirking
seam of his jaws. Upon activating this Charm, the martial artist immediately rolls to
re-establish (or establish) surprise, adding (Martial Arts 2) automatic successes to
the attempt. The martial artist must be in at least 50 percent hard cover to activate
this Charm, and upon using it his final Move and Dash distances are halved until his
next action.
Source: Revlid

Death Roll Maneuver

Cost: 3m (+1wp); Mins: Essence 3, Crocodile 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Brought To Table
Do not think to outgrapple the crocodile. He twists and turns and rolls, and in
the end your arm will be his to enjoy. This Charm may used to supplement any Crush
the martial artist performs. If it inflicts at least two levels of damage, the target suffers
a single (non-amputation) Crippling effect, as their arm is crushed or ribs smashed. If
it inflicts at least three levels of lethal damage, the martial artist may pay one point
of temporary Willpower to make the Crippling effect into an amputation, ripping off
an entire limb.
Whether any levels of damage are inflicted at all, the clinched target is released
immediately after the resolution of the crush, just as though the martial artist had
chosen to break the hold.
Source: Revlid

Picked Tooth Meditation

Cost: 2m, 1hl or 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Crocodile 4; Type: Simple (Speed 4,
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Crocodile Form
For all his spiteful gluttony, even the crocodile has friends. Those birds who
pick at his teeth and take the rot from therein are his only companions, and spared
the brunt of his hungers. Perhaps the lesson to be taken from this is that for even
the most vicious man, you are safe if you have use. Upon activating this Charm, the
martial artist immediately expels all Poison and Sickness effects currently afflicting

him, including those that he is not aware of or that are lying dormant somehow, as
a flock of tiny stylised birds formed from his anima flap out of his opened mouth,
taking the bodily evils with them.
If the martial artist has inflicted a Crippling amputation injury on any character
in this scene, he instead use this Charm at a cost of four motes, as his cleaner-birds
partake of the meat of his foes, rather than his gums.
The anima-birds created by this Charm normally dissipate a few yards after leaving
the martial artist’s mouth. It is, however, entirely permissible to have them persist a
little longer, to enhance later stunts.
Source: Revlid

Tears Of The Smiling Crocodile

Cost: 4m (+1wp); Mins: Essence 3, Crocodile 5; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Picked Tooth Meditation
The crocodile weeps salty tears, showing his truest feelings, his grief and com-
passion. His obvious sorrow is such that none but the heartless can help but come
to his aid. Further proof, then, that only the heartless are meant to survive. This
Charm targets one character who can perceive the martial artist. That character
must immediately roll Compassion if they fail, they are unaffected.
If they succeed, however, they immediately suffer an Emotion effect filling them
with sympathy for their distressed foe, forcing them to approach him to offer comfort.
They need not Dash, but will move no slower than half their maximum move rate,
ignoring all non-damaging environmental concerns (such as entering a swamp) and
will not attack him while affected (though they may ready themselves to do so the
crocodiles teeth are visible even as it harmlessly weeps). This effect lasts until the
end of the scene, but may be rejected at a cost of two points of temporary Willpower,
and automatically breaks if the martial artist attacks anyone within the perception
of the affected character.
If a character under this Emotion effect is within range of one of the martial artists
unarmed attacks, the martial artist may treat any move or dash action they take as
a missed attack for the purposes of making counterattacks.
This Charm may also be used on a character who cannot perceive the martial artist,
but in this case its range is limited to (Martial Arts x 3) yards, as the unwitting prey
is lured by the sound of haunting sobs or soft songs that only they can hear. In
Crocodile Form, the martial artist may increase the cost of this Charm by one point
of temporary Willpower to extend its effects to (Martial Arts) characters.
Source: Revlid

Swallowed Clock Stalker

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Crocodile 5; Type: Simple (Speed 3)
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: Until an unarmed attack
Prerequisites: Death Roll Maneuver, Tears Of The Smiling Crocodile
Stop. Listen. Can you hear it? Above the beating of your heart, beneath the
pounding of blood in your ears. It is the movement of Saturns clock, each tick slicing
away a second of your life, each tock promising your eventual demise. The crocodile

can hear it, every second of every day. It is a wonderful music to his ears, but its
silence is even better, for such an unsound is like a dinner-gong to the wicked.
Upon activating this Charm, the martial artist selects one opponent whose presence
in the scene he is aware of (though he does not need to be able to actually perceive
them at that moment), and who he is hidden from. He marks that target as his prey,
and begins an immediate Aim action against them. For each Aim cycle he completes
while this Charm is active, he acquires a single tock, to a maximum of four. This
Charm ends if the martial artist is detected by his target with less than four tocks, or
if he aborts his Aim action to do anything other than attack his target; the martial
artist loses all tocks when this Charm ends.
Once the martial artist has two tocks, the target gains a single bonus die to any
(Perception + Awareness) roll they make to detect him. Once the martial artist has
four tocks, this Charm becomes Obvious to the target, and they become aware of the
martial artists presence, though not his actual location, as the sense of anticipatory
bloodlust hangs thick in the air.
The next time the martial artist makes an unarmed attack against his chosen prey
(successful or otherwise), the Charm ends and he increases the minimum damage
of the attack by a number of dice equal to the tocks he lost. If he has inflicted a
Crippling amputation on his target in the past, this increase applies to all unarmed
attacks he makes against the target on that tick.
Source: Revlid

Heart-Spearing Strike
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1, Crusading Unicorn 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Holy, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Crusading Unicorns are taught that the hardest strike is most often the final.
Heart-Spearing Strike teaches them to focus their essence into their attacks in the
manner of the jagged-edged spiral, cutting and tearing out the core of Oblivion’s
infection. An unarmed or in-style martial arts attack supplemented by this attack
gains the piercing tag, halving non-armor soak as well if the attack was already
piercing. If this attack hits a Creature of Darkness, (Essence) raw damage dice are
converted into bonus successes.
Source: IsawaBrian

Trampling the Unclean Foe

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Crusading Unicorn 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Holy, Stackable
Duration: Instant
Emulating the crushing impact of a charging unicorn, the character makes a
powerful strike designed to cripple and weaken their target with painful force, com-
pounding previous injuries. This charm modifies an unarmed or in-style martial arts
attack. If it successfully causes even one health level of damage, the target suffers
a 1-dot internal penalty to all actions for the rest of the scene. Subsequent attacks
using this Charm stack this penalty, to a maximum of the martial artist’s Essence +

Martial Arts. When used against Creatures of Darkness, both the penalty and the
maximum are doubled.
Source: IsawaBrian

Wary Warsteed Moment

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Crusading Unicorn 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Holy
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Heart-Spearing Strike, Trampling the Unclean Foe
Nothing survives long which does not know its surroundings. Many ghosts and
other shadow beings of the underworld can come upon a martial artist unawares, but
a Crusading Unicorn knows how to notice minute signs, and turn a moment into all
they need. When the character rolls to contest a surprise attack, add dice equal to her
Martial Arts to the attempt. If the attacking entity is a Creature of Darkness, these
dice are converted into automatic successes. This Charm may be used even if the
character is inactive or otherwise unable to respond to an attack, but does not negate
involuntary conditions. In other words, a character who is sleeping may activate this
Charm, but one knocked unconscious by a charm or the Incapacitated health level
may not.
Source: IsawaBrian

Brilliant Courser Distraction

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Crusading Unicorn 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Holy
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Wary Warsteed Moment
The amazing beauty and feral grace of a unicorn has beset and bedeviled the
intent of many a foe in combat, leaving them unable to strike the unearthly form
before them. Emulating this elegance of form, the martial artist appears to make an
elaborate, stylized defense. In actuality, the martial artist channels essence into his
kata, distracting an attacker and making it harder for her to strike.
This Charm may be used when the character is applying a Martial Arts Parry DV
against an attack. Add an external penalty equal to the martial artist’s Essence to
the attack. These stylized forms blight the unholy and seemingly draw the crusading
unicorn into precise defenses; when this Charm is used to help defend against a
Creature of Darkness, remove all penalties to the character’s Parry DV in addition to
its normal effects. This does not allow the character to parry when Parry DV would
be inapplicable.
Source: IsawaBrian

Crusading Unicorn Form

Cost: 7m; Mins: Essence 3, Crusading Unicorn 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-Type, Holy, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Brilliant Courser Distraction
Swift and beautiful, deadly and elegant, the martial artist becomes liquid grace
and utter devastation to her foes. The dire and warped enemies of Creation cannot

stand against a Crusading Unicorn, broken by righteous fury. For the rest of the
scene, the character adds her Essence in dice to all Martial Arts attacks; these dice
are converted to automatic successes when used to hit a Creature of Darkness. The
character adds her Martial Arts to her Dexterity or other Attribute for the purposes
of determining all movement speeds.
Celestials who develop their Essence further gain an additional benefit, enlight-
ening themselves to the unthinking aggression of a battle-mad unicorn. At Essence
4, when a Celestial Exalt or other entity who can learn Celestial Martial Arts as a
native style has Crusading Unicorn Form active, they may spend 1 additional mote of
essence when activating either Heart-Spearing Strike or Trampling the Unclean Foe
to make their activations non-Charm actions.
Source: IsawaBrian

Purity of Fury
Cost: 5m, 1 wp; Mins: Essence 3, Crusading Unicorn 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Holy, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Crusading Unicorn Form
The pure and unadulterated fury of a Crusading Unicorn makes them swift
beyond measure, untouchable by most opponents as they charge across the battlefield.
Untouchable and untouched on the battlefield, the character burns with the rage,
making their movements unpredictable. Both external and internal attacks slip away
from the martial artist by the sheer force of unicorn madness in his soul. This fury
extends to purification of poisons and diseases, as the mad rage and singularity of
purpose born of emulating the Essence of a Unicorn allows the martial artist to burn
poison and sickness effects out of his blood.
Add half the character’s martial arts rating to all Dodge DVs for one scene. This
effect is doubled against Creatures of Darkness. The character may also reroll any
attempt to resist poison or sickness effects, including successful ones, and take the
better of the two attempts. This will allow an instant reroll for ongoing poison or
sickness keyword effects in the martial artist at the cost of an additional 1m (not com-
mitted) per ongoing effect to be rerolled. Successful attempts reduce or remove effects
as normal, but will not erase long term damage such as health levels or permanent
crippling that have already occurred.
Source: IsawaBrian

Charging Hoofbeat Rhythm

Cost: 7m, 1 wp; Mins: Essence 3, Crusading Unicorn 5; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Holy, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Silk and Steel Grace, Purity of Fury
The Crusading Unicorn attacks his foes with blinding fury and overwhelming
force, rapidly neutralizing multiple targets. The purity and power of this attack is
bedazzling to the unholy, distracting them from their defenses. The character makes
a magical flurry which may consist of up to (the martial artist’s permanent Essence
+1) unarmed or in-style attacks. Double the onslaught penalty for any attacks in this
Flurry applied to Creatures of Darkness.
Source: IsawaBrian

Silk and Steel Grace
Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Crusading Unicorn 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Holy, Illusion
Duration: One Tick
Prerequisites: Crusading Unicorn Form
While a mindless unicorn’s thoughtless grace may invoke confusion and panic
in its enemies, a Crusading Unicorn martial artist brings control and dedication to
the consuming fury. Moving in a whirl of steel and silk, the character feints, using the
increased speed of her katas to follow up swiftly. This Charm supplements an unarmed
or in-style martial arts attack. During Step 1 of the attack, the martial artist’s player
rolls her Charisma or Manipulation + Martial Arts against the defender’s highest
MDV. If this roll is successful, the martial artist feints, enhanced by a brief illusion.
This feint– effectively a social attack– is undodgeable if the target is a Creature of
Darkness. Any defenses pitted against the supplemented attack or any subsequent
attacks during that tick (generally, more attacks in a flurry) have an external penalty
applied to the DV equal to the martial artist’s permanent Essence.
Source: IsawaBrian

Devastation Horn Strike

Cost: 10m, 2 wp; Mins: Essence 4, Crusading Unicorn 5; Type: Simple (Speed
4, DV -0)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Holy, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Charging Hoofbeat Rhythm
To be impaled upon a unicorn’s horn is to know instant and utter death. The
masters of the Crusading Unicorn style have perfected a strike that mimics this effect,
wrapping their attacks in a spiraling essence-form that digs deep into an opponent.
The strike itself is highly accurate, swift, and leaves little opening for retaliation,
but its secret lies in the inverted vortex of the essence matrix. Not only does it drill
dangerously into an opponent in a burst of multicolored essence– and, likely, gore–
but it pulls in essence from nearby sources of dark power, purifies them, and releases
the resulting energy as pure force. Enemies of Creation are the only non-negligible
sources of such motes, and the vortex horn seems Fated to attack them in a manner
absolutely devastating to their defenses.
Devastation Horn Strike acts as an unarmed or in-style martial arts attack action
with a Speed of 4 and a DV penalty of 0. Add the martial artist’s permanent Essence
to the Accuracy and Damage of the attack. In addition, add 1 die to the raw damage
for every Creature of Darkness within (the martial artist’s permanent Essence) x
10 yards of the target, regardless of the target’s nature. If the target actually is a
Creature of Darkness, he is included in that dice count, and the attack gains a number
of successes equal to the Defender’s applied DV as it is declared. This number of
successes is static, and does not change if the target’s DV is lowered, raised, mad
inapplicable, or otherwise altered from Step 2 on.
Source: IsawaBrian

Just Another Branch Deceit

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Crystal Chameleon 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Basic

Duration: Instant
This Charm augments a martial artist’s attempt to reestablish surprise. See
the full text of the Charm for details.Source Glories of the Most High: the Maidens
of Destiny, pp. 25-26.
Source Glories of the Most High Glories of the Most High (hardcopy), pp. 105-106.
Source: Glories of the Most High: the Maidens of Destiny

Light-Treading Technique
Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Crystal Chameleon 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
This Charm increases the distance travelled with Move and Dash actions, and
also increases the martial artist’s DDV against ranged attacks. See the full text of
the Charm for details.Source Glories of the Most High: the Maidens of Destiny, p.
Source Glories of the Most High Glories of the Most High (hardcopy), pp. 106.
Source: Glories of the Most High: the Maidens of Destiny

Flashing Passage
Cost: 2m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Crystal Chameleon 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One Action
Prerequisites: Just Another Branch Deceit, Light-Treading Technique
This Charm greatly increases the distance that the martial artist can move in
a single Dash action. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Glories of the
Most High: the Maidens of Destiny, p. 26.
Source Glories of the Most High Glories of the Most High (hardcopy), pp. 106.
Source: Glories of the Most High: the Maidens of Destiny

Crystal Chameleon Form

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Crystal Chameleon 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Flashing Passage
While this form is active, characters attempting to attack the martial artist
suffer penalties to all their attacks. She always meets the requirements to reestablish
surprise as well. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Glories of the Most
High: the Maidens of Destiny, p. 26.
Source Glories of the Most High Glories of the Most High (hardcopy), pp. 106.
Source: Glories of the Most High: the Maidens of Destiny

Flashing Leaves Evasion

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Crystal Chameleon 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious

Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Crystal Chameleon Form
This Charm acts as an imperfect dodge with a unique flaw of invulnerability.
See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Glories of the Most High: the Maidens
of Destiny, p. 26.
Source Glories of the Most High Glories of the Most High (hardcopy), pp. 106.
Source: Glories of the Most High: the Maidens of Destiny

Razor-Edged Prism Assault

Cost: 7m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Crystal Chameleon 5; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Crystal Chameleon Form
This Charm allows the martial artist to launch a flurry of attacks, all at his
full dice pool with special modifications to the opponent’s DV. See the full text of
the Charm for details.Source Glories of the Most High: the Maidens of Destiny, pp.
Source Glories of the Most High Glories of the Most High (hardcopy), pp. 106-7.
Source: Glories of the Most High: the Maidens of Destiny

Shattered Crystal Rebuke

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Crystal Chameleon 5; Type: Reflexive (Step
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Flashing Leaves Evasion
This Charm allows for both a counterattack and an attempt to reestablish
surprise. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Glories of the Most High:
the Maidens of Destiny, p. 26.
Source Glories of the Most High Glories of the Most High (hardcopy), pp. 106.
Source: Glories of the Most High: the Maidens of Destiny

Death from Nowhere Method

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Crystal Chameleon 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Razor-Edged Prism Assault
This Charm augment’s the martial artist’s damage for an unexpected unarmed
attack. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Glories of the Most High:
the Maidens of Destiny, p. 27.
Source Glories of the Most High Glories of the Most High (hardcopy), pp. 107.
Source: Glories of the Most High: the Maidens of Destiny

Stepping Beyond Light Prana

Cost: 10m; Mins: Essence 3, Crystal Chameleon 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Obvious

Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Death from Nowhere Method, Shattered Crystal Rebuke
This Charm imposes penalties on attempts to discern the martial artist’s spe-
cific location. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Glories of the Most
High: the Maidens of Destiny, p. 27.
Source Glories of the Most High Glories of the Most High (hardcopy), pp. 107.
Source: Glories of the Most High: the Maidens of Destiny

Foe-Blinding Jab
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Dark Messiah 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Ravaging Blow
If enough damage is delt, this Charm instead reduces the damage and Cripples
the foe. This can also be used with a non-damaging attack. See the full text of the
Charm for details.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals, p. 184.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals

Dark Messiah Form

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Dark Messiah 4; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Form-Type
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Foe-Blinding Jab, Inescapable Iron Grip
This Form allows the Abyssal to inflict piercing damage with his unarmed
attacks, and parry lethal and ranged attacks unarmed. This Form also eliminates
some of his multiple action penalties. Finally, practicioners of this form can attune
to Soulsteel weapons, gaining all the benefits. As a downside, this form influences
how characters can channel Virtues. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals, p. 185.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals

Bone-Shattering Blow
Cost: 1m or 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Dark Messiah 4; Type: Reflexive (step
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Dark Messiah Form
If the Abyssal deals enough damage, this Charm reduces it yet Cripples the
opponent. The cost of this charm differes depending on what type of person the
Abyssal is fighting. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Manual of
Exalted Power: Abyssals, p. 185.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals

Illustrative Overkill Technique

Cost: - (3m, 1wp); Mins: Essence 3, Dark Messiah 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Emotion, Obvious

Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Grievous Agony Attack
If the Abyssal kills an opponet in a horrific manner, some onlookers might be
overwhelmed with horror, debilitating them for most actions the rest of the scene.
See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals,
pp. 185-186.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals

Lashing Tempest Palm

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 4, Dark Messiah 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Dark Messiah Form
This Charm is a Mirror of Crashing Wave Throw, and acts exactly the same.
See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals,
p. 186.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals

Twist and Wrench

Cost: (+2m); Mins: Essence 2, Dark Messiah 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Crippling, Stackable
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Foe-Blinding Jab
Why simply break bones when you can dig your fingernails into the marrow?
Whenever the Abyssal successfully inflicts a Crippling effect with a Dark Messiah
Charm, he may pay an additional two motes to increase the victims wound penalty
by -1 for the rest of the scene. This is considered to be part of the original Crippling
effect, so any effect that removes that also removes the increased penalty. No character
can have their wound penalty increased by more than (Essence) by this Charm.
Source: Revlid

Delectable Agony Empowerment

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 3, Dark Messiah 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Rapacious Lamprey Technique
Pain is the bread of the Dark Messiah. Screams are his fish. With them he
could feed a nation... but his own hungers come first. Whenever the Abyssal gains
motes from feeding, he also gains a number of offensive motes equal to his victims
wound penalty (calculated after damage from feeding). He may not gain more than
offensive motes than his Essence rating per feeding in this way. This Charm does not
create an Overdrive pool.
Source: Revlid

Honest Fables of Cruelty

Cost: (+1m); Mins: Essence 3, Dark Messiah 5; Type: Permanent

Keywords: Form-enhancing
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Dark Messiah Form
The Abyssals cruelty transcends petty joy at gore and whimpers; she becomes a
true messiah of pain, spreading the lessons of Oblivion through simple fables of agony.
One day, a man was tortured so excellently that it overwhelmed his senses. His eyes
were boiled, his tongue was split, his ears punctured, his nose torn, his fingers grated.
Then he died, and the pain ended.
This Charm permanently enhances Dark Messiah Form, increasing its cost by one
mote. Whenever the Abyssal takes an action that emphasizes cruelty and pain (even
his own) in Dark Messiah Form, the stunt rating of the action increases by one as
though it resonated with his Motivation. This can explicitly grant a one-point stunt
to an action than did not qualify for a stunt.
In addition, the Abyssal may make a called shot at an enemys soft or wounded
parts, twisting and cutting. Such an attack suffers a -1 external penalty, but can be
enhanced by Ravaging Blow as an innate power. Used in this way, Ravaging Blow
increases the minimum damage of the attack by (wound penalty) rather than one.
However, taking any action to alleviate pain (other than killing those in suffering)
immediately forces the Abyssal out of Dark Messiah Form.
Source: Revlid

Scabs in the Soul

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Dark Messiah 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Dark Messiah Form
The fist of the Deathknight leaves a dark crimson bruise on her opponents body,
one that spreads throughout chunks of his anima, scabs on his soul that are easily
agitated by a lack of aggression. This Abyssal may use this Charm to enhance any
unarmed attack. If the attack hits, then for the rest of the scene the target suffers
a mote surcharge equal to their wound penalty on all non-offensive Charms, as a
Shaping effect. Non-offensive Charms are defined as any Charms that could not be
paid for with offensive motes.
Source: Revlid

Inescapable Iron Grip

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Dark Messiah 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Until Released
Prerequisites: Dead Man’s Grasp
This Charm augments a grapple attack, conferring to the foe an internal penalty
to control the grapple. This also prevents the victim from breathing, potentially
asphyxiating them. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Manual of
Exalted Power: Abyssals, p. 185.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals

Dead Man’s Grasp
Cost: 1m/action; Mins: Essence 2, Dark Messiah 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Until Released
This Charm augments a grapple attack, dealing lethal damage. The Abyssal
can also potentially increase her damage in a grapple. See the full text of the Charm
for details.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals, pp. 184-185.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals

Ravaging Blow
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Dark Messiah 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
This Charm increases the raw damage of a successful attack. It also has synergy
with Dark Messiah Form See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Manual of
Exalted Power: Abyssals, p. 184.
2.5errata source=Scroll of Erratakeywords=Combo-OK, Enhanced-
text=”Enhanced:” While Dark Messiah Form is active, Ravaging Blow also
grants the Abyssals natural attacks the magical material benefits of soulsteel.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals

Grievous Agony Attack

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Dark Messiah 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Dark Messiah Form
The Abyssal fights dirty and inflicts debilitating pain, Crippling an opponent
if the attack deals damage. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Manual
of Exalted Power: Abyssals, p. 185.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratakeywords=Combo-OK, Crippling, Enhanced-
text=Grievous Agony Attack does not render characters Incapacitated. Instead, a
victim of the Charm must Guard on their next action tick, and cannot abort that
action until three ticks have passed. They cannot take any Move actions until the
Guard action ends.
”Enhanced:” When used by an Abyssal, this Charm inflicts a -2 wound penalty.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals

Void Avatar Prana

Cost: 1wp (+1m); Mins: Essence 4, Dark Messiah 5; Type: Simple (Speed 1,
DV -1)
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Bone-Shattering Blow, Illustrative Overkill Technique, Lashing
Tempest Palm

This Charm must be activated directly after assuming Dark Messiah Form.
This Charm acts as a reflexive perfect parry, and anyone who touches the Abyssal
suffers damage. This can also be activated when the Abyssal makes an attack, dealing
damage to the victim. This Charm can affect onlookers’ Morale as well. It has one
of the Flaw of Invulnerability Four Flaws of Invulnerability. See the full text of the
Charm for details.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals, p. 186.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratacost=-(+5m, 1wp)type=Permanentkeywords=Obviousduration=P
the text of the Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Oblivion bleeds through the body, mind, and Essence of the Dark Messiah, unleash-
ing its dread power to strike down any who would lay hands upon him. Activating
Dark Messiah Form for a surcharge of five motes and a point of Willpower, the martial
artist becomes a conduit for Oblivion. An freezing aura of necrotic Essence emanates
up to (Essence) yards from the martial artist, an environmental hazard with Trauma
(Essence) and Damage 3B/action. His attacks channel the power of the Void, grant-
ing them the Overwhelming tag with minimum damage 3, and he adds (Essence) to
his bashing and lethal soak.
”Enhanced:” When used by an Abyssal, the environmental hazard deals lethal
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals

Dragon Line Sight

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Dragon Line Riding 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: Instant
By focusing their Essence with absolute clarity, the martial artist gains the
ability to see the Dragon Lines that are all around them.
While most beings have only the faintest tinges of the Essence of Creation within
them, this charm makes it reasonably simple to detect another Exalt of any type
(difficulty is 5 - target’s Essence (trait) Essence) assuming that you could normally
see the target. Hearthstones show up as a particulary bright glow against its wearer
and they are always difficulty 1 to spot.
Unfortunatly, Fair Folk, Deathknights and all stripes of Demons are invisible to
this charm as they have their own types of Essence, though a Deathknight may show
up immedieatly after absorbing the Essence of a being of creation.
Source: RRimmel

Essence Warding Technique

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Dragon Line Riding 5; Type: Reflexive (step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Knowing the fine lines of Essence that flows within everything, the martial artist
that has mastered this charm can pull those essence flows apart to protect himself
against an attack.
Upon activating this charm, the Martial Artist may now dodge or block any strike
against that utilized essence, attacks made without the benefit of essence completly

bypass this charm. Further this charm reduces the number of successes in an essence
based attack by the Martial Artist’s Essence.
Source: RRimmel

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Dragon of Darkness Within 3; Type: Reflexive
(Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One action
This charm emulates not the flight of a soaring dragon, but the darting and
swerving flight of a monster attacking from the air, avoiding incoming fire while
positioning itself all the better to attack. The darting motions of the martial artist
give them +1 yard of movement per tick, +1 DDV, and +2 dice of accuracy to their
Source: Sobriquet

Fist of Spirit Flame

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Dragon of Darkness Within 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Scene
Channeling their spirit and determination into their fist, the martial artist hard-
ens it into a destructive force, glowing like a red-hot coal. The Martial Artist may
spend 3 motes to ignite his fists for a scene. This allows the martial artist to parry
lethal attacks unarmed, and their unarmed attacks also do lethal damage. Moreover,
their fists are considered unbreakable weapons, and add +2 lethal damage. Alterna-
tively, as a non-charm action, they may activate the effect for a single action at a cost
of 1 mote.
Source: Sobriquet

Jaws of Consumption
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Dragon of Darkness Within 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Fist of Spirit Flame
As a student progresses in this style, they learn that their fist can be even
more destructive with the proper approach. Their spirit energy is reinforced by the
power of their anger and hatred, and with it, a hint of condescension. This charm is
activated when the martial artist successfully parries an attack while Fists of Spirit
Flame is active. The martial artist grabs the weapon in their hand. If the weapon
parried is not indestructible, it is instantly reduced to ash, as the force of the martial
artists raging emotion tears it asunder. Unbreakable weapons are instead rendered
burning hot, and the wielder must drop the weapon or suffer 1 die of lethal damage
that ignores hardness, each tick for the next 3 ticks.
Source: Sobriquet

Dragon of Darkness Within Form
Cost: 7m; Mins: Essence 3, Dragon of Darkness Within 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Form-type, Obvious, (Touch)
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Jaws of Consumption, Dragonflight
The practitioner carefully unwraps whatever clothing conceals their tattoo, re-
vealing their Dragon of Darkness. Focusing power into their darkest emotions, the
dragon is awakened and breaks free, rising in iconic glory. The martial artists anima
flares to the 16+ stage, and is replaced by the Dragon of Darkness Within.? This
form is actually more like two forms that can be switched between seamlessly. One
is known as Unleashing? and the other Channeling? the Dragon.¡br¿
If they channel the Dragon Within on a single target, they add their valor or
conviction (whichever is higher) to their Martial Arts dice pools (this counts as dice
from a charm), and then their MA+PE (if you have a negative intimacy in this target,
multiply this by 2.) to the raw damage of unarmed attacks against that target, but
may not stop attacking it until it is dead or the form ends. If they kill the target they
may select a new target or Unleash? the dragon.¡br¿
If they choose to Unleash? the dragon and let it rage freely, it lashes around
them violently. The anima dragon devastates anything within MAx5 yards with an
environmental effect of tangible hate. This environmental effect does (Number of
Negative Intimacies)L with a Trauma rating equal to the Martial Artists Permanent
Essence. The dragon does not discriminate between friend and foe.¡br¿
It is difficult to drop out of this form before the dragon has consumed at least
one individual. If the form comes to an end before killing at least one individual, the
Exalt must roll their highest virtue, gaining an amount of limit equal to the number
of successes rolled plus 1. It also causes them their (Number of Negative Intimacies)
in dice of unsoakable lethal damage, as the dragon violently re-enters their body. If
they have killed at least one individual while the form was active, the charm ends as
usual, and they gain only 1 limit.¡br¿
”’Dynamic Form Transition:”’ A practitioner of Dragon of Darkness Style who has
learned Unleashing/Channeling the Dragon of Darkness Within may transition into
that Form as a reflexive non-Charm activation if the Exalt is in an unrestrained limit
Source: Sobriquet

Feeding the Dragon

Cost: 10m, 1 limit; Mins: Essence 4, Dragon of Darkness Within 5; Type:
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious, Knockback
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Dragon of Darkness Within Form
When practitioners Feed the Dragon? they channel just a bit more of themselves
into it than they normally might. This takes its toll on the martial artist but allows
them to stand back and watch as their inner dragon drags its helpless victim around
the battlefield tearing it apart. This charm endures as long as the form remains
active, and can only be activated while in the form. All channeled? attacks inflict a
knockback of 1 yards per raw damage, and the martial artists unarmed attacks gain
a range of their (Number of Negative Intimacies) x5 yards. When the Martial Artist

has a negative intimacy in their target, this knockback causes damage as normal when
the target hits a solid object before having moved the total knockback distance (one
lethal raw damage per yard not moved), to a maximum of 25L.
Source: Sobriquet

The Darkness Hungers

Cost: 3m, 1 virtue channel; Mins: Essence 4, Dragon of Darkness Within 5;
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Dragon of Darkness Within Form
By letting a little part of him or herself slip away, the martial artist creates a
void that must be filled. Extending that void out of themselves towards an opponents
attack, they allow their opponents essence to fill it and seize the opportunity to strike.
The Exalted may activate this charm when they are either hit by, or parry an oppo-
nents attack (it cannot be used when dodging). This charm allows a counterattack
against an opponent while simultaneously negating the effects of all non-permanent
non-instant defensive charms they are using for that counterattack.
Source: Sobriquet

Strike Without Remorse

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 4, Dragon of Darkness Within 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Dragon of Darkness Within Form
Forming their anger and frustration into a small crackling ball of energy, the
martial artist may force their opponent to feel their pain, albeit in a far more literal
fashion. The charm supplements an unarmed martial arts attack. After rolling the
attack, you may reroll any dice that did not yield successes on the attack roll. If the
attack hits and does damage, the opponent suffers double wound penalties until all
damage done by this attack is healed. An attack supplemented by this charm cannot
do bashing.
Source: Sobriquet

Consuming the Dragon of Darkness

Cost: (+10m); Mins: Essence 5, Dragon of Darkness Within 5; Type: Perma-
Keywords: Crippling, Obvious, Illusion, Reactor
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Feeding the Dragon, The Darkness Hungers, Strike Without Re-
This charm modifies the Form. This charm can only be activated while in the
Form. The spiraling Dragon turns on its master, and for a brief moment, it appears
that the master is consumed by its own beast. However, from the flickering remnants
of essence the martial artist arises. Their anima flare is reduced to a small haze of
essence around their body, though a faint light is still cast out to an appropriate

distance. Those who look only briefly at the martial artist see not the person, but a
coiling, raging dragon loose upon the field of battle. Those who survive to remember
the fight will remember a glowing dragon on the battlefield, not the form of the martial
artist. This effect may be resisted by spending 1 willpower.The martial artist takes
their negative emotion, which they had up until now been externalizing to combat
their opponents, and internalizes it to even greater effect. Their attacks leave the
most devastating of wounds and the hunger of their raging emotions leave others
feeling drained.
While using this charm the martial artist is considered to be Channeling? the Form
at all times. In addition to the Forms effects on a successful strike that does damage
the martial artist may strip away one of the targets Virtue Channels in step 10 as
a Crippling effect. Also the Exalt regains a number of motes equal to the number
of negative intimacies he currently has each time he successfully strikes the target.
Finally, for the cost of 1 Limit per attack, the Martial Artist can make an attack do
aggravated damage.
Source: Sobriquet

Controlling the Dragon of Darkness Within

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 6, Dragon of Darkness Within 6; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Consuming the Dragon of Darkness
Eventually, the greatest martial artists will learn to overcome their own dark
dragons. In so doing, they make the style far less emotionally taxing, if not physically.
In any instance where the practitioner would gain limit from this style, they may
instead spend 3 motes and incur penalties as if fighting for 16 hours straight. The
fatigue penalty does not hit until the end of the scene, but the motes are spent
immediately. Charms can be used to push off the fatigue, but not negate it. Usually
after a fight, the martial artist will need to be unconscious for at least as many hours
as they pushed off limit.
Source: Sobriquet

Demure Carp Feint

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 1, Dreaming Pearl Courtesan 2; Type: Reflexive (Step
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Action
Prerequisites: Flowing Mirror of Opposition Technique, Withering Paw Strike
This Charm allows the martial artist to add +2 or their Essence (whichever is
greater) to their DVs.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 88.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Demure Carp Feint

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 1, Dreaming Pearl Courtesan 2; Type: Reflexive (Step
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Action

Prerequisites: Flowing Mirror of Opposition Technique, Withering Paw Strike
This Charm allows the martial artist to add +2 or their Essence (whichever is
greater) to their DVs.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 88.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Pearlescent Filigree Defense

Cost: 1m per 1L/2B soak; Mins: Essence 1, Dreaming Pearl Courtesan 3; Type:
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One Scene
This Charm adds to natural bashing and lethal soak.Source Scroll of the Monk,
p. 88.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Pearlescent Filigree Defense

Cost: 1m per 1L/2B soak; Mins: Essence 1, Dreaming Pearl Courtesan 3; Type:
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One Scene
This Charm adds to natural bashing and lethal soak.Source Scroll of the Monk,
p. 88.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Lethal Paper Fan Attack

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Dreaming Pearl Courtesan 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Obvious, Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
This Charm treats all paper fans as wind-fire wheels and all sashes, long hems,
sleeves and so on as seven-section staves and causes them to inflict Lethal damage.
The Exalt may also add their Essence to Speed, Accuracy, Damage or Defense. If
choosing Speed, this lowers the speed rating of the weapon by the Exalt’s Essence,
to a minimum Speed of 1.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 88.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Lethal Paper Fan Attack

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Dreaming Pearl Courtesan 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Obvious, Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
This Charm treats all paper fans as wind-fire wheels and all sashes, long hems,
sleeves and so on as seven-section staves and causes them to inflict Lethal damage.
The Exalt may also add their Essence to Speed, Accuracy, Damage or Defense. If
choosing Speed, this lowers the speed rating of the weapon by the Exalt’s Essence,
to a minimum Speed of 1.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 88.

Source: Scroll of the Monk

Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Dreaming Pearl Courtesan 4; Type: Simple (Speed
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious, Social
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Demure Carp Feint, Pearlescent Filigree Defense, Lethal Paper
Fan Attack
This Charm allows the martial artist to control one prop per dot of Essence.
Adds Martial Arts score to all Presence and Socialize rolls, including those required
for social combat and the activation of Charms.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 89.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Dreaming Pearl Courtesan 4; Type: Simple (Speed
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious, Social
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Demure Carp Feint, Pearlescent Filigree Defense, Lethal Paper
Fan Attack
This Charm allows the martial artist to control one prop per dot of Essence.
Adds Martial Arts score to all Presence and Socialize rolls, including those required
for social combat and the activation of Charms.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 89.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Flurry of August Leaves Concentration

Cost: 2m per weapon; Mins: Essence 2, Dreaming Pearl Courtesan 5; Type:
Simple (DV -2)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Demure Carp Feint, Pearlescent Filigree Defense, Lethal Paper
Fan Attack, Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Form
This Charm allows the martial artist’s props attack on their own, and the props
may attack at a distance of (Essence x 5) yards away. If Dreaming Pearl Courtesan
Form is active, the martial artist can have as many of their props as they want make
multiple attacks a single target.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 89.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Flurry of August Leaves Concentration

Cost: 2m per weapon; Mins: Essence 2, Dreaming Pearl Courtesan 5; Type:
Simple (DV -2)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Demure Carp Feint, Pearlescent Filigree Defense, Lethal Paper
Fan Attack, Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Form

This Charm allows the martial artist’s props attack on their own, and the props
may attack at a distance of (Essence x 5) yards away. If Dreaming Pearl Courtesan
Form is active, the martial artist can have as many of their props as they want make
multiple attacks a single target.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 89.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Resplendent Sash Grapple Technique

Cost: 3m per action; Mins: Essence 2, Dreaming Pearl Courtesan 5; Type:
Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Counterattack, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Form, Flurry of August Leaves Con-
After successfully dodging or otherwise negating an enemys attack, the Exalts
player may make a reflexive (Dexterity + Martial Arts) roll to have his characters
cloak or flowing sleeves snare her opponents attacking weapon or appendage. ”See
the text of the Charm for further details.”Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 89.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Resplendent Sash Grapple Technique

Cost: 3m per action; Mins: Essence 2, Dreaming Pearl Courtesan 5; Type:
Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Counterattack, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Form, Flurry of August Leaves Con-
After successfully dodging or otherwise negating an enemys attack, the Exalts
player may make a reflexive (Dexterity + Martial Arts) roll to have his characters
cloak or flowing sleeves snare her opponents attacking weapon or appendage. ”See
the text of the Charm for further details.”Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 89.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Vindictive Concubine’s Pillow Book Understanding

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Dreaming Pearl Courtesan 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Flurry of August Leaves Concentration, Dreaming Pearl Courte-
san Form
The Exalt negates an amount of her opponent’s armor soak equal to her
(Essence + Martial Arts).Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 90.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Vindictive Concubine’s Pillow Book Understanding

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Dreaming Pearl Courtesan 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant

Prerequisites: Flurry of August Leaves Concentration, Dreaming Pearl Courte-
san Form
The Exalt negates an amount of her opponent’s armor soak equal to her
(Essence + Martial Arts).Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 90.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Fragrant Petal Fascination Kata

Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Dreaming Pearl Courtesan 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Compulsion, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Motive-Discerning Technique, Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Form,
Flurry of August Leaves Concentration
The martial artist’s player rolls (Charisma + Martial Arts), and all players
within a number of yards equal to the Exalt’s Essence compare to their characters’
Dodge MDV, or are transfixed in place and will believe anything the Exalt tells them.
”See the text of this Charm for full details.”Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 90.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Fragrant Petal Fascination Kata

Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Dreaming Pearl Courtesan 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Compulsion, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Motive-Discerning Technique, Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Form,
Flurry of August Leaves Concentration
The martial artist’s player rolls (Charisma + Martial Arts), and all players
within a number of yards equal to the Exalt’s Essence compare to their characters’
Dodge MDV, or are transfixed in place and will believe anything the Exalt tells them.
”See the text of this Charm for full details.”Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 90.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Seven Storms Escape Prana

Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Dreaming Pearl Courtesan 5; Type: Simple
(DV -2)
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Flurry of August Leaves Concentration, Fragrant Petal Fascina-
tion Kata
The Exalt disappears in a swirling vortex of light and vapor, only to reappear
a distance of (Martial Arts x 5) yards away.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 90.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Seven Storms Escape Prana

Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Dreaming Pearl Courtesan 5; Type: Simple
(DV -2)
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Instant

Prerequisites: Flurry of August Leaves Concentration, Fragrant Petal Fascina-
tion Kata
The Exalt disappears in a swirling vortex of light and vapor, only to reappear
a distance of (Martial Arts x 5) yards away.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 90.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Invoking the Chimera’s Coils

Cost: 15m, 1wp + 1wp to end the Charm; Mins: Essence 4, Dreaming Pearl
Courtesan 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Varies
Prerequisites: Fragrant Petal Fascination Kata, Resplendent Sash Grapple Tech-
nique, Vindictive Concubine’s Pillow Book Understanding, Seven Storms Escape
This Charm transforms the Exalt into a Chimera. ”See the text of this Charm
for full details.”Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 90.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Invoking the Chimera’s Coils

Cost: 15m, 1wp + 1wp to end the Charm; Mins: Essence 4, Dreaming Pearl
Courtesan 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Varies
Prerequisites: Fragrant Petal Fascination Kata, Resplendent Sash Grapple Tech-
nique, Vindictive Concubine’s Pillow Book Understanding, Seven Storms Escape
This Charm transforms the Exalt into a Chimera. ”See the text of this Charm
for full details.”Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 90.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Demure Carp Feint

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 1, Dreaming Pearl Courtesan by Kukla 2; Type:
Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Action
As per Scroll of the Monk, except:Demure Carp Feint does not require a fan to
be on hand in order for it to be used, but the character must at minimum have one
free hand available to use this charm; if the character does not have a free hand to
make the supernatural gestures and defensive movements, this charm cannot be used.
Source: Kukla

Unmoving Mountain Stance

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Earth Dragon 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 10)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: (Martial Arts) minutes

This Charm allows the martial artist to stand perfectly still. It becomes enor-
mously hard to knock her over or break out of her grasp. Being perfectly still can
also aid in Stealth and, perhaps, other situations.Source Manual of Exalted Power:
Dragon-Blooded, p. 201.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Unmoving Mountain Stance

Cost: 3 motes; Mins: Essence 1, Earth Dragon 3; Type: Simple
Duration: Martial Arts in minutes
This Charm makes it more difficult to knock the martial artist off balance.
They remain perfectly still, enabling them to hide more easily.Source Exalted: The
Dragon-Blooded, p. 248.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Ghost-Grounding Blow
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Earth Dragon 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Obvious, Touch
Duration: Special
Prerequisites: Avalanche Method, Weapon-Breaking Defense Technique, Hungry
Earth Strike
5wp to resist per use. This Charm grants the target the ability to reflexively
use any Charm required to materialize, even if this violates normal Charm timing
Source: Scroll of Errata

Ghost-Grounding Blow
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Earth Dragon 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Obvious, Touch
Duration: Special
Prerequisites: Avalanche Method, Weapon-Breaking Defense Technique, Hungry
Earth Strike
5wp to resist per use. This Charm grants the target the ability to reflexively
use any Charm required to materialize, even if this violates normal Charm timing
Source: Scroll of Errata

Ghost-Grounding Blow
Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 3, Earth Dragon 5; Type: Supple-
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Weapon-Breaking Defense Technique, Avalanche Method, Hungry
Earth Strike

This Charm can cause a spirit to materialize.Source Exalted: The Dragon-
Blooded, p. 251.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Hungry Earth Strike

Cost: 5+m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Earth Dragon 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Earthshaker Attack
As the martial artist strikes the ground, this Charm engulfs a foe within the
ground. The stony maw may hinder the target or even engulf them completely. For
each additional mote spent on this Charm, the martial artist may target an additional
foe.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded, p. 203.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Hungry Earth Strike

Cost: 5+ motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 3, Earth Dragon 5; Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Earthshaker Attack
This Charm allows the martial artist to send shockwaves through the ground,
opening it up beneath their opponent and trapping them.Source Exalted: The
Dragon-Blooded, p. 250.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Earthshaker Attack
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Earth Dragon 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Earth Dragon Form
This Charm has a range of (Essence x 5) yards. If used while leading a com-
plementary unit, the Charm forces a route check among the character’s own forces.
Source: Scroll of Errata

Earthshaker Attack
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Earth Dragon 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Earth Dragon Form
This Charm has a range of (Essence x 5) yards. If used while leading a com-
plementary unit, the Charm forces a route check among the character’s own forces.
Source: Scroll of Errata

Earthshaker Attack
Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Earth Dragon 5; Type: Simple

Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Earth Dragon Form
This Charm allows the martial artist to make the earth heave and knock down
those around them.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 250.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Avalanche Method
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Earth Dragon 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling
Duration: Special
Prerequisites: Stillness of Stone
This Charm pours the weight of the element of Earth onto a target after a
successful attack. This may hinder the target, as long as the martial artist can see the
victim; or even completely immobilize the target, but only as long as the martial artist
maintains physical contact with her foe.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-
Blooded, p. 203-204.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Avalanche Method
Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Earth Dragon 5; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Until line of sight is broken or the character is incapacitated
Prerequisites: Stillness of Stone
This Charm allows the martial artist to increase the pull of the earth on the
victim, applying a penalty to their actions.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Stillness of Stone
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Earth Dragon 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Stackable, Touch
Duration: Special
Prerequisites: Earth Dragon Form
This Charm cannot effect beings of higher Essence than the martial artist and
petrification includes non-magical possessions on the victim’s person.
Source: Scroll of Errata

Stillness of Stone
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Earth Dragon 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Stackable, Touch
Duration: Special
Prerequisites: Earth Dragon Form
This Charm cannot effect beings of higher Essence than the martial artist and
petrification includes non-magical possessions on the victim’s person.
Source: Scroll of Errata

Stillness of Stone
Cost: 3 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Earth Dragon 5; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Special
Prerequisites: Earth Dragon Form
This Charm allow sthe martial artist to paralyze their target, perhaps even
turning their body into stone.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 250.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Perfection of Earth Body

Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 5, Earth Dragon 5; Type: Simple (-2 DV)
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Ghost-Grounding Blow
This Charm is the purest expression of the Earth-aspected warrior, turning the
martial artist’s skin into flexible stone. This greatly enhances the practitioner’s ability
to inflict and take damage, and renders her insensible to pain. This Charm may not
be used with armor.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded, p. 204.
source=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Leader, Obvious
text=This Charm’s bonuses are dice added by a Charm, not an enhancement to
the character’s natural ratings.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Weapon-Breaking Defense Technique

Cost: Special, +1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Earth Dragon 4; Type: Reflexive (Step
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Shattering Fist Strike
This Charm allows a martial artist to attempt to break a weapon she is parrying
or, failing that, to send her foe’s weapon flying. With sufficient skill, the martial artist
may even destroy weapons made of the Magical Materials.
The Essence cost of this Charm is based on how difficult it is to destroy the target
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded, p. 203.

source=Scroll of Errata
type=Reflexive (Step 9)
keywords=Combo-OK, Counterattack
text=This Charm may only be activated if the martial artist has successfully
blocked an attack with an unarmed parry, in which case it launches an automat-
ically successful counterattack, with the effects described in the Charm’s rules. If
used to ’break’ an artifact weapon, the weapon not destroyed, but loses attunement
and all powers save its innate indestructibility for one day.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Weapon-Breaking Defense Technique

Cost: Special, plus 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 3, Earth Dragon 3; Type: Re-
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Shattering Fist Strike
This Charm allows the martial artist to capture and break a weapon used to
attack them.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 249.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Shattering Fist Strike

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Earth Dragon 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: (Martial Arts) actions
Prerequisites: Earth Dragon Form
This Charm greatly increases the amount of damage the martial artist can
inflict on objects.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded, p. 202-203.
source=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Leader
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Shattering Fist Strike
Cost: 3 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Earth Dragon 4; Type: Simple
Duration: Martial Arts in turns
Prerequisites: Earth Dragon Form
This Charm allows the martial artist to deal more damage against inanimate
objects.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 249.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Earth Dragon Form

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Earth Dragon 4; Type: Simple (-0 DV)
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Force of the Mountain, Unmoving Mountain Stance, Stone
Dragon’s Skin
This Charm greatly enhances the martial artist’s soak, and even allows her to
ignore lesser blows completely.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded, p.
source=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Form-Type, Leader, Obvious
text=This Charm’s soak bonus is natural
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Earth Dragon Form

Cost: 4 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Earth Dragon 4; Type: Simple
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Force of the Mountain, Unmoving Mountain Stance, Stone
Dragon’s Skin
This Charm greatly enhances the martial artist’s soak, and even allows her to
ignore lesser blows completely.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 249.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Stone Dragon’s Skin

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Earth Dragon 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 7)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Until next action

This Charm enhances the martial artist’s ability to withstand damage, even to
the point that she may parry weapons with her bare hands.Source Manual of Exalted
Power: Dragon-Blooded, p. 201-202.
source=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Leader
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Stone Dragon’s Skin

Cost: 2 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Earth Dragon 4; Type: Reflexive
Duration: One turn
This Charm grants the martial artist addition soak for the duration, and allows
them to parry lethal weapons with their bare hands.Source Exalted: The Dragon-
Blooded, p. 249.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Force of the Mountain

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Earth Dragon 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
This Charm allows the martial artist to enhance the damage she does with in-
style weapons, based on her Essence (trait) Essence.Source Manual of Exalted Power:
Dragon-Blooded, p. 201.
source=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Leader
text=This Charm may be placed in a Combo with Charms of other Abilities.

Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Force of the Mountain

Cost: 2 motes; Mins: Essence 1, Earth Dragon 3; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
This Charm allows the martial artist to deal more damage with their blows and
to attack dematerialized spirits.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 247.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Image of Death Technique

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Ebon Shadow 2; Type: Simple (DV -3)
Keywords: Illusion
Duration: Day
Prerequisites: Scorpion Form
The user of this Charm appears dead to all but the most careful scrutiny.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 92.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Image of Death Technique

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Ebon Shadow 2; Type: Simple (DV -3)
Keywords: Illusion
Duration: Day
Prerequisites: Scorpion Form
The user of this Charm appears dead to all but the most careful scrutiny.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 92.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Wall Climbing Technique

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Ebon Shadow 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisites: Image of Death Technique
The character can move about on vertical surfaces.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 92.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Wall Climbing Technique

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Ebon Shadow 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisites: Image of Death Technique
The character can move about on vertical surfaces.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 92.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Distracting Finger-Gesture Attack
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Ebon Shadow 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Image of Death Technique, Wall Climbing Technique
The this charm slows the target’s current action.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 92.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Distracting Finger-Gesture Attack

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Ebon Shadow 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Image of Death Technique, Wall Climbing Technique
The this charm slows the target’s current action.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 92.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Ebon Shadow Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Ebon Shadow 4; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Wall Climbing Technique, Distracting Finger-Gesture Attack
Assuming the Ebon Shadow Form allows the character to more quickly respond
to threats, dodge more effectively, move more stealthily, and control the type of
damage he deals. Should the character be killed, he dissolves into smoke.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 92.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Ebon Shadow Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Ebon Shadow 4; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Wall Climbing Technique, Distracting Finger-Gesture Attack
Assuming the Ebon Shadow Form allows the character to more quickly respond
to threats, dodge more effectively, move more stealthily, and control the type of
damage he deals. Should the character be killed, he dissolves into smoke.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 92.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Seven Points Of Weakness Strike

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Ebon Shadow 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Distracting Finger-Gesture Attack, Ebon Shadow Form
An attack supplemented by this charm allows the character to ignore a portion
of his foe’s armor soak.

Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 92.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Seven Points Of Weakness Strike

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Ebon Shadow 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Distracting Finger-Gesture Attack, Ebon Shadow Form
An attack supplemented by this charm allows the character to ignore a portion
of his foe’s armor soak.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 92.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Elusive Flicker Evasion

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Ebon Shadow 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: None
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisites: Ebon Shadow Form, Ebon Shadow Form
This Charm empower’s the users ability to dodge.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 93.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Elusive Flicker Evasion

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Ebon Shadow 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: None
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisites: Ebon Shadow Form, Ebon Shadow Form
This Charm empower’s the users ability to dodge.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 93.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Limb-Immobilizing Method
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Ebon Shadow 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Touch
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Ebon Shadow Form, Seven Points of Weakness Strike
This attack cripples an opponent’s limb, with varying effects.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 92.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Limb-Immobilizing Method
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Ebon Shadow 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Touch
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Ebon Shadow Form, Seven Points of Weakness Strike
This attack cripples an opponent’s limb, with varying effects.

Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 92.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Blow-Concealing Gesture Technique

Cost: 2m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Ebon Shadow 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Seven Points of Weakness Strike, Elusive Flicker Evasion
This Charm makes the supplemented attack undetectable.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 93.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Blow-Concealing Gesture Technique

Cost: 2m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Ebon Shadow 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Seven Points of Weakness Strike, Elusive Flicker Evasion
This Charm makes the supplemented attack undetectable.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 93.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Paralyzing Touch Attack

Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Ebon Shadow 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Crippling, Touch
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Elusive Flicker Evasion, Limb-Immobilizing Method
The target of this charm is stunned or incapacitated due to precise pressure
point strikes.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 93.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Paralyzing Touch Attack

Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Ebon Shadow 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Crippling, Touch
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Elusive Flicker Evasion, Limb-Immobilizing Method
The target of this charm is stunned or incapacitated due to precise pressure
point strikes.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 93.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Shadow-Body Style
Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Ebon Shadow 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Limb-Immobilizing Method, Blow-Concealing Gesture Technique

The user assumes an insubstantial shadow-form.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 93.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Shadow-Body Style
Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Ebon Shadow 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Limb-Immobilizing Method, Blow-Concealing Gesture Technique
The user assumes an insubstantial shadow-form.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 93.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Shadow-Stepping Motion
Cost: 7m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 5, Ebon Shadow 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Blow-Concealing Gesture Technique, Paralyzing Touch Attack,
Shadow-Body Style
The character can teleport great distances through shadows.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 94.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Shadow-Stepping Motion
Cost: 7m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 5, Ebon Shadow 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Blow-Concealing Gesture Technique, Paralyzing Touch Attack,
Shadow-Body Style
The character can teleport great distances through shadows.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 94.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Vanishing Shadow Meditation

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 4, Elder Ebon Shadow 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Ebon Shadow Form
The Character enacting this Charm vanishes from sight, becoming dematerial-
ized ”and” invisible. The character may remain so as long as he wishes, so long as he
does not move from the spot where he is standing. The character may enact other
Charms so long as they do not require physical movement.
Source: Sobriquet

Defense Negating Strike

Cost: 7m, 1w; Mins: Essence 5, Elder Ebon Shadow 5; Type: Supplemental

Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Elder Ebon Shadow Form
The Character makes a Martial Arts attack against his opponent in a weak spot
both in his spirit and his body. The target may not apply any soak at all against
this attack. Effects that negate damage (Death Parrying Stroke, the Twilight Caste
Anima ability, Adamant Skin, etc) work normally.
Source: Sobriquet

Chakra Disrupting Blow

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 5, Elder Ebon Shadow 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Crippling
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Elder Ebon Shadow Form
Striking their adversary in their essential chakras, the martial artist opens the
proverbial floodgates of their essence. If the martial artist strikes and does at least one
level of damage to their opponent they are subject to this charm’s effects. Thence-
forth, for the rest of the scene, whenever the target activates a charm, they bleed off
an additional 5 motes of essence, losing it to their surroundings.
Source: Sobriquet

Shadow Heart Amalgamation

Cost: 5m, 1w; Mins: Essence 6, Elder Ebon Shadow 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Elder Ebon Shadow Form
This charm is a perfection of Ebon Shadow Styles Shadow Body charm.
Through their increased mastery the martial artist can invoke this improved Shadow
Body. When in this form the shadow body gains a slightly whispy affect. The mar-
tial artist becomes unidentifiable, gains their permanent essence in lethal and bashing
soak, as well as hardness, and also gains +1 dot to dexterity. The effects of this charm
are incompatible with Shadow Body Style, and supercede it.
Source: Sobriquet

Doomed Mark Methodology

Cost: 15m, 1w; Mins: Essence 6, Elder Ebon Shadow 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Elder Ebon Shadow Form
The Ebon Shadow master is adept at locating his mark no matter the location.
Using this charm, the martial artist steps into a shadow and emerges from another
shadow in the vicinity of their chosen target, as close as is dramatically appropriate to
allow for a sneaky approach. This charm can teleport through thaumaturgical wards,
but is blocked by sorcerous and artifact barriers to teleportation.
Source: Sobriquet

Basalt Ephemera Bulwark
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 6, Elder Ebon Shadow 6; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Legion of Shadow Invocation
Further mastering the embodiments of themselves created by Legion of Shadow
Invocation, all duplicates created by that charm now benefit from the effects of
Shadow-Heart Amalgamation.
Source: Sobriquet

Precision Atemi Strike

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 4, Elder Ebon Shadow 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Crippling
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Ebon Shadow Form
Solar Exalted with this charm can topple even behemoths with a single punch.
This charm supplements an unarmed Martial Arts attack. This charm takes effect
if the attack hits. The attack is considered Piercing. If successes on damage roll x
Exalts Essence is greater than the targets remaining health levels, this charm knocks
the target unconscious, and the target remains so for the scene.
Source: Sobriquet

Flickering Shadow Attack

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 5, Elder Ebon Shadow 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Precision Atemi Strike

Attacking as unpredictably and quick as a shadow flickering from candlelight, the

Ebon Shadow master lashes out at his opponent, his hands charged with imperceptible
dark essence. The targets defense value is reduced to zero before charm modifications
for this one attack. If the attack is successful the target suffers a 1 internal penalty
to their next action. Cumulative uses of this charm stack the penalty but still only
effect the targets next action.
Source: Sobriquet

Illusion of Death Technique

Cost: 10m, 1w; Mins: Essence 5, Elder Ebon Shadow 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Ebon Shadow Form
Sometimes death is the only way out of a bad situation. The Ebon Shadow
master realizes this necessity while at the same time denying it. This charm allows
the martial artist to convince those present that he had died just then. Those present
see the martial artist die in whatever fashion is most appropriate. Meanwhile, the
martial artist can walk off perfectly unnoticed. The Exalts player rolls (Wits or
Manipulation + Martial Arts), adding a number of automatic successes equal to the

Exalts Essence. The first time in each day that someone attempts to realize the
truth of the matter or attempts to recognize the character, that persons player must
reflexively roll (Wits + Lore) and achieve more successes than did the Exalts player
on their original roll. If he fails his character still remembers the character dying and
will not recognize the character if confronted with them.
Source: Sobriquet

Legion of Shadow Invocation

Cost: 15m, 1w; Mins: Essence 6, Elder Ebon Shadow 6; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Chakra Disrupting Blow, Doomed Mark Methodology, Defense
Negating Strike, Shadow Heart Amalgamation
Projecting parts of their essence through the principles of the Elder Ebon
Shadow style, the martial artist is able to split their shadow apart into many du-
plicates. Using this charm the martial artists shadow splits into their permanent
essence rating in entities. Each duplicate has the martial artists base dice pools un-
modified by charms or artifacts. They have the stats of whatever weapon the Exalt
was using at the time (though without any magical affects they might have had).
These duplicates have the Exalts natural armor soak and a number of health levels
equal to Martial Artists PE + 7. They gain the benefits of the Ebon Shadow Style
charm Shadow Body Style. Only the Martial Artists Permanent Essence in shadow
entities can exist at one time. The Exalt completely controls these entities. These
creatures are best described as automaton essence constructs for the purposes of what
can and cannot effect them.
Source: Sobriquet

Elder Ebon Shadow Form

Cost: 15m; Mins: Essence 5, Elder Ebon Shadow 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-Type
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Illusion of Death Technique, Air Walking Prana, Flickering
Shadow Attack, Shadow-Stepping Motion

A character who has invoked the Elder Ebon Shadow is a terrifyingly vague op-
ponent. Any Existing Anima Flare instantly mutes down to nothing, like a candle
snuffed out by a strong breeze, and absolutely no number of motes will cause their
Anima to flare in any way while they are under the effects of their Elder Ebon Shadow
Form. However, motes spent still contribute to the banner and if the Form is dropped
they will show. The character’s movements also become so swift that he is similarly
blurred making it exceedingly difficult to place him in an area to attack him or counter
his blows. This means that the character reduces the speed of his attacks by one.
Also, effects and penalties against the martial artist cannot reduce his DV below half
of its current maximum value due to his blurred form. Also while in this form, the
martial artist expands their retinue of style weapons to include anything that could
conceivably be used to kill someone. Finally, in the unlikely event that a character
under the effects of the Elder Ebon Shadow Form should die, he explodes in a foun-

tain of dark Essence that totally consumes their soul. All within Essence x 10 yards
suffer the Character’s Essence in dice of Aggravated damage. The character never
leaves behind a ghost and any equipment carried on him disappears into elsewhere
where they will await his next incarnation. Elder Ebon Shadow Form is explicitly
compatible with Ebon Shadow Form and may be activated before or after that Charm
and neither Charm disrupts the operation of the other. This is an explicit exception
to the proviso below. Also, if Ebon Shadow Form is used when Elder Ebon Shadow
Form is active, assuming the Ebon Shadow Form is only a 3 tick action.¡br¿Characters
may only use a Single Martial Arts Form Charm at a time. If another such Charm is
activated while the Elder Ebon Shadow Form is active then it is immediately canceled
and replaced by the new Charm.¡br¿¡br¿
”I’ll kill you with my tea cup.”
Source: Sobriquet

Air Walking Prana

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 5, Elder Ebon Shadow 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Vanishing Shadow Meditation

For the remainder of the scene the character can walk upon air. The character
makes no sound at all unless he chooses to (this is a perfect effect). The character’s
normal movement rate applies to horizontal or vertical movement through the air,
just as if it were solid ground.¡br¿”Shadows Grace”: 1xp. Permanent Effect. Landing
when falling makes no sound, and you take no fall damage.
Source: Sobriquet

Aggressor Chastisement Retreat

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Elegant Blood-Dancer 3; Type: Reflexive
(Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Dancing Within the Bonfire Technique
Combat is like poetry, like dance, like death: it is all about wisely choosing
your moment. This lesson is well understood by the student of the Elegant Blood-
Dancer Style. Pressed hard by the attacks of a foe, he selects his moment and springs
to action, grabbing and retreating all at once. When activated during an onslaught
attack, this Charm allows the character to make a disarm attempt against his oppo-
nent, with a number of automatic successes equal to the onslaught penalty currently
leveled against him. If successful, this attack leaves the character with possession
of the opponent’s weapon. Additionally, even should this disarm attempt fail, the
character is carried backwards (current onslaught penalty leveled x 3) yards.
Source: HLS

Blood Answers for Blood Approach

Cost: 8m; Mins: Essence 4, Elegant Blood-Dancer 5; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious

Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Blood Spiral Technique, Blood Runs On Methodology
The character’s veins burn with a light characteristic of his Exaltation, along
with any of his blood upon him, and any open wounds. He lunges through the
radiance to drive a powerful attack into an opponent, drawing upon the very ebb and
flow of battle to sustain him. The character makes an unarmed Martial Arts attack.
Should it inflict any damage, the character recovers a number of health levels based
on the wound penalties suffered by his target after the attack. One point of wound
penalties heals one bashing health level; two points heals one lethal. This Charm is
unable to repair aggravated damage. Should the attack kill the target, treat them as
having possessed the highest possible wound penalty at the moment of death (-3 for
extras, -4 for most other characters).
Source: HLS

Blood Armor Prana

Cost: 4m, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 2, Elegant Blood-Dancer 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Elegant Blood-Dancer Form
The martial artist draws upon the Essence carried in his blood, scoring light
wounds across his forearms and smearing the blood across his chest. For the rest of
the scene the character adds his Martial Arts to his natural Lethal and Bashing soak,
and gains natural aggravated soak equal to his Essence.
Source: HLS

Blood Runs On Methodology

Cost: 6m, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 3, Elegant Blood-Dancer 5; Type: Simple (Speed
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Five actions
Prerequisites: Rejected by Battle Technique
The martial artist carefully opens Essence-lines in his wrists, anointing his face
with the blood in swirling patterns. He adds his Essence rating to all Join Battle rolls,
and until his DV has refreshed five times, may reflexively spend one lethal health level
in response to an attack (during Step 2) to automatically raise his Dodge DV high
enough to avoid the attack. The character fades out of the way of the attack at the
last moment in a flash of blood. This Charm does not function in situations where
Dodge DV is inapplicable.
Source: HLS

Blood Spiral Technique

Cost: 3m, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 3, Elegant Blood-Dancer 5; Type: Simple (Speed
Keywords: Combo-basic, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Rejected by Battle Technique
The martial artist pierces chakras in his legs, then sprays his blood about in

a widdershins pattern. Opponents are confused by the patterns, and so long as the
martial artist allows his steps to trace the patterns of the blood spiral maze, he will
never find himself with his back exposed. So long as the martial artist does not
venture more than (Essence x 5) yards from the point where he invokes the Charm,
he cannot be subjected to an unanticipated attack from within the Charm’s area of
effect. Characters may conceal themselves within the area, but their concealment
automatically fails as soon as they choose to target the martial artist with an attack.
Additionally, the character may be attacked by one opponent less than would normally
be possible given the circumstances (so, in an open area where up to five attackers
could normally assault the character at once, only four would be able to find their way
to do so). No character may target his back or otherwise render his DV inapplicable
through positioning unless assisted by a stunt or Charm.
Source: HLS

Blood of the Hero Sacrifice

Cost: 6m, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 3, Elegant Blood-Dancer 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Elegant Blood-Dancer Form
Many martial arts exist which draw strength from emulation of some facet of
Creation. Eschewing such methods, the Blood-Dancer draws from his own heroism,
making a sacrifice of himself to himself. The Martial Artist slashes light wounds
across key chakras at his chest and biceps, anointing his claws or fingertips with his
heroic blood. The character then adds his Essence to the raw damage of his Martial
Arts attacks.
Source: HLS

Crimson Veil Method

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Elegant Blood-Dancer 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Dancing Within the Bonfire Technique
The character twists in low, making a vicious but graceful attack. He whirls
as he withdraws, splashing his opponent’s eyes with his own blood to disorient him.
This Charm may only be used to supplement an unarmed Martial Arts attack that
inflicts lethal damage. If the blow lands, even if it does no damage, the character
imposes a delay upon the target’s next action (effectively raising his last action’s
Speed retroactively) equal to the wound penalty the target suffers after the attack.
Effects which negate the impact of wound penalties upon the character do not negate
this Charm. Only Charms which completely prevent bleeding will stop Crimson Veil
Method. This Charm cannot be used on targets with no vital fluids, such as most
automatons. This Charm does not function if the character’s damage does not bypass
the target’s Hardness.
Source: HLS

Elegant Blood-Dancer Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Elegant Blood-Dancer 4; Type: Simple

Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Aggressor Chastisement Retreat, Crimson Veil Method
The character assumes a capricious, shifting stance: one moment balanced on
his toes, the next crouched like a spider. If unarmed, his attacks inflict lethal damage.
The character gains his current wound penalties in automatic successes to all Martial
Arts actions. His Dodge and Parry DVs, as well as all Martial Arts attack and damage
pools become immune to wound penalties; all other sorts of actions suffer from them
Source: HLS

Rejected by Battle Technique

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Elegant Blood-Dancer 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Blood of the Hero Sacrifice, Blood Armor Prana
The martial artist weaves through a flickering succession of mudras, then strikes.
If he inflicts any damage, the character inserts slivers of Essence into his opponent,
affecting his Essence as a rock does a full pan of water. The very battlefield falls
into accord with the state of the target’s health, reinforcing it. Until the target’s DV
has refreshed five times, all internal penalties he suffers, for whatever reason, become
external penalties. This includes wound penalties.
Source: HLS

Dancing Within the Bonfire Technique

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Elegant Blood-Dancer 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
The martial artist, narrowly avoiding disaster, rides the exhilaration of his
success. He lets it draw him closer to his adversary, the better to strike. The character
may only activate this Charm after successfully stopping an attack by applying his
Parry or Dodge DV. He may then subtract 1 from the total Speed of his next action,
so long as that action is in some way directed at the character he applied his DV
against. This may not take his Speed below 3.
Source: HLS

Eternal Dragon Breath

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Eternal Dragon 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
The champion of the Yozis takes a deep breath, and in doing so, infuses
him/herself with the power of their chosen Yozi. This charm can be taken any num-
ber of times, with each new purchasing applying the benefit of a different Yozi. The
character may not have multiple variations of this charm active at any one time,
activating this power for a different Yozi cancels the previous charm.

”’Malfeas:”’ The power of Malfeas infuses his champions, reducing any external
penalties by 2 and reducing any internal penalties by 1 in places of habitation
”’Cecelyne:”’ The Endless Desert grants her champions the power to absorb any
blows, for the duration of the scene, any being attempting to target the character
does not count 10s as 2 successes, they only count for 1.
”’She Who Lives in Her Name:”’ She Who Lives in Her Name’s power infuses
her chosen with her might, for the duration of the charm, the character may add
(Essence/2) to any one Attribute
”’Adjoran:”’ The Endless Wind grants his champions his etherealness, granting
+(Essence) to their Dodge Pool
”’Ebon Dragon:”’ The cloaking shadows of the Ebon Dragon cover his champions,
anyone attempting to attack the character must succeed a (Perception + Awareness)
roll with the difficulty of the characters Essence before beginning any flurry.
Source: Uraku

Infusing Dragon Method

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Eternal Dragon 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Scene
The champion of the Yozis infuse their surroundings with their power
”’Malfeas:”’ The rage of Malfeas tears at everything, all the ground within (Essence
x10) yards of the character is treated as rough terrain, requiring a (Dex + Athletics)
against the characters Essence to avoid falling. The character is unaffected by this
rough ground.
”’Cecelyne:”’ The power the Endless Desert grants her champions is to reduce the
movement speed of all beings within (Essence x10) yards of the character by half.
”’She Who Lives in Her Name:”’ She Who Lives in Her Name loathes disorder,
and as such, her power makes everything organized. For the duration of the charm,
all beings must declare their intentions at least 3 ticks before they actually act.
”’Adjoran:”’ The Endless Wind swirls around his champions, the gusts of wind
make it hard to attack the character, reducing any damage by (Essence /2)
”’Ebon Dragon:”’ The dark shadows surrounding a champion of the Ebon Dragon
makes it easy to lose the person, the character may make an attempt to re-establish
surprise once per action. After (Essence) failed attempts to re-establish surprise or
become hidden, the effect no longer works on that target.
Source: Uraku

(Yozi) Shrouded Soul

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Eternal Dragon 3; Type: Simple (speed 5)
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Eternal Dragon Breath, Infusing Dragon Method
The power of the Yozis reaches through their champions. None can stand
against the might of a champion of Hell. This charm affects every enemy within
(Essence x10) of the character.
”’Malfeas:”’ Malfeas reaches through his champions, allowing the user to make a
single unarmed attack against every opponent in range.

”’Cecelyne:”’ The Endless Desert traps the unwary, all opponents within range
must make a (Dexterity + Athletics) check (DC of the character’s Essence) or fall to
the ground.
”’She Who Lives In Her Name:”’ She Who Lives in Her Name calls upon the
disorder of an opponents mind to strike. The exalt makes a single unarmed attack
against each opponent in range, however, the targets can only use their MDVs to
dodge or parry (only perfect Mental Defenses can stop this attack, not perfect physical
”’Adjoran:”’ The Silent Wind pulls the breath from any opponent. Each target
must make a (Stamina + Resistance) roll against the character’s Essence or become
fatigued (if already fatigued, they become exhausted)
”’Ebon Dragon:”’ The Ebon Dragon strikes fear into the hearts of even the bravest
of champions. When activated, this charm causes shadows to envelop the area, the
character makes a single (Charisma + Presence) attack against all the target’s MDVs.
Any target hit by this effect is immediately panicked, causing a -2 internal penalty
to any actions other than defending themselves. A target that is already panicked
becomes frightened and must make every attempt to escape the conflict (pausing only
to defend themselves if they become attacked)
Source: Uraku

Eternal Dragon Form

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Eternal Dragon 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-Type, Obvious
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: (Yozi) Shrouded Soul
The Exalt adopts a deep stance, with arms relaxed at his sides. Adopting this
form allows the exalt to parry lethal attacks unarmed and their unarmed attacks may
be considered lethal, in addition to the power granted by the Yozi
”’Malfeas:”’ Not even Orichalcum can stop Malfeas’ rage, for the duration of the
Form, the Exalts unarmed attacks are Piercing
”’Cecelyne:”’ The power of the Endless Desert can slow even the most determined
adventurer, any attack targeting the user increases its speed by 1
”’She Who Lives In Her Name:”’ She Who Lives In Her Name attacks the disorder
of any attacker, once per action, the character may make a free counter-attack during
step 9 of an attack.
”’Adjoran:”’ The Silent Wind is everywhere and nowhere. Any target being at-
tacked by the exalt suffers a -2 penalty, as if the exalt were performing a coordinated
”’Ebon Dragon:”’ The Ebon Dragon is sly and tricky, any target being attacked
by the exalt must succeed a (Perception + Awareness) check (against the character’s
Essence) or suffer a -2 to their DV against the attack(s)
Source: Uraku

Eternal Dragon Beat

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Eternal Dragon 4; Type: Reflexive (step 9)
Keywords: Obvious, Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Eternal Dragon Form

Time has no hold over the chosen of the Yozis. Activating this charm allows
the exalt to make 1 action immediately in response to an opponents actions.
”’Malfeas:”’ The exalt may make a flurry attack against the attacker
”’Cecelyne:”’ The champions of Cecelyne may move their full movement in any
”’She Who Lives In Her Name:”’ The servants of She Who Lives In Her Name
may counter-attack the target’s will to fight, make a (Charisma + Presence) roll, if
it beats the target’s MDV, the target must stop the attacking the character
”’Adjoran:”’ The followers of the Silent Wind may attempt to knock the attacker
away with a blast of wind, make a (Strength + Athletics) roll, if it beats the target’s
dodge DV, the target is blown back a number of yards equal to the difference (this
attack is not blockable)
”’Ebon Dragon:”’ The Ebon Dragon allows his champions to steal the energy of
an attack, both beings make an Essence roll, if the character wins, he may remove
any 1 charm from the attacker, and in doing so, the character gains the benefit of the
charm for the remainder of the charm’s duration
Source: Uraku

Burnt Offering Invocation

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Eternal Dragon 5; Type: Reflexive
Duration: Special
Prerequisites: Eternal Dragon Form
The champions of the Yozis are not easily thwarted. Activating this charm
allows the character to recover immediately. The character rolls (Stamina + Essence)
and may spend the successes to recover motes, willpower, or heal wounds according
to the cost (in successes) listed
1 success: 1 mote of Essence¡br¿
2 successes: 1 bashing damage¡br¿
3 successes: 1 willpower¡br¿
4 successes: 1 lethal damage¡br¿
5 successes: 1 aggravated damage
Source: Uraku

Eternal Dragon Heart

Cost: - (+3m); Mins: Essence 3, Eternal Dragon 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Expansion
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Eternal Dragon Form
Expands Eternal Dragon Breath such that for an additional 3 motes the effects
of Eternal Dragon Breath lasts a whole scene, not just one action.
Source: Uraku

Premature (Yozi) Emergence

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 4, Eternal Dragon 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant

Prerequisites: Eternal Dragon Heart
The powers of the Yozi are so great that they can reach creation through their
”’Malfeas:”’ Malfeas will not allow the chosen of his creations to stand against
him. Any attack supplemented by this charm causes aggravated damage, unless the
target is under the sway of the Yozis
”’Cecelyne:”’ The Endless Desert clings to all who pass through her. This charm
grants the exalts unarmed attacks a crippling effect, when hit, the target temporarily
loses 1 dot of Dexterity or Strength (only if the target’s Dex is 1), to a minimum of 1
”’She Who Lives In Her Name:”’ Hell’s laws are absolute, the exalt makes a
(charisma + presence) roll, if it beats the target’s MDV, the target has no choice but
to obey the character for the remainder of the scene. This unnatural mental influence
costs 1 Willpower to remove
”’Adjoran:”’ The Silent Wind boosts his champions speed, this charm grants the
exalt a magical flurry of (Essence + Martial Arts) attacks
”’Ebon Dragon:”’ No one can escape the Eternal Shadow, when activated, this
charm causes the target to accept his/her fate. The character rolls (Willpower +
Essence) against the target’s MDV, if the charm succeeds, the target receives a -4 to
his DV, as he/she understands that nothing can stand against the plans of the Ebon
Source: Uraku

Corrupting Touch
Cost: 4m, 1wp, 1 Torment; Mins: Essence 5, Eternal Dragon 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Eternal Dragon Beat, Premature (Yozi) Emergence, Burnt Offer-
ing Invocation
The Yozis may have not caused the Great Curse, but that doesn’t mean they
can’t benefit from their fallen brethren. The attacker must make an Essence + Martial
Arts roll opposed by the target’s Willpower. Success causes the target to gain 1 limit
per touch. This effect can give multiple points of limit in an action, if this causes the
target to enter his/her limit break, with the same benefit as a normal limit break,
they may choose to enter a controlled limit break as normal. This effect lasts for a
scene. If the exalt’s limit break would normally last more than 1 scene, the effects of
this charm lowers their limit by 2.
Source: Uraku

Titan of (Yozi)
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 5, Eternal Dragon 5; Type: Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Obvious, Blasphemy
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Corrupting Touch
The power of the Yozis shines through its greatest champions. Once this charm
has been activated, the character glows with the light of Ligier. The character gains
the benefit of Eternal Dragon Form (even if he is not in the form or has another form
active). The powers granted do not count as a charm use.

”’Malfeas:”’ The rage of Malfeas is unbearable, the character may reflexively lash
out with Ligier’s light (once per turn), making a single attack against a target within
(Essence x5) yards, this attack is unblockable and undodgeable without the use of
stunts or charms. The attack causes (Essence + Willpower + Strength) damage (used
as either a MA attack or in addition to another attack)
”’Cecelyne:”’ The Endless Desert shines with the pure heat of Ligier’s light, the
character glows brightly. The heat from this radiance causes anyone wearing metal
to take 5 dice of damage every action. This damage is only soakable by stamina.
”’She Who Lives In Her Name:”’ She Who Lives in Her Name bends Ligier to her
own sinister purposes. Any being who serves the Yozis within (Essence x10) yards
of the character (including the character him/herself) may reroll any one action once
per turn
”’Adjoran:”’ The Silent Wind infuses Ligier’s light into the very wind itself. The
character may form a ray, reaching (Essence x20) yards from himself, this ray does
(Essence + Willpower) in damage and is unblockable. (Used as either a MA attack
or in addition to another attack)
”’Ebon Dragon:”’ The Ebon Dragon uses Ligier’s light to twist his opponent’s
minds. Every action, the character may make an attack (Essence + Martial Arts)
against an opponent’s (within line of sight) MDV, if the attack hits, the character
may force the target to perform an action on his/her turn.
Source: Uraku

Savage World Endurance Method

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Eye of Heaven 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Scene
This Charm augments the Martial Artist’s lethal and bashing soak against a
specific type of damage for the scene. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source
Debris from the Fallen Races, pp. 14-15.
Source: Debris from the Fallen Races

Devotion Through Conflict Display

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Eye of Heaven 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Tick
This Charm removes certian types of onslaught penalties for the Martial Artist.
See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Debris from the Fallen Races, p. 15.
Source: Debris from the Fallen Races

Bloody Sun Memorial

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Eye of Heaven 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Savage World Endurance Method, Devotion Through Conflict

This Charm supplemets damage delt by an unarmed attack. See the full text
of the Charm for details.Source Debris from the Fallen Races, p. 15.
Source: Debris from the Fallen Races

Eye of Heaven Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Eye of Heaven 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Bloody Sun Memorial
This Charm augment’s the Martial Artist’s Perception and Strength. See the
full text of the Charm for details.Source Debris from the Fallen Races, p. 16.
Source: Debris from the Fallen Races

Blade-Breaking Practice
Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Eye of Heaven 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Eye of Heaven Form
This Charm can shatter unattuned weapons, or breaks attunement with magical
weapons. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Debris from the Fallen
Races, p. 16.
Source: Debris from the Fallen Races

Armor-Rending Practice
Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Eye of Heaven 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Eye of Heaven Form
This Charm can destroy nonmagical armor or force partial de-attunement from
magical protection. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Debris from the
Fallen Races, p. 16.
Source: Debris from the Fallen Races

Essence-Shredding Practice
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Eye of Heaven 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Eye of Heaven Form
This Charm can destroy some of the motes from the opponent’s mote pool. See
the full text of the Charm for details.Source Debris from the Fallen Races, p. 16.
Source: Debris from the Fallen Races

Five Forces Defense

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Eye of Heaven 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Tick

Prerequisites: Blade-Breaking Practice, Armor-Rending Practice, Essence-
Shredding Practice
This Charm grants immune to any coordinated attack penalties while also fully
augmenting her Parry DV. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Debris
from the Fallen Races, pp. 16-17.
Source: Debris from the Fallen Races

Offering to Heaven
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Eye of Heaven 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Five Forces Defense
This Charm supplements an unarmed attack, potentially allowing the Martial
Artist to rip the heart of her victim out, offering it to the glory of the Unconquered
Sun. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Debris from the Fallen Races,
p. 17.
Source: Debris from the Fallen Races

The Serenity of Fortune’s Mantle

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Fate-Touched Hero 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Until next action
Wrapping herself in the cloak of Fate, the Sidereal dances away from blows, the
billowing mantle of good fortune causing enemies to blunder and miss. Under the
scrutinizing eyes of Essence sight, a vibrant mantle shimmering with the five colors
of the Maidens can be seen swirling around the character, snaring legs and batting
weapons aside.¡br¿
Until her next action, all attacks that target the Sidereal (including area of effect
attacks) suffer a -2 external penalty on step 3
Source: Seras Winterblood

Finding Hidden Flaws

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Fate-Touched Hero 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 1 or 2)
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: The Serenity of Fortune’s Mantle
A scrutinizing glance reveals an enemy’s weakness. Perhaps his sword is ill
crafted, his stance weak or his grasp on the surroundings poor. Either way, the
Sidereal realizes this and takes advantage of it, causing the enemy’s strikes to fail.¡br¿
The Sidereal may spend 3m to decrease a weapon’s Damage rating by 2, on Step 7
or to decrease a weapon’s accuracy by 2, or DV by 1 on steps 3 or 4. Natural weapons
and Dodge DV are explicitly included. THis does not affect mental Defense Values.
THis is considered a magical penalty for the purposes of other charms.
Source: Seras Winterblood

Force Terminating Gesture
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Fate-Touched Hero 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 7)
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Fate-Touched Hero Form
With a deft hand, the Sidereal reaches out and seizes an attack that he has
failed to defend against and with just the slightest twist, transfers all the momentum
On step 7 of combat, this strips a single attack down to minimum damage dice
and any additional effects such as Fire and Stones Strike or Impressions of Strength.
This may always be used against attacks that always hit and attacks that negate one
or both Defense Values.
Source: Seras Winterblood

Horrific Wreath (FTHS)

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Fate-Touched Hero 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Holy, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Suffising her fists or weapon with the Essence of Fated Conflict, the Sidereal
brings the retribution of Heaven to its enemies. A flare of angry red Essence surounds
her strike, marking the favor of Mars.¡br¿
An attack bolstered by this Charm deal aggravated damage to Creatures outside of
Fate. When used in conjunction with Casting Out Infinite Threads, add her Essence
in automatic successes to the attack. This is considered the doubled bonus, and does
not double again.
Source: Seras Winterblood

Crimson Palm Counterstroke (FTHS)

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Fate-Touched Hero 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Force Terminating Gesture
The Sidereal’s fist blurs and seeks to intercept an incoming attack, taking the
attack’s momentum and using it against the attacker. On step 9, the Sidereal makes a
Martial Arts counterattack using the attacker’s original (pre-DV) successes as bonus
Source: Seras Winterblood

Ill Fortune Infliction

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Fate-Touched Hero 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Shaping, Fate(?), Stackable
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Fate-Touched Hero Form
The Sidereal need only touch her target in order to turn the tides of fortune
against him.¡br¿ This requires a successful Martial arts attack, which may be chan-
nelled through a weapon. Upon success, the attack does no damage–rather, the Pat-

tern Spiders and the Loom look unfavorably upon the target. On the target’s next
roll (regardless of what it is!) the target must roll twice and pick the LOWER of the
two.The Sidereal may spend 1wp and force this roll to become a botch instead.¡br¿
Multiple instances of Ill Fortune Infliction Stack. This means that the target
continues accruing rolls which she must re-roll. If the target’s next roll is Valor she
must reroll that, then Dex + Melee, then Sta + Res and so on. The Ill Fortune lasts
until the target next rolls or activates an anti-Shaping effect, whichever comes first.
Source: Seras Winterblood

You Lucky Bastard

Cost: —; Mins: Essence 3, Fate-Touched Hero 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Ill Fortune Infliction
While the Form is active, if the Sidereal has knowledge of this Charm, she may
reduce the cost of Martial Arts Resurgent by 1m, to a minimum of 1m. This also
permits the Sidereal to use Martial Arts Resurgent as a non-charm action. The form
MUST be active for the Sidereal to reap the benefits of this Charm. Additionally,
irregardless of the Form being active, once a Scene, the Sidereal may reroll any roll
that is NOT Attack, Defense or Join at no mote cost.
Source: Seras Winterblood

Yellow Maiden Flight

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Fate-Touched Hero 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Fate-Touched Hero Form
Wise is the Sidereal who knows when the battle is lost and when it is time to
retreat. Drawing the Essence of Journeys around her, the Sidereal turns tail and flees,
leaving behind brilliant yellow streaks.¡br¿
While tearing away at breakneck speed, the Sidereal’s movement is unhindered by
any wound penalties.¡br¿
When this charm is activated, the Sidereal is considered to automatically exit
combat and automatically remains Essence yards just ahead of her pursuers. In
the case of effects that would keep her in combat (magical restraints, Foot-Trapping
Counter) or would prevent th Sidereal from staying ahead of those following (that
Lunar pursuit charm), default to Unstoppable Force/Immovable Object.
Source: Seras Winterblood

Unobstructed Blow (FTHS)

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Fate-Touched Hero 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Crimson Palm Counterstroke (FTHS)
The Sidereal strikes with absolute certainty, his fist or weapon lit up with glow-
ing trails as he strikes his target¡br¿
This attack cannot be parried or dodged, and if it strikes, armor’s soak is ignored.

Source: Seras Winterblood

Fate-Touched Hero Form

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Fate-Touched Hero 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-Type
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: , C Finding Hidden Flaws, Horrific Wreath (FTHS)
The Sidereal adopts a meditative stance, contemplating the skiens of Fate
stretched across Creation. The future of the battle unfolds like a book before her
and all opponents become easily predictable.¡br¿
All Martial Arts attacks gain (half Essence, round up) automatic successes and
the same value to DV of choice. While under the auspices of Fate, the Sidereal may
safely parry Lethal damage with bare hands.
Source: Seras Winterblood

Casting Out Infinite Threads

Cost: 10m, 1wp, 1 lhl; Mins: Essence 4, Fate-Touched Hero 5; Type: Simple (-2
Keywords: Obvious, Holy, (Fate?)
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: , Unobstructed Blow (FTHS), Yellow Maiden Flight, You Lucky
The character flicks her palms out and countless filaments glittering with the
colors of the Maidens cast out and criss-cross all around her, forming a gleaming
web that vanishes a breath later.¡br¿ The Sidereal becomes innately aware of any-
thing around her, effectively giving herself immunity to Unanticipated Attacks, and
her Essence in automatic successes to resist any perfect suprise effects. Her blows
bring the retribution of Fate to its enemies: deal aggravated damage to Creatures of
Darkness, Fair Folk and any other beings Outside of Fate¡br¿
While this is in effect, the gradient for all Fate-Touched Hero Charms is increased
by 1 (meaning that +1 to the Form’s bonuses, -3 successes due to serenity of Fortune’s
Mantle, etc). All non Sidereals gain these effects. ¡br¿
A Sidereal may affix a prayerstrip inscribed with the Scripture of the Vigilant
Maiden to her chest, where it slides under the skin and burns quietly with the sound-
ness of Creation. For the duration of the Charm, the Sidereal is considered to be In
Fate, regardless of where she actually is.¡br¿ If Fighting a being Outside of Fate while
in Creation, a single, successful attack draws it into the fabric of the World, making
it in Fate. The Creature may resist, but this costs 4 wp or 10m per action to remain
Outside Fate. This effect lasts only for the scene and does NOT permanently make
the creature In Fate.¡br¿ A Sidereal using the prayerstrip may DOUBLE the benefits
of the previous Charms, rather than just increase their gradient by 1.
Source: Seras Winterblood

Flash-Fire Technique
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1, Fire Dragon 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant

This Charm may be used to enhance a Join War roll if the character is a solo
Source: Scroll of Errata

Flash-Fire Technique
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1, Fire Dragon 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
This Charm may be used to enhance a Join War roll if the character is a solo
Source: Scroll of Errata

Flash-Fire Technique
Cost: 3 motes; Mins: Essence 1, Fire Dragon 3; Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
This Charm allows the martial artist to reroll their initiative.Source Exalted:
The Dragon-Blooded, p. 252.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Flame-Flicker Stance
Cost: Varies; Mins: Essence 2, Fire Dragon 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Leader, Obvious
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisites: Flash-Fire Technique

Source: Scroll of Errata

Flame-Flicker Stance
Cost: Varies; Mins: Essence 2, Fire Dragon 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Leader, Obvious
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisites: Flash-Fire Technique

Source: Scroll of Errata

Flame-Flicker Stance
Cost: 1 more per +1 difficulty; Mins: Essence 2, Fire Dragon 3; Type: Reflexive
Duration: One turn
Prerequisites: Flash-Fire Technique
This Charm makes attacks against the martial artist more difficult.Source Ex-
alted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 252.

Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Searing Fist Attack

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Fire Dragon 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Leader, Stackable
Duration: Instant
As a Leader effect this Charm may only target special characters or solo units.
Source: Scroll of Errata

Searing Fist Attack

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Fire Dragon 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Leader, Stackable
Duration: Instant
As a Leader effect this Charm may only target special characters or solo units.
Source: Scroll of Errata

Searing Fist Attack

Cost: 3 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Fire Dragon 3; Type: Supplemental
Duration: One turn
This Charm makes the martial artist’s attack searing, applying a penalty to
their target for the rest of the scene from the pain.Source Exalted: The Dragon-
Blooded, p. 252.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Perfect Blazing Blow

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Fire Dragon 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Searing Fist Attack
An attack that hits as a result of this Charm is considered to have hit with 0
successes for the purpose of calculating raw damage.
Source: Scroll of Errata

Perfect Blazing Blow

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Fire Dragon 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Searing Fist Attack
An attack that hits as a result of this Charm is considered to have hit with 0
successes for the purpose of calculating raw damage.
Source: Scroll of Errata

Perfect Blazing Blow
Cost: 2 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Fire Dragon 3; Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Searing Fist Attack
This Charm allows the martial artist to reroll their attack roll.Source Exalted:
The Dragon-Blooded, p. 252.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Fire Dragon Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Fire Dragon 4; Type: Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Form-Type, Leader, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Flame-Flicker Stance, Perfect Blazing Blow

Source: Scroll of Errata

Fire Dragon Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Fire Dragon 4; Type: Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Form-Type, Leader, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Flame-Flicker Stance, Perfect Blazing Blow

Source: Scroll of Errata

Fire Dragon Form

Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Fire Dragon 4; Type: Simple
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Flame-Flicker Stance, Perfect Blazing Blow
This Charm makes the martial artist harder to hit.Source Exalted: The Dragon-
Blooded, p. 253.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Fiery Hand Attack

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Fire Dragon 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Leader, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Fire Dragon Form
Use normal environmental damage rules for (Martial Arts) actions of exposure
to a bonfire.
Source: Scroll of Errata

Fiery Hand Attack

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Fire Dragon 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Leader, Obvious

Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Fire Dragon Form
Use normal environmental damage rules for (Martial Arts) actions of exposure
to a bonfire.
Source: Scroll of Errata

Fiery Hand Attack

Cost: 4 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Fire Dragon 5; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Fire Dragon Form
Attacks supplemented with this Charm deal more damage, as the martial
artist’s hands blaze with fire.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 254.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Breath of the Fire Dragon

Cost: Varies; Mins: Essence 3, Fire Dragon 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Leader, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Fiery Hand Attack
This Charm inflicts dice of damage, not levels
Source: Scroll of Errata

Breath of the Fire Dragon

Cost: Varies; Mins: Essence 3, Fire Dragon 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Leader, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Fiery Hand Attack
This Charm inflicts dice of damage, not levels
Source: Scroll of Errata

Breath of the Fire Dragon

Cost: 1 more per Essence lethal damage; Mins: Essence 3, Fire Dragon 5; Type:
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Fiery Hand Attack
This Charm allows the martial artist to fire a gout of flame at their target.Source
Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 254.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Essence-Igniting Nerve Strike

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Fire Dragon 5; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Shaping, Touch
Duration: Instant

Prerequisites: Breath of the Fire Dragon

Source: Scroll of Errata

Essence-Igniting Nerve Strike

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Fire Dragon 5; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Shaping, Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Breath of the Fire Dragon

Source: Scroll of Errata

Essence-Igniting Nerve Strike

Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 3, Fire Dragon 5; Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Breath of the Fire Dragon
This Charm grants the martial artist the ability to enflame the very Essence
inside their target on a successful attack.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Overwhelming Fire Majesty Stance

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Fire Dragon 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Emotion, Leader, Obvious
Duration: Varies
Prerequisites: Fire Dragon Form
This Charm’s influence is unnatural and costs 3wp to resist for a scene.
Source: Scroll of Errata

Overwhelming Fire Majesty Stance

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Fire Dragon 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Emotion, Leader, Obvious
Duration: Varies
Prerequisites: Fire Dragon Form
This Charm’s influence is unnatural and costs 3wp to resist for a scene.
Source: Scroll of Errata

Overwhelming Fire Majesty

Cost: 4 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Fire Dragon 5; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Until abandoned
Prerequisites: Fire Dragon Form
This Charm strikes fear into the hearts of all who try to attack the martial
artist.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 255.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Smoldering Wound Attack
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Fire Dragon 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Varies
Prerequisites: Overwhelming Fire Majesty Stance
This Charm causes an inflicted wound to smolder, subjecting the victim to a
repeat of the pain of the original strike.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-
Blooded, p. 207.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Smoldering Wound Attack

Cost: 4 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Fire Dragon 5; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Varies
Prerequisites: Overwhelming Fire Majesty Stance
The martial artist makes an attack, causing a wound that continues to damage
the target in subsequent turns.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 255.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Consuming Might of the Fire Dragon

Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Fire Dragon 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Emotion, Leader, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Essence-Igniting Nerve Strike, Smoldering Wound Attack
Characters who spend 3wp to resist this Charm for a scene also become immune
to Overwhelming Fire Majesty Stance.
Source: Scroll of Errata

Consuming Might of the Fire Dragon

Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Fire Dragon 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Emotion, Leader, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Essence-Igniting Nerve Strike, Smoldering Wound Attack
Characters who spend 3wp to resist this Charm for a scene also become immune
to Overwhelming Fire Majesty Stance.
Source: Scroll of Errata

Consuming Might of the Fire Dragon

Cost: 6 motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 4, Fire Dragon 5; Type: Simple
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Essence-Igniting Nerve Strike, Smoldering Wound Attack
This Charm ignites the martial artist’s anima in fire, letting them burning those
around them.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 255.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Helpless-Before-the-Avalanche Kata
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Five-Direction 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack, Knockback
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Unyielding Mountain Stance
The foolish explorers footfalls loosen stone and upset elegant balances, calling
down the doom of the mountain upon himself. As he falls beneath a cascade of
boulders, who can he curse but himself? The martial artist invokes this kata after
defending against a Melee or Martial Arts attack with his Parry DV. He makes an
unarmed counterattack, but does not deal damage if his attack is successfulinstead,
he turns his foes force against him, throwing him back a number of yards equal to
the pre-soak damage of the attack. The enemys attack still resolves normally, but he
is thrown back before he can make any more. Victims that strike hard objects take
one die of damage for each yard they would have otherwise traveled. This damage
is typically bashing, but can be lethal if the enemy strikes a sufficiently dangerous
Source: The Demented One

Center Mountain Form

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Five-Direction 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Helpless-Before-the-Avalanche Kata
With a supernally deep breath, the martial artist draws his living essence into
his bodys core, causing the weakness of his flesh to recede from his skin and muscles.
They become as living stone, as mighty and indestructible as the Imperial Mountain
itself! The martial artists unarmed attacks deal lethal damage, and he may parry
lethal attacks unarmed without a stunt. He adds an amount equal to his Martial Arts
to his bashing and lethal soak. He also gains bashing and lethal hardness equal to his
Martial Arts, which does not stack with hardness from armor.
Source: The Demented One

Thousand-Zephyr Prowess
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Five-Direction 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One action
Prerequisites: Wind-Riding Meditation
The driving wind blows back all opposition, unhindered in its course. The breeze
defies the leaf, the hurricane defies the fortressand the martial artist defies all foes.
Letting his essence surge through his body like the zephyr blowing down from the
mountains of the North, he leaps forth in a whirling storm of steel. The martial artist
ignores the DV penalty of his action, including the DV penalties from multiple actions
if he chooses to flurry. In addition, if the martial artist flurries multiple unarmed
attacks, he gains a +1 bonus to his Parry DV for every two unarmed attacks he
makes, to a maximum bonus of (Martial Arts), until the next time his DV refreshes.
Source: The Demented One

Eastern Jungle Form
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Five-Direction 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Thorns-and-Ivy Blossoming
With a frightful battle-shout whose reverberation resonates with the twenty-
five major pressure points, the martial artist fractures his essence, severing the flow
between the right half of his body and his left. This essential imbalance draws in
motes as a trees roots draw in water, seeking to right the imbalance. The martial
artists unarmed attacks deal lethal damage, and he may parry lethal attacks unarmed
without a stunt. In addition, whenever a character within (Essence + Martial Arts)
yards spends motes to invoke a Charm or cast a spell, the martial artist may reflexively
reclaim one mote, breathing in the residual essence of the magic. The mote is added
to his peripheral pool. The martial artist can never reclaim more than half his Essence
in motes in a single action, and can never regain more than 20 motes in one action
with any combination of Charms.
Source: The Demented One

Hell-Graveyard Slash
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Five-Direction 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 10)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Stackable
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Crimson Flash Step
In the furthest wastelands of the South, men have fallen dead in the heat,
their very blood boiling within their veins. This technique kills men with a method
almost indistinguishable from such a death, striking so fast that the wound they deal
cauterizes itself in seconds from the heat of their blow. Whenever the martial artist
successfully inflicts lethal damage with an unarmed attack, he may invoke this Charm
in Step 10 of attack resolution, inflicting a crippling effect called an artful wound. The
artful wound causes the victims wound penalties to be increased by one in a specific
context of the martial artists choice, in much the same way that a specialty adds
a bonus to an Ability in a specific context. The artful wounds scope is limitedit
cannot apply to attacks? or dodging,? but an artful wound could impede attacks with
swords? or dodging while in armor.? The artful wound lasts until the victim heals all
their lethal wounds, although any effect that can heal a crippling effect can remove all
artful wounds a character suffers from. The martial artist may inflict up to (Martial
Arts) artful wounds on a foe at a time, and the penalties from each artful wound are
Source: The Demented One

Southern Desert Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Five-Direction 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Hell-Graveyard Slash
As the suns rays fall upon the Southern sands, they refract and rebound, casting
a blinding glare across the whole of the desert. So to does a martial artist assuming
this form refract and reflect his own essence outwards, causing rays of light to burst

forth from his skin. When he strikes, the light shimmers across his blade, letting
it slip through armor as if it were no more than a sunbeam itself. The martial
artists unarmed attacks deal lethal damage, and he may parry lethal attacks unarmed
without a stunt. Any unarmed attack he makes deals additional post-soak dice of
damage equal to half his Martial Arts.
Source: The Demented One

Western Ocean Form

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Five-Direction 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Buried-Beneath-the-Waves Grip
Were all the waters of the West to be drawn up from the ocean and held aloft, as
if by some all-mighty titan, the sheer weight of them would excel that of the Imperial
Mountain, a force unstoppable by any thing in this world. Drawing his left arm back
as if it were a wave receding, the martial artist suffuses it with essence, causing it to
turn as dark as black jade. The martial artists unarmed attacks deal lethal damage,
and he may parry lethal attacks unarmed without a stunt. In addition, whenever the
martial artist rolls damage for an unarmed attack, he may count 10s as two successes.
Source: The Demented One

Five-Direction Form
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Five-Direction 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Center Mountain Form, Northern Blizzard Form, Eastern Jungle
Form, Southern Desert Form, Western Ocean Form
Before the Primordials first wrought Creation from the inchoate chaos of the
Wyld, they crafted the Compass of Terrestrial Directions, an artifact of unimaginable
power. By the swaying, five-metal needle of the compass, they drew up a map of
flawless accuracy and measure in a supreme act of cartography. So perfect was the
aim of the Compass, so puissant its creators, that the map they drew became the
thing mapped, birthing Creation from its five cardinal directions. When the martial
artist enters the Five-Direction Form, displaying his ultimate mastery of the style,
the flow of his essence throughout his body is not unlike the sway of the Compasss
needleit traces out North, East, South, and West, before returning to the Center.
Invoking this form, the martial artist may choose any of this styles other forms-
Center Mountain, Northern Blizzard, Eastern Jungle, Southern Desert, or Western
Oceanand gain its benefits. The martial artist may reflexively spend two motes to
change which form he gains the benefit of. He may do this no more than (Essence/2)
times per actionfor instance, an Essence 5 martial artist might spend two motes in
Step 8 of attack resolution to enter the Southern Desert Form, making his attack
piercing. In Step 10 of the same attack, he might enter Western Ocean Form, to gain
its benefits on his damage roll. If he were attacked before his next action, he might
change to Northern Blizzard Style in Step 2 to increase his Dodge DV. However, he
could not then enter Center Mountain Form in Step 8 to boost his soak.
Finally, mastery of this style confers superior understanding of its lesser arts. While
in this Form, the martial artist may invoke the Unyielding Mountain Stance, Wind-

Riding Meditation, Rising Cedars Leap, Crimson Flash Step, or Wave-Cresting Poise
Charms without it counting as Charm activation. He may only invoke one such Charm
freely each action.
Source: The Demented One

Northern Blizzard Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Five-Direction 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Thousand-Zephyr Prowess
Breathing in and exhaling simultaneously, the martial artist stirs his essence into
a whirling maelstrom. His every motion becomes a blur, essence inspiring supernal
speed within his limbs. The martial artists unarmed attacks deal lethal damage, and
he may parry lethal attacks unarmed without a stunt. He adds a value equal to half
his Martial Arts to his Dodge DV.
Source: The Demented One

Buried-Beneath-the-Waves Grip
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Five-Direction 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 7)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Wave-Cresting Poise
Channeling the whole of his essence into the fingers of his left hand, the martial
artist grips his blade with overwhelming force, causing it to strike a devastating-
hammer blow. Whenever a martial artist successfully hits a foe with an unarmed
attack, he may invoke this Charm to double the raw pre-soak damage of the attack.
However, the extra damage is all bashing damage. The bashing damage is soaked
separately from the attack’s base damage, by the enemy’s full bashing soak. Any tags
that applied to the original attack, such as piercing or overwhelming, do not apply to
the bashing damage.
Source: The Demented One

Thorns-and-Ivy Blossoming
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Five-Direction 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Rising Cedars Leap
In the Eastern jungles, wood essence is cultivated into ten-thousand thousand
poisons, flowing abundantly from leaf and root, thorn and ivy. Each one creeps
insidiously through the veins of its victims, subverting the flows of their essence and
crippling their bodies. With diligent study of these countless poisons, the martial
artist may strike with his sword to maim his foes essence, mimicking the Easts venoms
with the tip of his sword. This Charm enhances an unarmed Martial Arts attack,
causing it to cripple its victims essence if it damages him. For the next (Martial Arts)
actions, all Charms and spells the victim uses cost an additional mote of essence.
The motes spent on this surcharge go towards the victims anima banner as if it were
peripheral essence, regardless of which mote pool the victim pays it from.

Source: The Demented One

Wave-Cresting Poise
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Five-Direction 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: (Martial Arts) actions
Water flows. If it is poured into a vessel, it abandons its shape, fitting whatever
it is placed into. If it is poured out upon the ground, it flows downward with the slope
of the earth, without resistance or impediment. Embodying this, the martial artist
attunes their essence to whatever they stand upon, causing it to perfectly match the
motic nature of whatever they stride across. Thus it is that they may walk across
anythinga loose scattering of leaves across a pit, quicksand, a trees boughs, a flowing
riverwith perfect balance, as if it were solid ground beneath their feet. They retain
this perfect balance for (Martial Arts) actions, at the end of which they must re-invoke
the Charm or lose its benefits.
When two martial artists use this Charm while fighting each other, the resonant
essence allows both to maintain their balance effortlessly. As long as both martial
artists actively fight each other and invoke this Charm, they may both maintain it
indefinitely without having to re-invoke it or commit any motes. Rival Five-Direction
masters have been known to duel on the boughs of cherry blossom trees, atop waves,
or on top of armies.
Source: The Demented One

Crimson Flash Step

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Five-Direction 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Ceasing all breath, as if he were overcome by the heat of the Southern deserts,
the martial artist forces his essence downward into his lowermost extremities. Down,
down, down until it weighs on him like iron chainsand then, as he breathes in, his
essence rebounds back into its rightful state, unleashing a burst of potent speed. The
martial artist increases the distance he may cover by moving or dashing by (Martial
Arts) yards. In addition, if he dashes, he moves so fast he seems to flicker and
disappear. The first unarmed attack attack the martial artist makes in the same
action after dashing is unexpected. The victim of the attack can make a (Perception
+ Awareness) roll to at a difficulty of (Martial Arts/2) to successfully notice the
attack, allowing him to defend against it normally.
Source: The Demented One

Rising Cedars Leap

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Five-Direction 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
In a hundred years, the giant cedars of the East grow from the smallest sprouts

to towering trees, their boughs brushing against the sky. Channeling all of his essence
into his right foot as he leaps, the martial artist bounds upward, rising up as if borne
by a century-old cedar that sprung up in an instant. The martial artist may multiply
the distance of a single jump by his Martial Arts, and cannot take any falling damage
from the jump. The martial artist may also invoke this Charm while falling, to protect
himself from harm. This negates any bashing falling damage he would otherwise take.
Source: The Demented One

Wind-Riding Meditation
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Five-Direction 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One action
The Northern winds fly above the earth, for they have no weight to drag down
their essence. With a light step and a serene mind, the martial artist becomes feather-
light, treading on the currents of the air. Until his next action, the martial artist may
walk on air as if it were solid ground, moving across it with ease. However, he cannot
dash or jump through the airhe glides through the air only as fast as he may walk. If
he does not re-invoke this Charm on his next action, he falls to the ground.
When two martial artists use this Charm while fighting each other, the resonant
essence allows both to tread on air effortlessly. As long as both martial artists actively
fight each other and invoke this Charm, they may both maintain it indefinitely without
having to re-invoke it or commit any motes. Mid-air duels between rivals or sworn
enemies are a specialty of this style.
Source: The Demented One

Unyielding Mountain Stance

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Five-Direction 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 10)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
When the mightiest winds blow from all four corners of Creation, do they sway
the Imperial Mountain the least whit? Of course not! Its tremendous! Centering his
essence and assuming a low, wide stance, the martial artist becomes just as unmoving
in the face of his foes. This Charm negates any effect that would cause knockback,
knockdown, or that would otherwise move the martial artist (for example, being
thrown by an enemy whose has successfully clinched them). This Charm is just as
efficacious against Charms or other magical means that would cause such movement.
Source: The Demented One

Alligator Stiffening Technique

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1, Flog, According to Tom 1; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One action
Alligator Stiffening Technique makes even the most annoying and defiant Al-
ligator stiff as steel and ready for the exalts next swing be that against his closest

opponent, the ball for a winning hit, or that pesky Dragon-Blooded telling him to get
off his Island.
For the rest of the scene the exalts weapon is considered to be as strong and
resilient as tempered steel, even a living alligator. The alligator will not suffer any
harm if use to parry incoming blows. In addition even a weapon made of a Magical
Material cannot sunder the alligator. If this charm is used on an actual weapon it
become nigh unbreakable, taking the Exalts Essence times more damage to sunder
the weapon.
Source: Zaaz

Kobold Strike
Cost: 1 m per action; Mins: Essence 1, Flog, According to Tom 1; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One action
The Cult of Kobold was extremely adept at stealing children right from under
parents eyes all around Creation. They would never have gotten so far if it were not
for the genius of the Feathered Serpent and his Kobold Strike.The next Martial Arts
roll is considered unexpected even if already in combat. The opponent may activate
a reflexes dodge or parry if it allows for the detection of surprise attacks.
Or the martial artist may add their Martial Arts rating in successes to the next
Stealth roll.
Source: Zaaz

Alligator Assault
Cost: 2m per animal; Mins: Essence 1, Flog, According to Tom 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Compulsion
Duration: Next two actions
Prerequisites: Alligator Stiffening Technique
With the correct application of motivation an Alligator can be convicted to do
several tasks but mainly assault another. After its original conception it was found
that this charm would work on any animal with an Essence lower then the casters
even intelligent ones.
Once cast the animal will do one task for the next two actions. Normally the task
is to assault another player in the hope they use up several strokes to defend them-
selves. After the assault they will return to whatever they had been doing assuming
the individual did nothing about the assault. The animal will not do anything self
destructive, i.e. walk off a cliff, or stab itself.
Source: Zaaz

Rod of Might
Cost: 6m, 1w; Mins: Essence 2, Flog, According to Tom 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious
Duration: One action
Prerequisites: Kobold Strike
Sometimes a player loses their rod or it gets eaten or even stolen. That is were
the Rod of Might comes into play. A play may manifest a new rod in their hands

made of the same magical material as their exaltation. This charm creates a Flog rod
with the same rules as Glorious Solar Saber (p. 192)
Source: Zaaz

Flog that Son of a Bitch!

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Flog, According to Tom 2; Type: Multiple Action
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Alligator Stiffening Technique
A problem many people found playing Flog is they lost so many swings due
to obstacles. Now they new this was a possibility walking in but they always were
looking for a way to prevent this. Then one day a player saw Tom beat an Alligator
mercilessly making strike after strike. However, the judges considered the entire action
one swing. With that Flog that Son of a Bitch was born.A exalt may make a number
of extra attacks or swings equal to their Martial Arts. This Charm follows all the
normal multiple action rolls.
Source: Zaaz

Immaculate Rod of the Sun Born

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Flog, According to Tom 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Rod of Might
Tom was created by a Solar Exalted and worked with them for years. They
have influenced him forever. Rod of the Mighty gives a person their correct rod but
Immaculate Rod of the Sun Born fills it will the glory of the Unconquered Sun. A user
may parry any incoming attack even surprise attacks or unpariable ones. As a perfect
parry the Martial Artist becomes subject to one of the Four Flaws of Invulnerability.
A user must have a flog rod to use this charm. They may invoke Rod of Might
reflexively to qualify having a Flog Rod in hand.
Source: Zaaz

Feathered Serpent Style

Cost: 6m, 1w; Mins: Essence 3, Flog, According to Tom 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious, Form-type
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Flog that Son of a Bitch!, Kobold Strike
The strength of the feathered serpent flows through an Exalt. She understands
the flow of essence around her. They must have a Flog Rod in hand. They add
their Essence as automatic successes to any Martial Arts attacks. In addition they
increases their DV, and PDV by their Essence..
Source: Zaaz

Retaliation of the Serpent Born

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 3, Flog, According to Tom 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious

Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Immaculate Rod of the Sun Born
It is one thing to have the power of the Unconquered Sun but even he respects
the power of ones self. Tom was attacked by an Immaculate Monk attack after attack,
to the point that Tom was dismantled but not before he learned how to return the
attack 10 fold. After being attacked; an Exalt may make a counter attack. They
add the damage they took from the original attack if they would be reduced to their
Essence in damage they gain their Essence + Martial Arts in damage.
Source: Zaaz

Glorious Transformation Sequence

Cost: 10m; Mins: Essence 4, Flog, According to Tom 4; Type: Multiple Action
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Retaliation of the Serpent Born, Feathered Serpent Style
The Martial Artist is a student of the Feathered Serpent and they need take on
his brilliance. They are consumed in a halo of light and when the light subsides they
are considered having 8L/8B Orichalcum armor with 4L/4B Hardness. The armor
has -1 mobility penalty and no fatigue penalty. In addition they are considered to
have the greater poise of the Feathered Serpent and gain two Appearance points.
Source: Zaaz

Toms Gift, Autochthons Brilliance

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 5, Flog, According to Tom 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: -
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Imposition of Child Logic, Glorious Transformation Sequence
When Tom was given the chance to become a god among automatons he was
told it would required him to betray his best friends. However, the Great Maker
wove into the Loom of Fate the possibility for greatness even among automatons.
Tom was just one such automaton. He chose to stand by his friends side facing down
their enemies together. This charm permanently enhances Feather Serpent Form,
when they invoke it they may also activate Glorious Transformation Sequence doing
so does not count as a charm use, therefore the two do not need to be Comboed.
In addition they become as calculating as Tom they cannot fail Valor rolls as if they
were an Automaton and they treat their Willpower as if it was 10 for the duration of
the Form Charm. This also changes their MDV. If their Willpower is already 10 they
consider it to be Essence + Willpower.
Source: Zaaz

Imposition of Child Logic

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 4, Flog, According to Tom 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Compulsion
Duration: Until Broken
Prerequisites: Retaliation of the Serpent Born, Feathered Serpent Style
Those that would attempt to harm the Martial Artist find in very difficult to
hurt what they cannot find. The Martial Artist may perfectly hide from any one that

considers themselves adults. They become an object of the landscape. The Fair Folk
originally taught this charm to Tom and as such they are Immune to its use. As are
children who see the user for what they really are. Tom was known to take the shape
of a slide that children would play with.The Martial Artist remains hidden until they
interact with an adult. If they invoke this charm after they have spent peripheral
essence they must roll Dexterity + Martial Arts + Stealth vs. the highest targets
MDV they add their Essence as automatic successes.
Source: Zaaz

Elemental Onslaught Kata

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Foundation 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Obvious, Element, Combo-Ok
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Foundation of Creation Form
The Student of the Elements lets his energy crash forth, supplementing a flurry
of attacks, adding one to his opponents’ Onslaught penalty(s).
In addition the Student gains an ability reflective of the element for which he has
*”’Air:”’ Powerful gusts of wind drive the Student from place to place as he
”’reflexively leaps”’ between each attack, denying the ability to counterattack to this
*”’Earth:”’ The weapon becomes coated in rock and earth that increases its mass
gaining ”’Overwhelming”’ equal to the students Strength.
*”’Fire:”’ Fire blows out rhythmically with each strike and ”’adds +3L”’ to all
unarmed attacks in the flurry.
*”’Water:”’ The attacks seem to come from imposable angles which ”’lessens his
Parry DV penalty(s) by two”’.
*”’Wood:”’ Seeds sprout from the Students weapon which break off onto his op-
ponent. Each attack that hits injects the ”’Toxin: 1L/”’Action; ”’Toxicity:”’ 2;
”’Tolerance:”’ None; ”’Penalty:”’ -1
Source: AjaxTorbin

Foundation of Creation Form

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Foundation 3; Type: Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Form, Obvious, Elemental, Combo-OK
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Elemental Reaction Prana
Reaching further into his nature the Student of the Elements unlocks the raw
elemental fury within himself.
While this charm is active the the Student adds his Essence to rolls or values needed
to resist the effects of his element, including such things(if appropriate); attacks made
by elementals, environmental effects produced by that element and to resist drowning
or burning. This Supernatural resistance applies to the effects of Terrestrial Anima
banners. This resistance can not reinforce the Student more than once for the same
effect, IE; it can not add to a Resistance roll Vs. Burning and then to Soak in the
same tick, only one or the other.
”’The Student also gains an ability reflective of the element for which he has

*”’Air:”’ ”Endless Winds Defense;” Currents of air aid his movements and the
Student adds ”’+1 to his Dodge”’ Defense Value.
*”’Earth:”’ ”Anchor of Creation Stance;” Flecks of earth and rock fly up from
the ground with each movement and so long as the Student is in contact with the
ground he may not be Knocked-Back or Knocked-Down and adds his ”’Essence x2 to
his natural Lethal and Bashing Soak”’.
*”’Fire:”’ ”Pillars of Flame Strike;” Flame blasts forth on each attack, giving his
unarmed attacks a ”’range of 10yrds”’ (maximum).
*”’Water:”’ ”Icy Depths Realization;” Water freezes and solidifies near the stu-
dents skin adding ”’+1 to his unarmed Parry Defense Value.”’
*”’Wood:”’ ”Entangling Trap Method;” Vines and brambles sprout where his
blows hit and start to wrap around the target causing it to take a ”’2yrd penalty to
movement”’ per die of damage calculated at the end of step 8. The vines may be
removed as a Miscellaneous Action.
”’In addition he gains a secondary movement method based upon the element for
which he has affinity.”’
*”’Air:”’ ”Treading the air;” the student may move upon the ”’air as if it were
solid”’ but may not remain still while doing so. He is unable to gain more than twice
his normal Speed in altitude.
*”’Earth:”’ ”Pillars of Earth;” the earth itself reaches up under the Students feet,
”’elevating him”’, and molding to his movements. These pillars can be up to Essence
x2 yards tall and can be used to double his leaping distances.
*”’Fire:”’ ”Jets of Flame;” the Student rockets himself skyward allowing him to
jump reflexively and ”’multiplying his jumping distances by his essence”’.
*”’Water:”’ ”Riding the Waves;” The Student hardens any water near his feet
allowing him to slide across it. He seems to ’skate’ nimbly across any smooth surface,
making his ”’dash speed his normal movement”’ rate.
*”’Wood:”’ ”Crawling Vines;” Sticky pads constantly grow from the Student,
allowing him to ”’cling to any surface”’.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Elemental Sheathing Method

Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Foundation 4; Type: Reflexive (see text)
Keywords: Shaping, Creation-Bound
Duration: Commitment
Prerequisites: Elemental Onslaught Kata
The Master launches into a series of katas that take a Simple action (speed
6), great arcs or subtle eddies of his elemental energy flow around him, clothing him
in their power. At the end of this he takes on the characteristics and features of an
Elemental appropriate to his affinity; he leaves traces of his element behind wherever
he goes and cannot be mistaken for anything other than a powerful being.
The Master is now able to control his favored element within a number of yards
equal to his Essence. He can shape, mold, strengthen, resist and destroy any naturally
occurring inanimate formation of his element with a gesture. This gives him a number
of success equal to his Essence on any value or roll needed to do so.
If the attempt is being contested, an opposed Essence+Willpower roll is made with
the winner controlling the target object.

Such minor things like carving steps into a mountain, shaping fire into figures
or changing water into ice are reflexive, Standard or Difficult Difficulty, and can
be done while in combat. Greater changes, like carving a new river, or leveling a
small mountain, or any change at Challenging or greater Difficulty take long ticks to
accomplish and can not be done in combat.
The length of time needed to affect such changes is up to the amount and perva-
siveness of the change and so left to the Storyteller.
In addition his unarmed attacks now count as a supernatural effect, dealing en-
vironmental damage that ignores mundane armors, deals an additional amount of
damage equal to his Essence, and can be ignored by appropriate Resistance or Sur-
vival charms. Note this does not make his attack deael Lethal damage.
The Master himself is now totally immune to all natural environmental damage
related to his element.
In addition the Master gains an ability reflective of the element for which he has
*”’Air:”’ The Master become lighter and better able to maneuver, double his
natural movement distances, including jumping and dashing.
*”’Earth:”’ The Master is able to shrug off most blows, reduce all lethal damage
to bashing. This damage can still cycle around and become lethal.
*”’Fire:”’ The Masters attacks blaze with power that makes them hard to block,
adding his essence to his unarmed attack accuracy.
*”’Water:”’ The Master moves like a wave, uncatchable and smothering at the
same time. He adds his Essence to all rolls involving Grapples.
*”’Wood:”’ The Master is a veritable font of life giving energy and can as a Simple
(Speed 6 DV -3) action, heal himself of a level of bashing damage per 3m spent, or a
single level of lethal for each 6m. Aggravated is unaffected.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Deadly Blows of (Element)

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Foundation 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Elemental
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Insight into Creation Response
A Student of the elements can focus his energy into his hands and feet, making
them deadly weapons.
This supplements an attack, making the blow deal lethal damage.
In addition the Student gains an ability reflective of the element for which he has
*”’Air:”’ A sudden gust of wind blows, adding the ”’Knockback”’ keyword to the
*”’Earth:”’ The Student’s blows are earth-shaking, causing an immediate ”’Knock-
down”’ check against the target with the difficulty raised by the damage done on step
*”’Fire:”’ Flame wreaths the Student, ”’adding two to the Raw damage”’ of that
*”’Water:”’ The blow seems flows around the armor of the opponent, making this
attack ”’Piercing”’.

*”’Wood:”’ The wounds are especially numbing and the target must check for
”’Stunning”’ with the difficulty raised by the damage done on step ten.
====Deadly Blows of (Element)====
*”’Oil:”’ It flows on water without mixing and so the Student of Oil skims by his
target, dealing damage without actually touching, forcing the target to ”’use his DDV
instead of his PDV.”’
*”’Smoke:”’ stings the eyes and impairs the equilibrium the smoke filled blow of
the Student ”’reduces the awareness of the target”’ by half (round up) the students
permanent essence score if it hits, until the targets DV refreshes.
*”’Metal:”’ weapons of the Student stretch and entangle the weapons of his foes,
negating any negatives for an attempted ”’disarming attack.”’
*”’Crystal:”’ is sharp and precise, the Student adds his ”’Intelligence to the accu-
racy”’ of his attack.
*”’Lightning:”’ strikes so quickly it can barely be seen, the ”’Speed of the attack
is reduced”’ to three.
*”’Steam:”’ envelopes the target and adding two automatic successes to an ”’at-
tempted grapple.”’
Source: AjaxTorbin

Elemental Reaction Prana

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Foundation 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Obvious, Combo-Ok
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Deadly Blows of (Element)
Summoning a small burst of Elemental power the Student may cover themselves
when off balance. Energy of their element spews from their palms distracting their
opponents and launching the Student from his current location.
This charm removes the Students Essence/2 (round up) dice from the targets
attack roll.
After damage is rolled on step ten, whether of not he actually takes any damage,
the Student moves Essence x3 yards, effectively interrupting any flurry the target was
attempted against the Student.
====Elemental Response Action====
”No change.”
Source: AjaxTorbin

Unbound Element Kata

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3, Foundation 5; Type: Permanent
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: , This charm is lost to all current known masters
According to legend there were once ’lesser’ elements which is heresy to modern
Immaculate theology.
Learning this charm as the unique effect of realigning the Students essence, blend-
ing aspects of the other elements, even into ’lost’ ones.
A martial Artist rediscovering this charm unlocks new abilities for the style and he
may exchange all of his elemental effects for all of one the Alchemical element effects.

For example, all of his Water effects for Steam effects.
In addition the stylist adds the Alchemical element abilities to his options when
using Cycle of Creation and can now activate a ”third” ability when using that charm
for a 1m surcharge per additional ability.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Element Infusing Method

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Foundation 5; Type: Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Elemental, Combo-basic, Creation-Bound
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Elemental Sheathing Method
The Master focuses on his own essence and drawing out his element, focusing it
upon himself, letting it wash over him. His connection to the Foundations of Creation
are made known as the very energy of Gaia herself intermingles further with his own.
The Student becomes one with his Element and is able to call upon it with less
concentration of energy. Reduce the activation cost of all charms with the ”Elemental”
Keyword by 1m when it is active.
This reduced activation cost is not compatible with the charm Cycle of Creation
and the Master may not use the effects of that charm and this one in the same action.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Cycle of Creation
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 4, Foundation 5; Type: Permanent
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Elemental Sheathing Method
The Master is able to see how the other elements effect his and how their
abilities may enhance his own.
From now on when using a charm that has the Elemental tag he may choose a
second effect from the element options listed with the following restrictions;
*”’Air:”’ Cannot use Earth effects.
*”’Earth:”’ Cannot use Fire effects.
*”’Fire:”’ Cannot use Wood effects.
*”’Water:”’ Cannot use Air effects.
*”’Wood:”’ Cannot use Water effects.
This effect is not compatible with the effects of Element Infusing Method.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Insight into Creation Response

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Foundation 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Elemental, Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Using his insight into the elements the Student is better able to perceive his
If the Student has no Elemental affinity when this charm is learned, he must choose

one; this choice is permanent. His essence, for the purposes of Essence Sight, now
shows a tinge of his chosen element in addition to his previous essence type.
The Student gains an ability reflective of the element for which he has affinity.
*”’Air:”’ can sense disruptions in the air currents and simply is not there when
struck. This charm ”’refreshes the Students DDV”’ and allows him to use it against
unexpected attacks.
*”’Earth:”’ detects tremors in the earth and knows exactly where his foes strike
from, even if unexpected. He hardens his body in that direction, ”’doubling his
natural soak”’ against one attack.
*”’Fire:”’ explodes toward one foolish enough to put their hand in the flame,
allowing the Student to go ”’first on the reaction count”’.
*”’Water:”’ is supple and flows into the attack, ”’refreshing his PDV”’ and allowing
him to use it against unexpected attacks.
*”’Wood:”’ can feel life around him, ”’refreshing his Defense Values”’ and allowing
him to use them against unexpected attacks from living targets.
====Insight into the Maker Calculation====
*”’Oil:”’ is hard to land a blow on, a second blow is improbable. The Student
immediately ”’refreshes his DV’s”’ and then increases them by two. This does not
*”’Smoke:”’ filters unseen and seeks to choke his opponent quietly, the Student of
Smoke may attempt to reflexively hide himself in response to an attack, ”’negating
any normal negatives to reestablishing surprise.”’
*”’Metal:”’ bends toward the attack ”’refreshing his PDV”’ and allowing him to
use it against unexpected attacks.
*”’Crystal:”’ notes the weaknesses in his foes attack, ”’refreshing his Defense Val-
*”’Lightning:”’ closes quickly, ”’refreshing his DDV”’ and speeding into melee
range, moving immediately up to his Dash speed without negatives.
*”’Steam:”’ is overwhelming and oppressive and the Student many attempt to
initiate a grapple in response to any unexpected Melee attack against him.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Cost: 1m+; Mins: Essence 4, Frog 5; Type: Suplimental

Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Resilient Frog Hide
Masters of the Frog Style believed that he who strikes first wins. This mantra
is never truer than with Flickering Tongue Motion which strikes faster than an eye
can follow.
When a Martial Artist uses this charm and expends one mote of essence per point
of permenant essence of their opponent, their strike is considered to be an unexpected
Source: RRimmel

Cost: 2m, 1L; Mins: Essence 4, Frog 5; Type: Reflexive

Duration: Instant

Prerequisites: Resilient Frog Hide
Masters of the Frog Style believe that they must be able to survive adversity.
With this charm even the most damaging attack will not kill the Martial Artist.
When activated, the Martial Artist takes one level of lethal damage, but ignores
all other damage inflicted on him from a single attack.
Source: RRimmel

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 6, Frog 6; Type: Reflexive

Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Frog Form
As a Frog can catch a fly in mid air, so to can the practitioners of Humble Frog
Style pick out the smallest of targets.
As a reflexive diceless action the Martial Artist can catch any object within
(Essence x Yards) of his person for the cost of one mote. This broadly includes
anything that the Martial Artist could carry one handed. Things that cannot be
caught, such as essence based projectiles, are not affected by this technique. This
ability is primarily of use to catch arrows and similar objects, which are always per-
fectly blocked by this technique.
A character can also use this as a defensive action against melee attacks by forgoing
any dodge or block attempts against a single attack and instead subtracting their
essence score from the opponent’s successes with an attack. This action is directly
designated as grabbing the weapon with one hand, and is not advisable against soul
steel blades, fire encrusted staves or anything molten, at least without stunting.
The second use of this ability is one of the more fearsome aspects of Frog Style. A
Martial Artist can use this technique to snatch hearthstones from their settings. The
difficulty to do this is the hearthstone rating + the target’s essence score. If set into
an artifact use the higher of the artifacts rating, with N/A being treated as 6, or the
holder’s essence plus the hearthstone’s rating. Removal of the stone in no way grants
the hearthstone’s atunement benefits, it simply removes the benefits from the target.
Source: RRimmel

Cost: 10m, 1w; Mins: Essence 6, Frog 6; Type: Extra Action

Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Frog Form
Sometimes many flies approach the frog at once. To eat his fill the frog must
catch the flies all at once.
The Martial Artist can make a number of attacks equal to his essence score. The
attacks are resolved normally, excepting that counterattacks treat all of the attacks in
the charm as a single attack and are resolved after the last attack is completed. This
effect bypasses most leaping defenses simply because the target cannot leap between
”In a blur of motion the Sifu attacked, striking the Demon in the 8 focal points
of his soul in unison. The creature attempted to leap away, but the Sifu’s attack was
completed in an instant and the Demon had but a second more to realize that he was
going to die. ”

Source: RRimmel

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 6, Frog 6; Type: Extra Action

Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Frog Form
In the wild, the Frog must survive under dire circumstances.
The Martial Artist invokes this Charm immediately before the effects of an attack.
This Charm is a perfect defense against the effects of the attack including damage
and all secondary effects. Damage is reduce to zero and all other effects are ignored.
This Charm has one of the Four Flays of Invulnerablity.
”The Primordial blinked and the world shattered into a furious conflageration of
fire and earth. The forest collapsed and the city exploded, cratering the countryside
with the thick pieces of sandstone that had been used for its streets. The Sifu stood
in the middle of this, a single tear tracing down his unblemished cheek. ”
Source: RRimmel

Cost: 6m, 1w; Mins: Essence 5, Frog 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Frog Bakes in the Sun, Flicking Tongue Motion
The First Form of Frog Styles embodies the quiet frog who waits patiently in
the pond for a meal.
After mentaly preparing himself, requiring a (Dex + MA roll) the Martial Artist
enters into Frog Form. Frog form is not obvious in any way, but is incompatable with
armor. During Step 8 of damage resolution, a character in Frog Form can expend
one mote of essence to reduce the number of health levels of damaged recieved by his
permenant essence.
Attacks that do not cause physical damage to the Martial Artist cannot cause
knockback, or move the artist in any fashion. Frog Form allows a Martial Artist to
parry lethal damage without stunting.
Source: RRimmel

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Frog 5; Type: Reflexive(Step 7)

Duration: Instant
There were a great number of Martial Arts styles developed during the High
First Age. Many were respected, some were feared. The most feared of all styles
would be known as Humble Frog Style.
Humble Frog Style focuses on two key areas, mainly resistance and speed. A master
of this style is capable of absorbing withering punishment without flinching. A master
of this style is capable of striking with such speed as to be impossible to track.
During Step 7, Resilient Frog Hide allows the Martial Artist to cut the damage
from any single attack in half, after soak.

Source: RRimmel

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 7, Frog 7; Type: Permenant

Duration: Permenant
Prerequisites: Frog Survives the Drought
In nature, a Frog cannot survive the freezing nature of deep winter, yet every
spring there are still frogs.
This Charm cuts the damage from all attacks in half, before soak. Additionally this
charm hardens the Martial Artist’s body converting all damage, including aggravated,
to bruising damage.
Source: RRimmel

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 7, Frog 7; Type: Reflexive

Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Fat Frog Method, Fly Catching Strike
The best defense is a good offense.
This Charm is employed during Step 9 as a counter attack. If the counter attack
has at least one success, the attack against the Chosen fails. Damage is resolved
Source: RRimmel

Cost: 9m, 1w; Mins: Essence 7, Frog 7; Type: Simple

Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Fat Frog Method, Frog Survives the Drought, Fly Catching Strike
The Second Form of Frog Styles embodies the angry toad who protects his
territory from hostile invaders.
This form is very obvious and if used against an acomplished Martial Artist it can
cause them to suffer a -2 penalty due to the reputation of second Frog Form. By
dropping to the ground and placing resting his body on the earth with his hands and
knees spread the Chosen is empowered against his foes. The second form also grants
the ability to spend one mote of essence as a reflexive diceless action to ignore up to
the Martial Artist’s essence in damage.
The Martial Artist can make a leaping movement equalty to his essence x 10 yards.
All attacks gain a number of bonus sucesses equal to the Martial Artist’s essence
score in Step 3 of an attack and all attacks double post soak damage. Knockback
results are doubled due to the tremendous speed of impact.
The Chosen’s attacks cannot be blocked when in this style. The Chosen is unable
to block attacks while in this form. The Chosen cannot be attacked in melee combat
by anyone that he has not physically attacked this round without stunts. The Chosen
gains a bonus to his DV versus ranged attacks equal to his essence unless the attacker
possesses a charm that reduces penalties versus a fast moving target.
Source: RRimmel

Destroy the Sky Technique
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Furious Demon 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Instant
This Charm causes the Martial Artist to destroy the sky - First Crude Attempt
Source: MMichele

Destroy the Sky for the second time

Cost: 7m, 1w; Mins: Essence 3, Furious Demon 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Destroy the Sky Technique
Second Crude Attempt
Source: MMichele

Essence Eruption Blow

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, God Slayer 5; Type: Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: God Slayer Form
The martial artist, knowing he will often face foes far more mighty than he,
learns to turn an opponent’s strength against him. He injects a white-hot mote of
explosive Essence into the target’s Essence flows, igniting the target’s own enlightened
power in a devastating attack from within. The character makes an unarmed martial
arts attack. If it is successful, the character adds (target’s own Essence) dice of
damage, after soak has been resolved. Double the number of dice added against
spirits. This Charm is ineffective if hardness stops the attack altogether.
Source: HLS

God Slayer Form

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, God Slayer 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: With the Strength of my Enemies Methodology
The character assumes the posture of an executioner of heaven, come to enact
judgment upon the unrighteous. His eyes smoulder with unseen fires, his aspect is
grim and terrible, his shadow burns quietly with a nimbus in the color of his anima,
and his blows rend apart his enemies. The character adds his Conviction to the raw,
pre-soak damage of unarmed martial arts attacks. Finally, the light of his anima,
should it flare, reveals all dematerialized spirits present.
Source: HLS

Unbowed Executioner Technique

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, God Slayer 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One scene

Prerequisites: God Slayer Form
Justice is a difficult path to follow; Creation is filled with countless temptations
to distract a martial artist from the path of righteousness. Those with the focus to
still their minds and spirits, however, may stand against any opposition, unbowed and
unbroken. This Charm adds twice the character’s Temperance to his natural lethal
and bashing soak.
Source: HLS

Valor-Wounding Mudra
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, God Slayer 5; Type: Simple (Speed 3, DV-1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Emotion
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: God Slayer Form
Inescapable justice lies at the heart of the God Slayer Style. The character
draws a burning mark in the air, announcing his intent and chilling the blood of
those he has passed judgment upon. The glyph burns with a lambent orange-white
radiance, illuminating an (Essence x 30 yards) radius around the point where it is set.
Any hostile targets struck by the light treat it as a social attack against their Dodge
MDV with a number of successes equal to the martial artist’s Essence + Conviction.
A target whose MDV is overcome by the glyph reduces their Valor by 1 so long as
the light of the glyph touches them. This cannot reduce Valor below the minimums
required for the Great Curse, nor may it reduce it to 0. This is a form of unnatural
mental influence, costing 3 Willpower to resist.
Source: HLS

Sin-Finding Scrutiny
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 3, God Slayer 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: God Slayer Form
By experiencing his target’s convictions and passions, the martial artist comes
to know the weaknesses of their owner. For each dot of Virtues the character steals
from a target through the use of With the Strength of my Enemies Methodology, he
gains an ”Against (Virtue’s original owner)” artificial specialty. This specialty only
endures so long as Sin-Finding Scrutiny is active and the character holds Virtues
from the target. The character cannot under any circumstance gain more than three
dice from specialties on any single roll. As artificial specialties, these dice are not
considered bonus dice added by a Charm.
Source: HLS

Wheel of Justice
Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, God Slayer 5; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: God Slayer Form
The martial artist whirls his weapons high overhead, gathering Essence, or
engages in a series of powerful overhand blows. His strikes are drawn toward and fueled

by the convictions of his foe the stronger his opponent, the more heavily Heaven’s
judgment shall fall upon him. This Charm causes the character to perform a flurry
of extra action attacks against a single target. The number of unarmed martial arts
attacks in the flurry is equal to the target’s highest Virtue at the time Wheel of Justice
is invoked. These attacks are made regardless of the weapon’s Rate, and with a DV
penalty equal to the highest penalty for any one attack.
Source: HLS

With the Strength of my Enemies Methodology

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 3, God Slayer 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping, Stackable
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Merciless Onslaught Approach, Inescapable Judgment Declara-
Often called upon to stand alone against mighty foes from the dawn of time,
the God Slayer must learn to make his opponents’ strength his own. This Charm is
invoked as the character makes an unarmed martial arts attack. If the attack strikes
its target (it needs not inflict damage), the character reduces one of the target’s
Virtues, of his choice, by 1 point, and adds that point to his own appropriate Virtue.
This Charm may not reduce a Virtue below the minimums required for the Great
Curse to operate, nor may it reduce a Virtue to 0. It may raise a character’s Virtues
temporarily above 5. The character may keep stolen Virtues as long as he is willing
to commit Essence to them. The character may ’store’ a number of dots of Virtues
in total equal to his Essence. Held Virtues automatically disappear if their original
’donor’ dies. At the moment the character strikes, an afterimage of himself and his
foe are printed upon the air, lingering for three heartbeats.
Source: HLS

Wrath of Heaven Mantle

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 4, God Slayer 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Valor-Wounding Mudra, Wheel of Justice, Unbowed Executioner
Technique, Sin-Finding Scrutiny, Essence Eruption Blow
The character reaches a plateau of enlightened revelation, folding together his
understanding of the myriad techniques of the God Slayer Style into a greater, syn-
thesized whole. Creation bows down before the martial artist, recognizing him as an
agent of divine retribution. This Charm permanently enhances the Charms of God
Slayer Style in the following ways:
*”’Merciless Onslaught Approach:”’ The character’s Strength is increased by one
during the flurry.
*”’Inescapable Judgment Declaration:”’ The character gains an instinctive knowl-
edge of which direction he must travel in to locate his target, unless the target uses
supernatural means to hide or confuse tracking efforts.
*”’With the Strength of my Enemies Methodology:”’ The character may pay 1
experience point to consume a held virtue, immediately regaining 10 motes of Essence
or 1 Willpower. The target does not immediately regain a Virtue so destroyed, but

must instead pay 1 experience point to restore it, or wait a year and a day for it to
restore itself from scraps and memories of Essence wafting through Creation.
*”’God Slayer Form:”’ All spirits revealed by the light of the character’s anima
may, for a reflexive cost of 1 mote, be made tangible only to the practitioner for one
*”’Valor-Wounding Mudra:”’ The character may draw the burning glyph over his
own caste mark, permitting the mark to move with him.
*”’Wheel of Justice:”’ The character may guide his blow against either a target’s
convictions or the might of its soul. He may make a number of attacks equal to the
target’s highest virtue or its Essence rating, whichever is higher.
*”’Unbowed Executioner Technique:”’ This Charm also adds natural aggravated
soak equal to the character’s Temperance.
*”’Sin-Finding Scrutiny:”’ The character may retain all artificial specialties for
the duration of the Charm, even if he has released or destroyed the Virtues those
specialties originated in.
*”’Essence Eruption Blow:”’ This Charm will now function even through hardness.
Source: HLS

Merciless Onslaught Approach

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, God Slayer 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Until next action
Essence surges from the martial artist toward his target, drawing his blows
onward with irresistable force. This Charm enhances a flurry. The onslaught penalty
inflicted by the character’s unarmed Martial Arts attacks is increased by one for the
duration of the flurry.
Source: HLS

Inescapable Judgment Declaration

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, God Slayer 3; Type: Simple (Speed 3)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Indefinite
Those marked for destruction by the martial artist may run from righteous
justice, but they may never hide, not even in the places beyond Creation. The
character names a target spirit, and the word rings in the still air. No matter how far
away the spirit is, it experiences a sudden, inexplicable chill. So long as the character
commits Essence to Inescapable Judgment Declaration, he may freely perceive and
make unarmed martial arts attacks against the spirit while it is dematerialized. In
addition, should the spirit flee into a Sanctum, the character will be able to see and
enter the sanctum. This Charm is not mighty enough to force the gates of Yu-Shan
or Malfeas, but any lesser spirit’s Sanctum is fair game. The character must know at
least one name by which, if spoken, the spirit would know it was being addressed to
enact the Charm.
Source: HLS

Baker Chops the Onions Approach
Cost: 2 motes per extra attack; Mins: Essence 1, God of Cookery 2; Type:
Extra Action
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , None
A skilled chef knows how to make many rapid cuts with a flurry of short, sharp
twists of his wrist. For every two motes spent on this Charm, the Exalted gains
an additional attack, up to the limit of his permanent Essence rating. Each attack
receives bonus dice equal to the permanent Essence rating of the Exalted. However,
each attack does a maximum of one health level of damage. Damage dice are counted
and rolled as normal, but only one success counts. Apply this after the effects of any
other Charm used on the same attack (as in a Combo).
Source: RedFox

Blazing Fire Chilies Prana

Cost: 1 mote; Mins: Essence 1, God of Cookery 2; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , None
In certain stretches of arid land near the deserts of the south, natives cultivate
a strange sort of chili. This chili makes an excellent spice for any of the delicious
native dishes, however few can digest it properly. Many find themselves revisiting the
chili hours later as their stomach disgorges the undigested, acidic juices right back
out again. For this reason, only the bravest and foolhardy natives feast regularly on
these chilies. Often, they will make contests out of eating them, to see who is brave
enough to eat the most chilies. The natives often tempt foreigners into eating the
Blazing Fire Chili for their amusement, claiming it to be a rare delicacy. Striking at
the gastronomical essence centers of a target, the Exalted lets out an essence-charged
belch. Simultaneously, the target belches as well, bringing up a well of searing hot bile
into their throat and mouth. The target must make a reflexive Stamina + Resistance
roll at a difficulty equal to the Exalts permanent Essence or lose their next action
retching, coughing, and sputtering.
Source: RedFox

Cloud of Delicious Vapors

Cost: 3 motes; Mins: Essence 1, God of Cookery 2; Type: Simple
Duration: 1 Scene
Prerequisites: , None
Stirring the essence eddies and whirls of the air, the Exalted brings forth the
very essence of delicious aromas. Filling the air in an area equal to 10 x the Exalts
permanent Essence rating in yards around herself with the irresistible smell, anyone
able to smell the fragrance who fails a normal difficulty Temperance check finds himself
drawn to the Exalt. They will quickly excuse themselves and wander toward the
source of the smell, though they will not put themselves in direct danger or otherwise
do anything hazardous to do so. Also, anyone smelling this fragrance will be hungry,
suffering a +2 difficulty to any rolls to resist devouring offered or discovered food.

Source: RedFox

God of Cookery Form

Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 2, God of Cookery 4; Type: Simple
Duration: 1 Scene
Prerequisites: , Baker Chops the Onions Approach, Blazing Fire Chilies Prana,
Cloud of Delicious Vapors
Weaving his hands in the manner of one ready to mix and prepare the finest
cuisine, the Exalted adopts the stance of the supreme chef; confident, serenely aware,
and intent on his craft. Martial art and cooking become one. For the rest of the
scene, the Exalt may add his Craft (Cooking) rating to any Martial Arts roll or
Dodge attempt. Additionally, he can immediately discern the ingredients and process
necessary to create any non-magical food item that he can sense and may add his
Martial Arts rating to any Craft (Cooking) rolls. Characters cannot use more than
one Martial Arts Form-type Charm at a time.
Source: RedFox

Durable Carving Board Deflection

Cost: 3 motes; Mins: Essence 1, God of Cookery 3; Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Baker Chops the Onions Approach
An expert chef soon realizes that a good cutting board is essential to her craft.
Ones that can withstand the supernatural chopping techniques of an Exalted chef
are rare indeed. Soon, the martial artist learns to harness the durability of such
a carving board for her own defense. So long as the Exalt has a common kitchen
implement or flat piece of wood at hand, she may reflexively toss it in front of an
incoming blow, adding her Martial Arts rating to her Lethal soak against that at-
tack only. This Charm must be declared before damage is rolled. Common kitchen
implements or wood used to deflect damage with Durable Cutting Board Deflection
are not destroyed, merely knocked aside if the attack still manages to do harm to the
Source: RedFox

Chef Needs No Cleavers

Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 1, God of Cookery 3; Type: Simple
Duration: 1 Scene
Prerequisites: , Baker Chops the Onions Approach
A superlative chef who combines martial arts techniques and essence channeling
into his craft soon learns to transcend the need for tools. His very hands become capa-
ble of shaping, chopping, and stirring and creating sumptuous repasts. The Exalted
may treat his hands as cooking implements exactly like the Dragon-Blooded Craft
Charm Shaping-Hand Style, except that his hands may only become cooking imple-
ments and he may switch between any cooking implements at will without the need
to re-activate the Charm. Cooking implements include pots, pans, knives, cleavers,

whisks, bowls, graters, and utensils of all sorts.
Source: RedFox

Spice-Flinging Palm
Cost: 1 mote per 2 dice; Mins: Essence 1, God of Cookery 3; Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Cloud of Delicious Vapors
So long as the Exalted chef has a supply of powdered spices, liquid, boiling stew,
or similar at hand, she may fling it into the face of her attacker. The spice or liquid
is specially charged with essence, causing it to burn and distract. The target loses a
number of dice on their attack pool equal to twice the motes spent on the Charm.
Exalted may not spend more motes on this Charm than their permanent Essence
rating. This Charm may reduce an attackers dice pool to zero. Additionally, the
target must roll Stamina + Resistance at standard difficulty or be at a +1 difficulty
to their next action, unless they spend an action cleaning the spice or liquid from
their face. Artifacts or Charms that cause a person to be instantly cleansed, such
as a Collar of Dawns Cleansing Light, negate this latter effect but the dice reducing
effect still works as normal. The activation of this Charm must be declared before
dice are rolled for the attack.
Source: RedFox

Supreme Style Chopping

Cost: 7 motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 2, God of Cookery 5; Type: Extra
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , God of Cookery Form
A great chef loves and cares for his tools. Those with great technique can
carve through clay pots without shattering them, wood blocks in one slice, and still
be able to cut vegetables cleanly and effortlessly, faster than the eye can follow.
The same techniques can be applied to Martial Arts, allowing the Exalt to whirl
about the kitchen or the battlefield with supernatural speed, carving neatly through
opponents and ham hocks alike. The Exalt gains a number of extra actions equal to
his permanent Essence rating. Additionally, if any of these actions should be used for
attacks, they completely ignore soak from armor. Targets may soak only with their
Stamina and / or natural armor soak.
Source: RedFox

Master Flamb Technique

Cost: 6 motes; Mins: Essence 2, God of Cookery 5; Type: Simple
Duration: 1 Scene
Prerequisites: , God of Cookery Form
Many a chef has dreamed of the ability to have his dishes cook instantly and
thoroughly. With the techniques of Celestial Martial Arts applied to internal essence
manipulation, this is possible. By channeling the essence through his body, he may

safely raise his temperature to inhuman levels and focus it only into those areas he
wants or needs the heat. For the duration of the Charm, the Exalted may instantly
cook any dish merely by touching it or its cooking container and concentrating for one
action. Additionally, every attack made by the Exalt sears with unleashed heat energy,
causing an additional amount of Lethal damage equal to his permanent Essence rating.
Opponents who make bare-handed attacks or otherwise come into unwanted skin-
to-skin contact with the Exalt take the Exalts permanent Essence rating in Lethal
Source: RedFox

Kitchen Follows The Cook

Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 3, God of Cookery 5; Type: Re-
Duration: Varies
Prerequisites: , Supreme Style Chopping, Master Flamb Technique
Slapping his hand down onto any available surface (including the ground), the
Exalt causes all loose articles to fly into the air as if in slow motion. All of these
objects will arc and twirl beautifully around the Exalt, following him in a spinning
corona for a number of rounds equal to twice the Exalts permanent Essence. While
they are in the air, the Exalt may use any of the items as if they were readied, in-
hand weapons, grasping them momentarily for attacks and then tossing them into
the spiraling display once more. Additionally, everyone able to witness this event is
stunned with awe at the spectacle. They must make a reflexive Willpower roll at a
difficulty equal to the Exalts Craft (Cooking) rating or be unable to do anything but
watch the display. If they succeed, they are still at a -2 dice penalty to all rolls that
would directly interfere with the Exalt. Witnesses with a permanent Essence rating
higher than the chef’s are immune to the dice penalty. Those incapable of seeing the
display are not affected.
Source: RedFox

Graceful Hummingbird Form

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Graceful Hummingbird 4; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Cloud-Chasing Advance
The swordsman goes en garde, legs tensed, blade up and ready for any attack.
His nimble footwork allows him to easily cross blades with his foes on any sort of
terrain; the swashbuckler suffers no situational penalties to his attacks or defenses
due to terrain (such as having or lacking high ground, fighting aboard the deck of a
pitching ship, or conducting a fight aboard a massive water-wheel that has broken
loose and is rolling downhill through the middle of Nexus). Note that this does not
assist in any actual rolls the fencer may need to make to keep his balance in the first
place, or any movement penalties for crossing harsh terrain. Additionally, the fencer’s
well-trained and nimble stance makes his guard nearly impervious, raising his Parry
DV by 3.
Source: HLS

Dipping Heron Riposte
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Graceful Hummingbird 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Adaptive, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Graceful Hummingbird Form
The wise swordsman lets his opponent’s haste undo him. Stepping back before
a thrust, the fencer uses the tip of his blade to guide his enemy’s weapon astray,
lodging it in a bit of nearby scenerya wooden beam, a gap between two cobblestones,
a nearby crate or windowsill, or whatever else presents itself. This Charm may be
invoked in response to an attack capable of inflicting lethal damage that the fencer
defends against with his Parry DV. If the swordsman successfully defends against the
attack, then the opponent’s weapon is trapped. The opponent cannot attack with the
weapon until he has freed it with a diceless miscellaneous action (Speed 4, DV -1), nor
can he move from that spot unless the weapon has been pulled free or he decides to
voluntarily abandon it. This Charm cannot be used in conjunction with any Charm
which provides an automatically successful parryonly an imperfect defense allows the
flexibility to deploy this technique. The Charm also may not be invoked on the odd
occasions when there is nothing nearby to bury the opponent’s weapon in, such as
when two flying characters are dueling in midair high above the ground.
*Characters who know Solar Counterattack (Exalted, pp.194) may pay 1 willpower
to ensure that their opponent’s weapon is successfully buried, even if their parry fails.
*Characters who know Portentous Comet Deflecting Mode (MoEP: Dragon-
Blooded, p.156) cause the miscellaneous retrieval action to become (Speed 4, DV
-2) if they bury the weapon in a surface resonant with their elemental aspect (a block
of ice for Air Aspects, any part of a ship at sea for Water aspects, etc).
*Characters who know Burrowing Devil Strike (MoEP: Lunars, p.145) drive an
opponent’s weapon especially deep into a nearby surface. The retrieval action becomes
Speed 6.
*A character who knows the Fateful Melee Excellency (MoEP: Sidereals, p.127)
may trap an opponent’s weapon between the strands of fate, allowing this Charm to
be used even if there is no appropriate surface nearby to permit it.
*Characters who know Vengeful Riposte (MoEP: Abyssals, p.130) knock aside
weapons with terrible force, setting up a wailing vibration in the trapped weapon
that bites at the nerves and quivers in the hand. Retrieval actions become (Speed 4,
DV -3).
Source: HLS

Rose Without Thorns

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 3, Graceful Hummingbird 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Adaptive, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Dipping Heron Riposte
The best fights are those remembered, embellished, told and re-told in taverns
across Creation. Having more than one surviving witness at the end of things facili-
tates this. For less philosophical souls, it suffices that disarmed opponents are easier
to defeat. This Charm enhances a disarming attempt (see Exalted, p. 158). The
character’s net attack successes are counted twice for the purpose of the opponent’s

(Wits + appropriate wielding Ability) resistance roll.
*If a character knows Hungry Tiger Technique (Exalted, p.190), he may ignore
the external penalty on the disarm attempt, and hurls the weapon away one yard for
each success by which the victim fails to meet his resistance difficulty, rather than
one foot.
*Characters who know Blinding Spark Distraction (MoEP: Dragon-Blooded,
p.155) generate a flash of heat within the target weapon when they strike, impos-
ing a -1 external penalty on the resistance roll.
*Characters who know Wasp Sting Blur (MoEP: Lunars, p.154) hurl targeted
weapons through the air with awesome force. Rather than traveling one foot for each
success by which the victim fails to meet his resistance difficulty, the weapon travels
two yards.
*A character who knows Serenity in Blood (MoEP: Sidereals, p.155) knocks the
offending weapon on a course that travels momentarily through Elsewhere. Without
appropriate Charms such as Summoning the Loyal Steel, it becomes impossible to
retrieve the weapon for 3 ticks.
*A swordsman who knows Savage Shade Style (MoEP: Abyssals, p.127) ignores the
external penalty on the disarm attempt, and may choose to let a weapon simply drop
at an opponent’s feet without traveling any distance away, converting the successes
that would have sent it flying into dice of piercing lethal damage instead, which are
subject to soak as normal.
Source: HLS

Thousand Angry Beaks

Cost: 1m + 1m per attack; Mins: Essence 3, Graceful Hummingbird 5; Type:
Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Adaptive
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisites: Haughty Gull Display
The fencer leaps to the attack, pressing his advantage with a relentless barrage
of cuts and thrusts. The swordsman makes a number of attacks at his full dice pool
against one opponent equal to the number of motes spent activating the Charm -1.
This magical flurry’s total number of attacks cannot exceed the weapon’s Rate, and
it suffers a DV penalty equal to the combined total of all DV penalties accumulated
within the flurry. However, all onslaught penalties leveled by this flurry are doubled
in severity (-1 becomes -2, -3 is -6, etc).
*Characters who know Fivefold Bulwark Stance (Exalted, p.194) enjoy one bonus
attack above and beyond what they paid for during activation, even if this would
exceed their weapon’s Rate.
*Characters who know Ghost-Fire Blade (MoEP: Dragon-Blooded, p.156) trail a
haze of smoke behind the tip of their blade as an Obvious effect. This obscuring
haze raises their DV by 1 after the total DV penalty of the flurry has otherwise been
*Characters who know Octopus and Spider Barrage (MoEP: Lunars, p.154) suffer
a DV penalty equal to the highest penalty of any attack in the flurry.
*Characters who know Harmony of Blows (MoEP: Sidereals, p.155) tangle fate

with the weaving path of their blade. If any attacks in the flurry land, then when the
target’s DV next refreshes, it refreshes to a value 1 less than its normal total.
*Characters who know Eye of the Tempest (MoEP: Abyssals, p.130) add one
automatic success all subsequent attacks in the flurry whenever one of its attacks
strikes the target.
Source: HLS

Woodpecker Striking Steel

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Graceful Hummingbird 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Adaptive, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Graceful Hummingbird Form
Stepping into an opponent’s attack, the fencer executes a perfect ”stop-cut” to
the middle of his foe’s weapon. While this does nothing to stop an attack already
underway, it sets blades vibrating or knocks blunt weapons off-course enough to foul
any subsequent blows. Unless the opponent dedicates an unrolled, miscellaneous
Speed 5, DV -1 action to bringing his weapon back under control first, its next attack
suffers a -3 internal penalty. This Charm’s application is unrolled, but takes place
in Step 9 as normal, and may be defended against by appropriate automatically
successful defenses. Woodpecker Striking Steel’s effects are even usable against bare-
handed targets, who must shake out the stinging in their striking limb before it will
answer their commands properly.
*Characters who know Fire and Stones Strike (Exalted, p.190) may pay an extra
3m to ’skip’ their weapon off of their opponent’s, generating a standard counterattack
at full dice pool in addition to the normal effects of this Charm.
*Characters who know Refining the Inner Blade (MoEP: Dragon-Blooded, p.156)
inflict a -4 internal penalty when they use this Charm against bare-handed opponents.
*Characters who know Ferocious Biting Tooth (MoEP: Lunars, p.142) strengthen
this Charm’s tremors so that they cannot be brought under control if applied during
an opponent’s flurry. Additionally, the Charm’s effects apply to all remaining attacks
in the flurry.
*Characters who know Impeding the Flow (MoEP: Sidereals, p.155) imbue their
stop cut with the force of inevitability. A weapon so struck cannot be brought under
control; whether swung again in a moment or a millennium, its next strike will bear
the Charm’s penalty.
*Characters who know Artful Maiming Onslaught (MoEP: Abyssals, p.127) cause
mundane weapons to shatter after being used to attack while imbued with this
Charm’s tremor. Only bringing the weapon under control first can save it.
Source: HLS

Jeweled Hummingbird Dance

Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Graceful Hummingbird 5; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Adaptive, Counterattack
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisites: Rose Without Thorns, Thousand Angry Beaks, Woodpecker
Striking Steel

In this, the final technique of the Graceful Hummingbird style, the swordsman
expresses his flamboyant soul in a storm of ringing steel and felled opponents. He
seems everywhere, rushing to and fro, the clash of his blade filling the air. The
swashbuckler makes five attacks at his full dice pool, distributed as he sees fit against
any opponents within Dashing range of his position when he invokes the Charm. This
magical flurry has a DV penalty equal to the highest penalty of any attack within it.
Additionally, if attacked during the invocation of the Jeweled Hummingbird Dance,
the fencer may pay 2m to launch a counterattack at his full dice pool against his
aggressor. This last benefit may be enjoyed only once during the course of the Charm,
*Characters who know Invincible Fury of the Dawn (Exalted, p.191) pay only 1m
per counterattack, and may make up to three.
*Characters who know Ringing Anvil Onslaught (MoEP: Dragon-Blooded, pp.156)
may invoke up to two counterattacks, if fighting in an environment resonant with their
elemental Aspect.
*Characters who know Spreading the Wyld Roots (MoEP: Lunars, p.154) double
the range at which they may engage targets with this Charm.
*Characters who knows Perfection of the Visionary Warrior (MoEP: Sidereals,
p.156) drive the Essence of the vanquished before them. Regardless of which opponent
they are attacking, they apply onslaught penalties as though they had been striking
that opponent with every previous attack in the flurry.
*Characters who know Thousand Wounds Feinting (MoEP: Abyssals, p.129) pay
only 1m for their counterattack, and make six attacks rather than five.
Source: HLS

Haughty Gull Display

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Graceful Hummingbird 5; Type: Simple
(Speed 5, DV -1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Adaptive, Emotion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Graceful Hummingbird Form
The fencer’s weapon dances in the air, flashing about the opponent in a bewil-
dering pattern, seeming not to actually touch him. A moment later his clothing or
perhaps bare skin reveals the true measure of the swordsman’s skill, revealing that
he has carved a message or perhaps personal insignia into his target. Shaken by the
realization of the fencer’s skill, most opponents have their nerves broken for the rest
of the fight. Many surrender on the spot.
The swordsman makes a standard attack roll, with his weapon’s Accuracy con-
verted into successes rather than rolled as dice. Should this attack strike, it inflicts
no damage, but does present the opportunity to carve some superficially light mes-
sage, symbol, or other such mark into the target. Opponents so marked suffer a -2
external penalty to all rolls to attack the swordsman for the rest of the scene as an
Emotion effect. This may be ignored for one action by spending 1 Willpower, and
once a character has spent 3 Willpower in this way he overcomes the effects of this
Charm for the rest of the scene.
*Characters who know Peony Blossom Attack (Exalted, p.191) add the Holy tag

to the attack. Creatures of darkness must spend an aggregate total of 5 Willpower
to ignore the effects of the Charm for the rest of the scene, rather than 3.
*Characters who know Threshing Floor Technique (MoEP: Dragon-Blooded,
p.156) carve in their mark as a searing brand, adding a -1 internal wound penalty to
the other effects of the attack until the target’s DV has refreshed three times.
*A character who knows Foe-Marking Style (MoEP: Lunars, p.142) sears the ex-
perience into his target’s mind. Henceforth, whenever the character can see the mark
the fencer placed upon him (on a wall, a playbill, marked into the chest of another op-
ponent, etc) he suffers a -1 internal penalty to all actions as an Emotion effect, which
can be resisted for a scene for 1 Willpower. These aftereffects end once the character
has spent 10 Willpower fighting off the effects and aftereffects of this Charm in total.
As an additional benefit, should Haughty Gull Display be placed in a Combo with
Foe-Marking Style, the swordsman’s mark is permanently branded into his target.
So long as the target wears the mark, he suffers the full effects of this Charm in any
scene where he attempts to oppose the swordsman, but this effect can be overcome
for the rest of the scene for only 1 Willpower.
*Characters who know Orchestration of Mirrored Fates (MoEP: Sidereals, p.155)
carve inauspicious symbols into the target’s chest, which guide their blades toward
the unfortunate so marked. All attacks made at such a target with a proper in-
style weapon until he shakes off the Emotion effect weapon have their target number
reduced by 1 (typically to 6).
*Characters who know Unfurling Iron Lotus (MoEP: Abyssals, p.128) deeply scar
their targets, body mind and soul. Mortals (including ghosts) and natural animals
struck by this Charm cannot spend Willpower to resist its effects.
Source: HLS

Cloud-Chasing Advance
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Graceful Hummingbird 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Adaptive
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Rooster Greets the Dawn
Fate favors the bold and abhors a coward. Making haste, the fighter advances
to close with a foe. He scrambles nimbly over any obstacles or barriers, leaping crates
and swinging across dangling rigging to close with an opponent in a heartbeat. This
Charm allows a character to move (Essence x 5) yards, if doing so would place him
within melee range of a selected opponent. Any ’leftover’ movement after reaching
this adversary is wasted. The character must actually be able to reach his target
through normal movement (he could not, for example, pass through the bars of a jail
cell to attack a jailor on the far side).
*Characters who know Iron Raptor Technique (Exalted, p.192) transfer all their
momentum into their first cut upon reaching an opponent. This first attack is un-
*Characters who know Dragon-Graced Weapon (MoEP: Dragon-Blooded, pp.155)
extend the range of their movement to (Essence x 8) yards if moving through an
environment resonant with their element (across the deck of a heaving ship for Water,
through a burning building for Fire, a forest for Wood, etc).
*Characters who know Furious Hound Pursuit (MoEP: Lunars, p.152) may con-

tinue moving past a target after attacking, using any ’leftover’ movement that would
have been otherwise wasted.
*Characters who have learned Smiling at the Damned (MoEP: Sidereals, p.156)
may pay an additional 2 motes to become dematerialized during their sprint at their
chosen target, allowing them to pass through any intervening obstacles. They must
still be able to actually perceive their target when they activate the Charm.
*Characters who know Ebon Lightning Prana (MoEP: Abyssals, p.130) rush at
their opponents like a black wind, unexpectedly landing inside their defenses. The
first attack the Abyssal launches ignores 2 points of the target’s DVs.
Source: HLS

Rooster Greets the Dawn

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Graceful Hummingbird 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Adaptive
Duration: Instant
Thousands fight and die every day, all across Creation. In victory or defeat, they
pass nameless and unremembered. To a Graceful Hummingbird, such anonymity is a
fate worse than death, and so he makes every fight memorable. The character begins
a match by drawing his weapon and tipping it in salute to astonished opponents,
before leaping to the attack. This Charm enhances a Join Battle roll, adding 3 dice
to the effort and allowing the character a free, reflexive Draw Weapon action.
*Characters who know Call the Blade (Exalted, p.191) dazzle opponents with their
unexpected chivalry. They enjoy a +2 bonus to their DV until their next action should
their Join Battle roll place them behind another character’s action, or +2 successes
on their first attack if they end up acting before any opponents.
*Characters who know Terrestrial Melee Reinforcement (MoEP: Dragon-Blooded,
pp.128-129) enjoy an additional +1 die bonus to their Join Battle roll for each addi-
tional character present who invokes Rooster Greets the Dawn at the same time they
*Characters who know Subduing the Honored Foe (MoEP: Lunars, p.147) project a
disconcerting, feral majesty with their salute, causing opponents to suffer a -2 internal
penalty to any simultaneous Join Battle rolls.
*A character who knows Meditation on War (MoEP: Sidereals, p.156) informs both
his opponents and destiny of his intention to triumph. His Join Battle roll’s target
number is lowered by 1, usually to 6.
*Characters who know Blade-Summoning Gesture (MoEP: Abyssals, p.129) terrify
opponents with the violence implicit in their mocking salutes. The Abyssal enjoys +3
successes on his next attack.
Source: HLS

Dragon’s Cold Kiss

Cost: 2 motes ; Mins: Essence 1, Heaven’s Exhalation 2; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , None

The martial artist strikes, and nothing is felt. The target thinks that they have
dodged or parried the attack without difficulty, and yet they have been marked. If the
martial artist is unarmed, their attack’s damage is not noticed without a difficulty 2
perception + awareness check, and the target will not take it into account as to how
hurt they are, although wound penalties can still clue them in to their injuries. If the
martial artist is using needles, they leave one in the target blood wells up behind it,
and it changes their flow of essence. The target will take one die of lethal damage
per turn until the needle is removed, which takes a single success on a dexterity
+ medicine check. However, the strike cleverly avoids nerves it is a difficulty 3
perception + awareness check to know that one has been struck, and the needle’s
damage is likewise not noticeable. The awareness check may be made when the
needle is inserted and every time it deals damage. If there is more than one stuck
in a target, noticing one is enough to clue you into the location of others, but each
requires an action to remove. The exalt can find their essence in suitable locations to
strike with this attack on a target.
Source: TheHoverpope

The Wind Blows Harsh

Cost: 2 motes ; Mins: Essence 1, Heaven’s Exhalation 2; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Dragon’s Cold Kiss
The martial artist moves like the wind, darting in and lashing out at the hands of
their enemies, striking the points that will cause their muscles to go limp and numb.
This charm supplements a disarm attempt; their disarm attempt has no difficulty
penalty, does damage as per a normal attack, and the defender is at an additional
difficulty penalty to keep hold of their weapon equal to the successes on the damage
Source: TheHoverpope

Unbalancing Gust Response

Cost: 2 motes ; Mins: Essence 1, Heaven’s Exhalation 2; Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , The Wind Blows Harsh
The martial artist knows where people expect him to be and how to use this
to his advantage. With confusing movements, trips and flittering dodges, the martial
artist throws their opponent off balance. This charm may be activated after a success-
ful dodge, and applies a die penalty of the martial artist’s essence to their opponents
next combat or athletics action this turn, including potential counterattacks that take
place after an attack.
Source: TheHoverpope

Understand the Flow

Cost: 3 motes ; Mins: Essence 2, Heaven’s Exhalation 3; Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant

Prerequisites: , Unbalancing Gust Response
The exalt is aware of how the flows of combat affect them, is conscious of the
world around them at all times. They may channel this into a moment of preternatural
movement, avoiding anything from contacting them and keeping themselves inviolate.
The exalt gains a dodge action, with their essence in dice. This is before the power
combat addition of essence in dice applies. This can grant them a pool out of nothing.
If they are attacked while unawares by a living thing, spirit, or demon, they may
make a wits roll at a difficulty of the attacker’s essence to activate this charm. If they
fail, they are still surprised and the charm does not activate.
Source: TheHoverpope

Exhalations of Heaven Form

Cost: 6 motes ; Mins: Essence 3, Heaven’s Exhalation 3; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Understand the Flow
The first principle of infection is the urge to survive. The exalt is aware of the
myriad flows of combat, of the ebb and flow of the air around them, and by sinking
into a martial arts pose allows this knowledge to reflexively affect their movements.
They attempt to remain inviolate, allowing only the air to touch them.
The exalt receives their martial arts in automatic successes to any dodge attempt.
This does not grant a dodge action if they do not have one accessible.
Source: TheHoverpope

Vengeful Thoughts Enacted

Cost: 6 motes ; Mins: Essence 3, Heaven’s Exhalation 4; Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , C Exhalations of Heaven Form
The second principle of infection is the twisted motive. The martial artist
dances about a battle like a the wind; and yet the wind can bite cruelly when it
needs. Usable only after a successful dodge, the martial artist makes a counterattack,
adding extra successes on the dodge as dice to their attack roll.
Source: TheHoverpope

The Inhibition of Life’s Burdens

Cost: 4 motes ; Mins: Essence 3, Heaven’s Exhalation 4; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Vengeful Thoughts Enacted
The third principle of infection is the bodily rumor. The martial artist knows
the extreme balance with which the body functions. And with this knowledge, they
are able to cripple those functions with well placed blows. This charm supplements
a martial arts attack. In the attack is truly unarmed, it adds essence in damage
dice to the roll. If, however, the martial artist is armed with needles, it’s potency is
revealed. The martial artist sinks needles into the vital pressure points of their target,

and needles of essence form as they are pulled free. The target’s body is weighted
by fatigue, every movement and thought more strenuous than the last. Every level
of damage inflicted is instead changed to a cumulative -1 penalty to all actions, to
a maximum penalty of the martial artist’s essence + medicine. These penalties are
treated as if caused by failed fatigue checks, as the precise strikes of the martial artist
cause energy to hemorrhage from the victim.
Source: TheHoverpope

Steel Realigns the Heaven’s Breath

Cost: None; Mins: Essence 3, Heaven’s Exhalation 4; Type: Special
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: , The Inhibition of Life’s Burdens
It is with the only with the most internalized and perfected knowledge of their
art that the martial artist may learn this charm, the pinnacle of martial perfection
in this style. Once the exalt has learned this, they have truly mastered the art of
fighting in the Heaven’s Breath style. They may make martial arts attacks using the
form weapon at range, with identical stats and a range increment of twenty yards. It
is now possible to channel medicine charms through this style’s martial arts attacks,
and to combo them with charms of this tree. Attacks made with needles become
piercing, although this is unlikely to have any effect against any but the most lightly
armoured foes.
Source: TheHoverpope

Steel Realigns the Self

Cost: 7 motes, 1 lethal health level ; Mins: Essence 3, Heaven’s Exhalation 5;
Type: Simple
Duration: One hour
Prerequisites: , Steel Realigns the Heaven’s Breath
By knowledge of essence flows and how they interact with the body, the exalt
may make their own essence flow yet more efficiently. The exalt places a needle in his
left shoulder, and this speeds the flow of essence to his heart. He places a needle in
his right shoulder, and this frees the flow of essence to his lungs. He places a needle
at the base of his neck, and this enlarges the flow of essence to his brain. He slides
a needle into the base of his spine, and this invigorates the essence flow to his legs.
The exalt reduces the cost of all charms in this martial arts tree with the exception
of this one as well as medicine charms by two motes and dodge charms by one mote,
to a minimum of 0. This requires an intimate knowledge of personal essence flows to
do properly, and cannot be performed on another person without access to perfect
essence sight. This procedure requires a minute of concentration and the damage
dealt cannot be healed until the charm is released. It requires acupuncture needles to
be performed; attempting to do so without will raise the damage dealt to two. This
charm will lower the cost of scenelength charms being activated, but will not lower
the committed essence of extant charms. This charm cannot be stacked with itself.
Source: TheHoverpope

Wit-Bending Strike
Cost: 2 motes +; Mins: Essence 3, Heaven’s Exhalation 5; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , The Inhibition of Life’s Burdens
The fourth principle of infection is the waking lie. The martial artist knows
that the flows of the body are intricately connected to the soul and the mind which
wield it. By altering the way that the essence of the body works, they may alter
the way that the soul functions. On a successful strike, the martial artist may raise
or lower one of their victim’s virtues of their choice by one dot up to their essence
in times, at a cost of two motes plus one mote per dot altered. This may be done
repeatedly, but cannot lower a virtue below 0 or raise it above 6. This lasts until the
end of the scene.
Source: TheHoverpope

The First Touch of Insidious Terrors

Cost: 7 motes ; Mins: Essence 3, Heaven’s Exhalation 5; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Wit-Bending Strike
The fifth principle of infection is the entrapment of the walking man. With this,
the martial artist understands the first five principles of infection, and with them is
able to inflict a disease that corrupts from within the soul of the infected being. This
is an infectious unarmed martial arts attack, inflicting the first circle disease, Flowing
Soul Syndrome, difficulty to treat 3, magical treatment difficulty 1. This disease can
rarely be found in nature, usually caused by staring at a thousand things of beauty
in quick succession. The disease has differing effects, depending on what the target’s
highest virtue is. If the target’s lowest virtue is compassion, raise their difficulty to
strike another by their compassion. Their upper chest will glow blue, with a radiant
corona.If the target’s lowest virtue is conviction, raise their difficulty to resist following
orders by their conviction. Their stomach will gain a purple corona. If the target’s
lowest virtue is temperance, they are at a die pool penalty equal to their temperance
to all actions other than meditation. Their head gains a white corona. If the target’s
lowest virtue is valour, raise the difficulty for them to take any non-combat action
including stopping fighting, a willpower roll - by their valour. Their groin gains a red
If multiple virtues are tied for lowest, they suffer all of those effects. If one of their
virtues is raised so it is no longer lowest, they still suffer from that virtue’s effects, as
well as the new lowest. In addition, any change in the virtue’s value is immediately
reflected in the penalty.
Source: TheHoverpope

Heaven’s Breath Tainted Cruelly

Cost: 12 motes, 1 willpower ; Mins: Essence 4 , Heaven’s Exhalation 5 ; Type:
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Steel Realigns the Self, The First Touch of Insidious Terrors

The practitioner of this form knows full well the power of the alteration of
essence flows, and is more than conscious of the delicate ways that they may be
changed to help or to hurt. Using this charm is a martial arts attack, unarmed and
using the standard pool; on success, it will inflict a first circle spiritual disease on a
target. This functions identically to Essence Disrupting Infectious Atemi, except that
the difficulty to devise a new disease is increased by 2, as well as the change in type.
The default disease carried by this charm, and the one learned with it automatically,
is the Illness of the Graceless Willow. This disease has a difficulty to treat of 6, and a
magical treatment difficulty of 3. The victim’s strength and appearance are reduced
by two, and their limbs grow incredibly thin and many times their usual length. If
this lowers their strength to 0 or lower, they are unable to move. Their long, bizarre
limbs allow them to move at one and a half times their usual rate, and make melee
range attacks at a ten yard distance. They will have immense difficulty entering any
confined space.
This disease rarely occurs naturally, and is caused by a habit of being a callous
Source: TheHoverpope

Zero-Range Defense Method

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 2, Heavenly Archer 4; Type: Permanent
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Arrow Finds Target
The Archer knows that he may not always count upon range in combat to keep
his foes at bay so he practices using his bow in melee.
After learning this charm the Archer may use his bow to defend and make melee at-
tacks with his primary weapon, treating a short bow as a Fighting Stick (a Ramstick)
and longbow as a Staff (a Wrackstaff).
Source: AjaxTorbin

Heavenly Archer Stance

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Heavenly Archer 4; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Form
Prerequisites: Arrow Finds Target
For the Archer nothing can distract form the next shot, his whole world is the
next shot as his very desire and state of awareness drives the arrow home.
While using Heavenly Archer Stance nothing can distract the archer from making
any ranged attack with form weapons; terrible hordes of shambling undead, the entire
might of Lookshy arrayed against him and even the movements of creation itself mean
For the duration the Archer takes no external penalties of any type to his unarmed
martial arts attacks with the exception of those imposed by charms or supernatural
In addition the archers shots burst with energy on impact adding 2L to the damage
of his ranged attacks.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Scything Wind
Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Heavenly Archer 5; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-basic
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Arrow Pierces Target,
There are situations in which the Archer cannot rely on accuracy but must fill
the air with a storm of death.
This charm allows the Archer to launch a single perfect attack against every hostile
target within Essence x5 Yards. Theses attacks may not be parried or dodged without
essence use. The Archer cannot attack more targets than he has ammunition for, or
must have some way of instantly producing said ammunition.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Arrow Pierces Target

Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Heavenly Archer 4; Type: Simple (speed 6
Keywords: Combo-basic
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Reflected Lightning Draw,
The Archer steadies himself; he sees the gap and threads the needle with one
precise attack.
This charm supplements a single attack. If it hits all non natural soak is ignored.
This charm as no effect on Warstriders and any ’perfect coverage’ armors like
essence shielding. Hardness still applies as normal.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Arrow Finds Target

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Heavenly Archer 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Flowing Quicksilver Draw
Accuracy and precession are the mark of the Celestial Archer. But this accuracy
and precession are not for gaining a speed advantage over their foes, speed for the
sake of such is not a basis for the Archer, placing ones shot accurately ”is”.
Use of this charm allows the Archer to add his Archery in addition to his Martial
Arts on a single ranged attack.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Reflected Lightning Draw

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Heavenly Archer 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-basic, Counterattack, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Heavenly Archer Stance, Zero-Range Defense Method
The Archer knows ranged combat. He knows the places to be, where to aim
and when to fire. He knows this better and more thoroughly than anyone else and
knowing this means he knows where his opponent fires from

The Archer does not have to have his weapon readied, only within arms length or
otherwise easily accessible. He makes a single ranged attack directed back along the
flight path of an opponents projectile intercepting it as he counterattacks.
This is a normal attack with a form weapon which adds three to the targets current
DV that, if successful, stops the opponents ranged attack and may deal damage to the
foe as normal, efficiently preempting the opponents attack with one of the Archers
This does not stop any flurry of attacks and explicitly cannot stop any ’perfect’
attack but still may do damage against the opponent.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Inevitable Volley
Cost: 6m (1wp); Mins: Essence 4, Heavenly Archer 5; Type: Simple (Speed 6
Keywords: Obvious, Combo-ok, War
Prerequisites: Arrow Pierces Target,
The Heavenly Archer is not a soldier, he does not fight with other archers to
shower his targets, he normally only needs one arrow. But the Heavenly Archer does
not only face normal foes so he learns to become his own phalanx of archers.
This allows the Archer to target an area with a massive essence reinforced volley
of projectiles that move absurdly slow for deadly missiles. Every arrow launched by
the Archer swarms and bubbles with essence until they reach their targets or target
area and explode.
To use this charm the Archer launches a full flurry of arrows toward his target, but
does ”’not”’ make an attack roll until they reach the target on the Archers ”next”
action. Any attack the archer makes this action and the attacks made with this charm
are counted as a single massive flurry for the purpose of the opponents Defense Values
but not for the Archers Furry penalty to accuracy.
If the Archer spends a point of temporary willpower in addition to the normal
cost, this charm allows the lone archer to make a single ranged attack against a unit;
the Archer essentially counts a unit of a magnitude equal to his War ability for the
purposes of a single attack which is handled as normally
Source: AjaxTorbin

Many-Arrow Draw
Cost: 2m ; Mins: Essence 4, Heavenly Archer 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Scything Wind, Inevitable Volley
Archers are not limited by what ’normally’ one can do with a bow, they do
what is needed to make the shot.
This charm increases the rate of the archer’s ranged attacks by his Essence. Am-
munition must still be provided as normal.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Flowing Quicksilver Draw
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Heavenly Archer 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: Instant
Pulling, nocking and drawing an arrow are more natural than breathing to the
This charm reduces the speed of a any single archery attack by one tick to a
minimum of 3.
If this charm is used at the beginning of combat is allows the the Archer to ready
his weapon and ammunition instantly so long as it was within arms reach.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Arrow Becomes Target

Cost: 15m, 3wp; Mins: Essence 5, Heavenly Archer 5; Type: Supplemental
Prerequisites: Many-Arrow Draw
The Heavenly Archer is not inhibited by such mundane considerations as dis-
tance, armor or obstacles.
Taking a deep breath the Archer clears his mind and envisions his target, he sees
his projectile and his target become one in his mind and the makes this a reality.
This supplements a single ranged attack made against any target the archer can
Source: AjaxTorbin

Violent Emerald Consumption

Cost: 4m or 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Hellfire Ballet 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Ravenous Fiend Preparedness
Barriers can slow vitriol, but never stop it. The element of the Demon City
seethes through the toughest armour and thickest rock, wounding all to feed its endless
hunger. The martial artist may use this Charm to supplement any unarmed attack
he makes, granting it the Piercing tag. If this attack is made with a close combat
weapon (such as a fist or the butt of a hellwand) then this Charm’s cost is reduced
to two motes.
If this attack is made with a ranged form weapon, and its target is the subject of
one of the martial artist’s negative intimacies, the damage type of the supplemented
attack is increased by one degree; from bashing to lethal, or lethal to aggravated. In
order to benefit from this bonus, the negative intimacy must have been in existence
for at least one full day prior to the activation of the Charm; hatred should simmer
like vitriol.
Source: JiveX

Gift of the Wrathful Deva

Cost: 2-4m; Mins: Essence 3, Hellfire Ballet 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)

Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Laughter and Torment Counter
The martial artists focuses his hatred into a single point of searing wrath,
channeling it into a blast from his weapon. The fire that emerges is not a gout of
noxious flame, but a shaft of brilliant green light that cuts through flesh and bone,
leaving only charred gristle in its wake. It is customary to complete the maneuver by
mockingly blowing away the smoke at the tip of the hellwand’s barrel.
The martial artist may pay two motes to use this Charm to enhance any ranged
unarmed attack, provided it targets a specific part of the target’s body (as a called
shot, this provokes an external penalty of -2 to the attack roll). If the attack hits
and inflicts at least two levels of lethal or aggravated damage, the martial artist may
spend a further two motes in Step 10 of the attack to focus the beam further, punching
through connective tissue. If he does so, the damage inflicted by the attack is altered
to a single level of aggravated damage. The victim also suffers a Crippling amputation
effect (see ”’Exalted”’ p. 152) on the targeted limb, as it is rendered useless by the
piercing lance of hellish fire. This amputation effect renders the limb useless, but
does not actually remove it unless the character in question is a mortal or an extra,
allowing those with the capability to naturally recover from Crippling effects to do so
once the inflicted aggravated damage level heals.
Source: JiveX

Laughter and Torment Counter

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Hellfire Ballet 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: One Tick
Prerequisites: Vengeful Titan’s Prowess
The virtuosos of the Hellfire Ballet are fearsome combatants indeed; just as
none can plunge their hands into vitriol or touch the green sun of Hell and retreat
unscathed, so too do these martial artists punish those hubristic enough to provoke
their ire, letting out a satisfied chuckle or assured sneer as they do so.
This Charm may be activated in response to any attack the martial artist is aware
of that was made by an opponent within his engagement range. Once activated,
it allows him to respond to any attack that opponent makes against him with an
unarmed counterattack against them, resolved in Step 9 of the attack in question. This
includes the attack this Charm is first activated in response to. Only one opponent
may be the subject of this Charm at a time.
If the martial artist’s counterattack is made at close combat range with a form
weapon (of any type) it gains a knockback effect if it hits, violently shoving its target
a number of yards away from the martial artist equal to twice his Strength rating.
The free reflexive attack provided by Champion of the Baleful Sun cannot be used
to target an opponent who is currently the subject of this Charm. However, the
counterattacks provided by this Charm do not interfere with the operation of that
Charm, allowing the martial artist to make the reflexive attack it grants while also
Source: JiveX

Blazing Green Scourge
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Hellfire Ballet 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Ravenous Fiend Preparedness
The martial artist squeezes the trigger of his weapon and lets fly with a deluge
of baleful green flame. As the algarel ammunition detonates, the resultant gouts of
blasphemous fire are augmented by reservoirs of hatred and wrath, stoked into verdant
bonfires. This Charm may be used to supplement an unarmed attack, allowing the
martial artists player to count extra successes on the attack roll twice for the purposes
of determining raw damage.
If this attack is made with a ranged form weapon, and its target has attacked the
martial artist previously in the scene or is the subject of one of his negative intimacies,
then he also counts 10s twice when rolling damage against them.
Source: JiveX

Vengeful Titan’s Prowess

Cost: (+1m, 1m per reflexive ready weapon action); Mins: Essence 2, Hellfire
Ballet 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Form-enhancing
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Hellfire Ballet Form
The martial artist’s weapons snap into his hands, eager to be wielded, hungry
for smoke and fire and death. He may ready the form weapons of this Style reflexively,
rather than as a miscellaneous action, at a cost of one mote per reflexive ready weapon
action taken. His total rate is capped at five, through any combination of weapons
he may be using, provided he is swapping between weapons to flurry his attacks, and
the weapons used add up to a Rate equal to or greater than five. This is a permanent
benefit, not one relying on the Form of this Style.
While the martial artist is in Hellfire Ballet Form, he may ignore offhand penalties
for dual-wielding form weapons of the Style. In addition, he may reload such form
weapons reflexively, rather than as a miscellaneous action. This does not provide him
with additional ammunition for his weapons; he must still have a ready supply of
algarel pellets at hand.
Source: JiveX

Champion of the Baleful Sun

Cost: 5m, 2wp; Mins: Essence 3, Hellfire Ballet 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Vengeful Titan’s Prowess
The movements of the martial artist become unnaturally swift and precise,
trailing streamers of green Essence-smoke behind him as he moves. While this Charm
is active, the distance of the martial artist’s Move and Dash actions, as well as that
of his horizontal jumps, increases by (Essence) yards after all other modifiers.
More importantly, while this Charm is active the martial artist gains a single free
reflexive unarmed attack whenever he is attacked, or moves his maximum Dash or
horizontal jump distance in a straight line. He may not gain this attack more than

once per tick, and can have only one such attack stored at a time. In any case, such
a stored attack vanishes whenever his DV refreshes.
Source: JiveX

Hellfire Ballet Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Hellfire Ballet 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Blazing Green Scourge, Violent Emerald Consumption
The beauty of the Hellfire Ballet is marred only by the mortal peril it presents
to even distant spectators. Green, noxious fumes ooze from the barrel and cylinders
of the martial artist’s weapons while this Form is active, hanging heavy in the air
around him. His movements are jerky, abrupt, and angular, including sharp pivots,
odd angles of attack and a seemingly thoughtless attitude toward aiming. Despite this
strange stance, the martial artist’s accuracy does not suffer; he is a terrible burning
whirlwind, the fury of a titan made manifest. Once a martial artist masters this
Style, this Charm explicitly does not count as a Form-type Charm for the purposes
of interfering with the martial artist’s use of Shintai Charms belonging to Malfeas.
While in Hellfire Ballet Form, the martial artist may use his form weapons to
make hand-to-hand attacks, wielding the butt as a cudgel (these are still explicitly
form weapons). The martial artist defines the traits of these close-combat weapons
upon first learning this Charm. They use the same base traits as tonfas (”’Scroll
of the Monk”’, p. 156), but benefit from a number of bonus trait dots equal to the
martial artist’s Martial Arts rating. He may divide these bonus dots in any way
he desires amongst Rate, Accuracy, Damage or Defense. He may also decrease the
weapon’s Speed by one, although this costs two bonus dots per reduction. The only
restriction on this customisation is that no trait can be raised (or lowered) by more
than two points. The martial artist may reassign these dots only upon increasing his
Martial Arts rating. It should be noted that these increased traits apply solely to
close-combat applications of form weapons; they do not benefit the ranged attacks of
those weapons at all.
As a final benefit of this Form, the martial artist increases his Dodge and Parry
DVs by (Martial Arts/2), rounded up, against ranged attacks.
As a Form-type Charm, the first time the martial artist uses a Charm with a Flaw
of Invulnerability during the same action Hellfire Ballet Form is activated, the cost
of that Charm increases by two points of Willpower.
”Dynamic Form Transition”:
Hellfire Ballet Form may be reflexively assumed without a Charm activation in the
following ways:
If the practicioner makes a flurry of at least (Martial Arts) unarmed attacks, each
with a different target. It does not matter if any of these attacks miss, only that they
were made.
If the practicioner uses an unarmed attack to successfully strike a character he
has a negative intimacy toward.
Source: JiveX

In Damnation’s Clutches
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Hellfire Ballet 5; Type: Supplemental

Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Until released
Prerequisites: Gift of the Wrathful Deva, Champion of the Baleful Sun
It is the same for all those who find themselves stranded in Hell, bereft of
their friends, their safety, and soon their lives. It is the same crushing terror, the
same helpless knowledge that your life is in the hands of the beings who forged the
world, and they are not best pleased with you at all. Some escape, but none ever
forget the dreadful sensation of being in the clutches of damnation. This Charm may
be used to supplement any unarmed clinch attack. For the purposes of making the
supplemented clinch, the martial artist treats the hand-to-hand versions of her form
weapons as having the Clinch Enhancer tag, with the exact same traits as her natural
clinch; this allows her to make a clinch even if she has a form weapon in each hand,
using one to make and hold the clinch, and the other to make shots as normal.
In any case, until he releases his opponent this clinch allows the martial artist to use
his victim as a human shield. Any attacks directed at the martial artist that roll even
one success instead automatically hit his clinched hostage, who cannot defend himself
(being inactive). The only way an attacker can circumvent this redirection is to make
a called shot against the exposed portion of the martial artist’s body, provoking an
external penalty of -4 to their attack roll. The martial artist may defend himself
normally against such attacks, though he may only use his Parry DV to do so unless
he reflexively breaks the clinch to dive clear of an attack. If a parried attack would
have failed against the martial artist’s DV regardless of the external penalty, it strikes
the hostage instead.
The martial artist can make rolls to maintain this clinch reflexively, with no need
to flurry. Indeed, he can move, jump and act as normal, dragging the hostage with
him, subject to only a few restrictions. While maintaining the clinch, he cannot take
Dash actions, nor can he make attacks that are not considered unarmed for this Style.
He cannot Crush the hostage, as he is using only one arm.
The martial artist can reflexively end this Charm whenever he likes, either by
switching to an ordinary clinch, or by releasing or throwing the hostage (Hellfire
Ballet Masters often hurl victims into the arms of their enemies, providing a few
moments of fatal distraction). This Charm automatically ends if the clinch ever does,
but does not automatically end if the victim takes control of it; the martial artist can
wrestle them back into submission with the next opposed control check.
Source: JiveX

Judgement of the Maimed King

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Hellfire Ballet 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Action-Only, Combo-Basic, Knockback, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: In Damnation’s Clutches
The Primordial King has been beaten, imprisoned, humiliated and maimed.
His is still the power. His is still the right. The Masters of the Hellfire Ballet go forth
into the world, judges, juries and executioners casting ultraviolent verdicts that mock
the stolen sanctity of the courts of Creation.
This Charm can only be activated when the martial artist wins the roll to maintain
(rather than regain) control of a clinch supplemented by In Damnation’s Clutches.
His lips curl back in malevolent glee as his monstrously hateful nature is revealed, eyes

flashing green as though reflecting the flames to come. Emerald flame erupts directly
above the martial artist and his hostage, a burning sign that spells out ”Judgement”
in Old Realm. This endorsement of his authority augments the martial artist’s brutal
sentencing, as he immediately makes an unarmed attack against the clinched victim.
The victim is obviously Inactive, but in case it matters this attack is considered
undodgeable and unblockable. The attack does aggravated damage and ignores all
soak and Hardness, turning mundane materials to slag and ash, and even temporarily
superheating the magical materials; armour offers no protection, and any mundane
equipment is considered to have been completely destroyed.
The attack is utterly cruel and equally just, causing gruesome and disturbing
deaths; bodies utterly dissolved into ash with only the screaming head left intact, or
a clean-cut hole the size of a melon bored directly through the chest, or demented
patterns of burns that spell out a litany of hatred against the unfortunate victim.
Should the target survive being hit by this attack, they suffer the ”disfigurement”
Crippling amputation injury, reducing them to a horrifically burned Appearance 0.
Any target who does survive this attack is immediately flung (Essencex4) yards from
the martial artist in a direction of his choosing, as though he cannot bear to touch
one who has defied the judgement of the mad. This throw automatically knocks them
Should the hostage be killed by this attack, as is overwhelmingly likely, the horrific
nature of their demise shocks or gratifies all who witness it. For some, it is not only
nauseatingly gory, but also a reminder of the legitimacy of Malfeas’ judgements. For
others, it is a just punishment for the petty sins committed against them. Any
character who witnesses a death caused by this Charm must roll (Stamina+Integrity)
at a difficulty of (Martial Artist’s Essence). If they fail, they must immediately roll
their Compassion, losing points of Willpower equal to their rolled successes (to a
minimum of one). If they bore a positive intimacy toward the victim, the difficulty
of the initial roll is doubled. By contrast, if the witness has a negative intimacy
toward the victim then they do not roll, instead immediately regaining a single point
of temporary Willpower as their grievances are upheld by the court of a mutilated
demon judge. The martial artist will never lose Willpower due to his own use of this
Charm, but can still regain it if he had a negative intimacy toward the victim.
Source: JiveX

Ravenous Fiend Preparedness

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Hellfire Ballet 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Martial artists who learn Hellfire Ballet Style do not do so as part of a search
for enlightenment, or to benefit others, but are drawn to it out of sheer hatred. They
do not seek wisdom, they seek power, with which to wreak bloody revenge. They are
as Malfeas, who cries out against his own imprisonment with boundless fury, always
seeking conflict and with it, resolution. For these fighters, violence is not a tool, but
an end unto itself. This Charm may be used to supplement a Join Battle action,
adding (Martial Arts) additional successes to the roll so long as the martial artist is
the one initiating the conflict.
This Style was developed by two martial artists familiar with Malfeas Charms,

and it shows. If the Join Battle action is also augmented with the First (or Second)
Malfeas Excellency, the cost of this Charm is applied as a discount, reducing the cost
of adding further dice or successes to the roll by two motes.
Source: JiveX

Serenity in Savagery Technique

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 1, House of the Cerulean Lute of Harmony 1; Type:
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
The character knows the calm of combat and the struggle of everyday living.
The character has wrapped the threads of his fate in the strength of these opposing
situations and is ready for any variation of them. He always pulls just away from
the most savage of blows and happens to be hit by the cleanest portions of enemy
weapons. This Charm doubles the character’s unmodified dice pools to resist bleeding
or infections caused by wounds and effects that would otherwise disfigure the charac-
ter’s appearance. The character’s appearance automatically resists being disfigured
by even Aggravated damage, although they can still be maimed by amputation and
specific charms that cause disfigurement must be rolled against to resist.
Source: Upaatk

Verve of Venus
Cost: 1 mote per action; Mins: Essence 1, House of the Cerulean Lute of Har-
mony 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Up to (Martial Arts) actions
Prerequisites: Serenity in Savagery Technique
The Maiden of Serenity recognizes that conflict arrises in life, but chastens her
followers to respond as gently as possible. While this Charm is active attacks by the
character are made to look as peaceable as possible, not appearing as attacks at all but
rather as gentle brushings or light touching of the victim, and the character can choose
to inflict no actual health levels of damage on any attacks while still allowing other
adverse effects. The target can suffer wound penalties, poisoning, contamination, and
the powers available through certain Charms. Some effects use the number of health
levels lost to determine their extent and, if the character using this charm chooses
to do no actual health levels of damage, then these effects are calculated as if the
damage done was zero. Each mote spent confers this benefit for one action, but the
character cannot spend more motes than her Martial Arts rating.
Source: Upaatk

Completion in Compassion Stance

Cost: 5+ motes; Mins: Essence 1, House of the Cerulean Lute of Harmony 2;
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Serenity in Savagery Technique

Those who emulate the Maiden of Serenity learn the benefit of using their Com-
passion as both a weapon and a shield throughout life. Whenever this Charm is active
and the character channels his Compassion, the character rolls his Essence against a
difficulty of that virtue and, if successful, does not use up a temporary willpower or
a use of that virtue while still gaining the appropriate number of bonus dice from the
channelling. If the character is in a Limit Break or Flawed Fate associated with this
virtue, then roll Essence+Willpower against a difficulty of the virtue. This Charm
costs 5 motes to activate for the scene, but when channeling his Compassion the char-
acter can reflexively (not counting as a Charm use for the action) gain bonus successes
up to his Essence score on the roll for this Charm at a cost of 2 motes per success.
The character must face true adversity in order to enjoy this Charm’s benefits. If the
character could easily succeed at his task without channelling his Compassion then
this Charm does not affect the channelling.
Source: Upaatk

Sanctum of the Serene Maiden

Cost: 2+ motes, 1 willpower; Mins: Essence 2, House of the Cerulean Lute of
Harmony 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Serenity in Savagery Technique
Cerulean essence flares around the martial artist, giving him the fate of a wise
sage and a monk at peace with his place in Creation. For the rest of the scene,
the character can convert a number of dice into automatic successes as they serenely
find their proper place in combat. Every two motes spent activating this charm
converts one die of every Martial Arts roll into an automatic success, to a maximum
of Essence dice converted. Only natural dice may be converted, not dice added by
charms, hearthstones, artifacts, or other external devices. Additionally, the character
is so at peace with his environment that he gains soak and hardness that is only
effective against environmental effects in an amount of equal to motes spent on this
charm . These bonuses only apply if the character does not wear armor (even if the
character uses Charms that permits armor, such as from their Melee charm tree or
the Earth Dragon Style of Martial Art described in ”’The Manual of Exalted Power
- The Dragon-Blooded”’, though so long as the character is not in armor they would
receive these bonuses).
Source: Upaatk

House of the Cerulean Lute of Harmony Form

Cost: 6 motes; Mins: Essence 2, House of the Cerulean Lute of Harmony 4;
Type: Simple (Speed 6, DV -1)
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Verve of Venus, Completion in Compassion Stance, Sanctum of
the Serene Maiden
With serene contentment, the character takes a stance emulating that of Venus
herself when she makes her Sign over someone whose life is just reaching the equilib-
rium of peace. The character learns to make all facets of their expressiveness and their

stoicism a part of their martial arts and vice versa. While he uses this Charm, the
character adds his Performance score to his Martial Arts score for all purposes and
adds his Integrity score to his Bashing and Lethal Soaks. Additionally, the character
adds his Martial Arts score to his Performance and Integrity scores for all purposes,
including Social Combat and Charm usage, for the remainder of the scene.
Source: Upaatk

The Lovers Tangle and Part

Cost: 4 motes; Mins: Essence 2, House of the Cerulean Lute of Harmony 4;
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: House of the Cerulean Lute of Harmony Form
A talented lover knows all of their partners softest spots and how to press at
them for the greatest effect. Upon the successful roll of at least one die of damage,
the martial artist’s player may reroll any damage dice that did not show successes,
to a maximum of (Essence x 2) dice. Successes on that roll inflict damage as normal.
Source: Upaatk

The Pillar is a Pedestal

Cost: 4 motes, 1 willpower; Mins: Essence 3, House of the Cerulean Lute of
Harmony 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: House of the Cerulean Lute of Harmony Form
The martial artist at peace with himself, his surroundings, and his weapons can
readily accept changes in any of these things. Once a martial artist activates this
charm, he may use any weapon with his Martial Arts ability and his Martial Arts
Charms, excluding any Charms with the Touch keyword. Additionally, the character
can wield even the heaviest weapon in one hand. The Accuracy and Defense bonuses
of the weapon are ignored - the weapon becomes too much an extension of the martial
artist to benefit in those ways.
Source: Upaatk

The Peacock Preens and Pecks

Cost: 4 motes; Mins: Essence 3, House of the Cerulean Lute of Harmony 5;
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: House of the Cerulean Lute of Harmony Form
The martial artist is too poised and too precise to allow an enemy within his
bounds without being prepared. Using this charm a character can take an enemy’s
weapon and return it to them forthwith to show them the results of their ill manners.
After an opponent attacks, with the perfect timing that only a Charm can provide,
the martial artist counterattacks twice. First he performs a disarm counterattack
on his attacker’s weapon. Unlike usual attempts to disarm, this suffers no external

penalty and adds two automatic successes to the attack roll. Second, if the disarming
counterattack succeeds, the Exalt automatically makes one attack with that weapon
against his attacker. If the weapon is one that the character cannot use with his
Martial Arts ability, then he uses the lower of his Martial Arts or the most appropriate
ability. After this attack the character can finish either holding the weapon, dropping
it, or throwing it (Strength + Athletics) yards in any direction. A character can use
this charm even if his hands are seemingly full, but if he wants to finish holding the
weapon then he either needs a hand free or to reflexively drop or sheath something
else he was holding. If this charm is used against a ranged attack then the disarm
roll is applied against half the number of successes from the attack and making the
counterattack requires that the character have an appropriate means of launching the
projectile (i.e., the character only needs to have a hand to return a thrown weapon
but to return an arrow launched at him requires having a bow on hand).
Source: Upaatk

Master of the Flowing Defense

Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower, 1 lethal health level ”’or”’ 1 aggravated health level;
Mins: Essence 4, House of the Cerulean Lute of Harmony 5; Type: Simple (Speed
6, DV -2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Fate, Obvious, Prayer Strip
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: The Lovers Tangle and Part, The Pillar is a Pedestal, The Peacock
Preens and Pecks
The Seer has learned that the destructiveness of enemies is often just their
misunderstood way of helping fate. With this Charm a character can redirect their
enemy to the helpfulness they were surely striving for. Against any attack for the
rest of the scene this charm can have one of two effects. A successful parry means
the martial artist deflects the attack toward someone in the direction from which
the attack came. Successfully dodging against an attack allows him to redirect the
assault toward someone in the direction the attack was going. The new target must
be within (Essence) yards.
Using a prayer strip is not necessary with this Charm, since it represents the
culmination of a Celestial martial art, but a Sidereal who knows this Charm can
”augment” it with a prayer strip (hence the use of the keyword). The character
uses a strip on which is written the Scripture of the Peacefully Strumming Maiden,
infusing the strip with Essence when he activates the Charm and affixes the prayer
strip to herself so that it lays vertically across his waistline. When the character does
this he exchanges the level of Lethal damage for a level of Aggravated damage while
activating Master of the Flowing Defense. This charm acts as an augmentation to
the Sidereal Dodge Charm ”Neighborhood Relocation Scheme”. While the Prayer
Strip for Master of the Flowing Defense is active the cost of Neighborhood Relocation
Scheme is reduced to 11 motes plus 1 temporary willpower for it to modify this charm
in several ways. The dodge charm allows the very landscape and destiny of location
to be rearranged by the Seer. This cuts the number of successes an attacker has in
half (round up) before being compared to this character’s DV, although should the
character’s defense fail, the attack hits him as if the successes had not been halved.
Additionally, parries and dodges that redirect attacks may do so in any direction
and after any successful defense the character can choose to swap positions with his

”’Note:”’ The prayer strip aspect of this Charm can only be used by Sidereals,
or by Eclipse or Moonshadow Castes who learn Master of the Flowing Defense as a
Sidereal Charm rather than as a supernatural martial arts Charm. This is part of
the Sidereal Exaltation, not the training in Martial Arts and Essence control that
underlies the other Charms of the style.
Source: Upaatk

Battle in Balance Methodology

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 1, House of the Crimson Panoply of Victory 1; Type:
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
A savant of the Maiden of Battles must be prepared to attack at any time
and from any direction with equal facility. Practictioners of this style have trained
themselves to have equal skill on both sides of their body. Learning this charm
removes the penalty to using a character’s off-hand for any purpose (if merits and
flaws are being used and a character with the Ambidexterity merit takes this charm,
then its effects increase to removing one point of penalty from the first attack made
with an offhand weapon in a flurry).
Source: Upaatk

Fixation of Mars
Cost: 1 mote per tick; Mins: Essence 1, House of the Crimson Panoply of Victory
2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Up to (Martial Arts) ticks
Prerequisites: Battle in Balance Methodology
The followers of Mars recognize every attack as a battle to win and learn to
internalize their focus on each one despite all distractions. While this Charm is active
an Aim action can be extended, with increasing bonus dice, for a number of ticks
equal to the character’s Martial Arts rating and aiming can be flurried with non-
attack actions. However, aborting to any action besides attacking her chosen foe
causes an internal penalty equal to half the bonus dice accumulated (rounded up).
Each mote spent confers this benefit for one tick, but the character cannot spend
more motes than her Martial Arts rating and this charm must be maintained at its
full costs until the character makes her attack on the chosen foe or the aiming pool
of bonus dice drops back to three.
Source: Upaatk

Fortification of the Final Maiden

Cost: 2+ motes, 1 willpower; Mins: Essence 2, House of the Crimson Panoply of
Victory 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One scene

Prerequisites: Battle in Balance Methodology
Violet essence flares around the martial artist, giving her a fate of certainty
and finality in combat that prevents her from being stopped before she has won her
battle. Every two motes spent activating this charm adds one bonus -4 heath level
to the character for the scene, to a maximum of the character’s Essence in added
health levels. Additionally, the character gains a number of bonus dice equal to
motes spent that add to resisting knockdown, stunning, and unstable footing, which
could otherwise slow the character from finishing her battle.
Source: Upaatk

House of the Crimson Panoply of Victory Form

Cost: 6 motes; Mins: Essence 2, House of the Crimson Panoply of Victory 4;
Type: Simple (Speed 6, DV -1)
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Fixation of Mars, Victory in Valor Stance, Fortification of the
Final Maiden
With vigorous intent, the character takes a stance emulating that of Mars herself
when she makes her Sign over someone about to enter the most brutal conflict of their
life. While she uses this Charm, the character counts rolls of 10 on damage dice as two
successes and can spend 1 mote reflexively in Step 7 to reduce the damage from any
incoming attack by the character’s Martial Arts score to a minimum of one (which
may be reduced further by starmetal armoring effects). Additionally, the character
can make lethal attacks and parry lethal attacks barehanded without a stunt.
Source: Upaatk

Victory in Valor Stance

Cost: 5+ motes; Mins: Essence 1, House of the Crimson Panoply of Victory 2;
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Battle in Balance Methodology
Those who emulate the Maiden of Battles learn the benefit of bravery used to
push past any obstacle. Whenever this Charm is active and the character channels her
Valor, the character rolls her Essence against a difficulty of that virtue and, if success-
ful, does not use up a temporary willpower or a use of that virtue while still gaining
the appropriate number of bonus dice from the channelling. If the character is in a
Limit Break or Flawed Fate associated with this virtue, then roll Essence+Willpower
against a difficulty of the virtue. This Charm costs 5 motes to activate for the scene,
but when channeling her Valor the character can reflexively (not counting as a Charm
use for the action) gain bonus successes up to her Essence score on the roll for this
Charm at a cost of 2 motes per success. The character must face true adversity in
order to enjoy this Charm’s benefits. If the character could easily succeed at her task
without channelling her Valor then this Charm does not affect the channelling.
Source: Upaatk

Horrific Wreath (Alternative)
Cost: 2 motes, 1 willpower; Mins: Essence 2, House of the Crimson Panoply of
Victory 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Holy, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: House of the Crimson Panoply of Victory Form
Crimson energy surrounds the character’s hands, feet or weapon for a moment.
Other than the above changes, this charm is as written in ”’The MoEP: Sidereals”’.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 182.
Source: Upaatk

Unobstructed Blow (Alternative)

Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 3, House of the Crimson Panoply of Victory 5;
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: House of the Crimson Panoply of Victory Form
The martial artist uses the fate of a strike unerring to attack his foe.
Other than the above changes, this charm is as written in ”’The MoEP: Sidereals”’.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 182.
Source: Upaatk

Crimson Palm Counterstrike (Alternative)

Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 3, House of the Crimson Panoply of Victory 5;
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: House of the Crimson Panoply of Victory Form
The fate of any attack is retaliation and this charm brings that fate to the fore.
Other than the above changes, this charm is as written in ”’The MoEP: Sidereals”’.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 183.
Source: Upaatk

Master of the Heraldric Array

Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower, 1 lethal health level ”’or”’ 1 aggravated health level;
Mins: Essence 4, House of the Crimson Panoply of Victory 5; Type: Simple (Speed
6, DV -2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Fate, Obvious, Prayer Strip
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Horrific Wreath, Unobstructed Blow, Crimson Palm Counterstrike
When a Seer uses this Charm, she gains a strength of unity so deeply with
her troops and throughout her very soul that every attack she makes coordinates the
attacks of those around her. With every attack the character makes she may make a
free roll to Coordinate the attacks of those also attacking that same target on that
tick. This roll replaces Charisma + War with Willpower and gains the character’s
Essence in automatic successes. So well unified is her soul that enemies always feel as
if a circle of spears surrounds them. Whenever a character using this Charm makes

an attack against an enemy then that foe is beset by up to the character’s Essence in
phantom attackers that Coordinate with the attack of the character. These phantom
attackers do no health level damage, but cause momentary pain with their touch to
push the enemy into a well coordinated position for the character to attack them. If
the character is in melee with an enemy then as many of them as possible will fill any
open spots around the target.
Using a prayer strip is not necessary with this Charm, since it represents the
culmination of a Celestial martial art, but a Sidereal who knows this Charm can
”augment” it with a prayer strip (hence the use of the keyword). The character uses
a strip on which is written the Scripture of the Practicing Maiden, infusing the strip
with Essence when she activates the Charm and letting the prayer strip hover beside
herself. When the character does this she exchanges the level of Lethal damage for
a level of Aggravated damage while activating Master of the Heraldric Array. This
charm acts as an augmentation to the Sidereal Archery Charm ”Many Missiles Bow
Technique”. While the Prayer Strip for Master of the Heraldric Array is active the cost
of Many Missiles Bow Technique is reduced to 8 motes plus 1 temporary willpower.
This augmentation has three effects. It allows the character to apply the effects of
Many Missiles Bow Technique to any sort of attack they make at the cost of 1 mote
per tick of attacks, with non-projectile attacks momentarily taking on the fate of
the phenomena before flickering back to usual at the end of the tick. It also allows
the character to use Generalized Ammunition Technique to make any sort of weapon
they can weild reflexively for 1 mote per tick they use that weapon. Lastly, it allows
ammunition and weapons made from Generalized Ammunition Technique to be used
with the transformations of Many Missiles Bow Technique.
”’Note:”’ The prayer strip aspect of this Charm can only be used by Sidereals,
or by Eclipse or Moonshadow Castes who learn Master of the Heraldric Array as a
Sidereal Charm rather than as a supernatural martial arts Charm. This is part of
the Sidereal Exaltation, not the training in Martial Arts and Essence control that
underlies the other Charms of the style.
Source: Upaatk

Ending of Precipitous Strife

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 1, House of the Forbidding Manse of Ivy 1; Type:
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
The character trains herself to sense the secret yearnings of combat. She reacts
twice as quickly to surprises as an opponent expects as if her destiny could not be
waylaid by such simple ruses. This Charm doubles the character’s unmodified dice
pool to recognize concealed attacks.
Source: Upaatk

Embrace of Jupiter
Cost: 1 mote per action; Mins: Essence 1, House of the Forbidding Manse of Ivy
2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK

Duration: Up to (Martial Arts) actions
Prerequisites: Ending of Precipitous Strife
Knowledge is at its most powerful when it is held tightly in secret, at least this is
the view of the Maiden of Secrets and is seen readily in the Martial Art that emulates
her understanding. While this Charm is active a character can maintain a previously
made clinch on an opponent even after letting go. Paying for this charm forces the
opponent to remain held and inactive for up to (Martial Arts) extra actions. The
attacker cannot crush or throw her victim using this Charm. The victim can attempt
to break free normally each action as if the attacker were maintaining a grapple with
the original number of successes. The character can only hold one opponent with this
charm at any one time. Each mote spent confers this benefit for one action, but the
character cannot spend more motes than her Martial Arts rating.
Source: Upaatk

Transcendence in Temperance Stance

Cost: 5+ motes; Mins: Essence 1, House of the Forbidding Manse of Ivy 2;
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Ending of Precipitous Strife
Those who emulate the Maiden of Secrets learn the benefit of tempering their
actions to become an unforseen complication to their enemies. Whenever this Charm
is active and the character channels her Temperance, the character rolls her Essence
against a difficulty of that virtue and, if successful, does not use up a temporary
willpower or a use of that virtue while still gaining the appropriate number of bonus
dice from the channelling. If the character is in a Limit Break or Flawed Fate associ-
ated with this virtue, then roll Essence+Willpower against a difficulty of the virtue.
This Charm costs 5 motes to activate for the scene, but when channeling her Temper-
ance the character can reflexively (not counting as a Charm use for the action) gain
bonus successes up to her Essence score on the roll for this Charm at a cost of 2 motes
per success. The character must face true adversity in order to enjoy this Charm’s
benefits. If the character could easily succeed at her task without channelling her
Temperance then this Charm does not affect the channelling.
Source: Upaatk

Shroud of the Secret Maiden

Cost: 2+ motes, 1 willpower; Mins: Essence 2, House of the Forbidding Manse
of Ivy 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: None
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Ending of Precipitous Strife
Emerald essence glimmers around the martial artist as she fades into obscurity,
giving her the fate of a secret to terrible to behold. For the rest of the scene, mis-
cellaneous actions to reestablish surprise lose their associated DV penalty and when
flurried with an attack the multiaction penalties are 1 less than usual. Additionally,
every two motes spent activating this charm adds one success to all attempts to use
Stealth and to detect the use of Stealth by others, to a maximum of Essence sucesses

added. These bonuses only apply if the character does not wear armor (even if the
character uses Charms that permits armor, such as from their Melee charm tree or
the Earth Dragon Style of Martial Art described in ”’The Manual of Exalted Power
- The Dragon-Blooded”’, though so long as the character is not in armor they would
receive these bonuses).
Source: Upaatk

House of the Forbidding Manse of Ivy Form

Cost: 6 motes; Mins: Essence 2, House of the Forbidding Manse of Ivy 4; Type:
Simple (Speed 6, DV -1)
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Embrace of Jupiter, Transcendence in Temperance Stance, Shroud
of the Secret Maiden
With contemplative grace, the character takes a stance emulating that of Jupiter
herself when she makes her Sign over a secret newly discovered and then hidden away.
The character learns to read the subtle nuances of every gesture a foe makes and to
make this understanding flow directly into instinctual actions in combat. While she
uses this Charm, the character can automatically make a clinch counterattack against
any foe she successfully defends herself against in hand-to-hand combat and all foes
that attempt to clinch her or take control of her grapple on them are forced to use the
”lower” of their Dexterity or Strength to make their grapple check. Additionally, the
character makes all grappling clinch attacks and inactive actions she is forced into by
foes’ successful clinches one tick faster than usual.
Source: Upaatk

The Shadow Behind the Mask

Cost: 1 or 2 motes per object; Mins: Essence 2, House of the Forbidding Manse
of Ivy 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: House of the Forbidding Manse of Ivy Form
A master of secrets must have a place that is wholly his own and hidden from
all others. The emulators of Jupiter must learn to carve a hiding space from a piece of
his own soul and thereby keep their most dangerous and powerful secrets in reserve.
This charm allows the martial artist to secretly hide up to their Martial Arts score
in objects in Elsewhere. It costs 2 motes to activate this charm and place an object
in Elsewhere, but only 1 mote and a reflexive action to bring them back into their
hand or on their person. Objects sent away return to exactly the position they were
in before leaving allowing for several useful ways of representing the secret that was
”(Examples: Yozi Crushing Yentu wants to slip through several identities in an
afternoon so he first puts on a monk’s robe before sending it to Elsewhere, then puts
on a guard’s lamellar armor before sending it away, and finally puts on the clothing of
a Dragon Blooded courtier before sending it away; now any of these can be recalled
and YCY will be wearing them just as before. YCY also wants to get into the good
graces of a certain king and he knows that assassins are going to shower the king’s

envoy with arrows later this week (YCY hired them), so he takes an arrow and shoves
it into a non-vital spot on his body before sending it Elsewhere; now as the arrow
storm starts and he leaps in front of the king he can recall the bloodied arrow to have
a realistic wound without worrying about it hitting something important!)”
Source: Upaatk

The Door Behind the Key

Cost: 4 motes; Mins: Essence 3, House of the Forbidding Manse of Ivy 5; Type:
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: House of the Forbidding Manse of Ivy Form
One cannot know secrets without knowing what is well known and a master
of secrets knows full well all that is occuring around them. When the character is
involved in a grapple, she can use this Charm to swing her partner around and into
the way of an incoming blow. The partner can use their full PDV against the attack,
but if the attack is successful then the raw damage is split evenly between the two
grappling characters in Step 7, before applying soak.
Source: Upaatk

The Fist Behind the Guardian

Cost: 4 motes; Mins: Essence 3, House of the Forbidding Manse of Ivy 5; Type:
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: House of the Forbidding Manse of Ivy Form
Thes essence of a secret is that it is something that has truly happened, but
that no one knows about. Masters of this style learn to make their attacks as secrets
from all. This charm allows the character to launch a single undetectable attack.
If the character uses a weapon they could unsheath, strike and then sheath again
without any noticing. Unless the target has a magical means of detecting unexpected
attacks, this attack automatically counts as unexpected. If the target does have such
means then a normal Dexterity + Stealth versus the target’s Wits + Awareness is
rolled with the user of this charm gaining their Essence in automatic successes and
the target gaining any appropriate bonuses from their attack detecting charm.
Source: Upaatk

Master of the Shining Darkness

Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower, 1 lethal health level ”’or”’ 1 agravated health level;
Mins: Essence 4, House of the Forbidding Manse of Ivy 5; Type: Simple (Speed 6,
DV -2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Fate, Obvious, Prayer Strip
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: The Shadow Behind the Mask, The Door Behind the Key, The
Fist Behind the Guardian
Masters of the Style of Secrets become a sort-of balance point to the universe;
for every action there is a reaction, for every point there is a counter-point, for every

known thing there is a secret. With this charm a martial artist has moved beyond
the grapple of bodies to grappling the very truth of their opponents existance. Every
successful clinch attack against a foe banishes that foe to Elsewhere. A foe grappled
into Elsewhere can be acted on with a Crush or a Hold as preferred by the martial
artist, but the enemy is gone from the battle field and the martial artist is not re-
stricted at all from defending herself from other attackers. The martial artist may
flurry her actions to make further grapple Crush attacks against Elsewhere held oppo-
nents (as well as act on other enemies), but otherwise they are kept in a Hold trying
to break the grapple against the number of successes that originally trapped them. If
the foe should surpass the martial artist’s number of successes on the grapple crush
attacks used against them or the original number of successes holding them, if they
are only being held, then they break free of Elsewhere to fall prone on the ground
next to the martial artist. Foes that do not break free can either be released at the
martial artist’s leisure (as crushed corpses or hopefully subdued foes) or when the
charm ends, whichever comes sooner. The character may hold up to (Essence) foes
trapped in Elsewhere with this charm. In addition, while this charm is active the
character automatically adds (Essence) successes to grapple checks and damage rolls
from grappling.
Using a prayer strip is not necessary with this Charm, since it represents the
culmination of a Celestial martial art, but a Sidereal who knows this Charm can
”augment” it with a prayer strip (hence the use of the keyword). The character uses
a strip on which is written the Scripture of the Observing Maiden, infusing the strip
with Essence when she activates the Charm and affixes the prayer strip to her own
hand. When the character does this she exchanges the level of Lethal damage for a
level of Aggravated damage while activating Master of the Shining Darkness. This
charm acts as an augmentation to the Sidereal Lore Charm ”Transcendent Hatchet
of Fate”. While the Prayer Strip for Master of the Shining Darkness is active the cost
of Trancendent Hatchet of Fate is reduced to 12 motes plus 1 temporary willpower
and changes its type to Reflexive when used against foes who has been grappled into
Elsewhere. This synergy also removes the limit on how many foes can be held in
”’Note:”’ The prayer strip aspect of this Charm can only be used by Sidereals,
or by Eclipse or Moonshadow Castes who learn Master of the Shining Darkness as
a Sidereal Charm rather than as a supernatural martial arts Charm. This is part
of the Sidereal Exaltation, not the training in Martial Arts and Essence control that
underlies the other Charms of the style.
Source: Upaatk

Journey of Forever in One Step

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 1, House of the Golden Barque of the Heavens 1; Type:
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
The fate threads of battle are tread upon lightly, but with assurity, by the
practitioner of the Golden Barque of the Heavens Style. Infact, any movement they
make is done so more swiftly then opponents can account for. The character adds
his Martial Arts score to any calculation of combat movement (ie. a standard Move

is Dexterity+Martial Arts in yards, a Dash is Dexterity+6+Martial Arts in yards).
This Charm also enhances movement by personal mounts and vehicles the character
directly controls.
Source: Upaatk

Lightning Crashes Againat the Mast

Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 3, House of the Golden Barque of the Heavens 5;
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: House of the Golden Barque of the Heavens Form
The martial artist has learned to bounce their footsteps through the fatestrings
of creation in such a way that each step launches them further along their path
than any mortal eye can keep up with. They use the mighty speed this produces to
devastating effect in battle. When this charm is used a character can enhance their
defenses and their offenses. When used against an incoming attack the character can
add his Martial Arts score to the DDV calculation because of his blinding speed and
at the end of the tick he can be standing anywhere within five times his normal move
distance away from his starting point. When used to enhance an attack the character
can move up to five times his normal move distance on the tick of the attack, adds
(Martial Arts + Essence) to the raw damage, and adds Essence to the minimum
damage of the attack because of the amazing momentum built up. The character
must move at least 5 yards to make use of this charm, if it is used in a flurry of
attacks then the character must move at least 5 yards before each attack he wishes to
apply it to. Movement can be to any end point they can see that is on a solid position
to stand and does not have an immobile barrier in the way (the character could jump
to the roof of a building, run across a river, or smash through a window into a house,
but couldn’t suddenly be in the hearthstone room of a manse unless they could see
an open doorway to it).
Source: Upaatk

Jaunt of the Journeying Maiden

Cost: 2+ motes, 1 willpower; Mins: Essence 2, House of the Golden Barque of
the Heavens 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Journey of Forever in One Step
Saffron essence flares around the martial artist, giving him the fate of a wanderer
with an unerring sense of direction through battle. For the rest of the scene, the
character can ignore a number of penalties. Every two motes spent activating this
charm removes one point of penalty from the character’s actions in a single tick, first
removing external penalties and then internal penalties with multiaction penalties
removed last. Multiaction penalties ignored are spread as evenly as possible across
the character’s actions (if a character with 8 motes invested in this charm had no
other penalties to account for flurried two attacks then both would lose 2 points of
multiaction penalty, if the character flurried three attacks then each would lose 1 point
of penalty except one attack that lost 2). The maximum number of penalty points

that can be ignored is equal to the character’s Essence. Additionally, the character
is never fatigued by battle or travel while this charm is active. These bonuses only
apply if the character does not wear armor (even if the character uses Charms that
permits armor, such as from their Melee charm tree or the Earth Dragon Style of
Martial Art described in ”’The Manual of Exalted Power - The Dragon-Blooded”’,
though so long as the character is not in armor they would receive these bonuses).
Source: Upaatk

Campaign in Conviction Stance

Cost: 5+ motes; Mins: Essence 1, House of the Golden Barque of the Heavens
2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Journey of Forever in One Step
Those who emulate the Maiden of Journeys learn the benefit of picking the path
of their actions and then travelling down them to their sure conclusion. Whenever
this Charm is active and the character channels his Conviction, the character rolls
his Essence against a difficulty of that virtue and, if successful, does not use up a
temporary willpower or a use of that virtue while still gaining the appropriate number
of bonus dice from the channelling. If the character is in a Limit Break or Flawed
Fate associated with this virtue, then roll Essence+Willpower against a difficulty of
the virtue. This Charm costs 5 motes to activate for the scene, but when channeling
his Conviction the character can reflexively (not counting as a Charm use for the
action) gain bonus successes up to her Essence score on the roll for this Charm at
a cost of 2 motes per success. The character must face true adversity in order to
enjoy this Charm’s benefits. If the character could easily succeed at his task without
channelling his Conviction then this Charm does not affect the channelling.
Source: Upaatk

Dash of Saturn
Cost: 1 mote per action; Mins: Essence 1, House of the Golden Barque of the
Heavens 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Up to (Martial Arts) actions
Prerequisites: Journey of Forever in One Step
The Seer has learned to blend continuous motion and his great speed with every
moment of combat. While this Charm is active a Dash is a (2/-1) action and any
flurry that includes Dashing has its multiaction penalties decreased by 1. Each mote
spent confers this benefit for one action, but the character cannot spend more motes
than her Martial Arts rating.
Source: Upaatk

House of the Golden Barque of the Heavens Form

Cost: 6 motes; Mins: Essence 2, House of the Golden Barque of the Heavens 4;
Type: Simple (Speed 6, DV -1)
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene

Prerequisites: Dash of Saturn, Campaign in Conviction Stance, Jaunt of the
Journeying Maiden
With gleeful anticipation, the character takes a stance emulating that of Mer-
cury herself when she makes her Sign over a long journey to be swiftly travelled.
While he uses this Charm, the character’s actions all have their speed decreased by 1
(to a minimum of Speed 2 on any action) and any Dash actions are increased by +4
yards per tick. Additionally, while this Charm is active, uses of Dash of Saturn are
enhanced to make Dashes (1/-1) actions.
Source: Upaatk

Spokes of the Ship’s Wheel

Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 2, House of the Golden Barque of the Heavens 4;
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: House of the Golden Barque of the Heavens Form
No fortress or armor is impenatrable and if one can take the time to study it
then its gaps seem as wide as the spokes on a ship’s wheel. Take the time or be fast
enough to attempt all possibilities at once. Master’s of this charm learn to attack in
such a blur that they touch every side of an opponent at once, but they only push
through with force when they feel empty defenses. By using this Charm, the martial
artist enables a single martial arts attack to slide right past an opponents defenses.
The attack is treated as piercing and if it would have been piercing from some other
source (such as another charm or using a piercing weapon) then the attack ignores
armor altogether.
Source: Upaatk

Weapons Obey the Captain

Cost: 7 motes, 1 willpower; Mins: Essence 3, House of the Golden Barque of the
Heavens 5; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: House of the Golden Barque of the Heavens Form
The masters of this style learn to command the essence of the journey in all of
their actions. They can command their weapons, be it fist or war boomerang or any
other at their disposal, to be at several points on the journey of an attack simulta-
neously. This charm allows the character to make a single attack roll that is applied
against up to Essence enemies within range of the attack, which is only immediate
foes for a fist but can be quite far with a Skycutter. Targets apply their DVs individ-
ually as normal. The martial artist counts the extra successes from his attack twice
when adding them to his raw damage total, and he rolls damage seperately against
each target (based on how well their DVs defended them).
Source: Upaatk

Master of the Serpentine Pathway

Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower, 1 lethal health level ”’or”’ 1 aggravated health level;
Mins: Essence 4, House of the Golden Barque of the Heavens 5; Type: Simple

(Speed 6, DV -2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Fate, Obvious, Prayer Strip
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Spokes of the Ship’s Wheel, Lightning Crashes Against the Mast,
Weapons Obey the Captain
Masters of this style achieve a perfect balance between the reality of the journey
they walk through life and the metaphor of the journey they walk as a martial artist.
With this charm the martial artist opens himself to the Blessing of the Maiden of
Journeys into a form fitting a master of movement and combat; the form of a dragon.
The form does not match that of any type of Elemental Dragon and gods that see
this form often avert their eyes only willing to call it a Lesser Celestial Dragon and
that with much pressure. The Dragon has glistening starlight like a moonless sky
across its form, with highlighting ripples of yellow essence (or for Sidereals the color
of their anima tinted with yellow if not Chosen of Journeys) trailing each star as
the Dragon moves. The martial artist’s Dragon form is typically not as large as
even the Lesser Elemental Dragons, but they are covered in thick scales, have a
jaw filled with rows of teeth, and have very developed prehensile hands - ready to
carry weapons built for humans and yet still ending in adamant-hard claws. The
character’s Physical Attributes become equal to (Essence+2), she develops armored
scaling equal to Soak +12B/+16L/+16A with Hardness 10, her bite is a weapon with
Speed 6, Acc+0, Dam+7L, Def -, Rate 1, each clawed hand becomes a weapon with
Speed 5, Acc+0, Dam+3L, Def+0, Rate 2, and she develops the Creation-Spanning
Flight ability allowing her to fly at 500 mph (combat Move of 240 yards per tick) and
swim at 200 mph (combat Move of 100 yards per tick).
Using a prayer strip is not necessary with this Charm, since it represents the
culmination of a Celestial martial art, but a Sidereal who knows this Charm can
”augment” it with a prayer strip (hence the use of the keyword). The character uses
a strip on which is written the Scripture of the Rambling Maiden, infusing the strip
with Essence when she activates the Charm and affixes the prayer strip to her own
hand. When the character does this she exchanges the level of Lethal damage for a
level of Aggravated damage while activating Master of the Serpentine Pathway. This
charm acts as an augmentation to the Sidereal Ride Charm ”Riding The Dragon”.
While the Prayer Strip for Master of the Serpentine Pathway is active the cost of
Riding The Dragon is reduced to 15 motes plus 1 temporary willpower and at the end
of that Charm’s duration the Lesser Elemental Dragon changes back into the person,
animal or minor god it once was without being burnt out by the charm’s use. The
character’s acquaintance or familiar maintains its intelligence, though also recalls the
torturous process of being forced into the form of a Lesser Elemental Dragon and an
equally painful reversal.
”’Note:”’ The prayer strip aspect of this Charm can only be used by Sidereals,
or by Eclipse or Moonshadow Castes who learn Master of the Serpentine Pathway
as a Sidereal Charm rather than as a supernatural martial arts Charm. This is part
of the Sidereal Exaltation, not the training in Martial Arts and Essence control that
underlies the other Charms of the style.
Source: Upaatk

Proposition of the Possible

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 1, House of the Titian Mobius of the Skies 1; Type:

Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
The character has learned to look for the unlikely chances and to bring them
around to fruitful success. The fates dancing on the Loom conspire to see their
unlikely plans come about. Whenever a practicioner of this style achieves a 3-die
stunt one of those dice is automatically a success while the remaining two are rolled
as normal.
Source: Upaatk

Echoes of Nox
Cost: 1 mote per action; Mins: Essence 1, House of the Titian Mobius of the
Skies 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Up to (Martial Arts) actions
Prerequisites: Proposition of the Possible
The philosophy of ”What can be is and what is can not-be,” is prevailant in this
style of martial art. The practitioners of this style learn to use the limitless potential
Nox sees in all to change penalties that hold others back into useful advantages. While
this charm is active suits of armor with no mobility penalty can be worn while still
using this style. Furthermore, suits of armor with mobility penalties can work around
them or even turn them to their weilder’s benefit. Up to two points of mobility penalty
can be used as a bonus in all the ways they are usually penalties except movement.
Each mote spent confers this benefit for one action, but the character cannot spend
more motes than her Martial Arts rating.
If a suit of armor has more than two points of mobility penalty, then the mobility
bonus points cancel out remaining penalties. ”(Examples; Improbable Bill decides to
have an armor fashion show as an improbable social attack on the Perfect of Paragon.
First he wears a heavy suit of swarthed chains with a Mobility Penalty of -6, but
thanks to this charm two of those points become bonuses that cancel out two others
leaving the Mobility Penalty at -2. Next he tries on a lighter suit of banded wood
riveted with steel with a Mobility Penalty of -3, but with two points becoming a bonus
and one going to cancel the remaining penalty point he now has a Mobility Bonus of
Source: Upaatk

Weaponization of Willpower Stance

Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 1, House of the Titian Mobius of the Skies 2;
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Proposition of the Possible
Not only does the Sidereal caper in glee while unleashing attacks upon her foe,
often the capering is a part of the attack and it succeeds anyways! The joy of Creation
falling into line with the Impossible’s ideas allows them a sustaining self-assurance
rarely seen outside of the Gods and the mad. While this Charm is active, whenever

the martial artist achieves a 2- or 3-die stunt they may either gain the full mote
amount listed or half of the usual motes plus one temporary willpower regained. The
character must truly need to accomplish the attempted stunt to enjoy this Charm’s
Source: Upaatk

Arm of the Aethereal Guardian

Cost: 2+ motes, 1 willpower; Mins: Essence 2, House of the Titian Mobius of
the Skies 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: None
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Proposition of the Possible
Bittersweet essence flares around the martial artist, giving her fate the definite
assurity of destiny pulled from nothingness to completion. This charm enhances the
martial arts attacks of the character by making their rates infinite and by increasing
the minimum damage of all attacks by one per two motes invested in this charm, to a
maxium investment equal to twice the character’s Essence in motes. This minimum
damage increase enhances either the minimum provided by the character’s Essence
or the Overwhelming tag of their weapon, which ever is most useful, but not both
simultaneously. Additionally, the character gains a bonus equal to motes spent that
removes cover and positional penalties from opponents defenses as her attack finds a
way to simply be in the right place at the right time.
Source: Upaatk

House of the Titian Mobius of the Skies Form

Cost: 6 motes; Mins: Essence 2, House of the Titian Mobius of the Skies 4;
Type: Simple (Speed 6, DV -1)
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Echoes of Nox, Weaponization of Willpower Stance, Arm of the
Aethereal Guardian
With dedicated perserverance, the character takes a stance not seen since the
dawning days of Creation emulating that of Aether-Nox himself when he made his
Sign over an uncertain possibility becoming a living truth. This charm allows the
character to once per action reflexively (not counting as a charm use) change her
position by (Martial Arts rating) yards. The character suddenly ceases to be in the
old position and suddenly always was in the new one, although no lingering effets from
having been at the old postion (such as damage taken) are removed. This change in
position can only be used on a tick the character is moving on or just before the
character takes a non-move action, but not on the tick of, or immediately after, a
non-move action.
Source: Upaatk

Vexated Voice of Venus

Cost: 5 motes, 1 willpower; Mins: Essence 2, House of the Titian Mobius of the
Skies 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion

Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: House of the Titian Mobius of the Skies Form
Martial artists that study the Arts of the Possible have been known to drive the
calmest of foes to screaming fits. This charm supplements a martial arts attack to
knock the very knowledge of how to use a specific type of weapon out of a foes mind
and compulse them not to try using it again until after the scene ends. This charm
creates an unnatural mental influence that takes one temporary willpower point to
overcome for a single attack, requiring one willpower per attack in a flurry, but will
stop affecting the target after he has spent four willpower points in total overcoming
this effect.
Source: Upaatk

Peaceful Mars Meditating

Cost: 5 motes, 1 willpower; Mins: Essence 3, House of the Titian Mobius of the
Skies 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: House of the Titian Mobius of the Skies Form
The martial artist is able to suddenly change the certainty of an opponent’s
attack back to the uncertain possibilities it formed from. This charm downgrades the
type of damage of an incoming attack by one step; aggravated becomes lethal, lethal
becomes bashing, and bashing attacks have their damage cut in half.
Source: Upaatk

Jupiter Reveals All

Cost: 5 motes, 1 willpower; Mins: Essence 3, House of the Titian Mobius of the
Skies 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: House of the Titian Mobius of the Skies Form
While the casual power of the Exalted’s Charms often leaves them assuming
that their secrets are safe from all others. The martial artist that knows this charm is
often the undueing of such arrogance. This charm allows the character to assess one
target for whether they store anything in Elsewhere. If the target does store anything
in Elsewhere then this charm also charges the martial artist’s attacks for the rest of
the scene such that each successful attack against that foe releases one Elsewhere
stored object in the order of most recently stored first.
Source: Upaatk

Commencement-Fleeing Ending
Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower, 1 lethal health level ”’or”’ 1 aggravated health level;
Mins: Essence 4, House of the Titian Mobius of the Skies 5; Type: Simple (Speed
6, DV -2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Fate, Obvious, Prayer Strip
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Vexated Voice of Venus, Peaceful Mars Meditating, Jupiter Re-
veals All

When one of the Chosen of Possibilities, or one or the rare other martial artists
that learn this style, masters this art to its culmination they learn not only to take
joy in the limitless potential actions of life coming to fruition, but they also learn
to impart despair in their foes whose actions fail to find completion. Whenever an
opponent attacks the martial artist but fails to damage her that opponent loses one
temporary willpower point. If the opponent is out of temporary willpower points
then they lose five motes per failed attack and if they do not have five motes to lose
then their attacks reflect back at themselves to defend against. Using this Charm also
makes the very accomplishment of their attacks by any means besides pure skill nearly
impossible. Opponents who have lost a temporary willpower point to this charm find
that the martial artist only suffers half the onslaught and coordination penalties they
should from actions of that foe.
Using a prayer strip is not necessary with this Charm, since it represents the
culmination of a Celestial martial art, but a Sidereal who knows this Charm can
”augment” it with a prayer strip (hence the use of the keyword). The character uses
a strip on which is written the Scripture of the Twinned Guardian, infusing the strip
with Essence when she activates the Charm and affixes the prayer strip to her own
forearm. When the character does this she exchanges the level of Lethal damage
for a level of Aggravated damage while activating Commencement-Fleeing Ending.
This charm acts as an augmentation to the House of the Violet Bier of Sorrows Style
Celestial Martial Art Charm ”Conclusion-Pursuing Approach”. While the Prayer
Strip for Commencement-Fleeing Ending is active the victims of the martial artist’s
attacks also have their mobility, cover and positional penalties tripled versus the
martial artist.
”’Note:”’ The prayer strip aspect of this Charm can only be used by Sidereals,
or by Eclipse or Moonshadow Castes who learn Commencement-Fleeing Ending as a
Sidereal Charm rather than as a supernatural martial arts Charm. This is part of
the Sidereal Exaltation, not the training in Martial Arts and Essence control that
underlies the other Charms of the style.
Source: Upaatk

Metal Storm (Alternative)

Cost: 3 motes per attack; Mins: Essence 3, House of the Violet Bier of Sorrows
5; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Violet Bier of Sorrows Form
The martial artist brings their foe to a fate of Ending in but a mere moment of
Other than the above changes, this charm is as written in ”’The MoEP: Sidereals”’.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 183.
Source: Upaatk

Life-Severing Blow (Alternative)

Cost: 2 motes per health level; Mins: Essence 3, House of the Violet Bier of
Sorrows 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK

Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Violet Bier of Sorrows Form
The martial artist can make a blow as deadly as her preference in bringing a
foe to a proper Ending.
Other than the above changes, this charm is as written in ”’The MoEP: Sidereals”’.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 183.
Source: Upaatk

Conclusion-Pursuing Approach (Alternative)

Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower, 1 lethal health level; Mins: Essence 4, House of the
Violet Bier of Sorrows 5; Type: Simple (Speed 6, DV -2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Fate, Obvious, Prayer Strip
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Death-Parrying Stroke, Metal Storm (Alternative), Life-Severing
Blow (Alternative)
The martial artist not only takes on an aspect of Endings but the entirety of
its inevitability.
Other than the above changes, this charm is as written in ”’The MoEP: Sidereals”’.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 184.
Source: Upaatk

Blade of the Battle Maiden (Alternative)

Cost: 2+ motes, 1 willpower; Mins: Essence 2, House of the Violet Bier of
Sorrows 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Secrets of Future Strife
Scarlet essence flares around the martial artist, giving her the fate of an armed
and armored warrior. For the rest of the scene, the character’s Martial Arts attacks
(including clinches) inflict lethal damage. The character can also parry lethal damage
from physical attacks (including ranged attacks) without using a weapon or stunt.
What’s more, every two motes spent on this charm adds one die to the damage roll
of every unarmed Martial Arts attack the character makes and adds one level to
the character’s soak (both lethal and bashing), adding a maximum of the character’s
Essence to both. This soak bonus acts like armor in all respects, except that it
does not interfere with the use of Martial Arts Charms. Attacks that ignore armor
ignore this soak, although aggravated damage does not. These bonuses only apply to
unarmed Martial Arts attacks and only if the character does not wear armor (even
if the character uses Martial Arts Charms from a style that permits armor, such as
the Earth Dragon Style described in ”’The Manual of Exalted Power - The Dragon-
Blooded”’, though so long as that character is not in armor they would receive both
the armor bonus and would receive the damage bonus with both fists and grand
goremauls as those both count as unarmed for Earth Dragon Style).
Source: Upaatk

Blood-Scenting Hunger

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Hungry Ghost 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Scene
This Charm enhances the character’s perceptions of essence-users around
her.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals, p. 186.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals

Leaping Horror Approach

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Hungry Ghost 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Blood-Scenting Hunger
This Charm allows the martial artist to make reflexive move actions to move
from one target to the next.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals, p. 187.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals

Power-Reaping Prana
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 3, Hungry Ghost 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 10)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
This Charm allows the Deathknight to syphon motes spent by others. See the
full text of the Charm for details.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals, p. 187.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals

Charm-Smothering Technique
Cost: 1+m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Hungry Ghost 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
This Charm is an attack that can prevent another from using a Charm them-
selves. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Manual of Exalted Power:
Abyssals, pp. 187-188.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals

Scuttling Apparition Defense

Cost: 4m or 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Hungry Ghost 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion, Obvious, Shaping
Duration: One Action
Prerequisites: Unnatural Shambling Deftness
This Charm allows the Deathknight to disappear out of the way of an attack
and gives them a chance to reestablish surprise. This also works against flurries. See
the full text of the Charm for details. Source Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals, p.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals

Blood-Freezing Technique
Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Hungry Ghost 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Obvious, Stackable
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Consuming Entropy Strike
An attack augmented with this Charm can delay an opponent’s attack and
cripple their Dexterity. This does not affect creatures immune to cold. See the full
text of the Charm for details.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals, p. 190.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals

Soul-Consuming Transcendence
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Hungry Ghost 5; Type: Simple (Dramatic
Keywords: Obvious, Training
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Soul-Flaying Strike
This pinnacle allows the practicioner to eat the corpse of an Essence-user, im-
bibing part of their power. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Manual
of Exalted Power: Abyssals, p. 190.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals

Labyrinth-Walking Prana
Cost: 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Hungry Ghost 5; Type: Simple (Speed 1, DV -1)
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Hungry Ghost Form
This Charm can only be activated directly after Hungry Ghost Form. This
improves both Leaping Horror Approach and Scuttling Apparition Defense. See the
full text of the Charm for details.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals, p. 190.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals

Shrouded Claw Attack

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Hungry Ghost 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Blood-Scenting Hunger
This Charm lowers the target’s DV against an attack. It can also make dema-
terialized beings materialize. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Manual
of Exalted Power: Abyssals, p. 187.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals

Hungry Ghost Form

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Hungry Ghost 4; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV-1)
Keywords: Form-Type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene

Prerequisites: Leaping Horror Approach, Lunging Phantom Method, Shrouded
Claw Attack
This form makes the practicioner a Creature of Darkness and drives them into
a berserk rage. When in this form, the Deathknight may deal lethal damage with
her unarmed attacks and parry lethal attacks barehanded. This also allows her to
activate some specific Charms that don’t count as Charm use, as well as attack and
harm immaterial beings. Finally, her innate soak increases. See the full text of the
Charm for details.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals, p. 187.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals

Consuming Entropy Strike

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 4, Hungry Ghost 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 10)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Shrouded Claw Attack, Hungry Ghost Form
This Charm can reduce a foe’s soak. This explicitly does not stack with itself.
See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals,
pp. 189-190.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals

Consuming Entropy Strike

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 4, Hungry Ghost 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 10)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Shrouded Claw Attack, Hungry Ghost Form
This Charm can reduce a foe’s soak. This explicitly does not stack with itself.
See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals,
pp. 189-190.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals

Unnatural Shambling Deftness

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Hungry Ghost 4; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Hungry Ghost Form, Hungry Ghost Form
This Charm is a supernatural flurry of attacks made efficiently. See the full
text of the Charm for details.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals, p. 189.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals

Unnatural Shambling Deftness

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Hungry Ghost 4; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Hungry Ghost Form, Hungry Ghost Form
This Charm is a supernatural flurry of attacks made efficiently. See the full
text of the Charm for details.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals, p. 189.

Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals

Lunging Phantom Method

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Hungry Ghost 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Hungry Ghost Form, Blood-Scenting Hunger
This Charm can potentially make an attack unexpected. See the full text of
the Charm for details.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals, p. 187.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals

Lunging Phantom Method

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Hungry Ghost 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Hungry Ghost Form, Blood-Scenting Hunger
This Charm can potentially make an attack unexpected. See the full text of
the Charm for details.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals, p. 187.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals

Soul-Flaying Strike
Cost: 10m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 5, Hungry Ghost 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious, Shaping
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Ghost-Grounding Blow, Blood-Freezing Technique, Charm-
Smothering Technique, Scuttling Apparition Defense
This Charm infuses an attack with the power of Oblivion. It could make the
attack unsokable and aggravated and guarentees anyone slain by it returns as a bound
hungry ghost. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Manual of Exalted
Power: Abyssals, p. 190.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals

Soul-Flaying Strike
Cost: 10m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 5, Hungry Ghost 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious, Shaping
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Ghost-Grounding Blow, Blood-Freezing Technique, Charm-
Smothering Technique, Scuttling Apparition Defense
This Charm infuses an attack with the power of Oblivion. It could make the
attack unsokable and aggravated and guarentees anyone slain by it returns as a bound
hungry ghost. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Manual of Exalted
Power: Abyssals, p. 190.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals

Gaze of the Hawk
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Hungry Raptor 1; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
For the Hungry Raptor to feed his belly, he must find prey. This charm allows
a devotee of the style to focus and sharpen their visual senses in order to seek out
opponents. By spending two motes, the Exalt sharpens his vision to reach double
normal range, and gains a number of extra dice to one vision roll equal to his martial
arts score.
Source: IsawaBrian

Gaze of the Hawk

Cost: 2 motes; Mins: Essence 1, Hungry Raptor 1; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
For the Hungry Raptor to feed his belly, he must find prey. This charm allows
a devotee of the style to focus and sharpen their visual senses in order to seek out
opponents. By spending two motes, the Exalt sharpens his vision to reach double
normal range, and gains a number of extra dice to one vision roll equal to his martial
arts score.
Source: IsawaBrian

Prey-Swooping Method
Cost: 2 motes; Mins: Essence 1, Hungry Raptor 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Gaze of the Hawk
Like a bird of prey on the wing, swooping effortlessly from prey to prey, the
Exalted does not need to stop moving to attack. When used, the character’s zero-tick
Move action may be either a full Dash or a double-distance Jump, neither of which
have a DV penalty. This has no effect on regular Dash or Jump action, though it is
unlikely that either will be used while this Charm is being invoked.
Source: IsawaBrian

Prey-Swooping Method
Cost: 2 motes; Mins: Essence 1, Hungry Raptor 2; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Gaze of the Hawk
Like a bird of prey on the wing, swooping effortlessly from prey to prey, the
Exalted does not need to stop moving to attack. She can move up to her full (Dexterity
x 3) + 20 yards while attacking and defending. Alternately, the Exalted may choose
to leap twice normal distance and still attack or defend. If she does so, it does not
affect her attack or defense in any way, nor does it ensure the success of the leap.
Source: IsawaBrian

Eagle Eye Strike
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Hungry Raptor 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Prey-Swooping Method
With a burst of speed and terrible purpose, the Exalt takes on the pinpoint
precision of a striking raptor. Effectively, this Charm allows the Solar to make an
’Aim’ Maneuver in the split second speed of a pseudo-Flurry. The character’s attack
or flurry action has an accuracy bonus of +3 to one attack but the Rate is reduced by
1. This Charm is not stackable but can be repeated in a Flurry, though each use will
continue to reduce Rate by 1; the character must have a rate of 4, for example, to get
2 Eagle Eye Strikes (the usual maximum). A character can mix Eagle Eye Strikes and
regular attacks. If used in magical flurry such as that produced by an Extra Action
Charm, increase the cost of the Extra Action charm by 2 motes; the Charm will then
be used as normal without reducing the number of attacks in the magical flurry.
Source: IsawaBrian

Eagle Eye Strike

Cost: 1 mote per die; Mins: Essence 2, Hungry Raptor 2; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Prey-Swooping Method
With a burst of speed and terrible purpose, the Exalt takes on the pinpoint
precision of a striking raptor. For each mote of Essence spent on this Charm, the
player may add one die to a single Martial Arts attack roll but can no more than
double his characters regular Dexterity + Martial Arts dice pool.
Source: IsawaBrian

Hungry Raptor Form

Cost: 6 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Hungry Raptor 4; Type: Simple (Speed 3, DV
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Eagle Eye Strike
The Exalted takes on the aspect of a bird of prey, ruthless, vicious, and above
all fast. While under the effects of this Form, the Exalt strikes like lightning across
the field of her opponents, tearing savagely into even the most heavily armored foes.
If attacked, her constant movement allows her to dart out of harms way. For the
rest of the scene all of her Martial Arts attacks are considered piercing. As well, any
dodges she makes are considered hopping defenses- she may move, leaping or running,
a number of yards equal to her ((Dexterity or Strength) + Martial Arts) times 2 yards
in a straight line and (Dexterity or Strength + Martial Arts) vertically. While this
includes jumping over her opponent to be behind them, there is considered to be
enough of a time gap for that opponent to turn and face her if necessary. Often, the
Exalt will be able to completely remove herself from range of follow-up attacks. This
charm is incompatible with any form of armor or other Martial Arts Form Charms.
Source: IsawaBrian

Hungry Raptor Form
Cost: 6 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Hungry Raptor 4; Type: Simple
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Eagle Eye Strike
The Exalted takes on the aspect of a bird of prey, ruthless, vicious, and above
all fast. While under the effects of this Form, the Exalt strikes like lightning across
the field of her opponents, tearing savagely into even the most heavily armored foes.
If attacked, her constant movement allows her to dart out of harms way. For the rest
of the scene, the Exalt gains a bonus equal to her Martial Arts score to initiative,
and all of her Martial Arts attacks are considered piercing. As well, any dodges
she makes are considered hopping defenses- she may move, leaping or running, a
number of yards equal to her ((Dexterity or Strength) + Athletics) times 3 yards in
a straight line. While this includes jumping over her opponent to be behind them,
there is considered to be enough of a time gap for that opponent to turn and face her
if necessary. Often, the Exalt will be able to completely remove herself from range
of follow-up attacks. This charm is incompatible with any form of armor or other
Martial Arts Form Charms.
Source: IsawaBrian

Beak Rends, Wings Fly

Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Hungry Raptor 4; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Hungry Raptor Form
Essence infuses the Exalt’s body, granting him the tearing power of an eagle’s
beak, able to rend and tear his opponents with his bare hands. He also gains a
corona of Essence-wings hovering about his body, lightening his step and increasing
his reflexes in emergency situations, allowing him to avoid attacks deftly. For the rest
of the Scene, the character may deal lethal damage with his unarmed attacks, and he
get a +2 bonus to his Dodge and Parry DVs. This Charm is incompatible with any
Source: IsawaBrian

Beak Rends, Wings Fly

Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Hungry Raptor 4; Type: Simple
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Hungry Raptor Form
Essence infuses the Exalt’s body, granting him the tearing power of an eagle’s
beak, able to rend and tear his opponents with his bare hands. He also gains a
corona of Essence-wings hovering about his body, lightening his step and increasing
his reflexes in emergency situations, allowing him to avoid attacks deftly. For the
rest of the Scene, the character may deal lethal damage with his unarmed attacks,
and he get a bonus to his Dodge dice pool equal to his Martial Arts. This Charm is
incompatible with any armor.
Source: IsawaBrian

Osprey Slaps the Water
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Hungry Raptor 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Beak Rends, Wings Fly
The Exalted strikes out in a powerful rush of speed, snatching for a object in
her opponent’s possession. Treat this as a standard hand-to-hand disarm attempt,
except that the standard external penalty is negated. If the character accepts a
new external penalty of -1, the character may attempt to ”disarm” a reasonably
sized object in the opponent’s possession, such as a belt pouch, sheathed weapon,
a necklace (if breakable), or even belt, but not armor/clothing, large or concealed
objects, or anything the character could not reasonably swiftly lift with one hand;
this object will end up in the character’s possession. If this -1 penalty is accepted on
an ordinary disarm attempt, the character may snatch the weapon from the target’s
hands rather than knocking it away from the target.
Source: IsawaBrian

Osprey Slaps the Water

Cost: 4 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Hungry Raptor 4; Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Beak Rends, Wings Fly
The Exalted strikes out in a powerful rush of speed, snatching for a object in her
opponent’s possession. Treat this as a standard hand-to-hand disarm attempt, except
that the character’s Martial Arts in dice is added to the roll. With a difficulty of 3,
the character may attempt to ”disarm” a reasonably sized object in the opponent’s
possession, such as a belt pouch, sheathed weapon, a necklace (if breakable), or even
belt, but not armor/clothing, large or concealed objects, or anything the character
could not reasonably swiftly lift with one hand. This may be defended against by
Brawling or Martial Arts only. If the character gets three bonus successes, she may
retain possession of the weapon or item; if not, it is knocked away as normal.
Source: IsawaBrian

Shell-Cracking Throw
Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Hungry Raptor 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Osprey Slaps the Water
Boosting himself off the ground in a surge of power, the Exalted seizes an
opponent, lifting her bodily into the air as they begin a leap. At the crest of the
leap, twice as high as normal, the opponent is hurled towards the ground. The initial
attack is a dexterity plus martial arts attack that cannot be blocked, only dodged;
alternatively, it can be used as a throw from a clinch. The opponent, once seized
and hurled, takes damage as a throw with a number of extra successes equal to those
remaining from the first attack, as well as falling damage from twice the character’s
maximum vertical leap. The falling damage may be avoided as usual but the throw
damage may only be soaked. Armor does not count for soak to either the throw or
the fall; in fact, add the bashing soak of any armor up to a number equal to the yards

leapt to the throw damage. Immediately after the throw, the character lands safely,
not on the target unless the character has another action (Normal rules prohibiting
splitting dice pool when activating a simple charm apply).
Source: IsawaBrian

Shell-Cracking Throw
Cost: 6 motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 3, Hungry Raptor 5; Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Osprey Slaps the Water
Boosting himself off the ground in a surge of power, the Exalted seizes an
opponent, lifting her bodily into the air as they begin a leap. At the crest of the
leap, twice as high as normal, the opponent is hurled towards the ground. The initial
attack is a dexterity plus martial arts attack that cannot be blocked, only dodged;
alternatively, it can be used as a throw from a clinch. The opponent, once seized
and hurled, takes damage as a throw with a number of extra successes equal to those
remaining from the first attack, as well as falling damage from twice the character’s
maximum vertical leap. The falling damage may be avoided as usual but the throw
damage may only be soaked. Armor does not count for soak to either the throw or
the fall; in fact, add the bashing soak of any armor up to a number equal to the yards
leapt to the throw damage. Immediately after the throw, the character lands safely,
not on the target unless the character has another action (Normal rules prohibiting
splitting dice pool when activating a simple charm apply).
Source: IsawaBrian

Twin Talon Strike

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Hungry Raptor 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Beak Rends, Wings Fly
Fueled by Essence, the Exalted gains swiftness and surety on the battlefield,
darting and striking his opponents so fast that his attacks seem doubled. Add one
to the rate and one to the accuracy of the character’s unarmed attacks and in-Style
weapons for one scene.
Source: IsawaBrian

Twin Talon Strike

Cost: 2 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Hungry Raptor 4; Type: Extra Action
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Hungry Raptor Form
Fueled by Essence, the Exalted makes a pair of swift strikes on an opponent, like
the twin talons of a raptor in dive. Both attacks happen on the character’s initiative,
but with separate rolls. If the defender attempts to dodge or parry, he makes one
defense roll and the results are applied to both attacks.
Source: IsawaBrian

Wingstorm Prana
Cost: 3m per extra action; Mins: Essence 3, Hungry Raptor 4; Type: Extra
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Twin Talon Strike
The Exalted becomes enveloped in a thousand beating golden Essence wings.
While they are not opaque enough to obscure the Exalted from attack, they do drive
her to rapid, deadly action. This Charm creates a magical flurry containing one attack
for every 3 motes spent, up to a maximum of the user’s (Essence +1), regardless of
weapon rate and without multiple action penalties. It has a DV penalty equal to only
the highest penalty for any one attack.
Source: IsawaBrian

Wingstorm Prana
Cost: 3 motes per extra action; Mins: Essence 3, Hungry Raptor 4; Type: Extra
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Twin Talon Strike
The Exalted becomes enveloped in a thousand beating golden Essence wings.
While they are not opaque enough to obscure the Exalted from attack, they do drive
her to rapid, deadly action. The Exalted may now make a series of martial arts
actions, whether against a single opponent or many, or in defense. Each action costs
three motes, to a maximum number of extra actions equal to the Exalts permanent
Essence. The number of actions to be used must be declared before the character
takes her first action, and the character’s dice pool cannot be further split. Defenses
against each attack are made separately no matter how many are on one target. All
actions must be made using the Martial Arts ability.
Source: IsawaBrian

Prey-Harvesting Stance
Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Hungry Raptor 5; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Wingstorm Prana
A brilliant aura of raw Essence surrounds and swirls about the Exalted using
this charm, leaving golden wing-patterns tracing his terribly swift attacks, with af-
terimages that last for several seconds. During the tick this Charm is activated, it
produces a magical flurry of attacks equal to the characters (Martial Arts + 1), all of
which have a bonus to damage equal to the character’s permanent Essence.
Source: IsawaBrian

Prey-Harvesting Stance
Cost: 7 motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 2, Hungry Raptor 5; Type: Extra

Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Wingstorm Prana
A brilliant aura of raw Essence surrounds and swirls about the Exalted using
this charm, leaving golden wing-patterns tracing his terribly swift attacks, with af-
terimages that last for several seconds. During the turn this Charm is activated, the
Exalted has a total number of attacks equal to their Martial Arts, all of which have
a bonus to damage equal to the character’s permanent Essence. They cannot, how-
ever, split their Martial Arts Dice Pool during this turn, so a combo with a Defensive
Charm is an important choice.
Source: IsawaBrian

Rage of the Thunderbird

Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Hungry Raptor 5; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Prey-Harvesting Stance, Shell-Cracking Throw
A burning, glowing shell of Essence surrounds the character using this charm.
It crackles up and down his limbs in lightning-like lines which also crisscross his torso.
He moves with incredible speed, every second a tornado of attacks, all of which carry
vicious, jagged-edge Essence with them. For the rest of the scene, the character’s
unarmed attacks do lethal damage. Every time the character has an action, he may
make a magical flurry containing up to his (Essence +1) in actions; any attacks must
be Martial Arts. This flurry has no multiple action penalty and a DV penalty only
equal to the greatest of the actions used. This Charm is incompatible with the use of
armor or any other Extra Action type Charms.
Source: IsawaBrian

Rage of the Thunderbird

Cost: 8 motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 4, Hungry Raptor 5; Type: Extra
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Prey-Harvesting Stance, Shell-Cracking Throw
A burning, glowing shell of Essence surrounds the character using this charm.
It crackles up and down his limbs in lightning-like lines which also crisscross his torso.
He moves with incredible speed, every second a tornado of attacks, all of which carry
vicious, jagged-edge Essence with them. For the rest of the scene, the character’s
unarmed attacks do lethal damage. The character may also make a number of attacks
per turn equal to their Essence, as long as those attacks are done with his Martial
Arts Ability. Any of these attacks can be instead used as a full parry or a full dodge,
but none may have their dice pool split and any full parry or dodge (as opposed to a
normal parry or dodge) starts at -1 from normal. They may also be used for regular
parries or dodges. This Charm is incompatible with the use of armor or any other
Extra Action type Charms.
Source: IsawaBrian

Scent of the Prey
Cost: 4m, 1w; Mins: Essence 2, Hunting Wolf 1; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Scene
The wolf is renowned for its keen sense of smell, and few can surprise or escape
it. This Charm allows the user to perceive the scent of his opponent’s Essence,
providing a number of automatic successes equal to the user’s Essence on Awareness
rolls to pierce enemy stealth or disguise, as well as Survival rolls made to track.
Source: Stratego

Shelter in the Pack

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Hunting Wolf 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Long Fang Understanding, Scent of the Prey
The prey strikes out at the wolf, and it darts back into the shadow of its
packmates. This Charm is invoked in response to an attack on the Martial Artist,
who must be within (Dexterity) yards of an ally. That attack faces an external penalty
of the ally’s parry DV.
Source: Stratego

Hunting Wolf Form

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Hunting Wolf 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-Type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Shelter in the Pack
The martial artist drops onto all fours, a position from which he can move and
strike with surprising speed. He bears sharp teeth, and essence strengthens them for
battle. While this charm is active, add the user’s Martial Arts score to his Dexterity
for the purpose of Move and Dash actions, and the same amount to his Strength for
the purpose of jumping. Additionally, add the user’s Essence score to the Accuracy,
Defense, and Rate of his bite weapon, whether natural or artificial.
Source: Stratego

Pack Strikes as One

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Hunting Wolf 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Tick
Prerequisites: Hunting Wolf Form
The wolf draws strength from its pack, pulling down even prey stronger than
itself. This Charm supplements a Martial Arts attack. If you and at least one other
person attack an opponent on the tick you use this Charm, that opponent takes a
coordinated attack penalty to his DV equal to the user’s Essence against all attacks
on him during that tick.
Source: Stratego

Pack Encircles Prey
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Hunting Wolf 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Pack Strikes as One
The pack draws around the prey, and no matter which wolf it attacks, the wolf
behind will cut it down. This Charm is used when an ally within (Martial Arts) yards
is subject to an attack. This Charm provides a Counterattack on the attacker, which
follows all the normal rules for counterattacks.
Source: Stratego

Hunting Wolf Howl

Cost: 5m, 1w; Mins: Essence 3, Hunting Wolf 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Obvious
Duration: One Day
Prerequisites: Hunting Wolf Form
The martial artist locks eyes with his opponent, then throws back his head and
howls. His opponent’s blood chills, and he knows that the martial artist thirsts for
his blood. This Charm is used when within (Essence x 10) yards of the target. Roll
(Charisma + Martial Arts). If the successes on this roll exceed the target’s MDV, this
charm establishes an Intimacy of fear toward the martial artist in the target. This
is an unnatural mental influence and an Emotion effect. As long as this intimacy
persists, the target takes an internal penalty of the martial artist’s Essence to attacks
on the martial artist, and his DV against the martial artist is reduced by the same
amount. The target may spend a willpower to ignore these penalties for one action.
When he spends a total of three willpower, the intimacy is removed.
Source: Stratego

Hamstring Slicing Tooth

Cost: 4m, 1w; Mins: Essence 3, Hunting Wolf 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 10)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Hunting Wolf Howl
The wolf slips past the prey’s guard and slits its hamstring, preventing it from
escaping. This Charm is used when an unarmed Martial Arts attack deals at least one
level of lethal damage. It reduces the target’s Dexterity for the purpose of movement
by the user’s Martial Arts score. It also reduces the target’s Strength for the purpose
of jumping by the same amount. This is a Crippling effect.
Source: Stratego

Throat Tearing Strike

Cost: 15m, 1w; Mins: Essence 5, Hunting Wolf 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Crippling, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Pack Encircles Prey, Hamstring Slicing Tooth
When the hunt ends, and the pack runs down the prey, the lead wolf leaps to
sink its fangs into the prey’s throat. As it tears free, the prey’s lifeblood spills upon

the ground, killing it within seconds. This Charm supplements an unarmed Martial
Arts attack that could deal lethal damage. If it deals at least one level of lethal
damage, a vital organ (usually the throat) is torn out, and the target dies. This is a
Crippling effect.
Source: Stratego

Long Fang Understanding

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 1, Hunting Wolf 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
The wolf has no use for weapons, but relies on the weapons of its own body,
especially its sharp, glistening teeth. With this Charm, the martial artist internalizes
this principle and can use his teeth (which become somewhat longer and sharper than
other people’s) as a lethal weapon. This grants the martial artist a bite attack with
the following statistics. This weapon can be used normally or in a clinch, but cannot
be used to block lethal attacks without a stunt.
Speed 6 Acc:+0 Dam:+(Martial Arts)L Def:-3 Rate:1 Tags:C, N, P
Source: Stratego

Resonant Crystal Vessel

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Immaculate Adamant Soldier 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Stackable
Duration: One tick
Prerequisites: Paragon’s Razor Edge
Adamant is the ultimate crystal, and possesses all of the properties of that
substance in abundance. Craftsmen and occultists have long known that crystal is
a receptacle for power; it gathers, harnesses and realigns motonic energies, purifying
and intensifying them as they reverberate within its faceted core. Practitioners of
this Style learn to meditate on these reverberations and become the resonant vessel,
taking in Essence and transforming it into adamants unbreakable face. This Charm
may be activated whenever a character within (Essence x 10) yards other than the
martial artist uses a Charm or spell. The Soldier commits three motes for the tick and
gains one point of Hardness for each Charm or spell used on that tick. Subsequent
uses of this Charm in the same scene are cumulative; each invocation of Resonant
Crystal Vessel after the first in a scene grants Hardness equal to the total of points of
Hardness previously granted by this Charm, plus one point per Charm or spell used
on the current tick. The martial artist may not gain more than (Stamina + Martial
Arts) points of Hardness in a single scene. Any Hardness accumulated by this Charm
vanishes at the end of the scene. The Soldier must be in combat and inside a hostile
enemys engagement range in order to use Resonant Crystal Vessel.
Source: SataiDelenn

Flawless Salience Kata

Cost: 5m, 1wp or 7m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Immaculate Adamant Soldier 5;
Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK

Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Immaculate Adamant Soldier Form
With efficiency comes speed, and with clarity comes assurance. The purest
adamant has no cracks and no flaws, and thus must be the Soldiers offense. She
moves from the promise of peril to action without hesitation, using shots in perfect
harmony with hand-to-hand attacks to create an unopposable onslaught. This Charm
is a magical flurry of two or more unarmed attacks. The martial artist must be within
an opponents engagement range in order to target that opponent. The flurry costs
7 motes and one Willpower if all of the attacks are ranged, or all of the attacks are
hand-to-hand attacks; it costs 5 motes and one Willpower if the flurry contains at
least one of each type of attack. This flurry may contain a maximum number of
attacks equal to the combined rate of all weapons (including limbs) that the Soldier
wields when the flurry begins; additional weapons reflexively drawn during the flurry
do not add to the number of attacks the flurry may contain, nor does a fist if a weapon
is reflexively dropped. The martial artist subtracts her Martial Arts rating from the
multiple action penalty of the first attack, and further multiple action penalties are
calculated from the first as normal. The flurry has a total DV penalty of -0; however,
the martial artist may accept extra DV penalty to impose extra onslaught penalty on
a one-for-one basis, to a maximum DV penalty of her Essence.
”For example, Five Thousand Raindrops performs one flurry with this Charm with
a DV penalty of -0 that contains four attacks which impose onslaught penalties of
0/1/2/3; later, she performs another flurry with this Charm with a DV penalty of -3
that contains four attacks which impose onslaught penalties of 3/4/5/6.”
Source: SataiDelenn

Mirrored Facet Stance

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Immaculate Adamant Soldier 5; Type: Reflexive
(Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One action
Prerequisites: Immaculate Adamant Soldier Form
The facets of adamant reflect and refract light in brilliant displays; its smooth,
impenetrable surface can turn aside not only light, but even the sharpest of chisels.
The practitioner assumes a protective stance, presenting flat, implacable surfaces to
all foes. This Charm may be activated when the Soldier is within the engagement
range of two or more enemies who are also within engagement range of each other.
For the rest of the action, any attacks made by enemies in range against which the
martial artist successfully uses his DVs or from which the martial artist prevents all
damage via Hardness are deflected onto other enemies in range. The Soldiers player
determines which enemy is the new target of a deflected attack, and the original
attack–with all of its original effects–is applied to the new targets DVs and resolved
normally; attacks may not be deflected back onto the character who made them.
Source: SataiDelenn

Unyielding Contour Reification

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Immaculate Adamant Soldier 5; Type: Supplemen-
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious

Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Mirrored Facet Stance
To look into the face of adamant is to see a dizzying optical illusion. Light bends
and twists all images and makes of space a malleable thingwhere the eye sees a shape
there may simply be a contour undefined by anything but the absence of shape. The
practitioner who understands this illusion can reach through the intervening space
between herself and her target, creating a connection between two points where one
should not exist. This Charm enhances a clinch attack. The Soldier may perform a
clinch at range, channeling the same energy that fuels Immaculate Adamant Soldier
Forms Essence projectile (though the Form need not be active to use this Charm).
This clinch can deal form weapon damage rather than clinch damage as per the Form,
if the martial artist desires. The martial artist cannot move for the duration of the
clinch. However, she may pull clinched targets toward her at a speed of her (Essence)
yards per tick so long as she continues to control the clinch, regardless of her Strength.
Source: SataiDelenn

Sparkling Diamond Array

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Immaculate Adamant Soldier 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Knockback, Obvious
Duration: One tick
Prerequisites: Mirrored Facet Stance
Like the scintillant play of light that radiates in every direction from the flaw-
less gem, the Soldier’s barrage is in every place at once, incomprehensible to the
unpracticed eye. Any unarmed attack made while this Charm is active may originate
from any point that is the same distance away from the target as the martial artist.
A successful attack that deals at least one level of damage forces a knockback roll
with a difficulty of the Soldier’s Essence, as his ubiquitous bombardment and innate
efficiency combine to grant him spatial control of the battlefield. Since the attack
may come from any angle and any direction, it can ignore cover so long as the martial
artist has a valid target. If this Charm is used five or more times in a flurry, the
martial artist may choose to forgo inflicting any onslaught penalty; if he does so, one
of the attacks made with this Charm is automatically Unexpected. If this Charm
is used in conjunction with Flawless Salience Kata, onslaught penalty may still be
applied by reducing the martial artists DVs accordingly even if he has chosen to make
one of the attacks Unexpected.
Source: SataiDelenn

Perfection in Every Face

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Immaculate Adamant Soldier 5; Type: Simple
(DV -0)
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: Instant (Two actions)
Prerequisites: Flawless Salience Kata
To watch a practitioner of this Style in action is to watch consummate precision
at work. She is at her best when surrounded by foesshe moves among them with
absolute equanimity, a threat to all while allowing none to threaten her in return, as
untouchable and deadly as the frigid adamant fortress. The martial artist makes an
unarmed attack which affects every enemy within whose engagement range she stands,

though this does not allow her to exceed weapon Range. This attack is undodgeable.
The Soldier rolls (Dexterity + Martial Arts + Essence) and applies this roll to the
parry DV of every enemy in range. The base damage of this attack is equal to the
martial artists Dexterity, and may be lethal or bashing as the martial artist willsshe
blends ranged and hand-to-hand attacks effortlessly. The martial artist must have
separate ammunition for each target for whom the damage is made lethal; weapons
(including this Styles energy projectile) which cost motes per shot must be paid for
only once total when used with this Charm. Until the Soldiers DV refreshes twice,
she may activate Paragons Razor Edge and Resourceful Hand of Efficiency as innate
powers rather than Charm activations.
Source: SataiDelenn

Brilliant Refractor of a Million Shards

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Immaculate Adamant Soldier 5; Type: Re-
flexive (Step 8)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Counterattack, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Unyielding Contour Reification, Sparkling Diamond Array, Per-
fection in Every Face
According to Dragon King legend, masters of this Style exceed mere emula-
tion. It is said that Five Thousand Raindrops and her most dedicated followers had
unlocked the key to forging their very bones into adamant crystal, and that their
blood ran with shimmering translucency. The master Soldier becomes an infinite
well of thrumming potency and fathoms the secrets of transcendant crystallization,
embodying all properties of adamant with methods beyond mortal ken. This Charm
augments the Soldiers ability to store potential energy, and grants the ability to release
that energy in an explosion of crystalline shards. First, as a permanent enhancement
to the martial artists capabilities, he increases the maximum Hardness that he may
accumulate in a single scene using Resonant Crystal Vessel by his Essence.
In addition, the Soldier may activate this Charm to double his Hardness against
one attack. After he has done so, whether he suffered damage from the attack or not,
as a counterattack in step 9 of the original attack he releases all of the energy that
he has accumulated in a scintillant torrent. He may choose to release this energy as a
single-target blast which targets the enemy who triggered the counterattack, or as a
razor-sharp rain that applies to every character within (Essence x 2) yards, including
allies; he may not choose not to release the energy at all. This counterattack hits
automatically unless the target uses a perfect defense, and requires no attack roll. If
applied to a single target, it has raw damage equal to the martial artists Hardness
after doubling; if applied to an area, it has raw damage equal to the martial artists
Hardness before doubling. Once this counterattack has been made, Resonant Crystal
Vessels cumulative Hardness gain resets to zero. This Charm does not function with
Hardness gained from any source other than Resonant Crystal Vessel.
Source: SataiDelenn

Immaculate Adamant Soldier Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Immaculate Adamant Soldier 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene

Prerequisites: Resourceful Hand of Efficiency, Resonant Crystal Vessel
The Immaculate Adamant Soldier holds himself with cool, undaunted poise
and is in perfect control of his every movement. When he performs a kata or takes
a shot, it is done with deliberate intent and no wasted energy. While this Form is
active, the martial artist may use his Martial Arts-derived Parry DV while wielding
any form weapon; form weapons gain a Defense bonus equal to the current Defense
bonus of his unarmed punch, inclusive of any ongoing or permanent enhancements to
that bonus. He may also use any form weapon to make hand-to-hand attacks; each
form weapon used this way has the following traits: speed 4, accuracy +1, damage
+5B, rate 2. In addition, the Soldier may perform a clinch attack even if he wields
a form weapon in each hand, and may deal form weapon damage instead of crush
damage if he chooses to damage with a clinch; this damage gains the Piercing tag.
Finally, collecting and refracting Essence in the manner of the arcane crystal which
defines him, the martial artist may reflexively pay 1m to charge and focus energy that
can be released as a projectile of Essence using a Martial Arts attack; this projectile
counts as a form weapon for Charms of this Style. This Essence projectile has the
following traits: speed 4, accuracy +1, damage 5L, rate 1, range 75 (has no longer
range). Charging energy and using this Essence projectile are Obvious effects; the
Form is not otherwise Obvious.
Source: SataiDelenn

Resourceful Hand of Efficiency

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Immaculate Adamant Soldier 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One tick
In the cold clarity of the luminous gemstone lies the way to diligent soldiery,
untainted by complacency or incompetence. For the duration of this Charm, the rate
of the Soldiers unarmed attacks increases by 2, and weapons that normally require
a miscellaneous action to reload may be reloaded reflexively without the need for
a flurry. In addition, he suffers no penalty when disarming an opponent, and does
not need to flurry in order to immediately retrieve and wield a successfully disarmed
weapon if he has a hand free with which to do so.
Source: SataiDelenn

Paragon’s Razor Edge

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Immaculate Adamant Soldier 2; Type: Reflexive
(Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One tick
Honed to a razor-sharp edge, blades and spiked fortifications of adamant slice
the very air. They present a deadly defense in all directions and at all angles, as there
is danger in even approaching such a keen deterrentand with danger comes definition,
for a lethal threat is nothing without something to threaten. For the duration of
this Charm, the martial artist gains a +1 bonus to his Dodge and Parry DVs for
each opponent within whose engagement range he stands, to a maximum bonus of
his (Essence).

Source: SataiDelenn

Raging Behemoth Charge

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Infernal Monster 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Scene
This charm allows the Infernal Monster to charge towards his enemies more
quickly and easily.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals, p. 159.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals

Infernal Monster Form

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
The practicioner is transformed, swelling in size, growing beyond Fate, and
becoming a Creature of Darkness. In addition, his strength also burgeons with every
strike. A few other benefits.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals, p. 159.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals

God-Smashing Blow
Cost: 3m or 3m,1w; Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Knockback
Duration: Instant
The Infernal hammers his victim to the ground, creating a huge crater or smash-
ing them straight through it. The impact shakes the ground, testing the balance of
others nearby. This Charm has an optional, additional effect that seems to splat-
ter spirits messily, but in truth only dematerializes them.Source Manual of Exalted
Power: Infernals, p. 159.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals

Fists of the Old Ones

Cost: N/A; Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Knockback, Obvious
Duration: N/A
With a punch, the Infernal may send his victim flying in a direction of his
choosing. The farther they travel, the harder they impact. When and where they land,
the normal effects of God-Smashing Blow go into effect.Source Manual of Exalted
Power: Infernals, p. 159.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals

Glory to the Demon-Monster

Cost: N/A; Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Permanent

Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: N/A
When There Will Be Retribution and Infernal Monster Form are active, Infer-
nal Monster Charms get a mote discount. Elder practicioners with One Hand Fury
get a better discount. This Charm has an interesting relationship with Prismatic
Arrangement of Creation Form.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals, p. 160.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals

Joyful Cessation of Restraint

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
This Charm allows the Infernal Monster to unleash a magical attack flurry
against one opponent.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals, p. 160.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals

Crack the Sky

Cost: 15m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 5, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Knockback, Obvious
Duration: Instant
This Charm allows the Infernal Monster to fling an opponent miles away, causing
severe falling damage in addition to other damage, and potentially hurting others the
victim would land on. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Manual of
Exalted Power: Infernals, pp. 162-163.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals

Oath-Shattering Strike
Cost: 60m, 6wp; Mins: Essence 5, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Blasphemy, Obvious, Sorcerous, Touch
Duration: Instant
This Charm allows the Infernal Monster to break an Oath for someone else.
See the full text of the Charm for more Details.Source Manual of Exalted Power:
Infernals, p. 163.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals

Retribution Will Follow

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Infernal Monster 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 10)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: , None
The Infernal uses this Charm in response to an injury, entering a murderously
berserk frenzy that provides some small measure of catharsis for the Torment or Limit
of the practicioner.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals, p. 158.

Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals

All-Consuming Rampage Release

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 2, Infernal Monster 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Retribution Will Follow
The Infernal Monster is a being of singular madness and violent purpose. He
refuses to be conflicted in his urges. This Charm is a permanent modification of the
Infernal’s capabilities. Whenever he hits Limit Break Limit 10 and would enter a
bout of Limit Break or Torment, he can allow the usual madness or suffering to take
place. Alternately, he can choose to frenzy with benefits and drawbacks identical to
an uncontrolled Berserk Anger Limit Break (Second Edition Core Exalted, p. 105).
He regains (Martial Arts rating) Willpower points from entering this rampage and
is considered to have Retribution Will Follow active for all Infernal Monster Style
Charms that have effects based on using that Charm. He can also choose to heal
instead of regaining Willpower from going berserk, regenerating any of the following
damage options: one level of aggravated, two levels of lethal or four levels of bashing.
With Essence 5+, the Infernal radiates his madness in a radius of (Martial Arts x
10) yards. Any being that hits Limit 10 within that radius has the option to frenzy
like the Exalt. Such beings can only regain Willpower and may not heal by going
monkeys-vol-3-unleash-your-inner-monster-part-i.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 3
Source: Ink Monkeys

Fearless Frenzy Attitude

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 2, Infernal Monster 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Retribution Will Follow
The Infernal Monster is dauntlessly fierce. This Charm is a permanent en-
hancement of the Infernal’s capabilities that applies if he has Valor 3+. While using
Retribution Will Follow or Infernal Monster Form, he adds his Martial Arts rating in
bonus successes to all Valor rolls to resist fear and adds this same amount directly to
his Valor rating to defend against effects resisted better with a higher rating. He also
treats all Emotion effects solely based on instilling fear as unacceptable orders. This
does not improve the effectiveness of Valor channels. Finally, he confers this same
fearlessness to all Valor 3+ victims driven berserk by his Rage Charms.
Infernals with this Charm can choose to reflexively improve it at any time, mak-
ing themselves permanently fearless even when not using Retribution Will Follow or
Infernal Monster Form. The catch is that their ”sane” resting state becomes identi-
cal to a partially-controlled Foolhardy Contempt Limit Break (Second Edition Core
Exalted, p. 105). Going berserk obviously trumps this behavior, as does Limit Break
or behavior-altering Torment. However, when the acute madness ends, the pervasive
madness of a mind without fear returns. Once the Infernal embraces a life without
fear, he cannot go back to using the Charm as he first learned it. He can only explore

deeper into the madness of the Infernal Monster, trading fearlessness for something
monkeys-vol-3-unleash-your-inner-monster-part-i.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 3
Source: Ink Monkeys

Fury Is Freedom
Cost: - (+1ahl, 2 Limit); Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Retribution Will Follow
The rage of the Infernal Monster is not just a shield against mental trickery
and domination. Anger frees the mind. This Charm permanently enhances its pre-
requisite. Whenever the Infernal activates Retribution Will Follow, he can pay one
aggravated health level and gain two Limit in addition to committing the usual mote.
Doing so terminates all Unnatural Mental Influence effects currently affecting his mind
unless these effects meet one of the following criteria: the influence was self-imposed,
the influence was caused by a being with a higher Essence rating than the Infernal’s
Martial Arts at the time it was imposed or the influence functions by making the In-
fernal angry or taking advantage of his fury to make him perform specific anger-driven
behavior. Use of Retribution Will Follow this way can reduce Limit by slaughtering
or maiming, reducing the net increase to one point rather than two. When the killing
rage passes, shattered mental influence effects do not return.
A secondary benefit of Fury is Freedom is that no mental influence can prevent
the Exalt from activating Retribution Will Follow. It does not matter whether Fury
Is Freedom can break the influence in question; nothing can prevent the Infernal
from frenzying when he encounters the appropriate stimuli enabling activation of
Retribution Will Follow.
monkeys-vol-3-unleash-your-inner-monster-part-i.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 3
Source: Ink Monkeys

Untamed Apocalypse Shintai

Cost: - (+1ahl, 2 Limit); Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Smoldering Rage Beast, All-Consuming Rampage Release, Fear-
less Frenzy Attitude, Fury Is Freedom
The Infernal Monster has no worries or guilt. Absolute violence yields absolute
freedom. This Charm is a permanent modification to the Infernal Infernal Exalt’s
psyche and soul, scarring her with empowering madness. Infernal Green Sun Princes
cant be compelled to learn Untamed Apocalypse Shintai with any mental influence;
they must truly wish to embrace its transcendent damnation. Akuma have no say in
the matter; their patrons decide whether to devolve their slaves into beasts of war.
”’Untamed Apocalypse Shintai makes characters largely unplayable, so Storytellers
should probably restrict it to antagonists.”’ Learning the Charm changes the Infernal
in the following ways:

* He lives in a constant state of fury like an uncontrolled Berserk Anger Limit Break
(Second Edition Core Exalted, p. 105). However, he is not compelled to wreck the
environment in this resting state, just slaughter everything that moves. Furthermore,
when he becomes fatigued or sleepy, he can end his rampage to seek a good place
to rest. He will still attack anything that tries to prevent him from finding a lair,
but will not pursue such opponents if they withdraw and let him resume his search.
Living a berserk existence does not reduce the character’s mental attributes or force
him to fight incompetently. However, he won’t take preparatory actions longer than
a single miscellaneous action, so he can draw a weapon, but won’t have the patience
to strap into a warstrider.
* Activating Retribution Will Follow brings on a scene of unrestrained rage with a
number of benefits (wound penalty reduction, mental influence resistance, etc.). His
resting rage does not provide these benefits. The frenzy brought on by Retribution
Will Follow, Limit Break and behavior-altering Torment all take precedence over the
Infernal’s mind and displace his constant fury for as long as they last.
* Infernal Monster Style and its expansions only cost the Infernal four experi-
ence points per Charm. This discount applies retroactively, awarding the difference
in experience the Infernal is owed. Should the character somehow lose this Charm,
he must pay that difference back. In the unlikely event a Storyteller lets a player
take Untamed Apocalypse Shintai at character creation, the Infernal gains two In-
fernal Monster Style Charms for every starting Charm allocated to them and can
buy more for two bonus points each. Untamed Apocalypse Shintai is not a precedent
for Charms that provide dramatic cost reductions to acquire Solar-level Charms un-
less those Charms wreck the character permanently and absolutely. Not all paths of
transcendence are desirable.
* The Exalt can raise his traits up as high as 10 without regard for the usual
age-cap. His constant bestial fury sharply limits the kinds of Charms he can use,
but he shatters through the limits that govern most Essence users. If he somehow
loses this Charm, he converts all dots in excess of his permitted age cap back into
experience. Learning this Charm precludes metamorphosis into a Primordial. The
Infernal cannot learn the Charms that initiate this apotheosis.
monkeys-vol-3-unleash-your-inner-monster-part-i.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 3
Source: Ink Monkeys

Bounding Beast Advance

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 2, Infernal Monster 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Raging Behemoth Charge
The Infernal Monster leaps great distances to pounce on prey. While an Exalt
with this Charm has Raging Behemoth Charge active, she adds her Martial Arts
rating to her Athletics to calculate how far she can jump toward a valid opponent.
With Essence 3+, she adds a bonus of + (Martial Arts + Essence) instead.
monkeys-vol-5-unleash-your-inner-monster-part-ii.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 5
Source: Ink Monkeys

Shock and Awe Slam
Cost: (+4m); Mins: Essence 2, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Leaping Smash Technique
The Infernal Monster shouldn’t be fast enough to strike as it does. Nothing
that strong should be so fast. It’s just not fair. This Charm permanently improves
its prerequisite. The Infernal can pay an additional four motes when using Leaping
Smash Technique to impose a Defense Value DV penalty against the attack. If the
target attempts to parry, the penalty is equal to the Exalt’s Martial Arts rating.
Dodges (and any combination of dodge and parry) only suffer a penalty of half the
Infernal’s Martial Arts. Although adding this penalty does not make the attack
unexpected, defenses that convert an an unexpected attack into an expected attack
also negate the penalty.
If the Infernal has Essence 4+, the DV penalty to dodge increases to the Exalt’s
full Martial Arts.
monkeys-vol-5-unleash-your-inner-monster-part-ii.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 5
Source: Ink Monkeys

Nowhere to Run
Cost: ; Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Leaping Smash Technique
It is difficult to run fast enough or far enough to escape the Infernal Monster.
Yet they always try. This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite. Whenever
the Infernal uses Leaping Smash Technique, if the target is aware of the Exalt’s
location and is moving away from him, the Exalt multiplies the maximum final jump
distance by his (Martial Arts) after applying any modifiers from Bounding Beast
Advance. If the Leaping Smash Technique is performed in conjunction with God-
Smashing Blow, the distance modifier is doubled again, so (Martial Arts x 2). This is
a special exception on how multiplicative effects usually stack in Exalted. Characters
who have an Intimacy of fear toward the Infernal are always considered moving away
from him for the purposes of this Charm.
monkeys-vol-5-unleash-your-inner-monster-part-ii.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 5
Source: Ink Monkeys

Nowhere to Hide
Cost: ; Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Sorcerous, Stackable
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Leaping Smash Technique
The Infernal finds those who flee her. Whenever an Infernal with this Charm
uses Leaping Smash Technique to attack an individual, he can place a Sorcerous tag
on that individual for one hour. The brief arcane link of sublime aggression connects

the Infernal Monster with her intended quarry. It is possible to tag any number of
separate victims with separate attacks, but Infernals can’t tag and have no need to
tag the same victim more than once.
Whenever the Infernal Monster uses Leaping Smash Technique while he has tagged
one or more victims, he can choose one of those enemies as the attack’s target and
allow the arcane link to guide her. Her instinct-driven leap carries her in the direction
of her quarry, regardless of whether she is aware of the victim’s current location. If
an unobstructed path to that target exists and the target is in range of the leap, the
attack resolves as normal for use of Leaping Smash Technique. An invisible opponent
(or a dematerialized one) still applies a -2 external penalty to the attack roll. If the
opponent is out of reach or protected by total cover, the leap carries the Infernal
the maximum possible distance toward her without slamming her into intervening
obstacles (unless she chooses to slam through them because she has other magic
enabling her to do so). With the right Charms, it is possible to use Nowhere to Hide
to leap through a wall and resolve the attack against someone on the other side.
Martial Arts 5+ allows the Infernal to leap toward the closest god or demon bigger
than a least god or Thing That Lurks In Corners that he can reach with the attack
(as though that being were tagged). He can exclude any potential targets he can
perceive to avoid attacking allies (even while in a berserk state). This doesn’t let him
hit dematerialized beings, but in conjunction with magic that does, he can use an
attack as a means of testing if there are any spirits snooping about.
monkeys-vol-5-unleash-your-inner-monster-part-ii.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 5
Source: Ink Monkeys

Blood Heralds Death

Cost: 10m,1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Sorcerous, Obvious
Duration: One week
Prerequisites: Nowhere to Hide
The Infernal Monster follows the scent of blood, whether that is blood he has
drawn or the blood on the hands of those who wounded him. This Charm may be
activated to Sorcerously tag any living victim the Infernal inflicted actual levels of
damage on with an unarmed attack in the past hour. Alternately, Blood Heralds
Death can tag enemies who inflicted actual levels of damage to the Exalt in the past
hour as a direct result of their actions (even unintentional injury). Either way, the tag
forges an arcane link duplicating that placed by Nowhere to Hide (to the point that
it can be used to tag characters in order to leap after them when they are close by).
Unlike its prerequisite. Blood Heralds Death places tags that last a week rather than
an hour. If the tag is removed via countermagic, the Infernal requires new injuries to
re-tag that character with another activation.
Whenever an Infernal makes a tracking roll to pursue a victim tagged by this
Charm, that roll is enhanced as though by the Solar Charm Unshakeable Bloodhound
Technique (Second Edition Core Exalted, p. 211). However, the Infernal receives no
bonus to the roll-off if another effect contests the tracking effort. With Essence 4+,
the Infernal becomes immune to all fatigue accrued while actively tracking a tagged
target. Sleep deprivation affects him normally, but he can give endless chase without
tiring from exertion. Existing fatigue is also ignored while tracking tagged victims,

but resumes as soon as he stops as though no time passed.
monkeys-vol-5-unleash-your-inner-monster-part-ii.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 5
Source: Ink Monkeys

Eternal Monstrous Hunt

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 4, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Blood Heralds Death
The Infernal Monster does not understand forgiveness. This Charm improves
its prerequisite, allowing tags it places to last until the Exalt dies, the target dies or
the tag is removed via countermagic (i.e. duration becomes indefinite rather than one
With Essence 6+, the Infernal’s enmity is the stuff of terrible legend. If the target
dies, the tag is inherited by the oldest surviving blood offspring of that person. If
there is no child to inherit the tag, it passes to the victim’s oldest surviving sibling.
If there is not a sibling to carry on the family curse, the vendetta dies there. The
Infernal intuitively knows when a transfer occurs and the relationship between the
tag’s last bearer and its new heir.
monkeys-vol-5-unleash-your-inner-monster-part-ii.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 5
Source: Ink Monkeys

Armageddon Nightmare Duel

Cost: 0m or (15m, 1wp); Mins: Essence 4, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Sorcerous
Duration: (Martial Arts rating) minutes
Prerequisites: Blood Heralds Death
The Infernal Monster haunts his enemies. They see his rage-contorted face
when they sleep. They feel his hot breath upon the back of their neck. They know
he is coming for them. Upon activating this Charm, the Infernal’s eyes glaze over as
though from a distracting daydream. A small smile curls at the corner of his lips. He
is completely unaware of his environment and unable to take physical actions in this
fugue state, but remains upright if standing. The trance lasts for the Charm’s full
duration, but his player may choose for him to reflexively snap out of it and end the
Charm in order to react to stimuli (like an incoming attack). It is also possible to
activate Armageddon Nightmare Duel while the Infernal is unconscious, focusing his
dreams on distant prey.
This Charm is not studied as an idle distraction to avoid boredom. At the time of
activation, the Infernal chooses an enemy he has tagged with Blood Heralds Death. If
that enemy is awake, he knows this and activating the Charm costs him nothing. The
tagged character momentarily hallucinates and imagines he sees the Infernal some-
where nearby, but his senses catch up a split second later to reveal he’s just jumping at
shadows. The delusion is unsettling, but too fleeting to have any mechanical impact.
If the tagged enemy is sleeping when Armageddon Nightmare Duel activates, pay-
ing fifteen motes and one Willpower allows the Infernal to meet the victim in a shared

nightmare created by the Charm. Sleep means real sleep, not an alternative activ-
ity that counts as sleep for the target due to magic. This nightmare’s terrain can
contain any landscapes and environments natural to Creation and is arbitrarily vast,
effectively an infinite plain on which to impose features as they are discovered. The
Infernal and the victim are the only two beings in this world. Sessile life-forms like
plants and fungi are permissible, as these qualify as scenery rather than actors in the
The two enter the dream in sight of one another, but no closer than one hundred
yards. Neither can be placed in a starting position that is actively injurious to him,
though targets immune to particular environmental hazards may begin exposed to
such conditions. Inability to see or use similarly-acute senses is a special hazard
for this purpose. The Infernal becomes aware of such immunities in the instant he
activates the Charm so that he can set the stage appropriately. Storytellers should
ensure that this rule is followed in spirit as well as letter. Placing an enemy on a
tiny pedestal over a vast sea of lava with no way to move or escape without suffering
burning horrid death is not technically a violation of the rule. Neither is placing a
strong-but-slow enemy who can’t see in the dark in pitch-black frozen cave so slick
its floor can’t be walked on without supernatural balance or astounding agility. Both
scenarios are completely against the spirit of the Charm. Dangerous environments
are permissible, but using them as weapons should require work and there should
always be some means of avoiding the danger.
When the dream begins, the Infernal has full motes, Willpower, Virtue channels
and health. He can choose not to carry over any lingering negative effects currently
afflicting him into his dream self. In effect, his nightmare form is himself at full power,
but with no Charms that require activations active. The victim enters the dream as
she is in real life, but with no Charms active. If she is wounded or supernaturally
beguiled or mutated into a three-armed freak outside the dream, she remains so within
the dream. Both characters immediately join battle. Time flows in the dream at the
same rate as reality, so the dream cannot actually take or appear to take longer than
(the Infernal’s Martial Arts) minutes.
Nothing that happens to the Infernal in the dream has any bearing on his actual
self. If he dies or falls unconscious within the dream, the Charm ends and the dream
ends for both parties. This also severs the sorcerous tag connecting the Infernal to
that victim like countermagic. The victim has much more at stake. Any motes spent
in the dream are lost to no real effect, though Exalted victims consider all dream-
spent motes Peripheral as they subconsciously flare their animas. All Willpower and
Virtue channels spent are actually spent. All mental influence imposed in the dream
carries over to reality for its full duration. No physical harm carries over, but if the
victim is killed in the dream, the Charm ends for both parties without breaking the
Dying inside the dream feels like actually dying, so the experience drains five
additional Willpower points from the victim and counts as a scene spent building an
Intimacy of fear toward the Infernal. If this results in the Intimacy actually taking
root or bolstering an existing Intimacy of fear, nothing can remove it until a week
has gone by since the victim awoke from the dream. Beings with a Limit Break
Limit track can gain equivalent points of Limit in lieu of losing any of the Willpower.
Victims can choose to quickly commit suicide within the nightmare to escape it with
minimal loss, but doing so causes the Intimacy of fear to form immediately rather

counting as a scene toward it.
If the victim’s real body suffers any levels of damage during the dream, the Charm
abruptly ends for both parties. This also happens if the Charm runs its full duration
without being interrupted. Both dreamers leave the dream with the Infernal no worse
for the wear and the victim depleted by her exertions within the dreamscape. The
tag remains, but the dream does not hurt the victim’s psyche like virtual death.
Victims of Armageddon Nightmare Duel leave the nightmare acutely aware of
the Infernal Monster Style Charms the Exalt displayed. Those who are capable of
learning Celestial Martial Arts from a teacher can instruct themselves in any of the
Charms they observed as though the Infernal was their teacher. Obviously, only other
Infernals can learn Infernal Monster expansions this way without an effect like the
Eclipse anima power. Characters requiring a special initiation before they can learn
Celestial Martial Arts (like Dragon-Blooded) cannot learn Charms from exposure to
Armageddon Nightmare Duel until they undergo that initiation.
Players who purchase this Charm for their characters are expected to use it to
create additional interesting scenes, not steal the spotlight. It is poor form to hold a
game hostage to play out a personal fight. If the outcome isn’t really in doubt and
the both dreamers’ players consent, a quick narrative of the one-sided brawl suffices
in lieu of devoting an entire scene to the duel. Standing and fighting the Infernal in
quick narration rather than jumping off a cliff may be equally futile, but at least the
Intimacy of fear forms less quickly.
monkeys-vol-5-unleash-your-inner-monster-part-ii.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 5
Source: Ink Monkeys

Death-Devouring Sadism
Cost: ; Mins: Essence 5, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Armageddon Nightmare Duel
The Infernal Monster takes joy in crushing her enemies. This Charm perma-
nently enhances its prerequisite. Whenever the Infernal kills a non-extra victim of
Armageddon Nightmare Duel with an unarmed attack within the dreamscape, she
regains two points of Willpower. If the victim intentionally commits suicide, the
death yields only one point of Willpower. Accidental demise is unsatisfying. If the
Infernal kills an enemy with an unarmed attack outside of the nightmare that she has
previously killed in a nightmare, she regains three Willpower points.
monkeys-vol-5-unleash-your-inner-monster-part-ii.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 5
Source: Ink Monkeys

Post-Traumatic Brutality Roar

Cost: 15m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Obvious, Sorcerous, Stackable, War
Duration: One week
Prerequisites: Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide
The Infernal screams his fury, and the armies who have faced him remember

his wrath. The thunderous bellow can be heard for a mile. Within that radius,
the scream affects all organized Magnitude 3+ military units that engaged with the
Infernal in the past day in Mass Combat mass combat while he fought as a solo unit.
Even units not currently engaged in battle are affected, provided they are camped or
marching together and clearly operating as a group.
The Infernal’s player rolls Charisma + Martial Arts, adding a number of bonus
successes equal to his Valor. Any affected unit led by a character with a Defense
Value Dodge MDV less than the number of successes rolled suffers an Unnatural
Mental Influence unnatural Emotion effect that imposes a -1 penalty to its Drill and
Morale ratings as an unnatural Emotion effect. Units with perfect Morale are immune.
Gaining perfect Morale terminates ongoing applications of the Charm affecting the
unit. Leaders can pay two points of their own Willpower to rally the unit in hopes
of reversing this damage; if the rally succeeds, the penalty is removed. Multiple
roars stack their penalty, each of which requires a separate Willpower-fueled rally to
With Essence 4+, the roar carries out to a radius of (Limit + 1) miles. The radius
at which the roar may be heard by everyone does not improve with Essence 5+, but
magic carries the sound to the ears of all valid targets in the same realm of existence.
Affected units hear the magic-born cry as a faint and distant sound, clearly made by
something far awaybut not nearly far enough.
monkeys-vol-6-unleash-your-inner-monster-part-iii.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 6
Source: Ink Monkeys

Rabble-Terrorizing Puissance
Cost: ; Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious, War
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Post-Traumatic Brutality Roar
What hope do mortal leaders have of reassuring their troops? They can’t stop
the Infernal Monster. They can’t outplan him. They can’t outfight him. They can
say the beast will not come back again so soon, that lightning seldom strikes twice.
Veterans see through such lies. This Charm permanently improves its prerequisite.
The Willpower cost for Essence 1 leaders to rally away the effects of Post-Traumatic
Brutality Roar is four Willpower rather than two.
With Essence 5+, this resistance cost increase also applies against unit leaders who
are First Circle demons, Essence 1-3 UnExalted living Essence users (like Dragon
Kings and Mountain Folk), Essence 1-3 Fair Folk, Essence 1-3 gods, Essence 1-4
elementals and Essence 1-5 ghosts. Infernals who reach Essence 8+ extend the benefit
against all Essence 1-5 unit leaders who are not Exalted.
monkeys-vol-6-unleash-your-inner-monster-part-iii.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 6
Source: Ink Monkeys

Panicked Soldier Stampede

Cost: (+1wp); Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious, War

Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Post-Traumatic Brutality Roar
Soldiers train to fight other soldiers, not Things That Must Not Be. This
Charm permanently improves its prerequisite. By spending an additional Willpower
to activate Post-Traumatic Brutality Roar, the scream also induces a rout check in
all units successfully penalized by it. This check is made at a +2 difficulty modifier.
With Essence 6-7, the rout difficulty modifier rises to +3. It jumps to +4 at
Essence 8-10.
monkeys-vol-6-unleash-your-inner-monster-part-iii.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 6
Source: Ink Monkeys

Rank-Paralyzing Horror Infliction

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 4, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious, War
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Post-Traumatic Brutality Roar
Fear is a cancerous malaise that grows over time, sapping competence. This
Charm permanently improves its prerequisite. All units currently suffering a penalty
to Drill/Morale from invocations of the Infernal’s Post-Traumatic Brutality Roar also
suffer an equivalent internal penalty to all non-reflexive rolled actions using Attributes
and/or Abilities.
monkeys-vol-6-unleash-your-inner-monster-part-iii.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 6
Source: Ink Monkeys

Unthinkable Shining Horror

Cost: (+1m); Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Emotion, Form-Enhancing, Monstrous, Native
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Infernal Monster Form
It must not be forgotten that the inventor of Infernal Monster Style was a
Solar akuma. Thrice-Damned Gorol was an abomination to his circle mates, a living
rejection of everything he stood for. In forsaking any claim to heroism, the akuma
made himself the perfect monster. Unthinkable Shining Horror is exclusively Native
to Solar akuma and can’t be learned by other beings. The Charm upgrades Infernal
Monster Form, providing the following additional powers:
* The akuma is not obligated to attack his Yozi master or any of its component
Third Circle demons while in a berserk state (such as that induced by Retribution
Will Follow) unless said entities physically attacked him earlier in the scene.
* The fallen Solar shocks those who love him, giving him a chance to slaughter
them in their moment of hesitation. Characters with a positive Intimacy toward the
akuma suffer an internal penalty of (the akuma’s Essence) to all physical attacks tar-
geting him. Resisting this unnatural Emotion effect for a scene costs five Willpower.
Characters must have had the Intimacy for a minimum of one month to invoke the
penalty. The horror afflicts loved ones, not awed strangers.
* If the Exalt knows Solar Hero Form, he may activate it simultaneously with

Infernal Monster Form, paying the full cost of both Charms. The joint activation
uses the highest Speed and DV penalty for both Charms and allows them to co-exist.
* As an optional Blasphemy effect, the Solar akuma may shove aside the limitations
of his Charms, raising his bonus dice cap to (Attribute + Ability + Essence) while
enhancing unarmed attacks and parries. This power is optional and can be used at
any point, but once reflexively invoked, it lasts until Infernal Monster Form ends.
monkeys-vol-9-unleash-your-inner-monster-part-iv.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 9
Source: Ink Monkeys

Moon-Beast Monster
Cost: (+1m); Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Native
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Infernal Monster Form
Lunar akuma are among the most savage weapons the Yozi’s command. It is
not much of a leap from fury to rage or anger to madness. Moon-Beast Monster is
only Native to Lunar akuma and may not be learned by other types of Infernals. The
Charm provides the following effects:
* The akuma is not obligated to attack his Yozi master or any of its component
Third Circle demons while in a berserk state (such as that induced by C Retribution
Will Follow) unless said entities physically attacked him earlier in the scene.
* Whenever the akuma activates Relentless Lunar Fury, he can simultaneously
activate Retribution Will Follow as an innate power rather than a Charm activation.
This still requires the usual commitment, but the use of Relentless Lunar Fury takes
the place of suffering damage as a trigger condition.
* Infernal Monster Form gains the Gift keyword. Whenever the akuma shifts into
war form, he may commit the usual cost to activate Infernal Monster Form. Used this
way, the Form Charm remains active for as long as the Lunar remains in war form.
This does not alter the way Infernal Monster Form accumulates its Strength bonus,
so it still resets to zero at the end of each scene even if the Charm remains active.
* Armor created with Lunar Charms counts as armor created with Infernal Charms
for the purposes of compatibility with Infernal Monster Style.
monkeys-vol-9-unleash-your-inner-monster-part-iv.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 9
Source: Ink Monkeys

Fallen Star Fury

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Fate, Native, Shaping
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Infernal Monster Form
Sidereal akuma can expand Infernal Monster Style, but this is a dubious honor
for those who already aspire to the Sidereal Martial Arts Blossom of the Perfected
Lotus. Fallen Star Fury is exclusively Native to Sidereal akuma and can’t be learned
by other beings. By purchasing the Charm, the akuma rejoins fate on his own hideous
terms. His unholy power grabs the strands of causality and tangles them around his

fingers. He is still considered outside of fate for any effect in which being removed
is an asset, but can connect to the Loom to use astrology or otherwise benefit from
being inside fate. In effect, he is between fate rather than fully outside it, perversely
enjoying the best of both worlds. The Storyteller adjudicates which state is preferable
with regard to resolving all effects that depend on whether the akuma is part of Fate.
Additionally, the akuma is not obligated to attack his Yozi master or any of its
component Third Circle demons while in a berserk state (such as that induced by
Retribution Will Follow) unless said entities physically attacked him earlier in the
With Essence 5+, the Charm gains the following additional powers, the last of
which only helps masters of Infernal Monster Style:
* Infernal Monster Form does not interfere with the use of Sidereal Martial Arts
Form-type Charms. For example, she can have Infernal Monster Form and Citrine
Poxes of Contagion Form active at the same time. If another effect allows him to
use a limited number of Sidereal Form-type Charms concurrently (like Prismatic
Arrangement of Creation Form), Infernal Monster Form does not count toward this
limit. The akuma cannot generally use this power to stack Infernal Monster Form
alongside other non-Sidereal Form-type Charms. This can be enabled with Prismatic
Arrangement of Creation Form (or similar effects) by including lesser Forms within
that Sidereal Form Charm and then stacking this with Infernal Monster Form.
* If employing the previous power to wield two Form-type Charms, then all form
weapons of either style are considered form weapons for both styles. This does not
apply if the styles use different range weapons. Infernal Monster cannot be practiced
with a bow any more than a bow-themed style could use improvised weapons.
* The corrupt Sidereal Vizier can activate Infernal Monster Form at the same
time as he activates a Sidereal Martial Arts Form-type Charm, paying the usual cost
to activate each Charm. This combined activation uses the highest Speed and DV
penalty among both Form-type Charms.
* If the akuma flares his One Hand Fury with a Sidereal Martial Arts Form-type
Charm, the burning runes spiral and twine from his hand and trail behind his blows
like ribbons of smoldering emerald flame. This Obvious display provides the same
benefits as the best Sidereal Martial Arts sutra the akuma can use with that Sidereal
Martial Art, but at no cost and without any chance of external disruption. For
instance, if the akuma can only use a student sutra, then flaring his hand with a
Sidereal form duplicates a student sutra.
monkeys-vol-9-unleash-your-inner-monster-part-iv.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 9
Source: Ink Monkeys

Dragon-Spawned Demon Monster

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Native
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Infernal Monster Form
Terrestrial akuma achieve greatness their former peers cannot imagine. Through
Infernal Monster Style, fallen Dragon-Blooded become incarnate natural disasters.
Dragon-Spawned Demon-Monster is solely Native to Terrestrial akuma and can’t be
learned by other beings. It provides the following benefits:

* The akuma is not obligated to attack his Yozi master or any of its component
Third Circle demons while in a berserk state (such as that induced by Retribution
Will Follow) unless said entities physically attacked him earlier in the scene.
* Weapons of elemental energy created by Terrestrial Charms are considered form
weapons for Infernal Monster Style (e.g. Refining the Inner Blade). If such Charms
have the Holy keyword, they permanently lose their special benefits against creatures
of darkness and cease to be Holy. If this results in a Charm that doesn’t make sense,
the Storyteller should exclude that Charm from conversion.
* Instant-duration Terrestrial Charms that damage targets through direct exposure
to elemental energy are also considered form weapons for Infernal Monster Style (e.g.
Elemental Bolt Attack). If such Charms are Holy, they are converted as previously
explained. The akuma may also choose for such attacks to emerge from his mouth
like the breath of a dragon.
monkeys-vol-9-unleash-your-inner-monster-part-iv.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 9
Source: Ink Monkeys

Hero-Breaking Horror
Cost: (+3m, 1wp); Mins: Essence 4, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Crippling, Emotion
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Hero-Sundering Hands
Creation’s ancient mythology abounds with legendary heroes and monsters, epic
echoes of the Primordial War. It is here that children are first taught the lie of heroism,
that brave men can slay monsters no matter how terrible they are. The Infernal
Monster is the terror of a different myth. Heroism ends in his claws. This Charm
upgrades Hero-Sundering Hands. The Infernal may pay a surcharge of three motes
and a point of Willpower upon activating it to deal a wound to his victim’s heroism,
breaking their flesh and their spirit both. In addition to inflicting an amputation, they
inflict a Crippling effect to break their victim’s mind, reducing their Valor rating to
one. It also reduces the maximum rating of their Valor to one, preventing them from
buying new dots with experience points. If the Infernal makes an appropriate stunt,
he may instead cripple another Virtue of his choice, at the Storyteller’s discretion.
If he targets a character’s primary Virtue, then that Virtue’s rating and maximum
rating are reduced to three, rather than to one. Once this Crippling effect has been
healed, lost dots of Valor are returned, and the character’s maximum trait rating rises
back to its normal value.
Heroic mortals that suffer this psychic mutilation must endure an unnatural mental
influence as well. Their Motivation is lost, replaced with a new, un-heroic Motivation
chosen by the mortal’s player. Though they may choose the specifics of their new
Motivation, it must be one that will drive them to escape the Infernal Monster’s
wrath, and cannot include any action or goal that they know would make them a
target for future violence on his part. Their heroic career is ended, causing them to
become no more than mere extras. This unnatural mental influence can be resisted
by paying two Willpower, allowing a character to retain his Motivation and his heroic
status. If a character fails to resist this influence, they cannot gain a new heroic
Motivation until the Crippling effect has been healed. Only preordained candidates
for Sidereal Exaltation cannot be broken of their heroism, a strange twist of fate that

enrages the Infernal Monster. Until it can rip the Loom of Fate from its foundations
and commit bloody genocide against the pattern spiders, it seems that the monster
must content itself with murdering the Maiden’s Chosen only after they have exalted,
staining Heaven with their spilled blood.
Source: The Demented One

Creation-Swallowing Hellmouth Strike

Cost: (+10m); Mins: Essence 5, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Shaping
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Crack the Sky
It is not always the nature of the Infernal Monster to swiftly end his hunt.
Sometimes, it amuses him more to play with his victims, hounding them day and
night until they can stand no more. If he must, he will hunt them to the ends of the
world, and beyond. This Charm upgrades Crack the Sky. The Infernal may pay a
surcharge of ten motes to fling his helpless foes into hell. As the Infernal hurls his
victim upwards, they witness Malfeas as it seems to bleed into the world around them.
Color fades from the sky, and all light seems to shine green, shading to the emerald
hues of madness that light the Demon Realm. This hellscape is visible only to victims
of this realm-warping martial art, a technique that is itself one of the secret entrances
into Cecelyne. Once the Infernal’s foe has reached the zenith of this flight, they fly
into Malfeas itself, landing in the sands of the Endless Desert. If the Infernal uses
this Charm to cast a sorcerously bound demon into hell, their bindings are broken
upon impact as their native realm welcomes them back home. This planar shifting is
a Shaping effect, and cannot affect characters whose traits are defended against such
Source: The Demented One

God-Corpse Mutilation
Cost: (+2m); Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Sorcerous
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: God-Smashing Blow
Gods and spirits confound the Infernal Monster. How can it maim and mutilate
a thing that it cannot lay hands on, or sink its teeth into? It drives the monster to
madness, and there is little that the monster cannot murder in the grips of his rage.
This Charm upgrades God-Smashing Blow. If the Infernal uses it to destroy the ma-
terialized body of a spirit, he may pay a surcharge of two motes to deal aggravated
damage with the supplemented attack. In addition, if the Infernal successfully dam-
ages his foe, he places a sorcerous tag on it, searing an arcane mark into its essential
nature that endures for the rest of the scene. So long as the tag remains, the Infernal
may perceive and make unarmed attacks against the spirit as if it were materialized.
A second purchase of this Charm lets the Infernal crush gods beneath his feet. Should
he use an unarmed attack to kill a spirit that has been marked with this Charm, it
is ripped mote from mote. Such agonizing death is painful beyond mortal pain, and
spirits so killed are too traumatized to reform, making this a permanent death.
Source: The Demented One

Fear of Foretold Fury
Cost: (+1 wp); Mins: Essence 4, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious, War
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Post-Traumatic Brutality Roar
When the outcome is a given, trauma precedes horror. Those who stand in the
presence of the Infernal Monster know this. This Charm permanently improves its
prerequisite. By spending an additional Willpower to activate Post-Traumatic Bru-
tality Roar, the cry penalizes all Mass Combatmilitary units within a mile (whether
or not they have engaged with the Infernal in the past day).
With Essence 5+, using Fear of Foretold Fury affects all units in full earshot
distance (Limit +1 miles). The trauma also magically carries to all units in the same
realm of existence who have ever engaged with the Infernal as a solo unit, provided
they retained consistent unit identity and leadership since that battle. The Storyteller
determines if a unit has undergone sufficient turnover or shift in identity that it no
longer recalls the horror of that fight. Gradual replacement of the rank-and-file does
not erode the impact of the experience. Grizzled veterans pass along the whispered
horror stories to wide-eyed recruits. Some refuse to talk about That Day at all. They
just scowl and drink and look nervously behind them. A unit leader can address the
lingering damage from the experience by taking the time to reassure the ranks and
inspire them. This convalescence extends the time required to perform a restorative
rally to a dramatic action lasting one week (ten hours a day); the leader must pay
five Willpower to make the roll at the end. If the rally succeeds, the unit is no longer
scarred and can’t be affected outside of the (Limit +1 mile) radius until they have
another actual battle with the Infernal.
monkeys-vol-6-unleash-your-inner-monster-part-iii.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 6
Source: Ink Monkeys

Sky-Bruising Victim Toss

Cost: (+10m); Mins: Essence 5, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Blasphemy
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: , Crack the Sky
The monster slaps the sky, and it cries bloody and tainted tears. This Charm
permanently enhances its prerequisite, allowing the warlock to increase the cost of
Crack the Sky by ten motes whenever he throws his opponent directly upward. If he
does so, and there are no substantial obstacles between them and the peak of their
flight, they suffer the normal falling damage twice; once when they hit the ground,
as normal, but also once before that, at the height of their flight, as they strike the
domed sky of Creation. This impact triggers a minor quake in one of Malfeas grinding
layers, but (more importantly) leaves an ugly, throbbing crack in the sky above the
warlock, through which pours the rains of Hegra and the waters of Kimbery, churning
into a corrosive, hallucinogenic typhoon that lasts until the end of the scene. This is
a Blasphemy effect, centered in the skies directly above the Infernal.
The roiling storm follows the falling target downward, and hits the ground at the
same time they normally would (i.e. five minutes after they were initially thrown). It
is an environmental hazard centered on their impact point, with a radius of (Infernals

Strength x 10) yards, a Damage of 4B/action, and a Trauma of 4. Characters native
to Malfeas add two automatic successes to the roll to resist the hazard. Suffering even
one level of damage from this storm instils the victim with a single Emotion for the
rest of the scene, chosen at random by the Storyteller, which can be resisted at a cost
of one point of temporary Willpower, or defended against as though it were a Poison
effect. Mortals who are instilled with this Emotion effect acquire a single pox-level
derangement at the end of the scene.
At Martial Arts 8+, Essence 8+, the warlock can purchase this Charm a second
time. If he does so, he may increase the cost of this Charm by a further ten motes
to apply its effects to any use of Crack the Sky, provided his target’s arc would be
sufficiently parabolic. The target strikes the sky at the end of their flight, before falling
straight down, bringing the storm with them; the Blasphemy warning provoked by
this Charm is centered on the point of impact for the victim, not the warlock himself.
Source: Revlid

Look to the Skies

Cost: (+2+m); Mins: Essence 6, Infernal Monster 6; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Blasphemy
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: , Sky-Bruising Victim Toss
The Monster will break the sky itself, and let all manner of horrors in through
the cracks. This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite, allowing the warlock
to increase its cost by up to (Essence x4) motes. For every two motes spent, one
random unbound First Circle Demon of a breed of the Infernal’s choice is sucked into
Creation through the broken sky, falling to the ground alongside the victim. They are
unharmed by the fall (though they are still vulnerable to the hellstorm that hits an
instant later), and unbound, but are aware of the Infernal’s status as a Prince of Hell,
and know that he is responsible for their appearance.If the Infernal has Sorcerous
Enlightenment of (Yozi), it may choose specific First Circle Demons to bring into
Creation, though this Charm still does not bind them.
Source: Revlid

Star-Shattering Armageddon Descent

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 7, Infernal Monster 6; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Blasphemy
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: , Sky-Bruising Victim Toss
The Monster will rip the stars from their lazy bed atop the world, and use them
to bludgeon Creation into submission. The warlock may, upon using Sky-Bruising
Victim Toss, choose to throw his opponent at a specific star, knocking it free from the
sky. This power can be used at day or night; the markers of the Loom have their light
shut down during the day, out of deference to the great Daystar, but this does not
prevent them from being targeted. This is still a Blasphemy effect, but rather than
provoking a great storm, the targets fall to earth is accompanied by a great burning
chunk of starmetal. The star that is struck is always the one which marks the strand
of the opponent on the Loom of Fate, and upon its impact it causes a great fiery blast
tinged with all five colours of Fate.

This is a one-time directed environmental hazard with a radius of (thrown op-
ponents Essence x 10) yards, a Damage of 10L, and a varying Trauma. Within ten
yards of the impact zone, it is Trauma 5L. Within twenty yards, it is Trauma 5. After
this, the blasts Trauma is reduced by one for every further ten yards it travels, to a
minimum of Trauma 1 once the blast extends more than fifty yards away from the
impact zone. If they survive both impacts and the subsequent starfall, the thrown
opponent immediately suffers Pattern Bite (”’Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals”’,
pp. 209) as their strand is tangled and damaged by the violent loss of its worldly
marker, and cannot be found on the Loom of Fate for the next (Essence) weeks. Ev-
erything within the radius of the hazard is similarly obscured, increasing the difficulty
to locate it on the Loom of Fate by an amount equal to the Trauma of the hazard it
faced, regardless of whether or not it . Sidereals affected in this manner increase the
difficulty to find anything on the Loom by the same amount. Scattered deposits of
starmetal ore remain at the impact site; enough to be used as an exotic ingredient in
(thrown opponents Essence) separate artifacts.
Source: Revlid

Hellbound Hurl Anabasis

Cost: (+1wp); Mins: Essence 6, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Blasphemy
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: , Sky-Bruising Victim Toss
The Infernal may increase the cost of Crack the Sky by one point of Willpower
after using Sky-Bruising Victim Toss to throw his opponent into the sky. If he does so,
the diabolical storm is provoked as normal, but the target does not fall down with it.
Instead, after suffering the usual damage from impacting the sky, the target undergoes
a moment of utter cold and impenetrable blackness, through which a single, random
pleading voice can be heard, before they erupt back into the sunlit world. This sun,
however, is emerald and bitter, and their entrance was made through a flickering black
star; the Infernal has thrown his opponent straight into Malfeas, where they impact
at some random point after falling through the hellish skies for another five minutes,
crashing into the silvery sands of the Endless Desert, plunging into the burning waters
of Kimbery, or splattering onto a brass-tiled roof in the Demon City itself. Although
their journey seems instant (barring the terrible fall) it actually takes the normal
five days to pass from Creation into Malfeas. This hellbound journey is treated as a
Shaping attack (albeit not an undodgeable or unblockable one), and can be defended
against as such.
If the Infernal wishes, he may make a prayer roll before his opponent smashes
through the sky, directed toward any demon or Yozi with a world-body, and treating
his thrown opponent as an offering with a Resources value equal to their Essence
rating. If successful, the demon or Yozi in question is made aware of their incoming
guest, and the target is guaranteed to impact somewhere on or around their world-
body. If the thrown target is a sorcerously bound demon, its bindings are shattered
by its return to Malfeas.
Source: Revlid

Hero-Sundering Hands
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Reflexive

Keywords: Combo-Basic, Crippling, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: World-Breaker Grip
Most enemies may be splattered in one strike. Fewer must be thrown back
like juvenile fish to mature into worthy prey. Only the rarest of adversaries must be
torn limb from limb, but Infernal Monsters dream of such opportunities and wake
salivating. This Charm may only be activated as a particularly brutal means of
releasing an opponent seized with World-Breaker Grip. The Infernal adjusts his grip
to twist off the enemy’s limbs the way a young boy might pull wings off a fly. Mocking
laughter is not required, but is customary to the maneuver.
The victim suffers a single level of unsoakable lethal damage and one crippling am-
putation injury of the Infernals choice, examples of which may be found on page 152 of
Exalted. Effects that prevent this damage also prevent the maiming. If these options
arent brutal enough, the Infernal might rend an enemys genitals, taking away his or
her ability to enjoy sex or procreate and messily terminating any existing pregnancy
in the process. Regardless, the severed organ remains in the Exalts grip. Because this
Charm functions through actual amputation, Exalted cant heal back missing organs
without the aid of appropriate magic. In case it comes up, a dismembered human-
sized limb may be used with the same statistics as a club and is obviously an in-style
improvised weapon.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals, p. 162.
Source lj/80486.html White Wolf
LiveJournal spoiler
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals

Blood-Halting Hand
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Infernal Monster 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Retribution Will Follow
The might of the Infernal Monster is such that it can crush the blood from
its prey with a single blow. This Charm enhances an unarmed attack, doubling the
Infernals Strength for the purpose of determining raw damage. The power behind
this strike is almost too great for the target to handle, collapsing blood vessels and
preventing life from flowing to the wounded areas; any damage inflicted with this
attack takes twice as long to heal without magical aid.
Source: The Free Man

Shattering the White Spear

Cost: (+4m); Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Crippling
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: , Joyful Cessation of Restraint, Hero-Sundering Hands
Once is never enough for the Infernal Monster. He must crush his foes again,
and again, and again until they are nothing but piles of bruised flesh and splintered
bone. This Charm permanently enhances Joyful Cessation of Restraint, allowing the
Infernal to increase its cost by four motes when targeting a prone target in order to
horribly cripple his unfortunate victim. Each successful strike on a prone target that

would deal any amount of damage instead deals only a single level of unsoakable lethal
damage, but also delivers a Crippling amputation injury of the Infernals choice, just
as if it had been delivered through Hero-Sundering Hands. If the target is fortunate
(or unfortunate) enough to have survived, the broken bones poking through their
flesh make an excellent enhancement to World-Breaker Grip, adding the Infernals
(Essence) to the screaming weapons accuracy and damage, as well as making all
damage dealt with it lethal.
Source: The Free Man

Red Torrent of Slaughter

Cost: (+5m); Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Emotion, Shaping
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: , Blood-Halting Hand, Infernal Monster Form
If one were make the mistake of giving physical form to the Demon Monsters
anger, that fool would almost certainly be destroyed by a torrent of unthinkably red-
hot fire. This Charm permanently enhances Blood-Halting Hand; any extras who
suffer even one dice of post-soak damage from an attack enhanced by that Charm
automatically die. Whenever a character witnesses a death caused by a Blood-Halting
Hand attack, it must roll Valor at a difficulty of (Infernal’s Essence -2), maximum 5.
If it fails, it must immediately spend one point of Willpower, or flee in terror. If it
succeeds (or spends Willpower to resist), it is rendered immune to this unnnatural
Emotion effect for the rest of the scene.
In addition, the Infernal can increase the cost of Blood-Halting Hand by five motes.
If he does so, a small spark of his bottomless cruelty and limitless fury is channeled
through his attack, into his victim’s very core: their heart. Every drop of blood in
the targets body begins to boil; despite acting like a poison, this is actually a Shaping
effect: Damage (Essence)L/action, Toxicity (Martial Arts), Tolerance None, Penalty
(Essence x 2). If the target dies before their blood stops boiling (or due to it), their
skin ruptures into a geyser of burning gore that sprays (victim’s total health levels x3)
yards in every direction, acting as a one-time environmental hazard with a damage
of (victim’s total health levels)L and a Trauma of (Infernal’s Essence).
Source: The Free Man

Glistening Skull-Shrapnel Bomblets

Cost: (+3m, 1wp); Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: , Red Torrent of Slaughter, Shattering the White Spear
The Infernal Monster is not content with merely striking soul chilling fear into
the hearts of his foes. Those around him must feel the pain of each one of his vic-
tims. This Charm permanently enhances Blood-Halting Hand, allowing the Infernal
to increase its cost by a further three motes and one Willpower whenever he uses it
to force his target’s blood to boil. If the target detonates as a result of that Charm,
their bones explode along with their blood, a shower of white splinters and searing
red. This increases the damage of the resultant environmental hazard by (Infernal’s
Essence), plus one for each Crippling amputation the target suffered at the time of
its death. It also increases its radius to (victim’s total health levels x5) yards.

Source: The Free Man

Back With a Vengeance

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 4, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: , Nowhere to Run
The arrogant Solars think nothing more of their foes after casting them away
like so much garbage. The Infernal Monster shall demonstrate to them their fool-
ishness. This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite. If the Infernal activates
Leaping Smash Technique on their next action tick after having been subjected to
a Knockback effect by a foe, the maximum distance the Infernal may leap towards
that enemy is increased to the distance they were thrown by the Knockback effect,
if it would otherwise have been less, up to a maximum of 100 miles. At Essence
5+, the Infernal can leap halfway across Creation in a single bound. At Essence
6+, the range of Leaping Smash Techniques jump when used in this way becomes
infinite. Even if hurled through Creations sky to crash-land in Malfeas, the Infernals
five-day return leap will carry them across Cecelynes sands to emerge shrieking into
Creations atmosphere, smashing down onto their unwary foe like the wrath of the
Yozis themselves.
Source: Golden Demon

World-Breaker Grip
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Until Released
This Charm basically allows the Infernal Monster to hold an opponent by the
arm or leg and use her as a weapon. This Charm allows special exceptions to the
Grapple rules. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Manual of Exalted
Power: Infernals, p. 160.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of ErrataWhen using a held enemy as an
improvised weapon, this Charm says that the ’weapon’ has ””’Damage:”’ (Strength
x2)B + attack successes.” It should be ””’Damage:”’ +(Strength x 2)B.”
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals

Sanity-Devouring Night Terror

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 4, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Illusion
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Armageddon Nightmare Duel
This Charm upgrades Charms:Armageddon Nightmare Duel its prerequisite. If
the Exalt has an Overdrive pool, offensive motes in this pool are not lost upon scene
change to enter the arena of nightmare: the Infernal Monster enters the dreamscape
with his full offensive might intact. Furthermore, this Charm generates fictitious
shades of the victims positive Intimacies all across the dream world. These characters
are completely oblivious to the circumstances surrounding their arrival in the dream

world, and will perfectly ignore any magical attempts to persuade or influence their
The dreamscapes will patch themselves around these characters, creating scenes
which are intimate to the victim. The victim might find himself wandering down
a dark tunnel full of jagged rocks only to emerge into the kitchen of his long dead
mother, who will appear to be alive, well, and busily preparing his breakfast. These
representations of the victims Intimacies are not hollow illusions to be laughed off or
ignored. Even though the victim knows they cannot possibly be real, each has all
the seeming of the people he most loves. They are, in fact, externally generated from
within his heart, so he is completely unable to ignore the urge to protect or defend
these characters unless he pays a point of Willpower to ignore the Infernals unnatural
Illusion, separately and for each Intimacy that he wishes to abandon. However, doing
so in the dream also revokes this Intimacy from his heart when the nightmare ends.
Needless to say, the presence of these Intimacies leaves the victim vulnerable.
Unlike the real figures they represent, they do not possess the combat traits or magical
powers they may actually possess in real life. They will act in a manner befitting
their motivations, but will interact with the horrific, external presence of nightmarish
dreamscapes and the presence of a monster only if directly confronted with evidence
of these things. Otherwise, mom will ignore a victim who is being beaten to death in
the adjacent cave; as in nightmare, the figments of the dreamers heart seem only to
exist in the small, familiar scenes in which they are placed within the dream.
Of course, letting them off the hook would be too easy. If directly confronted by
the Infernal Monster, they will attempt to flee or fight as accurate to their nature.
However, having no actual traits or magic, each victim represents no greater threat
status to the Infernal Monster than an extra. Killing a targets Intimacies while
forcing him to watch grants the Infernal Monster (Essence) motes to his Overdrive
pool, if he has one. Each slaughtered Intimacy also redefines itself with a context
of tortured guilt when the dreamer awakens. As a final piece of advice, Gorol was
the first Infernal Monster stylist to discover, to his detriment, the special interaction
between Sanity-Devouring Night Terror and the Solar Charm Visage Made Law (see
Lords of Creation (with errata), p. 80-81). If one of the victims positive Intimacies
have learned that Charm, his appearance in the dream will no longer be as an extra,
but rather will carry his actual traits, Charms, panoply, and any other magic the
character knows. In this way, Gorol was defeated when he attempted a dream assault
on the Lunar wife of one of his most hated Solar enemies.
monkeys-vol-37-charm-medley-part-iii.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 37
Source: Ink Monkeys

Screaming Meat Shield

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
This Charm improves its prerequisite, allowing the Infernal Monster to deflect
attacks with whomever he’s holding with World-Breaker Grip. If the attacker has an
intimacy to the person being used as a shield, they can suffer loss of Willpower. See
the full text of the Charm for details.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals, p.

2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratacost=9m
¡p¿Attackers may pay one Willpower to abort their attack in order to avoid striking
the Infernal Monsters hostage. Aborted attacks are simply lost, imposing multiple
action and DV penalties as normal.¡/p¿
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals

One Hand Fury

Cost: - (1wp); Mins: Essence 5, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Fists of the Old Ones, Joyful Cessation of Restraint, Screaming
Meat Shield
This Charm changes one of the Exalts hands into an artifact weapon that can
be used as a form-type weapon for this Martial Arts style. See the full text of the
Charm for details.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals, pp. 160-161.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
¡p¿One Hand Fury grants the Infernals punch the following statistics: Speed 5,
Accuracy +2, Damage +10L/2, Defense +1, Rate 3, Tags N, O, P¡/p¿
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals

Smoldering Rage Beast

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 2, Infernal Monster 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Compulsion, Emotion, Rage
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Retribution Will Follow
Provoking the Infernal Monster Style Infernal Monster is unwise. This Charm
permanently improves its prerequisite in two ways. First, the Infernal can activate
that Charm in response to any threat, bad news, insult, unwanted touch or physical
attack directed at her as though these stimuli had inflicted levels of damage. Second,
the Infernal can invoke Retribution Will Follow as an innate power rather than a
Charm activation.
Smoldering Rage Beast carries a steep price. The Exalt must activate Retribution
Will Follow whenever confronted with an opportunity to do so unless he pays one
Willpower to resist (immunizing him against other Rage effects for a day as normal).
monkeys-vol-3-unleash-your-inner-monster-part-i.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 3
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
¡p¿Ignore the innate ability upgrade to Retribution Will Follow. Instead, the
Infernal may choose to recover channels of Valor in place of any Willpower he would
gain while Retribution Will Follow is active.¡/p¿
Source: Ink Monkeys

Impatient Slaughter Speed

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 2, Infernal Monster 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Permanent

Prerequisites: Raging Behemoth Charge
The Infernal Monster charges toward enemies. They are prey, not threats. Ex-
alted with this Charm can activate Raging Behemoth Charge as an innate power
rather than a Charm activation while using Retribution Will Follow or Infernal Mon-
ster Form. While using Raging Behemoth Charge, the Infernal also gains the following
additional benefits:
* He cannot become fatigued from exertion. Any fatigue penalties suffered at the
time of activation are suspended until the Charm ends, resuming as though no time
had passed.
* He can run through muck, climb and swim toward valid opponents at the same
speed as ground movement (rather than half).
* When moving toward a valid opponent, the Infernal’s actions aren’t capped by
Athletics over unstable footing or swimming in rough conditions. He effectively has
whatever Athletics he needs to ignore such complications.
monkeys-vol-5-unleash-your-inner-monster-part-ii.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 5
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
¡p¿Ignore the innate ability upgrade to Raging Behemoth Charge. Instead, this
Charm upgrades Raging Behemoth Charge to add (Martial Arts) bonus dice on any
roll to maintain balance or maneuver through difficult conditions.¡/p¿
Source: Ink Monkeys

Leaping Smash Technique

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Infernal Monster 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Bounding Beast Advance
Fleeing the Infernal Monster is an exercise in futility. This Charm enhances an
unarmed attack (which can be an unarmed attempt to initiate a grapple), allowing
the Infernal to reflexively jump toward the target before determining whether the
target is in range for the purposes of resolving the attack. If he reaches his target,
the attack resolves normally with a +2 bonus to its raw damage from added momen-
tum. Otherwise, the jump moves the Infernal the appropriate distance but the attack
automatically misses. Leaping Smash Technique can be activated as an innate power
rather than a Charm activation if the Exalt has Raging Behemoth Charge or Infernal
Monster Form active. Essence 2-3 Exalted can only use this Charm to enhance the
first attack in a flurry; those with greater Essence surpass the limitation and can
flurry to bound across the battlefield.
If Leaping Smash Technique is used in conjunction with God-Smashing Blow to
enhance an attack, the final jump distance is doubled after applying any modifiers
from Bounding Beast Advance.
monkeys-vol-5-unleash-your-inner-monster-part-ii.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 5
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
¡p¿Ignore the innate ability power. Instead, the Infernal can cover an additional
(Martial Arts) yards with her jump when she uses this Charm with Raging Behemoth
Charge or Infernal Monster Form active.¡/p¿
Source: Ink Monkeys

Trapped Victim Mania Infliction
Cost: ; Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Crippling
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: , Hero-Sundering Hands
The Monster inflicts terror on those it has in its grip, the insanity of helplessness.
This Charm permanently improves its prerequisite, allowing the Infernal to forgo
ripping and tearing to instead whisper dark words into the ears of his squirming
opponent, or simply roar full-bore into their face. Either way, instead of suffering
an amputation and lethal health level of damage, the victim immediately acquires
derangements worth up to a total of (Martial Arts) points as a Crippling effect. The
Infernal may specify the general tone of these derangements (i.e. fear, anger, awe),
but the specifics are determined by the victims player; they must be associated with
the Monster in some way, whether an obsession with hunting it down, hallucinations
of its presence in dark corners and under the bed, a belief that it is the supreme being
in all existence, or frequent bouts of uncontrollable fury. This version of the Charm
does not force the Infernal to drop its victim, though it may still do so.
Source: Revlid

Twisting the Countenance Divine

Cost: (+2m); Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: , Veteran-to-Vagrant Method, Trapped Victim Mania Infliction
The Primordials crafted humanity as a sickly mirror of Autochthons favoured
son. The Infernal Monster shows altogether too much creativity in breaking even these
withered toys. This Charm permanently enhances Hero-Sundering Hands. Firstly,
the Infernal may apply derangements in addition to (rather than instead of) a phys-
ical amputation, at no additional cost. Secondly, whenever the Infernal inflicts an
amputation using Hero-Sundering Hands, he may spend an additional two motes to
also apply up to (Martial Arts + Essence) permanent mutations to his target (this
may include negative mutations, which count toward the limit but reduce the total
experience cost as normal). These mutations are part of the amputations Crippling
effect, and their effects fade if it is healed; they generally appear to stem from the
victims Monster-inflicted injuries in some manner. A crushed arm, bonelessly-flailing,
might act as a tentacle, while broken teeth could be rendered jagged enough to act
as fangs, and a drooling maw might sprout in place of a wound.If it does not already
have it, the victim may voluntarily acquire the Creature of Darkness mutation at
any point, in order to offset the cost of mutations applied by this Charm. This is
a subconscious decision, driven by an acceptance of the monster it appears to be.
If the victim does so, it also becomes a native of Malfeas; on a native of Malfeas,
these mutations are truly permanent, a natural? part of the victims form; they are
no longer alleviated by healing the Crippling effect from which they stemmed.
If an amputation has been twisted by mutations in this fashion, natives of Malfeas
can interact with the victim without being affected by the social effects of Veteran-
to-Vagrant Method. They instinctually view such functional mutilations as a natural
facet of existence.
Source: Revlid

Legions-to-Lepers Lability
Cost: ; Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Crippling
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: , Twisting the Countenance Divine
The survivors brought with them the emotional relics of their terror, tales of
alien beasts and monster-kings that maimed with a will. These stuttered stories
wormed their way into the hearts of their people; but it was not a purely psychological
condemnation, by any means. If a character with an intimacy (of any kind) toward
a victim of Twisting the Countenance Divine spends a scene interacting with that
victim (in any way), then at the end of that day they must roll (Appearance +
Integrity) at difficulty 1. If the focus of the scene was interacting with the victim,
or the character initiated it, the difficulty rises by two. If their interaction involved
physical contact in any way (such as a fight or sex), the difficulty increases by two.
These modifiers stack.
If they fail this roll, they gain points of permanent mutations equal to the amount
by which they failed as a Crippling effect, manifesting at a rate of one point per
day, in the same broken, deformed fashion as mutations applied through this Charms
prerequisite. These mutations can be removed through magical medicine capable of
healing an amputation. Natives of Malfeas are immune to this effect.
Once such a character reaches (Essence + 2) points of mutations, they suffer a
single amputation effect of their players choice, just as though they had been crippled
through Hero-Sundering Hands. Their mutations are now tied to the amputation
effect, as though they had been applied through Twisting the Countenance Divine.
This carries with it all the other effects of those Charms; the reduction to Appearance
0, the ability to become a creature of darkness, etc.
Source: Revlid

Who Fights Monsters Tutelage

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 4, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: , Twisting the Countenance Divine, Blood-in-the-Water Dia-
If a character mutilated by Twisting the Countenance Divine is a creature of
darkness and native of Malfeas, it can increase its Essence rating at the usual cost
and half the usual training time by meditating on its altered form. Time spent being
trained by the Infernal in Infernal Monster Style also counts as time spent training
its Essence. Characters who have yet to accept the creature of darkness mutation are
made subconsciously aware of this benefit; the power available to those who accept
their inner monster haunts their dreams.
If a mortal (or enlightened mortal) reaches Essence 3 in this manner, they may
continue, raising their Essence to 4 through the same meditation. Doing so shrives
them of their mortal flesh (and any Sorcerous tags stemming from Infernal Monster
Style), as their broken body caramelizes into a peeling, weeping chrysalis that cracks
open to release their new form. The character is now a First Circle Demon, with
all that entails (no need to eat or sleep, awakened Essence, etc). Despite being a
demon, it remains naturally material (like an elemental), and cannot be summoned or

banished through non-Yozi Sorcery; the Monster never surrendered. These creatures
(named algea by Shogunate scholars) bear up to (Martial Arts + Essence) Spirit
Charms, chosen by their player, appropriate to the themes of Infernal Monster Style
or mutilated, masochistic self-pity. Algea can learn Infernal Monster Style (though
obviously not its expansion Charms), and while they retain their Motivation and
intimacies from human life, they acquire a positive intimacy toward pain (whether
causing or suffering it), and their Compassion is lowered to one, with any excess points
being added to Valor (to the normal maximum of five). An algea can sometimes enter
Creation when a participant in a non-lethal competitive fight is killed.
As a final benefit, the least gods of infection, humiliation and pain that flit about
the wounds of a character mutilated through Twisting the Countenance Divine are
suborned, shrieking in silent, transdimensional alarm if their habitat is threatened. If
that amputation is ever healed, the act of restoration acts as an immediate trigger for
a single random unbound algea to leave Malfeas, seemingly emerging from the wound
even as it seals closed. This impromptu summoning? alters the algeas body, shifting
its features to bear a distinct resemblance to the healed character.
Source: Revlid

Demon-Pig Debauchery
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Infernal Monster 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Casting Off the Eight Restraints
Heaven is the oldest city known to Creation, hewn from reality as a house for
the Primordials; for all that the gods and their servants pretend to have tamed it, the
relics of a titanic age loom tall and lurk low. At the crossroads between the Purpureal
Wind and Carnadine Side, there is a statue of yellow jade on a pedestal of grainless
wood. It depicts a porcine poetaster, and gods do not approach it when night falls
and the wine is flowing.
The Infernal can only activate this Charm while in the gluttony-state induced by
Casting Off the Eight Restraints, gesturing for those around him to join in, or bel-
lowing his satisfaction, exuding unnatural mental influence on all characters within
(Martial Arts x 10) yards who can perceive him (or any evidence of his gluttonous ram-
page). Characters within this range must roll Temperance at a difficulty of (Infernals
Essence 2), rounded up. They may expend a Temperance channel to automatically
succeed, but if they fail, they immediately suffer from an Emotion effect that induces
all the demonic lusts boiling within the Monsters soul, resulting in a state identical
to an uncontrolled Overindulgence Limit Break, lasting one scene.
Such characters may reduce this state to a controlled Overindulgence by spending
one point of Willpower, or spend three points of Willpower to reject it entirely for the
rest of the day. Those who do not resist at all, and are able to indulge for the rest of
the scene, regain (highest Virtue) points of Willpower at the end of their debauchery,
along with a positive intimacy of guilty pleasure toward the acts they performed.
Those who engaged in controlled Overindulgence simply treat this as one scene spent
building that intimacy.
Source: Revlid

Gore-Quaffing Merriment
Cost: ; Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: , Casting Off the Eight Restraints
Dainty parties are not for the Monster or its parade. Let blood flow like wine,
sex mingle with food, pleasure and pain intermingle at a whim! This Charm per-
manently enhances the gluttony-state induced by its prerequisite. If the Infernal
has committed at least a single act of depravity in his rampage, and ends the scene
in Overindulgence (rather than Berserk Anger), he bleeds off an additional point of
Limit. If other characters have joined him in his monstrous revelry, whether naturally
or as a result of mental influence, he also regains temporary Willpower points equal to
their Magnitude; the majority of them must also have engaged in an act of depravity
or violence in the scene to qualify.
Source: Revlid

Parade of a Thousand Demons

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 4, Infernal Monster 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Desecration, Emotion
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: , Gore-Quaffing Merriment, Demon-Pig Debauchery
Do not heed the whispers, the gossip. They cannot possibly describe the riotous
orgies of nightwalkers and madmen in full, nor the glorious maitre-monster at their
head. Such affairs transcend scandal and morality; they are a matter of legend. This
Charm permanently enhances its prerequisites in the following ways:
The Infernal removes all Limit and Willpower costs for Casting Off the Eight
The Infernal may activate Demon-Pig Debauchery whenever he is under the effects
of any kind of Overindulgence Limit Break, regardless of its source or degree. Its cost
is reduced to one mote.
Characters who acquire an intimacy of guilty pleasure from unnatural mental
influence stemming from the Infernal also gain (Infernals Essence their Temperance)
points of permanent physical mutations as a Desecration effect at the end of the scene,
to a minimum of one pox. Such mutants also become natives of Malfeas.
All natives of Malfeas sent into an uncontrolled Overindulgence by Demon-Pig
Debauchery also benefit from the other effects of the Rage keyword (i.e. resistance
to mental influence and wound penalties), though the Infernal is always treated as
being of higher Essence for this purpose.
Any characters in the Infernal’s presence who bear an intimacy of guilty pleasure,
indulgence, addiction or similar are treated as also possessing an intimacy of idoliza-
tion toward him. This applies regardless of how the indulgent intimacy was acquired;
the Monster inspires bacchanalic awe in all with a taste for forbidden pleasure.
However, this Charm also permanently alters the Infernals behaviour, placing
him in a state identical to a controlled Overindulgence, which is overridden only
by Torment-behaviour or other Limit Breaks (such as the Berserk Anger applied by
Retribution Will Follow).
Source: Revlid

Grind Your Bones
Cost: ; Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Native, Overdrive
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: , Raging Behemoth Charge
Dont face the monster, your mother told you. Hell gobble you up. Hell crunch
on your fingers, and suck out your eyes, and go snouting in your innards. You know
what? She was right. This Charm provides the Infernal with an empty Overdrive
pool with a capacity of ten motes, which he may fill by consuming the flesh of others.
Victims must be fresh (i.e. alive or killed this scene) and sapient (i.e. humans,
gods, ghosts, most demons and elementals, awakened dragon kings, raksha, intelligent
animals, etc) to provide offensive motes; unintelligent animals, mindless Wyld-fauna
or automata do not qualify.
Each lethal health levels worth of flesh that the Infernal consumes provides him
with a single offensive mote. As such, a given character can only provide a number of
motes up to its health levels, including Dying levels; this is three for extras, and (7 +
Stamina) for everyone else, by default. Directly gnawing the meat from a struggling
victim requires a crush attack following a successful clinch, with every lethal health
level inflicted providing a single offensive mote. Consuming carrion, on the other
hand, is a miscellaneous action that can be taken once per action (or possibly more,
if the Infernal has multiple mouths), allowing the Monster to rip off and consume up
to (Strength 2) health levels worth of meat from a single corpse.
If the Infernal uses Hero-Sundering Hands to inflict an amputation injury, he may
reflexively consume the removed limb to acquire two offensive motes, rather than the
usual one he would receive for the lethal health level the act inflicts.
Source: Revlid

Bruise-Eyed Famine Beast

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: , Grind Your Bones
Cut off an army from sleep and supplies, and victory is at hand. Cut off the
Monster from sustenance and slumber, and you’ve only made him angry. The Infernal
ignores deprivation penalties (i.e. hunger, thirst, sleep deprivation and addiction
withdrawal) on his unarmed attacks. In addition, the first time he rolls Join Battle in
a scene, he immediately gains offensive motes equal to the total deprivation penalties
he is currently suffering.
Source: Revlid

Heart-Chewing Wendigo Method

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: , Grind Your Bones
Have a little heart. Have a little liver, too, and some giblets. Its food for
the soul. This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite. Whenever the Infernal
would acquire offensive motes through that Charm, he may forfeit three of those

offensive motes to regain a single Virtue channel, chosen by his player from one
Virtue the consumed victim had rated at 3+. The Infernal instinctively knows which
of the victims organs will lead to the Virtue he desires, consuming a heart to regain
Compassion, chewing on the lungs to facilitate Temperance, sucking out marrow
to restore Conviction, gobbling down a liver for Valor, etc. Consuming a specific,
thematically-relevant organ is not a mechanical necessity, but doing so increases the
stunt rating for that action to two, if it would have been lower.
Source: Revlid

Meat of Champions
Cost: (1wp); Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Training
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: , Grind Your Bones
The brain is where the hun soul meets the body, a repository of knowledge and
skill that can be accessed by a sufficiently ravenous outsider. The Infernal may, upon
consuming the brain of a character with an Ability rating higher than his own, spend
a point of Willpower to immediately increase his rating in that Ability by one dot as
a Training effect. He may do the same for Attributes or Specialties, but may only
acquire a single dot in a single trait per victim.
In addition, upon consuming a brain in this way, the Infernal may forfeit any
offensive motes he would have gained from the action and instead spend a point
of Willpower to roll (Perception + Investigation), allowing him to rifle through the
victims memories on a specific topic, no broader than a single intimacy. On top
of any information the Infernal may gain from this mnemo-cannibalism, the victims
memories continue to be digested and burped up. For the rest of the scene, whenever
the Infernal engages in a stunt that exploits this stolen knowledge (such as taking a
shortcut that a victim knew, or using holes in another characters defence that the
victim learned through long hours of training with them) or emphasizes the nature
of this assimilation (such as incorporating one of the victims mannerisms into the
action), he converts all stunt dice into successes.
If the Infernal uses this Charm to pick the brain of an intimacy-phantasm created
by Sanity-Devouring Night Terror, he obviously cannot acquire the knowledge the
actual entity would possess. Instead, he reviews his opponent’s memories of that
intimacy, adding (Essence) automatic successes to that Investigation roll. Whenever
the Infernal would benefit from the stunt-bonus of this Charm in that dream-world, his
form twitches and shifts with elements of those intimacies he has devoured, applying
a penalty to his opponent’s MDV equal to twice the number of consumed intimacies.
Source: Revlid

Casting Off the Eight Restraints

Cost: (1wp); Mins: Essence 2, Infernal Monster 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: , Retribution Will Follow
No sense of propriety or good taste for the Monster; it is a beast that scorns the
golden chains of civilization, and sates its unholy hungers whenever it sees fit. The
Infernal may activate Retribution Will Follow in response to being denied an earthly

pleasure that he has openly stated a desire for, though doing so results in him losing
a single Temperance channel and gaining a point of Limit (the latter of which he may
bleed off as normal).
Further, the Infernal may spend a single point of Willpower while under any Rage
effect to pause his Berserk Anger, replacing it with behaviour like that of an uncon-
trolled Overindulgence Limit Break (”’Exalted”’, pp. 105). This does not remove
the benefits of the Rage keyword, and is not treated as resisting a Rage effect. This
Overindulgence lasts until the end of the scene, but fades early to be replaced by
the normal Berserk Anger if the Infernal exhausts all immediate outlets for his glut-
tony, or is attacked. Saint Buluku, the akuma who developed this Charm, constantly
surrounded himself with an immaterial gaggle of neomah so that he could sate his
battle-madness with orgies rather than massacring his own troops. Less hedonistic
monsters might simply choose to make a meal from the corpses of their victims.
The Willpower cost of this Charm is waived if the Infernal has already paid it
once in this scene, and there are no potential victims (friend or foe) in his immediate
Source: Revlid

Alpha-Beast Gauntlet Toss

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Infernal Monster Form
True power brooks no challenge. Should the Monster scale the Omphalos and,
at the very peak, beat its chest at Heaven, the Daystar itself would be goaded into a
reply. The Infernal rolls (Strength + Presence) or (Charisma + Martial Arts), and
issues a challenge to any one character he knows can perceive him. This challenge
may be communicated in any way he pleases; an elaborate speech, a whispered threat,
a contentious bellow, or a simple beckoning finger. If his rolled successes exceed the
targets Dodge MDV (which is always reduced by a high Valor, as described on ”’Ex-
alted”’, pp. 172), the target suffers from a Compulsion leading them to immediately
engage the Infernal in combat, moving to bring him into their engagement range if
necessary. For the rest of the scene (or until the Infernal himself breaks from the
fight), they will refuse to retreat or flee; they must use their highest MDV (and spend
Willpower, if necessary) to resist any fear-based Emotion effects that would dissuade
them from facing the Monster. This unnatural mental influence can be resisted for the
scene by spending two points of temporary Willpower (or three points if the targets
Valor is rated at 3+).
Source: Revlid

Overbearing Challenger Cruelty

Cost: (+target’s Essence motes); Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 4; Type:
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: , Alpha-Beast Gauntlet Toss
When the bully calls you to accept your beating, you must bow your head and
accept it. He is the stronger, and resistance will only provoke him. The Monster scorns

law, but this aspect of Cecelynes legalisms sits well with it. This Charm permanently
enhances Alpha-Beast Gauntlet Toss, allowing the Infernal to increase its cost by a
number of motes equal to his targets Essence rating. If he does so, its mental influence
is rendered undodgeable. This effect can only be applied when targeting characters
with an Essence rating lower than the Infernals; at the Storyteller’s discretion, this
may exclude characters whose Essence rating is not clearly indicative of their power,
such as many behemoths.
Source: Revlid

Man-to-Monster Pugilism
Cost: (+1wp); Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: , Alpha-Beast Gauntlet Toss
The Monster prefers others to come and fight it like men. Its much more fun
that way. For it. This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite. While ordinarily
a character forced to face the Monster could do so through any means, the Infernal
may increase the cost of Alpha-Beast Gauntlet Toss by a single point of Willpower
to strengthen the challenging Compulsion, leading the target to enter the Infernals
engagement range even if they possess some means of combating him from afar.In
addition, the Monster may reduce the Willpower cost to resist the mental influence
imposed by Alpha-Beast Gauntlet Toss by one, in order to broaden its grip. If he
does so, the target not only moves to fight the monster at close range, but does so
barehanded. They sheathe their swords and resling their crossbows, readying their
fists or claws to tell a tale of victory. The only weapons they can use while under the
Compulsion are the form weapons of Infernal Monster Style.
Source: Revlid

Hell-in-a-Cell Insistence
Cost: 5m (+5m); Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Knockback, Obvious, Sorcerous
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: , Alpha-Beast Gauntlet Toss
The Monster was born in the brutal confinement of the Demon City, in a realm
where the only freedom was the meaningless infinity of Cecelyne. It scorns shackles
itself, but savours the despair induced by the impossibility of escape. This Charm can
only be used to target a single character within a number of yards equal to twice the
Infernals (Martial Arts + Essence). This target must be under the Compulsion effect
applied by its prerequisite. After committing five motes, a ring is defined around the
Infernal and his target, with a radius equal to the Infernals (Martial Arts + Essence),
positioned so that the two are as centred as possible. Every other character within this
area immediately suffers an automatic Knockback effect pushing them just outside
of this ring; this causes no damage, and will not place them in directly damaging
situations (such as pushing them into a pool of lava); if absolutely necessary, the
rings shape will contort to permit their safety. This effect cannot be resisted except
by magic that specifically defends against Knockback, and targets even immaterial

If no characters resist this effect, clearing the ring of surplus opponents, the Infernal
must commit a further five motes. The edge of the ring grumbles and grinds, kicking
up motes of dust, Essence, and the dismembered particles of least gods into a strange
haze that warps the air. To those outside the ring, this arena-haze seems confined to
the boundaries of the impromptu pit-fight, distorting events within like a funhouse
mirror. To the Infernal and his opponent, however, it seems to cover everywhere
but the ring, rendering the world outside a brume-twisted vision. In either case,
this arena-haze’s harmful nature is Obvious, and it applies an external penalty of
-(Infernal’s Essence) to all attacks made into the ring from outside it, or vice-versa.
Any character other than the Infernal or his chosen opponent suffers from an
environmental hazard while inside the ring, with a Damage of (Infernals Essence
+2)L/action, no Evasion rating, and a Trauma of (Infernals Essence), to a maximum
of five. The Infernal and his opponent instead suffer this hazard while they are outside
the ring. This arena-haze even affects immaterial characters, and at Essence 7+, its
Trauma gains the L tag. Wounds from this hazard manifest like impacts from invisible
fists; opponents who attempt to flee the match, or outsiders who try to intervene, are
beaten down by the world itself for their weakness. Landscape-scale characters on
whom the ring is made are not harmed by it, though it is still Obvious to them as a
tingling itch.
This Charm can be dispelled by targeting the Infernal, his chosen opponent, or
the ring itself. This Charm ends naturally if the Infernal dies, his opponent dies,
or both the Infernal and his opponent are outside its boundaries; it also ends if the
Infernal deliberately moves his opponent outside of the ring, using throws, Knockback
effects, etc. This Charm does not end if the opponent breaks the Compulsion on itself.
Despite being Sorcerous, the motes spent on this Charm remain committed for its
Source: Revlid

Bread and Games Brutality

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Emotion
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: , Hell-in-a-Cell Insistence
The Monster will carve its name into the very face of Time, becoming a legend
whispered of in hushed tones. That those tones might be of awe rather than fear
is only a sign of the depravity of this fallen Age, but the Beast does not reject its
admirers. Let shows be put on, great blood circuses for jollity and gore! Let the
Monster accept civilization into its many arms, for in their schadenfreude they are
the same. This Charm permanently enhances the arena-haze of its prerequisite in
two ways.
To characters outside the ring, the arena-haze acts as a strange and crystal-
clear projector, bending space in such a way as to magnify points of interest and
draw attention to brutality, slowing down perceptions at the point of impact and
replaying particularly horrendous body-blows. Characters attempting to follow the
course of the fight from outside the ring benefit from a single automatic success
to such Awareness rolls, and are unimpeded by visual obstructions like foliage or
smoke; only solid barriers that prevent them from viewing the ring can obstruct their
morbid voyeurism. Any native of Malfeas who perceives a character killing another

character inside the ring in this fashion immediately acquires a positive intimacy
toward the killer, with a context of their choice; the ultimate gladiators of the Demon
City seldom lack admirers. Other characters simply treat it as a single scene spent
building the intimacy. Either way, this is an unnatural Emotion effect costing one
point of Willpower to resist.
To the Infernal and his opponent, the arena-haze produces no such sadistic clarity;
it distorts even further, such that from inside the ring, the haze seems packed with
a phantasmal audience of mutants, beasts, lowlifes and demons, wisping in and out
of existence with a cacophony of jeers and catcalls. If the Infernals coadjutor is
wakeful enough, it might well provide a running commentary that slithers around
the rings edge, providing sneering pointers or masochistic exclamations. All rolls to
notice things happening outside the ring suffer a -1 external penalty, thanks to the
phantasm-crowds incessant and overbearing presence. More importantly, whenever a
character within the ring makes an attack, feat-of-strength, or parry that resonates
with the themes of the Infernal Monster (with a special emphasis on displaying his
handiwork to the baying audience) the number of stunt dice that the action benefits
from is increased by one. If the Infernal performs a natural three-dot stunt that
resonates with these themes, he immediately loses a single point of Limit, in addition
to any other stunt bonuses.
Source: Revlid

Condemnation of Beasts Method

Cost: Varies; Mins: Essence 4, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Bread and Games Brutality
The Monster cavorts and hunts with lesser beasts. When the baying of his
cousins grows loud enough, he is happy to throw his enemies into the lions den. The
Infernal may activate this Charm whenever he or his opponent performs a stunt that
benefits from the bonus provided by Bread and Games Brutality, paying (10 stunt
dice) motes. One of the monstrous spectators in the haze-audience shifts and warps,
becoming all too real. This creature is actually an unbound First Circle Demon from
a race chosen at random by the Storyteller, called from Malfeas five days ago to
observe the brutal glories of the Monsters battle. The demon will generally be from a
martial race such as an erymanthoi or tomescu; one who would want to involve itself
in the battle as more than a spectator. These demons are affected by the hazard of
the arena-haze in the same way as the Infernal and his opponent. Demons summoned
in this way return to Malfeas at the end of the scene, unless bound through other
At Essence 5+, the Infernal can specify which type of demon is summoned with
each Charm activation, though it is still random and unbound. At Essence 6+,
demons summoned in this way bear an automatic positive intimacy toward the Infer-
nal, just like the one created by observing a kill through Bread and Games Brutality.
At Essence 7+, these demons do not automatically return to Malfeas, but linger
as normal for any demon who has escaped into another realm. At Essence 8+, this
Charm’s cost is reduced to (demon’s Essence rating - stunt dice) motes, to a minimum
of zero.
Source: Revlid

Glory-in-Torment Circus
Cost: ; Mins: Essence 4, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Emotion
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: , Hell-in-a-Cell Insistence
Harder, the crowd chants, harder! Hit him harder! Thus does the Monster
make monsters of us all, turning executions into family outings, gladiatorial combat
into a casual amusement. Blood splatters the floor and walls, and the audience bays
for more and more. This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite in a number
of ways.
After targeting a character with Hell-in-a-Cell Insistence, the Infernal may exclude
other characters from the Knockback effect of that Charm, at an increased commit-
ment cost of one mote per character. These contestants remain inside the ring as it
forms, and are affected by the arena-haze in the same manner as the Infernal and his
chosen opponent. If another character enters the ring after activation, the Infernal
may also make them contestants by reflexively spending a single mote as a non-Charm
activation. The Infernal can only have a maximum of (Essence x2) contestants in the
ring aside from himself and his chosen opponent.
The above power allows the Monster to corral many victims at once, not to
let those who consider themselves his pack bring down his enemies with weight of
numbers; the Infernal may not include more allies than enemies in the ring in this
manner (including the original target). Upon the death of his chosen opponent, the
Infernal may allow the Charm to end as normal, or spend (not commit) five motes
to immediately declare any other character in the ring his new chosen opponent,
continuing the Charm.
The maximum range at which the Infernal can target a character with Hell-
in-a-Cell Insistence is increased to twice the Infernals (Strength + Martial Arts +
Essence). The radius of the ring created by that Charm is increased by the minimum
amount necessary to compensate for this increase. If the Infernal has allowed more
characters inside the ring than the normal two, its radius increases by half-a-yard for
every additional participant.
If the Infernal knows Bread and Games Brutality, all watchers who do not resist
the Emotion effect applied by that Charm may treat time spent watching the match
as time spent Monsters Beget Monsters being trained in Infernal Monster Style by
the Infernal.
The positive intimacy created by Bread-and-Games Brutality is also treated as
a positive intimacy toward all forms of gladiatorial combat. This intimacy preys on
the characters mind, leading them to see the potential for competitive bloodshed
everywhere; they treat any scene in which they so much as glimpse a fight (even
between animals) as a scene spent enforcing it. If a character with this intimacy is
part of a larger social group (as almost all entities are), they will unconsciously work
to spread it throughout that group, whether by getting colleagues involved in bar
brawls, gushing to their children about the amazing fights theyve seen, or persuading
their overseer to allow them to set up a fighting pit to help relieve the slaves tension.
Source: Revlid

Blood-in-the-Water Diabolism
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Infernal Monster 4; Type: Reflexive

Keywords: Combo-OK, Sorcerous
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: , Retribution Will Follow
The Infernal can activate this Charm whenever he causes even a single level of
damage to another character with an unarmed attack, or another character causes
even a single level of damage to him with any attack, applying a Sorcerous mark to
somewhere on their body. This mark is clearly visible against the skin, can be no
larger than the monsters open palm at the time of activation, and has a shape derived
from the monsters anima banner. For as long as this mark lasts, every demon within
(victim’s Essence) miles adds two automatic successes to any roll to track them. In
fact, any native of Malfeas within this range automatically senses the victim’s presence
(though not their nature, exact location or identity) as though it were Obvious, and
instinctively understand that they have been invited to assault the poor soul by a
true monster of hell. While this invitation carries no compulsion, at the end of any
day they have actively worked toward doing so, such entities automatically regain
one point of temporary Willpower. Non-natives of Malfeas can decipher the marks
meaning by studying it, with a successful (Intelligence + Martial Arts) roll at difficulty
Incidentally, as long as a character bears this mark, he may treat any time spent
interacting with natives of Malfeas (in any way) as time spent Monsters Beget Mon-
sters being trained in Infernal Monster Style by the Infernal. He is also instinctually
aware of the direction of the nearest place of desolation (adding one automatic success
to any attempts to navigate to it), and when within such a place, can deliberately
head to the edge of Cecelyne within a day of travel with a successful (Wits + Occult)
Source: Revlid

Veteran-to-Vagrant Method
Cost: ; Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Emotion
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: , Hero-Sundering Hands
The survivors of the Monster are neither looked upon nor truly forgotten; society
shuns them as cursed, as a pitiable reminder of darker times, as cowards for not dying
as their brothers did. Their exile is hardly eased by the mark of the beast upon
their broken forms. This Charm permanently improves its prerequisite. Firstly, the
Monster may inflict its amputations in ways other than brute strength; a limb might
wither and twist into a twig-like extrusion of bone, or erupt into bubbling cancerous
growths that violently denature, or simply shatter like glass.
Secondly, the amputations inflicted by the Monster carry an aura of dread and
disgust that lasts until they are healed, reducing a victims effective Appearance to 0
for all purposes. If a character is aware of a victims disability, they cannot spend build
or maintain positive intimacies toward them. In fact, they treat every scene spent
in their presence (or pondering their disability) as a scene spent eroding any positive
intimacies toward the victim, or (if they have none) building a negative intimacy of
disgust toward them, which also acts as an intimacy of fear toward the Infernal. All
these intimacy-related effects are an Emotion effect that can be resisted for a scene
by paying (6 -Compassion) points of Willpower. In addition, if at least one-fifth

of a military unit bears witness to the victims disability, that military unit treats
the encounter as engaging the Infernal Monster as a solo unit for the purposes of
Post-Traumatic Brutality Roar.
For as long as this effect lasts, the victim may treat any time spent interacting
with characters with a negative intimacy toward him as time spent Monsters Beget
Monsters being trained in Infernal Monster Style by the Infernal.
Source: Revlid

Those Who Are About to Die Shintai

Cost: 20m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 5, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Form-type, Obvious
Duration: As Hell-in-a-Cell Insistence
Prerequisites: , Glory-in-Torment Circus, Bread and Games Brutality, Condem-
nation of Beasts Method
The Infernal may only activate this Charm while Hell-in-a-Cell Insistence is ac-
tive, and he, his chosen opponent and at least one other contestant are inside the ring.
His body swells as though he were adopting Infernal Monster Form, before bursting
apart, steaming vitriol and stringy gore splattering across the whole ring before dis-
solving into the flare of his anima. The Infernal himself is not actually damaged in
any way; he has joined with the alien light of his soul to become immaterial, existing
immediately outside the ring as an oversized, Obvious part of its phantasmal crowd.
Some Infernals take on the form of their anima banner, becoming massive demons or
overbearing soul-beasts that loom over the arena, while others retain their original
form, sat atop a great throne of skulls as they accept unreal refreshments from illusory
While in this shape, the Monster is effectively a cosmetic manifestation of this
Charm. He cannot take normal actions, and though he is unaffected by the arena-
haze, he is limited to the very edge of the ring itself. He can be targeted as normal
by any attack that would harm an immaterial being, but cannot suffer more than a
single health level of damage in a single attack, and any character who makes such
an attack immediately suffers one interval of the arena-hazes environmental hazard
(which now deals aggravated damage to immaterial characters, as the floating motes
of the Monsters physical form further contaminate the surrounding Essence-flows).
On his action, the monster can engage in one of the following actions:
The Monster may use Alpha-Beast Gauntlet Toss to target any contestant within
the arena. He may increase its cost by one point of Willpower to target any number of
contestants with a single activation. Any characters who succumb to this unnatural
mental influence are not directed to confront the Infernal, but another contestant
(or contestants) of his choice within the ring. In this way, the Infernal can pair off
fighters, set up informal teams, order a gang-up, or simply provoke a free-for-all. This
version of the Charm has the Willpower cost necessary to resist it reduced by one.
Provided that the ring does not already have its full complement of (Essence x2)
contestants, the Monster may use Alpha-Beast Gauntlet Toss to target any character
outside the arena. If that target succumbs to this unnatural mental influence, they
must make their way into the arena. They are rendered a contestant the moment
they reach the rings border, and as such are not harmed by the environmental hazard
unless they try to leave, of course.
The Monster may spend up to (Essence x2) motes. He may then grant an equal

number of offensive motes to any of the contestants within the ring, dividing them as
he pleases. For this purpose, any contestants without their own Overdrive pools are
considered to have Overdrive pools with a capacity of five motes, which last as long
as the ring does.
The Monster can redefine the thematics that will gain increased stunt bonuses
through Bread-and-Games Brutality. This new thematic need not be another Martial
Arts Style, but should be approximately as broad, and offers the exact same benefits,
until it too is replaced.
The Monster can inflict a Knockback effect on any number of contestants who
are outside of the ring, the phantasmal crowd thickening like meaty fog to push the
fleeing fighters (Infernals Strength) yards back toward the arena.
In addition, while this Charm is active the Monster can reflexively and costlessly
designate any character in the ring as his chosen opponent? for all intents and purposes
(determining when the Charm ends, etc). He may activate Condemnation of Beasts
Method as normal.
For this Charms duration, all characters within (Essence x40) yards of the ring
with a Dodge MDV lower than the Infernals (Charisma + Martial Arts) suffers a
Compulsion effect leading them to watch the fight, whether they stop their own battles
to do so or not. This unnatural mental influence costs a single point of Willpower to
resist for the rest of the fight, or two points for natives of Malfeas.
The Infernal is affected by the same unnatural mental influence applied to spec-
tators through Bread and Games Brutality, albeit as though he were not a native
of Malfeas. For all other spectators, this influence increases in intensity; natives of
Malfeas increase the cost to resist it to two points of Willpower, while others form
the relevant intimacy immediately, rather than treating each kill as a scene spent
building the intimacy. If a killer is in turn killed in the arena, any affected characters
can freely replace the intimacy they had toward the victim with a new one toward
his killer.
This Charm lasts until Hell-in-a-Cell Insistence ends (for whatever reason), but
while it is active, Sapphire Countermagic is necessary to dispel it.
Source: Revlid

Hydra of the Shattered Temple

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 6, Infernal Monster 6; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Perfected Rage-Saint Sarira, All-Consuming Rampage Release
Masters of the martial arts sometimes speak of their bodies being temples, each
Essence-charged kata a prayer to the god of that particular Style. If the Monster is a
temple, it is one whose laymen have been eaten alive by their deity, a loathsome beast
foreign to Heaven who slouches atop its bloodstained altar. This Charm permanently
redefines the Infernals Urge to Inflict the Monster upon the world?. Note that, as with
all Charms that redefine his Urge, this affects his coadjutor in the ways one might
expect; as the embodiment of his Urge, the demon-vizier takes the cause of the great
beast onboard with aplomb. This Urge should be interpreted in a manner appropriate
to the Infernals capabilities and his personal understanding of Infernal Monster Style;
it is advised that the Infernals player discuss and clarify this interpretation (and any
later changes to it) with the Storyteller upon purchasing this Charm. Only Green

Sun Princes can learn this Charm, not akuma; the Monster cannot take charge of a
hollow soul.
While the Infernal is working toward his Urge, the time it takes for amputated
parts of his demon-weapon-body to heal is reduced from five days to one action,
as an Obvious effect, and he may ignore any mental influence intended to bring
about peace, mercy, charity or similar as though it were an unacceptable order. If
the Infernal already knows (or later learns) The Face of the Titans (or any other
Charm that similarly redefines his Urge) he is immediately refunded that Charms
experience point cost; this Charm takes precedence over all other Charms that would
permanently redefine the Infernal’s Urge.
Source: Revlid

Perfected Rage-Saint Sarira

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 6, Infernal Monster 6; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Desecration
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: One Hand Fury
The Infernals understanding of what it means to embody a weapon of titanic
rage reaches a new and terrible plateau. His entire body takes on the aesthetics of
his demon-hand; this can incorporate any number of appropriate permanent positive
physical mutations as a Desecration effect. Each part of his body becomes just as
indestructible as his demon-hand, with any amputated limbs regenerating after the
usual five days of healing. The basic damage increase applies to all the Infernals
natural attacks, not just punches and clinches made with the original demon-hand;
these attacks are unarmed for the purposes of all Martial Arts styles that do not
specifically exclude bare fists and feet, or that would require him to learn even one
Holy effect to achieve mastery.
Upon activating Infernal Monster Form or a Sidereal Form, the runes of resistance
sear across the Infernals entire body, not just his hand, but can take on an Obvious
manifestation other than green flame; indeed, any and all of his Obvious Charms
(Infernal Monster or otherwise) can have their appearance slightly warped while in
this form, to better match the aesthetics of his new demon-weapon-body. All the
Infernals natural attacks are enhanced when this effect is active, as described in One
Hand Fury, giving them the following traits:
”Demon-Arm Punch”: Speed 5, Accuracy +2, Damage +10L/2, Defense +1, Rate
3, Tags N, O, P
”Demon-Leg Kick”: Speed 5, Accuracy +0, Damage +13L/2, Defense -2, Rate 2,
Tags N, O, P
”Demon-Body Clinch”: Speed 6, Accuracy +0, Damage +10L/2, Defense , Rate
1, Tags C, N, O, P
These attacks all simultaneously benefit from the bonus to raw damage granted
by striking enemies past the cap on Strength. As a final benefit, the Infernal may
also apply this bonus to raw damage to other values; namely, to any Infernal Monster
Style calculation based on Strength or Martial Arts. This does not affect DVs or
other mundane values, only those values that directly pertain to the functioning of
Infernal Monster Charms; for example, when calculating how far he could throw a
victim with Crack the Sky, the Infernal could increase the base distance of (Martial
Arts x 4) miles by (current bonus to raw damage).

While akuma already belong to the Yozis, body, mind and soul, the Green Sun
Princes may find that transforming ever-more of their body into a weapon of and
tribute to Primordial fury has its drawbacks. While in Infernal Monster Form, they
cannot deny their Urge; it simply becomes as impossible for them as it would be for
an akuma. The Infernal can avoid this by reflexively ending Infernal Monster Form,
but if he does so, he cannot adopt it for the rest of the scene or until he next works
toward his Urge, whichever comes first.
Source: Revlid

Out of the Inferno Again

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 6, Infernal Monster 6; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Desecration
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Perfected Rage-Saint Sarira, Back With a Vengeance
This Charm can only be learned by Green Sun Princes, not akuma; the hand-
puppets of the Yozis have given up their true potential, out of desperation or avarice,
and are too hollow to bear the titanic, undying fury of the Monster. The warlocks,
by contrast, have failed before and will fail again; but they will return, hungrier and
angrier than before, ready to fight. Upon purchasing this Charm, the Monster be-
comes immortal, if he was not already. Age will not touch him in the slightest. In
addition, he can only be permanently slain by Charms capable of turning Primor-
dials into Neverborn. If he ever loses his last health level and would die without the
application of such a titan-killing Charm, he instead becomes sealed away. He dies?,
but his corpse flares with the burning light of his anima, becoming converted into a
monument to the Monsters death and inevitable return, appropriate to the aesthetics
of Infernal Monster Style and his demon-weapon-body. A rage-saint whose skin was
like green-veined basalt might simply have his corpse converted into a fossil-statue,
posed in his infuriated death throes. A warlock who had a body studded with jawless
teeth might have his remains replaced by a cairn of yellowed molars topped with a
clenched bone fist.
Whatever its shape, this monument serves as the focus of the Infernals return.
It cannot be moved or damaged in any way, and anyone who reveres it sufficiently
(whether by worshipping it, leaving offerings, or warning children not to approach
it) to count as a member of the Infernals Cult gains an additional die to regain
Willpower from sleeping; these dreams are not fully comfortable, but any monsters
that might have been conjured by their dozing mind are scared off by the greater
beast that lurks dormant just outside. Every month after his death, the Infernals
player rolls (Cult + highest Virtue), storing any rolled successes (note that Charms
such as Charms:Cosmic Transcendence of (Virtue) Cosmic Transcendence of Virtue
do not affect this roll, though Charms allowing the Infernal to derive his Cult rating
from another value still function). Once (Infernals Essence x 10) successes have been
accumulated, the monument violently dissolves into the Infernals flaring anima totem,
which surges to follow him as he leaps from Elsewhere, his mote and Willpower pools
all completely full (including any Overdrive pool he may possess). He may treat all
the time he spent dead? as time spent training in Infernal Monster Style.
In addition, while all the Infernals commitments and ongoing Charms end as
though he were killed normally, Sorcerous tags placed by Blood Heralds Death with
the aid of Eternal Monstrous Hunt last up until he is finally and truly killed. Further,

he may reflexively and costlessly apply Blood Heralds Death to his killer as an innate
power (requiring Adamant Countermagic to remove) upon his death, and may treat
his death as a Knockback effect imposed on him by his killer for the purposes of Back
With a Vengeance.
Source: Revlid

Fist Meet Fist

Cost: 3m (+3m); Mins: Essence 5, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Reflexive (Step
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Shields Like Ricepaper Skin, One Hand Fury
As the attack streaks toward the Monster, his fist flashes forward, meeting it
with opposing force, sending shockwaves through the surrounding air. This Charm
can be activated in Step 2 of any attack made against the Infernal while he is in
Infernal Monster Form, allowing him to increase his Parry dice pool by the number
of bonus damage dice his One Hand Fury demon-hand currently benefits from, to
a maximum of +(Martial Arts) PDV. If the attack still hits, the Infernal loses (op-
ponent’s Strength) bonus damage dice from his demon-hand, to a minimum of zero.
If the attack is successfully parried, the Infernal can pay an additional three motes
to apply the effects of Shields Like Ricepaper Skin to the attacker’s weapon, as a
non-Charm activation.
If the raw damage of the attack the Infernal is defending against (without consid-
ering threshold successes, but including the opponent’s Strength) would have been
greater than ten dice, every character within (attackers Strength + Infernals Strength)
yards of the Infernal (including the attacker) is immediately struck by a Knockback
effect pushing them (Infernals Strength 2) yards away. This applies even if the attack
successfully hits, but if it does, the Infernal is also thrown back, and his opponent is
automatically unaffected.
Source: Revlid

Shields Like Ricepaper Skin

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 10)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Stackable
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Fists of the Old Ones
The Monster pays no heed to the toothpicks and floss thrown in the path of its
blows. Its prey thinks to hide in mere metal boxes? Then it must take those away.
This Charm can be used to enhance any unarmed attack the Monster makes that has
been parried with a weapon (including shields) that does not possess the N tag, or
had its damage reduced by armoured soak.
If the attack was parried by a mundane weapon, it immediately shatters, becoming
useless to its wielder. If the attack was parried by an artifact weapon, the wielder
must roll (Wits + Melee) at a difficulty of (Infernal’s Strength 2). If they succeed,
they keep hold of the artifact, but if they fail it is flung from their grip, landing a
number yards away equal to the amount by which they failed. Regardless of how
many weapons or shields the target is wielding, this Charm only affect a single one
per attack.

If the attack had its damage reduced by armoured soak (or hardness), that armour
reduces its soak by four, and its hardness by two. This reduction is permanent in
mundane armour, and lasts until the end of the tick in artifact armour.
Source: Revlid

Enemy-as-Ploughshare Rampage
Cost: (2m); Mins: Essence 4, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: World-Breaker Grip
The dragons blood makes fine fertilizer, and its teeth are marvelous seeds. But
what to plough the fields with? Ah, of course! Its face. This Charm permanently
enhances World-Breaker Grip, allowing the Infernal to perform a special crush? on
his clinched enemies. This special crush does not disrupt the clinch; it requires that
the Infernal take a Move action, and is considered part of that Move action. The
raw damage inflicted by this special crush is equal to the number of yards the In-
fernal moved since his last action-tick, without taking Strength or other modifiers
into account, but it otherwise functions as normal for a crush. Though its effects are
generally cosmetic, it should be noted that whenever the Infernal applies this spe-
cial clinch, the surface he moves along takes an equal amount of damage, producing
gouges in walls and floors where the Infernal’s victim has been dragged.
If the Infernal somehow manages to Dash while controlling a clinch, the special
crush works normally. If he manages to Jump while controlling a clinch, he may
instead base the damage of the special crush on the highest number of yards he has
moved (in any direction) in a single Jump since his last action-tick.
As an additional benefit, if the Infernal would ever benefit from the two bonus?
attacks of Joyful Cessation of Restraint, he may spend two motes to forgo them,
instead making a single undodgeable, unblockable clinch attack against that target,
which is enhanced as though by World-Breaker Grip.
Source: Revlid

Pummel the Horizon

Cost: 3m (+1wp); Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One tick
Prerequisites: Fists of the Old Ones
The world flees before the Monsters wrath, and thinks itself safe; but his reach
is long. Even floating clouds and distant stars can be torn asunder. For the duration
of this Charm, the Infernal can give any non-Clinch unarmed attack he makes a range
of (Strength x Essence) yards, in exchange for removing any raw damage added by
excess successes on the attack roll. By default, these attacks manifest as bolts of
anima-force in the shape of the Infernals fists. The range provided by this Charm
doubles if the Infernal is under a Rage effect, and doubles if the attack benefits from
the Speed-reduction of Infernal Monster Form. These modifiers stack additively (as
normal) to triple the range provided.
At Essence 5+, the range provided by this Charm doubles. This modifier stacks
with the Rage and reduced-Speed, to potentially quadruple the range provided. At

this point the Infernal may increase this Charms cost by one point of temporary
Willpower to increase the range it provides further, to his maximum visibility range.
Source: Revlid

Flashing Blood-Knuckle Fury

Cost: (2m); Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Action-only
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Clenched-Fist Krodha Soul
The Monster is a blur of violence, blows whipping through the air with savage
swiftness. At any point on his action tick the Infernal may spend two offensive motes
to make a reflexive unarmed attack. He may make a maximum of (Essence) such
attacks per action. Being under a Rage effect removes the Action-only keyword,
allowing the Infernal to make these attacks on any tick. In addition, while he has
access to the Overdrive pool provided by this Charms prerequisite, the Infernal gains
one offensive mote whenever he is targeted with a counterattack provoked by one of
his own unarmed attacks.
Source: Revlid

Clenched-Fist Krodha Soul

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Native, Overdrive
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Many-Armed Wrathful Deva Method
Every punch he has yet to throw lies dormant and bubbling in the Monsters
soul, screaming of bruises uninflicted and bones unbroken. This Charm grants the
Infernal an empty Overdrive pool with a capacity equal to the motes he currently
has committed to its prerequisite. The Infernal gains one offensive mote whenever
his DVs refresh while under a Rage effect. If he wishes, he may spend this mote
immediately upon acquiring it; if he does so, then for the rest of the tick he gains
two offensive motes whenever he makes an unarmed attack which benefits from the
Speed-reduction of Infernal Monster Form. However, he then loses all offensive motes
from his Overdrive pool at the start of his next action, before his DVs refresh.
If the Infernal solidifies his anima-fists, the capacity of the Overdrive pool this
Charm provides becomes fixed at (Essence x3) motes for the rest of the scene, and
he immediately gains that many offensive motes, as his anima flares to totemic.
Source: Revlid

Many-Armed Wrathful Deva Method

Cost: 3m (1wp); Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Stackable, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Infernal Monster Form
So much destruction, and only two knuckled instruments to inflict it with. The
Monsters frustration is all but palpable. This Charm can be activated when Infernal
Monster Form is active, to enhance any attack that benefits from the Speed-reduction
provided by that Charm. The Infernals anima immediately flares to the 8+ level, if

it was not already higher, and manifests within itself a set of fists. These clenched
anima-fists cannot be used to manipulate anything; instead, they reduce any multiple
action penalties afflicting the Infernals unarmed attacks by one, and increase the
number of attacks he can make while still benefiting from the Speed-reduction of
Infernal Monster Form by one. The Infernal may stack up to (Essence) activations of
this Charm at once.
If the Infernal knows One Hand Fury, these anima-fists take on the same appear-
ance as his demon-hand. Further, if he makes a mundane flurry of unarmed attacks
after reaching his full complement of anima-fists, he may spend a single point of
Willpower in Step 1 of his first attack, before spending any motes on Charms enhanc-
ing that flurry. All but (Essence) motes committed to this Charm are released (all
motes are released if the Infernal is under a Rage effect), as the anima-fists solidify
into real arms, attached to the Infernal at his spine, waist, elbows, wrists, or anywhere
else they will fit. These fists provide the usual benefits, and disintegrate at the end
of the scene.
At Essence 6+, an Infernal who knows Joyful Cessation of Restraint may increase
the number of unarmed attacks in that magical flurry by spending two motes for each
additional attack. He may add one such unarmed attack for every set of anima fists
he has active past the first five.
Source: Revlid

Flinch-Inducing Demonhead Defense

Cost: 8m; Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Coward-Exposing Humiliation Strike
Children dare not strike their fathers, and peasants dare not strike their kings.
So it is that none who know fear dare strike the Monster. This Charm provides a
perfect parry against any attack made against the Infernal, as he sneers, snarls, or
simply glares at the attack, leading them to stumble, flinch or freeze in their tracks.
This Charm automatically fails if used to try and defend against a target who lacks
an intimacy of fear toward the Infernal or Infernal Monster Style, as a unique Flaw
of Invulnerability.
As an additional effect, should the attacker wish to direct further attacks against
the Infernal on this tick, they must first succeed on a Valor roll, or spend a single
point of Willpower overcoming the unnatural Emotion effect.
Source: Revlid

Coward-Exposing Humiliation Strike

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Fear-Scenting Hellhound Prana
Heroes stand tall and bare their blades against the Monster. They are fools, but
at least they die with dignity, unlike those who cower and lurch from the beasts blows.
Let them shiver in their foxholes! The Monster will sniff them out in due time. This
Charm can be used to enhance any unarmed attack the Monster makes, rendering
it unblockable by characters with an intimacy of fear toward him. As a separate

Emotion effect, characters who attempt to dodge this attack treat their dodge as a
scene spent building an intimacy of fear toward the Infernal, and lose a Valor channel
if they already have such an intimacy. This unnatural mental influence costs one
point of Willpower to resist.
Source: Revlid

Fear-Scenting Hellhound Prana

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Heart-Stopping Brutality Demonstration
The Monster can sense fear and faltering hearts in those around him. The
Infernal can roll (Perception + Awareness) as a miscellaneous action to sniff out fear
in all characters he can perceive (through any sense); if he rolls at least one success,
he detects which characters are currently feeling fear (as per the mundane Emotion
effect), as well as those who have suppressed their Valor (he can distinguish between
the two). If he rolls at least (character’s Socialize) successes, he can also detect which
characters possess even one intimacy of fear, though the subject of this intimacy is
not revealed to the Infernal unless it is present in (or relevant to) the scene at hand.
At Essence 4+, this Charm becomes Permanent and costless, and the Infernal may
make the Awareness roll reflexively, in Step 1 of any attack made against him or by
him, targeting only his attacker or victim. However, he also suffers a -1 penalty to
regain Willpower from sleeping at the end of any day in which he has not knowingly
played upon or exploited the fear of another character.
Source: Revlid

Satanophobic Instinct Induction

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 4, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Emotion
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Fear-Scenting Hellhound Prana, Eternal Monstrous Hunt
Fear grows eternally, a world-tree sprouting from the mouth of the Monster at
the heart of existence. It endures and propagates, and the scent of terror fills the
nostrils of the Monster at its source. The Monster can use Blood Heralds Death
to target any character with a fearful intimacy toward him that he can perceive, as
though he had wounded them in the past hour. While the Sorcerous tag applied by
that Charm continues to exist, the fearful intimacy cannot be eroded or removed in
any way. Should the target die and their tag be inherited, the intimacy is inherited
along with it, subconscious urges and daydreams inflicting a strange unnatural fear
that can only be resisted by spending five points of Willpower at the instant the
intimacy is acquired.
As an additional benefit, characters with a fear-based intimacy toward the Infernal
treat any scene that they spend in combat with (or hiding from) the Infernal as a
scene spent reinforcing that intimacy.
Source: Revlid

Monument to the Monster
Cost: (+7m); Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Shaping, Sorcerous
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Beating the Messiah Bloody
Cultures brush secrets under the rug, allow cobwebs to gather on old shames,
repaint stolen holidays in their own colours, adapting the past to the needs of the
present. Despite all this, they never forget their monsters. This Charm permanently
enhances Heart-Stopping Brutality Demonstration, allowing the Infernal to spend an
additional seven motes upon using it to kill a victim. If he does so, the corpse of
his victim is Shaped into a gory tribute to his terrible might, an agonised skeletal
statue or mural of unwashable bloodstains. The Charm exerts its normal unnatural
mental influence, but from this point on the Sorcerous monument to the Monster
exudes its own Emotion effect, targeting anyone who perceives it and has not already
been targeted by Heart-Stopping Brutality Demonstration (or a separate monument)
this scene. It functions exactly as per the mental influence of Heart-Stopping Bru-
tality Demonstration, but using a flat? value of successes equal to the Infernals base
(Charisma + Essence). This monument lasts until it is dispelled or physically de-
stroyed, but has its soak increased by (Infernal’s Essence).
Source: Revlid

Beating the Messiah Bloody

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Crippling
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Heart-Stopping Brutality Demonstration
Gods cower behind their priests, dragons bow their heads in tearful surren-
der, and the crowd watches with dismay as its champion is eaten alive. This Charm
permanently enhances Heart-Stopping Brutality Demonstration, applying automatic
successes to the roll equal to the Cult rating of the victim. Other, related back-
grounds can be used in Cults place, such as Followers, Command, or Henchmen, but
this requires that the majority of the victim’s followers be present, and such ratings
are halved for this purpose.Further, the victim is rendered unable to benefit from
their Cult for the next (Infernals Essence) months as a magical Crippling effect (rein-
carnated spirits apply this effect from the moment of their revival), and the Infernal
treats any and all characters with a fear-based intimacy toward him as being part of
his own Cult.
Source: Revlid

Child-or-Child Polylemma
Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Speechless in Atrocity’s Wake, Alpha-Beast Gauntlet Toss
If the Monster dangled a child from each arm and offered only one to its mother,
which would she choose? Ideally, neither. She would cower in mindless terror, and
he would devour them both. To act, then, is the challenge the Monster presents to
his victims. The Monster immediately declares a single target. He does not need

to be able to perceive this target, and his chosen target is automatically Obvious to
every character who can perceive the Monster or his declaration, regardless of how he
chooses to issue it. All such characters immediately suffer from a Compulsion effect
forcing them to defend the Monsters target from him in any way they can, whether
by throwing themselves in front of the Monsters blows or charging at him to buy the
target time. They need not seek the target or Monster out; this Compulsion only
applies when an opportunity to aid the target actually presents itself.
This Compulsion lasts for a scene, but can be freely rejected at a cost of zero
points of Willpower. However, if a character does resist it, it is immediately replaced
by a new Compulsion that costs four points of Willpower to reject. This second
Compulsion also lasts for the rest of the scene, but instead drives the character to
not defend or aid the Monsters target in even the slightest, refusing to offer shelter
or direction or martial aid. The Monster cannot activate this Charm again in that
scene until he has actually killed his target.
Source: Revlid

Speechless in Atrocity’s Wake

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Compulsion
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Heart-Stopping Brutality Demonstration
Paralyzing terror clutches at the hearts of those who witness the Monsters
deeds, its grip loosened only by the defiance of their peers. This Charm permanently
enhances its prerequisite. Any character who witnesses the Heart-Stopping Brutality
Demonstration and has an intimacy of fear toward the Infernal (whether it was gained
due to the mental influence of that Charm, or existed even earlier) suffers a separate,
automatic Compulsion effect leading them to do nothing, simply stare in shocked
horror. This Compulsion costs two points of Willpower to resist for the scene, a
cost that is reduced to zero points the moment the Infernal attacks them, or another
character directly acts against the Infernal.
Source: Revlid

Behemoth-as-Terrorist Understanding
Cost: ; Mins: Essence 4, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Heart-Stopping Brutality Demonstration
The Monster delves deeper into the philosophy of terror, and comes to realize
that a behemoth is not simply a great beast. It is a symbol, a legend, a living
transgression against the mores and ideals of civilization. To better harness the fear
of his victims, he should become the same. This Charm permanently enhances the
monsters ability to spread fear in a number of ways.
The mental influence applied by Heart-Stopping Brutality Demonstration becomes
undodgeable by targets to whom the Infernals act of killing or crippling would be an
act of depravity, outside of its basic harmful nature. This depravity could stem from
the nature of the Infernals victim (a pregnant woman or child throughout most of
Creation, a Dynast or Immaculate monk in the Realm, a Yozi soul in Malfeas), the

context of the act (such as sacred ground or an otherwise-joyous festival), or even his
methodology or scale.
The Infernal can add nuance to the context of any mental influence he exerts
that would cause another character to gain an intimacy of fear toward him. He may
choose (upon applying such influence) to have it impose any fear-based context he
pleases, provided it is appropriate to his relationship with the target. Terrified awe
is almost always an option, as is panic or alarm, while fearful loyalty or frightened
lust would require a character already disposed to such a reaction (perhaps through
a pre-existing intimacy with a non-fearful context).
The Infernal can also change the subject of any fear-based intimacy he creates
toward himself. Rather than himself, the intimacy can be directed toward any plausi-
ble subject of his choosing; this will generally be something the Infernal could himself
represent (such as a specific organization or ethnic group), but stunts could open up
any number of different subjects, including certain weapons, specific environments,
days of the year, tones of voice, types of tattoo, or even specific limbs. Infernal
Monster Style itself is always a valid subject. The Infernal can treat any fear-based
intimacy he created as being directed toward himself for the purposes of exploiting it
through Charms or social attacks, regardless of its actual subject.
Whenever the Infernal would normally create a fear-based intimacy in another
character, he can instead remove a single intimacy with a context of trust, faith, belief
or loyalty, shaking the very foundations of a society with his brutal demonstrations.
These intimacies must be toward a structure or idea, rather than personal in nature;
he can strip a social worker of his faith in the ideal of family, or his admiration of a
specific family to which he does not belong, but cannot remove a mother’s love for
her children.
Military units that have leaders (or comprise mostly of characters) with an inti-
macy of fear toward the Infernal are treated as having engaged him as a solo unit in
the last day for the purposes of Post-Traumatic Brutality Roar.
Source: Revlid

Heart-Stopping Brutality Demonstration

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: God-Smashing Blow
The Infernal Monster is not the Dark Messiah. The latter spreads fear inciden-
tally, a natural consequence of each murderous sermon. The Monster seeks out fear,
revels in it. Fear is a vector for its own brutal legend, a weapon to cripple its victims
before the hunt even begins, a pedestal above respect or awe on which it can stand
triumphant. The Infernal can activate this Charm whenever he uses an unarmed
attack (or other Infernal Monster Charm) to kill or inflict a Crippling wound upon
another character. He rolls (Charisma + lower of Presence or Martial Arts), exuding
an Emotion effect that targets every character who witnesses this brutality. If his
rolled successes exceed their Dodge MDV, they immediately gain an intimacy of fear
toward the Infernal.
This unnatural mental influence costs one points of temporary Willpower to resist,
though this cost is increased by one for those characters with Compassion 3+.
Source: Revlid

To Make My Bread
Cost: ; Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: , Grind Your Bones
Flesh is the stuff of life, the bricks-and-mortar of the form. It only makes sense
that one might shore up a failing body by consuming chunks of others. Whenever
the Infernal would acquire offensive motes through Grind Your Bones, it may forfeit
three of those offensive motes to heal one level of bashing damage or convert one level
of lethal of damage into bashing. He cannot spend pre-existing offensive motes in this
way, only forfeit those he would have gained.
In addition, while the Infernal is under any Rage effect, it may gain offensive motes
from consuming non-sapient characters at half the normal rate, tearing gobbets from
goats and chewing on gears from golems.
Source: Revlid

Unholy Eucharist Appetite

Cost: (1wp, 1 Limit, 1+m); Mins: Essence 3, Infernal Monster 5; Type: Per-
Keywords: Training
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: , Meat of Champions, Heart-Chewing Wendigo Method
They say that you are what you eat. The Monster would tear out the throats
of gods, gnaw on the bones of heroes, eat dragons whole. What, then, does that make
it? This Charm provides two permanent enhancements to Meat of Champions.
Firstly, instead of training in an Attribute, Ability or Specialty, the Infernal may
instantly acquire any one Yozi Charm as a Training effect, provided the thematics
of that Charm resonate with those of the victim; consuming a Fire Elemental might
allow the Infernal to instantly learn Insignificant Embers Intuition or Crystal-Fire
Barrier Technique, while eating a pregnant woman might allow him to instantly learn
Great Mothers Wame. Alternatively, the Infernal can instantly learn any one Martial
Arts Charm his victim knew that he also qualifies for. For reference, along with
any other individually appropriate powers, devoured Solar Exalts resonate with all
Malfeas, Ebon Dragon, Cytherea and Solar Hero Charms, while devoured Green Sun
Princes resonate with all Yozi and Infernal Monster Charms.
Secondly, in addition to any Training effect that the Infernal benefits from, he
can permanently acquire any one mutation that his consumed victim bore (including
mutations? used to model natural traits) as a Desecration effect. This mutation
manifests in the same manner as the victims did, though slight alterations may be
made to account for the Infernals personal aesthetic and monstrous nature.
At Essence 4+, this Charm provides an additional power. Whenever the Infernal
consumes every last one of a spirits health levels, he may spend one point of Willpower,
gain a point of Limit, and roll (Stamina + Martial Arts) at a difficulty of (Spirits
Essence). If he succeeds, he commits (Spirits Essence + 2) motes and the spirit
does not reincarnate (if it normally would). Instead, its Essence-pattern is fully
consumed and incorporated into the Infernals, turning his stomach into a Sapient
artifact (”’Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals”’, pp. 197) with a rating of (Spirits
Essence 2), rounded up, and an Urge identical to the devoured spirits Motivation.

The Infernal does not have to pay experience points for this artifact.
Unlike a normal Sapient artifact, the Infernals god-stomach does not offer him dice
bonuses when working toward its Urge, nor dice penalties when working against it.
Instead, it simply provides the listed number of the devoured spirits Spirit Charms
for the Infernals use, which are made unavailable when working directly against its
Urge. The Infernal acquires a single point of Limit at the end of any scene when he
worked directly against his god-stomachs Urge. The Infernal can communicate and
bargain with the devoured god in his belly as normal for a Sapient artifact. The
god-stomach artifact lasts until the Infernal decommits the motes applied to it, upon
which the spirit is fully digested. If it would normally be able to revive itself, it does
so. Otherwise, it permanently dies.
Source: Revlid

Armor Crushing Blow

Cost: Varies; Mins: Essence 2, Juggernaut 3; Type: Reflexive (step 8)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Stackable
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Balancing the Unwieldy
The Juggernaut understands the effectiveness of armor and knows the advan-
tage of depriving his enemies of that protection. Upon making a successful unarmed
attack against an armored opponent, the character may sacrifice a number of raw,
pre-soak damage dice up to his (Essence + Martial Arts)x2. He then rolls those dice
against a difficulty based on the armor’s quality. 1 for normal, 2 for fine, 3 for ex-
ceptional, 4 for perfect, and 5 for magical. Success reduces the permanent soak and
hardness of the armor by 1, +1 for each extra success. Values may not be reduced be-
low 0.Multiples uses of this Charm are cumulative and if both the lethal and bashing
soak of the armor are reduced to +0, the armor is destroyed unless it is an artifact, in
which case it loses attunement and all powers for one day at which point the soak and
hardness values return at a rate of 1 per hour. Armor that is not destroyed may be
repaired using normal means, and artifact armor that does not have a Repair rating
repairs itself at a rate of 1 per hour.
The essence cost of this Charm is equal to the difficulty of the roll. If the character
cannot afford the Essence cost of this charm (such as when used against magical
armor that appears mundane) the Charm may be aborted without spending Essence.
Source: endofillusions

Unassailable Mountain Technique

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Juggernaut 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisites: Balancing the Unwieldy
The Exalt uses his weight to best advantage and his enemies find themselves
unable to overcome him with numbers. For the duration of this charm, the exalt
ignores any onslaught penalties less than his lethal soak from armor.
Source: endofillusions

Juggernaut Form
Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Juggernaut 4; Type: Simple (-0DV)
Keywords: Form Type
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisites: Armor Crushing Blow
The Exalt releases Essence into his armor, harmonizing it with his flesh and
fusing them into a whole greater than the sum of it’s parts. His skin hardens and his
armor becomes more a part of him. For the duration of this charm, the character adds
his Essence to his Lethal, Bashing, and Aggravated soak values. If the character is
wearing armor, it gains a bonus to it’s soak and hardness ratings based on it’s weight:
1 for light, 2 for medium, 3 for heavy, and 4 for superheavy. In addition, half of the
armor’s soak values are considered natural soak for the purpose of piercing attacks
or other effects that bypass armor. The character may parry lethal attacks unarmed
without a stunt. Mobility and Fatigue values of armor are halved (round down).
Source: endofillusions

Arms of the Juggernaut Method

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Juggernaut 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Juggernaut Form
The martial artist infuses his arms with Essence, causing them to become over-
sized. The Juggernaut may add his Martial Arts to his Strength for the purposes of
determining whther he meets the Strength minumum for form weapons and penalties
associated with wielding those weapons in one hand. This charm stacks with other
effects that increase the character’s Strength.
Source: endofillusions

Crushing Blow Reverberation Technique

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Juggernaut 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: (Martial Arts) Actions
Prerequisites: Juggernaut Form
The martial artist learn to apply his understanding of using small movement
to build to a larger force. The Juggernaut’s blows resound with this force, shaking
enemies to their core. As long as this charm is active, the onslaught penalty from the
martial artist’s attacks is doubled.
Source: endofillusions

Inexorable Advance Prana

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Juggernaut 5; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Crushing Blow Reverberation Technique
The force of the Juggernaut’s momentum knows no bounds as his anima pushes
him forward with terrible power. The martial artist shifts his weight repeatedly in
a series of movements that build in power as he advances, aided by the power of his

anima. The Juggernaut may move up to his normal move speed in a straight line
and then make an unarmed attack with his full dice pool. He may then repeat this
a number of times equal to his Martial Arts. Each movement made with this use of
the charm adds a cumulative one die bonus to the raw damage of attacks made with
this charm. Movement granted by this charm ignores terrain penalties and cannot be
stopped by any means short of a Charm, which the Juggernaut may oppose with a
Strength+Martial Arts check, difficulty equal to the relevant ability of the Charm’s
Source: endofillusions

Unbreakable Armor Mudra

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Juggernaut 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Juggernaut Form
Creating the sign for protection, the Martial Artist projects an oversized incar-
nation of his armor, defending himself from blows of great force. This is a perfect parry
that can stop even unblockable attacks. The Juggernaut must be wearing medium or
heavier armor, and the attack must not be undetected. This charm carries one of the
four flaws of invulnerability.
Source: endofillusions

Arrow-Stopping Armor Incarnation

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Juggernaut 5; Type: Simple (Speed 3, -0 DV)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Unbreakable Armor Mudra
The Juggernaut expands his armor’s incarnation to surround her in a field of
essence that limits the effectiveness of ranged attacks. The character may add his
essence to his DV’s for defending against ranged attacks. This charm has no effect
on ranged attacks that are made at melee range.
Source: endofillusions

Soul of the Juggerstrider

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 4, Juggernaut 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Inexorable Advance Prana
The Juggernaut expands his armor’s incarnation to surround her in a field of
essence that limits the effectiveness of ranged attacks. The character may add his
essence to his DV’s for defending against ranged attacks. This charm has no effect
on ranged attacks that are made at melee range.
Source: endofillusions

Balancing the Unwieldy

Cost: 1+m; Mins: Essence 1, Juggernaut 2; Type: Reflexive

Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
The Exalt has trained extensively in the use of heavy weapons and armor and
has thus leared how to offset the unwieldiness of them. With this charm a player can
reduce the inherent penalties of a form weapon or armor he is using. Each mote spent
reduces the penalty by 1 up to a maximum of +0. The player need not cancel out the
entire penalty to use this charm. This charm only works on the penalties inherent to
the item, not penalties imposed by circumstance or any other source.
This Charm may be placed in a Combo with charms of other abilities.
Source: endofillusions

Thumping Ribcrusher Kick

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Kangaroo 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Knockback
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Boxing In One Bound
The martial artist kicks off his foe, sending them flying backward, and using
the force of their defeat to propel himself to safety. Whether he will retreat, or use his
new position to launch another bounding attack is entirely up to him. This Charm
supplements any unarmed attack. It ensures that the martial artists enemy is sent
flying backward one yard per dice of raw, pre-soak damage. The martial artist may
reflexively jump up to the same distance in the opposite direction if he jumps the full
distance, this Charms cost is decreased to three motes. If the target strikes a hard
object, they immediately stop, and both they and the object take one die of bashing
damage for each yard they would have otherwise travelled (this may be upgraded to
lethal damage if they strike a particularly dangerous object). If this is enough to
destroy the object, they continue travelling in that direction, at one yard per excess
health level of damage inflicted.
Source: Revlid

Legspring Startle Technique

Cost: 0-3m; Mins: Essence 2, Kangaroo 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Leaping into battle, the martial artist surprises all with the speed and surety of
his movements, a dynamic entry that leaves his opponents dumbstruck and fiststruck.
This Charm may be used in two different ways. The martial artist may use it to
supplement an action to rise from prone, making it a diceless reflexive action. This
usage only costs one mote, which is reduced to zero motes if the martial artist jumps
immediately upon rising.
The martial artist may use it to supplement a Join Battle action. He adds (Martial
Arts) automatic successes to his roll. This usage costs three motes. If the martial
artist jumps as part of his first action upon entering the combat, he is immediately
refunded one of these motes, effectively reducing the Charm’s cost to two motes.
If the martial artist is in Kangaroo Form, this Charm counts as an innate power
rather than a Charm activation.

Source: Revlid

Boxing In One Bound

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Kangaroo 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Legspring Startle Technique
Some laugh at the kangaroo, this strange, rabbit-like beast, which hops thither-
and-hither with its young tucked in its belly. The natives of the South-West know
the creature better, and do not laugh. The kangaroos claws are long, and its kicks
powerful enough to drive them deep into the flesh. This Charm supplements any
unarmed attack, adding raw, pre-soak damage dice equal to the distance in yards
jumped by the martial artist during this action, to a maximum of (Strength + Martial
Arts + Essence) dice.
Source: Revlid

Kangaroo Form
Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Kangaroo 4; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -2)
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Thumping Ribcrusher Kick
Shaking his legs loose, the martial artist takes a tense, ready stance, hunching
slightly while holding his fists high and together, as though to box. His leaps are the
most notably effected, as his legs bend with an Essence-enhanced economy, storing
energy for further bounds. While this Charm is active, the martial artists unarmed
attacks cause lethal damage, and he may parry lethal and ranged attacks without a
Stunt. In addition, the martial artist may reflexively jump once per action, on his
action tick. This does not replace his move actions. Further, the martial artists max-
imum jump distance is increased by (Martial Arts).Finally, upon entering Kangaroo
Form, the martial artist gains (Essence) stored legsprings, and acquires an additional
one every time he jumps. He may expend any number of legsprings (to a minimum
of 3) as a reflexive action, allowing him to make a jump with a maximum distance
in yards equal to the number of spent legsprings, or else increase the distance of a
normal jump by that amount. All stored legsprings vanish at the end of this Charms
As a Form-type Charm, the first time the martial artist uses a Charm with a Flaw
of Invulnerability during the same action Kangaroo Form is activated, it adds a two
Willpower surcharge to its activation cost.
”Dynamic Form Transition”:
Kangaroo Form may be reflexively assumed in the following ways:
If the practitioner moves into the engagement range of at least five opponents
with a single jump.
Source: Revlid

Boisterous Boomer Barrage

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Kangaroo 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack

Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Kangaroo Form
The kangaroo is not a peaceful creature. Indeed, it takes umbrage like a sour
drunk, and boxes just as wildly. Getting a kangaroo to drop a grudge is near impos-
sible, for it must always have the last word, the last hastily-swung blow. This is a
trait inherited from their ill-tempered ancestor, a great behemoth who carried entire
towns within her armoured pouch. The martial artist may use this Charm whenever
he is hit by or successfully parries an attack, allowing him to launch an unarmed
counterattack that is resolved in Step 9 of the original attack. If the martial artist
uses this Charm more than once in the same tick, each use past the first benefits from
a cumulative one-mote discount, to a minimum of zero motes.
Source: Revlid

Diminutive Pouch Warrior

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Kangaroo 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Until clinch ends
Prerequisites: Boisterous Boomer Barrage
Gaia smiled to see the first true kangaroos spring out into Creation, for she saw
her own maternal prowess reflected in their joey-bearing pouches. The martial artist
now condenses his anima into an Essence-formed homunculus that extends from the
spiritual chakras of his gut, grappling with the enemies of its parent. The Emerald
Mother would approve. This Charm supplements a clinch attack or a roll to gain
or maintain control of a clinch; if the martial artist is successful, then he may make
rolls to retain control of the clinch reflexively for as long as it lasts, allowing him to
take other actions within that clinch without a flurry. In addition, he may jump with
his grappled opponent, following the same guidelines (minimum Strength + Athletics
rating, etc) as dragging them.
Source: Revlid

There-And-Back-Again Kata
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Kangaroo 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Kangaroo Form
The kangaroo leaps toward its enemies, breaking those who would threaten its
family in a flurry of frantic punches, scything kicks and mutilating bites. It retreats
only to get a run-up. This Charm may enhance any unarmed attack the martial artist
makes as part of a flurry of unarmed attacks, reducing the multiple action penalty
that attack suffers by two, and increasing any onslaught penalties the opponent’s DV
suffers from by one. The bonuses granted by this Charm increase by one if the martial
artist jumped toward his target before attacking, or by two if he jumped directly away
from the target earlier this tick.
Source: Revlid

Potato-Sack Derision Technique

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Kangaroo 5; Type: Extra Action

Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: There-And-Back-Again Kata
Early in their dominance of Creation, a Solar scholar of the Zenith Caste was
baffled by the motions of the kangaroo. Calculating their energy-expenditure as
though they were a sack of potatoes being picked up and moved from leap to leap, it
was impossible to him that they should move as they did and still be able to forage
enough to stay alive. His Lunar mate was unable to hide his amusement, for he knew
the kangaroo saw each bound as the same as the last, a linked chain rather than a
series of unwieldy hops. This Charm gives a character a magical flurry consisting
of up to (Martial Arts) unarmed attacks. These attacks ignore Rate, and suffer no
multiple action penalties. The total DV penalty for this flurry is equal to the highest
penalty for any one attack.
However, the martial artist must make a reflexive jump of no less than three yards
in between the resolution of one attack and the start of the next if he is unable to do
so and still have a valid target for an unarmed attack, the flurry immediately ends.
This Charm does not provide him with the ability to make these reflexive jumps, only
the need.
Source: Revlid

Lambent Tail Defense

Cost: 4m (+2m); Mins: Essence 2, Laser Panther 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: One tick
Prerequisites: Unsheathing Neon Claws
The laser panther bats away flies and arrows alike with a flick of its tail. For
the duration of this Charm, the martial artist increases his Parry DV against ranged
attacks by (Essence).
In addition, if the martial artist successfully parries a purely energy-based attack
while this Charm is active (such as an Elemental Essence Bolt, a shot from an Essence
Cannon, or an attack from a beam weapon) he can reflexively pay two motes as a non-
Charm activation in order to make a counterattack in Step 9 of that attack, targeting
any character he desires, with the same range and traits as the original attack. This
counterattack is considered unarmed, and uses the normal dice pool of (Dexterity +
Martial Arts).
Source: Revlid

Whirling Ferocity Aurora

Cost: 8m; Mins: Essence 3, Laser Panther 5; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Cauterizing Fang Strike, Plasma Cat Understanding
A black blur shrouded in gegenschien, the laser panther slaughters all prey that
stands before it. The only reason the term hot knife through butter? is inappropriate
is that this beasts claws are far, far hotter than any knife. Neon afterimages trail
after the martial artist’s movements; every beam weapon seems to be double-ended,
while every arm seems to have two hands, each striking a blow. This Charm is a
magical flurry of (Essence) unarmed attacks, all made at the martial artists full dice

pool, with a Speed and DV penalty equal to the highest Speed of any attack made. If
any of these initial attacks are parried, the martial artist may make an equal number
of additional attacks, also at his full dice pool. None of these additional attacks may
have the same target, and none of them can target a character that the martial artist
has already attacked this tick. These additional attacks do not provide further attacks
if parried.
”Example: Neon Expeditor of Conspicuous Chastening, an Essence 4 Alchemical,
uses this Charm to make four attacks against the gremlin horde surrounding him. Two
of them are struck, but two parry his assault, granting him two additional attacks
that he may direct against two further gremlins, provided he has previously targeted
Source: Revlid

Sudden Radiant Ambush

Cost: 2m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Laser Panther 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One tick
Prerequisites: Cauterizing Fang Strike, Plasma Cat Understanding
The laser panthers sleek velvet hide camouflages it, hiding it from watchful
eyes until it makes its move. When that happens, its eyes light up, its maw fills
with plasma, and its claws hum with energy. By that point, it is far too late to run.
This Charm can only be activated on a tick in which the martial artist has activated
a beam weapon. For the rest of the tick, the first attack the martial artist makes
against a given target is undodgeable. Any subsequent attacks made against a given
target on that tick can be dodged as normal. This effect is negated by Charms that
negate surprise.
Source: Revlid

Unsheathing Neon Claws

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Laser Panther 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
The laser panther flicks its claws into existence as it pounces, leaving glowing
razor trails in its wake. The martial artist may activate this Charm upon rolling to
Join Battle, adding (Martial Arts) automatic successes to that roll, and allowing him
to immediately ready and activate any number of his beam weapons at no mote cost.
Source: Revlid

Laser Panther Form

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Laser Panther 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Form-type, Obvious, Crippling
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Lambent Tail Defense
Leaning backwards into a new stance, the martial artist mimics the flowing
motions of the Styles namesake, as his beam weapon glows with the colour of his
anima. The martial artists unarmed attacks cause lethal damage, and he may parry

lethal and ranged attacks unarmed. In addition, he ignores penalties to his Parry DV
caused by making unarmed attacks.
If he is wielding an active beam weapon, the illumination it provides flares outward,
extending to a radius of (Essence) yards, while his eyes blaze with that same light,
rendering him immune to any effect meant to blind him through light or darkness.
Other characters with unshielded eyes suffer a Crippling internal penalty of -1 when
making attack rolls within the radius of the coruscating light; this increases to -2 on
any tick in which the martial artist makes a successful unarmed parry or has one of
his unarmed attacks parried.
Of course, this light is also highly conspicuous, granting two automatic successes
to any character attempting to visually detect the martial artist.
”Dynamic Form Transition”:
Laser Panther Form may be reflexively assumed in the following ways:
If the practitioner successfully parries a purely energy-based attack.
If the practitioner successfully causes a Crippling amputation injury with an
unarmed attack.
Source: Revlid

Cauterizing Fang Strike

Cost: 4m or 1m (+1wp); Mins: Essence 3, Laser Panther 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Laser Panther Form
Most big cats go for the neck, hoping to sever the spine with a single bite. It
matters little where the laser panther bites; sizzling flesh and charred bone always
follow. The martial artist may use this Charm to enhance any unarmed attack. If the
attack causes even one level of lethal damage, the martial artist may pay a single point
of temporary Willpower to reduce the damage inflicted to a maximum of two levels of
damage and inflict a single Crippling amputation effect of the martial artists choice
upon the target (”’Exalted”’, pp. 152). The initial cost of this Charm is reduced to
one mote if the attack is made with a beam weapon. For the purposes of this Charm,
the damage dice inflicted upon a character who parries a beam weapon barehanded
is considered to have been inflicted by the attack in question.
If the target is a mortal or extra, or the damage inflicted would normally be enough
to reduce the target to Dying health levels, or the martial artist is wielding a beam
weapon, this amputation actually severs the limb or body part in question, preventing
anything but specialised magic from restoring it. Otherwise, the amputation effect
simply badly maims and burns the target, mimicking the effects of an amputation
without the actual seperation; such injuries heal at the normal rate.
Source: Revlid

Plasma Cat Understanding

Cost: (+1m); Mins: Essence 3, Laser Panther 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Form-enhancing
Duration: Permanent
This Charm upgrades Laser Panther Form, increasing its cost by one mote and
providing the following additional powers:

Any beam weapon that the martial artist is wielding gains the Thrown tag, with
a Range of (Essence x 4) yards. Its other traits remain unchanged. If the weapon
already had the Thrown tag, it is not altered.
The martial artist may spend one mote to reflexively ready any beam weapon that
she owns, provided it is within (Essence x 2) yards, and a flight path exists between
the weapon and his hand; the weapon itself flies into his hand, ready to flare. In
addition, she may activate such weapons at range.
Source: Revlid

Cathode Ray Roar

Cost: 7m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Laser Panther 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Whirling Ferocity Aurora, Sudden Radiant Ambush
The roar of the laser panther shakes the jungle and bleaches the trees, ionized
air causing strange ululations in the bellow. There are few other creatures who can
eat well-done meat without first starting a fire. If wielding a beam weapon, the
martial artist can flood his Essence through it, provoking a great burst of coloured
destructive energy to rush forth. If unarmed, he can place the heels of his hands
together, bending his fingers in mimickry of the open mouth of the laser panther, to
unleash a similar blast. In any case, this Charm is a single unarmed attack with a
dice pool of (Dexterity + Martial Arts), and a maximum Range of (Essence x 10)
yards. It is undodgeable and ignores armoured soak, as well as DV bonuses from
cover or shields. Its base damage is equal to the highest damage of any active beam
weapon the martial artist is wielding, or (Essence)L (with a minimum damage of 2)
if he is fighting barehanded. In either case, the attack follows all the rules for beam
weapons, and is considered to be unarmed for the purposes of this Style.
For the next (Martial Arts) actions after activating this Charm, the martial artists
hands glow with an awesome power; they gain all the benefits of beam weapons, and
are treated as such for the purposes of this Styles Charms.
Source: Revlid

Kiss Of The Whip

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Laughing Wounds 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Stackable
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Sensuous Torment
Attacks supplemented by this Charm inflict more severe wound penalties than
normal.Source Scroll of the Monk, pp. 95.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Laughing Wounds Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Laughing Wounds 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Kiss Of The Whip
Assuming the Laughing Wounds Form inverts the user’s wound penalties into

bonuses, and increases his damage with bashing attacks.Source Scroll of the Monk,
pp. 95.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Instructive Punishment Method

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Laughing Wounds 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Laughing Wounds Form
This Charm mentally enslaves the target of the supplemented attack.Source
Scroll of the Monk, pp. 95.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Brand Of Obedience
Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Laughing Wounds 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Servitude
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Instructive Punishment Method
This Charm marks the target with an ugly brand that compels obedience.Source
Scroll of the Monk, pp. 95.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Insatiable Slave Stamina

Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Laughing Wounds 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Laughing Wounds Form
The character becomes immune to bashing damage that would incapacitate
her.Source Scroll of the Monk, pp. 96.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Rapture In Chains
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Laughing Wounds 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion
Duration: Varies
Prerequisites: Laughing Wounds Form
It requires an act of will to escape from the supplemented clinch attack.Source
Scroll of the Monk, pp. 96.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Groveling Penitence Prana

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Laughing Wounds 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Rapture In Chains

The user forces the target of an attack to kneel.Source Scroll of the Monk, pp.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Ravishing The Unworthy Heart

Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Laughing Wounds 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Brand Of Obedience, Ecstatic Tenacity, Groveling Penitence
The character tears out the target’s heart, which she can then hold
hostage.Source Scroll of the Monk, pp. 96.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Ecstatic Tenacity
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Laughing Wounds 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Insatiable Slave Stamina
This Charm nullifies the damage (but not the wound) caused by an attack on
the user.Source Scroll of the Monk, pp. 96.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Kiss of the Whip

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Laughing Wounds 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Stackable
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Sensuous Torment
This Charm allows the martial artist to impose extra wound penalties to a
target.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 95.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Rapture in Chains
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Laughing Wounds 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion
Duration: Varies
Prerequisites: Laughing Wounds Form
This Charm causes victims clinched by the martial artist to not want to break
free.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 96.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Brand of Obedience
Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Laughing Wounds 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Servitude
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Instructive Punishment Method

This Charm allows the martial artist to brand their target with an aggravated
wound.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 95.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Laughing Wounds Form (The Demented One)

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Laughing Wounds (The Demented One) 4; Type:
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: , Charms:Kiss of the Whip (The Demented One) Kiss of the Whip,
Charms:Sensuous Torment (The Demented One) Sensuous Torment
Even as blood runs down her skin, the martial artist laughs savagely, whirling
undaunted through battle like a scarlet-streaked demon. While this Charm is active,
any wound penalties the martial artist suffers are not applied to combat-related ac-
tions, unless she attacks or defends with a non-form weapon. Whenever she makes
an unarmed attack, she adds the magnitude of any wound penalties suffered by the
attack’s target to her raw damage. Finally, she may pay a level of lethal damage in
place of a point of Willpower to channel Conviction or Valor. If she suffers a wound
penalty of -4 or greater, she need not expend a channel of the chosen Virtue when
doing so.
Source: The Demented One

Brand of Obedience (The Demented One)

Cost: 3m, 1wp (1m); Mins: Essence 3, Laughing Wounds (The Demented One)
5; Type: Reflexive (Step 7)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Obvious
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: , Charms:Instructive Punishment Method (The Demented One)
Instructive Punishment Method
The martial artist truly owns her pathetic disciples, and can mark them as
hers if she deems them worthy. If an unarmed attack enhanced by this Charm deals
damage or inflicts a Crippling effect on the martial artist’s foe, she leaves behind a
disfiguring scar or an ugly welt. So long as she commits the motes spent on this
Crippling effect, the wound is enchanted as a symbol of authority, and glimmers with
the Old Realm rune for ”Mine” if observed with essence sight. If a marked character
attempts to attack the martial artist, defend against one of her unarmed attacks, or
defend against mental influence exerted by her, she may choose to punish them for
their disobedience by paying a single mote. The mark glows red and burns their skin,
dealing (Essence) dice of lethal damage to them as a secondary Crippling effect. This
damage ignores soak and Hardness from armor. Once the martial artist breaks her
commitment to this Charm, the magic fades from the scar, though it remains until it
is healed naturally.
Source: The Demented One

Ecstatic Tenacity (The Demented One)

Cost: 8m; Mins: Essence 2, Laughing Wounds (The Demented One) 5; Type:
Reflexive (Step 7)

Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Charms:Insatiable Slave Stamina (The Demented One) Insa-
tiable Slave Stamina
The most terrible wounds mean less than nothing to one who has refined her
tastes for agony. This Charm can be activated in response to any attack, reducing
its raw and final damage to zero. However, this Charm does not prevent the martial
artist from suffering, instead converting the damage to a Crippling effect that increases
the wound penalties she suffers by -1 for the rest of the scene. Multiple uses of this
Charm stack their penalties. This drawback is considered to be a unique Flaw of
Source: The Demented One

Groveling Penitence Prana (The Demented One)

Cost: 7m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Laughing Wounds (The Demented One) 5;
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Charms:Rapture in Chains (The Demented One) Rapture in
Daring to oppose the mistress’s will is like begging for humiliation. The mar-
tial artist may activate this Charm whenever she holds a clinched enemy, rolling
(Charisma or Manipulation + Martial Arts) as a reflexive social attack against his
Dodge MDV. If the martial artist’s roll succeeds, her foe falls to his knees in submis-
sion. He is incapable of acting for the rest of the scene as if he were clinched, even
if the martial artist releases him from her clutches. This unnatural mental influence
can be resisted for a cost of three Willpower.
Source: The Demented One

Insatiable Slave Stamina (The Demented One)

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Laughing Wounds (The Demented One) 5; Type:
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: , Charms:Laughing Wounds Form (The Demented One) Laughing
Wounds Form
Grinning as black bruises darken her skin, the martial artist demonstrates an
even greater appetite for pain than she expects from her slaves. So long as this Charm
remains active, the martial artist does not fall unconscious if reduced to Incapacitated
by bashing damage. Instead, she remains fully aware and active, with further levels
of bashing damage being converted to lethal normally. Furthermore, she may soak
lethal damage with her full Stamina, and adds an amount equal to the magnitude of
any wound penalties she suffers to her bashing and lethal soak.
Source: The Demented One

Instructive Punishment Method (The Demented One)

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Laughing Wounds (The Demented One) 5; Type:

Reflexive (Step 1 for attacker, Step 2 for defender)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Charms:Laughing Wounds Form (The Demented One) Laughing
Wounds Form
The proper application of pain swiftly teaches weaklings how to serve. The
martial artist may activate this Charm whenever an enemy attempts to attack her,
defend against an unarmed attack made by her, or attempts to defend against mental
influence exerted by her. With a crack of her whip or a menacing glance, she terrifies
the fool who dares defy her, causing them to suffer a -3 internal penalty on the action.
This is considered to be a wound penalty. If, within the same scene, the martial artist
has dealt damage to the penalized character or imposed a Crippling effect on them
with her unarmed attacks, this penalty is external. A character may pay a point of
Willpower to resist all instances of this unnatural mental influence for the rest of their
Source: The Demented One

Rapture in Chains (The Demented One)

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Laughing Wounds (The Demented One) 5;
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion
Duration: Until released
Prerequisites: , Charms:Laughing Wounds Form (The Demented One) Laughing
Wounds Form
Victims restrained by the martial artist find themselves unwilling to break free.
If an unarmed clinch attack enhanced by this Charm succeeds, the martial artist’s
whip or chains seem to come alive as they twine around her foe, slipping into im-
possible knots of painful tightness. Whenever the grappled enemy rolls to establish
control of the clinch, any wound penalties that apply to his roll are converted to
external penalties. In addition, each time the martial artist would successfully deal
damage to a clinched opponent by crushing him, she may instead cause him to lose a
point of Willpower as an Emotion effect. If a character is reduced to zero Willpower
while clinched, he gains an Intimacy of submissive lust towards the martial artist.
Source: The Demented One

Ravishing the Unworthy Heart (The Demented One)

Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Laughing Wounds (The Demented One) 5;
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Servitude
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Charms:Brand of Obedience (The Demented One) Brand
of Obedience, Charms:Ecstatic Tenacity (The Demented One) Ecstatic Tenacity,
Charms:Groveling Penitence Prana (The Demented One) Groveling Penitence Prana
Shaping her lips into a kiss, the martial artist reaches forward to stroke her
foe’s chest. Then, with a grinning snarl, she plunges her hand through his ribs to
rip out his heart. An unarmed attack supplemented by this Charm deals aggravated
damage, leaving behind smoldering welts or bloody scars. In addition, if the martial

artist’s target suffers a wound penalty that exceeds their (Valor), then the attack
is unblockable and undodgeable. If the penalty exceeds their (Valor + 3), it is also
unexpected. Characters that have no temporary Willpower always suffer from an
attack that is unblockable, undodgeable, and unexpected. If an attack enhanced by
this Charm would slay the martial artist’s enemy, she is faced with a choice. If she
wishes, she may execute him, pulling out his heart with her bare hands or the tip
of her whip in a gruesome fatality. A more merciful mistress, however, may choose
to cancel all damage past her foe’s Incapacitated health level in order to impose
a Servitude effect on her victim. The victim’s Motivation is replaced with a new
Motivation of obeying the martial artist. Characters enslaved by this Charm may
pay two Willpower to resist it for one scene, and are freed once they have spent a
total of ten Willpower resisting this unnatural mental influence.
Source: The Demented One

Sensuous Torment (The Demented One)

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Laughing Wounds (The Demented One) 2; Type:
Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: One tick
The martial artist thrills to the torment that her pitiful enemies fear. This
Charm can be activated in response to any attack that hits the martial artist, even
if it does not successfully deal damage. She is overwhelmed by a wash of ecstatic
essence, numbing her body to all pain. The martial artist gains bashing and lethal
Hardness 20 against all attacks for the rest of the tick.
Source: The Demented One

Kiss of the Whip (The Demented One)

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Laughing Wounds (The Demented One) 4; Type:
Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Stackable
Duration: Instant
With a predatory smile, the martial artist lashes her foe with vicious exactitude,
making him cry out in shocked agony. If an unarmed attack enhanced by this Charm
hits its target, it deals no damage. Instead, that character suffers a Crippling effect,
increasing the wound penalty he suffers by -1 for the rest of the scene. Multiple uses
of this Charm stack their penalties to a maximum of (Martial Arts).
Source: The Demented One

Golden Hawk Strike

Cost: 4m/6m; Mins: Essence 2, Lazuline Raptor 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Raging Eagle Form
The Lazuline Raptor Style practitioner leaps into the air and strikes downwards,
or throws his entire body into the attack. His hand is surrounded by a corona of

the Unconquered Suns golden Essence as it punches through even the strongest of
armors. This Charm allows an attack to ignore the targets armor soak, though the
target still soaks with stamina and charms such as Iron Skin Concentration. Spending
an additional 2 motes causes the attack to inflict lethal damage.
Source: Munificent Perception

Whirling Iron Wing Evasion

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Lazuline Raptor 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Raptor’s Leap
Even when caught in the entangling press of battle, Lazuline Raptor Styles
practitioners can dodge and block against multiple opponents at only a minor disad-
vantage. As the characters whirls and leaps, the Charm grants a +2 to her Dodge or
Parry DV against individual attacks.
Source: Munificent Perception

Sky Predator’s Rush

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Lazuline Raptor 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Raptor’s Leap
The Lazuline Raptor Style practitioner becomes capable of bursts of speed in
order to outmaneuver lumbering opponents. This Charm adds the characters Martial
Art score in yards to his move or Dash actions for the rest of the scene. Additionally,
opponents suffer a +1 difficulty to strike a practitioner when dashing.
Source: Munificent Perception

Raptor’s Leap
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Lazuline Raptor 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
The Lazuline Raptor Styles practitioners prefer to begin their battles by striking
from on high, or if attacked, by leaping to safety. Raptors Leap adds the characters
Martial Arts Ability to her jumping distance and a number of successes equal to half
her Martial Arts Ability (rounded up) to a Join Battle action, if she chooses to enter
combat by making a leaping attack or dodge.
Source: Munificent Perception

Heavenly Shrike’s Purifying Flight

Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Lazuline Raptor 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Azure Falcon War Shout

Originally Azure Falcon War Shout was the highest charm in the Lazuline
Raptor Styles chain of development. However, a mendicant Sidereal Sifu visiting the
Qngg?ng Temple during the First Age concluded that the arts full potential had yet
to be realized, and thus after careful study he developed Heavenly Shrikes Purifying
This Charm allows a Lazuline Raptor Style practitioner to fly, swoop and strike as
a deity of the sky. The character Moves at triple her normal dash rate and is at a +2
difficulty to be hit. Grounded opponents may only make a melee attack against the
character on a tick when she attacks them in close combat or otherwise flies within
in the reach of melee weapons. During diving attacks, the speed imparted by this
charm doubles the post-soak damage of the characters attacks.
Source: Munificent Perception

Raging Eagle Form

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Lazuline Raptor 4; Type: Simple (Speed 3, DV-1)
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Whirling Iron Wing Evasion
”When the bearded man had finished his false explanations and Dawning
Daughter her meal, she hurled the wooden bowl at him. It struck his chest with
a satisfying crack, even as she came to her feet with a piercing shout. Her twin
hooked swords flashed as she unsheathed the blades and cut through the air in a
short, furious kata. The motion gave reality to recollection and wove invisible flows
of Essence from within Dawnings body into an elaborate mandala. She became as
light as raptors’ wings, and her gaze so focused and supernaturally intense that those
who beheld it lost their coordination under the force of its power. She came out of
the alley in a gliding leap. Her first blow clubbed down the nearest soldier, striking
him with the reverse blunt backside of a sword between his eyes. She parried the
spear thrust of the next man with the arced motion of both swords; then spun past
him. Her Essence-fueled predator’s glare slowed the bearded man as she faced him,
knocked aside his saber with one hooked sword and decapitated him with the other.
The rest of the mercenaries broke and ran...” From Salt Lotus: Cycle 2.
”’System:”’ The Lazuline Raptor Style practitioner adopts the attitude of a hunter
floating on the wind. Essence infuses her body, making her light as a raptors wings
and her gaze as arresting as an enraged eagles. For the rest of the scene, the characters
can jump as a reflexive action while attacking or evading and adds her Martial Arts
score to her leaping distance. The Charm also subtracts the Exalts Essence from the
dice pools of all enemies who can see her eyes. Note that this does not work against
opponents who are blind or could not otherwise make eye contact and is subject to
the normal limitations of Martial Arts Form type charms.
Source: Munificent Perception

Jade Raiton’s Flashing Strike

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Lazuline Raptor 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Golden Hawk Strike

The Lazuline Raptor Style Practitioner dashes reflexively for the rest of the
scene, moving so quickly as to make her blows penetrating and precise. The character
is at a +2 difficulty to be hit and gains penetration value equal to twice her Essence
against foes in armor.
Source: Munificent Perception

Azure Falcon War Shout

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Lazuline Raptor 5; Type: Simple (Speed 3, DV -1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Jade Raiton’s Flashing Strike
The Lazuline Raptor Style practitioner lashes through the space before her in
frenzied set of slices, carving a falcon out of air and Essence. This short-lived entity
rockets into the midst to the Lawgivers enemies and explodes in a scream of avian
fury. The attack travels for up to four times the characters Martial Art score in
yards and has a blast radius equal to the Exalts permanent Essence in yards. Anyone
caught within the stunning explosion must succeed at a Stamina + Resistance roll
with a difficulty equal to the attackers Essence or suffer a +2 difficulty for his or her
next five actions. This charm can be dodged normally as an attack with success equal
to the practitioners Permanent Essence.
Source: Munificent Perception

Drifting Leaf Technique

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Leaf on the Wind 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One action
The harder the wind tries to catch the leaf, the further away the leaf skips.
Ever as it pursues its quarry, the wind only offers the floating petal a better chance
to escape. Taking on the attitude of a leaf buffeted by a gust of wind, the martial
artist allows the power of her foes to drive her away from their grasp.
After activating this Charm and until her next action the martial artist ignores
onslaught penalties to her DVs. In addition she adds a bonus to her Dodge DV equal
to her Martial Arts or the Essence of her attacker, whichever is lower.
Source: Plague of Hats

Fluttering Leaf Technique

Cost: 2+m per action; Mins: Essence 3, Leaf on the Wind 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One action
Prerequisites: Leaf on the Wind Form
The leaf on the wind is supremely mobile, and those who study this style are
just as free. The martial artist spends two motes on this Charm, allowing her to
move through the air at her normal Move speed for an action, as long as there is
some moving air. She may spend three motes to make a Dash through the air, or to
make a normal Move despite a lack of air currents, or four motes to do both. If she
does not activate this Charm on an action while still in the air, she will fall normally.

Source: Plague of Hats

Leaf on the Wind Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Leaf on the Wind 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Drifting Leaf Technique, Shadow of the Canopy Technique
As a storm arrives, the loose petal flits about untouchable, uncatchable and
unharmed. It may reach any place it chooses and does so in ways no one may an-
ticipate. The conflicting buffets and eddies of the wind twirl the leaf about without
harming it, and so the martial artist turns the tide of battle to her advantage.
While this form Charm is active, the martial artist increases the Accuracy of her
attacks by an amount equal to the number of yards she moves before striking her
foe. The martial artist also takes advantage of the force of others attacks, using it
to thrust her away from them. For each foe the practitioner faces in close combat
beyond the first, she gains a +1 bonus to her Dodge and Parry DVs. This bonus is
based on the number of foes she faces, not the particular enemy, and it will decrease
as her foes fall or flee or rise as new foes surround her.
Source: Plague of Hats

Rain of Blossoms Kata

Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Leaf on the Wind 5; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Fluttering Leaf Technique, Turning of Seasons Debris Method
Beautiful, well-tended cherry trees are one of the purest expressions of order
and disorder, the twisting branches and storms of pink petals arranged in rows and
carefully pruned. The martial artist takes the order and discipline of the garden,
and expresses this unshakeable foundation in a seemingly random pattern of attacks
against her foes, deftly touching each of them as only the flitting blossom might.
Activating this Charm, the martial artist bursts into a cloud of duplicates, scat-
tering across the battlefield, sometimes right next to herself, sometimes striking and
oftentimes simply distracting her foe. The martial artist may make (her Essence + 1)
unarmed martial arts attacks, regardless of the Rate of her weapon, never striking the
same target twice, against any foes within (Essence x 3) yards. This magical flurry
has a Speed equal to that of any one attack and a DV penalty equal to the highest
of the attacks.
Source: Plague of Hats

Shadow of the Canopy Technique

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Leaf on the Wind 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Whipping Branch Exercise
The mottled shadows of a deep forest, night or day, can be distracting and
frightening. This Charm clouds the minds of others, making it difficult for them to

follow the martial artists movements. As the practitioner attempts to re-establish
surprise in combat, this Charm adds a number of automatic successes equal to her
Martial Arts score.
Source: Plague of Hats

Sudden Gusting Movement

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Leaf on the Wind 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Evading the grasp of a gust of wind, a leaf may let itself be carried off by another.
No one can say what destination the leaf may have, but it gets there quickly. This
Charm adds the martial artists Martial Arts to her Join Battle pool.
Source: Plague of Hats

Turning of Seasons Debris Method

Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Leaf on the Wind 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Rain of Branches Practice
As carefully as one steps through a garden, Autumn brings leaves raining
down on the interloper, unavoidable orange and red blooms anew across their body.
The martial artist mimics the turning trees, shedding useless but innumerable blows
against her foes defenses while striking true at least once.This Charm is a Martial
Arts attack, but it appears as a multitude of strikes as phantasmal arms and blades
of Essence strike out. The target of this offense suffers a penalty to her DV equal to
the practitioners Martial Arts score, and the attack is undodgeable.
Source: Plague of Hats

Whipping Branch Exercise

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Leaf on the Wind 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 7)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Sudden Gusting Movement
Standing in the gusting wind, the branches of a tree may move with unantic-
ipated direction and powerful force. Upon activating this Charm, the martial artist
adds a number of dice to the raw damage of her attack equal to her Martial Arts
Source: Plague of Hats

Rain of Branches Practice

Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Leaf on the Wind 5; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Leaf on the Wind Form

As the tree bends to the winds force, it returns this force to its foe, whipping
back just as hard. Activating this Charm, the martial artist makes a number of
unarmed martial arts attacks equal to her weapon’s Rate or three, whichever is higher,
ignoring any penalties due to flurrying. She suffers a DV penalty equal to only the
highest imposed by any one attack.
Source: Plague of Hats

Joint-Disabling Attack
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Mantis 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Joint-Locking Technique
This attack cripples an opponent, penalizing his actions and defense.Source
Scroll of the Monk, pp. 98.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Iron-Arm Block
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Mantis 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Spine Shattering Bite, Leap From Cloaking Shadows Attack, Ce-
lestial Tiger Hide, Leaping Mantis Technique
The character’s ability to parry improves.
Source Scroll of the Monk, pp. 97.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Iron-Arm Block
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Mantis 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Spine Shattering Bite, Leap From Cloaking Shadows Attack, Ce-
lestial Tiger Hide, Leaping Mantis Technique
The character’s ability to parry improves.
Source Scroll of the Monk, pp. 97.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Grasping Claw Method

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 5, Mantis 4; Type: Simple (Speed 4, DV -2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Leaping Mantis Technique, Mantis Form
This Charm enhances a disarm attempt.
Source Scroll of the Monk, pp. 97.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Grasping Claw Method
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 5, Mantis 4; Type: Simple (Speed 4, DV -2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Leaping Mantis Technique, Mantis Form
This Charm enhances a disarm attempt.
Source Scroll of the Monk, pp. 97.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Flying Mantis Kick

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 3, Mantis 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Mantis Form, Mantis Form
The character makes an jumping kick attack that deals enhanced damage.
Source Scroll of the Monk, pp. 98.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Flying Mantis Kick

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 3, Mantis 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Mantis Form, Mantis Form
The character makes an jumping kick attack that deals enhanced damage.
Source Scroll of the Monk, pp. 98.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Grasping Mantis Defense

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Mantis 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 6)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Mantis Form, Grasping Claw Method
The character defends himself by trapping his attacker in a grapple.
Source Scroll of the Monk, pp. 97.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Grasping Mantis Defense

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Mantis 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 6)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Mantis Form, Grasping Claw Method
The character defends himself by trapping his attacker in a grapple.
Source Scroll of the Monk, pp. 97.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Unfolding Retribution Stance
Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Mantis 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Grasping Claw Method, Joint-Locking Technique, Grasping Man-
tis Defense, Joint-Disabling Attack, Flying Mantis Kick, Crushing Claw Technique
The character may respond to any attack with a counterattack.
Source Scroll of the Monk, pp. 99.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Unfolding Retribution Stance

Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Mantis 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Grasping Claw Method, Joint-Locking Technique, Grasping Man-
tis Defense, Joint-Disabling Attack, Flying Mantis Kick, Crushing Claw Technique
The character may respond to any attack with a counterattack.
Source Scroll of the Monk, pp. 99.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Unfolding Retribution Stance

Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Mantis 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Grasping Claw Method, Joint-Locking Technique, Grasping Man-
tis Defense, Joint-Disabling Attack, Flying Mantis Kick, Crushing Claw Technique
The character may respond to any attack with a counterattack.
Source Scroll of the Monk, pp. 99.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Crushing Claw Technique

Cost: 3m per action; Mins: Essence 3, Mantis 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Touch
Duration: Varies
Prerequisites: Ghost-Restraining Whirlpool Stance, Crashing Wave Style, Man-
tis Form
By crushing his opponent, the character deals improved damage in a clinch.
Source Scroll of the Monk, pp. 98.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Crushing Claw Technique

Cost: 3m per action; Mins: Essence 3, Mantis 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Touch
Duration: Varies
Prerequisites: Ghost-Restraining Whirlpool Stance, Crashing Wave Style, Man-
tis Form
By crushing his opponent, the character deals improved damage in a clinch.

Source Scroll of the Monk, pp. 98.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Crushing Claw Technique

Cost: 3 motes per turn; Mins: Essence 3, Mantis 5; Type: Simple
Duration: Varies
Prerequisites: Mantis Form
By crushing his opponent, the character deals improved damage in a clinch.
Source Caste Book: Eclipse, p. 75.
errata-fix edition=Firstsource=Exalted Players Guidepage=208text=The charac-
ter deals additional lethal damage in cliches.
Source: Caste Book: Eclipse

Joint-Locking Technique
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Mantis 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Touch
Duration: One action or hold
Prerequisites: Armor-Penetrating Fang Strike, Crippling Pressure-Point Strike,
Striking Serpent Speed, Mantis Form
This Charm improves the user’s ability to control a grapple.
Source Scroll of the Monk, pp. 98.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Joint-Locking Technique
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Mantis 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Touch
Duration: One action or hold
Prerequisites: Armor-Penetrating Fang Strike, Crippling Pressure-Point Strike,
Striking Serpent Speed, Mantis Form
This Charm improves the user’s ability to control a grapple.
Source Scroll of the Monk, pp. 98.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Mantis Form
Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Mantis 4; Type: Simple (Speed 3)
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Mantis Form, Iron-Arm Block
Assuming the Mantis Form increase the user’s reaction time, soak, parrying
ability, and damage-dealing ability. Furthermore, the character’s ability to defend
himself from multiple attacks improves.
Source Scroll of the Monk, pp. 97.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Mantis Form
Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Mantis 4; Type: Simple (Speed 3)
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Mantis Form, Iron-Arm Block
Assuming the Mantis Form increase the user’s reaction time, soak, parrying
ability, and damage-dealing ability. Furthermore, the character’s ability to defend
himself from multiple attacks improves.
Source Scroll of the Monk, pp. 97.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Mantis Form
Cost: 6 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Mantis 4; Type: Simple
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Iron-Arm Block
Assuming the Mantis Form increase the user’s reaction time, soak, parrying
ability, and damage-dealing ability. Furthermore, the character’s ability to defend
himself from multiple attacks improves.
Source Caste Book: Eclipse, p. 74.
errata-fix edition=Firstsource=Exalted Players Guidepage=208text=Aborting to
parry allows the character to parry all incoming attacks with their full pool.
Source: Caste Book: Eclipse

Leaping Mantis Technique

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Mantis 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
The character leaps into battle, improving both his reaction time and jumping
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 97.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Leaping Mantis Technique

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Mantis 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
The character leaps into battle, improving both his reaction time and jumping
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 97.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Leaping Mantis Technique

Cost: 3 motes; Mins: Essence 1, Mantis 2; Type: Reflexive

Duration: Instant
The character leaps into battle, improving both his reaction time and jumping
Source Caste Book: Eclipse, p. 74.
Source: Caste Book: Eclipse

Mantis Form v2
Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Mantis Revised 4; Type: Simple (Speed 3)
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Flying Mantis Kick v2, Crushing Claw Technique v2
Other than the prerequisites, this charm is in all ways identical to the original.
Source: Miashara

Grasping Mantis Defense v2

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Mantis Revised 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 6)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Grasping Claw Method v2
Same fluff as the original.
When the martial artist applies his parry DV to an incoming attack, he may make
a clinch attempt as a counterattack with his full dice pool. On his next action, he
may roll to control the clinch and if successful may take any usual action. This charm
does not negate the original attack.
Source: Miashara

Grasping Claw Method v2

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Mantis Revised 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Mantis Form v2
Same fluff as the original.
Other than changes to Permanent Essence requirement, which was probably a typo
in the original charm, changing the type to supplemental, and adding the Obvious
keyword, the charm is unchanged.
Source: Miashara

Joint-Locking Technique v2
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Mantis Revised 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 3)
Keywords: Touch
Duration: Special
Prerequisites: Mantis Form v2
Same fluff as the original.
The charm is unchanged, except for the step and duration. Duration is explicitly
until the martial artist loses control of the hold.
Source: Miashara

Joint-Disabling Attack v2
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Mantis Revised 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Touch, Combo-OK, Crippling
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Joint-Locking Technique v2
Same fluff as the original.
The charm is unchanged. Though the effect lasts a whole, the actual essence
commitment is only an instant. If you aren’t using the new errata stating essence
must be committed for the charm’s duration, then this charm is effectively Duration:
One Scene.
Source: Miashara

Unfolding Retribution Stance v2

Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Mantis Revised 5; Type: Simple (Speed 6)
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Joint-Disabling Attack v2, Grasping Mantis Defense v2
Same fluff as the original.
The martial artist invokes this charm against a target he can see. After that, any
time the target attacks the martial artist, he may reflexively counterattack at his full
dice pool. For 1m he may invoke this benefit on any attack the target makes, though
no more times per tick than his weapon’s rate, provided the target is within range.
This does not interact with his own attacks with his weapon, either against rate
maximums or flurry penalties. This does not count as a charm invocation, though it
does carry with it the Counterattack and Obvious Keywords, and is limited by them
in all usual ways. This does not forestall the attacks it counterattacks. The martial
artist may change targets by taking a three tick Aim action, but does not need to pay
the cost again. He does not get the usual bonus from the Aim action. If the target
leaves his sight for a full action, he must either pick a new target or let the charm
lapse. The full cost must then be paid again for it to be reinvoked.
Source: Miashara

Crushing Claw Technique v2

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Mantis Revised 3; Type: Reflexive (step 7)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Touch
Duration: Special
Same fluff as original.
When a character executes a crushing attack in a clinch, he may add his Martial
Arts rating to his strength for the purpose of determining damage. This charm lasts
until he loses control of the clinch.
As a permanent effect, this charm gives Claws of the Silver Moon the Clinch
Enhancing tag.
Source: Miashara

Flying Mantis Kick v2

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Mantis Revised 3; Type: Supplemental

Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Same fluff as original.
The character may leap his full distance as a free action. If combined with a single
attack, he does not need to split his dice pool. In addition, extra successes to strike
count double for determining presoak damage.
Source: Miashara

Striking Cobra Technique

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Martial Arts 2; Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
This allows the Martial Artist to increase her initiative. See the full text of
the Charm for details.Source First Edition Core, p. 160.
Source: First Edition Core

Serpentine Evasion
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Martial Arts 3; Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Striking Cobra Technique
This Charm allows the Solar to increase the dice in her dodge pool for one
attack. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source First Edition Core, p. 160.
Source: First Edition Core

Snake Form
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Martial Arts 4; Type: Simple
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Serpentine Evasion
This Charm allows the Lawgiver to increase his initiative and soak, and cause
his opponents attacking him to subtract dice from their attack pool. See the full text
of the Charm for details.Source First Edition Core, p. 160.
Source: First Edition Core

Snake Strikes the Heel

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Martial Arts 5; Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Snake Form
This Charm allows a martial artist to strike back at a foe, increasing the
Lawgiver’s attack pool. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source First Edition
Core, p. 160.
Source: First Edition Core

Uncoiling Serpent Prana
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Martial Arts 5; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Snake Form
This Charm allows a martial artist to strike a foe at a distance, empowering
their anima to strike their foe. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source First
Edition Core, pp. 161-162.
Source: First Edition Core

Shrouded Claw Attack

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Martial Arts 2; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Essence Discerning Glance
Defenders only get to use half their Parry or Dodge dice pools against attacks
supplemented by this Charm. See the full text of the Charm for details.
Source Exalted: The Abyssals, p. 163
Source: Exalted: The Abyssals

Lunging Phantom Method

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Martial Arts 5; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Unnatural Shambling Deftness
The attack supplemented by this Charm benefits from all the effects of attacking
from behind. See the full text of the Charm for details.
Source Exalted: The Abyssals, p. 165
Source: Exalted: The Abyssals

Armor-Penetrating Fang Strike

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Martial Arts 5; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Essence Fangs and Scales Technique
Attacks supplemented with this charm ignore armored soak. See the full text
of the Charm for details.Source First Edition Core, p. 161.
errata-fix edition=Firstsource=Exalted Players Guidepage=207cost=4 motes, 1
Source: First Edition Core

Essence Fangs and Scales Technique

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Martial Arts 5; Type: Simple
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Snake Form

This Charm allows the Martial Artist to deal leathal damage unamred, and
allows him to use his bashing soak to soak lethal damage. See the full text of the
Charm for details.Source First Edition Core, p. 160.
errata-fix edition=Firstsource=Exalted Players Guidepage=208text=The charac-
ter’s unarmed attacks deal piercing damage. The character cannot use weapons with
this Charm.
Source: First Edition Core

Soul-Flaying Strike
Cost: 10m, 1wp, 1hl; Mins: Essence 4, Martial Arts 5; Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Charm Smothering Technique, Blood Freezing Technique, Lung-
ing Phantom Method
This Charm has a chance of dealing Unsoakable aggravated damage to the
target in addition to normal attack damage. Those slain by this Charm arise as
Hungry Ghosts. See the full text of the Charm for details.
Source Exalted: The Abyssals, p. 165
errata-fix edition=Firstsource=Exalted Players Guidepage=208text=This Charm
causes attacks to inflict aggravated damage and to affect immaterial beings. Beings
slain immediately rise as hungry ghosts. Slain spirits and fair folk disintegrate.
Source: Exalted: The Abyssals

Striking Serpent Speed

Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Martial Arts 5; Type: Extra Action
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Uncoiling Serpent Prana
This Charm allows the martial artist to make a certian number of extra actions
in a turn, that need not be attacks. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source
First Edition Core, p. 162.
errata-fix edition=Firstsource=Exalted Players Guidepage=208cost=6 motes
Source: First Edition Core

Secrets of Future Strife

Cost: None; Mins: Essence 1, Martial Arts 1; Type: Special
Duration: Permanent
This Charm allows the character to join the fight quicker.Source Exalted: The
Sidereals, p. 179.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Necrotic Seamstress Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Necrotic Seamstress 4; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Form-Type

Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Knot Binding Endurance, Thread Looping Leeway
When watching a skilled seamstress, one begins to wonder if the needle ever
truly leaves her hands or if her fingers themselves follow through the cloth as well.
Reproducing this, the Necrotic Seamstress’s needle never seems to leave her hand
though witnesses see it imbedding itself in enemies well beyond her reach. While this
form is active she may reflexively call back her needles after a thrown attack at no
cost. In addition, she becomes a master of the rapid stitch, granting her an innate
ability to remove up to (Essence) Multiple Action Penalties from each attack in any
Source: Scarlet Heavens

Frantic Seamstress Grace

Cost: 5m 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Necrotic Seamstress 4; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Obvious, Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Seamstress Sews Fear
When the Seamstress is in a hurry she is capable of taking multiple actions
within half the time others take one. This charm allows the Seamstress to make a
flurry of up to her (Martial Arts + Essence) in attacks with a DV penalty equal to only
the highest for one attack. This explicitly allows the use of Knot Binding Endurance
and Aggressive Triage Technique. She acquires all multiple action penalties per a
normal flurry, but the speed is reduced to 3 for the entire action.
Source: Scarlet Heavens

Defensive Mortuary Preparation

Cost: 2m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Necrotic Seamstress 5; Type: Reflexive (Step
Keywords: Counterattack, Crippling, Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Aggressive Triage Technique
The martial artist responds to a close combat attack with her own, gaining
(Medicine 2) extra successes on her attack roll. As long as she hits, she deals no
damage and instead sews shut the mouth and eyes of the target and punctures their
eardrums. Each of these is a separate Crippling effect, imposing the normal penalties
for amputation of the respective organ. A doctor may take a five-minute dramatic
Medicine action, at difficulty 3, to remove the stitching on the target’s eyes and
mouth, which removes the Crippling effect. Alternately, the target may rip away
the stitches as a Miscellaneous action, which requires a successful Conviction roll at
difficulty 2 and inflicts one unsoakable level of lethal damage. The target’s ears will
heal naturally over time, as if it were one level of lethal damage.
Source: Scarlet Heavens

Leash of Steel Strands

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 4, Necrotic Seamstress 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent

Prerequisites: Necrotic Seamstress Form
Upgrading Thread Looping Leeway, the Seamstress ties herself to any object
with bands of essence. Current targets of Knot-Binding Endurance may also be
targetted for the following effects. Objects bound may no longer leave her weapon
range without someone gripping it and breaking the strand or the Seamstress releasing
the committed motes. On her action she may spend 2m to reflexively pull any one
thing she’s leashed, toward herself (Essence yards knock-back?) or (if she’s unable to
move it with a Feat of Strength) pull herself toward it doubling her jump distance
and making that jump a reflexive action. If someone is holding the object she pulls
they may roll (Stamina+Resistance) difficulty 2 to hold their ground or release the
object, else get pulled along with it. Clinched targets are likewise able to roll to stand
their ground. If multiple instances of this charm are active on her action she may
only pull one thread.
Source: Scarlet Heavens

Knot Binding Endurance

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Necrotic Seamstress 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Stitch by Stitch Methodology
Seamstresses are masters of knots that hold under great pressure. Invoking this
charm enhances a clinch attack through her needles benefitting from them as though
they had the C tag but damage remains at +0B and Rate 1. This attack deals no
damage and follows all the rules for a clinch. For the duration she may use her Essence
instead of Strength for any rolls to control the clinch. If she loses the opposed roll to
control the clinch the action breaks immediatly but does not result in a crush, throw,
or hold against the Seamstress. Moving further than her weapon’s range from the
target also breaks the effect, however, as long as she stays within range she is able to
move freely.
Source: Scarlet Heavens

Stitch by Stitch Methodology

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Necrotic Seamstress 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Scene
Each stitch in a Seamstress’s work leads to the next and as such she is always
looking at her next target. She may invoke this charm along with her join battle
roll. Her attacks lead her through her target and toward the next. Effectively, this
counts her action spent attacking as a tick aiming at any target she wishes. Aiming in
this fashion grants her a stackable +1 accuracy, per enhanced action, to a maximum
+3 bonus, as long as she attacks the designated target. This charm may be used
in combination with the Aim action, but the maximum bonus between both affects
remains at +3. If she invokes this power and on the proceeding action does not either
attack the designated target or use the Aim action to continue targetting him, her
action recieves a -2 internal penalty for her divided attention and loses any bonuses
she had aquired, per the Aim action. Using this to enhance her action confers no

additional DV penalty. She may invoke this effect before her action reflexively as an
innate ability costing 1m per +1 accuracy bonus it will confer on her next action.
Source: Scarlet Heavens

Thread Looping Leeway

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Necrotic Seamstress 3; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Stitch by Stitch Methodology
The Seamstress’s talent with a needle continually astounds her enemies. This
charm imitates a disarm attempt but negates the -4 external penalty per normal
for a ranged attack. Instead of pulling the weapon from her target’s grasp, she
threads invisible essence through his weapon allowing her to guide his attacks away
from herself at the last minute. This effect imposes an external penalty equal to the
(Seamstress’ Martial Arts) on all of his attacks with the targeted weapon against the
Seamstress, or against any target the Seamstress wishes if she spends 1wp during Step
1 of his attack. This attack can only be seen, and thus defended against, by those
who are capable of seeing the immaterial. The wielder of the targeted weapon may
prematurely end the charm with a Feat of Strength equal to the initial successes on
the attack roll or by moving out of range of the weapon that bound her.
Source: Scarlet Heavens

Stitch Weaving Discipline

Cost: 1m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Necrotic Seamstress 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Obvious, Combo-OK
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Necrotic Seamstress Form
A Seamstress’s needles are used to weaving through fabric, flesh, and other
crafting materials; this charm allows her to sew through anything her opponent uses
to defend himself. For the rest of the scene she ignores up to 90 percent cover and
all Hardness. In addition she may spend 1wp in Step 1 of Combat resolution to
pierce 100 percent cover and Soak from Armor, as long as she has a way to accurately
perceive her target.
Source: Scarlet Heavens

Pincushion Peppering Approach

Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 5, Necrotic Seamstress 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious, Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Stitch Weaving Discipline, Frantic Seamstress Grace, Defensive
Mortuary Preparation
The pinnacle of this Style is the epitome of the Seamstress’ control and grace.
She is able to toss a handful of needles as easily as one by itself; hitting as many
targets as she throws weapons, or singling one out of a crowd. Gathering her miniture
arsenal, she throws (Martial Arts) weapons with a single attack roll. Targets consider
these consecutive attacks that must be blocked or dodged and soaked seperately and
accrue onslaught penalties normally. Any charms used to enhance this attack benefit

all weapons equally (For example: at Martial Arts 5 and spending 1wp on Stitch
Weaving Discipline, all 5 attacks would ignore Armor Soak and 100 percent Cover).
Source: Scarlet Heavens

Seamstress Sews Fear

Cost: 3m 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Necrotic Seamstress 4; Type: Reflexive (Step
Keywords: Emotion, Obvious, Combo-OK
Duration: (Essence) Actions
Prerequisites: Necrotic Seamstress Form
The Seamstress inspires fear, even with her miniscule weapons, once her enemies
have seen the damage they inflict. This charm may only be used after dealing at least
one level of damage with a Martial Arts attack with one of this Style’s Form Weapons.
This allows her to lower her target’s DV against each attack, by 1, for each attack
that targets him but has yet to be launched in her current flurry (For a flurry of 3
attacks against one target with a base DV of 7, he would have a reduced DV of 5, 6, 7
against each respective attack before any other modifiers). This effect only works on
those who witnissed her activating the charm and, as an Unnatural emotion effect,
may be shaken off by spending 1wp at the time of the charm’s use.
Source: Scarlet Heavens

Aggressive Triage Technique

Cost: 1m or 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Necrotic Seamstress 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Obvious, Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Necrotic Seamstress Form
Because of her constant work with corpses of variable durability, the Seamstress
can tell the gravity of any wound with a glance. Using this charm allows her to ag-
gravate, or mend, damage at her discretion. As long as the attack hits the Seamstress
rolls an unmodifiable pool of (Perception + 2 * Target’s Wound Penalties) and suc-
cesses may convert bashing damage to lethal or vice versa. This costs 1m to aggravate
or 5m to mend.
Source: Scarlet Heavens

Knife Finds the Mark (Speed)

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Orichalcum Chef 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Coal-Fired Hands Commitment
Essence, now perfected in the hands, is focused in the wrists of the culinarian;
his grace with the common knife is now beyond compare by mortal standards. He
may choose to focus his attention towards chopping vegetables with blazing speed.
The chef’s Speed is reduced by 1 for each action undertaken using this style.
Source: Antidevil

Knife Finds the Mark (Accuracy)

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Orichalcum Chef 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Coal-Fired Hands Commitment
Essence, now perfected in the hands, is focused in the wrists of the culinarian;
his grace with the common knife is now beyond compare by mortal standards. He may
choose to make the cuts so exceptionally precise that every sliver is a uniform, artful
shape of his choosing. The Accuracy of any attacks made in the style is increased by
(Essence / 2).
Source: Antidevil

Blazing Rock and Chop

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Orichalcum Chef 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Stackable
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Knife Finds the Mark (Speed)
The Orichalcum Chef unleashes his delicious fury upon the toughest cuts of
meat; bone and tough sinew are hewn as if they were but mere water under his blade.
Even the oldest, meanest bull meat from the coldest, harshest conditions cannot
halt the chef’s progress towards ultimate victory in Yu-Shan’s Jade Kitchen. This
Charm is activated upon attacking; if the attack is parried, dodged, or blocked, on
the next attack roll add the DV value that defeated the attack in dice. This effect
can be stacked indefinitely if activated and deflected/dodged/parried when striking
with one’s next attack. Perfect defenses add a value of 0 dice.
Source: Antidevil

Orichalcum Chef Form

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Orichalcum Chef 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Blazing Rock and Chop, Expert Pallette Refinement
Gathering the fury of speed and the grace of accuracy, the Chef has become a
force to be reckoned with in the kitchen. His senses are sharp, his temper is short,
and his knife is quick. His eyes burn with intensity, as if perhaps they could cook the
food on their own. When engaged in this form, the culinarian is immune to all wound
penalties, poison effects, fatigue and mobility penalties. Every time the chef makes a
strike, it resonates into the very essence of the food itself. With each strike, the meat
becomes more tender, the vegetables more cubed, the dough more pliant. All damage
caused by the chef incurs a special temporary penalty, Tenderized, which lowers the
target’s soak (bashing by the Culinarian’s Essence, Lethal by the Culinarian’s Essence
divided by 2). Damage must actually be incured in order for the Tenderized status
to be applied. Tenderized is considered a wound penalty for the purpose of effects
which decrease, ignore or otherwise interact with wound penalties.
Source: Antidevil

Austrech Soup for the Soul

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Orichalcum Chef 5; Type: Reflexive

Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Orichalcum Chef Form
The storms of the West have brought with them terrible head colds, sea sickness,
and general unhappiness. The remedy for this condition is a hearty boul of Austrech
Soup, a rare delicacy from the South. Using one area to calm another is one of the
Chef’s greatest joys in life. Milk to cool the burning tongue, or the sweet taste of mint
to counter the dark, rich flavor of cocoa; when this charm is invoked in any situation,
the culinarian may add his Martial Art score in bonus dice to an action directly in
opposition to the situation. An attack can only be dodged, a wrathful speaker only
calmed. This Charm may be placed in a Combo with Charms of other Abilities.
Source: Antidevil

Meeting One’s Baker

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 3, Orichalcum Chef 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Five actions
Prerequisites: Orichalcum Chef Form
Where does dough come from, and where does it go? Only the baker knows
for sure. In the dark hours of the morning, he rises to practice his craft. Tired,
rugged hands kneed the dough, keep the fires running, and ensure nothing less than a
picture-perfect result every time. The chef applies these baking principles to his life.
He may add his Martial Arts score to all Craft (Water) rolls, and vice versa.
Source: Antidevil

World Fusion Dish Preparation

Cost: 7m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Orichalcum Chef 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Shaping
Duration: Instant - Effects of Dishes are Day Long
Prerequisites: Orichalcum Chef Form
To say the sum of a culinarian’s knowledge only goes as far as his nation is
incorrect. One must travel the world in order to understand every region of the
pallette, and every hue of appetite that Creation has to offer. Using this technique,
the Culinarian prepares dishes from each corner. Where there is a hunger, there is
cooking. It is the universal art, and one that shall never fade.
The chef must spend half of a day in a ritual which begins at the rise of the sun
and ends at its setting. This charm, activated the day before the ritual, allows the
chef to find all of the proper ingredients for a meal fit for the style in which he is
cooking regardless of environment, resources, or other boundries. It is almost as if the
world itself is salivating in preparation for what the Foodbringer will create. Once all
ingredients are gathered, cooking begins the next day. With great intensity, the chef
makes a full-course dinner that is appropriately filling for those who eat it, regardless
of their size or actual hunger, as if each plate was tailored specifically to the individual
diner. There are no left overs. If even one bite is taken, the entire plate will be cleared
when the meal is considered ”done.”
The effects of this meal are as follows:
”’Southern Style Cooking”’

:Blazing peppers and roasted game make for a fiery dish; all consumers are granted
the chef’s Essence in bonus dice for physical attacks. In addition, the consumer may
summon, one time, at any time, the memory of this hot blooded meal and let their
soul be ignited. Failure to succeed in any Valor-related rolls can be retried at no
additional cost as a reflexive action with no penalties attached.
”’Eastern Style Cooking”’
:Mysteries await in a jungle of leafy greens and exotic meat; all consumers are
granted the chef’s Essence in bonus dice to all Dodge, Stealth, and Medicine related
rolls. In addition, the consumer may summon, one time, at any moment, a memory
of lush vegetation and deadly prey conquered, allowing them to ”heal” a point of
damage taken for the duration of one scene in which the damage was incured. Once
the scene is completed, damage will be reapplied; all greens wither in time.
”’Western Style Cooking”’
:Sushi is a wonderful thing. Fresh fish, wrapped in harvested seaweed, brings forth
the true essence of the sea; all consumers are granted the chef’s Essence in bonus
dice to all Presence, Socialize, and Sail rolls made the following day. In addition, the
consumer may summon, one time, at any time a memory of this raw, yet refined meal
and remember the sea and its tranquility, allowing them to regain one temporary
point of willpower.
”’Northern Style Cooking”’
:Just because food is cold doesn’t mean it’s not tasty! Ice cream and chilled soups
delight the pallette with invigorating sensations; all consumers are granted the Chef’s
Essence in bonus dice to Survival, Resistance, and Athletic rolls. In addition, the
consumer may summon at any time a memory of this strange, frozen meal and be
immune to environmental effects of hot climates for the rest of the day.
”’Blessed Isle Style Cooking”’
:A strict, stable diet is the staple of the adamant soul. Bread is the nourishment
of the righteous; all consumers are granted the chef’s Essence in Integrity rolls, and
half of the chef’s essence is added to the consumer’s MDV. In addition, the consumer
may summon, one time, at any moment the memory of this hearty, grain-rich meal
and ignore the effects of poisons, alcohol, and hunger for a day’s time; after a day, all
penalties will be reinstated. Bread can only soak up so much.
It is said that other styles of cooking related to Yu-Shan, the Shadowlands, and
Malfeas exist, but those who have traveled to such places rarely come back, or if they
do, share their recipes with others. Malfean Chefs in particular will stare blankly and
mutter about something called ”veh-jah-myte,” which must surely be a horror of the
Source: Antidevil

Banquet of the Gods

Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Orichalcum Chef 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Compulsion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Austrech Soup for the Soul, Meeting One’s Baker, World Fusion
Dish Preparation
This is what it’s all been leading up to; the ultimate dish, prepared flawlessly,
served on time, and irresistable. The culinarian simply prepares a dish. It doesn’t
matter what this dish is; it could be grass soup with dirt sprinkled on top. The

culinarian makes a Wits + Martial Arts roll, with his Craft (Water) added as au-
tomatic successes. Anyone who can smell the dish must compare the result to their
Dodge MDV to resist its allure. Success for Dodge MDV renders the aroma merely
delightful. Failure leaves it irresistable. If it is one dish, men will fight to the death
to decide which one will get to eat it. In a crowd, this could be catastrophic.
Once the dish is consumed by a party (whether they resisted its initial effects or
not), their soul becomes tainted with a terrible addiction. They simply cannot live
without more of the same. For each day that the consumer goes without consuming
the same dish (prepared regularly without use of the charm), they will suffer terrible
nightmares, headaches, cold sweats, and hallucinations in which the dish will dance
before them, incurring a cumulative -1 internal penalty for each day of withdrawal,
up to a maximum penalty of the culinarian’s Essence. Let it be said; ANYONE who
consumes the dish will fall prey to this effect; the gods are as vulnerable as mere
This unspeakable curse will last the Chef’s Essence in years. A Willpower roll
must be made in order to properly function in the presence of the dish in question,
otherwise the afflicted will drop whatever they are doing and dive for it head first, even
if that means going after a plate that’s been tossed over a cliff. The effects of the curse
may be resisted for a day by spending (current penalty) points of Willpower; once
the character has spent the Chef’s (Essence x 3) points of total Willpower resisting
the addiction, it is considered broken.
Source: Antidevil

Expert Palate Refinement

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Orichalcum Chef 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Knife Finds the Mark (Accuracy)
Having honed his eye for shape, quality, and expert knifesmanship, the Chef
turns his attention towards his second greatest tool; the tongue. When activated,
Expert Palate Refinement allows the culinarian to taste -anything- and come to a
(mostly) accurate conclusion as to what it is, its age, and other relevant qualities.
This charm does not work on Sidereals using Resplendant Destinies.
Source: Antidevil

Expert Palate Refinement

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Orichalcum Chef 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Knife Finds the Mark (Accuracy)
Having honed his eye for shape, quality, and expert knifesmanship, the Chef
turns his attention towards his second greatest tool; the tongue. When activated,
Expert Palate Refinement allows the culinarian to taste -anything- and come to a
(mostly) accurate conclusion as to what it is, its age, and other relevant qualities.
This charm does not work on Sidereals using Resplendant Destinies.
Source: Antidevil

Coal-Fired Hands Commitment
Cost: ; Mins: Essence 2, Orichalcum Chef 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Permanent
The long road of becoming the perfect culinarian begins with training one’s
hands to deal with the most intense flames. Initiates into the Orichalcum Chef Style
first cultivate the toughness of their most important cooking utensil by exposing them
to the dangers of heat and blade; the reward for their devotion is that their hands are
immune to all natural fire damage (such as bonfires, or the discharge of a firewand),
and can parry blades barehanded. Supernatural fire will still cause the usual amount
of damage to a practitioner’s hands.
Source: Antidevil

Inertial Velocity Exploitation

Cost: 2 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Overwhelming Ruinous Ordnance 1; Type:
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
By utilizing the momentum of an Essence cannon, the martial artist can propel
herself upward with dizzying speed. This Charm can be activated whenever the
martial artist makes a Jump action. Doing so adds (Martial Arts x4) yards to the
distance of the Jump. Further, if the martial artist pays to fire a burst from an
Essence-based weapon, he may add the weapons Damage rating to the Jump distance
as well.
mega-man-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Paramount Efficiency Enhancement

Cost: 1 mote, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 2, Overwhelming Ruinous Ordnance
2; Type: Simple (Speed 3)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Stackable
Duration: One Scene
The cost to fire an Essence-projection weapon is often their greatest weakness.
By channeling the flow of Essence through himself and into his weapon, a skilled
Overwhelming Ruinous Ordnance practitioner can remove this weakness. Activating
this Charm reduces the cost per shot of an Essence-projection weapon by 1 (to a
minimum of 0) for the remainder of the scene.
mega-man-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Barricade Purgation Procedure

Cost: 4 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Overwhelming Ruinous Ordnance 2; Type:

Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
While the power of an Essence blast can often directly solve a problem, a true
martial artist understands that sometimes, nothing gets a point across quite like
catastrophic property damage. This Charm supplements an unarmed attack against
an inanimate object, doubling the attacks raw damage.
mega-man-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Essence Modulation Amplifier

Cost: 4 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Overwhelming Ruinous Ordnance 3; Type:
Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Inertial Velocity Exploitation, Paramount Efficiency Enhance-
ment, Barricade Purgation Procedure
A skilled martial artist can learn to focus the power of her own Essence, with-
holding it from her cannon until the last moment, charging? it so to speak, in order
to fire a massive burst of energy. When used to enhance an unarmed attack, for
every die added to the attack roll from Aim actions, the martial artist adds one die
of post-soak damage.
mega-man-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Overwhelming Ruinous Ordnance Form

Cost: 6 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Overwhelming Ruinous Ordnance 4; Type:
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Essence Modulation Amplifier
The master of the Essence cannon understands its full range of uses, offensive
and defensive, and has learned that thought and action are one. When this Charm
is active, the martial artist moves with the speed of honed reflexes, gaining the full
+3 bonus to Accuracy from a single Aim action. Successive Aim actions still cannot
raise the total bonus above 3. Moreover, the martial artist can use form weapons of
this style to parry attacks, firing beams of essence to knock weapons and projectiles
aside. Doing so is an unarmed parry, treating the weapons Defense bonus as being
equal to its Accuracy +2. If the martial artist must pay a cost or expend ammunition
to fire the weapon, he must do so each time he makes use of this defense.
mega-man-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Trajectory Correction Strategy
Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Overwhelming Ruinous Ordnance 4; Type:
Reflexive (Step 5)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One Tick
Prerequisites: Sequence Calibration Refit
Essence fired from an Essence-projectile weapon is still the martial artists
Essence, and with practice, he can learn to control it even once it has left his body. If
one of the martial artists unarmed attacks misses, he can activate this Charm in Step
5 to redirect it at another enemy, as though they were the original target. Redirected
attacks use the same rolled successes to determine if they hit.
mega-man-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Sequence Calibration Refit

Cost: 1 mote/die; Mins: Essence 3, Overwhelming Ruinous Ordnance 4; Type:
Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Overwhelming Ruinous Ordnance Form
By adjusting the calibration on his weapon and on his own Essence, the martial
artist can narrow the pulse for a more potent (but less reliable) strike, or widen the
burst, weakening its impact to aid its accuracy. This Charm supplements an attack
with an Essence-projectile weapon. For each mote spent, the martial artist may
subtract one die from the Damage rating of the weapon to add one die to his attack,
or subtract one die from his attack roll to add 5 to the weapons Damage. Improving
the accuracy of the attack is limited by dice caps as normal, but improving the damage
is limited only by the motes available to spend. Neither attack pool nor Damage can
be reduced below one die.
mega-man-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Expeditious Impulse Evacuation

Cost: 6 motes; Mins: Essence 4, Overwhelming Ruinous Ordnance 5; Type:
Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Trajectory Correction Strategy
Attacks fueled with Essence project an enormous amount of force. With prac-
tice, the martial artist can harness this force to control his movements. This Charm
may be activated in response to any close-combat attack against the martial artist.
Regardless of the attacks success, the martial artist may immediately make a un-
armed counterattack against his attacker, paying the usual cost if he chooses to fire
an Essence-projection weapon. Regardless of whether or not this counterattack suc-
ceeds, the martial artist is propelled (Essence x5) yards directly away from his attacker
by the force of the blow.

mega-man-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Maximum Devastation Onslaught

Cost: 6 motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 3, Overwhelming Ruinous Ordnance
4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Sequence Calibration Refit
Precision is not a virtue to the Ordnance practitioner. Devastation is. This
Charm supplements an attack with an Essence-based weapon. Streamers of glowing
plasma rocket forth from his weapon, careening wildly around him, leaving contrails
of burning vapor and exploding on impact with staggering force. The martial artist
makes a normal attack roll and applies it to all valid targets within (Essence x2)
mega-man-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Overwhelming Ruinous Barrage

Cost: 2 motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 3, Overwhelming Ruinous Ordnance
5; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Maximum Devastation Onslaught
The martial artist can split an Essence pulse from himself into his weapon,
arcing the attack into a spread of three, separate particles. This Charm allows the
martial artist to make three attacks with an Essence-projectile weapon, each costing
the normal firing charge, at the attackers full pool, and ignoring Rate. The total DV
penalty for this flurry is equal to the highest DV penalty of any of single attack made.
Furthermore, if the first attack in this flurry benefits from an Aim action, all attacks
in the flurry gain the same benefit. It is said that Luminiferous Physician sought
to improve this Charm, allowing for additional attacks, but was unable to make any
Essence-discharge weapon more efficient.
mega-man-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Luminiferous Annihilation Cannon

Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 4, Overwhelming Ruinous Ordnance
5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Overwhelming Ruinous Barrage, Expeditious Impulse Evacuation
Understanding an Essence weapon means understanding its fundamental pur-
pose: annihilation. This Charm consists of a single unarmed attack, which costs the

usual number of motes if made with an Essence weapon. The attack, if successful,
deals Aggravated damage, and automatically converts all post-soak dice of damage
directly to levels dealt. Victims of this attack are most often only identified by black
shadows seared onto nearby scenery or pairs of smoking boots left standing amidst
mega-man-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Harmless Animal Approach

Cost: 2 motes; Mins: Essence 1, Panic Monkey 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
The first step along the path of the Panic Monkey is to ensure that you are
not considered a challenge. This Charm allows the character to add her Martial Arts
in dice to any roll made to convince someone that she is not a threat.
Source: FrivYeti

Panic Awareness Preparation

Cost: 2 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Panic Monkey 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Harmless Animal Approach
A true panic monkey may seem calm, but is always prepared to let its natural
fear take hold. The character may add her Martial Arts to an Awareness roll to detect
ambushes or unexpected attacks.
Source: FrivYeti

Avoiding Danger Understanding

Cost: 4 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Panic Monkey 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Harmless Animal Approach
When danger rears its head, the panic monkey is always prepared, and they
spook instantly when threatened. While this Charm is active, a character’s DVs may
not be reduced below her Martial Arts score by external penalties.
Source: FrivYeti

Panic Monkey Form

Cost: 6 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Panic Monkey 4; Type: Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Form-Type
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Panic Awareness Preparation, Avoiding Danger Understanding
As danger strikes, the panic monkey explodes into fright! The character ap-
pears, to all intents and purposes, to be screaming and flailing, running randomly

about in a panic. However, she is actually under complete control. While this Charm
is active, the character may use Dash instead of Move, applying only a -1 DV penalty
per action and suffering no flurry penalties. In addition, she may add her Essence
to any Valor rolls she makes, as she allows her panic to flow through her without
touching her core. However, due to the volume of her screaming and obviousness of
her flailing, stealth is impossible while this Charm is active, with the exception of
rolls to re-establish surprise.
A character may choose to activate Panic Monkey Form instead of rolling Join
Battle. If she does so, her Join Battle roll is considered to have 0 successes. This
effect may not be combined with any effect that improves Join Battle results.
Source: FrivYeti

Fear Lends Power

Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Panic Monkey 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Accidental Enemy-Overcoming Blow
When afraid, a character may deliver blows that they could never manage nor-
mally, shocking those who underestimate them. This Charm supplements an action.
It reduces the Parry DV of the attack’s target by the character’s Essence, and adds
one unsoakable health level of damage (of the appropriate type) after soak is applied
and damage is rolled.
Source: FrivYeti

Accidental Enemy-Overcoming Blow

Cost: 4 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Panic Monkey 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Panic Monkey Form
No one quite expects a panicking fool to strike them, which can lead to a
surprising turn of events. This Charm enhances an unarmed attack. The character
rolls (Manipulation + Socialize), and the target rolls (Wits + Awareness). If the
character wins, the attack is considered unexpected.
Source: FrivYeti

Mobility-Ruining Collision
Cost: 3 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Panic Monkey 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Knockback
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Weapon-Appropriating Frenzy
As the panic monkey careens about, it sows increasing panic and confusion,
and enemies fall over themselves in their efforts to avoid her frenzied motions. This
Charm may be activated in conjunction with a Dash action. The character must
Dash to within one yard of a target in order to activate this Charm. This forces the
target to make a Knockdown check at a -2 external penalty, and if they fail, they also
suffer -1 die to all die pools for a number of actions equal to the character’s Essence.
This Charm may only be activated against a given target once per action.

Source: FrivYeti

Wings of Panic Maneuvering

Cost: 4 motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 3, Panic Monkey 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Fear Lends Power, Mobility-Ruining Collision
As the character runs about, her erratic movements make her difficult to strike.
On any tick in which the character takes a Move action, she gains +1 DV. On any
tick in which she takes a Dash action, she takes no DV penalty; instead, she applies
her Essence as an external penalty to all attacks against her.
Source: FrivYeti

Weapon-Appropriating Frenzy
Cost: 4 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Panic Monkey 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Panic Monkey Form
While panicking, panic monkeys have been known to grab onto almost anything
as a desperate manuever. The character does the same, grabbing something away
from an opponent almost before either party realizes what is going on. This Charm
supplements a Disarm attempt. Reduce the external penalty for the Disarm by 2 and
add a number of dice equal to the character’s Essence to the attempt.
Source: FrivYeti

Pankrator’s Cestus
Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 1, Pankrator’s Panoply 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, War
Duration: Until 5 ticks after character releases Clinch or Envelopment
Pankrator’s phiosophy was emobodied by the statement, ”Go for the throat!”
In his days of personal combat he would inevitably lash out first to grab his opponent
by the throat then immediately throw him to the ground and attempt to shatter him
with blows as quickly as possible. This philosophy continued itself through his rise in
the ranks to when he commanded entire hosts of Direction guarding legions.
This Charm supplements a Clinch attack or an Enveloping attack by a military
unit that the martial artist leads to paralyse the enemy in its grip. For Clinch attacks
this causes them to remain pinned for 5 ticks after the hold has been broken. For
Enveloping attacks, which do not suffer the usual -2 die external penalty, this causes
the enemy force to retain the Envelopment penalties for 5 long ticks after the martial
artist’s attacking force has disengaged.
Source: Upaatk

Pankrator’s Might
Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Pankrator’s Panoply 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, War

Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Pankrator’s Cestus
Pankrator knew that to have a force that would flee from battle was the greatest
shame of any general and so he welded his men together with the essence of his
convictions! This Charm will allow an immediate reroll of a Valor, Morale or Rout
check that the character, or a military unit he commands, fails.
Source: Upaatk

Pankrator’s Fury
Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Pankrator’s Panoply 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, War
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Pankrator’s Cestus
The widely known ferocity of Pankrator’s might was easily reason enough for
most men and armies to scatter from his path, but this was a trait of his own and
therefore a skill difficult to pass on in teachings. Eventually he captured the essence of
this fury to be unleashed with a devestating strike. This charm supplements a martial
arts attack by forcing the target to make a morale or rout check, as appropriate for
targetting man or army, if they take damage from the attack.
Source: Upaatk

Pankrator’s Smiting
Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower; Mins: Essence 5, Pankrator’s Panoply 5; Type:
Keywords: Combo-OK, War
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisites: Pankrator’s Aura, Pankrator’s Legion
The ultimate goal in war, as Pankrator saw it, is to see the enemies troops
scattered or destroyed before a warrior’s might, but the quickest route to that rout
was to lay their leaders down as so many pieces of shattered tombstone lost and
forgotten on the ground. This Charm is a means towards those ends by unorthodox
methods. This Charm acts to remove the influence of the enemies troops from the
battle. From the moment this Charm is activated until the martial artist’s next
action the enemy receives no bonuses whatsoever from their troops, including skill,
gear or Magnitude and the martial artist may choose to deal damage directly to
the commander or any other special character he chooses, bypassing the enemy unit
Source: Upaatk

Pankrator’s Panoply
Cost: 10 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Pankrator’s Panoply 4; Type: Simple (Speed
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Pankrator’s Performance
While the perfect martial artist is armament in his body alone, Pankrator rec-
ognized the nature of all things, armors, troops, weapons and all of Creation around

him, as extensions of the purpose of the martial arts and focused his energies towards
always having them at the ready for combat. This Charm became the focal point of
his style as a way that he and his students would always be prepared to fight to their
utmost, it creates Perfect versions of mundane Fighting Gauntlets, Iron Boots, a suit
of armor of the weilder’s choice, and the type of two-handed weapon the weilder uses
with this style. This armament is created in a flash of brilliant light in the colors of
the weilder’s anima and they retain that glow for the remainder of the scene.
Throughout this scene the character also finds an innate connection to the flow of
military might around him, he senses change in weather that might affect the field,
he knows when his men feel tired, and he can feel the quality of the troops arrayed
against him and this knowledge only hones his ability to exploit the weaknesses of his
foes. For the remainer of the scene add the character’s Martial Arts score to his War
ability for all purposes and every attack he makes has a free, automatic attempt to
Coordinate Attacks with anyone else attacking that same target on that tick.
Source: Upaatk

Pankrator’s Aura
Cost: 10 motes, 1+ willpower; Mins: Essence 4, Pankrator’s Panoply 5; Type:
Keywords: Obvious, Touch, Training, War
Duration: One scene/week
Prerequisites: Pankrator’s Presence
A true martial artist is an inspiration and an education to all who see him
in action. In the scene that this Charm is activated all extra characters allied with
the martial artist increase their attacking dice pools, drill ratings, and valor by one
dot each. If the martial artist wishes to reactivate this bonus for a scene during the
remaining week that these motes are committed then they may spend 1 willpower
point to do so reflexively. This Charm also acts to train a military unit, but requires
five or more hours of effort in any given week to be effective with the essence com-
mitted for the entire week. This Charm increases the Drill of the unit by one for
each week of training, to a maximum of four. The character also picks one Trait to
improve: Conviction, Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Athletics, Dodge or Martial Arts.
The Charm increases that Trait for each member of the unit by one, to a maximum
of four of the Exalt’s rating in that Trait, whchever is lower. The Exalt can train
himself (increasing his own Traits) and the unit at the same time or himself alone as
a solo unit.
Source: Upaatk

Pankrator’s Performance
Cost: 10 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Pankrator’s Panoply 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion, Social, War
Duration: Until engaged in combat
Prerequisites: Pankrator’s Fury, Pankrator’s Might
Although victory through sheer might was the strategy of the day for Pankrator,
his cunning was such that he did not mind a good ruse before dashing his opponents
to the rocks of defeat. This Charm is an extension of his many plans for troop
arrangement, to make them seem impossibly large or uselessly small. While this

Charm is active the martial artist alone can either appear as an unimportant non-
combatant to any viewing him or can appear as an entire military unit of up to
(Essence) Magnitude. If the martial artist is in command of a military unit then that
unit may appear up to (Essence) lower in Magnitude or larger up to the martial artist’s
(Essence) or Magnitude+1, whichever is greater. This Charm’s effect wears off once
the martial artist, or his unit, have either successfully attacked or been attacked by
an opponent and is most useful in setting the battle field to ones advantage, although
its uses on more social grounds have also been noted.
Source: Upaatk

Pankrator’s Presence
Cost: 10 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Pankrator’s Panoply 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, War
Duration: (Essence) actions
Prerequisites: Pankrator’s Panoply
The martial artist who has mastered this charm has learned one of the secrets
to Pankrator’s success as a military commander. Despite the great focus on the
Exalted and their might in personal combat, the weight of a legion can bring strength
to any man’s arm. Pankrator was known for being able to rally even the very ill
and the infirm to a strong defense, which bought him several victories when his
defeat was predicted. With a rallying cry, the martial artist brings the essence of
his own presence into the heart of each of his troops and they redouble their efforts
in combat. Double the effective Magnitude of the martial artist’s military unit, to
a maximum of the martial artist’s (Essence x 2), for the charm’s duration. Used
without a military unit this Charm allows the martial artist to fight as if he had
a military unit of (Essence/2) Magnitude made up of other martial artists with his
own skill and equipment (although perfect mundane version of any artifacts) for the
charm’s duration.
Source: Upaatk

Pankrator’s Legion
Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower; Mins: Essence 4, Pankrator’s Panoply 5; Type:
Simple (Speed 5 in long ticks)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, War
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Pankrator’s Presence
Pankrator’s arrogance was so great that he eventually refused to work with
mortal troops of any kind. He focused this entire martial art toward the goal of
commanding a legion, but only a legion made to his exacting standards. This charm
pulls the essence of the weilder’s very soul out to merge with the small gods of its
surroundings and bind them into a military unit fit to conquer the world. This charm
provides a military unit equal to a Magnitude of troops per point of the Exalt’s Essence
with a Drill equal to half the Exalt’s Martial Arts (rounded down) and a Morale equal
to half the weilder’s War (rounded up). The troops are only trained for close combat
in martial arts and with the melee weapons of the Pankrator’s Panoply Style, for
which they have three speciality dice. These troops come armed and armoured with
equipment matching that created for the Exalt by the Pankrator’s Panoply Charm,

although of a lesser quality. If the Exalt abandons this unit for more than 15 long
ticks or the Charm ends then the troops disperse back into being the small gods of
the region, although they and the area are often tinted with a more militant tone
from then onward.
Source: Upaatk

Foe of the Wyld

Cost: –; Mins: Essence 5, Percussive Fist 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious, Fate
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Catastrophic Reality-Based Wrecking Ball, Time Gives Rise to
After mastering the Percussive Fist Style the martial artist is a unstoppable
champion of Creation. All his charms with the Fate keyword undergo a permanent
1m cost reduction to a minimum of 0m, and stunt dice that support their effects
are automatically converted successes. This effect is obvious to all beings capable
of seeing such things, such as Abyssals using Charms:Through Dead Eyes Through
Dead Eyes. Note, the effect is obvious, but a practitioner who knows this charm is
not apparent until he utilizes it.
Source: Miashara

Catastrophic Reality-Based Wrecking Ball

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 4, Percussive Fist 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Obvious, Combo-OK, Fate
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Percussive Fist Style
Sometimes a Seer is opposed by things beyond fate, not entities. These may
be walls, doors, or unpleasant natural phenomena. Their folly to oppose a Seer is
forgiven, though they must still be overcome. This charm renders anything outside
of fate a valid target for an attack. Things like unpleasant meteorological phenomena
may be punched back out of existence, as well as intangible spirits. In addition, this
charm converts up to Martial Arts post soak dice of damage to automatic successes
against an inanimate object.
Source: Miashara

Inimical Touch of Destiny

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Percussive Fist 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 7)
Keywords: Obvious, Combo-OK, Fate
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Bastion of Future Causality
The Chosen of the Maiden’s are the agents of Fate. Their very presence is
a challenge to Creatures of Darkness. Seizing the aura of destiny that the Martial
Artist’s body she strikes her enemies with a fistful of destiny. This is inimical to her
enemy’s presence. Double the raw damage of the strike for the purposes of determining
knockback. This has no effect on actual damage.
Source: Miashara

Percussive Fist Style
Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Percussive Fist 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Obvious, Form-Type, Fate
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Wasp Filled Fog, Inimical Touch of Destiny
The martial artist wraps himself in Destiny. Fate itself is his armor. The martial
artist and all her attacks are considered within the purview of fate so long as this
charm is active. In addition, he does Aggravated Damage to creatures outside of fate
as the caustic touch of destiny erodes their elusive natures. Finally he may add his
Martial Arts score to his Bashing, Lethal, and Aggravated soaks against targets made
by creature beyond fate.
Source: Miashara

Time Gives Rise to Growth

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Percussive Fist 4; Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
Keywords: Obvious, Training, Fate
Duration: Special
Prerequisites: Percussive Fist Style
Martial Artists train. In time they improve their skills. This is a certainty. A
master of this Charm may manipulate her destiny so that success in her pursuits is
inevitable. This Charm is a dramatic action to train. It ensures the martial artist
may figure out a way to combine her charms into effective combos. She may learn any
combo she possess the prerequisites for as if she was tutored, even if she is developing
it from scratch. This does not provide any reduction of the minimum time necessary
to develop such a combo.
Source: Miashara

Bastion of Future Causality

Cost: 4m 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Percussive Fist 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Fate
Duration: One Scene
All creatures of Creation have a fate. It rarely includes being injured by beings
beyond Destiny. With this charm the Martial Artist may wrap himself in the armor
of causality. This Charm affects every attack by a creature outside of fate that does
at least 1 die of post soak damage to the practitioner. It increases the target number
of all damage dice roll by 1, usually to 8.
Source: Miashara

Wasp Filled Fog

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Percussive Fist 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Riven Obsidian knew and rightly feared the power of the Underworld. He
knew he would need an advantage to win, and the best advantage is striking from
obscurity. With this Charm the practitioner adds his Martial Arts rating in successes

to any attempt to regain concealment. This may also apply to Join Battle rolls if the
practitioner’s target is not aware of the martial artist’s location.
Source: Miashara

Defining the Dragons

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Perfected Harmony of Creation 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Indefinite
Creation is a perfected harmony of all five elements, and the Martial artist who
knows this charm may attune himself to the flows of essence through creation.With
the commitment of 4m, the martial artist can reflexively test (perception + awareness)
to sense the presence of any creatures of darkness within (essence x 5) yards, once
per turn.
The difficulty to detect a day caste Abyssal increases by their essence. With the
expenditure of one additional mote, the Martial Artist can tell the direction and
distance to each detected creature of darkness within range. Attacking an otherwise
invisible creature imposes a 2 external penalty with all attacks, but ranged attacks Are
possible. This charm adds the Martial Artists (essence) in dice to oppose creatures
of darkness hidden with magical effects.
Finally, this charm allows the user to develop an intuitive sense for weather. While
active, this charm allows the exalt to sense whether any observed weather patterns are
influenced by supernatural effects. It also allows the Martial Artist to automatically
succeed any mundane checks to predict weather, with threshold successes equal to
Source: AckbarTrapt

Planting the Dragons

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Perfected Harmony of Creation 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Action
Prerequisites: Defining the Dragons
Disparate though they may be, creation is a thing of shape, and even the
elements exist in self-contained, variable portions. The Martial Artist taps into this
understanding of solidity, and fights with a newly renewed purpose.Until the Martial
Artists DV refreshes, his attacks deal aggravated damage to creatures of darkness,
and he can parry lethal attacks unarmed. Finally, any checks for knock back/down
caused by his attacks have their difficulty increased by two.
Source: AckbarTrapt

Perfected Harmony of Creation Form

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Perfected Harmony of Creation 4; Type: Simple
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Defining the Dragons, Planting the Dragons
Bringing himself into a careful alignment with the essence of the elemental
dragons, and creation as a whole, the Martial Artist gains mastery over the natural

elements of creation.When activating the form, the exalt must choose one element to
control, which can be changed reflexively once per each action. The martial artist
may now enhance his fighting skills by controlling elements in the environment. The
effects the martial artist can produce are various but must follow these guidelines
without stunts:
-No sapient or essence-wielding elemental being may be directly controlled
-The range of the elemental control is (essence x 10) yards
-The exalt can manipulate an amount of elemental energy no greater than (ess+ma)
cubic yards in size
-knockdown or knock-back effects deliberately caused by this charm has a difficulty
of (essence) to resist
-damage caused by attacks can be bashing or lethal, at the exalts discretion
-damage for direct attacks is (Essence + Martial Arts), with extra attack successes
added as normal
Using stunts, new effects may be used, such as
1. entrapping the foe in earth or water, treated as a grapple with the Exalt using
a pool of (MA + Essence) instead of (Str/Dex + Ath/MA)
2. hampering a foe (gusts of wind, sparks, leaves, ect...) with a successful attack
imposing a stackable internal penalty of -1 to the foe for one turn instead of doing
3. Enhancing jumps or athletic actions, adding (MA) dice to the action
All dice added by this charm counts as dice added by excellencies for stacking
Source: AckbarTrapt

Weaving the Dragons

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 3, Perfected Harmony of Creation 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, (Counterattack)
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Perfected Harmony of Creation Form
The Martial Artist gains the ability to shape the elements in defensive ways; he
can impose an elemental barrier that have effects based on their element, but may use
only one element until his DV refreshes. If he is utilizing the PHoC form, the martial
artist must use the element his form is currently manipulating;Air; the opponent must
immediately test for knock-back, at difficulty of (essence), a number of yards back
equal to (martial arts). obviously, if the opponent is out of reach, the attack fails.
Earth; A stone barrier that must be breached for the attack to penetrate- Effec-
tively gives the exalt a hardness value of (Martial Arts+Essence) and adds an equal
amount to their Bashing and Lethal soaks against the attack it defends against. This
extra soak counts as armor for the purpose of piercing attacks.
Fire; The exalt summons a wave of fire that acts as a counter-attack with an
accuracy of (martial arts + essence). this attack deals (martial arts) dice of lethal
Water: The exalt imposes a water-barrier that must be sundered before he can
succumb to harm. This barrier adds (Martial Arts) bashing and lethal soak to the
exalt, and (essence) health levels, which must all be filled before the attack continues
to the Exalt. This extra soak counts as natural for all purposes.
Wood: This summons tangeling vines, a cloud of miasma, or some other effect

that hampers the Martial Artist’s opponent. The Exalt rolls his (MA + Essence)
and adds successes to his PDV and DDV against this attack. If the opponent misses
the Exalt, he may initiate a grapple as a counter-attack as vines entangle him. If the
exalt has activated the PHoC form, this leaves the Exalts hands free, though he must
dedicate an attack action to continuing the grapple on each turn, as normal.
Source: AckbarTrapt

Transcending the Dragons

Cost: - (20m, 1wp + 1wp); Mins: Essence 6, Perfected Harmony of Creation 6;
Type: Permanent
Prerequisites: Becoming the Dragons Kata
With mastery of creation, the Martial Artist moves on to transcend the tradi-
tional elements and shape his own spirit. To learn this charm, the Martial Artist must
repeat the journey made by the first solar to learn this style. He must meditate in
an elemental manse or demanse of rank 5, or a celestial one of rank 3+ for one hour-
and in a flash of light, he disappears. Where he goes, none can say, but this journey
always takes exactly six days. He will see visions unique to his life and personality,
but always finds himself in an environment of pure elemental puissance for the first
five days, cycling through each element. On the sixth day, something happens. The
Martial Artist will not remember what has transpired, only that he has faced a great
ordeal, and succeeded.
He returns to the world in potentially any location, but always in a humble, well-
traveled state from just out of view, striding into a backwater town. He is the man
he was, but is somehow.. changed.
The Martial Artist has reached a level of enlightenment that allows him to tran-
scend the physical universe entirely, and enter the spiritual- suffusing his hun with a
great energy akin to the will-shaped essence of the gods.
He may spend one minute in meditation and expend (20m, 1wp) to dematerialize.
To those with essence sight, he appears to be himself, but his totemic Anima is
entwined with his form, making him appear as a strange spirit or god. He can remain
in this form indefinately, but suffers several restrictions while dematerialized:
-He cannot affect material things by any means
-He does not respire essence or heal through any means, except a cult, which may
grant essence as normal.
-He loses access to any of his charms, save any spirit charms he may know.
Materializing costs the Exalt one additional point of willpower and a simple action,
during which he is vulnerable to both physical and spiritual attacks, and may not use
any charms, even those that do not count as charm uses.
Finally, this charm grants the Exalt the ability to actually learn spirit charms from
a suitable teacher. These charms cost double the normal amount of experience points
to learn, but function in all other ways as listed in their entries.
Source: AckbarTrapt

Becoming the Dragons Kata

Cost: 20m, 2wp; Mins: Essence 5, Perfected Harmony of Creation 5; Type:

Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Infusing the Dragons, Unmaking the Dragons
Channeling the combined might of the elemental dragons though his form, the
Martial Artist becomes a living force of nature.He gains the ability to control all five
elements simultaneously, and any charms of this style with elemental restrictions lose
those restrictions while this technique is active. (ie, the Exalt may defend with any
element of weaving the dragons interchangeably, ect.)
The Martial Artist may fly at a speed of (Essence+MA) yards per tick, propelled
by natural forces.
When making attacks through the elements with this style, the Exalt adds
(Essence) in successes.
The area around the exalt can be changed to a devastating vortex of elemental
fury in a radius of (essence x 50) yards from the exalt. The effects are treated as
supernaturally powered dangerous natural weather; including the damage interval-
everyone inside the field (save the exalt) is affected. These effects may be of any
element, changeable once per action, and have effects as follows;
Air: Victims must make a (Str+Ath) check against a difficulty of the exalt’s
(essence) or be sent sprawling the exalt’s (MA) in yards in a random direction, landing
Earth: Rock storms blast the area, and tremors shake the land. Everyone must
make a difficulty 2 (dex+ath) check to retain their footing, and anyone without a DV
or PDV of at least the Exalt’s (essence) will be struck with rocks for (Essence + MA,
P) damage, soaked normally to a minimum of 1 die.
Fire: Firestorms wash around the Exalt, striking anyone in the area without a
perfect defense with an attack that deals (MA) damage (Trauma Essence to change
the damage to bashing), soaked to a minimum of the Exalt’s essence.
Water: Thrashing waves of water and vicious rains surround the Exalt, applying
an external penalty of the Exalt’s (Essence) to any ranged attacks made into, through,
or out of the area of effect. Furthermore, those in the field are distracted and tussled,
and they take an internal penalty of the Exalt’s (Essence) to all actions.
Wood: Razor vines, leaves, and plants surround the exalt in a tangling nimbus.
Everyone in the field must make a (Str/Dex + Ath/MA) test at a difficulty of the
Exalt’s (Essence/2) or become inactive as they are overwhelmed by the grabbing
vines. Even those who pass have their movement reduced by the Exalt’s (MA) yards
per tick, to a minimum of one.
Source: AckbarTrapt

Unmaking the Dragons

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 4, Perfected Harmony of Creation 5; Type: Supple-
Keywords: Combo-basic, Obvious, Shaping, Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Creating the Dragons
The primordials could have unmade the world with their will and might, and
this charm lets the Martial Artist tap into the understanding of unmaking.This charm
allows the martial artist to forgo the usual damage of his attack to unmake his op-

ponent. Instead of doing damage on a successful attack, the Martial Artist rolls
contested (essence) in dice with his opponent. Net successes drain points of Tempo-
rary Willpower from the victim.
If this drains the last point of willpower from an opponent, their bodies are unmade,
and they perish, though their soul remains intact.
These points of Temporary Willpower can be used by the Martial Artist to either
regain his own on a one-for-one scale (but not above his maximum), or to heal his
injuries. He may restore one point of a damaged virtue, heal 1lhl, or heal 2bhl per
Temporary Willpower stolen in this fashion.
Finally, this charm is more effective against immaterial things. If used on an
immaterial being (even one temporarily so) the exalt rolls (Essence + Martial Arts)
while the opponent still rolls (essence) on the contested roll. If the last of a spirit’s
willpower is drained in this way, it is unmade utterly.
Source: AckbarTrapt

Creating the Dragons

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Perfected Harmony of Creation 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Perfected Harmony of Creation Form
This charm unleashes a wave of elemental power in either a cone or an om-
nidirectional blast. As a cone, this charm extends (essence x 20) yards, and as a
blast (essencex10) yards.The Martial Artist rolls one attack with a pool of (Martial
Arts+Essence), and applies it as an attack to all in the area of effect. This attack
can only be parried with the aid of charms or stunts, and only dodged with the aid
of charms AND the ability to escape the area of effect on the same tick the attack is
The damage of this attack is the Exalt’s (Martial Arts + Essence), and the martial
artist may apply suitable effects if using the PHoC form.
Source: AckbarTrapt

Infusing the Dragons

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Perfected Harmony of Creation 4; Type:
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Weaving the Dragons
This charm allows the exalt to strengthen his mind, body, and discipline by
emulating the neigh-insurmountable will of the Primordials, and making himself one
with their grand artifact.The exalt gains an increase to his MDV equal to (Essence).
Furthermore, his heightened sense of unity and purpose means that he cannot be
surprised by any means, and he gains immunity to all unnatural mental influence
from creatures of darkness.
Source: AckbarTrapt

Rose-Colored Vision
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Radiant Rose Blossom 2; Type: Simple

Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Essence of gold and red sparkles around the eyes of the martial artist as her
perceptions transcend the material. This Charm allows the Radiant Rose to perceive
dematerialized spirits and makes them valid targets for Awareness actions.
Source: Goddessgood

Barbed Ethereal Spine Shot

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Radiant Rose Blossom 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Rose-Colored Vision
The martial artist makes an unarmed Martial Arts attack that ignores cover on
a single target whose location is known. The Roses weapon flies and dematerializes
as it passes through the targets cover only to materialize at the intended target,
negating all shield and cover bonuses. When the arrow or the martial artists limb
dematerializes, it shimmers a reddish gold as it moves in and out of Creation. This
attack is capable of damaging even dematerialized spirits due to its ethereal nature.
This attack cannot be parried without a Charm or a stunt.
Source: Goddessgood

Luminous Aegis Petal Dance

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1, Radiant Rose Blossom 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Rose-Colored Vision
A Radiant Rose is familiar with her surroundings, both the visible and the
invisible. This Charm makes a single unexpected attack or flurry expected. If the
attack is unblockable, it remains so. If the martial artist possesses this Charm in a
Combo, she may declare that Combo is activated instead of just this Charm, spending
the motes and Willpower as normal.
Source: Goddessgood

Dazzling Growth of Verdant Paroxysm

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3, Radiant Rose Blossom 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Permanent
Duration: -
Prerequisites: Radiant Rose Blossom Form
This Charm is a permanent upgrade to Barbed Ethereal Spine Shot that allows
attacks made with it to deal piercing damage.
Source: Goddessgood

Rain of Razor Petals

Cost: 3m +; Mins: Essence 3, Radiant Rose Blossom 4; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious, Poison

Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Dazzling Growth of Verdant Paroxysm
Red and gold essence flares around the Radiant Rose as she moves with the
flows of the essence around her. A dazzling rain of petals accompanies her strikes.
The martial artist may make up to her Martial Arts score in Martial Arts actions,
ignoring the rate of her weapon so long as she is unarmed or using a form weapon.
She may add a poison similar to Arsenic to her Lethal attacks (see Exalted, pp 131)
for a cost of 1m per attack thus modified. Each attack that deals at least one level of
damage is considered to have delivered one dose of the poison.
Source: Goddessgood

Resplendent Echo of the Rose

Cost: Varies; Mins: Essence 3, Radiant Rose Blossom 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Social,
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Radiant Rose Blossom Form
The will of the Exalted shapes the world around her. With an echoing shout,
she insists upon the full presence of the spirit she addresses. This Charm modifies
a physical or social attack by adding unnatural mental influence in the form of a
Compulsion effect to cause a spirit to (de)materialize. This Charm has no effect if
used in a place where (de)materializing isnt possible such as the Underworld, Yu-Shan
or a spirits sanctum. When the attack is declared, the martial artist pays a number
of motes equal to the targets permanent Essence x 2. If the attack is successful, it
does no physical damage but the spirit must pay the full mote cost to (de)materialize
or pay 3wp to resist the compulsion. If the spirit has neither the willpower nor the
motes to resist or (de)materialize, they suffer a number of unsoakable dice of Lethal
damage equal to the martial artists Martial Arts score.
Source: Goddessgood

Shimmering Blossom Technique

Cost: 8m; Mins: Essence 4, Radiant Rose Blossom 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisites: Resplendent Echo of the Rose
The Radiant Rose is a master of ethereality. Until her next action, she adds her
Martial Arts score to her Dodge DV. Each successful dodge causes her to shimmer
and momentarily become immaterial.
Source: Goddessgood

Radiant Rose Blossom Form

Cost: 8m; Mins: Essence 3, Radiant Rose Blossom 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-Type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Barbed Ethereal Spine Shot, Luminous Aegis Petal Dance
Essence of gold and red sparkles around the martial artist and where they step
roses of pure essence bloom before fading away. The Radiant Roses blows trail ef-
fervescent petals in their wake. For the duration of this Charm, the martial artist

may ignore onslaught, cooperation and environmental penalties to her Dodge DV and
her unarmed attacks deal Lethal damage. The Rose adds her Martial Arts score to
Occult and Awareness pools for the purposes of perceiving her surroundings. Char-
acters cannot use more than one Form-type Charm at a time. The character must
end Radiant Rose Blossom Form to assume another Martial Arts form.
Source: Goddessgood

Incandescent Spirit Rose Stance

Cost: 15m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Radiant Rose Blossom 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Essence x 2 actions
Prerequisites: Rain of Razor Petals, Shimmering Blossom Technique
The soul of perfection, the martial artist has mastered her chosen style and can
move beyond her material bodys limitations. For the duration, or until this Charm is
dismissed, the martial artist may dematerialize. She closes her eyes as a rose of red
and gold essence closes around her and merges into her skin. Those who can perceive
the immaterial see her tinted in shades of red and gold. In addition, her attacks
made while immaterial can hurt both material and immaterial beings and cannot be
blocked without a stunt or a Charm. Finally, all attacks made by the Radiant Rose
ignore armor and can only be soaked with natural soak. Dropping this Charm takes
a moment of concentration (a reflexive action) and 1m to materialize. Finally, not
even the gods may hide from her righteous will. The martial artist may also enter
the sanctum of any spirit with a permanent Essence equal to or lower than her own
without needing the spirits permission.
Source: Goddessgood

Submerging Hippo Technique

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1, Raging Hippopotamus 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One action
Prerequisites: , None
The character is able to slip off into any body of water and, using the strength
of the hippopotamus, launch themselves through the water at amazing speeds. This
Charm doubles the character’s movement while the character remains in water,
whether they’re swimming, diving or running through a shallow pool of water.
For Water Aspect Water-Aspected Terrestrial Exalted Dragon-Blooded and Lunar
Exalted Lunars who are in the form of a hippopotamus or hippopotamus-like war
form, this Charm triples the character’s movement instead of doubling it. All others
using this Charm gain this ability automatically at Essence 3.
Source: Bodhisattva

Hidebound Arms
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Raging Hippopotamus 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , None

The hippopotamus is a resolute and strong creature, capable of withstanding
some of the heaviest blows from its foes. Like the hippopotamus, Exalts using this
Charm can also shrug off heavy blows. The martial artist can, for one action, add
their Stamina score to his Parry DV, either unarmed or with a form-weapon for this
style. He can also parry attacks that would inflict lethal damage while unarmed.
For Water Aspect Water-Aspected Terrestrial Exalted Dragon-Blooded and Lunar
Exalted Lunars who are in the form of a hippopotamus or hippopotamus-like war
form, this Charm adds an additional +1 to their Parry DV.
Source: Bodhisattva

Strength of the Ungulate

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 1, Raging Hippopotamus 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Essence actions
Prerequisites: , None
Reknown for their potency, the hippopotamus is one of the strongest of land-
based creatures, and this Charm allows the Exalt to borrow some of that strength
for a short time. For a number of actions equal to her permanent Essence, the Exalt
nearly doubles her strength, adding (Strength -1, minimum 1) dots to her Strength
score, her muscles bulging and rippling, straining against her clothing and armor.
No combination of Charms can increase the Exalt’s Strength score by more than the
character’s Strength or Essence, whichever is higher, and this bonus is treated as a
dice bonus from Charms.
For Water Aspect Water-Aspected Terrestrial Exalted Dragon-Blooded and Lunar
Exalted Lunars who are in the form of a hippopotamus or hippopotamus-like war
form, this Charm doubles their Strength score for the duration of the Charm.
Source: Bodhisattva

Paralyzing Bellow
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Raging Hippopotamus 5; Type: Simple (Speed
4, DV -0)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Stackable
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Raging Hippopotamus Form
Taking a solid stance, the character lets out a deafening roar that causes their
opponents to quake in fear. Every creature who is able to hear the Exalt’s roar within
a 20 yard radius, regardless of whether they are friend or foe, must make a reflexive
(Stamina + Willpower) roll at a difficulty of the Exalt’s (Presence + Essence) or be
stunned for a number of ticks equal to the Exalt’s Willpower. The effects of this
Charm can be used again to add to the amount of time that the Exalt’s opponents
remain stunned, and the results are cumulative. Essence-wielders who hear the roar
can attempt to resist the effects of the stunning sound for a cost of one Willpower,
but they are at -3 to all rolls until the effect of the Charm wears off.
Source: Bodhisattva

Rage of the Just

Cost: 4m or 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Raging Hippopotamus 5; Type: Reflexive

(Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Raging Hippopotamus Form
When attacked, the hippopotamus moves with a speed and ferocity unlike that
of most any other creature. The boundless rage that wells up from the heart of
the attacked creature causes her muscles to surge with strength and her reflexes to
become preternaturally sharp. This Charm gives the character an unarmed Martial
Arts counterattack, but this Charm can only be used in response to an unexpected
attack. The dice pool for the attack equals the Exalt’s Martial Arts score plus the
number of successes rolled on the opponent’s attack. The original attacker’s damage
is rolled as normal. Note the rules for counterattacks on Second Edition Core Exalted,
pages 150 and 183.
For Water Aspect Water-Aspected Terrestrial Exalted Dragon-Blooded and Lunar
Exalted Lunars who are in the form of a hippopotamus or hippopotamus-like war
form, this Charm allows the character to add her permanent Essence to the counter-
attack pool for an additional two motes. All others using this Charm gain this ability
automatically at Essence 5.
Source: Bodhisattva

Thunderous Charge
Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Raging Hippopotamus 5; Type: Simple (Speed 4,
DV -1)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Raging Hippopotamus Form
Summoning up the skill of the raging hippopotamus, the Exalt lets their Essense
flow through their entire body. They set their feet in a solid stance and charge at
their opponent, striking against their foe with their shoulder, inflicting their (Strength
+1) on a successful (Dexterity + Martial Arts) attack at +1 to their Accuracy. From
here, the Exalt has several options. They can either allow their opponent to suffer
normal knockback, doubling the distance the character is knocked back and lowering
the victim’s threshold for resisting knockback by 1, or the character can make an
automatic clinch against their opponent if the number of successes on the attack-
ing martial artist’s damage dice is greater than their opponent’s Stamina. On the
character’s subsequent action, they follow clinch rules as normal.
For Water Aspect Water-Aspected Terrestrial Exalted Dragon-Blooded and Lunar
Exalted Lunars who are in the form of a hippopotamus or hippopotamus-like war
form, this Charm costs 1m less to use. All others using this Charm gain this ability
automatically at Essence 5.
Source: Bodhisattva

Armor of White Anger

Cost: Varies; Mins: Essence 4, Raging Hippopotamus 5; Type: Reflexive (Step
Keywords: Combo-OK, Stackable
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Paralyzing Bellow, Thunderous Charge

Attacking a hippopotamus only makes it angrier, and by the same token, at-
tacking an Exalt with Charm does the same. Whenever the Exalt takes damage, they
can choose to pay 2m for each level of damage inflicted upon them to add to their
natural soak for the remainder of the scene. The soak gained is equal to the wound
penalty, but if the wound penalty for the level of damage taken is 0, the Exalt cannot
add to his soak and thusly spends 0 motes for it. But, when the wound penalty is
at -1, the Exalt adds 1B/1L soak to his natural soak. If the wound penalty on the
damage level is at -2, they add 2B/2L to their soak, and so on. Naturally, Exalts who
have more -1 health levels bought with Ox-Body Technique receive less benefit from
this Charm than Exalts with more -2 health levels, and Exalts with additional -0
health levels receive even less benefit, but for the wise Exalt, they can increase their
soak to phenomenal levels. This protection lasts for the remainder of the scene. This
Charm is incompatible with any other soak-increasing Charms, Sorceries or Charm-
like effects outside of Raging Hippopotamus Form and this Charm explicitly ignores
the limit caps for bonuses added from Charms.
”Example: Jogon, a Full Moon Caste Full Moon Lunar Exalt, faces off against Acid
of Oblivion, a Dusk Caste Abyssal Exalted Abyssal Exalt. Acid of Oblivion strikes
out against Jogon with his soulsteel a daiklave, inflicing 4 levels of lethal damage
upon him. Jogon spends 6m to add 4B/4L to his natural soak, 2m for the first -1
health level inflicted gaining +1B/1L soak, 2m for the second -1 health level gaining
another +1B/1L to his soak, and 2m for the -2 health level gaining an additional
+2B/2L to his soak.”
Source: Bodhisattva

Cavernous Maw
Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Raging Hippopotamus 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Paralyzing Bellow, Rage of the Just
Stretching his mouth impossibly wide, the character is able to make a bite
attack against their foes, rending flesh and armor alike. The Exalt’s player makes a
bite attack (Speed 5, Accuracy +0, Damage +4L, Defense 0, Rate 1) against their
opponent, which is treated as piercing. Additionally, against mundane armor, for
each level of damage the Exalt inflicts upon their opponent, their opponent’s armor
loses an equal number of Bashing and Lethal soak permanently. Armor damaged in
this fashion can be repaired so long as the armor does not lose all of its protection.
If this occurs, the armor is rendered completely useless.
For Water Aspect Water-Aspected Terrestrial Exalted Dragon-Blooded and Lu-
nar Exalted Lunars who are in the form of a hippopotamus or hippopotamus-like
war form, add the Crippling and Stackable keywords, and for every two levels of
lethal damage the Charm inflicts against an opponent, the victim suffers a -1 external
penalty to their DV for a number of actions equal to the Exalt’s permanent Essence
score. All others using this Charm gain this ability automatically at Essence 6.
Source: Bodhisattva

Unbreakable Stride
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 4, Raging Hippopotamus 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious

Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Rage of the Just, Thunderous Charge
The character summons up her power and infuses her limbs with Essence and
force of will. For the rest of the scene, the Exalt becomes an unstoppable juggernaut,
walking in stride through the toughest adversity. So long as the Exalt makes a Move
action every action they take, there is almost nothing that can slow or stop them.
They cannot suffer from knockdown or knockback, their progress cannot be barred by
mundane doors or walls, and they cannot be held by anything living, nor can they be
held by spirit or automaton creatures. If the Exalt stops moving of their own volition,
this Charm automatically ends.
For Water Aspect Water-Aspected Terrestrial Exalted Dragon-Blooded and Lunar
Exalted Lunars who are in the form of a hippopotamus or hippopotamus-like war
form, the Exalt is able to add their Strength in yards to their Move action so long
as they are in water. All others using this Charm gain this ability automatically at
Essence 6.
Source: Bodhisattva

Behemoth of Earth and Water

Cost: 10m, 2wp; Mins: Essence 5, Raging Hippopotamus 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Armor of White Anger, Cavernous Maw, Unbreakable Stride
Drawing upon the depths of power within the hippopotamus, the Exalt suffuses
himself with its prowess and character. Upon activating this Charm, the Exalt chan-
nels the spirit of the totemic animal of this style. The character’s unarmed attacks
and attacks made with form-weapons of this style now inflict aggravated damage,
and the character is able to shrug off all but the mightiest of blows, gaining natural
Hardness equal to 8B/8L which is stackable with bonuses from armor. Additionally,
all attacks that successfully hit their target, regardless of whether they do damage,
cause automatic knockback equal to (the Exalt’s permanent Essence x 5) yards.
Source: Bodhisattva

Raging Hippopotamus Form

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Raging Hippopotamus 4; Type: Simple (Speed
3, DV -0)
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Hidebound Arms, Strength of the Ungulate, Submerging Hippo
The character adopts the stance and prowess of the hippopotamus-standing
firm and calm, ready for whatever their opponent might bring to bear against them.
While using Raging Hippopotamus Form, the character adds their Stamina score to
their raw damage for both unarmed attacks and those made with the form-weapons of
the style. The character also adds a number of points equal to their Willpower, split
between their bashing and lethal soak as they choose, but the character cannot assign
more than two-thirds of their Willpower to their Lethal soak. This counts as natural
soak and bonuses added from Charms. Additionally, the martial artist is able to

add one bonus success to any attack made using Charms from Raging Hippopotamus
When Raging Hippopotamus Form is active, all offensive Charms from this style
that are used while the Exalt is in water count as unexpected attacks provided that
the Exalt pays an additional willpower to the cost of the Charm.
source uBodhisattva
Source: Bodhisattva

Living Weapon Prana

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3, Raging Phoenix 3; Type: Permanent
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Unhesitating Aggression Opening
Students must beat hardwood mannequins over and over until they can shatter
them with a few well-placed blows. Then the stone ones are brought out.
The Fighter may parry lethal damage at his leisure and the damage of his natural
attacks are increased by one.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Weakening Onslaught Prana

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Raging Phoenix 4; Type: Supplemental (Step 8)
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Overwhelming Violence Commitment
Wildly launching attack after attack the opponents of the Fighter are left not
knowing how to defend themselves.
This charm supplements a flurry of at least two attacks.
If the attack hits it deals no damage but adds each post-soak damage die as an
additional onslaught penalty to the target. This charm can be activated multiple
times during the flurry, once during each attack in it.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Nine-Edged Weapon Method

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3, Raging Phoenix 4; Type: Permanent
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Unhesitating Aggression Opening
Students of this style are taught to fight, not wait. Learning this style means
that violence is your first response, no talking, no meditating or discussion, learning
this style is about beating your opponents until they are incapable of responding.
This permanently enhances the Fighters unarmed natural attacks. Their speed is
reduced by one and he gains another natural attack, the ”’headbutt: Speed 5 Accuracy
-1 Damage +3B Defense 0 Rate 1 and the target must check for knockback”’ ”(note
the headbutt is itself not effected by the speed and rate bonuses of this charm)”
Source: AjaxTorbin

Anvil-Fisted Embrace
Cost: 8m; Mins: Essence 3, Raging Phoenix 4; Type: Multiple-Action
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: Till End of Clinch
Prerequisites: Weakening Onslaught Prana, Living Weapon Prana, Nine-Edged
Weapon Method
The Fighter is dangerous at arms length, when grappled he becomes nearly
The Fighter actives this charm when entering into a clinch.
As long as that clinch is maintained the fighter may make two attempts to control
the clinch on his action, essentially rolling to control the clinch twice and applying
the results as normal.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Unhesitating Aggression Opening

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Raging Phoenix 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Exploding Ember Response
Fighters learn early that the winner in any fight is he who lands the first truly
damaging blow.
This charm can only be used as part of the first attack made by the fighter in a
Fight. (right after a join combat roll)
Launching himself into his foes headlong the Fighter lashes out viciously attempt-
ing to disable them before they can mount an effective response. The first attack
made by the Fighter is considered unexpected and the target must make a reflex-
ive Wits+Awareness roll verses the Fighters Martial Arts score to use their Defense
Values. Charms that eliminate surprise eliminate this effect.
Every attack made by the Fighter on his first action that deals damage has that
damage type increased by one level, bashing to lethal, lethal to aggravated. If this
attack would deal aggravated it inflicts only one level of damage and applies all other
damage dice as -1 internal penalties to the target due to the overwhelming pain. The
penalties can be ’shaken-off’ by spending two points of temporary willpower when the
target next acts. Note that this pain does not effect automata or inanimate objects.
Using this charm provokes a join combat roll from everyone nearby.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Frenzied Inferno Assault

Cost: 12m, 2w; Mins: Essence 3, Raging Phoenix 5; Type: Simple (Speed 6
Keywords: Obvious, Knock-back, Combo-Basic
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Anvil-Fisted Embrace
How do you run from wrath? What use is steel to harm rage? How do you
shoot fury? Escape this attack alive and you might know. The Fighter commits
everything as he launches himself at his foe all weapons flailing dangerously, the pure
viciousness of his assault forcing his opponents to wonder if he is destruction given

The Fighter invokes this charm and may immediately attack with a number of
his natural or form weapons equal to his permanent Essence and each weapon may
attack a number of times equal to its rate. Flurry penalties do not carry over from
weapon to weapon as is normal; as if each weapon has its own action. However note
that Onslaught penalties still accumulate as normal for the defender, and the use of
a perfect sill only applies to a single attack.
””’Example:””’ he attacks with a pair of a Short Daiklaves, each with a rate of
two and with a kick. He will take flurry penalties on the first set of attacks, -2, then
-3. He will the reset the flurry penalty back to -2 and -3 for the next Daiklave. Then
for the kick he does not flurry and attacks once with his full die pool.
Any target damaged by one of these attacks must check for knock-back, with an
increase in the standard difficulty equal to the amount of damage levels applied thus
far. The fighter may choose to reflexively follow a target knocked-back by this charm
in order to keep attacking him.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Exploding Ember Response

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Raging Phoenix 3; Type: Reflexive (step 9)
Keywords: Obvious, Combo-Basic, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Students are introduced quickly to the methods of this style as they are attacked
by the older students as soon as they are excepted by the Sifu. This continues for
several weeks and if they do not learn to respond quickly and unhesitatingly to these
constant attacks they will not continue be taught.
The Fighter responds automatically to the first sign of hostilities and gains an
immediate counterattack against the first melee attack made to initiate combat even
if it is unexpected.
”Note that this charm does not make the Fighter ”aware” of any such attack.”
Source: AjaxTorbin

Blank-Staring Face Move

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 1, Reclining Squirrel 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Chittering Annoyance Prana
As astonishing as it may seem, the dumbfounded stares of those perplexed
by the continued life of the Contemptible Student are as nothing to the drooling,
frightened gaze of the Student himself. Upon activating this Charm when defending
against an oncoming attack, the wide-eyed, slack-jawed stare of the Quaking Rodent
seems to draw the rushing blade inward. The attack may not be dodged or blocked.
Use of this Charm imposes a -1 DV penalty until the characters DV next refreshes.
Source: Plague of Hats

Chittering Annoyance Prana

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Reclining Squirrel 2; Type: Reflexive or Reflexive
(Step 9)

Keywords: Compulsion, Counterattack, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Comedy-Turned-Tragedy Playfulness
The Reclining Squirrel pointlessly guards his territory, warding off many poten-
tial threats who have no interest in whatever he defends. With a constant barrage of
clicking noises and muttering, the Quaking Rodent can ensure that these potential
threats have absolutely no chance to care, as they are annoyed to the point of at-
tacking the martial artist and ignoring whatever the Contemptible Student may have
been talking about.
When not already the target of an attack, the Quaking Rodent may activate this
Charm to force an opponent to make an attack against the martial artist. This attack
uses the characters full dice pool and does not impose a DV penalty or multiple action
penalties on any of their other actions. This is natural mental influence that may be
resisted by spending one Willpower.
If the Contemptible Student is already the target of an attack, he may instead
activate this Charm during Step 9 of that attacks resolution, forcing the attacker to
make another attack at his full dice pool, imposing no multiple action penalties and
no DV penalties. This is unnatural mental influence, and may be resisted by spending
two Willpower.
Use of this Charm imposes a -1 DV penalty until the characters DV next refreshes.
Source: Plague of Hats

Comedy-Turned-Tragedy Playfulness
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Reclining Squirrel 1; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
The Quaking Rodent has many places to scour for trash, since he can not hold
down a job. He has little time to spend playing with his friend or, since he lacks any
of those, being beaten up by bullies until neither can see straight. With but a simple
trip or flick of the head, the Reclining Squirrel practitioner quickens the punishment
he has coming, whatever he did and whether or not he did anything. Before anyone
knows what is happening, a casual turning of the shoulder or bending of the knees
sends a would-be aggressors sheathed sword smashing into the martial artists jaw,
ending what could have been a prolonged one-two knockout.
Activating this Charm, the martial artist forces an unarmed martial arts attack
on herself from someone within striking range. This attack does not incur multiple
action penalties or DV penalties, but the attacker and the Reclining Squirrel may
enhance the attack with any Charms available to them.
Use of this Charm imposes a -1 DV penalty until the characters DV next refreshes.
Source: Plague of Hats

Ineffectual Flailing Against Corn-and-Glue Feeder

Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Reclining Squirrel 5; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Slightly Twitching Tail Attack

At times one can not just sit back and take it anymore, at which point the
Quaking Rodent unleashes all the fury he has pent up over the years of defeat. Few
have witnessed such a display of power and rage, and none wish to see it again, for
it is terrible and embarassing to behold. Out of the most innocuous comment comes
the screaming rage of the entirely deserving victim.
Upon activating this Charm, the Reclining Squirrel enters a frenzy of activity,
spastically moving this way and that without actually getting anywhere, possibly
pawing at a foe or friend to no real effect. This Charm is a magical flurry of a number
of actions equal to (the martial artists Martial Arts + Essence x 2). Each of these
actions incurs a dice pool penalty equal to (2 + the number of previous actions already
resolved) and a similar DV penalty.
Should the Contemptible Warrior manage to strike someone, perhaps if they were
Inactive and happened to be nearby, any dice that successfully inflict levels of damage
are auotmatically converted into Willpower which is distributed equally amongst any
onlookers, as their sense of self-worth is bolstered by the fact that they arent ”this
Source: Plague of Hats

Reclining Squirrel Form

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 1, Reclining Squirrel 3; Type: Simple (DV -2)
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Blank-Staring Face Move
As has been proven time and again, the Quaking Rodent is eminently defeatable.
No victory lies within his reach, and the mere annoyance of his existence is the only
assault he can perpetrate against others. Learning this Charm, the Contemptible
Student becomes the Contemptible Warrior.
While practicing the Contempible Way, any lethal or aggravated damage the mar-
tial artist inflicts automatically becomes bashing. Distracted by his lack of purpose
and worth, the Quaking Rodent also reduces his DV by (his Essence) for the rest of
the scene.
Source: Plague of Hats

Slightly Twitching Tail Attack

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Reclining Squirrel 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Reclining Squirrel Form
The best efforts of the Quaking Rodent are those that render him immobile
with fear or indecision, leaving others to carry out tasks of importance without his
bumbling interference. This Charm supplements an unarmed martial arts attack,
reducing that attacks dice pool to 0 before the use of other Charms.
Use of this Charm imposes a -1 DV penalty until the characters DV next refreshes.
Source: Plague of Hats

Squirrel-Covering-Nuts Maneuver
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Reclining Squirrel 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)

Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Reclining Squirrel Form
Few can not penetrate the waxy outer shell of a rotten walnut to reach the
rancid nut-meat within. Even fewer would want to, but the Contemptible Warrior
is one of those few. The Reclining Squirrel knows that, should he be lucky enough
to find dinner, he should guard that treasure with all the motivation he possesses,
ensuring that it will look like he planned to fight back. Concentrating so intently on
his prize, the Quaking Rodent offers no real defense.
Any attack which faces this Charm automatically becomes unexpected (Exalted,
p. 155-156), unless the attacker was specifically targeting a portion of food on the
martial artists person, in which case this Charm automatically parries the attack,
even if it is unblockable.
Use of this Charm imposes a -1 DV penalty until the characters DV next refreshes.
Source: Plague of Hats

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Reclining Squirrel 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Compulsion, Obvious
Duration: (opponents faced) actions
Prerequisites: Squirrel-Covering-Nuts Maneuver
None can truly know where the Contempible Student of the Reclining Squirrel
may be from moment to moment, and even fewer care. With this attention-grabbing
technique, the martial artist can make them care. One of the most powerful forces
in Creation is the pity that can be felt for the truly lower-than-the-low. This Charm
may not be activated if there is absolutely no cover available, even if that cover is an
unsuspecting and annoyed comrade.
When the Reclining Squirrel activates this Charm, he begins chittering and skit-
tering, producing a stream of tiny meeps? and clicks? as his nose twitches and he
scurries back and forth from one side of his defensive cover to another. Because of his
constant reemergence from a defensible position, the Quaking Rodent does not gain
any benefit from this cover.
Seeing such a display, the martial artists foes must roll their choice of Willpower
against difficulty three or Temperance against difficulty two, to resist being overcome
with how silly and cute the Quaking Rodent is. Failing this roll, they will each make
an involuntary, free reflexive comment on how fuzzy and wuzzy the martial artist
is, bringing burning color to the cheeks of the Reclining Squirrel and rendering him
Inactive for a number of actions equal to the number of foes he faces. The compulsion
to comment is natural influence.
Source: Plague of Hats

Bloated-with-Acorns-and-too-Sleepy-to-Move Defense
Cost: 3wp; Mins: Essence 3, Reclining Squirrel 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Compulsion, Crippling, Obvious
Duration: Varies
Prerequisites: Skittering-to-Other-Side-of-Tree, Ineffectual Flailing Against
Corn-and-Glue Feeder

It is in dreams that ones deepest desires are reflected, and only by sleeping,
with no regard for the danger you are in, can your friends be rid of you. You are a
Contemptible Master of the Reclining Squirrel, a Quaking Rodent who has never been
victorious. This Charm brings your years of suffering, training, and pointlessness to
fruition, completing the circle and forcing you into the Underworld, where you will
spend eternity bemoaning the vast array of mistakes left undone.
None shall mourn your passing, for you were trained only to amuse others with
your fumbling attempts to be useful. Your entire life was a joke, and the only one who
was not in on it was you. Activating this Charm brings an end to the jest, which is
no longer funny; no one will laugh at your punchline, and not even the wraith-worms
will rejoice as your steady diet of absolute ”suck” has rendered you inedible to the
least forms of life.
This Charm lasts a number of hours equal to the Reclining Squirrels (Essence + 2),
during which he will be completely Inactive and can not be awakened by any but the
most powerful efforts of the Solar Exalted, any of which will face an internal penalty
of -3 as the Exalt knows, deep in the cockles of his heart, that he should instead put
the creature who would use this Charm out of its misery.
While Bloated and Sleepy, the Quaking Rodent is much more vulnerable to attack,
even by the standards of coma victims. Any amount of damage inflicted on the
slumbering martial artist becomes aggravated, as Fate strains mightily for his final
breath. Any who possess a drawn and readied weapon in the presence of the martial
artist face unnatural mental influence that will force them to attack the Reclining
Squirrel with all their might. This influence may be resisted by spending five points
of Willpower per action; after spending ten points of Willpower, the effect still can
not be ignored.
When a Reclining Squirrel who is practicing this ultimate technique is slain, he
will automatically become a ghost in the Underworld. His body and po, however,
are so pathetic and weak that a hungry ghost will never arise from them, even at the
urging of the most powerful Void Circle Necromancy.
Source: Plague of Hats

Engaged Lovers Abduction

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Red Wedding 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious, Emotion
Duration: Until broken
Prerequisites: Preordained Courtship Arrangement, Affair Sparking Kata
Once they have declared their love for one another, two lovers are one. Any
ceremony is a mere formality so that others may recognize the couples dedication.
When others fail to recognize the perfection of their union or when even her chosen
partner is oblivious to the fact the martial artist must force that beautiful truth
upon them. This Charm may be used whenever the martial artist is in a clinch. Until
the clinch is broken all damage done to either party of the clinch is evenly divided
between both participants, with any remainder going to the principle target of the
damage. Additionally, whenever damage is so divided, both the martial artist and
the other participant in the clinch gain an Intimacy for each other, colored by the
specifics of their encounter. This Intimacy lasts until it is dismissed at the cost of 2
willpower or eroded naturally.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Always a Bridesmaid Retribution
Cost: 6m+, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Red Wedding 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious
Duration: Special
Prerequisites: Red Wedding Form
For all his rage, Malfeas has no fury like a woman scorned. The jilted lover
will make her beloved see the error in his ways. How wonderful would their lives be
if he were with her, rather than that red-headed whore! Surely the martial artist is
more deserving of her beloveds affection. What does that ancient harlot offer that
the martial artist cannot provide? With this Charm the martial artist demonstrates
that she is equally capable in all manner of talents, if not more so. Supplementing
an unarmed attack, the martial artist strikes the internal geomancy of her target and
becomes aware of any non-Permanent Charms the target currently has active as if
they were Obvious. If she inflicts any damage, she may choose one active Charm.
The target then chooses to pay for that charm a second time or deactivate the Charm.
Paying these additional motes renders that Charm immune to further applications
of Always A Bridesmaid Retribution for the remainder of the scene. If the martial
artist possesses an Intimacy toward the target and the target deactivates a Charm,
she may pay the cost of the Charm, plus two motes and a willpower to activate it as
if she knew that Charm, so long as she possesses the minimum traits necessary for
that Charm. The martial artist must commit the motes for both this Charm and the
stolen Charm for the duration of the stolen Charm. If she does not steal a Charm,
Always A Bridesmaid Retribution is considered Instant duration.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Descending the Aisle Technique

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Red Wedding 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Compulsion
Duration: (Martial Arts) Actions
Prerequisites: Always A Bridesmaid Retribution, Nuptial-Planning Rampage

As she approaches her groom, the bride is a creature of poise and grace. Her
beauty is undeniable, and to mar that moment is unthinkable. Upon activating this
Charm the martial artist adopts the mien of an expectant bride, awaiting her final
march toward marriage. Her player rolls (Manipulation + Socialize) as a passive social
attack against all who can perceive her. She may employ her Martial Arts rating in
lieu of her Appearance if she so desires. Anyone whose mental defense value is less
than the martial artists successes is compelled to politely attend the martial artist,
watching her without interfering in her actions and without performing any action
that might distract others from also politely watching her. This may be resisted from
the cost of 1 willpower per action and is completely banished after spending (martial
artists Compassion) willpower.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Kiss-Sealed Vows
Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Red Wedding 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious, Touch, Emotion
Duration: One Scene

Prerequisites: Descending the Aisle Technique
Committed partners speak their vows before the assembled witnesses and seal
their love with a kiss. Such oaths are not broken lightly or without consequence.
To use this Charm the martial artist must kiss her target, requiring a successful
martial arts roll if he resists. If she is currently controlling a clinch, she may use this
Charm without a roll. So lightly she presses her lips to his that her attack does no
damage. Instead he gains an Intimacy of passion toward the martial artist, unless he
immediately spends willpower equal to the martial artists Compassion. If he does so,
all effects of this Charm cease. Otherwise, Intimacy remains until eroded naturally,
and more importantly, the target may not defy ”any” of his Intimacies for the duration
of the scene, without spending 1 willpower per action to do so and suffering dice of
lethal damage equal to the number of witnesses in the scene who also possess an
Intimacy regarding the martial artist, which may be resisted only with natural soak.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Consummated With Blood

Cost: 10m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 4, Red Wedding 5; Type: Simple (DV
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Shaping
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Kiss-Sealed Vows
Having finally claimed her lover, the obsessive bride reveals her true self. She
cares not at all for romance or marriage. Her only passion was to possess, and now
that she does, her new husband means nothing to her. He is to be discarded and
a new beau pursued. Upon activating this Charm, the martial artist shatters any
and all Intimacies of love, lust, passion, or possession she has for another being,
attacking him through the arcane links of her on affections. If that person possesses
any Intimacies regarding her, he suffers levels of lethal damage equal to the martial
artists Compassion for each one, soaked only by his natural soak.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Nuptial-Planning Rampage
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Red Wedding 4; Type: Extra-Action
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Red Wedding Form

Having forced her beloved to accept her, the bride-to-be has so much to do and
so little time with which to do it. This Charm provides a magical flurry containing
up to (Compassion) + 2 actions. Two of these actions must be unarmed martial arts
attacks, but the remainder may be anything the martial artist desires. However, all
physical attacks must be unarmed. These actions reduce the Flurry penalty imposed
on them by the martial artists Compassion, and only the highest DV penalty of any
one action applies to the martial artist.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Red Wedding Form
Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Red Wedding 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-Type, Emotion
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Engaged Lovers Abduction

The bride-to-be dreams of her wedding day. How beautiful she is! How charming!
If only others would see it as she does. If her guests and groom will not attend
willingly, they must be made to.¡br¿Upon activating this form, the martial artist
adopts a subtle and alluring pose which hides her violent obsession. Attacks against
her subtract a number of dice equal to her Appearance, and she adds a number of
dice equal to her Socialize on all attempts to hide or disguise her own attacks.
Additionally, she gains the ability to clinch? with her form weapons. To do so,
she performs a standard clinch attack. While she may entangle her target bodily,
revealing a flamepiece pressed under his chin at the last moment, she need not be so
overt. Simply pressing the business end of a hellwand to a targets back will suffice, as
would anything between these two extremes. Regardless, so long as the martial artist
maintains contact between her weapon and her target (following standards rules for
clinching contests, except that the martial artist and her target must us Dexterity,
never Strength, to control or escape), she is considered as controlling the clinch. The
target of such a clinch gains an Intimacy of obedient fear toward the martial artist so
long as the clinch remains. The martial artist cannot inflict damage with this Clinch,
unless she fires her weapon, and doing so immediate breaks the clinch.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Priest-Dismissing Flagellation
Cost: 5m, 1wp, 1ahl; Mins: Essence 3, Red Wedding 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: Until Next Action
Prerequisites: , Red Wedding Form, Any Charm Keyword Holy Charm
Before developing this style, Distant Blue Phacelia mastered the art of Righ-
teous Devil Style. As she progressed through the development of Red Wedding Style,
she noted a perplexing and pervasive dissonance between the two martial arts. From
that conflict, this Charm emerged, bundling some disused energy lurking within her
own Essence. Though anyone who employs this style may learn this Charm, it may
only be used by Exalted who are now considered Creatures of Darkness, notably
the Abyssals and the Green Sun Princes. Within these corrupted Solar Exaltations,
knowledge of this Charm kindles a holy fire, reminding the Exalt of what she truly
is. Activating this Charm, she ignores any detrimental effects specified against her
by Holy magic for the duration. Though the protection of her true nature fades
rapidly, a secondary effect lingers for (Essence) actions, allowing her to employ any
Holy charms she knows despite her status as a Creature of Darkness. Using such
charms, however, inflicts an additional level of aggravated damage as part of its cost.
Distant Blue Phacelia rejoiced upon learning this Charm and hides its power from
her fellow Green Sun Princes. Should anyone in hell oppose her in her goal, she has
a gruesome surprise awaiting them.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Affair Sparking Kata
Cost: 2m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Red Wedding 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Emotion
Duration: Until Next Action
An amorous sigh or a seductive caress is usually enough to entice a willing
lover. More drastic measures are needed to claim a reluctant partner. This Charm
supplements an unarmed attack. The targets DV suffers an External Penalty equal
to the martial artists Appearance. If the attack inflicts any damage, the target is
overwhelmed by thoughts of the martial artist. Until the martial artists next action,
all of her targets Intimacies, positive and negative, are corrupted to focus on her
exclusively. This will almost certainly result in some crippling emotional contradic-
tions, but the target may shake off this effect by spending willpower equal to half
the damage inflicted, rounding up, on his next action. Multiple applications of this
Charm do not stack. Only the most damaging attack applies. If two martial artists
use this Charm on the same target, they contest each other with an (Appearance +
Essence) roll to determine who claims the target as her own.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Preordained Courtship Arrangement

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Red Wedding 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Emotion
Duration: One Scene
Across Creation, the practice of arranged marriages is common, and with a large
enough perspective one realizes all courtship is arranged by the Bureau of Destiny.
Yet those within Malfeas are unbound by the edicts of Fate. They alone are truly free
free to claim the love that should be theirs! This Charm forges a possessive Intimacy
within the martial artist toward a target of her choosing. For each action she, and
she alone, interacts with that target she gains a cumulative +1 success on all actions
related to possessing her target. These actions need not be attacks, but if they are
they must be unarmed. If anyone else initiates interaction with her chosen target, she
gains no additional bonus for that action. Worse still, if her target initiates interaction
with someone else, the martial artist suffers a cumulative -1 External Penalty on all
actions. These bonuses and penalties cannot exceed the martial artists Compassion.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Kiss of the Sun Concentration

Cost: 1m to 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Righteous Devil 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Knowing the Soul’s Price, Resplendent Sash Grapple Technique,
Vindictive Concubine’s Pillow Book Understanding, Seven Storms Escape Prana
This Charm reduces the time it takes to Aim, or can make the Aim action itself
into a damaging attack.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 99.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Kiss of the Sun Concentration
Cost: 1m to 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Righteous Devil 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Knowing the Soul’s Price, Resplendent Sash Grapple Technique,
Vindictive Concubine’s Pillow Book Understanding, Seven Storms Escape Prana
This Charm reduces the time it takes to Aim, or can make the Aim action itself
into a damaging attack.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 99.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Blossom of Inevitable Demise Technique

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Righteous Devil 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Kiss of the Sun Concentration
The user’s attacks deal greatly enhanced damage.Source Scroll of the Monk, p.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Blossom of Inevitable Demise Technique

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Righteous Devil 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Kiss of the Sun Concentration
The user’s attacks deal greatly enhanced damage.Source Scroll of the Monk, p.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Lightning Draw Stance

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Righteous Devil 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Kiss of the Sun Concentration, Kiss of the Sun Concentration
The character may draw and fire his weapon instantly.Source Scroll of the Monk,
p. 100.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Lightning Draw Stance

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Righteous Devil 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Kiss of the Sun Concentration, Kiss of the Sun Concentration
The character may draw and fire his weapon instantly.Source Scroll of the Monk,
p. 100.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Blessing of Righteous Solar Spark Meditation
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Righteous Devil 3; Type: Simple (2 speed-6 actions)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Holy, Obvious
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Kiss of the Sun Concentration, Blossom of Inevitable Demise
The character can bless his weapon, enhancing its damage (especially against
Creatures of Darkness).Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 100.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Blessing of Righteous Solar Spark Meditation

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Righteous Devil 3; Type: Simple (2 speed-6 actions)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Holy, Obvious
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Kiss of the Sun Concentration, Blossom of Inevitable Demise
The character can bless his weapon, enhancing its damage (especially against
Creatures of Darkness).Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 100.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Cloud of Ebon Devils

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Righteous Devil 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 10)
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Blossom of Inevitable Demise Technique, Lightning Draw Stance
This Charm greatly improves the user’s ability to reload his flame
weapon.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 100.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Cloud of Ebon Devils

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Righteous Devil 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 10)
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Blossom of Inevitable Demise Technique, Lightning Draw Stance
This Charm greatly improves the user’s ability to reload his flame
weapon.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 100.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Righteous Devil Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Righteous Devil 4; Type: Simple (Speed 3)
Keywords: Compulsion, Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Lightning Draw Stance, Blessing of Righteous Solar Spark Medi-
tation, Cloud of Ebon Devils
Assuming the Righteous Devil Form compels the user’s opponents to show
themselves, and innocent bystanders to flee.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 100.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Righteous Devil Form
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Righteous Devil 4; Type: Simple (Speed 3)
Keywords: Compulsion, Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Lightning Draw Stance, Blessing of Righteous Solar Spark Medi-
tation, Cloud of Ebon Devils
Assuming the Righteous Devil Form compels the user’s opponents to show
themselves, and innocent bystanders to flee.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 100.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Phoenix Flies on Golden Wings Attack

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Righteous Devil 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Blessing of Righteous Solar Spark Meditation, Cloud of Ebon
Devils, Righteous Devil Form
This Charm increases the range of the user’s flame weapon.Source Scroll of the
Monk, p. 101.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Phoenix Flies on Golden Wings Attack

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Righteous Devil 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Blessing of Righteous Solar Spark Meditation, Cloud of Ebon
Devils, Righteous Devil Form
This Charm increases the range of the user’s flame weapon.Source Scroll of the
Monk, p. 101.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Azure Abacus Meditation

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Righteous Devil 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Emotion, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Righteous Devil Form, Phoenix Flies on Golden Wings Attack
This attack is nearly impossible to avoid, though if killed the target cannot
become a ghost.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 101.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Azure Abacus Meditation

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Righteous Devil 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Emotion, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Righteous Devil Form, Phoenix Flies on Golden Wings Attack
This attack is nearly impossible to avoid, though if killed the target cannot
become a ghost.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 101.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Phantom Flamebolt Prana
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Righteous Devil 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Phoenix Flies on Golden Wings Attack, Righteous Devil Form
The character may reload his flame weapon using his Essence rather than fire-
dust.Source Scroll of the Monk, pp. 101.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Phantom Flamebolt Prana

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Righteous Devil 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Phoenix Flies on Golden Wings Attack, Righteous Devil Form
The character may reload his flame weapon using his Essence rather than fire-
dust.Source Scroll of the Monk, pp. 101.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Caress of 1,000 Hells

Cost: 7m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Righteous Devil 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Crippling, Obvious
Duration: Varies
Prerequisites: Righteous Devil Form, Phantom Flamebolt Prana
The supplemented attack deals tremendous, painful, ongoing damage.Source
Scroll of the Monk, p. 102.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Caress of 1,000 Hells

Cost: 7m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Righteous Devil 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Crippling, Obvious
Duration: Varies
Prerequisites: Righteous Devil Form, Phantom Flamebolt Prana
The supplemented attack deals tremendous, painful, ongoing damage.Source
Scroll of the Monk, p. 102.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Dance of the Howling Magma Sprites

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Righteous Devil 4; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Phantom Flamebolt Prana, Twin Salamander Fist
The character may continue to make attacks with one shot until he misses or
runs out.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 101.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Dance of the Howling Magma Sprites
Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Righteous Devil 4; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Phantom Flamebolt Prana, Twin Salamander Fist
The character may continue to make attacks with one shot until he misses or
runs out.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 101.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Dance of the Howling Magma Sprites

Cost: 4 motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 2, Righteous Devil 4; Type: Extra
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Twin Salamander Fist
This Charm allows the martial artist to hone in on a target, making a number
of attacks in quick succession so long as they all strike home.Source Exalted Players
Guide, p. 257.
Source: Exalted Players Guide

Pacifist Crush
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Righteous Hammer of Justice 2; Type: Simple
(Speed 4, -0 DV)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Smashing Burst Jump
Encompassing your ideals of peace and love, you must well up your compassion
in a clenched fist, and release your peacefullness in a mighty blow that shows your
enemies the extent of your commitment to justice. This is the ideal behind the Pacifist
An Exalt using this charm adds their Temperance in damage to a single attack
(pre-soak, step 7), and increases the difficulty to avoid knockdown by the Exalt’s
permanent essence. The attack will always deal bashing damage, even if the Exalt
would normally deal lethal damage, or even if he usually has the option to choose
between lethal or bashing. This charm may only be used with either a hand held
weapon, or a punch attack.
Source: Lantis

Fists of Joyous Parting

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Righteous Hammer of Justice 2; Type: Supplemen-
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Smashing Burst Jump

The love of justice is something that needs to be shared with everyone, most
especially the souls of those who have departed. Like a caring shepherd, peace lovers

must guide lost souls to their next incarnation. Stubborn sheep need discipline too,
however, and only a firm hand can provide sufficient guidance.
Fists of Joyous Parting? allows the Exalt to attack dematerialized ghosts and
spirits. Although the Exalt wont generally know where to look for spirits, this charm
allows them to sense ghosts enough to negate any penalties to attack, as long as the
ghost is within 5 yards at the time the charm is used. The Exalt deals their normal
damage to a dematerialized spirit, provided they hit.
When attacking a ghost, this charm has an additional effect. If more damage levels
have been dealt than the ghosts essence, it immediately checks to go into lethe. If a
ghost is slain with an attack that is augmented with this charm, they automatically
go into lethe rather than return the following night. This effect only works ghosts
that have permanent essence equal to or lower than the Exalt. Such uses of the
charm are often accompanied by an appropriate homily on the virtues of departing
peacefully. If there are any effects that prevent lethe (such as soulsteel shackles or
powerful necromancy), the ghost returns the next night as normal.
Source: Lantis

Kindness to All Creatures Kick

Cost: 3m 1w; Mins: Essence 2, Righteous Hammer of Justice 2; Type: Supple-
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Smashing Burst Jump

All the animals of the world deserve a benevolent protector, for they dont know
their place in the world. A defender of justice must be able to protect animals both
large and small. For this reason, a peace lover feels compassion towards all of living
KtACK (as it is sometimes known) is a kick attack that channels the Exalts em-
pathy towards all of creations creatures, and focuses those feelings into a mighty kick.
Add the Exalts compassion to the attack roll (step 2), and to damage (pre-soak, step
7). The Exalt may choose to use up a compassion channel to instead add compassion
x2 to the damage roll.
Source: Lantis

Righteous Hammer of Justice Form

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Righteous Hammer of Justice 3; Type: Form-type,
Obvious, Holy
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Kindness to All Creatures Kick, Fists of Joyous Parting, Pacifist

The Righteous Path is one of hardship and peril. Do not forget, however, that every
true warrior of justice is proud and dedicated. Although affirmations of their ideology
are largely unnecessary, they often serve as a reminder of the level of commitment a
righteous warrior holds for their cause. Despite the criticism of over dramatization, a
lover of peace will never back down from a chance to proclaim his ideals to the world.

During the activation of Righteous Hammer of Justice Form, the Exalt must stand
up on the nearest, highest object, and give a rousing speech on justice, usually decry-
ing whatever evil happens to be nearby. A speech worthy of at least a 2 dice stunt
may negate the cost of this charm (which means no motes will be committed), but
will not also grant any motes or willpower returned for a successful stunt. Using a
stunt to power the charm will add one to the Exalts limit break if applicable.
While Righteous Hammer of Justice Form is active, each of the Exalts virtues are
all counted as 1 higher for nearly all intents and purposes. This includes charms
which count the rating of a virtue for its effects, but not peripheral essence pools,
or charm pre-requisites. When an improved virtue is channeled, the number of dice
added count the raised virtue rating, but the charm user can still only channel his
virtues a number of times per story based on his unmodified Virtue rating. However,
while the charm is in effect, the Exalt receives 2 free virtue channelings that do not
count against virtue channels per story.
In addition, this charm acts as bane to creatures of darkness. Any creatures of
darkness that are either within (Permanent essence x2) in yards, or directly targeting
the Exalt from any range take an internal penalty equal to the Exalts essence.
Finally, the Exalt can choose to deal bashing with any attack they make, even if
it is not part of a martial arts action, and also add their lowest virtue to their lethal
and bashing soak. The Exalt using this charm must use peripheral essence, if they
have any at all. No effect can cause the Exalt to lose virtue dots while this charm is
Note: This charm is often accompanied by a dramatic backdrop, light shows, and
other special effects that are (melo)dramatically (in)appropriate. Phantom Conjuring
Performance is recommended.
Source: Lantis

Good Will Towards Men Smash

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Righteous Hammer of Justice 4; Type: Supplemen-
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Compulsion
Duration: Instant (Variable)
Prerequisites: Righteous Hammer of Justice Form

It is always important to remember the ideals of a warrior of justice. The pursuit of

peace, the preservation justice, and thwarting evil are all standards by which warriors
of justice hold themselves to, and they cannot forget it. Nor can their enemies be
allowed to ignore it. With a reaffirming and virtuous blow, a defender of justice will
forge a reminder both to himself and his enemy of the good that exists in all men.
When using GWTMS, the Exalt inflicts a mental effect on their enemy. As long as
the attack succeeds, the target gains a new intimacy for pacifism. For as long as the
charm lasts, violent actions suffer a -2 External penalty. The target may reflexively
spend a willpower each action towards resisting the intimacy. The penalty remains
even during actions in which the intimacy is resisted, but the intimacy is shaken
off once the target has spent Willpower equal to their own (Compassion) towards
negating this compulsion. The penalties will otherwise fade at the end of the scene,
as will the intimacy.
Any one person or creature may only suffer from these effects once per scene. Any

Abyssal affected with this charm will also gain a point of resonance, but no more than
once per scene. Mortal extras affected by this charm might begin to retain feelings of
pacifism or compassion more permanently, at the Storyteller’s discretion.
Source: Lantis

Justice Shoulder Attack

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Righteous Hammer of Justice 4; Type: Simple
(Speed5, -1 DV)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Good Will Towards Men Smash

There are many analogies for righteousness. The fist of justice, the long arm of
the law, but what many ignore is the humble shoulder. Not just for leaning on and
crying into, a set of square shoulders framed with a billowing cape is as a great symbol
for the cause of good. Surely, more than a few evildoers have been soundly shoulder
tackled by the defenders of good.
Justice Shoulder Attack is a crippling effect and counts as an unarmed punch attack
with an accuracy and damage bonus equal to Valor. A Justice Shoulder Attack that
deals damage will cause the target to be stunned, inflicting a dice penalty equal to
the Exalts Temperance on all actions, and half the Exalts Temperance (rounded up)
as a penalty to DV. This effect lasts a number of ticks equal to the raw damage of
the attack. The duration may be lengthened with successive attacks.
An Exalt using this charm is considered unarmed for the attack, and ignores any
weapon statistics for any weapon either held or worn.
Source: Lantis

Family Reunion Bear Hug

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Righteous Hammer of Justice 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Righteous Hammer of Justice Form

A great love swells within the chest of any Warrior of Justice. This love can
smother evil, crushing it with the biceps of honor, and the pectorals of justice. A
crushing embrace and steadfast grip can defeat all but the most stubborn of evils.
Family Reunion Bear Hug enhances a clinch attack. It adds the Exalts Valor in
dice to all clinch maneuvers, including the rolls to initiate, crush, resist and maintain
grapples. Add twice the Exalts Conviction in damage to crush maneuvers. And fi-
nally, the Exalt can reflexively spend 1 mote to add (Compassion x3) to their strength,
but only for the purposes of throwing to end a clinch. This maneuver is known as the
Benevolent Giant Swing!?
Source: Lantis

Peace and Love Double Impact

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 4, Righteous Hammer of Justice 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Pinnacle

Duration: Instant, Permanent
Prerequisites: , ”Kingdom” Tornado, Justice Shoulder Attack
Love and Justice go hand in hand, as do allies that follow the same code of
righteousness. Although not all friends of justice shine with the same inner light of
good, a true comrade will stand at your side, ready to give everything for an upright
cause. Togetherness will build a better tomorrow!
Peace and Love Double Impact is a permanent charm that affects the charms
in the Righteous Hammer of Justice Style. This charm allows any simple and/or
supplemental Martial Arts charms of instant duration to augment the attack of one
ally within 15 yards. The cost to do so is the same as it would normally be, unless
it is used in conjunction with a coordinated attack. In this case, as long as the Exalt
participates in the attack and uses the charm themselves, the cost to add the benefits
to allies is 3 motes per ally, and up to (Essence) allies may be added as long as they
are all part of the coordinated attack.
For example:
”Justice Lover Phil has decided to vanquish the evil bridge troll that demands
payment from the innocent villagers wanting to cross its bridge. JLP decides to bring
a few of his close friends to really bring the hurt of justice on the evil troll.”
”Launching into a coordinated attack, Phil augments his attack with Kindness to
all Creatures Kick, and augments the attacks of his two buddies as well (adding 6
motes to the cost of KtaCK), so that they all benefit from the charm. If he had a
combo with other charms, like Pacifist Crush, he could choose to use that on himself
and/or his friends, in any combination, as long as he was using at least one charm of
the combo.”
”Later in the fight, Phil is still not done teaching the troll a lesson, and one of
his allies decides to make another attack. Without a coordinated attack in place,
Phil can only allow one ally to benefit, and chooses to use Pacifist Crush by paying
the normal cost of the charm as if he had used it. It is a simple charm, and Phil
opts not to use a combo, so it is the only charm he can use until his DV refreshes.
However, he could in theory aid another friend with Pacifist Crush again on another
tick. The Speed on the charm applies to their friends attacks, so they then wait 4
ticks to act again, while Phils tick progression is unchanged from his previous action,
despite using these charms.”
This does not allow the Exalt to use more than one charm in a given action, unless
he uses the same charm multiple times, or uses a combo. Supplemental charms may
be used on any tick in which an ally uses an appropriate action, and Simple charms
may take place only once per action per person. In other words, a simple charm may
be used once per ally and once by the Exalt, until the Exalts DV refreshes. Any
charm counting virtue is measured from the Exalt aiding his friends, and any and all
costs associated with a given charm (including virtue channeling) are spent by said
Source: Lantis

Royal Special Thunder (Solar Only)

Cost: 7m, 1w; Mins: Essence 3, Righteous Hammer of Justice 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Righteous Hammer of Justice Form

A lordly Solar must defend his divine right with his own two hands. Those who
stand before his regal presence are like wreckage before the intense might of a Law-
giver. A Solar who wields this charm exemplifies such strength.
While Royal Special Thunder is in effect, this charm adds the Exalts Valor score
to raw damage (pre soak, step 7), and each hit deals 1 level of damage in addition to
any damage dice rolled (step 10).
Source: Lantis

”Kingdom” Tornado
Cost: 8m, 1w; Mins: Essence 3, Righteous Hammer of Justice 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Crippling
Duration: Instant, Permanent (see text)
Prerequisites: , Family Reunion Bear Hug or Royal Special Thunder (Solar Only)

A Hammer of Justice must be proud and expressive of his duty to good. As such, it
is imperative that all know of his commitment to righteousness, as well as his agenda.
Shouting the name of the kingdom to which they are loyal will ensure that all within
earshot know of a Justice Lovers patriotism and devotion.
Although it is called the Kingdom Tornado, the real name of the charm depends
on the person using it. Instead of Kingdom?, the Exalt substitutes the name of a
kingdom to which he is loyal. Thus, an Exalt might unleash a Thorns Tornado, a
Halta Tornado, or even a Sijan Tornado. Purchasing this charm will immediately
apportion the Exalt with an intimacy of loyalty to the kingdom in question, with a
+2 to MDV against any unnatural mental effects that go against that intimacy. This
effect is permanent.
When used in combat, the Exalt makes a leap attack on an opponent, moving up
to martial arts +5 yards vertically, or twice that horizontally. The attack receives a
bonus on accuracy equal to the Exalts conviction. If the attack connects and does
at least one health level of damage, the opponent is automatically knocked down
without a roll to resist. The opponent must also make a stamina + resistance roll at
a difficulty equal to the post-soak damage dice of the attack, or the Exalts essence,
whichever is higher. Success on this roll means they are simply knocked down. Failure
on this roll imposes an internal penalty equal to the damage dealt as a crippling effect,
which lasts the remainder of the scene. A botch will render the victim unconscious
for the remainder of the scene.
Source: Lantis

All Brothers Hand in Hand Attack (Solar Only)

Cost: 5m, 1w; Mins: Essence 3, Righteous Hammer of Justice 4; Type: Extra
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Good Will Towards Men Smash
Although a combined effort is usually best for achieving justice, the burden
often falls to the few, the strong, and the just. Armed with the responsibility to bring
justice, a peace bringer can do the work of many. This is most evident when one
witnesses a hero of justice crush many enemies and defend the weak all on his own.

ABHiHA allows the Exalt to perform extra actions equal to the Exalts highest
virtue. These actions can be taken for extra martial arts attacks (which cannot
themselves be flurried, as usual), or extra movement actions.
Source: Lantis

Smashing Burst Jump

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Righteous Hammer of Justice 1; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
It is usually not enough to simply be morally superior to your enemy. You have
to rise above them, look down on them, and show them that good will always be
mighty and exceptional. Large rocks, rooftops, and tall allies provide ample perch to
gaze imperiously down on your enemies. However, when peace must be enforced, it
is imperative that peace keepers leap down and reach their enemy, for mighty fists of
justice do no good from a distance.
Smashing Burst Jump negates any damage taken when intentionally leaping from
any height less than 100 yards. Any unintentional fall (including being knocked back
or thrown) will inflict half damage after it has been rolled (rounded down). Despite
the fact that landing inflicts little to no damage, the Exalt may choose to land in a
comical or dangerous fashion, such as face first, or falling onto a seemingly dangerous
object, and still take no extra damage. This charm can be invoked while inactive.
Also, while Smashing Burst Jump is active, the Exalt can reflexively spend 3 motes
to make a single essence assisted leap, adding (essence) to the calculation for jumping
distances. Note that leaping is still considered a miscellaneous action while this charm
is in effect. This effect stacks with other charms which affect jumping distance, added
in before multipliers.
At the Storytellers discretion, more damage may be dealt by an attack that comes
after a drop from a severe height. Such an attack would be inaccurate (+2 difficulty).
A failed attack stands a chance of hitting an ally or falling prone. A botch will
guarantee it.
Source: Lantis

The Writing of That Which is Not Yet Past

Cost: 2 motes ; Mins: Essence 1, Sage 2; Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
The sage in his wisdom not only knows the lessons of the past but also applies
them to the future; and with knowledge may predict the actions of one’s enemies,
allowing an opportunity for surprise. Activating the charm adds the user’s martial
arts score to his initiative for one turn.
Source: TheHoverpope

The Recording of Lies

Cost: 3 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Sage 2; Type: Supplemental

Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: The Writing of That Which is Not Yet Past
The sage may write untruths as well as truths with their brush, to hide what
is real behind a veil of falsehood that is difficult to penetrate. Likewise, the martial
artist may lie in their movements to hide their true position and movement, misleading
any attackers. Add the martial arts score of the sage to any dodge or martial arts
Source: TheHoverpope

The Penetrating Truth of Wisdom

Cost: 3 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Sage 2; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: The Recording of Lies
Through his great wisdom, the wise sage knows the heart of all living things
and the many roads that lead there. By striking precisely at the weaknesses of their
targets, their unarmed attack becomes piercing, reducing armor soak by a half.
Source: TheHoverpope

The Steady Hand

Cost: 1 mote / die + 2 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Sage 3; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: The Penetrating Truth of Wisdom
The sage moves his brush with swift confidence and fine precision, knowing how
each hair of his brush will mark the page. The martial artist can mimic this perfect
delicate work, and attack carefully and with intricate finesse, aware of every fraction
of a twitch of a muscle and how it will mark his opponent. For each mote spent, add
one die to an unarmed martial arts attack, up to dexterity + martial arts.
Source: TheHoverpope

The Form of the Sage

Cost: 6 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Sage 4; Type: Simple
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: The Steady Hand
The will of the sage is shown in moments not of frantic writing or research, but
in quiet thought. When the martial artist activates the form of the sage, they seem to
relax and be completely calm in the face of all things that confront them. They use
the utmost economy of motion for all things, perfectly controlling their attacks and
showing no emotion, and are utterly implacable in their efficiency and their drive.
Add the user’s essence score in dice to all martial arts and lore actions, as well as
adding their essence to their bashing/lethal soak.
Source: TheHoverpope

Whispers of a Thousand Poems
Cost: 4 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Sage 4; Type: Simple
Duration: Until abandoned
Prerequisites: The Form of the Sage
The sage’s knowledge is a tool in and of itself. All desire to absorb it, and even
those who one would be unable to are enshrouded in its beauty, if properly presented.
A martial artist using the whispers of a thousand poems technique raises their
weapon and shouts; by the end of the shout, their voice becomes legion, and the
words of a thousand verses, each completely audible, flow from them. This holds
their audience fascinated, dedicated solely to listening to the strands of beautiful
poetry that most interest them unless they succeed in an opposed roll between their
wits and the martial artist’s martial arts + intelligence. The exalt may move at half
speed and dodge or parry, but may not do anything else that would disrupt their
voice or distract them, including attacking or fleeing. This charm has no effect on
mindless creatures.
Source: TheHoverpope

The Perfection of Poetic Silence

Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Sage 5; Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Whispers of a Thousand Poems
The sage with a true understanding of word and poetry knows that it is not only
the words that matter, but the spaces between them as well. Using the Perfection
of Poetic Silence, the martial artist makes use of these spaces between thoughts and
sounds to strike with utter silence and speed. The martial artist makes an attack
with their full dexterity + martial arts which will make no noise, and the victim too
will be silent if struck, unable to cry out. The attacked party will be paralysed by
the attack. If they survive the attack, they must make a willpower roll to take any
action for the rest of the turn, until the martial artist’s next initiative. This charm
will not silence secondary effects, such as the body of the victim thudding onto the
floor or his horse whinnying as he falls off, or the clash of metal of a successful parry.
Source: TheHoverpope

Ten Thousand Copies of a Thousand Words

Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower.; Mins: Essence 3, Sage 5; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: The Perfected Transcription
When the character activates Ten Thousand copies of a thousand words, they
may choose not to roll dice for any martial arts action of their choice. Instead, they
use the same number of successes that they attained on their last martial arts action,
after charms.
For example, if Hayyoth obtains twelve successes on a martial arts attack after
using a combo of The Perfected Transcription and The Steady Hand to enhance an
attack, on his next martial arts action he may choose to activate Ten Thousand Copies

of a Thousand Words to instead simply take twelve successes again, whether his new
attack is an attack, parry, or any other martial arts action.
The character cannot use this charm to copy itself.
Source: TheHoverpope

The Glorious Understanding of the Sage

Cost: None; Mins: Essence 4, Sage 5; Type: Special
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Ten Thousand Copies of a Thousand Words, The Perfection of
Poetic Silence
When they reach this pinnacle of understanding, the martial artist truly does
become as the sage in all things. They are able inherently to bear the aspect of a wise
man, to carry the concept of this nature at all times without limiting their actions.
Mechanically, the martial artist now may have the form of the sage active at the
same time as another form charm without showing outwards signs to anyone without
essence sight, although that particular power will reveal when the charm is active.
The player may also commit the six motes of essence for the form charm to keep it
up between scenes.
Source: TheHoverpope

The Perfected Transcription

Cost: 5 motes ; Mins: Essence 3, Sage 4; Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: The Form of the Sage
The sage knows that a truly great work of thought cannot be made in only
one try. It often takes dedicated revision and refinement to make anything truly
resplendent. The martial artist emulates this, after a fashion editing his movements;
On activating The Perfected Transcription, the martial artist may reroll a martial
arts action, and use the better of the two results. If used in conjunction with other
attack or defense enhancing charms, their cost need not be paid a second time.
Source: TheHoverpope

Acrid Impurity Exhalation

Cost: 1+m (+hl); Mins: Essence 2, Salamander 5; Type: Simple (Speed 3, DV
Keywords: Combo-OK, Poison, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Salamander Form
The martial artist gathers up the impurities of his body and soul (and by the
time he has reached this far in the Style, they are bound to be many) into the reaches
of his skull, filling it with an unpleasant buzzing and dying his sclera black for a
moment. Then he opens his mouth and expels it all into a cloud of toxic smog. Upon
activating this Charm, the martial artist spends up to (Martial Arts x 2) motes and
a point of Willpower, and exudes a cloud of thick, poisonous gas with a radius of

(motes expended x 3) yards. Within this smog, visibility is reduced to no moon,
desert?. The smog lasts until the end of the scene, and does not follow the martial
artist, instead remaining stationary. It also acts as an environmental hazard with a
Trauma of (Essence), and an interval of one action. If a character within the smog
fails their Resistance roll, they take no damage, but instead suffer from one dose of
the poison detailed below. The martial artist is not automatically immune to his own
smog. If the smogs Trauma somehow gains the L tag, so does the Toxicity of any
poison it carries, and vice versa.
”Olmsmog”: Damage 4L/action, Toxicity (Essence), Tolerance , Penalty -3
If the martial artist wishes, he may increase the cost of this Charm by one mote.
If he does so, the emitted smog becomes flammable; if ignited, the smog vanishes as
a one-time fire-based environmental hazard is unleashed with a damage of 8L and a
Trauma of 5, before collapsing into an oily flame equivalent to a bonfire. Both these
hazards have a radius equal to the smog they originally came from. An open flame is
required to actually ignite the smog; mundane sparks are insufficient without a stunt.
The martial artist may also choose to increase the cost of this Charm by one
bashing health level. If he does so, then rather than exuding the smog described
above, he selects one Poison or Sickness effect currently afflicting him, and expels
that instead, causing an unpleasant dribble of blackish blood to creep out from the
sides of his mouth as he does so. Multiple doses of the same type of poison count as
one effect for this purpose.
The chosen Poison or Sickness effect is immediately removed, and the resultant
smog takes on its properties; it has a Trauma equal to the Toxicity or Virulence of
the effect in question. Any character who fails the Resistance roll immediately suffers
from one dose of that poison, or contracts the disease.
Source: Revlid

Ring of Fire Prana

Cost: 3m (+1wp); Mins: Essence 3, Salamander 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Until the martial artist leaves the hazard
Prerequisites: Mud-Devil Lurking Technique, Acrid Impurity Exhalation
The martial artist may activate this Charm whenever he is within an environ-
mental hazard, as its edges begin to rage with unnatural viciousness, encouraging
those within it to stay at the eye of the storm. For as long as he remains within that
hazard, any character who leaves the radius of that environmental hazard (willingly
or otherwise) must immediately test for exposure, with the difficulty of the Trauma
roll increased by two. This does not reset the interval for exposure, if it matters,
but it does count as an attack, thereby invalidating certain forms of environmental
defence. This Charm ends the moment the martial artist leaves the hazard, and
therefore cannot affect him.
The martial artist may increase the cost of this Charm by one point of temporary
Willpower. If he does so, he defines an area around him with a radius no smaller
than twice his engagement range. The edge of this area is treated as the edge of the
environmental hazard for the purposes of this Charm. This area follows the martial
artist, but if its edge would extend past the edge of the environmental hazard, the
environmental hazards edge is used instead, shifting the areas shape to conform to
its own.

Source: Revlid

Warty Pepperfish Grapple

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Salamander 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling
Duration: Until the clinch ends
Prerequisites: Hellbender Thrash-Lunge, Mud-Devil Lurking Technique
The martial artists hands become blunted and clammy, as his fingernails sink
beneath his flesh, the skin becoming worty and mottled with black, as though bruised.
This temporary transformation also applies to any weapon he may be wielding, as the
metal itself bubbles and groans. Where he grabs his opponent, their body becomes
numb and useless, yielding immediately to the elements. The martial artist may acti-
vate this Charm to enhance any grapple attack or clinch control roll he makes within
an environmental hazard. For this Charms duration, he adds additional successes
to all attempts to establish, maintain or control that grapple, equal to (Essence/2),
rounded up. This Charm ends when the clinch does, or when the martial artist is no
longer within an environmental hazard.
Additionally, as a Crippling effect, the target the martial artist is holding with
that grapple automatically fails all Trauma rolls, and treats the Trauma of all envi-
ronmental hazards currently affecting him as having the L tag.
While the martial artist has even one instance of this Charm already active, he
reduces the cost of any further uses by one point of temporary Willpower.
The Walker in Darkness assigned this Charm the name of Chains of Soot and
Source: Revlid

Smoke and Hail Nativity

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Salamander 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
Snow, rain, heat, and gloom of night; the martial artist blends into such ex-
tremes like a second skin, becoming a shadow in darkness, a tongue of flame in an
inferno, or a viciously bladed snowflake in a blizzard. For the rest of the scene, any
visibility penalties affecting attempts to spot, attack, or otherwise interact with the
martial artist are doubled. In addition, any DV used against one of the martial artists
unarmed attacks has its dice pool reduced by an amount equal to the current visibility
penalty affecting the defender.
Source: Revlid

Corralling Lash Method

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Salamander 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Knockback
Duration: Instant
Sweeping out with a whirling chain-sickle or the edge of a palm, the martial
artist forces his opponent into a half-dragged stumble, whipping him to a more de-

sirable position; the salamander makes its home in fire, and it finds satisfaction in
dragging others down to its hell. The martial artist may use this Charm to enhance
any unarmed attack he makes. If an attack enhanced by this Charm strikes its target,
the target is automatically knocked up to (Martial Arts) yards in a direction of the
martial artists choice. If this movement is arrested by another character or object,
neither the target nor the obstruction in question suffer any damage.
The maximum distance of this knockback effect is increased by a further (Martial
Arts) yards for each one of the following conditions that have been fulfilled; if the
enhanced attack was unexpected, if the martial artist moves the target toward an
environmental hazard (or, if they are already within an environmental hazard, toward
its centre), or if the martial artist moves the target toward himself.
This Charm can also be activated upon releasing an opponent from a clinch, in-
creasing the distance by which they can be thrown by the appropriate number of
Source: Revlid

Hellbender Thrash-Lunge
Cost: 2m or 0m; Mins: Essence 2, Salamander 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Salamander Form
The salamander puts a spin on his strike, twisting it in such a manner that
avoiding the attack merely provokes a more insistent offensive. This Charm may
enhance any unarmed attack the martial artist makes. If it hits its opponent, the
attack is resolved as normal and this Charm has no further effect. However, if it is
dodged or parried, the martial artist immediately gains one reflexive unarmed grapple
attack, which he may expend as normal. Even if his normal limit on stocked reflexive
attacks would normally be higher, he may have no more than (Martial Arts 2) such
attacks stocked at any one time, and all stocked grapple attacks granted by this
Charm vanish at the end of the action in which they were gained.
Note that, as with almost all Charms of this type, the initial unarmed attack must
have had an actual chance to hit in the first place for this Charms effects to take place;
flailing ineffectually at an opponent half-a-mile away does not grant the martial artist
reflexive clinch attempts.
If the originally enhanced attack was made from stealth, regardless of whether not
the unexpected quality was later removed, the cost of this Charm is reduced to zero
The Walker in Darkness refers to this Charm as Grasping Prayer Whirl, a surpris-
ing reference to the traditional ghostly analogue to the element of Air, one that he
and the Bishop discarded to replace with Ash. It has been quietly suggested that the
name was a concession to whatever power the Deathlord conferred with in resurrecting
Salamander Style.
Source: Revlid

Mud-Devil Lurking Technique

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Salamander 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One scene

Prerequisites: Salamander Form
The martial artists Essence bubbles and hazes, seeming to liquefy the air around
him into an unhealthy shroud that spreads outward, exaggerating the density and
obscurity of his chosen habitat. Flames leer into demonic tongues of heat, while the
darkness swirls like the depths of a disturbed ocean, and smoke dances thick with
motes, tarry and cancerous. While this Charm is active, the martial artist becomes
able to hide in any environmental hazard he enters the radius of. If the hazard did not
previously inhibit vision, visibility within it is now reduced to the level of fog, day?
(see ”’Exalted”’, pp.135). If it did previously have reduced visibility, the range of each
vision-bracket is reduced by (Trauma x 5) yards, to a minimum of zero yards. This
obviously enhances attempts to establish or re-establish surprise within the hazard.
This only affects the hazard for a radius of (Essence x 30) yards around the martial
In addition, the martial artist can now treat such hazards as Hard Cover, with a
density based on its Trauma. Hazards of Trauma 1-2 are treated as 25 percent Hard
Cover, while Trauma 3 is treated as 50 percent Hard Cover, Trauma 4 is treated as
75 percent Hard Cover, and Trauma 5+ is treated as 90 percent Hard Cover. If a
Trauma rating has the L tag, it is treated as being one point higher than it actually
is. If the hazard would already act as Hard Cover, the martial artist may use the
highest Hard Cover rating available.
Finally, while the martial artist is within such a hazard, the colour and style of
his anima banner synchronises with that of the hazard, producing a dark and smoky
anima when within a cloud of toxic smog, or a bright and burning anima at the heart
of a bonfire. This prevents anima flare from invalidating stealth within that hazard.
If the martial artist comes within the radius of a one-time environmental hazard
while this Charm is active, he may reflexively pay two motes, allowing him to make a
reflexive attempt to re-establish surprise as though he were in cover of the appropriate
The Walker in Darkness barely bothered to change this Charms name, calling it
Ash-Devil Lurking Technique.
Source: Revlid

Salamander Form
Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Salamander 4; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -2)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Corralling Lash Method, Smoke and Hail Nativity
Placing both hands to the ground while keeping his legs straight, the martial
artist braces himself, taking a deep breath to synch his Essence with that of the
world around him, no matter how corrosive or damaging. A moment later, he darts
off, moving with a slick certainty that uses the environment as much as his own
muscles. While this Form is active, the martial artists unarmed attacks cause lethal
damage, and he may parry ranged and lethal attacks unarmed. He adds (Martial
Arts/2) automatic successes to any roll to resist Trauma or Toxicity, or to determine
how long he can hold his breath. He reduces any visibility penalties affecting him by
one (note that actual blindness is not considered a visibility penalty). The difficulty
of any roll to remain unaffected on unstable terrain is decreased by two, and any
external penalties caused by unstable terrain are decreased by one.

While within the radius of an environmental hazard, the martial artist may an
additional reflexive move action per tick (this is still a Move action, even if he is
Dashing), and adds his (Martial Arts) to his (Strength + Athletics) total when de-
termining whether or not he can drag a clinched opponent. It should be noted that
one-time environmental hazards still qualify for this purpose, provided the martial
artist is within their radius; he may take his second move action as normal on the
tick that the hazard is activated (this does not allow him to avoid the hazard itself).
As a Form-type Charm, the first time the martial artist uses a Charm with a Flaw
of Invulnerability during the same action Salamander Form is activated, the cost of
that Charm increases by two points of Willpower.
”Dynamic Form Transition:”
Salamander Form may be reflexively assumed in the following ways:
If the practitioner successfully makes (Stamina+Resistance) roll to resist Trauma
or Toxicity.
If the practitioner successfully makes an unarmed unexpected attack from at least
five yards away from his target. The attack need not cause damage; it simply needs
to be unexpected.
Obviously, the Walker in Darkness refers to this Charm as Ash Dragon Form.
Source: Revlid

Ash Dragon’s Turgor

Cost: 8m (+2m); Mins: Essence 3, Salamander 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 7)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Acrid Impurity Exhalation, Hellbender Thrash-Lunge
Pursing his lips, the martial artist inhales, drawing in the ashes of the corrupt
world so adored by the salamander; his skin bulge and yellows as his veins pulse and
blacken, and blades and blows slide from his body, repelled by the greater danger he
has swallowed. The martial artist may activate this Charm in Step 7 of any attack
directed against him, provided he is within the radius of an environmental hazard.
He opens his mouth and inhales, drawing in the hazard like smoke; he may increase
his natural soak against that attack by up to a maximum of the raw damage of the
attack, reducing the radius of the hazard by the same number of yards (this may
remove the hazard entirely).
If the martial artist wishes, he may pay an additional two motes when activating
this Charm to instead perfectly soak all damage from the attack in question. Doing
so completely inhales the hazard, removing it entirely, and forces the martial artist to
immediately roll for exposure against its Trauma (natural soak may not be applied
against damage from such a hazard).
Those hazards with an external source, or that it would be unreasonable to ex-
tinguish with this Charm, such as the heat of a volcano, the anima of an Infernal
with Demon Emperor Shintai, the toxic pollen of the Pole of Wood, an entire ocean
of vitriol, or the icy cold of the North, are not removed or reduced by this Charm.
Instead, the martial artist must roll for exposure regardless of which mode he uses,
although only the perfect soak-induced exposure ignores natural soak.
This Charm can be used against damage from environmental hazards, but only by
inhaling that hazard itself, and only in its form as a perfect soak. It may even be
used against one-time environmental hazards in this way, protecting others from that

hazard’s effects.
Odd that this Charms name is not an invention of the Walker, but stems back to
its Shogunate origins.
Source: Revlid

Transformation of the Axolotl

Cost: (+3m); Mins: Essence 4, Salamander 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Form-Enhancing (3)
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Warty Pepperfish Grapple, Ash Dragon’s Turgor, Ring of Fire
This Charm permanently enhances Salamander Form, increasing its cost by
three motes and granting it the following powers:
Any natural environmental hazard that the martial artist is within the radius
of will not naturally end; bonfires will not burn out, poison gas will not disperse,
storms will not lighten. This does not affect one-time environmental hazards, and
does not prevent hazards from being forcibly ended (such as by pouring water on a
bonfire), though it does increase the difficulty of such an attempt by two. It also
affects environmental hazards created by Charms of this Style.
Some defences against environmental damage do not apply if that hazard is con-
sidered an attack, or has been otherwise directed at the target. For the purposes of
such defences, any hazard the martial artist is within is treated as being an attack.
While the martial artist is within the radius of an environmental hazard, he may
make clinch control rolls reflexively.
Upon using Corralling Lash Method to move his opponent at least (Martial Arts)
yards, the martial artist may expend any yards left over from the maximum distance
he could have moved his opponent to instead move himself in any direction.
Upon using Ash Dragons Turgor, the martial artist may reflexively use Acrid
Impurity Exhalation. The resultant environmental hazard is not the usual smog, but
instead uses the same traits as the hazard absorbed by Ash Dragons Turgor (using
the lower visibility of the two). If the hazard had no traits, but was simply classified
as a hazard by the below power, it uses the normal traits for the smog produced by
that Charm, with its Trauma reduced by two (again, using the lower visibility of the
Finally, the martial artists definition of environmental hazard? is expanded, for
the purposes of Charms of this Style. He may treat all of the following areas as
environmental hazards, provided he is within them: bodies of liquid deep enough for
the martial artist to fully submerge himself, any area with a visibility equal to or less
than fog, night?, anywhere that the martial artist can treat as 75 percent or greater
Hard Cover, and a fully flaring Terrestrial Anima. All these areas are treated as
having a Trauma rating of one for the purposes of Charms of this Style, except for a
Terrestrial Anima, which has a Trauma rating of (Terrestrial’s Permanent Essence/2).
The Labyrinth, and any area of the Wyld deeper than Bordermarches are also
treated as environmental hazards. For these final two locations, the centres are con-
sidered to be the Mouth of Oblivion and Pure Chaos, respectively, while Trauma rolls
are replaced with rolls to avoid mutation, and the Trauma rating is replaced with the
difficulty of that roll. Adding the L? tag to such a roll instead reduces its interval by
one degree, from a Month to a Week to a Day to a Minute to an Action.

This Charm was the one the Walker found hardest to reconceive; the original
Lunar creator had conferred and trained with a wandering soul of Oramus himself,
and his transformative ideal was inherently opposed to the beauteous stagnation of
the Underworld. The Deathlord instead refers to it as Aftermath of Cremation, having
sought the aid of another in internalizing the Style.
Source: Revlid

Death-Accepting Fury Focus

Cost: 10m, 1wp, 1 permanent health level (health level paid at end of scene);
Mins: Essence 4, Scorpion 5; Type: Supplemental
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Iron Stinger Strike
The martial artist clears his mind of all things, accepting his own death as
inevitable. So long as he does not attempt to parry or dodge any incoming attacks,
he gains a +3 to his Martial Arts attacks and damage, he suffers no wound penalties,
cannot fail Valor rolls, and his damage becomes perfect. At the end of the scene the
martial artist immediately ages his permanent Essence in years, and loses 1 permanent
health level. This health level cannot be regained until the Exalt has lost a number
of health levels equal to their Exalted type’s ox-body, in which case they are able to
again purchase the Ox-Body Charm.
Source: 448815

Black Scorpion’s Venom

Cost: 6m,1 willpower; Mins: Essence 4, Scorpion 5; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Blood-Curdling Sting, Blood Betrays the Body
During his studies Grandmaster Kai was stung several times by the scorpions
he wished to emulate. Many of these wounds healed quickly, however the sting of the
black scorpion left him badly scared and near death. After his recovery Kai began
attempting to emulate this poison using his essence. For months Kai worked towards
this goal, but it wasn’t until his essence was tainted in a battle against a powerful
Raksha Noble that he managed to produce the venom.
The martial artist inhales deeply as she pulls the ambient essence of the wyld into
her lungs, effectively corrupting her own essence. She then channels that corrupted
essence into her hands, enveloping them in black steam.
The Martial Artist rolls her attack as normal, however, damage dealt becomes
Source: 448815

Blood-Curdling Sting
Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 4, Scorpion 5; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Flesh-Rending Blow
During a trip to the southern deserts Grandmaster Kai encountered the rare

Crimson Scorpion whose Venom could Kill a Yeddim. He watched as the scorpion
hunted a large tarantula, stinging it and hiding in the sand. Kai watched as the
tarantula walked a short distance before collapsing under its own weight, only then
did the scorpion emerge to finish it off. By emulating the Crimson Scorpion The
Martial Artist becomes a Terrible opponent, hunting his prey as the scorpion hunts
the spider. When this charm is activated trails of brilliant crimson Essence flash
through the black veins under the martial artist’s skin, rushing towards her dripping
finger tips. She makes her attack as normal; if successful, the target must immediately
roll (Stamina + Resistance) with a difficulty of the martial artist’s (Martial arts) score.
If the target fails, he takes damage as normal but continues to take the martial artist’s
(permanent Essence) in damage, soakable only with Stamina, for the martial artist’s
(Martial Arts) in turns.
Source: 448815

Flesh-Rending Blow
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Scorpion 5; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Scorpion Form
Deep in the jungles surrounding Rathess lives a breed of scorpion whose venom
eats away the flesh of those unfortunate enough to be stung. Grandmaster Kai man-
aged to emulate this terrible venom by strumming the threads of entropy that run
through the tapestry, giving him a dangerous weapon to use against the Death Knights
he despises so much.
When this charm is activated corrosive bile begins to spill from the martial artist’s
palm. On an attack that deals at least one health level of damage the martial artist
can activate this charm to double the post-soak damage.
Source: 448815

Scorpion Form
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Scorpion 5; Type: Form
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Scorpion Tail Strike, Wall-Climbing Exercise
By adopting the form of the Scorpion one realigns the flow of essence in their
body allowing the trademark venom of the style to freely flow into their deadly blows.
Black veins swell beneath the martial artist’s skin as her finger tips start to drip a
sickly green venom. Her movements become janky and erratic, as her demeanor
changes to that of an arachnid preparing to feed. Any opponents hit with the martial
artist’s deadly poison must immediately roll (Stamina + Resistance) at a difficulty
of the martial artist’s (Martial Arts). If they are successful, they remain unaffected.
However, failure means they take a penalty to all actions equal to the martial artist’s
(permanent Essence) for her (Martial Arts) in turns.
Source: 448815

Scorpion Tail Strike

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Scorpion 4; Type: Supplemental

Duration: Instant
In order to better hunt the chosen of death Grandmaster Kai though it prudent
to teach his students rudimentary methods of utilizing the energies of Saturn. when
acting upon Kai’s teachings the martial artist drops into a low stance and prepares
to strike his target like a scorpion impaling its prey. His finger tips glow brightly with
the essence of Saturn, leaving violet tracers as they move through the air. Victims
struck by this charm become entwined with the radiant cold of Saturn’s entropy, a
punishment for defying their fate.
The martial artist rolls his (Dexterity + Martial Arts), for every success the target
takes a -1 penalty lasting for the martial artist’s (Martial Arts) in turns.
Source: 448815

Wall-Climbing Exercise
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Scorpion 4; Type: Simple
Duration: One scene
By studying the movements of various arachnids Grandmaster Kai learned how
to properly stalk his prey like natures master assassins. The martial artist can emulate
these teachings by focusing his Essence into the palms of his hands and the soles of
his feet, allowing him to crawl across any surface no matter the angle. This Charm
is explicitly allowed to be placed into a combo with Charms of other abilities.
Source: 448815

Blood Betrays the Body

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 4, Scorpion 5; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Scorpion Form
There are many types of scorpions in the jungles and forests of the east, but
only one is feared even in the underworld. The Obsidian Scorpion is renown in the
underworld for its ability to destroy even the most powerful ghosts with its sting,
infecting them with a bit of oblivion its self. When using this charm the martial
artist’s eyes become covered with an inky black, as her finger tips begin to drip vile
black venom. On a successful attack the victim loses one dot of stamina, if a victim’s
stamina drops below zero he dies immediately, leaving no ghost. if used on a ghost or
other creature native to the underworld the charm instead drains 10 motes of essence,
if the victim’s essence ever falls below zero as a result of this charm they are forever
destroyed in a manner similar to being thrown into oblivion.
Source: 448815

Iron Stinger Strike

Cost: 8m; Mins: Essence 4, Scorpion 5; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant

Prerequisites: Black Scorpion’s Venom
During his long studies Grandmaster Kai learned that Scorpions are crafty
creatures, capable of delivering their poisonious sting through even stout armor by
moving around or through it. By emulating this craftiness the martial artist can
strike his opponent to deliver a devastating blow. When activated long needles of
crimson Essence form around the martial artist’s fingers, making her able to pierce
the thickest of armor. She rolls her attack as normal, however, her damage becomes
Source: 448815

Stinger Retaliation Technique

Cost: 4 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Scorpion II 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Scorpion Form II
Upon blocking their target’s attack, the character holds her fast for a moment
while she delivers a terrible counterstrike. This Charm may be triggered immediately
after a successful use of the character’s Parry or Dodge DV. The character may make
an immediate counterattack against her attacker, who suffers a penalty to her DVs
equal to the Scorpion stylist’s Essence score.
Source: FrivYeti

Scorpion’s Armory Attacks

Cost: 3 motes per attack; Mins: Essence 3, Scorpion II 4; Type: Extra Actions
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Stinger Retaliation Technique
Scorpions have several weapons, and they will use them all when they are
backed into a corner. This Charm allows the character to create a magical flurry,
providing multiple attacks against a single target at her full die pool. Each additional
attacks costs 3 motes, and the character may not make more than one attack per
weapon or limb - the kusari-gama requires use of both arms, but provides up to three
attacks total (one each for the chain, sickle end, and baton end). In the event that it
would be possible, characters may not make more total attacks than their (Martial
Arts) rating. The total penalty for the flurry is equal to the highest DV penalty
within it.
Source: FrivYeti

Stinging Tail Prana

Cost: 6 motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 2, Scorpion II 5; Type: Simple
(Speed 5)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Poison
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Scorpion Form
The tail of the scorpion holds a deadly poison, and the character’s own attacks
take on that nature. Provided that the character’s unarmed attacks deal at least one
die of post-soak damage, her target is affected by a poison with the following traits:

Damage (Martial Arts)L, Toxicity (Essence), Penalty -2.
Source: FrivYeti

Scorpion Form
Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Scorpion II 4; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Form-Type
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Scorpion Pincer Technique, Scuttling Scorpion Defense
The character takes on the stance of the scorpion, channeling power through
her limbs and fortifying her flesh as the scorpion’s carapace. For the duration of the
scene, the character adds her Essence to her Bashing and Lethal soak, and to her
unarmed raw damage.
Source: FrivYeti

Giant-Slaying Strike
Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 4, Scorpion II 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Poison
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Scorpion’s Armory Attacks, Devastating Stinger Strike, Unstop-
pable Pincer Grip
On attaining the pinnacle of the Scorpion Style, the character’s body is suffused
with deadly Essence, and she may launch overwhelming attacks against her targets,
moving with speed and precision against even the mightiest foe. The Giant-Slaying
Strike may supplement any unarmed attack. The attack becomes unblockable and
undodgeable, and if it is successful, the target takes the character’s Essence in un-
soakable dice of lethal damage in addition to the normal damage of the attack. This
damage is dealt entirely seperately from the main attack.
Source: FrivYeti

Devastating Stinger Strike

Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Scorpion II 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Poison
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Stinging Tail Prana
Focusing all of her essence into a single powerful attack, the character strikes
with the power of the scorpion, sliding her weapon through gaps in her enemy’s armor
to pierce vunerable flesh. This Charm supplements a single unarmed attack. If the
attack succeeds, the target loses all of their soak and Hardness from armor.
Source: FrivYeti

Scuttling Scorpion Defense

Cost: 2 motes; Mins: Essence 1, Scorpion II 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: —
When faced with danger, scorpions scuttle backwards, out of the path of danger.
This Charm may be activated in response to an attack, allowing the character to break

a flurry. This Charm allows a character to move (Martial Arts) yards away from an
attacker after the attack resolves, requiring the attacker to pursue or else lose all other
attacks in the current flurry. This Charm does not reduce a character’s DV, and it
may be applied with normal counter-attacks, but it otherwise follows the normal rules
of counter-attack Charms.
Source: FrivYeti

Scorpion Pincer Technique

Cost: 2 motes; Mins: Essence 1, Scorpion II 2; Type: Supplemental (Step 7)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Stackable
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: —
The scorpion’s powerful claws immobilize its prey so that it can move in for
the kill. This Charm may be activated whenever an unarmed attack successfully hits
her opponent. The target of the attack takes a -1 penalty to all physical actions for
the duration of the scene. This Charm may apply its penalty over successive attacks,
but may not apply more than (Martial Arts) worth of total penalties.
Source: FrivYeti

Walking Unmoved
Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Serene Path 5; Type: Simple (speed 5)
Keywords: Compulsion, Social
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Unyielding Stance, Yielding Stance
””’Adept:”’ Do we fight, or do we avoid it? ”””’Master:”’ Yes. ”
The Serene Path Adept does not seek confrontation, yet he does not avoid it when
thrust upon him. The Walker of the Even-Way is skilled in the arts of the warrior
and the sage, yet he chooses to not use them.
By making his capability known the Adept changes the perception others have of
him, perhaps making them think upon what they do.
This quandary is confusing to people used to violence and they become unsure,
questioning their motives and those of the Adept.
This charm causes a form of ”’Unnatural Mental Influence”’ prompting any who
do not resist to believe that they are inferior in skill to the Adept, causing an internal
penalty to all attacks and offensive actions, including social actions, equal to the
Adepts Martial Arts+(any appropriate specialty) minus the Targets’ highest virtue.
The target(s) may resist this effect by spending three points of temporary
While this charm is active the effects of ”’Grain Amongst Sand”’ are negated.
*To seek out is to invite confrontation;
*Walk without searching.
*To hide oneself is to invite stagnation;
*Remain without being hidden.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Reflexive Interception Kata

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3, Serene Path 5; Type: Permanent

Keywords: Stackable
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Sudden Expression of Determination
””’Student:”’ What if I am not ready for a fight? ”””’Master:”’ Yow will be.
Now begin the exercise. ”
This charm is a series of exercises designed to harden the Walker of the Even Path’s
body while making him more flexible, allowing him to parry lethal damage without a
stunt and adding one to his effective martial arts score for the purposes of calculating
his PDV.
*The result of practice does not bring balance;
*Practice brings balance.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Fire Still Burns

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3, Serene Path 5; Type: Permanent
Duration: Permanent, Stackable
Prerequisites: Sudden Expression of Determination
””’Student:”’ Master, it hurts, why must I do this? ”””’Master:”’ Do you wish
to endure this pain now, or be surprised by it later? ”
The Walker of the Even Path knows his limits and seeks to increase them. He he
is taught meditations that focus on healing his body, hardening it, making his bones
denser and skin thicker. This works for spirits as they learn to make their manifested
form more durable.
For each time this charm has been taken the Walker of the Even Path may spend
2m to ignore one point of wound penalty he has gained.
In addition the Walker of the Even Path gains a single -1 health level.
This charm may be taken no more times than the Walkers Permanent Essence
*Mastering others requires force;
*Mastering the self requires strength;
*To have strength one needs not force.
*He who knows himself is strong;
*He who has not mastered himself is master of nothing.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Sudden Expression of Determination

Cost: 3m, 1w; Mins: Essence 2, Serene Path 3; Type: Simple (speed 3 DV-4)
Keywords: Emotion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Flame Avoidance Prana
””’Student:”’ Then how does one know when to attack? ”””’Master:”’ You
will know, and so will your foes. ”
There comes a point when enough is enough. The Walker of the Even Path sets his
body and will for the coming violence. This sudden focus surprises his foes, causing
a small hesitation on their part.
Once per scene the Walker of the Even Path may cause the action of combat to

pause imperceptibly, prompting a new join battle roll to be initiated, one in which
the Walker acts on tick zero.
This happens at the end of the stated speed of the charm, all normal join combat
abilities come into play, this charm specifically cannot be used for join war rolls.
This form of natural influence can be resisted with the expenditure of two points of
temporary willpower, however, those who don’t still have their combat actions reset
and the Walker takes his action before them.
*The path is not an unvarying way;
*To walk it is to remain unchanged.
*The Path is life, it is pain and joy;
*Life is change: we are life.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Yielding Stance
Cost: 8m; Mins: Essence 3, Serene Path 4; Type: Simple (speed 4)
Keywords: Form, Counterattack
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Fire Still Burns
””’Master:”’ Your foes attack, from all sides they come at you threatening to
wash over you like a great wave, what do you do? ”
””’Adept:”’ I do not resist, I stand yielding and accepting letting the wave pass
through me. ”
The Adept opens himself to attack, allowing his opponents to throw their whole
strength upon him. Such nonresistance is strange and hard to counter for most
warriors; the Adept does not ”want” to be injured? ”Does he?”
The adept drops his guard, ”’halving his Defense values”’, but gains a martial arts
counterattack against all melee attacks made against him. Because he opens himself
to attack the Adept is able to pull his opponent off balance doubling the opponents
DV penalties.
*The serene master is a student;
*The student never stops learning.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Unyielding Stance
Cost: 8m; Mins: Essence 3, Serene Path 4; Type: Simple (speed 4)
Keywords: Form, Knockback
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Reflexive Interception Kata
””’Master:”’ The world is full of darkness and light; ’good’ can kill and ’evil’
can save; when do you take a stance against action? ”
””’Adept:”’ I will trust in myself and my path; I will know when to give and when
to stand.”
The Adept abandons all attempts to deal damage and solely defends himself an
his companions, the Adept may not deal damage with any attack, including attacks
supplemented with charm use. This allows him to focus on the defense and he may
use his full Defense values; he does not divide them in half as is standard. The Adept
may attempt to interpose himself between his foes and his allies and he may redirect

one attack per action to himself. He must still physically move to intercept the attack
so this effect is limited to allies within a radius of the Adepts Permanent Essence x2
Secondly, any time he successfully defends against an attack, or makes an attack,
his opponent is knocked back in a direction chosen by the Adept a number of yards
equal to the his ”’Martial Arts attack pool”’ - the opponents ”’Dexterity + Athletics”’.
*The serene student is a master;
*The student learns from the master.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Flame Avoidance Prana

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Serene Path 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: Actions = Martial Arts
Prerequisites: Grain Amongst Sand
””’Student:”’ But there are those who embrace violence, how does one respond
to them?”””’Master:”’ One who attacks without cause or provocation is to be pitied,
not struck.”
The opening blows of a fight do not always mean the fight is unavoidable or even
wanted. For the duration of this charm the Walker of the Even Path focuses on
avoiding harm to himself and others, adding his Martial Arts to his post calculation
Defense Values.
”’Any”’ offensive action, including attack actions, any overtly aggressive action
that would cause a join battle roll, join debate roll or is overtly aggressive or an
antagonistic action by the Walker of the Even Path ends this charm prematurely and
it can not be reactivated for the duration of the scene.
The Defend Other action is not considered offensive for the purposs of this charm.
*Knowing others is wisdom;
*Knowing the self is enlightenment.
*One needs wisdom to achieve enlightenment.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Fate of Stone
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Serene Path 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Social, Combo-Ok
Duration: Commitment
Prerequisites: Walking Unmoved
””’Master:”’ They speak of building an eternal foundation, unchanging through
time. A new era is at hand they cry.”””’Master:”’ Wood rots, stone crumbles; the
only foundation worth building upon is life itself.”
The master knows that all things end, he sees the path and that is eventually leads
to the passing of all things. He does not seek such endings nor does he aid or resist;
he only knows of it and lest it come to pass like all things must. This knowledge
brings with it the ability to focus on what truly matters and
The master spend no less than an entire day meditating upon his place, his goals
and the effect upon the whole, at the end of this he commits 5m and 1 point of
Temporary Willpower to reinforcing his thoughts and feelings upon all things.

Whenever the master is subject to mental influence he may choose to not resist
their effects, essentially setting his MDV to 0 and allowing whatever the effect is to
succeed. Anytime, during or after the effects of the influence come into play the
Master may spend 2m to remove the effect of any influence, compulsion or emotion
caused by unnatural mental influence for one scene. This is effectively a perfect social
Any time the Master spends a long tick meditating he may spend a point of tempo-
rary willpower and effectively ’reset’ his goals to their previous state, eliminating any
intimacies, compulsion or emotion effects that have come into play since he committed
the motes to this charm.
The Master is not limited in how many times he can do this except in two ways:
the amount of willpower he has and his limit break. If his limit should break he looses
the motes committed to this charm and may not use it again without recommitting
the motes and willpower.
*Determination inspires others and roots one to their cause;
*The even path is not filled with determination, but passion.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Inspiring Horizons Prana

Cost: 10, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Serene Path 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Social, Emotion, Mandate
Duration: Scene, Special(see text)
Prerequisites: Walking Unmoved
””’Master:”’ The people cry for heroes, they wish to be saved and give anything
to one who promises them the world. ”””’Master:”’ Then imagine what they would
do for one who promised nothing and delivered the world. ”
The Master does not conspire or plan, he does not drive events but rather moves
with events, taking personal action as he sees fit. Sometimes these actions inspire
people to greatness, they see the peace the Walker of the Even Path has attained and
are desiring of it. This ability to inspire can be dangerous, an inferno of action can
just as easily consume the world as ones enemies. But a controlled burn can spark
hope and drive mortals to greater things; just by showing the path the hearts can be
focused upon it.
This charm causes a form subtle influence; when the Walker starts an action he may
activate this charm making his actions and that of any other assisting in the action
one automatic success in any rolls to aid in that action for the charms duration. Only
one roll per person, per action may benefit from this. This success does not count
toward any die cap or limit. This success can not add to derived values such as DV’s
or Soak.
The second ability of this charm causes a form natural mental influence; when the
Walker is performing or has has just performed some action seen by the public, he
may activate this charm to it instill an aura of hope and harmony in a person or
group. Through his actions the Master inspires this person or group toward a goal
which they believe will better themselves or their society. This is not a ’normal’ social
attack, as rarely is there any speaking or active guidance from the Walker of the Even
By committing the normal cost of this charm, the Walker may make an appropriate
(Performance, Presence or Socialize)+Permanent Essence Score against his target(s)

MDV. Every success beyond the threshold instills one level of intimacy in the target
up to a three dot intimacy and lasts a number of months equal to the Walkers Essence
or he uncommits the cost, whichever comes first.
This intimacy is never harmful or directly destructive to the person or culture and
will never be in opposition to the workings of the culture. It cannot inspire loyalty or
subservience where such loyalty would harm or utterly change the culture in question.
This intimacy adds its rank in bonus dice to any action or value related to it. It
cannot add to damage or soak for any reasons, only group activities who’s goal is in
the best interests of that person or groups society.
””’Example:””’ if the master defends a village from a Deathknight and his army,
the Masters actions can inspire the people to defend themselves from further attacks,
effectively gaining an intimacy of ’defend ourselves from the undead’. Furthermore,
the people will believe that they can do it.
*Passion changes hearts and wins the mind;
*The even path is not filled with passion, but determination.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Grain Amongst Sand

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Serene Path 3; Type: Simple (speed 6)
Duration: Infinite
””’Student:”’ What is the fastest way to end a fight?”””’Master:”’ The quickest
end to violence is to avoid it entirely. Do not seek violence and you will live longer.”
The Walker of the Even Path becomes hard to pick out of a crowd, he is plain and
nondescript, not looking like a fighter at all. As long as the motes remain committed,
this adds his Martial Arts score to the difficulty of any roll made to identify him, pick
him out of a group or gauge his capability; people can still see him but just cannot
picture him as a threat. This also reduces his effective b Face by the same amount.
This is a form of subtle natural influence and anyone with a higher permanent Essence
score than the Walker can see through this for the scene by spending a willpower.
This ability lasts until reflexively dismissed or the Walker makes a join combat
*The individual is part of the group;
*Walkers of the Path are individuals.
*The group is part of the world;
*One must remain separate from the world.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Seven Dancing Thunders 3; Type: Reflexive (Step
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Until Next Action
Prerequisites: Thunder Strike Technique
Lightning and thunder dance among the clouds, never staying still. With this
Charm, the user emulates this fact, twisting and turning, staying constantly in motion.

Until his next action, he may add his permanent Essence to his dodge DV.
Source: Krigare

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Seven Dancing Thunders 5; Type: Simple (Speed
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Knockback, Crippling
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Thunderstorm Assault Technique
A raging bolt of lighting hitting true is a devastating event to occur. It can
destroy many defenses, and leave a person gasping for air. So to does this attack
leave it oppents dazed and confused, open to further attacks.
If the attack hits, it does no damage, but instead throws the target back 1 yard for
every point of pre soak damage it would have done. The target can make a reflexive
(Stamina + Resistance) roll to try and negate this knockback, every success negates
one yard of knockback. Further, if the target takes any knockback, they must make an
opposed (Stamina + Essence) roll against the attackers (Strength + Essence) or take
a -3 penalty to all DVs for a number of ticks equal to the attacking Exalts (Strength
+ Essence).
Source: Krigare

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Seven Dancing Thunders 4; Type: Simple (Speed
Keywords: Form-Type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Speed of Thunder, Thunder Strike Attack
The Exalt infuses himself with the Essence of a storm, a violent barely restrained
fury. Lightning crackles over his body, arcing out to touch his foes, and in his eyes if
the fury of a storm unleashed.
The Exalts Dodge DV is increased by an amount equal to half his Martial Arts
Ability to his dodge DV while this form is active. In addition, his unarmed attacks
damage is increased by half his Essence, and such attacks are considered lethal dam-
Source: Krigare

Cost: 10m, 1wp 1lhl; Mins: Essence 5, Seven Dancing Thunders 5; Type: Simple
(Speed 5)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Thundering Rage Style
The ultimate goal of any practioner of the style is this technique. The Exalt
momentarily converts his entire body to electricity, becoming a thunderbolt for a brief
When this charm is used, the Exalt may make 2 attacks at his full dice pool to a
number of targets equal to his essence, all of whom must be within (Essence x 3) yards

of the Exalt. Any Charm effects from this cascade that are in effect that increase
damage may be applied, but no Charm (even comboed reflexive charms) may increase
the Exalts damage once this attack has been started. Until his next action, his dodge
DV is increased by his Essence Score, which may be supplemented by reflexive charms
as normal. No target may counterattack the Exalt using this charm.
Source: Krigare

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Seven Dancing Thunders 3; Type: Reflexive (Step
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Dancing Thunder Style
Thunder can move impossibly fast, leaping from place to place with grace and
speed, leaving nothing but destruction in its wake. An Exalt using this Charm mimics
that, attacking and moving with lighting speed and grace. He reduces the speed of
any unarmed attack by one, to a minimum of 3, and doubles his movement for his
action (which may be a dash).
Source: Krigare

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Seven Dancing Thunders 5; Type: Simple
(Speed 4)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: (Martial Arts) Actions
Prerequisites: Lightning Strike Prana
The Exalt summons raw untamed lighting to his body, crackling with its energy
and power. When he strikes a foe, that foe is bathed in electrical energy, which is
often as dangerous as the blow itself.
For the Charms duration, the Exalts unarmed damage is now considered to be
(Strength + Essence). This stacks with the Seven Dancing Thunders Form Charm.
Any form weapon adds its accuracy and damage as usual.
Furthermore, any target struck by an attack so infused, must make a (Stamina +
Resistance) roll against a difficulty of the Exalts attack successes, or take an external
-1 penalty to all actions until their DV refreshes twice.
Source: Krigare

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Seven Dancing Thunders 3; Type: Simple (Speed
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Dancing Thunder Style
A clap of thunder can stun even the mightiest of opponents, making them
wonder what hit them even though no damage was done. Practitioners of this style
emulate this with this charm, delivering a solid blow that, while doing no damage,
makes the opponent feel like he has been hit by a bolt of lighting.

After a successful Martial Arts attack, which does not damage the opponent, the
Exalts players rolls (Strength + Essence) opposed by the targets (Stamina + Resis-
tance). Every two successes the Exalt rolled to hit adds one to his dice pool for this
roll. If the target looses the roll, he is considered stunned for a number of actions
equal to the amount he failed the roll by. This charm does not stack with itself;
multiple applications simply reset the duration
Source: Krigare

Cost: Varies; Mins: Essence 3, Seven Dancing Thunders 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Raging Thunder Strike Attack, Thunder Palm Style
Charging his hands with Essence, then converting it to electricity, the Exalt
then releases it in a bolt of lightning one yard wide that extends for a number of
yards equal to his essence. His attack roll is (Perception + Martial Arts), with a
number of automatic successes equal to his Essence. The bolt inflicts a number of
lethal health levels equal to his essence per mote spent on the attack to all targets in
the area of effect (1 yard wide, (Essence) yards long). He cannot spend more Motes
than his Essence rating. This attack cannot be parried.
Source: Krigare

Cost: 3m per attack; Mins: Essence 3, Seven Dancing Thunders 4; Type: Extra
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Seven Dancing Thunders Form
The fury of a thunderstorm knows no bounds, dealing out death and destruction
in the blink of an eye. So to does a Seven Dancing Thunders practitioner leave nothing
but destruction in his wake when he uses this Charm.
This Charm is a magical flurry. For every 3 motes spent, the Exalt makes an
additional unarmed attack using his full dice pool, to a maximum number of attacks
equal to his Martial Arts rating. The DV penalty of this flurry is equal to the highest
DV penalty of any one attack, with an additional -1 DV for each target beyond the
Source: Krigare

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Seven Dancing Thunders 5; Type: Simple
(Speed 4)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Thunderbolt Attack Style
The fury of an untamed storm is vast and beautiful in its destructive capabilities.
It can move fast, and strike even faster. While this charm is active, the Exalt triples

his normal rate of movement. His jumping distance is also tripled (in the case of Air
Dragon Blooded, this stacks with his innate ability to provide five times his normal
leaping distance). He may reflexively pay one mote, which does not count as a charm
use, to lower the speed of any unarmed attack (including attacks with form weapons)
by 2, to a minimum of 3. These benefits last for the duration of the scene.
Source: Krigare

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Seven Dancing Thunders 2; Type: Supplemntal
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: —
The fury of a lighting strike is fast and will catch the slow unawares. This
Charm supplements a characters Join Battle action, adding a number of dice equal
to his essence to his Join Battle Roll. Furthermore, if he strikes an opponent with a
lower join battle total (i.e. someone he goes before), that opponent is caught unaware,
barring the use of Charms to notice the surprise attack.
Source: Krigare

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Seven Dancing Thunders 4; Type: Supple-
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Seven Dancing Thunders Form
Lighting can dance from target to target, and practioners of this style use the
energy they have learned to channel to do much the same. When an Exalt strikes
with an attack aided by this Charm, electricity leaps from foe to foe, consuming all
in its path.
If an attack aided by this charm connects, a bolt of lighting leaps from the target to
the nearest available target, striking with roll of the Exalts (Dexterity + Essence) and
doing the Exalts Essence in damage. This attack ignores DV, and any soak provided
by metal armor. It continues to leap from target to target (anyone but the Exalt who
summoned it), until it misses a target or has struck a number of foes equal to the
Exalts Essence.
The Exalt may pay one mote per target as a reflexive action to have it avoid certain
targets (such as allies) if he so wishes
Source: Krigare

The Turning of the Days

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 4, Seven Days 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Seven Days Form
The week is its own, cycling and recycling. It encapsulates every day of year,
but is not the year. It becomes every month and season, but is not the months or

seasons. This Charm permanently enhances the martial artist. Any time the Exalt
uses The Auspicious Turning of Seven Days Combo after using it on his previous
action, this new activation of it costs only two motes instead of a willpower. Every
Day Charm has to be activated, however, to have this benefit.
Furthermore, any reflexive Charms may be added to this Combo at its normal cost
by training for eight hours a day for seven days straight, starting Sunday and ending
Source: Limited Reagent

The Flow of One to the Next (Moonday)

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Seven Days 3; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Day 2
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: A Powerful Beginning (Sunday)
With the second day, work truly begins, and the people of Creation ready
themselves for the long week ahead. The Exalt makes a magical flurry of (Day)
unarmed Martial Arts attacks that ignores Rate. The DV penalty is the greatest of
any action in the flurry. The multiple action penalties are reduced to -1 for the first
attack, -2 for the second, -3 for the third, etc.
If this Charm is the next one activated after its prerequisite, within the scene, then
all attacks in this flurry have no multiple action penalties instead.
Source: Limited Reagent

Triumph Over Oneself (Marsday)

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Seven Days 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Day 3
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: The Flow of One to the Next (Moonday)
Challenges are introduced, and there are setbacks, but none too great to pose
panic or failure. For the rest of the action, all internal penalties, but not multiple
action penalties, are reduced by (Day).
If this Charm is the next one activated after its prerequisite, within the scene, then
the DV penalty for all attacks for the remainder of the action are reduced to zero.
Source: Limited Reagent

The Quick and Lambent Strike (Mercuryday)

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Seven Days 3; Type: Simple (Speed 3, DV -2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Day 4
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Triumph Over Oneself (Marsday)
The paths of the week are set with Mercuryday, as work has started and things
get done. The Exalt makes an unarmed Martial Arts attack. This Charm has a lower
speed than normal.
If this Charm is the next one activated after its prerequisite, within the scene, the
Exalt may also move (Day x 2) yards as a reflexive jump or dash before the attack.
Source: Limited Reagent

No Barrier is Too Strong (Jupiterday)
Cost: 1m per 2 soak reduced; Mins: Essence 3, Seven Days 4; Type: Reflexive
(Step 8)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Day 5
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: The Quick and Lambent Strike (Mercuryday)
Mid week there are problems, but with cleverness and knowledge, they are
fixed. This Charm is used before Hardness or soak is applied. The target’s total soak
is reduced by up to (Day) for the cost of one mote per two soak removed.
If this Charm is the next one activated after its prerequisite, within the scene, it
also negates all Hardness.
Source: Limited Reagent

Happiness at Last (Venusday)

Cost: 1m per post-soak die, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Seven Days 4; Type: Reflex-
ive (Step 8)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Day 6
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: No Barrier is Too Strong (Jupiterday)
The main challenges of the week are concluded, and with that pleasure and,
perhaps, a bit of rest or evening fun. This Charm is activated when the Exalt hits a
target; after soak is applied, but before damage dice are rolled. It costs one mote per
post-soak die in the pool. For every level of damage dealt to the target, the martial
artist gains one temporary willpower. This cannot raise the martial artist’s willpower
above its normal maximum.
If this Charm is the next one activated after its prerequisite, within the scene, the
Exalt can choose to gain (Day) motes instead of the willpower. This Charm cannot
increase the Exalt’s Essence pool past its maximum, and he can never gain more than
20 motes from any combination of Charms, including this one.
Source: Limited Reagent

What Ends May Bring (Saturnday)

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Seven Days 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Day 7
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Happiness at Last (Venusday)
As Saturnday comes, the work of the week ends, either with success or failure.
This Charm may be invoked immediately after a flurry has ended. This Charm may
not be used if the target(s) of the flurry can not or did not defend itself. The Exalt
heals (successful attacks in the flurry - unsuccessful attacks in the flurry) bashing or
half that lethal health levels.
If this Charm is the next one activated after its prerequisite, within the scene, the
Exalt instead heals (successful attacks in the flurry) health levels.
Source: Limited Reagent

Seven Days Form

Cost: 7m; Mins: Essence 4, Seven Days 5; Type: Simple

Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: What Ends May Bring (Saturnday)

The week is separated into seven by the sun. Four make up the month, as deemed
by the moon. But the week itself is a whole unit of time, unto itself, that is not
determined wholly by any celestial body.
This Charm costs one mote for each day of the week, each Charm that comes
before this one. The martial artist strong and whole; he adds (Day) dice to his DVs
and (Day) to is bashing and lethal soak. He is aware of the cycle of time in the
world around him; the Exalt adds (Day) dice to all his Awareness checks and knows
the exact time, day of the week and month, the month, and day of the year, for the
remainder of the scene.
Source: Limited Reagent

A Powerful Beginning (Sunday)

Cost: 1m per two dice; Mins: Essence 2, Seven Days 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Day 1
Duration: One action
As the sun rises, so does Sunday begin the week, strong and bright, ready for
all things to come. For the cost of one mote per two dice, add up to (Day) to the
martial artist’s Damage for the action.
If this is the first Charm invoked on an action, add one automatic successes to
all attack rolls for the duration of this Charm, however this costs one temporary
Source: Limited Reagent

Gills and Fins Technique

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Shark 2; Type: Simple (Speed 4, DV -1)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Scene
This charm endows the character the aquatic grace and marine nature of a
hunting shark. The character may move as easily as if he was on land. He swims
his normal walking distance as a reflexive move action and can breathe water. Addi-
tionally, his vision functions without penalty. While potent, Gills and Fin Technique
does not completely overcome the inherent clumsiness of the human body in water.
The character remains subject to the combat dice pool penalties for fighting while
submerged. Also complicated underwater maneauvers still require swim rolls and any
mobility penalty still applies in full.
””’Author’s Notes:”’ Is this too cornercase? ”
Source: Democritus

Crushing Jaws Maneuver

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Shark 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK,

Duration: One action
The shark attacks quickly and with force, trying to fell his prey with one single
mighty bite.
The martial artist adds his Essence to his Accuracy and Damage until the next
action. However he also reduces his weapon’s rate by 1, to a minimum of 1. If
this attack also successfully inflicts at least one health level of damage, consider the
martial artist having tasted his victims blood for the use of other charms.
””’Author’s Notes:”’ hm hum?”
Source: Democritus

Shark Form
Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Shark 5; Type: Simple (Speed 4, DV -1)
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Gills and Fins Technique, Crushing Jaws Maneuver
The martial artist adopts the silent grace and terrible bite of the shark. He
furthers his resilience as his hide takes on the properties of that of the shark, cutting
the fools trying to hold the practicioner and slipping out of their grasp.
The martial artist’s unarmed attacks deal lethal damage and he can parry lethal
attacks with his hands. Add the stylists Martial Arts to his movement and ignore all
movement penalties when moving in water or muck. He can also ignore all penalties to
combat resulting from being in or under water. He also ignores all penalties (internal
and external) caused by negative magical effects based on the element of Water. This
includes but is not limited to Dragon-Blooded charms with the Elemental keyword.
He also adds his Essence to his natural bashing soak, and may use this value to
replace his natural lethal soak. His smooth hide also allows him to add his Martial
Arts in automatic successes when trying to free himself from restraint. This also
applies to rolls to control a clinch under the condition that he will break the hold,
should he succeed. Whenever an opponent chooses to crush, hold or throw him in
a grapple he can reflexively spend 1 mote to instantly inflict Strength + Essence
damage on his attacker. This damage is piercing and this does not count as a Charm
use for the turn.
A character cannot use more than one Martial Arts Form-type Charm at a time.
The character must end Shark Form to assume another Martial Arts form.
””’Author’s Notes:”’ The whole grapple concept is also based on the ”don’t get
caught” idea behind fast attacking sharks.”
Source: Democritus

Drowning the World Technique

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Shark 5; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Shark Form
Using his own essence to infuse the surrounding air with the properties of water,
the air behaves like a fluid. Breathing is not hindered, but -(Essence / 2, round up)
external penalties are inflicted on all beings within Essence x 2 yards, including the

Martial Artist. These penalties come from being underwater, so anything able to
effortlessly move within water can ignore these penalties.
At Essence 5 or above, the character can spend 6 additional motes and one addi-
tional willpower to automatically activate Shark Form when activating this charm.
””’Author’s Notes:”’ This charm requires Shark Form to work properly, I know.
Thus the Es 5 special condition”
Source: Democritus

Superior Hunter’s Senses

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Shark 5; Type: Simple (Speed 3, DV-1)
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Shark Form
The sharks of Creation are predators known for their excellent senses. They
can smell blood for many miles and sense vibrations caused by hiding or fleeing foes.
The martial artist can fight perfectly in darkness or underwater, ignoring all vision
penalties when fighting enemies within the range of this charm. He may also add his
Essence in additional dice to all awareness rolls. When locating certain foes, he can
also add their wound penalties in additional dice (the highest one in case of multiple
foes). If he has tasted their blood previously, add 2 automatic successes to locate
them. This charm has a range of Essence x 5 yards on land and Essence x 100 yards
in water. When in the same body of water as his enemies, he can not be surprised or
surrounded, even if that body is only a small, ankle-deep puddle.
””’Author’s Notes:”’ Overpowered?”
Source: Democritus

Maiming Bite Attack

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Shark 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Stackable
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Shark Form
The wounds caused by the many rows of shark teeth are terrible and painful.
An attack enhanced with this charm causes lethal damage. If the attack has at
least one dice of post-soak damage (wether it causes damage or not) an additional -1
penalty is inflicted. This penalty is treated as an additional wound penalty (directly
substracting from DVs, movement rates and reducing dice pools beneath essence)
and it affects the victim until healed. One -1 penalty is removed whenever one health
level is healed. Once a character is fully healed remove one remaining penalty per
additional hour spent resting. This time is doubled for mortals.
If this attack also successfully inflicts at least one health level of damage, consider
the martial artist having tasted his victims blood for the use of other charms. The
wound also bleeds profusley, raising the difficulty to close wounds reflexively by 2.
””’Author’s Notes:”’ Maybe it is too powerful, but it’s 2m more expensive than
Searing Fist Attack (fire dragon style)”
Source: Democritus

Cunning Shark Taste
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Shark 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Superior Hunter’s Senses
With the taste of an enemies blood on his tongue, the cunning shark is able to
gauge his prey.
Roll Wits+Investigation or Wits+Awareness with a difficulty of the opponents
Essence and divide successes as follows: Reveal one Charm (decided by storyteller)
for 1 success, type of being for 3 successes or important combat statistics such as
Join Battle or accuracy (one stat per success). Attack successes are divided amongst
different pieces of information as the characters player sees fit. This charm can be
used only once per enemy per encounter.
””’Author’s Notes:”’ Why investigation? Shouldn’t it be Awareness to be more in
tune with the min requirements? Or MA respectively?”
Source: Democritus

Blur of Teeth and Blood Technique

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Shark 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 1 and 9)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Maiming Bite Attack
Sharks are known for their powerful and deadly hit and run attacks, leaving
their prey wounded and bleeding before they return for the final kill.
When using this charm in step 1, the attacker may reflexively move his regular dash
distance in yards before attacking. If he moved at least (10-Essence) yards toward
his enemy, he may double his excess attack successes for the purposes of determining
damage. This attack also causes piercing damage. If used with weapons that double
armor it removes this disadvantage, resulting in armor being applied only once.
Furthermore, for spending an additional 2 motes at the start of step 9, before
any counterattacks take place, the attacker may instantly move a number of yards
equal to his regular move speed (modified as appropriately). If this takes the martial
artist out of the counterattacker’s range, then no counterattack takes place. This also
breaks off any potential flurries of the attacker.
If this charm is used underwater, the martial artist may reflexively spend 2 motes
to attempt to reestablish surprise, by hiding in the mist of blood and bubbles caused
by his furious attack.
””’Author’s Notes:”’ hum hum. Is this too complicated? I love the underwater
hiding effect though. A small bonus, but awesome.
Source: Democritus

Unrelenting Predator Focus

Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Shark 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Week
Prerequisites: Cunning Shark Taste, Blur of Teeth and Blood Technique, Drown-
ing the World Technique

Once the Shark has chosen it’s prey, it can no longer be stopped. The cold
hunter pursues his target with relentless and deadly efficency.
The martial artist may use this charm on any one opponent whose blood he has
tasted at least once within the last 24 hours. Once activated, the charm is in effect
for one week, and it can always only be in effect on one person at a time. During this
time, the martial artist finds it hard to concentrate (temperance rolls as appopriate)
on anything else than bringing his prey down. His motivation is temporarily changed
to ”hunt and destroy target” and he never fails a conviction or valor roll related to
this goal. However he automatically fails all compassion rolls in regards to his target
and anyone in his way.
He has no difficulty tracking his prey, smelling his blood up to a distance of Essence
x 10 miles on land or Essence x 200 miles in water. Hunting a target on a ship or
similar water vessel counts as if that target was in the water. Add Martial Arts in
additonal successes to all rolls to track the target when a roll is neccessary.
While actively pursuing and attacking his prey, the practicioner may ignore all
wound penalties inflicted on him. He also raises his DVs and MDVs against his
target by 2 during this time. He can also eschew the need for sleep without negative
effects by spending 2 motes per night. Finally, the practicioner knows his opponents
weakness, inflicting Essence additional dice of damage with each attack.
To prematurely end this charm, the character needs to successfully roll temperance
against a difficulty of (5 - days spent hunting, minimum 1). Once the chosen opponent
is dead, the charm ends prematurely and the motes spent are decommited.
””’Author’s Notes:”’ This is the pinnacle charm. It’s supposed to be awesome”
Source: Democritus

Strike of the Heavens

Cost: 7m+; Mins: Essence 3, Shin Tenken Ryu 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Shin Tenken Kata (True Heavenly Sword Form)
The martial artist’s understanding of reality and how objects exist in it sur-
passes that of most. As such, his attack does not travel through space, but simply
seems to cease to exist for a moment and then form again at its intended location,
reducing the attacks speed by 1 (but no to no less than 3) and making it undodgeable.
This enhanced attack adds the user’s permanent essence score to the damage rolled.
Moreover, the martial artist may spend up to his permanent essence in additional
motes to cause his attack to reach out with a possible range of (additional motes
of essence spent x user’s dots in martial arts). This makes the charm obvious as a
silhouette of the user made from his essence dashes forth to make the attack.
Source: Bulletprooffox

Tasting the Fruit of Possibility

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Shin Tenken Ryu 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: The Water’s Edge
The universe teems with the essence of all beings. Every moment courses with

it. The martial artist learns to drink some of this energy into himself. When attacked,
an exalt may choose to reduce his PDV by an amount no greater than his permanent
essence score. Should he successfully defend against an attack, he drinks in the effort
he held back, regaining twice the amount of penalty he suffered in essence.
Source: Bulletprooffox

Blade of Purity
Cost: 6m (1wp); Mins: Essence 3, Shin Tenken Ryu 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Holy
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Strike of the Heavens
Taking in the lessons of the world he has learned, the martial artist focuses on
the simplicity of the task at hand. In a single strike, he channels his essence into his
blade. The user adds his dots in martial arts to his damage roll. Also, this charm
may be made Holy if the user spends a point of willpower, allowing the additional
dice of damage to become automatic levels of damage instead. Using it in this way
renders the technique obvious
Source: Bulletprooffox

Sakura’s Heart
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Shin Tenken Ryu 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack, Illusion
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Shin Tenken Kata (True Heavenly Sword Form)
The practitioners of this style learn mind-bending truths of reality and its many
wonders, but are able to focus themselves through their swords. To others, such
realizations can be overwhelming to say the least, as even those who know the style
must practice constantly to internalize this knowledge. In many ways, the beautiful
and vibrant cherry blossom possesses similar properties. Gaze too deeply at the
thousands of blossoms and your senses can overwhelm you and your mind begins to
falter. This charm allows the martial artist to share this experience with anybody
foolish enough to attack him. Straying too close to someone grasping these truths
causes ones senses to overload as they gain a glimpse of reality in its entirety but
without the grounding to grasp it. After successfully parrying an attack, the martial
artist makes a counter attack, with a standard attack roll as normal, but checks it
against the target’s Dodge MDV. If successful, the attack deals no physical damage as
it seems to shatter into billions of pieces of essence sharing the user’s anima colors and
reforms instantly. Instead of the normal effects, the user rolls his permanent essence,
and each success imposes a -1 internal penalty on the target for all actions until the
end of the scene. This can be effect can be negated if the target has Shin Tenken
Kata activated (though it does nothing if activated after the effect takes place) and
can be guarded against with other mental defense charms that guard against illusions
and similar effects. Otherwise, the target must spend a point of temporary willpower
and a miscellaneous action to center his mind and end the effect.
Source: Bulletprooffox

Shin Tenken Kata (True Heavenly Sword Form)
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Shin Tenken Ryu 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-Type, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Stance of Tranquility
Slowly raising his blade, the martial artist attains a simple, yet elegant perfec-
tion of swordsmanship. His weapon glows the colors of his caste/aspect and his anima
manifests in full. The user adds his essence to his Parry DV, and his grounding in the
universe is such that he is able to parry attacks that he normally could not so long as
they are at least dodgeable or not otherwise perfect effects. Finally, this charm has a
unique effect on any dragonblooded who learn it. Their control of essence approaches
that of celestial exalts, and they may, upon activating this form, choose to negate
their anima flux. This choice once made remains until the charm ends.
Source: Bulletprooffox

Stance of Tranquility
Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Shin Tenken Ryu 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Meeting One’s Destiny, Tasting the Fruit of Possibility
Attuning his essence to the world around him, the martial artist finds his center
in his blade. The user gains a form of essence sight, and can also interact with
dematerialized spirits as well, as his essence reaches across the border between worlds.
He still must use his eyes and ears to sense these phenomena, as he has not yet
perfected this art, but he may detect surges of essence, no matter how subtle. As a
result, he automatically knows when a being is spending essence and any charms that
assist or cause an unexpected attack cause the attack to be expected, as he can feel
the build up beforehand.
Source: Bulletprooffox

Meeting One’s Destiny

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Shin Tenken Ryu 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Dancing Leaf
Fate may play out in ways beyond one’s comprehension. After all, who knows
what will really happen? However, we all do have the choices we make. We may
not know how they turn out, but it is still on us to make them. This charm reflects
that simple truth when supplementing a Join Battle Roll. The martial artist adds a
number of extra dice equal to his dots in martial arts to this roll and can draw his
sword as part of the Join Battle action without penalty. However, even if he gets to
go first, he may decide to delay his action for a number of ticks no more than his
permanent essence and add a likewise amount to his attack roll on his action. These
dice count against the normal cap of dice.
Source: Bulletprooffox

Harmony of the Blade
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Shin Tenken Ryu 5; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Sakura’s Heart
The masters of this style seem to blur the line between what is their sword and
what is the very essence of the universe. With this charm, the martial artist shifts
his attack into the very fabric of reality itself. As such, the user performs a magical
flurry consisting of a number of attacks equal to his Essence. This flurry ignores
the weapon’s normal rate and multiple-action penalties. Additionally, at this level of
understanding, the martial artist gains complete essence sight when using Stance of
Tranquility, and as such he cannot be surprised by any means and treats all attacks
as expected while using that charm.
Source: Bulletprooffox

Embracing Eternity
Cost: 10m, 1wp + 1wp to end the charm; Mins: Essence 4, Shin Tenken Ryu 5;
Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Varies
Prerequisites: Blade of Purity, Harmony of the Blade
At this dangerous level of mastery, much like those who master Dreaming Pearl
Courtesan Style, the martial artist comes close to the Blossom of the Perfected Lotus,
but the essence flow of this charm is unable to properly stabilize such power. As a
benefit, the user is able to use his sword to transform himself into a being of pure
essence and thus harmonize perfectly with the universe. He appears as a translucent,
semi-crystalline, semi-gelatenous, glowing form of himself that is colored the the same
hues as his anima. His sword and equipment are part of him and he cannot be
disarmed. Composed of essence, he is completely immune to crippling effects and
regenerates one lethal damage every round. He is unaffected by the forces of gravity
or friction and gains an additional dot of dexterity and strength which do not count
against his normal limits. His focus adds his permanent essence score to both of his
MDVs. This form also grants him additional bashing and lethal soak equal to his
dots in martial arts and aggravated soak equal to half his martial arts rounded up.
While in this state, he may use Tasting the Fruit of Possibility without it counting
as a charm use. This form forces him to have Shin Tenken Kata and Stance of
Tranquility automatically active and he cannot deactivate them while the charm
persists (dragonblooded must mute their anima flux in order to attain proper balance).
As a final benefit, each action, the martial artist is given a pool of automatic successes
equal to his permanent Essence score that he may split among any rolls as he sees fit,
and they do not count against his dice adding limit.
However, this perfection is not without its risks. Each action spent using this
charm makes the user risk complete destruction. After all, the martial artist is a
finite being and cannot fully maintain harmony with the infinite universe for very
long. Upon ending the charm, the martial artist must roll an unassisted (martial arts
+ Permanent Essence) roll, with a difficulty equal to the number of rounds spent
using the charm. Failure causes him to dissolve, leaving his equipment behind as his
being is reverted to pure essence and joins the infinite expanse of the universe. His

soul immediately enters Lethe. Even if he succeeds, the martial artist suffers limit
break for a number of days equal to his permanent Essence score as his mind and soul
try to recover from the strain.
Source: Bulletprooffox

Dancing Leaf
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Shin Tenken Ryu 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Every action or thought in the universe affects everything else as well. Simply
by watching the world, one can see how the universe lives and breathes. As a leaf
falls to the ground, the wind glides around it. But the leaf, by its very nature, is able
to use this to stay aloft, gently dancing in the air. The martial artist mimics this
grace when activating this charm in response to an attack. This allows him to treat
any unexpected attack as expected and prevents that particular attack from inflicting
onslaught penalties.
Source: Bulletprooffox

The Water’s Edge

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Shin Tenken Ryu 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Stackable
Duration: Instant
Causality is unrelenting, and simply by watching the world, one can see how
every motion brings about another. A simple example of this is found in water. Slowly,
but surely, water wears through all that it touches. This charm allows the martial
artist to mimic this tenacity. When using this charm, he may choose to sacrifice a
number of successes from a damage roll and reduce the opponent’s armored soak by
the same amount. For normal armor, this lasts for the scene unless its soak is reduced
to 0, in which case it is completely destroyed. Against artifact armor, the effect lasts
a number of actions equal to the martial artist’s permanent essence score.
Source: Bulletprooffox

Hero’s Flickering Candle

Cost: 1m or 2m; Mins: Essence 3, Shining Champion 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Action-Only
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Shining Champion Form
After being able to use the anima as weapon, there comes a time when it is
nessessary to draw it out or resheeve it. The practitioner can use this charm to move
his Anima Level up by 1 step, to a maximum of 5, or down by 1 step, to a minimum
of 0. If Shining Champion Form is active, the pracitioner can instead spend 2m to
move his Anima Level up or down by 2 instead of 1.
This charm does not count as a charm use if Fading Sun Form is active.
Source: DTemplar5

Chosen Essence Barrier
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Shining Champion 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One Tick
Prerequisites: Shining Champion Form
The anima banner not only is a weapon, but a shield that can defend the
Exalted. The anima clouds around the pracitioner, forming a short-lived shield that
performs a Defend Other action for it’s short existance. It has a Parry DV of (Essence
+ Anima Level) / 2. The cloud can be targeted and destroyed if need be, ending the
charm early. It has a soak of (Essence + Anima Level) for all forms of damage, and
a number of health levels equal to the practitioner’s Anima Level.
This charm does not count as a charm use if Crowning Sun Form is active.
Source: DTemplar5

Sudden Flare Revival

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Shining Champion 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Counterattack, Shaping
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Chosen Essence Barrier
Even while faded, anima can rise and fall in a heartbeat. The practitioner can
make an unarmed counterattack with Dexterity + Martial Arts + Anima Level, doing
damage as normal. If the practitioner deals at least one health level of damage, then
as a Shaping effect use his opponent’s Anima Level to reduce his or raise his own
Anima Level in a one-to-one rate of change.
This charm does not count as a charm use if Sleeping Sun Form is active.
Source: DTemplar5

Light Blinding Flash

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Shining Champion 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Shining Champion Form
The flash of the anima can blind the opponent, making attacks easier to execute.
The target takes an external penalty to their DV equal to the Anima Level of the
practitioner. However, this effect does not work if the target is blind, or is an Abyssal
Exalt with an Anima Level equal to or greater than the practitioner, as the darkness
snuffs out the light.
This charm does not count as a charm use if Rising Sun Form is active.
Source: DTemplar5

Wrath of the Chosen

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Shining Champion 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Emotion, War
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Light Blinding Flash
The Exalted are a terror to behold, especially in their wrath. The practitioner
rolls Charisma + Martial Arts + Anima Level vs any target’s MDV that can see the

practitioner. If the practitioner beats their MDV, the practitioner instills a great fear
within the target, causing them to run away. The cost to resist this unnatural mental
influence is the practitioner’s Anima Level minus the target’s own Anima Level, with a
minimum of 1WP. In Mass Combat, it instead provokes a Morale roll with a difficulty
of the practitioner’s Anima Level or lose a dot of Magnitude.
This charm does not count as a charm use if a Hero Style Form is active.
Source: DTemplar5

Shining Champion Form

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Shining Champion 4; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Form-Type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Anima Bolt Method, Bright Shining Hands, Flare Strike Tech-
The Chosen of the Gods shine brightly, the light harmful to their enemies.
The anima banner becomes a weapon in of itself, a force of nature. When within
Essence yards of the pracitioner, the anima deals an enviromental damage effect of
(Essence)L/action with a Trama of Anima Level.
The Form’s Dynamic trigger is whenever the pracitioner reaches Anima Level 5.
Source: DTemplar5

Resplendant Nova Tactics

Cost: 6m 1WP 1lhl; Mins: Essence 4, Shining Champion 5; Type: Reflexive
(Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Action-Only, Obvious, Holy, War
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Hero’s Flickering Candle, Sudden Flare Revival, Wrath of the
Taking the anima to it’s logical conclusion, the pracitioner lets the anima go
in a single focused burst. This burst is a one-time enviromental effect centered on
the pracitioner that is (Essence x Anima Level x 10) yards that deals (Essence x
Anima Level)L with a trama of Essence. For Creatures of Darkness, the damage is
Aggravated damage, and the trama is (Essence + Anima Level). In Mass Combat,
any Magnitude loss caused by the charm is not recoverable through rout checks. This
also sets the pracitioner’s Anima Level to 0, as his anima is snuffed out.
As a special exception, Abyssals, Green Sun Princes, and Akuma may learn this
charm, but it loses it’s Holy Keyword, and the cost changes to 6m 1WP 1ahl.
Source: DTemplar5

Anima Bolt Method

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Shining Champion 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
The force of an anima could be stretched out even further, to hit far away
targets. This allows the pracitioner to make an unarmed attack up to (Essence x 2)
x Anima Level yards away.

If Shining Champion Form is active, reduce the mote cost to 2m.
If a Hero Style form is active, this charm does not count as a charm use.
Source: DTemplar5

Flare Strike Technique

Cost: - (2m); Mins: Essence 2, Shining Champion 3; Type: Pernament
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Pernament
Anima is just as much an extention of an Exalt as much as a weapon, perhaps
even more so. For 2m per attack, the pracitioner can make his anima leap out with
an attack with the following stats:Speed 5, Acc +0, Dmg +(Anima Level x2)L, Def
+0, Rate 2 Tags: R
This reach of anima counts as a Form weapon for Shining Champion Form, Arms
of the Unconquered Sun Style, and any Hero Style, such as Terrestrial Hero, Lunar
Hero, and Dark Messiah Style.
If Shining Champion Form is active, the weapon adds half the Anima Level to
Accuracy and Defense of the anima attack.
Source: DTemplar5

Bright Shining Hands

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Shining Champion 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
The hands of the Exalted are mighty when their power is made manifest. When
making an unarmed attack, the Exalt add his Anima Level to damage of the weapon,
as the anima hardens his fists. A second purchase of this charm at Essence 4 increases
the damage bonus to Anima Level x 2.
If Shining Champion Form is active, this charm does not count as a charm use.
Source: DTemplar5

Free-as-Fish Fluidity
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Siaka 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Aquatic, Combo-Basic
Duration: One scene
For the scene, the martial artist suffers no external penalties to attacks or
clinches for being immersed in water.
Source: Vultur10

Savage Shark-Skin Emulation

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Siaka 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene

This Charm hardens the martial artist’s skin on arms and hands into the tooth-
studded leather of the siaka. The martial artist’s clinch crush damage becomes lethal
and is increased by (Essence) dice.
Source: Vultur10

Siaka Form
Cost: 5m 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Siaka 3; Type: Simple (Speed 6, DV -1)
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Awful Siaka Ascension
The martial artist’s skin becomes as tough as a great siaka’s, granting natural
lethal and bashing soak equal to +(Martial Arts). In addition, toothy skin covers the
martial artist’s hands, feet, legs and arms; he may deal lethal damage with unarmed
attacks. Finally, the martial artist gains +(Essence) lethal clinch crush damage as
with Savage Shark-Skin Emulation. If Savage-Shark-Skin Emulation is already active
(or is activated later), the damage increase from both Charms stacks.
Source: Vultur10

Overwhelming Tsunami Blow

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Siaka 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Siaka Form
When the siaka strikes, the sea shudders. This attack enhances an unarmed
Martial Arts attack, increasing its minimum damage to the martial artist’s Martial
Arts or his Essence +2, whichever is greater.
Source: Vultur10

Mauling Colossus Bite

Cost: 2m per level; Mins: Essence 3, Siaka 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Siaka Form
The siaka’s bite inflicts wounds terrible to behold. This supplements an un-
armed Martial Arts attack; the martial artist spends up to a maximum of (Martial
Arts + Essence) motes. If the attack hits, the raw damage is increased by one auto-
matic health level for every two motes spent.
”’Aquatic:”’ The post-soak damage is increased instead of the raw damage.
Source: Vultur10

Awful Siaka Ascension

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Siaka 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Savage Shark-Skin Emulation, Free-as-Fish Fluidity
The siaka strikes from beneath, and its victim is dead before they see the great

shark. This Charm supplements a Join Battle roll, allowing the martial artist to add
his Martial Arts to his Join Battle dicepool.
”’Aquatic:”’ The martial artist also adds a number of automatic successes equal
to his Essence to his Join Battle dicepool.
Source: Vultur10

Whale-Slayer Technique
Cost: –; Mins: Essence 3, Siaka 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Siaka Form

The siaka overcomes the largest whales, tearing through hide thicker than armor; so
may the martial artist experienced in its lore. This Charm permanently enhances the
martial artist’s unarmed attacks as follows: The martial artist’s clinch crush damage
ignores soak from Stamina. When the martial artist chooses the Fierce Blows option
(see Exalted: Second Edition, p. 158) with an unarmed Martial Arts attack, the
damage increase is doubled (+4L/A or +6B); the external penalty remains -1
Source: Vultur10

Sudden Shark Strike

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Siaka 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Siaka Form

If the first strike kills, no further defense is needed; this Charm enhances a roll to
make an unexpected attack, adding the martial artist’s Essence to the (Dexterity +
Stealth) roll.
Source: Vultur10

Limb-Destroying Attack
Cost: – (+2m); Mins: Essence 3, Siaka 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Crippling
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Whale-Slayer Technique, Sudden Shark Strike, Overwhelming
Tsunami Blow, Mauling Colossus Bite
The siaka’s bite usually leaves any survivor horribly maimed. This Charm per-
manently enhances Mauling Colossus Bite and Overwhelming Tsunami Blow. When
the martial artist applies at least one health level of damage in step 10 with an attack
enhanced by Mauling Colossus Bite or Overwhelming Tsunami Blow, he may spend
two motes reflexively (which does not count as a Charm activation) to maim either
an arm or a leg (see Exalted: Second Edition page 152 for effects). The arm or leg
is not actually severed, merely crushed and ruined; Exalted will eventually heal this
injury, but mortals will not.
”’Aquatic:”’ The limb is actually severed; even Exalted cannot heal this without

Source: Vultur10

Spirit Crippling Strike

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Sifu’s Hand 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: combo-OK, Obvious, Crippling, touch
Duration: Varies
Prerequisites: —, Exploding Heart Technique, Crutch-Disregarding Movement
The master has at last perfected his wisdom as he has reached the peak
of this tree; he now understands the meaning of all of his lessons and may
apply new ones as he sees fit. The martial artist may now develop charms
branching off of this tree at their own type’s power level; be it solar, terres-
trial, divine or anything else. Furthermore, the martial artist has attained a
mastery beyond possibility with this style; whenever he uses a charm with the
touch keyword that is in the charm cacade leading to this charm, add two au-
tomatic successes to the attack roll.2eCMACharm cost=6m, 1wpname=Crutch-
Disregarding Movementmin=4essence=3type=Reflexiveduration=One Scene-
trait=Sifu’s Handsource=TheHoverpopekeywords=combo-OK, obviouspc1=Sifu’s
Hand Formtext=The exalt moves with the elegant grace of a true master, step-
ping manipulating the battlefield at his whim. It is only a hint of a challenge to
avoid the tools and crutches that cripple lesser fighters, and in the process the
fighter eschews such crutches himself. For the duration of the charm, attacks and
defenses made by and against the martial artist lose weapon accuracy and de-
fense bonuses, as well as shield bonuses.2eCMACharm cost=7mmin=4name=Sifu’s
Hand Formessence=2type=Simple (Speed 5, DV -0)duration=One scenetrait=Sifu’s
Handsource=TheHoverpopekeywords=Form-Type, Obviouspc1=One Hundred and
Eight Points Striketext=The martial artist now understands the basic princi-
ples of form and style, moving with efficiency and grace. Reduce the speed of
the martial artist’s unarmed attacks by 1, to a minimum of 3. The martial
artist may ignore hardness at a cost of 1m per attack, and may parry lethal
attacks unarmed. In addition, the cost of Moving the Spirit Evasion is low-
ered to 1m while this charm is active.2eCMACharm name=Moving the Spirit
Handsource=TheHoverpopekeywords=combo-okpc1=Student’s Understanding-
text=The student of the Sifu’s Hand style understands that less movement,
not more, is always preferable. By seeming to shift slightly, to put one-
self out of the expected place, the student avoids blows with uncanny pre-
cision. The character may dodge or parry lethal attacks and may do so
without movement, adding essence in dice to the attempt.2eCMACharm
cost=3mmin=3essence=2type=supplementalduration=Instantname=One Hundred
and Eight Points Striketrait=Sifu’s Handsource=TheHoverpopekeywords=Combo-
OK, Stackable, Touch, Obvious, Cripplingpc1=Moving the Spirit Evasiontext=The
exalt strikes precisely and perfectly, striking one of the 108 points on a target where
their essence flows, crippling the site of the strike. On a successful strike, roll
essence with bonus dice equal to extra sucesses on the attack, against a difficulty
equal to the target’s essence. Reduce the strength of one selected limb by successes
on that roll to a minimum of 0, leaving it limp and lifeless for the duration of
the scene. This affects strength requirements for weapons and other equipment,
athletics, and any other purpose other than charm minimums. Note that good

stunting can avoid this problem until more than one or two limbs is incapacitated.
Crippling a leg halves movement rates for the duration of the injury.2eCMACharm
cost=4mmin=5essence=3type=Simple (Speed 4, -1 DV)duration=Instanttrait=Sifu’s
Handsource=TheHoverpopename=Exploding Heart Techniquekeywords=combo-OK,
touch, obviouspc1=Cunning Lithe Counterstriketext=The exalt strikes a blow so
deadly that it tears through the victim’s body, shattering bones and rupturing organs.
This attack does aggravated damage equal only to unsoakable essence ping, disre-
garding hardness. This damage cannot be increased by charms. Any mortal struck
by it dies instantly if they take even a single level of damage.2eCMACharm cost=3m,
1wpmin=5essence=3type=Reflexive (step 10)duration=One Scenetrait=Sifu’s Hand-
source=TheHoverpopename=Talent Swallowing Admonitionkeywords=combo-OK,
Obvious, Cripplingpc1=Spirit Crippling Striketext=The martial artist laughs at the
pitiful attempts of those who attack him, and as a rebuke to their insolence limits
their power. The martial artist targets one instant duration reflexive, supplemental,
or simple charm which enhanced the action he just defended against. The player
has full knowledge of what charms the attacker used, even if the character does
not. The target loses the use of that charm for the duration. They may activate
combos containing that charm as if it were not there, and may use charms for which
it is a prerequisite; they simply cannot activate the charm that they so impudently
threatened the master with.2eCMACharmcost=6mmin=5essence=3type=Reflexive
(step 9)duration=Instantname=Cunning Lithe Counterstriketrait=Sifu’s
Handsource=TheHoverpopekeywords=combo-OK, touch, counterattackpc1=Crutch-
Disregarding Movementtext=The martial artist feels the attacks of his opponents
pass him by like a breeze, deflects them with a precisely placed push with one finger,
and then counterattacks with a lightning quick strike.¡BR¿This charm grants a single
Martial-Arts based counterattack in step 9. The cost is reduced by 1 mote, to a
minimum of 0, for each attack beyond the first if it is activated in response to a
flurry; however, if used against a flurry, it may only be activated in response to the
last attack of that flurry. ¡BR¿
¡I¿An impudent student attacks Master Li; Li shifts ever so slightly to the side,
causing the student’s attack sail past him, and activates Cunning Lithe Counterstrike
to smack the student in the back of the head for 6m.
The student, irritated by Li’s disrespect, attacks more fiercely, using his melee
charms to make a total of six attacks. Li uses the student’s lack of self-control to
maneuver inside his defenses, and makes a quick jab in response. In step 9 of the
last attack, Li spends 1 mote to activate Cunning Lithe Counterstrike. Li could not,
for example, use it in response to the third attack of the six attack flurry; only the
This charm gains the Hoverpope’s New Keywords Flow keyword during a guard
Source: TheHoverpope

Spirit Crippling Strike

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Sifu’s Hand 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: combo-OK, Obvious, Crippling, touch
Duration: Varies
Prerequisites: —, Exploding Heart Technique, Crutch-Disregarding Movement
The master has at last perfected his wisdom as he has reached the peak

of this tree; he now understands the meaning of all of his lessons and may
apply new ones as he sees fit. The martial artist may now develop charms
branching off of this tree at their own type’s power level; be it solar, terres-
trial, divine or anything else. Furthermore, the martial artist has attained a
mastery beyond possibility with this style; whenever he uses a charm with the
touch keyword that is in the charm cacade leading to this charm, add two au-
tomatic successes to the attack roll.2eCMACharm cost=6m, 1wpname=Crutch-
Disregarding Movementmin=4essence=3type=Reflexiveduration=One Scene-
trait=Sifu’s Handsource=TheHoverpopekeywords=combo-OK, obviouspc1=Sifu’s
Hand Formtext=The exalt moves with the elegant grace of a true master, step-
ping manipulating the battlefield at his whim. It is only a hint of a challenge to
avoid the tools and crutches that cripple lesser fighters, and in the process the
fighter eschews such crutches himself. For the duration of the charm, attacks and
defenses made by and against the martial artist lose weapon accuracy and de-
fense bonuses, as well as shield bonuses.2eCMACharm cost=7mmin=4name=Sifu’s
Hand Formessence=2type=Simple (Speed 5, DV -0)duration=One scenetrait=Sifu’s
Handsource=TheHoverpopekeywords=Form-Type, Obviouspc1=One Hundred and
Eight Points Striketext=The martial artist now understands the basic princi-
ples of form and style, moving with efficiency and grace. Reduce the speed of
the martial artist’s unarmed attacks by 1, to a minimum of 3. The martial
artist may ignore hardness at a cost of 1m per attack, and may parry lethal
attacks unarmed. In addition, the cost of Moving the Spirit Evasion is low-
ered to 1m while this charm is active.2eCMACharm name=Moving the Spirit
Handsource=TheHoverpopekeywords=combo-okpc1=Student’s Understanding-
text=The student of the Sifu’s Hand style understands that less movement,
not more, is always preferable. By seeming to shift slightly, to put one-
self out of the expected place, the student avoids blows with uncanny pre-
cision. The character may dodge or parry lethal attacks and may do so
without movement, adding essence in dice to the attempt.2eCMACharm
cost=3mmin=3essence=2type=supplementalduration=Instantname=One Hundred
and Eight Points Striketrait=Sifu’s Handsource=TheHoverpopekeywords=Combo-
OK, Stackable, Touch, Obvious, Cripplingpc1=Moving the Spirit Evasiontext=The
exalt strikes precisely and perfectly, striking one of the 108 points on a target where
their essence flows, crippling the site of the strike. On a successful strike, roll
essence with bonus dice equal to extra sucesses on the attack, against a difficulty
equal to the target’s essence. Reduce the strength of one selected limb by successes
on that roll to a minimum of 0, leaving it limp and lifeless for the duration of
the scene. This affects strength requirements for weapons and other equipment,
athletics, and any other purpose other than charm minimums. Note that good
stunting can avoid this problem until more than one or two limbs is incapacitated.
Crippling a leg halves movement rates for the duration of the injury.2eCMACharm
cost=4mmin=5essence=3type=Simple (Speed 4, -1 DV)duration=Instanttrait=Sifu’s
Handsource=TheHoverpopename=Exploding Heart Techniquekeywords=combo-OK,
touch, obviouspc1=Cunning Lithe Counterstriketext=The exalt strikes a blow so
deadly that it tears through the victim’s body, shattering bones and rupturing organs.
This attack does aggravated damage equal only to unsoakable essence ping, disre-
garding hardness. This damage cannot be increased by charms. Any mortal struck

by it dies instantly if they take even a single level of damage.2eCMACharm cost=3m,
1wpmin=5essence=3type=Reflexive (step 10)duration=One Scenetrait=Sifu’s Hand-
source=TheHoverpopename=Talent Swallowing Admonitionkeywords=combo-OK,
Obvious, Cripplingpc1=Spirit Crippling Striketext=The martial artist laughs at the
pitiful attempts of those who attack him, and as a rebuke to their insolence limits
their power. The martial artist targets one instant duration reflexive, supplemental,
or simple charm which enhanced the action he just defended against. The player
has full knowledge of what charms the attacker used, even if the character does
not. The target loses the use of that charm for the duration. They may activate
combos containing that charm as if it were not there, and may use charms for which
it is a prerequisite; they simply cannot activate the charm that they so impudently
threatened the master with.2eCMACharmcost=6mmin=5essence=3type=Reflexive
(step 9)duration=Instantname=Cunning Lithe Counterstriketrait=Sifu’s
Handsource=TheHoverpopekeywords=combo-OK, touch, counterattackpc1=Crutch-
Disregarding Movementtext=The martial artist feels the attacks of his opponents
pass him by like a breeze, deflects them with a precisely placed push with one finger,
and then counterattacks with a lightning quick strike.¡BR¿This charm grants a single
Martial-Arts based counterattack in step 9. The cost is reduced by 1 mote, to a
minimum of 0, for each attack beyond the first if it is activated in response to a
flurry; however, if used against a flurry, it may only be activated in response to the
last attack of that flurry. ¡BR¿
¡I¿An impudent student attacks Master Li; Li shifts ever so slightly to the side,
causing the student’s attack sail past him, and activates Cunning Lithe Counterstrike
to smack the student in the back of the head for 6m.
The student, irritated by Li’s disrespect, attacks more fiercely, using his melee
charms to make a total of six attacks. Li uses the student’s lack of self-control to
maneuver inside his defenses, and makes a quick jab in response. In step 9 of the
last attack, Li spends 1 mote to activate Cunning Lithe Counterstrike. Li could not,
for example, use it in response to the third attack of the six attack flurry; only the
This charm gains the Hoverpope’s New Keywords Flow keyword during a guard
Source: TheHoverpope

Student’s Understanding
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Sifu’s Hand 2, Valor 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: combo-OK
Duration: Instant
This Charm increases an attack’s damage.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 15.
Source: TheHoverpope

Harmony In Opposition Stance

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Silver-Voiced Nightingale 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: Varies
Prerequisites: Inspiring Battle Hymn, Terrifying Battle Shriek

By sounding out her opponent, the Nightingale improves her defense against a
target while lower his defense against her.Source Scroll of the Monk, pp. 103.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Haunting Heart-Rending Melody

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Silver-Voiced Nightingale 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Inspiring Battle Hymn
This Charm associates an emotion with a given person or thing in the target’s
mind.Source Scroll of the Monk, pp. 104.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Voice Of The Night Bird

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Silver-Voiced Nightingale 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Terrifying Battle Shriek
The supplemented attack becomes sonic, allowing it to strike at range, as well
as modifying its attack and damage.Source Scroll of the Monk, pp. 104.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Heartsong Meditation
Cost: 5m + 1m per action, 1wp, 3xp; Mins: Essence 2, Silver-Voiced Nightingale
3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Stackable
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Haunting Heart-Rending Melody, Voice Of The Night Bird
The character can link to a individual who is important to her, and monitor
that individuals status by singing.Source Scroll of the Monk, pp. 104.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Dulcet Nightingale Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Silver-Voiced Nightingale 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Emotion, Form-Type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Haunting Heart-Rending Melody
Assuming the Dulcet Nightingale Form causes foes to suffer penalties when
attacking the user, if they can do so at all.Source Scroll of the Monk, pp. 105.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Weeping Nightingale Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Silver-Voiced Nightingale 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Voice Of The Night Bird

Assuming the Weeping Nightingale Form causes listeners to be distracted and
pained, as well as making the user aware of unexpected attacks.Source Scroll of the
Monk, pp. 105.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Weapon-Tuning Resonance
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Silver-Voiced Nightingale 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Dulcet Nightingale Form, Weeping Nightingale Form
This Charm attunes a harmonic weapon or armor, allowing it to be used with
Charms of this Style and giving it slight bonuses.Source Scroll of the Monk, pp. 105.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Aria Of Tranquility
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Silver-Voiced Nightingale 4; Type: Reflexive (Step
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Obvious
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisites: Dulcet Nightingale Form
The Nightingale’s song has a calming effect on listeners.Source Scroll of the
Monk, pp. 106.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Impending Silence
Cost: 15m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Silver-Voiced Nightingale 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Emotion, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Aria Of Tranquility, Resounding Songbirds Cry
The character silences the world around her and fills those within the area with
despair.Source Scroll of the Monk, pp. 107.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Resounding Songbirds Cry

Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Silver-Voiced Nightingale 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Weeping Nightingale Form
This Charm is a potent sonic attack.Source Scroll of the Monk, pp. 107.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Resounding Songbird’s Cry

Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Silver-Voiced Nightingale 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Weeping Nightingale Form

The Nightingale shrieks, damaging everyone nearby.Source Scroll of the Monk,
pp. 106.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Terrifying Battle Shriek

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Silver-Voiced Nightingale 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, War
Duration: Until next action
The user’s song gives penalties to nearby foes.Source Scroll of the Monk, pp.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Harmony In Opposition Stance (TDO)

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Silver-Voiced Nightingale (TDO) 5; Type:
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Silver-Voiced Nightingale Form (TDO)
The martial artist moves in perfect counterpoint to her opponent’s every actions,
carrying out an elegant and deadly duet. When her foe moves, she moves, just like
that. The martial artist chooses a single enemy she can see, perfectly matching the
rhythm of his motions. The martial artist may ignore up to her (Performance) in
penalties to her Dodge and unarmed Parry DVs when defending against that enemy’s
attacks. In addition, the martial artist’s grace and captivating beauty compel her
enemy to join her in the music of battle, forcing him to sing each time he takes a
non-reflexive action unless he succeeds on a Temperance roll at difficulty 1. This
unnatural mental influence can be resisted for the rest of the scene for a cost of two
Willpower. If the martial artist wishes to choose a different designed enemy, she must
cancel and reactivate this Charm. With Silver-Voiced Nightingale Form active, she
may maintain multiple activations of this Charm to gain its benefits against multiple
enemies. If at least one instance of the Charm is active, she may waive the Willpower
cost of subsequent activations.
Source: The Demented One

Heartsong Meditation (TDO)

Cost: 7m; Mins: Essence 3, Silver-Voiced Nightingale (TDO) 5; Type: Reflexive
(Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Harmony In Opposition Stance (TDO)
Listening to the music of the heart’s rhythm, the martial artist catches a snatch
of notes that reveal her opponent’s deepest self. Understanding the rhythm of his soul,
she then unleashes an attack that harmonizes perfectly with it, an attack that cannot
miss. This Charm can be activated in response to any attack made against the martial
artist, allowing her reflexively read the motivation of her attacker. She may substitute

her Performance for her Investigation or Socialize in calculating the dice pool if it is
higher. She may then make an unarmed Martial Arts counterattack against him.
In addition, if the martial artist succeeds on the roll to read her foe’s motivation,
she may form an Intimacy of understanding towards that character. Doing so causes
her counterattack to be automatically unexpected. Having heard the heartsong of
her foe, she knows how to strike in perfect harmony with it. Once the martial artist
successfully reads a character’s motivations with this Charm and forms the Intimacy,
all further counterattacks granted by it against that opponent in the same scene are
automatically unexpected. Her opponent can pay a point of Willpower to mask his
heartsong, requiring the martial artist to once again read his motivations in order to
benefit from further unexpected attacks.
Source: The Demented One

Haunting Heart-Rending Melody (TDO)

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Silver-Voiced Nightingale (TDO) 5; Type:
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Vocal
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Silver-Voiced Nightingale Form (TDO)
The martial artist sings a stirring melody that arouses passion and deep emo-
tion, infusing the each note with aural essence. The martial artist rolls (Charisma
+ Martial Arts) as a social attack against the Dodge MDV of all characters who
can hear her. Those whose MDVs are exceed immediately gain a positive Intimacy
towards the martial artist unless they pay two Willpower to resist it for the rest of
the scene. The emotional context of the Intimacy gained is chosen by the affected
character’s player; allies and bystanders might gain Intimacies of love or camaraderie,
while enemies might take on Intimacies of grudging respect.
In addition, affected characters must pay an additional point of Willpower to resist
social attacks made by the martial artist, as well as any mental influence exerted by
all other Silver-Voiced Nightingale Style Charms, for the rest of the scene. Willpower
costs cannot be raised above five points. This Charm can be used in social combat
as well as in mass combat, but its effects are diminished if the martial artist cannot
combine martial katas with song. Used outside of social combat, all characters receive
a +2 bonus to their MDVs to resist this unnatural mental influence, and only need
spend one point of Willpower to resist it.
Source: The Demented One

Voice Of The Night Bird (TDO)

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Silver-Voiced Nightingale (TDO) 5; Type:
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Vocal
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Silver-Voiced Nightingale Form (TDO)
The martial artist shouts a violent kiai, channeling deadly essence through
her voice. While this Charm is active, the martial artist is capable of making kiais
as unarmed Martial Arts attacks, rolling (Dexterity or Charisma + Martial Arts).
Making a kiai attack is Vocal and requires the martial artist to spend a single mote.

They are treated as form weapons of the Silver-Voiced Nightingale Style, but are
not considered unarmed attacks for other styles. These powerful vocal strikes have
statistics of Speed 5, Accuracy +3, Damage +10L, Range 100, Rate 1. A character
that takes lethal damage from a kiai attack is stunned until their next action.
Source: The Demented One

Resounding Songbird’s Cry (TDO)

Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Silver-Voiced Nightingale (TDO) 5; Type:
Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Obvious, Vocal
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Silver-Voiced Nightingale Form (TDO)
Throwing her head back and closing her eyes, the martial artist shrieks an awful
cry. Glass and crystal shatter spectacularly, metal warps, and her listeners bleed from
the ears as the devastating crescendo comes to its conclusion. The martial artist’s
song creates an instantaneous environmental hazard with Trauma (Martial Arts) and
Damage (Charisma + Martial Arts)L that affects all characters within (Performance
x 5) yards. Those that take damage from the hazard suffer a -2 internal penalty from
being stunned for the rest of the scene as a Crippling effect.
This attack normally results simply from the destructive vibrations of the martial
artist’s voice, but she can stunt to attack in other ways, such as shattering stained
glass windows to create a rain of cutting shards, using her voice to unleash a shock-
wave, or even more esoteric methods, such as turning the sound of her voice into a
wave of essence blades. A merciful martial artist may choose only to entrance the
souls of her foes with captivating music, in which case the damage dealt is bashing,
inanimate objects are not affected, and she may exclude her allies from the effect.
Source: The Demented One

Aria Of Victory (TDO)

Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Silver-Voiced Nightingale (TDO) 5; Type:
Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Vocal, War
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Haunting Heart-Rending Melody (TDO)
The martial artist sings softly in a minor key, a tranquil harmony that calms
hearts and stills passions. But as she sees the struggle and strife around her, her heart
proclaims, ”no more!” Shifting into a major key, her voice swells with glory and with
wrath, a battle-anthem to give hope to her friends, and to shatter the armies of her
foes. The martial artist rolls (Charisma + Martial Arts) as a social attack against
the Dodge MDV of all characters who can hear her. Those of her enemies whose
MDVs are overcome are filled with fear, suffering a -1 external penalty on attacks
made against the martial artist or her allies, and a -1 penalty to their DVs against
attacks made by those characters.
However, the martial artist’s allies are filled with courage and boldness by the
same song. Allied characters affected by this influence can channel Conviction or
Valor without needing to spend a Virtue channel, and add a single die to all rolls
made with those Virtues. The martial artist always receives the benefits of this

benign mental influence. In mass combat, this also adds one to the Morale of any
unit commanded by the martial artist or an affected ally. This unnatural mental
influence lasts one scene, and can be resisted for a cost of three Willpower, no matter
which variant affects a character.
Source: The Demented One

Silver-Voiced Nightingale Form (TDO)

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Silver-Voiced Nightingale (TDO) 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Vocal
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Inspiring Battle Hymn, Terrifying Battle Shriek
Standing straight and pitching her voice to reach all her listener’s, the martial
artist sings a song that rings out with exquisite clarity. By moving in time to the
music, she is able to achieve an exceptional battle rhythm, reducing the Speed of
all combat-related actions she takes by 1, to a minimum of Speed 3. In addition the
martial artist can be awarded a second stunt for any combat-related action she takes if
she also describes her song or musical stylings as she takes the action. Both stunts add
their dice to the action, but the martial artist cannot claim the reward of both stunts
if she succeeds, instead taking only the higher of the two. Other characters, including
her enemies, can also be awarded stunts for singing as they act, but they cannot stack
the stunt dice from both as the martial artist can. Players should be careful to not
spend so much time describing their actions that it slows down gameplay. Giving
a brief description that alternates between physical action and song or singing an
appropriate lyric before rolling dice is preferable to describing the two stunts in full
and excessive detail.
Source: The Demented One

Harmony-Forging Chorus (TDO)

Cost: - (+4m per ally); Mins: Essence 4, Silver-Voiced Nightingale (TDO) 5;
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Vocal, War
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Aria Of Victory (TDO), Heartsong Meditation (TDO), Resound-
ing Songbird’s Cry (TDO)
With a slicing hand strike, the martial artist cuts off all sounds around her,
drawing forth a terrible silence. And then, the song begins. Every voice of friend and
foe rises up in song, the glorious hymn to battle that is the completion of the Silver-
Voiced Nightingale’s melody. This Charm upgrades Silver-Voiced Nightingale Form.
Upon activating it, the martial artist may choose up to (Performance) allies that can
hear her voice, committing an additional four motes for each ally chosen. Chosen
allies can receive dice bonuses from both normal stunts and musical stunts, stacking
the two bonuses on valid actions. In addition, the martial artist can make coordinate
attack or coordinate units actions reflexively, substituting her Performance for her
War if it is higher, so long as she designates only herself and her chosen allies as
participants in the attack. Rather than being delayed until the next time the martial
artist acts, such coordinated attack takes place instantly on the tick the martial artist
rolls for them. No more than one such attempt can be made on any single tick.

Source: The Demented One

Terrifying Battle Shriek (TDO)

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Silver-Voiced Nightingale (TDO) 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Vocal
Duration: Instant
The martial artist’s voice rises in a deafening overture, promising horrible death
to her foes. The martial artist sings a mocking lyric to a single foe, intimidating him
with her song as she rolls (Charisma + Martial Arts) as a social attack. If her
roll overcomes her enemy’s MDVs, her foe cowers in fear, delaying their next action
and DV refresh by a single tick as if the Speed of their previous action had been
retroactively increased. In addition, they suffer a -1 internal penalty on all combat-
related rolls and on all Conviction and Valor rolls for the rest of the scene unless they
pay a point of Willpower to resist this unnatural mental influence. Once a character
has spent two Willpower resisting this influence, they are immune to it for the rest of
the scene. Once the martial artist activates this Charm, they cannot do so again for
the rest of their action.
Source: The Demented One

Inspiring Battle Hymn (TDO)

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Silver-Voiced Nightingale (TDO) 2; Type: Supple-
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Vocal, War
Duration: Instant
The martial artist’s voice rises in a song of triumph even as the battle begins, her
allies taking heart and fighting even more fiercely. The martial artist can supplement
a Join Battle or Join War roll with this Charm, adding one automatic success to her
roll as she sings. She may substitute her Performance for her Awareness in calculating
the dice pool if it is higher. All the martial artist’s allies also add a single automatic
success to their own initiative rolls. If a character benefits from this bonus, they are
considered to have Valor 3 for the rest of the scene for purposes of determining if
they must suppress their Valor to take forbidden actions (but still use their normal
Valor rating for all other purposes). A character may resist this unnatural mental
influence without needing to spend Willpower or gain Limit, but doing so denies them
the bonus success on their roll.
Source: The Demented One

Heart of the Fox

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Smiling Kitsune 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Vulpine Grace
Foxes are, by their very nature, evasive. Although they are carnivores, they
are scavengers, not predators. They prefer to avoid confrontation and wait for the
appropriate moment to take action. The martial artist takes on this behavior with

this charm. In response to any attack that the martial artist successfully dodges, he
may activate this charm. It allows him to leap away up to (permanent essence x 2)
yards away, and possibly cut flurries short. This movement must be in a line (on the
horizontal plane) and the user cannot move if completely surrounded.
Source: Bulletprooffox

Cornered Ferocity
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Smiling Kitsune 2; Type: Simple (Speed 3, DV -0)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Fury-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Vulpine Grace
While not confrontational, a fox who is cornered fights back ferociously. The
martial artist using this charm lashes out with great speed, not giving any ground.
This charm makes an attack with a lower speed and DV penalty than normal, and
he adds his essence to damage.
Source: Bulletprooffox

Deceptive Musk
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Smiling Kitsune 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Gift
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Vulpine Grace
One thing that is most noticeable of foxes is their scent. They possess a very
pungent musk. However, this smell, while it lets people know of their presence, is
so powerful that it is difficult to pinpoint where they are precisely. This charm aids
in attempts to re-establish surprise. It does not provide a situation for the martial
artist to do so, but it grants him his essence in dice for such attempts, which do not
count against normal dice adding caps. Note that the opponent is made aware of
your presence and may still activate appropriate charms to locate you such as essence
sight, or may activate charms that allow them to react to unexpected attacks as if
they were expected. This charm has absolutely no effect on any opponent who lacks
a sense of smell.
Source: Bulletprooffox

Smiling Kitsune Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Smiling Kitsune 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-Type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Heart of the Fox, Cornered Ferocity, Deceptive Musk
This form allows the martial artist to transcend the fox as an animal and acheive
a connection to its greater spiritual being. When activating this form, the martial
artist adds half of his dots in martial arts to his Dodge DV and can now inflict lethal
damage with unarmed attacks. Finally, this grants them increased mobility, adding
the user’s martial arts to all pools to calculate movement and jumping distances. This
charm is obvious because, when active, the user’s essence forms a number of glowing
tails equal to their (essence - 1).
Source: Bulletprooffox

Elusive Cunning
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Smiling Kitsune 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Smiling Kitsune Form
Foxes use their diminutive size to great advantage as it grants them greater
mobility. This charm allows the martial artist to redirect a hand to hand attack that
fails to overcome his Dodge DV into another target within range. This need not be
another person, and with a stunt, the character can use this to make a contested
dexterity or strength check against the opponent to force their weapon to stick into
a nearby object (if appropriate, as it is rather difficult to force a hammer to ”stick”
into an object).
Source: Bulletprooffox

Laughing at the Hunter

Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Smiling Kitsune 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Counterattack, Illusion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Fox Fire, Bite of the Fox
Foxes are known as being masters of trickery and illusion in certain cultures.
The martial artist displays similar skill when using this charm. This charm may be
used when the target is attacked by an opponent who fails to overcome his Dodge
DV. The martial artist switches places with the target and simultaneouly invokes
an illusion, making a single (Manipulation + Martial Arts) roll against all other
opponent’s Dodge MDV’s. Anyone who fails to defend against this mental effect
believes that the martial artist and the target have not actually switched places.
This effect lasts a number of ticks equal to the user’s permanent essence score. If a
character strikes one of them, then the illusion ends for that person. Also, should
they have some other reason to suspect something odd happened, they may spend a
point of willpower to end the effect.
Source: Bulletprooffox

Fox Fire
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Smiling Kitsune 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Elusive Cunning
Used by the gods as messengers in many cultures, foxes bear deep spiritual
connections. Invoking this spiritual nature of the fox, the martial artist’s body is
engulfed in white flame that burns with no heat and does not damage or burn anything
it touches. This allows the character to both see and interact with dematerialized
spirits. It also has another unique and dangerous benefit in that when it is active and
the user successfully uses Elusive Cunning to redirect the person’s weapon into an
object, the martial artist may choose to spend a point of willpower. Doing this forces
the weapon’s wielder to unattune it if it is artifact weapon (and also lose the abilities
of any hearthstones that might be attached). The essence that was once committed
is instead lost as it bleeds back into Creation.

Source: Bulletprooffox

Bite of the Fox

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Smiling Kitsune 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Illusion, Compulsion, Stackable
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Smiling Kitsune Form
The spiritual nature of the fox flows from its very being. It is a master of
illusions and can trick those who are of weak will. This attack does not affect the
opponent’s body, but rather his mind. The martial artist rolls an attack as normal,
but checks against the targets Dodge MDV instead of his physical DV’s. If it hits, it
deals no physical damage, but rather the martial artist rolls his essence. Each success
reduces the target’s temporary willpower by one. If an opponent is reduced to zero
temporary willpower by this attack (or this attack is used on somebody who has
no temporary willpower remaining), the target believes that one of his allies and the
martial artist who used the charm have switched places, filling in any gaps of logic that
might be necessary. If the target has no allies with him, he believes the martial artist
has run away, and his senses seem to back up this belief. While temporary willpower
lost is permanent until regained through normal means, the illusion effect is rather
short-lived and only lasts a number of actions equal to the user’s permanent essence
score. During this period, the affected target cannot regain willpower through stunts
due to confusion and inability to properly focus, but it does not prevent others from
using charms or other abilities to grant the target willpower. It can also be dispelled
if the martial artist attacks the target before the charm’s effects end. Essence sight
defeats this effect as do other mental defenses against illusions or compulsions, so long
as they do not require willpower to be spent (since the target has none left to use).
Source: Bulletprooffox

Vulpine Grace
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Smiling Kitsune 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Fury-OK
Duration: Until Next Action
Foxes may be small, but they are extremely fast and agile, always on the lookout
for possible attacks. This has frustrated countless hunters and predators as they have
tried to catch them. Activating this charm prevents the martial artist from having
his Dodge DV reduced by either onslaught or coordinated attacks. Moreover, he adds
his dots in martial arts to any pool rolled to perceive a possible unexpected attack.
When activated during Relentless Lunar Fury, in addition to the normal benefits
for Dodge DV, all attacks against him are considered expected.
Source: Bulletprooffox

Striking Cobra Technique

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Snake 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant

This Charm allows the martial artist to move decisively in battle.Source Second
Edition Core, p. 240.
Source: Second Edition Core

Serpentine Evasion
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Snake 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Striking Cobra Technique
This Charm enhances the martial artist’s defensive prowess.Source Second Edi-
tion Core, p. 240.
Source: Second Edition Core

Snake Form
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Snake 4; Type: Simple (Speed 3, DV -1)
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Serpentine Evasion
Adopting the attitude of a snake, the martial artist executing this Charm be-
comes resistant to damage and moves in a distracting way.Source Second Edition
Core, p. 240.
Source: Second Edition Core

Snake Strikes the Heel

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Snake 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Snake Form
This Charm allows a martial artist to strike back at a foe.Source Second Edition
Core, p. 241.
Source: Second Edition Core

Uncoiling Serpent Prana

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Snake 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Snake Strikes the Heel
This Charm allows a martial artist to strike a foe at a distance, empowering the
shadow of their hand or their anima to strike their foe.Source Second Edition Core,
p. 241.
Source: Second Edition Core

Armor-Penetrating Fang Strike

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Snake 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious

Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Essence Fangs and Scales Technique
This Charm allows the martial artist to slip an attack through the chinks of a
foe’s armor.Source Second Edition Core, p. 240-241.
Source: Second Edition Core

Essence Fangs and Scales Technique

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Snake 5; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: None
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Snake Form
This Charm makes the martial artist’s attacks supremely deadly.Source Second
Edition Core, p. 240.
Source: Second Edition Core

Essence Venom Strike

Cost: 7m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Snake 5; Type: Simple (Speed 4, DV -1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Armor-Penetrating Fang Strike, Striking Serpent Speed
This Charm enhances the martial artist’s attack with his own Essence (trait)
Essence, and makes the attack do aggravated damage.Source Second Edition Core,
p. 242.
Source: Second Edition Core

Striking Serpent Speed

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Snake 5; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Uncoiling Serpent Prana
This Charm allows the martial artist to strike with supreme speed, their Essence
(trait) Essence empowering them to execute a flurry of blows.Source Second Edition
Core, p. 242.
Source: Second Edition Core

Unstoppable Hero Defense

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1, Solar Hero 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Fists of Iron Technique
The true hero knows exactly how to restore his defensive advantage.
This Charm is used in response to an attack. It allows the Exalt to ignore all
penalties that apply to her Parry DV when resolving that attack. Her Parry DV is
still 0 if its inapplicable, but it takes no further penalties.
This Charm does not provide the ability to parry lethal or aggravate damage
Source: Maese Mateo

Mighty Hero Attitude
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Solar Hero 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Unstoppable Hero Defense
Nothing stops a Lawgiver in his determination to win a battle.
This Charm allows the Exalt to ignore all penalties that apply to her Parry DV
until his next action. This includes penalties invoked by his own attacks. Her Parry
DV is still 0 if its inapplicable, but it takes no further penalties.
This Charm does not provide the ability to parry lethal or aggravate damage
Source: Maese Mateo

Adamantine Fists of Battle

Cost: 7m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 6, Solar Hero 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Grasping Mantis Defense, Joint-Breaking Attack, Flying Mantis
Kick, Crushing Claw Technique, Heaven Thunder Hammer, Hammer on Iron Tech-
This Charm allows the martial artist to choose her damage type, and enhance
that damage.
Source Scroll of the Monk, pp. 83-84.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Adamantine Fists of Battle

Cost: 7m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 6, Solar Hero 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Grasping Mantis Defense, Joint-Breaking Attack, Flying Mantis
Kick, Crushing Claw Technique, Heaven Thunder Hammer, Hammer on Iron Tech-
This Charm allows the martial artist to choose her damage type, and enhance
that damage.
Source Scroll of the Monk, pp. 83-84.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Pounding Hammer of Devastation Technique

Cost: 7m; Mins: Essence 5, Solar Hero 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Heaven Thunder Hammer, Hammer on Iron Technique, Heaven
Thunder Hammer
This Charm enhances the damage a martial artist’s blows do against her foes.
It is doubly effective against inanimate objects.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 83.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Pounding Hammer of Devastation Technique
Cost: 7m; Mins: Essence 5, Solar Hero 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Heaven Thunder Hammer, Hammer on Iron Technique, Heaven
Thunder Hammer
This Charm enhances the damage a martial artist’s blows do against her foes.
It is doubly effective against inanimate objects.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 83.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Falling Sun Sacrifice

Cost: 20m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 5, Solar Hero 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Holly, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Horizon-Hurling Tactic
Only Lawgivers understand the true sacrifices that must be made in order to
save Creation. This Charm may be activated whenever the character successfully
makes a clinch, and only if he is capable of lifting that enemys weight with a feat of
strength. The Exalt flares like if he had use 11-15 motes of peripheral essence and
while shining he makes a great jump up to the sky with his enemy still clinched.
Moments before touching the sky, the Solar accelerate down, using all his strength
and might in this mortal fall, which inflicts (Essence x Martial Arts) levels (not dice)
of piercing lethal damage to both the Solar and his enemy. Both cannot dodge or
parry this attack, only resist it. This dame is aggravate when used against Creatures
of Darkness.
The crash is so violent that inflict half that amount of damage (rounded down) to
anyone in a radius equal to (Essence x5) in yards, with the exception that this damage
is bashing and doesnt pierce armor. Can be dodge normally, but is unblockable. This
impact is not Holly.
If a Solar dies using this Charm against a terrible threat to Creation, the Uncon-
quered Sun will ensure his next higher soul reincarnation a peaceful life. Maybe, such
an event can even get him off the Games for a little time. None can say that, because
it has never being use yet in the Age of Sorrows.
Category:Celestial Martial Arts StylesCategory:Second Edition StylesCate-
gory:Solar Hero Style *
Source: Maese Mateo

Titan-Toppling Champion Prana

Cost: +varies, 2wp; Mins: Essence 4, Solar Hero 5, Athletics 5; Type: Perma-
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Simple (Speed 1, DV -1)
Prerequisites: Solar Hero Form, Increasing Strength Exercise
Strength and perfection go hand-in-hand for the lawgivers. This charm serves as
a permanent upgrade to Solar Hero Form. When donning Solar Hero Form, it allows
the martial artist to activate Charm Increasing Strength Exercise simultaneously.
This charm is very taxing on the Lawgiver’s soul, however, and at the end of combat,
he gains limit equal to his highest rated virtue.Source Bpfox88

Source: Bpfox88

Titan Tossing Technique

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 5, Solar Hero 5, Athletics 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Titan-Toppling Champion Prana, Hill-Hurling Might
With infinite power flowing through him and out from him, the lawgiver be-
comes an unstoppable juggernaut of destruction. This charm improves upon its
prerequisite. If the Solar has used Charm Titan-Toppling Champion Prana when
activating Charm Solar Hero Form to increase his Strength by at least one dot, he
may use Charm Hill-Hurling Might as an innate ability rather than as a charm usage.
When combined with Charm Crashing Wave Throw, it adds the Solar’s Essence(trait)
Essence to his Martial Arts rating for determining throwing distance.
When the Solar reaches Essence 6+, he may automatically add the benefits of
Hill-Hurling Might to any throw he makes for no cost at all as long as Solar Hero
Form is active, even without increasing his strength. He may pay the cost to activate
the charm and stack the effects.
Source Bpfox88
Source: Bpfox88

Rising Sun Rage

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 5, Solar Hero 5, Athletics 5, Resistance 5; Type: Perma-
nent, Holy
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Ascendant Battle Visage, Eagle-Wing Style
As the sun rises, it obliterates the darkness with its rays of pure light. So too
do the Solars when they take flight. This charm permanently upgrades Charm Eagle-
Wing Style. When a Solar has both that charm and Charm Solar Hero Form active,
he gains greater freedom of mobility. First, he does not need to keep an arm extended
to maintain flight. However, he is constantly under an effect similar to that of the
Valor Flaw of Invulnerability. While he need not necessarily advance closer to the
largest threat, he must advance towards an enemy or attack them if able. This effect
prevents the Solar from using perfect defenses that use the Temperance flaw while in
flight. The charm remains active even if he lands, so long as Solar Hero Form is also
In addition, this improves the natural prowess of the Solar, turning dice on martial
arts stunts performed while in flight into automatic successes against creatures of
Source Bpfox88
Source: Bpfox88

Light of Heaven’s Judgment

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 5, Solar Hero 5, Integrity 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious, Holy
Duration: Permanent

Prerequisites: Shockwave Technique, Rising Sun Soul
The Unconquered Sun does not merely represent that which is holy and pure,
he is that which is holy and pure. This charm allows Solars to emulate that purity
with their bare hands. This charm permanently improves Solar Hero Style in general,
adding the Holy keyword to all charms. Against creatures of darkness, any attacks
made using Solar Hero charms gain the piercing quality and any threshold successes
on attack rolls is converted to aggravated damage. Of course, a Solar who also has
Charm Solar Hero Form activated must choose whether to double the threshold or
convert the damage, but cannot choose both. While Solar Hero Form is active though,
in addition to making all unarmed and form weapon attacks (even regular ones) gain
the Holy benefits, if a Solar channels a virtue during an attack roll, the Solar adds
a number of dice equal to the channeled virtue to the damage roll as aggravated
damage.Source Bpfox88
Source: Bpfox88

Glorious Shockwave Technique

Cost: 5m,1w; Mins: Essence 3, Solar Hero 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Knockback
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Ox-Stunning Blow, Hammer on Iron Technique, Heaven Thunder
Hammer, Crashing Wave Throw
The heroes of the dawn are greater than the world can contain. Their power is
ever ready to burst forth, declaring their glory to the world and defying any attempt
to conquer them.
”This Charm is meant to serve as a replacement for the official printed version
of Shockwave Technique, and thus can be learned even by those who are not Solar
The Solar Hero’s anima explodes outward as a powerful shockwave of golden
essence. This is an unblockable, undodgeable attack that may extend up to twice
his permanent Essence in yards in every direction, striking friend or foe indiscrim-
inately. It counts as an unarmed Martial Arts attack, with the Solar rolling up to
his (Strength + Martial Arts + Essence) in dice to inflict bashing damage fully and
equally to all targets. (Other effects may change the type of damage inflicted.) This
attack will also damage the Solar’s surroundings, including the solid ground or rickety
bridge that he may be standing on.
Anyone or anything caught by this attack is removed from the Solar Hero to a
distance equal to the radius of the blast wave. This attack is explicitly allowed to
be placed in a Combo with Heaven Thunder Hammer, but not with Crashing Wave
This Charm is explicitly allowed to replace a grapple check within a clinch, in
which case Shockwave Technique perfectly breaks the Solar free of the clinch. This
Charm also automatically breaks the Solar free of any physical bonds or restraints.
The Solar Hero is given special dispensation to activate Solar Hero Form in the
same action that he activates Glorious Shockwave Technique, without needing to
place them together in a Combo.
Category:Celestial Martial Arts CharmsCategory:Solar Hero Style *
Source: Tornado Wolf

Inevitable Victory Meditation
Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 1, Solar Hero 5; Type: Simple (DV -2)
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: Until used
Prerequisites: Fists of Iron Technique
After meditating for five minutes, this Charm allows the martial artist to hold in
reserve a display of skill she establishes in her mind earlier with this Charm, bringing
out that display of prowess at a later time.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 84.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Irrepressible Bravery Tactic

Cost: 3m per success; Mins: Essence 2, Solar Hero 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Thunderclap Rush Attack
This Charm allows the martial artist to take advantage of her surroundings or
some aspect of a fight, performing odd or otherwise impossible stunts.Source Scroll
of the Monk, p. 84.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Dancing with Strife Technique

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Solar Hero 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 5)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Irrepressible Bravery Tactic
This Charm allows a martial artist who successfully defends herself to bolster
her Willpower from doing so.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 84.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Supremacy of War Method

Cost: 1m per die; Mins: Essence 3, Solar Hero 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Stackable
Duration: One scene (or until used)
Prerequisites: Inevitable Victory Meditation, Dancing with Strife Technique
This Charm allows the martial artist to utilize the strength of her foes to her
advantage, taking the forces they exert against her and turning that force back on
her opponents.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 84-85.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Ascendant Battle Visage

Cost: 10, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Solar Hero 5, Resistance 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One action
Prerequisites: Supremacy of War Method, Bloodthirsty Sword-Dancer Spirit
Flaring her anima to iconic levels, this Charm enforces the martial artist’s will
in combat, granting her almost assured success through her Essence (trait) Essence,
but risks entering a frenzy or Limit Break.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 85.

Source: Scroll of the Monk

Dragon Coil Technique

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Solar Hero 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisites: Fists of Iron Technique
This Charm allows the martial artist to squeeze the life from her foes.Source
Second Edition Core, p. 242.
source=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Enhanced
text=”Enhancement:” The dice added by this Charm do not count toward the
Solar’s dice caps.
Source: Second Edition Core

Sledgehammer Fist Punch

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Solar Hero 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Fists of Iron Technique
This Charm doubles the damage she inflicts against an inanimate object.Source
Second Edition Core, p. 242.
source=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Enhanced, Martial-ready, Obvious
text=”Enhancement:” when used by a Solar, this charm costs one mote and also
ignores the object’s soak. ¡p¿”Martial-ready:” Melee.¡/p¿
Category:Martial-ready Charms
Source: Second Edition Core

Solar Hero Form
Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Solar Hero 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Sledgehammer Fist Punch, Dragon Coil Technique
This Charm allows the martial artist to easily defend herself against armed
opponents, and to make devastating blows against them.Source Second Edition Core,
p. 242.
source=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-Basic, Enhanced, Form-type, Obvious
text=Like C Snake Form, this Charm cannot Be activated at the same time as
another Form Charm without first deactivating the other Form. this is the usual
restriction placed on all Form-type Charms.
¡p¿”Enhancement:” While this Charm is active, the Solar adds is Martial Arts
rating to his natural bashing and lethal soak.¡/p¿
Source: Second Edition Core

Heaven Thunder Hammer

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Solar Hero 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Solar Hero Form
This Charm allows the martial artist’s attacks to knock her foes great dis-
tances.Source Second Edition Core, p. 242-243.
source=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Enhanced
text=”Enhancement:” The target is thrown three yards for each point of pre-soak
damage. At Essence 4+ the solar may add one mote to Heaven thunder Hammer’s
activation cots in order to send the victim flashing an additional (Essence x 5) yards
toward an object he can perceive. This movement occurs before the normal movement
cause by Heaven Thunder Hammer begins. This additional knockback distance does
not add to the damage the victim takes for yards they would have otherwise traveled,
but helps to ensure that the victim strikes a solid object at the absolute beginning of
his flight, even if that object is far from the point of attack. This effect expressly allows
a Lawgiver to bash a rooted target into scenery within (Essence x 5) yards without
actually moving the target. The target does not appear to move; rather nearby walls
and trees develop giant craters as if the victim were being driven into them, while the
Solar’s blows are seen to unleash devastating shockwaves that annihilate the scenery.
Treat all such blows as incurring the full damage of a Heaven Thunder Hammer colli-
sion at point-blank range. Using this effect turns Heaven Thunder Hammer Obvious.
Finally, the cost drops two motes.
Source: Second Edition Core

Ox-Stunning Blow
Cost: Varies; Mins: Essence 2, Solar Hero 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Solar Hero Form
This Charm allows the martial artist to execute a blow that does not do lasting
damage, but can seriously disorient a foe.Source Second Edition Core, p. 243.
source=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Crippling, Enhanced
text=Stunning damage counts as stunning penalties in conjunction with Wicked
Dissolve Dust.
¡p¿”Enhancement:” Solars may spend as much essence as they like when activating
this Charm.¡/p¿
Source: Second Edition Core

Crashing Wave Throw

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Solar Hero 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Heaven Thunder Hammer
This Charm allows the martial artist to hurl her opponents great dis-
tances.Source Second Edition Core, p. 243.
source=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Enhanced, Mirror (Lashing Tempest Palm)
text=”Enhancement:” The Solar hurls opponents (Martial Arts x7) yards upward
or (Martial Arts x 14) yards horizontally, and the cost drops to two motes.
¡p¿This Charm is mirrored by the Abyssal Charm Lashing Tempest Palm.¡/p¿
Source: Second Edition Core

Hammer on Iron Technique

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Solar Hero 4; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Solar Hero Form
This Charm allows the martial artist to execute a magical flurry of attacks
against a single target.Source Second Edition Core, p. 243-244.
source=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Enhanced
text=”Enhancement:” this Charm creates (Essence + 3) attacks, which may be
directed at multiple targets if the Solar desires.
Source: Second Edition Core

Shockwave Technique
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Solar Hero 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Counterattack, Knockback, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Crashing Wave Throw, Ox-Stunning Blow, Hammer on Iron Tech-
This Charm allows the martial artist to hurl one opponent into another.Source
Second Edition Core, p. 244.
source=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Counterattack, Enhanced, Knockback, Obvious
text=”Enhancement:” The Solar’s opponent, when used as a weapon, has +2
accuracy and +6B damage. the attack made with this opponent may be applied to
all characters within that unfortunate’s flight path.
Source: Second Edition Core

Spirit Spares the Soldier

Cost: 2m ; Mins: Essence 1, Solar Hero 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Any Martial Arts Excellency
There are times when the Lawgiver is overwhelmed by those seeking to bring
him down. This could mean the Exalt is either trying to strike down those who would
silence him, or attempting to fend off their blows. In either case, he has learned to
trust his instincts and allow his Essence to protect him. This Charm allows the Solar
to ignore penalties to his Parry DV when defending against a single attack, so long
as he is equipped with a shield at the time.
Source: Tito

Brilliant Bodyguard Practice

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Solar Hero 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Spirit Spares the Soldier
As the Solars re-emerge into Creation and begin to form bands among them-
selves and those around them, many come to find that they must protect their com-
panions from the dangers of the Time of Tumult. Acting upon this heroic impulse,
the Lawgiver fixes himself in place to bravely take a blow meant to fell an ally. As
long as he is using a shield, the Exalt may use his own full Parry DV to block any
hand-to-hand or ranged attack meant to harm a different target. The intended target
must be within (Martial Arts x 2) yards. Defending someone with the use of this
Charm imparts no DV penalty on the Lawgiver.
Source: Tito

Glorious Solar Shield

Cost: 8 or 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Solar Hero 4; Type: Simple

Keywords: Obvious, Counterattack
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Brilliant Bodyguard Practice
The Solar harnesses his Essence to fashion a brilliant shield to protect himself
and those under his purview. Though each Exalts Essence coalesces into a shield of
unique shape and detail, there is always some representation of the Solars caste to
be observed, that all may know his glory. This shield grants coverage equal to that
of a tower shield, and adds +4 to Parry DV against both hand-to-hand and ranged
attacks. In addition, if the shield completely defends against a hand-to-hand attack,
the player makes an immediate counterattack as Essence sparks shower his opponent.
This counterattack is considered Lethal damage equal to the players Essence, and can
only be soaked with natural Stamina.
For an additional 2 motes on activation, the counterattacks initiated by the shield
gain the Holy tag. The damage sustained also becomes unsoakable, except through
the use of Charms or sorcery. If the player activates Brilliant Bodyguard Practice
while this Charm is active, its protective range increases to (Martial Arts x 3) yards.
Source: Tito

Fists of Iron Technique

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1, Solar Hero 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , None
”Enhancement:” This Charm adds the magical material benefits of orichalcum
to the Solar’s natural attacks while Solar Hero Form is active.¡/onlyinclude¿==First
Edition Version==
name=Fists of Iron Technique
source=First Edition Core
pc1=Ferocious Jab
text=This charm allows the Solar to strike quickly, fiercely, and with lethal force,
as well as parry things barehanded she wouldn’t normally be able to.
Source First Edition Core, p. 157.
errata-fix edition=Firstsource=Exalted Players Guidepage=206text=This Charm
increases the stats of attacks made with this Charm.
Source: Scroll of Errata

Fists of Iron Technique

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1, Solar Hero 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , None

”Enhancement:” This Charm adds the magical material benefits of orichalcum
to the Solar’s natural attacks while Solar Hero Form is active.¡/onlyinclude¿==First
Edition Version==
name=Fists of Iron Technique
source=First Edition Core
pc1=Ferocious Jab
text=This charm allows the Solar to strike quickly, fiercely, and with lethal force,
as well as parry things barehanded she wouldn’t normally be able to.
Source First Edition Core, p. 157.
errata-fix edition=Firstsource=Exalted Players Guidepage=206text=This Charm
increases the stats of attacks made with this Charm.
Source: Scroll of Errata

Horizon-Hurling Tactic
Cost: 15m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 5, Solar Hero 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Knockback, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Heaven Thunder Hammer
This Charm allows the Solar Hero to fling an opponent miles away, causing
severe falling damage in addition to other damage, and potentially hurting others the
victim would land on. It is the Solar Hero equivalent to the Infernal Monster Style
Infernal Monster Charm Charms:Crack the Sky Crack the Sky. See the full text of
the Charm for details.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals, pp. 162-163.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals

Heaven Thunder Hammer (Revised)

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Solar Hero Revision 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Solar Hero Form (Revised)
The fury of the Lawgivers scatters their enemies like leaves before the storm.
This Charm supplements an unarmed Martial Arts attack. It ensures that the Solar’s
attack throws his enemy backward (Martial Arts x 3) yards if the attack is successful,
even if it deals no damage. Targets that strike hard objects take one die of damage
for each yard they would otherwise have traveled. This damage is typically bashing
but it can be lethal if the target strikes a sufficiently dangerous object.
Source: Black Paper Moon

Fists of Iron Technique (Revised)

Cost: 1m+; Mins: Essence 2, Solar Hero Revision 2; Type: Supplemental

Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisites: , None
The Solar infuses her hands with the strength of her Essence and strikes like
the Unconquered Sun. The Solar spends up to (her Strength score) motes to enhance
an attack: the Damage of her unarmed attacks increases by 1 for every mote spent,
and the Accuracy of her unarmed attacks increases by 1 for every 2 motes spent. For
instance, spending 4m would increase her Accuracy by 2 and Damage by 4.
Source: Black Paper Moon

Unstoppable Shockwave Technique

Cost: – ; Mins: Essence 3, Solar Hero Revision 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Heaven Thunder Hammer (Revised), Hammer on Iron Technique,
Ox-Stunning Blow, Inexorable Grip of the Sovereign
The Solar burns with Essence. Her strength and agility rise to inhuman levels.
This Charm permanently enhances Heaven Thunder Hammer. Attacks supplemented
by Heaven Thunder Hammer become unblockable, making the target’s Parry DV in-
applicable. Additionally, if the attack is successful, the Solar may spend an additional
2m in Step 9 of attack resolution. This allows him make an additional unarmed Mar-
tial Arts attack by hurling the first opponent into another. The first opponent is
treated as an improvised weapon with -3 Accuracy and +4B Damage.
Hurling one opponent into another operates with the same timing as a counterat-
tack. The character may not make use of this effect when enhancing a counterattack,
nor can the second target respond with Charms with the Counterattack keyword such
as Solar Counterattack or Leaping Dodge Method. The second attack is resolved in
Step 9 of the original attack and imposes a cumulative counterattack-based penalty
of -1 on the Solars DV.
Source: Black Paper Moon

Inexorable Grip of the Sovereign

Cost: –; Mins: Essence 3, Solar Hero Revision 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Solar Hero Form (Revised)
The Solar Exalted hold the Mandate of Heaven. Whatever its feelings towards
the Chosen of the Sun, no being on Creation can deny their authority. This Charm
emulates and exercises this authority: whenever the martial artist uses a creature or
object of Creation as an improvised weapon (see p. 242 of Exalted), increase their
damage by (Martial Arts) and overwrite its Speed to be 5, Accuracy to be +Essence,
and Rate to be 2. An extra wielded as a weapon will not suffer damage himself unless
the martial artist wishes otherwise.
Source: Black Paper Moon

Solar Hero Form (Revised)

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Solar Hero Revision 4; Type: Simple

Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Sledgehammer Fist Punch, Invincible Hero Attitude
This Charm allows the martial artist to easily defend herself against armed
opponents, and to make devastating blows against them. ”This Charm is exactly
as Charms:Solar Hero Form Solar Hero Form save for the change in its Prerequisite
Charms”.Source Second Edition Core, p. 242.
Source: Black Paper Moon

Invincible Hero Attitude

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Solar Hero Revision 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: (Martial Arts) actions
Prerequisites: Fists of Iron Technique (Revised)
The Lawgiver does not acknowledge defeat. Though he may be bloodied and
worn, though his blood may be corroded with vitriol, though pain may wrack his body,
he will seize the jaws of defeat and pry victory out of them. This Charm allows the
character to ignore up to his (permanent Essence rating) points of internal penalties,
regardless of their source. If he channels a virtue while this Charm is active, he may
also add his (permanent Essence Rating) to his dice pools during that action.
Source: Black Paper Moon

Crashing Wave Throw (Revised)

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Solar Hero Revision 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Inexorable Grip of the Sovereign
This Charm allows the martial artist to hurl her opponents great distances.
”This Charm is exactly as Charms:Crashing Wave Throw Crashing Wave Throw save
for the change in its Prerequisite Charms”.Source Black Paper Moon
Source: Black Paper Moon

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Stag 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Sweeping Antler Method
The character uses her weapon as a focal point for damage, enabling her to
avoid even the worst of blows. This Charm may be activated after a failed unarmed
parry attempt. The character automatically parries the attack; however, in doing so,
he loses his weapon, which is knocked back as normal inside of the character. If the
character is truly unarmed (as opposed to wielding a polearm), his blocking arm is
lost; however, it will regrow over the next week, and no health levels are lost. This
is a perfect defense; it can block ANY attack with a physical component. Using a
non-Magical Material weapon to parry very strong attacks will likely result in the
destruction of the weapon in question.

Source: TheHoverpope

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Stag 5; Type: Reflexive (step 9)
Keywords: Combo-ok, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Twisting Antler Strike
The character twists his weapon as he strikes, gouging out his opponents side.
This Charm must be activated on an unarmed strike, before the opponent applies
soak-boosting Charms, but can be applied after standard soak is determined. Every
die of damage on the roll is converted into an automatic success.
Source: TheHoverpope

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Stag 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack (step 2)
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Stag Form
The character attacks with lightning speed, striking his enemy before he can
move into range. If the enemy must move at least two yards before striking you, you
may immediately trigger this charm to make an unarmed attack against him. This
Charm is considered to be a counter-attack charm; however, apply damage to the
attacker before he attacks you. It cannot be used if you cannot strike your opponent.
Source: TheHoverpope

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Stag 4; Type: Simple (Speed 4, DV-1)
Keywords: Form-Type
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Startled Fawn Defense
The character settles back into the Stag Form, opening her soul to the fury of
the forest. While in Stag Form, the character reduces the speed of all martial arts
actions by 1, as well as adding half of her essence, rounded up, to parry DV. This is
a Form-type Charm. It is incompatible with the use of armor.
Source: TheHoverpope

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Stag 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Knockback, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Charging Elk Approach
The character reacts to an attack by falling back from it. If the character
attempts to apply his dodge or parry DV unarmed, she may also move her Martial
Arts x5 yards away. This Charm is explictly permitted to be part of a combo with
any Charm that enhances DV. It is not compatible with the use of armor.
Source: TheHoverpope

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Stag 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Stag Form
The character strengthens her hide against even the strongest blows. For the
duration of the scene, the characters bashing and lethal soak is increased by her
Martial Arts score. This Charm is not compatible with the use of armour.
Source: TheHoverpope

Cost: 3m/attack; Mins: Essence 2, Stag 5; Type: Extra Actions
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Stag Form
The character sweeps through his opponents, attacking any enemy within range
of his fists. The character may purchase a number of extra unarmed attacks up to his
essence; no more than one attack may be applied to a given opponent, and the attacks
cannot be split; the character sufffers only the highest DV penalty for any one attack.
In addition, the charm nullifies the first -2 DV penalty from the aforementioned attack,
to a minimum of 0.
Source: TheHoverpope

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Stag 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Stag Form
The character twists around weapons to strike at her enemys unprotected body.
This Charm may and must be triggered when the opponent declares that they will
use their parry DV. The Parry DV is reduced by the character’s martial arts.
Source: TheHoverpope

Forceful Antler Method

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Stag 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Knockback, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: —
The character moves to block an attack, and the force of her attack drives
her opponent back. This Charm may be triggered when the character applies his
parry DV; the character’s attacker is knocked back a number of yards equal to the
character’s Essence. If the attack was not completely blocked, it still affects the
character as normal.
Source: TheHoverpope

Charging Elk Approach
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Stag 2; Type: reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: —
The character charges forwards with the speed and assuredness of the elk. The
character may make a move action at his dash speed (dexterity + 6 wound penalties).
This Charm cannot be used while armoured.
Source: TheHoverpope

Cost: 7m; Mins: Essence 4, Sun and Stars Illumination 5; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Spider’s Touch
The ultimate tool for the protection of creation that the Sidereals have granted
their illuminated pupils for the time being, this charm both grants the favour of
destiny to their strike and enables them to strike with the wrath of the five maidens
at any being that offends fate.
The attack does aggravated damage to the undead, demons, and the fair folk, and
will add the characters essence extra successes to the attack, no matter who it targets.
They may always channel temperance for any action this charm enhances. If used
against direct servants of fate, such as sidereals, spirits in the bureau of destiny, and
pattern spiders, the attack does only bashing damage.
Source: TheHoverpope

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 4, Sun and Stars Illumination 4; Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Immaculate-To-Illuminated Conversion
The star-born know entirely too well the bite of the pattern spiders - and the
sidereals of the Cult decided to emulate a shadow of that potence in the tree. They
bound together several of the various potencies of the spider and worked them into
one complex charm that all fear.
The character make a normal martial arts attack; it strikes and deals damage
normally. When it strikes a target it inflicts an extra automatic level of aggravated
damage, soaked last, and with it a wound penalty of -2 in addition to the ones that
level would normally inflict. The victim loses a dot in their highest virtue for as
long as that damage afflicts them, as well as a dot of appearance. No target may be
affected by more than one instance of the charm at once. If a character ever botches
while using this charm, they suffer the full effects of pattern spider venom, rolled as
per the chart in E:tS.
Source: TheHoverpope

Cost: 1m + 1/difficulty; Mins: Essence 3, Sun and Stars Illumination 4; Type:

Duration: one turn
Prerequisites: Endurance of a Thousand Stars
Fate allows many truths to be known to the user of the lesser Kata of Avoidance.
The user makes a quick circular motion with their hands, emulating the motion of
the sun and the stars through the heavens, and has an instinctive understanding of
the manner in which their attackers will strike for the next short time.
For the rest of the turn, the difficulty to strike the character is increased by each
mote past the first that they paid to activate this charm; the difficulty may not be
increased by more than the exalt’s essence.
This charm may be included in combos, despite its duration. Exalts may always
channel temperence for their defense while this charm is active.
Source: TheHoverpope

Cost: 1m/-2 penalty, 1 wp; Mins: Essence 3, Sun and Stars Illumination 4;
Type: Simple
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Fate’s Plan Maintained
The exalt, by virtue of the grace given unto them by the incarnae, may endure
wounds that would bring a lesser being, or an unprepared exalt, to their knees.
At a cost of 1 mote per 2 points, the exalt may cancel wound penalties or other
penalties caused by solely bodily impairment or pain - poison penalties, or the ef-
fects of joint-wounding strike, or similar effects. This has no effect on environmental
penalties. The exalt may commit motes between scenes to keep the effect active.
The exalt’s caste mark will continuously glow at a 4-7 mote peripheral level while
this charm is active. The exalt may always channel their conviction during the turn
that they activate this charm.
Source: TheHoverpope

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Sun and Stars Illumination 4; Type: Simple
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Fate’s Plan Maintained
When they activate this form, the exalt embraces the illumination in their souls
and begins to glow with a coruscating light as per their exaltation as the strands of
light about them glint off of the weave of fate. Solars shimmer with golden trails
in their passage, and lunars leave silvered streaks in the air; sidereals leave flowing
ripples of blueish silver in their wake. Their caste marks will glow as if they had spent
1-3 motes of peripheral essence, but will show through coverings.
The exalt reduces their melee and presence target numbers by 1, and may channel
two virtues at a time at the normal cost of one mote each. It is impossible to hide
one’s exalted nature while this charm is active; the caste mark is visible at the lowest
stage, and you trail essence in the colour of your type with every move. Anyone with

essence sight may make an perception + occult roll, at difficulty 6, to discern some
small piece of the exalt’s fate.
Source: TheHoverpope

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Sun and Stars Illumination 3; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Fate’s Knowledge Imparted
The exalt need live in order to see that fate’s plan is maintained - and fate will
protect them, as well as they may alter it. Activating the charm grants the exalt’s
essence in dice to one defensive action, parry or dodge; if defending against an attack
made by a creature outside of fate, it instead gives essence automatic successes. The
exalt may always channel their temperance with this charm.
Source: TheHoverpope

Cost: 1m or 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Sun and Stars Illumination 3; Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Fickle Strands
Fate feels wounds when it is altered by creatures that do not fit within its
pattern, and this damage to its design may be read by those that know the signs.
Whenever they are about to be placed in immediate danger by the dead, demons,
the fair folk or any other being outside of fate, Fate’s Knowledge Imparted activates.
This makes it impossible to be ambushed by these creatures. This charm activation
costs 1 mote.
If the exalt using the charm is not being attacked, they may consciously activate
the charm for three motes and make a perception + martial arts at a difficulty of the
target’s essence to detect such a being’s presence and general location, though not its
nature. This does not grant the ability to strike an immaterial creature. If the being
detected is using a stealth charm, this grants only the knowledge of their presence,
allowing the martial artist to then use charms to find them.
Source: TheHoverpope

Receiving the Thrust

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Swallowing Darkness 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Wanton
Duration: One scene
This Charm allows the character to ignore the Piercing tag on attacks targeting
them.Source Exxxalted Scroll of Swallowed Darkness, p. 98.
Source: Scroll of Swallowed Darkness

Stripping Your Partner

Cost: Special; Mins: Essence 3, Swallowing Darkness 3; Type: Reflexive (Step
Keywords: Wanton
Duration: Instant
This Charm allows the character to remove the clothing and armor of a target
they have successfully clinched.Source Exxxalted Scroll of Swallowed Darkness, p. 98.
Source: Scroll of Swallowed Darkness

Swallowing Darkness Form

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Swallowing Darkness 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Wanton
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Receiving the Thrust, Stripping Your Partner
This Charm grants the martial artist a counterattack clinch against opponents
in melee range.Source Exxxalted Scroll of Swallowed Darkness, p. 98.
Source: Scroll of Swallowed Darkness

Inescapable Tumbleweed Prana

Cost: 1m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Swaying Grass Dance 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-basic
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisites: Teeth in the Grass Strike, Rolling with the Wind Method
Those who would oppose a practitioner of the Swaying Grass Dance Style reap
the whirlwind. Shuffling along with a dizzying series of quick-steps and cartwheels,
the character pursues an adversary. This Charm must be targeted against another
character when activated; this target must be within unarmed striking range, and
must have already attacked the martial artist within the current scene. For the
duration of the Charm, the martial artist gains whatever mobility is necessary to
follow her target. Her Move speed matches that of her target, even if Charms such
as Leaping Dodge Method or Rolling with the Wind Method are employed. This
pursuit explicitly includes whatever acrobatic prowess is necessary to pursue a flying
opponent, so long as there are trees or other structures to climb through in order to
reach them. Inescapable Tumbleweed Prana will not allow the character to follow a
target who moves away by teleporting.
monkeys-vol-25-swaying-grass-dance-style.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 25
Source: Ink Monkeys

Inescapable Tumbleweed Prana

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Swaying Grass Dance 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-basic
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisites: Teeth in the Grass Strike, Rolling with the Wind Method
Those who would oppose a practitioner of the Grass Dance Style may reap the
whirlwind. Shuffling along with a dizzying series of quick-steps and cartwheels, the
character pursues an adversary inescapably. This Charm must be targeted against

another character when invoked, and the target of the Charm must be within striking
range, and have already attacked the character within the current scene. For the
duration of the Charm, the character gains whatever mobility is necessary to follow
his target. His Move speed matches that of his target, even if Charms such as Leaping
Dodge Method or Rolling With the Wind Method are employed. This explicitly
includes whatever acrobatic prowess is necessary to pursue a flying opponent, so long
as there are trees to climb through in order to reach him.
”’Note:”’ This Charm was a user-created Charm. That user later became a writer
for Exalted, and the Charm was released as official content.
Source hls
Source: hls

Wind Pierces Sky Prana

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Tempest Blade 3; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Lightning Blade Form, Vortex of Steel Form
””The tempest blows in every direction, spinning one way then another unpre-
dictable; this is how the Duelist attacks, with his flashing blades coming from every
impossible angle.””
This supplements a flurry of attacks, the Duelist does not take any negative to
DV for any attack aided by this charm, instead he ”adds” 1 to his DV until his next
action for each attack in the flurry.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Sudden Updraft Defense

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Tempest Blade 4; Type: Reflexive (step 2)
Keywords: Combo-basic
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Wind Pierces Sky Prana
””You will overextend yourself; It is the response to this over-extension that
decides your battles. By suddenly shifting your defense, transferring the blade to your
other hand or reversing your grip to hold the blade ’backwards’, drawing a second
weapon; there are many valid responses to the realization you have overextended
yourself. But do not just counter your opponent; change your method to retain the
This charm adds a negative two penalty to the opponents dodge and parry defense
values against the Duelists next action. This effect is not cumulative with any other
external effects that may lower the opponents DV, such as onslaught penalties or
subsequent uses of this charm.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Rain of Blades
Cost: 6m 1w; Mins: Essence 4, Tempest Blade 5; Type: Supplemental (Spd 3
Keywords: Combo-OK, Multiple-Action
Duration: Instant

Prerequisites: Thunder Before Lightning Counter, Sudden Updraft Defense
””As your foes surround you may be tempted to hesitate, to stop your assault.
You must not; you must abandon yourself utterly to the ebb and flow of combat.
Act with the speed and unhesitating grace of the Tempest; you must ”’become”’ the
To take advantage of this charm the Duelist takes the dash action (Speed 3 DV-2),
if he is unable to then the charm provides no effect. During this dash action the
duelist must move toward a specific target and may ignore intervening obstacles such
a inhospitable terrain or guards, he effectively succeeds on any athletics, dodge and/or
parry rolls to advance toward his target. The duelist must still be reasonably able
to move and take such actions, running over a flowing lava field is unacceptable; but
bounding over it, using enemy arrows in flight as stepping stones is. Any distance
covered must still fall within the duelists movement range as normal.
Once the duelist is within striking distance he launches into a full flurry of attacks,
with the rate of these attacks is his essence+2. Each attack in this flurry does not
take any multi-action penalties, each is made at the duelists full attack pool. The
duelist takes no negatives to DV other that that of the dash action until his next
In war scale combat this charm allows one to target a specific unit leader. The
duelist rolls a single attack against his target as normal. If the attack is successful in
damaging the target, a Duel is initiated immediately without contest. However, the
unit leader may choose to roll rejoin War as his combat action. Which may delay his
unit action.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Draw the Storm

Cost: 1m or 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Tempest Blade 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Stillness Before the Storm
””As the storm approaches there is a great onrushing of air, a buildup of
pressure driving before the fury.””This charm causes a weapon to jump to the martial
artists hand, seemingly blown by intense wind, allowing him to attack or defend to
his fullest capability on the first indication of danger, negating any penalty to DV
or length of time for drawing a weapon. For one mote the weapon is drawn from
where it is and is readied but cannot avoid obstacles. Any unattended, or unattuned
weapon is a valid target for this charm.
For three motes the weapon will appear in the martial artists hand, moving in-
stantly through elsewhere to arrive as long as the Duelist is capable of seeing the
weapon. The martial artist must have owned the weapon for at least twenty-four
hours or be attuned and it will simply disappear from whatever holds it and appear
in the users hand.
This charm may specifically be used in addition to any charm used to become aware
of an attack, such as Charms:Surprise Anticipation Method Surprise Anticipation
Method or an awareness excellency.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Zephyr Methodology
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Tempest Blade 3; Type: Simple (speed 4)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Marital Arts + Essence Actions
Prerequisites: Draw the Storm
””Combat is not a game or calculation. It is a dance of pure reaction; a total
suborning of the self into the actions around you. You must give into the actions,
embrace the flows of violence without hesitation or expectation; you cannot catch the
While using Zephyr Methodology the Duelists reaction speed is increased as he
is buoyed by winds, his movement and jumping distances are doubled, he adds his
martial arts score in successes to any Athletics action and takes no penalties of any
type from movement actions such as jumping and dashing.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Stillness Before the Storm

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Tempest Blade 2 ”’Melee”’ 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
””Before the onset of a storm there is a calm, an unnatural stillness and
silence before the sudden onslaught of winds.? ”The Duelist takes a simple, relaxed
and unassuming stance as he casually moves through the blows of his opponents.
This charm is activated at the initiation of combat and allows the Duelist to
transfer all successes rolled on his join combat directly to his post calculation DV’s
until the end of his first combat action; which thereby causes him to automatically
take the last action in the reaction count; his First Action takes place at speed six as
if he had botched the roll.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Vortex of Steel Form

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Tempest Blade 3; Type: Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Form
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Zephyr Methodology
”The whirling tempest of the storm defends its core; surround yourself with the
winds of combat, wrap them like a cloak of protection; do not let your foes approach
to strike at your heart.?”
Surrounding himself with a swirling mass of essence fueled winds and keeping his
weapons sweeping in great arcs; the Duelist doubles his movement rates and Defense
However, the damage of the Duelist is reduced to a maximum of one die post-soak.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Lightning Blade Form

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Tempest Blade 3; Type: Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Form

Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Zephyr Methodology
”Strike with the suddenness of lightning, pierce your opponent before he can
respond and leave only the sound of your passage.?”
The Duelists weapons begins to spark and flare with electricity, he moves with
quicksilver speed leaving the smell of ozone in his broiling wake, he darts smoothly
around the battlefield. He begins to leap from foe to foe attacking with unhesitating
speed and randomness which effectively decreases the speed of his weapon by one,
adds one to the rate and allows him to dash without penalty.
He may choose to reflexively discharge energy from his weapon during each at-
tack, making his strikes Piercing and adding his Essence in accuracy to the weapon.
However, doing so reduces his DV’s by three.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Thunder Before Lightning Counter

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Tempest Blade 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Counterattack Combo-basic
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Wind Pierces Sky Prana
””Merely deflecting your opponents attack allows him to maintain his attack;
thereby giving him the initiative. Deflecting an attack is more than avoiding damage,
it is a chance to maneuver your opponent, a time to influence him into a weaker
position. A Duelist seeks to retain the initiative, even when defending.””
This allows for a counterattack on step 9 of combat resolution. The Duelist, instead
of damaging his opponent during this counterattack imposes an External penalty to
his opponents DV equal to the damage calculated on step 8 of Attack Events. This
penalty lasts until the opponents next action.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Challenge’s Answer
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, The Art of Forceful Declaration 3, Valor 2; Type:
Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisites: Stentorian Challenge
This Charm allows the martial artist to launch a counterattack against any foe
who hits him.Source The Imperfect Lotus, p. 15.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Vituperative Account
Cost: 2m or 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, The Art of Forceful Declaration 5, Valor
4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Biting Remark
Attacks supplemented by this Charm are more difficult to defend against, and
deal horrific wounds.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 17.

Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Raging Repartee
Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, The Art of Forceful Declaration 5, Valor 5;
Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Loosening Tongues
This Charm is a potent enhancement to the user’s attack, but makes the user
very single-minded.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 17.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Ceaseless Progressive Arguments

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, The Art of Forceful Declaration 5, Valor 4;
Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Rapid Rebuttal Of The Harsh Tongue
This Charm gives the user extra attacks so long as hers continue to hit, but she
must use them.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 16.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Loosening Tongues
Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, The Art of Forceful Declaration 5, Valor 4;
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Touch
Duration: (Essence) actions
Prerequisites: Wielding One’s Tongue
This Charm makes it more difficult for the target to control his actions and
mote expenditure.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 17.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Wielding One’s Tongue

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, The Art of Forceful Declaration 5, Valor 4;
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Ceaseless Progressive Arguments, Vituperative Account
The user may use any weapon with his Martial Arts charms, though such
weapons become somewhat less potent.Source The Imperfect Lotus, p. 17.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Violently Advancing Theories

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, The Art of Forceful Declaration 3, Valor 2; Type:

Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Until next action
This Charm allows and requires the user to move between attacks in a
flurry.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 16.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Forceful Declaration Form

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, The Art of Forceful Declaration 4, Valor 3; Type:
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Challenge’s Answer, Violently Advancing Theories
This Charm allows the Exalt to enter the Forceful Declaration Martial Arts
Form. Assuming the Forceful Declaration Form improves the user’s offensive actions,
soak, and damage, reduces the effects of wounds, and intimidates more cowardly
opponents. For full details, reference the source listed below. Source The Imperfect
Lotus, p. 16.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Rapid Rebuttal Of The Harsh Tongue

Cost: 7m; Mins: Essence 2, The Art of Forceful Declaration 4, Valor 3; Type:
Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Instruction In Spirit (Forceful Declaration Form)
This Charm allows the character to make a double counter-attack.Source The
Imperfect Lotus, pp. 16.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Biting Remark
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, The Art of Forceful Declaration 5, Valor 3; Type:
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Instruction In Spirit (Forceful Declaration Form)
This Charm inflicts increased damage with an attack, possibly crippling the
opponent.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 17.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Well-Timed Words
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 1, The Art of Meditative Discussion 3, Temperance 2;
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Varies
Prerequisites: Cautious Comments

The character inflicts his own Temperance on his opponent, hindering her at-
tacks.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 18.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Patient Questions
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, The Art of Meditative Discussion 3, Temperance 3;
Type: Simple (Speed 4, DV -0)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Stackable
Duration: Varies
Prerequisites: Well-Timed Words
This Charm allows the user to divine information about his foe’s strength or
tactics.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 18.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Instruction In Self
Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, The Art of Meditative Discussion 4, Temperance 3;
Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Patient Questions
Assuming the Meditative Discussion Form greatly improves the user’s ability
to defend himself.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 19.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

All-Encompassing Discussion
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, The Art of Meditative Discussion 5, Temperance 3;
Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Hidden Defense
This defense redirect’s a foes attacks to another target.Source The Imperfect
Lotus, pp. 20.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

What Have You Learned Barrage

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 4, The Art of Meditative Discussion 5, Temperance 4;
Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Varies
Prerequisites: All-Encompassing Discussion
The character can store up attacks over successive actions, launching them all
at once as a magical flurry.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 20.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Beholding The Composed Face
Cost: 2wp; Mins: Essence 4, The Art of Meditative Discussion 5, Temperance 5;
Type: Simple
Keywords: Compulsion, Obvious
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Untouchable Purpose
Though her own actions are significantly impeded, foes cannot attack the user
without an effort of will.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 20.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Statements Of Bent Purpose

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, The Art of Meditative Discussion 5, Temperance 3;
Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Instruction In Self
While grappling, the user can use grappled foes to defend himself from at-
tack.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 19.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Command Of Quiescence
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, The Art of Meditative Discussion 5, Temperance 4;
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Stackable, Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Statements Of Bent Purpose
The user slows his target, potentially paralyzing him with multiple at-
tacks.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 19.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Hidden Defense
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, The Art of Meditative Discussion 4, Temperance 3;
Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Instruction In Self
Ths Charm allows the user to ignore impediments to his defense; with great
enough command of Essence, this can even include unexpected attacks.Source The
Imperfect Lotus, pp. 19.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Untouchable Purpose
Cost: 2m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, The Art of Meditative Discussion 5, Temper-
ance 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant

Prerequisites: Command Of Quiescence, What Have You Learned Barrage
This Charm is a perfect, applicability-trumping defense.Source The Imperfect
Lotus, pp. 20.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Cautious Comments
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, The Art of Meditative Discussion 2, Temperance 2;
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: (Temperance) actions
The user’s ability to defend himself is enhanced, so long as he does not take
offensive actions.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 18.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Instruction In Devotion
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, The Art of Relentless Persuasion 3, Conviction 3;
Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Quiet Resolve, Hurried Proof
Assuming the Relentless Persuasion Form improves the user’s soak and Resis-
tance.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 21.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Driving The Point Home

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, The Art of Relentless Persuasion 4, Conviction 3;
Type: Reflexive (Step 10)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Instruction In Devotion
Activating this Charm allows the character to improve an already-made damage
roll.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 22.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Ceaseless Arguments
Cost: 1m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, The Art of Relentless Persuasion 4, Conviction
4; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Driving The Point Home
This Charm allows the character to continue attacking until he hits.Source The
Imperfect Lotus, pp. 22.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Understanding The Foundation
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, The Art of Relentless Persuasion 4, Conviction 3;
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant or one scene
Prerequisites: Instruction In Devotion
This Charm either enhances the user’s ability to damage inanimate objects, or
allows him to fortify them.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 22.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Ignoring Denials Of Truth

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, The Art of Relentless Persuasion 5, Conviction
4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: To The Heart Of The Matter, Understanding The Foundation
This Charm allows the character to launch attacks to through solid ob-
jects.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 22.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Disarming Rebuke
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, The Art of Relentless Persuasion 5, Conviction 4;
Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Incautious Point Of Contention
This Charm gives the user a counter-disarm attack, which can be used to throw
the target weapon if successful.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 24.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Incautious Point Of Contention

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, The Art of Relentless Persuasion 4, Conviction 3;
Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisites: Instruction In Devotion
Though this Charm improves the character’s defenses, it makes attacks he still
fails to defend against more dangerous.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 24.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Ineffable Correction
Cost: 2m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, The Art of Relentless Persuasion 5, Conviction
5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant

Prerequisites: Ceaseless Arguments, Ignoring Denials Of Truth, Disarming Re-
The supplemented attack becomes perfect, hitting even upon rolling a
miss.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 24.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Quiet Resolve
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, The Art of Relentless Persuasion 2, Conviction 2;
Type: Reflexive (Step 7)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
This Charm improves the character’s soak.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 21.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Hurried Proof
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1, The Art of Relentless Persuasion 3, Conviction 2;
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
This Charm greatly increases the character’s ability to move, so long as he
attacks a foe at the end of the movement.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 21.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

To The Heart Of The Matter

Cost: 1+m; Mins: Essence 2, The Art of Relentless Persuasion 4, Conviction 3;
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Instruction In Devotion
The supplemented attack bypasses some amount of the target’s soak.Source
The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 22.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Showering Foes With Friendship

Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, The Art of Victorious Concession 5, Compas-
sion 4; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Softening Cruel Tidings
This Charm grants extra actions which can only be used for non-attack actions,
except those enahnced by this Victorious Concession Charms or Compassion-based
Spirit Charms.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 26.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Instruction In Good Will
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, The Art of Victorious Concession 4, Compassion 3;
Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Hearing The Unspoken Word, Spoken In Kindness
Assuming the Victorious Concession Form allows the character to deal special
stunning damage, in place of bashing or lethal.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 25.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Opening The Door

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, The Art of Victorious Concession 5, Compassion 3;
Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Instruction In Good Will
Using this defense results in the attack hitting the character, but in a weaker
state than it otherwise would have been.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 25.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Flawed Dedication Consent

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, The Art of Victorious Concession 5, Compas-
sion 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Opening The Door
Her awareness of a foe’s attack improves her defense, and potentially allows a
counter-grapple in response.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 25.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Honey-Coated Admonitions
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, The Art of Victorious Concession 5, Compassion 3;
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Opening The Door
This Charm improves the user’s chance of hitting his opponent, at the cost of
reducing the potency of the attack.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 26.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Softening Cruel Tidings

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, The Art of Victorious Concession 5, Compas-
sion 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Instruction In Good Will

Invoking this Charm strips magical enhancements from a foe’s attack.Source
The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 26.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Soothing Word Of Wisdom

Cost: 2m or 3m; Mins: Essence 3, The Art of Victorious Concession 5, Compas-
sion 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Stackable, Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Instruction In Good Will
The character can invoke this Charm to heal, rather than harm, with his at-
tacks.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 26.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

An Oath Of Presence
Cost: 3+m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, The Art of Victorious Concession 5, Com-
passion 4; Type: Simple (DV -0)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Soothing Word Of Wisdom
The character’s soak improves, and he gains the ability to heal himself.Source
The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 26.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Lesson Of The Rod

Cost: 2m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, The Art of Victorious Concession 5, Compas-
sion 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Honey-Coated Admonitions, Showering Foes With Friendship, An
Oath Of Presence
This Charm forces an attacker to share in the pain caused by his attack.Source
The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 27.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Loving Oration
Cost: 5+m, 1+wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 4, The Art of Victorious Concession 5,
Compassion 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Compulsion, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Lesson Of The Rod
This Charm calms the spirits and heals the bodies of those nearby. Source The
Imperfect Lotus, pp. 27.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Hearing The Unspoken Word
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, The Art of Victorious Concession 2, Compassion 2;
Type: Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
This Charm bestows awareness of sentient beings within range.Source The Im-
perfect Lotus, pp. 24.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Spoken In Kindness
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1, The Art of Victorious Concession 3, Compassion 2;
Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
The character using this Charm may redirect a nearby attack to himself.Source
The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 25.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Arc Blinding Assault

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Thousand Wounds Gear 5; Type: Reflexive
(Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack, Crippling, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Thousand Wounds Gear Form
One of the most common mishaps in the industrial world of the Alchemical
Exalted is accidental blinding by exposure to unbearably bright arcs of energy. The
martial artist learns to mimic this tragedy in a more direct fashion, throwing a shower
of white-hot sparks as a counterattack in response to any attack she defended against
with an unarmed parry using a close combat weapon that does not inflict bashing
damage. She may choose any target for the sparks within (Essence) yards and need
not choose the attacker who prompted the Charm, resolving her counterattack using
the normal statistics for the weapon with which she parried. If her counterattack
would inflict any damage, her victim is instead blinded (as per ”’Exalted”’, p. 152).
The blistered eyes of the Exalted repair themselves after a full day, but mortal eyes
boil away completely to leave behind smoking sockets.
of-love-domo-arigato-mr-roboto-edition.aspx Chambers of Love: Domo Arigato, Mr.
Roboto Edition
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Alchemicals, p. 173.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Alchemicals

Gear Catches Gear Defense

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Thousand Wounds Gear 3; Type: Reflexive (Step
Keywords: Combo-OK

Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: The Circle Screams
This Charm increases the martial artist’s parry DV against an attack, and, if
the parry is successful, increases the Speed of the enemy’s action. It also allows the
martial artist to parry lethal and ranged attacks barehanded. ”See the text of the
Charm for full details”
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Alchemicals, p. 171.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Alchemicals

Thousand Wounds Gear Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Thousand Wounds Gear 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Gear Catches Gear Defense
Thousand Wounds Gear Form allows the martial artist to use her gyroscopic
chakram as a shield, makes her unarmed strikes deal lethal damage, and allows her
to ignore Hardness. ”See the text of the Charm for full details”
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Alchemicals, p. 172.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Alchemicals

Rearing Crane Release

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Thousand Wounds Gear 5; Type: Reflexive (Step
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One action
Prerequisites: Thousand Wounds Gear Form
This Charm supplements the act of releasing an opponent from a clinch, allowing
the martial artist to throw the enemy up to twice the normal throw distance and leave
them suspended in midair. ”See the text of the Charm for full details”
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Alchemicals, p. 172.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Alchemicals

Floating Target Lock

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Thousand Wounds Gear 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One action
Prerequisites: Rearing Crane Release
This Charm supplements an unarmed attack against an opponent in midair,
leaving them suspended until the martial artist’s next action as per Rearing Crane
Release. Essence users may negate this effect for a payment of 5 motes. ”See the text
of the Charm for full details”
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Alchemicals, p. 173.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Alchemicals

Flesh-Rending Gear Technique

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Thousand Wounds Gear 5; Type: Supplemen-

Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Thousand Wounds Gear Form
Bladed gears erupt from the martial artist’s anima, increasing the raw and
minimum damage. This Charm cannot supplement natural unarmed attacks that
deal bashing damage. ”See the text of the Charm for full details”
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Alchemicals, p. 173.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Alchemicals

Hungry Gear-Tooth Attack

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Thousand Wounds Gear 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Arc Blinding Assault
The martial artist makes an unarmed attack with a weapon that doesn’t inflict
bashing damage. If it causes damage, this attack imposes a Crippling wound that dis-
ables a limb- the limb is amputated if the attack is made using a gyroscopic chakram.
”See the text of the Charm for full details”
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Alchemicals, p. 173.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Alchemicals

Thousand Wounds Persistence

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Thousand Wounds Gear 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Linear Flight Principle, Hungry Gear-Tooth Attack
This Charm supplements a ranged attack with a gyroscopic chakram. The
weapon ignores the normal rules for repeated attacks, and continues until the target
is dead or the weapon botches. ”See the text of the Charm for full details”
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Alchemicals, p. 173.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Alchemicals

Linear Flight Principle

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Thousand Wounds Gear 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Knockback, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Floating Target Lock, Flesh-Rending Gear Technique
An unarmed attack enhanced by this Charm knocks the opponent back if it hits,
having identical effects to Heaven Thunder Hammer if they hit an obstacle. ”See the
text of the Charm for full details”
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Alchemicals, p. 173.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Alchemicals

Thousand Wounds Disassembly

Cost: 7m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Thousand Wounds Gear 5; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious

Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Thousand Wounds Persistence
The martial artist makes a single unarmed attack. If this hits, two more un-
blockable, undodgeable attacks follow. ”See the text of the Charm for full details”
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Alchemicals, p. 173-174.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Alchemicals

The Circle Screams

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Thousand Wounds Gear 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
This Charm increases either the Accuracy or raw damage of an attack, at the
martial artist’s discretion. ”See the text of the Charm for full details”
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Alchemicals, p. 171.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Alchemicals

Striking Form of the Dragon

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Three-Fold Dragon 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Universe In a Moment Meditation
”Dragon lines flow together, the chakra points found in every living thing flow
together, elements flow together with their type; it is the nature of energy to flow
together, to unite their power and flow again to join the cycle of life.”
With awareness of the energy around him the Adept gains the ability to polarize
his body with energy causing small sparks of essence to flare down his arms and legs.
This increase in his reaction speed allows him to strike quicker, reducing the speed of
his Physical Actions, including attacks, by one to a minimum of three.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Lithe Form of the Dragon

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Three-Fold Dragon 4 ”’Dodge”’ 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Universe In a Moment Meditation
”Watching his foes and understanding their movements is simple for the Adept.
Charging his body with essence that is in opposition to his foes allows the Adept to
flow through even the swiftest and most sure of his opponents attacks.”
Flaring his anima with essence, he is able to harden his natural defenses, deflecting
and avoiding his opponents blows. This charm refreshes the users dodge and parry
pool and allows him to parry lethal without a stunt.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Dragon Tail Parry

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Three-Fold Dragon 4; Type: Reflexive (step 5)

Keywords: Knockback, Obvious, Combo-Basic
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Three-Fold Dragon Form
The Adept flares and hardens his anima at the point of impact, thrusting it
outwards thereby forcing his opponent off balance and halting the attack.
The Adept counters an attack by rolling (Dexterity+Martial Arts) at a difficulty
equal to the number of success rolled on step three of Attack Events. If this counter
gets more successes than the original attack, the attack fails and no damage is rolled.
In any case, the attacker must immediately check for knock-back with the difficulty
set as the number of successes on the Dexterity+Martial Arts counter which effectively
stops any flurry that was being attempted on the defender.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Striking the Soul

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 4, Three-Fold Dragon 5 ”’Occult:”’ 4; Type: Permanent
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Stance of the Second Coil: Manifestation of Will Technique
Being aware of how essence works grants the Adept insight in how it can
be countered.This charm allows the Adept to strike chakra flows in his opponents,
thereby blocking them.
The Adept must be aware of the charm; it must have the Obvious keyword or the
Adept must have some active effect that grants Essence Sight, such as ”’Dragon Sight
Technique”’ or All-Encompassing Sorcerer’s Sight.
This is a single attack with a +4 difficulty to the targets DV, Speed 6 DV-2, as
the chakra points are very small.
When struck, the point closes off the current essence flow pattern, making the last
charm used by the target unusable for a number of actions equal to the Dragon Adept’s
martial arts. These attacks are made Obvious to anyone who has been subjected to
them previously.
These attacks can only be made when the Dragon Adept’s anima banner is at the
8-10 range
Source: AjaxTorbin

Dragon Sight Technique

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Three-Fold Dragon 4; Type: Simple (Speed 3)
Keywords: Coil
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Three-Fold Dragon Form
This increases the Adepts ability to detect essence by allowing him to see flows
of essence as auras of light. He can see and distinguish types of essence because they
appear as a specific aura appropriate to its type; demesnes, manses, attuned artifacts,
dragon lines, essence using beings in addition to spell and charm effects. Immaterial
beings will appear as shadowy after-images, while dragon lines and elemental essence
will have a hue suiting their element and exalts will have auras suiting their patron.
Moving essence sources leave rapidly fading glowing trails, reducing the difficulty
of tracking essence users by 2 as long as they have been in the area within the last

half hour.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Stance of the Third Coil: Dragon Spirit Cloak

Cost: 15m, 3w; Mins: Essence 5, Three-Fold Dragon 5; Type: Simple (speed 4)
Keywords: Obvious, Multiple-Action, Coil
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Sundering Essence Wave, Striking the Soul
”This is the form of the Dragon Master, the ultimate ability of the dragon
Upon activation of this charm the anima of the user immediately burns at the 16+
range, and remains so as long as this charm is active. At this point the anima is an
extension of his will, as much a part of his body as his hand.
The Adept becomes a whirlwind of activity; an unstoppable juggernaut of pure
fortified Essence. Anything attempting to effect him must pass though an impene-
trable skin of glowing essence, his post calculation Natural Soak, MDV and PDV are
all doubled for the duration and he gains natural hardness equal to his permanent
Essence score.
While active the Adept may reflexively spend a mote per attack to gain a range
on his unarmed martial arts attacks equal to his essence x10 yards. This effect is
Finally the adept gains two extra physical actions which may be used for such
things as refreshing his DVs, attacking or dashing. The Adept may not use theses
actions to activate extra charms.
”The following effects of this charm can only come into effect if ”’Three-Fold
Dragon Form”’ and ”’Dragon Sight Technique”’ are active.”
The Adept becomes more Essence than physical. As soon as this ability is active
the Adepts form seems to become something suiting his anima banner.
As long as the Adept can perceive Essence (as with Dragon Sight Technique) he
is able interdict and control its flow within his body. Any essence fueled ability that
directly damages or inflicts a penalty is able to be countered by the Adept, whether by
shifting his own essence so it is not effected or diverting the effect away from himself.
This ability includes spells, such as Blood of Boiling Oil, and naturally occurring
essence effects, like that of a manse explosion.
This does not include targeted charms that do not directly target the Adept, like
those that increase the opponents skill or raw abilities.
”The following comes into effect if ”’Stance of the Second Coil: Manifestation of
Will Technique”’ is active:”
The pool of dice given by the charm Stance of the Second Coil: Manifestation of
Will Technique now count as successes. These success count twice toward the die cap
limit in the same way as the charm Essence Triumphant. Any action supplemented
by this is obvious in the extreme, making stealth a nonviable option.
During the duration of this charm the Adept takes no negatives from wounds or
poisons, though if brought below his -4 health level he is rendered unconscious as
Source: AjaxTorbin

Entwined Among the Dragon’s Scales
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 4, Three-Fold Dragon 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Instant (Step 2)
Prerequisites: Three-Fold Dragon Form
Expanding his anima out the Adept may defend his allies instead of helping
himself. This is an enhancement to Three-Fold Dragon Form.
The Adept may spend 2m to reflexively flare his anima and shield himself and
anyone or anything within Essence x2 yards. Ones besides the Adept so protected
may use their DV or his, whichever is greater and both them and the Adept gain a
natural bonus to lethal and bashing soak equal to the Adept’s Essence.
When activated in conjunction with Three-Fold Dragon Form the effect remains
for the duration of that charm even as the Adept takes other actions, as long as those
protected remain within range. However, the Adept take a -2 penalty to his Defense
Values against all attacks directed at him. This penalty does not apply to attacks
targeted at those he protects. The Adept may cancel the effects of this charm as a
reflexive action but must reactivate Three-Fold Dragon Form to restore the lasting
Source: AjaxTorbin

Universe In a Moment Meditation

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Three-Fold Dragon 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Emotion
Duration: Scene
”The Adept uses meditation to improve his awareness of flows of energy all
around him. He uses his innate sense of things through essence to feel, rather then
see or hear changes around him. He blasts open his feelings and becomes a part of
others, feeling their impact on the world wash over him. Using this understanding
his ability to respond to his surroundings is increased.”
The emotions of a large group eddy and swirl, causing fluctuations and resonating
with the newly opened awareness of the adept. He can focus this ability with time
and effort, taking a few minutes (several long ticks) to size up a target person or area.
Small crowds and individuals are the same, needing time to focus, but when in a
large group the various feelings of the crowd mix with the essence of the area and the
Adept can sense this as a ’feeling’ he gets. This limited form of empathy is a constant
for the Adept as long as he is awake and does not wish to suppress it. This does have
some drawbacks as in especially tense situations, or large crowds with blazing intense
emotions this causes the Adept to become detracted with their background ’buzz’,
reducing his MDV by 1.
However this empathy has the effect of granting a number of dice equal to the
Adepts permanent Essence score on any roll to detect ambushes, lying or hatred
driven arguments or join battle as he can feel the increase of emotions and energy
that accompanies violence.
He does not become aware of any attack, nor gain any details of the source nor
target of this emotion, he knows only that someone or something nearby is angry
enough to kill.
Information gained through use of this charm is nonspecific; it cannot target a

specific object or person, only the users surroundings.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Sundering Essence Wave

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 4, Three-Fold Dragon 5; Type: Simple (speed 5 DV-2)
Keywords: Holy, Obvious, Knockback
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Stance of the Second Coil: Manifestation of Will Technique
The anima of the Adept leaps outward as he channels energy down it, expanding
and strengthening it into a wave that overwhelms anything in its way. The Adept
knows the workings of Essence and how it flows. Disrupting or suddenly shifting
this flow can cause damage and this ability causes direct damage to the surroundings
dealing superficial damage to the area, causing things like cracks to appear in the
walls and ground and debris to fly dangerously.
This attack hits everything in an area extending (Essence x10) yards from the
Adept in all directions using a single attack pool of (Martial Arts + Dexterity
+Essence). It deals bashing damage equal to the Adepts permanent Willpower,
ignores cover and cannot be parried, dodged or soaked by armor except by use of
charms, spells or artifact armor and instantly causes a Knockback test to be made by
anyone hit by it. Those that fail fly away from the Adept Essence x2 yards
Source: AjaxTorbin

Three-Fold Dragon Form

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Three-Fold Dragon 4 ; Type: Simple (speed 4)
Keywords: Coil, Obvious, Form
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Stance of the First Coil: Harmonic Understanding Prana
”The Adepts ability to manipulate his own energy increases as he further
understands his own Essence and he can now consciously control his anima with
The Adept is also able to harden his anima, using it to grasp and maneuver, retain
his balance and inflict and parry lethal damage without a stunt.
When this charm is active the users anima flares at the 11-15 level and can be seen
aiding in movement, giving the users permanent Essence score in dice to any use of
Dexterity+Athletics .
Also, he may extend his anima out to Essence x2 yards, allowing him to manipulate
objects and attack out that far; he in effect has the Reach tag.
In addition, for the rest of the scene he is assumed, at his discretion, to have passed
or failed all Valor checks.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Universe In the Moment Meditation

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Three-Fold Flowing Essence 4; Type: Reflexive
(step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant

Prerequisites: Awareness of the Heart-Pulse
”There are times when the world slows; when a supernal understanding flows.
The Adept learns to gain such a moment at times of conflict; slowing when others
speed, understanding where others ignore, listening when others speak.”
When this charm is activated, the Adept instantly gains the benefit of a full Aim
action. This does stack with any naturally gained Aim bonus. Only one activation
of this charm can apply at any given time, its effects do not stack with itself.
At Essence 5+ the Adept may reflexively activate this charm in response to any
Join Debate or Join Combat roll as non-charm use.
Also, when the Adept takes the normal Aim action after having activated this
charm, the dice gained instead become a maximum of three Successes.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Essence Sight Technique

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Three-Fold Flowing Essence 4; Type: Simple (Speed
Keywords: Coil
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Awareness of the Heart-Pulse
”This increases the Adepts ability to detect essence by allowing him to see flows
and pools of essence as auras of light. He can see and distinguish types of essence
because they appear as a specific aura appropriate to its type; demesnes, manses,
attuned artifacts, dragon lines, essence using beings in addition to spell and charm
effects. Immaterial beings will appear as shadowy after-images, while dragon lines
and elemental essence will have a hue suiting their element and exalts will have auras
suiting their patron.”
Other than these slight changes this charm is in all ways identical to All-
Encompassing Sorcerers Sight.
Moving essence sources leave rapidly fading glowing trails, reducing the difficulty
of tracking essence users by 2 as long as they have been in the area within the last
half hour and are not using charms to avoid tracking.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Stance of the First Coil: Harmonic Understanding Prana

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Three-Fold Flowing Essence 4; Type: Simple (speed
4 DV-2)
Keywords: Coil
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Essence Sight Technique, Universe In the Moment Meditation
”The Adept now combines the lessens of the first coil into a single practice. By
releasing his expectations and needs he is able to perceive things others cannot, he is
able to take advantage of openings others cannot. The actions around him seem to
flow obviously; all he has to do is move with this flow and guide it to its destination.”
His foes see the Adept suddenly stop; his features calm: he is a island of focus as
he feels the patterns of power around him giving insight into the actions of his foes.
For the duration of this charm the Adept adds one to his MDV, both Dodge and
Parry Defense Values and one success to all unarmed martial arts attacks.

This charm can only be used in areas where it is possible for the user to sense
Source: AjaxTorbin

Principle of Attraction
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 4, Three-Fold Flowing Essence 4; Type: Reflexive
(step 1)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Stance of the First Coil: Harmonic Understanding Prana
”Dragon lines flow together, the chakra points found in every living thing flow
together, elements flow together with their type; it is the nature of energy to flow
together, to unite their power and flow again to join the cycle of life.”
Armed with an innate awareness of the energy around him the Adept can polarize
his entire body with Essence, causing small sparks of to flare from his torso chakra
point and then down his arms and legs. This increases his reaction speed allowing
him to move quicker, reducing the speed of his Physical Actions, including Attacking
and Dashing, by one to a minimum of three. Note that this does not decrease the
speed of Charms or Sorcery actions.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Stance of the Second Coil: Manifestation of Will Technique

Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Three-Fold Flowing Essence 5 ; Type: Simple
(speed 4)
Keywords: Coil, Obvious
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Flowing Essence Kata
”The focus needed to master this style is extraordinary, to understand and
take advantage of the very nature of essence is not lightly done and the level of
understanding needed to get this far is hard won indeed.
Just learning this charm will change the appearance of the Adepts anima banner
whenever it flares, adding subtle coloration, becoming more solid in appearance and
mirroring his movements. It becomes more than just a visual effect of channeling
essence, it becomes more a physical manifestation of the Exalts will as essence visibly
shifts, reinforcing the Adepts abilities first in one area then another.”
Once the Adept focuses his attention all else is secondary. His stance becomes
steady, his eyes focused; immediately after activating this charm the anima of the
Adept flares momentarily to the 16+ range and ripples with obvious power.
For the rest of the scene the Adept has a pool of dice equal to his permanent
essence score. He may reflexively add these dice to any single value or die pool
Supplementing a single action at Instant duration. Examples include, improving
Accuracy, reinforcing Dodge value, increasing Damage or adding 2 bashing or lethal
soak per die. This pool may reinforce non-combat values at storyteller discretion.
These dice count as normal against the die cap limit in the same way as the charm
Essence Triumphant.
Any action supplemented by this charm is obvious in the extreme, making stealth
an non-viable option.

Using this pool does not count as charm use and can be used at any time.
This pool refreshes at the start of the Adept’s action if the Adept reflexively spends
a 1m.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Form-Rending Essence Talons

Cost: - (3m); Mins: Essence 5, Three-Fold Flowing Essence 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Flowing Essence Kata
”Shaping Essence has by this point become more natural to the Adept than
Taking his own essence and driving it down into his hands and feet is as easy as
movement and the Adept can Parry lethal without a stunt and adds his Essence to
his Natural Unarmed Damage.
The Adept may commit 3m upon activating this charm to form epically vicious
claws, his natural damage is now piercing and ignores hardness.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Inversion Pulse Wave

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 5, Three-Fold Flowing Essence 5; Type: Simple (speed
5 DV-1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Stance of the Second Coil: Manifestation of Will Technique
”Essence buildup in a target with no containment or shaping is a process
called Inversion and it is extremely dangerous and leads to catastrophic results unless
one, like the Adept, knows how to channel this. Such buildups leave sparking dark
discharges that flare from normal essence color to a dark negative as they dissipate.
Areas that have had many Inversion buildups tend to leak power and be obvious to
any being who can sense Essence.”
Allowing a large Inversion to build inside his own body the Adept channels it and
releases the buildup in massive burst of raw power. This charm leaves obvious signs
of its use, usually as a shallow, smoking, sparking, crater, or missing walls and floors
if used inside.
This attack hits everything within the Adepts (Essence x3) yards in all directions,
deals Piercing Bashing damage equal to the Adepts (Essence x Essence) and renders
both Dodge and Parry defenses inapplicable; only by using supernatural effects that
remove an effected target from the radius, such as Leaping Dodge Method, can one
avoid this blast. Targets are knocked backed out of the blast radius (Which could
cause more bashing damage if they hit something) and then must also check for
knockdown with a difficultly set at 2 + (adepts Essence).
The Adept can release the pulse early, reducing this to a speed 3 DV-1 action to
forgo the normal damage and only apply the Knock-back and Knock-down effects.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Stance of the Third Coil: Transcendence of the Will Method
Cost: 15, 1wp; Mins: Essence 5, Three-Fold Flowing Essence 5; Type: Simple
(speed 4)
Keywords: Obvious, Multiple-Action, Coil
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Inversion Pulse Counter, Inversion Pulse Wave, Essence Twisting
”Taking his own energy the Adept cycles it back in upon itself, compounding,
shaping and anchoring it ro his physical form, seeming to me more a being of raw
hardened essence than of physical shape. His form becomes obscured by his anima
and that reflection spirit moves with more awareness and understanding than the
Adepts inward focused gaze and rigidly precise movements.”
The Adept becomes a whirlwind of power; an unstoppable juggernaut of pure for-
tified Essence. Anything attempting to effect him must pass though an impenetrable
skin of glowing essence; his post calculation Natural, unmodified, Soak, MDV and
PDV are all doubled for the duration and he gains natural hardness equal to his
permanent Essence score.
His now hardened anima increases his mobility, his movement rate can now take
him in any direction including up; the Adept can stand in midair as easily as the
ground. When this charm ends the Adept is lowered gently back to the ground on
slowly dissipating Essence.
Finally the adept gains an extra physical action in which any DV penalties he has
gained are reset to Zero. He may then attack or move again as normal accruing the
normal penalties, or end his turn with refreshed Defense Values. The Adept must
still follow normal charm use rules.
”’The following effects of this charm can only come into effect if Flowing Essence
Kata and Essence Sight Technique are active.”’
As long as the Adept can perceive Essence (as with Essence Sight Technique) he
is able interdict and control its flow within his body. Any essence fueled ability that
damages or inflicts a penalty Directly to the Adept, is able to be negated, whether by
shifting his own essence so it is not effected or diverting the effect away from himself.
This ability includes spells, such as Blood of Boiling Oil and Essence Inversion, and
naturally occurring essence effects, like that of a manse explosion; and direct Essence
attacks such as Crypt Bolt and Glorious Solar Saber. The Adept is still effected by
such spells that conjure a physical object, like Death of Obsidian Butterflies or Rain
of Doom.
This does not include charms that do not directly target the Adept, like those
that increase the opponents skill or raw abilities or grant a supernatural ability like
Foe-Valting Technique.
While Flowing Essence Kata is active the Adepts range on his unarmed martial
arts attacks equal to his (Essence x10) yards.
”’The following comes into effect if Stance of the Second Coil: Manifestation of
Will Technique is activated:”’
The pool of dice given by the charm Stance of the Second Coil: Manifestation of
Will Technique now count as successes. These success count twice toward the die cap
limit in the same way as the charm Essence Triumphant.
During the duration of this charm the Adept takes no negatives from wounds or
poisons, though if brought below his -4 health level he is rendered unconscious as

Source: AjaxTorbin

Inversion Pulse Counter

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 5, Three-Fold Flowing Essence 5; Type: Reflexive
(step 4)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Stance of the Second Coil: Manifestation of Will Technique
”Essence buildup in a target with no containment or shaping is a process
called Inversion and it is extremely dangerous and leads to catastrophic results unless
one, like the Adept, knows how to channel this. Such buildups leave sparking dark
discharges that flare from his normal essence color to a dark negative as they dissipate.
Areas that have had many Inversion buildups tend to leak power and be obvious to
any being who can sense Essence.”
Letting such an inversion point build momentarily in his extremities and releasing
it when struck allows the Adept to counter an attack by rolling a standard Martial
Arts attack at a difficulty equal to the number of success rolled on step three of Attack
Events. If this counter gets more successes than the original attack, the attack fails
and no damage is rolled.
In any case, the attacker must immediately check for knock-back with the difficulty
set as the number of successes on the Dexterity+Martial Arts counter which effectively
stops any flurry that was being attempted on the defender, unless, of course, the
attacker has some way of closing the distance before the next attack.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Hardened Spirit-Shield Technique

Cost: - (2 or 4m); Mins: Essence 5, Three-Fold Flowing Essence 5; Type:
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Flowing Essence Kata
”This is an improvement to Flowing Essence Kata which allows the Adept to
suddenly expand his essence out and form a barrier of hardened Essence which causes
his anima to flair momentarily with energy equivalent to the 11-15 range and visibly
move to interdict attacks.”
The Adept may Reflexively spend 2m to flare his anima and shield himself and
anyone or anything within Essence x2 yards. Anyone within this area may use his
PDV or theirs, whichever is greater and, they and the Adept gain a natural bonus to
lethal and bashing soak equal to the Adept’s Essence.
The Adept may spend 4m upon activation of Flowing Essence Kata to enjoy the
benefits of Hardened Spirit-Shield Technique charm for as long as Flowing Essence
Kata is active.
The Adept may cancel the effects of this charm as a reflexive action but must re-
activate both Hardened Spirit-Shield Technique and Flowing Essence Kata to restore
the lasting effects.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Principle of Opposition
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 4, Three-Fold Flowing Essence 4; Type: Reflexive
(Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Merged (Shadow Over Water)
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Stance of the First Coil: Harmonic Understanding Prana
”As Essence that is alike will flow together, Essence that is in opposition will
Quickly charging his body with essence that is in opposition to his foes allows the
Adept to flow through even the swiftest and most sure of his opponents attacks; he is
able to smooth his defenses, deflecting and avoiding his opponents blows. This charm
refreshes the Adepts Dodge and Parry Defense Values and allows him to parry lethal
without a stunt.
This charm is synergistic with Shadow Over Water and counts as such for meeting
Source: AjaxTorbin

Flowing Essence Kata

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 4, Three-Fold Flowing Essence 4; Type: Simple (speed
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Form, Coil
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Principle of Opposition, Principle of Attraction
”The Adepts ability to manipulate his own energy increases as he further
understands his own Essence and he can now consciously control the attraction and
opposition of his Essence on a minute level. This manifests visually as his anima flairs
lightly around him like a bright shadow and seems to aid in his actions.”
This adds the Adepts Essence to any Dexterity or Athletics roll or value, except
DV, including movement, and allows the Adept manipulate objects out to his (Essence
x2) yards and float half that distance off the ground; effectively giving him the Reach
weapon tag and allowing him to levitate at will.
In addition, for the rest of the scene he is assumed, at his discretion, to have passed
or failed all Valor checks.
Dynamic Form Transition
A practitioner of Flowing Essence style who has learned Flowing Essence Kata
may reflexively transition into that Form without a Charm activation in the following
If the practitioner successfully parries a blow directed at himself without using a
charm with a Flaw of Invulnerability.
If the practitioner successfully lands a blow on an opponent who then uses a charm
with a Flaw of Invulnerability.
If the practitioner is currently using any other Martial Arts Form and successfully
parries an attack with that style’s unarmed weapons.
If the practitioner applies his Parry to an attack with Hardened-Spirit Shield
Technique or the Defend Other Action.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Essence Twisting Strike
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 4, Three-Fold Flowing Essence 5; Type: Reflexive
(step 1 DV-5)
Keywords: Obvious, Combo-Basic
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Stance of the Second Coil: Manifestation of Will Technique
”Having mastered the precise manipulation of essence the Adept knows that
any manipulation of Essence takes fine control and clear understanding. Knowing
this the Adept may disrupt such control in others.”
This charm Supplements a single Martial Arts attack, or flurry with a +4 difficulty
added to the targets Defense Values and allows the Adept to strike the Essence flows
of his opponents, thereby blocking them. If successful, the attack deals no damage and
instead closes off the current essence flow pattern, making the last charm used by the
target unusable for a number of Ticks equal to the Adept’s Martial Arts + Essence.
These attacks are made supremely obvious to anyone who has been subjected to them
previously, they know what was done to them and the signs of another attempt to do
so again.
The Adept must be aware of the charm; it must have the Obvious keyword or
the Adept must have some active effect that grants essence sight, such as Essence
Sight Technique. It cannot block the effects of Permanent charms such as Ox-body
Technique or spells and charm effects currently in use, such as scene long or multiple
action charm effects, though it can stop the reactivation or re-application of said
charms; put simply this charm inhibits a target from spending motes on the most
recently activated charm or charms if used as part of a flurry of attacks. If used
against a charm with a flaw of invulnerability, in still allows use of that charm, but
at twice the mote cost and with a 1wp surcharge.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Awareness of the Heart-Pulse

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3, Three-Fold Flowing Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Permanent
”Essence is everywhere and one who is aware of it is aware of the very life
blood of all the known realms. This is known but the Adept learns to feel this pulse
in his soul and it is as steady as his own heartbeat. While all beings have an essence,
those that channel it stand out against this steady pulse of life, especially when they
direct their will at the Adept.”
Unless the attacker is specifically using a charm effect to do so, the Adept cannot
be surprised by an attack made by an Essence channeling being or artifact effect.
If the attacker is using a supernatural effect to gain surprise, this charm adds the
Adept’s Essence in successes in any roll needed become aware of the attack.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Hidden in the King’s Shadow

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Throne Shadow 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant

Prerequisites: Throne Shadow Form
The Sidereal stands behind the throne of god-kings and emperors, whispering
secrets and advice in their ears. Such footing, behind the rulers and defenders of all
the world, is the safest he could ever find. The Sidereal may activate this Charm in
response to any attack against him, allowing any one character who is protecting him
with a Defend Other action to perfectly parry it, even if it is unblockable. The defend-
ing character must be aware of the attack, and must choose to protect the Sidereal.
This Charm’s reliance on a defender is considered a unique Flaw of Invulnerability.
Although this Charm is Obvious, it is the Sidereal’s defender who seems to be making
use of the magic, not the Sidereal. A second purchase of this Charm at Essence 5
allows the Sidereal to extend its duration to one action by paying a surcharge of three
motes and a point of Willpower. Doing so extends this perfect defense to all valid
Defend Other attempts made to protect the Sidereal for the full duration.
Source: The Demented One

Lotus Petal Calligraphy

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Throne Shadow 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Lotus Eye Tactics
Sidereal Exalted are instructed to recognize the seven expressive hand gestures
and the twenty-three nuances of kata, the hidden subtleties of martial arts that re-
veal intent and emotion through physical action. Whenever a character attacks the
Sidereal, their current emotional state is revealed to him as if he had made a read
motivation action with a total of (Martial Arts) successes. If this fails to overcome
the usual difficulty of (Manipulation + Socialize 2), the Sidereal learns nothing. In
order to read a character from his attack, the Sidereal must be capable of seeing his
attacker, and must have been aware of the attack. This base effect does not normally
reveal Intimacies possessed by the character, even if the Sidereal could normally do so.
Instead, once the Sidereal has discerned a character’s emotions with this Charm or a
normal read motivation action, each further attack from that character in the same
scene allows the Sidereal to learn one Intimacy they possess, chosen by the attacking
character, if he overcomes the standard difficulty. Should the Sidereal learn all of a
character’s Intimacies as well, their next attack reveals their Motivation to him if he
overcomes the difficulty.
Source: The Demented One

Dojo’s Mirrored Wall Revelation

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 2, Throne Shadow 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Lotus Petal Calligraphy
If a man’s heart and voice are taken from him, then the Sidereal will recognize
the plea for help that is made with his fists. If the Sidereal is attacked by a character
that is under the effects of unnatural mental influence, it becomes evident to him
that his assailant’s mind is not his own, rendering the influence Obvious. He must
be able to see his attacker in order to perceive this, and must have been aware of the
attack. This Charm does not reveal the nature of the unnatural mental influence,

although the Sidereal may choose to filter out any influence that could not result
in the character being made to attack him, letting him distinguish whether or not
the attack was caused by mind control. He may also filter out any influence whose
presence he is already aware of. If the Sidereal has Lotus Petal Calligraphy active, he
may choose to discern the exact effect of a single unnatural influence in place of the
normal information revealed, although he must still exceed the usual difficulty to gain
information with that Charm. If the Sidereal is attacked by one of his shadow fingers
while they are in Limit Break, he realizes that the attacker is not in full control of
himself, although this Charm offers no further information as to the source of their
Source: The Demented One

Sifu’s Instructive Parable

Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Throne Shadow 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Social
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Sifu’s Useful Fingers
The advice of the Sidereal Exalted uplifts kings and emperors, strengthening
their glory with wisdom. This Charm can enhance any social attack made to compel
behavior that is phrased as a suggestion, piece of advice or instructive allegory, ren-
dering it unnatural mental influence that costs a single point of Willpower to resist.
If the Sidereal’s target is one of his shadow fingers, the social attack is undodgeable.
So long as the Sidereal’s roll overcomes the target’s MDVs, even if they resist the
initial influence, it exerts a secondary Compulsion effect upon them. If the target is
ever reminded of the consequences of failing to heed the Sidereal’s advice, he suffers a
repetition of the initial social attack, and must pay a point of Willpower if he wishes
to resist it. The Sidereal’s shadow fingers must instead pay two points of Willpower
to resist. A character’s MDVs afford no defense against the unblockable and undodge-
able influence, although defensive Charms can still negate it. If a character resists
this influence (Essence) times, it is broken. Valid triggers for this Compulsion include
disobeying the Sidereal’s advice and suffering negative consequences for it, witnessing
another character taking actions contrary to the Sidereal’s advice to their detriment,
or witnessing another character taking actions suggested by the Sidereal’s advice to
their benefit.
Source: The Demented One

Looking Over Student’s Shoulder

Cost: (25m, 1wp); Mins: Essence 5, Throne Shadow 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: World as Weapon Mastery
Should the Sidereal’s students have need of him, they need only speak his name,
and he is there. The loyal vizier must always stand ready to advise his king. Should
one of the Sidereal’s shadow fingers speaks his name or mentions him, the fact becomes
Obvious to his senses, as does the identity of the shadow finger in question. He does
not know the context in which his name is spoken, only that he was invoked by one
of his students.

Should he wish, he may then pay twenty five motes and a point of Willpower as a
miscellaneous action to disappear, reappearing within the shadow finger’s presence.
He must appear within (Essence x 10) yards of the shadow finger, and must appear in
a place that would grant him sufficient cover to attempt concealment. Lacking such
a destination, the Sidereal cannot teleport. If he wishes, he may reflexively attempt
to establish surprise as he arrives. Otherwise, he simply seems to step out of nowhere
to greet his shadow finger.
In order to overhear or teleport to his shadow fingers, the Sidereal must be within
(Essence x 100) miles of them. Wards against scrying or teleportation also impede
the magic of this Charm. With Martial Arts 6 and Essence 6, he may teleport to his
shadow fingers no matter how far they are from him, so long as he is within the same
realm of existence as them. With Martial Arts 7 and Essence 7, the Sidereal may
hear and teleport to shadow fingers that are in other realms of existence, though he
must pay a surcharge of twenty five motes and two points of Willpower to teleport
into other reams.
Source: The Demented One

Sage-of-Heaven Wisdom
Cost: ; Mins: Essence 2, Throne Shadow 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Sifu’s Useful Fingers
The Maidens did not choose their Exalted for great deeds of heroism or in-
domitable spirit. They chose the fateful souls, those who could turn the course of
the world’s destiny with a subtle word or a clever plan. The Sidereal Exalted are the
Viziers of the Celestial Host, the advisers and mentors of god-kings and champions,
and it is their nature to fulfill this fate. This Sidereal may recover a single point
of Willpower at the end of any scene in which he acts in his capacity as a Vizier.
Appropriate behaviors include offering advice or guidance to other characters in ful-
filling duties that are a part of their position, profession, or immanent nature, training
other characters in mundane or magical skills, and devising plans that will further the
overall goals of another character if carried out, which includes fate planning. If the
Sidereal acts as a Vizier to a character whose Essence exceeds his own or who is one
of the Solar Exalted (including the Abyssal and Infernal Exalted derived from them),
he may instead regain two points of Willpower. Alternatively, once per story, he may
choose to dissipate a single point of Paradox in place of receiving this greater reward,
pleasing the pattern spiders by fulfilling the duties given to him by the Maidens.
Source: The Demented One

Hidden Between Strands

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 2, Throne Shadow 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Lion Mouse Stratagem
The world willingly forgets the Sidereal Exalted, an unfortunate curse that they
have taken much advantage of. This Charm upgrades Lion Mouse Stratagem. While it
is active, the -3 internal penalty on all (Wits + Integrity) rolls made to remember the
Sidereal through his Arcane Fate are is converted to an external penalty. In addition,

this Charm also enhances the other effects of Arcane Fate, converting the bonus dice
that the Sidereal receives on attempts to impersonate another person or to disguise
himself as a resplendent destiny that he has donned to automatic successes. Note that
while this Charm is not Native to the Sidereal Exalted, it is useless to characters that
lack Arcane Fate. Such characters must seek out other means of gaining Arcane Fate,
such as the use of a Sublime Interstice of Incongruity, to benefit from this Charm.
Source: The Demented One

Irreproachable Vizier Impartiality

Cost: 8m; Mins: Essence 2, Throne Shadow 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Social
Duration: Instant (Story)
Prerequisites: Unbreakable Armor Mudra, Throne Shadow Form
To advise correctly one must remain impartial, view new ideas with skepticism
and weight an option against alternatives! The Sidereal eludes others attempts to
chain his mind. The Sidereal uses this Charm in response to an attempt at mental
influence, be it natural or unnatural. This attempt at influence must be made either
by a shadow finger or else a character who the Sidereal regards as his superior, who
regards the Sidereal as his subordinate or who regards the Sidereal as a peer and ally or
is regarded as a peer and ally by the Sidereal. In addition to its core effects, this Charm
perfectly negates that attempt at influence.This Charm defends the character against
mental influence by forging an instant, sorcerously charged Intimacy. Mechanically
this is as the Solar Charm Elusive Dream Defense mechanics, but with the following
- Fellow Sidereals are at -2 difficulty to notice the Intimacy. If any character fails
the Investigation roll in question, they will instead perceive an Intimacy to a belief
they would expect.
- This Intimacy cannot alter the Sidereal’s relationship to the person using the
mental influence such that they become an invalid target for this Charm.
Source: Ghosthead

Irreproachable Vizier Impartiality

Cost: 8m; Mins: Essence 2, Throne Shadow 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Social
Duration: Instant (Story)
Prerequisites: Unbreakable Armor Mudra, Throne Shadow Form
To advise correctly one must remain impartial, view new ideas with skepticism
and weight an option against alternatives! The Sidereal eludes others attempts to
chain his mind. The Sidereal uses this Charm in response to an attempt at mental
influence, be it natural or unnatural. This attempt at influence must be made either
by a shadow finger or else a character who the Sidereal regards as his superior, who
regards the Sidereal as his subordinate or who regards the Sidereal as a peer and ally or
is regarded as a peer and ally by the Sidereal. In addition to its core effects, this Charm
perfectly negates that attempt at influence.This Charm defends the character against
mental influence by forging an instant, sorcerously charged Intimacy. Mechanically
this is as the Solar Charm Elusive Dream Defense mechanics, but with the following

- Fellow Sidereals are at -2 difficulty to notice the Intimacy. If any character fails
the Investigation roll in question, they will instead perceive an Intimacy to a belief
they would expect.
- This Intimacy cannot alter the Sidereal’s relationship to the person using the
mental influence such that they become an invalid target for this Charm.
Source: Ghosthead

Master Sifu and Respectful Student Techniques

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 4, Throne Shadow 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Training, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Throne Shadow Form
The Chosen of the Maidens are peerless teachers and students of supernatural
martial arts, rarely matched, but not truly exceeded. This Charm may be learnt
once a Sidereal Exalt has comprehended the meaning of the Sidereal Exaltation as
expressed by the Throne Shadow Style and has learnt to represent it as a combat
form. This Charm permanently enhances the Exalts capabilities with two of the
following training skills, each of which requires five or more hours of effort in any
given week to bear fruit. The Exalt may train a number of characters no greater
than than his Martial Arts+Essence at once with this technique. He may only train
a target or target group in one of these each week. All characters trained must be
shadow fingers, or else the Exalt adds one willpower to the cost of any of the training
techniques below.:”’Insight Lending Utterance”’. The Vizier can spend one willpower
and three motes to reduce the training time for a target for any given Charm he
knows by his Essence in days (to a minimum of one). They must pay the experience
cost as normal.
”’Iron Fist Training Hardships”’. Vizier tutors in the ways of unarmed combat
often strengthen their target’s blows with hardships designed to strengthen their
fists. The Vizier spends one willpower while training a target. A target trained by
the Vizier may then commit motes of essence to the effect of adding to the damage,
accuracy and defense of his unarmed attacks. He may either reduce the Speed of his
unarmed attacks by one and commit one motes of essence per one point improved
or may maintain the current Speed of his unarmed attacks and commit one mote of
essence per two points improved. He may also commit two motes to make his unarmed
attacks inflict or to block lethal damage. He may commit up to his (Essence+3) motes
to this technique. This commitment may be ended at any point. No target may reduce
his Speed below 4 with this technique.
”’Moment of Understanding Inculcation”’. The Vizier may train a character in the
essence of any given combat technique. When training a character, the Exalt may
pick a given Martial Arts technique with a similar or narrower breadth to a speciality,
and spends four motes and one willpower. The trained target may then commit four
motes. Commiting these motes allows a character to store a number of successes
equal to (the target’s Martial Arts + Essence). When in combat and employing the
technique specified by their trainer, at Step 4 or 6 during combat resolution they may
release the commitment, adding these successes to the successes from a dice pool or
to a static rating. Adding these successes to a static rating explicitly counts against
the limit for the number of successes which can be added to a static rating. The
commitment may be ended at any point without using the successes. Successes from

multiple commitments may not stack. A trained target individual may only make a
number of commitments studying under one teacher up to (teacher’s Essence).
The Sidereal can train with a target group or as a solo character, increasing her
own capabilities. Characters with this Charm can purchase additional tricks from
this list for five experience points or two bonus points. Using these abilities does not
count as a Charm invocationthis Charm permanently enhances the Exalts capabilities.
The Obvious keyword denotes that anyone closely observing the training or its result
would understand that the training was enhanced by the trainer’s Charms and would
have a rough idea of the purpose of the enhanced training.
Source: Ghosthead

Cost: 1m or 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Throne Shadow 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Indefinite
Sidereals understand the world; much of their power to act upon the world
proceeds from this fact. When the character perceives an individual whose Martial
Arts rating is equal to or higher than his own, that fact becomes Obvious to his senses
unless the character is using a supernatural disguise of some kind. Alternately, for a
cost of 3m, the character knows all combat Abilities a perceived individual possesses
which are rated equal to or higher than his Martial Arts rating.
Source Lords of Creation
Source: Lords of Creation

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Throne Shadow 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion
Duration: Indefinite
Sidereals deceive the world, presenting themselves as less than what they are;
much of their power to act upon the world proceeds from this fact. The Sidereal cloaks
herself in the humble and unassuming air of the neophyte student, the civil servant,
or the hanger-on in the company of legends. She seems unthreatening, imposing a
-3 external penalty on all attempts to gauge her nature and the level of her skill.
This unassuming mien also makes it difficult to view the Sidereal as a serious threat;
all attempts to re-establish surprise enjoy a bonus of (Sidereals Essence) dice. This
Charm constitutes a form of unnatural mental influence costing two Willpower to
resist for one scene.
Source Lords of Creation
Source: Lords of Creation

Sifu’s Useful Fingers

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Throne Shadow 3; Type: Simple (One dramatic
Keywords: Combo-OK, Enhanced
Duration: Indefinite

Sidereals advise the world; much of their power to act upon the world proceeds
from this fact. Disdaining such crude weapons as fighting gauntlets or appropri-
ated barstools, the Sidereal turns others into his instrumentsbe they pawns or kings.
The Sidereal may enlighten an individual with five minutes of one-on-one advice and
simple-but-profound martial demonstrations. The beneficiaries of such instruction
temporarily enjoy one bonus dot of Martial Arts and add the Sidereals Martial Arts
rating to their Dodge MDV so long as the Vizier commits Essence to this Charm.
She may sustain a commitment to up to (Essence x 2) beneficiaries at once. Sidereals
know such beneficiaries as shadow fingers.
”Enhanced:” a Sidereal exalt automatically becomes aware when one of her shadow
fingers is attacked, regardless of the distance separating them.
Source Lords of Creation
Source: Lords of Creation

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Throne Shadow 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Lotus Eye Tactics, Lion Mouse Stratagem, Sifu’s Useful Fingers
Combining insight, deceit, and the shadow fingers she has accumulated, the
Sidereal makes a terrible fist with which to guard all things within destinys design.
While this Form is active, all shadow fingers within (Dexterity x 3) yards are con-
sidered to be protecting the martial artist with a Defend Other action at all times.
Additionally, the Sidereal may launch coordinated attacks with her shadow fingers,
substituting Martial Arts for War, and such attempts are made at difficulty 1 regard-
less of the number of fingers participating in the attack. The Sidereal and her fingers
may also strike dematerialized targets while this Form is active, though this Charm
does not help them find and target such beings.
Source Lords of Creation
Source: Lords of Creation

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Throne Shadow 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Throne Shadow Form
The world of the Exalted is a world of vast, eye-catching luminaries; nobody
notices a shadow lost in the tangle of the crowd. This Charm enhances an attempt
to re-establish surprise in a crowd (defined as a scene in which at least 20 characters
are present), producing a -2 external penalty on attempts to spot the Sidereal. If
the Sidereal has at least two shadow fingers present, this also qualifies as a crowd,
permitting her to attempt to re-establish surprise.
Source Lords of Creation
Source: Lords of Creation

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Throne Shadow 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Enhanced, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Shadow Lost in the Court
Sidereals are known for their discretion, never sullying the courts of the Law-
givers with the blood of would-be assassins or the screams of intercepted fanatics.
Their killing arts are cleaner than that. This Charm supplements an unarmed mar-
tial arts attack. Should it successfully strike its target, that individuals breath is
sealed, and he begins suffocating (see Second Edition Core, p. 130). The target
may make a reflexive (Strength + Athletics) roll every thirty seconds at a difficulty
of the martial artists Essence rating to attempt to break free and resume breathing
normally. Until he does so, he suffers a -2 internal penalty to all actions. The martial
artist may also restore a targets breath by striking them with this Charm again.
”Enhanced:” this Charm may alternately be used to steal the targets breath alto-
gether. The Sidereal may subsequently try to strangle the target with her own breath,
treating such attempts as a dire chain-assisted grapple attempt. Should the target
regain her breath, this weapon vanishes from the Sidereals grasp.
Source Lords of Creation
Source: Lords of Creation

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Throne Shadow 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Poison
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Pneuma-Sealing Strike
There is no deadlier weapon than truth, which Sidereals may unleash on destinys
behalf. Should an unarmed attack supplemented by this Charm strike its target,
they are poisoned with a toxin with the following traits: (Special/one hour, 5, /,
-1). Rather than doing damage, this toxin infects the victims chakras and her mind,
rendering her incapable of lying or dissembling. Should she speak, she may only speak
the truth as best she knows it.
Source Lords of Creation
Source: Lords of Creation

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Throne Shadow 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack, Enhanced
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Throne Shadow Form
The Sidereals are destinys guardians and the eyes of the Exalted. Their vi-
sion must not be clouded, and those who would attempt such stratagems must be
punished. While this Charm is active, the Sidereal may launch an unarmed Martial
Arts counterattack against any individual who attempts to inflict unnatural mental
influence on him. If this influence is ongoing, the counterattack triggers the first time
the Sidereal is exposed to it after activating Clear Eyes Defense.
”Enhanced:” at Essence 3+ a counterattack which successfully strikes its target
also perfectly negates the unnatural mental influence which triggered it.

Source Lords of Creation
Source: Lords of Creation

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Throne Shadow 5; Type: Simple (Speed 3, DV -0)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Five actions
Prerequisites: Throne Shadow Form
Striking the air with her palm, the Sidereal sets an Essence-vibration racing
through the world. The Exalt makes an unarmed martial arts attack; all hidden
characters within (Martial Arts x 10) yards must make a reflexive opposed Dexterity +
Stealth roll against the attacks successes. Should the Sidereal garner more successes,
then a series of ripples and distortions in the air give away the individuals location
and render stealth impossible for five actions. This Charm also automatically reveals
dematerialized beings within its range in this manner.
Source Lords of Creation
Source: Lords of Creation

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Throne Shadow 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Enhanced, Servitude
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Clear Eyes Defense, Welcoming the Uninvited Guest
Improvisation is a cherished skill of brawlers and courtly guardians alike. The
Sidereal rolls (Charisma + Martial Arts), issuing an exhortation to abandon arms
and loyalties and rally to him for the sake of the worlds preservation. This battlefield
plea is ineffective against heroes and supernatural beings, but the weak minds of the
worlds extras may be easily swayed to change their loyalties. Compare the Sidereals
roll to the highest MDV of any hostile extra present; should the Sidereal succeed,
(Essence x 2) extras switch sides and immediately begin fighting under the Sidereals
leadership (assuming that so many are present). These extras are considered to be
shadow fingers until the end of the scene; after that point, the Sidereal must use Sifus
Useful Fingers on them if he is to retain them as his tools. This Charms unnatural
mental influence costs three points of Willpower to resist.
”Enhanced:” at Essence 4+, then this Charm may also win the loyalty of mindless
automatons, including undead, though such beings add their masters Essence to their
MDV if they are under magical control.
Source Lords of Creation
Source: Lords of Creation

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 4, Throne Shadow 5; Type: Permanent
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Deadliest of All Weapons, Finger-Stealing Handshake
Those who wield the world as a weapon are never alone, and as such, cannot be
defeated. The attacks of the Sidereals shadow fingers are now considered to be her

unarmed attacks for the purpose of Charms of Throne Shadow style.
Source Lords of Creation
Source: Lords of Creation

Rough Knuckles Polished

Cost: (+1m or +1wp); Mins: Essence 3, Throne Shadow 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: , Granite Origami Trick
Often, heroes can come from the most unlikely places, and Fates fulcrum can
turn on the tiniest incidents. It is often the viziers duty to polish these rough stones
into diamonds, or reforge base ore into a suitable blade. This Charm permanently
enhances the one-mote version of its prerequisite, allowing the Sidereal to increase its
cost by one mote in order to increase the effective Resources cost of the original form
weapon by one for the purposes of choosing a valid new shape. This allows her to
create higher-quality equipment, if she should so desire.
The two-mote version is also enhanced, allowing the Sidereal to increase its cost
by one mote in order to make the created form weapon into an Exceptional example
of its type.
Finally, the Sidereal can use the one-mote version of Granite Origami Trick with a
surcharge of one point of temporary Willpower, allowing it to affect an artifact form
weapon she is attuned to, altering it into any other artifact form weapon of the same
magical material with an equal or lesser artifact rating. Such altered artifacts revert
back to their original form at the end of the scene.
Source: Revlid

Granite Origami Trick

Cost: 1m or 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Throne Shadow 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Throne Shadow Form
It is simple for a vizier to change the form of an entire destiny, shaping it with
a series of auspicious meetings and unlikely coincidences. How much easier, then, to
reform a single weapon, folding it anew with each jarring block or crushing blow?
The Sidereal may activate this Charm upon making a successful or parried unarmed
attack with any mundane form weapon of this Style, or making a successful parry
with the same, allowing her to alter the form weapon in question into any other form
weapon with an equal or lower Resources cost. Shadow fingers are not considered
mundane form weapons for the purposes of this Charm.
This effect is not innately Obvious; a tiger claw can easily be snapped and bent into
a fighting gauntlet or khatar, while improvised weapons of an appropriate cost can
be broken and twisted by the rigors of battle into actual brawling aids. However, for
more implausible transformations that the Sidereals player cannot stunt as mundane,
this Charm gains the Obvious keyword.
Alternatively, this Charm may be used at a cost of two motes to turn a mundane
form weapon into any other weapon with a Resources cost of zero, even if they are
not form weapons. Weapons created in this manner count as form weapons of Throne
Shadow Style until the end of the scene in which they were created.

Both versions of this Charm allow the Sidereal to split a transformed form weapon
into two separate form weapons, provided that their total Resources cost is equal to
or less than the Resources cost of the original weapon.
At Essence 4+, this Charm automatically upgrades, allowing the martial artist to
transform a weapons statistics without appreciably changing its shape; this effect is
Obvious whenever she makes an attack with that weapon.
Source: Revlid

Appreciating-Every-Facet Tutorial
Cost: ; Mins: Essence 2, Throne Shadow 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Lotus Eye Tactics
This Charm permanently enhances the Sidereals ability to learn and teach Mar-
tial Arts Charms. The majority of Martial Arts Styles have Complementary Ability
requirements that must be filled before the Style can be learned; often, this is the
combat ability that would normally pertain to the Styles form weapons. If the Side-
real, or any character he is tutoring, has even one of the Complementary Abilities of
a Style as a Favoured or Caste Ability, that character learns the Charms of that Style
as though they Favoured Martial Arts, using the relevant xp costs and base training
times for Favoured Charms.
If the Sidereal himself does not have Martial Arts as a Favoured or Caste Ability,
he recalculates the xp he has spent on any Martial Arts Charms he has learned,
applying this Charms pseudo-Favoured discount in order to gain xp refunds where
A second purchase of this Charm allows a Sidereal to act as a tutor in Charms he
does not know, provided he meets all the minimum trait requirements. For example,
he may reduce the training time for a Solar to learn Charms:Mist on Water Attack
Mist on Water Attack, provided he has a Thrown rating of 4+ and an Essence rating
of at least 3. This does not allow him to teach Charms that do not belong to the
native Charmset of his pupil.
Source: Revlid

Sifu-in-Soul Scripture
Cost: 5m per recorded Charm; Mins: Essence 4, Throne Shadow 5; Type:
Simple (Dramatic Action)
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Lotus Climbing Assessment
This Charm requires access to something that could be used as a physical
receptacle of knowledge, such as a prayer strip, a scroll, a data crystal, an encoded
message in the stars readable only by astrological thaumaturgy, or graffiti. Whatever
the chosen receptacle, the Sidereal spends a dramatic action of no less than (recorded
Charms) hours recording any number of Martial Arts Charms into it, in the form of
instructions, diagrams, relevant sutras, etc, paying five motes per recorded Charm.
She cannot record Charms from more than one Style into a single receptacle, though
Martial Arts Charms that do not belong to any Style (such as enlightenment Charms

or Flowing Kata Form) can be included in any receptacle. In any case, the receptacle
in question becomes as difficult to destroy as a level-one artifact.
Any character capable of learning the level of Martial Arts recorded within may
activate the receptacle by spending one point of temporary Willpower. They immedi-
ately fall inactive, as they are plunged into a trance (this trance is treated as a dream
for the purposes of effects that interact with such). While in this trance, they are
aware of outside stimulus directed specifically at them, and can awaken as a miscel-
laneous action (or reflexively upon being struck by an attack). In the trance itself,
they are confronted by a phantasmal representation of the Sidereal in a soulscape of
arbitrary appearance (designed by the Sidereal, consciously or otherwise, upon acti-
vating this Charm). The phantasm is naturally disposed to pass on its knowledge,
refusing to do so only when confronted by a character the Sidereal himself would have
utterly refused to teach on principle. Provided this is not the case, the character is
taught one or more of the Charms recorded within the receptacle while in the trance,
exactly as though the Sidereal himself were teaching them (this includes the effects
of any specialized training Charms the Sidereal knew at the time of creating the re-
ceptacle). Within the soulscape, time appears to pass as normal, but this is not the
case; Charms learned in this way have their training time reduced to hours rather
than days.
Since the Charms in question are effectively being taught by the Sidereal, Martial
Arts Styles that require an actual tutor (such as Black Claw Style or Iron Rod Style)
can be taught through this Charm, with the Sidereal being treated as the tutor in
question. Even Sidereal Martial Arts can be taught in this way, though the train-
ing time is not reduced at all, and the receptacle is consumed after a single usage,
regardless of how many Charms have been learned.
A second purchase of this Charm allows the Sidereal to record any Charms, Spells,
Abilities, or Specialties he possesses knowledge of, allowing them to be taught in the
exact same way.
Source: Revlid

Shadow Avoids Throne

Cost: 5m (+1wp); Mins: Essence 2, Throne Shadow 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Throne Shadow Form
This Charm can only be learned by a Sidereal who has, for one reason or another,
become creatures of darkness, allowing him to bypass the need to learn Holy Martial
Arts Charms as prerequisites. Any Martial Arts Charms with the Holy keyword are
no longer considered prerequisites for any other Martial Arts Charm, and are replaced
by their own prerequisites (obviously, if that replacement Charm is also Holy, then it
is replaced by its own prerequisite in turn).
Should the Sidereal ever be redeemed of his status as a creature of darkness, he
loses this Charm and any Charms for which he no longer has the proper prerequisites,
with all xp spent on them immediately refunded.
This Charm was originally sanctioned, as it was useful only to those viziers who
had sold their souls to become akuma. However, in the First Age it was quietly
recorded into one of the more obscure libraries of the Fivefold Fellowship, after a
Sidereal was branded a creature of darkness by a furious Solar priest. In the Age

of Sorrows, there are any number of reasons a Sidereal might be forced to learn it;
extensive Wyld mutation, necrotech implants, Solar castigation, or, indeed, becoming
an akuma.
”Example: In order to learn Righteous Devil Form, a martial artist would normally
need to learn both Blessing of Righteous Solar Spark Meditation and Cloud of Ebon
Devils. Imperial Crane Archer, a Sidereal akuma with this Charm, does not need
to learn the first Charm, as it has the Holy keyword. Instead, he requires Cloud
of Ebon Devils and Blossom of Inevitable Demise Technique (the prerequisite of the
substituted Holy Charm) to learn Righteous Devil Form. Should he somehow ever
stop being a creature of darkness, he loses access to Righteous Devil Form until he
learns its bypassed prerequisites normally.”
Source: Revlid

Mind’s Eye Sparring

Cost: 4m (+1wp); Mins: Essence 4, Throne Shadow 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Lotus Eye Tactics, One complete Celestial martial art (all
This Charm may be used to target any individual that the Sidereal can perceive
with Lotus Eye Tactics active. That target immediately becomes unconsciously aware
of the Sidereals intent to duel them, and may accept or reject this offer as their player
wishes. If they reject, the sense of challenge passes, and this Charm has no further
effect. If they accept, however, the Sidereal may pay a single point of Willpower to
send them both into a soulscape dojo. Note that nothing prevents the Sidereal from
openly challenging the target before activating this Charm.
The soulscape dojo is identical to the area that the Sidereal and his target are
currently in, but is devoid of other characters. It has a diameter of half a mile;
moving outside of this diameter simply returns the character to the opposite side of
the dojo, which loops back on itself in a manner reminiscent of the mind-twisting
topography of Malfeas. The goal of the two characters is to fight until one dies,
surrenders, or stops fighting in order to completely focus on an unrelated activity.
The character left standing is the winner.
Once a winner is determined, both characters are returned to reality; the spar took
barely an instant. Neither of them suffer any lingering injuries or other effects from
the duel, nor are their mote or Willpower pools any more depleted than before the
duel began; the entire fight was essentially imaginary, based on the faithful extrapo-
lations of the Sidereals predictive Essence. Both retain all their memories of the fight,
and the loser owes the winner a single favour (which must be both possible and un-
derstandable), chosen by the winner upon his victory. The loser is made instinctively
aware of this favour, and it is enforced as though they had agreed to it in an Eclipse
Oath sealed by an Eclipse with an Essence rating one dot lower than the Sidereals.
Source: Revlid

Unified Style Instruction

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 3, Throne Shadow 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Permanent

Prerequisites: , Sifu’s Useful Fingers
This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite, allowing the vizier to include
ideas of style and presentation alongside his martial instruction. Upon learning this
Charm, the Sidereal must describe a certain thematic or ideal centred around combat
and no longer than five words; examples might include honour-bond bodyguard?,
boisterous bruiser? or silent assassin?. Whenever his shadow fingers take an action
in a manner that fits with the described thematic, they increase the rating of that
actions stunt by one level, as though it resonated with their Motivation. This cannot
grant a stunt bonus to actions that do not qualify for one to begin with, and the
Sidereal himself does not benefit.
The Sidereal can only change the thematic granted by this Charm by ending all
mote-commitments to Sifus Useful Fingers and spending a full day in meditation.
Upon completing his ruminations, he describes a new thematic, which future shadow
fingers benefit from as normal.
Perhaps the most famous user of this Charm is Capitan Lieko, a ronin Sidereal
who has gathered a full Circle of Dragon-blooded martial artists. These renegade Im-
maculates travel with him as his shadow-finger cohorts, benefiting from the thematic
of flamboyant bringers of justice?.
Source: Revlid

Art of Duel-Wielding
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 6, Throne Shadow 6; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious, Touch
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: , Mind’s Eye Sparring, Sifu-in-Soul Scripture
The Sidereal can only activate this Charm while in Throne Shadow Form, and
in physical contact with two of his shadow fingers, each of whom must have been
taught at the same Form-type Martial Arts Charm by him. Both of his pupils’ animas
immediately flare to the totemic level for just a moment, before their bodies erupt and
collapse into a pair of scrolls, the style of which mimics their animas own aesthetics.
These scrolls hover and swirl around the Sidereal for a moment before splitting into
prayer strips, as though cut sideways with scissors. The strips continue to burn with
the colour of their anima, and bear, in Old Realm, the Scripture of the Proud Maiden.
These prayer strips last for as long as the Sidereal remains in Throne Shadow Form,
and are otherwise indestructible. For their duration, the Sidereal benefits from the
effects of one Form-type Charm (other than Throne Shadow Form) that he has taught
to both of the dissolved students, at no additional cost. This circumvents normal rules
on the number of Form-type Charms that can be active at one time.
For the duration of this Charm, the two pupils are enraptured in their own mind-
scape dojo, constructed by the martial artist within his soul; here they engage in
futile, surreal battle, each using the Style that their Sidereal teacher is drawing from
with this Charm. At the moment the Charm ends, they strike each other down at the
same moment, and are returned to their bodies, in physical contact with the Sidereal.
Source: Revlid

Lotus Blossom Hero

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 6, Throne Shadow 6; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Native

Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: , Lotus Eye Tactics, One complete Sidereal Martial Arts Style
Of all the Celestial Exalted, it is the Sidereals who are called the greatest martial
artists. Many are those who scoff at this title, and their doubt is not without its
foundations. Can the Sidereal Exalted match the unconquered arete of the Lawgivers
in sheer strength and skill? Can they boast of any destructive secret techniques
that can stand against the unholy power of the Deathknights? Can they achieve
transcendence like unto that of the Infernal Monster? Of course not. And yet, it is
not falsely that the Sidereal Exalted are praised as masters of the martial arts. If they
cannot match their contenders in talent, terror, or transformation, then they must
exceed them in understanding and wisdom. This Charm may be purchased once for
each complete Sidereal Martial Arts Style that a character has learned. It is native
to the Sidereal Exalted, an esoteric meditation upon samsara that only they achieve.
It upgrades the chosen Style in the following ways.
The Sidereal gains a single automatic success on any Martial Arts-based action
that is enhanced by a Charm of the chosen Style. If this Charm is purchased for
multiple Sidereal Martial Arts Styles, then the automatic successes granted by each
purchase stack.
So long as the Sidereal has a sutra of the chosen Style active, he may activate
Combos that are made up solely of Charms from the chosen Style and Sidereal Excel-
lencies without needing to pay a point of Willpower. If he has purchased this Charm
for multiple Sidereal Martial Arts Styles, then this benefit is also extended to valid
Combos that contain Charms of multiple Styles he has learned this Charm for, so
long as he has a sutra active for each Style whose Charms are used.
The Sidereal may pay three motes to use either sutra of the chosen Style, rather
than paying a point of Willpower.
Source: The Demented One

Patchwork Master Practice

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 2, Throne Shadow 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Lotus Eye Tactics
Reality is wide and eclectic, but there is always overlap, always points of eerie
similarity and alien integration. A true master understands that there are only so
many ways one can join a battle. This Charm permanently enhances the Sidereals
ability to learn Terrestrial Martial Arts. Whenever she would begin learning a new
Charm from such a Style, she may examine every other Martial Arts Charm she
knows. If any of them have the same approximate effect, she may skip? the new
Charm; Patchwork Master Practice allows her to use other Martial Arts Charms as
prerequisites for further Charms in that Style, provided they have the same approxi-
mate effect. The Storyteller has the final say on whether Charms are similar enough
to replace each other in a Styles tree. Form-type Charms can never be skipped? in
this manner.
This Charm does apply retroactively, allowing the Sidereal to un-learn? redundant
Martial Arts Charms in exchange for xp, as her new, integrated understanding leads
to a surge of enlightenment.
At Essence 4+ this Charm automatically expands, allowing the martial artist to

skip? Celestial Martial Arts Charms (she could already use such Charms to skip?
others, but not vice-versa). Sidereal Martial Arts Charms can never be skipped.
”Example: Jyon Tuist wishes to learn First Pulse Style. The first Charm of that
Style, Lightning Mental Armament, enhances a Join Battle roll while granting a fur-
ther bonus. Jyon already knows how to strike quickly at the start of battle; he learned
it in Celestial Monkey Style, with the Charm Flowing Mirror of Opposition Tech-
nique. Therefore, he chooses to incorporate this knowledge into his understanding of
First Pulse Style, skipping Lightning Mental Armament and allowing Flowing Mirror
of Opposition Technique to act as a prerequisite for Poisoned Rat Moves Without
Pride, a later Charm in First Pulse Style. Other possible Charms which could re-
place Lightning Mental Armament include Undefended Assault Method, Speardancer
Concentration, or Breath and Essence Control.”
Source: Revlid

Lotus Climbing Assessment

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 3, Throne Shadow 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: , Lotus Eye Tactics, One complete Celestial martial art (all
This Charm permanently upgrades both versions of its prerequisite. If the
Sidereal has one mote committed to it, any character he perceives who has mastered
even one Martial Arts Style of any level becomes Obvious to him unless they are
using a supernatural disguise that this information would render implausible. Which
or how many Styles they have mastered is not made known to him, but he knows
which levels the mastered Styles belong to, and can therefore measure how far a given
character has climbed up the Unfolding Lotus.
If the Sidereal has three motes committed to Lotus Eye Tactics, he can tell which
Styles a perceived character has mastered simply by looking at them, provided he has
mastered at least one Style of that level himself.
Source: Revlid

Hard Knocks Transmutation

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 4, Throne Shadow 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Granite Origami Trick, World as Weapon Mastery
Life changes people, their destinies beaten and caressed by its knocks and de-
lights until they fit into the role Fate has planned. The Sidereal may activate this
Charm whenever one of her shadow fingers is struck by or successfully parries an
attack, or whenever she makes an attack using a shadow finger as a form weapon.
She may immediately apply one point of temporary mutations to the shadow finger
in question. A single shadow finger can benefit from a maximum of (shadow fin-
ger’s Martial Arts + Essence) such mutation points at once, and the Sidereal may
redistribute the total mutation points of that shadow finger in any way she wishes
each time she activates this Charm. At Essence 5+, the Sidereal may apply up to
(Essence) points of mutations with a single activation of this Charm, by increasing
its cost to an equal number of motes.

Mutations granted by this Charm appear to be as natural as possible, taking on
the aesthetics of the body of the shadow finger they are applied to. Where they are
obviously unnatural (such as tentacles applied to a normal mortal), they instead seem
like Essence-constructs of shadow and light, appropriate to the anima of the Sidereal
(or her shadow finger). These mutations fade at the end of the scene in which they
were granted.
Source: Revlid

Studying at the Feet of Mountains

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 3, Throne Shadow 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Lotus Eye Tactics
This Charm permanently enhances the Sidereals ability to learn new Martial
Arts Charms, allowing him to treat thematically appropriate characters, objects or
even landscapes as tutors in a given Style. A Sidereal learning Charms from Swaying
Grass Dance Style could treat a field of grass or a dancer as a tutor, while one learning
Deer Style could treat a deer as their tutor, simply by training in their general vicinity,
mimicking their motions and subconsciously-observed Essence patterns as they do so.
Sidereal Martial Arts can prove somewhat harder to learn in this respect, but it should
be noted that gods with a related purview can always be treated as tutors for Charms
learned in this way (such as plague gods for Citrine Poxes of Contagion Style). The
nature of Hero Styles means that the Sidereal may treat himself as a tutor in any
Charms from Throne Shadow Style.
This also enhances the Sidereals ability to teach; so long as he is present and acting
as an instructor, any character he is teaching can benefit from this Charms effects
(even if the Sidereal does not actually know the Martial Arts Charm being learnt).
At Essence 4+, this Charm automatically upgrades, reducing the training time for
Martial Arts Charms learned in this way by (Essence) days, to a minimum of one
Source: Revlid

Lotus Petal Omens

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 4, Throne Shadow 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: , Lotus Climbing Assessment
The movements of his opponents are as omens to the vizier, each one speaking
volumes of their feeble attempts at mastery. This Charm immediately refunds the
experience spent on its prerequisite, and permanently enhances Lotus Eye Tactics,
rendering any Martial Arts Charms the Sidereal witnesses the use of Obvious to him.
Martial Arts Charms whose entire purpose is to be discrete (as with a number of
Charms in the White Veil and Wise Owl styles) are only rendered Obvious to a
Sidereal who can actually detect the mundane actions they enhance, or if no such
action exists, with a reflexive (Perception + Martial Arts) roll at a difficulty equal to
half the targets Martial Arts rating.
Source: Revlid

World Emulation Harmony
Cost: (minimum Essence)m; Mins: Essence 5, Throne Shadow 5; Type: Reflex-
Keywords: Combo-OK, Training
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: , Lotus Petal Omens, Studying at the Feet of Mountains
The vizier need not learn all the things of the world; they will tell him their
secrets when it is time, and he will master them in moments. This Charm can be
purchased up to (Martial Arts) times. The Sidereal can only activate this Charm
with Lotus Eye Tactics active, upon witnessing the use of a Charm from a Terrestrial
or Celestial Martial Arts style. He immediately commits motes equal to that Charms
minimum Essence rating, and for the duration of this commitment, he may use that
Charm as though he actually knew it, mimicking Essence flows and motions alike.
The maximum number of Charms he can mimic at once is equal to the number of
times he has purchased this Charm, and he cannot mimic Charms that he does not
meet the trait minimums for (including any complementary abilities). If a Charm the
Sidereal wants to mimic has prerequisite Charms he does not already know, he must
mimic them first, and can do so without actually witnessing them; by committing
the necessary motes, he instantly deduces the spiritual patterns that must lead to the
Charm he is attempting to mimic. The Sidereal cannot end this Charm normally;
doing so requires a miscellaneous action, which cannot be flurried and costs a single
point of Willpower. At the end of the scene, the Sidereal may instantly learn any
Charms he still has motes committed to as a Training effect.
At Martial Arts 6+, the Sidereal can mimic Charms from a character who has not
used (and need not even know) them, so long as that character is suitably thematically
related to the style in question, such as a tiger for Tiger style, or an errant lawgiver
for Solar Hero Style. Further, at this level, the maximum number of times he may
purchase this Charm increase to (Martial Arts + Essence).
At Martial Arts 8+, the Sidereal can mimic Charms from Sidereal styles. Such
mimicked Charms never benefit from sutras, regardless of how far the Sidereal has
mimicked (or actually learned) that style.
Source: Revlid

Idle Master’s Guidance

Cost: 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Throne Shadow 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Until the Sidereal stops aiming
Prerequisites: , Sifu’s Useful Fingers
The insights of the master are those of the pupil, if he chooses to share them.
The Sidereal can use this Charm to enhance any Aim action he makes. While it
is active, all of the Sidereals shadow fingers benefit from his accumulated Aim dice
against the current target of his Aim action. If the Sidereal is using Charms that would
modify his Aim actions (such as by converting his Aim dice to successes, increasing
the maximum cap on his number of Aim dice, or accelerating his acquisition of Aim
dice) his shadow fingers benefit as he would. This Charm ends when the Sidereal
breaks off his Aiming to attack or do anything else.
Source: Revlid

Spine Shattering Bite
Cost: 3 motes + 1 mote per die; Mins: Essence 3, Tiger 4; Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Raging Tiger Pounce
This Charm is a rending, severely damaging attack.
Source Caste Book: Dawn, p. 73.
Source: Caste Book: Dawn

Striking Fury Claws Attack

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Tiger 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Paralyzing Touch Attack, Shadow-Body Style, Crimson Leaping
Cat Technique
The user’s attacks become much more damaging.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 107.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Striking Fury Claws Attack

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Tiger 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Paralyzing Touch Attack, Shadow-Body Style, Crimson Leaping
Cat Technique
The user’s attacks become much more damaging.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 107.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Tiger Form
Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Tiger 4; Type: Simple (Speed 3)
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Crimson Leaping Cat Technique, Striking Fury Claws Attack
Assuming the Tiger Form improves the user’s damage, soak, and ability to fight
while prone.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 108.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Tiger Form
Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Tiger 4; Type: Simple (Speed 3)
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Crimson Leaping Cat Technique, Striking Fury Claws Attack
Assuming the Tiger Form improves the user’s damage, soak, and ability to fight
while prone.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 108.

Source: Scroll of the Monk

Raging Tiger Pounce

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Tiger 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisites: Striking Fury Claws Attack, Tiger Form
This Charm improves the user’s ability to knock down foes.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 108.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Raging Tiger Pounce

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Tiger 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisites: Striking Fury Claws Attack, Tiger Form
This Charm improves the user’s ability to knock down foes.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 108.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Stalking Cat Movement Meditation

Cost: 2m per die; Mins: Essence 2, Tiger 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Tiger Form, Tiger Form
The character’s ability to ambush foes is improved.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 108.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Stalking Cat Movement Meditation

Cost: 2m per die; Mins: Essence 2, Tiger 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Tiger Form, Tiger Form
The character’s ability to ambush foes is improved.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 108.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Celestial Tiger Hide

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Tiger 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Tiger Form, Tiger Form
This Charm supplements the user’s soak.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 108.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Celestial Tiger Hide
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Tiger 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Tiger Form, Tiger Form
This Charm supplements the user’s soak.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 108.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Celestial Tiger Hide

Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 2, Tiger 5; Type: Simple
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Tiger Form
This Charm supplements the user’s soak.
Source Caste Book: Dawn, p. 74.
Source: Caste Book: Dawn

Leap From Cloaking Shadows Attack

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Tiger 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Raging Tiger Pounce, Stalking Cat Movement Meditation
When attacking with surprise, the user’s foe’s soak is greatly reduced.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 108.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Leap From Cloaking Shadows Attack

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Tiger 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Raging Tiger Pounce, Stalking Cat Movement Meditation
When attacking with surprise, the user’s foe’s soak is greatly reduced.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 108.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Angry Predator Frenzy Style

Cost: 7m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Tiger 5; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Counterattack, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Stalking Cat Movement Meditation, Spine-Shattering Bite, Leap
From Cloaking Shadows Attack, Celestial Tiger Hide
The user makes extra attacks when activating this Charm, and can retaliate
against any attack for the rest of the scene.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 108.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Angry Predator Frenzy Style
Cost: 7m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Tiger 5; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Counterattack, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Stalking Cat Movement Meditation, Spine-Shattering Bite, Leap
From Cloaking Shadows Attack, Celestial Tiger Hide
The user makes extra attacks when activating this Charm, and can retaliate
against any attack for the rest of the scene.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 108.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Crimson Leaping Cat Technique

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Tiger 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Until next action
This Charm enhances the user’s movement rates, including jumping distance.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 107.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Crimson Leaping Cat Technique

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Tiger 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Until next action
This Charm enhances the user’s movement rates, including jumping distance.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 107.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Crimson Leaping Cat Technique

Cost: 3 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Tiger 2; Type: Supplemental
Duration: One turn
This Charm enhances the user’s movement rates, including jumping distance.
Source Caste Book: Dawn, p. 73.
Source: Caste Book: Dawn

Unnecessarily Brutal Bite

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Tyrant Lizard 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 8)
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Into Predatory Jaws
The martial artist is unnecessarily cruel while holding his prey in his jaws. This
Charm is activated when making an unarmed martial arts clinch attack and after
rolling damage in step 8; if the martial artist chooses to he may reroll his damage
pool. He must take the new roll as the amount of damage he will apply but, if the

first roll would have inflicted more health levels of damage than his targets stamina,
he may increase the total health levels of damage to be applied in his reroll by one
Source: Jester7789

Gushing Wound Infliction

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Tyrant Lizard 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 10)
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Crippling, Stackable
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Into Predatory Jaws
Wounds that the martial artist causes gush with rich, crimson blood. If the
martial artist inflicts a number of lethal or aggravated health levels of damage with
an unarmed martial arts attack equal to or greater than his targets stamina the target
suffers one lethal die of unsoakable damage at the end of every action he takes for
a number of actions equal to (health levels inflicted + 1); the stackable keyword
extends the duration of this extensive blood-loss. Exalted beings can try to force
these wounds shut but this takes a Miscellaneous action instead of a reflexive one at
a difficulty equal to the martial artists (Essence + 1) or someone else can attend to
the wound with a Medicine roll at a difficulty equal to the martial artists Essence.
Source: Jester7789

Tyrant Lizard Form

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Tyrant Lizard 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Emotion, Form-Type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Unnecessarily Brutal Bite, Gushing Wound Infliction
The martial artist spreads his arms wide and roars mightily; he appears to
grow in size with terrible strength and his outspread arms incite the image of a
roaring Tyrant Lizard in the minds of all those who gaze upon him. Through this
form the martial artist can soak lethal damage with his full stamina. He also adds his
Essence to his (Strength + Martial Arts) pool to maintain or control a clinch as well
as to the base damage of his unarmed martial art clinch attacks, which inflicts lethal
damage. He is also terrifying, causing the kind of fear most mortal beings feel when
standing face to face with a beast similar to a Tyrant Lizard. In every action that
an opponent wants to attack or oppose the martial artist (such as by applying a DV
to his attack) they must succeed at a Valor roll or tremble with fear. Those who fail
or botch this roll suffer an external penalty to both their attack dice pools and their
parry and dodge DVs equal to the martial artists Essence. The difficulty of this roll
increases to 2 if the target is currently held in a clinch by the martial artist that he
controls. Resisting this unnatural Emotion effect costs 1wp per action; when a target
has spent a number of willpower equal to 6 - Valor rating of the resisting Character
he is free of this irrational fear for the rest of the scene.
Source: Jester7789

Crimson-Scaled Armor
Cost: 4m 1wp or 9m 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Tyrant Lizard 4; Type: Simple

Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Tyrant Lizard Form
The martial artist covers himself in crimson, essence-made scales. He gains a
bonus to his natural lethal and bashing soak equal to his Essence and the scales also
protect his vulnerable spots from harm through protective protrusions and tactical
scale-encased joints; he gains the benefits of 50 percent cover (+1 to DV at close range,
+2 to DV from long range attacks) in addition to the soak bonus.At Essence 5, when
the martial artist knows Charms:Devastating Tyrant Lizard Onslaught Devastating
Tyrant Lizard Onslaught he can spend an additional 5m (for 9m 1wp total) to gain
a Hardness equal to his (Essence x 2) against lethal and bashing damage as well as
the benefits of 75 percent cover instead of 50 percent (still +1 to DV at close range
but +3 to DV against long range attacks).
Source: Jester7789

Terrifying Tyrant’s Stare

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Tyrant Lizard 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 1 for attack
or Step 2 for defense)
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Emotion, Obvious
Duration: Until Opponent’s Next Action
Prerequisites: Crimson-Scaled Armor
Those few scarred and pitiful survivors of a Tyrant attack often recall the terror
they felt when they realized that the Lizard had set its focus onto them. With a
toothy glance the martial artist strikes absolute terror into the mind and heart of his
prey. When the martial artist first uses this Charm on a target he rolls his (Strength
+ Martial Arts or Presence) adding his Essence in successes; he then subtracts an
external penalty equal to his targets MDV from his rolled successes. If this roll
succeeds the target suffers an Emotion effect that wracks him with fear, causing him
to become inactive until his next action costing a point of willpower to resist. When
used as part of a defense his attacker stops dead in his tracks, aborting any actions
he was in the process of taking. When used on a target that holds an intimacy of fear
towards the martial artist, the effect roll is compared against his Parry MDV instead
of his Dodge MDV.
Additionally, every time the martial artist successfully uses this Charm on an
opponent (without it being resisted) it counts as one scene of building an intimacy of
fear towards the martial artist.
Source: Jester7789

Sudden Predator’s Strike

Cost: None (+1wp); Mins: Essence 3, Tyrant Lizard 5; Type: Special
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Prey Mangling Chomp
This Charm modifies Charms:Into Predatory Jaws Into Predatory Jaws: by
spending an extra point of willpower in addition to the usual cost of that Charm
the martial artist can sprint in a surprising burst of speed towards his target to take
him by surprise. Like a Tyrant Lizard focused on his prey, the martial artist can

sprint up to his (Dexterity x 5) yards towards his target or leap up to (Strength x
5) yards across or twice that strait upwards in place of the usual movement effect
of Charms:Into Predatory Jaws Into Predatory Jaws, he may only move in one of
these methods however. Not only does the martial artist strike suddenly cross great
distance but, if his (Dexterity + Martial Arts) roll gains at least one success, then
the attack becomes undodgeable; any effect that negates the unexpected quality also
removes the undodgeable quality.
Source: Jester7789

Devastating Tyrant Lizard Onslaught

Cost: 10m 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Tyrant Lizard 5; Type: Simple (Speed 5,
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Terrifying Tyrant’s Stare, Sudden Predator’s Strike, Carnivorous
Killer’s Effort
From firsthand experience, Zenxa created the pinnacle Charm of this style to
capture the horrifying power and might of a Tyrant Lizard as it wades through foes
with little effort, devastating a pack of animals or a tribe of people. While active this
Charm changes the rate of all unarmed martial art clinches to infinite and allows the
martial artist to end a clinch by inflicting damage as well as breaking the clinch if he
chooses, throwing his enemy (Strength + Martial Arts) yards away or dropping him
prone at his feet. The martial artist can only make one clinch-based damage roll once
per target per clinch attack made but he may flurry clinch attacks to inflict damage
and throw his opponent then use Into Predatory Jaws (or a similar movement ability)
to lunge towards another target or race at his thrown opponent to enact another attack
with his jaws. Opponents thrown in this way do not suffer any additional damage from
the throw though the martial artist can throw them into unfavorable positions such
as over a cliff, into acid or lave, etc.
This Charm also allows the martial artist to ignore external penalties for attempt-
ing to inflict a Disabling or Maiming wound on a clinched target. If the target is
mortal he can inflict these effects by inflicting 4+ bashing health levels of damage
(instead of the usual requirement of lethal damage), the only difference is that the
mortal does not suffer from blood-loss; the wound must be healed in the normal meth-
ods mentioned on page 152 of the Core Rule Book. The martial artist may inflict
Disabling wounds on Exalted through this Charm as well. By inflicting 4+ lethal
or aggravated health levels of damage an Exalted target suffers the same effects as a
mortal would from a Disabling wound. This wound does not require surgery, however,
as the perfect nature of Exalted Essence slowly heals it. Once the Exalted is fully
healed of all wounds he begins to heal the Disabling effect as if it were a lethal wound
of the same wound penalty; each increment of time reduces the wound penalty by one
step until it is fully healed (after one week a -4 Disabling effect reduces to -2, etc).
As a final benefit of this Charm, if the martial artist also has the Charms:Tyrant
Lizard Form Tyrant Lizard Form active, he increases the difficulty of the Valor roll
to resist the fear-based effect it causes by one and reduces the cost of Charms:Into
Predatory Jaws Into Predatory Jaws by 2m. No combination of cost-reducing effects
can reduce the cost of that Charm below 0m.
Source: Jester7789

Carnivorous Killer’s Effort
Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Tyrant Lizard 4; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Tyrant Lizard Form
With every attempted bite a Tyrant Lizard pulls himself closer towards his
prey as he quickly nips at it repeatedly, each bit worse than the one preceding it.
The martial artist makes a number of unarmed martial art clinch attacks at his full
dice pool, up to his (Martial Arts - 1), against a single target. The martial artist,
if successful in grappling his foe, only makes one damage roll but he adds one die
to the post soak damage dice pool for every clinch attack he made previously and
failed. The martial artist only suffers a single DV penalty equal to the single highest
for any one of his actions and, when combed with Into Predatory Jaws specifically, he
may make the full move provided by that Charm as part of that attacks resolution,
allowing him to chase retreating targets.
Source: Jester7789

Prey Mangling Chomp

Cost: 3m 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Tyrant Lizard 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 10)
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Crippling, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Tyrant Lizard Form
Tyrant Lizards are terrifyingly clever hunters, sometimes they cripple their prey
to enjoy the kill later when they are hungry once again. The martial artist adds this
cruel tactic to his arsenal as well. Whenever the martial artist inflicts a number of
health levels of lethal or aggravated damage from an unarmed martial art clinch equal
to half his targets Stamina, rounded up, he may instead inflict a crippling effect (per
the ”amputation effects” list, Core pg 152) in place of those health levels of damage.
After subtracting the required health levels of damage required by this Charm the
martial artist applies the rest of the damage as usual.
Source: Jester7789

Into Predatory Jaws

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Tyrant Lizard 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: Instant
The martial artist lunges (Martial Arts) yards to enact an unarmed martial arts
clinch, rolling his (Dexterity + Martial Arts) in the process; he subtracts a number
of successes from this roll equal to half his opponents (Wits + Awareness or Martial
Arts), rounded up, as an external penalty. If the martial artist scores at least one
success then the attack gains a limited unexpected attack quality: for every threshold
success rolled the target reduces his Dodge DV by one. This reduction in DV can
only be averted by effects that remove the unexpected quality from an attack. This
penalty to the target’s DV, even if it reduces it to 0 (or less) does not make Dodging
inapplicable only ineffective; Charms that succeed automatically or remove/ignore
external penalties would bypass Into Predatory Jaws effect.
Source: Jester7789

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1, Unconquerable Hero 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , None
By means of jarring Essence flows and carefully positioned leverage, the Exalt
turns his opponents armor against itself in a clinch. He is able to force the armor
to bend against vulnerable spots in its make up, increasing pressure and forcing
the armor to dig into his opponent. Subtract the characters Martial Arts from his
opponent’s armor soak after piercing has been applied.
Source: IsawaBrian

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Unconquerable Hero 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Deadly Leverage Grip
With rough and forceful twists in a clinch, the Exalt maneuvers her opponent
around between her and incoming attacks. In order to use this Charm, the character
must have control of the clinch. This Charm is used in response to an attack. It allows
the Exalt to ignore all penalties to her Parry DV when resolving that attack; this does
not include the ’penalty’ of inapplicability. If the attack is unsuccessful, apply the
difference between the DV and the attack as successes as though the attacker had
originally attacked the person with whom the Exalt is clinching. This Charm acts
effectively as a Counterattack, even though it does not target the attacker.
Source: IsawaBrian

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Unconquerable Hero 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , None
A Solar in the heat of battle must not be afraid to get up-close-and-personal
with her opponent. By harmonizing the Essence of her body with that of her oppo-
nents attack, she can move in precise opposition to it, slipping in behind her opponents
defenses. This charm is activated during Step 2 of an attack. If the attack fails, sub-
tract 1 from the Speed of the action used by the character last. This may not reduce
the Speed of an Action to 0, nor may it retroactively make an action simultaneous
with the failed attack that allowed Sunlight Through Branches Technique to work.
Source: IsawaBrian

Cost: 4m, 2wp; Mins: Essence 2, Unconquerable Hero 3; Type: Reflexive (Step
1 or 2)
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Sunlight Through Branches Technique

The Exalt progresses in his mastery of crowd fighting. Not only can he defend
himself against large numbers of opponents, but he has become an expert at turning
their mass back upon them. The Solar actually becomes a more efficient fighter when
he is faced with longer odds. Until the end of the scene, the Solar gains a discount
on all Excellencies in motes equal to the number of opponents within (his permanent
Essence x 3) yards. This discount stacks with that of Infinite Martial Arts Mastery,
and is similarly incompatible with Martial Arts Essence Flow.
Source: IsawaBrian

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Unconquerable Hero 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-Type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Body-Shielding Hold, Become the Anvil
Reinforced and bolstered by Solar Essence, the Lawgiver becomes an unstop-
pable juggernaut, the mythical hero who cannot be stopped, no matter the peril.
Informal and direct, this style focuses less on agility and speed and more on raw
toughness and on being an unstoppable force. While it does not have quite the lin-
eage of Solar Hero Form, it is only slightly less ancient.
This Charm allows the Exalt to suddenly dramatically increase their personal
Hardness, by spending one mote during Step Eight as a reflexive, non-Charm Action.
Once the character has done so, add (his permanent Essence + Martial Arts) to
his largest source of Hardness. If the character has no source of hardness, add this
number to 0. The character may also soak Lethal damage with his full Stamina.
Source: IsawaBrian

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Unconquerable Hero 4; Type: Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Unconquerable Hero Form
The character charges his body with Essence, and strikes the nearest surface
with all of his might. A wave of force travels through the ground towards the target,
exploding once it reaches her. The character makes an ordinary Martial Arts attack
roll, but it may strike at targets as far as (10 x the character’s Essence) in yards
away. The Ocean Upswell Attack is blocked as a ranged attack, not a hand-to-hand
attack. This must travel in a straight line across a surface, so it will have to travel
up cliffs and down stairs to reach characters on different elevation. However, there is
no requirement for the surface to be hard; while a character could not use this attack
underwater (except on the seabed), he could use it on the surface to attack a boat,
for example. In general, this will tear up whatever is between the character and his
Source: IsawaBrian

Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Unconquerable Hero 5; Type: Simple (Speed

Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Crippling, Stackable (Duration)
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Ocean Upswell Attack
The character charges her palms with Essence. When the energies have reached
a fever pitch, she brings her hands together to create an eardrum-popping thunderclap.
The Solar rolls Strength or Dexterity + Martial Arts + the damage rating of any hand
weapons she may have; this is treated as an unblockable, undodgeable attack. No
non-perfect defense may be made against this attack; instead, all opponents within
the Exalts permanent Essence x 2 yards of the character must make a reflexive roll
Stamina + Resistance against a difficulty equal to the number of successes rolled by
the character, plus or minus any damage modification.
Those who fail will lose a number of dice from all non-reflexive pools equal to the
amount by which they failed for a number of actions equal to the characters permanent
Essence; they will also lose half that amount (round as usual) from any DVs for this
time. This is a Crippling effect. Multiple applications of this Charm will extend the
time effect if the opponents continue to fail, but penalties are noncumulative; only
the largest applies. If any of the opponents botch, they suffer the full effects and are
Inactive on their next action!
Source: IsawaBrian

Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Unconquerable Hero 5; Type: Simple (Speed
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Celestial Thunderclap
Upon activating this unusual Charm, the character creates a field of Essence
in whatever solid surface is in front of his feet, and matches it to similar fields in his
hands. With a mighty pull, he tears up the earth or stone or similar substance with
his bare hands and ripples it in the direction of his enemies. The character makes
a single unarmed Strength + Martial Arts attack roll, doing a base damage equal
to twice his permanent Essence added to his strength, which is applied to everyone
in a corridor in front of him (Essence) yards wide and (Essence x 10) yards long.
Characters suffer 1 yard of knockback for every health level they take, and anyone in
the area must make a reflexive Dexterity + Athletics roll to stay standing. This will
cause major damage to the surface so used.
Source: IsawaBrian

Cost: 8m; Mins: Essence 4, Unconquerable Hero 5; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Form-Type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Stone-Crested Wave, Celestial Thunderclap, Shockwave Tech-
The Lawgiver has learned to use the primal, complimentary Essence patterns
of both Unconquerable Hero and Solar Hero Forms in tandem. She becomes a true
paragon of Sol Invictus, laughing aside any attacks and crushing all in his path. Once

this Charm is learned, Charms from both Unconquerable Hero and Solar Hero Styles
are considered to be in the same Style for all relevant effects where their compliment
would be considered positive. This is a permanent effect.
When this Charm is active, the character gains the full effects of both Uncon-
querable Hero and Solar Hero Styles. Furthermore, every Action the character has,
she gains a temporary discount on using the effects so granted in motes equal to her
permanent Essence. This discount refreshes every time the character takes an Action,
just like her DVs. Although this Charm is learnable by any character capable of learn-
ing a Celestial Martial Art, it works better for Solars. Solars do not need to spend
any motes to activate the effects of either form; any Lawgiver using this Charm has
a bonus to her Hardness equal to (her permanent Essence + Martial Artist), and all
unarmed Martial Arts attacks count successes twice for the purposes of determining
damage in Step 7 of attack resolution.
Source: IsawaBrian

Flowing Kata Form

Cost: 6m+ 1wp per Form; Mins: Essence 5, Universal 5; Type: Simple
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: , Two Complete non-Terrestrial Styles
Grandmasters understand that all principles are connected and all fighting styles
express different petals of the same Perfected Lotus. Flowing Kata Form expresses
this principle as one of the rare Celestial Martial Arts Charms unconnected to any
style. Invoking it requires a commitment of at least six motes. So long as the Charm
remains active and the martial artist has no Charm Keyword Form-type Charms
active, he can pay one Willpower (and any non-mote costs) to reflexively activate
any known Martial Arts Form-type Charm with a mote cost less than the number of
motes committed to Flowing Kata Form. This Willpower surcharge does not apply
the first time a martial artist invokes a Form Charm this way each scene.
Activating a Form-type Charm via Flowing Kata Form doesn’t count as a Charm
activation or cost motes, though Dragon-Blooded still have to roll to invoke a Celestial
Martial Arts Form. Forms turned on this way inhibit activation of other Form-type
Charms as normal for the keyword. Even magic that allows multiple Form-type
Charms to coexist does not allow reflexive invocation while using another Form.
Characters with multi-Form? magic remain free to stack Forms by conventionally
activating them.
There is no limit on how often a martial artist can reflexively adopt a new Form
beyond the Willpower cost to do so, making it possible to use one Form to help an
attack hit and then swapping to another to enhance the attack if it hits. Enabling a
flexible fighting style that changes tactics without warning is the very reason Flowing
Kata Form exists.
monkeys-vol-11-flowing-kata-form.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 11
Source: Ink Monkeys

Flight of Mercury
Cost: 1 mote per action; Mins: Essence 1, Violet Bier of Sorrows 2; Type:

Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Up to (Martial Arts) actions
Prerequisites: Potato-Sack Derision Technique, Diminutive Pouch Warrior, Se-
crets of Future Strife
The martial artist can move as swiftly as an ending already completed.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 181.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
trait=Martial Arts
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Moving with the swift precision of one who knows her destiny, the Sidereal strikes
without hesitation or remorse. An unarmed attack supplemented by this Charm
reduces its Speed by one point. The martial artist can also move up to (Essence)
yards before making the attack if needed to close range with her opponent.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Flight of Mercury
Cost: 1 mote per action; Mins: Essence 1, Violet Bier of Sorrows 2; Type:
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Up to (Martial Arts) actions
Prerequisites: Potato-Sack Derision Technique, Diminutive Pouch Warrior, Se-
crets of Future Strife
The martial artist can move as swiftly as an ending already completed.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 181.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
trait=Martial Arts
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Moving with the swift precision of one who knows her destiny, the Sidereal strikes
without hesitation or remorse. An unarmed attack supplemented by this Charm
reduces its Speed by one point. The martial artist can also move up to (Essence)
yards before making the attack if needed to close range with her opponent.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Blade of the Battle Maiden

Cost: 2m per die, 2 wp; Mins: Essence 2, Violet Bier of Sorrows 3; Type:

Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Secrets of Future Strife, Secrets of Future Strife
This charm allows you to improve your martial arts ability for the whole
scene.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 182.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm may only apply
its purchased dice to attacks or Parry DV, as decided at the time of activation - not
both at once.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
cost=5m, 1wp
keywords=Combo-OK, Obvious
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Crimson ribbons of Essence trail from the Sidereals hands, the strands of a martial
destiny waiting to be seized. This crimson nimbus allows the martial artist to both
deal lethal damage and parry lethal attacks while unarmed, and enchants her natural
attacks with the traits of a starmetal daiklave (except for clinches).
Alternatively, the martial artist may invoke this Charm to invoke a form weapon
she wields, granting it the magical material bonus of starmetal and rendering it as
indestructible as an attuned artifact. It also benefits from the reduced target number
for damage.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Blade of the Battle Maiden

Cost: 2m per die, 2 wp; Mins: Essence 2, Violet Bier of Sorrows 3; Type:
Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Secrets of Future Strife, Secrets of Future Strife
This charm allows you to improve your martial arts ability for the whole
scene.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 182.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm may only apply
its purchased dice to attacks or Parry DV, as decided at the time of activation - not
both at once.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
cost=5m, 1wp
keywords=Combo-OK, Obvious
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Crimson ribbons of Essence trail from the Sidereals hands, the strands of a martial
destiny waiting to be seized. This crimson nimbus allows the martial artist to both
deal lethal damage and parry lethal attacks while unarmed, and enchants her natural
attacks with the traits of a starmetal daiklave (except for clinches).
Alternatively, the martial artist may invoke this Charm to invoke a form weapon
she wields, granting it the magical material bonus of starmetal and rendering it as
indestructible as an attuned artifact. It also benefits from the reduced target number
for damage.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Joy in Adversity Stance
Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 1, Violet Bier of Sorrows 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Secrets of Future Strife, Secrets of Future Strife
The martial artist becomes an engine of essence in the face of her opponents
defeat.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 182.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
trait=Martial Arts
type=Reflexive (Step 2)
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Each moments survival is a small happiness to one who walks constantly with peril
and misfortune. While Joy in Adversity Stance is active, the martial artist gains one
bonus die on her next unarmed Martial Arts attack every time she successfully dodges
an attack. Attacks with the Overwhelming tag instead confer two dice when dodged.
These bonus dice count as dice added by a Charm, and are discharged at when the
martial artist next attacks.
Attacks must be made with hostile intent against the martial artist and be capable
of harming her in order to trigger this Charm. Using a defense with a Flaw of
Invulnerability ends this Charms duration prematurely.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Joy in Adversity Stance

Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 1, Violet Bier of Sorrows 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Secrets of Future Strife, Secrets of Future Strife
The martial artist becomes an engine of essence in the face of her opponents
defeat.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 182.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
trait=Martial Arts
type=Reflexive (Step 2)
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Each moments survival is a small happiness to one who walks constantly with peril
and misfortune. While Joy in Adversity Stance is active, the martial artist gains one
bonus die on her next unarmed Martial Arts attack every time she successfully dodges
an attack. Attacks with the Overwhelming tag instead confer two dice when dodged.
These bonus dice count as dice added by a Charm, and are discharged at when the
martial artist next attacks.
Attacks must be made with hostile intent against the martial artist and be capable
of harming her in order to trigger this Charm. Using a defense with a Flaw of
Invulnerability ends this Charms duration prematurely.

Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Violet Bier of Sorrows Form

Cost: 6 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Violet Bier of Sorrows 4; Type: Simple (Speed
6, DV -1)
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Secrets of Future Strife, Flight of Mercury, Joy in Adversity
Stance, Blade of the Battle Maiden
The martial artist takes on the very persona of Endings herself.Source Manual
of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 182.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
trait=Martial Arts
keywords=Combo-Basic, Form-Type, Emotion, Obvious
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
The martial artist takes on the same cold detachment with which Saturn makes her
Sign against those things whose time has passed. She is reckoning and destruction,
a peerless bringer of endings, and all the princes and kingdoms of the world tremble
before her. While Violet Bier of Sorrows Form is active, the martial artist gains the
following benefits:
*All enemies see their own end in her, doubling any wound penalties they take
on actions to oppose her in combat. Resisting this unnatural Emotion for one scene
costs two Willpower.
*Any unarmed attack she makes against a spirit consumes one of the spirits motes
for every level of damage dealt.
*The characters unarmed martial arts attacks gain an Overwhelming value of (the
lower of her Essence or Martial Arts rating).
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Violet Bier of Sorrows Form

Cost: 6 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Violet Bier of Sorrows 4; Type: Simple (Speed
6, DV -1)
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Secrets of Future Strife, Flight of Mercury, Joy in Adversity
Stance, Blade of the Battle Maiden
The martial artist takes on the very persona of Endings herself.Source Manual
of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 182.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
trait=Martial Arts
keywords=Combo-Basic, Form-Type, Emotion, Obvious
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
The martial artist takes on the same cold detachment with which Saturn makes her
Sign against those things whose time has passed. She is reckoning and destruction,

a peerless bringer of endings, and all the princes and kingdoms of the world tremble
before her. While Violet Bier of Sorrows Form is active, the martial artist gains the
following benefits:
*All enemies see their own end in her, doubling any wound penalties they take
on actions to oppose her in combat. Resisting this unnatural Emotion for one scene
costs two Willpower.
*Any unarmed attack she makes against a spirit consumes one of the spirits motes
for every level of damage dealt.
*The characters unarmed martial arts attacks gain an Overwhelming value of (the
lower of her Essence or Martial Arts rating).
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Death-Parrying Stroke
Cost: 2 motes per health level; Mins: Essence 2, Violet Bier of Sorrows 4; Type:
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Flight of Mercury, Blade of the Battle Maiden, Joy in Adversity
Stance, Violet Bier of Sorrows Form
The martial artist finds the fate of surviving a blow as easy to grasp as the fate
of swinging one.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 182.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
trait=Martial Arts
type=Reflexive (Step 7)
keywords=Combo-OK, Obvious
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
The Sidereals blade becomes a blur of violet Essence, catching fatal blows a split-
second before they can touch her. These defensive maneuvers subtract the martial
artists Parry DV from the raw damage of an attack, and reduces its minimum damage
by one die (minimum one). Death-Parrying Stroke offers no defense against unblock-
able or unexpected attacks.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Death-Parrying Stroke
Cost: 2 motes per health level; Mins: Essence 2, Violet Bier of Sorrows 4; Type:
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Flight of Mercury, Blade of the Battle Maiden, Joy in Adversity
Stance, Violet Bier of Sorrows Form
The martial artist finds the fate of surviving a blow as easy to grasp as the fate
of swinging one.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 182.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata

trait=Martial Arts
type=Reflexive (Step 7)
keywords=Combo-OK, Obvious
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
The Sidereals blade becomes a blur of violet Essence, catching fatal blows a split-
second before they can touch her. These defensive maneuvers subtract the martial
artists Parry DV from the raw damage of an attack, and reduces its minimum damage
by one die (minimum one). Death-Parrying Stroke offers no defense against unblock-
able or unexpected attacks.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Life-Severing Blow
Cost: 2m per health level; Mins: Essence 3, Violet Bier of Sorrows 5; Type:
Reflexive (Step 8)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Violet Bier of Sorrows Form, Crimson Palm Counterstrike
The martial artist enhances a successful attack.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 183.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
prereq=Violet Bier of Sorrows Form
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Sighting a violet glimmer of the Essence of Endings in her enemys soul, the Sidereal
strikes through it to bring them closer to their death. Add (Essence) to the raw
damage of an unarmed attack supplemented by this Charm. The same amount is
also added to the minimum damage of the attack, granting it the Overwhelming tag.
A character reduced to their Incapacitated level by an attack supplemented with
Life-Severing Blow can be unmade as a Shaping effect, killing them instantly and
reducing their corpse to ash. Against mortals, even a single level of damage is sufficient
to shape them dead.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Life-Severing Blow
Cost: 2m per health level; Mins: Essence 3, Violet Bier of Sorrows 5; Type:
Reflexive (Step 8)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Violet Bier of Sorrows Form, Crimson Palm Counterstrike
The martial artist enhances a successful attack.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 183.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata

prereq=Violet Bier of Sorrows Form
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Sighting a violet glimmer of the Essence of Endings in her enemys soul, the Sidereal
strikes through it to bring them closer to their death. Add (Essence) to the raw
damage of an unarmed attack supplemented by this Charm. The same amount is
also added to the minimum damage of the attack, granting it the Overwhelming tag.
A character reduced to their Incapacitated level by an attack supplemented with
Life-Severing Blow can be unmade as a Shaping effect, killing them instantly and
reducing their corpse to ash. Against mortals, even a single level of damage is sufficient
to shape them dead.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Metal Storm
Cost: 3m per attack; Mins: Essence 3, Violet Bier of Sorrows 5; Type: Extra
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Violet Bier of Sorrows Form, Horrific Wreath
The user execute multiple versions of an attack.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 183.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
cost=7m, 1wp
keywords=Combo-OK, Obvious
prereq=Violet Bier of Sorrows Form
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Metal Storm
Cost: 3m per attack; Mins: Essence 3, Violet Bier of Sorrows 5; Type: Extra
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Violet Bier of Sorrows Form, Horrific Wreath
The user execute multiple versions of an attack.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 183.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
cost=7m, 1wp
keywords=Combo-OK, Obvious
prereq=Violet Bier of Sorrows Form
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Conclusion-Pursuing Approach
Cost: 10m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 4, Violet Bier of Sorrows 5; Type: Simple
(Speed 6, DV -2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Fate, Obvious, Prayer Strip
Duration: One scene

Prerequisites: Life-Severing Blow, Life-Severing Blow, Metal Storm, Unob-
structed Blow
The user of this Charm is certain of her foes’ demise. For their part, they find it
more difficult to defend themselves from the martial artist. A Sidereal may enhanced
this Charm further by utilizing a prayer strip, though such is not necessary.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 184.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
cost=-(+10m, 1lhl)
trait=Martial Arts
keywords=Prayer Strip
prereq=Death-Parrying Stroke, Life-Severing Blow, Metal Storm
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
At the pinnacle of the Violet Bier of Sorrows, the martial artist learns to draw
strength from the pain of others. As her enemies falter before her before her blows,
her resolve only increases. This Charm upgrades Violet Bier of Sorrows Form. As the
character invokes it, she may pay a surcharge of ten motes and a point of Willpower
to add the following effects to the form:
*The martial artists unarmed attacks deal aggravated damage to creatures outside
of fate and consume their motes as though they were spirits.
*Wound penalties are tripled by the unnatural mental influence of Violet Bier of
Sorrows Form instead of just double. The cost to resist rises to five Willpower.¡br¿
A Sidereal may affix a prayer strip marked with the Scripture of the Expectant
Maiden to her weapon with her own blood as she invokes this Charm, causing the
blade to glow with a radiant burgundy light. Doing so grants additional benefits as
a Prayer Strip effect: Whenever the Sidereal damages a character with an unarmed
attack, they lose a point of Willpower. Characters without remaining Willpower
instead lose ten motes, and can be shaped dead as per Life-Severing Blow if they
have no motes remaining.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Conclusion-Pursuing Approach
Cost: 10m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 4, Violet Bier of Sorrows 5; Type: Simple
(Speed 6, DV -2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Fate, Obvious, Prayer Strip
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Life-Severing Blow, Life-Severing Blow, Metal Storm, Unob-
structed Blow
The user of this Charm is certain of her foes’ demise. For their part, they find it
more difficult to defend themselves from the martial artist. A Sidereal may enhanced
this Charm further by utilizing a prayer strip, though such is not necessary.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 184.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
cost=-(+10m, 1lhl)
trait=Martial Arts

keywords=Prayer Strip
prereq=Death-Parrying Stroke, Life-Severing Blow, Metal Storm
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
At the pinnacle of the Violet Bier of Sorrows, the martial artist learns to draw
strength from the pain of others. As her enemies falter before her before her blows,
her resolve only increases. This Charm upgrades Violet Bier of Sorrows Form. As the
character invokes it, she may pay a surcharge of ten motes and a point of Willpower
to add the following effects to the form:
*The martial artists unarmed attacks deal aggravated damage to creatures outside
of fate and consume their motes as though they were spirits.
*Wound penalties are tripled by the unnatural mental influence of Violet Bier of
Sorrows Form instead of just double. The cost to resist rises to five Willpower.¡br¿
A Sidereal may affix a prayer strip marked with the Scripture of the Expectant
Maiden to her weapon with her own blood as she invokes this Charm, causing the
blade to glow with a radiant burgundy light. Doing so grants additional benefits as
a Prayer Strip effect: Whenever the Sidereal damages a character with an unarmed
attack, they lose a point of Willpower. Characters without remaining Willpower
instead lose ten motes, and can be shaped dead as per Life-Severing Blow if they
have no motes remaining.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Unobstructed Blow
Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Violet Bier of Sorrows 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Death-Parrying Stroke, Metal Storm, Death-Parrying Stroke
The martial artist uses the fate of a strike unerring to attack his foe.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 182.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
trait=Martial Arts
keywords=Combo-OK, Obvious
prereq=Lotus Eye Tactics
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Choosing the arc of her blow, the Sidereal writes it into forthcoming fate. An
unarmed attack supplemented by this Charm gains the Piercing tag and halves any
DV applied against it. A second purchase of this Charm requires Martial Arts 5+,
Essence 4+. For a seven-mote surcharge, this Charm also renders the supplemented
attack both unblockable and undodgeable.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Unobstructed Blow
Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Violet Bier of Sorrows 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Death-Parrying Stroke, Metal Storm, Death-Parrying Stroke
The martial artist uses the fate of a strike unerring to attack his foe.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 182.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
trait=Martial Arts
keywords=Combo-OK, Obvious
prereq=Lotus Eye Tactics
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Choosing the arc of her blow, the Sidereal writes it into forthcoming fate. An
unarmed attack supplemented by this Charm gains the Piercing tag and halves any
DV applied against it. A second purchase of this Charm requires Martial Arts 5+,
Essence 4+. For a seven-mote surcharge, this Charm also renders the supplemented
attack both unblockable and undodgeable.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Horrific Wreath
Cost: 2 motes, 1 willpower; Mins: Essence 2, Violet Bier of Sorrows 4; Type:
Keywords: Combo-OK, Holy, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Violet Bier of Sorrows Form
The Exalt attacks with the fate of destruction against Creatures of Darkness.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 182.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratasource2=
trait=Martial Arts
keywords=Combo-OK, Holy, Obvious
duration=One scene
prereq=Throne Shadow Form
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
A hideous red glare surrounds the Sidereals hands as she strikes at the foes of
Creation, mirroring their wickedness in her Essence. All of the Sidereals unarmed
attacks gain the magical material bonuses of starmetal while this Charm is active. She
may use them to deal lethal damage, and they deal aggravated damage to creatures
of darkness.

Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Horrific Wreath
Cost: 2 motes, 1 willpower; Mins: Essence 2, Violet Bier of Sorrows 4; Type:
Keywords: Combo-OK, Holy, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Violet Bier of Sorrows Form
The Exalt attacks with the fate of destruction against Creatures of Darkness.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 182.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratasource2=
trait=Martial Arts
keywords=Combo-OK, Holy, Obvious
duration=One scene
prereq=Throne Shadow Form
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
A hideous red glare surrounds the Sidereals hands as she strikes at the foes of
Creation, mirroring their wickedness in her Essence. All of the Sidereals unarmed
attacks gain the magical material bonuses of starmetal while this Charm is active. She
may use them to deal lethal damage, and they deal aggravated damage to creatures
of darkness.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Crimson Palm Counterstrike

Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Violet Bier of Sorrows 4; Type: Reflexive (Step
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Violet Bier of Sorrows Form
The fate of any attack is retaliation and this charm brings that fate to the fore.
Other than the above changes, this charm is as written in ”’The MoEP: Sidereals”’.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 183.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
trait=Martial Arts
type=Reflexive (Step 2)
keywords=Combo-OK, Obvious
prereq=Clear Eyes Defense
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿

Coming to understand the movements of her enemy, the Sidereal interrupts them
an instant before they happen. Whenever the Sidereal applies his unarmed Parry
DV against an attack made in close combat range, he may activate this Charm. She
makes an unarmed Martial Arts attack roll in Step 6, subtracting her rolled successes
from those of the attack roll which provoked her counter, parrying it completely if the
successes are reduced below her Parry DV. She then applies this roll as an unarmed
counterattack in Step 9, doing damage normally if it hits.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Crimson Palm Counterstrike

Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Violet Bier of Sorrows 4; Type: Reflexive (Step
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Violet Bier of Sorrows Form
The fate of any attack is retaliation and this charm brings that fate to the fore.
Other than the above changes, this charm is as written in ”’The MoEP: Sidereals”’.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 183.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
trait=Martial Arts
type=Reflexive (Step 2)
keywords=Combo-OK, Obvious
prereq=Clear Eyes Defense
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Coming to understand the movements of her enemy, the Sidereal interrupts them
an instant before they happen. Whenever the Sidereal applies his unarmed Parry
DV against an attack made in close combat range, he may activate this Charm. She
makes an unarmed Martial Arts attack roll in Step 6, subtracting her rolled successes
from those of the attack roll which provoked her counter, parrying it completely if the
successes are reduced below her Parry DV. She then applies this roll as an unarmed
counterattack in Step 9, doing damage normally if it hits.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Secrets of Future Strife

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 1, Violet Bier of Sorrows 1; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Flexing the Emerald Claw, Righteous Devil Form
The character is ready for combat at the slightest indications of fate.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 180.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
cost=3mtrait=Martial Artsmin=3essence=2type=Supplementalkeywords=Combo-
OKduration=Instanttext=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿

Accepting the twists and turns circumstance with instant determination, the Side-
real is never caught off guard. A Join Battle roll supplemented by this Charm converts
up to (Martial Arts) dice to automatic successes. As part of the roll, the martial artist
may reflexively draw any form weapon of this style.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Secrets of Future Strife

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 1, Violet Bier of Sorrows 1; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Flexing the Emerald Claw, Righteous Devil Form
The character is ready for combat at the slightest indications of fate.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 180.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
cost=3mtrait=Martial Artsmin=3essence=2type=Supplementalkeywords=Combo-
OKduration=Instanttext=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Accepting the twists and turns circumstance with instant determination, the Side-
real is never caught off guard. A Join Battle roll supplemented by this Charm converts
up to (Martial Arts) dice to automatic successes. As part of the roll, the martial artist
may reflexively draw any form weapon of this style.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Secrets of Future Strife

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 1, Violet Bier of Sorrows 1; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Flexing the Emerald Claw, Righteous Devil Form
The character is ready for combat at the slightest indications of fate.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 180.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
cost=3mtrait=Martial Artsmin=3essence=2type=Supplementalkeywords=Combo-
OKduration=Instanttext=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Accepting the twists and turns circumstance with instant determination, the Side-
real is never caught off guard. A Join Battle roll supplemented by this Charm converts
up to (Martial Arts) dice to automatic successes. As part of the roll, the martial artist
may reflexively draw any form weapon of this style.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Startling Octopus Feint

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Vitriolic Octopus 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
The octopus is a clever fighter, striking suddenly and retreating fluidly, the
better to confuse its enemies. The followers of this style learn how to emulate that
distraction, to a small extent. When the martial artist activates this Charm, for an
instant, he takes on the aspect of the octopus. His movements become more harmonic

with his surroundings, levying a -1 external penalty on any one attack roll, Social or
physical, made against him, or to any one Awareness roll made to pierce his Stealth.
octopus-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Shy Devilfish Disguise

Cost: 3m (+1wp); Mins: Essence 2, Vitriolic Octopus 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Startling Octopus Feint
The octopus can change the color of its hide, literally blending in with its
surroundings. It is a simple matter for the martial artist to mimic this disguise by
altering the flows of Essence through his body. When the martial artist activates this
Charm, he reflexively makes a roll to re-establish surprise (Second Edition Core, p.
156). If he spends a Willpower point when activating this Charm, he adds his Martial
Arts as bonus dice to the roll.
octopus-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Blinding Whiplash Barrage

Cost: 8m,1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Vitriolic Octopus 5; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Kraken’s Maw, Strangling the Future, Ink Palm Ways
The vitriolic octopus is a vicious creature, and could never be satisfied strangling
only one enemy at a time. This Charm is a magical flurry including a number of clinch
attacks equal to the number of available limbs the martial artist possesses (usually
four). This Charm explicitly ignores Rate, and all attacks are made at the martial
artist’s full pool. As a side-effect, this Charm permits the martial artist to remain a
participant in as many separate clinches as he initiates with this Charm, though if he
should later cease to be engaged in one of these clinches, this Charm does not allow
him to resume it without a separate activation.
octopus-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Strangling the Future

Cost: (+2m); Mins: Essence 4, Vitriolic Octopus 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Poison
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Spite-Fueled Venomous Embrace
Once the vitriolic octopus has a victim in its clutches, that victim becomes the
center of its awareness, a struggling, mewling thing that must be killed. As such,
the vitriolic octopus pours all its rage into that subject. This Charm is a further

permanent upgrade to Tentacled Vitriolic Poison, allowing it to be activated while in
a clinch with a two-mote surcharge. Activated in this way, Tentacled Vitriolic Poi-
son’s venom has the following statistics: Damage (Martial Arts + Essence)L/action,
Toxicity 3L, Tolerance -/-, Penalty -(Essence).
octopus-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Ink Palm Ways

Cost: (1m); Mins: Essence 4, Vitriolic Octopus 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Crippling, Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Essence Ink Attack
The octopus deploys its ink as a defensive measure, to distract and escape.
The vitriolic octopus deploys it as a cruelty, a method of spreading its suffering to
others. Whenever the martial artist is engaged in a clinch, he may reflexively spend
one mote as an innate ability to release a directed spray of darkened Essence onto
one other target engaged in the same clinch. This inflicts a -1 internal penalty to
all the target’s actions for the duration of the scene, though this Charm’s effects
do not stack with multiple applications or with Essence Ink Attack. In the case of
duplicate applications, only the larger penalty applies. In all other ways, this ink
behaves identically to the ink produced by Essence Ink Attack.
octopus-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Kraken’s Maw
Cost: ; Mins: Essence 3, Vitriolic Octopus 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Many-Tentacled Entanglement
Those who draw too near an octopus may find themselves trapped in its ever-
shifting mass of limbs, whether or not they sought to grab it in the first place. This
Charm is a permanent upgrade to its prerequisite, allowing Many-Tentacled Entan-
glement to be activated in response to any Martial Arts or Melee attack, not merely
clinch attacks.
octopus-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Essence Ink Attack

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Vitriolic Octopus 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Obvious
Duration: (Martial Arts) actions
Prerequisites: Tenebrous Cloud Technique
The octopus, when threatened, can spew a viscous cloud of ink to blind its
opponents. What would the vitriolic octopus be if it did any less? This Charm

supplements an unarmed Martial Arts attack. If the attack successfully hits, it deals
no damage. Instead, a stinging ink is sprayed from the martial artist’s hands. This
ink blinds the target, inflicting an internal penalty on the victim equal to the martial
artist’s Essence. The ink can only be removed by magic that removes Crippling
effects, though it dissipates harmlessly at the end of the Charm’s duration. Multiple
applications of this Charm only increase its duration: the penalties do not stack.
octopus-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Spite-Fueled Venomous Embrace

Cost: (+2m); Mins: Essence 3, Vitriolic Octopus 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Poison
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Vitriolic Octopus Form
The octopus is a gentle, passive creature. Not so with the vitriolic octopus.
It is a bitter, malevolent thing that wishes only to spread pain and agony to those
near it. This Charm is a permanent upgrade to Tentacled Vitriolic Poison, allowing
it to be activated while in a clinch with a two mote surcharge. Activated in this way,
Tentacled Vitriolic Poison counts as an innate ability rather than as Charm use.
octopus-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Vitriolic Octopus Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Vitriolic Octopus 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Shy Devilfish Disguise, Tentacled Vitriolic Poison
In combat, the octopus is a plethora of arms, and it seems there is no way to
escape its crushing grip. While the martial artist has Vitriolic Octopus Form active,
he adds (Essence) dice to all rolls made to initiate, maintain, or escape a clinch.
While participating in a clinch, he may spend two motes reflexively in Step 7 of
combat resolution to count all successes on a roll to maintain a clinch twice for the
purposes of determining damage. Activating this aspect of Vitriolic Octopus Form
does not count as Charm use.
octopus-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Many-Tentacled Entanglement
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Vitriolic Octopus 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Devilfish’s Cunning Grasp
It is a fool who seeks to grip an octopus without being gripped by it, and fools
get what they deserve. This Charm can be activated in response to any attempt to

initiate a clinch that fails to hit the martial artist. As an automatic counterattack,
the martial artist can attempt to initiate a clinch at his full dice pool against the
failed attacker.
octopus-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Tenebrous Cloud Technique

Cost: 4m,1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Vitriolic Octopus 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: (Martial Arts) actions
Prerequisites: Vitriolic Octopus Form
The vitriolic octopus is not sated by blinding a single opponent, but spreads
its hate over all near it, friend or foe. When the martial artist activates this Charm,
he expels a cloud of rapidly darkening Essence from his anima, which spreads from
him to cover an area (Essence) yards in diameter. This area is effectively treated
as Fog, Night (see Second Edition Core p. 135). Anyone who knows this Charm
can see perfectly in this area. The cloud remains stationary and cannot be moved or
dispelled by mundane weather, though supernatural wind, rain, or similar effects halve
its remaining duration. The cloud dissipates harmlessly at the end of its duration.
octopus-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Devilfish’s Cunning Grasp

Cost: 3m (1wp); Mins: Essence 3, Vitriolic Octopus 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Vitriolic Octopus Form
Once enveloped in the octopus’ coils, shelled prey often finds its natural armor
insufficient to deter the beast’s probing tendrils. This Charm can be activated to
supplement an attempt to initiate or maintain a clinch. All clinches have the Piercing
tag, but a clinch supplemented by this attack has its victim’s armor further reduced
by an amount equal to the martial artist’s Essence. This cannot reduce a victim below
his natural, unarmored soak. If the martial artist spends a point of Willpower when
activating this Charm, the reduction in the armor’s soak value is permanent. This
secondary activation has no effect on armor made from one of the Magical Materials.
octopus-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Tentacled Vitriolic Poison

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Vitriolic Octopus 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Poison
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Startling Octopus Feint

The vitriolic octopus does not simply mimic the octopus; he expands on it,
infusing it with his own bile and spite. That spite is infectious, venomous. This
Charm supplements an unarmed Martial Arts attack, injecting the victim of the
attack with a poison born of the martial artist’s own spleen. Vitriolic Octopus poison
has the following statistics: Damage (Essence)L/action, Toxicity 3, Tolerance -/-,
Penalty (Essence).
octopus-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Best Served Cold

Cost: (+2m); Mins: Essence 3, Vitriolic Octopus 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Poison
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Vitriolic Octopus Form
Rarely, a victim escapes the vitriolic octopus. It is with great satisfaction that
the vitriolic octopus allows this, knowing that the victim has only escaped its tenta-
cles, not his fate. This Charm is a permanent upgrade to Tentacled Vitriolic Poison,
allowing it to be activated while in a clinch with a two-mote surcharge. Activated in
this way, Tentacled Vitriolic Poison’s venom has its interval changed from action to
octopus-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Impetuous Blitz
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Void Dragon 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
They stylist’s weapon seems to stop mid swing, then jut forward instantly
striking her opponent. Unarmed strikes empowered by this charm double attack
successes for determining damage.
Source: Scarlet Heavens

Generous Concession
Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Void Dragon 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Shaping
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Momentum Leech, Impetuous Blitz
The martial artist strikes her target, embedding within him a seed of Oblivion.
This charm creates an unarmed attack that deals no damage. On a successful hit
the target must pay a surcharge of (Essence/2) motes per action he uses at least one
charm as an ongoing shaping effect.
Source: Scarlet Heavens

Void Dragon Form
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Void Dragon 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-Type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Generous Concession
Practitioners of this style are a consummate siphon of energy, drawing it from
all nearby sources to quench the never ending thirst of the Void. Whenever she is
hurt the attacker consigns 3m to Oblivion for every 2 levels of damage dealt (rounded
down). In addition, her unarmed attacks gain the Magical Material bonus of Soulsteel,
this effect stacks with Magical Material bonuses of Artifact weapons.
Source: Scarlet Heavens

Impotency Condemning Stratagem

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Void Dragon 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Void Dragon Form
Though the Void cannot take away one’s skill, it can sap his strength and agility.
When amplifying a defense with this charm the attacker’s power is drained, treat him
as having Dexterity and Strength ratings of 0 before charm use. This charm cannot
be invoked against attacks of which the artist is not aware.
Source: Scarlet Heavens

Resounding Cry
Cost: 2m/attack +1hl; Mins: Essence 3, Void Dragon 5; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Incessant Echo
The martial artist offers a portion of herself to empower a flurry of attacks
with the persistence of the Void. This charm creates a flurry of up to (Martial
Arts) unarmed attacks, limited by (Rate+1) of one weapon, with no multiple action
penalties and a DV penalty equal to the highest of any single attack.
Source: Scarlet Heavens

Torpid Affliction Technique

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Void Dragon 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Void Dragon Form
Targets struck by the supplemented unarmed attack feel slow and sluggish as
the stasis of the Void encumbers their movements. On their next action they lose the
ability to flurry or use Extra Action charms and add 1 to the speed of their action.
Source: Scarlet Heavens

Approach the Well

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Void Dragon 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion

Duration: Until DV Refreshes Twice
Prerequisites: Torpid Affliction Technique
The stylist calls upon the Void to open up within herself. On each tick, for the
duration, all enemies of the stylist within (Essence*10) yards must move at least one
yard closer on the quickest path toward her, unless they are already within a yard,
or there’s no physical way to get closer, and cannot move away. This is an unnatural
mental influence effect that costs 1wp to resist per tick, up to a maximum of (Essence)
wp per scene.
Source: Scarlet Heavens

Efficacious Energy Stance

Cost: 8m, 2wp; Mins: Essence 4, Void Dragon 5; Type: Simple (DV -2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Soul Strike
Practitioners of this style learn to devote every mote into effect. Invoking this
charm causes her weapons to seem entirely mundane, not wastefully radiating energy
with flashes of light or ephemeral coils, instead directing it entirely into unadulterated
virulence. For the rest of the scene her unarmed strikes deal aggravated damage to
anyone with an equal or lower Essence rating. This charm is obviously magical despite
it’s lack of dazzle, viewers are simply intuitively put off by the practitioner.
Source: Scarlet Heavens

Weapons as Weights Amendment

Cost: -(+4m); Mins: Essence 3, Void Dragon 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: none
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Impotency Condemning Stratagem
In addition to sapping power, the Void can turn even the most powerful tool
into a worthless ornament. For an additional 4m when invoking Impotency Condemn-
ing Stratagem, negate any bonuses from the Accuracy or Damage of the attacker’s
weapon. It retains its damage type.
Source: Scarlet Heavens

Soul Strike
Cost: 3m or 7m; Mins: Essence 3, Void Dragon 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Weapons as Weights Amendment, Resounding Cry, Approach the
The martial artist strikes directly for her target’s soul, bypassing his body
entirely. For 3m, Unarmed attacks supplemented by this charm injure the target’s
mote pool directly. Each success on the damage roll burns 1m if bashing, 2m if lethal,
and 3m if aggravated, from the target instead of physically wounding him. Zeros
count as one success without other magic. Attacks that burn motes are considered to
have dealt damage for effects that rely on it. For 7m the attack additionally ignores
non-magical soak.

Source: Scarlet Heavens

Incessant Echo
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Void Dragon 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 5)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Void Dragon Form
The Void may not be forgiving, but it is enduring, and gives practitioners of this
style a second chance to connect with their attacks. Invoking this charm allows the
user to roll dice equal to (target’s DV - Initial Successes) to a maximum of (Essence)
and add successes to her initial roll.
Source: Scarlet Heavens

Momentum Leech
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Void Dragon 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 8)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
The Void draws energy from the attack, slowing it slightly. This adds a -1
internal penalty to damage rolls (minimum 0) for up to (Essence) attacks on the tick
in which it is invoked.
Source: Scarlet Heavens

Flow Reversal Strike

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Water Dragon 5; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Water Dragon Form
Touching a foe, the martial artist uses this Charm to temporarily reverse the
flow of blood in her victim’s body. This disorients the target and can cause serious
damage; mortals and smaller animals often die outright.Source Manual of Exalted
Power: Dragon-Blooded, p. 208-209.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Flow Reversal Strike

Cost: 4 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Water Dragon 5; Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Water Dragon Form
The martial artist’s attack causes the target’s Essence flow to reverse, causing
massive damage.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 258.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Bottomless Depths Defense

Cost: 5m, 1ahl; Mins: Essence 3, Water Dragon 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 7)

Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Crashing Wave Style, Ghost-Restraining Whirlpool Stance
This Charm, though damaging in itself, allows the martial artist to ignore
damage being inflicted from any other source for a short instant.Source Manual of
Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded, p. 209.
source=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Leader
duration=One tick
text=The aggravated health level in this Charm’s cost is considered a unique flaw
of invulnerability. This Charm’s Leader benefit may not be applied to area-of-effect
attacks. Danaa’d is not harmed by the use of this Charm.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Flowing Water Defense

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1, Water Dragon 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: (Essence (trait) Essence) actions
Adopting the attitude of Water, this Charm slightly reduces the effectiveness
of the martial artist’s attacks while making it even harder for others to hit her.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded, p. 207.
source=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Leader
text=opponents suffer a -2 external penalty (not -3 internal).
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Flowing Water Defense

Cost: 1 mote; Mins: Essence 1, Water Dragon 2; Type: Reflexive

Duration: Essence in turns
The martial artist’s fluid movements make attacking them more difficult.Source
Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 255.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Rippling Water Strike

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Water Dragon 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Flowing Water Defense
Upon successfully striking a foe, this Charm causes all others nearby to suffer a
lesser but similar amount of damage. Martial artists of greater Essence (trait) Essence
may spend extra motes to protect her allies from this effect.Source Manual of Exalted
Power: Dragon-Blooded, p. 207.
source=Scroll of Errata
text=Radius is 3 yards. The character makes one attack, and compares it sepa-
rately to the defense of all targets in range. This attack is piercing to all targets, but
only inflicts bashing damage to secondary targets.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Rippling Water Strike

Cost: 2 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Water Dragon 3; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Flowing Water Defense
This Charm damages those around the martial artist, the force of the attack
rippling outwards.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 256.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Drowning-in-Blood Technique
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Water Dragon 3; Type: Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Stackable
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Rippling Water Strike
This Charm allows a martial artist, instead of inflicting normal damage, to

inflict internal bleeding in a target, drowning them in their own blood.Source Manual
of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded, p. 207.
source=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Crippling, Stackable
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Drowning-in-Blood Technique
Cost: 4 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Water Dragon 3; Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Rippling Water Strike
The martial artist’s attack causes their victim to drown in their own
blood.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 257.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Shrugging Water Dragon Escape

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Water Dragon 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Rippling Water Strike
This Charm allows the martial artist to escape any bonds.Source Manual of
Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded, p. 207-208.
source=Scroll of Errata
text=Any valid action to escape personal restraint automatically succeeds with a
threshold of (character’s Martial Arts rating).
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Shrugging Water Dragon Escape
Cost: 3 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Water Dragon 3; Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Rippling Water Strike
This Charm allows the martial artist to cast off any restraint.Source Exalted:
The Dragon-Blooded, p. 257.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Water Dragon Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Water Dragon 4; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Drowning-in-Blood Technique, Shrugging Water Dragon Escape
Adopting the flowing posture of Water, the martial artist uses this Charm to
increase her resistance of damage and her ability to strike through a foe’s defenses.
This form can not be used in armor that is too encumbering.Source Manual of Exalted
Power: Dragon-Blooded, p. 208.
source=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Form-type, Leader
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Water Dragon Form

Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Water Dragon 4; Type: Simple
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Drowning-in-Blood Technique, Shrugging Water Dragon Escape
This Charm grants the martial artist additional soak and makes their attacks
harder to evade.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 257.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Crashing Wave Style

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Water Dragon 5; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Flow Reversal Strike

Mimicking the endless surf on the beach, this Charm allows the martial artist
to continually make attacks until her skill is insufficient to maintain the onslaught or
she misses the target.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded, p. 209.
source=Scroll of Errata
text=This flurry ignores rate and has a total DV penalty of -1.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Crashing Wave Style

Cost: 4 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Water Dragon 5; Type: Extra Action
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Flow Reversal Strike
This Charm grants the martial artist additional attacks on their action, each
successful attack opening the way for more damage.Source Exalted: The Dragon-
Blooded, p. 259.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Ghost-Restraining Whirlpool Stance

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Water Dragon 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Stackable
Duration: Until abandoned
Prerequisites: Theft-of-Essence Method
This Charm hinders the actions of spirits around the martial artist, and slows
their movement if they are fleeing. With sufficient skill or against weak spirits, this
Charm can render its victims inactive. This Charm may be maintained indefinitely,
but doing so is difficult.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded, p. 209.
source=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-Basic, Crippling, Shaping, Stackable

Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Ghost-Restraining Whirlpool Stance

Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 3, Water Dragon 5; Type: Simple
Duration: Until abandoned
Prerequisites: Theft-of-Essence Method
This Charm allows the martial artist to immobilize spirits in a vortex of
Essence.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 257.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Theft-of-Essence Method
Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Water Dragon 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Water Dragon Form
This Charm allows the martial artist to steal motes of Essence from a target
upon a successful attack. These motes fade quickly and may only be utilized with
Water Dragon Style Charms, but there is no limit to how many the martial artist may
contain within herself.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded, p. 209.
source=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Shaping
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Theft-of-Essence Method
Cost: 4 motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 3, Water Dragon 5; Type: Supple-
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Water Dragon Form
This Charm allows the martial artist to steal motes with their attack.Source
Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 257.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Essence-Dousing Wave Attack
Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Water Dragon 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Varies
Prerequisites: Bottomless Depths Defense
This Charm allows the martial artist to temporarily suppress the effects of any
magic affecting the target of an attack. With enough skill, this Charm actually dispels
the magic instead of suppressing it.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded,
p. 209-210.
source=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Shaping
text=This Charm enhances an unarmed martial arts attack. It cannot suppress
Adamant or Obsidian circle spells and has no effect on astrological Charms.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Essence-Dousing Wave Attack

Cost: 8 motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 4, Water Dragon 5; Type: Supple-
Duration: Varies
Prerequisites: Bottomless Depths Defense
This Charm lets the martial artist’s attack suppress Charms or other magic
benefitting their target.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 259.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Tsunami Force Shout

Cost: 10m, 1wp, 1hl; Mins: Essence 4, Water Dragon 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Essence-Dousing Wave Attack
As the martial artist lets loose a mystical roar, this Charm causes devastating
damage to anyone in front of the practitioner. Those with powerful Essence (trait)
Essence are subject to less severe effects.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-
Blooded, p. 210.
source=Scroll of Errata

text=Make a single unblockable attack roll of (Charisma + Martial Arts +
Essence), and compare separately to the defenses of all targets in range. Those hit
by the attack are affected as explained.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Tsunami Force Shout

Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower, 1 health level; Mins: Essence 4, Water Dragon 5;
Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Essence-Dousing Wave Attack
The martial artist shouts, and a wave of Essence washes over those before them,
causing damage in its wake.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 259.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Horizontal Velocity Correction

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Weapons Ready 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One Tick
Prerequisites: Essence Amplification Modulation
Essence explodes from the martial artists feet, propelling her forward. Add
Essence to your horizontal movement usable once per tick per ground touch non-
stackable. This Charm is usable in-air and stops any upward or downward motion
the martial artist may have been experiencing when activated, resetting their fall
Source: Tikor

Vertical Surface Capitalization

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Weapons Ready 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Essence Amplification Modulation
Upon sliding down a vertical or near vertical surface the martial artist may
make a reflexive jump incurring no DV penalty or multiple action penalties. This
Charm is useful for scaling shear shafts in Autochthonia that offer no handholds.
Essence explodes between the martial artists feet and the wall, propelling her where
shed like to jump.
Source: Tikor

Flash Stopper
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Weapons Ready 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Weapons Ready Form
This Charm augments the Form Charm
This Charm replaces any effect of the martial artists Essence projectile weapon
Stop time. For 2m per tick you are the only one in your realm of existence that
experiences time, but you are restricted to move, dash, aim and re-establish stealth
actions. This effect grants the ability to reflexively re-establish stealth with a 1-die
bonus for every consecutive tick of the effect, stackable Essence times. Loss of this
Form Charm augmentation ends this effect immediately. This effect has a speed of 6
in non-stopped time, and has a -1 DV penalty (i.e. The martial artists action refreshes
at least 6 ticks after activating the effect in non-stopped time with at least -1 DV
penalty for the interim depending on the flurry no matter what happens in stopped
time). Since this is the effect of the Essence projectile weapon now, it can explicitly
be powered by the Weapons Ready pool. The Weapons Ready pool does not recharge
in stopped time.
This Charm grants one automatic success on the martial artists natural attacks, as
time seems to slow as he reads his opponents defenses. Natural attacks are otherwise
Source: Tikor

Quick Boomerang
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Weapons Ready 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Weapons Ready Form
This Charm augments the Form Charm
Essence projectile weapons now shoot out to their range then return to the martial
artist. This effect explicitly allows
1) Retrieving inanimate objects the martial artist could lift without harming them.
2) Count as two attacks against the same or different targets using the same attack
roll result given that a) the first attack missed, was parried or dodged and b) this
effect is not part of a flurry that contains more than 1 attack and c) both targets are
in range.
This augmentation also gives the martial artist Essence/2 bonus Martial Arts Parry
DV against counterattacks of their natural attacks in Step 9, as the martial artists
limbs bounce back to defend her with supernatural quickness.
Source: Tikor

Energy Being
Cost: All health levels; Mins: Essence 4, Weapons Ready 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: , Atomic Fire, Rain Flush, Air Shooter, Leaf Shield, Power Stone,
Crash Bomber, Flash Stopper, Quick Boomerang

The final technique shapes the Essence of the ultimate weapon, the martial
artist herself. There is no return from this brink, the martial artist is forever changed.
1) Convert all of the martial artists health levels (including incapacitated and
dying) into personal motes on a 1:1 basis. The martial artist only suffers wound
penalties that are imposed independent of the loss of health.
2) Damage now strips motes from the martial artist on a 1:1 basis (bashing, lethal
or aggravated). The martial artist chooses which pool, but the Weapons Ready pool
is explicitly disallowed. Losing motes in this way counts as losing health levels for
effects that have such a requirement. Motes may be paid instead of health levels
when health levels are in the cost of an effect on a 1:1 basis. During any tick where
damage strips motes from the martial artist a bright flash of Essence explodes from
the martial artist’s body instead of physical harm - this flash makes stealth impossible
for the martial artist for the duration of that tick.
3) If at any time the sum of motes in all of the martial artists general-use pools is
0 (not counting the Weapons Ready pool) the martial artist explodes into a spherical
explosion of pulsating essence spheres colored appropriately to her nature. She may
never be reanimated, or become a ghost. All souls dissipate into the peripheral
Essence of her current surroundings, with no chance at entering Lethe, Oblivion or
the Underworld.
The zero motes condition counts as the Flaw of Invulnerability for this perfect
Source: Tikor

M-Buster Barrage
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Weapons Ready 3; Type: Extra-Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Essence Amplification Modulation
This Charm is a magical flurry of Martial Arts attacks. The martial artists
makes 3 attacks regardless of the weapons rate, without multiple action penalties, and
with a DV penalty equal to the highest penalty for any one attack. If this magical
flurry contains attacks from an Essence projectile weapon only pay the activation cost
for the Essence projectile weapon once.
Source: Tikor

Crash Bomber
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Weapons Ready 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Weapons Ready Form
This Charm augments the Form Charm
Unarmed attacks and Essence projectile attacks ignore hardness and double the
raw damage of attacks against inanimate objects. This is explicitly capable of dam-
aging things that may only be damaged by Essence attacks even when augmenting
an unarmed attack. An explosion of pink-colored Essence accompanies the martial
artists blows and Essence projectile weapon strikes when augmented by this Charm.
Source: Tikor

Rain Flush
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Weapons Ready 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Elemental
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Weapons Ready Form
This Charm augments the Form Charm
Unarmed attacks and Essence projectile attacks ignore all cover bonuses less than
full and ignore any shield bonuses as the Water-charged Essence of this attack flows
around them. Both count as supernatural Water attacks, and are capable of getting
things wet.
Source: Tikor

Air Shooter
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Weapons Ready 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Elemental
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Weapons Ready Form
This Charm augments the Form Charm
Successful unarmed attacks and Essence projectile attacks impose a -3 internal
penalty on the targets next action as they are chilled to the bone. This penalty
counts as an environmental penalty that is an attack. Both count as supernatural
Air attacks, and are capable of freezing things and/or drying them off.
Source: Tikor

Leaf Shield
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Weapons Ready 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Elemental
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Weapons Ready Form
This Charm augments the Form Charm
This Charm grants the ability to make an unarmed attack that produces a shield
of Wood Essence around the martial artist. It grants the martial artist EssenceX2
Soak and Essence Hardness as an armor effect that stacks with other armor effects
(Soak stacks, Hardness takes the maximum of available effects). The effect lasts for
one scene or until this Form augmentation effect ends, whichever happens first.
Using an Essence projectile weapon, the martial artist may target an ally and
produce the same effect on them at the same cost as an attack from that Essence
projectile weapons costs. This effect can explicitly be powered by the Weapons Ready
pool. The effect lasts on this ally for one scene or until this Form augmentation effect
ends, whichever happens first.
Making a martial arts or melee attack while under this effect counts as a super-
natural Wood attack.
Source: Tikor

Power Stone
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Weapons Ready 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Elemental

Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Weapons Ready Form
This Charm augments the Form Charm
Successful unarmed attacks and Essence projectile attacks create an effect that
blocks conscious movement that shifts location, such as walking or using a teleport
power. It does not stop the target from moving in place to dodge or otherwise defend
(albeit with a penalty). Being rooted in place is a -1 external penalty and -1 to DDV,
not a -2 internal/DV. This penalty counts as an environmental penalty that is an
attack. Both count as supernatural Earth attacks.
Source: Tikor

Weapons Ready Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Weapons Ready 4; Type: Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: , M-Buster Barrage, Vertical Surface Capitalization, Horizontal
Velocity Correction
The martial artist performs a kata whereby they take a firm stance and extend
their Essence projectile weapon or both hands joined at the wrist, palms forward
and fingers splayed. Instead of Essence escaping the weapon or hand gesture it is
attracted. The martial artist visibly attunes to the surrounding Essence. Motes of
any relevant Aspect escape the environment, become visible and accelerate towards
the martial artist.
The ambient Essences reduces the activation cost of firing Essence Projectile
weapons by Essence/2.
Grant the martial artist a Weapons Ready pool that contains EssenceX3 motes
that is only usable for firing Essence projectile weapons (this pool explicitly cannot
power Charms). The Weapons Ready pool recharges Essence at 2m per 5 ticks so
long as the martial artist is not in a blight zone devoid of all Essence and this Charm
remains active.
The martial artist may make a Martial Arts parry with their Essence projectile
weapon. This is capable of parrying lethal attacks. Attacks greater than 25L raw
damage may jeopardize the integrity of the Essence projectile weapon, impairing
function and necessitating repair. The storyteller is encouraged to apply an accuracy
internal penalty of -2 to the weapon, but other penalties may apply.
This Form Charm can be augmented by 1 other Charm of this style.
Source: Tikor

Essence Amplification Modulation

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 2, Weapons Ready 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Charging is in the very nature of the Weapons Ready stylist, for they must
power their own form weapon thousands of times in training. In addition to the
standard Aim benefit, when aiming an Essence projectile weapon practitioners of the
Weapons Ready Style gain the following benefits non-cumulatively:
1 tick aim: +1 raw damage

2 tick aim: +2 raw damage
3 tick aim: double raw weapon damage. This level of aim produces a glow about
the martial artist as if a Serenity Sidereal Anima at the 8-10 level, adding the Obvious
Source: Tikor

Atomic Fire
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Weapons Ready 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Elemental
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Weapons Ready Form
This Charm augments the Form Charm.
The martial artist enjoys an additional 4L damage to her unarmed attacks and
Essence projectile attacks. This bonus counts as raw weapon damage for the purposes
of Essence Amplification Modulation. Both expressions count as supernatural Fire
attacks, and are capable of lighting things on fire.
Source: Tikor

Ten-Thousand Hours Kata

Cost: 1m+; Mins: Essence 2, Wheel-Turning Sage King 3; Type: Reflexive
(Step 1 or Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One action
Prerequisites: Prodigious Hero Arete, Style-Discerning Glance
It is said that before a man can be considered a master of any art, be it martial
arts or flower arranging, he must first practice for ten-thousand hours. The Exalted
laugh at such foolish limitations! When they trained in the Wheel-Turning Sage King
Style with the Unconquered Sun, every moment of instruction they received was as
a year; every day, a lifetime. With such mastery, how could they fail? When the
martial artist invokes this Charm, he may spend up to (Essence) motes. Doing so
assures his masterywhenever he makes an unarmed Martial Arts attacked, he always
rolls a minimum number of successes equal to the number of motes spent, even if he
rolled lower (before adding in any extra successes). Furthermore, when he parries an
attack unarmed, his DV cannot be reduced below the number of motes spent by any
Source: The Demented One

Wheel-Turning Sage King Form

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Wheel-Turning Sage King 4; Type: Simple (Speed
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Ten-Thousand Hours Kata
Even the Primordials feared the Wheel-Turning Sage Kings, for the potent
essence they channeled with this form assured their success, becoming true weapons
of the gods. Upon entering it, the martial artist seems to shine, for but a moment,
with the light of his patron Incarnae: silver moonlight for Lunars, pale starlight for

Sidereals, and the blinding golden radiance of the sun for the Solar Exalted. While
in this form, the martial artist may deal lethal damage with unarmed attacks, and
may parry lethal attacks unarmed without a stunt. He adds (Essence) to his Parry
DV whenever he makes an unarmed block.
Finally, the form allows the martial artist to draw on hidden strength when he most
needs it, using desperate effort and unshakable determination to ensure he succeeds.
Whenever the martial artist makes an unarmed Martial Arts attack, he may choose
to forgo any number of rolled successes. These successes instead go to a special
pool granted by this form, which may hold up to (Essence) successes. Whenever the
martial artist makes an unarmed Martial Arts attack or rolls damage for such an
attack, he may expend these banked successes to enhance it. In addition, he may
expend successes to enhance his Parry DV when blocking unarmed, increasing it by
one for each success spent. Successes spent from the pool count as being added by
Source: The Demented One

Apocalypse-Outlasting Stance
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 3, Wheel-Turning Sage King 4; Type: Reflexive (Step
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Wheel-Turning Sage King Form
When the Primordials descended to fight the Chosen, the weapons they brought
to bear were awful in their sheer power and majesty, the mightiest arms ever unleashed
within Creation. He who became Malfeas flung mountains, and fought with a sword
whose blade scraped the sky; Oramus tore apart reality itself and cast the Exalted
into the emptiness of Elsewhere; Kimberry unleashed tsunamis of burning acid. And
in the face of all these, the Sage Kings did not once flinch.
This Charm is invoked immediately before the damage of an attack or similar effect
is rolled. Though it offers no defense against the attack, it ensures the martial artist
survivesany levels of damage that would fill his Incapacitated or Dying health levels
are negated, though others are unaffected. At Essence 5, the martial artist may spend
an additional 3 motes to increase this Charm’s duration to one action, preventing any
damage they take during that time from filling their Incapacitated or Dying levels.
However, they cannot use this Charm to render themselves invincible, for it bears
a high cost. If the martial artist uses this Charm while he has no empty health
levels above Incapacitated, he must permanently sacrifice a dot of Stamina to do so.
The dot of Stamina cannot be healed or recovered by any means, save for spending
experience points to buy a new dot of Stamina. If the martial artist ever reduces
himself to Stamina 0 with this Charm, then he remains alive long enough to take one
final actionafterwards, his body crumbles to dust, unmade by essence backlash of this
Source: The Demented One

Virtue Triumphs Over Tyranny

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Wheel-Turning Sage King 5; Type: Supple-
Keywords: Combo-OK

Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Wheel-Turning Sage King Form
Drawing on strength unknown even to them, the Exalted were able to finally
overthrow the tyranny of the Primordials, casting Creation into the glories of the
First Age. To invoke this Charm, the martial artist must expend a banked success
from the pool granted by Wheel-Turning Sage King Form. It supplements a single
unarmed Martial Arts attack, allowing the Sage King one perfect blow. The attack
is guaranteed to hitif it would have missed, calculate its raw damage as if 0 attack
successes were rolled.
Source: The Demented One

Setting the Sky Ablaze

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 4, Wheel-Turning Sage King 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Virtue Triumphs Over Tyranny
When the Exalted first went to war, they slew beings behemoth in both form and
soul. The beings they fought were as world-circling rivers, all-encompassing deserts,
massive legions of demons, and very worldsand they were all defeated, broken at the
hands of the Chosen. To invoke this Charm, the martial artist must expend a banked
success from the pool granted by Wheel-Turning Sage King Form. It supplements
a single unarmed Martial Arts attack, causing it to deal aggravated damage in a
blaze of essence-unbinding energies that proved bane against even the Primordials.
The minimum damage of the attack becomes equal to the Sage King’s Martial Arts,
rather than his Essence.
Source: The Demented One

Salvation-of-the-World Enlightenment
Cost: (+10m, 1wp); Mins: Essence 4, Wheel-Turning Sage King 5; Type:
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Apocalypse-Outlasting Stance, Humble Sage Audacity, Setting
the Sky Ablaze
The Exalted were born to be kings, princes of the universe. Into their hands
was given both the means to save Creation, and the means to rule it. When the
martial artist enters the Wheel-Turning Sage King Form, he may spend an additional
10 motes and a point of Willpower. As he does, his anima banner flares to its full
totemic radiancebut the form it takes is a gleaming mandala of gold and silver, a
symbol embodying the very creation of the Celestial Exaltations at the hand of the
Unconquered Sun, Luna, and the Maidens.
Whenever the martial artist makes an unarmed Martial Arts attack or a damage
roll for such an attack, he adds a number of automatic successes equal to the number
he has banked with the Wheel-Turning Sage King Form. In addition, he increases his
Parry DV by an amount equal to the number of banked successes. These successes
stack with any banked successes that are actually spent on the roll, but still count
as being added with Charms. In addition, the martial artist may spend a banked
success in place of a point of Willpower to channel a Virtue.

Source: The Demented One

Humble Sage Audacity

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Wheel-Turning Sage King 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Wheel-Turning Sage King Form
The Sage Kings showed all respect to the Primordials before they attacked,
bowing low and praising their hated enemy’s fighting prowesssuch humility! And yet,
the Sage Kings attacked in the same instant as the Titans did, deeming themselves
equals of the world’s creatorssuch audacity! This Charm supplements a Join Battle
roll. The martial artist is always treated as having rolled a number of successes equal
to the highest rolled by any combatant, acting on the first tick of battle along with
themno matter what! Even if a Charm were used to assure a character perfectly
succeeded on his Join Battle roll, guaranteeing that he would act before all others,
this Charm would still allow the martial artist to act on the same tick.
Source: The Demented One

Prodigious Hero Arete

Cost: (1m); Mins: Essence 2, Wheel-Turning Sage King 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Unmatched is the heroism of the Exalted, unbridled their passions! It was only
with hearts full of hot blood and virtuous spirits that they were able to overcome
the Titans. This Charm enhances the martial artist’s ability to stunt when making
unarmed Martial Arts attack rolls or parrying an attack unarmed. When he does
receive stunt dice for doing so, he may reflexively spend a mote to double the stunt
dice awarded. The extra dice do not count towards the maximum limit of dice from
Source: The Demented One

Style-Discerning Glance
Cost: ; Mins: Essence 2, Wheel-Turning Sage King 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Before the Exalted could hope to stand against the Primordials, they would
have to understand how they might be defeatedthus was this Charm born. Whenever
the Sage King makes an unarmed Martial Arts attack, he learns if his opponent has
enhanced his DV with Charms in Step 2. If any of those Charms provide a perfect
defense, the martial artist knows it, as well as what Flaw of Invulnerability the Charm
possesses. Likewise, in Step 8, the martial artist learns if a foe has enhanced his soak
or hardness with Charms, as well as the flaws of any such Charms that allow a perfect
defense. When the martial artist is attacked, he learns if the attack has been enhanced
by Charms, and if any of those Charms allow a perfect attack, one that is guaranteed
to hit. The martial artist not only learns the effect of those Charms, but also what

kind of Essence they are born ofhe may distinguish the Charms of the Exalted, Yozi
Charms, Spirit Charms of both gods and demons, Fair Folk charms, ghost arcanoi,
and Martial Arts Charms. Finally, the martial artist may learn any Martial Arts
Charm he observes with Style-Discerning Glance without need for a tutor. This does
not allow him to bypass the training time or prerequisites of the Charm, nor does it
allow him to learn styles at stations of the Perfected Lotus he cannot initiate into.
Source: The Demented One

Falling Scythe Flash

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, White Reaper 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
This counts the Steward’s Strength twice to determine raw damange. See the
full text of the Charm for details.Source Glories of the Most High: Luna, pp. 30-31.
Source: Glories of the Most High: Luna

Revolving Crescent Defense

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, White Reaper 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Tick
This increases a single opponet’s multiple action penalties and makes the Stew-
ard immune to onslaught penalties against that opponent. See the full text of the
Charm for details.Source Glories of the Most High: Luna, p. 31.
Source: Glories of the Most High: Luna

White Reaper Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, White Reaper 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious, War
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Falling Scythe Flash, Revolving Crescent Defense
This Charm increases the Accuracy and Rate of unarmed attacks made by the
practicioner. Also, when an opponent is slain the user increases his dodge MDV as a
halo of energy up to a certain cap. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source
Glories of the Most High: Luna, p. 31.
Source: Glories of the Most High: Luna

Bleeding Crescent Strike

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, White Reaper 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: White Reaper Form
This Charm adds dice to an unarmed attack roll, including extra dice for
each halo acquired from White Reaper Form. See the full text of the Charm for
details.Source Glories of the Most High: Luna, p. 32.

Source: Glories of the Most High: Luna

Impenetrable White Shroud

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, White Reaper 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Bleeding Crescent Strike
This adds lethal and bashin soak depending on the number of halos currently
active from White Reaper Form. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source
Glories of the Most High: Luna, p. 32.
Source: Glories of the Most High: Luna

Flickering Corona Barrier

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, White Reaper 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Impenetrable White Shroud
This Charm increases the Steward’s PDV depending on the number of ha-
los currently active from White Reaper Form. See the full text of the Charm for
details.Source Glories of the Most High: Luna, p. 32.
Source: Glories of the Most High: Luna

Greatest Killer Attitude

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, White Reaper 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Bleeding Crescent Strike
This Charm adds either raw or post-soak damage to one attack, depending
upon the number of halos currently active from White Reaper Form See the full text
of the Charm for details.Source Glories of the Most High: Luna, p. 32.
Source: Glories of the Most High: Luna

Enemies Like Grass

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, White Reaper 5; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Greatest Killer Attitude
This Charm allows the Lunar to make a number of attacks at her full dice pool
depending on the number of stored halos from White Reaper Form. See the full text
of the Charm for details.Source Glories of the Most High: Luna, p. 32.
Source: Glories of the Most High: Luna

Snow Follows Winter

Cost: 7m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, White Reaper 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious

Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Enemies Like Grass, Flickering Corona Barrier
This Charm allows the user to heal bashing or leathal damage depending upon
the number of stored halos from White Reaper Form. See the full text of the Charm
for details.Source Glories of the Most High: Luna, p. 32.
Source: Glories of the Most High: Luna

Mountain Strikes the Breeze Technique

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Wind-Cutting Blade 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Adaptive
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: War and Peace Preparation
A Wind-Cutter will not be drawn out before he is ready. The attacks of his
opponents are distractions, attempts to mar the perfection of the coming strike. The
student learns to discourage such attempts. This Charm is an Essence-enhanced
parry, made with the character’s sheathed slashing blade. By moving into the coming
blow and striking it with his sheathed weapon, the character sends a jarring jolt of
Essence into his opponent, leaving that enemy open for a strike. The character raises
his DV by his Martial Arts or Melee, whichever is lowest. If this successfully stops an
opponent’s attack, that aggressor suffers an additional -1 DV penalty to the blocked
attack. This Charm cannot be used against ranged attacks.
*Characters who know Bulwark Stance (Exalted, p.193) may pay an extra 3 motes
upon activation of this Charm to treat its Duration as ”Until Next Action.”
*Characters who know Blinding Spark Distraction (MoEP: Dragon-Blooded,
pp.155-156) infuse their parry with elemental Essence, causing the attacker’s weapon
to become difficult to wield (uncomfortably warm, wet and slick, icy-cold to the touch,
etc). Their next action suffers a -1 external penalty. This only applies to attacks made
with non-natural weapons.
*Characters who know Tearing Claw Atemi (MoEP: Lunars, p.145) force oppo-
nents to roll Stamina + Resistance to avoid knockdown upon a successful parry.
*Characters who have learned Impeding the Flow (MoEP: Sidereals, p.155) reduce
the Rate of the offending weapon by 1 upon a successful parry, potentially cutting
intended flurries short.
*Characters who know Broken Toys Riposte (MoEP: Abyssals, p.130) raise the
DV penalty imposed by this Charm to -2.
Source: HLS

Steel-Shattering Gale Technique

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Wind-Cutting Blade 5; Type: Reflexive (Step
Keywords: Combo-basic, Adaptive, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Wind-Cutting Blade Form
The swordsman fortifies his blade with his spirit. Together, they may act to
destroy an enemy’s means of victory as a prelude to destroying the enemy himself.
Faced with an attack, the character responds with a strike of his own– against the

incoming weapon. This Charm may only be invoked if the character’s weapon is
sheathed. He draws it and makes a standard attack roll in Step 5. Apply successes on
the roll as an external penalty against his opponent’s attack roll. If the opponent’s
attack is reduced to 0 successes, it is stopped. If the character’s roll exceeds his
opponent’s by 1 or more successes, the opponent’s weapon breaks if it is mundane. If
the character’s roll exceeds his opponent’s by 5 or more successes, and the character
is using an Artifact weapon, then the opponent’s weapon can be broken even if it
is an Artifact. This counterattack imposes a -2 DV penalty on the user, reduced to
-1 if the character can draw his weapon reflexively. Invoking this Charm leaves the
weapon unsheathed. This Charm may only be invoked against attacks made with
hand-to-hand weapons.
*Characters who know Dipping Swallow Defense (Exalted, pp.192-193) reduce the
DV penalty imposed by invocation of the Charm by 1.
*Characters who know Ringing Anvil Onslaught (MoEP: Dragon-Blooded, p.156)
may opt to pay only 3m upon invocation of this Charm. This variant will disarm
rather than breaking the target weapon, sending it flying (Martial Arts x 2) yards
*Characters who know Wasp Sting Blur (MoEP: Lunars, p.154) may reflexively
sheath their weapon after invocation of this Charm.
*A character who knows Perfection of the Visionary Warrior (MoEP: Sidereals,
p.127) does not simply break weaponsthey explode under the fateful stroke of his
blade. The resultant shower of sharp-edged fragments inflicts (Essence) dice of lethal
damage on the attacker, which may be soaked normally.
*Characters who know Elegant Flowing Deflection (MoEP: Abyssals, p.130) may
add their current wound penalties in extra dice to the Charm’s attack roll.
Source: HLS

Truth Drives the Hurricane

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Wind-Cutting Blade 5; Type: Simple (Speed
Keywords: Combo-OK, Adaptive, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: The Blade Breathes
As the swordsman nears mastery, he learns to use the blade to express his
soul. The character draws and strikes, his blade burning with a corona in a color
appropriate to his Exaltation. This attack’s damage is aggravated. The character’s
weapon must be sheathed to invoke this Charm, and his weapon is left unsheathed
*Characters who know Blazing Solar Bolt (Exalted, p.192) add the Holy keyword to
this Charm when facing creatures of darkness. They may reflexively spend additional
motes to convert post-soak damage dice into automatic successes, at a rate of 2 motes
per die against such creatures. The character may only convert a maximum of his
Essence in dice in this manner.
*Characters who know Refining the Inner Blade (MoEP: Dragon-Blooded, pp.128-
129) enjoy the Elemental Keyword, with a manifestation appropriate to the charac-
ter’s Aspect. Air produces a potent gust that induces automatic knockback, send-

ing the target flying (damage inflicted x 2) yards. Earth sends a shock of elemental
Essence through the target, rooting his feet into the ground until his DV has refreshed
twice. Fire injects the target with searing Essence, imposing an internal penalty equal
to the damage inflicted on the target’s next action. Water finds weaknesses in the
target’s armor, lowering the armor’s effective Soak by 3. Wood finds revitalization in
destruction, and regains one mote of Essence for every level of damage inflicted.
*Characters who know Ferocious Biting Tooth (MoEP: Lunars, p.142) enjoy a free
reroll on this Charm’s damage when employing it against the Fair Folk; they may use
the better of two results.
*A character who knows Smiling at the Damned (MoEP: Sidereals, p.156) who
attacks a creature outside Fate and inflicts more damage in one strike than his target’s
Stamina may opt not to inflict damage at all, instead banishing his target back to a
random point in Malfeas, the Underworld, the Wyld, or whatever other native domain
is appropriate. If the target meets the above criteria but is actually native to Creation
and simply using some artificial means to appear outside of Fate (such as Charms or
artifacts), the Charm simply inflicts damage as normal.
*Characters who know Ebon Lightning Prana (MoEP: Abyssals, p.129) tear away
bits of a target’s soul with their strike. If their attack inflicts a number of levels
of damage greater than the target’s Essence, the target loses one dot of permanent
Essence. Targets reduced to 0 Essence die instantly.
Source: HLS

Tempered Victory Proposition

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Wind-Cutting Blade 5; Type: Reflexive (Step
Keywords: Combo-OK, Adaptive
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Wind Through Walls Attack
The swordsman moves into an attack, deflecting it along his sheath at the
same moment he makes a killing draw. This is a counterattack Charm that can
only be invoked if the character has his weapon sheathed, and it leaves the weapon
unsheathed. It imposes a -2 DV penalty, or a -1 DV penalty if the character can draw
his weapon reflexively. This Charm may be invoked if the character uses his sheath
to parry an attack, regardless of the attempt’s success. It launches an attack at the
character’s full dice pool, plus the attacking dice pool leveraged against him. This
does not permit the character to exceed normal dice-adding limits. This Charm may
only be invoked against attacks made with hand-to-hand weapons.
*Characters who know Solar Counterattack (Exalted, p.194) may, if the initial
counterattack succeeds, pay 2 motes and incur an additional -1 DV penalty to make
an immediate second counterattack with their sheath. This counterattack does not
enjoy any special dice-pool boosts; it does, however, inflict onslaught penalty.
*Characters who know Portentous Comet Deflecting Mode (MoEP: Dragon-
Blooded, p.129) learn to trap their opponent’s weapon with their sheath, lowering
their DVs by 1 against the resultant counterattack.
*Characters who know Frenzied Bear Fortification (MoEP: Lunars, p.160) reduce
any damage taken from an attack this Charm is invoked in response to by 1L or 2B.
*Characters who know Orchestration of Mirrored Fates (MoEP: Sidereals, p.155)

are able to transcend space with their reprisals. The character may invoke Tempered
Victory Proposition even against ranged attacks, the sympathetic Essence of his at-
tack splitting open opponents though the steel of his blade touches them not. Using
the Charm in such a manner renders its effects Obvious.
*Characters who know Vengeful Riposte (MoEP: Abyssals, p.130) target the oppo-
nent’s striking limb with their counterattack. If the counterattack inflicts any damage,
the target suffers a Crippling effect that imposes a -1 external penalty to all attacks
made with that limb for the rest of the scene.
Source: HLS

The Blade Breathes

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Wind-Cutting Blade 5; Type: Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Adaptive
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: The Wind Screams, Tempered Victory Proposition
The swordsman focuses his will upon his blade, then draws and unleashes a po-
tent strike. Such is the power concentrated into his weapon that the blade sublimates
into Essence at the moment of the strike. This attack is capable of striking dema-
terialized targets; against material targets, it destroys motes of Essence rather than
health levels. Material targets with no Essence pool (or which run out of motes and
take damage from this charm) take scene-long internal penalties in lieu of damage.
The character’s weapon must be sheathed to invoke this Charm, and is unsheathed
after its use.
*Characters who know Fire and Stones Strike (Exalted, p.190) ignore armor when
invoking this Charm.
*Characters who know Ghost-Fire Blade (MoEP: Dragon-Blooded, p.156) may
inflict damage or take Essence from elementally-aspected, dematerialized opponents,
as the character desires.
*Characters who know Might-Bolstering Blow (MoEP: Lunars, p.158) may dissolve
an immaterial target slain with this Charm into a number of motes of Essence equal
to the target’s total health levels, which are then added to the character’s pool.
*Characters who know Serenity in Blood (MoEP: Sidereals, p.155) may drain
Essence in addition to doing damage when attacking immaterial targets.
*Characters who know Artful Maiming Onslaught (MoEP: Abyssals, p.129) cripple
their target’s soul when they strike. The target gains no Essence or Willpower back
from the next (attacker’s Essence) stunts he successfully performs.
Source: HLS

The Wind Screams

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Wind-Cutting Blade 5; Type: Simple (Speed 3, DV
Keywords: Combo-basic, Obvious, Adaptive
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Steel-Shattering Gale Technique
The character’s weapon flashes out, screaming through the air to strike before
any response is possible. Such is the speed of the blade that it produces a sonic
keening. This Charm has a lower Speed and DV penalty than normal. It can only be

invoked if the character’s weapon is sheathed, and it is left unsheathed at the end of
the Charm.
*Characters who know Iron Raptor Technique (Exalted, p.192) can focus the
sword’s sonic wail into a cutting blade, blurring out to strike targets up to (the
lower of Melee or Martial Arts x 3) yards away. This attack is unblockable.
*Characters who know Dragon-Graced Weapon (MoEP: Dragon-Blooded, p.155)
convert their sword’s sonic wail into an element appropriate to their Exaltation, cre-
ating an explosive burst of wind, flame, toxic pollen, etc. This inflicts (Essence) dice
of additional lethal damage on a successful hit, which must be soaked separately.
*Characters who know Lightning Stroke Attack (MoEP: Lunars, p.154) strike so
quickly, and from such an unexpected angle that the target is forced to make a reflexive
Perception + Awareness roll against a difficulty of half the attacking character’s
Essence. If they fail this roll, the attack is considered unexpected.
*Characters who know Meditation on War (MoEP: Sidereals, p.156) strike with
unerring accuracy, not at where their target is, but where he will be. While this
attack may be stopped, it cannot be avoided; it becomes undodgeable.
*Characters who know Ravening Mouth of Melee (MoEP: Abyssals, p.122) produce
a terrible, ghostly wail when they strike. Compare the attack roll to both physical DVs
and Dodge MDV. If the attack exceeds the target’s Dodge MDV, it strikes terrible
fear into him, imposing a -1 external penalty to all actions for the rest of the scene
and rendering the attack unblockable. This effect has the Emotion keyword, and is a
form of unnatural mental influence that takes 1 Willpower to resist.
Source: HLS

War and Peace Preparation

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 1, Wind-Cutting Blade 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Adaptive
Duration: Permanent
Preparedness defines the excellent warrior. The way of the swordsman is to
regard all of Creation as a battlefield. The first lesson of the Wind-Cutting school is
to keep one’s sword to hand at all times; the second is that even a sheathed blade is a
weapon. Characters who learn this Charm need not fear being caught without their
weapon at the ready. They may fight with their sheathed slashing swords without
using a Draw/Ready Weapon Miscellaneous action, or taking any penalty for doing so.
Sheathed style weapons function as normal, save that they inflict bashing rather than
lethal damage. Charms of the Wind-Cutting Blade Style cannot cause a sheathed
weapon to inflict non-bashing damage.
*Characters who know Summoning the Loyal Steel (Exalted, p.192) enjoy two
bonus successes on all Join Battle rolls while carrying a slashing blade or storing one
Elsewhere through the auspices of that Charm.
*Characters who know Terrestrial Melee Reinforcement (MoEP: Dragon-Blooded,
pp.128-129) enjoy a +1 bonus to their Parry DV while fighting with a sheathed
weapon, and in the presence of other members of this sword school.
*Characters who know Impressions of Strength (MoEP: Lunars, p.144) add an
additional 1B to the damage rating of their sheathed weapon.

*A character who knows the Fateful Melee Excellency (MoEP: Sidereals, p.127)
finds wisdom in restraint; he can bank up to five additional dice with an Aim action
undertaken with a sheathed weapon, instead of the normal three. The weapon does
not have to remain sheathed when the Aimed attack is eventually unleashed.
*Characters who know Void Sheath Technique (MoEP: Abyssals, p.129) impose a
-1 external penalty on the Join Battle rolls of all opponents while carrying a slashing
blade or storing one Elsewhere through the auspices of that Charm.
Source: HLS

Wind Through Walls Attack

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Wind-Cutting Blade 5; Type: Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Adaptive
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Wind-Cutting Blade Form
The character’s blade flies from its sheath faster than the eye can see, there
and gone almost before it can register any impediments to its flight. The character
launches a standard attack at full dice pool with an in-style weapon. This attack en-
joys the Piercing tag and ignores hardness. The character’s weapon must be sheathed
to invoke this Charm, and invoking it leaves the weapon unsheathed.
*If the raw damage of a character who knows Hungry Tiger Technique (Exalted,
p.190) exceeds the full soak of his target, then he may pay one additional mote to
ignore soak altogether with this Charm.
*Characters who know Threshing Floor Technique (MoEP: Dragon-Blooded,
p.156) knock the target’s armor askew on a successful use of this Charm, lower-
ing its soak and hardness values by 2 until the target uses a Miscellaneous action to
readjust his armor. This benefit only applies if the target is wearing armor.
*Characters who know Shell-Crushing Atemi (MoEP: Lunars, p.145) tear ragged
rents into their opponent’s armor with their strike, pushing shredded bits of metal or
cured leather into the wound. They add half their Martial arts or Melee, whichever is
lower, to their attack’s raw damage. This benefit only applies if the target is wearing
*A character who knows Harmony of Blows (MoEP: Sidereals, p.155) adds his
(Essence + Martial Arts or Melee, whichever is lower) to his raw, pre-soak damage
against targets who are not wearing any armor at all.
*A swordsman who knows Savage Shade Style (MoEP: Abyssals, p.127) may pay
2 extra motes to lower a target’s DVs by the swordsman’s Essence when he strikes.
Source: HLS

Wind-Cutting Blade Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Wind-Cutting Blade 4; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Mountain Strikes the Breeze Technique
The swordsman crouches down, one hand holding his sheathed blade at his
hip, the other ready to draw. His entire body is tensed, ready for the single, perfect
strike that is this style’s hallmark. While this Form is active, the character may draw

or sheathe his blade as a reflexive action, once per action. Any further drawing or
sheathing of the blade requires a Miscellaneous action as normal. The character’s
constant state of hair-trigger readiness permits him to be lightning-fast on reaction;
all of his attack actions with proper in-style weapons enjoy a Speed bonus of -1. This
cannot reduce the Speed of an attack below 3.
Source: HLS

Open-Palmed Windfury Strike

Cost: 2 motes; Mins: Essence 1, Windfury Autumn Eater 2, — —; Type:
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: —
Using this technique, the Exalt can conjure up an angry wind to enhance her
attack against her enemy. The Exalt makes a normal Martial Arts attack. If the
strike is successful (it does not need to do damage), the target suffers knockback of a
number of yards equal to the Exalt’s permanent Essence.
Source: Blitterfly

Calling the Wind Shield

Cost: 1 mote; Mins: Essence 1, Windfury Autumn Eater 2, — —; Type: Re-
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: —
In the blink of an eye, the Exalt conjures a gust of wind to deflect an incoming
attack, using her full Dexterity + Martial Arts dice pool (no Defense is added). The
Exalt must be aware of the attack. This allows the Exalt to parry lethal attacks with
her Martial Arts ability without the use of a stunt.
Source: Blitterfly

Brilliant Wind-Walking Stride

Cost: 3 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Windfury Autumn Eater 3, — —; Type:
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Open-Palmed Windfury Strike, Calling the Wind Shield
Building on her ability to call the winds to her side, the Exalt surrounds herself
in a nimbus of elemental energy. For the remainder of the scene, she may make her
full move through open air with ease, leaping distances equal to her (Essence x 10)
in yards each turn. She can leap in any direction, even straight up, but she must be
on a solid surface at the end of her move. This Charm may explicitly be part of a
Combo with Charms from other Abilities.
Source: Blitterfly

Windfury Autumn Eater Form
Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Windfury Autumn Eater 4, — —; Type: Simple
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Brilliant Wind-Walking Stride
The embodiment of the Windfury Autumn Eater is a principle understanding
of the elemental tides of Air. While this form is active, the Exalt is acutely aware of
the flows of air around her; the eddies and jetstreams present in the atmosphere are
simply more tools for her to use in personal combat.
While this Charm is active, a vortex of swirling air protects the Exalt from all
incoming physical attacks, increasing the difficulty to hit her with a ranged or melee
attack by her Martial Arts Ability. Additionally, she is completely immune to damage
from air elementals or any Charm or Artifact elementally aligned with air (secondary
effects such as stun or grapples are still applicable). While this Charm is active, the
Exalt cannot suffer knockback or knockdown in any capacity unless she specifically
chooses to do so.
Characters cannot use more than one Form-type Charm at a time. Using a Form-
type Charm ends the effects of any other Form-type Charm the character was utilizing.
Source: Blitterfly

Cleaving the Winds Approach

Cost: 8 motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 3, Windfury Autumn Eater 5, — —;
Type: Extra Action
Duration: One turn
Prerequisites: Windfury Autumn Eater Form
The Exalt may abort to use this Charm at any time during the turn. It cannot
be used if she has already spent her action for the turn.
When activated, the Exalt swings her daiklave or hands in a cleaving motion about
her, splitting the elemental winds into separate channels for her Essence. For the
remainder of the turn, she may act separately against each opponent that attempts
to attack her, receiving a full action against each of them. This action can be split or
used to full parry or dodge, as well as to fuel Charms. The Exalt is still considered
to only have one ”turn” so any limitations on the number of Charms spent apply.
Use of this Charm forfeits any other actions for the turn. The extra actions granted
by this Charm may only be used by the Exalt to defend herself (although counterat-
tacks are still permissible) and may not be used to defend others.
The Exalt cannot gain more actions from this Charm than her Martial Arts Ability.
Source: Blitterfly

Field Swallowing Method

Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Windfury Autumn Eater 5, — —; Type:
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Windfury Autumn Eater Form
Sometimes the problem is that your opponents just won’t stand still and let
you hit them. The Exalt equipped with this Charm at least has some answer to that

problem; while it won’t negate their defenses, this ”will” bring all of her opponents
within striking range.
Using this Charm, the Exalt calls up a whirlwind of elemental Essence that sur-
rounds her foes, affecting all hostile targets within (Essence x 10) yards. This Charm
cannot be parried, but can be dodged with the use of Charms. All targets that are
affected are pulled within striking distance of the martial artist.
The Storyteller should bring some common sense into the use of this Charm.
Pulling two or three combatants into striking distance is perfectly sensible; however,
using this Charm when the Exalt is surrounded by a hundred extras is most likely
not going to have much effect other than keeping them from running away from her.
Source: Blitterfly

Negating the Wind

Cost: 8 motes; Mins: Essence 4, Windfury Autumn Eater 5, — —; Type:
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Windfury Autumn Eater Form
Mastering the Windfury Autumn Eater Style grants the martial artist a greater
command over the elemental Essence of Air. Using this Charm, the Exalt can com-
pletely negate a Charm or Sorcery (of Emerald or Sapphire Circle) that uses air as
any component of its attack that is directed at her. This cannot be used to counter
already extant Sorcery. This is considered a perfect defense. The effect simply parts
around the edge of her daiklave or the arcane gestures of her hands and dissipates
without harm.
The Storyteller is the final arbiter on whether or not a Charm or Sorcery is con-
sidered ”elemental air” in nature.
Source: Blitterfly

Enemy Indifference Toss

Cost: 3 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Windfury Autumn Eater 5, — —; Type:
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Field Swallowing Method
Then there also times when the battlefield is simply cluttered with opponents
that are beneath your contempt. Once again, the Exalt using the Windfury Autumn
Eater Style has an answer.
Using this Charm, the martial artist summons a mighty gust of wind in the direc-
tion of a single target that is less than the Exalt’s (Essence + Martial Arts) in yards
away from him. The target must make a reflexive Stamina + Resistance roll with a
difficulty equal to the Exalt’s Martial Arts rating. If the target succeeds, he is able
to withstand the wind but is still pushed back out of melee range with the martial
artist, a minimum of two yards. If the target fails, he loses his footing completely
and is hurled backwards a distance equal to the Exalt’s (Essence x 5) yards, possibly
taking damage from environmental hazards if he is thrown through walls or into a
pit of lava. If the target botches, he additionally takes bashing damage equal to the

Exalt’s permanent Essence, soakable normally. The target may make a Dexterity +
Athletics roll as a Simple action to try and land in a more favorable position, difficulty
set at the Storyteller’s discretion.
Source: Blitterfly

Windfury Sword Motion

Cost: 3 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Windfury Autumn Eater 5, — —; Type:
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Cleaving the Winds Approach
This Charm may only be used if the martial artist is currently armed with the
style’s signature weapon, the reaper daiklave. Using this attack, the Exalt channels
elemental wind through her weapon, reaching out to strike at enemies that would
normally be out of reach.
The attack is made as normal with Dexterity + Martial Arts, but has a range
equal to (Essence x 10) yards, with no extended range. A gust of wind flies forth
from the blade, slicing at foes as if the Exalt were standing right next to them. Do
not add Strength to damage for this attack.
Source: Blitterfly

Windfury Battle Technique

Cost: 8 motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 4, Windfury Autumn Eater 5, — —;
Type: Extra Action
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Enemy Indifference Toss, Windfury Sword Motion
Invoking this Charm, the Exalt tips the blade of her daikalve or the edge of
her palm to the ground. Instantly, lines of swirling wind become apparent as the
dirt, leaves, or dust around her feet swirl into motion and then spring forth in rapid
descent upon her enemies.
The Exalt may attack as many opponents as she wishes with this Charm, so long
as those opponents are within (Essence x 10) yards. Each attack is made with her full
Dexterity + Martial Arts dice pool, with an Accuracy equal to his permanent Essence
and a base lethal damage equal to his Martial Arts score. Do not add Strength to
damage for these attacks.
As the elemental air courses through the battlefield, any deciduous plants in the
vicinity suddenly have their leaves turn to gold and red and then fall to the ground,
if it is not already the season for them to have done so. The tossing and blowing of
leaves all around the battlefield also causes a minor lessening of visibility, imposing
a +1 difficulty for any person attempting to hit a target standing within (Essence x
10) yards of the martial artist. The martial artist is not affected by this penalty.
Source: Blitterfly

Windfury Autumn Eater

Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower, 1 Lethal Health Level; Mins: Essence 5, Windfury
Autumn Eater 5, — —; Type: Simple

Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Windfury Battle Technique
At the pinnacle of the Windfury Autumn Eater Style, the Exalt is able to
become a being of pure elemental air. Her body dissipates into a swirling cloud of
vapor and debris, increasing the difficulty to hit her by +3 (this is in addition to
the benefits provided by Charms:Windfury Autumn Eater Form Windfury Autumn
Eater Form). Additionally, all of her attacks are treated as if they are supplanted by
Charms:Open-Palmed Windfury Strike Open-Palmed Windfury Strike.
She suffers no wound penalties while in this form, and she suffers no environmental
penalties to movement or sight (this does not negate the defense provided by cover).
She also has no need to eat, drink, breathe, or sleep, and she is immune to all forms
of mundane disease and poison (those generated by Charms or Sorcery affect her
normally). She is immune to bashing damage.
She gains a number of -0 health levels equal to her permanent Essence. If she leaves
this form with a number of health levels of damage greater than what she could take
normally, then she falls unconscious, damaged up to her Incapacitated health level.
Additionally, while in this form she may execute the Charms:Windfury Battle
Technique Windfury Battle Technique without paying a Willpower.
The disadvantage of this form is that any Charms, Sorcery, or Artifacts that specif-
ically affect elementals now affect the Exalt as well.
Source: Blitterfly

Silence of Falling Snow

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Winter’s Biting Edge 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Skating the Frozen Pond
The character moves with the silence of gently falling snow. For the rest of
the scene the character adds her Martial Arts to any stealth rolls. The effect of this
charm ends immediately if the character speaks louder than a whisper.
Source: Apocalycious

Essence Freezing Touch

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Winter’s Biting Edge 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
The Exalt’s touch sucks the heat out anything it touches, freezing the very
essence that infuses living things. The Exalt makes an attack as normal against the
target. If the attack does damage the target gets a -1 External Penalty to all rolls
involving Strength or Dexterity. This penalty lasts until the target’s DV has refreshed
a number of times equal to the attacker’s Martial Arts. This charm is NOT stackable,
and multiple uses of this charm only reset the duration for which the effect lasts rather
than applying cumulatively.
Source: Apocalycious

Skating the Frozen Pond
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Winter’s Biting Edge 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
The character’s movements become flowing and graceful, and carry her with
more speed than seems appropriate for the effort imparted. The character doubles
her movement rate when making a single Move or Dash action. This charm has no
effect on movement taken through other means, such as Jumping.
Source: Apocalycious

Footprints in Snow Meditation

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Winter’s Biting Edge 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: None
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Essence Freezing Touch
Like an animal walking through snow leaves evidence of its passage, so to do all
beings leave impressions of their very existence in the flows of essence. These imprints
fade quickly, but the Martial Artist using this charm is able to use these impressions
to trace the passage of any being with an essence of 1 or higher. The effect of this
charm is to give a bonus to all rolls to track a subject equal to the Martial Arts score
of the martial artist. Additionally, the charm can be used to sense the locations of
immaterial beings, allowing the martial artist to know their location. This charm does
not bestow the ability to interact which such beings, and the martial artist cannot
actually see the being itself, only the traces of its movement in the flows of essence.
The lack of detail given by this charm imposes a -1 External Penalty to any action
that interacts physically with the immaterial being.
Source: Apocalycious

Winter’s Biting Edge Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Winter’s Biting Edge 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Silence of Falling Snow, Footprints in Snow Meditation
The Exalt using this charm adopts the frenzied and unpredictable ferocity of
a raging blizzard, increasing the difficulty to strike her and to place blows in vital
areas, and her attacks become frosty, essence-infused strikes. The character’s Parry
Defense Value is increased by her Essence score, and she can hit dematerialized spirits
as though they were materialized. The Exalt can also choose to have her attacks do
either bashing or lethal damage. This charm does not bestow the ability to perceive
dematerialized spirits, only to strike them.
Source: Apocalycious

Breath-Burying Avalanche Attack

Cost: 4m+1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Winter’s Biting Edge 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant

Prerequisites: Winter’s Biting Edge Form
Just as those buried under a falling avalanche often suffocate, those buried
under the assault of a practitioner of Winter’s Biting Edge often have their breath
taken away by the ferocity of the style’s attacks. The Exalt makes an unarmed attack
at his normal dexterity+martial arts, and if he succeeds in striking the target’s breath
is stifled until the target’s DV has refreshed a number of times equal to the attacker’s
Martial Arts. The character must make a Misc Breathing action with a speed of
5 and -0 DV penalty every time they take an action to focus on their breathing.
This action may be part of a flurry, but must be the first action. If at any time the
multiple action penalty for the breathing action exceeds the target’s stamina they
will fall unconscious for the remainder of the scene upon completion of the flurry, but
the breathing action is otherwise assumed to have succeeded. Alternately, the target
may spend 1 willpower to ignore the effects of this charm for one action, and spending
willpower in two consecutive rounds will cancel the charm’s effect entirely.
Source: Apocalycious

Bone-Chilling Strike
Cost: 4m+1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Winter’s Biting Edge 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Winter’s Biting Edge Form
The Exalt strikes with the biting chill of deepest winter, which penetrates
through even the thickest armor to freeze the flesh of the target. The attack made
with this charm ignores the target’s soak from armor, allowing them to soak only
with natural soak from stamina or charms such as Iron Skin Concentration.
Source: Apocalycious

Glacier’s Inexorable Advance

Cost: 5m+1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Winter’s Biting Edge 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Bone-Chilling Strike, Breath-Burying Avalanche Attack
The Exalt takes on the unstoppable durability of a glacier. He adds his Martial
Arts score to his bashing and lethal soaks as well as gaining an aggravated soak
equal to his essence. This charm also reduces attacker’s damage rolls by a -1 external
penalty. This can reduce the damage of a blow to 0.
Source: Apocalycious

Sight Blinding Blizzard Technique

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 4, Winter’s Biting Edge 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Varies
Prerequisites: Glacier’s Inexorable Advance
With a flurry of feints and motive-concealing motions the Exalt distracts their
opponent, dulling their reflexes and breaking their ability to concentrate on their
defense. When the charm is activated, the Exalt selects one target and reflexively

rolls to re-establish surprise against that target. If the Exalt succeeds and hits the
target with an unexpected attack from the Exalt before the Exalt’s DV refreshes, the
target’s next action is delayed by half of the Exalt’s essence in ticks, rounded up.
This charm can only be used against one target at a time, and activating it against
a new target cancels the effect against the previous target.
Source: Apocalycious

Cryptic Pale Plumage

Cost: 4m (+1wp); Mins: Essence 2, Wise Owl 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack, Crippling
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Magi’s Gentle Talon
Just as the wise owl ruffles his feathers, the martial artist runs Essence along
his skin, spiking it outward from his pores like some instantaneous subject of invisible
acupuncture. The martial artist may activate this Charm in response to any successful
grapple attack made against him, allowing him to make a reflexive counterattack
against the grappling opponent in Step 9. This counterattack must be unarmed,
and automatically benefits from the effects of Magis Gentle Talon. Note that, as
the target is engaged in a grapple, they cannot normally block or dodge this attack
without magic or a stunt. If the attack successfully inflicts its Crippling penalty on
the opponent, the martial artist can pay a single point of temporary Willpower in
order to force a roll to control the clinch; though taken reflexively, this roll is treated
as non-reflexive for the purposes of penalties.
Just as its prerequisite, this Charm and its effects are not Obvious; were it not for
the sudden stiffness and inability to articulate, the victim might think they had just
caught a static shock from the martial artists clothes. Also, it should be noted that
this Charm can be used in response to things that only barely qualify as clinches,
such as being clasped to the chest of a drunken idiot.
Source: Revlid

Cramp-Moulting Prana
Cost: 3m (+1wp); Mins: Essence 3, Wise Owl 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Wise Owl Form
The martial artist may activate this Charm whenever he is suffering from a
Crippling effect. Upon paying three motes, the effect in question is alleviated for the
remainder of the scene, as Essence tweaks and pierces through his joints, smoothing
tendons and pinning bones. The Crippling effect returns at the end of the scene,
though any duration it has elapses as normal throughout the duration of this Charm.
If the Crippling effect is an amputation, the cost of this Charm is increased by one
point of temporary Willpower, and it becomes Obvious, as the martial artists anima
swirls into a shimmering replacement limb crafted from Essence.
Source: Revlid

Nocturnal Omen Anima Palm

Cost: 6m (+1wp); Mins: Essence 4, Wise Owl 5; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV

Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Lining Robes with Pellets, Sagacious Hook-Strike
Drawing one side of his body back to face the opponent side-on, the martial
artist bends his knees and bows, tilting his head at a seemingly-painful angle to lock
eyes with his target. With a slight flourish that leaves his hands locked into claws,
his anima ignites around his palms, forming the bilious shape of a stylised celestial
owl (if the martial artist has an anima of his own, he can replace this display with a
stylised version of his own totemic anima).
This Charm is a single unarmed martial arts attack, made against any character
within range. The attack causes lethal damage, if it did not do so already, and gains
the Piercing tag. The attack is further enhanced by the Crippling effects produced
by this Style:
If the targets Move rate has been reduced by a Crippling effect of this Style, the
attack is undodgeable.
If one of the targets Virtues has been reduced by a Crippling effect of this Style,
the attack is unblockable.
If the targets motes are restricted by a Crippling effect of this Style, the attack
ignores all natural soak.
If the attack successfully causes even one level of lethal damage, the martial artist
may choose to remove all Crippling effects created by Charms of this Style from his
target. If he does so, any health levels of damage caused by the attack are immediately
converted to an equal number of aggravated health levels.
Alternatively, the martial artist may instead choose to leave the Crippling effects
in place, and reflexively pay an additional point of temporary Willpower to make
them even more serious; for the remainder of their duration, any internal penalty
inflicted by such Crippling effects becomes external, any reduction of Move distance
is doubled (though the minimum is still one yard), any mote-payment that must be
made is doubled to two motes, and any reduced Virtue is reduced by a further dot
(though the minimum is still one dot).
Source: Revlid

Koan-Snatching Claw
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Wise Owl 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Magi’s Gentle Talon
Thrusting his hand outward in a familiar finger-claw, the martial artist conducts
his paralyzing Essence through the air itself. This Charm can be used to supplement
an unarmed attack, increasing its maximum range to (Martial Arts x2 + Essence)
yards. The attack itself does no damage if it hits, but instead inflicts the exact
same penalties and effects as Charms:Magi’s Gentle Talon Magis Gentle Talon. If the
martial artist knows Charms:Sagacious Hook-Strike Sagacious Hook-Strike, he may
instead apply the effects of that Charm.
Ordinarily, use of this Charm is very noticeable (albeit not Obviously supernatu-
ral), as the martial artist claws at the air between him and his opponent. However,
just as with Magis Gentle Talon, he can make its use more unobtrusive by suffering

a -2 external penalty on the attack roll, making his attack seem like a curt gesture or
a snapping of the fingers.
Source: Revlid

Nightlong Predation Trance

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Wise Owl 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One tick
Prerequisites: Wise Owl Form
One strike flows into another, as smooth and painful as a teacher pointing out
flaws, or a bird of prey swooping down on unwary rodents all night long. For the
rest of the tick, any unarmed attack the martial artist performs that is enhanced
by Charms:Magi’s Gentle Talon Magis Gentle Talon, Charms:Koan-Snatching Claw
Koan-Snatching Claw or Charms:Sagacious Hook-Strike Sagacious Hook-Strike ben-
efits from reduced multiple action penalties; each such attack in the flurry reduces
the multiple action penalty that would normally affect it by one for every other such
attack in the flurry, to a minimum of -0.
”Example: Jyon Tuist, a Sidereal practitioner of Wise Owl Style, activates this
Charm and makes a flurry of six unarmed attacks. The first attack would normally
have a multiple action penalty of -6; this is reduced by five (the number of other such
attacks in the flurry), to -1. The next attack suffers a penalty of -2, the third suffers
a penalty of -3, and so on and so forth.”
Source: Revlid

Sagacious Hook-Strike
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 3, Wise Owl 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Nightlong Predation Trance, Cramp-Moulting Prana
Rather than the singular finger-strike of Charms:Magi’s Gentle Talon Magis
Gentle Talon, this Charm forces the martial artists middle and index fingers into the
claw-pose, allowing him to perform a more spiritual form of disruption. This Charm
can be used to supplement any unarmed attack. If the attack in question is successful,
its raw damage is reduced to zero. Instead of damage, the targets memories of the
events of this tick become blurred and indistinct. He becomes unable to recall if he
was attacked, or (if he is able to deduce that he was, through the existence of wounds)
cannot recall who was responsible. Memories before and after the tick remain clear
to him, and this strike has no effect on long-term memory; it is purely the events of
this tick that are obscured.
In addition, if the martial artist wishes he may choose to use his expert manip-
ulation of Essence to suppress his targets metaphysical humours; this allows him to
hinder one of his targets Virtues, effectively reducing it by one dot (to a minimum
of one). If the martial artist has a higher Permanent Essence rating than his target,
he may (instead of reducing a Virtue) send his targets Essence flow into imbalance,
forcing them to reflexively expend one mote (to no other effect) on any tick in which
they intend to spend Essence.
These are Crippling effects, and last for a number of actions equal to half the
original number of raw damage dice, rounded down (aside from the memory-loss,

which is permanent but only covers a single tick). Further applications of this Charm
(or others referencing its effects) do not stack the penalties they inflict on the target,
but simply increase the duration of the original Crippling effect, in a similar fashion
to doses of poison.
Just as with Magis Gentle Talon, this Charm is not innately Obvious, and can be
made even more unobtrusive if the martial artist desires.
Source: Revlid

Magi’s Gentle Talon

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Wise Owl 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling
Duration: Instant
The joints of one finger stiffen for a moment, forcing it into a subtly claw-like
curve. With a swift strike at an opportune point, the targets functions are sent into
disarray. This Charm can be used to supplement any unarmed attack. If the attack in
question is successful, its raw damage is reduced to zero. Instead of damage, the target
suffers an internal penalty equal to the martial artists (Essence) to all non-reflexive
rolls, and becomes unable to speak. If the martial artist has a higher Permanent
Essence rating than his target, they become unable to Dash or Jump, and their Move
distance is also reduced by the internal penalty, to a minimum of one.
If this Charm is used to enhance a grapple attack, the attack roll suffers a -2
external penalty due to the awkwardness of the martial artists grip. However, if the
grapple is successful it forces its target into a clinch as normal, while also inflicting
the penalties described above.
These are all Crippling effects, and last for a number of actions equal to half the
original number of raw damage dice, rounded down. Further applications of this
Charm (or others referencing its effects) do not stack the penalties they inflict on the
target, but simply increase the duration of the original Crippling effect, in a similar
fashion to doses of poison.
None of these effects are innately Obvious; most onlookers will simply see the victim
stiffen slightly, or twitch uncomfortably as they move. Failed attempts to speak seem
to be due to stuttering or a shortness of breath. It is not even immediately Obvious
to the victim; those without knowledge of this Style will most likely feel as though
they are having a seizure, or have been poisoned. The only causal link is the martial
artists own attack, which he can choose to suffer an external penalty of -2 on in order
to disguise its offensive nature, giving it the seeming of a stiff caress or a firm tap
for attention (mechanically speaking, this prevents casual observers from noticing the
attack, and increases the difficulty to spot the strike by two for those actively looking
for an attack).
Source: Revlid

Wise Owl Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Wise Owl 4; Type: Simple (Speed 4, DV -2)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Cryptic Pale Plumage, Koan-Snatching Claw

Aside from a relaxed stance and a slight widening of the eyes, this Form carries
no notable visual cues, and as such is not Obvious. While this Form is active, the
martial artist can focus his attentions on one opponent, allowing him to select one
target each time his DV refreshes; until his DV next refreshes, he ignores all DV
penalties for making unarmed attacks against this target, and reduces Onslaught and
Coordinated Attack penalties by (Martial Arts/2) when attacked by them. When
choosing the target of this effect, the martial artist may select up to (Martial Arts)
additional targets per DV interval, at a cost of two motes per additional target.
In addition, the martial artist may use Charms:Magi’s Gentle Talon Magis Gentle
Talon at a cost of only one mote, and is able to parry lethal and ranged attacks
unarmed without a stunt.
As a Form-type Charm, the first time the martial artist uses a Charm with a Flaw
of Invulnerability during the same action Wise Owl Form is activated, the cost of that
Charm increases by two points of Willpower.
”Dynamic Form Transition”:
Wise Owl Form may be reflexively assumed in the following ways:
If the practitioner successfully makes an unexpected unarmed attack in plain view.
The attack need not do any damage; it just needs to have been unexpected and in
plain view.
If the practitioner successfully spots an attempt to make an unexpected unarmed
attack in plain view, as above.
Source: Revlid

Lining Robes with Pellets

Cost: (+2m); Mins: Essence 3, Wise Owl 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Form-Enhancing (2)
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: First Egg Uncracked, Nightlong Predation Trance
This Charm permanently enhances Charms:Wise Owl Form Wise Owl Form,
increasing its cost by two motes. Whenever the martial artist enters Wise Owl Form,
he can choose between two advanced variants of the Form, each with its own benefits.
The Sage Feather variant is unobtrusive, furthering the still and complacent mien
of the Wise Owl Form. It allows the martial artist to ignore any external penalties
inflicted on his unarmed attacks by making them less noticeable. In addition, after
successfully making an unarmed attack, parry, or dodge that he stunts as being
unassuming and subtle, the martial artist may reflexively spend a single point of
temporary Willpower. If he does so, everyone who can perceive the martial artist is
affected by an Illusion effect, convincing them that no aggression occurred on either
side; an opponent tripped and fell, or the martial artist happened to crouch at the
exact moment someone almost bumped into him. This unnatural mental influence
costs one point of temporary Willpower to resist.
The Ill Strix variant, by contrast, is aggressive and ominous, the stance of a her-
mit provoked to fury. When adopted, it makes Wise Owl Form Obvious, as he shifts
into a tense and stiff fighting stance. His unarmed attacks now cause lethal damage.
When using a Charm from this Style that reduces raw damage of an attack to zero,
the martial artist may retain up to two damage dice from the sacrificed pool. De-
spite being just as painful as ordinary wounds (and therefore generally invalidating
attempts to disguise the attack from the target) injuries inflicted by these dice are

purely internal, leaving no outward mark save for a light bruising that appears some
minutes after they struck.
The martial artist may switch from one variant to the other as a miscellaneous ac-
tion costing one mote, or reflexively at no cost whenever the conditions for a Dynamic
Form Transition into Wise Owl Form are met.
Source: Revlid

First Egg Uncracked

Cost: 13m; Mins: Essence 3, Wise Owl 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One Tick
Prerequisites: Wise Owl Form
The Fair Folk tell a tale that when the Wyld roiled with the entrance of a new
hateful shape from outside its infinite borders, the thing that its chaotic tides beat
upon was a great seven-winged owl, a being who knew the touch of all things that
could not exist. But before the wise owl took the form of a dragon, and before he
first raised his wings in pride at being, he was an egg, one that opened and hatched,
but never shattered.
Whirling his arms in a circular motion, the martial artist expels Essence at such
a rate that the motes become visible to mundane sight, trailing after his movements
like shimmering wings. He may activate this Charm in response to any attack he is
aware of, allowing him to perform a perfect unarmed parry against it and any other
attacks made against him on that tick, regardless of their source or whether he or not
he is aware of them. At the end of any tick that the martial artist used this Charm
in, he may reflexively pay an additional ten motes in order to continue his use of this
Charm, extending its duration into the next tick. The only restriction on the number
of times he may choose to extend the duration of the Charm in this manner is his
mote pool.
While this Charms duration can be extended as often as the martial artist desires,
after its duration ends it cannot be actually activated again until his DV has refreshed
twice, as a Flaw of Invulnerability.
Source: Revlid

Eyes of the Wood Dragon

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Wood Dragon 2; Type: Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Special
After carefully studying a foe, this Charm allows the martial artist to supple-
ment the damage of an attack with magical energy, inflicting still more damage. This
Charm allows the martial artist to strike Charms:Materialize dematerialized spirits,
but it is ineffective against automata and the dead.Source Manual of Exalted Power:
Dragon-Blooded, p. 210-211.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Eyes of the Wood Dragon

Cost: 2 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Wood Dragon 2; Type: Simple

Duration: Five turns or until used
This Charm lets the martial artist find the most damaging place to at-
tack.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 259.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Mind-over-Body Meditation
Cost: 2m per hl; Mins: Essence 2, Wood Dragon 3; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Eyes of the Wood Dragon
This Charm allows the martial artist to meditate on and heal minor in-
juries.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded, p. 211.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Mind-Over-Body Meditation
Cost: 2 motes per health level; Mins: Essence 2, Wood Dragon 3; Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Eyes of the Wood Dragon
This Charm allows the martial artist to instant health themself of bashing
damage.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 260.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Wood Dragon Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Wood Dragon 4; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Soul-Marking Strike
Bodily striking herself in key places to activate this Charm, the martial artist
is filled with the essence of Wood and begins to regenerate.Source Manual of Exalted
Power: Dragon-Blooded, p. 211.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Wood Dragon Form

Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Wood Dragon 4; Type: Simple
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Soul-Marking Strike
The martial artist can heal damage done to them after activating this
Charm.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 261.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Wood Dragon Succor
Cost: 3m per hl; Mins: Essence 3, Wood Dragon 5; Type: Simple (Speed 5, -2
Keywords: Obvious, Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Death-Pattern Sensing Attitude
This Charm allows the martial artist to transfer wounds from one person onto
themselves.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded, p. 213.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Wood Dragon Succor

Cost: 3 motes per health level; Mins: Essence 3, Wood Dragon 5; Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Death-Pattern Sensing Attitude
The martial artist can draw the wounds of others into their own body and heal
them.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 263.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Wood Dragon Vitality

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Wood Dragon 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One action
Prerequisites: Mind-over-Body Meditation
This Charm enhances the martial artist’s ability to resist damage.Source Man-
ual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded, p. 211.
source=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Leader
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Wood Dragon Vitality

Cost: 2 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Wood Dragon 3; Type: SImple
Duration: One turn
Prerequisites: Mind-over-Body Meditation
This Charm grants the martial artist additional soak.Source Exalted: The
Dragon-Blooded, p. 261.

Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Soul-Marking Strike
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Wood Dragon 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Stackable, Touch
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Wood Dragon Vitality
This Charm marks the motivating soul of a target. For a short while, the
martial artist can more easily attack the victim, and for a full day she can sense the
direction of those she has marked. Spirits suffer pain simply from being marked by
this Charm.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded, p. 211.
source=Scroll of Errata
text=This Charm has the crippling keyword when applied to spirits.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Soul-Marking Strike
Cost: 3 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Wood Dragon 4; Type: Supplemental
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Wood Dragon Vitality
This Charm allows the martial artist to place a mark on the target’s soul,
which is especially painful for spirits. This mark grants the martial artist a number
of benefits.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 261.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Unbreakable Fascination Kata

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Wood Dragon 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: Varies
Prerequisites: Wood Dragon Form
Executing a series of arresting moves, the martial artist activates this Charm
to catch and hold the attention of the weaker-willed who can see her. A martial artist
may maintain this Charm indefinitely, but it is difficult or impossible to perform any
other actions.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded, p. 211.

source=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-Basic, Emotion, Obvious
text=This unnatural mental influence costs 2wp to resist for a scene.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Unbreakable Fascination Kata

Cost: 4 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Wood Dragon 4; Type: Simple
Duration: Until abandoned
Prerequisites: Wood Dragon Form
This Charm allows the martial artist to fascinate and distract opponents with
their movements.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 261.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Enthralling Blow Attack

Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Wood Dragon 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Unbreakable Fascination Kata
Upon successfully striking a foe, this Charm relaxes the victim completely in-
stead of inflicting damage, rendering the target temporarily inactive.Source Manual
of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded, p. 211.
source=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Compulsion, Obvious, Touch
text=This unnatural mental influence costs 3wp to resist. This resistance super-
sedes the rules given in the Charm’s text.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Enthralling Blow Attack

Cost: 8 motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 3, Wood Dragon 5; Type: Simple

Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Unbreakable Fascination Kata
This Charm lets the martial artist enthrall their target with a successful attack,
making them freeze in place for their turn.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Spirit-Wracking Method
Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Wood Dragon 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Wood Dragon Form
This Charm, which may be used to strike Charms:Materialize dematerialized
spirits, hinders a spirit’s actions for a short while based on the skill of the martial
artist.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded, p. 211.
source=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Crippling, Obvious
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Spirit-Wracking Method
Cost: 4 motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 3, Wood Dragon 5; Type: Supple-
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Wood Dragon Form
This Charm makes the martial artist’s attack affect spirits as if they were ma-
terialized and can seriously hamper the spirit’s actions.Source Exalted: The Dragon-
Blooded, p. 262.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Spirit-Rending Technique
Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Wood Dragon 5; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Spirit-Wracking Method
When this Charm is used to enhance an attack, it can cause aggravated damage

to spirits. Spirits discorporated with this Charm are destroyed completely.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded, p. 212.
source=Scroll of Errata
text=This Charm inflicts damage equal to 1 + (threshold successes / spirit’s
Essence, round down).
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Spirit-Rending Technique
Cost: 8 motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 3, Wood Dragon 5; Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Spirit-Wracking Method
This Charm lets the martial artist’s attack deal aggravated damage to spir-
its.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 262.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Death-Pattern Sensing Attitude

Cost: Varies; Mins: Essence 4, Wood Dragon 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Wood Dragon Form
Adopting a sensitivity to the forces of death, the martial artist uses this Charm
to sense impending doom and react appropriately. By expending a mote of Essence
the practitioner enhances her Dodge DV against an attack, but she may only do so
against attacks made by beings motivated by a spirit or soul. This Charm is ineffective
against traps, automata or attacks from a distance.Source Manual of Exalted Power:
Dragon-Blooded, p. 212.
source=Scroll of Errata

text=Paying 1m to use this Charm’s benefit does not count as a Charm activation
or require commitment of Essence.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Death-Pattern Sensing Attitude

Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower + 1 mote per attack dodged; Mins: Essence 3, Wood
Dragon 5; Type: Simple
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Wood Dragon Form
This Charm allows the martial artist to make a full dodge even when they
wouldn’t normally be able to, such as when they are not aware of the attack or when
they have already had an action.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 263.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Soul Mastery
Cost: 10m, 1hl; Mins: Essence 4, Wood Dragon 5; Type: Simple (-2 DV)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious, Touch
Duration: (Essence (trait) Essence) actions
Prerequisites: Enthralling Blow Attack, Spirit-Rending Technique, Wood
Dragon Succor
Calling forth the black energy of death into her hands, the martial artist pre-
pares the ultimate end for a foe. This Charm causes terrible damage and may even
dissociate the soul of the target from her body, killing them instantly. After activating
this Charm, the martial artist has a short time before she must unleash the attack or
suffer the Charm’s effects herself.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded,
p. 213.
source=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-Basic, Obvious, Shaping, Touch
text=Aggravated damage inflicted by this Charm bypasses armor.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Soul Mastery
Cost: 10 motes, 1 health level; Mins: Essence 4, Wood Dragon 5; Type: Simple
Duration: Essence in turns or until discharged

Prerequisites: Spirit-Rending Technique, Enthralling Blow Attack, Wood
Dragon Succor
This powerful Charm allows the martial artist to make a devastating attack
which may kill their target instantly, severing their soul from their body.Source Ex-
alted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 263.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Mercury Descending
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Zodiac of Celestial Truth 3; Type: Simple (Speed
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion
Duration: Special
Prerequisites: Mercury Ascending
In their descending aspect, the constellations of the House of Journeys can turn
forward progress into aimless flailing, careening headfirst into destiny without a safety
net. A practitioner of Zodiac of Celestial Truth Style has meditated on the flighty,
meaningless nature of Mercury Descending and knows how to inflict the qualities
of this nature upon his foes. The aspects of Mercury Descending are Martial Arts
attacks that exert unnatural mental influence by redirecting flows of Essence, and
force the martial artists enemies to see the folly of allowing their own journeys to
stand in opposition to Celestial Truth. This influence costs one Willpower to resist.
”Captain:” For those who pass under the Captain Descending, power isnt a means
to an end, but an end unto itself. They scrabble at any vestige of false authority
within their reach, and their desperation for it causes the very control they seek to
slip through their fingers. If the martial artists attack is successful, it deals damage
as normal, and all of the targets allies who can observe the target take an internal
penalty to all non-reflexive rolls equal to the ”targets” Essence until the targets next
action. This penalty does not affect the target himself.
”Gull:” In its descending aspect, the Gull marks the irresponsible, shiftless
vagabond whose life is without purpose and without meaning. Practitioners of this
style can use the Gull to deprive their enemies of drive and determination. If the
martial artists attack is successful, it deals damage as normal, and the target moves
away from her and her allies at full Move speed for a number of actions equal to the
”targets” Essence. If there is no route to do so, the target simply remains in place
for the duration of the Charm.
”Mast:” Those under the domain of the Mast Descending lose all capability for
subtlety or analytical thought, and cannot comprehend the meaning of reserve. They
give in to base instincts of brute strength and blindly follow whatever lead is put before
them, unable to question or hold back. If the martial artists attack is successful, it
deals damage as normal, and the target becomes reckless and suffers a penalty to
both DVs equal to the ”targets” Essence until after the next attack she makes.
”Messenger:” The Messenger Descending is the constellation of amorality and
apathy. Those affected by its domain eschew responsibility and abuse power for little
reason. In the face of the Messengers influence, the martial artists enemies can no
longer claim to stand by any principles without hypocrisy. If the martial artists attack
is successful, it deals damage as normal, and the target cannot channel Virtues or
spend temporary Willpower to gain an automatic success, for a number of actions
equal to the ”targets” Essence.

”Ships Wheel:” The martial artists enemy whose star sets with the Ships Wheel
becomes so mulishly fixated on his cause that he ceases to respond in a meaningful
way to events around him. If the martial artists attack is successful, it deals damage
as normal, and the target is gripped by a fatal obsession with his task. On the targets
next action, he performs exactly the same action as he did on his last one. All Charms,
targets, flurries and other elements of the action must be identical. If that action is
currently impossible or has become an unacceptable order, the target instead must
spend a number of actions equal to the ”targets” Essence moving toward the martial
artist, as the one who inflicted such a single-minded mania becomes the object of that
mania in the absence of reason.
Source: SataiDelenn

Venus Ascending
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Zodiac of Celestial Truth 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Social
Duration: (Intimacies) actions
Prerequisites: Mercury Ascending
The House of Serenity governs domains of personal affairs and matters of the
heart. In their ascending aspect, Venus constellations promise happiness and es-
capism. They watch over those who enjoy themselves and those who participate in
beneficial relationships. Sorcerers understand the tenets behind the stars of Serenity
as the Trial of Humility, when the innermost and base natures of their hearts are laid
bare for their enlightenment. The aspects of Venus Ascending are used reflexively
to give the martial artist a brief moment of heightened defense in the face of unity-
shattering conflict, and last for a number of actions equal to the number of positive
Intimacies the martial artist has, to a maximum of the martial artists Essence.
”Ewer (Step 2):” Those whose stars rise with the Ewer find that a love which is
tried is the more true for it. No adversity, no matter how great, can sever the bonds
of partnership when the partners care faithfully for one another, and the practitioner
of Zodiac of Celestial Truth Style finds strength in her own connections to those
she loves and the dreams she holds dear. While this Charm is in effect, so long as
the martial artist can perceive or is actively acting on behalf of one of her positive
Intimacies, she may activate one Reflexive defensive Charm per action as an innate
power rather than as a Charm usage for that action (though she still must pay all
costs for the Charm). If the Intimacy is a positive ”romantic” Intimacy, the martial
artist reduces the mote cost of the defensive Charm by her Compassion. This aspect
of Venus Ascending may be used in social combat.
”Lovers (Step 1):” Meditation upon the Lovers reveals that under this constella-
tion, all relationships are in some way uneven, every coin has two sides, and not all
things are created equal. The martial artist understands this truth and knows how
to make sure that she stays on top. While this Charm is in effect, each successful
Martial Arts attack made by the martial artist drains a number of motes from the
target equal to the martial artists Occult, to a maximum of (her Essence x 3) motes
per action. The martial artist gains these motes. This Charm cannot increase mote
pools beyond their maximum.
”Musician (Step 2):” Through the discerning eye of the Musician, it becomes easy
to separate the chaff from the wheat and the beautiful from the plain. One who lives
under the Musician has a deep appreciation for the finer things in life and has no taste

for the mundane. For the martial artist who invokes this constellation, only the best
is worth his time. While this Charm is in effect, any attack made against the martial
artist which exerts mental influence and contains fewer dice in its pool than the martial
artists (Intelligence or Perception) + Martial Arts is automatically resisted as though
the martial artist had spent 1 Willpower, even if the attack is successful. If the attack
is successful and would require more than 1 Willpower to resist, the martial artist is
still affected by the mental influence until he spends the remainder of the Willpower
required to overcome the effect. In addition, for the duration of this Charm, the
martial artist adds his Essence to his DMDV against all natural mental influence,
and adds half his Essence to his DMDV against all unnatural mental influence. This
aspect of Venus Ascending may be used in social combat; however, if it is, its effects
only last for one action in long ticks instead of the Charms normal duration.
”Peacock (Step 2):” The Peacock counsels careful consideration before making
alliances or dealing with others, and knows how to utilize wealth and finery to in-
fluence decisions. The martial artist who internalizes the purview of the Peacock
predicts two ways in which the situation could progress to her benefit, and giving her
opponents the choice between them distracts from any solution that would benefit
them instead. While this Charm is in effect, the martial artist adopts a still and
symmetrical pose. The player of any opponent who attacks her must choose which
DV she will use to defend against that attack. If the opponents player chooses PDV,
the martial artist may make an immediate disarm attempt as a counterattack in step
2, reducing the external disarm penalty by 2. If the opponents player chooses DDV,
the martial artist may make an immediate clinch attempt as a counterattack, and
may use Intelligence or Perception in place of Dexterity for this counterattack. If the
martial artists counterattack is successful, her opponent may continue his action, but
he may only take actions which are possible after the martial artists counterattack
resolves. (If Calibration is active when the martial artist uses this aspect of Venus
Ascending, she may not use the effects of both Charms against the same attack.)
”Pillar (Step 2):” The martial artist uses the stability of the Pillar to forge strong,
lasting friendships and family ties. Alliances formed under this constellation never
waver and its members find that they communicate better through tacit understand-
ing, no longer relying on fleeting words to express their constancy. The martial artist
chooses a willing ally or positive Intimacy that he can perceive whose permanent
Essence score does not exceed his own. (This Charm does not function if the Inti-
macy has no permanent Essence score.) While this Charm is in effect, the martial
artist and the chosen ally or Intimacy may share temporary Willpower pools and
Virtue channels (using the Virtue rating of the character whose channel is being
used). In addition, the martial artist may substitute either of his MDVs for the
allys or Intimacys, and vice versa. This aspect of Venus Ascending may be used in
social combat, and lasts (Intimacies) actions in long ticks, with the Charms usual
maximum of the martial artists Essence. (This profound Essence-forged connection
is completely platonic but extremely intimate in nature, and after such a connection
has been made, the martial artist may find that in the future he and his ally have
come to understand each other a little better than before. Characters who make this
connection repeatedly have been known to develop mild empathy for one another, as
the allys Essence becomes accustomed to the presence of the martial artist and vice
Source: SataiDelenn

Venus Descending
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Zodiac of Celestial Truth 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Illusion, Social, Touch
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Venus Ascending
When the stars of Serenity begin to decline, the worst in humanity is revealed
through depravity and cyclical, self-destructive lifestyles. In their descending aspects,
these constellations rule over obsessions, compulsions, and the universe of emotional
suffering that one being can bring another. The martial artist who has studied the
downward spirals of Serenitys darker side can ensnare her foes in the shackles of
that discontent. The aspects of Venus Descending are (Intelligence or Perception) +
Martial Arts attacks in which the martial artist must simply touch the target, with
bonus dice equal to the number of Intimacies the martial artist has (to a maximum of
the martial artists Essence). These attacks are compared to the targets Dodge MDV
or Parry MDV, deal no damage and must be made unarmed. The unnatural mental
influence exerted by this Charm costs 2 WP to resist; once a target has spent WP to
successfully resist one aspect of this Charm, that aspect cannot be used against the
same target within the same scene.
”Ewer:” Those who live under the Ewer become hopelessly obsessive, coveting
loves and dreams they cannot possibly achieve. Their fixations are so all-consuming
that in time they find that they have destroyed the very things they desired - or
perhaps desire itself. If the martial artists attack is successful, the target is convinced
for the duration of the Charm that one of his positive Intimacies loathes him and
wants nothing to do with him. If the Intimacy is not a person or creature, he instead
believes that one of his positive Intimacies is hollow and pointless, or is a place where
he will never be welcome. The Intimacy affected should be chosen by the ST. The
target suffers an internal penalty to all non-reflexive actions equal to his Conviction,
as the more he believes in the things which are important to him, the more he dwells
upon losing them.
”Lovers:” The Lovers Descending governs the stars of the shamelessly sadistic and
the sexually depraved. Cruel slavedrivers, rapists and those who take advantage of
others all fall within the scope of this constellation, as well as their victims, and
most practitioners whose celestial truths lead them here are chagrined to admit it -
or proud of the fact. If the martial artists attack is successful, the target is overcome
with submissive instincts for the duration of the Charm, and considers everything the
martial artist says to her an order. Whether or not she obeys these orders is up to
her, but she cannot deny the martial artists inherent right to give them. The target
suffers an internal penalty to all non-reflexive actions equal to her Temperance, as
the more she values the proper way of things, the harder it is to resist the martial
artists authority.
”Musician:” Blind hedonism and addiction mark the passage of the Musician in
decline, and one who passes with it has relinquished his ability to say no. His avarice
consumes him and his vices leave his will an empty husk of itself. So, too, do the
enemies of the practitioner of this style find themselves unable to exert their resolve.
If the martial artists attack is successful, the target becomes highly impressionable,
prone to gullibility and easy acceptance, especially when it comes to offers of material
or personal gain. For the duration of the Charm, the target cannot spend Willpower
to resist any mental influence other than the Musician Descending.
”Peacock:” Arranged marriages and alliances made under duress are only too

familiar to those whose stars set with the Peacock, and more often than not, the
participants in these dysfunctional interactions wish only to be anywhere but where
they are. The lone warrior who has walked into an ambush and the peasant unable to
achieve upward mobility both feel the dread of entrapment, and it is this dread that
the martial artist visits upon foes. If the martial artists attack is successful, the target
becomes convinced for the duration of the Charm that she is completely surrounded
or thoroughly backed into a corner, physically or metaphorically depending on current
circumstances. The target suffers an internal penalty to all non-reflexive actions equal
to her Valor, as her indignance and desire to escape provide more legitimacy to the
”Pillar:” To learn that ones star declines with the Pillar can be one of the most
devastating revelations known to Creation. Friends, brothers and trusted mentors
turn their backs as once-reliable bonds of solidarity crumble in the face of doubt
and disappointment. If the martial artists attack is successful, the target becomes
convinced for the duration of the Charm that he has greatly failed one of his closest
allies, or a commander or authority figure (the ally or authority figure should be
determined by the ST). The target suffers an internal penalty to all non-reflexive
actions equal to his Compassion, as the more he trusts his companions and betters,
the harder it is for him to cope with having betrayed ”their” trust.
Source: SataiDelenn

Jupiter Ascending
Cost: 5m (+1wp); Mins: Essence 2, Zodiac of Celestial Truth 4; Type: Reflexive
(Step 1) (see below)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Social
Duration: (Intelligence) actions
Prerequisites: Venus Ascending

The constellations of the House of Secrets in their ascending aspects represent the
gathering of knowledge and the gaining of insight. Through the domains of Jupiter,
wisdom can be handed down from generation to generation, thus perpetuating Cre-
ations cycles of enlightenment and education. And even if that education is falsified
or flawed, or held in reserve for an elite few, still it persists, and in this way the
world resists falling into base ignorance. Sorcerers often have a special affinity for
the House of Secrets, not only through their namesake constellation and through the
Salinan Working, but also through the Trial of Tutelage. The aspects of Jupiter As-
cending are used reflexively to both award and reward awareness of the martial artists
surroundings...except for the Mask.
”Guardians:” Whether through long and patient observation or through inherited
story and tradition, those who embody the wisdom of the Guardians know and see
much that others carelessly dismiss as drivel. The martial artist who meditates on
this wisdom knows that no truism is without merit and much can be gained by
waiting for understanding to dawn. This Charm can be activated during a Guard
action. The martial artist must Guard for at least six ticks with this Charm active,
gathering and observing the Essence of her surroundings, after which she may attempt
to simulate the effects of any thaumaturgical ritual with a casting time of five minutes
or less, as long as she meets the Occult prerequisite that would be needed to learn
the rituals Degree (she does not need to possess either the ritual or the Degree).

The martial artist makes a reflexive Perception + Occult roll with a difficulty of the
attempted rituals regular difficulty. If successful, the martial artist achieves the effects
of the ritual immediately, regardless of the rituals normal casting time or Resources
requirements. (Some rituals may be too obscure to be simulated by this Charm, as
decided by the ST.) These effects last for the duration of this Charm. If the martial
artist ”doubles” the rituals difficulty in successes, the effects instead last for the scene,
or for the normal duration of the ritual, whichever is greater.
”Key:” The Key is the constellation of scholars and of innovation, of meticulous
study and curious investigation. The martial artist who invokes the analytical nature
of the Key observes his enemies carefully and deduces the precise best moment to
strike based on details which become obvious to the keen eye - whether it be an
inherent weakness, a moment when the enemy is likely to be off-guard, a peculiarity
of technique, or anything else that a clever practitioner can exploit. This Charm can
be activated to enhance an Aim (or Monologue/Study) action. The first time the
martial artist begins an Aim action while this Charm is in effect, he rolls (Intelligence
or Perception) + Investigation with a difficulty of the targets Essence. Each threshold
success adds one die to the cumulative Aim bonus on this action, to a maximum of
the martial artists Essence successes. If the martial artist ”doubles” the difficulty in
successes, he may continue to accumulate bonus dice from the Aim action for six ticks
rather than the usual three. (This means that the maximum number of dice that it
is possible to add to one attack after an Aim action with this Charm is equal to 6 +
the martial artists Essence.)
”Mask:” If any practitioners of the Zodiac of Celestial Truth Style lived now,
they would know a different Mask Ascending than the one created by Devon in the
First Age. The aspect listed here is the one that exists today, which channels a
broken Mask. How much it may resemble the original Charm, no one can say. The
Mask is perhaps the most fundamentally appropriate constellation of the House of
Secrets. It represents spies and concealed knowledge, and those who understand its
lessons also understand that what you dont know ”can” hurt you. Todays Mask
Ascendant is a Simple Charm and costs one Willpower to activate in addition to the
mote cost. While this Charm is in effect, any attack the martial artist makes which
exerts mental influence is automatically considered Unexpected; if the martial artist
makes a flurry of such attacks, only the first attack of the flurry is Unexpected. In
addition, the martial artist may choose to delay the onset of that influence; if she
does so, activating the influence at any point is a reflexive action, though this does
not change the speed of the original attack. If the martial artist does not activate the
influence while this Charm is still in effect, then when the Charm ends, any delayed
influence takes effect immediately - note that this may result in overlapping influence
effects. (If two or more of these effects conflict, the martial artist must choose which
one or ones to forgo.)
”Sorcerer:” Under the Sorcerer lie all things arcane. The Sorcerer is the constella-
tion of, unsurprisingly, sorcery; but beyond this, it governs thaumaturgy, geomancy,
artifice and other Creation-based magical endeavors. Practitioners of this style whose
stars align with the Sorcerer open their eyes to the mystical undercurrents of Cre-
ation, and become accustomed to the unknown - sometimes, for better or worse, more
accustomed to the unknown than they are to the ordinary. While this Charm is in
effect, the martial artist doubles his successes on all Occult rolls other than those used
for sorcery (though this Charm can affect rolls made to maintain concentration during

the Shape Sorcery action). If the total number of successes after this doubling is at
least ”double” the difficulty of the roll, the martial artist may subtract the threshold
successes from that roll and instead add them as bonus dice to the next roll he makes
in the same scene. This second roll need not involve Occult.
”Treasure Trove:” The Treasure Trove stands in opposition to the Mask, governing
those who spread enlightenment and teach others what they themselves have learned.
The martial artist who channels the power of this constellation lays bare her under-
standing of the fundamental nature of Creation for her allies to share - even if they do
not yet fully comprehend what they know - and rewards their use of that knowledge
to achieve excellence. The martial artist doubles the mote or Willpower stunt reward
(but not the awarded stunt dice) for the first successful stunt that each of her allies
that she can perceive performs while this Charm is in effect. (This Charm cannot
increase an XP award for a three-die stunt, or other replacement stunt rewards such
as that granted by Faithful Killers Reprieve.)
Source: SataiDelenn

Calibration (Zodiac of Celestial Truth Form)

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Zodiac of Celestial Truth 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Counterattack, Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Mercury Descending, Venus Descending, Jupiter Ascending
Never are the stars more clear than during the preternaturally peculiar time of
Calibration. For five days, the moon vanishes from the heavens and the constellations
are flawlessly etched into the night sky like chiseled diamond sculptures. Creation
reattunes itself for the birth of a new year, and while all of existence stirs in this
transition, a practitioner of Zodiac of Celestial Truth Style watches carefully enough
to ”sense” this realignment, from the tiniest shifts in mote dispersion to the grandest
waltzes of celestial bodies. His burgeoning perspicacity allows him to analyze patterns
beyond the veils of perception and how they interact. By training himself to perform
swift, subconscious calculations and comparisons as he fights, his movements become
sibylline and precise.
While this Charm is in effect, the martial artist may use any aspect of any Zodiac
of Celestial Truth Charm he knows, at the additional cost of one Willpower for any
aspect that is not part of his own celestial truth. He may also replace any Ability with
Investigation in the calculation of DVs and MDVs for the duration of this Charm.
In addition, once per action, when attacked, the martial artist may reflexively
make a physical counterattack during ”step 2” of the attack; he rolls (Intelligence or
Perception + Occult + relevant specialty + Essence) to make this counterattack. If
his attack is successful, his attackers action ends immediately, and the attack against
the martial artist is never rolled. If his attack is unsuccessful, his calculations were
flawed, and the attack against him resolves as normal.
Source: SataiDelenn

Jupiter Descending
Cost: 4m (+1wp); Mins: Essence 3, Zodiac of Celestial Truth 5; Type: Simple
(see below)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Emotion

Duration: One scene (see below)
Prerequisites: Calibration (Zodiac of Celestial Truth Form)
The more a practitioner of Zodiac of Celestial Truth Style learns of her martial
art, the fewer secrets can be kept from her watchful gaze. In meditating on the
descending aspects of the constellations of Jupiter, the martial artist reveals to herself
the extent to which everyone pulls the wool over their own eyes one way or the other.
More than any other Charm in the style, Jupiter Descending was modeled after the
five sorcerous TrialsDevon believed that true wisdom could be gleaned from these
Trials, and by opening her enemies eyes to the stark and brutal honesty of reality,
the martial artist begins to spread this wisdom throughout Creation. With a single
deep inhalation followed by a forceful blow, she scatters folly and shines the naked
light of edification onto her foes misconceptions...or, at least, thats what they fear. In
actuality, this Charm is designed to compel the martial artists opponents to consider
the Trials in a bluntly visceral way, thus ensuring that said opponents ”remember”
the Trials, and paving the way for future enlightenment. The aspects of Jupiter
Descending are Intelligence + Martial Arts attacks which must be made unarmed.
They deal damage as normal and additionally exert unnatural mental influence via
flows of Essence forced into patterns of the martial artists choosing. This influence
costs 2 Willpower to resist, and if an aspect of this Charm is resisted this way, that
aspect is resisted for the scene.
”Guardians:” Those who labor under the prevalence of the waning Guardians
live their lives according to superstitious tripe and hollow ritualistic behavior that
achieves little and means less. The martial artist can bring the Trial of Tutelage to
a foe who suffers such small-minded delusions, and make that foe question even the
most closely-held of beliefs. If the martial artists attack is successful, in addition to
damage he inflicts a state of uncertainty and doubt. For the duration of the Charm,
the target adds her Essence to the Speed of every action she takes, to a maximum
of double the original actions Speed, as her surety in even the reasons for her own
actions is shaken.. In addition, the target subtracts her Essence from the rate of any
weapon she uses (including unarmed attacks) to a minimum of rate 1. This Charm
has no effect on Guard or Aim actions.
”Key:” In its descending aspect, the Key governs those who delve too deeply into
secrets best left undisturbed, and believe themselves to be above failure or corruption.
As hubris is so often the downfall of the great, so too can anyone be doomed by his own
arrogance - as the practitioner who visits the Trial of Humility upon her opponent
well knows. If the martial artists attack is successful, in addition to damage she
instills the sudden understanding that her foe is in over his head. For the duration of
the Charm, the target suffers a penalty to his DVs and MDVs equal to the ”targets”
Essence, as his belief that he is untouchable is abruptly shattered.
”Mask:” Like its ascending form, the Mask Descending is a different aspect of this
Charm than the one Devon knew, though it would appear to modern practitioners
that the new aspect still conforms to the Trials as its predecessor must have done.
Secrets which decline with the Mask are deliberately hidden and used against others,
spawning lies and encouraging false behaviors. Knowing this, the martial artist who
channels the dark side of the Mask brings to his opponent the Trial of Fear, as there
is little which frightens people more than the unknown. This Charm is an Extra
Action Charm and costs one Willpower to activate in addition to the mote cost.
The martial artist makes a Martial Arts attack that is automatically Unexpected, as

the martial artists preparatory movements contradict the action that he is actually
about to take. The martial artist may use Intelligence or Perception in place of
Dexterity for this attack. In addition, he may move up to his Move speed and take
one miscellaneous action with no penalties as part of this Charms magical flurry;
the move, miscellaneous action, and attack may occur in any order, and the target
remains unaware of all three until after they have occurred. (Miscellaneous actions
to re-establish surprise this way suffer no penalty from occurring in plain sight.) This
magical flurry does not incur multiple action penalties, and has a DV penalty of -
1. However, unless the martial artist succeeds on a reflexive Intelligence + Integrity
roll with a difficulty of his Essence, he has also managed to deceive ”himself,” and
his attack imposes an additional -1 DV penalty as he attempts to figure out how to
recover from something he never did.
”Sorcerer:” Those who practice arts which fall under the purview of the Sorcerer
Descending find to their cost that risks beget consequences. Yozi worshippers and
necromancers may believe that they have gained power in exchange for something
lesser, but in the end they cannot escape the fact that what they have exchanged is
gone for good and no amount of regret can reclaim it. Even Creation-based sorcerers
and thaumaturgists know that in order to receive you must give; many sorcerers
believe that the Trial of Sacrifice is the keystone to achieving full understanding of the
arcane, as it is the only one which must be repeated. Practitioners of this style know
how to inflict this Trial upon their enemies and share some of that understanding with
those who may need it most. If the martial artists attack is successful, in addition to
damage she awakens a sense of loss and abandonment in her target. For the duration
of the Charm, the target must reflexively decommit all motes from one Charm or
spell each action, every action, as the motes he has so carefully spent are sacrificed
to the constellation of the Sorcerer in his nihilistic turmoil. The martial artist may
choose which Charm or spell is affected on a given action; if she is unwilling or unable
to do so, the player of the target chooses instead.
”Treasure Trove:” The ivory tower of the erudite elitist is as restrictive as it
is isolating. A star which sets with the Treasure Trove casts humanity aside for
the conceit of the learned, and shuts itself off from the world...but sooner or later,
even the most lofty sanctuary becomes a prison. The martial artist who calls upon
this constellation teaches his opponent the value of wandering the world in search
of wisdom - the power of the Trial of the Journey. If the martial artists attack is
successful, in addition to damage he inflicts a sense of claustrophobia and a desperate
need for space. For the duration of the Charm, whenever the target is surrounded,
indoors or backed into a corner, that target must attempt to reach open space and
cannot take actions that do not further this aim. In addition, anytime the target faces
more than one opponent within the ”targets” Essence x 2 yards, any attack action
that target takes must include all opponents within feasible attack range as targets,
even if it requires a flurry.
Source: SataiDelenn

Mars Ascending
Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Zodiac of Celestial Truth 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Leader, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Calibration (Zodiac of Celestial Truth Form)

The House of Battles presides over combat and war, as might be expected, but
it also presides over conflict as a more holistic notion - and if there is one milestone
by which one might mark the turning of the ages and the successions of change in
Creation, it is conflict. Exalts were molded for battle, and even in peacetime such
instincts are never fully lost; in wartime, this fact become ever more pronounced.
As they rise, these constellations signify all that is tried, tested, and made more
whole, more true, by the process. Sorcerers know this Houses influence when they
confront the Trial of Fear and face that which brings their very souls into conflict with
themselves. The aspects of Mars Ascending are used reflexively to forge the martial
artist into an instrument of war and a pillar of constancy in the neverending cycle of
”Banner (Step 1):” Under the Banner, those who rise to the occasion achieve glory
and renown as great leaders of men and bringers of eminence. While this Charm is
in effect, as long as the martial artists anima banner is displayed at the 11-mote level
or higher, all allies who can perceive her gain bonus dice equal to the martial artists
Essence to Morale checks. These allies also gain 1 temporary point of Willpower when
the martial artist activates this Charm; this can increase temporary Willpower pools
beyond their maximum. All Willpower gained this way is forfeited at the end of the
scene if it is not used. In addition, no ally who can perceive the martial artist can
be affected unwillingly by any effect with the Emotion keyword. If the martial artist
attemps a Coordinated Attack, she reduces the difficulty of that roll by 2. In mass
combat, the Banner Ascending has the following effects instead: while this Charm is
in effect, one unit that can perceive the martial artist gains the bonus dice to Morale
checks; the martial artist gains those bonus dice to any Rally check she makes; and the
target unit cannot be affected unwillingly by any effect with the Emotion keyword.
This Charm does not function whenever the martial artists anima banner drops below
the 11-mote level; however, the Charm remains in effect without paying the mote cost
again if her anima reaches the 11-mote level again during this scene.
”Gauntlet (Step 10):” There comes a time in every battle when a warrior must
make a choice between options that are all equally objectionable, and the strength
and wisdom to make this grim choice with tactical consideration is the purview of
the Gauntlet Ascending. While this Charm is in effect, whenever an ally that the
martial artist can percieve takes damage, the martial artist may choose to take any
number of levels of that damage instead - though he may not take on any additional
effects which would accompany the damage. (In mass combat, replace an ally? with
an allied unit,? including any unit of which the martial artist is a part; in this case,
the martial artist ”personally” takes on the units damage.) If he does so, these levels
become aggravated and are considered a cost of the Charms activation; they cannot be
reduced in any way. The target ally takes the levels of damage (if any) that remain
after this Charm takes effect, in their original form. If the martial artist drops to
Incapacitated or lower due to damage taken for an ally via this Charm, all allies that
the martial artist can perceive gain additional bashing, lethal and aggravated soak
equal to the martial artists Essence for the remainder of the scene. This soak counts
as natural soak.
”Quiver (Step 1):” Those blessed with the acumen of the Quiver act with alacrity
and resourcefulness. They make split-second decisions with ease, and their clever and
versatile schemes allow them to overcome any unexpected hurdle that might present
itself. While this Charm is in effect, the martial artist may use Wits in place of

Dexterity for any Martial Arts attack she makes. At any point during the scene,
on her action, she may reflexively end this Charm in order to immediately make a
magical flurry which consists of a number of Martial Arts attacks equal to her Essence
(she may use Wits in place of Dexterity for these attacks, but after the flurry ends,
so does the Charm). These attacks do not incur multiple action penalties, and the
total DV penalty for this flurry is 0. ”’This aspect of Mars Ascending may only be
activated once per scene.”’
”Shield (Step 3):” The practitioner who fights with the Shield in his stars fights
because he can. Whether its for the thrill of pumping blood or in place of those who
cant do so for themselves, such a warrior fears no consequence and always gives his
all. Under the Shield, it isnt whether you win or lose, but how you swing your sword.
While this Charm is in effect, whenever the martial artist receives bonus dice for an
unsuccessful stunt, he gains half the normal mote reward for that stunt. Whenever
he receives bonus dice for a successful stunt, all mortal allies (including enlightened
mortals) who can perceive the martial artist also gain those stunt dice on their next
action; in mass combat, these stunt dice are awarded to all allied units composed
primarily of mortals that can perceive the martial artist instead. If the martial artist
engages in combat which does not work toward his Motivation or pertain to any of
his Intimacies, or his opponents permanent Essence score is at least double his own,
he gains motes equal to his Essence each time he successfully deals damage.
”Spear (Step 1):” The Spear is the constellation of professionalism and discipline,
of those who diligently hone their skills until they are peerless. No mere amateur can
surpass the sheer proficiency of the martial artist who channels the assiduity of this
aspect of Mars. While this Charm is in effect, the martial artist chooses a Specialty
for Martial Arts that she does not already possess. She temporarily gains three dots
of this Specialty. At any point during the scene, she may reflexively (in step 2) end
this Charm in order to immediately perfectly parry all attacks made against her in
that tick, even if the attacks are unblockable, undodgeable or Unexpected (she retains
the temporary Specialty for this defense, but after the tick ends, so does the Charm).
”’This aspect of Mars Ascending may only be activated once per scene. This Charm
carries one of the Four (Solar) Flaws of Invulnerability.”’
Source: SataiDelenn

Mars Descending
Cost: 2m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Zodiac of Celestial Truth 5; Type: Supple-
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Mars Ascending
There is a saying, in Creation: The point of war isnt to die for your country.
Its to make the other bastard die for his.? Zodiac of Celestial Truth practitioners who
internalize the teachings of Mars Descending take this adage to heart, forcing their
opponents into tactically unsound behaviors validated and enforced by the decline of
their corresponding constellations. As the martial artist progresses in this style and
gains superior facility in recognizing and interpreting patterns of Essence and form,
he becomes able to predict his foes accurately enough to take full advantage of these
strategic solecisms. The aspects of Mars Descending supplement attacks made with
Martial Arts and manipulate the Essence flow of combat.

”Banner:” In its descending aspect, the Banner flies meaninglessly over the lives
of those whose rallying cries are hollow and whose reputations are only lies. Very
little is less inspiring than a flag hoisted with an empty heart. Troops who find that
their commander has fallen, or that their cause is lost, would rather see no flag at all
than one that reminds them that they are forsaken. This aspect of Mars Descending
may only supplement a Martial Arts attack made while the martial artists anima
banner is at the 11-mote level or higher. The target may not use any anima effect in
response to this attack; for example, the Twilight Caste and Chosen of Battles animas
cannot prevent damage caused by this attack even if, in the latter case, the target is
protected by someone ”elses” anima. If the attack is successful, the target may not
use any anima effect at ”all” for a number of actions equal to the targets Essence
as the martial artist blocks her opponents chakras as a Shaping effect, and the more
power that opponent possesses, the more difficult it is to restore natural Essence flows.
If the target is using an anima effect when the attack hits, that effect immediately
ends and must be re-activated at its normal cost after this Charms effects end should
the target wish to resume the anima effect. In addition, the targets anima banner
immediately fades as though ample time has passed, and cannot manifest again while
this Charm is in effect. The lingering effects of this Charm do not require the martial
artist to commit motes, as it is only with her initial blow that she interacts with her
foes anima. (This aspect of Mars Descending also has the Shaping keyword.)
”Gauntlet:” Those who lack the discretion or equanimity to choose wisely in the
face of difficult decisions often take action nonetheless, which they then must try
to justify later when their brief and misguided moments of ultimate authority have
passed. Where a more prudent soldier would opt for the lesser of two evils, one who
lives under the Gauntlet Descending opts for whim and caprice, regardless of the
evil. The practitioner who invokes the power of this constellation presents a lose-lose
situation to her opponent, and can simply watch as foes destroy themselves with
their own poor judgment. As the martial artist begins her attack, her target becomes
aware that he has a choice. If the target chooses not to use his DVs against the attack,
damage and any other resultant effects resolve as normal. If the target ”does” choose
to use his DVs, the attack becomes Piercing and causes aggravated damage if it hits,
and the martial artist adds her Essence to its accuracy.
”Quiver:” The Quiver in decline is impatient and unthinking. It acts upon the first
idea that comes to mind, no matter how ill-conceived. In the heat of the moment, the
astute Zodiac of Celestial Truth practitioner can provoke his enemy into thoughtless
haste, and knows precisely how his target will attempt to take advantage of the
erroneously perceived opening. The target takes a penalty to DVs against this attack
equal to the ”targets” Wits. If the martial artists attack is successful, anytime the
target attacks him and misses or fails to deal damage before the martial artists next
action, the martial artist may immediately make a counterattack to either initiate a
clinch or disarm the target and retrieve the weapon, so long as the martial artist has
a way to do so and can reach the target with his normal Move distance (or with a
suitable ranged weapon or appropriate stunt). This counterattack is a perfect attack.
In addition, the target suffers an internal penalty to opposed clinch rolls/rolls to
retrieve the weapon equal to the ”targets” Essence. This penalty decreases by 1 with
each subsequent attempted roll until it reaches 0. (If Calibration is active when the
martial artist uses this aspect of Mars Descending, he may not use the effects of both
Charms against the same attack.)

”Shield:” In its descending aspect, the Shields thirst for battle becomes all-
encompassing and witless, a drive to inflict pain regardless of reason. The warrior
under this constellation has a sadistic streak, and will go so far as to harm herself if
it will also harm her enemies. Harnessing this heedless aggression, the martial artist
surrounds her target with an acerbic vortex of her own essence. If her attack is suc-
cessful, for a number of actions equal to the ”targets” Valor, the target takes a level
of lethal damage for each attack he makes against the martial artist. This damage is
unsoakable by any means and cannot be reduced by any effect. If the martial artists
attack is unsuccessful, for the same duration the martial artist may reflexively pay
one bashing HL as an additional cost of the Charm for each attack made against
her by the target. If she does so, the target also takes an automatic level of bashing
damage which can only be prevented by a perfect defense.
”Spear:” For those whose destinies lie under the Spear Descending, discipline and
training fall into monotony and habit, leading them to view battle as a series of
exercises rather than acting in the moment. The martial artist who can perceive
this tunnel vision in his enemies cultivates an awareness of a moment in which his
opponent makes a myopic decision or a misguided assumption, or unwisely leaps at an
opportunity for short-term success. With his growing knack for prognostication, the
martial artist takes full advantage of this awareness. The attack supplemented by this
aspect of Mars Descending is undodgeable and unblockable. If the target manages to
make this attack unsuccessful (for example, via a perfect defense), the martial artist
does not pay the mote cost for this Charm (he does, however, still pay the Willpower
Source: SataiDelenn

Saturn Ascending
Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Zodiac of Celestial Truth 5; Type: Reflexive (with
Permanent aspects)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Stackable
Duration: Special
Prerequisites: Mars Ascending
Of all the astrological houses, the House of Endings offers the most endemic
insight into the cyclical truths of Creation, laying them bare to those who have eyes
with which to see them, and thus all other insights must be understood before this
final, truest wisdom. Saturns stars display sky-large the undeniable principle that all
things must end in order that they may again begin. Sorcerers glimpse this principle
when they undertake the Trial of Sacrifice, an irrevocable ending which opens the
door to as yet unseen realms of enlightenment.
The martial artist who achieves this tier of understanding no longer applies it
selectively, but universally, and her ability to predict her foes through its lens becomes
so much a part of her that her thoughts and her movements achieve a unity of purpose
- she may now use Intelligence or Perception in place of Dexterity for any Martial
Arts attack, as a permanent enhancement to her abilities. In addition, the aspects
of Saturn Ascending are used reflexively to temporarily enhance the martial artists
capacity to turn endings into opportunities, and uphold the perpetuity of Celestial
”Corpse (Step 1):” There is no cycle more quintessential to Creations nature than
that of reincarnation. In the heavens, it is the Corpse that governs this cycle - the

constellation of quick and painless endings, dignified deaths by design and the trans-
formation from one state to another. With his soul-deep understanding of the Corpses
purview, the practitioner can bring others closer to the fulcrum of reincarnation with
a single blow. This Charm can be activated to enhance a Martial Arts attack. If
this attack deals damage, it also deals one extra automatic level of lethal damage,
or three extra automatic levels of ”aggravated” damage if the target is a creature of
death. This Charm ensures that the soul of any living target the martial artist kills
with the attack will immediately proceed to Lethe upon its death. If the martial
artists target is a ghost who is brought to discorporation by this attack, that ghost
forgoes its Willpower roll to resist Lethe and proceeds there directly, with no chance
of falling into Oblivion. The martial artist may choose to inflict no pain or outward
injury with this killing blow, to targets either living or dead. This Charm has no
effect upon targets who cannot participate in the cycle of reincarnation (for example,
Fair Folk and gods).
”Crow (Step 1 for attacker, Step 2 for defender):” With absolute comprehension
of truth comes absolute comprehension of that which stands opposed, as well - one
must first listen to the lie before it can be broken down, and those who master this
style have listened to so many lies that the blas and mirthless humor of the Crow
comes naturally to them. Through the disillusionment and morbid inevitability of
this constellation, the martial artist can take apart mere figments of imagination and
scatter their components to the winds in order to enforce acceptance of the way the
world truly is. For one action, this Charm adds bonus successes equal to the martial
artists Intelligence or Perception to her MDVs against social attacks; to rolls to resist
Illusion effects; and to her Glamour Resistance pool to resist Glamour effects. Any
Illusion or Glamour effect which succeeds or is already affecting the martial artist
while this Charm is active costs 1 fewer Willpower than usual to overcome (to a
minimum of 1 Willpower). In addition, for one action, the martial artist treats all of
her Martial Arts attacks as though they were made with a weapon of cold iron, even
if she is unarmed.
”Haywain (Step 10):” Those whose stars ascend with the Haywain are practiced
opportunists, for they are well-accustomed to endings that are uncertain and incom-
plete. The unsolved murder mystery, the retired Dragonblood and the slowly failing
magitech device are all under the Haywains domain, and the martial artist who chan-
nels this domain can always find a way to salvage what is left of the ruins of efforts
that seem already laid to rest. By activating this Charm when he takes damage that
would bring him to Incapacitated or lower, or when he would spend his last Willpower
to resist mental influence, the martial artist can give himself enough time to turn the
tables on his opponent. The martial artist gains one extra temporary -4 health level
or 2 extra temporary Willpower, chosen by the martial artist when the Charm is
activated. If these are not lost or spent by the end of the scene, they vanish. This
Charm is cumulative with itself, but may only be activated a number of times per
scene equal to the martial artists Essence.
”Rising Smoke (Step 10):” Smoke that rises against the sky is constantly shifting,
never still, reshaping itself with every change in the breeze. In the same way, those
who pass beneath the Rising Smoke never truly achieve a culmination of potential,
preferring to view each plateau of achievement as a stepping stone to further triumphs.
A practitioner of this style combines this perspective with an insight born of celestial
prescience to take full advantage of these stepping stones as they present themselves.

By activating this Charm when she brings a non-Extra opponent to Incapacitated
or lower with a Martial Arts attack, the martial artist may cache a number of dice
equal to her permanent Willpower. For the rest of the scene, she may spend these
cached dice as added dice to any roll made with Martial Arts. These dice do not
count against normal dice caps. Any cached dice remaining at the end of the scene
simply go unused and vanish. This Charm is cumulative with itself, but no more than
the martial artists (permanent Willpower x 2) dice may be cached at a time.
”Sword (Step 10):” Children of the Sword live each day with the knowledge that
someday, the hopes and dreams that sustain them will fade like the dying embers of
a wars last battlefield. At the same time, they know that they are more for having
hoped and dreamed at all. But nothing lasts forever - not friendship, nor loyalty, nor
convictions - and only those who prepare well for the day they must move on alone
will persevere to see what the future may bring. The martial artist who can both
trust others and rely on himself is the one who is ready when the dooms he foresees
come to pass. By activating this Charm when an ally that he can perceive reaches
Incapacitated or lower, the martial artist increases either his Bashing and Lethal
soak, or his Parry and Dodge DVs (chosen by the martial artist when the Charm is
activated), by the fallen allys permanent Willpower for the rest of the scene. This
Charm is cumulative with itself, but may only be activated a number of times per
scene equal to the martial artists Essence.
Source: SataiDelenn

Saturn Descending
Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Zodiac of Celestial Truth 5; Type: Simple
(with Permanent aspects) (Speed 5, DV-2)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious, Shaping
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Jupiter Descending, Mars Descending, Saturn Ascending
The House of Endings in decline engenders terror in the hearts of those who
follow its progress. Children born under the stars of Saturn in their descending aspects
are sometimes, in the more superstitious parts of Creation, deemed cursed and given
up for dead or sacrificed to dark gods in the hopes that the Abyss will not find their
unfortunate families. In the First Age, the thought of mortality spurred wars among
even the mightiest of the Exalts, and now in the Time of Tumult the Void stares back
at Creation like a depthless font of despair. The Zodiac of Celestial Truth master has
learned not only to predict and accept the worlds natural entropic tendencies, but to
embrace the self-assurance that comes with acceptance and shield her heart from fear
and uncertainty.
As a permanent enhancement to her abilities, whenever the martial artist brings a
non-Extra opponent to Incapacitated or lower with a Martial Arts attack, she gains a
temporary Willpower. This ability can increase her temporary Willpower pool beyond
its normal maximum up to her permanent Willpower score, but any excess Willpower
gained this way disappears at the end of the scene if it is not used. (For example, a
practitioner whose permanent Willpower is 7 can gain up to 7 temporary Willpower
beyond her maximum.) In addition, the aspects of Saturn Descending are speed 5
actions that draw from a calculated mastery of prediction to disrupt the normal flows
of Essence and ensure that the means justify the ends.
”Corpse:” Sometimes, there is nothing fanciful or complicated about death. The

Corpse can lead those it governs into a swift, merciless transformation from what
they are into what they are to be, kicking and screaming if necessary. The master of
Celestial Truth embraces this bluntly honest reality and forces it upon others. Upon
activating this Charm, the martial artist aligns his Essence with that of his foe in a
single pure moment of metamorphic harmony. During this time, the martial artist
can read in the patterns of his targets soul the probable moment of death - and can
attempt to adjust that probability. The martial artist rolls Perception + Occult with
an external penalty of the targets ”current temporary” Willpower. Success reduces
the targets DVs against this Charms attack to 0. Failure allows the target to defend
normally. A botch causes the martial artist to forfeit this Charms attack entirely,
as he loses himself in the merging and cannot differentiate his targets future from
his own, in an instant of dangerous vulnerability. Then, the martial artist makes
an unarmed Martial Arts attack that deals aggravated damage if it succeeds. If this
attack deals at least one level of damage, the target also becomes privy to the fate that
the martial artist has predicted and - confronted with the harsh truth of mortality -
cannot banish the lingering fusion of Essence. For the duration of this Charm, the
martial artist ignores the targets armor soak with any Martial Arts attack he makes,
as his blows resonate with the targets very soul.
”Crow:” Like the Crow in descent, the enemies of a master deceive themselves into
believing that they care nothing for their impending demise, with lies to buoy the thin
veneer of their flailing ipseic delusions. But the master can see beyond the illusion
of bravery to the despair that lies beneath, having herself come to true acceptance
of the inevitable, and through irrefutable divination she is so certain of the future
that she leaves no doubt to which her wretched foes can cling. The martial artist
activates this Charm and observes her surroundings through the lens of astrological
intuition, thereby gaining an irrevocable insight into the outcome of the current scene.
Once before the end of the scene, she may reflexively end this Charm to turn one roll
made by any character whose permanent Essence is lower than the martial artists
permanent Willpower into an automatic botch. She must choose the roll before she
sees the result. ”’This aspect of Saturn Descending may only be activated once per
”Haywain:” Entities which set under the Haywains domain suffer a quiet decay
into wallowing stasis, forever doomed to purgatorial unrest. With a single strike, a
master of Celestial Truth can disrupt the chakras of the body with this constellations
unflagging malaise. The martial artist makes an unarmed Martial Arts attack. If this
attack is successful, the target becomes unable to heal any type of damage for the
duration of the Charm. However, the shifting chakras confuse the body such that the
target can only take bashing damage during this time, no matter the source of the
damage or how much excessive bashing damage has been taken. In addition, for the
duration of the Charm, the target suffers from fatigue and treats every action other
than a Guard action as an additional hour of strenuous activity beyond his Stamina
+ Resistance limit. The target can spend Willpower or channel Conviction as normal
to temporarily counteract and reduce this fatigue, but channeling Conviction only
negates the fatigue for one action rather than one minute.
”Rising Smoke:” When the Rising Smoke declines in the sky, astrologers become
anxious. The constellation of the unforeseen journeys end brings meaningless accident
and misfortune to all. With a single strike, the master can ensure that her foes boldest
efforts are made futile at a critical moment, like the young man who squanders his

last bit of jade scrip on an ill-made trinket in the mistaken belief that it is priceless.
The martial artist makes an unarmed Martial Arts attack. If this attack is successful,
the martial artist entwines her enemys Essence with her own and can read its flows at
her leisure. For the duration of the Charm, the martial artist can predict all possible
paths that the target might take and can disrupt each one as it is laid. Whenever the
martial artist makes an attack against the target, the target must make a reflexive
Perception + Investigation roll with a difficulty of the ”targets” Essence. If this roll
fails, the attack is automatically Unexpected; however, only the first attack of a flurry
can be made Unexpected in this way.
”Sword:” The Sword descends with a finality that annihilates dreams and resigns
those who held them to listless foundering. A master of this style scoffs at the futile
efforts of the weak-minded to avoid their destinies and resist the truth in favor of
self-deluding hope; he knows that only the truly strong-willed persist, and others by
necessity are left behind by the turning of the seasons. With a single strike, the martial
artist tests the limits of his opponents will. The martial artist makes an unarmed
Martial Arts attack. If this attack is successful, for a number of actions equal to
the martial artists permanent Willpower, the target cannot attack the martial artist
unless she spends one Willpower per attack, and can make only one attack against
the martial artist per action in which a Willpower is spent this way. In addition, for
the duration of the Charm, the target cannot regain temporary Willpower except via
3-die stunts.
Source: SataiDelenn

Mercury Ascending
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Zodiac of Celestial Truth 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
The constellations of the House of Journeys in their ascending aspects represent
the forward motion of Creations cycles and the progress of fate and of beings alike.
They make mockery of obstacles on the path to ones destiny, and mark times of self-
reflection, discovery and purpose. Sorcerers become well-acquainted with the stars of
Mercury when they embark upon the Trial of the Journey. The aspects of Mercury
Ascending are used along with actions taken by the martial artist to further himself
and his aims.
”Captain (Step 1):” Through the Captain, goals are achieved through firm but fair
leadership and the smoothly turning cogs of a well-oiled machine. The martial artist
knows how to use this efficiency to its greatest potential. This Charm can be activated
to enhance a Coordinated Attack roll. This roll may be made using Intelligence or
Perception in place of Charisma, and the roll becomes speed 4 instead of speed 5.
Reduce the difficulty of the Coordinated Attack roll by one, to a minimum of 1.
”Gull (Step 2):” Those whose stars reside often with the Gull desire independence
and the freedom to wander where they will, gaining worldly perspective. Drawing on
this perspective, the martial artist can turn his own confinement to his advantage.
This Charm can be activated to enhance an attempt to gain control of a clinch in
which the martial artist is currently inactive. This roll may be made using Intelligence
or Perception in place of Strength or Dexterity, and if the martial artist gains control
of the clinch, this maneuver becomes speed 4 instead of speed 6.

”Mast (Step 1):” The martial artist transforms seemingly unattainable success
into only a matter of time by channeling the stoic diligence of the Mast into the
task at hand. This Charm can be activated to enhance the martial artists static
Strength + Athletics value for one action. During this action, the martial artist may
use Intelligence or Perception instead of Strength to determine her static value for
feats of strength, and the required pool of these feats for any given task is reduced
by 2 as the martial artist applies single-minded focus to the undertaking. In combat
timing, the feats miscellaneous action becomes speed 4 instead of speed 5.
”Messenger (Step 1):” One whose star rises with the Messenger takes his task seri-
ously and stops at nothing to achieve it. Paltry obstacles such as distance and terrain
are as a mere breath of wind to the martial artist who invokes this constellations ded-
ication to duty. This Charm can be activated to enhance movement-based Athletics
rolls (such as those made to move over difficult terrain, swim, jump, climb, etc.) or
rolls to keep balance while in motion or while taking some action other than Guard
or Aim, such as attacking. This charm cannot supplement rolls to keep ones balance
while motionless or taking no actions. This roll may be made with Intelligence or
Perception instead of Dexterity. If the roll is part of a flurry, reduce the multiple
action penalty on all actions in the flurry by 2.
”Ships Wheel (Step 2):” No matter how put upon by hardship the martial artist
becomes or how much suffering she must endure, through the perseverence of the
Ships Wheel she finds a way to succeed. This Charm can be activated to enhance the
martial artists DVs against one attack. Both DVs may be determined by Intelligence
or Perception instead of the default Attributes while this Charm is active. This Charm
temporarily reduces penalties to her DVs by 2. (This includes wound penalties.)
Source: SataiDelenn


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