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Ox-Body Technique (Mountain Folk)

Cost: None; Mins: Essence 1; Type: Special

Duration: Permanent
This Charm allows a Jadeborn to purchase extra health levels.
Source Exalted: The Fair Folk, p. 245
Source: Exalted: The Fair Folk

Opportunistic Shot
Cost: 1 mote; Mins: Essence 1, Archery 1; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
The Sidereal pauses a moment to take careful measure of the battle before
releasing an arrow that weaves unerringly through the air. As a result, the archer
may ignore up to (Essence) penalties to the attack roll from any cause besides cover.
Source: Upaatk

Opportune Shot
Cost: 2m per reduction; Mins: Essence 2, Archery 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
This Charm reduces the speed of an Archery-based attack.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 151-152.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Opportune Shot
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Archery 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , unknown
Make a single Archery attack roll at Speed 4, DV -1. The Sidereal may not
Source Second Edition Storytellers Companion, p. 69.
Source: Second Edition Storytellers Companion

Opportune Shot
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Archery 3; Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
This Charm lets the character automatically win initiative over a single target
for the purpose of making an Archery attack against him. Refer to the full text for
the complete rules.Source Exalted: The Sidereals, p. 154.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Any Direction Arrow
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1, Archery 1; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Godly Companion, Breaking the Wild Mortal, Glory Path
This Charm allows the Sidereal Exalted Sidereal to ignore certain cover penal-
ties for a single attack.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 151.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Any Direction Arrow

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1, Archery 1; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Godly Companion, Breaking the Wild Mortal, Glory Path
This Charm allows the Sidereal Exalted Sidereal to ignore certain cover penal-
ties for a single attack.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 151.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Five Seasons Response

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 3, Archery 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Every Direction Arrow, Opportune Shot
This Charm reflects an Archery-based attack back against its source.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 152.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Five Seasons Response

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 3, Archery 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Every Direction Arrow, Opportune Shot
This Charm reflects an Archery-based attack back against its source.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 152.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Generalized Ammunition Technique

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Archery 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Life Without Compunction, You and Yours Stance, Hot-Eyed
Snake Whispering
This Charm allows the Sidereal Exalted Sidereal to convert suitable items into
projectiles.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 151.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=Generalized Ammunition Technique can be activated for a cost of 2m to
emulate any ammunition costing b Resources 2 or lower.

Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Generalized Ammunition Technique

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Archery 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Life Without Compunction, You and Yours Stance, Hot-Eyed
Snake Whispering
This Charm allows the Sidereal Exalted Sidereal to convert suitable items into
projectiles.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 151.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=Generalized Ammunition Technique can be activated for a cost of 2m to
emulate any ammunition costing b Resources 2 or lower.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Every Direction Arrow

Cost: 3m per extra arrow; Mins: Essence 2, Archery 4; Type: Simple (Speed 5,
DV -2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Any Direction Arrow
This Charm allows the Sidereal Exalted Sidereal to make a single Archery-based
attack with multiple projectiles.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 151.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Weaving her arrows together with strands of martial destiny, the Sidereal can loose
them all in a single shot. Activating this Charm, the Sidereal may nock and release
up to (Dexterity) arrows as part of a single Archery attack. The base damage of each
individual arrow is added to the raw damage of the attack, and any tags or special
qualities possessed by an arrow are applied to the whole attack.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Every Direction Arrow

Cost: 3m per extra arrow; Mins: Essence 2, Archery 4; Type: Simple (Speed 5,
DV -2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Any Direction Arrow
This Charm allows the Sidereal Exalted Sidereal to make a single Archery-based
attack with multiple projectiles.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 151.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿

Weaving her arrows together with strands of martial destiny, the Sidereal can loose
them all in a single shot. Activating this Charm, the Sidereal may nock and release
up to (Dexterity) arrows as part of a single Archery attack. The base damage of each
individual arrow is added to the raw damage of the attack, and any tags or special
qualities possessed by an arrow are applied to the whole attack.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Every Direction Arrow

Cost: 3m per arrow; Mins: Essence 2, Archery 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , unknown
Speed 5, DV -2. The Sidereal may make multiple Archery attacks using one
attack roll. This Charm ignores penalties from up to 50 percent cover.Source Second
Edition Storytellers Companion, p. 68.
Source: Second Edition Storytellers Companion

Many Missiles Bow Technique

Cost: 10m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 4, Archery 5; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Prayer Strip
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Any Direction Arrow, Five Seasons Response, Generalized Am-
munition Technique
This Charm boosts the effective range of the Sidereal Exalted Sidereal’s
Archery-based attacks and allows them to perform Generalized Ammunition Tech-
nique in reverse (i.e. arrows can become abstract concepts). Purchasing this Charm
provides a single transformation technique and additional transformations may be
purchased with experience points.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=”’Boulder:”’ The base Damage of the attack becomes (Exalts Essence) if it
would be lower. Those who fail to defend suffer automatic Knockdown.
”’Essence:”’ The Sidereal draws her fingers through her anima and plucks a
streamer of starfire to draw against her bowstring. She then fires this bolt into
her targets anima, suffusing it with her own. For every one mote the Sidereal pays
on this attack, she transfers two offensive motes to the targets Overdrive pool, if they
have one. The Sidereal may pay up to three motes when firing Essence. In addition
to offensive motes, the target characters anima twinkles and shimmers with tinges of
the Sidereals own until the end of the scene.
”’Fire:”’ The radius of effect is (Sidereals Essence) yards. By paying 1wp in Step 1
of resolution, the Exalt may increase the hazards Damage and Trauma to (Essence).
”’Glass:”’ There is no roll. The difficulty of tracking the arrows flight subtracts an
external penalty of (Exalts Essence) from the targets DV, but the attacks minimum
damage becomes 1 and it loses the Piercing tag, regardless of its usual properties.
”’Grain:”’ The Cost of using this option increases by 1m for every previous use in
the same scene.

”’Health:”’ Ignore the given parameters of this effect. The Exalt rolls the minimum
damage of the attack, healing levels of damage instead of inflicting harm. Soak does
not hamper this power.
”’Precipitation:”’ The Exalt may pay a surcharge of 1wp to force snow or rain
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Many Missiles Bow Technique

Cost: 10m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 4, Archery 5; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Prayer Strip
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Any Direction Arrow, Five Seasons Response, Generalized Am-
munition Technique
This Charm boosts the effective range of the Sidereal Exalted Sidereal’s
Archery-based attacks and allows them to perform Generalized Ammunition Tech-
nique in reverse (i.e. arrows can become abstract concepts). Purchasing this Charm
provides a single transformation technique and additional transformations may be
purchased with experience points.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=”’Boulder:”’ The base Damage of the attack becomes (Exalts Essence) if it
would be lower. Those who fail to defend suffer automatic Knockdown.
”’Essence:”’ The Sidereal draws her fingers through her anima and plucks a
streamer of starfire to draw against her bowstring. She then fires this bolt into
her targets anima, suffusing it with her own. For every one mote the Sidereal pays
on this attack, she transfers two offensive motes to the targets Overdrive pool, if they
have one. The Sidereal may pay up to three motes when firing Essence. In addition
to offensive motes, the target characters anima twinkles and shimmers with tinges of
the Sidereals own until the end of the scene.
”’Fire:”’ The radius of effect is (Sidereals Essence) yards. By paying 1wp in Step 1
of resolution, the Exalt may increase the hazards Damage and Trauma to (Essence).
”’Glass:”’ There is no roll. The difficulty of tracking the arrows flight subtracts an
external penalty of (Exalts Essence) from the targets DV, but the attacks minimum
damage becomes 1 and it loses the Piercing tag, regardless of its usual properties.
”’Grain:”’ The Cost of using this option increases by 1m for every previous use in
the same scene.
”’Health:”’ Ignore the given parameters of this effect. The Exalt rolls the minimum
damage of the attack, healing levels of damage instead of inflicting harm. Soak does
not hamper this power.
”’Precipitation:”’ The Exalt may pay a surcharge of 1wp to force snow or rain
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Many Missiles Bow Technique

Cost: 10m, 1wp, 1hl; Mins: Essence 4, Archery 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene

Prerequisites: , unknown
Effect: ”Prayer strip Charm”: Speed 5, DV -1. Arrows gain triple range. The
Sidereal may transform arrows as follows for the Charms duration: Rain of fire (flam-
ing arrows rain down on the target, ignoring armor), Snow (snows for one minute),
Life (target is healed based on Archery level), Grain (a patch of wheat grows), Boul-
der (an unblockable attack, that inflicts greater damage against inanimate objects),
Glass (makes it harder for the target to attack). Source Second Edition Storytellers
Companion, p. 68.
Source: Second Edition Storytellers Companion

Persuasion of Force
Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Athletics 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Social, Virtue (Conviction)
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Elemental Vision
The Sidereal has learned that the force of an argument can be replaced by force
of any kind with the proper twisting of fate’s strings. This charm allows the Sidereal
to supplement any Social attack roll with a show of physical might. The player can
declare any type of show and roll appropriate dice for it. Any successes are added
as bonus dice to the associated Social roll and do not count against the normal die
addition cap such as for Excellencies. This Charm also allows Conviction to be added
to any associated roll.
Source: Upaatk

World-Shaping Athletic Might

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3, Athletics 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Stackable
Duration: Indefinite
The character develops a superhuman ease of accomplishment with specific
physical acts. This act must be narrow enough to be a Speciality for an ability and
it must be a physical act not an overarching condition, such as where the act takes
place. When the character is performing that type of act the targe number for their
action automatically decreases by one. The Sidereal doesn’t pay for this reduction;
it exists as a permanent enhancement of her capabilities. A character may purchase
this Charm up to (Essence) number of times, choosing either the same act several
times or spread over several acts. The character may choose the same act up to three
times if it is primarily governed by the Athletics ability, but only once if it is governed
by another ability.
Source: Upaatk

Hungry Touch
Cost: 1m per target number reduction or damage point; Mins: Essence 2, Ath-
letics 3; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant

Prerequisites: Burn Life
This Charm enhances the character’s ability to destroy objects with a feat of
strength.Source Exalted: The Sidereals, p. 174.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Forgotten Earth
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1, Athletics 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
This triples the user’s leaping distance.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 153.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm does not pro-
vide a Jump action. It does, however, triple the leaping distance of a regular Jump
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Inexorable Advance
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Athletics 3; Type: Simple (DV -2)
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Five Actions
Prerequisites: Generalized Ammunition Technique, Five Seasons Response,
Burn Life, Forgotten Earth
With this charm active, the character suffers no wound or armor penalties, or
environmental penalties to her movement.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals,
p. 153.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
cost=4m, 1wpkeywords=Combo-Basic, Obviousduration=One scene
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Inexorable Advance
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Athletics 3; Type: Simple (DV -2)
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Five Actions
Prerequisites: Generalized Ammunition Technique, Five Seasons Response,
Burn Life, Forgotten Earth
With this charm active, the character suffers no wound or armor penalties, or
environmental penalties to her movement.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals,
p. 153.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
cost=4m, 1wpkeywords=Combo-Basic, Obviousduration=One scene
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Burn Life
Cost: 3m per dot; Mins: Essence 2, Athletics 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK

Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: unknown
Speed 5, DV -2. Roll (Essence (trait) Essence + Athletics). Each success may
add to Strength, Dexterity or Stamina (maximum addition of Essence to any one
Attribute) if paid for. Increases are considered bonus dice. The Sidereal may always
use Conviction with this Charm. Source Second Edition Storytellers Companion, p.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratasource2=
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Despite aphorisms to the contrary, the Exalted burn both long and bright, their
insatiable heroism overwhelming all the obstacles in their way as they blaze through
history towards their end. When performing feats of strength, the Exalt doubles
his Strength rating and converts bonus dice from stunts into extra successes (adding
double their rating to relevant unrolled pools). This Charm also allows the Side-
real to channel his Conviction on all such rolls, and on Stamina-based rolls to resist
environmental hazards and poisons.
Source: Second Edition Storytellers Companion

Burn Life
Cost: 3m per dot; Mins: Essence 2, Athletics 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: unknown
Speed 5, DV -2. Roll (Essence (trait) Essence + Athletics). Each success may
add to Strength, Dexterity or Stamina (maximum addition of Essence to any one
Attribute) if paid for. Increases are considered bonus dice. The Sidereal may always
use Conviction with this Charm. Source Second Edition Storytellers Companion, p.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratasource2=
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Despite aphorisms to the contrary, the Exalted burn both long and bright, their
insatiable heroism overwhelming all the obstacles in their way as they blaze through
history towards their end. When performing feats of strength, the Exalt doubles
his Strength rating and converts bonus dice from stunts into extra successes (adding
double their rating to relevant unrolled pools). This Charm also allows the Side-
real to channel his Conviction on all such rolls, and on Stamina-based rolls to resist
environmental hazards and poisons.
Source: Second Edition Storytellers Companion

Unswerving Juggernaut Principle
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Athletics 2; Type: Simple (Speed 6, DV -1)
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Indefinite
As long as the character is moving, she gains soak, suffers no fatigue penalties,
needs no sleep, and adds dice to Athletics rolls to make forward progress.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 153.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-Basic, Obvious
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Unswerving Juggernaut Principle

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Athletics 2; Type: Simple (Speed 6, DV -1)
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Indefinite
As long as the character is moving, she gains soak, suffers no fatigue penalties,
needs no sleep, and adds dice to Athletics rolls to make forward progress.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 153.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-Basic, Obvious
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Forward-Thinking Technique
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Athletics 3; Type: Simple
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: , Unswerving Juggernaut Principle
Unswerving Juggernaut Principle must be active to use this Charm. This pre-
vents botches to Athletics rolls for moving forward, allows a roll to cover her tracks,
and allows her to climb and swim as fast as she can dash.Source Manual of Exalted
Power: Sidereals, pp. 153-155.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
By adding +5m to the Cost of Unswerving Juggernaut Principle, the destiny of
the Sidereals journey enmeshes him, pulling him ever forward and shielding him from
hindrances to his progress. This provides the following benefits:
*The Sidereal ignores penalties to his Dodge DV.
*The character can Dash reflexively, though this still makes it impossible to block
attacks normally.
*The Exalt gains an additional +10L/10B soak against any unexpected attacks.
*The Seer adds (Athletics) extra successes to rolls to give or evade pursuit during
chase scenes, as well as dramatic tracking/evasion scenarios (see Exalted, p. 140).

Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Forward-Thinking Technique
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Athletics 3; Type: Simple
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: , Unswerving Juggernaut Principle
Unswerving Juggernaut Principle must be active to use this Charm. This pre-
vents botches to Athletics rolls for moving forward, allows a roll to cover her tracks,
and allows her to climb and swim as fast as she can dash.Source Manual of Exalted
Power: Sidereals, pp. 153-155.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
By adding +5m to the Cost of Unswerving Juggernaut Principle, the destiny of
the Sidereals journey enmeshes him, pulling him ever forward and shielding him from
hindrances to his progress. This provides the following benefits:
*The Sidereal ignores penalties to his Dodge DV.
*The character can Dash reflexively, though this still makes it impossible to block
attacks normally.
*The Exalt gains an additional +10L/10B soak against any unexpected attacks.
*The Seer adds (Athletics) extra successes to rolls to give or evade pursuit during
chase scenes, as well as dramatic tracking/evasion scenarios (see Exalted, p. 140).
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Invisible Motion
Cost: 10m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 4, Athletics 4; Type: Simple (Speed 6, DV
Keywords: Prayer Strip
Duration: One Day
Prerequisites: Unswerving Juggernaut Principle, Forward-Thinking Technique,
Inexorable Advance
The user gains the effects of Inexorable Advance for a whole day, and doubles
her base Move and Dash distance. Also, she gains bonus successes to apply to any
physical action.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 155.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-Basic, Prayer Strip, Shaping
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
When the world cries out desperately to be saved by an agent of Heaven, it is not
the harrowing tale of his journey that is most important-though tales will be told.
What matters most in saving the world is that the Sidereal be where he is needed.
Activating this Charm, the Sidereal wraps a prayer strip bearing the Scripture of the
One-Handed Maiden around his neck like a scarf, causing it to exude a scent of lilacs
and decay. As long as it does so, he does not so much move from place to place as

simply arrive at each point on his journey without crossing the intervening space. The
Exalt ignores the difficulties of terrain, including water, muck and unstable terrain,
and any hazards between his starting and stopping points each tick he moves.
Perhaps more impressive, the Sidereal may take a moment to plot his course more
carefully, determining his ultimate goal and ignoring the obstacles in between. This
requires a Miscellaneous action and expenditure of 1wp, which allows the Exalt to
teleport up to (Essence x 10) yards to a point that he can see clearly. He has given
up the accidental self-determination of those with more uncertain journeys, and so
cannot perform any normal movement actions (Dash, Move, etc.) until his next action
The first effect of this Charm contests wards against teleportation with a normal
roll-off, while the latter fails automatically.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Invisible Motion
Cost: 10m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 4, Athletics 4; Type: Simple (Speed 6, DV
Keywords: Prayer Strip
Duration: One Day
Prerequisites: Unswerving Juggernaut Principle, Forward-Thinking Technique,
Inexorable Advance
The user gains the effects of Inexorable Advance for a whole day, and doubles
her base Move and Dash distance. Also, she gains bonus successes to apply to any
physical action.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 155.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-Basic, Prayer Strip, Shaping
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
When the world cries out desperately to be saved by an agent of Heaven, it is not
the harrowing tale of his journey that is most important-though tales will be told.
What matters most in saving the world is that the Sidereal be where he is needed.
Activating this Charm, the Sidereal wraps a prayer strip bearing the Scripture of the
One-Handed Maiden around his neck like a scarf, causing it to exude a scent of lilacs
and decay. As long as it does so, he does not so much move from place to place as
simply arrive at each point on his journey without crossing the intervening space. The
Exalt ignores the difficulties of terrain, including water, muck and unstable terrain,
and any hazards between his starting and stopping points each tick he moves.
Perhaps more impressive, the Sidereal may take a moment to plot his course more
carefully, determining his ultimate goal and ignoring the obstacles in between. This
requires a Miscellaneous action and expenditure of 1wp, which allows the Exalt to
teleport up to (Essence x 10) yards to a point that he can see clearly. He has given
up the accidental self-determination of those with more uncertain journeys, and so
cannot perform any normal movement actions (Dash, Move, etc.) until his next action
The first effect of this Charm contests wards against teleportation with a normal
roll-off, while the latter fails automatically.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Demise of Hiding
Cost: 6 motes, 1 willpower; Mins: Essence 2, Awareness 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
A Sidereal with this Charm allows no being, mortal or spirit, material or va-
porous, to escape their grasp. After activating this Charm, for the remainder of the
scene the Sidereal can sense and interact with all beings within 10 yards whether
material or immaterial.
Source: Upaatk

Wise Choice
Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Awareness 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Every Direction Arrow, Opportune Shot
When the Sidereal Exalted Vizier faces a choice, she can tell which will be the
better decision. This does not reveal what she doesn’t consider. More users of this
charm can look further into the future.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals,
pp. 175.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Wise Choice
Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Awareness 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Every Direction Arrow, Opportune Shot
When the Sidereal Exalted Vizier faces a choice, she can tell which will be the
better decision. This does not reveal what she doesn’t consider. More users of this
charm can look further into the future.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals,
pp. 175.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Expected Pain
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Awareness 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Subordinate Inspiration Technique, Blinding the Boar, Prior
This Charm is activated automatically when unexpected danger is about to
happen, informing the character of the danger’s general nature. This works as long
as the user has Essence to spend.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
cost=2m (+2m)
type=Reflexive (Step 2)
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿

Vague premonitions of future sorrow drift through the mind of a Sidereal who has
mastered this Charm. As her fated suffering impends, these visions crystallize into
awareness. Expected Pain cancels the unexpected quality of any physical or social
attack against the Sidereal. It costs an additional two motes when used to defend
against creatures outside of fate.
With Awareness 5+, this Charm can be activated to enhance any Awareness roll
to notice a concealed threat to the Sidereal or her allies-a hidden assailant, a drop of
poisonous lotus extract dissolved in a cup of tea, a venereal disease on a concubine.
Doing so converts all dice on the roll to automatic successes.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Expected Pain
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Awareness 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Subordinate Inspiration Technique, Blinding the Boar, Prior
This Charm is activated automatically when unexpected danger is about to
happen, informing the character of the danger’s general nature. This works as long
as the user has Essence to spend.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
cost=2m (+2m)
type=Reflexive (Step 2)
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Vague premonitions of future sorrow drift through the mind of a Sidereal who has
mastered this Charm. As her fated suffering impends, these visions crystallize into
awareness. Expected Pain cancels the unexpected quality of any physical or social
attack against the Sidereal. It costs an additional two motes when used to defend
against creatures outside of fate.
With Awareness 5+, this Charm can be activated to enhance any Awareness roll
to notice a concealed threat to the Sidereal or her allies-a hidden assailant, a drop of
poisonous lotus extract dissolved in a cup of tea, a venereal disease on a concubine.
Doing so converts all dice on the roll to automatic successes.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Supernal Awareness
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Awareness 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Fate, Stackable
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Prior Warning, Expected Pain
The user concentrates on something specific. If the object, person, or event
is around her, she becomes aware of it. This does not affect creatures outside of
fate.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 174.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Errataduration=One scene
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
duration=One scene
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Supernal Awareness
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Awareness 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Fate, Stackable
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Prior Warning, Expected Pain
The user concentrates on something specific. If the object, person, or event
is around her, she becomes aware of it. This does not affect creatures outside of
fate.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 174.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Errataduration=One scene
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
duration=One scene
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Inevitable Pursuit
Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Awareness 5; Type: Simple
Duration: One Day
Prerequisites: Expected Pain
This charm allows the user to track a quarry. Source Manual of Exalted Power:
Sidereals, p. 175.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
cost=4m, 1wp
text=In addition to the listed effects of this Charm, the supernatural tracking of
Inevitable Pursuit adds a five-die equipment bonus to the Sidereals roll and allows
her to track by night. The time limits on tracking characters by destiny are relevant
only if they have left no physical trail to be tracked by otherwise, this Charm can be
used to follow their spoor regardless of how old it is.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Inevitable Pursuit
Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Awareness 5; Type: Simple
Duration: One Day
Prerequisites: Expected Pain
This charm allows the user to track a quarry. Source Manual of Exalted Power:
Sidereals, p. 175.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
cost=4m, 1wp
text=In addition to the listed effects of this Charm, the supernatural tracking of
Inevitable Pursuit adds a five-die equipment bonus to the Sidereals roll and allows
her to track by night. The time limits on tracking characters by destiny are relevant
only if they have left no physical trail to be tracked by otherwise, this Charm can be
used to follow their spoor regardless of how old it is.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Conclusive Wisdom
Cost: 20m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 4, Awareness 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Fate, Illusion, Obvious, Prayer Strip
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Inevitable Pursuit, Supernal Awareness, Wise Choice
The target of this Charm views her own death. See the text of the Charm for
full details.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 175.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
cost=10m, 1wp, 1hl keywords=Combo-OK, Emotion, Illusion, Prayer Strip
text=”Theres always an ending.?”¡br¿
There is no Willpower roll to resist this Charm. Instead, the Sidereal rolls (Per-
ception + Awareness + Essence) as an unblockable social attack against the target of
the Charm. While such a vision is an unnatural Illusion, it cannot be resisted with
Willpower. Characters are not rendered Inactive by this Charm instead, they are
forced to take a Guard action on their next action tick as the vision overwhelms their
capacity to act.
Should the events prophesied in a player characters vision of death come to pass,
the knowledge of their fated death hangs over their head. They suffer a -3 inter-
nal penalty on any action to fight against their foretold doom, unless they pay two
Willpower to resist this unnatural Emotion for one scene. Should a character succeed
in fighting against destiny and survive they events prophesied to bring about their
end, they recover all points of temporary Willpower, finding new hope in their second
chance at life. Exalted characters also lose a point of Limit.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Conclusive Wisdom
Cost: 20m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 4, Awareness 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Fate, Illusion, Obvious, Prayer Strip
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Inevitable Pursuit, Supernal Awareness, Wise Choice
The target of this Charm views her own death. See the text of the Charm for
full details.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 175.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
cost=10m, 1wp, 1hl keywords=Combo-OK, Emotion, Illusion, Prayer Strip
text=”Theres always an ending.?”¡br¿
There is no Willpower roll to resist this Charm. Instead, the Sidereal rolls (Per-
ception + Awareness + Essence) as an unblockable social attack against the target of
the Charm. While such a vision is an unnatural Illusion, it cannot be resisted with
Willpower. Characters are not rendered Inactive by this Charm instead, they are
forced to take a Guard action on their next action tick as the vision overwhelms their
capacity to act.
Should the events prophesied in a player characters vision of death come to pass,
the knowledge of their fated death hangs over their head. They suffer a -3 inter-
nal penalty on any action to fight against their foretold doom, unless they pay two
Willpower to resist this unnatural Emotion for one scene. Should a character succeed
in fighting against destiny and survive they events prophesied to bring about their
end, they recover all points of temporary Willpower, finding new hope in their second
chance at life. Exalted characters also lose a point of Limit.

Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Prior Warning
Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 1, Awareness 2; Type: Simple
Duration: Five Hours
Prerequisites: Supernal Awareness, Wise Choice, Inevitable Pursuit
Any time during the duration of this charm, the character makes a reflexive
roll. If successful, he is warned of imminent danger. See the text of the Charm for
full details.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 173.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Casting her perception into the near future, the Sidereal senses the presence of
imminent danger. The Storyteller should have the Sidereals player roll any Awareness
rolls that she is allowed to notice a threat (Essence x 2) minutes before she would
normally be able to roll. When the Storyteller cannot determine the difficulty of the
roll beforehand, use the highest (Intelligence + Larceny 2) of any character involved
in the threator difficulty 1 if the Sidereal could notice the threat automatically. On
a success, she receives a vague premonition of harm, putting her on guard without
actually revealing the nature of the threat. Such forewarning adds one automatic
success to her actual roll to notice the threat when it finally arrives.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Prior Warning
Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 1, Awareness 2; Type: Simple
Duration: Five Hours
Prerequisites: Supernal Awareness, Wise Choice, Inevitable Pursuit
Any time during the duration of this charm, the character makes a reflexive
roll. If successful, he is warned of imminent danger. See the text of the Charm for
full details.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 173.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Casting her perception into the near future, the Sidereal senses the presence of
imminent danger. The Storyteller should have the Sidereals player roll any Awareness
rolls that she is allowed to notice a threat (Essence x 2) minutes before she would
normally be able to roll. When the Storyteller cannot determine the difficulty of the
roll beforehand, use the highest (Intelligence + Larceny 2) of any character involved
in the threator difficulty 1 if the Sidereal could notice the threat automatically. On
a success, she receives a vague premonition of harm, putting her on guard without
actually revealing the nature of the threat. Such forewarning adds one automatic
success to her actual roll to notice the threat when it finally arrives.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Tolerant Strife
Cost: 3m + 1m per die; Mins: Essence 1, Brawl 3; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
This Charm adds dice to a Brawl attack, which also ignores environmental and
circumstantial penalties.Source Exalted: The Sidereals, p. 155.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Easily Accepted Proposition Stance

Cost: 12m, 1wp, 1hl; Mins: Essence 3, Brawl 5; Type: Simple
Duration: One battle
Prerequisites: Unobstructed Blow, Tolerant Strife, Crimson Palm Counterstrike
The user makes a roll. If the roll succeeds, she names a single possible circum-
stance targeting one of the players in a battle within ten miles. That target decides
whether to accept the circumstance or take damage. For examples and specifics, check
the full charm text.Source Exalted: The Sidereals, p. 156.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Remove Distraction
Cost: 7m; Mins: Essence 2, Bureaucracy 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion, Touch, Social
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: , Excellency Any Bureaucracy Excellency
An organization only works at its best when it is without distraction or outside
influence. Sidereal Exalted may achieve this by cutting the threads of fate that bind
someone to an organization’s view. The Sidereal activates this Charm by touching
someone who is not a member of a certain bureaucracy and rolling (Charisma +
Bureaucracy) plus (Essence) automatic successes. The target radiates? an unnatural
Illusion effect that blocks his presence from a particular organization he is not an
official member of for as long as the Exalt commits the motes he spent activating
this Charm. It effects an entire organization of the Seer’s choice if he rolled more
successes than the leader’s Dodge MDV plus (half the organization’s Magnitude).
The target can scream at office workers, send letters, or attempt to procure services,
but all will go unnoticed. Note that this Illusion affects the organization as a whole,
not individual members specifically; they will not see the target while working, but
while off the job, they are unaffected. The effects of this Charm can be resisted by
individual members of the organization if they spend one willpower per scene. Once
the target spends four willpower, the character has broken the Illusion hold for the
remainder of its duration. The leader of the organization may instead spend eight
Loyalty to totally break the Illusion for the entire organization.
At Essence 3+, the Sidereal no longer has to commit his Essence to this Charm if
he spends one willpower on its activation; its effects are instantaneous, and last until
Source: Limited Reagent

Icy Hand
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Bureaucracy 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compusion, Fate, Touch
Duration: Five Days
Use of this charm allows the Sidereal a roll against the target’s Dodge MDV.
If successful, the user must perform her actions in the bureaucracy to the best of her
abilities.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 176.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm costs 3
Willpower points to resist.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratasource2=
keywords=Combo-OK, Compulsion, Touch
text=This Charms unnatural Compulsion can be ignored for 3wp per day.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Icy Hand
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Bureaucracy 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compusion, Fate, Touch
Duration: Five Days
Use of this charm allows the Sidereal a roll against the target’s Dodge MDV.
If successful, the user must perform her actions in the bureaucracy to the best of her
abilities.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 176.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm costs 3
Willpower points to resist.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratasource2=
keywords=Combo-OK, Compulsion, Touch
text=This Charms unnatural Compulsion can be ignored for 3wp per day.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Terminal Sanction
Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Bureaucracy 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Maiden, Servitude, Virtue (Temperance)
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Icy Hand
The Sidereal rolls opposing the target God or Elemental. On a success or
failure, the spirit materializes before the user. See the text of the Charm for full
details.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 176.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=Spirits may not resist this
Charm’s Servitude effect.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-Basic, Compulsion, Maiden, Servitude, Virtue (Temperance)
text=This Charm has a range of (Essence x 10) yards. Activation of this Charm
inflicts an unblockable and undodgeable unnatural Compulsion to materialize. The
target is made aware of the Exalts presence and distance when affected by this Charm.
Binding spirits with it is an irresistible unnatural Servitude. When used to bind

demons, it is identical to sorcerous binding, preventing other bindings of the same
”Add the following to this Charm:”¡br¿
With a Bureaucracy 5+, Essence 4+ repurchase, a Sidereal may use this Charm
to target multiple spirits at once. By adding +4m to its Cost, the Exalt may compel
up to 10 spirits of a certain kind to materialize, and if the roll is successful doom
them in the event of their defeat. Kinds? of spirits are delineated by the usual types
(elemental, god, demon), as well as whether or not they are officially employed by
Heaven. An Exalt could compel all Celestial censor elemental dragons to appear,
or all unaffiliated elemental dragons, but not both at once. A third purchase at
Bureaucracy and Essence 6+ allows the Sidereal to add another +4m to sanction up
to (Essence 2) Magnitude spirits at once.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Terminal Sanction
Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Bureaucracy 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Maiden, Servitude, Virtue (Temperance)
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Icy Hand
The Sidereal rolls opposing the target God or Elemental. On a success or
failure, the spirit materializes before the user. See the text of the Charm for full
details.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 176.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=Spirits may not resist this
Charm’s Servitude effect.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-Basic, Compulsion, Maiden, Servitude, Virtue (Temperance)
text=This Charm has a range of (Essence x 10) yards. Activation of this Charm
inflicts an unblockable and undodgeable unnatural Compulsion to materialize. The
target is made aware of the Exalts presence and distance when affected by this Charm.
Binding spirits with it is an irresistible unnatural Servitude. When used to bind
demons, it is identical to sorcerous binding, preventing other bindings of the same
”Add the following to this Charm:”¡br¿
With a Bureaucracy 5+, Essence 4+ repurchase, a Sidereal may use this Charm
to target multiple spirits at once. By adding +4m to its Cost, the Exalt may compel
up to 10 spirits of a certain kind to materialize, and if the roll is successful doom
them in the event of their defeat. Kinds? of spirits are delineated by the usual types
(elemental, god, demon), as well as whether or not they are officially employed by
Heaven. An Exalt could compel all Celestial censor elemental dragons to appear,
or all unaffiliated elemental dragons, but not both at once. A third purchase at
Bureaucracy and Essence 6+ allows the Sidereal to add another +4m to sanction up
to (Essence 2) Magnitude spirits at once.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Underling Invisibility Practice

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Bureaucracy 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Illusion
Duration: Indefinite

Prerequisites: Icy Hand
When used, the Sidereal becomes unnoticeable by those who consider them-
selves better than the user. This Charm does not affect other Sidereals.Source Manual
of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 176-177.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm costs 3
Willpower points to resist.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Illusion
text=As a form of unnatural Illusion, this Charm is not defeated by powers that
pierce conventional invisibility. It can be ignored by spending 3wp. This Charm will
lapse like a Stealth Charm when the Sidereals anima flares too high.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Underling Invisibility Practice

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Bureaucracy 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Illusion
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Icy Hand
When used, the Sidereal becomes unnoticeable by those who consider them-
selves better than the user. This Charm does not affect other Sidereals.Source Manual
of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 176-177.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm costs 3
Willpower points to resist.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Illusion
text=As a form of unnatural Illusion, this Charm is not defeated by powers that
pierce conventional invisibility. It can be ignored by spending 3wp. This Charm will
lapse like a Stealth Charm when the Sidereals anima flares too high.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Underling Invisibility Practice

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Bureaucracy 3; Type: Simple
Duration: Indefinite
When used, the Sidereal becomes unnoticeable by those who consider them-
selves better than the user. This Charm does not affect other Sidereals.Source Ex-
alted: The Sidereals, p. 178.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

End Debate
Cost: 10m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 3, Bureaucracy 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Obvious, Prayer Strip
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Underling Invisibility Practice, Paralyzed Mandarin Infliction,
Terminal Sanction

All people around feel an unnatural mental influence to cease arguing. See the
text of the Charm for full details.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 178.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-Basic, Compulsion, Obvious, Prayer Strip, Virtue (Temper-
text=The described use of this Charm is a social attack against those present, the
Sidereal rolling (Charisma + Bureaucracy) and adding (Essence) automatic successes
versus Dodge MDV. There is no restriction on who can be targeted by this Charm
based on relative permanent Essence.
”Add the following to this Charm:”¡br¿
A Sidereal may instead strip conflict of interest and graft from a bureaucrat, rolling
Strength instead of Charisma against a single target. If successful, the target suffers
the effects of Icy Hand indefinitely and with no mote commitment from the Exalt.
The only way to escape his Compulsion to duty is for the target to resign from his
position, though he may take up another job in which to laze and extort.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

End Debate
Cost: 10m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 3, Bureaucracy 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Obvious, Prayer Strip
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Underling Invisibility Practice, Paralyzed Mandarin Infliction,
Terminal Sanction
All people around feel an unnatural mental influence to cease arguing. See the
text of the Charm for full details.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 178.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-Basic, Compulsion, Obvious, Prayer Strip, Virtue (Temper-
text=The described use of this Charm is a social attack against those present, the
Sidereal rolling (Charisma + Bureaucracy) and adding (Essence) automatic successes
versus Dodge MDV. There is no restriction on who can be targeted by this Charm
based on relative permanent Essence.
”Add the following to this Charm:”¡br¿
A Sidereal may instead strip conflict of interest and graft from a bureaucrat, rolling
Strength instead of Charisma against a single target. If successful, the target suffers
the effects of Icy Hand indefinitely and with no mote commitment from the Exalt.
The only way to escape his Compulsion to duty is for the target to resign from his
position, though he may take up another job in which to laze and extort.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Slick Essence Replenishment

Cost: None; Mins: Essence 2, Bureaucracy 1; Type: Special
Duration: Permanent
This Charm provides the character with motes of Essence when she relies on
her Temperance. See the full text of the Charm for the details.Source Exalted: The
Sidereals, p. 177.

Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Cats Poise Technique (Ghost)

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 1, Conviction 1; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Stackable
Duration: Permanent
This Charm allows a character to purchase extra Composure levels.
Source: Goddessgood

Ox-Body Technique (Spirit)

Cost: None; Mins: Essence 1, Conviction 1; Type: Special
Duration: Permanent
This Charm allows a Spirit to purchase extra health levels.
Source Exalted Players Guide, pp. 83-84
Source: Exalted Players Guide

Ox-Body Technique (Ghost)

Cost: None; Mins: Essence 1, Conviction 1; Type: Special
Duration: Permanent
This Arcanos allows a Ghost to purchase extra health levels.
Source Exalted Players Guide, pp. 83-84
Source: Exalted Players Guide

Elegant Patterns of Fate

Cost: 2m per die; Mins: Essence 2, Craft 2; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
This Charm adds dice to Craft rolls to manipulate fate.Source Exalted: The
Sidereals, p. 143.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Auspicious Discovery Requisition

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Craft 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Fate, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Predestined Delivery Shaping
So long as a Vizier does his duty, the Bureau of Destiny is always willing to
reward him with more work to do. All he need do is ask.
Sidereals have been petitioning the Five Maidens Maidens for a Charm to cut down
on the amount of time required for an artificer to practice his craft since the First

Age. These requests were only answered recently, however–a fact which implies to
some that the Sidereal Exalted are soon to be busier than ever.
This Charm requires a Sidereal to write up a request for a specific, existing non-
unique exotic ingredient, also describing an Artifact which would require the ingre-
dient. When he activates this Charm, the request evaporates into sky-blue motes
that find their way to the Loom of Fate. Within the next Story, he will come across
an opportunity to find and appropriate the requested ingredient, no matter how far-
fetched the circumstances required for that to occur. The Loom is under no obligation
to make retrieval of such an ingredient safe, merely possible so long as the Sidereal
spends most of the next Story within Fate.
By default, Sidereals have permission to request ingredients with effective Artifact
ratings of (Sidereal’s Essence - 2), up to once per month. The effective Artifact rating
of a requested ingredient may be increased by one if the ingredient strongly resonates
with the Sidereal’s Division, or if the upcoming Story involves a mission on behalf
of a Division that strongly resonates with the ingredient. This Charm cannot claim
magical materials, if the ST chooses to define them as exotic ingredients.
Source: Dex Davican

Elemental Vision
Cost: None; Mins: Essence 2, Craft 2; Type: Special
Keywords: Social, Virtue (Compassion)
Duration: Permanent
This Charm allows bonuses in social dealings with specific types of Gods and
Elementals. See the Charm text for full details.Source Manual of Exalted Power:
Sidereals, p. 140.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=This Charm enhances all of the characters actions dealing with those strongly
associated with relevant elements. On top of allowing the channeling of Compassion,
it reduces the target number of rolls for actions targeting appropriate spirits by 1.
Exalts do not need to relearn this Charm to apply its effects to elements other than
their Caste association. Instead, they must simply achieve a rating of 4+ in the
associated Craft.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Elemental Vision
Cost: None; Mins: Essence 2, Craft 2; Type: Special
Keywords: Social, Virtue (Compassion)
Duration: Permanent
This Charm allows bonuses in social dealings with specific types of Gods and
Elementals. See the Charm text for full details.Source Manual of Exalted Power:
Sidereals, p. 140.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata

text=This Charm enhances all of the characters actions dealing with those strongly
associated with relevant elements. On top of allowing the channeling of Compassion,
it reduces the target number of rolls for actions targeting appropriate spirits by 1.
Exalts do not need to relearn this Charm to apply its effects to elements other than
their Caste association. Instead, they must simply achieve a rating of 4+ in the
associated Craft.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Excellent Implementation of Objectives

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Craft 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: Varies
This severely reduces the time it takes for the user to craft an object.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 140-141.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratasource2=
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Excellent Implementation of Objectives

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Craft 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: Varies
This severely reduces the time it takes for the user to craft an object.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 140-141.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratasource2=
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Destiny-Knitting Entanglement
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Craft 3; Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Elegant Patterns of Fate
This allows the user to know where a specific object is, or to make a fate that
will draw the object to her. This can be used in combat. She can bind no more
objects than she has dots in Craft (Fate).Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals,
p. 141.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Shaping

text=Ignore the required hour of handling. Instead, this Charm can target any
object the character owns (Exalted, p. 238), as long as no other Essence user owns it.
This Charm is a Shaping effect that dictates circumstances and actions extras cannot
resist this script for the world, while others may spend 1wp to pass off their duty to
fulfill destiny to someone else.
¡p¿A Sidereal may use this Charm to observe and affect any number of objects he
owns. He maintains ownership by using Destiny-Knitting Entanglement to check in
at least once every day. Failure to do so allows others to claim it in full, preventing
use of this Charm. Other effects that assert absolute ownership of the object will also
thwart this Charm. Recalling an object in combat costs nothing and is reflexive.¡/p¿
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Destiny-Knitting Entanglement
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Craft 3; Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Elegant Patterns of Fate
This allows the user to know where a specific object is, or to make a fate that
will draw the object to her. This can be used in combat. She can bind no more
objects than she has dots in Craft (Fate).Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals,
p. 141.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Shaping
text=Ignore the required hour of handling. Instead, this Charm can target any
object the character owns (Exalted, p. 238), as long as no other Essence user owns it.
This Charm is a Shaping effect that dictates circumstances and actions extras cannot
resist this script for the world, while others may spend 1wp to pass off their duty to
fulfill destiny to someone else.
¡p¿A Sidereal may use this Charm to observe and affect any number of objects he
owns. He maintains ownership by using Destiny-Knitting Entanglement to check in
at least once every day. Failure to do so allows others to claim it in full, preventing
use of this Charm. Other effects that assert absolute ownership of the object will also
thwart this Charm. Recalling an object in combat costs nothing and is reflexive.¡/p¿
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

World-Shaping Artistic Vision

Cost: None; Mins: Essence 2, Craft 2; Type: Permanent
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: World-Shaping Artistic Vision
This allows the user to name a specialty for manipulating fate. This reduces
the target number for Craft (Fate) rolls in that circumstances. This Charm can be
taken up to three times.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 141.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata

text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
The Sidereals long experience in crafting destinies and fate-scenarios begets an
enviable knack for manipulating circumstances in her own personal style. Upon pur-
chasing this Charm, the Sidereal chooses a circumstantial condition roughly equivalent
in breadth to a specialty, such as Seduction,? Swords,? or At Sea.? Whenever she is
awarded stunt dice while the chosen condition is met, she may exchange dice to lower
the target number of her roll on a one-for-one basis.
At the Storytellers discretion, the Sidereal may change the condition for her World-
Shaping Artistic Vision whenever she faces major changes in her life, selecting a new
condition that makes sense for the upheaval in her life. Changing Motivation is always
sufficient ground for choosing a new condition for this Charm.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

World-Shaping Artistic Vision

Cost: None; Mins: Essence 2, Craft 2; Type: Permanent
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: World-Shaping Artistic Vision
This allows the user to name a specialty for manipulating fate. This reduces
the target number for Craft (Fate) rolls in that circumstances. This Charm can be
taken up to three times.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 141.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
The Sidereals long experience in crafting destinies and fate-scenarios begets an
enviable knack for manipulating circumstances in her own personal style. Upon pur-
chasing this Charm, the Sidereal chooses a circumstantial condition roughly equivalent
in breadth to a specialty, such as Seduction,? Swords,? or At Sea.? Whenever she is
awarded stunt dice while the chosen condition is met, she may exchange dice to lower
the target number of her roll on a one-for-one basis.
At the Storytellers discretion, the Sidereal may change the condition for her World-
Shaping Artistic Vision whenever she faces major changes in her life, selecting a new
condition that makes sense for the upheaval in her life. Changing Motivation is always
sufficient ground for choosing a new condition for this Charm.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

World-Shaping Artistic Vision

Cost: None; Mins: Essence 2, Craft 2; Type: Special
Duration: Permanent

The character decides on a circumstance (roughly equivalent to an specialty)
during which she automatically reduces the target number of all her actions by
1.Source Exalted: The Sidereals, p. 144.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Mending Warped Designs

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Craft 4; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -2)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Virtue (Valor)
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Excellent Implementation of Objectives
If the user succeeds on a roll she may heal damage if the source was from
Malfeas, the Underworld, or the Wyld. This Charm can be used in conjunction with
other Sidereal Exalted.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 142.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-Basic, Shaping, Virtue (Valor)
text=The dice pool for repairing a target is based on the appropriate Ability, with
(Sidereals Essence) bonus dice. Healing living beings requires Medicine, and inan-
imate objects or structures call for the appropriate Craft. It can undo the direct
results of actions performed by anything outside fate, as well as sorcery and necro-
mancy spells. The difficulty of undoing non-health level effects of spells is equal to
(Circle x 10). The difficulty of undoing a mutation is equal to twice the mutations
point value. Undoing similar changes to inanimate things faces a similar difficulty
according to Storyteller adjudication.
Cleansing a contiguous area of tainted land within (Essence) miles requires (Re-
sources value of the land x 10) successes. This Charm cannot actually turn Bor-
dermarches into true Creation, but it can enforce the normal laws of Creation on a
waypoint for the rest of the story with 30 successes.
”Add the following to this Charm:”¡br¿
With Essence 4+ a Sidereal may exert fine enough control over the warp and weft
of fate that he may aid the pattern spi ders more closely. When the damage a thing or
character has suffered is a directly contradictory result to a Sidereal astrology destiny
laid upon the victim or the vandal, the Exalt may undo the harm with Mending
Warped Designs. Note that a destiny to parry blows? is not contradictory to having
suffered harm, but showing up at the dinner party unharmed? is.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Mending Warped Designs

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Craft 4; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -2)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Virtue (Valor)
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Excellent Implementation of Objectives
If the user succeeds on a roll she may heal damage if the source was from
Malfeas, the Underworld, or the Wyld. This Charm can be used in conjunction with
other Sidereal Exalted.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 142.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-Basic, Shaping, Virtue (Valor)
text=The dice pool for repairing a target is based on the appropriate Ability, with

(Sidereals Essence) bonus dice. Healing living beings requires Medicine, and inan-
imate objects or structures call for the appropriate Craft. It can undo the direct
results of actions performed by anything outside fate, as well as sorcery and necro-
mancy spells. The difficulty of undoing non-health level effects of spells is equal to
(Circle x 10). The difficulty of undoing a mutation is equal to twice the mutations
point value. Undoing similar changes to inanimate things faces a similar difficulty
according to Storyteller adjudication.
Cleansing a contiguous area of tainted land within (Essence) miles requires (Re-
sources value of the land x 10) successes. This Charm cannot actually turn Bor-
dermarches into true Creation, but it can enforce the normal laws of Creation on a
waypoint for the rest of the story with 30 successes.
”Add the following to this Charm:”¡br¿
With Essence 4+ a Sidereal may exert fine enough control over the warp and weft
of fate that he may aid the pattern spi ders more closely. When the damage a thing or
character has suffered is a directly contradictory result to a Sidereal astrology destiny
laid upon the victim or the vandal, the Exalt may undo the harm with Mending
Warped Designs. Note that a destiny to parry blows? is not contradictory to having
suffered harm, but showing up at the dinner party unharmed? is.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Implicit Construction Methodology

Cost: 20m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 4, Craft 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Prayer Strip
Duration: Varies
Prerequisites: , Elemental Vision, Mending Warped Designs, Predestined Deliv-
ery Shaping, World-Shaping Artistic Vision
The user provides the raw materials for a Craft project, and the item con-
structs itself. The user must keep the Essence committed and pay attention to the
labor.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 143.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm may only be
applied to a single roll per project.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Obvious, Prayer Strip, Shaping
text=Rather than enhancing a project the Sidereal undertakes, this Charm allows
it to continue in the absence of the Exalt. It does not change the time needed for
the project to complete itself, producing the same amount of work effort as if the
Sidereal were personally constructing the item. Intervals and rolls may be enhanced
normally with other Charms the Exalt knows, but these must be determined when
Implicit Construction Methodology is activated and their mote costs are committed
as long as this Charm lasts. Willpower and other costs are paid at normal intervals.
Instead of converting all dice into successes, this Charm reduces the target number
of the dice pool by 1, to a minimum of 4.
Because the project is not carried out in a remotely normal manner, teamwork and
assistants cannot aid the project unless the Storyteller deems they are appropriately
strange enough to insinuate themselves into the process.
The Sidereal intuits when the project is completed.

Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Implicit Construction Methodology

Cost: 20m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 4, Craft 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Prayer Strip
Duration: Varies
Prerequisites: , Elemental Vision, Mending Warped Designs, Predestined Deliv-
ery Shaping, World-Shaping Artistic Vision
The user provides the raw materials for a Craft project, and the item con-
structs itself. The user must keep the Essence committed and pay attention to the
labor.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 143.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm may only be
applied to a single roll per project.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Obvious, Prayer Strip, Shaping
text=Rather than enhancing a project the Sidereal undertakes, this Charm allows
it to continue in the absence of the Exalt. It does not change the time needed for
the project to complete itself, producing the same amount of work effort as if the
Sidereal were personally constructing the item. Intervals and rolls may be enhanced
normally with other Charms the Exalt knows, but these must be determined when
Implicit Construction Methodology is activated and their mote costs are committed
as long as this Charm lasts. Willpower and other costs are paid at normal intervals.
Instead of converting all dice into successes, this Charm reduces the target number
of the dice pool by 1, to a minimum of 4.
Because the project is not carried out in a remotely normal manner, teamwork and
assistants cannot aid the project unless the Storyteller deems they are appropriately
strange enough to insinuate themselves into the process.
The Sidereal intuits when the project is completed.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Dodge 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Excellent Implementation of Objectives, Destiny-Knitting Entan-
glement, Elemental Vision, Mending Warped Designs
This Charm is a Sidereal Exalted Sidereal version of the Solar Exalted Solar
Charm Shadow Over Water.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 143.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=”Add the following to this Charm:”¡br¿
Even destiny falls into regular patterns, and to avoid one blow is just as good as
avoiding all a foes attacks. Sidereals with Dodge 4+, Essence 3+ may repurchase this
Charm. If it enhanced a successful application of the characters Dodge DV against
an attacker previously in the same tick, subsequent uses against that same attacker
also raise the target number of the their dice pool by 1.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Dodge 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Excellent Implementation of Objectives, Destiny-Knitting Entan-
glement, Elemental Vision, Mending Warped Designs
This Charm is a Sidereal Exalted Sidereal version of the Solar Exalted Solar
Charm Shadow Over Water.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 143.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=”Add the following to this Charm:”¡br¿
Even destiny falls into regular patterns, and to avoid one blow is just as good as
avoiding all a foes attacks. Sidereals with Dodge 4+, Essence 3+ may repurchase this
Charm. If it enhanced a successful application of the characters Dodge DV against
an attacker previously in the same tick, subsequent uses against that same attacker
also raise the target number of the their dice pool by 1.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Avoidance Kata
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 3, Dodge 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Illusion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Duck Fate
If the Sidereal Exalted Vizier decides that they would rather avoid the present
hostilities this Charm allows them to remove themselves from the area and creates
the illusion that they were never there in the first place.Source Manual of Exalted
Power: Sidereals, p. 143-144.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratasource2=
type=Reflexive (Step 2)
keywords=Combo-Basic, Illusion, Shaping
text=This Charms unnatural Illusion is irresistible by mortals and gods, while
others may ignore it for 3wp. The Illusion does not apply against creatures outside of
fate. The Shaping effect of this Charm targets the Sidereal, not any other characters.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Avoidance Kata
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 3, Dodge 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Illusion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Duck Fate
If the Sidereal Exalted Vizier decides that they would rather avoid the present
hostilities this Charm allows them to remove themselves from the area and creates
the illusion that they were never there in the first place.Source Manual of Exalted
Power: Sidereals, p. 143-144.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratasource2=
type=Reflexive (Step 2)
keywords=Combo-Basic, Illusion, Shaping

text=This Charms unnatural Illusion is irresistible by mortals and gods, while
others may ignore it for 3wp. The Illusion does not apply against creatures outside of
fate. The Shaping effect of this Charm targets the Sidereal, not any other characters.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Trouble-Reduction Strategy
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Dodge 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Virtue(Compassion)
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Duck Fate, Duck Fate
This Charm allows the Sidereal Exalted Sidereal to use their Dodge Charms to
protect others.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 144.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Virtue (Compassion)
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Generous Sidereals learn to spot impending danger to others, protecting the people
around them even as they escape danger themselves. While this Charm is active,
the Sidereal may take a Dodge-based Defend Other action (page 8), substituting her
Dodge DV for her Parry DV. She treats these as Speed 3, DV -0 miscellaneous actions,
and can always channel Compassion to protect a warded character.
¡p¿In addition, if the Sidereal activates Avoidance Kata while protecting another
character with a Dodge-based Defend Other action, she may bring that character
along with her if they are willing, paying an additional point of Willpower for each
other character who vanishes with her.¡/p¿
¡p¿A Dodge 4+ repurchase of this Charm allows the Sidereal to commit up to
(Dexterity 1) additional motes when activating this Charm. While it is active,
she may flurry to take multiple Dodge-based Defend Other actions on a single action
tick, with each additional committed mote adding one to the number of Defend Other
actions she can maintain simultaneously.¡/p¿
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Trouble-Reduction Strategy
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Dodge 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Virtue(Compassion)
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Duck Fate, Duck Fate
This Charm allows the Sidereal Exalted Sidereal to use their Dodge Charms to
protect others.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 144.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata

keywords=Combo-OK, Virtue (Compassion)
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Generous Sidereals learn to spot impending danger to others, protecting the people
around them even as they escape danger themselves. While this Charm is active,
the Sidereal may take a Dodge-based Defend Other action (page 8), substituting her
Dodge DV for her Parry DV. She treats these as Speed 3, DV -0 miscellaneous actions,
and can always channel Compassion to protect a warded character.
¡p¿In addition, if the Sidereal activates Avoidance Kata while protecting another
character with a Dodge-based Defend Other action, she may bring that character
along with her if they are willing, paying an additional point of Willpower for each
other character who vanishes with her.¡/p¿
¡p¿A Dodge 4+ repurchase of this Charm allows the Sidereal to commit up to
(Dexterity 1) additional motes when activating this Charm. While it is active,
she may flurry to take multiple Dodge-based Defend Other actions on a single action
tick, with each additional committed mote adding one to the number of Defend Other
actions she can maintain simultaneously.¡/p¿
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Neighborhood Relocation Scheme

Cost: 15m, 1wp, 2+bhl; Mins: Essence 4, Dodge 5; Type: Simple (Speed 6, DV
Keywords: Illusion, Obvious, Prayer Strip
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Duck Fate, Avoidance Kata, Trouble-Reduction Strategy
This Charm allows the Sidereal Exalted Sidereal to relocate a portion of Cre-
ation to another area. Using this Charm without the proper authorization is an
offense against Heaven.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 144-145.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm costs 5
Willpower to resist.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratasource2=
cost=15m, 1wp, 1hl
keywords=Combo-Basic, Illusion, Obvious, Prayer Strip, Shaping
text=This Charm costs only one bashing health level per hour to maintain. The
Sidereal may change pace as she wishes, but she can never stop moving if she wishes
to keep the Charm active. The unnatural Illusion of this Charm costs 5wp to resist.
”Add the following to this Charm:”¡br¿
Targeting all or most of the same area or landmarks with multiple uses of this
Charm in the same day is taxing, on both the world and its Sidereal guardians. Each
use in the same 25 hour period after the first costs an extra +5m. Dreams and prayers
become jumbled for the inhabitants and Heaven, adding +1 to the difficulty of their
Conviction rolls to regain Willpower and any prayer rolls they make for a full week
after the last use of this Charm.

With Essence 7+, Neighborhood Relocation Scheme can be used to relocate char-
acters that exist as living landscapes or structures, such as Mother Bog, as long as
they fit completely within the range of this Charm. Such characters may either de-
fend against the Shaping of this Charm with appropriate defenses, or resist with a
(Strength + Athletics) roll at a difficulty of the Sidereals (Essence). If they succeed,
the Sidereal is unable to make any progress moving them for an hour. After every
hour this roll can be repeated, giving the relocated character an opportunity to drag
out the location or even cut it short by forcing the Sidereal to take more damage than
they can safely withstand.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Neighborhood Relocation Scheme

Cost: 15m, 1wp, 2+bhl; Mins: Essence 4, Dodge 5; Type: Simple (Speed 6, DV
Keywords: Illusion, Obvious, Prayer Strip
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Duck Fate, Avoidance Kata, Trouble-Reduction Strategy
This Charm allows the Sidereal Exalted Sidereal to relocate a portion of Cre-
ation to another area. Using this Charm without the proper authorization is an
offense against Heaven.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 144-145.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm costs 5
Willpower to resist.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratasource2=
cost=15m, 1wp, 1hl
keywords=Combo-Basic, Illusion, Obvious, Prayer Strip, Shaping
text=This Charm costs only one bashing health level per hour to maintain. The
Sidereal may change pace as she wishes, but she can never stop moving if she wishes
to keep the Charm active. The unnatural Illusion of this Charm costs 5wp to resist.
”Add the following to this Charm:”¡br¿
Targeting all or most of the same area or landmarks with multiple uses of this
Charm in the same day is taxing, on both the world and its Sidereal guardians. Each
use in the same 25 hour period after the first costs an extra +5m. Dreams and prayers
become jumbled for the inhabitants and Heaven, adding +1 to the difficulty of their
Conviction rolls to regain Willpower and any prayer rolls they make for a full week
after the last use of this Charm.
With Essence 7+, Neighborhood Relocation Scheme can be used to relocate char-
acters that exist as living landscapes or structures, such as Mother Bog, as long as
they fit completely within the range of this Charm. Such characters may either de-
fend against the Shaping of this Charm with appropriate defenses, or resist with a
(Strength + Athletics) roll at a difficulty of the Sidereals (Essence). If they succeed,
the Sidereal is unable to make any progress moving them for an hour. After every
hour this roll can be repeated, giving the relocated character an opportunity to drag
out the location or even cut it short by forcing the Sidereal to take more damage than
they can safely withstand.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Duck Fate
Cost: 10m; Mins: Essence 2, Dodge 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Absence
This Charm allows the Sidereal Exalted Sidereal a roll to perfectly dodge a
harmful effect.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 143.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm may be em-
ployed to avoid any harmful effect (including all undesired physical, social, mental
and spiritual influence), regardless of applicability or the scope of the attack, so long
as the Sidereal succeeds on the Charm’s activation roll. It fails only against Limit
Break and Pattern Bite. Duck Fate’s fallible activation roll is considered a unique
Flaw of Invulnerability.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=This Charm protects the person of the Exalt, including his possessions. It
does not protect allies or distant estates just because they may be represented as
Background traits on the Sidereals character sheet.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Duck Fate
Cost: 10m; Mins: Essence 2, Dodge 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Absence
This Charm allows the Sidereal Exalted Sidereal a roll to perfectly dodge a
harmful effect.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 143.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm may be em-
ployed to avoid any harmful effect (including all undesired physical, social, mental
and spiritual influence), regardless of applicability or the scope of the attack, so long
as the Sidereal succeeds on the Charm’s activation roll. It fails only against Limit
Break and Pattern Bite. Duck Fate’s fallible activation roll is considered a unique
Flaw of Invulnerability.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=This Charm protects the person of the Exalt, including his possessions. It
does not protect allies or distant estates just because they may be represented as
Background traits on the Sidereals character sheet.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Ox-Body Technique (Solar)

Cost: None; Mins: Essence 1, Endurance Varies; Type: Special
Duration: Permanent
This Charm allows a character to purchase extra health levels.
Source First Edition Core, p. 170.
Source: First Edition Core

Ox-Body Technique (Abyssal)
Cost: None; Mins: Essence 1, Endurance Varies; Type: Special
Duration: Permanent
This Charm allows a character to purchase extra health levels.
Source Exalted: The Abyssals, p. 174
Source: Exalted: The Abyssals

Ox-Body Technique (Sidereal)

Cost: None; Mins: Essence 1, Endurance Varies; Type: Special
Duration: Permanent
This Charm allows a character to purchase extra health levels.
Source Exalted: The Sidereals, p. 132.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Ox-Body Technique (Dragon-Blooded)

Cost: None; Mins: Essence 1, Endurance Varies; Type: Special
Duration: Permanent
This Charm allows a character to purchase extra health levels.Source Exalted:
The Dragon-Blooded, p. 195.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Unwavering Well-Being Meditation

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Endurance 3; Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
This Charm forces attackers with Essence lower than her Temperance to succeed
at a Willpower roll or automatically fail. Even if they succeed, the Exalt gains a bonus
to her soak.Source Exalted: The Sidereals, p. 133.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Cats Poise Technique (Spirit)

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 1, Essence 1; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Native, Stackable
Duration: Permanent
This Charm allows a character to purchase extra Composure levels.
Source: Goddessgood

Ox-Body Technique (Spirit)
Cost: ; Mins: Essence 1, Essence 1; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Native, Stackable
Duration: Permanent
This Charm allows a character to purchase extra health levels.
Source The Roll of Glorious Divinity I, p. 172.
Source: The Roll of Glorious Divinity I

Cats Poise Technique (Mountain Folk)

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 1, Foundation null; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Stackable
Duration: Permanent
This Charm allows a character to purchase extra Composure levels.
Source: Goddessgood

Propitious (Ability) Alignment

Cost: 2m+, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, General 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: None
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Any (Ability) Excellency
By committing motes, the Exalt may reduce the cost of the first three Excel-
lencies, to a minimum of 0.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 127
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

(Ability) Essence Exceptional

Cost: 2m+; Mins: Essence 2, General 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 1 for attacker,
Step 2 for defender)
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Any (Ability) Excellency
This Charm gambles on Fate in a synergy of destiny and heroism. Every die
affected by this Charm gains 4 successes rather than 2 upon rolling 10s. Use of this
Charm counts against Sidereal dice limits. Every 2 dice or less on a roll affected by
this Charm each count as a die against the Sidereal adder limit and costs 2m.
For example, a Sidereal who uses this Charm and has Essence 3 can affect 6 dice
in her pool, but she cannot add any dice to this roll, except by means of dice adders
which explicitly state that they ignore the Sidereal cap on dice added through Charms.
If she had added a die to her pool through the First Excellency, she would only be able
to affect 4 dice with this Charm at a maximum. Alternatively, as another example,
if she had a dice pool of 3 dice before Charms and an Essence of 2, she would still
only be able to affect the 3 dice in her pool, but would pay 4m for this as if she had
affected 4 dice and would not be able to add any further dice. If she had instead
chosen to affect only 2 dice in her pool with Exceptional then she would be free to
add another die to her pool.

Purchase and usage of this Charm is more frequently favored by (usually young,
optimistic and possibly somewhat naive) members of the Gold, rather than Bronze,
Source: Ghosthead

First (Ability) Excellency (Sidereal)

Cost: 1m per die; Mins: Essence 1, General 1; Type: Reflexive (Step 1 for
attacker, Step 2 for defender)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
This General CharmThe Three Basic Excellencies Excellency allows the Exalt
to add dice based on a roll of the Ability for which it was purchased.Source Manual
of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 126
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Second (Ability) Excellency (Sidereal)

Cost: 2m per success; Mins: Essence 1, General 1; Type: Reflexive (Step 1 for
attacker, Step 2 for defender)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
This General CharmThe Three Basic Excellencies Excellency allows the Ex-
alt to add successes to the result of a roll based on the Ability for which it was
purchased.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 126
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Fateful (Ability) Excellency

Cost: 1m+; Mins: Essence 3, General 4; Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Any (Ability) Excellency
Using this Charm, the Sidereal may reduce the Target Number for successes on
their player’s dice rolls, minimum 4. There is an alternative function to this Charm.
See the Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 127 for full details.Source Manual of
Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 127
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratakeywords=Combo-OK
2.5errata source=Scroll of Erratakeywords=Combo-OK, Nativetext=If the player
uses an auspicious success to enhance her DV, that DV is raised by (Essence), not
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Creation-Binding Will
Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Integrity 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant

Prerequisites: Creation-Preserving Will
By raw determination and might of Essence, the Sidereal connects a being
outside of Fate to the threads of her own destiny. This allows that creature to be
affected as any other being tied to the Loom of Fate in that instance. This Charm is
explicitly for use in combination with other abilities so that their Charms can effect
the many enemies of Creation that otherwise could slip by unhindered.
Source: Upaatk

Unhearing Dedication
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 2, Integrity 3; Type: Permanent
Duration: Permanent
The user selects a program endorsed by one of their superiors. Any influence
to betray that plan becomes an unacceptable order.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 179.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Tapestry-Tending Meditation
Cost: ; Mins: Essence 3, Integrity 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: (Virtue) Essence Replenishment
The Chosen of the Five Maidens become expressions of their divine benefactor’s
mandates, embodying the five greater aspects of Fate. Carrying out their Heavenly
mission, the Sidereal Exalted draw power from fulfillment of their duty. Whenever
the Exalt successfully executes an ascending or descending destiny that is in accord
with her Division, she regains a number of motes of Essence equal to the Scope nec-
essary for that destiny. Chosen of Characters:Mercury Journeys must plan destinies
that promote travel and change of perspective. Chosen of Characters:Venus Serenity
must plan destinies that uplift and promote harmony amongst people. Chosen of
Characters:Mars Battles must plan destinies that gird people for conflict with foes.
Chosen of Characters:Jupiter Secrets must plan destinies that obscure or keep hid-
den knowledge that others may seek. Chosen of Characters:Saturn Endings must
plan destinies that help bring a definite close to something. Further guidelines for
appropriate destinies each caste may perform include their Flawed Fates (Manual of
Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 118-119).
In addition each time the Sidereal learns this Charm her Peripheral Essence Pool’s
maximum increases by 10 motes. These extra motes may not be committed to an
artifact, and they are not respired normally. The Exalt must use Essence-regaining
Charms (such as this one) to refill this extended pool of motes. A Seer may learn this
Charm a maximum number of times equal to (her Essence (trait) Essence).
Source: Plague of Hats

(Virtue) Essence Replenishment

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 2, Integrity 2, (Ability) 3; Type: Special

Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Terminal Sanction, Underling Invisibility Practice, Any Integrity
This charm is actually four separate charms. ”Compassionate Essence Replen-
ishment, Stern Essence Replenishment, Heroic Essence Replenishment”, and ”Slick
Essence Replenishment”, which correspond to Compassion and Performance, Convic-
tion and Socialize, Valor and Presence, and Temperance and Bureaucracy respectively.
See the text of the Charm for full details.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals,
p. 178.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm no longer pro-
vides motes for channeling a Virtue once that Virtue has been channeled a number
of times in a day equal to its rating.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=This Charm no longer provides motes for channeling a Virtue once that
Virtue has been channeled a number of times in a day equal to its rating.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

(Virtue) Essence Replenishment

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 2, Integrity 2, (Ability) 3; Type: Special
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Terminal Sanction, Underling Invisibility Practice, Any Integrity
This charm is actually four separate charms. ”Compassionate Essence Replen-
ishment, Stern Essence Replenishment, Heroic Essence Replenishment”, and ”Slick
Essence Replenishment”, which correspond to Compassion and Performance, Convic-
tion and Socialize, Valor and Presence, and Temperance and Bureaucracy respectively.
See the text of the Charm for full details.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals,
p. 178.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm no longer pro-
vides motes for channeling a Virtue once that Virtue has been channeled a number
of times in a day equal to its rating.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=This Charm no longer provides motes for channeling a Virtue once that
Virtue has been channeled a number of times in a day equal to its rating.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Unwavering Well-Being Meditation

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Integrity 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion, Social
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Preservation of Resolve
When this Charm is used, anyone with Essence less than the Sidereal’s Tem-
perance must make a roll before the user can be attacked. The user combines her
DVs against the attack.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 178-179.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm costs 3
Willpower points to resist.

2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Social
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
With unflappable dedication to his destiny beyond the trials that face him, the
Sidereal becomes untouchable. This Charm imposes an external penalty on a physical
or social attack equal to the Exalts Temperance. Against a physical attack that still
hits despite this penalty, he also gains (Essence) bashing and lethal soak.
With an Integrity 4+, Essence 4+ repurchase the Sidereal may add +1wp to the
Cost to speak encouragement into the destiny of an ally within (Essence) yards,
allowing them to gain the benefits of this Charm.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Unwavering Well-Being Meditation

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Integrity 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion, Social
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Preservation of Resolve
When this Charm is used, anyone with Essence less than the Sidereal’s Tem-
perance must make a roll before the user can be attacked. The user combines her
DVs against the attack.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 178-179.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm costs 3
Willpower points to resist.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Social
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
With unflappable dedication to his destiny beyond the trials that face him, the
Sidereal becomes untouchable. This Charm imposes an external penalty on a physical
or social attack equal to the Exalts Temperance. Against a physical attack that still
hits despite this penalty, he also gains (Essence) bashing and lethal soak.
With an Integrity 4+, Essence 4+ repurchase the Sidereal may add +1wp to the
Cost to speak encouragement into the destiny of an ally within (Essence) yards,
allowing them to gain the benefits of this Charm.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

One Direction Invocation

Cost: 16m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 4, Integrity 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious, Prayer Strip
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Any Integrity Excellency, Unwavering Well-Being Meditation,
(Virtue) Essence Replenishment, Death-of-Self Meditation, Unwavering Well-Being

By swearing off her name until she completes a task, the user gains benefits
and penalties until the chosen task is completed. If the goal becomes unattainable,
her name and identity are lost forever.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
cost=1m, 1wp, 1hl
keywords=Combo-Basic, Obvious, Prayer Strip, Shaping
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Activating this Charm, the Sidereal throws into the air a prayer strip bearing the
Scripture of the Maidens Promise. It hangs for a second, before glowing an arrogant
purple and darting about within 100 yards of the Exalt, seeking the best route to
the end of his destiny. The Seer defers his name and any claim he has to a life
beyond his ultimate purpose, setting them aside as collateral so that the prayer strip
can invigorate him and drag him along toward his doom. His identity forgotten
by the world, whether he wears a resplendent destiny or not all who meet him are
subject to Arcane Fate regarding memories of him, even those who are outside fate
or otherwise immune to Arcane Fate normally, such as other Sidereals. This can be
avoided temporarily by stealing a name with Name-Pilfering Practice (see page 65),
but only so long as he acts the part of the stolen name.
When an Exalt activates this Charm, he must choose a goal, which then nests in
his heart in place of his name. This grants him a sorcerous Intimacy of unceasing
dedication to the goal, which cannot be removed by any means. Influence opposing
the goal is an unacceptable order. He suffers a -2 internal penalty on actions unrelated
to the goal, and a -5 internal penalty on actions contrary to the goal. None of the
Exalts own Charms or other powers can overcome these penalties he cannot ignore
As recompense, the character gains an extra success on all actions that further the
completion of the goal. He ignores any wound or fatigue penalties on actions that
are not contrary to the goal, even to the point of continuing to act when he should
be unconscious. When performing a stunt that would resonate with the Intimacy
if it were a Motivation, the Sidereal converts the stunts bonus dice into automatic
successes, and may as his stunt reward choose to heal one lethal health level of damage
or three bashing levels.
When the Exalts goal is completed, his name is returned to him as One Direction
Invocation ends. This Charm can be ended prematurely, but if so the Exalts name
is not returned he will need to go to some effort to acquire a new one, often with
the aid of relevant gods or other magical authorities. As long as he lacks a name, he
is subject to the universal Arcane Fate imposed by use of this Charm. A character
without a name cannot reactivate this Charm, even if he steals a replacement.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

One Direction Invocation

Cost: 16m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 4, Integrity 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious, Prayer Strip
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Any Integrity Excellency, Unwavering Well-Being Meditation,
(Virtue) Essence Replenishment, Death-of-Self Meditation, Unwavering Well-Being

By swearing off her name until she completes a task, the user gains benefits
and penalties until the chosen task is completed. If the goal becomes unattainable,
her name and identity are lost forever.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
cost=1m, 1wp, 1hl
keywords=Combo-Basic, Obvious, Prayer Strip, Shaping
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Activating this Charm, the Sidereal throws into the air a prayer strip bearing the
Scripture of the Maidens Promise. It hangs for a second, before glowing an arrogant
purple and darting about within 100 yards of the Exalt, seeking the best route to
the end of his destiny. The Seer defers his name and any claim he has to a life
beyond his ultimate purpose, setting them aside as collateral so that the prayer strip
can invigorate him and drag him along toward his doom. His identity forgotten
by the world, whether he wears a resplendent destiny or not all who meet him are
subject to Arcane Fate regarding memories of him, even those who are outside fate
or otherwise immune to Arcane Fate normally, such as other Sidereals. This can be
avoided temporarily by stealing a name with Name-Pilfering Practice (see page 65),
but only so long as he acts the part of the stolen name.
When an Exalt activates this Charm, he must choose a goal, which then nests in
his heart in place of his name. This grants him a sorcerous Intimacy of unceasing
dedication to the goal, which cannot be removed by any means. Influence opposing
the goal is an unacceptable order. He suffers a -2 internal penalty on actions unrelated
to the goal, and a -5 internal penalty on actions contrary to the goal. None of the
Exalts own Charms or other powers can overcome these penalties he cannot ignore
As recompense, the character gains an extra success on all actions that further the
completion of the goal. He ignores any wound or fatigue penalties on actions that
are not contrary to the goal, even to the point of continuing to act when he should
be unconscious. When performing a stunt that would resonate with the Intimacy
if it were a Motivation, the Sidereal converts the stunts bonus dice into automatic
successes, and may as his stunt reward choose to heal one lethal health level of damage
or three bashing levels.
When the Exalts goal is completed, his name is returned to him as One Direction
Invocation ends. This Charm can be ended prematurely, but if so the Exalts name
is not returned he will need to go to some effort to acquire a new one, often with
the aid of relevant gods or other magical authorities. As long as he lacks a name, he
is subject to the universal Arcane Fate imposed by use of this Charm. A character
without a name cannot reactivate this Charm, even if he steals a replacement.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Devonian Absorption (Lunar)

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 5, Intelligence 5, Lore 3; Type: Permanent
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Terrestrial Circle Sorcery, 5+ spells
This Absorption Charm allows its user to access several benefits incumbent
upon their training in the Devonian School of sorcery.* The character may attune to

artifacts much quicker.
* The character is capable of greater depths of research and analysis on supernat-
ural effects.
* The character is less likely to be interrupted when casting spells.
Source The White and Black Treatises, p. 22
Category:Universal Charms
Source: The White and Black Treatises

Salinan Absorption (Lunar)

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 5, Intelligence 5, Awareness 3; Type: Permanent
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Terrestrial Circle Sorcery, 5+ spells
This Absorption Charm allows its user to access several benefits incumbent
upon their training in the Salinan School of sorcery.* The character may use s Emerald
Countermagic against unnatural mental influence in some circumstances.
* The character may pull information from the Salinan Working, making their
Lore rolls more effective.
* The character gains more mileage out of their Arcane Link arcane links.
Source The White and Black Treatises, p. 22
Category:Universal Charms
Source: The White and Black Treatises

Silurian Absorption (Lunar)

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 5, Intelligence 5, Linguistics 3; Type: Permanent
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Terrestrial Circle Sorcery, 5+ spells
This Absorption Charm allows its user to access several benefits incumbent
upon their training in the Silurian School of sorcery.* The character may use s Emerald
Countermagic against many Fair Folk Charms or glamours.
* The character can customize an existing spell, necessitating them to repurchase
it at half cost.
* The character has more control over their own Arcane Links and is able to sever
their supernatural ties.
Source The White and Black Treatises, p. 22
Category:Universal Charms
Source: The White and Black Treatises

Terrestrial Circle Sorcery

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3, Intelligence 3; Type: Permanent
Duration: Instant
This Charm allows a Lunar Exalted Lunar to perform Terrestrial Circle Sorcery
actions (see p. 252 of the Second Edition Core), and to cast Terrestrial Circle Spells.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Lunars, p. 190.

Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Lunars

Terrestrial Circle Sorcery

Cost: 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Intelligence 3; Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
This Charm allows the Lunar to cast Terrestrial Circle Sorcery spells. See the
full text of the Charm for details.Source Exalted: The Lunars, p. 192.
Source: Exalted: The Lunars

Celestial Circle Sorcery

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 4, Intelligence 4; Type: Permanent
Duration: Instant
This Charm allows a Lunar Exalted Lunar to perform Celestial Circle Sor-
cery actions (see p. 252 of the Second Edition Core), and to cast Celestial Circle
Spells.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Lunars, p. 190.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Lunars

Celestial Circle Sorcery

Cost: 2wp; Mins: Essence 4, Intelligence 4; Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Terrestrial Circle Sorcery
This Charm allows the Lunar to cast Celestial Circle Sorcery spells. See the
full text of the Charm for Details.Source Exalted: The Lunars, p. 193.
Source: Exalted: The Lunars

Shadowlands Circle Necromancy

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3, Intelligence 3; Type: Permanent
Duration: Instant
This Charm allows a Lunar to perform Shadowlands Circle Necromancy actions
(see p. 6 of the The White and Black Treatise The Black Treatise), and to cast
Shadowlands Circle Spells.Source The White and Black Treatise The Black Treatise,
pp. 6 and 16
Source: The White and Black Treatises

Shadowlands Circle Necromancy

Cost: 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Intelligence 3; Type: Simple
Duration: Instant

This Charm allows the Lunar to cast Shadowlands Circle Necromancy spells.
See the full text of the Charm for Details.Source Exalted: The Abyssals, pp. 197 and
Source: Exalted: The Abyssals

Marvelous Inclusion of Details

Cost: 1m per success; Mins: Essence 1, Investigation 1; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
This Charm adds automatic successes to an Investigation roll and helps the
character find the evidence he wants to find.Source Exalted: The Sidereals, p. 163.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Origin of Knowledge
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Investigation 3; Type: Simple (Speed 7, DV -3)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Fate
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Excellency Any Investigation Excellency
Any good researcher knows that knowledge is only as good as its source. There-
fore, the Sidereal Exalted dig into the depths of fate to discover its origin. This Charm
must be used immediately after a piece of information is gained from some source.
The source can be someone’s words, a book, etc. Roll (Perception + Investigation).
The difficulty is dependent on how long ago the knowledge was found by the source.
If it was within the past year, the check is difficulty 1. For every magnitude of time
further back the information started, increase the difficulty by one (so ten years is
difficulty 2, 100 years difficulty 3, etc.) This means that for information that was
last discovered during the Primordial War, the difficulty is 5. This check may have
external penalties, if the source has been deliberately hidden (usually the successes
on whatever roll was made to conceal it). If the information’s origin is outside of fate,
this Charm cannot get any more specific than that.
Success immediately tells the Sidereal where the current source of the knowledge
got its information. (The person heard it in a particular lecture, the book’s author
found it etched into the side of an ancient Solar tomb, etc.) The Exalt can immediately
invoke this Charm again to find out where that source got its information. She can
continue this process until she finds out in what way the knowledge was originally
discovered or learned. In a roundabout way, this Charm can be used to detect lies,
since if someone tells the Exalt a bit of information (or where it came from), she can
use this Charm to check to see if it originated with the speaker, or if the source was
falsely given.
Source: Limited Reagent

Auspicious Prospects for (Caste)

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1, Investigation 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: Instant

Prerequisites: Presence in Absence Technique, Force Decision, Essence-Draining
Battle Pattern, Demon-Blocking Battle Pattern
There are five versions of this charm, one for each Sidereal Exalted Sidereal
Caste. If her roll is successful, the user gains a sense of whether the fate in question is
favorable in terms of the Maiden represented by the caste.Source Manual of Exalted
Power: Sidereals, p. 162.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=There is no roll to use this Charm. Sidereals may freely learn any iteration
of this Charm, though only the version corresponding to their Caste is bought or
trained at Caste/Favored experience values. The Maidens have no power to withhold
this Charm.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Auspicious Prospects for (Caste)

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1, Investigation 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Presence in Absence Technique, Force Decision, Essence-Draining
Battle Pattern, Demon-Blocking Battle Pattern
There are five versions of this charm, one for each Sidereal Exalted Sidereal
Caste. If her roll is successful, the user gains a sense of whether the fate in question is
favorable in terms of the Maiden represented by the caste.Source Manual of Exalted
Power: Sidereals, p. 162.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=There is no roll to use this Charm. Sidereals may freely learn any iteration
of this Charm, though only the version corresponding to their Caste is bought or
trained at Caste/Favored experience values. The Maidens have no power to withhold
this Charm.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Efficient Secretary Technique

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Investigation 1; Type: Simple
Duration: One miscellaneous action
This Charm summons a tiny dematerialized Pattern Spider. See the text of the
Charm for full details.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 162-163.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=This Charm can deliver any single fact that is known to at least 100 people
that are part of fate, as long as that fact is not actively concealed or generally lost.
As a rough guideline, as long as an uncontested Investigation, Lore or Occult roll,
with difficulty 5 or less, could have been validly made within most of Creation, the
spider can find and retrieve it from the records of Heaven.
As an exception to the stricture against finding information that is actively hidden
or would otherwise call for a difficulty 6+ roll to find out, the spider can retrieve any
information that is currently kept within the Sidereals personal libraries in Yu-Shan
or Creation. This exception does not apply if someone else hid the information in the
Sidereals library.

The spider travels along the Exalts own insuperable thread of fate, and can continue
to retrieve information even while in Hell or the outer Chaos of the Wyld. Wards
against scrying apply against this Charm, but the Sidereal gains (Essence) extra
successes on her roll-off.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Efficient Secretary Technique

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Investigation 1; Type: Simple
Duration: One miscellaneous action
This Charm summons a tiny dematerialized Pattern Spider. See the text of the
Charm for full details.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 162-163.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=This Charm can deliver any single fact that is known to at least 100 people
that are part of fate, as long as that fact is not actively concealed or generally lost.
As a rough guideline, as long as an uncontested Investigation, Lore or Occult roll,
with difficulty 5 or less, could have been validly made within most of Creation, the
spider can find and retrieve it from the records of Heaven.
As an exception to the stricture against finding information that is actively hidden
or would otherwise call for a difficulty 6+ roll to find out, the spider can retrieve any
information that is currently kept within the Sidereals personal libraries in Yu-Shan
or Creation. This exception does not apply if someone else hid the information in the
Sidereals library.
The spider travels along the Exalts own insuperable thread of fate, and can continue
to retrieve information even while in Hell or the outer Chaos of the Wyld. Wards
against scrying apply against this Charm, but the Sidereal gains (Essence) extra
successes on her roll-off.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Research Assistant Invocation

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Investigation 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Five Days
Prerequisites: , Efficient Secretary Technique
This Charm transforms a small plant into a research assistant.Source Manual
of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 163.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=The assistants ratings in Investigation, Lore and Occult are all equal to
the higher of the Exalts permanent Essence or 4. It has a 10m pool of Essence,
and possesses the First Lore and Occult Excellencies and the Second Investigation
Excellency, with (Ability) dice caps. It is immune to fatigue, and does not need to
sleep, breathe, eat or drink.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Research Assistant Invocation

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Investigation 2; Type: Simple

Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Five Days
Prerequisites: , Efficient Secretary Technique
This Charm transforms a small plant into a research assistant.Source Manual
of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 163.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=The assistants ratings in Investigation, Lore and Occult are all equal to
the higher of the Exalts permanent Essence or 4. It has a 10m pool of Essence,
and possesses the First Lore and Occult Excellencies and the Second Investigation
Excellency, with (Ability) dice caps. It is immune to fatigue, and does not need to
sleep, breathe, eat or drink.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Embracing Life Method

Cost: 10m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 3, Investigation 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Prayer Strip, Virtue (Compassion)
Duration: Five Days
Prerequisites: Efficient Secretary Technique, Research Assistant Invocation
If the character succeeds in her roll, after five days she gains insight into a
quandary that is vexing her.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 165.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=The Charm isn’t Obvious
according to the definition of that keyword. Burying a seed and spilling your blood
on it doesn’t immediately draw the attention of passers-by and inform them that
magic is afoot, and the seed’s growth, though fast, is not so fast that it does so either.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
type=Simple (Dramatic action)
keywords=Combo-OK, Compulsion, Shaping, Virtue (Compassion)
text=The clues and trinkets do not necessarily imply any special knowledge on the
part of the wood spirits leaving them. They are compelled by this Charm to find and
deposit elements of a prophecy they may have no part in. This unnatural Compulsion
targets only minor spirits, and is irresistible. The affected spirits come from within
10 miles if none are present for any reason, this Charm fails.
Outside of Creation and Yu-Shan, there are no nature gods to answer the call
of the Embracing Life Method, preventing this Charm from functioning unless the
Sidereal can make an appropriate stunt to circumvent this limitation. Examples
include pouring out extra libations of blood to draw ghosts in the Underworld, or
disguising the tree as a metallic sculpture to appease Autochthonian exmachina.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Embracing Life Method

Cost: 10m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 3, Investigation 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Prayer Strip, Virtue (Compassion)
Duration: Five Days
Prerequisites: Efficient Secretary Technique, Research Assistant Invocation
If the character succeeds in her roll, after five days she gains insight into a
quandary that is vexing her.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 165.

errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=The Charm isn’t Obvious
according to the definition of that keyword. Burying a seed and spilling your blood
on it doesn’t immediately draw the attention of passers-by and inform them that
magic is afoot, and the seed’s growth, though fast, is not so fast that it does so either.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
type=Simple (Dramatic action)
keywords=Combo-OK, Compulsion, Shaping, Virtue (Compassion)
text=The clues and trinkets do not necessarily imply any special knowledge on the
part of the wood spirits leaving them. They are compelled by this Charm to find and
deposit elements of a prophecy they may have no part in. This unnatural Compulsion
targets only minor spirits, and is irresistible. The affected spirits come from within
10 miles if none are present for any reason, this Charm fails.
Outside of Creation and Yu-Shan, there are no nature gods to answer the call
of the Embracing Life Method, preventing this Charm from functioning unless the
Sidereal can make an appropriate stunt to circumvent this limitation. Examples
include pouring out extra libations of blood to draw ghosts in the Underworld, or
disguising the tree as a metallic sculpture to appease Autochthonian exmachina.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Creation Smuggling Procedures

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 1, Larceny 2; Type: Simple
Duration: One day
The character and her immediate surroundings are protected from the touch
of the Wyld.Source Exalted: The Sidereals, p. 165.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Honorable Thief Spirit

Cost: 1m per target number reduction; Mins: Essence 2, Larceny 3; Type:
Duration: One scene
The character can reduce the target number of all peaceful or defensive inter-
actions with rogues, scum and knaves.Source Exalted: The Sidereals, p. 166.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Conning Chaos Technique

Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Larceny 5; Type: Simple (Speed 7, DV -2)
Keywords: Fate, Obvious, Prayer Strip, Shaping
Duration: Varies
Prerequisites: , Dream Confiscation Approach, Sidereal Shell Games
If the user succeeds on her roll, the target is plagued by Chaos for a month per
success. In return, the Wyld cedes one square mile of Bordermarches for each month
of torment the victim suffers.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 165.

Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Conning Chaos Technique

Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Larceny 5; Type: Simple (Speed 7, DV -2)
Keywords: Fate, Obvious, Prayer Strip, Shaping
Duration: Varies
Prerequisites: , Dream Confiscation Approach, Sidereal Shell Games
If the user succeeds on her roll, the target is plagued by Chaos for a month per
success. In return, the Wyld cedes one square mile of Bordermarches for each month
of torment the victim suffers.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 165.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Conning Chaos Technique

Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Larceny 5; Type: Simple
Duration: Varies
Prerequisites: Sidereal Shell Games, Dream Confiscation Approach, Honorable
Thief Spirit
If the user succeeds on her roll, the target is plagued by Chaos for a month per
success. In return, the Wyld cedes a portion of chaos to Creation for each month of
torment the victim suffers.Source Exalted: The Sidereals, p. 166.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Avoiding the Truth Technique

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Larceny 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Fate, Illusion, Virtue (Conviction)
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Marvelous Inclusion of Details, Research Assistant Invocation
If user succeeds on a roll, the target disbelieves what the user said.Source Man-
ual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 163.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm costs 3
Willpower points to resist.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Illusion, Virtue (Compassion)
text=This Charm enhances social attacks to encourage beliefs. It adds (Essence)
successes to the attack, which is compared against the targets Parry or Dodge MDV
normally. Success imposes the unnatural Illusion that what the Exalt said is untrue,
even if the target would normally believe otherwise. It costs 3wp to ignore this
influence. The Charm can also be employed to enhance truths and lies outside of
social combat.
When someone attempts to tell if the character is lying or not (Exalted, p. 131),
the difficulty to do so is raised by the Exalts Essence. Failure to see through the
Sidereals facade imposes this Charms influence on the observer.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Avoiding the Truth Technique

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Larceny 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Fate, Illusion, Virtue (Conviction)
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Marvelous Inclusion of Details, Research Assistant Invocation
If user succeeds on a roll, the target disbelieves what the user said.Source Man-
ual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 163.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm costs 3
Willpower points to resist.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Illusion, Virtue (Compassion)
text=This Charm enhances social attacks to encourage beliefs. It adds (Essence)
successes to the attack, which is compared against the targets Parry or Dodge MDV
normally. Success imposes the unnatural Illusion that what the Exalt said is untrue,
even if the target would normally believe otherwise. It costs 3wp to ignore this
influence. The Charm can also be employed to enhance truths and lies outside of
social combat.
When someone attempts to tell if the character is lying or not (Exalted, p. 131),
the difficulty to do so is raised by the Exalts Essence. Failure to see through the
Sidereals facade imposes this Charms influence on the observer.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Sidereal Shell Games

Cost: 1m +(2m per increment stolen), 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Larceny 4; Type:
Simple (Speed 6, DV -2)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Fate, Shaping
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: , Avoiding the Truth Technique, Thought Swiping Distraction
If the user roll succeeds, she can steal her Essence in Bashing and Lethal soak,
damage dice from all attacks, or dice from her target’s specific dice pool. Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 164.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-Basic, Crippling, Touch
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
The character sweeps a hand through the weave of events, wrapping her fate around
that of a target so that certain portions of one strand temporarily become indistin-
guishable from the other. Successfully touching a target, which may require an un-
armed attack as part of activating this Charm, the Sidereal rolls her (Wits + Larceny)
against the targets Dodge MDV. For every extra success, up to a maximum of (Exalts
Essence), the victim suffers a -1 internal penalty to a chosen (Attribute + Ability)
die pool and the Sidereal gains an equal amount of bonus dice to the same pool.
The Exalt can steal dice from many of a characters pools and from many targets,
but she cannot steal from the same pool twice, nor can she steal from the same pool
from multiple targets. Sidereals with Essence 4+ may add +1wp to the cost of this
Charm to steal from targets up to (Essence) yards away. This is a Shaping attack
that cannot be blocked or dodged.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Sidereal Shell Games
Cost: 1m +(2m per increment stolen), 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Larceny 4; Type:
Simple (Speed 6, DV -2)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Fate, Shaping
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: , Avoiding the Truth Technique, Thought Swiping Distraction
If the user roll succeeds, she can steal her Essence in Bashing and Lethal soak,
damage dice from all attacks, or dice from her target’s specific dice pool. Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 164.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-Basic, Crippling, Touch
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
The character sweeps a hand through the weave of events, wrapping her fate around
that of a target so that certain portions of one strand temporarily become indistin-
guishable from the other. Successfully touching a target, which may require an un-
armed attack as part of activating this Charm, the Sidereal rolls her (Wits + Larceny)
against the targets Dodge MDV. For every extra success, up to a maximum of (Exalts
Essence), the victim suffers a -1 internal penalty to a chosen (Attribute + Ability)
die pool and the Sidereal gains an equal amount of bonus dice to the same pool.
The Exalt can steal dice from many of a characters pools and from many targets,
but she cannot steal from the same pool twice, nor can she steal from the same pool
from multiple targets. Sidereals with Essence 4+ may add +1wp to the cost of this
Charm to steal from targets up to (Essence) yards away. This is a Shaping attack
that cannot be blocked or dodged.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Name Pilfering Practice

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Larceny 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Fate
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Creation Smuggling Procedures
The character steals their target’s name.Source Manual of Exalted Power:
Sidereals, p. 164
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-Basic, Crippling, Touch
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
With a sharp yank on a persons fate, the Sidereal can dislodge that persons name
and snatch it from her. This Charm functions like Sidereal Shell Games, Crippling
the target and removing from them their name. This is not an influence effect-their
name is truly disassociated from them, from all perspectives except the Sidereals.
Others cannot call to mind the targets real name. This Charm may be used to steal
any name the Sidereal is aware of, including pen names, pet names and diminutives,
though each requires a separate use.
Sidereals who have stolen a name, and made any effort to disguise themselves as
the person it belongs to, may use that name freely without equivocation or fear of
being found out as a liar. The name does belong to the Exalt, for now, and so he is

telling the truth.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Name Pilfering Practice

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Larceny 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Fate
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Creation Smuggling Procedures
The character steals their target’s name.Source Manual of Exalted Power:
Sidereals, p. 164
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-Basic, Crippling, Touch
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
With a sharp yank on a persons fate, the Sidereal can dislodge that persons name
and snatch it from her. This Charm functions like Sidereal Shell Games, Crippling
the target and removing from them their name. This is not an influence effect-their
name is truly disassociated from them, from all perspectives except the Sidereals.
Others cannot call to mind the targets real name. This Charm may be used to steal
any name the Sidereal is aware of, including pen names, pet names and diminutives,
though each requires a separate use.
Sidereals who have stolen a name, and made any effort to disguise themselves as
the person it belongs to, may use that name freely without equivocation or fear of
being found out as a liar. The name does belong to the Exalt, for now, and so he is
telling the truth.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Dream Confiscation Approach

Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Larceny 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Virtue (Temperance)
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Name-Pilfering Practice
If the user succeeds on her roll, the target can no longer dream. The target can-
not regain Willpower or regenerate Essence as normal. The Fair Folk cannot feed on
the victim. If used against the Fair Folk, this charm deals Aggravated Damage.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 164-165.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-Basic, Crippling, Touch, Virtue (Temperance)
text=The Essence of dreams is subtler even than fate-too subtle for the Sidereal to
shape, but not too subtle for them to mangle. This Charm functions like Sidereal Shell
games, Crippling the targets capacity to dream. This prevents them from regaining
Willpower from sleep, and from respiring motes normally. As dubious consolation,
their Willpower and Virtues cannot be eaten by the Fair Folk. Raksha targets are
also prevented from regaining health levels of damage from any of their own kinds of
rest or Charms, though other magics may still heal them.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Dream Confiscation Approach
Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Larceny 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Virtue (Temperance)
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Name-Pilfering Practice
If the user succeeds on her roll, the target can no longer dream. The target can-
not regain Willpower or regenerate Essence as normal. The Fair Folk cannot feed on
the victim. If used against the Fair Folk, this charm deals Aggravated Damage.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 164-165.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-Basic, Crippling, Touch, Virtue (Temperance)
text=The Essence of dreams is subtler even than fate-too subtle for the Sidereal to
shape, but not too subtle for them to mangle. This Charm functions like Sidereal Shell
games, Crippling the targets capacity to dream. This prevents them from regaining
Willpower from sleep, and from respiring motes normally. As dubious consolation,
their Willpower and Virtues cannot be eaten by the Fair Folk. Raksha targets are
also prevented from regaining health levels of damage from any of their own kinds of
rest or Charms, though other magics may still heal them.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Dream Confiscation Approach

Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Larceny 4; Type: Simple
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: , Charms:Name-Pilfering Practice Name Pilfering Practices
If the user succeeds on her roll, the target can no longer dream. The target
cannot regain Willpower or regenerate Essence as normal. The Fair Folk cannot
feed on the victim. If used against the Fair Folk, this Charm deals Aggravated
Damage.Source Exalted: The Sidereals, p. 165.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Yellow Taraxacum Yaw

Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Linguistics 3; Type: Simple (1 long tick, DV
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Illusion
Duration: Instant
The Sidereal recites a minute-long curse in the Old Realm’s tongue. (The
Charm absolutely requires knowledge of that language.) If her player succeeds at a
Wits+Linguistics roll at difficulty 5, the curse changes the fate of a message such that
it will not reach its intended recipient, but nothing will happen to indicate this to
the sender until the intended recipient takes some action indicating it did not arrive.
This does nothing to prevent future attempts at sending a message, although the
sender may never realize it did not arrive if the recipient was not expecting it, but
that attempt will have been stopped.
Source: Upaatk

Green Gramineae Gamut
Cost: 10 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Linguistics 5; Type: Simple (1 long tick, DV
Keywords: None
Duration: One hour
Prerequisites: Blue Vervain Binding, Yellow Taraxacum Yaw
The Sidereal begins a prayer to the Maiden of Journeys with the vision of a
message reaching its recipient safely and quickly, she prays for sure couriers, fast
horses and fair winds. At the end of this minute-long prayer the Sidereal has one
hour to prepare a message that will be transmitted through the fates of all who touch
her life to reach its recipient. The message can travel (Essence) miles before reaching
its recipient or a relay. Any acquaintance, familiar, or friend that has pierced her
Arcane Fate can act as a relay transmitting the message (her Essence) more miles to
the recipient or the next relay. If a relay is at one of Yu-Shan’s gateways then the
message can cross over to or from Creation and continue on to the next relay.
Source: Upaatk

Favorable Inflection Procedure

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Linguistics 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Emotion, Virtue (Compassion)
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Avoidance Kata, Trouble-Reduction Strategy
This Charm can force another to gain a one-dot Intimacy toward the user. If the
target is hostile, he becomes calm. This has no effect on Exalts in Limit Break.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 145.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm costs 2
Willpower points to resist.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Emotion, Virtue (Compassion)
text=The Intimacy created by this Charm lasts permanently unless it is eroded
through the normal means. In addition to creating the Intimacy, this Charm also
produces an Emotion of calm.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Favorable Inflection Procedure

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Linguistics 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Emotion, Virtue (Compassion)
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Avoidance Kata, Trouble-Reduction Strategy
This Charm can force another to gain a one-dot Intimacy toward the user. If the
target is hostile, he becomes calm. This has no effect on Exalts in Limit Break.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 145.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm costs 2
Willpower points to resist.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Emotion, Virtue (Compassion)
text=The Intimacy created by this Charm lasts permanently unless it is eroded
through the normal means. In addition to creating the Intimacy, this Charm also

produces an Emotion of calm.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Blue Vervain Binding

Cost: 5m, 1xp; Mins: Essence 1, Linguistics 3; Type: Simple (1 long tick, DV
Duration: One minute
The Sidereal Exalted Vizer performs a ceremony between two people that can
allow two entities to always understand each other as far as respective intellect al-
lows.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 145.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
cost=1m per character
keywords=Combo-OK, Training
text=This Charm can be used on up to (Essence + Linguistics) characters with
a single activation, allowing all targeted characters to understand each other for its
duration. In addition, any target of this Charm may reflexively learn any language
possessed by another target as a Training effect, purchasing the Linguistics dot nec-
essary to add the language.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Blue Vervain Binding

Cost: 5m, 1xp; Mins: Essence 1, Linguistics 3; Type: Simple (1 long tick, DV
Duration: One minute
The Sidereal Exalted Vizer performs a ceremony between two people that can
allow two entities to always understand each other as far as respective intellect al-
lows.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 145.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
cost=1m per character
keywords=Combo-OK, Training
text=This Charm can be used on up to (Essence + Linguistics) characters with
a single activation, allowing all targeted characters to understand each other for its
duration. In addition, any target of this Charm may reflexively learn any language
possessed by another target as a Training effect, purchasing the Linguistics dot nec-
essary to add the language.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Blue Vervain Binding

Cost: 5m, 1xp; Mins: Essence 1, Linguistics 3; Type: Simple
Duration: One minute

The Sidereal Exalted Vizer performs a ceremony between two people that
can allow two entities to always understand each other as far as respective intellect
allows.Source Exalted: The Sidereals, p. 148.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Lover’s Oath
Cost: 20m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Linguistics 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Prayer Strip, Fate
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Blue Vervain Binding, Abandoned Words Curse, Favorable In-
flection Procedure
This binds the Sidereal Exalted Sidereal with another willing being, allowing
them to use each others traits. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 146.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
type=Simple (Dramatic action)
keywords=Combo-OK, Overdrive, Prayer Strip
prereq=Favorable Inflection Procedure, Blue Vervain Binding, Abandoned Words
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
The Sidereal Lovers Oath is a bold declaration of the need one can feel for another,
even at the expense of life itself. Use of this Charm requires binding a prayer strip
around the hands of the participants in celebration of their partnership, officiated by
the Sidereal. The prayer strip becomes a pair of starmetal rings adorning the finger
of each of the two participants, affirming their pledge.
If the Sidereal binds herself to a partner with an Essence pool, both the Sidereal
and her lover gain ten-mote Overdrive pools, which come into existence containing
ten motes. If the Sidereals partner has no Essence pool, then only the Sidereal gains
the pool. If the Sidereal is binding two other characters with this Charm, then no
pool is created.
While this Charm persists, the lovers may reflexively protect one another with De-
fend Other actions whenever they are within (Dexterity) yards of each other. When-
ever such a Defend Other action is used successfully, the protector gains one offensive
Should an enemy manage to strike one of the lovers through such a Defend Other
action, the defender may reflexively accept as many levels of the damage as she desires
herself for each level of damage she takes onto herself, the protected lover gains two
overdrive motes.
Additionally, the ring produced by this Charm gleams brightly whenever the char-
acters partner is in the grip of some powerful emotion by paying one Willpower,
the character may experience whatever emotion her partner is feeling (discovering
whether it is pain, joy, sadness, etc), though no context is gained.
Finally, after a scene in which one of the lovers has defended her partner in some
way (whether through violence or social action), the defender may roll (higher of
Compassion or Conviction) to regain Willpower as though from a nights sleep. This
benefit may apply no more than once per season.

A character may be subject to no more than a single Lovers Oath at a time. The
Charms effects end when either partner removes their ring voluntarily, or when one
of the rings is destroyed (treat as attempting to destroy a prayer strip).
Venus frowns on frivolous use of this Charm. While there are no direct mechan-
ical repercussions for crass and utilitarian use of Lovers Oath, misfortune has been
observed to follow those who cavalierly bind their fates together.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Lover’s Oath
Cost: 20m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Linguistics 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Prayer Strip, Fate
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Blue Vervain Binding, Abandoned Words Curse, Favorable In-
flection Procedure
This binds the Sidereal Exalted Sidereal with another willing being, allowing
them to use each others traits. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 146.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
type=Simple (Dramatic action)
keywords=Combo-OK, Overdrive, Prayer Strip
prereq=Favorable Inflection Procedure, Blue Vervain Binding, Abandoned Words
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
The Sidereal Lovers Oath is a bold declaration of the need one can feel for another,
even at the expense of life itself. Use of this Charm requires binding a prayer strip
around the hands of the participants in celebration of their partnership, officiated by
the Sidereal. The prayer strip becomes a pair of starmetal rings adorning the finger
of each of the two participants, affirming their pledge.
If the Sidereal binds herself to a partner with an Essence pool, both the Sidereal
and her lover gain ten-mote Overdrive pools, which come into existence containing
ten motes. If the Sidereals partner has no Essence pool, then only the Sidereal gains
the pool. If the Sidereal is binding two other characters with this Charm, then no
pool is created.
While this Charm persists, the lovers may reflexively protect one another with De-
fend Other actions whenever they are within (Dexterity) yards of each other. When-
ever such a Defend Other action is used successfully, the protector gains one offensive
Should an enemy manage to strike one of the lovers through such a Defend Other
action, the defender may reflexively accept as many levels of the damage as she desires
herself for each level of damage she takes onto herself, the protected lover gains two
overdrive motes.
Additionally, the ring produced by this Charm gleams brightly whenever the char-
acters partner is in the grip of some powerful emotion by paying one Willpower,
the character may experience whatever emotion her partner is feeling (discovering
whether it is pain, joy, sadness, etc), though no context is gained.
Finally, after a scene in which one of the lovers has defended her partner in some
way (whether through violence or social action), the defender may roll (higher of

Compassion or Conviction) to regain Willpower as though from a nights sleep. This
benefit may apply no more than once per season.
A character may be subject to no more than a single Lovers Oath at a time. The
Charms effects end when either partner removes their ring voluntarily, or when one
of the rings is destroyed (treat as attempting to destroy a prayer strip).
Venus frowns on frivolous use of this Charm. While there are no direct mechan-
ical repercussions for crass and utilitarian use of Lovers Oath, misfortune has been
observed to follow those who cavalierly bind their fates together.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Of Legends Not Yet Ended

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Lore 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: , Methodology Of Secrets

The Sidereal scribes his own existence into the fundamental coding of fate as a
cosmological constant, a fixed point in reality. Should his existence be compromised
by magic that reshapes reality, the Loom undergoes a forced refresh, restoring him
to his original saved state. This Charm renders the Sidereal immune to all unwanted
Shaping effects. Rather than simply resisting effects that tamper with his existence,
however, the Sidereal appears to succumb to them, only to flicker back to his original
state seconds later.
Of course, this does present some difficulties against magic that outright terminates
the Sidereal’s existence. This Charm’s defense still functions normally against such
effects, the pattern spiders forcing the Sidereal’s existence to begin refreshing even
before the fatal Shaping has taken hold of him. However, the weavers of fate do not
appreciate being forced to design such ludicrous events, causing the Sidereal to gain
a point of Paradox if he resists an effect that would otherwise have killed him. He
can suffer this penalty no more than once per day; any more, and the spiders assume
he has legitimate reason to need their protection.
Source: The Demented One

Systematic Understanding of Everything

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1, Lore 1; Type: Reflexive
Duration: Until the character sleeps
The character gains a +1 specialty which applies to all relevant Abilities.Source
Exalted: The Sidereals, p. 166.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Methodology of Secrets
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Lore 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: None
Duration: Until the next time the user sleeps

The character gains three bonus specialties.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 166.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Methodology of Secrets
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Lore 2; Type: Reflexive
Duration: Until the character sleeps
Prerequisites: Systematic Understanding of Everything
The character gains a specialty with a +3 bonus to one Ability and +1 to all
other applicable Abilities.Source Exalted: The Sidereals, p. 167.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Avoiding the Truth Technique

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Lore 3; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
The character adds her Essence in automatic successes to a roll to convince
her target she is lying.Source Exalted: The Sidereals, p. 169.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Of Truths Best Unspoken

Cost: 10m; Mins: Essence 3, Lore 4; Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Virtue (Conviction)
Duration: Three Hours
Prerequisites: Any Larceny Excellency, Dream Confiscation Approach, Method-
ology of Secrets
The user must meditate for three hours with at least two other Sidereal Exalted
Sidereals of different castes than the user under the starry sky. The user receives a
glimpse of the future. This requires a roll to decipher.Source Manual of Exalted
Power: Sidereals, p. 166.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=Use of this Charm does not require the presence of other Sidereals. The aid
of other Viziers, even if they do not know this Charm, allows for limited teamwork
on the roll to interpret the vision (Exalted, p. 125).
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Of Truths Best Unspoken

Cost: 10m; Mins: Essence 3, Lore 4; Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Virtue (Conviction)
Duration: Three Hours
Prerequisites: Any Larceny Excellency, Dream Confiscation Approach, Method-
ology of Secrets
The user must meditate for three hours with at least two other Sidereal Exalted
Sidereals of different castes than the user under the starry sky. The user receives a

glimpse of the future. This requires a roll to decipher.Source Manual of Exalted
Power: Sidereals, p. 166.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=Use of this Charm does not require the presence of other Sidereals. The aid
of other Viziers, even if they do not know this Charm, allows for limited teamwork
on the roll to interpret the vision (Exalted, p. 125).
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Of Secrets Yet Untold

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Lore 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Compulsion, Fate
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Systematic Understanding of Everything, Methodology of Secrets
The user binds a target Earth spirit to not attack her until a favor is repaid.
The spirit can roll to ignore this effect.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm costs 5
Willpower to resist.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Compulsion, Social
text=This Charm is a social attack of (Manipulation + Presence + Lore) against
the spirits Dodge MDV. By committing the Cost of the Charm, the Sidereal can
ensure that the favor will be borne out within the current story.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Of Secrets Yet Untold

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Lore 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Compulsion, Fate
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Systematic Understanding of Everything, Methodology of Secrets
The user binds a target Earth spirit to not attack her until a favor is repaid.
The spirit can roll to ignore this effect.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm costs 5
Willpower to resist.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Compulsion, Social
text=This Charm is a social attack of (Manipulation + Presence + Lore) against
the spirits Dodge MDV. By committing the Cost of the Charm, the Sidereal can
ensure that the favor will be borne out within the current story.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Of the Shape of the World

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Lore 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Fate
Duration: Instant

Prerequisites: Systematic Understanding of Everything, Methodology of Secrets
The user makes a roll and can discern facts about a person, place or object
depending on the number of successes she rolls. This Charm can only be used once a
month.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 167-168.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=This Charm can be invoked at most once per day regarding the same target.
Sidereals understand that they see only vague shadows of the future, and that they
may be changed not just by their own actions, but the actions of others.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Of the Shape of the World

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Lore 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Fate
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Systematic Understanding of Everything, Methodology of Secrets
The user makes a roll and can discern facts about a person, place or object
depending on the number of successes she rolls. This Charm can only be used once a
month.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 167-168.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=This Charm can be invoked at most once per day regarding the same target.
Sidereals understand that they see only vague shadows of the future, and that they
may be changed not just by their own actions, but the actions of others.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Of Things Desired and Feared

Cost: 10m; Mins: Essence 3, Lore 4; Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Three Hours
Prerequisites: Systematic Understanding of Everything, Methodology of Secrets
The user must meditate with two other Sidereal Exalted Sidereals of different
castes. The user makes a roll. If successful, the user sees the path to accomplish a
goal and the price that must be paid. If the user agrees to pay the price, it is fated
the event will come to pass. Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 168.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratasource2=
text=Use of this Charm does not require the presence of other Sidereals. The aid
of other Viziers, even if they do not know this Charm, allows for limited teamwork on
the roll to interpret the vision (see Exalted, p. 125). If the desired goal is significantly
contested by powerful magic beings, usually other Exalts, or spirits with permanent
Essence at least half that of the Sidereals, then this Charm cannot be used to over-
whelm them. This is a very loose guideline, and Storytellers are encouraged to ignore
it if the conflict is incidental to their story or would be uninteresting in extended play.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Of Things Desired and Feared

Cost: 10m; Mins: Essence 3, Lore 4; Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)

Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Three Hours
Prerequisites: Systematic Understanding of Everything, Methodology of Secrets
The user must meditate with two other Sidereal Exalted Sidereals of different
castes. The user makes a roll. If successful, the user sees the path to accomplish a
goal and the price that must be paid. If the user agrees to pay the price, it is fated
the event will come to pass. Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 168.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratasource2=
text=Use of this Charm does not require the presence of other Sidereals. The aid
of other Viziers, even if they do not know this Charm, allows for limited teamwork on
the roll to interpret the vision (see Exalted, p. 125). If the desired goal is significantly
contested by powerful magic beings, usually other Exalts, or spirits with permanent
Essence at least half that of the Sidereals, then this Charm cannot be used to over-
whelm them. This is a very loose guideline, and Storytellers are encouraged to ignore
it if the conflict is incidental to their story or would be uninteresting in extended play.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Of Horrors Best Unknown

Cost: 10m; Mins: Essence 3, Lore 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Virtue (Valor)
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Systematic Understanding of Everything, Of Secrets Yet Untold,
Of the Shape of the World
The user rolls and casts a net of fate over a target she can see. If the user is
successful, the target’s target number can be reduced when a circumstance comes up
the Sidereal Exalted Sidereal chose when the Charm was performed.Source Manual
of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 168.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratakeywords=Shaping, Virtue
(Valor)text=To clarify, it brings creatures outside of fate inside fate for a year and a
day, while its ”Target Number”-modifying curse lasts only for the first scene in which
the net’s criteria are met.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratasource2=
keywords=Combo-OK, Shaping, Virtue (Valor)
text=To clarify, this Charm brings creatures outside of fate inside of fate for a year
and a day, while its Target Number?-modifying curse lasts only for the first scene in
which the nets criteria are met.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Of Horrors Best Unknown

Cost: 10m; Mins: Essence 3, Lore 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Virtue (Valor)
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Systematic Understanding of Everything, Of Secrets Yet Untold,
Of the Shape of the World

The user rolls and casts a net of fate over a target she can see. If the user is
successful, the target’s target number can be reduced when a circumstance comes up
the Sidereal Exalted Sidereal chose when the Charm was performed.Source Manual
of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 168.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratakeywords=Shaping, Virtue
(Valor)text=To clarify, it brings creatures outside of fate inside fate for a year and a
day, while its ”Target Number”-modifying curse lasts only for the first scene in which
the net’s criteria are met.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratasource2=
keywords=Combo-OK, Shaping, Virtue (Valor)
text=To clarify, this Charm brings creatures outside of fate inside of fate for a year
and a day, while its Target Number?-modifying curse lasts only for the first scene in
which the nets criteria are met.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Transcendent Hatchet of Fate

Cost: 16m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 4, Lore 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Prayer Strip, Fate
Duration: Until Used
Prerequisites: Of the Shape of the World, Of Horrors Best Unknown, Of Things
Desired and Feared, Of Truths Best Unspoken
The user makes a roll. On a success, the target loses a number of Willpower
and Motes equal to the user’s Essence plus successes. This also adds a Destiny to the
victim.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 168.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-Basic, Prayer Strip, Shaping
text=This Charm is a Shaping attack that cannot be blocked or dodged. Even if
a character avoids the loss of Willpower and motes, they still know their doom.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Transcendent Hatchet of Fate

Cost: 16m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 4, Lore 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Prayer Strip, Fate
Duration: Until Used
Prerequisites: Of the Shape of the World, Of Horrors Best Unknown, Of Things
Desired and Feared, Of Truths Best Unspoken
The user makes a roll. On a success, the target loses a number of Willpower
and Motes equal to the user’s Essence plus successes. This also adds a Destiny to the
victim.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 168.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-Basic, Prayer Strip, Shaping
text=This Charm is a Shaping attack that cannot be blocked or dodged. Even if
a character avoids the loss of Willpower and motes, they still know their doom.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Seven Blades Constellation
Cost: ; Mins: Essence 3, Martial Arts 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Native
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Lotus Eye Tactics
Weaving the fates of his weapons into a single strand, the Sidereal tethers them
all to his own soul and martial skill. When attuning multiple weapons, the Sidereal
only commits the full cost of the weapon with the highest attunement cost. All further
attuned artifacts require a commitment of only one mote. However, the Sidereal only
gains this benefit when attuning Martial Arts weapons, or artifacts that are form
weapons for a style that he has learned at least up to its Form Charm. Shields are
counted as weapons for this effect, but this Charm cannot reduce the cost to attune
to armor or non-weapon artifacts, or to N/A-rated artifacts.
Source: The Demented One

Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Martial Arts 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Stackable
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Finger-Stealing Handshake
Feeling along a tenor of fate, a Sidereal may strike at her opponents relevance,
separating the momentous from the also-ran. This Charm supplements an unarmed
martial arts attack; should the attack strike its target, that all of that targets actions
raise their Speed by one for (Sidereals Essence / 2, round up) actions. Subsequent
strikes reset this timer and cumulatively increase the Speed of the targets actions.
This Charm may not raise a targets Speed higher than 7.
Source Lords of Creation
Source: Lords of Creation

Cost: 10m; Mins: Essence 6, Martial Arts 6; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Clear Eyes Defense
The Sidereal, having enriched the world with his lessons, has earned its grati-
tude. It moves to punish those would attempt to strike down such a wise master. All
Charms:Sifu’s Useful Fingers shadow fingers within range of the Sidereals attacker
may reflexively launch one attack with the combat Ability of their choice at that
individual. With Martial Arts 7+, Essence 7+ the Sidereal may add a one Willpower
surcharge to this Charms cost to automatically render this mass-counterattack a co-
ordinated attack. Individual shadow fingers may opt not to participate in this attack
if they choose, at no cost. This Charm may be used no more than once per action.
Source Lords of Creation
Source: Lords of Creation

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 5, Martial Arts 5; Type: Permanent

Keywords: Native
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Lotus Eye Tactics, One complete Celestial martial art (all
Masters of space and time, Sidereals embody the principles which engender the
Martial Arts. This Charm replicates the effects of the Solar Charm Charms:Divine
Transcendence of (Ability) Divine Transcendence of Martial Arts.
Source Lords of Creation
Source: Lords of Creation

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 4, Martial Arts 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Throne Shadow Form
A Sidereal activating this Charm modifies his opponents attacks. For one action,
all attacks against the Exalt suffer an internal penalty equal to the difference between
the Ability being used and the lowest of the attackers Archery, Martial Arts, Melee
and Thrown ratings. Eyes Toward an Ending must be activated while the character
is using a Form-type Charm and may expressly enhance any Form-type Charm the
character knows
monkeys-vol-33-the-dawn-solution-part-ii.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol 33
Source: Ink Monkeys

Secret Lesson Revelation

Cost: - (2wp); Mins: Essence 4, Martial Arts 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Training
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Throne Shadow Form
Sidereal sifus convey their teachings through parables and secret meanings,
giving their students strange lessons whose purpose is only revealed when they are
completed. To utilize this Charm, the vizier spends a scene in the company of a pupil
and then explains how the events of the scene taught a particular Martial Arts Charm
the Sidereal knows. The student may not be in experience debt and must be capable
of learning the Charm in question (i.e. possesses all prerequisites, trait requirements,
etc.). If the Charm is beyond the understanding of the student, it cannot be taught,
so Dragon-Blooded cannot learn Celestial Martial Arts without a tutor and can’t
learn Sidereal styles at all. Only the willing mind can learn, so students who reject
the lesson gain nothing from it.
A sifu’s explanations can be direct and obvious or convoluted and contrived, but
the Storyteller must approve the lesson. For instance, having the student punch
boards until his knuckles bleed is a clear way to teach Fists of Iron Technique. More
abstractly, the sifu could watch the student dancing with her beloved and remark
how the formalized grip of the waltz taught her Dragon Coil Technique. Once the
Storyteller approves the explanation, the Sidereal pays two Willpower and the student
instantly learns the Charm in question as a Training effect.

With Martial Arts 6+, Secret Lesson Revelation becomes more potent. The sifu
can teach Charms he does not personally know to his shadow fingers, provided he
has seen the Charm used on at least five separate scenes to become familiar with its
Source Ink Monkeys, vol. 48
Source: Ink Monkeys

Final Student Dedication

Cost: –; Mins: Essence 4, Martial Arts 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Native, Obvious
Duration: Special
Prerequisites: Throne Shadow Form
When one of the Sidereal Exalted dies, Heaven knows a great loss, for it shall
be some time before his Exaltation once more works the will of Fate. However, the
wisdom of the Viziers may be preserved in some small way with their death. Upon
filling the last of his dying levels, the Vizier’s thread in the Loom of Fate snaps. He
still dies, and his Exaltation is marked for a successor. However, he emerges into
being once more with the first breath of his Exaltation’s next host. He retains all of
his previous statistics and powers. However, this new life is only temporary; his fate
is spliced into that of his successor, and so this comes with new complications:¡p¿¡/p¿
* The successor is always considered a Shadow Finger for the purposes of charms
that interact with them.¡p¿
* If his successor dies, then the Vizier immediately perishes permanently.¡/p¿
* If the Vizier fails to spend at least one scene a day of meaningful interaction
with his successor, then he accumulates a point of paradox per such day.¡p¿
* The Vizier also gains paradox from his anima flare, as though he were always in
a Resplendent Destiny.¡/p¿
* The Pattern Spiders still collectively forget paradox on a regular schedule. How-
ever, any effect which rapidly reduces Paradox–such as the Wrapped Fly Ritual, or
Paradox Backlash–leave one point of Paradox permanently on the Sidereal.¡p¿
* If the Sidereal reaches ten points of permanent Paradox, he immediately ceases
to be. His successor immediately suffers a single Paradox Backlash as she Exalts
ahead of schedule.¡/p¿
When the successor Exalts, the Vizier immediately disintegrates into Essence. Any
Vizier whose charge is soon fated to take the Second Breath gains an innate advance
knowledge of this. He is, however, under an irresistable Compulsion to remain silent.
Such Sidereals frequently take the week or so that they have left to set any remaining
affairs in order. If the successor Exalts according to her proper fate and on schedule,
the Vizier may pass down a single Intimacy as he passes on to Lethe.¡/p¿
Source: Mockery

Joy in Adversity Stance

Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 1, Martial Arts 2; Type: Reflexive
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Secrets of Future Strife

This Charm allows the character to regain essence from avoiding attacks.Source
Exalted: The Sidereals, p. 180.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Terminate Suffering
Cost: 5 motes, 1 willpower; Mins: Essence 3, Medicine 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Touch, Virtue (Compassion)
Duration: One scene
The Sidereal can use this Charm when a person is suffering the pains and pangs
of Creation. This charm will eliminate all wound penalties, but only wound penalties,
in the recipient of the Charm. The Sidereal’s player rolls (Perception + Medicine)
against the current number of wound penalties and removes their effect for the rest
of the scene if successful.
Source: Upaatk

Peaceable Conclusion
Cost: 2m (+1wp, 1lhl); Mins: Essence 2, Medicine 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Horrific Wreath
This Charm allows the Sidereal Exalted Sidereal to kill a cooperating living
creature.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 184.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
type=Simple (Speed 3)
keywords=Combo-OK, Touch, Virtue (Valor)
duration=One scene
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Calling upon the mercy that the Maiden of Endings shows for those in her somber
dominion, the Sidereal may take away the suffering that accompanies death. As she
touches a character, she brings an ending to the pain they might feel, negating any
wound penalties they would suffer for the duration of this Charm. Characters who
die under the effects of Peaceable Conclusion feel no pain as they pass, and their souls
pass into Lethe without regret. The corpses of characters who die such a death can
never be raised as undead.
Peaceable Conclusion has the opposite effect when used on a creature of death,
suffusing them with the stillness of the grave. Such characters suffer a -3 internal
penalty on all non-reflexive actions as a Crippling effect for the duration of this
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Peaceable Conclusion
Cost: 2m (+1wp, 1lhl); Mins: Essence 2, Medicine 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Horrific Wreath

This Charm allows the Sidereal Exalted Sidereal to kill a cooperating living
creature.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 184.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
type=Simple (Speed 3)
keywords=Combo-OK, Touch, Virtue (Valor)
duration=One scene
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Calling upon the mercy that the Maiden of Endings shows for those in her somber
dominion, the Sidereal may take away the suffering that accompanies death. As she
touches a character, she brings an ending to the pain they might feel, negating any
wound penalties they would suffer for the duration of this Charm. Characters who
die under the effects of Peaceable Conclusion feel no pain as they pass, and their souls
pass into Lethe without regret. The corpses of characters who die such a death can
never be raised as undead.
Peaceable Conclusion has the opposite effect when used on a creature of death,
suffusing them with the stillness of the grave. Such characters suffer a -3 internal
penalty on all non-reflexive actions as a Crippling effect for the duration of this
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Smooth Transition
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Medicine 3; Type: Simple (Different Speed)
Keywords: Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Smooth Transition, Peaceable Conclusion
This Charm extends Peaceable Conclusion to people who are dying and uncon-
scious.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 184.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Virtue (Valor)
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
When ghosts and the walking dead linger on in the lands of the living, it falls upon
Saturns Chosen to guide them back to their ordained endings. Smooth Transition
can supplement any attack against a creature of death, causing it to deal aggravated
damage and adding one automatic success to the damage roll. Undead extras hit
by the attack are automatically destroyed: zombies fall apart as they remember that
they are dead, while ghosts pass peacefully into Lethe.
At first, Saturns Chosen were confounded by the presence of this Charm in the
Scripture of the Maiden and the Road, not knowing what their patron might have
intended for it. When the first Neverborn fell, they understood, and used Smooth
Transition to purge the hekatonkires and shambling horrors left in its wake.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Smooth Transition
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Medicine 3; Type: Simple (Different Speed)
Keywords: Touch

Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Smooth Transition, Peaceable Conclusion
This Charm extends Peaceable Conclusion to people who are dying and uncon-
scious.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 184.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Virtue (Valor)
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
When ghosts and the walking dead linger on in the lands of the living, it falls upon
Saturns Chosen to guide them back to their ordained endings. Smooth Transition
can supplement any attack against a creature of death, causing it to deal aggravated
damage and adding one automatic success to the damage roll. Undead extras hit
by the attack are automatically destroyed: zombies fall apart as they remember that
they are dead, while ghosts pass peacefully into Lethe.
At first, Saturns Chosen were confounded by the presence of this Charm in the
Scripture of the Maiden and the Road, not knowing what their patron might have
intended for it. When the first Neverborn fell, they understood, and used Smooth
Transition to purge the hekatonkires and shambling horrors left in its wake.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Invocation of the Storm-Following Silence

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Medicine 3; Type: Instant
Keywords: Obvious, Compulsion, Virtue (Valor)
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Any Medicine Excellency, Smooth Transition
This Charm allows Smooth Transition to be used as an area of effect.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 185.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
cost=5m, 1wp
keywords=Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping, Virtue (Valor)
duration=Instant or Indefinite
prereq=Smooth Transition
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Creation is wounded by the taint of death, falling into rot and ruin where the
nightlands encroach upon its boundaries. What the world needs now is healing.
Activating this Charm, the Sidereal rolls (Charisma + Medicine). Violet radiance
flashes forth from his hands and eyes, dealing a single level of aggravated damage to
all creatures of death within (Essence x 10) yards who have an Essence rating lower
than the rolled successes. Undead extras are destroyed automatically as described in
Smooth Transition.
In addition, the Sidereal may choose to commit the mote cost of this Charm
indefinitely, evoking an aura of violet Essence that radiates out to (Essence x 10)

yards. Within this Shaping aura, shadowlands behave as though they were a natural
part of Creation.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Invocation of the Storm-Following Silence

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Medicine 3; Type: Instant
Keywords: Obvious, Compulsion, Virtue (Valor)
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Any Medicine Excellency, Smooth Transition
This Charm allows Smooth Transition to be used as an area of effect.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 185.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
cost=5m, 1wp
keywords=Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping, Virtue (Valor)
duration=Instant or Indefinite
prereq=Smooth Transition
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Creation is wounded by the taint of death, falling into rot and ruin where the
nightlands encroach upon its boundaries. What the world needs now is healing.
Activating this Charm, the Sidereal rolls (Charisma + Medicine). Violet radiance
flashes forth from his hands and eyes, dealing a single level of aggravated damage to
all creatures of death within (Essence x 10) yards who have an Essence rating lower
than the rolled successes. Undead extras are destroyed automatically as described in
Smooth Transition.
In addition, the Sidereal may choose to commit the mote cost of this Charm
indefinitely, evoking an aura of violet Essence that radiates out to (Essence x 10)
yards. Within this Shaping aura, shadowlands behave as though they were a natural
part of Creation.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Terminate Illness
Cost: 10m; Mins: Essence 2, Medicine 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Touch, Virtue (Conviction)
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Smooth Transition
This Charm cures a person suffering from a normal disease. Source Manual of
Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 185.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=No roll is needed to end mundane diseases. With Essence 3+, the Sidereal
can use this Charm to cure even magical Sickness. Doing so requires an activation roll
as described in the Charms text, and extends the time needed to activate this Charm
to one hour. Magical diseases without a Virulence rating cannot be cured with this

Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Terminate Illness
Cost: 10m; Mins: Essence 2, Medicine 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Touch, Virtue (Conviction)
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Smooth Transition
This Charm cures a person suffering from a normal disease. Source Manual of
Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 185.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=No roll is needed to end mundane diseases. With Essence 3+, the Sidereal
can use this Charm to cure even magical Sickness. Doing so requires an activation roll
as described in the Charms text, and extends the time needed to activate this Charm
to one hour. Magical diseases without a Virulence rating cannot be cured with this
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Terminate Illness
Cost: 10m; Mins: Essence 2, Medicine 3; Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
This Charm cures a person suffering from a normal disease with a successful
roll.Source Exalted: The Sidereals, p. 183.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Earth and Sky Bargain

Cost: 10m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 4, Medicine 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious, Prayer Strip
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Terminate Illness, Deferred Wounds, Smooth Transition
This Charm summons a God or Spirit to the user within 24 hours. See the text
of the Charm for full details.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 186.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
prereq=Deferred Wounds, Invocation of the Storm-Following Silence
text=Earth and Sky Bargain adds (Essence + Charisma + Medicine) to the Side-
reals bashing and lethal soak. This counts as natural soak and is compatible with
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Earth and Sky Bargain

Cost: 10m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 4, Medicine 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious, Prayer Strip
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Terminate Illness, Deferred Wounds, Smooth Transition

This Charm summons a God or Spirit to the user within 24 hours. See the text
of the Charm for full details.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 186.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
prereq=Deferred Wounds, Invocation of the Storm-Following Silence
text=Earth and Sky Bargain adds (Essence + Charisma + Medicine) to the Side-
reals bashing and lethal soak. This counts as natural soak and is compatible with
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Melee 5, Archery 4, Cup 5, Conviction 2; Type:
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Fire and Stones Strike, Fire and Stones Strike, Know the Souls
Prive, Order-Affirming Blow, Protection of Celestial Bliss, General of the All-Seeing
Sun, Some Text Here
”’ to copy is any Errata and/or a book/page reference, and it should be no
more verbose than officially given.
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===Content Templates===
The following templates are available for use in the creation of content such as
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* Template:Artifact - The template used for miscellaneous Artifacts.
** Template:ArtifactArmor - Used for Armor, this template adds a special stat
** Template:ArtifactWeapon - Used for Weapons, this template adds a special stat
* Template:Background - A basic stat-block template for new Backgrounds.
* Template:Character - A simple template to use for Characters.
* Exalted Wiki:Character Sheet Character Sheet - A more complex and detailed
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* Template:Charm - The basic template for Charms. Do not use directly.
** Template:1eSidCharm -
** Template:2eSolCharm -
** Template:1eTerCharm -
** Template:2eTerCharm - ...And so on using the following formula:
::: Edition number, e, first three letters of Exalt type, then Charm.

::: Uni strands for Universal. TMA, CMA, and SMA are for the three types of
Martial Arts.
* Template:Item - Use for mundane Items.
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** Template:ItemWeapon - Used for mundane Weapons, features a special stat
* Template:Flaw - Used for Flaws.
* Template:Hearthstone - A template used for Hearthstones.
* Template:Manse - This template is used for Manses.
* Template:Merit - Used for Merits.
* Template:Spell - A template used for sorcery, necromancy and protocols.
=== Unfinished Content Templates ===
* Template:Character - A complex template with a lot of features used for all kinds
of Characters.
* Template:Dominion - Mandate of Heaven Character sheet.
=== Inclusion Templates ===
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such as listing all Charms of a Martial Arts Style on it’s main page.
* Template:clinc - Template to include Charms. Use: ¡nowiki¿clinc Thunderclap
* Template:hlinc - Template to include Hearthstones. Use: ¡nowiki¿hlinc Gem of
* Template:slinc - Template to include Spells. Use: ¡nowiki¿slinc Blood of Boiling
=== Shortcut Templates ===
The following templates help to easily add all kinds of smaller content. They are
often used as part of other templates.
* Template:BackToTop - Template inserts a small ”back to top” link that brings
users to the top of the page.
* Template:Dot - We may migrate to this buddy if/when the wiki updates to 1.6
** Template:Dot0 - Works for Dot0-10. Additionally, there are
** Template:Dot0x10 - For when ten spaces are needed. There are a few other
minor templates such as these for boxes and such.
** Template:DotNA - This too
* Template:EssenceColor - Giving easy and standardized access to two sets of
colors for every exalt type
* Template:EssenceColorTable - Using EssenceColor, this template can be used
within a style=” ” parameter to provide a properly colored 2px border and background
* Template:BackTo - A simple template to be used at the top of pages go back
one step
* Template:DiscussMe - A simple template to be used at the bottom of pages to
provide an easy link to their Talk article
* Template:Source - A small indented grey text for use to clarify the source of
certain texts.
=== Utility Templates ===
The following templates serve utility purposes, such as adding warning signs and
properly categorizing pages.

* Template:UAN - ”Urgent Attention Needed” for pages that need work. Use at
the top of a page.
* Template:UAN - ”Urgent Attention Needed” for pages that need work. Use at
the top of a page.
* Template:PCV - ”Possible Copyright Violation” for dubious content. Use at the
top of a page.
* Template:Spoiler - ”Spoiler” warning as appropriate. Use directly above the
section in question.
* Template:Unofficial - ”Unofficial” warning as appropriate. Use directly above
the section in question.
* Template:IStub - ”Important Stub” for short but important pages. Use at the
bottom of a page.
* Template:Stub - ”Stub” for short articles. Use at the bottom of a page.
* Template:DeleteMe - ”Scheduled for Deletion”. Use on pages that are no longer
required and can be safely deleted. Please always supply a reason.
==Old Template Organization==
* ”’Exalted Wiki:Message templates Message templates”’. These templates are
used to include standardized information that is of general interest to the readers
and/or article contributors. They are generally intended to catch one’s attention
and inform them of the status of the article, whether it be a warning of a copyright
violation, a request for comments, or a disambiguation notice.
name=Abandon Words Blessing
cost=10 motes, 1 willpower
type=Simple (1 long tick, DV -2)
keywords=Fate, Illusion
duration=One scene
pc1=Blue Vervain Binding
The Sidereal begins a chant that rotates through all of the languages she knows
and seems to twist through all possible accents of each. Slowly this begins to blur
into languages the Sidereal does not know, although anyone who knows any languages
used can hear her saying, ”Let me speak my fate.” By the end of the minute-long
chant the Sidereal has evoled her ability to communicate until it is not using any
languages at all, but the statement above is clear to all who are nearby and each
believes it stated in their own tongue.
For the remaineder of the scene the Sidereal speaks through the very stirrings of
fate and understands speech in the same way. This bypasses all language barriers or
physical limitations that might bar communication and may even be used with long
distance communications, such as through an artifact, charm or spell. Communicating

in this way has the illusion of being perfectly normal to any she communicates with
or near.
This communication is intelligible to any who would normally have heard her
speaking unless she disquises her speech with a Wits+Linguistics roll, difficulty 3.
In doing so she can transmit her messages through more subtle stirrings of fate,
such as the twirling of grasses or patterns of frost on an icy pond, however this is
more recognizable as supernatural communication by its receiver or by unintended
recipients if she fails the roll to hide her communication.
Source: Xeriar

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Melee 5, Archery 4, Cup 5, Conviction 2; Type:
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Fire and Stones Strike, Fire and Stones Strike, Know the Souls
Prive, Order-Affirming Blow, Protection of Celestial Bliss, General of the All-Seeing
Sun, Some Text Here
”’ to copy is any Errata and/or a book/page reference, and it should be no
more verbose than officially given.
Category:Tutorials¡noinclude¿BackTo Help:Contents
The ”’templates”’ are a method by which the MediaWiki software includes stan-
dardized blocks of text in an article. These blocks are stored in separate pages in
the ”Template:” Help:namespace namespace, and are automatically updated wher-
ever they are included site-wide, whenever template page is updated. In other words,
when the template is updated, you do not need to update any pages that use it.
”’See also:”’ Help: Template¡/noinclude¿
===Content Templates===
The following templates are available for use in the creation of content such as
Artifacts or Items. The usage of these templates is detailed on their article pages.
Simply click on the links below to learn how to use those templates, and what they
look like when in use. Also check out the Help:Contributing Content Contributing
Content Tutorial for more information on how to add your own material.
* Template:Artifact - The template used for miscellaneous Artifacts.
** Template:ArtifactArmor - Used for Armor, this template adds a special stat
** Template:ArtifactWeapon - Used for Weapons, this template adds a special stat
* Template:Background - A basic stat-block template for new Backgrounds.
* Template:Character - A simple template to use for Characters.
* Exalted Wiki:Character Sheet Character Sheet - A more complex and detailed
template to use for Characters, featuring different types of Exalts, stat blocks, Charms
and more!
* Template:Charm - The basic template for Charms. Do not use directly.
** Template:1eSidCharm -
** Template:2eSolCharm -
** Template:1eTerCharm -
** Template:2eTerCharm - ...And so on using the following formula:

::: Edition number, e, first three letters of Exalt type, then Charm.
::: Uni strands for Universal. TMA, CMA, and SMA are for the three types of
Martial Arts.
* Template:Item - Use for mundane Items.
** Template:ItemArmor - Used for mundane Armor, features a special stat block.
** Template:ItemWeapon - Used for mundane Weapons, features a special stat
* Template:Flaw - Used for Flaws.
* Template:Hearthstone - A template used for Hearthstones.
* Template:Manse - This template is used for Manses.
* Template:Merit - Used for Merits.
* Template:Spell - A template used for sorcery, necromancy and protocols.
=== Unfinished Content Templates ===
* Template:Character - A complex template with a lot of features used for all kinds
of Characters.
* Template:Dominion - Mandate of Heaven Character sheet.
=== Inclusion Templates ===
The following templates serve to easily include articles of content on other pages,
such as listing all Charms of a Martial Arts Style on it’s main page.
* Template:clinc - Template to include Charms. Use: ¡nowiki¿clinc Thunderclap
* Template:hlinc - Template to include Hearthstones. Use: ¡nowiki¿hlinc Gem of
* Template:slinc - Template to include Spells. Use: ¡nowiki¿slinc Blood of Boiling
=== Shortcut Templates ===
The following templates help to easily add all kinds of smaller content. They are
often used as part of other templates.
* Template:BackToTop - Template inserts a small ”back to top” link that brings
users to the top of the page.
* Template:Dot - We may migrate to this buddy if/when the wiki updates to 1.6
** Template:Dot0 - Works for Dot0-10. Additionally, there are
** Template:Dot0x10 - For when ten spaces are needed. There are a few other
minor templates such as these for boxes and such.
** Template:DotNA - This too
* Template:EssenceColor - Giving easy and standardized access to two sets of
colors for every exalt type
* Template:EssenceColorTable - Using EssenceColor, this template can be used
within a style=” ” parameter to provide a properly colored 2px border and background
* Template:BackTo - A simple template to be used at the top of pages go back
one step
* Template:DiscussMe - A simple template to be used at the bottom of pages to
provide an easy link to their Talk article
* Template:Source - A small indented grey text for use to clarify the source of
certain texts.
=== Utility Templates ===
The following templates serve utility purposes, such as adding warning signs and
properly categorizing pages.

* Template:UAN - ”Urgent Attention Needed” for pages that need work. Use at
the top of a page.
* Template:UAN - ”Urgent Attention Needed” for pages that need work. Use at
the top of a page.
* Template:PCV - ”Possible Copyright Violation” for dubious content. Use at the
top of a page.
* Template:Spoiler - ”Spoiler” warning as appropriate. Use directly above the
section in question.
* Template:Unofficial - ”Unofficial” warning as appropriate. Use directly above
the section in question.
* Template:IStub - ”Important Stub” for short but important pages. Use at the
bottom of a page.
* Template:Stub - ”Stub” for short articles. Use at the bottom of a page.
* Template:DeleteMe - ”Scheduled for Deletion”. Use on pages that are no longer
required and can be safely deleted. Please always supply a reason.
==Old Template Organization==
* ”’Exalted Wiki:Message templates Message templates”’. These templates are
used to include standardized information that is of general interest to the readers
and/or article contributors. They are generally intended to catch one’s attention
and inform them of the status of the article, whether it be a warning of a copyright
violation, a request for comments, or a disambiguation notice.
name=Abandon Words Blessing
cost=10 motes, 1 willpower
type=Simple (1 long tick, DV -2)
keywords=Fate, Illusion
duration=One scene
pc1=Blue Vervain Binding
The Sidereal begins a chant that rotates through all of the languages she knows
and seems to twist through all possible accents of each. Slowly this begins to blur
into languages the Sidereal does not know, although anyone who knows any languages
used can hear her saying, ”Let me speak my fate.” By the end of the minute-long
chant the Sidereal has evoled her ability to communicate until it is not using any
languages at all, but the statement above is clear to all who are nearby and each
believes it stated in their own tongue.
For the remaineder of the scene the Sidereal speaks through the very stirrings of
fate and understands speech in the same way. This bypasses all language barriers or
physical limitations that might bar communication and may even be used with long
distance communications, such as through an artifact, charm or spell. Communicating

in this way has the illusion of being perfectly normal to any she communicates with
or near.
This communication is intelligible to any who would normally have heard her
speaking unless she disquises her speech with a Wits+Linguistics roll, difficulty 3.
In doing so she can transmit her messages through more subtle stirrings of fate,
such as the twirling of grasses or patterns of frost on an icy pond, however this is
more recognizable as supernatural communication by its receiver or by unintended
recipients if she fails the roll to hide her communication.
Source: Xeriar

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Melee 5, Archery 4, Cup 5, Conviction 2; Type:
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Fire and Stones Strike, Fire and Stones Strike, Know the Souls
Prive, Order-Affirming Blow, Protection of Celestial Bliss, General of the All-Seeing
Sun, Some Text Here
”’ to copy is any Errata and/or a book/page reference, and it should be no
more verbose than officially given.
Category:Tutorials¡noinclude¿BackTo Help:Contents
The ”’templates”’ are a method by which the MediaWiki software includes stan-
dardized blocks of text in an article. These blocks are stored in separate pages in
the ”Template:” Help:namespace namespace, and are automatically updated wher-
ever they are included site-wide, whenever template page is updated. In other words,
when the template is updated, you do not need to update any pages that use it.
”’See also:”’ Help: Template¡/noinclude¿
===Content Templates===
The following templates are available for use in the creation of content such as
Artifacts or Items. The usage of these templates is detailed on their article pages.
Simply click on the links below to learn how to use those templates, and what they
look like when in use. Also check out the Help:Contributing Content Contributing
Content Tutorial for more information on how to add your own material.
* Template:Artifact - The template used for miscellaneous Artifacts.
** Template:ArtifactArmor - Used for Armor, this template adds a special stat
** Template:ArtifactWeapon - Used for Weapons, this template adds a special stat
* Template:Background - A basic stat-block template for new Backgrounds.
* Template:Character - A simple template to use for Characters.
* Exalted Wiki:Character Sheet Character Sheet - A more complex and detailed
template to use for Characters, featuring different types of Exalts, stat blocks, Charms
and more!
* Template:Charm - The basic template for Charms. Do not use directly.
** Template:1eSidCharm -
** Template:2eSolCharm -
** Template:1eTerCharm -
** Template:2eTerCharm - ...And so on using the following formula:

::: Edition number, e, first three letters of Exalt type, then Charm.
::: Uni strands for Universal. TMA, CMA, and SMA are for the three types of
Martial Arts.
* Template:Item - Use for mundane Items.
** Template:ItemArmor - Used for mundane Armor, features a special stat block.
** Template:ItemWeapon - Used for mundane Weapons, features a special stat
* Template:Flaw - Used for Flaws.
* Template:Hearthstone - A template used for Hearthstones.
* Template:Manse - This template is used for Manses.
* Template:Merit - Used for Merits.
* Template:Spell - A template used for sorcery, necromancy and protocols.
=== Unfinished Content Templates ===
* Template:Character - A complex template with a lot of features used for all kinds
of Characters.
* Template:Dominion - Mandate of Heaven Character sheet.
=== Inclusion Templates ===
The following templates serve to easily include articles of content on other pages,
such as listing all Charms of a Martial Arts Style on it’s main page.
* Template:clinc - Template to include Charms. Use: ¡nowiki¿clinc Thunderclap
* Template:hlinc - Template to include Hearthstones. Use: ¡nowiki¿hlinc Gem of
* Template:slinc - Template to include Spells. Use: ¡nowiki¿slinc Blood of Boiling
=== Shortcut Templates ===
The following templates help to easily add all kinds of smaller content. They are
often used as part of other templates.
* Template:BackToTop - Template inserts a small ”back to top” link that brings
users to the top of the page.
* Template:Dot - We may migrate to this buddy if/when the wiki updates to 1.6
** Template:Dot0 - Works for Dot0-10. Additionally, there are
** Template:Dot0x10 - For when ten spaces are needed. There are a few other
minor templates such as these for boxes and such.
** Template:DotNA - This too
* Template:EssenceColor - Giving easy and standardized access to two sets of
colors for every exalt type
* Template:EssenceColorTable - Using EssenceColor, this template can be used
within a style=” ” parameter to provide a properly colored 2px border and background
* Template:BackTo - A simple template to be used at the top of pages go back
one step
* Template:DiscussMe - A simple template to be used at the bottom of pages to
provide an easy link to their Talk article
* Template:Source - A small indented grey text for use to clarify the source of
certain texts.
=== Utility Templates ===
The following templates serve utility purposes, such as adding warning signs and
properly categorizing pages.

* Template:UAN - ”Urgent Attention Needed” for pages that need work. Use at
the top of a page.
* Template:UAN - ”Urgent Attention Needed” for pages that need work. Use at
the top of a page.
* Template:PCV - ”Possible Copyright Violation” for dubious content. Use at the
top of a page.
* Template:Spoiler - ”Spoiler” warning as appropriate. Use directly above the
section in question.
* Template:Unofficial - ”Unofficial” warning as appropriate. Use directly above
the section in question.
* Template:IStub - ”Important Stub” for short but important pages. Use at the
bottom of a page.
* Template:Stub - ”Stub” for short articles. Use at the bottom of a page.
* Template:DeleteMe - ”Scheduled for Deletion”. Use on pages that are no longer
required and can be safely deleted. Please always supply a reason.
==Old Template Organization==
* ”’Exalted Wiki:Message templates Message templates”’. These templates are
used to include standardized information that is of general interest to the readers
and/or article contributors. They are generally intended to catch one’s attention
and inform them of the status of the article, whether it be a warning of a copyright
violation, a request for comments, or a disambiguation notice.
name=Abandon Words Blessing
cost=10 motes, 1 willpower
type=Simple (1 long tick, DV -2)
keywords=Fate, Illusion
duration=One scene
pc1=Blue Vervain Binding
The Sidereal begins a chant that rotates through all of the languages she knows
and seems to twist through all possible accents of each. Slowly this begins to blur
into languages the Sidereal does not know, although anyone who knows any languages
used can hear her saying, ”Let me speak my fate.” By the end of the minute-long
chant the Sidereal has evoled her ability to communicate until it is not using any
languages at all, but the statement above is clear to all who are nearby and each
believes it stated in their own tongue.
For the remaineder of the scene the Sidereal speaks through the very stirrings of
fate and understands speech in the same way. This bypasses all language barriers or
physical limitations that might bar communication and may even be used with long
distance communications, such as through an artifact, charm or spell. Communicating

in this way has the illusion of being perfectly normal to any she communicates with
or near.
This communication is intelligible to any who would normally have heard her
speaking unless she disquises her speech with a Wits+Linguistics roll, difficulty 3.
In doing so she can transmit her messages through more subtle stirrings of fate,
such as the twirling of grasses or patterns of frost on an icy pond, however this is
more recognizable as supernatural communication by its receiver or by unintended
recipients if she fails the roll to hide her communication.
Source: Xeriar

Orchestration of Conflict
Cost: 2m per target number reduction; Mins: Essence 2, Melee 3; Type: Sup-
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Harmony of Blows
This Charm reduces the target number of a Melee attack or parry.Source
Exalted: The Sidereals, p. 157.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Harmony of Blows
Cost: 8m; Mins: Essence 2, Melee 2; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Virtue (Temperance)
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Hungry Touch, Forgotten Earth, Inexorable Advance
This charm allows the user extra attack actions, ignoring multiple-action penal-
ties and the weapon’s Rate.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 155.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of ErrataThis Charm says that the Sidereal
”can take two extra attack actions.” This mean she makes three attacks in total.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
cost=2m per attack (+1wp)
text=Harmony of Blows allows the Sidereal to take up to (Dexterity) attacks as
part of the magical flurry it creates. Doing so costs two motes per action, or a flat
cost of five motes if only Melee attacks are included. No enemy can have more than
one attack directed at them unless the Sidereal pays a surcharge of one Willpower
when activating this Charm.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Harmony of Blows
Cost: 8m; Mins: Essence 2, Melee 2; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Virtue (Temperance)
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Hungry Touch, Forgotten Earth, Inexorable Advance

This charm allows the user extra attack actions, ignoring multiple-action penal-
ties and the weapon’s Rate.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 155.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of ErrataThis Charm says that the Sidereal
”can take two extra attack actions.” This mean she makes three attacks in total.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
cost=2m per attack (+1wp)
text=Harmony of Blows allows the Sidereal to take up to (Dexterity) attacks as
part of the magical flurry it creates. Doing so costs two motes per action, or a flat
cost of five motes if only Melee attacks are included. No enemy can have more than
one attack directed at them unless the Sidereal pays a surcharge of one Willpower
when activating this Charm.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Harmony of Blows
Cost: 8m; Mins: Essence 2, Melee 2; Type: Extra Action
Duration: Instant
The character can make two extra attack actions using either of Archery, Brawl,
Melee or Thrown.Source Exalted: The Sidereals, p. 156.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Impeding the Flow

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Melee 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Harmony of Blows
This makes the successes on an incoming attack zero if the attack meets certain
criteria. See the full text of the charm.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
type=Reflexive (Step 2)
keywords=Combo-OK, Obvious
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
The Sidereals manifest will swirls around her as a whirlwind of red stardust, draw-
ing in her own assured triumph while blowing misfortune on her enemies. Impeding
the Flow cancels up to (Melee) points of penalties to the Sidereals Parry DV, and
imposes a -3 external penalty on an attack against her. A character who fails their

attack roll against a Sidereal using Impeding the Flow suffers a cumulative -1 external
penalty on all attacks against her for the rest of the tick.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Impeding the Flow

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Melee 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Harmony of Blows
This makes the successes on an incoming attack zero if the attack meets certain
criteria. See the full text of the charm.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
type=Reflexive (Step 2)
keywords=Combo-OK, Obvious
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
The Sidereals manifest will swirls around her as a whirlwind of red stardust, draw-
ing in her own assured triumph while blowing misfortune on her enemies. Impeding
the Flow cancels up to (Melee) points of penalties to the Sidereals Parry DV, and
imposes a -3 external penalty on an attack against her. A character who fails their
attack roll against a Sidereal using Impeding the Flow suffers a cumulative -1 external
penalty on all attacks against her for the rest of the tick.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Serenity in Blood
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Melee 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Harmony of Blows, Impeding the Flow
This is a perfect defense, blocking even unexpected attacks if the user succeeds
in a roll. This charm has one of the Flaw of Invulnerability Four Flaws of Invulnera-
bility.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 155.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of ErrataThis Charm only applies its listed
Willpower cost the first time it is invoked during the character’s action.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Obvious
text=This Charm does not specially protect against unexpected attacks. Its Flaw
of Invulnerability is that it cannot be activated to defend against attacks validly

enhanced by Sidereal astrology laid by the Exalt himself, and against attacks enhanced
by others Sidereal astrology it suffers a +3m surcharge.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Serenity in Blood
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Melee 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Harmony of Blows, Impeding the Flow
This is a perfect defense, blocking even unexpected attacks if the user succeeds
in a roll. This charm has one of the Flaw of Invulnerability Four Flaws of Invulnera-
bility.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 155.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of ErrataThis Charm only applies its listed
Willpower cost the first time it is invoked during the character’s action.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Obvious
text=This Charm does not specially protect against unexpected attacks. Its Flaw
of Invulnerability is that it cannot be activated to defend against attacks validly
enhanced by Sidereal astrology laid by the Exalt himself, and against attacks enhanced
by others Sidereal astrology it suffers a +3m surcharge.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Meditation on War
Cost: 1m/penalty cancelled; Mins: Essence 1, Melee 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Virtue (Temperance)
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Harmony of Blows, Impeding the Flow, Harmony of Blows
This charm allows the user to ignore penalties to her attack.Source Manual of
Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 156.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Native, Overdrive
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Mighty as the blessings of the Maidens may be, the true weapon of the Sidereal
Exalted is neither fist nor daiklave nor destiny nor even Essence-it is the world itself
and their ability to shape it. This Charm grants an Overdrive pool with a capacity
of ten motes. Whenever the Sidereal successfully blocks an attack using her Parry
DV while taking a Defend Other action to protect an individual she has instructed

in some way in the past, or when such an individual protects her the same way, she
gains two offensive motes. Instruction? in this case includes not only characters who
have learned Charms, sorcery, or new Abilities or Specialty dots from the Sidereal,
but also those that have significantly benefitted from her advice or stratagems, at the
Storytellers discretion.
Additionally, the Sidereal gains the ability to spend her Overdrive motes to fuel
the attacks of not only herself, but also of former students (as defined above) within
(Essence x 50) yards.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Meditation on War
Cost: 1m/penalty cancelled; Mins: Essence 1, Melee 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Virtue (Temperance)
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Harmony of Blows, Impeding the Flow, Harmony of Blows
This charm allows the user to ignore penalties to her attack.Source Manual of
Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 156.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Native, Overdrive
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Mighty as the blessings of the Maidens may be, the true weapon of the Sidereal
Exalted is neither fist nor daiklave nor destiny nor even Essence-it is the world itself
and their ability to shape it. This Charm grants an Overdrive pool with a capacity
of ten motes. Whenever the Sidereal successfully blocks an attack using her Parry
DV while taking a Defend Other action to protect an individual she has instructed
in some way in the past, or when such an individual protects her the same way, she
gains two offensive motes. Instruction? in this case includes not only characters who
have learned Charms, sorcery, or new Abilities or Specialty dots from the Sidereal,
but also those that have significantly benefitted from her advice or stratagems, at the
Storytellers discretion.
Additionally, the Sidereal gains the ability to spend her Overdrive motes to fuel
the attacks of not only herself, but also of former students (as defined above) within
(Essence x 50) yards.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Smiling at the Damned

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Melee 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Conviction
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Harmony of Blows
This reduces post-soak damage from the user, but makes the damage aggra-
vated. See full text of the charm for details.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Side-

reals, p. 156.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”br¿
In the moment that the Sidereals blade strikes true, the colors around her take on
the harsh red tinge of her martial Essence. Essence dissolves at the weapons touch.
An attack supplemented by this Charm adds one level of aggravated damage to its
final damage in Step 10.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Smiling at the Damned

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Melee 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Conviction
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Harmony of Blows
This reduces post-soak damage from the user, but makes the damage aggra-
vated. See full text of the charm for details.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Side-
reals, p. 156.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”br¿
In the moment that the Sidereals blade strikes true, the colors around her take on
the harsh red tinge of her martial Essence. Essence dissolves at the weapons touch.
An attack supplemented by this Charm adds one level of aggravated damage to its
final damage in Step 10.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Perfection of the Visionary Warrior

Cost: 10m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 4, Melee 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Prayer Strip
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: , Orchestration of Mirrored Fates, Serenity in Blood, Smiling at
the Damned
This allows the Sidereal Exalted Sidereal to both double and suffer no onslaught
penalty to her PDV. It also allows her to make a reflexive action once per action. See
the full text of this charm for details.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-Basic, Obvious, Prayer Strip
text=Perfection of the Visionary Warrior does not double the Sidereals Parry DV,
but instead reduces the DV penalty of any action she takes in combat by one point in
addition to canceling onslaught penalties. With Essence 4+, the Sidereal may choose
to stock the reflexive attacks granted by this Charm, up to a maximum of (Dexterity)
stocked attacks.

Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Perfection of the Visionary Warrior

Cost: 10m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 4, Melee 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Prayer Strip
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: , Orchestration of Mirrored Fates, Serenity in Blood, Smiling at
the Damned
This allows the Sidereal Exalted Sidereal to both double and suffer no onslaught
penalty to her PDV. It also allows her to make a reflexive action once per action. See
the full text of this charm for details.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-Basic, Obvious, Prayer Strip
text=Perfection of the Visionary Warrior does not double the Sidereals Parry DV,
but instead reduces the DV penalty of any action she takes in combat by one point in
addition to canceling onslaught penalties. With Essence 4+, the Sidereal may choose
to stock the reflexive attacks granted by this Charm, up to a maximum of (Dexterity)
stocked attacks.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Geomancy of Souls
Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower; Mins: Essence 5, Occult 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Enlightening, Obvious, Touch
Duration: One scene/indefinite
The Geomantic Occult rituals ”Essential River Channeling”, ”Essence Enlight-
ening Sutra” and ”Yoga of Celestial Refinement” all have their roots in this Sidereal
Charm. During the activation of this Charm, a Sidereal comes to understand the
flow of essence in his body and in Creation around him so well that he can make
the minute adjustments needed in a mortal to enlighten him to essence use. This
process may be done to as many mortals as the Sidereal can treat within a scene,
requiring five long ticks of manipulation and five motes of essence reflexively for each
mortal enlightened. Enlightened mortals gain an essence pool, but do not increase
their permanent Essence after being effected by this charm.
This Charm has even greater benefits to a Sidereal Martial Artist. For the remain-
der of the scene that this Charm is active, the costs of Charms from the Supernatural
Martial Art that most represents the Chosen’s connection to their Caste and the
Maidens is reduced by three motes (to a minimum of 0). Additionally, once a Side-
real has mastered this Charm they have also gained such an innate sense of Creation’s
Essence that the Terrestrial Martial Arts come to them as easily as breathing. The
experience costs for any Terrestrial Martial Arts Charm is reduced by four points,
and their training time is halved.

Source: Upaatk

Innocuous Maneuver
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Occult 3; Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Mark of Exaltation, Incite Decorum
The Sidereal acquires a god’s support in some political matter. Refer to the
full text for the details.Source Exalted: The Sidereals, p. 171.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Mark of Exaltation
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Occult 1; Type: Simple
Keywords: Social, Virtue (Compassion)
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Methodology of Secrets, Of Truths Best Unspoken, Of Things
Desired and Feared, Of Horrors Best Unknown, Of Secrets Yet Untold, Avoiding the
Truth Technique
The user can see unmanifested Spirits within a radius and gains an automatic
success on rolls involving certain abilities when dealing with them.Source Manual of
Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 169.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Obvious, Virtue (Compassion)
text=The Mark of Exaltation shines out to (Essence x 50) yards, not (Essence x
5). Instead of adding an automatic success to the Sidereals social rolls, it adds one
to her effective Appearance rating when interacting with spirits in social combat. It
is Obvious only to characters capable of seeing the Marks light.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Mark of Exaltation
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Occult 1; Type: Simple
Keywords: Social, Virtue (Compassion)
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Methodology of Secrets, Of Truths Best Unspoken, Of Things
Desired and Feared, Of Horrors Best Unknown, Of Secrets Yet Untold, Avoiding the
Truth Technique
The user can see unmanifested Spirits within a radius and gains an automatic
success on rolls involving certain abilities when dealing with them.Source Manual of
Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 169.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata

keywords=Combo-OK, Obvious, Virtue (Compassion)
text=The Mark of Exaltation shines out to (Essence x 50) yards, not (Essence x
5). Instead of adding an automatic success to the Sidereals social rolls, it adds one
to her effective Appearance rating when interacting with spirits in social combat. It
is Obvious only to characters capable of seeing the Marks light.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Telltale Symphony
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Occult 3; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -0)
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: , Mark of Exaltation
If the user succeeds at a roll, she can identify the details of a supernatural effect.
This can also be used to tell the rank of the present spirit.Source Manual of Exalted
Power: Sidereals, p. 169.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
duration=One hour
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Patterns of Essence become music to the Sidereals ears, untangling the mysterious
threads of fate with the revelation of their song. Charms, sorcery, and other magic
give off a strange music that is nevertheless fitting to their aspect and nature. Spirits
ring with the soft tintinnabulation of bells, while artifacts hum in low tones. Other
than its purely auditory nature, this Charm fnctions as All-Encompassing Sorcerers
Sight (Exalted, p. 222).
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Telltale Symphony
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Occult 3; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -0)
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: , Mark of Exaltation
If the user succeeds at a roll, she can identify the details of a supernatural effect.
This can also be used to tell the rank of the present spirit.Source Manual of Exalted
Power: Sidereals, p. 169.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
duration=One hour
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Patterns of Essence become music to the Sidereals ears, untangling the mysterious
threads of fate with the revelation of their song. Charms, sorcery, and other magic
give off a strange music that is nevertheless fitting to their aspect and nature. Spirits
ring with the soft tintinnabulation of bells, while artifacts hum in low tones. Other
than its purely auditory nature, this Charm fnctions as All-Encompassing Sorcerers
Sight (Exalted, p. 222).

Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Incite Decorum
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Occult 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Fate
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Mark of Exaltation
Any spirits present whose Essence is not greater than the user’s must remain
cordial while in their presence. This effect can be canceled by the target by spending
Willpower.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 169-170.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Compulsion
text=This Charm applies against spirits of any type employed by Heaven officially,
up to Essence 8 and regardless of how the Sidereals Essence compares.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Incite Decorum
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Occult 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Fate
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Mark of Exaltation
Any spirits present whose Essence is not greater than the user’s must remain
cordial while in their presence. This effect can be canceled by the target by spending
Willpower.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 169-170.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Compulsion
text=This Charm applies against spirits of any type employed by Heaven officially,
up to Essence 8 and regardless of how the Sidereals Essence compares.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Unweaving Method
Cost: 5m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 5, Occult 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious, Shaping
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Telltale Symphony, Incite Decorum
A target in the user’s line of sight takes unblockable, unsoakable damage.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 170.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Lending a sense of imminent doom to her own destiny, the Sidereal lashes out with
the threads of her fate like a whip, ensnaring a target with tragedy and corruption.
This is a (Dexterity + Occult) attack, with Accuracy +0, Damage 4A/2, Rate 1,
Range (Exalts Essence x 10), Tags: O. It cannot be blocked or dodged, but it also
cannot target creatures of death, such as Abyssal Exalted, ghosts and ghost-blooded.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Unweaving Method
Cost: 5m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 5, Occult 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious, Shaping
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Telltale Symphony, Incite Decorum
A target in the user’s line of sight takes unblockable, unsoakable damage.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 170.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Lending a sense of imminent doom to her own destiny, the Sidereal lashes out with
the threads of her fate like a whip, ensnaring a target with tragedy and corruption.
This is a (Dexterity + Occult) attack, with Accuracy +0, Damage 4A/2, Rate 1,
Range (Exalts Essence x 10), Tags: O. It cannot be blocked or dodged, but it also
cannot target creatures of death, such as Abyssal Exalted, ghosts and ghost-blooded.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Unweaving Method
Cost: 5m, 1wp, 1hl; Mins: Essence 3, Occult 4; Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Innocuous Maneuver
A target in the user’s line of sight takes unblockable, undodgeable and unsoak-
able aggravated damage. Only defenses against the influence of the Wyld can protect
against this Charm’s effect.Source Exalted: The Sidereals, p. 171.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Devonian Absorption (Solar)

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 5, Occult 5, Lore 3; Type: Permanent
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Peaceable Conclusion, Invocation of the Storm-Following Silence,
Terminate Illness, Terrestrial Circle Sorcery, 5+ spells
This Absorption Charm allows its user to access several benefits incumbent
upon their training in the Devonian School of sorcery.* The character may attune to
artifacts much quicker.
* The character is capable of greater depths of research and analysis on supernat-
ural effects.
* The character is less likely to be interrupted when casting spells.
Source The White and Black Treatises, p. 22
Category:Universal Charms
Source: The White and Black Treatises

Devonian Absorption (Solar)

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 5, Occult 5, Lore 3; Type: Permanent
Duration: Permanent

Prerequisites: Peaceable Conclusion, Invocation of the Storm-Following Silence,
Terminate Illness, Terrestrial Circle Sorcery, 5+ spells
This Absorption Charm allows its user to access several benefits incumbent
upon their training in the Devonian School of sorcery.* The character may attune to
artifacts much quicker.
* The character is capable of greater depths of research and analysis on supernat-
ural effects.
* The character is less likely to be interrupted when casting spells.
Source The White and Black Treatises, p. 22
Category:Universal Charms
Source: The White and Black Treatises

Devonian Absorption (Abyssal)

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 5, Occult 5, Lore 3; Type: Permanent
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Terrestrial Circle Sorcery, 5+ spells
This Absorption Charm allows its user to access several benefits incumbent
upon their training in the Devonian School of sorcery.* The character may attune to
artifacts much quicker.
* The character is capable of greater depths of research and analysis on supernat-
ural effects.
* The character is less likely to be interrupted when casting spells.
Source The White and Black Treatises, p. 22
Category:Universal Charms
Source: The White and Black Treatises

Devonian Absorption (Sidereal)

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 5, Occult 5, Lore 3; Type: Permanent
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Terrestrial Circle Sorcery, 5+ spells
This Absorption Charm allows its user to access several benefits incumbent
upon their training in the Devonian School of sorcery.* The character may attune to
artifacts much quicker.
* The character is capable of greater depths of research and analysis on supernat-
ural effects.
* The character is less likely to be interrupted when casting spells.
Source The White and Black Treatises, p. 22
Category:Universal Charms
Source: The White and Black Treatises

Salinan Absorption (Solar)

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 5, Occult 5, Awareness 3; Type: Permanent
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Terrestrial Circle Sorcery, Terrestrial Circle Sorcery, 5+ spells

This Absorption Charm allows its user to access several benefits incumbent
upon their training in the Salinan School of sorcery.* The character may use s Emerald
Countermagic against unnatural mental influence in some circumstances.
* The character may pull information from the Salinan Working, making their
Lore rolls more effective.
* The character gains more mileage out of their Arcane Link arcane links.
Source The White and Black Treatises, p. 22
Category:Universal Charms
Source: The White and Black Treatises

Salinan Absorption (Solar)

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 5, Occult 5, Awareness 3; Type: Permanent
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Terrestrial Circle Sorcery, Terrestrial Circle Sorcery, 5+ spells
This Absorption Charm allows its user to access several benefits incumbent
upon their training in the Salinan School of sorcery.* The character may use s Emerald
Countermagic against unnatural mental influence in some circumstances.
* The character may pull information from the Salinan Working, making their
Lore rolls more effective.
* The character gains more mileage out of their Arcane Link arcane links.
Source The White and Black Treatises, p. 22
Category:Universal Charms
Source: The White and Black Treatises

Salinan Absorption (Abyssal)

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 5, Occult 5, Awareness 3; Type: Permanent
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Terrestrial Circle Sorcery, 5+ spells
This Absorption Charm allows its user to access several benefits incumbent
upon their training in the Salinan School of sorcery.* The character may use s Emerald
Countermagic against unnatural mental influence in some circumstances.
* The character may pull information from the Salinan Working, making their
Lore rolls more effective.
* The character gains more mileage out of their Arcane Link arcane links.
Source The White and Black Treatises, p. 22
Category:Universal Charms
Source: The White and Black Treatises

Salinan Absorption (Sidereal)

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 5, Occult 5, Awareness 3; Type: Permanent
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Terrestrial Circle Sorcery, 5+ spells
This Absorption Charm allows its user to access several benefits incumbent
upon their training in the Salinan School of sorcery.* The character may use s Emerald

Countermagic against unnatural mental influence in some circumstances.
* The character may pull information from the Salinan Working, making their
Lore rolls more effective.
* The character gains more mileage out of their Arcane Link arcane links.
Source The White and Black Treatises, p. 22
Category:Universal Charms
Source: The White and Black Treatises

Silurian Absorption (Solar)

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 5, Occult 5, Linguistics 3; Type: Permanent
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Terrestrial Circle Sorcery, Terrestrial Circle Sorcery, 5+ spells
This Absorption Charm allows its user to access several benefits incumbent
upon their training in the Silurian School of sorcery.* The character may use s Emerald
Countermagic against many Fair Folk Charms or glamours.
* The character can customize an existing spell, necessitating them to repurchase
it at half cost.
* The character has more control over their own Arcane Links and is able to sever
their supernatural ties.
Source The White and Black Treatises, p. 22
Category:Universal Charms
Source: The White and Black Treatises

Silurian Absorption (Solar)

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 5, Occult 5, Linguistics 3; Type: Permanent
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Terrestrial Circle Sorcery, Terrestrial Circle Sorcery, 5+ spells
This Absorption Charm allows its user to access several benefits incumbent
upon their training in the Silurian School of sorcery.* The character may use s Emerald
Countermagic against many Fair Folk Charms or glamours.
* The character can customize an existing spell, necessitating them to repurchase
it at half cost.
* The character has more control over their own Arcane Links and is able to sever
their supernatural ties.
Source The White and Black Treatises, p. 22
Category:Universal Charms
Source: The White and Black Treatises

Silurian Absorption (Abyssal)

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 5, Occult 5, Linguistics 3; Type: Permanent
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Terrestrial Circle Sorcery, 5+ spells
This Absorption Charm allows its user to access several benefits incumbent
upon their training in the Silurian School of sorcery.* The character may use s Emerald

Countermagic against many Fair Folk Charms or glamours.
* The character can customize an existing spell, necessitating them to repurchase
it at half cost.
* The character has more control over their own Arcane Links and is able to sever
their supernatural ties.
Source The White and Black Treatises, p. 22
Category:Universal Charms
Source: The White and Black Treatises

Silurian Absorption (Sidereal)

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 5, Occult 5, Linguistics 3; Type: Permanent
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Terrestrial Circle Sorcery, 5+ spells
This Absorption Charm allows its user to access several benefits incumbent
upon their training in the Silurian School of sorcery.* The character may use s Emerald
Countermagic against many Fair Folk Charms or glamours.
* The character can customize an existing spell, necessitating them to repurchase
it at half cost.
* The character has more control over their own Arcane Links and is able to sever
their supernatural ties.
Source The White and Black Treatises, p. 22
Category:Universal Charms
Source: The White and Black Treatises

Silurian Absorption (Terrestrial)

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 5, Occult 5, Linguistics 3; Type: Permanent
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Terrestrial Circle Sorcery, 5+ spells
This Absorption Charm allows its user to access several benefits incumbent
upon their training in the Silurian School of sorcery.* The character may use s Emerald
Countermagic against many Fair Folk Charms or glamours.
* The character can customize an existing spell, necessitating them to repurchase
it at half cost.
* The character has more control over their own Arcane Links and is able to sever
their supernatural ties.
Source The White and Black Treatises, p. 22
Category:Universal Charms
Source: The White and Black Treatises

Terrestrial Circle Sorcery

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3, Occult 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant

This Charm allows a character to perform Terrestrial Circle Sorcery actions
(see p. 252 of the Second Edition Core), and to cast Terrestrial Circle Spells.Source
Second Edition Core, p. 220.
Source: Second Edition Core

Terrestrial Circle Sorcery

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3, Occult 3; Type: Permanent
Duration: Instant
This charm allows the user to perform Terrestrial Circle Sorcery actions (see p.
252 of the Second Edition Core), and to cast Terrestrial Circle Spells.Source Manual
of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 170.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Terrestrial Circle Sorcery

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3, Occult 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
This Charm allows a Abyssal Exalted Abyssal to perform Terrestrial Circle
Sorcery actions (see p. 252 of the Second Edition Core), and to cast Terrestrial Circle
Spells.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals, p. 162.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals

Terrestrial Circle Sorcery

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3, Occult 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
This Charm allows a character to perform Terrestrial Circle Sorcery actions
(see p. 252 of the Second Edition Core), and to cast Terrestrial Circle Spells.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded, p. 134.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Terrestrial Circle Sorcery

Cost: 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Occult 3; Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
This Charm allows the Chosen to cast Terrestrial Circle Sorcery spells. See the
full text of the Charm for Details.Source First Edition Core, p. 191.
Source: First Edition Core

Terrestrial Circle Sorcery

Cost: 1 wp; Mins: Essence 3, Occult 3; Type: Simple

Duration: Instant
This Charm allows the Viziers to cast Terrestrial Circle Sorcery spells.Source
Exalted: The Sidereals, p. 171.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Terrestrial Circle Sorcery

Cost: 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Occult 3; Type: Instant
Duration: Instant
This Charm allows a Abyssal to cast Terrestrial Circle Spells. See the full text
of the Charm for details.Source Exalted: The Abyssals, p. 197
Source: Exalted: The Abyssals

Terrestrial Circle Sorcery

Cost: 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 3, Occult 3; Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
This Charm allows a Dragon-Blood to cast Terrestrial Circle Spells.Source Ex-
alted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 184.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Celestial Circle Sorcery

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 4, Occult 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
This Charm allows a character to perform Celestial Circle Sorcery actions (see
p. 252 of the Second Edition Core), and to cast Celestial Circle Spells.Source Second
Edition Core, p. 220-221.
Source: Second Edition Core

Celestial Circle Sorcery

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 4, Occult 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
This charm allows the Sidereal Exalted Sidereal to perform Celestial Circle
Sorcery actions (see p. 252 of the Second Edition Core), and to cast Celestial Circle
Spells.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 170.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Celestial Circle Sorcery
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 4, Occult 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
This Charm allows a Abyssal Exalted Abyssal to perform Celestial Circle Sor-
cery actions (see p. 252 of the Second Edition Core), and to cast Celestial Circle
Spells.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals, p. 162.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals

Celestial Circle Sorcery

Cost: 2wp; Mins: Essence 4, Occult 4; Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Terrestrial Circle Sorcery
This Charm allows the Chosen to cast Celestial Circle Sorcery spells. See the
full text of the Charm for Details.Source First Edition Core, p. 191.
Source: First Edition Core

Celestial Circle Sorcery

Cost: 2wp; Mins: Essence 4, Occult 4; Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Terrestrial Circle Sorcery, one prayer strip Charm
This Charm allows the Viziers to cast Celestial Circle spells. Refer to the full
text of the Charm for details.Source Exalted: The Sidereals, p. 171.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Shadowlands Circle Necromancy

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3, Occult 3; Type: Permanent
Duration: Instant
This Charm allows a Solar to perform Shadowlands Circle Necromancy actions
(see p. 6 of the The White and Black Treatise The Black Treatise), and to cast
Shadowlands Circle Spells.Source The White and Black Treatise The Black Treatise,
pp. 6 and 15-16
Source: The White and Black Treatises

Shadowlands Circle Necromancy

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3, Occult 3; Type: Permanent
Duration: Instant
This Charm allows a Solar to perform Shadowlands Circle Necromancy actions
(see p. 6 of the The White and Black Treatise The Black Treatise), and to cast

Shadowlands Circle Spells.Source The White and Black Treatise The Black Treatise,
pp. 6 and 15-16
Source: The White and Black Treatises

Shadowlands Circle Necromancy

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3, Occult 3; Type: Permanent
Duration: Instant
This Charm allows a Sidereal to perform Shadowlands Circle Necromancy ac-
tions (see p. 6 of the The White and Black Treatise The Black Treatise), and to cast
Shadowlands Circle Spells.Source The White and Black Treatise The Black Treatise,
pp. 6 and 17
Source: The White and Black Treatises

Shadowlands Circle Necromancy

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3, Occult 3; Type: Permanent
Duration: Instant
This Charm allows an Abyssal Exalted Abyssal to perform Shadowlands Cir-
cle Necromancy actions (see p. 6 of the The White and Black Treatise The Black
Treatise), and to cast Shadowlands Circle Spells.Source Manual of Exalted Power:
Abyssals, p. 162
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals

Shadowlands Circle Necromancy

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3, Occult 3; Type: Permanent
Duration: Instant
This Charm allows a Terrestrial to perform Shadowlands Circle Necromancy
actions (see p. 6 of the The White and Black Treatise The Black Treatise), and to
cast Shadowlands Circle Spells. No more than one in a thousand Terrestrials can learn
this Charm and they can never learn Terrestrial Circle Sorcery.Source The White and
Black Treatise The Black Treatise, pp. 6 and 17
Source: The White and Black Treatises

Shadowlands Circle Necromancy

Cost: 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Occult 3; Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
This Charm allows the Solar to cast Shadowlands Circle Necromancy spells.
See the full text of the Charm for Details.Source Exalted: The Abyssals, p. 197 and

Source: Exalted: The Abyssals

Shadowlands Circle Necromancy

Cost: 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Occult 3; Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
This Charm allows the Sidereal to cast Shadowlands Circle Necromancy spells.
See the full text of the Charm for Details.Source Exalted: The Abyssals, pp. 197 and
Source: Exalted: The Abyssals

Shadowlands Circle Necromancy

Cost: 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Occult 3; Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
This Charm allows the Abyssal to cast Shadowlands Circle Necromancy spells.
See the full text of the Charm for Details.Source Exalted: The Abyssals, p. 197
Source: Exalted: The Abyssals

Heart-Brightening Presentation Style

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Performance 2; Type: Permanent
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Favorable Inflection Procedure, Blue Vervain Binding, Ice and
Fire Binding, Any Performance Excellency, Any Bureaucracy, Presence, or Socialize
This allows Bureaucracy, Performance, Presence, and Socialize Excellencies to
be used interchangably. For the full details see the text of the charm.Source Manual
of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 146.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Virtue (Compassion)
text=There is no surcharge for applying the listed Excellencies interchangeably
amongst the listed Abilities. In addition, this Charm allows the Exalt to channel
Compassion on any rolls enhanced by those Excellencies. The first time she does so
in a scene costs 0wp.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Heart-Brightening Presentation Style

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Performance 2; Type: Permanent
Duration: Instant

Prerequisites: Favorable Inflection Procedure, Blue Vervain Binding, Ice and
Fire Binding, Any Performance Excellency, Any Bureaucracy, Presence, or Socialize
This allows Bureaucracy, Performance, Presence, and Socialize Excellencies to
be used interchangably. For the full details see the text of the charm.Source Manual
of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 146.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Virtue (Compassion)
text=There is no surcharge for applying the listed Excellencies interchangeably
amongst the listed Abilities. In addition, this Charm allows the Exalt to channel
Compassion on any rolls enhanced by those Excellencies. The first time she does so
in a scene costs 0wp.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Faultless Ceremony
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1, Performance 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: One Week
Prerequisites: Absence
This Charm makes the ceremony she presided over blessed, gaining
bonuses.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 147.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
In a harmonious universe, the decrees of the Chosen of the Maidens are as mandates
from Heaven, never to be deviated from by villain or happenstance. This Charm
enhances the act of officiating or performing a social ritual, one that reasonably evokes
hope or desire for an associated goal. Examples include an adulthood rite seeking
success for the young celebrant, a wedding seeking happiness for the new couple, the
beginning of a funeral procession to Sijan, the christening of a new merchant sailing
vessel with dreams of good fortune, or a prayer to these same ends (Exalted, p. 132).
The roll to officiate the ceremony automatically succeeds if it would otherwise fail,
with 0 threshold successes.
¡p¿So long as the ceremony is carried out successfully, the Exalt and all participants
are wrapped up in the inevitability of the beneficiarys good future. They effectively
gain the benefits of an appropriate Motivation to fulfill an extrapolated goal of the
ceremony: to bring the dead body to Sijan, or to help the young adult succeed in
making a name for himself. This allows related stunts to resonate and gain a bonus
die, and for those pursuing the goal to regain Willpower when they make progress.
This benefit lasts no more than one story, and no character may be caught up in more
than one use of this Charm at a time.¡/p¿
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Faultless Ceremony
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1, Performance 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: One Week
Prerequisites: Absence
This Charm makes the ceremony she presided over blessed, gaining
bonuses.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 147.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
In a harmonious universe, the decrees of the Chosen of the Maidens are as mandates
from Heaven, never to be deviated from by villain or happenstance. This Charm
enhances the act of officiating or performing a social ritual, one that reasonably evokes
hope or desire for an associated goal. Examples include an adulthood rite seeking
success for the young celebrant, a wedding seeking happiness for the new couple, the
beginning of a funeral procession to Sijan, the christening of a new merchant sailing
vessel with dreams of good fortune, or a prayer to these same ends (Exalted, p. 132).
The roll to officiate the ceremony automatically succeeds if it would otherwise fail,
with 0 threshold successes.
¡p¿So long as the ceremony is carried out successfully, the Exalt and all participants
are wrapped up in the inevitability of the beneficiarys good future. They effectively
gain the benefits of an appropriate Motivation to fulfill an extrapolated goal of the
ceremony: to bring the dead body to Sijan, or to help the young adult succeed in
making a name for himself. This allows related stunts to resonate and gain a bonus
die, and for those pursuing the goal to regain Willpower when they make progress.
This benefit lasts no more than one story, and no character may be caught up in more
than one use of this Charm at a time.¡/p¿
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Perfection in Life
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Performance 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Fate, Virtue (Compassion)
Duration: One Scene
This Charm makes any who viewed the entirety of the Sidereal’s performance
gain a temporary Willpower. This can raise Willpower over his maximum for the
scene.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 147.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Virtue (Compassion)
text=”Replace the second paragraph of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
This Charm enhances a social attack that encourages belief or behavior. Those
that are convinced by the Sidereal and who do not spend Willpower to resist regain
1wp, even if this would grant them more than their normal maximum. Characters
that accept this reward cannot later resist the influence in any way for the rest of the

scene. A character cannot gain more than 1wp per scene from this Charm.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Perfection in Life
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Performance 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Fate, Virtue (Compassion)
Duration: One Scene
This Charm makes any who viewed the entirety of the Sidereal’s performance
gain a temporary Willpower. This can raise Willpower over his maximum for the
scene.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 147.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Virtue (Compassion)
text=”Replace the second paragraph of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
This Charm enhances a social attack that encourages belief or behavior. Those
that are convinced by the Sidereal and who do not spend Willpower to resist regain
1wp, even if this would grant them more than their normal maximum. Characters
that accept this reward cannot later resist the influence in any way for the rest of the
scene. A character cannot gain more than 1wp per scene from this Charm.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Defense of Shining Joy

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Performance 3; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: , Perfection in Life
Charm allows the Sidereal to enhance their Dodge abilities with Perfor-
mance.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 147.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=The Exalt does not add her Performance to her Dodge instead, she may
use the higher of her Dodge or Performance to calculate her Dodge DV. Rather
than ignoring all onslaught penalties, she ignores up to (Performance) points worth
of penalties to her Dodge DV, from any source, apart from penalties from her own
actions which are ignored separately. If the Sidereal is protecting someone with a
Defend Other action, she may apply this benefit to both her own and her wards DVs,
even when parrying.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Defense of Shining Joy

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Performance 3; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: , Perfection in Life

Charm allows the Sidereal to enhance their Dodge abilities with Perfor-
mance.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 147.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=The Exalt does not add her Performance to her Dodge instead, she may
use the higher of her Dodge or Performance to calculate her Dodge DV. Rather
than ignoring all onslaught penalties, she ignores up to (Performance) points worth
of penalties to her Dodge DV, from any source, apart from penalties from her own
actions which are ignored separately. If the Sidereal is protecting someone with a
Defend Other action, she may apply this benefit to both her own and her wards DVs,
even when parrying.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Song of Spirit Persuasion

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Performance 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Servitude
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Perfection in Life, Perfection in Life
This Charm can make a God or Elemental become the Sidereal’s Ally, as per the
Background, until the end of the Story.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals,
p. 148.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm costs 3
Willpower points to resist.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
type=Simple (Speed 4 in long ticks)
keywords=Combo-Basic, Servitude, Social
text=The spirit gains a sorcerous positive Intimacy regarding the Sidereal. It must
spend 1wp per scene to act against it, and the Intimacy reasserts itself every 25 hours
until the story ends.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Song of Spirit Persuasion

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Performance 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Servitude
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Perfection in Life, Perfection in Life
This Charm can make a God or Elemental become the Sidereal’s Ally, as per the
Background, until the end of the Story.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals,
p. 148.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm costs 3
Willpower points to resist.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
type=Simple (Speed 4 in long ticks)
keywords=Combo-Basic, Servitude, Social
text=The spirit gains a sorcerous positive Intimacy regarding the Sidereal. It must
spend 1wp per scene to act against it, and the Intimacy reasserts itself every 25 hours
until the story ends.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Ice and Fire Binding
Cost: 10m; Mins: Essence 3, Performance 3; Type: Simple (One Hour)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Maiden, Mandate, Servitude
Duration: One Seasion
Prerequisites: Perfection in Life, Faultless Ceremony, Song of Spirit Persuasion
The user can be assisted in this charm by both other Sidereal Exalted and by
Eclipse Caste Solars and Moonshadow Caste Abyssals. This Charm can allow the
Sidereal to bind a spirit to a dominion. Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals,
p. 148.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm costs 5
Willpower to resist.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=Ignore the restrictions on Castes that may assist. Instead, any priest may
assist (which includes all Sidereals, as well as all Zenith, Midnight Caste Midnight,
Malefactor Caste Malefactor and No Moon Caste Exalts). Rather than lowering the
difficulty, use limited teamwork rules (Exalted, p. 125), with each assisting Side-
real providing a bonus success rather than an extra die. This Charm can bind any
spirit with Essence up to three dots greater than the Sidereals, to a maximum of
7, and grants them an extra Motivation to protect and promote a social group with
Magnitude no greater than (the Exalts Essence x 2).
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Ice and Fire Binding

Cost: 10m; Mins: Essence 3, Performance 3; Type: Simple (One Hour)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Maiden, Mandate, Servitude
Duration: One Seasion
Prerequisites: Perfection in Life, Faultless Ceremony, Song of Spirit Persuasion
The user can be assisted in this charm by both other Sidereal Exalted and by
Eclipse Caste Solars and Moonshadow Caste Abyssals. This Charm can allow the
Sidereal to bind a spirit to a dominion. Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals,
p. 148.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm costs 5
Willpower to resist.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=Ignore the restrictions on Castes that may assist. Instead, any priest may
assist (which includes all Sidereals, as well as all Zenith, Midnight Caste Midnight,
Malefactor Caste Malefactor and No Moon Caste Exalts). Rather than lowering the
difficulty, use limited teamwork rules (Exalted, p. 125), with each assisting Side-
real providing a bonus success rather than an extra die. This Charm can bind any
spirit with Essence up to three dots greater than the Sidereals, to a maximum of
7, and grants them an extra Motivation to protect and promote a social group with
Magnitude no greater than (the Exalts Essence x 2).
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Harmonic Completion
Cost: 16m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 4, Performance 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Emiotion, Prayer Strip
Duration: Five Days

Prerequisites: , Defense of Shining Joy, Ice and Fire Binding
Any Performance roll the character makes automatically succeeds. It has other
effects; see the text of the Charm for full details.Source Manual of Exalted Power:
Sidereals, pp. 148-149.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-Basic, Emotion, Prayer Strip
text=This Charm does not automatically impose Intimacies. Any character suc-
cessfully influenced by the Exalt is also subject to an unnatural Emotion effect of
complete trust for the Sidereal. In addition to suffering the usual penalties for acting
contrarily (see page 9), targets halve their MDVs against further social attacks from
the Vizier for the rest of the scene, and in turn add two extra successes to any of their
own social attacks to impose complementary influence that spreads the Sidereals own
messages and goals. Ignoring the influence for one action costs 1wp, and after doing
so five times it cannot take hold again for the rest of the scene.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Harmonic Completion
Cost: 16m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 4, Performance 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Emiotion, Prayer Strip
Duration: Five Days
Prerequisites: , Defense of Shining Joy, Ice and Fire Binding
Any Performance roll the character makes automatically succeeds. It has other
effects; see the text of the Charm for full details.Source Manual of Exalted Power:
Sidereals, pp. 148-149.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-Basic, Emotion, Prayer Strip
text=This Charm does not automatically impose Intimacies. Any character suc-
cessfully influenced by the Exalt is also subject to an unnatural Emotion effect of
complete trust for the Sidereal. In addition to suffering the usual penalties for acting
contrarily (see page 9), targets halve their MDVs against further social attacks from
the Vizier for the rest of the scene, and in turn add two extra successes to any of their
own social attacks to impose complementary influence that spreads the Sidereals own
messages and goals. Ignoring the influence for one action costs 1wp, and after doing
so five times it cannot take hold again for the rest of the scene.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Compassionate Essence Replenishment

Cost: None; Mins: Essence 2, Performance 1; Type: Special
Duration: Permanent
This Charm provides the character with motes of Essence when she relies on
her Compassion. See the full text of the Charm for the details.Source Exalted: The
Sidereals, p. 149.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Impose Motivation
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Presence 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Fate, Servitude, Touch
Duration: Indefinite
If the user succeeds on a roll, the target gains the user’s motivation in addition
to his own.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 157-158.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Impose Nature
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Presence 4; Type: Simple
Duration: Indefinite
The target of this Charm gains the user’s Nature in addition to his own.Source
Exalted: The Sidereals, p. 159.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Force Decision
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 1, Presence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Compulsion, Fate
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Meditation on War, Orchestration of Conflict, Serenity in Blood,
Smiling at the Damned
If the user succeeds in a roll, the target must make the decision the user wants.
To see exceptions to this, see the full charm text.Source Manual of Exalted Power:
Sidereals, pp. 156-157.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm costs 2
Willpower points to resist.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Compulsion
text=This Charm targets a character no more than (Essence x 5) yards away,
and the roll to use it is made against the victims MDV. It costs 2wp to ignore this
unnatural Compulsion.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Force Decision
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 1, Presence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Compulsion, Fate
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Meditation on War, Orchestration of Conflict, Serenity in Blood,
Smiling at the Damned
If the user succeeds in a roll, the target must make the decision the user wants.
To see exceptions to this, see the full charm text.Source Manual of Exalted Power:
Sidereals, pp. 156-157.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm costs 2

Willpower points to resist.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Compulsion
text=This Charm targets a character no more than (Essence x 5) yards away,
and the roll to use it is made against the victims MDV. It costs 2wp to ignore this
unnatural Compulsion.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Presence in Absence Technique

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Presence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Fate, Social
Duration: Instant, with time delay
Prerequisites: Impose Nature
If the user succeeds on a roll, he chooses a circumstance in which the target
will make a social attack. At that time, the user’s personality over-rides the target’s,
making the target make his social attack in the way the user wants him to make
it. For full details, see the full text of the charm.Source Manual of Exalted Power:
Sidereals, p. 157.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Shaping, Touch
duration=Up to one story
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
With a touch and an undetectable whisper to the universe, the Sidereal tugs at
the fate surrounding a person and lends it such a resonant destiny that others are
compelled to fulfill the imposed doom. This Charm hangs? a social attack from the
Sidereal on a target that must be inside fate, though the social attack validly targets
creatures outside of fate. The attack may impose any influence the Exalt can manage
normally, compelling behavior or encouraging a belief, but it must do so with a central
focus on the presence and actions of the target of the Charm. The weight of their
destiny imposes the Sidereals vision on others.
The social attack triggers and is applied against valid targets, which may include
the person on which it hangs, under a set of circumstances decided by the Sidereal
when the Charm is activated. This may be as simple as a time delay, or as complex
as being present for a meeting between two specific characters. The Charm lapses
without effect at the end of the story. No more than one use of this Charm may be
in effect on the same target at the same time.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Presence in Absence Technique

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Presence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Fate, Social
Duration: Instant, with time delay
Prerequisites: Impose Nature
If the user succeeds on a roll, he chooses a circumstance in which the target
will make a social attack. At that time, the user’s personality over-rides the target’s,
making the target make his social attack in the way the user wants him to make
it. For full details, see the full text of the charm.Source Manual of Exalted Power:
Sidereals, p. 157.

2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Shaping, Touch
duration=Up to one story
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
With a touch and an undetectable whisper to the universe, the Sidereal tugs at
the fate surrounding a person and lends it such a resonant destiny that others are
compelled to fulfill the imposed doom. This Charm hangs? a social attack from the
Sidereal on a target that must be inside fate, though the social attack validly targets
creatures outside of fate. The attack may impose any influence the Exalt can manage
normally, compelling behavior or encouraging a belief, but it must do so with a central
focus on the presence and actions of the target of the Charm. The weight of their
destiny imposes the Sidereals vision on others.
The social attack triggers and is applied against valid targets, which may include
the person on which it hangs, under a set of circumstances decided by the Sidereal
when the Charm is activated. This may be as simple as a time delay, or as complex
as being present for a meeting between two specific characters. The Charm lapses
without effect at the end of the story. No more than one use of this Charm may be
in effect on the same target at the same time.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Presence in Absence Technique

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 1, Presence 2; Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
If the user succeeds on a roll, he chooses a circumstance in which the character
may use Performance, Socialize or Presence through the target as if she were there.
For full details, see the full text of the charm.Source Exalted: The Sidereals, p. 159.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Easily Accepted Proposition Stance

Cost: 12m, 2wp; Mins: Essence 4, Presence 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Fate, Mandate, Obvious, Prayer Strip, Shaping
Duration: One Battle
Prerequisites: , Force Decision, Loyalty-Sacrificing Sidestep
The user makes a roll. If the roll succeeds, she names a single possible circum-
stance targeting one of the players in a battle within ten miles. That target decides
whether to accept the circumstance or take damage. For examples and specifics, check
the full charm text.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 158.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Compulsion, Prayer Strip, Shaping
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
The portentous nature of the Sidereal Exalted impresses itself upon the world as
the nature of any Exalt might overwhelm a person. They supplant the circumstance
and desire of all of Creation with their plans. An Exalt using this Charm affixes a
prayer strip bearing the Scripture of the Drowning Maiden in his shadow, wrestling

the world into the desired shape and pinning it there with a knotted sutra. As he
does so, he decrees to the world what it must do, a circumstance or occurrence that
must take place within the current scene, and it will happen in the most plausible
way possible.
This is a far-reaching Charm, and potentially very strange. It narratively creates
new resources for the Sidereal, but these are things that have always existed in the
world. Wealth arrives by way of a lost Guild caravan. During a pitched battle in the
wilderness, reinforcements? arrive in the form of a native horde that hates one side
more than the other. Evidence of a crime is covered up by a sudden house fire. This
Charm creates and sets scenes, and even introduces new characters. This means that
it is often Shaping, but it may instead act as a Compulsion on the animals and people
nearby who could fulfill the needs of the Sidereals vision.
Generally, phenomena and obstacles conjured by this Charm should have values
for Damage, Trauma, difficulties, external penalties, or most other values that are no
higher than (Exalts Essence). Obstacles might have soak values double that. When
the Sidereals desired destiny requires characters, the closest, relevant and most likely
to be susceptible candidates have their MDV compared to the Exalts (Manipulation
+ Presence). If their MDV is lower, the candidates are subject to an unnatural
Compulsion to fulfill the destiny, unless they spend 4wp to ignore it. Characters with
higher MDVs, or who reject the influence before they fulfill the destiny, cause this
Charm to search for the next best candidates, but no more than once during each of
the Sidereals actions.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Easily Accepted Proposition Stance

Cost: 12m, 2wp; Mins: Essence 4, Presence 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Fate, Mandate, Obvious, Prayer Strip, Shaping
Duration: One Battle
Prerequisites: , Force Decision, Loyalty-Sacrificing Sidestep
The user makes a roll. If the roll succeeds, she names a single possible circum-
stance targeting one of the players in a battle within ten miles. That target decides
whether to accept the circumstance or take damage. For examples and specifics, check
the full charm text.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 158.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Compulsion, Prayer Strip, Shaping
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
The portentous nature of the Sidereal Exalted impresses itself upon the world as
the nature of any Exalt might overwhelm a person. They supplant the circumstance
and desire of all of Creation with their plans. An Exalt using this Charm affixes a
prayer strip bearing the Scripture of the Drowning Maiden in his shadow, wrestling
the world into the desired shape and pinning it there with a knotted sutra. As he
does so, he decrees to the world what it must do, a circumstance or occurrence that
must take place within the current scene, and it will happen in the most plausible
way possible.
This is a far-reaching Charm, and potentially very strange. It narratively creates
new resources for the Sidereal, but these are things that have always existed in the
world. Wealth arrives by way of a lost Guild caravan. During a pitched battle in the

wilderness, reinforcements? arrive in the form of a native horde that hates one side
more than the other. Evidence of a crime is covered up by a sudden house fire. This
Charm creates and sets scenes, and even introduces new characters. This means that
it is often Shaping, but it may instead act as a Compulsion on the animals and people
nearby who could fulfill the needs of the Sidereals vision.
Generally, phenomena and obstacles conjured by this Charm should have values
for Damage, Trauma, difficulties, external penalties, or most other values that are no
higher than (Exalts Essence). Obstacles might have soak values double that. When
the Sidereals desired destiny requires characters, the closest, relevant and most likely
to be susceptible candidates have their MDV compared to the Exalts (Manipulation
+ Presence). If their MDV is lower, the candidates are subject to an unnatural
Compulsion to fulfill the destiny, unless they spend 4wp to ignore it. Characters with
higher MDVs, or who reject the influence before they fulfill the destiny, cause this
Charm to search for the next best candidates, but no more than once during each of
the Sidereals actions.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Predestined Triumph Practice

Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Presence 4; Type: Simple
Duration: One battle
This Charm makes the character’s troops harder to attack and defend
against.Source Exalted: The Sidereals, p. 160.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Demon-Blocking Battle Pattern

Cost: 8m; Mins: Essence 3, Presence 5; Type: Simple
Duration: Until the relevant battle ends
Prerequisites: Predestined Triumph Practice
If Predestined Triumph Practice is active, special characters in the user’s unit
inflict detriments on opposing characters. This charm is only effective against inhab-
itants of Malfeas and the Underworld.
A unit can only be affected by one Battle Pattern Charm in a given battle.
Source Exalted: The Sidereals, p. 160.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Heroic Essence Replenishment

Cost: None; Mins: Essence 2, Presence 1; Type: Special
Duration: Permanent
This Charm provides the character with motes of Essence when she relies on her
Valor. See the full text of the Charm for the details.Source Exalted: The Sidereals,
p. 158.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Ox-Mind Technique
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 1, Resistance 1; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Virtue (Compassion), Virtue (Conviction), Virtue (Temperance),
Virtue (Valor)
Duration: Indefinite
Just as the Sidereal Exalted have learned to reinforce their body with the ef-
forts of their essence they have also learned to reinforce them with the efforts of
their passions. This Charm allows a Sidereal Exalted to always have justification for
channeling any Virtue into rolls to maintain the health or vitality of her body.
Source: Upaatk

Shield of Fate
Cost: 8 motes, 1 willpower, 1 aggravated health level; Mins: Essence 3, Resis-
tance 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Contagious Fate
While many Sidereal find that an ascending or descending destiny is merely a
means to greater surety in their work, this Charm allows them to find greater uses
for them even in the field. This Charm allows a Sidereal to reflexively try to grasp
an ascending or descending destiny they are within the Scope of and pull it into an
inactive and transferrable form. The Sidereal rolls (Wits + Resistance) at a difficulty
of the Paradox of the destiny. If they succeed then the destiny is once again contagious
and they can transfer it to another person or group of people as appropriate by the
original Scope of the destiny. The destiny is transferred by Touch as usual.
Source: Upaatk

Contagious Fate
Cost: 6 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Resistance 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Sickness
Duration: Instant
When the Sidereal is exposed to a mortal disease, by mundane or supernatural
means, she can tie it to her fate in such a strand as to leave it awaiting a new victim.
At the disease’s Virulence check or time of infection by a charm, the Sidereal can
reflexively activate this Charm instead of trying to resist the disease. Her player rolls
(Stamina + Resistance). If the roll succeeds, the effect of the disease loses all but
the most tenuous connection to the Sidereal’s fate, making her only a carrier of the
contagion. The Sidereal stays a carrier thusly until the next time the she sucesfully
attacks someone in close combat and her player inflicts at least one leve of lethal
or aggravate damage. The Sidereal can only carry one disease at a time: using this
Charm twice results in the first disease beginning to infect the Sidereal. The transfer
of a disease is automatic, beyong the Sidereal’s control. While this Charm normally
only effects mortal diseases, after reaching Essence 4 Sidereals can carry supernatural
diseases of the First Circle and at Essence 6 they can carry Second Circle supernatural

Source: Upaatk

Shield of Mars
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Resistance 3; Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
The character can transfer damage she receives to one of her opponents.Source
Exalted: The Sidereals, p. 162.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Cats Poise Technique (Solar)

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 1, Resistance 1; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Mirror (Cats Poise Technique), Native, Stackable
Duration: Permanent
This Charm allows a character to purchase extra Composure levels.
Source: Goddessgood

Cats Poise Technique (Abyssal)

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 1, Resistance 1; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Mirror (Cats Poise Technique), Native, Stackable
Duration: Permanent
This Charm allows a character to purchase extra Composure levels.
Source: Goddessgood

Cats Poise Technique (Sidereal)

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 1, Resistance 1; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Native, Stackable
Duration: Permanent
This Charm allows a character to purchase extra Composure levels.
Source: Goddessgood

Cats Poise Technique (Dragon-Blooded)

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 1, Resistance 1; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Native, Stackable
Duration: Permanent
This Charm allows a character to purchase extra Composure levels.
Source: Goddessgood

Ox-Body Technique (Solar)
Cost: ; Mins: Essence 1, Resistance 1; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Mirror (Ox-Body Technique), Native, Stackable
Duration: Permanent
This Charm allows a character to purchase extra health levels.
Source Second Edition Core, p. 208.
Source: Second Edition Core

Ox-Body Technique (Abyssal)

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 1, Resistance 1; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Mirror (Ox-Body Technique), Native, Stackable
Duration: Permanent
This Charm allows a character to purchase extra health levels.
Source Second Edition Core, p. 341.
Source: Second Edition Core

Ox-Body Technique (Sidereal)

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 1, Resistance 1; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Native, Stackable
Duration: Permanent
This Charm allows a character to purchase extra health levels.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 127.
Source Second Edition Core, p. 335.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Ox-Body Technique (Dragon-Blooded)

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 1, Resistance 1; Type: Permanent
Keywords: native, Stackable
Duration: Permanent
This Charm allows a character to purchase extra health levels.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded, p. 146.
Source Second Edition Core, p. 324.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Water and Fire Legion

Cost: 8m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 3, Resistance 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Maiden, Mandate, Virtue (Conviction)
Duration: Until next Calibration
Prerequisites: , Water and Fire Treaty
The Sidereal Exalted Sidereal touches a powerful manifestation of an element,
and makes a roll. If the roll is successful, she binds an elemental to a dominion as
a protector. She gains bonuses when dealing with Elementals of the type associated
with her Maiden.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 128.

2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratacost=-type=Permanentkeywords=Maiden, Servi-
tudeduration=Permanenttext=”Replace the text of this Charm with the Following:”
¡p¿Sacrifice in Creation is a trade of pain and love. Should the Sidereal invoke
Water and Fire Treaty by touching a living elemental, the spirit is spurred to become a
guardian of something the Exalt holds dear. The Exalt rolls (Charisma + Resistance)
against the target’s Dodge MDV, and if successful binds them per the spell s Summon
Elemental, except that the Sidereal can only bind the elemental to protect the subject
of one of the Exalt’s Intimacies. The chosen subject must be a discrete thing, including
an object, a group of objects, a structure, a character, or a social group. Exalts using
this Charm to bind elementals of the kind associated with their Maiden and Caste
gain two automatic successes on their social attack roll.¡/p¿
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Water and Fire Legion

Cost: 8m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 3, Resistance 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Maiden, Mandate, Virtue (Conviction)
Duration: Until next Calibration
Prerequisites: , Water and Fire Treaty
The Sidereal Exalted Sidereal touches a powerful manifestation of an element,
and makes a roll. If the roll is successful, she binds an elemental to a dominion as
a protector. She gains bonuses when dealing with Elementals of the type associated
with her Maiden.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 128.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratacost=-type=Permanentkeywords=Maiden, Servi-
tudeduration=Permanenttext=”Replace the text of this Charm with the Following:”
¡p¿Sacrifice in Creation is a trade of pain and love. Should the Sidereal invoke
Water and Fire Treaty by touching a living elemental, the spirit is spurred to become a
guardian of something the Exalt holds dear. The Exalt rolls (Charisma + Resistance)
against the target’s Dodge MDV, and if successful binds them per the spell s Summon
Elemental, except that the Sidereal can only bind the elemental to protect the subject
of one of the Exalt’s Intimacies. The chosen subject must be a discrete thing, including
an object, a group of objects, a structure, a character, or a social group. Exalts using
this Charm to bind elementals of the kind associated with their Maiden and Caste
gain two automatic successes on their social attack roll.¡/p¿
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Someone Else’s Destiny

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Resistance 3; Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
If the user is drugged or poisoned, she can instead not suffer the effect and give
it to the the next person she successfully attacks in combat. Only one instance of this
charm can be active at this time.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 128.
2.5errata source=Scroll of Erratakeywords=Combo-
OKduration=Indefinitetext=This Charm can capture Poison and Sickness effects, as
well as influences that cause Derangements or other effects that can reasonably be
called ’madness’. There is no roll to activate the Charm, and the Sidereal may keep

up to (Essence) suspended maladies at once. Applying the effect to an attack is done
in Step 1 of combat resolution and is voluntary.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Someone Else’s Destiny

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Resistance 3; Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
If the user is drugged or poisoned, she can instead not suffer the effect and give
it to the the next person she successfully attacks in combat. Only one instance of this
charm can be active at this time.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 128.
2.5errata source=Scroll of Erratakeywords=Combo-
OKduration=Indefinitetext=This Charm can capture Poison and Sickness effects, as
well as influences that cause Derangements or other effects that can reasonably be
called ’madness’. There is no roll to activate the Charm, and the Sidereal may keep
up to (Essence) suspended maladies at once. Applying the effect to an attack is done
in Step 1 of combat resolution and is voluntary.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Someone Else’s Destiny

Cost: 4m + 1m per die; Mins: Essence 1, Resistance 2; Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
If the user is drugged or poisoned, she can instead not suffer the effect and
give it to the the next person she successfully attacks in combat. Only one instance
of this charm can be active at this time.Source Exalted: The Sidereals, p. 162.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Shield of Destiny
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Resistance 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 8)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Someone Else’s Destiny
If damaged in combat, the Sidereal Exalted Sidereal may direct the damage
toward the attacker or one of his allies. This damage cannot be dodged, parried, or
soaked.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 129.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratacost=3m, 1wptrait=Resistancemin=3essence=2type=Reflexive
(Step 7)keywords=Combo-OKduration=Indefinitetext=”Replace the text of this
Charm with the following:”
The Sidereal reaches out to grasp the fate of an attack headed her way, carrying
it off like a banner to bestow upon someone else. Calling upon the Shield of Destiny,
the Sidereal rolls (Dexterity + Resistance) in Step 7 of an attack against her. Every
success on this activation roll subtracts a single die from the post-soak damage of the
attack (to a minimum of one die remaining).

Damage prevented by this Charm remains caught in the weave of the Sidereal’s
destiny, vibrating like a trapped fly. Whenever the Sidereal is attacked, she may
release this thrumming tension as an unblockable and undodgeable counterattack that
hits automatically in Step 9. The counterattack has damage equal to the amount of
dice initially negated by Shield of Destiny, and bypasses both soak and Hardness.
A Sidereal may maintain up to (Essence) activations of this Charm. She may
release these without making a counterattack if she wishes to, dissipating the tangle
of violence throughout the whole of the Loom of Fate.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Heartless Maiden Trance

Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Resistance 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: , Optimistic Security Practice
The user no longer needs to eat, drink, or breathe. She also becomes immune
to a great many things. When the Charm ends, everything that would have hurt
her affects her immediately. See the full text of the Charm for more details.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 129-130.
2.5errata source=Scroll of Erratakeywords=Combo-Basictext=To clarify, the Side-
real ignores all internal penalties from the listed sources. She does not ignore penalties
from environmental conditions such as unstable footing.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Heartless Maiden Trance

Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Resistance 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: , Optimistic Security Practice
The user no longer needs to eat, drink, or breathe. She also becomes immune
to a great many things. When the Charm ends, everything that would have hurt
her affects her immediately. See the full text of the Charm for more details.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 129-130.
2.5errata source=Scroll of Erratakeywords=Combo-Basictext=To clarify, the Side-
real ignores all internal penalties from the listed sources. She does not ignore penalties
from environmental conditions such as unstable footing.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Storm’s Eye Stance

Cost: 10, 1wp, +3m per target; Mins: Essence 4, Resistance 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious, Prayer Strip
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Optimistic Security Practice, Unwavering Well-Being Meditation,
Heartless Maiden Trance, Shield of Destiny, Water and Fire Legion
Each time the user would be damaged she may instead take the damage and in-
flict it on any number of people nearby also. See the Charm text for full details.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 130.

2.5errata source=Scroll of Erratacost=10m, 1wp (+3m per target per
action)keywords=Combo-Basic, Obvious, Prayer Striptext=On the tick she activates
this Charm and every action tick thereafter, the Sidereal may commit 3m per target
to ensnare others’ fates until her next action tick. She may not ensnare more than
(Essence) targets at once. Thereafter, attacks targeting the Sidereal are treated as
simultaneously targeting the Exalt’s chosen victims normally, even if the attack can-
not usually strike more than one target. This occurs in Step 1 of attack resolution.
The distributed attack is not made unblockable, undodgeable or unsoakable by this
Charm, and any given target’s defense against the attack does not save other targets.
Targets must be within (Sidereal’s Essence x 5) yards of the Exalt to suffer distributed
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Storm’s Eye Stance

Cost: 10, 1wp, +3m per target; Mins: Essence 4, Resistance 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious, Prayer Strip
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Optimistic Security Practice, Unwavering Well-Being Meditation,
Heartless Maiden Trance, Shield of Destiny, Water and Fire Legion
Each time the user would be damaged she may instead take the damage and in-
flict it on any number of people nearby also. See the Charm text for full details.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 130.
2.5errata source=Scroll of Erratacost=10m, 1wp (+3m per target per
action)keywords=Combo-Basic, Obvious, Prayer Striptext=On the tick she activates
this Charm and every action tick thereafter, the Sidereal may commit 3m per target
to ensnare others’ fates until her next action tick. She may not ensnare more than
(Essence) targets at once. Thereafter, attacks targeting the Sidereal are treated as
simultaneously targeting the Exalt’s chosen victims normally, even if the attack can-
not usually strike more than one target. This occurs in Step 1 of attack resolution.
The distributed attack is not made unblockable, undodgeable or unsoakable by this
Charm, and any given target’s defense against the attack does not save other targets.
Targets must be within (Sidereal’s Essence x 5) yards of the Exalt to suffer distributed
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Red Haze
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Resistance 2; Type: Simple
Duration: Five days
The character warps the Essence of a location, making it naturally oppose
inhabitants of Malfeas and the Underworld.Source Exalted: The Sidereals, p. 161.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Glory Steed
Cost: 10 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Ride 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Illusion

Duration: One day
Prerequisites: Glory Path
When entering an environment that would be hostile to a character’s familiar or
mount, the player reflexively spends his mots and rolls Manipulation+Ride. If the roll
suceeds, the character’s mount becomes covered in tiny arcs of yellow lightning for the
next day. During that time, the familar or mount can travel in the new environment,
and even carry a rider if it can normally, completely at ease without any associated
movement penalties or taking any damage from a hostile environment. This works as
effectively on Malfeas as it does in the heart of a volcano. This effect has an illusion
of perfect normalacy for the familiar, mount, or anyone else observing the creature in
an unusual environment.
Source: Upaatk

Godly Companion
Cost: 20m, 1wp, 3xp; Mins: Essence 4, Ride 4; Type: Simple (Speed 6, DV -2)
Keywords: Servitude, Shaping, Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Spirit-Shape Companion
This Charm further promotes a Familiar that has had Spirit-Shape Companion
used on it.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 131.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Godly Companion
Cost: 20m, 1wp, 3xp; Mins: Essence 4, Ride 4; Type: Simple (Speed 6, DV -2)
Keywords: Servitude, Shaping, Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Spirit-Shape Companion
This Charm further promotes a Familiar that has had Spirit-Shape Companion
used on it.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 131.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Breaking the Wild Mortal

Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Ride 2; Type: Simple (Speed 6, DV -2)
Keywords: Compulsion, Fate, Obvious, Servitude, Stackable
Duration: Until Applied
Prerequisites: Spirit-Shape Companion, Ordained Bridle of Mercury
This Charm works as Ordained Bridle of Mercury except it instead affects
humans, and the user gains dots in Acquaintances instead of Familiar. If this is used
on the same target multiple times, the user gains his social circle in Acquaintances
as well.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 131-132.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Breaking the Wild Mortal

Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Ride 2; Type: Simple (Speed 6, DV -2)
Keywords: Compulsion, Fate, Obvious, Servitude, Stackable
Duration: Until Applied

Prerequisites: Spirit-Shape Companion, Ordained Bridle of Mercury
This Charm works as Ordained Bridle of Mercury except it instead affects
humans, and the user gains dots in Acquaintances instead of Familiar. If this is used
on the same target multiple times, the user gains his social circle in Acquaintances
as well.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 131-132.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Riding the Dragon

Cost: 20m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 4, Ride 5; Type: Simple (Speed 8, DV -3)
Keywords: Obvious, Prayer Strip, Shaping, Touch, Virtue (Conviction)
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Ordained Bridle of Mercury, Breaking the Wild Mortal, Glory
Path, Godly Companion
This Charm can only affect the user’s Familiars or Aquaintances. The user
turns the person or animal into a giant riding dragon. The Sidereal Exalted Sidereal
can turn them into a Lesser Elemental Dragon if she so chooses. See the Charm text
for stats and drawbacks.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 132.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Riding the Dragon

Cost: 20m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 4, Ride 5; Type: Simple (Speed 8, DV -3)
Keywords: Obvious, Prayer Strip, Shaping, Touch, Virtue (Conviction)
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Ordained Bridle of Mercury, Breaking the Wild Mortal, Glory
Path, Godly Companion
This Charm can only affect the user’s Familiars or Aquaintances. The user
turns the person or animal into a giant riding dragon. The Sidereal Exalted Sidereal
can turn them into a Lesser Elemental Dragon if she so chooses. See the Charm text
for stats and drawbacks.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 132.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Ordained Bridle of Mercury

Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Ride 2; Type: Simple (Speed 6, DV -2)
Keywords: Obvious, Touch
Duration: Until Applied
Prerequisites: Red Haze, Someone Else’s Destiny, Water and Fire Legion, Shield
of Mars
The user gains a familiar. See the full Charm text for details.Source Manual of
Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 130.
2.5errata source=Scroll of Erratakeywords=Compulsion, Obvious, Touchtext=The
magic forcing the animal to allow a Sidereal to place the bridle upon them is an
unnatural Compulsion costing 3wp to resist. Natural animals rarely do so, unless
they have strong loyalty to other Essence users.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Ordained Bridle of Mercury

Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Ride 2; Type: Simple (Speed 6, DV -2)
Keywords: Obvious, Touch
Duration: Until Applied
Prerequisites: Red Haze, Someone Else’s Destiny, Water and Fire Legion, Shield
of Mars
The user gains a familiar. See the full Charm text for details.Source Manual of
Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 130.
2.5errata source=Scroll of Erratakeywords=Compulsion, Obvious, Touchtext=The
magic forcing the animal to allow a Sidereal to place the bridle upon them is an
unnatural Compulsion costing 3wp to resist. Natural animals rarely do so, unless
they have strong loyalty to other Essence users.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Yellow Path
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Ride 3; Type: Simple (Speed 6, DV -2)
Duration: One Journey
The user makes a roll while divining a path to a destination. If successful, she
gains insight into the best and most expediant path to take.Source Manual of Exalted
Power: Sidereals, pp. 132.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratasource2=
r2qAtype=Simple (Dramatic action)keywords=Combo-OKtext=The deadlines a
character rushes to meet with the assistance of this Charm must actually exist. She
cannot arbitrarily invent or declare deadlines for herself. For example, a Vizier might
hurry across Creation to reach Nexus in time for her brother’s birthday if she intends
to pay him a surprise visit upon arriving, but could not do so simply because she
wishes to use the Nexus gateway to get back to Yu-Shan as soon as possible.
¡p¿The paths revealed by this Charm aren’t guaranteed to be free of danger to the
Sidereal, but will not lead her into certain doom. Miraculous paths revealed by rolling
5+ successes allow the Sidereal to bypass limitations of distance, but not of active
obstruction; for example, an attempt to divine a path to the heart of the Imperial
Manse would quickly deposit a Sidereal at the entrance to the structure, at which
point it would be up to her to find some way to breach its formidable defenses.¡/p¿
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Yellow Path
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Ride 3; Type: Simple (Speed 6, DV -2)
Duration: One Journey
The user makes a roll while divining a path to a destination. If successful, she
gains insight into the best and most expediant path to take.Source Manual of Exalted
Power: Sidereals, pp. 132.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratasource2=
r2qAtype=Simple (Dramatic action)keywords=Combo-OKtext=The deadlines a
character rushes to meet with the assistance of this Charm must actually exist. She

cannot arbitrarily invent or declare deadlines for herself. For example, a Vizier might
hurry across Creation to reach Nexus in time for her brother’s birthday if she intends
to pay him a surprise visit upon arriving, but could not do so simply because she
wishes to use the Nexus gateway to get back to Yu-Shan as soon as possible.
¡p¿The paths revealed by this Charm aren’t guaranteed to be free of danger to the
Sidereal, but will not lead her into certain doom. Miraculous paths revealed by rolling
5+ successes allow the Sidereal to bypass limitations of distance, but not of active
obstruction; for example, an attempt to divine a path to the heart of the Imperial
Manse would quickly deposit a Sidereal at the entrance to the structure, at which
point it would be up to her to find some way to breach its formidable defenses.¡/p¿
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Glory Path
Cost: 8m; Mins: Essence 2, Ride 3; Type: Simple (Speed 6, DV -2)
Keywords: Obvious, Virtue (Temperance)
Duration: Five Minutes
Prerequisites: , Yellow Path
If the user succeeds on a roll, her mount’s movement is unhindered and it moves
quicker.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 132.
2.5errata source=Scroll of Erratasource2=
r2qAkeywords=Combo-Basic, Obviousduration=One scenetext=Glory Path does
not improve the mount’s speed as described and does not require an activation
roll. Instead, it allows the enchanted mount to Dash reflexively and without risk of
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Glory Path
Cost: 8m; Mins: Essence 2, Ride 3; Type: Simple (Speed 6, DV -2)
Keywords: Obvious, Virtue (Temperance)
Duration: Five Minutes
Prerequisites: , Yellow Path
If the user succeeds on a roll, her mount’s movement is unhindered and it moves
quicker.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 132.
2.5errata source=Scroll of Erratasource2=
r2qAkeywords=Combo-Basic, Obviousduration=One scenetext=Glory Path does
not improve the mount’s speed as described and does not require an activation
roll. Instead, it allows the enchanted mount to Dash reflexively and without risk of
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Spirit-Shape Companion
Cost: 10m, 1wp, 3xp; Mins: Essence 3, Ride 3; Type: Simple (Speed 6, DV -2)
Keywords: Servitude, Shaping, Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Ordained Bridle of Mercury
The user turns his Familiar into a Small God.Source Manual of Exalted Power:
Sidereals, pp. 130-131.

Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Spirit-Shape Companion
Cost: 10m, 1wp, 1xp; Mins: Essence 3, Ride 3; Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Ordained Bridle of Mercury
The user turns her Backgrounds:Familiar familiar into a small god.Source Ex-
alted: The Sidereals, p. 135.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Cats Poise Technique (Fair Folk)

Cost: Special; Mins: Essence 1, Ring 1; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Glamour, Mutation, Native
Duration: Assumption
This Charm allows a character to purchase extra Composure levels.
Source: Goddessgood

Ox-Body Technique (Fair Folk)

Cost: Special; Mins: Essence 1, Ring 1; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Glamour, Mutation, Native
Duration: Assumption
This Charm allows a character to purchase extra health levels.
Source Graceful Wicked Masques: The Fair Folk, pp. 191.
Category:Body-Strengthening Charms
Source: Graceful Wicked Masques: The Fair Folk

Ox-Body Technique (Fair Folk)

Cost: Special; Mins: Essence 1, Ring 1; Type: Reflexive
Duration: One Story
This Charm allows a Raksha to purchase extra health levels.
Source Exalted: The Fair Folk, p. 179
Category:Body-Strengthening Charms
Source: Exalted: The Fair Folk

Serendipitous Voyage
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Sail 2; Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
Duration: Special
The character uses this Charm at a port and within a day finds transport to
her destination.

Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 133.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Stone Skipping Spirit

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 1, Sail 2; Type: Simple
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Yellow Path
Environmental hazards cease to affect the vessel on which the user is rid-
ing.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 133-134.
2.5errata source=Scroll of Errataduration=Until the Exalt disembarkstext=This
Charm protects a ship the Sidereal is on until she disembarks.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Stone Skipping Spirit

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 1, Sail 2; Type: Simple
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Yellow Path
Environmental hazards cease to affect the vessel on which the user is rid-
ing.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 133-134.
2.5errata source=Scroll of Errataduration=Until the Exalt disembarkstext=This
Charm protects a ship the Sidereal is on until she disembarks.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Salt into Ash Sleight

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Sail 1; Type: Simple
Keywords: Compulsion, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
The user dismisses a water spirit. This can be overcome with Willpower.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 134.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratakeywords=Combo-OK, Compulsion, Obvious,
Shapingtext=This Charm only affects spirits strongly associated with water, be they
gods, demons, or even ghosts whose death involved drowning or being killed at sea.
The target must be within (Essence x 10) yards. Use of the Charm acts as a social
attack, the Sidereal rolling (Charisma or Manipulation + Sail) against the target’s
MDV. It costs 3wp to ignore this unnatural Compulsion for the rest of the scene.
Each time the Sidereal’s anima flares to a new level, the spirit must resist again as if
the attack had succeeded with 0 extra successes.
”Add the following to this Charm:”¡br¿
Even when the truculent spirit resists the Compulsion, the world itself dooms them
for shirking their duties elsewhere. Other characters reduce by one the target number
of actions they take that would drive the spirit away, including physical attacks and
social attacks to convince the target to leave.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Salt into Ash Sleight
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Sail 1; Type: Simple
Keywords: Compulsion, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
The user dismisses a water spirit. This can be overcome with Willpower.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 134.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratakeywords=Combo-OK, Compulsion, Obvious,
Shapingtext=This Charm only affects spirits strongly associated with water, be they
gods, demons, or even ghosts whose death involved drowning or being killed at sea.
The target must be within (Essence x 10) yards. Use of the Charm acts as a social
attack, the Sidereal rolling (Charisma or Manipulation + Sail) against the target’s
MDV. It costs 3wp to ignore this unnatural Compulsion for the rest of the scene.
Each time the Sidereal’s anima flares to a new level, the spirit must resist again as if
the attack had succeeded with 0 extra successes.
”Add the following to this Charm:”¡br¿
Even when the truculent spirit resists the Compulsion, the world itself dooms them
for shirking their duties elsewhere. Other characters reduce by one the target number
of actions they take that would drive the spirit away, including physical attacks and
social attacks to convince the target to leave.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Salt into Ash Sleight

Cost: 2m + 2m per target number reduction; Mins: Essence 1, Sail 2; Type:
Duration: One scene
This Charm reduces the target number for attempts to drive elementals or
spirits of water away.Source Exalted: The Sidereals, p. 137.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Mirror-Shattering Method
Cost: 5m (+1 wp); Mins: Essence 3, Sail 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Fate
Duration: Five Days
Prerequisites: , Stone Skipping Spirit
The ship becomes dematerialized and the user rolls to plot a course. After
either five days have past or the ship arrives, the ship materializes. This can also sail
the ship to Yu-Shan.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 134-135.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratasource2=
r2qAkeywords=Combo-OKtext=The difficulty of plotting or changing course with
this Charm is two higher than normally doing so. Normally invalid rolls, such as
plotting a course over dry land with a sailing vessel, are allowed, and are difficulty 5.
Learning the courses to other worlds does not cost experience or bonus points,
but does require extensive familiarity with the more usual methods of traveling to
the other realm of existence, to the point that no knowledge recall rolls would be

necessary to know them. The difficulty of plotting courses to other realms is never
less than 6.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Mirror-Shattering Method
Cost: 5m (+1 wp); Mins: Essence 3, Sail 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Fate
Duration: Five Days
Prerequisites: , Stone Skipping Spirit
The ship becomes dematerialized and the user rolls to plot a course. After
either five days have past or the ship arrives, the ship materializes. This can also sail
the ship to Yu-Shan.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 134-135.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratasource2=
r2qAkeywords=Combo-OKtext=The difficulty of plotting or changing course with
this Charm is two higher than normally doing so. Normally invalid rolls, such as
plotting a course over dry land with a sailing vessel, are allowed, and are difficulty 5.
Learning the courses to other worlds does not cost experience or bonus points,
but does require extensive familiarity with the more usual methods of traveling to
the other realm of existence, to the point that no knowledge recall rolls would be
necessary to know them. The difficulty of plotting courses to other realms is never
less than 6.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Five Ordeals Odyssey

Cost: 10m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 4, Sail 5; Type: Simple (Speed 6, DV -2)
Keywords: Fate, Obvious, Prayer Strip
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Stone Skipping Spirit, Mirror-Shattering Method, Serendipitous
Voyage, Walls of Salt and Ash
The user forces something to happen to remove an obstacle to a voyage, putting
her vessel in a different type of harm. This does not affect threats from outside
fate.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 135-136.
2.5errata source=Scroll of Errataduration=Instant
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Five Ordeals Odyssey

Cost: 10m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 4, Sail 5; Type: Simple (Speed 6, DV -2)
Keywords: Fate, Obvious, Prayer Strip
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Stone Skipping Spirit, Mirror-Shattering Method, Serendipitous
Voyage, Walls of Salt and Ash
The user forces something to happen to remove an obstacle to a voyage, putting
her vessel in a different type of harm. This does not affect threats from outside
fate.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 135-136.
2.5errata source=Scroll of Errataduration=Instant
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Harmonious Disease-Body Unity
Cost: 5m (1w); Mins: Essence 3, Socialize 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Servitude
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: , Fortuitous Fellowship

Venus smiles to see harmonious relationships no matter where they should be.
Such mirth lends puissance to this Charm, which lets the Sidereal act as diplomat
and peacemaker to infectious bacteria and harmful viruses of all sorts. So long as
this Charm remains active, the Sidereal cannot be affected by any unwanted Sick-
ness effect. Rather than making him immune to diseases and maladies, this Charm
instead compels them to enter into the Sidereal’s body and live in harmony with his
biology. Bacteria form peaceable colonies that aid the Vizier’s organs and tracts in
their natural processes, cancerous tissues sink into benign torpor, and arcane diseases
weave themselves harmlessly into health-promoting essence patterns.
Furthermore, the Sidereal may command diseases that already affect him to enter
into this unity for a cost of one Willpower. Doing so terminates any negative effects of
a single pre-existing Sickness effect the Sidereal suffers from. Enslaving diseases with
this Charm strengthens the Sidereal’s natural vitality; each Sickness effect negated or
cured counts as a day spent training to raise his Stamina rating. In the exceptionally
rare situation that a sentient disease should infect the Sidereal, it may resist this
unnatural mental influence for a cost of five Willpower, allowing its malady to progress
as usual. Once a sentient disease has resisted this influence, it is immune to any further
uses made by the Sidereal for the duration of its infection.
Source: The Demented One

Hot-Eyed Snake Whispering

Cost: 1m per target number reduction; Mins: Essence 2, Socialize 3; Type:
Duration: Instant
This Charm decreases the target number of Presence, Performance, Bureau-
cracy and Socialize rolls.Source Exalted: The Sidereals, p. 153.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Shun the Smiling Lady

Cost: 7m; Mins: Essence 2, Socialize 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Emotion, Fate, Shaping
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Defense of Shining Joy, Song of Spirit Persuasion, Faultless Cer-
emony, Heart-Brightening Presentation Style
The user removes the victim’s name from the registry of those destined to fall
in love, imposing massive penalties to the victim. This destroys love-based Intimacies
based on the victim. See the charm text for full details.Source Manual of Exalted
Power: Sidereals, p. 149.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm costs 5
Willpower to resist.

2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Emotion, Touch
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Love is like an Ending, no more keenly felt than when it is gone. This Charm
strikes a targets name from the rolls of love. Characters with romantic Intimacies
for the target treat scenes interacting with him as a scene eroding those Intimacies,
regardless of the context. Paying one Willpower allows one to ignore this unnatural
Emotion effect for the scene. Characters must likewise resist this Emotion effect when
trying to build an Intimacy of love for the target.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Shun the Smiling Lady

Cost: 7m; Mins: Essence 2, Socialize 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Emotion, Fate, Shaping
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Defense of Shining Joy, Song of Spirit Persuasion, Faultless Cer-
emony, Heart-Brightening Presentation Style
The user removes the victim’s name from the registry of those destined to fall
in love, imposing massive penalties to the victim. This destroys love-based Intimacies
based on the victim. See the charm text for full details.Source Manual of Exalted
Power: Sidereals, p. 149.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm costs 5
Willpower to resist.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Emotion, Touch
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Love is like an Ending, no more keenly felt than when it is gone. This Charm
strikes a targets name from the rolls of love. Characters with romantic Intimacies
for the target treat scenes interacting with him as a scene eroding those Intimacies,
regardless of the context. Paying one Willpower allows one to ignore this unnatural
Emotion effect for the scene. Characters must likewise resist this Emotion effect when
trying to build an Intimacy of love for the target.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Cash and Murder Games

Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Socialize 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Fate, Servitude, Virtue (Conviction)
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Shun the Smiling Lady
The user chooses two people, a beneficiary and a victim. If the user succeeds on
a roll, the victim immediately views the beneficiary in a way the user defines. Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 149.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-Basic, Emotion, Virtue (Conviction)
text=This Charm enhances any social attack that may include the intended target,
as long as the attack evokes the desired kind of relationship the Sidereal wishes to

impose. It imposes an Intimacy of an appropriate nature that cannot be suppressed
or eroded without spending 1wp per scene to ignore the unnatural Emotion. Ignore
the reference to threshold successes. As long as it persists, in addition to the usual
MDV modifiers, it imposes internal penalties on contrary actions per the Emotion
keyword (see page 9).
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Cash and Murder Games

Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Socialize 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Fate, Servitude, Virtue (Conviction)
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Shun the Smiling Lady
The user chooses two people, a beneficiary and a victim. If the user succeeds on
a roll, the victim immediately views the beneficiary in a way the user defines. Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 149.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-Basic, Emotion, Virtue (Conviction)
text=This Charm enhances any social attack that may include the intended target,
as long as the attack evokes the desired kind of relationship the Sidereal wishes to
impose. It imposes an Intimacy of an appropriate nature that cannot be suppressed
or eroded without spending 1wp per scene to ignore the unnatural Emotion. Ignore
the reference to threshold successes. As long as it persists, in addition to the usual
MDV modifiers, it imposes internal penalties on contrary actions per the Emotion
keyword (see page 9).
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Cash and Murder Games

Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Socialize 3; Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Shun the Smiling Lady
The user chooses two people, a beneficiary and a victim. If the user succeeds on
a roll, the victim immediately views the beneficiary in a way the user defines.Source
Exalted: The Sidereals, p. 152.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Life Without Compunction

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Socialize 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Fate, Social, Virtue (Temperance)
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Shun the Smiling Lady
If the user succeeds on a roll, she changes the reaction to a social ”faux pas”
of herself or someone else to a more favorable outcome. This Charm can be used in
social combat. See the full text of the charm for details.Source Manual of Exalted
Power: Sidereals, pp. 149-150.

errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm costs 2
Willpower points to resist.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratasource2=
keywords=Combo-OK, Emotion, Social, Virtue (Temperance)
text=This Charms unnatural Emotion of acceptance applies against all witnesses
with MDV less than (Exalts Manipulation + Socialize). There is no activation roll.
Individuals are always subject to the described three-success threshold effect, while
any present social group adopts a related Policy only if their leaders MDV is less than
half (Sidereals Manipulation + Socialize).
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Life Without Compunction

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Socialize 4; Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Cash and Murder Games
If the user succeeds on a roll, she changes the reaction to a social ”faux pas”
of herself or someone else to a more favorable outcome. See the full text of the charm
for details.Source Exalted: The Sidereals, p. 152.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

You and Yours Stance

Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Socialize 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Compulsion, Fate, Servitude
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: , Cash and Murder Games, Life Without Compunction
This Charm makes others want to please the Sidereal Exalted Sidereal.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 150.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm costs 2
Willpower points to resist.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-Basic, Emotion
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
This Charm lays bare the lust that all must feel for Exalted heroes. Those that
are friendly try to please the Sidereal, while those that are hostile turn to bitter rage
that they cannot find it within themselves to please her. Characters that wish to
attack the Sidereal must overcome their own desire for her, requiring a Conviction
roll much like a Morale check (see Exalted, pp. 156-157), with a rating based on
the apparent ability for the Exalt to fulfill the attackers desires. The more willing
or capable she may seem, or the more singular the means at her disposal, the higher
the difficulty, to a maximum of difficulty 3. Likewise, outside of combat, characters
must roll Temperance in a similar manner to perform actions that they believe would
displease the Sidereal while they can see her or believe that she can see them.
These rolls need be made no more than once per action, but failure prevents one
from carrying out any contrary actions unless the transgressor spends 2wp to ignore
this Charms unnatural Emotion. After spending Willpower to resist twice, a character
is immunized against this Charm for the rest of the scene.

Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

You and Yours Stance

Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Socialize 3; Type: Simple
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Shun the Smiling Lady
This Charm makes others want to please the Sidereal Exalted Sidereal and
makes it difficult for those hostile to her to attack her.Source Exalted: The Sidereals,
p. 152.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Wanting and Fearing Prayer

Cost: 10m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 4, Socialize 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Fate, Illusion, Prayer Strip, Virtue (Conviction)
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: , Fortuitous Fellowship, You and Yours Stance
The Sidereal Exalted Sidereal rolls an attack against two people within range. If
she succeeds both times, she crafts a new relationship for the two individuals. While
the Essence is committed, the two experience a magically enforced Intimacy toward
one another. See the full text of the charm for details.Source Manual of Exalted
Power: Sidereals, pp. 150-151.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
cost=10m, 1wp, 1hl
type=Simple (Dramatic action)
keywords=Combo-Basic, Emotion, Illusion, Prayer Strip, Virtue (Conviction)
text=Activating this Charm is a five-minute ceremony wherein the Sidereal con-
secrates the relationship he is fabricating. He must have spent at least a scene inter-
acting with both targets at some point in the current story, and he must have gauged
their hearts by reading their motivations successfully (Exalted, p. 131). Applying
the Charms effect requires only one roll that is applied against both targets.
¡p¿The targets may act against the imposed Intimacy without spending Willpower,
but they suffer appropriate penalties (see the Emotion keyword, page 9). The diffi-
culty of each roll during the surgery to remove a prayer strip is 6.¡/p¿
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Wanting and Fearing Prayer

Cost: 10m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 4, Socialize 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Fate, Illusion, Prayer Strip, Virtue (Conviction)
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: , Fortuitous Fellowship, You and Yours Stance
The Sidereal Exalted Sidereal rolls an attack against two people within range. If
she succeeds both times, she crafts a new relationship for the two individuals. While
the Essence is committed, the two experience a magically enforced Intimacy toward
one another. See the full text of the charm for details.Source Manual of Exalted
Power: Sidereals, pp. 150-151.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata

cost=10m, 1wp, 1hl
type=Simple (Dramatic action)
keywords=Combo-Basic, Emotion, Illusion, Prayer Strip, Virtue (Conviction)
text=Activating this Charm is a five-minute ceremony wherein the Sidereal con-
secrates the relationship he is fabricating. He must have spent at least a scene inter-
acting with both targets at some point in the current story, and he must have gauged
their hearts by reading their motivations successfully (Exalted, p. 131). Applying
the Charms effect requires only one roll that is applied against both targets.
¡p¿The targets may act against the imposed Intimacy without spending Willpower,
but they suffer appropriate penalties (see the Emotion keyword, page 9). The diffi-
culty of each roll during the surgery to remove a prayer strip is 6.¡/p¿
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Stern Essence Replenishment

Cost: None; Mins: Essence 2, Socialize 1; Type: Special
Duration: Permanent
This Charm provides the character with motes of Essence when she relies on
her Conviction. See the full text of the Charm for the details.Source Exalted: The
Sidereals, p. 151.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Cats Poise Technique (Lunar)

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 1, Stamina 1; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Native, Stackable
Duration: Permanent
This Charm allows a character to purchase extra Composure lev-
els.Category:Interaction Charms
Source: Goddessgood

Ox-Body Technique (Lunar)

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 1, Stamina 1; Type: Native, Permanent
Keywords: Stackable
Duration: Permanent
This Charm allows a character to purchase extra health levels.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Lunars, p. 156.
Source Second Edition Core, p. 330.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Lunars

Ox-Body Technique (Lunar)

Cost: None; Mins: Essence 1, Stamina Varies; Type: Special
Duration: Permanent

This Charm allows a character to purchase extra health levels.
Source Exalted: The Lunars, p. 133.
Source: Exalted: The Lunars

Soft Presence Practice

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Stealth 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Maiden, Prayer Strip, Shaping
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: , Unweaving Method
While this Charm is active, divide the number of motes spent by two to calculate
the user’s Anima display.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 171-172.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatype=Supplementalduration=One
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
cost=4m, 1wp
duration=One scene
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
With this Charm, the Sidereal steps lightly around the bonfires of heroes and
dampens her own, moving to disturb none so that she may work in peace. While this
Charm is active, motes spent on the Sidereals non-Obvious Stealth Charms (including
Excellencies) do not contribute to anima flare, and she may spend up to (Essence)
peripheral motes on other non-Obvious Charms each tick without them counting for
anima flare. In addition, she adds an extra success to her Larceny and Stealth rolls
during the scene.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Soft Presence Practice

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Stealth 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Maiden, Prayer Strip, Shaping
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: , Unweaving Method
While this Charm is active, divide the number of motes spent by two to calculate
the user’s Anima display.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 171-172.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatype=Supplementalduration=One
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
cost=4m, 1wp
duration=One scene
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
With this Charm, the Sidereal steps lightly around the bonfires of heroes and
dampens her own, moving to disturb none so that she may work in peace. While this
Charm is active, motes spent on the Sidereals non-Obvious Stealth Charms (including

Excellencies) do not contribute to anima flare, and she may spend up to (Essence)
peripheral motes on other non-Obvious Charms each tick without them counting for
anima flare. In addition, she adds an extra success to her Larceny and Stealth rolls
during the scene.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Walking Outside Fate

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Stealth 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Fate
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: , Soft Presence Practice
The user steps outside of fate, becoming effectively invisible to those with less
Essence than her. This ends if her anima flares.Source Manual of Exalted Power:
Sidereals, p. 171.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=To clarify, the character is effectively invisible, and can be targeted like other
invisible characters. She is perfectly immune to long-term tracking (see Exalted, p.
140), adding (Essence) dice to any roll-off.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Walking Outside Fate

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Stealth 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Fate
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: , Soft Presence Practice
The user steps outside of fate, becoming effectively invisible to those with less
Essence than her. This ends if her anima flares.Source Manual of Exalted Power:
Sidereals, p. 171.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=To clarify, the character is effectively invisible, and can be targeted like other
invisible characters. She is perfectly immune to long-term tracking (see Exalted, p.
140), adding (Essence) dice to any roll-off.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Subordinate Inspiration Technique

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 3, Stealth 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Social
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Soft Presence Practice, Walking Outside Fate
This Charm can only be used when Walking Outside Fate is active. This allows
the user to make social attacks against people still inside of Fate.Source Manual of
Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 171.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-Basic, Illusion
text=This Charm enhances social attacks to encourage a belief in the target, and
these attacks are not unexpected the targets MDVs may apply normally. However, if
successful, the target must spend 3wp to recognize that the belief came from outside

her own thoughts. Failure on the attack prompts the targets roll to notice the presence
of the Sidereal.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Subordinate Inspiration Technique

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 3, Stealth 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Social
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Soft Presence Practice, Walking Outside Fate
This Charm can only be used when Walking Outside Fate is active. This allows
the user to make social attacks against people still inside of Fate.Source Manual of
Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 171.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-Basic, Illusion
text=This Charm enhances social attacks to encourage a belief in the target, and
these attacks are not unexpected the targets MDVs may apply normally. However, if
successful, the target must spend 3wp to recognize that the belief came from outside
her own thoughts. Failure on the attack prompts the targets roll to notice the presence
of the Sidereal.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Subordinate Inspiration Technique

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 3, Stealth 5; Type: Simple
Duration: One minute
Prerequisites: Walking Outside Fate
This Charm can only be used when Walking Outside Fate is active. Any spirit
or Sidereal present hears the character’s words as his own thoughts.Source Exalted:
The Sidereals, p. 172.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Blinding the Boar

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Stealth 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Virtue (Valor)
Duration: Five Actions
Prerequisites: Any Stealth Excellency, Soft Presence Practice
If the user succeeds on her roll, those who see the character cannot discern any
details about her and has difficulty interacting with her.Source Manual of Exalted
Power: Sidereals, p. 172.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratasource2=
keywords=Combo-OK, Illusion, Virtue (Valor)
duration=One scene
text=This Charm targets an individual up to (Essence) yards away. There is no
activation roll Blinding the Boar is a form of unblockable and undodgeable unnatural
Illusion. It may be ignored for 3wp per action. The target finds it impossible to

recognize the Sidereal, and also faces a -3 external penalty on all actions targeting
the Exalt.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Blinding the Boar

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Stealth 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Virtue (Valor)
Duration: Five Actions
Prerequisites: Any Stealth Excellency, Soft Presence Practice
If the user succeeds on her roll, those who see the character cannot discern any
details about her and has difficulty interacting with her.Source Manual of Exalted
Power: Sidereals, p. 172.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratasource2=
keywords=Combo-OK, Illusion, Virtue (Valor)
duration=One scene
text=This Charm targets an individual up to (Essence) yards away. There is no
activation roll Blinding the Boar is a form of unblockable and undodgeable unnatural
Illusion. It may be ignored for 3wp per action. The target finds it impossible to
recognize the Sidereal, and also faces a -3 external penalty on all actions targeting
the Exalt.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Ceasing to Exist Approach

Cost: 5m, 2wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 4, Stealth 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Fate, Illusion, Prayer Strip
Duration: Indefinate
Prerequisites: , Blinding the Boar, Subordinate Inspiration Technique
The Sidereal Exalted Sidereal disappears and reappears somewhere in creation
as someone else. She gains appropriate backgrounds and social networks for the
identity. This does not fool creatures outside fate, from the Wyld, or spirits at or
above the Maiden’s level of power and authority.Source Manual of Exalted Power:
Sidereals, pp. 172-173.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm costs 5
Willpower to resist.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-Basic, Illusion, Prayer Strip, Shaping
text=The disguise draped around the Sidereal herself is Shaping of an impenetrable
nature. Community members who should know the new persona, and social attacks to
convince others that the persona is real, are subject to or become unnatural Illusions
that cost 3wp to ignore.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Ceasing to Exist Approach

Cost: 5m, 2wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 4, Stealth 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Fate, Illusion, Prayer Strip
Duration: Indefinate

Prerequisites: , Blinding the Boar, Subordinate Inspiration Technique
The Sidereal Exalted Sidereal disappears and reappears somewhere in creation
as someone else. She gains appropriate backgrounds and social networks for the
identity. This does not fool creatures outside fate, from the Wyld, or spirits at or
above the Maiden’s level of power and authority.Source Manual of Exalted Power:
Sidereals, pp. 172-173.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm costs 5
Willpower to resist.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-Basic, Illusion, Prayer Strip, Shaping
text=The disguise draped around the Sidereal herself is Shaping of an impenetrable
nature. Community members who should know the new persona, and social attacks to
convince others that the persona is real, are subject to or become unnatural Illusions
that cost 3wp to ignore.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Bonds of Creation’s Heritage

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3, Survival 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: , Excellency Any Survival Excellency
The Five Maidens recognized a problem they knew their Chosen would develop
even before they were created and made plans to correct it. The problem was this,
to set the very fate of Creation and all its inhabitants in the hands of those who
are inevitably removed from it. The Maidens could see the destiny of their plans for
Yu-Shan’s bureaucracy and it would inevitably lead to Sidereals that were cloistered
in their work, spending more time with the multitude in variation of Gods rather than
with the mortals they sprang from. To correct that problem they made this charm.
With the purchase of this Charm, a Sidereal may recover temporary willpower
points by working as a member of a community of mortals to survive the rigors of
Creation. Each full day spent on such work allows the Sidereal to roll a number of dice
equal to the Magnitude of the community and recover one temporary willpower point
for each success. In addition, each purchase of this Charm adds one additional tem-
porary willpower point to the character’s normal pool. This temporary willpower can
only be recovered through the method above or through Willpower-recovery charms.
A character may not take this Charm more times than her permanent Essence.
Source: Upaatk

Adopting the Untamed Face

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Survival 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion
Duration: One Action in Long Ticks
Prerequisites: Salt into Ash Sleight, Mirror-Shattering Method
The user can talk to a specific animal. If the user succeeds on a roll, he can im-
pose an unnatural mental influence on the creature.Source Manual of Exalted Power:
Sidereals, p. 136.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm costs 2

Willpower points to resist.
2.5errata source=Scroll of Erratatype=Simplekeywords=Combo-OK, Compulsion,
Social, Virtue (Compassion)duration=One scenetext=While this Charm is in effect,
the Sidereal may make social attacks against beings of animal intelligence normally,
limited only by the targets’ understanding. Compelling behavior in a target becomes
an unnatural Compulsion costing 2wp to resist. The target’s Control Rating does not
matter, and this Charm does not create Intimacies as a matter of course.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Adopting the Untamed Face

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Survival 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion
Duration: One Action in Long Ticks
Prerequisites: Salt into Ash Sleight, Mirror-Shattering Method
The user can talk to a specific animal. If the user succeeds on a roll, he can im-
pose an unnatural mental influence on the creature.Source Manual of Exalted Power:
Sidereals, p. 136.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm costs 2
Willpower points to resist.
2.5errata source=Scroll of Erratatype=Simplekeywords=Combo-OK, Compulsion,
Social, Virtue (Compassion)duration=One scenetext=While this Charm is in effect,
the Sidereal may make social attacks against beings of animal intelligence normally,
limited only by the targets’ understanding. Compelling behavior in a target becomes
an unnatural Compulsion costing 2wp to resist. The target’s Control Rating does not
matter, and this Charm does not create Intimacies as a matter of course.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Becoming the Wilderness

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Survival 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Fate, Illusion, Social, Virtue (Valor)
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Becoming the Wilderness
Certain wild beasts will ignore the user. He can also influence the creatures on
a successful roll to a limited degree. This can also affect local spirits or Lunars when
dealing with areas around their territory.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals,
pp. 136.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm costs 3
Willpower points to resist.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratakeywords=Combo-OK, Virtue
(Valor)duration=One daytext=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”
The wilderness is not a hazard to itself, and each part unto its other parts is as one
beautiful, moving Tapestry. By activating this Charm, the Sidereal becomes another
part of the wild, and it accepts him warmly. The Exalt ignores the environmental
impediments of the untamed wilderness, which is distinct from sculpted gardens or
the body-realms of titans. This allows him to ignore external penalties or difficulty
increases from these factors, the difficulties of unstable footing or water and muck
(Exalted, p. 155), or exhaustion from extreme temperatures (Exalted, p. 130). On

rolls that would suffer these penalties, the Seer may channel his Valor. The Exalt
travels at his maximum overland travel speed with little effort, as if he were on a
leisurely walk and ignoring any reductions to his travel speed due to weather, terrain
or magic.
With a Survival and Essence 3+ repurchase, the Sidereal has come to an under-
standing that all places are wilderness to those unfamiliar. He may activate this
Charm to function in either true untamed wilderness or in more structured, culti-
vated places such as cities and towns. The Exalt cannot make use of both functions
at once, and the divine structure of titan bodies remain too potent to ignore until
Essence 4+.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Becoming the Wilderness

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Survival 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Fate, Illusion, Social, Virtue (Valor)
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Becoming the Wilderness
Certain wild beasts will ignore the user. He can also influence the creatures on
a successful roll to a limited degree. This can also affect local spirits or Lunars when
dealing with areas around their territory.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals,
pp. 136.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm costs 3
Willpower points to resist.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratakeywords=Combo-OK, Virtue
(Valor)duration=One daytext=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”
The wilderness is not a hazard to itself, and each part unto its other parts is as one
beautiful, moving Tapestry. By activating this Charm, the Sidereal becomes another
part of the wild, and it accepts him warmly. The Exalt ignores the environmental
impediments of the untamed wilderness, which is distinct from sculpted gardens or
the body-realms of titans. This allows him to ignore external penalties or difficulty
increases from these factors, the difficulties of unstable footing or water and muck
(Exalted, p. 155), or exhaustion from extreme temperatures (Exalted, p. 130). On
rolls that would suffer these penalties, the Seer may channel his Valor. The Exalt
travels at his maximum overland travel speed with little effort, as if he were on a
leisurely walk and ignoring any reductions to his travel speed due to weather, terrain
or magic.
With a Survival and Essence 3+ repurchase, the Sidereal has come to an under-
standing that all places are wilderness to those unfamiliar. He may activate this
Charm to function in either true untamed wilderness or in more structured, culti-
vated places such as cities and towns. The Exalt cannot make use of both functions
at once, and the divine structure of titan bodies remain too potent to ignore until
Essence 4+.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Dreaming the Wild Lands

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Survival 4; Type: Simple
Duration: Instant

Prerequisites: , Adopting the Untamed Face, Becoming the Wilderness
This Charm allows the user to attack aspects of the landscape using a different
attack pool.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 136-137.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratakeywords=Shaping
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratacost=5m, 1wpkeywords=Combo-OK, Obvious,
Shapingtext=This Charm allows the Sidereal to shift any discrete piece of non-
magical, untamed wilderness scenery, even important and ’permanent’ landmarks
like glaciers. The Exalt may move a tree, a grove of trees, a clearing in a forest, or
even the whole forest if it is small enough. The target scenery and its destination
must both be within (Essence x 50) yards of the Sidereal. Any other intertwined ele-
ments of scenery will stay where they are, and after the shift is complete both fit as
naturally as they can into their new homes. Moving ’a plain’ or ’a clearing’ will cause
the empty space to be filled with appropriate new scenery of negligible Resources
If the targeted piece of scenery is larger than (Essence x 2) yards, it takes about
an hour to make the transition, during which time it is not immune to further use of
this Charm by an indecisive Sidereal or his competitors.
Pieces of scenery that are up to (Essence x 2) yards travel in the course of a
single tick, and may be used to make attacks. The Sidereal subjects those within
the targeted area to an environmental hazard with (Essence) Trauma and Damage.
It will tend to inflict bashing damage, though it may be lethal at the Storyteller’s
discretion based on the scenery used in the attack. These attacks tend to be Instant,
but appropriate stunts may extend their effect or cause other hazards, as when the
movement of a rock face causes a larger, natural avalanche.
A Sidereal may use this Charm to perform sabotage on or to engineer demesnes
(see The Books of Sorcery, Vol. IIIOadenol’s Codex, p. 51-54). In the former case,
each use of the Charm is equivalent to a week’s worth of sabotage, while in the latter
it is equivalent to a month’s worth of labor. This does allow the Exalt to ignore the
need for a labor pool or tools, but she must still meet all the other requirements for
manipulating a demesene. Remember that landscaping isn’t the only or even most
appropriate way to engineer particular types of demesnes.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Dreaming the Wild Lands

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Survival 4; Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Adopting the Untamed Face, Becoming the Wilderness
This Charm allows the user to attack aspects of the landscape using a different
attack pool.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 136-137.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratakeywords=Shaping
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratacost=5m, 1wpkeywords=Combo-OK, Obvious,
Shapingtext=This Charm allows the Sidereal to shift any discrete piece of non-
magical, untamed wilderness scenery, even important and ’permanent’ landmarks
like glaciers. The Exalt may move a tree, a grove of trees, a clearing in a forest, or
even the whole forest if it is small enough. The target scenery and its destination
must both be within (Essence x 50) yards of the Sidereal. Any other intertwined ele-
ments of scenery will stay where they are, and after the shift is complete both fit as

naturally as they can into their new homes. Moving ’a plain’ or ’a clearing’ will cause
the empty space to be filled with appropriate new scenery of negligible Resources
If the targeted piece of scenery is larger than (Essence x 2) yards, it takes about
an hour to make the transition, during which time it is not immune to further use of
this Charm by an indecisive Sidereal or his competitors.
Pieces of scenery that are up to (Essence x 2) yards travel in the course of a
single tick, and may be used to make attacks. The Sidereal subjects those within
the targeted area to an environmental hazard with (Essence) Trauma and Damage.
It will tend to inflict bashing damage, though it may be lethal at the Storyteller’s
discretion based on the scenery used in the attack. These attacks tend to be Instant,
but appropriate stunts may extend their effect or cause other hazards, as when the
movement of a rock face causes a larger, natural avalanche.
A Sidereal may use this Charm to perform sabotage on or to engineer demesnes
(see The Books of Sorcery, Vol. IIIOadenol’s Codex, p. 51-54). In the former case,
each use of the Charm is equivalent to a week’s worth of sabotage, while in the latter
it is equivalent to a month’s worth of labor. This does allow the Exalt to ignore the
need for a labor pool or tools, but she must still meet all the other requirements for
manipulating a demesene. Remember that landscaping isn’t the only or even most
appropriate way to engineer particular types of demesnes.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Sky and Rain Mantra

Cost: 10m; Mins: Essence 2, Survival 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: One Day
Prerequisites: Adopting the Untamed Face
If the user succeeds on a roll, she summons harsh weather, making it difficult
for people to survive off of the surrounding area. Alternatively, this can be used to
calm harsh weather conditions. Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 137.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm cannot directly cause environ-
mental hazards that inflict damage. The Sidereal cannot create a firestorm or deadly
cold, but a bout of unseasonable warmth may lead to a forest fire naturally.
”Add the following text to this Charm:”¡br¿
With Survival 5+ and Essence 3+, a Sidereal may use this Charm to create ’freak-
ish’ changes in weather, such as blizzards in the South. This increases the Cost of
the Charm by +1wp, and its enforced Duration lasts for only an hour.
With Survival 5+ and Essence 4+, a Sidereal’s use of this Charm can cause weather
that is a natural environmental hazard, on the level of the blistering heat/numbing
cold described on Exalted, p. 131 normally. By adding +1wp to the Charm’s Cost
and reducing its Duration to One hour, more extreme weather on the level of severe
sandstorms is possible. Creating hazards this way increases the difficulty of the roll
to activate the Charm by +2.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Sky and Rain Mantra

Cost: 10m; Mins: Essence 2, Survival 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic

Duration: One Day
Prerequisites: Adopting the Untamed Face
If the user succeeds on a roll, she summons harsh weather, making it difficult
for people to survive off of the surrounding area. Alternatively, this can be used to
calm harsh weather conditions. Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 137.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm cannot directly cause environ-
mental hazards that inflict damage. The Sidereal cannot create a firestorm or deadly
cold, but a bout of unseasonable warmth may lead to a forest fire naturally.
”Add the following text to this Charm:”¡br¿
With Survival 5+ and Essence 3+, a Sidereal may use this Charm to create ’freak-
ish’ changes in weather, such as blizzards in the South. This increases the Cost of
the Charm by +1wp, and its enforced Duration lasts for only an hour.
With Survival 5+ and Essence 4+, a Sidereal’s use of this Charm can cause weather
that is a natural environmental hazard, on the level of the blistering heat/numbing
cold described on Exalted, p. 131 normally. By adding +1wp to the Charm’s Cost
and reducing its Duration to One hour, more extreme weather on the level of severe
sandstorms is possible. Creating hazards this way increases the difficulty of the roll
to activate the Charm by +2.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Sky Spirit Demand

Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Survival 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Servitude, Virtue (Compassion)
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Sky and Rain Mantra
If the Sidereal Exalted Sidereal succeeds in a roll she can force certain Air
Elementals to gain an intimacy of her choosing. This can be used against other
Elementals at higher difficulty.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 137.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm costs 3
Willpower points to resist.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratatype=Simple (Speed 4 in long
ticks)keywords=Combo-OK, Emotion, Social, Virtue (Compassion)text=”Replace
the text of this Charm with the following:”
It is power beyond reckoning and often folly to demand of the gods of the sky,
when one can trade with them instead. This Charm is a social attack against a spirit
strongly associated with the wind and the air, including air elementals, gods of sail
boats, ghosts whose death involved falling from a great height and many of Adorjan’s
children. The Exalt entreats the spirit to understand her own point of view, and in
turn sympathizes with the desires of the divinity, rolling (Charisma or Manipulation
+ Presence) and adding (Survival) extra successes.
Success imposes an unnatural Emotion on both the Exalt and her target, the spirit
gaining an Intimacy of the Sidereal’s choice, while the Exalt gains an Intimacy that
the spirit already possesses, chosen by the spirit’s player. These Intimacies are strong
and not easily shed. Social attacks that exploit them become unnatural influence,
and to act contrary to or erode the Intimacy costs 1wp per scene. At the end of the
current story, both lose their magic and become normal Intimacies.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Sky Spirit Demand
Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Survival 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Servitude, Virtue (Compassion)
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: , Sky and Rain Mantra
If the Sidereal Exalted Sidereal succeeds in a roll she can force certain Air
Elementals to gain an intimacy of her choosing. This can be used against other
Elementals at higher difficulty.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 137.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm costs 3
Willpower points to resist.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratatype=Simple (Speed 4 in long
ticks)keywords=Combo-OK, Emotion, Social, Virtue (Compassion)text=”Replace
the text of this Charm with the following:”
It is power beyond reckoning and often folly to demand of the gods of the sky,
when one can trade with them instead. This Charm is a social attack against a spirit
strongly associated with the wind and the air, including air elementals, gods of sail
boats, ghosts whose death involved falling from a great height and many of Adorjan’s
children. The Exalt entreats the spirit to understand her own point of view, and in
turn sympathizes with the desires of the divinity, rolling (Charisma or Manipulation
+ Presence) and adding (Survival) extra successes.
Success imposes an unnatural Emotion on both the Exalt and her target, the spirit
gaining an Intimacy of the Sidereal’s choice, while the Exalt gains an Intimacy that
the spirit already possesses, chosen by the spirit’s player. These Intimacies are strong
and not easily shed. Social attacks that exploit them become unnatural influence,
and to act contrary to or erode the Intimacy costs 1wp per scene. At the end of the
current story, both lose their magic and become normal Intimacies.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Wilderness-Commanding Practice
Cost: 10m. 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 4, Survival 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Fate, Obvious, Prayer Strip, Virtue (Valor)
Duration: Five Days
Prerequisites: Sky and Rain Mantra, Dreaming the Wild Lands, Sky Spirit
The user becomes aware of anyone of interest to her in an affected area, and
she gains the ability to grant automatic successes or reduce enemy’s dice pools.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 138.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm provides the following benefits
while the Exalt stares at the prayer strip:
*The Sidereal can make valid rolls to perceive the area as if he were present
throughout it.
*He may target perceived animals within the area with his Manipulation-based
social attacks as long as he enhances the attack with Adopting the Untamed Face.
He conveys his message through environment and scenery rather than words.
*The Exalt may use Dreaming the Wild Lands, increasing its range to encompass
the area. Small changes, such as using the Charm to create hazard attacks, do not
cost Willpower.
*Once per day, the Exalt may activate Sky and Rain Mantra at a discounted 0m

Cost (Willpower surcharges apply normally for extreme weather).
*The number of successes or amount of external penalty the Exalt imposes on
others’ Survival and Resistance rolls to live in the area can range from 1 to 3. He
may also, at his choice, pay 1wp to grant a target the benefits of Becoming the
Wilderness for one day within the area.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Wilderness-Commanding Practice
Cost: 10m. 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 4, Survival 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Fate, Obvious, Prayer Strip, Virtue (Valor)
Duration: Five Days
Prerequisites: Sky and Rain Mantra, Dreaming the Wild Lands, Sky Spirit
The user becomes aware of anyone of interest to her in an affected area, and
she gains the ability to grant automatic successes or reduce enemy’s dice pools.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 138.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm provides the following benefits
while the Exalt stares at the prayer strip:
*The Sidereal can make valid rolls to perceive the area as if he were present
throughout it.
*He may target perceived animals within the area with his Manipulation-based
social attacks as long as he enhances the attack with Adopting the Untamed Face.
He conveys his message through environment and scenery rather than words.
*The Exalt may use Dreaming the Wild Lands, increasing its range to encompass
the area. Small changes, such as using the Charm to create hazard attacks, do not
cost Willpower.
*Once per day, the Exalt may activate Sky and Rain Mantra at a discounted 0m
Cost (Willpower surcharges apply normally for extreme weather).
*The number of successes or amount of external penalty the Exalt imposes on
others’ Survival and Resistance rolls to live in the area can range from 1 to 3. He
may also, at his choice, pay 1wp to grant a target the benefits of Becoming the
Wilderness for one day within the area.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Life Gets Worse Approach

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Thrown 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Dreaming the Wild Lands, Sky Spirit Demand
The user rolls an attack. If the attack deals damage, it stays in the target
and draws other Archery and Thrown attacks that miss their intended targets.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 139.
2.5errata source=Scroll of Errataduration=One scenetext=The Sidereal spends no
motes to invoke the attractive effect of this Charm; it occurs up to once per tick with
any errant missile within (Exalt’s Essence x 10) yards of the victim. The (Strength
+ Athletics) roll to pull the weapon free is against a difficulty of (Seer’s Thrown).
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Life Gets Worse Approach
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Thrown 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Dreaming the Wild Lands, Sky Spirit Demand
The user rolls an attack. If the attack deals damage, it stays in the target
and draws other Archery and Thrown attacks that miss their intended targets.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 139.
2.5errata source=Scroll of Errataduration=One scenetext=The Sidereal spends no
motes to invoke the attractive effect of this Charm; it occurs up to once per tick with
any errant missile within (Exalt’s Essence x 10) yards of the victim. The (Strength
+ Athletics) roll to pull the weapon free is against a difficulty of (Seer’s Thrown).
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Willful Weapon Method

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Thrown 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Virtue (Temperance)
Duration: Instant
The user ignores penalties for weather and range when making an attack. If it
misses, she can redirect the attack. This effect cannot be parried unless the target
can parry immaterial attacks.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 138.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratasource2=
r2qAtype=Reflexive (Step 1)duration=One scenetext=The Sidereal ignores all ex-
ternal penalties on the attack rolls with this Charm. Ignore the reference to blocking
immaterial attacks. The Charm ends as soon as the weapon or its shadow successfully
hit the target.
”Add the following to this Charm:”¡br¿
Sidereals with Essence 3+ can lend their weapon the official authority to send out
messengers of its fate, allowing the actual missile to rest lazily in the Exalt’s hand.
By adding +1m to the Charm’s Cost, the Seer throws only the weapon’s shadow,
conserving her ammunition.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Willful Weapon Method

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Thrown 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Virtue (Temperance)
Duration: Instant
The user ignores penalties for weather and range when making an attack. If it
misses, she can redirect the attack. This effect cannot be parried unless the target
can parry immaterial attacks.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, pp. 138.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratasource2=
r2qAtype=Reflexive (Step 1)duration=One scenetext=The Sidereal ignores all ex-
ternal penalties on the attack rolls with this Charm. Ignore the reference to blocking
immaterial attacks. The Charm ends as soon as the weapon or its shadow successfully
hit the target.
”Add the following to this Charm:”¡br¿

Sidereals with Essence 3+ can lend their weapon the official authority to send out
messengers of its fate, allowing the actual missile to rest lazily in the Exalt’s hand.
By adding +1m to the Charm’s Cost, the Seer throws only the weapon’s shadow,
conserving her ammunition.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Essence Thorn Practice

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 3, Thrown 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
The user summons and throws a weapon made of Essence. This cannot be
parried. See the full text of the charm for details.Source Manual of Exalted Power:
Sidereals, pp. 139.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratatype=Simple (Speed 5)text=Ignore the given
characteristics for the attack. The conjured weapon has the following traits: Ac-
curacy +1, Damage +4L/2, Rate 2, Range (Exalt’s Essence x 10), Tags: O.
”Add the following to this Charm:”¡br¿
When an Exalt enhances Essence Thorn Practice with Willful Weapon Method,
she creates a shadow of a shadow, both of which are loathe to abandon their traveling
companion. This allows both the original Essence Thorn Practice weapon and the
shadow created with Willful Weapon Method to continue to attack with a single
activation of the latter Charm.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Essence Thorn Practice

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 3, Thrown 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
The user summons and throws a weapon made of Essence. This cannot be
parried. See the full text of the charm for details.Source Manual of Exalted Power:
Sidereals, pp. 139.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratatype=Simple (Speed 5)text=Ignore the given
characteristics for the attack. The conjured weapon has the following traits: Ac-
curacy +1, Damage +4L/2, Rate 2, Range (Exalt’s Essence x 10), Tags: O.
”Add the following to this Charm:”¡br¿
When an Exalt enhances Essence Thorn Practice with Willful Weapon Method,
she creates a shadow of a shadow, both of which are loathe to abandon their traveling
companion. This allows both the original Essence Thorn Practice weapon and the
shadow created with Willful Weapon Method to continue to attack with a single
activation of the latter Charm.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Pain-Amplification Stratagem
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 3, Thrown 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Fate

Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Life Gets Worse Approach, Life Gets Worse Approach
If the user’s attack hits it drains Willpower from the victim.Source Manual of
Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 139.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratacost=4m;type=Simple (Speed
3)keywords=Combo-OK, Crippling, Virtue (Compassion)duration=One scene-
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”
Weeping three tears of blood, the Sidereal raises his weapon to wipe them away,
smearing it with three lost pangs of sorrow for his foes’ plight. Imbued with this
sense of regret, it becomes unthinkable that the weapon should fail in its mission.
Thrown attacks using weapons enchanted with this Charm have their target number
reduced by the wound penalty that the target is suffering. (If the target has powers
that allow it to ignore or reduce wound penalties, Pain-Amplification Stratagem uses
the lowered wound penalty.) This cannot lower a target number below 4.
If the attack should hit and inflict at least one level of damage, the target is
wracked with unbelievable pain, causing them to lose temporary Willpower points
equal to their wound penalty (minimum 1). A target reduced to 0 Willpower this
way becomes Inactive for five ticks as they writhe in agony.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Pain-Amplification Stratagem
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 3, Thrown 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Fate
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Life Gets Worse Approach, Life Gets Worse Approach
If the user’s attack hits it drains Willpower from the victim.Source Manual of
Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 139.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratacost=4m;type=Simple (Speed
3)keywords=Combo-OK, Crippling, Virtue (Compassion)duration=One scene-
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”
Weeping three tears of blood, the Sidereal raises his weapon to wipe them away,
smearing it with three lost pangs of sorrow for his foes’ plight. Imbued with this
sense of regret, it becomes unthinkable that the weapon should fail in its mission.
Thrown attacks using weapons enchanted with this Charm have their target number
reduced by the wound penalty that the target is suffering. (If the target has powers
that allow it to ignore or reduce wound penalties, Pain-Amplification Stratagem uses
the lowered wound penalty.) This cannot lower a target number below 4.
If the attack should hit and inflict at least one level of damage, the target is
wracked with unbelievable pain, causing them to lose temporary Willpower points
equal to their wound penalty (minimum 1). A target reduced to 0 Willpower this
way becomes Inactive for five ticks as they writhe in agony.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Pain Amplification Stratagem

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Thrown 2; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant

This Charm decreases the target number of a Thrown attack by the target’s
current wound penalty.Source Exalted: The Sidereals, p. 142.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Unrelenting Torment Technique

Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Thrown 5; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -2)
Keywords: Compulsion, Fate, Obvious, Prayer Strip, Virtue (Conviction)
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Any Thrown Excellency, Essence Thorn Practice, Essence Thorn
Practice, Pain-Amplification Stratagem, Willful Weapon Method
The user makes an unparryable attack. If it hits, it sticks to the target. The
victim suffers from Unnatural Mental Influence to attack the user. If the user takes
damage, she may make an attack that can only be blocked by a perfect defense
that drains health levels from the victim. For more information see the text of the
charm.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 140.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratacost=10m, 1wp, 1hlkeywords=Combo-OK, Com-
pulsion, Counterattack, Obvious, Prayer Strip, Virtue (Conviction)text=Hitting with
the prayer strip inflicts no damage. It cannot be removed short of destroying it. The
Compulsion prevents the victim from removing or allowing the removal of the prayer
strip. The Compulsion is resisted on a per action basis, not per scene, and it is ignored
for the rest of the scene after doing so five times.
The Sidereal may fling Essence hatchets in response to damaging attacks from
characters other than the bearer of the prayer strip. These attacks occur in Step 9 as
a Counterattack, preventing the use of other Counterattack effects on the part of the
Exalt. Attacks without real harmful intent behind them or attacks against which the
character chooses not to apply his DV do not allow the Sidereal to reflexively attack
and heal.
Sidereals may maintain as many uses of this Charm as they wish, to the limits of
their motes, Willpower and health.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Unrelenting Torment Technique

Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Thrown 5; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -2)
Keywords: Compulsion, Fate, Obvious, Prayer Strip, Virtue (Conviction)
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Any Thrown Excellency, Essence Thorn Practice, Essence Thorn
Practice, Pain-Amplification Stratagem, Willful Weapon Method
The user makes an unparryable attack. If it hits, it sticks to the target. The
victim suffers from Unnatural Mental Influence to attack the user. If the user takes
damage, she may make an attack that can only be blocked by a perfect defense
that drains health levels from the victim. For more information see the text of the
charm.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 140.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratacost=10m, 1wp, 1hlkeywords=Combo-OK, Com-
pulsion, Counterattack, Obvious, Prayer Strip, Virtue (Conviction)text=Hitting with
the prayer strip inflicts no damage. It cannot be removed short of destroying it. The
Compulsion prevents the victim from removing or allowing the removal of the prayer
strip. The Compulsion is resisted on a per action basis, not per scene, and it is ignored
for the rest of the scene after doing so five times.

The Sidereal may fling Essence hatchets in response to damaging attacks from
characters other than the bearer of the prayer strip. These attacks occur in Step 9 as
a Counterattack, preventing the use of other Counterattack effects on the part of the
Exalt. Attacks without real harmful intent behind them or attacks against which the
character chooses not to apply his DV do not allow the Sidereal to reflexively attack
and heal.
Sidereals may maintain as many uses of this Charm as they wish, to the limits of
their motes, Willpower and health.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Unrelenting Torment Technique

Cost: 10m, 1wp, 1hl; Mins: Essence 4, Thrown 5; Type: Simple
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Willful Weapon Method, Essence Thorn Practice, Pain-
Amplification Stratagem
The character throws the prayer strip at her target. If it hits, it sticks and
inflicts an overpowering compulsion to attack the character. If the character takes
damage, she may make an attack that can only be blocked by a perfect defense.
Damage inflicted by this attack heals levels of damage from the character. For more
information see the text of the charm.Source Exalted: The Sidereals, p. 142.
Source: Exalted: The Sidereals

Flight of Mercury
Cost: 1 mote per action; Mins: Essence 1, Violet Bier of Sorrows 2; Type:
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Up to (Martial Arts) actions
Prerequisites: Forward-Thinking Technique, Heartless Maiden Trance, Secrets
of Future Strife
The martial artist can move as swiftly as an ending already completed.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 181.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
trait=Martial Arts
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Moving with the swift precision of one who knows her destiny, the Sidereal strikes
without hesitation or remorse. An unarmed attack supplemented by this Charm
reduces its Speed by one point. The martial artist can also move up to (Essence)
yards before making the attack if needed to close range with her opponent.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Flight of Mercury
Cost: 1 mote per action; Mins: Essence 1, Violet Bier of Sorrows 2; Type:
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Up to (Martial Arts) actions
Prerequisites: Forward-Thinking Technique, Heartless Maiden Trance, Secrets
of Future Strife
The martial artist can move as swiftly as an ending already completed.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 181.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
trait=Martial Arts
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Moving with the swift precision of one who knows her destiny, the Sidereal strikes
without hesitation or remorse. An unarmed attack supplemented by this Charm
reduces its Speed by one point. The martial artist can also move up to (Essence)
yards before making the attack if needed to close range with her opponent.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Blade of the Battle Maiden

Cost: 2m per die, 2 wp; Mins: Essence 2, Violet Bier of Sorrows 3; Type:
Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Secrets of Future Strife, Secrets of Future Strife
This charm allows you to improve your martial arts ability for the whole
scene.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 182.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm may only apply
its purchased dice to attacks or Parry DV, as decided at the time of activation - not
both at once.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
cost=5m, 1wp
keywords=Combo-OK, Obvious
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Crimson ribbons of Essence trail from the Sidereals hands, the strands of a martial
destiny waiting to be seized. This crimson nimbus allows the martial artist to both
deal lethal damage and parry lethal attacks while unarmed, and enchants her natural
attacks with the traits of a starmetal daiklave (except for clinches).
Alternatively, the martial artist may invoke this Charm to invoke a form weapon
she wields, granting it the magical material bonus of starmetal and rendering it as
indestructible as an attuned artifact. It also benefits from the reduced target number
for damage.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Blade of the Battle Maiden
Cost: 2m per die, 2 wp; Mins: Essence 2, Violet Bier of Sorrows 3; Type:
Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Secrets of Future Strife, Secrets of Future Strife
This charm allows you to improve your martial arts ability for the whole
scene.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 182.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm may only apply
its purchased dice to attacks or Parry DV, as decided at the time of activation - not
both at once.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
cost=5m, 1wp
keywords=Combo-OK, Obvious
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Crimson ribbons of Essence trail from the Sidereals hands, the strands of a martial
destiny waiting to be seized. This crimson nimbus allows the martial artist to both
deal lethal damage and parry lethal attacks while unarmed, and enchants her natural
attacks with the traits of a starmetal daiklave (except for clinches).
Alternatively, the martial artist may invoke this Charm to invoke a form weapon
she wields, granting it the magical material bonus of starmetal and rendering it as
indestructible as an attuned artifact. It also benefits from the reduced target number
for damage.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Joy in Adversity Stance

Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 1, Violet Bier of Sorrows 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Secrets of Future Strife, Secrets of Future Strife
The martial artist becomes an engine of essence in the face of her opponents
defeat.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 182.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
trait=Martial Arts
type=Reflexive (Step 2)
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Each moments survival is a small happiness to one who walks constantly with peril
and misfortune. While Joy in Adversity Stance is active, the martial artist gains one
bonus die on her next unarmed Martial Arts attack every time she successfully dodges
an attack. Attacks with the Overwhelming tag instead confer two dice when dodged.
These bonus dice count as dice added by a Charm, and are discharged at when the
martial artist next attacks.
Attacks must be made with hostile intent against the martial artist and be capable
of harming her in order to trigger this Charm. Using a defense with a Flaw of
Invulnerability ends this Charms duration prematurely.

Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Joy in Adversity Stance

Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 1, Violet Bier of Sorrows 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Secrets of Future Strife, Secrets of Future Strife
The martial artist becomes an engine of essence in the face of her opponents
defeat.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 182.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
trait=Martial Arts
type=Reflexive (Step 2)
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Each moments survival is a small happiness to one who walks constantly with peril
and misfortune. While Joy in Adversity Stance is active, the martial artist gains one
bonus die on her next unarmed Martial Arts attack every time she successfully dodges
an attack. Attacks with the Overwhelming tag instead confer two dice when dodged.
These bonus dice count as dice added by a Charm, and are discharged at when the
martial artist next attacks.
Attacks must be made with hostile intent against the martial artist and be capable
of harming her in order to trigger this Charm. Using a defense with a Flaw of
Invulnerability ends this Charms duration prematurely.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Violet Bier of Sorrows Form

Cost: 6 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Violet Bier of Sorrows 4; Type: Simple (Speed
6, DV -1)
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Unhearing Dedication, Flight of Mercury, Joy in Adversity Stance,
Blade of the Battle Maiden
The martial artist takes on the very persona of Endings herself.Source Manual
of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 182.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
trait=Martial Arts
keywords=Combo-Basic, Form-Type, Emotion, Obvious
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
The martial artist takes on the same cold detachment with which Saturn makes her
Sign against those things whose time has passed. She is reckoning and destruction,
a peerless bringer of endings, and all the princes and kingdoms of the world tremble
before her. While Violet Bier of Sorrows Form is active, the martial artist gains the
following benefits:

*All enemies see their own end in her, doubling any wound penalties they take
on actions to oppose her in combat. Resisting this unnatural Emotion for one scene
costs two Willpower.
*Any unarmed attack she makes against a spirit consumes one of the spirits motes
for every level of damage dealt.
*The characters unarmed martial arts attacks gain an Overwhelming value of (the
lower of her Essence or Martial Arts rating).
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Violet Bier of Sorrows Form

Cost: 6 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Violet Bier of Sorrows 4; Type: Simple (Speed
6, DV -1)
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Unhearing Dedication, Flight of Mercury, Joy in Adversity Stance,
Blade of the Battle Maiden
The martial artist takes on the very persona of Endings herself.Source Manual
of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 182.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
trait=Martial Arts
keywords=Combo-Basic, Form-Type, Emotion, Obvious
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
The martial artist takes on the same cold detachment with which Saturn makes her
Sign against those things whose time has passed. She is reckoning and destruction,
a peerless bringer of endings, and all the princes and kingdoms of the world tremble
before her. While Violet Bier of Sorrows Form is active, the martial artist gains the
following benefits:
*All enemies see their own end in her, doubling any wound penalties they take
on actions to oppose her in combat. Resisting this unnatural Emotion for one scene
costs two Willpower.
*Any unarmed attack she makes against a spirit consumes one of the spirits motes
for every level of damage dealt.
*The characters unarmed martial arts attacks gain an Overwhelming value of (the
lower of her Essence or Martial Arts rating).
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Death-Parrying Stroke
Cost: 2 motes per health level; Mins: Essence 2, Violet Bier of Sorrows 4; Type:
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Flight of Mercury, Blade of the Battle Maiden, Joy in Adversity
Stance, Violet Bier of Sorrows Form
The martial artist finds the fate of surviving a blow as easy to grasp as the fate
of swinging one.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 182.

2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
trait=Martial Arts
type=Reflexive (Step 7)
keywords=Combo-OK, Obvious
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
The Sidereals blade becomes a blur of violet Essence, catching fatal blows a split-
second before they can touch her. These defensive maneuvers subtract the martial
artists Parry DV from the raw damage of an attack, and reduces its minimum damage
by one die (minimum one). Death-Parrying Stroke offers no defense against unblock-
able or unexpected attacks.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Death-Parrying Stroke
Cost: 2 motes per health level; Mins: Essence 2, Violet Bier of Sorrows 4; Type:
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Flight of Mercury, Blade of the Battle Maiden, Joy in Adversity
Stance, Violet Bier of Sorrows Form
The martial artist finds the fate of surviving a blow as easy to grasp as the fate
of swinging one.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 182.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
trait=Martial Arts
type=Reflexive (Step 7)
keywords=Combo-OK, Obvious
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
The Sidereals blade becomes a blur of violet Essence, catching fatal blows a split-
second before they can touch her. These defensive maneuvers subtract the martial
artists Parry DV from the raw damage of an attack, and reduces its minimum damage
by one die (minimum one). Death-Parrying Stroke offers no defense against unblock-
able or unexpected attacks.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Life-Severing Blow
Cost: 2m per health level; Mins: Essence 3, Violet Bier of Sorrows 5; Type:
Reflexive (Step 8)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Violet Bier of Sorrows Form, Crimson Palm Counterstrike
The martial artist enhances a successful attack.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 183.

2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
prereq=Violet Bier of Sorrows Form
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Sighting a violet glimmer of the Essence of Endings in her enemys soul, the Sidereal
strikes through it to bring them closer to their death. Add (Essence) to the raw
damage of an unarmed attack supplemented by this Charm. The same amount is
also added to the minimum damage of the attack, granting it the Overwhelming tag.
A character reduced to their Incapacitated level by an attack supplemented with
Life-Severing Blow can be unmade as a Shaping effect, killing them instantly and
reducing their corpse to ash. Against mortals, even a single level of damage is sufficient
to shape them dead.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Life-Severing Blow
Cost: 2m per health level; Mins: Essence 3, Violet Bier of Sorrows 5; Type:
Reflexive (Step 8)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Violet Bier of Sorrows Form, Crimson Palm Counterstrike
The martial artist enhances a successful attack.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 183.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
prereq=Violet Bier of Sorrows Form
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Sighting a violet glimmer of the Essence of Endings in her enemys soul, the Sidereal
strikes through it to bring them closer to their death. Add (Essence) to the raw
damage of an unarmed attack supplemented by this Charm. The same amount is
also added to the minimum damage of the attack, granting it the Overwhelming tag.
A character reduced to their Incapacitated level by an attack supplemented with
Life-Severing Blow can be unmade as a Shaping effect, killing them instantly and
reducing their corpse to ash. Against mortals, even a single level of damage is sufficient
to shape them dead.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Metal Storm
Cost: 3m per attack; Mins: Essence 3, Violet Bier of Sorrows 5; Type: Extra
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Violet Bier of Sorrows Form, Horrific Wreath
The user execute multiple versions of an attack.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 183.

2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
cost=7m, 1wp
keywords=Combo-OK, Obvious
prereq=Violet Bier of Sorrows Form
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Metal Storm
Cost: 3m per attack; Mins: Essence 3, Violet Bier of Sorrows 5; Type: Extra
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Violet Bier of Sorrows Form, Horrific Wreath
The user execute multiple versions of an attack.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 183.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
cost=7m, 1wp
keywords=Combo-OK, Obvious
prereq=Violet Bier of Sorrows Form
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Conclusion-Pursuing Approach
Cost: 10m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 4, Violet Bier of Sorrows 5; Type: Simple
(Speed 6, DV -2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Fate, Obvious, Prayer Strip
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Life-Severing Blow, Life-Severing Blow, Metal Storm, Unob-
structed Blow
The user of this Charm is certain of her foes’ demise. For their part, they find it
more difficult to defend themselves from the martial artist. A Sidereal may enhanced
this Charm further by utilizing a prayer strip, though such is not necessary.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 184.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
cost=-(+10m, 1lhl)
trait=Martial Arts
keywords=Prayer Strip
prereq=Death-Parrying Stroke, Life-Severing Blow, Metal Storm
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
At the pinnacle of the Violet Bier of Sorrows, the martial artist learns to draw
strength from the pain of others. As her enemies falter before her before her blows,
her resolve only increases. This Charm upgrades Violet Bier of Sorrows Form. As the
character invokes it, she may pay a surcharge of ten motes and a point of Willpower
to add the following effects to the form:
*The martial artists unarmed attacks deal aggravated damage to creatures outside
of fate and consume their motes as though they were spirits.

*Wound penalties are tripled by the unnatural mental influence of Violet Bier of
Sorrows Form instead of just double. The cost to resist rises to five Willpower.¡br¿
A Sidereal may affix a prayer strip marked with the Scripture of the Expectant
Maiden to her weapon with her own blood as she invokes this Charm, causing the
blade to glow with a radiant burgundy light. Doing so grants additional benefits as
a Prayer Strip effect: Whenever the Sidereal damages a character with an unarmed
attack, they lose a point of Willpower. Characters without remaining Willpower
instead lose ten motes, and can be shaped dead as per Life-Severing Blow if they
have no motes remaining.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Conclusion-Pursuing Approach
Cost: 10m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 4, Violet Bier of Sorrows 5; Type: Simple
(Speed 6, DV -2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Fate, Obvious, Prayer Strip
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Life-Severing Blow, Life-Severing Blow, Metal Storm, Unob-
structed Blow
The user of this Charm is certain of her foes’ demise. For their part, they find it
more difficult to defend themselves from the martial artist. A Sidereal may enhanced
this Charm further by utilizing a prayer strip, though such is not necessary.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 184.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
cost=-(+10m, 1lhl)
trait=Martial Arts
keywords=Prayer Strip
prereq=Death-Parrying Stroke, Life-Severing Blow, Metal Storm
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
At the pinnacle of the Violet Bier of Sorrows, the martial artist learns to draw
strength from the pain of others. As her enemies falter before her before her blows,
her resolve only increases. This Charm upgrades Violet Bier of Sorrows Form. As the
character invokes it, she may pay a surcharge of ten motes and a point of Willpower
to add the following effects to the form:
*The martial artists unarmed attacks deal aggravated damage to creatures outside
of fate and consume their motes as though they were spirits.
*Wound penalties are tripled by the unnatural mental influence of Violet Bier of
Sorrows Form instead of just double. The cost to resist rises to five Willpower.¡br¿
A Sidereal may affix a prayer strip marked with the Scripture of the Expectant
Maiden to her weapon with her own blood as she invokes this Charm, causing the
blade to glow with a radiant burgundy light. Doing so grants additional benefits as
a Prayer Strip effect: Whenever the Sidereal damages a character with an unarmed
attack, they lose a point of Willpower. Characters without remaining Willpower
instead lose ten motes, and can be shaped dead as per Life-Severing Blow if they
have no motes remaining.

Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Unobstructed Blow
Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Violet Bier of Sorrows 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Death-Parrying Stroke, Metal Storm, Death-Parrying Stroke
The martial artist uses the fate of a strike unerring to attack his foe.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 182.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
trait=Martial Arts
keywords=Combo-OK, Obvious
prereq=Lotus Eye Tactics
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Choosing the arc of her blow, the Sidereal writes it into forthcoming fate. An
unarmed attack supplemented by this Charm gains the Piercing tag and halves any
DV applied against it. A second purchase of this Charm requires Martial Arts 5+,
Essence 4+. For a seven-mote surcharge, this Charm also renders the supplemented
attack both unblockable and undodgeable.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Unobstructed Blow
Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Violet Bier of Sorrows 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Death-Parrying Stroke, Metal Storm, Death-Parrying Stroke
The martial artist uses the fate of a strike unerring to attack his foe.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 182.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
trait=Martial Arts
keywords=Combo-OK, Obvious
prereq=Lotus Eye Tactics
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Choosing the arc of her blow, the Sidereal writes it into forthcoming fate. An
unarmed attack supplemented by this Charm gains the Piercing tag and halves any
DV applied against it. A second purchase of this Charm requires Martial Arts 5+,
Essence 4+. For a seven-mote surcharge, this Charm also renders the supplemented
attack both unblockable and undodgeable.

Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Horrific Wreath
Cost: 2 motes, 1 willpower; Mins: Essence 2, Violet Bier of Sorrows 4; Type:
Keywords: Combo-OK, Holy, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Violet Bier of Sorrows Form
The Exalt attacks with the fate of destruction against Creatures of Darkness.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 182.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratasource2=
trait=Martial Arts
keywords=Combo-OK, Holy, Obvious
duration=One scene
prereq=Throne Shadow Form
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
A hideous red glare surrounds the Sidereals hands as she strikes at the foes of
Creation, mirroring their wickedness in her Essence. All of the Sidereals unarmed
attacks gain the magical material bonuses of starmetal while this Charm is active. She
may use them to deal lethal damage, and they deal aggravated damage to creatures
of darkness.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Horrific Wreath
Cost: 2 motes, 1 willpower; Mins: Essence 2, Violet Bier of Sorrows 4; Type:
Keywords: Combo-OK, Holy, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Violet Bier of Sorrows Form
The Exalt attacks with the fate of destruction against Creatures of Darkness.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 182.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratasource2=
trait=Martial Arts
keywords=Combo-OK, Holy, Obvious
duration=One scene
prereq=Throne Shadow Form
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿

A hideous red glare surrounds the Sidereals hands as she strikes at the foes of
Creation, mirroring their wickedness in her Essence. All of the Sidereals unarmed
attacks gain the magical material bonuses of starmetal while this Charm is active. She
may use them to deal lethal damage, and they deal aggravated damage to creatures
of darkness.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Crimson Palm Counterstrike

Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Violet Bier of Sorrows 4; Type: Reflexive (Step
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Violet Bier of Sorrows Form
The fate of any attack is retaliation and this charm brings that fate to the fore.
Other than the above changes, this charm is as written in ”’The MoEP: Sidereals”’.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 183.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
trait=Martial Arts
type=Reflexive (Step 2)
keywords=Combo-OK, Obvious
prereq=Clear Eyes Defense
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Coming to understand the movements of her enemy, the Sidereal interrupts them
an instant before they happen. Whenever the Sidereal applies his unarmed Parry
DV against an attack made in close combat range, he may activate this Charm. She
makes an unarmed Martial Arts attack roll in Step 6, subtracting her rolled successes
from those of the attack roll which provoked her counter, parrying it completely if the
successes are reduced below her Parry DV. She then applies this roll as an unarmed
counterattack in Step 9, doing damage normally if it hits.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Crimson Palm Counterstrike

Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Violet Bier of Sorrows 4; Type: Reflexive (Step
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Violet Bier of Sorrows Form
The fate of any attack is retaliation and this charm brings that fate to the fore.
Other than the above changes, this charm is as written in ”’The MoEP: Sidereals”’.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 183.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
trait=Martial Arts

type=Reflexive (Step 2)
keywords=Combo-OK, Obvious
prereq=Clear Eyes Defense
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Coming to understand the movements of her enemy, the Sidereal interrupts them
an instant before they happen. Whenever the Sidereal applies his unarmed Parry
DV against an attack made in close combat range, he may activate this Charm. She
makes an unarmed Martial Arts attack roll in Step 6, subtracting her rolled successes
from those of the attack roll which provoked her counter, parrying it completely if the
successes are reduced below her Parry DV. She then applies this roll as an unarmed
counterattack in Step 9, doing damage normally if it hits.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Secrets of Future Strife

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 1, Violet Bier of Sorrows 1; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Terrestrial Circle Sorcery
The character is ready for combat at the slightest indications of fate.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 180.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
cost=3mtrait=Martial Artsmin=3essence=2type=Supplementalkeywords=Combo-
OKduration=Instanttext=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Accepting the twists and turns circumstance with instant determination, the Side-
real is never caught off guard. A Join Battle roll supplemented by this Charm converts
up to (Martial Arts) dice to automatic successes. As part of the roll, the martial artist
may reflexively draw any form weapon of this style.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Secrets of Future Strife

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 1, Violet Bier of Sorrows 1; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Terrestrial Circle Sorcery
The character is ready for combat at the slightest indications of fate.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 180.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
cost=3mtrait=Martial Artsmin=3essence=2type=Supplementalkeywords=Combo-
OKduration=Instanttext=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Accepting the twists and turns circumstance with instant determination, the Side-
real is never caught off guard. A Join Battle roll supplemented by this Charm converts
up to (Martial Arts) dice to automatic successes. As part of the roll, the martial artist
may reflexively draw any form weapon of this style.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Red Haze
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, War 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Holy, Stackable, War
Duration: Five Days
This charm adds bonuses to the Drill rating of a unit under the user’s control
against armies of Malfeas, the Underworld, the Wyld, or other creatures of darkness.
Multiple users can affect the same unit.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals,
pp. 158-159.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=This Charm applies automatically to units which include the Sidereal as a
special character. The maximum Magnitude of a unit that can be affected by multiple
Exalts is equal to the lowest Essence amongst them, plus one for each additional Seer.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Red Haze
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, War 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Holy, Stackable, War
Duration: Five Days
This charm adds bonuses to the Drill rating of a unit under the user’s control
against armies of Malfeas, the Underworld, the Wyld, or other creatures of darkness.
Multiple users can affect the same unit.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals,
pp. 158-159.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
text=This Charm applies automatically to units which include the Sidereal as a
special character. The maximum Magnitude of a unit that can be affected by multiple
Exalts is equal to the lowest Essence amongst them, plus one for each additional Seer.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Predestined Triumph Practice

Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, War 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Virtue (Valor), War
Duration: One Battle
Prerequisites: , Auspicious Recruitment Drive
If the Sidereal Exalted Sidereal commands a unit, this charm requires no roll.
Otherwise, if the roll succeeds, the unit gains a boost to Morale and opposing forces
suffer attack and DV penalties.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 160.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratasource=

text=This Charm does not require a roll to enact. It affects a unit that includes
the Sidereal as a special character. The Virtue keyword allows the Exalt to channel
Valor on rolls for the unit to resist Exhaustion (Exalted, pp. 168-169), and to succeed
on their Morale rolls automatically with 0 extra successes. Enemy units suffer a -1
external penalty, not a dice penalty.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Predestined Triumph Practice

Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, War 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Virtue (Valor), War
Duration: One Battle
Prerequisites: , Auspicious Recruitment Drive
If the Sidereal Exalted Sidereal commands a unit, this charm requires no roll.
Otherwise, if the roll succeeds, the unit gains a boost to Morale and opposing forces
suffer attack and DV penalties.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 160.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Erratasource=
text=This Charm does not require a roll to enact. It affects a unit that includes
the Sidereal as a special character. The Virtue keyword allows the Exalt to channel
Valor on rolls for the unit to resist Exhaustion (Exalted, pp. 168-169), and to succeed
on their Morale rolls automatically with 0 extra successes. Enemy units suffer a -1
external penalty, not a dice penalty.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Training Mandate of Celestial Empowerment

Cost: 12m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, War 4; Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
Keywords: Training
Duration: Two Weeks
Prerequisites: , Predestined Triumph Practice, Training Mandate of Auspicious
This allows a small group of Exalted and/or spirits to act as a single entity for
the effects of the Sidereal Exalted Sidereal’s astrology rolls.Source Manual of Exalted
Power: Sidereals, p. 165.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
cost=6m, 1wp
duration=One month
text=This Charm is a week-long dramatic training session, with effects that last
for the rest of its Duration. It may be renewed reflexively as it lapses, but any delay
requires retraining. It can affect any group of beings that are part of fate, not just
spirits and Exalts. The effective Essence of the group for determining Scope is equal
to the highest of any one member, plus one for every other member whose permanent
Essence exceeds 3.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Essence-Draining Battle Pattern
Cost: 8m; Mins: Essence 3, War 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Virtue (Compassion), War
Duration: Until Battle’s End
Prerequisites: Any War Excellencey, Predestined Triumph Practice
If Predestined Triumph Practice is active, and the user succeeds in a roll, Sor-
cerer and Hero special characters in the user’s unit receive Essence bonuses during
the battle, and opponents suffer Essence detriments. For the full effects of this charm,
see the charm text.
Units can be under only one Battle Pattern Charm in a given battle.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 161.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Overdrive, War
duration=One scene
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Through the brilliant planning of the Sidereal Exalted, the stymied efforts of foe-
men become the raw vigor of the Viziers allies. A Sidereal may activate this Charm
to enhance a mass combat unit in which he is a leader or special character. On each
of the units action ticks, the leader and every special character in the unit gains one
offensive mote in their Overdrive pools those characters who possess no Overdrive
pool gain a temporary five-mote pool while this Charm is active, which begins empty
(characters who already possess Overdrive pools do not raise the size of their pool).
A unit can benefit from only one Battle Pattern Charm at a time.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Essence-Draining Battle Pattern

Cost: 8m; Mins: Essence 3, War 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Virtue (Compassion), War
Duration: Until Battle’s End
Prerequisites: Any War Excellencey, Predestined Triumph Practice
If Predestined Triumph Practice is active, and the user succeeds in a roll, Sor-
cerer and Hero special characters in the user’s unit receive Essence bonuses during
the battle, and opponents suffer Essence detriments. For the full effects of this charm,
see the charm text.
Units can be under only one Battle Pattern Charm in a given battle.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 161.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Overdrive, War
duration=One scene
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Through the brilliant planning of the Sidereal Exalted, the stymied efforts of foe-
men become the raw vigor of the Viziers allies. A Sidereal may activate this Charm
to enhance a mass combat unit in which he is a leader or special character. On each
of the units action ticks, the leader and every special character in the unit gains one

offensive mote in their Overdrive pools those characters who possess no Overdrive
pool gain a temporary five-mote pool while this Charm is active, which begins empty
(characters who already possess Overdrive pools do not raise the size of their pool).
A unit can benefit from only one Battle Pattern Charm at a time.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Demon-Blocking Battle Pattern

Cost: 8m; Mins: Essence 3, War 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Holy, Virtue (Compassion), War
Duration: Until Battle’s End
Prerequisites: Predestined Triumph Practice, Predestined Triumph Practice,
Red Haze
If Predestined Triumph Practice is active, and the user succeeds in a roll, spe-
cial characters in the user’s unit inflict detriments on opposing special characters.
This charm is only effective against the Yozis and their minions. Variations of this
charm include ”Chaos-Quelling Battle Pattern” and ”Ghost-Banishing Battle Pat-
tern” against the Fair Folk and Undead, respectively.
A unit can only be affected by one Battle Pattern Charm in a given battle.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 161.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Holy, Stackable, War
duration=One scene
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Like a wall of blades and terror sprung up from nothing, the Viziers of the Pri-
mordial War shrouded their armies in tactics impenetrable to the demon rulers of
Creation. A Sidereal may activate this Charm to enhance a mass combat unit in
which he is a special character. When a unit composed of creatures of darkness tar-
get the Sidereals with their actions, they suffer a -1 external penalty to any relevant
rolls. If the creature of darkness unit is engaged in close combat with the Sidereals,
the penalty applies to all its non-reflexive actions.
A unit can benefit from only one Battle Pattern Charm at a time, but the effects
of multiple Sidereals enacting this Pattern within the same unit are cumulative, to a
maximum of (lowest permanent Essence amongst the Sidereals).
As the Exalted turned their attention from the titanic forces within Creation to the
chaotic forces without, the Sidereals learned to apply this Charms principles against
even shaped Fair Folk. Learning to do so requires Essence 4+ and a week-long training
session with a tutor, or three times as long without a teacher.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Demon-Blocking Battle Pattern

Cost: 8m; Mins: Essence 3, War 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Holy, Virtue (Compassion), War
Duration: Until Battle’s End
Prerequisites: Predestined Triumph Practice, Predestined Triumph Practice,
Red Haze

If Predestined Triumph Practice is active, and the user succeeds in a roll, spe-
cial characters in the user’s unit inflict detriments on opposing special characters.
This charm is only effective against the Yozis and their minions. Variations of this
charm include ”Chaos-Quelling Battle Pattern” and ”Ghost-Banishing Battle Pat-
tern” against the Fair Folk and Undead, respectively.
A unit can only be affected by one Battle Pattern Charm in a given battle.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 161.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Holy, Stackable, War
duration=One scene
text=”Replace the text of this Charm with the following:”¡br¿
Like a wall of blades and terror sprung up from nothing, the Viziers of the Pri-
mordial War shrouded their armies in tactics impenetrable to the demon rulers of
Creation. A Sidereal may activate this Charm to enhance a mass combat unit in
which he is a special character. When a unit composed of creatures of darkness tar-
get the Sidereals with their actions, they suffer a -1 external penalty to any relevant
rolls. If the creature of darkness unit is engaged in close combat with the Sidereals,
the penalty applies to all its non-reflexive actions.
A unit can benefit from only one Battle Pattern Charm at a time, but the effects
of multiple Sidereals enacting this Pattern within the same unit are cumulative, to a
maximum of (lowest permanent Essence amongst the Sidereals).
As the Exalted turned their attention from the titanic forces within Creation to the
chaotic forces without, the Sidereals learned to apply this Charms principles against
even shaped Fair Folk. Learning to do so requires Essence 4+ and a week-long training
session with a tutor, or three times as long without a teacher.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals

Spirit-Binding Battle Pattern

Cost: 10m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 4, War 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious, Prayer Strip, Servitude, Virtue (Conviction), War
Duration: Until Battle’s end
Prerequisites: , Demon-Blocking Battle Pattern, Essence-Draining Battle Pat-
tern, Training Mandate of Celestial Empowerment
This charm only works if Predestined Triumph Practice is active. The user
can summon a Spirit or God to intervene on his behalf. Details for summoning and
binding the spirit can be found in the full text of the charm.
An army can benefit from only one Battle Pattern charm in a given battle.
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 161.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratatext=This Charm costs 5
Willpower to resist.
2.5erratasource=Scroll of Errata
keywords=Combo-OK, Obvious, Prayer Strip, Servitude, Virtue (Conviction),
duration=Until the chosen spirit is summoned
text=This Charm is activated per the other Battle Pattern Charms. The Sidereal

may name any spirit within the Essence limits of the Charm, including demons and
ghosts. Spirit-Binding Battle Pattern accumulates one die for the loss of each Essence
1-3 Essence user or 100 mortals, and it gains two dice for the loss of every Essence 4+
Essence user. The roll is not against the desired spirits Essence, but is played out per
sorcerous summoning and binding (Exalted, pp. 252-253). The Sidereal may channel
his Conviction to enhance his rolls to bind or banish the spirit.
Once the spirit is summoned, this Charm ends whether or not it is bound to service,
and another Battle Pattern may be enacted or another Spirit-Binding Battle Pattern
may be attempted.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals


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