Tma Charms

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Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Supplemental

Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Touch

Duration: (Essence) actions
Prerequisites: Riptide Method
This charm allows the Terrestrial Hero to maintain a hold on her opponents
through essence alone.trait=Terrestrial Hero
source=Scroll of the Monk
name=Bonds of Unbreakable Ice Technique

Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Supplemental

Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Touch
Duration: (Essence) actions
Prerequisites: Bonds of Unbreakable Ice Technique
The Terrestrial Hero may now maintain a crushing clinch upon a target with
essence alone.trait=Terrestrial Hero
source=Scroll of the Monk
name=Crushing Glacier Prana

Cost: 1m per 2 dice; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Supplemental

Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Drowning Embrace
This charm allows the Terrestrial Hero to flow out of an opponent’s grip, or
other similarly confining situations.trait=Terrestrial Hero
source=Scroll of the Monk
name=Slippery Escape Method

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)

Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Slippery Escape Method
The Terrestrial Hero may act normally during a clinch or similar situa-
tion.trait=Terrestrial Hero
source=Scroll of the Monk
name=Swift Stream Prana

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 1; Type: Reflexive

Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Action
Prerequisites: Living Shield Technique

The Martial Artist gains several bonuses related to Join Battle and his first
action.trait=Falling Blossom
source=Scroll of the Monk
name=Undefended Assault Method

Cost: (1m, 1LHL) per die; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Supplemental

Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Living Shield Technique
The Martial Artist may convert dice of damage to levels of damage using this
charm.trait=Falling Blossom
source=Scroll of the Monk
name=Dual Scarlet Blossom Technique

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple (Speed 3)

Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Undefended Assault Method, Dual Scarlet Blossom Technique
The Martial Artist converts one die of damage from a knife to an automatic
success, among other abilities.trait=Falling Blossom
source=Scroll of the Monk
name=Falling Blossom Form

Cost: 3m, 1wp, 1xp; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Supplemental

Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Falling Blossom Form
The Martial Artist will hit his target if even a single success is
rolled.trait=Falling Blossom
source=Scroll of the Monk
name=Purity of Purpose Attack

Cost: (1m per die), 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple

Keywords: None
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Falling Blossom Form
The Martial Artist can mitigate penalties from pain or Crippling effects by
using this charm.trait=Falling Blossom
source=Scroll of the Monk
name=Strength of Faith Meditation

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
The Martial Artist may Parry or Dodge for his charge.trait=Falling Blossom
source=Scroll of the Monk
name=Living Shield Technique

Cost: 15m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple

Keywords: None
Duration: One day
Prerequisites: Purity of Purpose Attack, Strength of Faith Meditation
Virtue channels become successes instead of dice for the Martial Artist, among
several notable drawbacks.trait=Falling Blossom
source=Scroll of the Monk
name=Verse of the Martyr

Evocation of the Inner Spark

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 1, (Element) 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Enlightening
Duration: Permanent
Every being in creation is linked by that which they are comprised of; we are
all just sums of the Holy Elements. By finding the sparks of the elements in oneself
you may unlock hidden power.
This charm is a series of exercises and meditations which take place of the course of
several months of vigorous training which must be overseen by a master of this style.
At the end of this training the student looses one point of permanent Willpower and
gains his, ’inner spark’ a mote pool of (Permanent Essence x10) and may access this
pool without spending a willpower. This essence pool is Elementally aspected and
the student gains an affinity for that element.
In addition the Student gains an ability reflective of the element for which he now
has affinity.
*”’Air:”’ The Student becomes more ”’evasive”’ and now rounds up when calcu-
lating his Dodge Defense Value.
*”’Earth:”’ The Student becomes more ”’durable”’, and may now soak Lethal
damage as if he were one of the Exalted.
*”’Fire:”’ The Student’s desire burns ”’hotter”’ and he gains an extra mote in his
*”’Water:”’ The Student is more ”’flexible”’ and is better able to intercept blows
so now rounds up when calculating his Parry Defense Value
*”’Wood:”’ The Student is a ”’font of life”’ and heals bashing damage at the
Exalted rate.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Sheltering Seas Defense
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Black Tide 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Aquatic, Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
This Charm greatly enhances the Dragon King’s soak against one attack. See
the full text of the Charm for details.Source Debris from the Fallen Races, p. 7.
Source: Debris from the Fallen Races

Darting Barracuda Strike

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Black Tide 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Aquatic, Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
This Charm allows the Dragon King to ignore some of the target’s PDV against
one attack. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Debris from the Fallen
Races, p. 8.
Source: Debris from the Fallen Races

Tide Runs Out

Cost: 1m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Black Tide 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Aquatic, Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
This Charm causes the victim of an attack that deals leathal damage to bleed
more profusly than they would normally. See the full text of the Charm for de-
tails.Source Debris from the Fallen Races, p. 8.
Source: Debris from the Fallen Races

Black Tide Form

Cost: 5m (or 7m); Mins: Essence 2, Black Tide 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Sheltering Seas Defense, Darting Barracuda Strike, Tide Runs
This Charm allows the practicioner to be surrounded by a bubble of water. See
the full text of the Charm for details.Source Debris from the Fallen Races, p. 8.
Source: Debris from the Fallen Races

Rising Siaka Technique

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Black Tide 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Aquatic, Combo-OK, Illusion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Black Tide Form
This Charm can make the next attack of the Martial Artist’s undodgable with
some restrictions. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Debris from the
Fallen Races, pp. 8-9.

Source: Debris from the Fallen Races

Sea-Sky Transition Tactic

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Black Tide 5; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Sun-Kissed Mirror Dodge, Rising Siaka Technique
This Charm will invert the breathing requirements against an opponent or for
the Martial Artist herself. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Debris
from the Fallen Races, p. 9.
Source: Debris from the Fallen Races

Sun-Kissed Mirror Dodge

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Black Tide 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Aquatic, Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One Action
Prerequisites: Black Tide Form
This Charm imposes a penalty on the next attack directed at the Martial Artist.
See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Debris from the Fallen Races, p. 8.
Source: Debris from the Fallen Races

Drowning Embrace
Cost: 1 mote; Mins: Essence 2, Brawl 2; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
This Charm turns a Terrestrial’s clinch deadly, literally drowning the victim in
the Exalt’s arms.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 213.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Riptide Method
Cost: 1 mote per attack/foe; Mins: Essence 2, Brawl 4; Type: Extra Action
Duration: One turn
Prerequisites: Drowning Embrace
This Charm allows a Terrestrial to clinch up to four people at once, though the
Exalt must continue to pay the Essence to maintain the holds.Source Exalted: The
Dragon-Blooded, p. 213.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Bonds of Unbreakable Ice Technique

Cost: 3 motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 2, Brawl 3; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Essence in turns
Prerequisites: Riptide Method

The Terrestrial can maintain a clinch on a target without having to hold them
physically.Source Aspect Book: Water, p. 73.
Source: Aspect Book: Water

Crushing Glacier Prana

Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 4, Brawl 5; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Essence in turns
Prerequisites: Bonds of Unbreakable Ice Technique
The target of this Charm will continue to be crushed by the Terrestrial’s Essence
long after they have stopped touching the target.Source Aspect Book: Water, p. 73.
Source: Aspect Book: Water

Slippery Escape Method

Cost: 1 mote per 2 dice; Mins: Essence 2, Brawl 3; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Drowning Embrace
This Charm aids in escaping from clinches the character does not control.Source
Aspect Book: Water, p. 74.
Source: Aspect Book: Water

Swift Stream Prana

Cost: 2 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Brawl 4; Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Slippery Escape Method
This Charm allows the Terrestrial to make a reflexive roll to escape from a
clinch.Source Aspect Book: Water, p. 74.
Source: Aspect Book: Water

Pounding Surf Style

Cost: 1 mote; Mins: Essence 1, Brawl 2; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Drowning Embrace
This Charm lets a Terrestrial mimic water, pounding against armor with a
flurry of blows and temporarily compromising its soak.Source Exalted: The Dragon-
Blooded, p. 214.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Smashing Tidal Wave Technique

Cost: 3 motes + 3 motes per additional target, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 4,
Brawl 5; Type: Supplemental

Duration: Brawl in turns
Prerequisites: Crushing Glacier Prana
This Charm lets the character clinch multiple opponents at once and do so at
range.Source Aspect Book: Water, p. 74.
Source: Aspect Book: Water

Corpse Dragon Blasphemy

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Corpse Dragon 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Leader
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Corpse Dragon Form
Even in their nonexistence the Corpse Dragons set themselves as Gods over their
Elemental Counterparts. This charm serves as a defense over all of creations natural
elements. When invoked against natural poison or elemental damage, this charm
adds successes equal to (Trauma or Toxicity) to the roll to resist. When invoked
against a magical poison or elemental damage it instead adds her Martial Arts to
the relevant pool to defend. The second part of this charm also works against the
elemental effects of other Dragonblooded Charms (e.g. knockdown from and Earth
Empowered Dragon-Graced Weapon). The cost of this charm cannot be reduced by
Corpse Dragon Catechism.
Source: Scarlet Heavens

Corpse Dragon Catechism

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Corpse Dragon 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Leader
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Corpse Dragon Form
Even the most stubborn of vassals will learn to understand through rigorous
repetition. Masters of Corpse Dragon Style use this charm to reinforce the precepts
of the Underworld in their foes. Invoking this charm the practitioner vows to repeat
the same action ad infinitum, or until her target breaks.
This charm grants no benefits on the action when it is used, however for every
action afterward where she repeats the same action, the mote costs for all of this
Style’s Charms are halved. In addition, if she includes Corpse Dragon Talon all mote
costs for this Style’s Charms are negated, but the Health Level costs rise to Two if
she deals no damage on her action.
Breaking her Vow comes at a cost, for her to change her action she must spend
1wp to end this charm.
This charm does not keep the practitioner from using any defensive charms or any
other effects from defending herself, she is simply forced to use the same action to
attack the same target until she spends 1wp to end the charm, or her target dies. If
her action becomes invalid she must spend 1wp to end the charm.
Source: Scarlet Heavens

Corpse Dragon Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Corpse Dragon 4; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Form-Type, Leader

Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Corpse Dragon Talon, Corpse Dragon Maw, Corpse Dragon Eye
The Form for Corpse Dragon Style shows the power one gets once he internalizes
the Mantra of the Void.
”There is no escape from the all-consuming mouth of the Void”
Activating this charm infuses her with the solidarity of the Void, increasing her
Hardness by her Essence as it swallows any blows too weak to stand up to the pull
of Oblivion. In addition if he has faith in the Void he may choose to not apply a
DV to an attack and in turn doubles his total soak instead; this power does not work
against unexpected attacks.
Source: Scarlet Heavens

Corpse Dragon Judgement

Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Corpse Dragon 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious, Servitude
Duration: Varies
Prerequisites: Corpse Dragon Catechism, Corpse Dragon Blasphemy
Needs to be rewritten.
Source: Scarlet Heavens

Corpse Dragon Heart

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Corpse Dragon 3; Type: Reflexive(Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Leader
Duration: Instant
Even Students of this Style believe they’re doing what’s best for the World.
”Mortals propel the downfall of Creation”
The Martial Artist’s Unarmed attacks strike for blood, empowering them to do
Lethal damage with each strike and allowing 10s in damage rolls do count as two
Source: Scarlet Heavens

Corpse Dragon Eye

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Corpse Dragon 3; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Leader, Fate, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Corpse Dragon Stylists make their attacks connect with their targets simply
because no one is allowed to evade them.
”It is written in the stars of the underworld that the living shall never triumph
over the Neverborn.”
By looking into these stars a practitioner makes an unarmed Martial Arts attack
which sets target’s Dodge or Parry DV to 0 before any charm use by compensating
for the defense she already knows he will use.
Source: Scarlet Heavens

Corpse Dragon Maw
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Corpse Dragon 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Compulsion, Leader, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Those hurt by the practitioner of this style know innately that death is for their
own good.
”The dead do not forget he who sacrifices for them.”
Supplementing an unarmed Martial Arts attack, every level of damage she deals
inflicts a -1 internal penalty to all attacks against her for (MA) actions. Resisting
the Unnatural Mental Influence for an action costs 1wp. Multiple invocations remain
but do not stack, only the most powerful penalty is in effect at any given point.
Spending 1wp to resist negates penalties from all lingering invocations, not just the
most powerful.
Source: Scarlet Heavens

Corpse Dragon Talon

Cost: 4m (+2m per 1); Mins: Essence 2, Corpse Dragon 3; Type: Reflexive
(Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Leader, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Practitioners of this style know that it’s better to end battle quickly, far better
to get one’s death over with sooner rather than later.
”It is better to die than to live, better to be free of flesh than saddled with its
Invoking this charm costs 4m during step one of an Unarmed Martial Arts attack.
After rolling damage, in step 8, she then has the option of paying 2m per 1 rolled,
or abandoning the charm and simply losing the motes she spent earlier. If she pays
the additional motes, all post soak levels are doubled. However, if at the end of her
action she has dealt no levels of damage, she takes one Level of Unsoakable Lethal
Damage herself which, as a cost of this charm cannot be stopped, nor can it be healed
until the end of the scene (regardless of how many times she activates this in one
action, she only takes one Level of Damage for failing to cause damage herself). In
addition, if she does not invoke this charm on her next action, she takes another Level
of Unsoakable Lethal Damage in the same way, whether she deals damage or not.
Source: Scarlet Heavens

War Strengthens the Soul

Cost: 2 motes per bashing and lethal soak ; Mins: Essence 3, Crab 3 ; Type:
Duration: One scene
The Martial Artist channels essence to his flesh and bones, fortifying himself
against attacks. For every 2 motes spent (to a maximum of the exalt’s Martial Arts
rating) add 1 to both bashing and lethal soak.
Source: 448815

Graceful Tortoise Technique
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Crimson Pentacle Blade 3; Type: Simple (Speed 6)
Keywords: None
Duration: One scene
This Charm lowers the mobility penalty for using a shield. See the full text of
the Charm for details.Source Scroll of the Monk, pp. 64-65.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Graceful Tortoise Technique

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Crimson Pentacle Blade 3; Type: Simple (Speed 6)
Keywords: None
Duration: One scene
This Charm lowers the mobility penalty for using a shield. See the full text of
the Charm for details.Source Scroll of the Monk, pp. 64-65.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Speardancer Concentration
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Crimson Pentacle Blade 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Graceful Tortoise Technique
This Charm augments the martial artist’s Join Battle roll. See the full text of
the Charm for details.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 65.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Speardancer Concentration
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Crimson Pentacle Blade 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Graceful Tortoise Technique
This Charm augments the martial artist’s Join Battle roll. See the full text of
the Charm for details.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 65.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Eastern Root Protocol

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Crimson Pentacle Blade 4; Type: Reflexive (Step
Keywords: None
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Graceful Tortoise Technique, Crimson Pentacle Blade Form
This Charm augments the martial artist’s defenses when fighting as a group, and
allows her to protect her partners. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source
Scroll of the Monk, p. 65.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Eastern Root Protocol
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Crimson Pentacle Blade 4; Type: Reflexive (Step
Keywords: None
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Graceful Tortoise Technique, Crimson Pentacle Blade Form
This Charm augments the martial artist’s defenses when fighting as a group, and
allows her to protect her partners. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source
Scroll of the Monk, p. 65.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Five Directions Formation Protocol

Cost: Varies; Mins: Essence Varies, Crimson Pentacle Blade Varies; Type:
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Varies
Prerequisites: Crimson Pentacle Blade Form, Eastern Root Protocol
This Charm is not really a Charm. It acts as a catch-all for this style’s coop-
erative group combos. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Scroll of the
Monk, p. 65-67.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Five Directions Formation Protocol

Cost: Varies; Mins: Essence Varies, Crimson Pentacle Blade Varies; Type:
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Varies
Prerequisites: Crimson Pentacle Blade Form, Eastern Root Protocol
This Charm is not really a Charm. It acts as a catch-all for this style’s coop-
erative group combos. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Scroll of the
Monk, p. 65-67.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Sprinting Stag Defense

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Crimson Pentacle Blade 4; Type: Reflexive (Step
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Eastern Root Protocol, Northern Lotus Petal Discernment Medi-
This Charm augments the martial artist’s defenses so long as she continues
moving. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 67.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Sprinting Stag Defense

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Crimson Pentacle Blade 4; Type: Reflexive (Step

Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Eastern Root Protocol, Northern Lotus Petal Discernment Medi-
This Charm augments the martial artist’s defenses so long as she continues
moving. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 67.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Western Shield Crush Counterattack

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Crimson Pentacle Blade 4; Type: Reflexive (Step
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Northern Lotus Petal Discernment Meditation, Crimson Pentacle
Blade Form
This Charm allows a reflexive counterattack against a failed assault with the
martial artist’s shield, knocking her attacker prone. See the full text of the Charm
for details.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 67-68.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Western Shield Crush Counterattack

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Crimson Pentacle Blade 4; Type: Reflexive (Step
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Northern Lotus Petal Discernment Meditation, Crimson Pentacle
Blade Form
This Charm allows a reflexive counterattack against a failed assault with the
martial artist’s shield, knocking her attacker prone. See the full text of the Charm
for details.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 67-68.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Blessing of Jeweled Vambraces and Mantle

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Crimson Pentacle Blade 5; Type: Simple
(Speed 6)
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Crimson Pentacle Blade Form, Western Shield Crush Counterat-
This Charm augments the soak of the martial artist. See the full text of the
Charm for details.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 68.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Blessing of Jeweled Vambraces and Mantle

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Crimson Pentacle Blade 5; Type: Simple
(Speed 6)

Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Crimson Pentacle Blade Form, Western Shield Crush Counterat-
This Charm augments the soak of the martial artist. See the full text of the
Charm for details.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 68.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Glorious Southern Harbinger of War and Fury

Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Crimson Pentacle Blade 4; Type: Simple
(Speed 6)
Keywords: Emotion, Obvious, Social, Stackable
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Western Shield Crush Counterattack, Crimson Pentacle Blade
This Charm inspires those the martial artist is leading, making them more
valorous. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 68.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Glorious Southern Harbinger of War and Fury

Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Crimson Pentacle Blade 4; Type: Simple
(Speed 6)
Keywords: Emotion, Obvious, Social, Stackable
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Western Shield Crush Counterattack, Crimson Pentacle Blade
This Charm inspires those the martial artist is leading, making them more
valorous. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 68.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Furious Battle Scythe

Cost: 4; Mins: Essence 3, Crimson Pentacle Blade 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisites: Crimson Pentacle Blade Form, Glorious Southern Harbinger of
War and Fury
This Charm allows the martial artist to summon an Essence-scythe with special
properties. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 68
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Furious Battle Scythe

Cost: 4; Mins: Essence 3, Crimson Pentacle Blade 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisites: Crimson Pentacle Blade Form, Glorious Southern Harbinger of
War and Fury

This Charm allows the martial artist to summon an Essence-scythe with special
properties. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 68
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Central Pillar Attack Pattern Mastery

Cost: 7m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Crimson Pentacle Blade 5; Type: Extra action
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Glorious Southern Harbinger of War and Fury, Eastern Root Pro-
tocol, Sprinting Stag Defense, Blessing of Jeweled Vambraces and Mantle, Call-to-
the-Blade-of-Righteousness Mantra
This Charm allows the martial artist to make a single attack against multiple
opponents, and augments her damage against those foes. See the full text of the
Charm for details.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 69.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Central Pillar Attack Pattern Mastery

Cost: 7m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Crimson Pentacle Blade 5; Type: Extra action
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Glorious Southern Harbinger of War and Fury, Eastern Root Pro-
tocol, Sprinting Stag Defense, Blessing of Jeweled Vambraces and Mantle, Call-to-
the-Blade-of-Righteousness Mantra
This Charm allows the martial artist to make a single attack against multiple
opponents, and augments her damage against those foes. See the full text of the
Charm for details.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 69.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Retribution of Honourable Guardianship Attitude

Cost: 3m, 1wp + 1m per attack; Mins: Essence 3, Crimson Pentacle Blade 5;
Type: Extra action
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Eastern Root Protocol, Sprinting Stag Defense, Blessing
of Jeweled Vambraces and Mantle, Furious Battle Scythe, Call-to-the-Blade-of-
Righteousness Mantra, Crimson Pentacle Blade Form
This Charm allows the martial artist to reflexively attack those who would think
to flank or pass her. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Scroll of the
Monk, p. 68.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Retribution of Honourable Guardianship Attitude

Cost: 3m, 1wp + 1m per attack; Mins: Essence 3, Crimson Pentacle Blade 5;
Type: Extra action
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene

Prerequisites: Eastern Root Protocol, Sprinting Stag Defense, Blessing
of Jeweled Vambraces and Mantle, Furious Battle Scythe, Call-to-the-Blade-of-
Righteousness Mantra, Crimson Pentacle Blade Form
This Charm allows the martial artist to reflexively attack those who would think
to flank or pass her. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Scroll of the
Monk, p. 68.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Call-to-the-Blade-of-Righteousness Mantra
Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Crimson Pentacle Blade 5; Type: Simple
(Speed 6)
Keywords: Stackable
Duration: One day
Prerequisites: Crimson Pentacle Blade Form, Retribution of Honorable
Guardianship Attitude
After a ritual, this Charm allows the martial artist to augment the damage with
her weapon if pursuing a certian task. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source
Scroll of the Monk, p. 69.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Call-to-the-Blade-of-Righteousness Mantra
Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Crimson Pentacle Blade 5; Type: Simple
(Speed 6)
Keywords: Stackable
Duration: One day
Prerequisites: Crimson Pentacle Blade Form, Retribution of Honorable
Guardianship Attitude
After a ritual, this Charm allows the martial artist to augment the damage with
her weapon if pursuing a certian task. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source
Scroll of the Monk, p. 69.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Northern Lotus Petal Discernment Meditation

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Crimson Pentacle Blade 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Retribution of Honorable Guardianship Attitude, Crimson Pen-
tacle Blade Form
This Charm allows the martial artist to reduce the defenses of her foes. See the
full text of the Charm for details.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 67.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Northern Lotus Petal Discernment Meditation

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Crimson Pentacle Blade 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant

Prerequisites: Retribution of Honorable Guardianship Attitude, Crimson Pen-
tacle Blade Form
This Charm allows the martial artist to reduce the defenses of her foes. See the
full text of the Charm for details.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 67.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Crimson Pentacle Blade Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 1, Crimson Pentacle Blade 3; Type: Simple (Speed 3)
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Crimson Pentacle Blade Form, Speardancer Concentration
This Charm augments the martial artist’s martial and athletic prowess, and
helps her to command others while the form is active. See the full text of the Charm
for details.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 65.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Crimson Pentacle Blade Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 1, Crimson Pentacle Blade 3; Type: Simple (Speed 3)
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Crimson Pentacle Blade Form, Speardancer Concentration
This Charm augments the martial artist’s martial and athletic prowess, and
helps her to command others while the form is active. See the full text of the Charm
for details.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 65.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Crimson Pentacle Blade Form

Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Crimson Pentacle Blade 4; Type: Simple
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Speardancer Concentration
This Charm allows the martial artist to add dice to their Martial Arts rolls.
This is a Form-type Charm and cannot be used in conjunction with other Form-type
Charms.Source Exalted Players Guide, p. 242.
Source: Exalted Players Guide

Gust Guards the Mountain

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Dagger Wind 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
This Charm allows the Dragon King to raise her PDV against ranged attacks,
as well as parry lethal ranged attacks without a stunt. See the full text of the Charm
for details.Source Debris from the Fallen Races, p. 9.
Source: Debris from the Fallen Races

Mountain Stands Alone
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Dagger Wind 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Knockback, Obvious
Duration: Instant
This Charm grants Knockback from a winb buffet made by the Martial Artist
similar to Heaven Thunder Hammer. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source
Debris from the Fallen Races, p. 9.
Source: Debris from the Fallen Races

Dagger Wind Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Dagger Wind 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Gust Guards the Mountain, Mountain Stands Alone
This Charm augments all wing buffets performed by the Dragon King. See the
full text of the Charm for details.Source Debris from the Fallen Races, pp. 9-10.
Source: Debris from the Fallen Races

Wing Blade Attack

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 3, Dagger Wind 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Tumbling Avalanche Technique
This Charm augments a wing buffet attack, making its damage lethal. It also
raises the damage of that attack. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source
Debris from the Fallen Races, p. 10.
Source: Debris from the Fallen Races

Wind Full of Teeth

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Dagger Wind 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Tumbling Avalanche Technique
This charm allows the Dragon King to damage ranged opponents with a lethal
wing buffet. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Debris from the Fallen
Races, pp. 10-11.
Source: Debris from the Fallen Races

Fang of Heaven Technique

Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Dagger Wind 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Wing Blade Attack, Wind Full of Teeth
This Charm multiplies the damage delt by a successful wing buffet. See the full
text of the Charm for details.Source Debris from the Fallen Races, p. 11.
Source: Debris from the Fallen Races

Tumbling Avalanche Technique
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Dagger Wind 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Dagger Wind Form
This Charm allows the Martial Artist to perform a clinch that only allows her
to release her opponent via an augmented throw. See the full text of the Charm for
details.Source Debris from the Fallen Races, p. 10.
Source: Debris from the Fallen Races

Dreadful Writhing Mass

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Deep Slumber 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: (Martial Arts) Actions
Prerequisites: Deep Slumber Form
The tentacles of the Deep Sleeper lash out at all within range. Those caught in
the Deep Sleepers grasp scream for help, but typically, their cries are only answered
by the sound of their own strangling or a sickening crunch as the Deep Sleeper crushes
their neck. While this charm is active, the martial artist increases the rate of all un-
armed clinches by 1, (though he may only maintain one clinch per available clinching
weapon), and his clinches inflict lethal, piercing damage if they would not otherwise.
If Deep Slumber Form is active, anyone caught in the martial artists clinch must
make an additional Valor check every action they remain in the martial artists grasp,
until they either fail their roll or succeed with more successes than the martial artists
(Essence), experiencing the benefits and penalties as per Deep Slumber Form. Those
who succeed with more successes than the martial artist’s (Essence) automatically
escape the clinch, including those who had succeed in such a way previously. All
others continue to make Valor rolls as long as they remain in the Clinch, but penalties
from failure do not stack only the most severe failure applies.
Botching or failing this Valor roll may bring the target under the effects of Igno-
rance Is Mercy if that Charm is active. Those under the effects of that Charm also
escape the clinch automatically.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Slumber Crawls
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Deep Slumber 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Sickness
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Ignorance Is Mercy, Dream-Swallowing Depths
Deep beneath the surface, the perpetual drone of the shifting ocean lulls all to
sleep. Until recently, the commotion of ships has been the most common stimulus
that draws the Deep Sleepers from their benthic abodes. They possess no true ire or
hatred but merely wish to return to their dreams as swiftly as possible. This Charm
supplements an unarmed strike and infuses it with a Second Circle spiritual disease
the Fathomless Embrace Sickness. The immediate symptoms cause the victim to
grow tired with the slightest exertion. Even trivial tasks become Strenuous Activity
(”’Exalted”’, p. 130), while the character can maintain truly exhausting activities for
no longer than an hour.

More dangerously, once a character has fallen asleep they risk never waking again.
A sleeping character musk succeed at a Willpower roll with a difficulty equal to the
diseases Virulence in order to awaken. If the character fails to awaken, he may try
again in eight hours. Each subsequent roll suffers a -1 External Penalty, to a maximum
penalty of the Virulence. The character makes a Morbidity roll only when they botch
their Willpower roll to wake up.
The disease has no power to kill itself, but failing the Morbidity roll a number
of times equal to the characters (Stamina) prevents the character from making any
further attempts to awaken. Unless sustained by artificial means, the character will
slowly die of dehydration and starvation. So logn as the victim has not already failed
a Morbidity roll, others may attempt to wake the character by inflicting at least a
-2 Wound Penalty the shock of the pain forces the character awaken automatically.
Once the character has failed a Morbidity roll, mundane medicine can only fend off
death but cannot wake him. Only magical means that completely purge the disease
from the body and restores the proper flow of internal Essence can wake the victims
of this disease.
It is assumed that the Deep Sleepers themselves are all infected with this disease,
but have kept themselves alive through means similar to Dreamer Sees All.
”’Virulence”’: (Essence); ”’Incubation”’: Instant
”’Diagnosis”’: 3; ”’Difficulty to Treat”’ (Mundane/
Magic): 4/1
”’Morbidity”’: 4; ”’Treated Morbidity”’: 2
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Only the Brave Sleep

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Deep Slumber 2; Type: Simple (Speed 3, DV -3)
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: Instant
Encounters with Deep Sleepers leave their mark on the minds of sailors. Most
are plagued with nightmares, haunted by the horrors of brief but frightful contact with
these monstrous intelligences of the deep. A few are overtaken by a sense of calm.
They survived these monsters, what could be worse? With this Charm the martial
artist suffuses his mind and body with that sense of peace. He grows lethargic and
drowsy. So long as he is not forced to take any reflexive action, he instantly falls into
a deep and soothing sleep at the beginning of his next action. Assuming the martial
artist sleeps for at least five hours, he gains one automatic success on any subsequent
Conviction roll to regain Willpower.
Unfortunately, this sleep is difficult to awaken from. Following his roll to recover
Willpower, the martial artists player must make a Willpower roll to wake himself,
with a difficulty equal to number of successes gained on preceding Conviction roll.
He may make this roll once every eight hours and the difficulty decreases by one each
interval. Alternatively, he may spend one point of willpower to force himself awake
at any time.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Mind-Gripping Horror
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Deep Slumber 3; Type: Supplemental

Keywords: Combo-Ok, Emotion
Duration: Until clinch is broken
Prerequisites: Only the Brave Sleep
Unable to sleep themselves, sailors who have survived an encounter with a Deep
Sleeper often gather to tell their frightening storydescribing in detail the horrific way
the monsters tentacles coiled and crept around his body. How its suckers gouged his
skin. How its luminescent skin chilled his bones. Every detail of the event is seared
into his mind.
The martial artist emulates that technique with this Charm, supplementing any
unarmed clinch attempt. Should the clinch succeed, the victim must make a Valor roll,
difficulty 1, each action the clinch is maintained. Failure imposes a Phobia deficiency
(for full description see ”’Manual of Exalted Power: Lunars”’, p. 210) regarding the
martial artist for the rest of the scene, imposing a -2 internal penalty on all actions
while in the presence of the martial artist. Should the victim botch his Valor roll, this
Phobia is permanent. In either case, the victim may spend one Willpower to ignore
this effect for the scene.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Deep Slumber Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Deep Slumber 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-Type, Obvious, Emotion
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Mind-Gripping Horror
The Deep Sleeper rises from the sea, its languid tentacles undulating, body
aglow. It comes to the surface for one purpose and one purpose alonereturning to the
depths once satisfied. Upon activating this Charm, the martial artist writhes slowly,
limbs waving and form weapons twisting. Essence permeates his skin and emits a
diffuse golden light, and an aura of cold determination descends upon him.
Those who witness this form must make a reflexive Valor roll, difficulty 1; failing
this roll causes the witness to suffer from nightmares for a number of days equal to the
martial artists (Essence), which imposes a -1 External Penalty on their Conviction
roll to recover Willpower and causes them to lose an additional point of Willpower
should they botch their Conviction roll. Botching their Valor roll causes them to lose
a point of Willpower immediately in addition to gaining nightmares. In either case,
the fearful suffer -1 DV against the martial artist. Those who succeed their Valor roll
with more successes than the martial artists (Essence) immediately recover a point
of Willpower and add their Valor to their DVs against the martial artist. Succeeding
otherwise imposes no penalty and grants no benefits.
Additionally, the martial artist selects a goal, which must be related to an Intimacy
or the characters Motivation. The martial artist gains (Conviction) dice on all non-
reflexive actions which are in direct pursuit of that goal. Finally, due to the goal he
emits, stealth is impossible for the martial artist.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Ignorance Is Mercy
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Deep Slumber 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion
Duration: (Martial Arts) Actions

Prerequisites: Dreamer Sees All
The unnatural horror of the Deep Sleepers at times forces the mind to reject the
very existence of these monsters. Those struck by such fear prefer to pretend nothing
at all is amiss. While this Charm is active, those who have botched their Valor rolls
in the presence of Deep Slumber Form and those afflicted by Mind-Gripping Horror
block the martial artist from their minds. Those who failed their Valor roll but did
not botch may spend a Willpower to also be included in this group.
Those affected by this charm are completely immune to whatever nightmares the
martial artist might have otherwise imposed on them; however, they completely ignore
the martial artist unless he physically attacks them. Against his social attacks they
are assumed to have a perfect mental defense, while against their Perception the
martial artist has perfect stealth. If the martial artist attacks such an individual the
effects of this charm are dispelled for all as such he cannot gain the benefits of a
surprise attack against his victims using this charm. An individual may spend one
Willpower to shake off this effect, but still suffers a -2 External Penalty from Blindness
when directly attempt to perceive or strike the martial artist if their Essence is less
than the martial artist’s.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Dreamer Sees All

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Deep Slumber 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Deep Slumber Form
Though perpetually asleep, the Deep Sleepers are neither blind nor inactive.
They seem to have a heightened awareness of their surrounding despite their slumber.
They fight with one half of their mind turned inward to their own dreams, and the
other half turned outward to embody the nightmares of others.
With this Charm the martial artist learns to fight half-asleep as they do. He
activates Dreamer Sees All in response to any disturbance against him while he sleeps,
allowing him to defend himself normally without waking. While his hun soul slumbers,
his Po soul awakens, at least partially. In this state, he may only make unarmed
martial arts attacks and defenses and is aware of any attacks against him not hidden
by magic. He may only make attacks against those who have disturbed his slumber
earlier in the scene, typically by attacking him. He seeks to eliminate, though not
necessarily kill, whatever has disturbed his slumber.
For the duration of this Charm he responds to stimuli as an automaton wouldnever
failing Valor rolls, and never making any others. He cannot engage or be engaged in
social combat. The martial artist murmurs incessantly about whatever if foremost in
his mind, often revealing his deepest Motivation or Intimacies.
In order to awaken from this charm, the martial artist must succeed at a reflexive
Willpower roll with a difficulty of his own Conviction, which may be attempted once
per scene; otherwise the martial artist fights until either he has been incapacitated
or all valid targets have either fled or have been incapacitated themselves, at which
time the martial artist returns to a normal sleep.
Alternatively, if Only the Brave Sleep is also active, the martial artist may spend
one willpower, as per that charm, to awaken. The charm ends once the martial artist
either wakes or falls back into a complete sleep.

Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Dream-Swallowing Depths
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Deep Slumber 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Dreadful Writhing Mass
The mere sight of the Deep Sleepers cripples the minds of some men. They
are incapable even of nightmares. When these men close their eyes, they see only
the blank roiling depths of their own mind. The martial artist knows which targets
present have has failed a Valor roll to resist his terrifying form or another of his
attacks. Targeting one of these victims, he launches a (Charisma or Manipulation +
Martial Arts) social attack. If the attack succeeds, the target suffers a Crippling effect
that prevents him from sleeping normally. He has neither dreams nor nightmares and
is incapable of recovering Willpower by sleeping, unless he first spends a point of
Willpower to resist this effect for a night.
Forcing himself to dream also stirs any nightmares that might be lurking from
other effects, such as Deep Slumber Form. So long as he does not dream, the target
is immune to the predation of Fair Folk. This may be cured only by magical means of
healing Crippling effects, but such effects only require a single success, if they call for
a roll at all. This Charm only functions on beings with Essence less than the martial
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Upsetting Strangeness Taunt

Cost: 2+m; Mins: Essence 1, Demented Exemplar 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Scornful Disinterest Motion
There are few things more insulting to a warrior than a foe turning his back
on him in scorn. One of them is if aforesaid foe then makes a bewilderingly vulgar
gesture. This Charm may only be activated while Inactive, targeting up to (Essence)
individuals in combat with the martial artist, at a cost of 2m per target. For the rest
of the scene, those affected treat not targeting the martial artist? as violating their
Valor. They may pay one Willpower to remove this unnatural mental influence.
Source: Revlid

Bewildering Choice Of Sheathe

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Demented Exemplar 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Demented Exemplar Form
A philosopher might posit that ones body is but a sheath for the soul. A
warrior might claim that the best sheath for a sword is the enemys gut. The Demented
Exemplar is both warrior and philosopher, in his own way, and strives to make his
sword indistinguishable from his soul. This Charm may only be activated when the
martial artist is attacked while Inactive. It gives the martial artist a counterattack

which must be made with this Style’s Form Weapon, resolved in Step 9 of the initial
attacks resolution. This attack counts as unexpected, and deals unsoakable damage
equal to the post-soak damage the attacker dealt to the martial artist. This damage
is not increased by Strength, successes on the attack roll, or weapon statistics.
Source: Revlid

Implausible Whirling Slash

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Demented Exemplar 4; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Demented Exemplar Form
With a speed and enthusiasm that evokes awe and scepticism in equal measure,
the Demented Exemplar turns a single strike into a spinning, swirling, and eventually
tottering whirlwind. The martial artist makes an immediate flurry of unarmed at-
tacks. It resolves as normal, with the exception that he may increase the DV penalty
of this flurry by up to (Martial Arts) points, reducing all multiple action penalties
within the flurry by the same amount. If every multiple action penalty within the
flurry is reduced to 0, then after all attacks in the flurry has been resolved the martial
artist immediately becomes Inactive, as per Scornful Disinterest Motion, although he
may not reflexively enter a Guard action until three ticks have passed.This Charm
may also be activated when Clinching, in which case the martial artist throws his
opponent (or jumps with them), immediately releasing them afterward. Both the
martial artist and his released opponent both become Inactive for three ticks.
Source: Revlid

Disturbed Bounding Strike

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Demented Exemplar 3; Type: Supplementary
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Absurd Dramatic Leap
Twirling, bouncing and bounding into the fray, the Demented Exemplar causes
shock, dismay, and barefaced disbelief with his acrobatic swordplay. This Charm may
supplement any unarmed attack made by the martial artist on a tick in which he has
jumped. The accuracy bonus of his weapon is increased by one for every full five
yards he jumped, to a maximum of an additional +(Martial Arts). Ordinarily this
Charm would be used after a single, unidirectional jump, but a stunt would allow
multiple bounds, for flexibility of direction.
Source: Revlid

Demented Exemplar Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Demented Exemplar 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Form-type
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Disturbed Bounding Strike, Upsetting Strangeness Taunt
The laws of the universe are more like hastily-scribbled guidelines to any Exalt,
but the Demented Exemplar has developed deadliness in absurdity to the point that
gravity itself is reluctant to walk on the same side of the street. The martial artist may

hover through the air, humming faintly as he does so. He flies at (Martial Arts x3)
yards per move action when moving steady, reducing his move distance to (Martial
Arts) yards when descending and increasing it to (Martial Arts x10) yards when
diving. Any movement made while hovering counts as jumping for the purposes of
Charms of this Style. In addition, while this Charm is active the martial artist never
suffers any of the downsides of being surrounded, and may use any of the Charms of
this Style as though he were Inactive.
The first time a Charm with a Flaw of Invulnerability is used during the same
action Demented Exemplar Form is activated, it adds a two Willpower surcharge to
its activation cost.
Source: Revlid

Unbelievable Sycamore Shrine

Cost: - (+2m, 1wp); Mins: Essence 3, Demented Exemplar 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Implausible Whirling Slash, Bewildering Choice Of Sheathe
This Charm is the pinnacle of the Demented Exemplars absurdly logical con-
clusions, combining the teaching of the previous Charms their spiritual exploration
and ability to spin very fast alike. Leaping high into the sky, the martial artist spins
his blade above him at an absurd pace, creating a sound not unlike a beaver trying to
whistle as he executes a truly improbable manuever. This Charm upgrades Demented
Exemplar Form. The martial artist may, when entering the Form or at the start of
any action within its duration, reflexively pay an additional cost of two motes, and
one point of temporary Willpower. If he does so, he immediately moves his maximum
Jumping distance upward, and thereafter the distance he may move each action when
hovering is doubled. In this state, none of the Charms of this Style count as Charm
activations when used, but innate powers.The effects of this Charm end with the De-
mented Exemplar Form, but the martial artist may decide to cut off his flight rather
more violently. If there is a character the martial artist can perceive that he could
attack by falling downward, he may target them for an unarmed attack (or, if they are
on solid ground, a flurry of unarmed attacks). The effects of this Charm immediately
end, and the martial artist dives directly down onto the opponent to attack, suffering
normal falling damage (resolved after the attack). The pre-soak damage of the attack
is increased by (yards fallen/2+Essence). Using this attack ends the effects of this
Charm, returning the martial artist to the standard Demented Exemplar Form.
Source: Revlid

Unbelievable Sycamore Shrine

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Demented Exemplar 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Implausible Whirling Slash, Bewildering Choice Of Sheathe
This Charm is the pinnacle of the Demented Exemplars absurdly logical con-
clusions, combining the teaching of the previous charms their spiritual exploration
and ability to spin very fast alike. Leaping high into the sky, the martial artist spins
his blade above him at an absurd pace, creating a sound not unlike a beaver trying

to whistle as he executes a truly improbable manuever. This Charm may only be
activated in Demented Exemplar Form. He immediately moves his maximum Jump-
ing distance upward, and may thereafter move as though he possessed the Winged
mutation. He may choose to dive down from on high, supplementing an unarmed
attack. He immediately drops to the ground, suffering normal falling damage (re-
solved after the attack). His attacks pre-soak damage is increased by (pre-soak falling
damage+Essence). This immediately ends the Charm.
Source: Revlid

Scornful Disinterest Motion

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1, Demented Exemplar 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Indefinite
The Demented Exemplar expresses the contempt of a madman by turning his
back to his foe, or simply lying down. He immediately becomes Inactive, and may
spend one mote to reflexively come out of his inactivity into a Guard action with
a Speed of 3. He may reduce the Speed of this Guard action to 1 by paying one
additional mote.
Source: Revlid

Absurd Dramatic Leap

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Demented Exemplar 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Action
What good is the ability to bring strange justice if one cannot bound effortlessly
into the spotlight, or make a dynamic exit when necessary? The martial artist adds
his Martial Arts rating to his Athletics for the purposes of calculating his jumping
distance, and adds 10B soak against fall damage until the start of his next action.In
addition, the martial artist adds another option when Clinching, whether or not this
Charm is active he may Jump, dragging his grappled opponent the full distance with
him. If he chooses to, he may fall with his opponent, and both of them take the
appropriate falling damage. If this Charm is used in Demented Exemplar Form, it
counts as an innate power.
Source: Revlid

Stride of the Grinning Hector

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Dolorous Carnifex 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Innocent-Bystander Eviscerating Fist
The Dolorous Carnifex loves to fight battles he knows he can win. This Charm
supplements a Join Battle roll. If the martial artist is entering a battle against a force
with no essence-users in it, he subtracts a number of dice from his Join Battle roll
equal to his Martial Arts score, and adds the same number of successes. If at least one
of his opponents is an essence-user, the minute pressure their presence exerts negates

the benefit of this charm.
Source: Xefas

Example Setting Posture

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Dolorous Carnifex 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Innocent-Bystander Eviscerating Fist
You never need to be stronger than the rest of the crowd. You just need
to be stronger than its weakest member. Once you beat a lesson into that one,
the rest will be too scared for their own safety to oppose you. This Charm can be
activated in response to dropping a mortal extra into or below their Incapacitated
health level. (Martial Arts) other mortal extra opponents who witnessed the beating
must immediately make Valor checks or flee for their lives.
Source: Xefas

Dolorous Carnifex Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Dolorous Carnifex 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Stride of the Grinning Hector, Biggest Kid in the Schoolyard
Method, Example Setting Posture
The martial artist uses essence to puff out his body to appear larger and
more imposing than it actually is. Every movement and gesture is focused to give the
impression of tremendous strength and skill, whether it is actually there or not. While
in this form, the martial artist may parry lethal attacks while unarmed. He increases
both his DVs by one against attacks made by opponents without enlightened essence,
due to the flimsy and easily pierced facade of power he exerts. Finally, he may make
use of Charms:Example Setting Posture Example Setting Posture without it being
considered a charm activation.
Source: Xefas

Culling the Limping Gazelles

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Dolorous Carnifex 4; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Dolorous Carnifex Form
Channeling the twisted evolutionary traits of vitriol, the martial artist aids in
the strengthening of his people by eliminating its weakest members. It is certainly
not so he can look awesome and feel better about himself. This charm is a flurry
of (Martial Arts) unarmed attacks, which ignores Rate and multiple action penal-
ties. However, each attack may only target a mortal extra, and each attack must be
targeting a different extra.
Source: Xefas

Ultimate Attack of Inescapable Death

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Dolorous Carnifex 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Culling the Limping Gazelles
An unarmed attack made against a mortal extra and supplemented by this
Charm is undodgeable and unblockable and, if it successfully hits, it kills the extra
instantly, dealing ”infinity” damage.This Charm is Obvious, after a fashion. Instead
of divulging its full effects, it is merely Obvious that the charm is capable of murdering
someone in a single blow, regardless of their defenses. Also, it explicitly makes sure
everyone understands ’”infinity damage”’ is what has been dealt.
Against anyone but a mortal extra, this Charm has no effect.
Source: Xefas

Biggest Kid in the Schoolyard Method

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1, Dolorous Carnifex 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Innocent-Bystander Eviscerating Fist
Surely, the Carnifex is a god among men. Or at least a termite among ants. At
the very least, hes like the kid who got held back a year twice in Middle School, so hes
like 6 1? in 7th grade. This Charm can be activated in response to any attack made
against the martial artist. He adds his Martial Arts score to his bashing and lethal
soak against that attack. This benefit fails against any attack made by an artifact or
enhanced by a Charm.
Source: Xefas

Innocent-Bystander Eviscerating Fist

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1, Dolorous Carnifex 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
As the vitriolic essence of the Carnifex taints the martial artist, it also begins to
evolve him in the perverse way that is its nature. He becomes a predator among his
own people, betraying his station at the bottom of the totem pole to butcher his peers.
An unarmed attack supplemented by this Charm deals lethal damage when directed at
a mortal extra, mortal, or heroic mortal. In addition, it has the tag Overwhelming 4?
versus mortal extras, Overwhelming 3? against mortals, and Overwhelming 2? against
heroic mortals, unless the heroic mortal also has enlightened essence, in which case
this charm confers no Overwhelming bonus.
Source: Xefas

Optimal Strike Annotation

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Dynamic Scholar 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Encyclopedia Nemesis Study
Reams of information and analysis unfurl in the martial artists mind the benefit

of study becomes the certainty of success. This Charm supplements an Aim action.
The action takes place as normal, with the exception that any bonus dice added by
an Aim action upon aborting to an unarmed attack are halved (rounding up) and
converted to automatic successes.
Source: Revlid

Book-Over-Heart Defense
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 3, Dynamic Scholar 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: (Martial Arts) Actions
Prerequisites: Dynamic Scholar Form
Many are the stories of soldiers saved from arrows and blades by the thickness
of a prayer-book or military manual. Charging his Essence with the words of every
book he has ever read, the Dynamic Scholar simulates this effect. For the duration
of his next (Martial Arts) actions, the Dynamic Scholar gains (+Lore) Bashing Soak,
and (+Lore/2) Lethal Soak. This counts as armour soak for the purposes of piercing
attacks, etc.
Source: Revlid

Weight Of Knowledge
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Dynamic Scholar 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Esoteric Education Exploitation
Knowledge is power, power is energy, energy is matter and matter is mass.
Manipulating this fundamental truth, the Dynamic Scholar brings down his fist like
the spine of a hefty tome. This Charm supplements any unarmed attack its damage
is increased by (Lore/2) additional dice, after soak. If the martial artist is in Dynamic
Scholar form, this counts as an innate power rather than a Charm.
Source: Revlid

Dynamic Scholar Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Dynamic Scholar 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Optimal Strike Annotation, Open Book Analysis
The Dynamic Scholar exhales slowly through pursed lips, focusing his mind to
a dagger-edge, rubbing his temples to aid this meditative state. Once it is achieved,
his sagacious abilities are enhanced, making him as deadly as a thrown doorstopper.
The generations of knowledge flowing within the Essence of the martial artist allows
him to add dice equal to half his base Lore rating (rounded up) to his unarmed Martial
Arts dice pools, and vice-versa, for this scene. Any unarmed attacks made by the
martial artist do lethal damage, provided they benefit from at least one bonus dice
from an Aim action, and he may parry lethal and ranged attacks barehanded without
a stunt.
The first time a Charm with a Flaw of Invulnerability is used during the same
action Dynamic Scholar Form is activated, it adds a two Willpower surcharge to its

activation cost.
Source: Revlid

Open Book Analysis

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Dynamic Scholar 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Encyclopedia Nemesis Study
The Dynamic Scholar studies his opponent as he might a clearly labelled picture
in a bestiary, and all things become clear. Roll (Perception + Lore). For every two
successes on this roll, the martial artist knows one of the following details about his
adversary: His remaining Health Levels, his rating in Martial Arts, Melee, Thrown or
Archery, his permanent Essence rating, his rating in any one physical Attribute, one
Martial Arts style he practices (if any), or his highest Virtue. If the target is actively
trying to conceal one of the observed details (whether through feigning weakness or
bluffing strength) this roll becomes an opposed roll against the targets (Manipulation
+ Larceny).
Source: Revlid

Esoteric Education Exploration

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Dynamic Scholar 4; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV-0),
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Dynamic Scholar Form
True knowledge is not simply found in writing, though the secrets of crumbling
books and fresh scrolls appeal to the Dynamic Scholar. No, knowledge is to be found
throughout Creation, and with but a thought it can be used in the context of battle.
Upon activating this Charm, the martial artist chooses one ability from those listed
below. He adds a number of dice equal to half his rating in the selected ability
(rounded up) to all unarmed Martial Arts and Dodge dice pools against the indicated
targets (only one ability may be used against a single target at once). If the martial
artist is in Dynamic Scholar Form, this counts as an innate power rather than a
Charm. Appropriate stunts of analysis are recommended when attacking with this
charm activated.”Larceny:” Thieves, bandits, etc. Watchmen, arbiters, etc.
”Bureacracy:” Merchants, bureaucrats, etc.
”Perform:” Musicians, dancers, actors, etc.
”Survival:” Wild animals.
”Sail:” Sailors, pirates, etc. Any vehicle requiring the Sail ability.
”Ride:” Cavalry, ridden beasts, etc. Any vehicle requiring the Ride ability.
”Craft:” Buildings, objects, etc.
”Occult:” Gods, elementals, demons, etc.
Source: Revlid

Scarlet Academic Criticism

Cost: - (+1m); Mins: Essence 3, Dynamic Scholar 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Form-enhancing

Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Weight Of Knowledge, Book-Over-Heart Defense
The martial artist instantly recalls information pertinent to the battle, his blows
becoming as dangerous as a disappointed librarian, as vicious as annotations written
in red ink. Upon fully examining a foe, the Dynamic Scholar’s hands and weapons trail
a reddish Essence that expresses their utter disappointment. This Charm upgrades
the Dynamic Scholar Form. When in that form, any unarmed attacks made by the
martial artist do aggravated damage, provided they benefit from at least six bonus
dice from an Aim action.
Source: Revlid

Encyclopedia Nemesis Study

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 1, Dynamic Scholar 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Scene
It takes more than mundane distractions to strip the Dynamic Scholar of his
acumen the weaknesses of his foe are burned into the index of his soul. This Charm
may be activated after spending at least three ticks aiming. The martial artist banks?
the bonus dice accrued from that aim cycle for later use, allowing him to abort to any
other action without the usual internal penalty, attack as normal (though the dice
will not be automatically added) or even continue aiming in order to accrue further
bonus dice. The character may use these bonus dice on any unarmed attack they
make in the same scene, even one benefiting from another, subsequent aim action.
At the end of the scene, any banked dice are lost. Only one aim cycles worth of dice
may be banked at any one time, and using a banked set of bonus dice does not count
as a Charm activation.
Source: Revlid

Exquisite Scarlet Calligraphy

Cost: 1m per die; Mins: Essence 1, Efficacious Bureaucrat 3; Type: Supplemen-
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Proper Stylus-Grasping Method
With one perfect stroke of his brush, a bureaucrat draws a deep slash of black
inkand with one perfect stroke of his blade, he draws a deep slash of red blood! All
his years of tracing complex characters yield up a powerful command of fine precision,
allowing him to effortlessly sever arteries and tendons. This Charm supplements an
unarmed Martial Arts attack, increasing its base damage before soak by one for every
mote spent, to a maximum of (Martial Arts).
Source: The Demented One

Signed-in-Triplicate Kata
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Efficacious Bureaucrat 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant

Prerequisites: Proper Stylus-Grasping Method
By signing and re-signing the same forms countless time, a bureaucrat inter-
nalizes the repeated motions, till he could draw his signature blindfolded, at the
bottom of the sea, with his hands bound in manacles. Such is required for this kata,
a technique that capitalizes on the building momentum of repeated actions to deliver
one devastating blow! This Charm supplements an unarmed Martial Arts attack,
which must be the last attack made in a flurry. That attack gains the piercing tag.
However, if the martial artist spends insufficient time properly preparing the attack,
it may failartifact armor whose artifact rating in dots exceeds the total number of
attacks made in the flurry do not have their soak reduced.
Source: The Demented One

Efficacious Bureaucrat Form

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Efficacious Bureaucrat 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Exquisite Scarlet Calligraphy, Signed-in-Triplicate Kata
Precision, preparation, proper actionthe three great truths which must inform
any blow the Efficacious Bureaucrat makes! Every document he stamps of file he
requisitions is but one part of a greater bureaucracy, and every attack he makes is but
one aspect of a greater assault, laying the foundation for one mighty finishing blow.
The martial artist moves with perfect control, an absolute precision of movement
that allows him to parry lethal attacks unarmed and to deal lethal damage with his
unarmed attacks. Whenever he makes a flurry of unarmed Martial Arts attack, the
multiple action penalty he suffers on each attack is reduced by one, to a minimum of
-1. In addition, the onslaught penalty inflicted on his enemy by each is increased by
Source: The Demented One

Making-Copies Method
Cost: 2m per attack; Mins: Essence 3, Efficacious Bureaucrat 5; Type: Extra
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Efficacious Bureaucrat Form
Many are the hours spent in amanuensis, painstakingly copying forms and texts
by hand! Without a steady hand or a skillful eye, errors most dire might creep into
the copiesbut not when the stylus is wielded by an Efficacious Bureaucrat! Repetition
and drudgery are second nature to him, in both paperwork and martial arts. This
Charm is a magical flurry of two or more unarmed Martial Arts attacks. All attacks
must be identical, using the same weapon, and made against the same enemy. If the
martial artist wishes to make a called shot with any one attack, he must make it
with all of them. Each attack, including the first, costs 2 motes, up to a maximum of
(Essence) attacks. The martial artist makes these attacks regardless of his weapons
rate, and with a DV penalty equal to only the highest DV penalty of any one attack.
He does not take normal multiple action penalties on these attacksinstead, they take
only cumulative penalties (the first attack takes a -1 penalty, the second a -2 penalty,
the third a -3 penalty, and so on).

Source: The Demented One

Requisitioning-of-Arms Agenda
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 3, Efficacious Bureaucrat 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Efficacious Bureaucrat Form
A bureaucrat does not let minor inconveniences impede his agendainstead, they
become part of it! Any enemy foolish enough to attack the Efficacious Bureaucrat will
soon find himself regretting ever playing into the martial artists hands. The martial
artist performs a counterattack, performing a disarm on his attackers weapon. The
martial artist still suffers an external penalty on the disarm attempt, although he may
negate it by placing this Charm in a combo with Proper Stylus-Grasping Method.
If the martial artist successfully disarms his foe, he ends up holding the offending
weaponwhich he may then reflexively throw up to (Strength + Athletics) yards, in
any direction.
Source: The Demented One

Like-a-Boss Attitude
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Efficacious Bureaucrat 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One action
Prerequisites: Making-Copies Method, Requisitioning-of-Arms Agenda
The master bureaucrat forges an office, teeming with countless lesser bureau-
crats, into one great machine that serves solely his agenda. So too does he delivers
lightning-fast blows with ultimate efficiency! This Charm supplements a flurry of un-
armed Martial Attacks. The speed of the flurry is reduced by 1 for every two attacks
made, to a minimum of 3.
Source: The Demented One

Proper Stylus-Grasping Method

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Efficacious Bureaucrat 1; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Before one can mastery calligraphy, they must master holding a brush. Students
of bureaucracy and accounting spend hours merely practicing their grip, learning the
utter precision required to execute a perfect brush-stroke. The same dedication to
precision is the bedrock of the Efficacious Bureaucrat style! This Charm supplements
an unarmed Martial Arts attack, negating the external penalties the martial artist
would take for making a called shot.
Source: The Demented One

Close Your Eyes and Look

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Even Blade 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK

Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Breath and Essence Control
The martial artist with eyes closed, focuses intently on his opponent. In one
swift stroke of his blade, he exploits the weaknesses of his opponent’s defenses. In
doing so, he gains an intuitive awareness of this foe’s capabilities.Source Scroll of the
Monk, p. 70-71.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Breath and Essence Control

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Even Blade 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Death Between Heartbeats
Always prepared for battle, the martial artist is swift in drawing his
blade.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 70.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Even Blade Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Even Blade 4; Type: Simple (Speed 6)
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Close Your Eyes and Look
After a brief moment of absorbing his surroundings, the martial artist’s move-
ments, for a time, become swift and precise, speeding his defences, and all the while
nothing can disturb his serene calm.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 71.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Fiery Garda Force Attack

Cost: 4m or 4m +1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Even Blade 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Even Blade Form
With essence burning red around the martial artists hands, a strike lands with
such force as to puncture through even the strongest armour, even cleaving through
poorly crafted weaponry; with an additional reflexive expenditure of willpower, should
his foe try to parry this attack.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 71.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Flashing Zephyr Speed Stance

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Even Blade 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One Flurry
Prerequisites: Even Blade Form
Eyes sparking cobalt blue, the martial artist becomes a whirlwind blur of spin-
ning strikes.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 71.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Floating Nymph Grace Evasion
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Even Blade 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One action
Prerequisites: Even Blade Form
The martial artist flits around his foes, even surrounded, his blade fluidly glides
to intercept all attacks that he would otherwise find impossible to stop.Source Scroll
of the Monk, p. 71-72.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Gruesome Wood King Revelry Technique

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Even Blade 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 10)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One Action
Prerequisites: Even Blade Form
The martial artist slices into his opponent; even unarmed, he absorbs the blood
from these wounds, replenishing his essence.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 72.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Stubborn Jokun Defensive Posture

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Even Blade 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 2 or 8)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One action
Prerequisites: Even Blade Form
A gentle glow passes over his eyes, blood from any wound glistens, and the
martial artist apparently ceases to be impaired by any harm he has suffered for a
short time.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 72.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Loving Heart Stance

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Even Blade 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Fiery Garda Force Attack, Flashing Zephyr Speed Stance, Float-
ing Nymph Grace Evasion, Gruesome Wood King Revelry Technique
The martial artist, in a flash of motion, brings both sword and sheath to the
ready. For the rest of the scene attacking the martial artist provokes a potential
counterattack.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 72-73.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Deep Cut
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Even Blade 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Crippling, Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Fiery Garda Force Attack, Flashing Zephyr Speed Stance, Grue-
some Wood King Revelry Technique, Stubborn Jokun Defensive Posture

With a roar, the martial artist strikes his foe with such ferocity that it poten-
tially cleaves limbs from the body, or at the very least rendering the limb unusable
until attended to by medicine or magic.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 73.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Grave Cut
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 4, Even Blade 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 8)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Deep Cut
The martial artist after having already struck his foe, removes his blade, grue-
somely splaying guts across the ground causing grievous harm. This charm is the
pinnacle of the Variant of Master Lord Chaowin Registrophe, First of Heaven’s Cho-
sen.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 73.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Loyal Dancing Lovers Technique

Cost: 7m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Even Blade 5; Type: Simple (Speed 6)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Loving Heart Stance
Drawing sword from sheath, and releasing one or the other to ”dance” in front
of the martial artist, he may have it attack his foes or move in his defense at his
whim. Each action he may switch which item dances, reflexively recalling the other
to his hand. This charm is the pinnacle to Master Azure Crane’s variant of the Even
Blade Style.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 73.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Stumbling Inconvenience Attack

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Even Blade 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Fiery Garda Force Attack, Flashing Zephyr Speed Stance, Float-
ing Nymph Grace Evasion, Stubborn Jokun Defensive Posture
The martial artist with little expression, smacks his opponent with blade or
hand, leaving him with the stinging chastisement exacted by a teacher; even the wary
rarely see this coming.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 73-74.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Impossible Unseen Strike

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Even Blade 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Stumbling Inconvenience Attack
The martial artist’s foe in facing this master risks being brought low by un-
seen forces. This charm is the pinnacle of the Variant developed by Master Zu Rat
Te.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 74.

Source: Scroll of the Monk

Clutching Eagle Talon

Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Even Blade 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Flashing Zephyr Speed Stance, Floating Nymph Grace Evasion,
Gruesome Wood King Revelry Technique, Stubborn Jokun Defensive Posture
The martial artist casually twists her opponent’s arm in such a way that they
have great difficulty holding onto their weapon. Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 74.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Many Raptors Stance

Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Even Blade 5; Type: Simple (Speed 6)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Clutching Eagle Talon
The martial artist begins collecting her opponents into a jumbled mess of awk-
wardly twisted positions. She becomes capable of clinching several opponents at once,
moving them about with relative ease. To their dismay, she may also use the people
she holds to block incoming attacks; and no one gets away.Source Scroll of the Monk,
p. 75.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Death Between Heartbeats

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Even Blade 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Within the clamouring confusion of battle, the martial artist, ever-calm, strikes
before his foe can comprehend what has happened.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 70.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Undefended Assault Method

Cost: 4 motes; Mins: Essence 1, Falling Blossom 3; Type: Reflexive
Duration: One turn
Prerequisites: Living Shield Technique
The martial artist abandons their defense in exchange for a stronger of-
fense.Source Cult of the Illuminated, p. 103.
Source: Cult of the Illuminated

Dual Scarlet Blossom Technique

Cost: 1 mote and 1 health level per die, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 2, Falling
Blossom 3; Type: Supplemental

Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Living Shield Technique
The martial artist can convert dice of damage into automatic successes, ensuring
their target is hurt.Source Cult of the Illuminated, p. 103.
Source: Cult of the Illuminated

Falling Blossom Form

Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Falling Blossom 4; Type: Simple
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Undefended Assault Method, Dual Scarlet Blossom Technique
The Martial Artist converts one die of damage from a knife to an automatic
success, among other abilities.Source Cult of the Illuminated, p. 103.
Source: Cult of the Illuminated

Purity of Purpose Attack

Cost: 3 motes, 1 Willpower, 1 experience point; Mins: Essence 2, Falling Blossom
5; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Falling Blossom Form
The martial artist can make an attack hit so long as the attack roll gets even a
single success.Source Cult of the Illuminated, p. 104.
Source: Cult of the Illuminated

Strength of Faith Meditation

Cost: 1 more per die, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 3, Falling Blossom 4; Type:
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Falling Blossom Form
The martial artist ignores that which hampers them. They may ignore points
of penalties such as wound penalties.Source Cult of the Illuminated, p. 103.
Source: Cult of the Illuminated

Living Shield Technique

Cost: 1 mote; Mins: Essence 1, Falling Blossom 2; Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
The martial artist may interpose themself in place of their charge for one at-
tack.Source Cult of the Illuminated, p. 103.
Source: Cult of the Illuminated

Verse of the Martyr

Cost: 15 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Falling Blossom 5; Type: Simple

Duration: One day
Prerequisites: Purity of Purpose Attack, Strength of Faith Meditation
This Charm strengthens the martial artist’s purpose, granting them successes
instead of dice when they channel a Virtue. They are also granted an honorable
death. Should they fail to die serving their purpose, they suffer for it.Source Cult of
the Illuminated, p. 104.
Source: Cult of the Illuminated

Titan of the Streets

Cost: 2m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 3, First Pulse 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Introduction to the Stone Prince, Fleeting Wings of Dust
The First Pulse Artist gains several Attribute increases, inflicts greater knock-
back, moves faster and attacks faster.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Fleeting Wings of Dust

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, First Pulse 5; Type: Simple (Speed 4, -2 DV)
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: Three actions
Prerequisites: First Pulse Form
The First Pulse Artist launches an attack that cannot be parried, and can only
be dodged at a set penalty. A successful attack will blind the target for three actions.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Introduction to the Stone Prince

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, First Pulse 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Crippling
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: First Pulse Form
The First Pulse Artist inflicts a Crippling injury to his target based upon the
number of health levels of damage dealt by his attack.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

First Pulse Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, First Pulse 4; Type: Simple (Speed 3, -2 DV)
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Bird-of-Paradise Whistles in the North, Poisoned Rat Moves
Without Pride
The First Pulse Artist gains a significant edge if he can activate this form charm
and attack first, as well as scene long benefits including faster attacks and die bonuses
to attacks.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Bird-of-Paradise Whistles in the North
Cost: 3m or 5m; Mins: Essence 2, First Pulse 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Counterattack
Duration: Two actions
Prerequisites: Stubborn Monkey Hesitation, Hunter Bags the Deer
This charm provides the Martial Artist a grappling counterattack (3m) or a
standard counterattack (5m) against an successful unexpected attack. The Martial
Artist immediately throws his opponent if the grappling option is used, or deals lethal
(or extra lethal, if armed with a lethal weapon) damage to his opponent if the standard
option is utilized.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Poisoned Rat Moves Without Pride

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, First Pulse 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Lightning Mental Armament, Stubborn Monkey Hesitation
The Martial Artist can add a single tick to his opponent’s current action by
using this charm.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Lightning Mental Armament

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, First Pulse 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
The Martial Artist may apply a portion of his DVs against an unexpected
attack, and gains bonus dice on the subsequent Join Battle.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Stubborn Monkey Hesitation

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, First Pulse 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: Instant
The Martial Artist draws bystanders into battle and his action occurs on Tick
0 if he initiates combat. If another person initiates combat, the Martial Artist merely
improves his Join Battle roll.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Hunter Bags the Deer

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, First Pulse 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: Instant
The Martial Artist may attack one tick faster than the speed of his previous
action by using this charm. However, the action expedited by this charm gains one

tick of speed.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Five-Dragon Fist
Cost: 6m, 1wp, 1hl; Mins: Essence 4, Five-Dragon 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Five-Dragon Form
This Charm calls upon the power of Fire and Earth, causing an attack to deal
Aggravated damage.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded, p. 190-191.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Five-Dragon Wrath
Cost: 1m per attack + 1hl; Mins: Essence 4, Five-Dragon 5; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Five-Dragon Fist, Five-Dragon Invulnerability
This Charm allows a martial artist to execute a magical flurry of blows against
an opponent.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded, p. 191.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Five-Dragon Claw
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1, Five-Dragon 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
This Charm allows a martial artist to deal lethal, incisive blows.Source Manual
of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded, p. 190.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratakeywords=Combo-OK, Leader
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Five-Dragon-Force Blow
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Five-Dragon 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Five-Dragon Claw
Invoking the power of the Elemental Dragons, this Charm allows a martial artist
to deal devastating blows that are likely to knock down her foes.Source Manual of
Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded, p. 190.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratakeywords=Combo-OK, Leader.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Five-Dragon Fortitude
Cost: 1m per 2B or 1L; Mins: Essence 2, Five-Dragon 3; Type: Reflexive (Step

Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
This Charm increases the resilience of the martial artist against an attack.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded, p. 190.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratakeywords=Combo-OK, Leader
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Five-Dragon Blocking Technique

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Five-Dragon 3; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Five-Dragon Fortitude
This Charm allows a martial artist’s Essence (trait) Essence to enhance his ef-
forts to block blows and the capability to parry deadly weapons while unarmed.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded, p. 190.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratakeywords=Combo-Basic, Leader
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Five-Dragon Form
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Five-Dragon 4; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Five-Dragon-Force Blow, Five-Dragon Blocking Technique
Adopting an attitude of respect for all five elements, this Charm enhances a
martial artist’s accuracy with in-style weapons, her resilience in withstanding damage
and her ability to jump, run and perform Feats of Strength feats of strength.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded, p. 190.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratakeywords=Form-type, Leader
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Five-Dragon Invulnerability
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Five-Dragon 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 7)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Five-Dragon Form
This Charm enhances the martial artist’s ability to resist damage, allowing
her to ignore mundane attacks entirely.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-
Blooded, p. 191.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratakeywords=Combo-OK, Leader-
text=Used as a Leader effect, the Charm treats all attacks as magical.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

(Element) Adept Gesture

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Fivefold Shadow Hand 3; Type: Simple (Speed 6)

Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Until Broken
Prerequisites: (Element) Apprentice Gesture
The martial artist invokes the power representative of his element by making
a specific gesture with both hands; one for each element: Breeze, The Forgotten,
Mist, Mountain, and Smoke. Each version of the gesture grants a sublte yet powerful
edge based on the element that empowers it. The martial artist must learn the adept
gesture of his aspect first, and may then learn others as separate charms. Only a
single version of this charm may be active at any given time.Source Scroll of the
Monk, p. 76-77.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Fivefold Shadow Hand Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Fivefold Shadow Hand 4; Type: Simple (Speed 6)
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: (Element) Adept Gesture
The martial artist performs a stretch that charges her body with the elemental
energies of creation. She becomes capable of seeing and interacting with dematerial-
ized elementals, as well, her martial arts attacks and ability to hide become empow-
ered by this charge. Special note: After mastering the form charm, and the martial
artist’s two favoured element Kata charms, this charm will fill the prerequisites for
the purpose of learning the Kata charms of other elements.Source Scroll of the Monk,
p. 77.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Shadow Palm Invocation

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3, Fivefold Shadow Hand 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Fivefold Shadow Hand Form, (Element) Kata charm, (Element)
Kata charm
All charms of this style save for the Form charm become reflexive, the require-
ments to make and maintain gestures are lessened greatly.Source Scroll of the Monk,
p. 80.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Nothing but the Wind

Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Fivefold Shadow Hand 4; Type: Simple (Speed
Keywords: Combo-basic, Illusion, Share-Forgotten, Share-Smoke
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Breeze Adept Gesture
”Forgotten Smoky Breeze Kata”
The martial artist makes a specific hand gesture using both hands, and appears
as though she is merely a passing breeze. Without someone having reason to suspect
this moving air, the martial artist moves unobserved.

Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 77.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

The Disappearing Assassin

Cost: 7m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Fivefold Shadow Hand 4; Type: Simple (Speed
Keywords: Combo-basic, Illusion, Share-Forgotten, Share-Mist
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Breeze Adept Gesture
”Forgotten Misty Breeze Kata”
Should the martial artist be caught sneaking around, she need only step out of sight
for a short time. Activating this charm, her persuers find only something innocuous
and forget the martial artist was ever there.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 78.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

White Breath in the Cold

Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Fivefold Shadow Hand 4; Type: Simple (Speed
Keywords: Combo-basic, Obvious, Share-Mountain, Share-Smoke
Duration: One scene, or Until broken
Prerequisites: Mist Adept Gesture
”Smoky Mountain Mist Kata”
Breathing deeply, the martial artist makes a specific gesture using both of her
hands, she exhales a mist that fogs the visibility of the nearby area.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 78.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

The Fatal Kiss

Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Fivefold Shadow Hand 4; Type: Simple (Speed
Keywords: Combo-basic, Touch, Share-Forgotten, Share-Mountain,
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Mist Adept Gesture
”Forgotten Mountain Mist Kata”
The martial artist makes a specific gesture, and then drinks a poison. She finds
herself now capable of delivering that poison to others in a meriad of new ways, though
she may be affected by the poison herself if she doesn’t take proper precautions.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 78-79.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

The Mysterious Death

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Fivefold Shadow Hand 4; Type: Simple (Speed
Keywords: Combo-basic, Share-Breeze, Share-Mountain
Duration: Five actions

Prerequisites: Smoke Adept Gesture
”Smoky Mountain Breeze Kata”
The martial artist forms a gesture using both of her hands, then if within five of
her actions she lands a blow on her opponent, he is hurt, but she leaves no evidence of
harming him. Investigators will find nothing, and doctors will find extreme difficulty
in attempting to treat the victim.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 79.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

The Unexpected Death

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Fivefold Shadow Hand 4; Type: Simple (Speed
Keywords: Combo-basic, Illusion, Share-Breeze, Share-Forgotten
Duration: Five actions
Prerequisites: Smoke Adept Gesture
”Smoky Forgotten Breeze Kata”
The Assassin focuses herself with a gesture of her hands, then springs into an
assault that fails to hit. After the assassin has fled, the wounds that should have
happened become apparent to her now shocked victim.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 79.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

The Cat Disguise

Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Fivefold Shadow Hand 4; Type: Simple (Speed
Keywords: Combo-basic, Illusion, Share-Breeze, Share-Mist
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Forgotten Adept Gesture
”Misty Forgotten Breeze Kata”
Pressing her fingers from both hands together in a gesture, she composes a disguise
with no need for props or supplies, even if the disguise is of something completely
ridiculous. She cannot however form a disguise of something or someone specific.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 79-80.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Laugh at the Enemy’s Aim

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Fivefold Shadow Hand 4; Type: Simple (Speed
Keywords: Combo-basic, Share-Mist, Share-Mountain
Duration: Five actions
Prerequisites: Forgotten Adept Gesture
”Forgotten Misty Mountain Kata”
The martial artist touches her fingers together in a gesture for a moment, and
appears to dance away from her opponent, and unless the foe is very attentive he
may find himself having hit something totally innocuous in her stead.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 80.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Foolish Inattentiveness
Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Fivefold Shadow Hand 4; Type: Simple (Speed
Keywords: Combo-basic, Illusion, Share-Breeze, Share-Smoke
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Mountain Adept Gesture
”Smoky Breeze Mountain Kata”
Forming her hands into a specific gesture, the martial artist finds distracting the
attention of others away from something she wishes to conceal casually easy; even
allowing the martial artist to use non-threatening items in front of them.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 80.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

The Nameless Assassin

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Fivefold Shadow Hand 4; Type: Simple (Speed
Keywords: Combo-basic, Obvious, Share-Mist, Share-Smoke
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Mountain Adept Gesture
”Smoky Mist Mountain Kata”
The criminals who learn this style adopt a garb that hides their identity from out-
siders. Those that learn this charm become able to banish their clothing to elsewhere,
replacing it with their unidentifiable uniforms.
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 80.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

(Element) Apprentice Gesture

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1, Fivefold Shadow Hand 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One action
This collection of powers opens new avenues of approach in moving about the
landscape,one for each element: Breeze, The Forgotten, Mountain, Mist, and Smoke.
The martial artist begins by learning the element closest to their nature, and more
of the powers become available as they learn the Kata charms of the style. They
may also be bought as separate element charms should they be desired earlier than
normally available. Only one element power may be active at any given time.Source
Scroll of the Monk, p. 76.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Ending the Chase

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Flame and Stone 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Greeting the Sun
This Charm supplements an attack. If it hits the victim is subjected to knock-
back and cannot rise for a short period. See the full text of the Charm for de-

tails.Source Debris from the Fallen Races, pp. 4-5.
Source: Debris from the Fallen Races

Fire Follows Smoke

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Flame and Stone 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Action
Prerequisites: Greeting the Sun
This Charm removes the penalties associated with unarmed fierce strikes. See
the full text of the Charm for details.Source Debris from the Fallen Races, p. 5.
Source: Debris from the Fallen Races

Flame and Stone Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Flame and Stone 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Ending the Chase, Fire Follows Smoke
This Charm augments the DV bonus of a shield and enhances the damage of all
fierce blows. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Debris from the Fallen
Races, p. 5.
Source: Debris from the Fallen Races

Sun and Stone Endures

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Flame and Stone 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Flame and Stone Form
This Charm enhances the Dragon King’s lethal and bashing soak. See the full
text of the Charm for details.Source Debris from the Fallen Races, p. 6.
Source: Debris from the Fallen Races

Unbroken Stone Stance

Cost: 2m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Flame and Stone 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Flame and Stone Form
This Charm lowers the post-soak damage of an attack dealt to the Martial
Artist. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Debris from the Fallen
Races, pp. 6-7.
Source: Debris from the Fallen Races

Greeting the Sun

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Flame and Stone 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant

This Charm reduces the DV penalty of an unarmed fierce blow. See the full
text of the Charm for details.Source Debris from the Fallen Races, p. 4.
Source: Debris from the Fallen Races

Stone Ignites Flames

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Flame and Stone 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo OK, Crippling
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Sun and Stone Endures, Unbroken Stone Stance
This Charm allows the Dragon King to cripple an opponent with a tail strike.
See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Debris from the Fallen Races, p. 7.
Source: Debris from the Fallen Races

Flowing Psychopomp Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Flowing Psychopomp 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-Type
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Rain Sustains Life, Pooling Memories Strike
The Psychopomp performs a series of exuberant or languid katas, depending
on his current status as living or dead. These motions reaffirm the Psychopomps
status and ward of the influences of the alien realm. Living Psychopomps add +2 to
relevant DVs and Soak against Iron Circle Necromancy and Arcanoi of ghosts who
possess Essence 3 or less. Dead Psychopomps gain the same benefits against Emerald
Circle Sorcery and Spirit Charms of beings with Essence 3 or less. The Charms of
Exalts and other martial artists influence them as normal.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Phantom-Ravaging River
Cost: 1m, 1(l)hl+; Mins: Essence 3, Flowing Psychopomp 4; Type: Supplemen-
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Flowing Psychopomp Form
In life our trials and tribulations wear us down while simultaneously moving us
toward completion. In death, Lethe calls to all of us to ford its forgetful waters and
begin life anew. This charm supplements an unarmed attack. It allows the living to
apply the wear and tear of life to ghosts, and the dead let mortals taste Lethe.
When attacking a ghost, the living may convert one post-soak damage die into an
automatic success by inflicting the same amount of damage on themselves; they may
not inflict more damage in this way than their Stamina. The Dead may rend their
corpus to drain a mortal of his memories. Each level of damage the ghost receives
from this charm cancels out one of the targets Intimacies if the ghosts inflicts more
lethal damage on himself than the targets Conviction.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Brook Flows Through Shadows

Cost: 2m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Flowing Psychopomp 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Flowing Psychopomp Form
In our youth we flow through life in merry naivet, ignorant of the hardships of
the world and aware only of our own desires. In death, we are able to put aside the
trivial necessities of life and are free to focus on what truly fuels our existence.
For the Living this Charm supplements an unarmed attack against a being or
object in which a ghost is currently hiding. If the attack does more than one level
of damage, the first is applied to the being or object, while all others are applied as
unsoakable damage directly to the ghost. If this supplements a successful clinch, the
Psychopomp immediately drags the ghost from its hiding place.
For the dead, this supplements a strike against a mortal. If the mortal is capa-
ble of channeling Essence, the damage roll suffers a -1 External penalty, but each
damage success allows the ghost to steal two motes of Essence. In either case, the
Psychopomps attack passes through the initial target as if partially dematerialized.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Specter Stands in the Estuary

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 3, Flowing Psychopomp 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Brook Flows Through Shadows, Phantom-Ravaging River
Like a river meeting with the sea, the Psychopomp mingles life and death and
confirms the easy transition between the two. This charm permanently enhances
Flowing Psychopomp Form. While the form charm is active, the Psychopomp can
see all ghosts and may strike an opponent regardless of differences in material state.
Additionally, while in a Shadowland, the Psychopomp may employ either the Living
or the Dead variation of his Charms as he chooses. Unless they have learned Emerald
Circle Sorcery, Terrestrial Exalts who learn this Charm go through a metamorpho-
sis. They become tainted by death, allowing them to learn Necromancy rather than
Sorcery and forgo the elemental surcharge for this style.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Even the Seas Die

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Flowing Psychopomp 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Specter Stands in the Estuary
Despite countless beginnings and myriad courses, all life ultimately flows down
to the sea of death. But even death is not final. The cycle of reincarnation will soon
transmit the soul into a body. This is merely part of the natural progression of things,
to end and to begin anew in time.
With this charm the Psychopomp ensures that no soul is deprived the experiences
of their next life. If the Psychopomps attack successfully hits, the effects linger for
(Martial Arts) Actions. For the Living, this supplements an attack against a ghost
and ensures that the ghost will enter Lethe if his corpus is destroyed during while the

charms effects last. For the Dead, it supplements an attack against a mortal, ensuring
that they leave a ghost if they are killed within the allotted time.
The effects of this Charm can be trumped by other magical effects that might
prevent a ghost from entering Lethe or a mortal from leaving a ghost. The dead
cannot use this charm on the Exalted, and Celestial Exalted who employ this Charm
unwittingly trigger a loophole in the ancient Mandala Accord, ensuring that the ghost
reincarnates into a life better than his previous one.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Rain Sustains Life

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Flowing Psychopomp 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: (Martial Arts) Actions
Crossing Lethe, human souls return to Creation drop by drop, like rain. Each
infant is small and seemingly insignificant. Who can foresee what winding paths each
child will take in the course of his or her life? On the other side, human lives pass
one by one into the inevitability of death.
For the Living this charm provides +1 motes while performing successful stunts
that emphasize the vitality and exuberance of life in the Underworld or a Shadowland.
For the Dead this charm provides the same bonus for performing successful stunts
that emphasize the ubiquitous and inevitable nature of Death while in Creation or a
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Pooling Memories Strike

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Flowing Psychopomp 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Our experiences define who we are; our emotions guide how we interact with
those experiences. In life, such experiences allow us to grow and mature; in death, they
allow us to maintain our identity and prevent us from dissolving into forgetfulness.
For the Living, this Charm supplements an attack against a ghost, granting the
Psychopomp knowledge of one of the ghosts Passions or Fetters on a successful hit.
For the dead, this Charm supplements an attack against the living, revealing an
Intimacy or the value of a single Virtue instead.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Alert Battle Mind

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1, Glass Pentagram 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
The first blow in a fight is the 2nd most important blow in a battle. To be able
to throw that first punch, the Glass Pentagram teaches awareness. In a Join Battle
roll, this charm can be activated to grant extra dice equal to your Essence.

Source: DTemplar5

Strike the Underbelly

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Glass Pentagram 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Every opponent has a soft, easy, vulnerable spot. It may be the eyes, kidney,
or the groin. Any called shots are now made at penalties reduced by your Essence,
to a minimum of -1.pc1=Alert Battle Mind
Source: DTemplar5

False Surprise Attack

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Glass Pentagram 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Instant
The best feint is sometimes no feint at all. Roll a Wits + Martial Arts difficulty
equal to the opponents Perception. Success means that the DV of the opponent is
reduced by your Essence for your attack.pc1=Strike the Underbelly
Source: DTemplar5

Muscle Entropy Attack

Cost: 4m 1WP; Mins: Essence 1, Glass Pentagram 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Crippling, Obvious
Duration: Instant
You hamstring an opponent. You deal a Martial Arts attack that does no
damage. Instead, you roll Intelligence + Martial Arts Opponents Stamina. The
number of successes on the roll times 3 is the number of ticks the target suffers half
movement rate.pc1=Alert Battle Mind
Source: DTemplar5

Jam the Joints

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Glass Pentagram 5; Type: Simple (Speed 4/DV -1)
Keywords: Crippling, Obvious
Duration: Instant
By striking with Essence, you can disrupt the targets ability to stay focused.
You deal a normal Martial Arts attack, and if you deal any damage, you automatically
provoke a stun check, with a difficulty equal to the damage dealt.pc1=Muscle Entropy
Source: DTemplar5

Battle Intuition Methodology
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Glass Pentagram 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: None
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Jam the Joints, False Surprise Attack, Glass Sharp as Crystal
The user uses Essence to sharpen his mind. Roll Wits, and the successes are
extra dice you can use on all combat rolls, except damage.
Source: DTemplar5

Glass Sharp as Crystal

Cost: 4 motes 1 bashing health level; Mins: Essence 2, Glass Pentagram 5; Type:
Keywords: Crippling, Stackable
Duration: Instant
You use your keen intellect to strike key points. Instead of rolling damage,
you roll your Intelligence modifier, which produces a penalty equal to the number
of successes. Multiple uses stack with each other, but the total cannot surpass your
Intelligence. These penalties last till the end of the scene.pc1=Glass Pentagram Form
Source: DTemplar5

Glass Pentagram Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Glass Pentagram 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
The user can react through the senses, rather than through speed and finesse.
The user adds Perception to the Dodge DV and Parry DV forumulas.pc1=Strike the
pc2=Muscle Entropy Attack
Source: DTemplar5

Garda Takes Flight

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Golden Exhalation 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Mother Disobeys Father
This Charm allows multiple opponents to be hit by one flame weapon at-
tack.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 4.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Golden Exhalation Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Golden Exhalation 4; Type: Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Garda Takes Flight

Assuming the Golden Exhalation Form improves the user’s soak (especially vs.
fire), allows him to parry with his flame weapons, and can reload them with Essence
rather than firedust.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 4.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Flame-Eater Stance
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Golden Exhalation 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Golden Exhalation Form
This Charm allows the character to reload his firewand with another firewand’s
blast.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 4.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Mother Disobeys Father

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Golden Exhalation 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: One Eye Follows the Bird
Increase the maximum range of the character’s flame weapon attacks.Source
The Imperfect Lotus, p. 4.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Salamander Licks the Pot

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Golden Exhalation 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Golden Exhalation Form
If the character misses his first target, the attack carries past it to another
target.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 5.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Flaming River Burns the Boat

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Golden Exhalation 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 6)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Flame-Eater Stance, Salamander Licks the Pot
The character can attempt to parry an attack with a firewand blast, potentially
damaging the original attacker.Source The Imperfect Lotus, p. 5.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

One Eye Follows the Bird

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1, Golden Exhalation 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Until attack

This Charm increases the benefit a character can acrue from Aim actions.Source
The Imperfect Lotus, p. 4.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Lone Spark Lights the Conflagration

Cost: 3m + (1m per target), 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Golden Janissary 5; Type:
Simple (Speed 6)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Holy, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Light-on-Dark Shield, Paralyzing Combustion Imbuement
The Golden Janissary inflicts extra damage to his target, and if his target is a
Creature of Darkness, this attack does even more damage and bursts into flame on
the next tick. At a cost of a mote per target, nearby creatures of similar affiliation to
the Janissary’s target ignite and burn with holy fire.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Light-on-Dark Shield
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Golden Janissary 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Holy
Duration: (Martial Arts) actions
Prerequisites: Golden Janissary Form
The Golden Janissary can improve the DVs and soak of himself and his allies
against all creatures, but moreso against Creatures of Darkness.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Paralyzing Combustion Imbuement

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Golden Janissary 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Crippling, Holy, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Golden Janissary Form
The Golden Janissary can impose an internal penalty based upon the amount
of damage dealt upon a target. Creatures of Darkness with a penalty greater than
their essence suffer reduced Move and Dash speeds.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Cleansing Flame Strike

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Golden Janissary 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Holy
Duration: Instant
The Golden Janissary deals lethal damage with unarmed attacks when under
the effects of this Charm. It also deals extra damage to Creatures of Darkness.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Rotten Leaf Arrested
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Golden Janissary 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Holy
Duration: Instant
The Golden Janissary inflicts knockdown automatically upon a target Creature
of Darkness. If the attack would have otherwise inflicted knockdown, the difficulty of
the resistance roll rises. The number of health levels of damage needed to inflict stun
upon the target decreases, and the difficulty to resist becoming stunned increases.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Where Is Doom Inquisition

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Golden Janissary 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Holy, Touch
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Cleansing Flame Strike, Rotten Leaf Arrested
The Golden Janissary can detect Creatures of Darkness simply by touch, and
gains bonuses against supernatural deception of a target’s nature.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Golden Janissary Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Golden Janissary 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Holy
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Where Is Doom Inquisition
The Golden Janissary treats 10s as two successes on damage rolls vs Creatures
of Darkness, and can reflexively spend motes during Step 7 to reduce the raw damage
of attacks against him.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Warrior’s March
Cost: 4 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Harmonic Symphony 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Compulsion, Combo-OK, Melody, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
The character brings her instrument around, drawing forth a uplifting tempo
that calls those who hear it out to do battle. This Charm affects everyone who can
hear the character’s melody. For the duration of the effect, they gain +1 Valor and
must fail a Valor roll to retreat from combat (if they are at a clear or overwhelm-
ing disadvantage, they gain +2 dice to the Valor roll). By spending an additional
Willpower, the character may selectively apply this effect to people who either con-
sider themselves her ally or her enemy, as she chooses.
When multiple players join their tunes together, they find it easier to play. Each
additional musician playing the Warrior’s March reduces its cost for each user by 1
mote, to a minimum of 1 mote. If five players play the tune, they each pay only 1
mote and can forgo the Willpower cost to apply the song selectively. More than five
musicians playing this song have no effect beyond increasing its volume.

Source: FrivYeti

Dancer’s Madrigal
Cost: 2 or 5 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Harmonic Symphony 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Melody, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
With a joyful lilt, the character lightens the load of those who hear her song,
reminding them that the world is a lighter place than they imagine. The song catches
at the heels of those who hear it, enticing them to dance. For the duration of the
effect, anyone listening to the music has their Move rating increased by 1, and their
Jump and Dash ratings increased by 2. For 5 motes, the character may selectively
apply this effect to people who either consider themselves her ally or her enemy, as
she chooses.
When multiple players join their tunes together, they find it easier to play. Each
additional musician playing the Dancer’s Madrigal reduces its cost for each user by 1
mote, to a minimum of 1 mote with five musicians. More than five musicians playing
this song have no effect beyond increasing its volume.
Source: FrivYeti

Lover’s Requiem
Cost: 4 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Harmonic Symphony 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Emotion, Combo-OK, Melody, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Opening the hidden chambers of her heart, the character wrings a tearful
melody from those around her, and anyone listening can do nothing but weep. Anyone
listening to the song takes a -1 internal penalty to all actions for as long as the music
persists, as long as they are able to feel sorrow. For one Willpower, the character
may selectively apply this effect to people who either consider themselves her ally or
her enemy, as she chooses.
When multiple players join their tunes together, they find it easier to play. Each
additional musician playing the Lover’s Requiem reduces its cost for each user by 1
mote, to a minimum of 1 mote. If five players play the tune, they each pay only 1
mote and can forgo the Willpower cost to apply the song selectively. More than five
musicians playing this song have no effect beyond increasing its volume.
Source: FrivYeti

Harmonic Symphony Form

Cost: 4 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Harmonic Symphony 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-Type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Warrior’s March, Dancer’s Madrigal, Lover’s Requiem
Settling herself into position, the character begins to play, shifting her posture
away from her instruments for scant moments in order to unleash attacks and then
return to her melodies. While this Charm is active, the character may activate any
Melody-type Charm as a reflexive non-Charm effect. She may not activate more than

one Melody per tick, and she still must spend and commit Essence as usual, as well
as following all normal Melody rules. If the character is combining her Melodies with
others who also have this Charm active, they may reflexively also change their tune
or cancel it, as needed.
Source: FrivYeti

Mountain’s Waltz
Cost: 4 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Harmonic Symphony 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Melody
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Harmonic Symphony Form
The character begins a slow, stately melody whose notes wrap around her like
a wall of music. She increases her Bashing and Lethal soak totals by her Essence
score for the duration of the Charm.
The Mountains Waltz guards only the character, but it increases in power as
others nearby join in its song. If two or three musicians within hearing range play the
Mountains Waltz, all gain an additional +1 to their Bashing and Lethal soak. If four
or more musicians play the Waltz, all gain a further +1, for a total of Essence +2.
Source: FrivYeti

Wind’s Rhapsody
Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Harmonic Symphony 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Melody
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Harmonic Symphony Form

The character begins a flowing and swirling song that radiates out from her like a
weapon. The character may make unarmed attacks at a range of up to her (Essence
x2) yards. If using a sound-based attack that has a range, she adds (Essence x2)
yards to that range instead.
The Winds Rhapsody flows around only the character, but it draws strength from
the sound of others playing with it. For each additional musician within hearing range
playing the Winds Rhapsody, increase the range of the characters attacks by 1 yard.
No more than +4 yards may be gained in this manner (from five total musicians
Source: FrivYeti

Tidal Fugue
Cost: 6 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Harmonic Symphony 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Melody
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Harmonic Symphony Form
The character plays a shifting song, and her music wraps around her, confusing
her targets as the music slides through their senses. Anyone fighting the character
suffers an internal penalty equal to the characters Essence on rolls to hit her, and
a 1 external penalty to DVs against her attacks. This Charm has no effect against
targets that cannot hear.

Multiple musicians playing in harmony further confuse the senses of those fighting
them. If there are two or three musicians playing, increase the penalty of attack rolls
against the musicians by one, and if there are four or more, increase the penalty by
Source: FrivYeti

Melody and Counterpoint Rhythm

Cost: None; Mins: Essence 3, Harmonic Symphony 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Permanent
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Mountain’s Waltz, Wind’s Rhythm, Tidal Fugue
The character now understands the rhythms and refrains that make up Cre-
ation. By learning this Charm, she permanently enhances her ability to use Melodies,
reflecting her innate understanding of how music can be woven together.
Whenever the character activates a Melody-type Charm, she designates it as ei-
ther a Primary or Secondary Melody. Primary Melodies behave as normal with
other Melodies; however, Secondary Melodies only support or oppose other Secondary
Melodies. The character may have both a Primary and Secondary melody active at
once, provided they are activated properly. Note that if a character is using Harmonic
Symphony Form, she still may only reflexively activate one Melody per tick. Masters
of this Style either activate two Melodies, constantly shifting their powers, or use their
primary Melody to disrupt their opponents while keeping their secondary Melodies
active to empower themselves.
Source: FrivYeti

Grim Tempered Assault

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Harmony of Deadened Steel 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Harmony of Deadened Steel Form
Steel and death are combined in many mythologies and in many realities. How-
ever, it is known by the adepts of this martial art that steel and death are not as
comparable as one might think, steel can and does kill quickly while most that die
suffer for long periods of time, often wishing instead for a powerful sword strike to
cut through their pain and give them the mercy of the grave. Uniting these two
principles, the martial artist gains a knowledge over how best to combine the swift
death of steel with the raw unforgiving pain of the dying. By using a series of quick
attacks that allow the martial artist to retain their defenses the martial artist helps
guarantee their opponent will meet their end, but perhaps, not quickly.
Reduces the DV penalty from flurrying this tick by up to the martial artist’s
Essence, but any attack made has its raw damage reduced by the total amount of
attacks in the flurry.
Source: DeLuman

Guidance of Final Peace

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Harmony of Deadened Steel 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Basic

Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Grim Tempered Assault
Never say that the will of the dead is always about vengeance and hate. For the
practitioners of this charm it is a matter of mercy and virtue to give their opponent
the clean death of steel in the hopes that their rebirth into the glorious roles of the
spectral population will give them the enlightenment that they are seeking. With
this outlook and with a knowing smile on his face the Martial Artist makes an attack
guided by mercy and enlightenment.
Add the martial artist’s Compassion to the accuracy and damage of his attack.
This charm cannot be used against a target that the martial artist has a negative
intimacy with.
Source: DeLuman

Aria of the Forlorn Riposte

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Harmony of Deadened Steel 5; Type: Reflexive
(step 2)
Keywords: Combo-ok
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Shadow Warrior’s Revelation
The sound of blades clashing is, to the ear of some, the most beautiful sound in
all of creation and the underworld. To some of the dead it is one of the most lifelike
sensations that they get to hear and this charm makes the sound of those blades even
more lifelike, ghosts from across an entire distract of Stygia will hear the beautiful
clanging of metal on metal as a practitioner uses this charm, and to them it will sound
like temple bells. For those who are on the opposite side of this charm though the
temple bells are more of a reminder of their funeral that came to pass or will come
to pass as each blade that is turned aside completely by the martial artist’s beautiful
music of this charm, becomes a potent attack to be made against them.
The user refreshes their PDV for this attack and if the user successfully parries,
the martial artist may then make a counter attack using the normal rules for counter
attacks. If this charm is used more then once in the same tick, it may be reapplied
versus each attack after the first for only 2 motes.
Source: DeLuman

Shadow Warrior’s Revelation

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Harmony of Deadened Steel 4; Type: Reflexive
(step 8)
Keywords: Combo-ok
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Harmony of Deadened Steel Form
Summoning up his will and his spectral essence the martial artist brings forth
a black penumbra about himself that coalesces into a shadow and begins to move
with him but an instant slower then him. When he makes an attack that would have
normally done no damage at all, his shadow self notices this and changes its course
ever so slightly altering the shadow of the steel as well, allowing for a second chance
at carving up her opponent.
If a damage roll the martial artist makes generates no successes, the martial artist
may re-roll his damage up to the previous amount rolled or his Valor, whichever is the

lower of the two, even if the amount rolled is lower then the Essence of the Martial
Source: DeLuman

Forging the Perfect Steel Body

Cost: 8m; Mins: Essence 3, Harmony of Deadened Steel 5; Type: Simple (speed
5, DV -1)
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: A Scene
Prerequisites: Guidance of Final Peace, Aria of the Forlorn Riposte
This ultimate expression of a martial artist’s ability to bend together death,
steel and their own phantasm or flesh, this charm allows them to master of his own
structure, similar to those who practice the ghost devil arcanoi, but unlike those
practitioners, her changes are feindishly subtle and almost never apparent to the
naked eye. Their muscles and flesh are bathed in the power of steel and are thus
bulwarking it like a steel portcullis behind the wooden gate of the body. This practice
also affirms their powers over death and the weight of power the spectral can have
over the flesh covered and even their own kin.
The user gains a number of phantom -2 health levels equal to their conviction, these
take damage before any other -2 health levels and any wounds in them disappear at
the end of the scene.
While this charm is active the martial artist reduces all internal penalties by one
(including wound penalties).
Finally, when this charm is in use, any attacks supplemented with Guidance of
Final Peace that kills a living target will ensure that no hungry ghost will rise from
the body and they will automatically rise as a ghost in the underworld. Any ghost
slain have to make a successful willlpower + essence roll against a difficulty of the
user’s essence or else succomb to Lethe.
Source: DeLuman

Harmony of Deadened Steel Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Harmony of Deadened Steel 4; Type: Simple(speed
4, DV -1)
Keywords: Form-Type, Obvious
Duration: A Scene
Prerequisites: Sickening Steel Embrace, Steel Over Ivory Defence
Any soldier who has spent any time at all sparring in a practice yard knows the
sound of steel on steel, it is the ring of battle and the call to arms. Those that practice
the Harmony of Deadened Steel know it as almost a religious experience. For most
that hear the sound of battle they feel the rush of adrenaline, the heightening of their
senses the feeling of danger and excitement fill them up to a boil. But not so for these
hardened martial artists that know this charm. The sound of the battle to them is
not accompanied with the fiery zeal or stalwart confidence, it is instead accompanied
by a deadening of all thought and emotion. The martial artist suppresses their baser
instincts and relies instead of rationalities and logical precision to guide their actions
and thoughts. Once they have achieved this zen state of mind their bodies follow,
they appear slack but ready to react at a moment’s notice. While the user appears

relaxed both their body and mind are entwined in a defensive position allowing a
strength of will not generally seen.
While this Form Charm is active the steady clarity of the stylist’s focus adds one
die to all attack rolls he makes while unnerving calm and steady hands allow him to
add his (Temperance/2) to the pools used to determine his physical and mental Parry
Dodge Values, however while this form is active the only virtue the martial artist can
channel is their Temperance.
Source: DeLuman

Steel Over Ivory Defence

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Harmony of Deadened Steel 3; Type: Reflexive
(step 8)
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: Essence number of Actions
The bones of a martial artist, whether they be real or plasmic, are usually
the last, but most solid line of defense against nearly any form of attack. This is
unfortunate when one considers how weak they are compared to the rippling steel of
those practictioners of this art. Fortunately for those that have mastered this charm
it need not be so. Using his ability to emulate the cold dead essence of steel, the
martial artist suffes this energy into his very skin, augmenting himself as a warrior
and bringing him closer to a purer state.
The Martial artist adds their Martial Arts to their bashing and lethal soak.
Source: DeLuman

Sickening Steel Embrace

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Harmony of Deadened Steel 3; Type: Reflexive
(step 2)
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: Until Next Action
Knowledge of this charm suffuses the martial artist with an understanding of
steel’s distinct ability to bend without breaking and to bow without failing. Using
this knowledge the martial artist begins a series of movements which use the natural
suppleness of steel to augment herself with an odd form of necrotic essence to create an
illusion to those that attack the target, they see her body and any arms or armaments
they carry bend and fold back and forth upon themselves in a manner that not only
looks physically impossible, but disgusting as well. It is not unknown for those first
witnessing this charm to suffer severe nausea and a lack of appetite as well as a sense
of overall confusion.
All attacks made against the user suffer an internal penalty equal to the user’s
Source: DeLuman

Fangs of the Horned Rat

Cost: None; Mins: Essence 2, Horned Rat 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None

Duration: Permanent
The Way of the Horned Rat starts with the use of the styles signature weapons,
and any member of Clan Eshin is expected to wield them with precision. When
wielding knives, short swords, or tiger claws, the martial artist suffers no off-hand
penalty for wielding the weapons in pairs. Further, while dual wielding, they add two
dice to all (Dexterity + Athletics) rolls and one to their Parry DVs. These are both
explicitly considered dice bonuses from Charms.
horned-rat-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Creeping Shadow’s Embrace

Cost: 5 motes or 3 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Horned Rat 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Fangs of the Horned Rat
Skaven are notoriously sneaky, especially the Enlightened assassins of Clan Es-
hin. This Charm is partially responsible for that notoreity. This Charm supplements
any Stealth roll, allowing the martial artist to draw the shadows around himself,
shrouding him in darkness. He adds two automatic successes to that Stealth roll,
provided he is in an area of sufficient shadow. The Storyteller is always the ultimate
arbiter, but as a guideline, an area illuminated by sunlight almost always prevents
this Charms use, while moonlight almost never does. If used to augment a roll to
re-establish surprise, this Charm costs only 3 motes.
horned-rat-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Hordes in the Night

Cost: 3 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Horned Rat 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Fangs of the Horned Rat
Skaven prefer to attack in large numbers, and when a lone assassin springs from
a crowd of Clanrats, the results can be devastating. This Charm supplements an
unexpected attack made by the martial artist, adding one die to the attacks damage
for each other attack made against the same target in that tick. These attacks must
be made by someone (or something) other than the martial artist.
horned-rat-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Skittering Claws
Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Horned Rat 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Tick

Prerequisites: Fangs of the Horned Rat
Followers of the Way of the Horned Rat are nimble and quick, and often move
faster than their enemies expect. This Charm adds the martial artists Essence to all
Move, Dash, and Jump actions. If this Charm is used when the martial artist closes
on a target and makes an unexpected attack, any stunts made in conjunction with
that attack are considered one die higher (to a maximum of a three-die stunt).
horned-rat-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Horned Rat Form

Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Horned Rat 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Form-type
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Creeping Shadow’s Embrace, Hordes in the Night, Skittering
Children of the Horned Rat are violent, versatile, and voracious. They crawl,
they swim. They nest and gnaw. They are they, and they devour. While active,
Horned Rat Form grants a number of benefits to those using it. First, any tail the
martial artist may possess becomes prehensile for the duration of the Charm. All
flurry penalties are reduced by one, and the user may further spend 5 motes as an
innate ability to increase the penalty reduction to (Essence) for one tick, provided at
least one attack in the flurry is made using a tail-held weapon. Finally, the martial
artist can parry lethal attacks barehanded without a stunt.
horned-rat-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Ruinous Wyldstone Venom

Cost: 6 motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 3, Horned Rat 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Horned Rat Form
While they are less inclined toward the consumption of Wyldstone than the
members of some other clans, Clan Eshin assassins nevertheless have found uses for
the Wyld-tainted material. When the martial artist consumes a dose of Wyldstone,
he may activate this Charm to convert that Wyldstone into a virulent poison, which
he can vomit back onto his weapons. He suffers all the normal effects of consuming
Wyldstone, though he is unaffected by the poison he creates. The venom in question
remains potent for (Essence) days, and has the following characteristics: Damage
(Martial Arts)/tick, Toxicity (Essence), Tolerance -/-, Penalty (Essence).
horned-rat-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Treacherous Vermin Strike

Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Horned Rat 4; Type: Extra Action

Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Horned Rat Form
Clan Eshin has become exceptionally good at hiding their attacks until the last
moment, then striking out with blinding speed. First, the martial artist makes a flurry.
This is resolved as normal. At the end of this flurry, this Charm can be activated,
granting a reflexive attempt to re-establish surprise. If the martial artist succeeds,
he makes a reflexive attack (which, since he re-established surprise, is an unexpected
attack). This attack deals no damage, but instead imposes a -2 (non-cumulative)
external penalty on all the targets actions for the remainder of the scene.
horned-rat-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Fever-Inducing Strike
Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 3, Horned Rat 5; Type: Supplemen-
Keywords: Combo-OK, Sickness
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Ruinous Wyldstone Venom, Treacherous Vermin Strike
The minions of the Horned Rat are known for their virulent pestilence as much
as their poisons, and while Clan Pestilens is comprised of disease specialists, Clan
Eshin has stolen some of their secrets for itself (much to Pestilens dismay). This
Charm supplements an unexpected attack. If the attack hits, it deals only a single,
automatic level of unsoakable Lethal damage. In addition, it infects the target with a
magical disease, which the Skaven refer to as filth fever? (use the statistics for Plague,?
Exalted p. 353). This Charm can infect even Exalted with this disease, though they
cannot catch it from victims of this Charm. Mortals, on the other hand, are not so
horned-rat-style/ Octopoid Prevarication
Source: Octopoid

Capability-Enhancing Potion Meditation

Cost: 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Ill Lily 5; Type: Reflexive (Varies)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: (Essence) actions
Prerequisites: Thrashing Tails Distraction, Raking Talons Find Purchase, Ill
Lily Form
This charm allows the martial artist to double the mote expen-
diture limit of their charms. Good for enhancing Charms:False-Shell
Emollient Attack False-Shell Emollient Attack and Charms:Attractive Floor-
Greasing Posture Attractive Floor-Greasing Posture.trait=Ill Lilysource=Scroll
of the Monkname=Capability-Enhancing Potion MeditationSource Scroll of the
Monk, p. 52.2eTMACharm cost=1+mmin=3essence=1type=Reflexive (Step
2)keywords=Combo-OKduration=Instantpc=Nonetext=This charm causes oppo-
nents to suffer DV penalties based on the number of motes spent.trait=Ill

Lilysource=Scroll of the Monkname=Attractive Floor-Greasing Posture
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 51.2eTMACharm
OKduration=Instantpc=Nonetext=This charm allows the martial artist to use
any wooden object as a weapon with the statistics of a wooden club.trait=Ill
Lilysource=Scroll of the Monkname=Stem, Branch and Log Approach
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 52.2eTMACharm
cost=1+mmin=3essence=1type=Simple (Speed 4)keywords=Combo-
OKduration=Variespc=Nonetext=This charm allows the user to lower their oppo-
nent’s effective soak from armor.trait=Ill Lilysource=Scroll of the Monkname=False-
Shell Emollient Attack
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 51.2eTMACharm cost=2m,
scenepc1=False-Shell Emollient Attacktext=This charm allows the transfer of all
plant based toxins through any wooden weapon on contact.trait=Ill Lilysource=Scroll
of the Monkname=Veins of Wood
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 51.2eTMACharm
scenepc1=Veins of Woodpc2=Attractive Floor-Greasing Posturepc3=Stem, Branch
and Log Approachtext=This charm increases bashing soak and accuracy of the
marital artist’s attack based on their Essence. Furthermore, it allows the martial
artist to increase the Toxicity of a plant-based toxin.trait=Ill Lilysource=Scroll of
the Monkname=Ill Lily Form
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 52.2eTMACharm
cost=6mmin=5essence=4type=Simple (-0 DV)keywords=Combo-Basic,
Obviousduration=Instantpc1=Capability-Enhancing Potion Meditationtext=This
charm allows the martial artist to make an unexpected attack, and provides infor-
mation to the martial artist about their surroundings.trait=Ill Lilysource=Scroll of
the Monkname=World-Focus Attunement
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 52.2eTMACharm
name=Essence Understanding Technique
trait=Transcendent Warrior
cost=1m per 2 dice/1 DV
type=Reflexive (Step 1 or 2)
The first step in emulating the power of the Exalted is to internalize the raw power
of Essence embodied by their Excellencies. Each mote spent on this charm adds two
dice to a Martial Arts attack or increases a Martial Arts-based Parry DV by one, to a
maximum of half the character’s Martial Arts in motes. In addition, if any penalties
other than multiple-action penalties apply, the martial artist may spend up to the
same amount in additional motes to cancel them first.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Capability-Enhancing Potion Meditation
Cost: 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Ill Lily 5; Type: Reflexive (Varies)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: (Essence) actions
Prerequisites: Thrashing Tails Distraction, Raking Talons Find Purchase, Ill
Lily Form
This charm allows the martial artist to double the mote expen-
diture limit of their charms. Good for enhancing Charms:False-Shell
Emollient Attack False-Shell Emollient Attack and Charms:Attractive Floor-
Greasing Posture Attractive Floor-Greasing Posture.trait=Ill Lilysource=Scroll
of the Monkname=Capability-Enhancing Potion MeditationSource Scroll of the
Monk, p. 52.2eTMACharm cost=1+mmin=3essence=1type=Reflexive (Step
2)keywords=Combo-OKduration=Instantpc=Nonetext=This charm causes oppo-
nents to suffer DV penalties based on the number of motes spent.trait=Ill
Lilysource=Scroll of the Monkname=Attractive Floor-Greasing Posture
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 51.2eTMACharm
OKduration=Instantpc=Nonetext=This charm allows the martial artist to use
any wooden object as a weapon with the statistics of a wooden club.trait=Ill
Lilysource=Scroll of the Monkname=Stem, Branch and Log Approach
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 52.2eTMACharm
cost=1+mmin=3essence=1type=Simple (Speed 4)keywords=Combo-
OKduration=Variespc=Nonetext=This charm allows the user to lower their oppo-
nent’s effective soak from armor.trait=Ill Lilysource=Scroll of the Monkname=False-
Shell Emollient Attack
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 51.2eTMACharm cost=2m,
scenepc1=False-Shell Emollient Attacktext=This charm allows the transfer of all
plant based toxins through any wooden weapon on contact.trait=Ill Lilysource=Scroll
of the Monkname=Veins of Wood
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 51.2eTMACharm
scenepc1=Veins of Woodpc2=Attractive Floor-Greasing Posturepc3=Stem, Branch
and Log Approachtext=This charm increases bashing soak and accuracy of the
marital artist’s attack based on their Essence. Furthermore, it allows the martial
artist to increase the Toxicity of a plant-based toxin.trait=Ill Lilysource=Scroll of
the Monkname=Ill Lily Form
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 52.2eTMACharm
cost=6mmin=5essence=4type=Simple (-0 DV)keywords=Combo-Basic,
Obviousduration=Instantpc1=Capability-Enhancing Potion Meditationtext=This
charm allows the martial artist to make an unexpected attack, and provides infor-
mation to the martial artist about their surroundings.trait=Ill Lilysource=Scroll of
the Monkname=World-Focus Attunement
Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 52.2eTMACharm
name=Essence Understanding Technique
trait=Transcendent Warrior
cost=1m per 2 dice/1 DV
type=Reflexive (Step 1 or 2)

The first step in emulating the power of the Exalted is to internalize the raw power
of Essence embodied by their Excellencies. Each mote spent on this charm adds two
dice to a Martial Arts attack or increases a Martial Arts-based Parry DV by one, to a
maximum of half the character’s Martial Arts in motes. In addition, if any penalties
other than multiple-action penalties apply, the martial artist may spend up to the
same amount in additional motes to cancel them first.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Oblivious Colugo Enlightenment

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Inevitable Descent of Man 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: (Martial Arts) Actions
Prerequisites: Virtuous Glis Adores the Sun
The colugo glides from tree to tree and cares little for the affairs of the forest
beneath it. Quite content to mind its own business, it is unburdened by the affairs of
the world. Mastering this technique, this martial artist is similarly oblivious to her
own inevitable descent. It will bring her down eventually, but she may postpone it
for a while. Falling or leaping, her motion becomes noticeably slowed. She appears to
glide or float like feather in the air, rather than fall as a person should. She may chain
horizontal Jumps to cross great distances without ever touching a solid object. When
falling from a great height, she slows her descent, falling only the distance she would
be able to leap vertically each Action and landing safely if she reaches the ground
before this Charm expires.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Inevitable Descent of Man Form

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Inevitable Descent of Man 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-Type, Emotion
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Oblivious Colugo Enlightenment

Few natural animals kill for sport or delight in the excesses of warfare. Such
qualities are all too common among humans. Though she might feel compassion and
loyalty to her own tribe, the martial artist is overcome with a violent hatred for The
Other. The Other could be anything classification of beings which the martial artist
does not include herself among. This may be a non-human species or citizens of a
rival nation, for example. She may select only one group to be considered The Other
when she activates this Charm.
While fighting The Other unarmed, any stunt which vents her hatred is considered
one higher, as if it resonated with the characters Motivation. Additionally, each
member of The Other she kills with an unarmed attack while this Charm is active
adds one to her Martial Arts rating, which counts as dice from Charms.

This Charm cannot be terminated prematurely while any member of The Other
remains perceptible to the martial artist, unless she spends 2 willpower to resist the
unnatural Emotion-effect this Charm imposes on her. If she is otherwise immune to
Emotion effects, she gains no benefits from this Charm.
As a permanent benefit of learning this Charm, the martial artist understands the
basest motivation of human conflict and may employ primitive weaponry available
even to Primordial Era man. Spears, javelins, spear-throwers, and their artifact
equivalents are now considered form weapons for this style. Additionally, she may
wear light armors crafted from leather or animal hides while practicing this style.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Mournful Lemur Attraction

Cost: 2m, 1hl; Mins: Essence 2, Inevitable Descent of Man 5; Type: Reflexive
(Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack, Emotion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Inevitable Descent of Man Form
Unseen in the depths of the forest, the lemur howls like a tormented ghost. One
cannot hear this cry without feeling some empathy for the lost soul. Yet misreading
the foibles of humanity into primal nature has led to the downfall of many. With this
Charm, the martial artist exploits the minds inclination toward assumptions. If an
attack successfully strikes her, she cries out, expressing her pain in some audible fash-
ion. This cry sparks a pang of sympathy in her attacker, who feels pity for the martial
artist as an Emotion-effect. Typically, this Emotion discourages further attacks and
often encourages sympathetic care if the attacker has no negative Intimacies toward
the Martial Artist. Of course, the martial artist must beware those attackers who
would rather put her out of her suffering than tend to her wounds. The attacker may
resist this Emotion by spending willpower equal to his Compassion.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Four-Fingered Spider Monkey Strike

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Inevitable Descent of Man 5; Type: Supple-
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Inevitable Descent of Man Form

Compared to other primates, the spider monkey suffers from an extreme deformity:
it lacks a thumb. Yet despite this deviation, it functions quite well within its niche. In
the Age of Man, humans cruel mastery of the world has spawned countless functional
deformities among their domesticated animals. The martial artist inflicts such defor-
mities through her unarmed attacks. For each level of damage she inflicts with this
attack, she imposes a -1 Internal Penalty on a physical action as a Crippling effect,
maximum -3. This functions as an inverse Specialty, so the martial artists player must
name an (Ability + Specialty) combination in which this crippling effect is valid. The
Storyteller then grants the target of this Charm a specialty in another situation where
the Crippling effect might prove advantageous. For example, the martial artist strike

a targets in the eyes, imposing a -1 Internal Penalty to Awareness (Close Combat)
by rendering the target far-sighted, while the Storyteller simultaneously awards the
target a +1 (Beyond Initial Range) Archery specialty. These bonuses and penalties
remain until the target heals the associated damage.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Ape Mimics Savagery Technique

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Inevitable Descent of Man 5; Type: Simple
(Speed Variable)
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: (Martial Arts) Actions
Prerequisites: Mournful Lemur Attraction, Four-Fingered Spider Monkey Strike
Are the apes of the forest imitations of humanity or humanity imitations of the
apes? When the Primordials crafted the first humans from a prototype of jade and
clay, were the apes earlier attempts or later? Surely, the similarities are too great
for the apes to have been a wholly independent line of development. Regardless, the
apes of the eastern jungles serve as a bestial mirror for humanity, possessing both a
taint of human cruelty and the innocence of animal ignorance. Yet, above all else,
they excel at learning from example, and left in the presence of humanity, they easily
acquire the least wholesome talents of Man.
The martial artist selects a person whose actions she will mimic for the duration
of this Charm. If that person attacks, she will attack (though she is not required to
use the same weapon or even the same ability). If that person leaps, she will leap. If
that person performs a flurry consisting of three actions, she will perform a flurry of
the same three actions. She uses her own Traits for each action she performs, though
she is not bound by the Rate of her weapon if she is required to mimic more attacks
than she could otherwise perform. For each action in a Flurry, she may spend one
mote to negate multiple action penalties. Additionally, if she succeeds at a mimicked
action when the original failed, she regains one point of Temporary Willpower. If her
target performs an action she simple cannot imitate, the Charm ends immediately and
she may freely choose her actions. Actions mimicked with this Charm may gain the
benefits of Virtuous Glis Adores the Sun when the martial artist channels a Virtue if
they would not otherwise count. After activating this Charm, the martial artist next
acts one Tick after the being she imitates and the Speed of her actions are always
identical to those she imitates, even if the martial artist had some means to otherwise
reduce their Speed.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Crimes of Humanity Stance

Cost: 8m; Mins: Essence 3, Inevitable Descent of Man 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: None
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Ape Mimics Savagery Technique
Humans are a selfish species and pose a danger because of that. Corrupted
by intelligence, they can rationalize any atrocity as virtuous so long as it is in their
interest. Yet these hypocritical creatures will the first to curse anyone who wields
similar immorality against them if only to use such crimes as a convenient excuse

to justify even further atrocities. Retreat is rarely an option and mutual destruction
preferable to compromise.
While this Charm is active, the martial artist may channel a Virtue on any action
which may gain the benefits of Virtuous Glis Adores the Sun even with the specific
action runs counter to the principles of the Virtue. For example, killing an infant
may hardly seem compassionate, but the martial artist rationalizes her crime to be
in the best interests of the child, her own children, and indeed, the whole world. The
martial artist is not wholly immoral while this Charm is active, but certainly amoral
despite what she may think of herself.
Additionally, whenever another person channels a Virtue on an action to oppose
the martial artist, she may roll that Virtue. If she succeeds, she regains one channel for
that Virtue, though a botch causes her to lose one channel or a temporary willpower
if she does not have any channels remaining.
Finally, as a permanent benefit, the martial artist may choose an additional form
weapon for this style from among the weaponry of civilized men. Popular choices
include Bows or one of the various types of swords. Light or Medium armor of any
sort may be worn with this style.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Virtuous Glis Adores the Sun

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 2, Inevitable Descent of Man 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Emotion
Duration: Permanent

In the tropical forests of the East, the common glis scampers through the branches.
Also called a tree shrew, it is a tiny animal bound by simple instincts. Unthinkingly it
follows its nature and sustains itself with casual ease. Corrupted by intelligence and
rationality, humans must struggle to achieve such equilibrium with their own natures.
Whenever the martial artist channels a Virtue to augment an unarmed martial arts
attack or another action while in unarmed combat, he adopts an encompassing mien
of that Virtue. For the remainder of the scene, he cannot fail any roll of that Virtue.
Suppressing this Virtue at any point during the scene cancels this effect and causes
Exalted practitioners to gain one point of Limit as if it were their Primary Virtue (in
addition to any Limit gained if it is her primary Virtue). Additionally, success on
any roll involving this Virtue allows the martial artist to regain motes equal to the
number of successes rolled, to a maximum of the Virtues rating per Action.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Unifying Strength Principle

Cost: None; Mins: Essence 2, Iron Pentagram 5; Type: Pernament
Keywords: None
Duration: Pernament
Prerequisites: Iron Pentagram Form
By learning the nature of iron, the user’s fists become like the very metal the
user trains as. The damage of the user’s unarmed attacks increase by 1, and the
unarmed attacks deal lethal damage to the Fair Folk. If the Form charm is activated,
the unarmed attacks deal aggrevated damage to the Fair Folk.

Source: DTemplar5

First Essence Hammer

Cost: 1 mote per die; Mins: Essence 1, Iron Pentagram 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Instant
The first step in the Iron Pentagram is to learn how to hit hard, with the sound
of iron on flesh. The user first learns to channel Essence into his attacks. You can
spend 1 mote to add to pre-soak damage, up to a maximum of the user’s Essence.
Source: DTemplar5

Frog Leaping Tactic

Cost: 1 mote; Mins: Essence 1, Iron Pentagram 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: First Essence Hammer
The ability to reach certain locations is vital importance in combat, and even
the pracitioners of the Iron Pentagram are not slow and ponderous people. This
allows a user to jump much higher vertically than normal. He can jump a number
of yards equal to (Strength + Athletics + Essence). This does not effect horizontal
Source: DTemplar5

Rabbit Hopping Jump

Cost: 1 motes; Mins: Essence 1, Iron Pentagram 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Frog Leaping Tactic
The enemy may try to escape by cutting down bridges or crossing great chasms.
But Iron Pentagram users can augment their own legs and push back with the force
of iron to cross these distances. This allows a user to jump much farther horizontally.
She can jump a number of yards equal to twice the (Strength + Athletics + Essence).
This does not effect vertical jumping.
Source: DTemplar5

Disregard for the Wall

Cost: 3 motes 1 bashing Health Level; Mins: Essence 1, Iron Pentagram 5; Type:
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Instant
Instead of ignoring part of the wall of the opponent, the user can disregard it,
and attack straight through, as the user’s hands become like iron. The pracitioner’s
attack is now considered piercing. It provides no benefit to attacks that already are

Source: DTemplar5

Drill Through Steel Hands

Cost: 3 motes; Mins: Essence 1, Iron Pentagram 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: First Essence Hammer
The users hand becomes like an iron drill, penetrating through armor and flesh
alike. The pracitioner is able to penitrate a certain layer of protection, rather than
just going around it. The users Martial Arts attack can ignore soak equal to twice
his Essence.
Source: DTemplar5

Iron Pentagram Form

Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Iron Pentagram 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Drill Through Steel Hands, Frog Leaping Tactic
With a deep understanding of strength, an Iron Pentagram user is dangerous.
When backed by Essence, the pracitioner becomes iron, hardening his hands and feet
to take down foes with ease. While this form is in effect, the user can deal lethal
damage unarmed, and is able to parry lethal attacks without a stunt, and has his
Strength increased by 1.
Source: DTemplar5

Rising Steel Fist

Cost: 3 motes 1 willpower; Mins: Essence 3, Iron Pentagram 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Disregard for the Wall, Rabbit Hopping Jump, Unifying Strength
Few mortals have ever obtained this level of mastery- and those that do are
considered among the strongest in the Transient Pentagram. This attack, with so
much Essence fused into it, deals a base damage of Strength + Essence + Martial
Arts, and has an accuracy bonus equal to the users Essence. This damage is lethal,
but aggrevated to the Fair Folk, due to it’s mimicing cold iron. This is considered to
be one of the most dangerous attacks in the style.
Source: DTemplar5

Ivory Obstruction Kata

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Ivory Pestle 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
The martial artist deftly whips her weapon between the legs of her opponent to
trip him and send him flying. No matter what the raw damage of a successful attack

that is supplemented with this Charm, the attack deals Knockback, and the targets
player must roll to resist Knockdown (see Second Edition Core Exalted, p. 153).
The attacker can add her permanent Essence score either to the difficulty to resist
Knockdown or to the number of yards the target is knocked back: She can increase
the distance her opponent moves or the chance that he falls to the ground, but not
Use of Ivory Obstruction Kata in a flurry is self-limiting. If the martial artist hurls
an opponent beyond her weapons reach, she cannot continue attempting to strike or
throw him further.
Source Ink Monkeys, vol. 47
Source: Ink Monkeys

Whirling Pestle Kata

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Ivory Pestle 2; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
The martial artist spins his staff to launch a series of rapidfire attacks against
his foe. The resulting flurry is limited to the weapons Rate +1, and the attacker still
suffers a DV penalty from each attack, but the attack rolls do not take any penalty
for multiple actions. The martial artist cannot take additional actions besides the
Charm-enhanced flurry, except his normal, reflexive Move.Source Ink Monkeys, vol.
Source: Ink Monkeys

Crushing Pestle Atemi

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Ivory Pestle 4; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -1)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Crippling
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Ivory Pestle Form
The martial artist lashes forward with a swift, stabbing blow to strike an en-
emys weapon, armor or body. Her player rolls a (Dexterity + Martial Arts) attack.
The Essence-charged impact exerts brief but tremendous crushing force. The attacks
damage is both aggravated and piercingbut no matter how much damage the player
rolls, a living (or at least animate) target suffers no more than one level of damage.
Weapons and armor, however, take full damage. By specifically targeting an oppo-
nents hand, the martial artist can cripple that hand so the foe can no longer hold
a weapon or shield. A martial artist could also cripple an enemys leg. (See Second
Edition Core Exalted, p. 152 for crippling effects.) Attacks with this Charm take no
penalty for called shots against small targets or specific body parts.
Weapons are considered to have a number of health levels equal to their damage
rating, while armor is considered to have a number of health levels equal to its highest
soak rating. They are damaged as objectsdice are applied as direct health levels of
damage, rather than being rolled. Mundane weapons and armor with no remaining
health are destroyed; artifacts are hardier, and are forcibly de-attuned rather than
being destroyed.
Source Ink Monkeys, vol. 47

Source: Ink Monkeys

Ivory Grace Atemi

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Ivory Pestle 4; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -1)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Crippling
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Ivory Pestle Form
The martial artist may seem to strike lightly, but Essence pours through the
weapon into the targets bones, freezing the martial artists opponent with the rigidity
of stone... or of death. The martial artists player rolls a normal (Dexterity + Martial
Arts) attack. A successful attack can stun a foe, even if it does not inflict any damage.
The targets player rolls (Stamina + Resistance) at a difficulty of (attackers Essence)
to resist the stunning effect. Failure means the target is stunned for the rest of his
current action, plus one additional action per level of damage suffered from the attack.
See Second Edition Core Exalted, p. 153, for the effects of being stunned.Source Ink
Monkeys, vol. 47
Source: Ink Monkeys

Ivory Pestle Form

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Ivory Pestle 3; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -1)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Crushing Pestle Atemi, Ivory Grace Atemi, Ivory Obstruction
Kata, Whirling Pestle Kata
As the martial artist swings her weapon and treads the steps of the Ivory
Pestle Form, she links the Essence of her bones to the Essence of her club or staff,
making it truly an extension of her body. This has four effects:* The deathly force
channeled through the martial artists bones and weapon enable her to strike or clinch
dematerialized ghosts. (The Form does not enable the martial artist to perceive such
entities, however.)
* While the Form remains active, staff-type weapons gain +1 Rate. This stacks
with the benefits of Whirling Pestle Kata or other Charms that increase a weapons
Rate, but not with Charms such as Iron Whirlwind Attack that ignore a weapons
* The martial artist also takes no penalties to his Parry DV not even wound
penalties as long as he fights using a staff-type weapon.
* The martial artist may wield a stick or club in each hand and employ either
weapon for attack or defense. This offers no intrinsic advantage to the martial artist,
but she will not suffer any sort of penalty for wielding a weapon in her off hand.
The first time a Charm with a Flaw of Invulnerability is used during the same ac-
tion Ivory Pestle Form is activated, it adds a two Willpower surcharge to its activation
Source Ink Monkeys, vol. 47
Source: Ink Monkeys

Ivory Pestle Form

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Ivory Pestle 3; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -1)

Keywords: Combo-Basic, Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Crushing Pestle Atemi, Ivory Grace Atemi, Ivory Obstruction
Kata, Whirling Pestle Kata
As the martial artist swings her weapon and treads the steps of the Ivory
Pestle Form, she links the Essence of her bones to the Essence of her club or staff,
making it truly an extension of her body. This has four effects:* The deathly force
channeled through the martial artists bones and weapon enable her to strike or clinch
dematerialized ghosts. (The Form does not enable the martial artist to perceive such
entities, however.)
* While the Form remains active, staff-type weapons gain +1 Rate. This stacks
with the benefits of Whirling Pestle Kata or other Charms that increase a weapons
Rate, but not with Charms such as Iron Whirlwind Attack that ignore a weapons
* The martial artist also takes no penalties to his Parry DV not even wound
penalties as long as he fights using a staff-type weapon.
* The martial artist may wield a stick or club in each hand and employ either
weapon for attack or defense. This offers no intrinsic advantage to the martial artist,
but she will not suffer any sort of penalty for wielding a weapon in her off hand.
The first time a Charm with a Flaw of Invulnerability is used during the same ac-
tion Ivory Pestle Form is activated, it adds a two Willpower surcharge to its activation
Source Ink Monkeys, vol. 47
Source: Ink Monkeys

The Matron Remembers

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Ivory Vengeance 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Ok,Stackable
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Dedicated Bull’s Oath
Every mammoth herd is led by its matron, an elderly female whose experience
and memory guides the herd through troubled times. The Herdsman learns that a
keen memory is essential to his pursuit of vengeance. Using this Charm, he remem-
bers a single detail about his opponent: his face, his smell, the way he moves, etc.
Thereafter, he automatically succeeds at any roll to detect that detail later, unless
it is masked by magic. He spots his opponent easily in a crowd or detects his scent
while tracking him through the forest.
Should this charm be used to memorize the opponents method of attack, the
Herdsman gains +1 Parry DV against all of the opponents subsequent attacks, unless
he employs a new weapon or uses magic to augment his natural abilities. Against the
Poacher, this Charm adds the Herdsmans Essence in automatic successes to detect
the detail even when obscured by magic, though he still only gains the basic defensive
While the Herdsman may memorize multiple details using this Charm more than
once though no more than once per action any particular detail may only benefit from
a single application of this Charm.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Predator-Trampling Charge
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Ivory Vengeance 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious
Duration: Simple
Prerequisites: Dedicated Bull’s Oath
While normally a gentle giant, the mammoth will attack when provoked. It
trumpets and displays, attempting to warn away those it does not truly wish to
fight. Likewise, the Herdsman knows his quest will not be aided by distracting fights.
This Charm allows the Herdsman to sacrifice up to (Essence) successes from his Join
Battle roll, delaying his action by that many ticks. While his action is delayed, all
who oppose him become aware of his impending wrath and know that they must
either flee or confront the Herdsman immediately.
After the allotted time has expired, the Herdsman continues his action, taking a
single unarmed martial arts attack against any opponent whose action has preceded
his own and chose not to flee without incident. If any opponent has attacked him since
the beginning of combat, he must attack one of those targets. He gains a number of
automatic successes equal to the number of ticks the action was delayed as he charges
to confront his enemy.
If the Poacher is present and within range, the Herdsman must attack him, and
the automatic successes are doubled.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Ivory Vengeance Form

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Ivory Vengeance 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-Type
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: The Matron Remembers, Predator-Trampling Charge
The Herdsman adopts the posture of the shepherd, imperious yet wary. He
surveys his herd and is aware of any danger to them. Though poachers have claimed
one member of his flock, they will not claim another. While in this Form, he adds
his Martial Arts to his Awareness and is aware of the location and condition of all
members of the species he is seeking to avenge or has already avenged, within (Martial
Arts 10) yards. He perceives any attacks against them unless they are obscured by
magic, and if they are within his Move range, he may spend 1 mote to apply his own
Parry Defense Value against the attack, accepting the hit himself if he is unable to
defend against it completely.
Against the Poacher, this may be used if the attack occurs within his Dash range.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Tusks Clear Tundra

Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Ivory Vengeance 4; Type: Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Ivory Vengeance Form
The enormous tusks of the mammoth sweep snow from the frozen plains during
winter, allowing the herds to survive desperate times. Attempting to escape over-
whelming opposition, the Herdsman makes a single unarmed sweeping attack, and
applies the successes against the Defense Values of all within range, friends and ene-

mies alike. Should the attack gain any extra successes against an individual, the target
must make a Knockdown check, with +1 difficulty. This attack does no damage to
anyone, except the Poacher.
On the Herdsmans following action, he must take a Dash action, though he may
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Wrathful Musth Fury

Cost: 4m, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 3, Ivory Vengeance 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious, Holy, Social
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Ivory Vengeance Form
It is the Herdsmans charge to protect and expand his flock if the death of one
provokes to Herdsman to vendetta, how much more vengeful shall he be when the
herd as a whole is threatened?
This charm can only be activated in response to a Creature of Darkness initiating
hostilities against a member of Herdsmans chosen species, within (Martial Arts 10)
yards. This assault so enrages the Herdsman that an animalistic demeanor falls over
him, bursting with malice and violence against the attacker. Like a bull mammoth in
musth, he cares only for the continuation of the species and will destroy anyone that
threatens to prevent him from accomplishing that goal. He bleeds gruesomely from
his ears, but is oblivious to any pain and discomfort this might cause and deaf to all
cries for him to stop his terrible rampage.
For the duration of the Charm, the Herdsmans Motivation is overridden and re-
placed by the aforementioned goal. He ignores all wound penalties and remains active
until losing his last Dying Health Level. Any mental effects that would prevent him
from advancing his Motivation cost only a single willpower to resist for the duration
of this Charm. If he kills a Creature of Darkness before the Charm expires he re-
gains the creatures (Essence) in temporary willpower, though this cannot cause his
temporary willpower to rise above normal.
The Herdsman may choose to use this charm in Social Combat as well. While social
combat is typically less taxing than physical combat, the Herdsman can sustain these
effects longer than usual, allowing the Charm to function on a timescale appropriate
for Social Combat.
For the purposes of this charm, the Poacher is always considered a Creature of
Darkness. Activated in the prescence of the Poacher, Wrathful Musth Fury lasts for
one scene.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Shepherd’s Evolving Apotheosis

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 4, Ivory Vengeance 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Herd Fights As One
Few Herdsmen ever master this style. Those who do obtain a level of enlighten-
ment that affords them a rare perspective. In order to reach this pinnacle teaching,
they have attained a state of being greater than a mere mortal. The old distinction
between animal and human are discarded, and the Herdsman sees the preservation

of all life, and indeed the very living Essence of Gaia, as his charge. This realization
allows the Herdsman to use the charms of this style to avenge humans and other
naturally sapient species, augmenting almost every charm in this style.
While using Dedicated Bulls Oath, the Herdsman either makes the vow of
vengeance to the dying victim, or presents the body to the god representing a Social
Unit with a magnitude no
greater than the Herdsmans Essence or any Essence 4+ leader of that social unit.
As an example, the City Father of the victims hometown or the Solar ruler of his
nation would suffice for this purpose. The Herdsman need not make weapons or
armor from the victims body the victims own personal weapons and armor will work
just as well, if the victim possessed them when she died. The victims species? is
defined by the Social Unit to whom the Herdsman made his pledge or any Social
Unit, within the same limitations, named by the dying victim.
This redefinition affects all relevant charms. In the case of Herd Fights As One,
rather than channeling his Charms through his Familiar, the Herdsman may instead
share his power with Followers he possess who also possess Intimacies for the victim
or the appropriate Social Unit. The dice cap for that charm in such situation becomes
the Followers Essence.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Herd Fights As One

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 3, Ivory Vengeance 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Tusks Clear Tundra, Wrathful Musth Fury
Even when facing the most trivial of enemies, the mammoths do not fight
alone. The whole herd participates in its defense, assisting the Herdsman in his
duties. Practitioners of this style are rarely without an animal companion by their
side, and this Charm permanently enhances the abilities of any and all Familiars the
Herdsman might possess. As its most basic effect, the Herdsman may channel motes
into his familiar, so long as the animal is within 100 yards, allowing the familiar to
gain an additional die on a single unarmed martial arts attack per mote spent, to a
maximum of the creatures Familiar rating.
Alternatively, the Herdsman can activate any charm in this style with a duration
of one scene or less for his Familiar. The Herdsman pays 1 additional mote, and, in
the case of Wrathful Musth Fury, the Familiar, rather than the Herdsman, suffers the
level of damage. Activating charms in this way still count as the Herdsmans charm
for the action, following the rules for Worthy Mount Technique (”’Exalted”’, p. 234)
except as previously noted.
If the Familiar belongs to the same species as the one the Herdsman seeks to avenge,
it adds the Herdsmans Martial Arts rating to its own when fighting the Poacher.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Dedicated Bull’s Oath

Cost: 4m, 1xp; Mins: Essence 1, Ivory Vengeance 2; Type: Simple (Dramatic
Keywords: Emotion, Stackable
Duration: Indefinite

Like a bull mammoth defending his mating grounds, the Herdsman jealously
defends his flock. Should a poacher injury his charge, he tirelessly seeks retribution.
He will make an example of the poacher so that others might learn the folly of such
theft. The Herdsman vows to avenge the death of an animal by slaying the Poacher
the person responsible for the animals death. (Typically the Poacher is an individual,
though at Storyteller discretion a Social Unit with a Magnitude no greater than the
Herdsmans Essence may be designated if their collective crimes against the species
warrant such retribution).
If he is able to effectively communicate complicated information to the animal, this
vow may be made in the presence of the dying animal. Otherwise, he must present
the body, or whatever remains of it, to either the god of the species or to an Essence
4+ Lunar of the appropriate totem. Luna, as the ”de facto” head of the Bureau of
Nature, may serve in this role regardless of the species assuming she can be bothered
to participate in the ritual.
The god or Exalt bears witness to the Herdsmans oath and lays a hand on his
head while he activates this Charm. The Herdsman gains an Intimacy regarding his
pursuit of vengeance, which replaces an existing Intimacy of his choice if necessary. He
cannot deactivate this charm while the Intimacy exists, and the Herdsman doubles
his Conviction for the purposes of determining how many scenes are necessary to
completely erode it.
While this Charm is active, the Herdsman may use any portion of the animals
body to craft weapons and armor, or have such items crafted for him. While he
possesses these items, he will not be attacked by other members of that species unless
he provokes them or they are otherwise compelled to do so by another entity. Such
weapons and armor are considered Artifacts for the purposes of other Charms if they
would not be otherwise, with an Artifact rating equal to half, rounding up, of the
items resource rating. Weapons add +1 Accuracy and +1 Damage, while armor
does +1B/+1L Soak. Additionally, when the Herdsman fights the Poacher, these
bonuses are instead converted into an automatic success on their respective rolls and
an external penalty to the post-soak Damage roll.
Failing to pursue the Poacher when the Herdsman reasonably could, as defined by
the Storyteller, results in a critical botch as some future point, as if he had broken
an Eclipse Oath, and the immediate deactivation of this charm. If this charm is
deactivated for any reason, the vow
must be sanctified by the appropriate god or Exalt once again. Only by enacting
his vengeance can the Herdsman release the obligations required by this vow doing
so allows the Herdsman to maintain the basic benefits of this Charm regarding his
weapon, armor, and protected status among the selected species without committing
the motes.
Should the Herdsman be the god of a particular species, a sapient member of that
species, or a Lunar Exalted of the appropriate totem, he may use this charm without
a witness. The Herdsman may only make one Oath per single incident, but may elect
to make several oaths for multiple cases.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Pillar of Marble Stance

Cost: 1+m; Mins: Essence 1, Jade Mountain 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 10)

Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
This charm helps the Martial Artist to resist knockback and knockdown effects.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Pillar of Marble Stance

Cost: 1+ motes; Mins: Essence 2, Jade Mountain 2; Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
This Charm is not a defense against damage, but against knockback instead. A
Martial Artist could be turned into a fine red mist by an attack, but if this Charm is ac-
tive, her bones will stand stubbornly upright from the earth for a few moments.Source
Aspect Book: Earth, p. 75.
Source: Aspect Book: Earth

Boulder-Crushing Grasp
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Jade Mountain 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Special
This charm turns the Exalt’s clinches into lethal attacks.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Boulder-Crushing Grasp
Cost: 3 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Jade Mountain 2; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Until released
The Exalt’s clinch is able to deal lethal damage while this Charm is active.
It can also be used to allow for other destructive feats of gripping, like a very, very
painful handshake.Source Aspect Book: Earth, pp. 75-76.
Source: Aspect Book: Earth

Fortress of One
Cost: 3m per 1L/1B; Mins: Essence 2, Jade Mountain 3; Type: Simple (-2 DV)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious, Stackable
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Pillar of Marble Stance
The use of this Charm allows the Exalt to increase his soak, at a cost of lowering
his Dodge DV, and preventing him from moving, lest the Charm’s effect expire.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Fortress of One

Cost: 2 motes per 1L/1B, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 2, Jade Mountain 3;
Type: Simple
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Pillar of Marble Stance
As long as the Martial Artist using this Charm stands in one place, in contact
with the earth, his skin will be as hard as stone.Source Aspect Book: Earth, p. 75.
Source: Aspect Book: Earth

Sliding Glacier Grip

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Jade Mountain 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 10)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Boulder-Crushing Grasp
This Charm prevents the winner of a clinch from breaking the hold, should the
Exalt lose a clinch.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Sliding Glacier Grip

Cost: 4 motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 3, Jade Mountain 3; Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Boulder-Crushing Grasp
When an opponent wins control of a clinch, a Jade Mountain Stylist can use
this Charm, making the opponent unable to escape the clinch.Source Aspect Book:
Earth, p. 76.
Source: Aspect Book: Earth

Jade Mountain Form

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Jade Mountain 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Sliding Glacier Grip, Fortress of One
This form Charm increases the Strength and Stamina of its user, but reduces
his Dexterity, and ends if he spends too long away from the ground.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Jade Mountain Form

Cost: 4 motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 3, Jade Mountain 4; Type: Simple
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Boulder-Crushing Grasp, Sliding Glacier Grip
While this form-type Charm is active, the Martial Artist grows taller and heav-
ier, with a second skin of stony Essence surrounding her and melding seamlessly with
whatever armor she is already wearing. The Charm allows makes her stronger and

hardier. However, she must remain in contact with the earth.Source Aspect Book:
Earth, p. 76.
Source: Aspect Book: Earth

Pasiap Still Stands

Cost: 1m per 2B or 1L; Mins: Essence 3, Jade Mountain 5; Type: Reflexive
(Step 8)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Jade Mountain Form
The Exalt may use this Charm to redirect damage received to the ground be-
neath him.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Pasiap Still Stands

Cost: 1 mote per 2B or 1L; Mins: Essence 3, Jade Mountain 5; Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Jade Mountain Form
This Charm spares a Martial Artist from injury, allowing him to transfer the
force of the attack into the earth itself. Such a redirection can be dangerous, if one is
fighting on a bridge, or is on a frozen lake, for example.Source Aspect Book: Earth,
p. 76.
Source: Aspect Book: Earth

Falling Rockslide Onslaught

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Jade Mountain 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Pasiap Still Stands
This Charm increases the raw damage of a clinch attack, and can reduce his
opponent’s Stamina, forcing them unconscious.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Falling Rockslide Onslaught

Cost: 4 motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 3, Jade Mountain 5; Type: Reflexive
Duration: Simple
Prerequisites: Pasiap Still Stands
This Charm lets an Exalt make a clinch twice as painful, and allows the option
of making the damage lethal or bashing.Source Aspect Book: Earth, p. 76.
Source: Aspect Book: Earth

Jaded Insurrectionist Form

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 1, Jaded Insurrectionist 3; Type: Simple

Keywords: Form-Type
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Humble Farmer Ambush, Resilient Housewife’s Defense
The insurrectionist can no longer tolerate the oppressive or exploitive circum-
stances that press in upon his life. As he cries out for justice, the tired excuses of
his rulers fall upon deaf ears. Adopting a low and rooted stance, the insurrectionist
readies himself for a fight. While this Form is active, he resists all natural mental in-
fluences as if he had already spent two willpower during the scene. His attacks sweep
from low to high, and from his lowly position the insurrectionist strikes even lofty
foes. All his unarmed attacks are considered to have the Reach keyword, negating
any advantage his opponent may have from higher ground in Close Combat.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Bastion of the Masses

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Jaded Insurrectionist 4; Type: Simple (DV
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: Two Actions
Prerequisites: Grain of Sand in Heaven’s Eye, Foolish Satrap Strikes Back
Insurrections rarely succeed through the strength of a single champion. The
efforts of all are needed to topple their oppressors. So many strike as one, the oppres-
sor cannot effectively retaliate. The immediate effect of this Charm is to allow the
insurrectionist to coordinate an attack against a single foe, adding half his Martial
Arts, rounding down, to his War for the purposes of this attempt. If he is unsuccess-
ful the Charm terminates immediately. If successful, the Charm lies dormant until
the actual coordinated assault begins. Until the insurrectionists next action after the
coordinated attack, all successful attacks against the target by participating allies
add +1DV to each of the attackers. This bonus cannot exceed the insurrectionists
Martial Arts rating or the number of attackers, whichever is lower.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Earth Shattering Heaven Uprising

Cost: (1wp); Mins: Essence 2, Jaded Insurrectionist 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Bastion of the Masses

Every insurrection suffers casualties. For them to succeed, the insurrectionists

must harden their hearts to death. Fallen are not to be mourned, but praised as
martyrs. Each departed comrade inspires the rebellion to strike with greater fury.
After learning this Charm, the insurrectionist may reflexively spend one willpower
whenever he witnesses the death of a non-extra ally. For the remainder of the scene,
he adds one to his effective Permanent Essence, including increasing the maximum
number of motes he may possess. These motes are not granted automatically, and
must be generated through successful stunts or a magical effect. If the insurrectionist
himself dies, any allies who witness his death increases her own effective Permanent
Essence by the insurrectionists true Permanent Essence. Under no circumstances may

this Charm add more than to a persons effective Permanent Essence than his or her
true value. If the insurrectionists death is witnessed by an unenlightened mortal ally
with a strong connection to the character, she is treated as a heroic mortal for the
rest of the scene if she would not be otherwise and the sudden flush of Essence may
cause her to spontaneously enlighten if she achieves two successes on an Essence roll.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Grain of Sand in Heaven’s Eye

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Jaded Insurrectionist 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Illusion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Jaded Insurrectionist Form
The content satrap rarely see the approaching storm. When the insurrection
begins he rails against his advisors who failed to warn him. When the leaders of the
insurrection approach to explain the misunderstanding, the satrap is happy to accept
their lies. The insurrectionists regroup and plot their next strike, while the satraps
faith in his own governance is restored without suspicion. This Charm supplements
an unarmed surprise attack made before a Join Battle roll. Whether the attack is
noticed or if it even hits the target does not matter, the attack itself is imbued with
an Illusion that convinces all who witness it that it was simply an accident on the
insurrectionists part. They may grow angry with him for his reckless behavior, but
they will not recognize the intent in the attack without spending a point of willpower
to resist the Illusion. This may not be used once Combat has officially begun with a
Join Battle roll.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Foolish Satrap Strikes Back

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Jaded Insurrectionist 3; Type: Extra-Action
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Compulsion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Jaded Insurrectionist Form
When the satrap does recognize the severity of the situation, he panics and acts
without clarity. He sends his soldiers into ambushes, extends his defenses beyond
their limits, and leaves vital areas undefended. With this Charm, the insurrectionist
evokes a similar response from his foe. The insurrectionist makes an unarmed attack
at his full dice pool. Regardless of its success, this Charm compels the target to take
a counterattack in Step 9 of Combat Resolution. The counterattack is made with the
target’s full dice pool. It also inflicts -1DV on the target like a normal counterattack.
The target may resist this urge to strike back for a cost of two willpower. If the target
accepts the counterattack, the insurrectionist may take a second unarmed attack at
his full dice pool after the current attack and counterattack have been resolved. This
second attack gains a number of automatic successes equal to the amount of damage
the target inflicted on the insurrectionist with his counterattack. This Charm may
not be used on targets with Essence less than the insurrectionist; he has no need for
such risky maneuvers against lesser foes.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Humble Farmer Ambush
Cost: 1m per weapon; Mins: Essence 1, Jaded Insurrectionist 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Stackable, Illusion
Duration: Indefinite
Rebellion blossoms where it is least likely to succeed. The Chosen took up arms
against the Primordials. The Dragonblooded brought down the Lawgivers. Mortal
peasants overthrow their satraps. The appearance of weakness is vital to the success
of any insurrectionist. Revealing ones true power too soon provides the enemy with
time to prepare. With this Charm the insurrectionists form weapons are ignored
by all who see them, so long as they are part of the tools of the trade for a role
the insurrectionist plays. A farmer, or someone disguised as a farmer, may carry a
pitchfork or scythe without drawing concern; a carpenter may carry hammers without
notice; a woodsman may keep his hatchets even while being searched for weapons.
Anyone who has probable cause to suspect the insurrectionist is more than a man of
his trade may spend one willpower to resist this Illusion.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Resilient Housewife’s Defense

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Jaded Insurrectionist 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: Instant

As a society lurches toward rebellion, women often bare the worst of the oppressive
circumstance. Not only must they contend with the inherent conditions that spark
the insurrection, many must deal with their frustrated and violent husbands. Such
women learn to be strong in both mind and body. These lessons serve them well in the
impending conflict. This Charm adds half of the insurrectionists Resistance, rounding
up, to his Mental Defenses against a social attack. If the attack is a natural influence,
he may inflict one Bashing Damage on himself rather than spend a willpower to resist
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Lightning Runs More Slowly

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Lightning Hoof 3, Ride 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Two Cannot Fall
A mounted charge attack deals extra damage.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Ivory And Lightning Strike

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Lightning Hoof 4, Ride 4; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant

Prerequisites: Lightning Hoof Form
This Charm allows the character’s mount to fight along side him as part of one
flurry.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 6.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

A Man Is Not A Man

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Lightning Hoof 4, Ride 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Lightning Hoof Form
The character can use this Charm to leap to his foes’ horse and attempt to
dismount him.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 6.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Lightning Hoof Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Lightning Hoof 4, Ride 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Lightning Runs More Slowly, Huntsman’s Mastery
Assuming the Lightning Hoof Form improves the users defense along with that
of his steed, and the range of his bow attacks.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 6.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Flying From Life

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Lightning Hoof 5, Ride 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Ivory And Lightning Strike, A Man Is Not A Man, Marukan
Warriors’ Hospitality
This Charm makes the character’s attack very difficult to defend against,
whether it is made with a bow or a spear.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 7.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Marukan Warriors’ Hospitality

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Lightning Hoof 4, Ride 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Lightning Hoof Form
This Charm enhances clinch attacks made while mounted.Source The Imperfect
Lotus, pp. 7.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Huntsman’s Mastery
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Lightning Hoof 3, Ride 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling

Duration: Instant
This Charm augments attacks made from horseback, crippling those who are
hunted. See the full text of the Charm for details.This Charm allows for prodigious
feats of horseback acrobatics.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 6.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Two Cannot Fall

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Lightning Hoof 2, Ride 2; Type: Reflexive (Step
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
This Charm allows for prodigious feats of horseback acrobatics.Source The Im-
perfect Lotus, p. 5.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Lightning Supremacy Reversal

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Live Wire 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Whistling Analog Signal
This Charm improves the character’s disarm attempts with whips. ”See the
text of the Charm for full details”
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Alchemicals, p. 175.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Alchemicals

Tangled Weaver’s Trap

Cost: 2m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Live Wire 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Whistling Analog Signal
This Charm improves clinch rolls using whips. ”See the text of the Charm for
full details”
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Alchemicals, p. 175.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Alchemicals

Live Wire Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Live Wire 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Lightning Supremacy Reversal, Tangled Weaver’s Trap
While Live Wire Form is active, the martial artist may spend one mote in Step
One of attack resolution to increase his attack’s post-soak damage. ”See the text of
the Charm for full details”
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Alchemicals, p. 175-176.

Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Alchemicals

Conductive Principle of Authority

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Live Wire 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Live Wire Form
This Charm can increase raw damage when crushing in a clinch, or make a whip
strike Piercing. ”See the text of the Charm for full details”
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Alchemicals, p. 176.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Alchemicals

Unassailable Lightning Dance

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Live Wire 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Live Wire Form
This Charm increases the character’s DV against a single attack, and is partic-
ularly effective against ranged attacks with metallic or metal-tipped projectiles. ”See
the text of the Charm for full details”
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Alchemicals, p. 176.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Alchemicals

Crackling Arc of Retribution

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Live Wire 5; Type: Simple (Speed 3, DV +1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Two actions
Prerequisites: Conductive Principle of Authority, Unassailable Lightning Dance
Until the end of the character’s next action, her whips have improved Speed
and Rate, and she need not pay motes to use the benefits of Live Wire Form. She
may also form whips out of pure lightning when activating the Charm. ”See the text
of the Charm for full details”
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Alchemicals, p. 176-177.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Alchemicals

Whistling Analog Signal

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Live Wire 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
While this Charm is active, the practitioner suffers no offhand penalties and
reduces multiple action penalties when using multiple whips. ”See the text of the
Charm for full details”
Source Manual of Exalted Power: Alchemicals, p. 175.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Alchemicals

Camel-Warding Thorns
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Lone Acacia 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious, Counter-Attack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Towering Taboo Stance
Practitioners of this style are not rough brawlers, but fighters of stately grace
and supple movements. Wrestling and grappling are not for them. Like the Tree
and other acacias, the martial artist wards of those who approach too closely with a
defensive thorns. This Charm may be used while the martial artist suffers the threat
of damage while in a clinch. Green and gold spikes of essence erupt from the martial
artist’s body. The attacker suffers the same raw damage as he inflicts on the martial
artist. This counter-attack cannot be dodged or parried without releasing the martial
artist from the clinch, but if he is released, it does no damage at all. Regardless of
the outcome, the martial artist suffers the outcome of the original clinch as normal.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Sun-Snaring Leaves
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Lone Acacia 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Counter-Attack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Towering Taboo Stance
The harsh southern sun scours the desert, but the Tree thrives on the intensity
of the suns light. While others perish in the heat, the Tree turns this onslaught to its
advantage. This Charm allows the martial artist to attempt to disarm an opponent
as a counter-attack.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Thorn Pierces Skin

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Lone Acacia 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Camel-Warding Thorns, Sun-Snaring Leaves
The thorns of the Tree are more than a mere inconvenience. Many a disre-
spectful youth has sustained grievous injury while attempting to climb the Tree. The
martial artist hones that precise and deadly threat into a single risky strike. This
Charm supplements a Called Shot, with an additional External Penalty equal to the
Mobility Penalty of the target’s armor. If the attack is successful, it does piercing
Magical armor, such as those made from one of the magical materials or gossamer,
are immune to this Charm.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Lone Acacia Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Lone Acacia 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-Type
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Thorn Pierces Skin

The Tree is unmoving and untouchable, and likewise the martial artist who
practices this style. The martial artist once again stands in the Tree Pose while
activating this form, taking a moment to meditate upon the seemingly eternal nature
of the Tree. While this charm is active, he adds his Essence in automatic successes
to resist Knockdown and subtracts his Essence from the number of yards he can be
knocked back, to a minimum of zero.
Just as the Tree can only be approached by the monks who tend to it and the
madmen that seek to destroy it, the martial artist adds his Essence to his unarmed
Parry DV against any opponent that does not possess an Intimacy regarding him. Any
opponent that does possess such an Intimacy, positive or negative, gains a number of
automatic successes on their attacks against the martial artist equal to the strength
of that Intimacy.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Gardener Prunes Branches

Cost: 2m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Lone Acacia 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Touch, Stackable
Duration: (Martial Arts) Actions
Prerequisites: Lone Acacia Form
Once a season, the monks prune a branch from the Tree and begin the process
of creating a tenere. Though it is typically taboo to touch the Tree, exceptions are
made in the name of its defense. Likewise, the martial artists of this style have learned
to sacrifice the combat prowess of an ally to enhance their own abilities. The martial
artist touches a consenting ally and channels her fighting prowess into himself. For
the duration of the charm, the martial artist adds +1 Accuracy and +1 Rate to his
unarmed attacks and his ally is unable to Flurry without the use of Charms. At any
time, the ally may spend a point of Temporary Willpower to rescind the benefits of
this Charm and regain her ability to Flurry.
The martial artist may use this on a number of allies equal to his Essence, though
this Charm cannot be used on any one person more than once per scene, even by
multiple martial artists.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Roots Find Water

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 3, Lone Acacia 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Gardener Prunes Branches
The Tree endures where lesser trees have failed. Its roots go deep through the
desert and it weathers through the harshest drought and sandstorms. Mastering this
style, the martial artist adopts a bit of the Trees resilience. When other fighters
would collapse from wounds, his resistance goes deeper. He gains an additional -0
and an additional -4 health level, and he may spend a Temporary Willpower to stop
his bleeding like an Exalt for a scene.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Towering Taboo Stance
Cost: 1m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 1, Lone Acacia 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious, Holy
Duration: (Martial Arts) Actions
The Tree has withstood the ravaging of the Wyld. It has survived while all
other remnants of the old oasis have withered and died. Revered and respected by
all, it is only threatened by the wickedest of men. The martial artist adopts the Tree
Pose while activating this Charm, and coruscating ribbons of green and gold essence
ripple along his skin. He adds half his Essence, rounding up, to his soak, and his full
Essence to his soak against Creatures of Darkness. But just as the martial artist is
protected by similar taboos as the Tree, he likewise cannot be hidden. All attempts
at stealth while this Charm is active suffer a -2 External Penalty; against Creatures
of Darkness, stealth is impossible.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Ruler of Passions Nature (Malkuth)

Cost: –; Mins: Essence 1, Lotus Tree 1; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Mastery of the Martial Arts requires discipline, but the path is not found by
repressing one’s natural impulses, rather by focussing them. The student acknowl-
edges her passions, and begins to see how to open them up to inspiration from higher
When purchasing this Charm, the character chooses an existing Intimacy, which is
at full strength (equal to his Conviction). Thereafter, she may channel this Intimacy
as if it were a Virtue, though only on Martial Arts actions which support that Inti-
macy. As with Virtues, each use reduces the number of channels by one, until they
are refreshed at the end of the story. Each time the character channels this Intimacy,
it counts as a scene spent reinforcing that Intimacy, if applicable, though this never
increases the number of channels available. The character may not channel both an
Intimacy and a Virtue on the same action.
If the Intimacy is broken, the character may rebuild it and continue to use this
Charm, or spend 2xp to transfer it to another Intimacy. If the Intimacy is somehow
corrupted or otherwise changed, the Charm remains connected to that Intimacy,
unless and until it is broken and the character pays experience to transfer it. The
character cannot buy this Charm more than once; however, at Essence 4, the character
may apply it to Martial Arts actions supporting her Motivation, as well as those
supporting the chosen Intimacy.
¡div style=’background-color: silver; border: 2px solid black; padding: 0.5em 1em;
margin: 0em 1em; font-style: italic’¿
Malkuth is the place where emotions become actions, drawing power from cre-
ated reality (rather than from the forces which created and sustain it). Sometimes
explained as ”kingship”.
Source User:Shuuji Shuuji
Source: Shuuji

Abiding Foundation Stance (Yesod)
Cost: 2+m; Mins: Essence 2, Lotus Tree 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 10)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Ruler of Passions Nature (Malkuth)
Higher powers are all very well, but a student of the Martial Arts needs a firm
foundation in the physical realm, if she is to apply her blows effectively.
For the cost of two motes, the character may activate this Charm to ignore any
single, non-magical effect which would cause knockdown, knockback, or otherwise
move her. If the effect is magical, the cost increases by a number of motes equal to
the attacker’s Essence. Against effects from beings whose Essence is greater than the
character’s own Essence, she must succeed on a Valor roll, or else this Charm fails.
¡div style=’background-color: silver; border: 2px solid black; padding: 0.5em 1em;
margin: 0em 1em; font-style: italic’¿
Yesod connects spiritual concepts (rather than emotions) to the real world, forming
a ”foundation” of ”truth”.
Source User:Shuuji Shuuji
Source: Shuuji

Suffering-the-Wicked Stance (Hod)

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Lotus Tree 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One action
Prerequisites: Abiding Foundation Stance (Yesod)
One who fights from the heart as much as with his fists understands that he
may defeat an enemy by many means. Sometimes, it is enough to convince one’s
opponent of the error of his ways, and shame him into stepping down.
This Charm is used in an attempt to end combat. The character may use it in
any action on which he calls on his opponents to stop fighting, provided he is making
an honest attempt to bring hostilies to a halt. The Charm cannot be used if he has
attacked or counterattack on that action (though he may defend), or believes that
any allies of his will ignore his call for truce. If anyone attacks him in that action,
successfully or not, he gains a bonus of (Temperance) dice to any attacks against
them on his next action. If nobody attacks him, but he goes back on his word and
attacks on his next action, his attacks will be at an internal penalty of -(Temperance),
due to shame at failing to live up do his own standards of integrity.
This Charm can validly benefit Charms based on other traits in a Combo. For ex-
ample, it might be used with a Presence-based Charm to lend weight to the charater’s
¡div style=’background-color: silver; border: 2px solid black; padding: 0.5em 1em;
margin: 0em 1em; font-style: italic’¿
Hod is ”majesty” and ”sincerity”: a display of one’s genuinely virtuous nature,
shown as restraint and benificence, followed by punishment of those who failed to live
up to that generosity.
Source User:Shuuji Shuuji
Source: Shuuji

Firm Hand of Kindness (Netzah)
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Lotus Tree 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Knockback
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Abiding Foundation Stance (Yesod)
If your enemy does not see that she is in the wrong, then to strike her down is
a kindness, for surely she must learn this.
The character supplements his attack with this Charm, sending his opponent flying
and redirecting any wounding force into this effort. On a successful attack, the target
takes no damage but must make a check against Knockback. The attacker still makes
a damage roll, ignoring Hardness. Any unsoaked levels of damage are treated instead
as an internal penalty to the Knockback check. If the target fails the check, the
distance travelled is multiplied by the character’s
Compassion, and the target must check for Stunning using the unsoaked damage
value calculated.
The martial artist cannot activate this Charm if he believes that the Knockback
will leave the target in greater danger (for example, knocking them towards an ally
of the character, or off the edge of a cliff).
¡div style=’background-color: silver; border: 2px solid black; padding: 0.5em 1em;
margin: 0em 1em; font-style: italic’¿
Netzah is harshness applied to teach a lesson, which is ultimately a kindness;
”tough love”.
Source User:Shuuji Shuuji
Source: Shuuji

Lotus Tree Form (Tiferet)

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Lotus Tree 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Suffering-the-Wicked Stance (Hod), Abiding Foundation Stance
(Yesod), Firm Hand of Kindness (Netzah)
Experience can be its own reward, if one learns from one’s failures; but some-
times warriors and heroes are blessed with greater rewards. Whether this is pure
luck, the meddling of the Maidens, or some twist of the fabric of reality, who can say?
And, really, who would stop to ask?
Activating this Form, the character performs a ritual survey of the world, preparing
himself to learn from all that happens: he looks all around himself, then down at his
own hands and feet, then within himself, and lastly into the eyes of his opponents.
While this Charm is active, attacks which are made in earnest, but fail, attract the
benificence of some higher power to give the martial artist a chance to survive longer
and try again. If an attack fails to hit an opponent at all, the next time the character
defends against an attack, he adds (Martial Arts 2) to his Dodge and Parry DV. If
instead his attack hits, but does no damage due to the opponent’s Hardness or Soak,
his next defence gains the bonus of (Martial Arts 2) to his bashing and lethal soak,
as well as to his DVs.
If the character makes a flurry of attacks, and only some fail, then each separate
failure grants bonuses against one separate subsequent attack.

Lastly, the first time a character would be reduced to Incapacitated or Dying in
the scene, he instead remains on one -4 health level.
¡div style=’background-color: silver; border: 2px solid black; padding: 0.5em 1em;
margin: 0em 1em; font-style: italic’¿
Tiferet is compassion freely given, in recognition of the recipient’s good character,
even if their actions are in error or unworthy.
Source User:Shuuji Shuuji
Source: Shuuji

Righteous Judgement Mien (Gevurah)

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Lotus Tree 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion
Duration: (Essence) actions
Prerequisites: Suffering-the-Wicked Stance (Hod), Lotus Tree Form (Tiferet)
If his enemies try the patience of the martial artist too greatly, he may be
unwilling to teach them lessons, or even allow them into his presence. With a harsh
glance of contempt, the budding master warns off those who offend him.
This Charm evokes feelings of shame and inadequacy in any who would attack
or approach the character, or simply look him in the eyes. Anyone who can see the
martial artist and has a Dodge MDV less than his (Willpower + Martial Arts) suffers
an internal penalty equal to his (Willpower 2) to any actions which include an attack
on or motion toward him.
If the character attacks a given opponent, any penalty imposed by this Charm is
immediately removed for that opponent. Furthermore, an opponent may pay 1wp to
overcome this effect for the remainder of the scene.
¡div style=’background-color: silver; border: 2px solid black; padding: 0.5em 1em;
margin: 0em 1em; font-style: italic’¿
Gevurah is ”severity” and ”judgement”, directly punishing the wicked and setting
boundaries on their behaviour, unless and until they earn blessings.
Source User:Shuuji Shuuji
Source: Shuuji

Spontaneous Oblation Strike (Chesed)

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Lotus Tree 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Lotus Tree Form (Tiferet), Firm Hand of Kindness (Netzah)
The principle of charity, whereby love and help are given regardless of the
recipients’ merits, has an analog in the world of combat. Driving her strikes from the
center of her own being, regardless of an opponent’s actions, she makes it much more
difficult for anyone to predict, and hence defend against, her actions.
This Charm supplements a Martial Arts attack, imposing an external penalty on
the opponent’s Parry and Dodge DV equal to the character’s Martial Arts rating.
If the chracter is attempting an unexpected attack, add (Martial Arts) dice to the
(Dexterity + Stealth) roll. If the victim notices the attack, he or she still suffers a

DV penalty as before.
¡div style=’background-color: silver; border: 2px solid black; padding: 0.5em 1em;
margin: 0em 1em; font-style: italic’¿
Chesed is unconditional love, given because it is in the nature of the giver to do
so, regardless of whether the recipient deserves it.
Source User:Shuuji Shuuji
Source: Shuuji

Will-and-Wisdom Unity (Da’at)

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Lotus Tree 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Enlightening
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Righteous Judgement Mien (Gevurah), Lotus Tree Form (Tiferet),
Spontaneous Oblation Strike (Chesed)
As the martial artist truly begins to master this form, he begins to sense the
bridge between the simple forms of reality and the underlying Essence which forms
He becomes able to see the Essence signature of all beings within a range of (Martial
Arts + Essence) yards. This allows him to see immaterial beings, and grants a +2
bonus to any applicable rolls to perceive hidden or invisible beings. It does not allow
him to see through walls or full cover. It also allows him to strike immaterial beings,
albeit at a -2 penalty to accuracy and damage.
From the Essence patterns he observes, the master will understand whether a being
is significantly more or less powerful than himself, but will gain no other information.
Dragon-Blooded who learn this Charm gain access to Celestial martial arts, in-
cluding the rest of this style. Mortals are not enlightened by learning this Charm,
however, and may not progress beyond it in this style.
¡div style=’background-color: silver; border: 2px solid black; padding: 0.5em 1em;
margin: 0em 1em; font-style: italic’¿
Da’at is fruition of knowledge, unifying all the other Sephiroth, bringing inspira-
tion, ideas and plans into practice. It is also ”conscious competence”, in comparison
to the ”unconscious competence” of Keter.
Source User:Shuuji Shuuji
Source: Shuuji

Untwining The Instant (Binah)

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Lotus Tree 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Righteous Judgement Mien (Gevurah), Will-and-Wisdom Unity
It is impossible to fully focus the raw understanding of all reality through the
conscious mind, but a student at this level can bring herself to this state for a split sec-
ond, at one small point. She gains thereby an exact understanding of her opponent’s
incoming blow, her own body, and how to ensure the two do not intersect.

This Charm is activated in response to a single physical attack, and perfectly
dodges it, except as follows. It is ineffective against unblockable or undodgeable
attacks. Against area-effect attacks which are not unblockable or undodgeable the
Charm is imperfect, but reduces the post-soak damage by the character’s (Essence +
Martial Arts).
Only characters who have access to Celestial martial arts can learn this Charm.
¡div style=’background-color: silver; border: 2px solid black; padding: 0.5em 1em;
margin: 0em 1em; font-style: italic’¿
Binah is deductive reasoning, able to elaborate on ideas, but not provide them by
Source User:Shuuji Shuuji
Source: Shuuji

Penetrating Insight Strike (Chokhmah)

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Lotus Tree 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Will-and-Wisdom Unity (Da’at), Spontaneous Oblation Strike
As the student of self-perfection reaches ever closer to connection with the fabric
of reality, he begins to receive flashes of inspiration during combat, revealing the ideal
moment for a strike. If he opens himself to following these insights, he may land blows
which seem impossible.
This Charm supplements the martial artist’s attack, ensuring that it perfectly
succeeds, except against the most powerful of opponents. If his attack would miss
without this Charm, it instead hits, calculating damage based on 0 attack successes.
Any sort of perfect defense will defeat this attack, however.
Only characters who have access to Celestial martial arts can learn this Charm.
¡div style=’background-color: silver; border: 2px solid black; padding: 0.5em 1em;
margin: 0em 1em; font-style: italic’¿
Chockhmah is ”insight” and ”inspiration”: ideas appearing from nowhere, as yet
undirected and unfinished.
Source User:Shuuji Shuuji
Source: Shuuji

Fist-and-Foe Unity (Keter)

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Lotus Tree 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Untwining The Instant (Binah), Will-and-Wisdom Unity (Da’at),
Penetrating Insight Strike (Chokhmah)
The pinnacle of understanding reachable through this style gives the practi-
tioner an intuitive knowledge of the positions and actions of all who oppose her.
She automatically coordinates her movements with theirs, to best defend herself and
respond to attacks, without conscious thought on her part.

For the remainder of the scene in which the character activates this Charm, it
reduces penalties from coordinated attacks by her Martial Arts rating, to a minimum
of zero. If the character is surrounded and unable to manoeuvre, any opponents at her
back do not gain an unexpected attack simply because of their positional advantage
(though other effects may allow unexpected attacks). Most importantly, the martial
artist may reflexively (in Step 9) spend 1 mote any time she successfully blocks or
dodges an attack, or 2 motes if the attack succeeds, to gain a counterattack against
that opponent. These counterattacks are not valid against ranged attacks.
Only characters who have access to Celestial martial arts can learn this Charm.
¡div style=’background-color: silver; border: 2px solid black; padding: 0.5em 1em;
margin: 0em 1em; font-style: italic’¿
Keter is the ”crown”, the pinnacle of ”will” and ”faith”; pure consciousness, beyond
categories and ideas.
¡/div¿Source User:Shuuji Shuuji
Source: Shuuji

Five-Dragon Fist
Cost: 6 motes, 1 Willpower, 1 health level; Mins: Essence 4, Martial Arts 5;
Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Five-Dragon Form
This Charm turns a Terrestrial’s unarmed attack aggravated.Source Exalted:
The Dragon-Blooded, p. 199.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Five-Dragon Wrath
Cost: 1 mote per attack, 1 health level; Mins: Essence 3, Martial Arts 5; Type:
Extra Action
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Five-Dragon Invulnerability, Five-Dragon Fist
This Charm lets a Dragon-Blood burst into a flurry of extra attacks.Source
Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 199.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Five-Dragon Claw
Cost: 1 mote; Mins: Essence 1, Martial Arts 3; Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Five-Dragon Fortitude
A Dragon-Blood using this Charm mimics the claws of the Dragons, making
his attacks lethal.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 198.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Five-Dragon-Force Blow
Cost: 2 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Martial Arts 3; Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Five-Dragon Claw
With this Charm, a Terrestrial not only makes his attacks more damaging, but
possibly knock his victim down.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 198.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Five-Dragon Fortitude
Cost: 1 mote per 2B or 1L; Mins: Essence 2, Martial Arts 3; Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
A Dragon-Blood using this Charm invokes the strength of the Dragons’ scales for
a moment, making him more resistant against damage.Source Exalted: The Dragon-
Blooded, pp. 197-198.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Five-Dragon Blocking Technique

Cost: 4 motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 2, Martial Arts 3; Type: Simple
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Five-Dragon Fortitude
A Dragon-Blood using this Charm becomes more skilled at parrying, and be-
comes able to parry lethal attacks unarmed.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded,
pp. 197-198.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Five-Dragon Form
Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 3, Martial Arts 4; Type: Simple
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Five-Dragon Blocking Technique, Five-Dragon-Force Blow
This form-type Charm allows a Dragon-Blood’s attacks to become lethal, his
soak greater, and to become faster and quicker.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded,
p. 199.
Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

Five-Dragon Invulnerability
Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower; Mins: Essence 3, Martial Arts 5; Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Five-Dragon Form
This Charm lets a Dragon-Blood to completely ignore a non-magical attack, or
better resist a magical one.Source Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded, p. 199.

Source: Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

The Langur Dances at a Funeral (Melodies of Enlightenment

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Melodies of Enlightenment 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-Type
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: The Pika Sings in Winter
Despite being played in low notes to a slow tempo, the third Song of Enlighten-
ment is surprisingly cheery. The song detaches the mind from worldly suffering and
misery. For the duration of this charm, the martial artist ignores internal penalties
from pain, poison, disease, environmental discomfort, starvation, etc. This cannot
overcome magically induced pain or poison, supernatural diseases, or environmental
effects enforced by Charms or Sorcery.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

The Condor Denies His Marriage

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Melodies of Enlightenment 4; Type: Reflexive (Step
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counter-Attack, Illusion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: The Langur Dances at a Funeral
The fourth song is played in a call and response style, usually with the ascetic
and his echo. It teaches the martial artist how the unfettered mind responds to
attacks, which is to simply shrug them off and walk away. The martial artist activates
this Charm in response to a hand-to-hand attack. He casually walks (Martial Arts)
yards away from the attack. This may take him out of range of a flurry if his attacker
cannot move to pursue him. More importantly, anyone whose Mental DV is less than
the ascetics (Martial Arts) is confused at the sight of his targets indifference. Even if
a confused attacker can move to pursue the escaping ascetic, he forgets the purpose
of his initial attack and must spend 1 willpower to continue his flurry.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

The Markhor Unravels Sects

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Melodies of Enlightenment 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Compulsion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: The Condor Denies His Marriage
The fifth Song of Enlightenment cannot be summarized. It contains large por-
tions reserved for improvisation. Improvised segments reveal much about the ascetics
disposition and allow the martial artist to reveal the passions of his enemies. This
Charm supplements unarmed attack. If the attack successfully hits, the target cries
out one Intimacy he possesses unless he spends one willpower to resist. Though
subsequent attacks enhanced with this Charm also trigger this cry, the target is not
required to reveal any Intimacy not already revealed unless the attack also does dam-
age. The target may elect to reveal his Motivation, and may do so repeatedly even if
he would usually be required to reveal a new Intimacy.

Source: Reminiscent Oasis

The Goat Ignores You All

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Melodies of Enlightenment 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Illusion
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: The Leopard Mourns the Snow
The final Song of Enlightenment has no end. Some ascetics have played this song
without interruption for weeks at a time, filling the mountains with their ceaseless
music. So long as the music goes on, the ascetic has not a care in the world. Likewise,
the martial artist who learns this technique cares little for fighting when he has
something better to do. At the start of combat, the martial artist activates this Charm
instead of making a Join Battle roll. So long as he occupies himself with something
else and does not interact with any of the participants of combat, he is considered
Inactive for the fight. He perfectly and casually moves around the fight, oblivious
to the violence. While this Charm is active, anyone with a Mental DV less than the
ascetics (Martial Arts) suffer from an Illusion effect that prevents them from attacking
the ascetic, unless they spend willpower equal to the ascetics unmodified Temperance
to overcome this effect. Even those with higher Mental DVs must spend one willpower
to target the ascetic. This Charm terminates in Step 1 of combat resolution if someone
targets the ascetic, allowing him defend himself; the ascetic takes his first action on
the next tick. Voluntarily deactivating this Charm prematurely requires that the
ascetic pay willpower equal to his own unmodified Temperance.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

The Pika Sings in Winter

Cost: 1m, (1wp per scene); Mins: Essence 2, Melodies of Enlightenment 2; Type:
Keywords: None
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: The Llama Laughs at Wisdom
The second song is full of trilling notes interrupted by staccato piping. Learning
it dispels the most basic desires from ascetics mind and allows him to draw power
from his abstinence. Activating this Charm cancels all penalties the martial artist
would suffer from starvation. The martial artist may spend one temporary willpower
to add a number of dice to his Integrity, Martial Arts, Performance, and Temperance
equal to the penalty he should receive from starvation for the remainder of the scene.
This bonus may not more than double those Traits. The martial artist may still die
from starvation even while this Charm is active, and this Charm is incompatible with
other magical effects that make food unnecessary.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

The Leopard Mourns the Snow

Cost: 1m+, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Melodies of Enlightenment 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Stackable
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: The Markhor Unravels Sects

The sixth Song of Enlightenment flits aimlessly with little regard to meter or
rhythm. Its haphazard qualities make it unpopular among the general audience.
Ascetics favor it to its disregard of conventional traditions. Learning this song and its
associated Charm allows the martial artist to suppress those things that give structure
and purpose to his own life. By paying 1 mote, he may ignore an Intimacy for the
scene; spending 2 motes lowers a virtue to an effective 2; for 4 motes, he may suppress
his Motivation. For the duration of this Charm these Traits cannot be used against
him in Social Combat, nor can they aid him. Once per scene, beings with a Limit Trait
gain one Limit whenever they deny their true nature with this Charm. Abyssals gain
a point of Resonance once the effects of this Charm wear off; the Neverborn approve
of the dissolution of ones being but loath the restoration that follows.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

The Llama Laughs at Wisdom

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 2, Melodies of Enlightenment 1; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Permanent
The first of the Seven Songs of Enlightenment is a quick lilting song played in
high notes. Learning this song and its associated Charm awakens a cynical irreverence
in the ascetics mind. He cares little what others think of him and even less about what
others think they know about the world. His heart is hardened against lessons that he
has not learned for himself. Social attacks that rely on pedantic rhetoric, intellectual
justification, authoritative lessons, or other attempts to educate the ascetic about the
errors of his ways or expose his ignorance on a subject are considered unaccepted
orders. Should such a social attack overcome his Mental Defenses, the martial artist
breaks into a fit of laughter for a number of actions equal to the amount of willpower
he would have had to spend to resist the mental influence of the attack. For each
action the martial artist laughs, his social rolls and Stealth rolls suffer a -1 Internal
This effect is not optional. It renders him unable to be taught by all but the most
patient mentors who are able to stunt to avoid the barrier in the martial artists mind.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Wind Needle Training

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Night Breeze 5; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Katabatic Leap Defense, Thousand-Hailstone Morning
The Night Breeze practitioner can ignore portions of his targets armor when
using this charm.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Katabatic Leap Defense

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Night Breeze 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Until next action

Prerequisites: Night Breeze Form
The Night Breeze practitioner can use this charm to retreat in response to a
ranged attack.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Thousand-Hailstone Morning
Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Night Breeze 4; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Night Breeze Form
The Night Breeze practitioner can throw nearly anything within arms length
at his opponent.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Leaf on the Breeze Rhythm

Cost: 1m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Night Breeze 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Crosswind Offense, Shepherd the Leaf
This charm allows the Exalt to reestablish surprise with greater ease.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Night Breeze Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Night Breeze 4; Type: Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Leaf on the Breeze Rhythm
This form charm enhances the Night Breeze practitioner’s stealth when within
darkness, and provides a small radius of darkness.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Shepherd the Leaf

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Night Breeze 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
The Exalt can increase the onslaught penalty of his attacks by using this charm.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Crosswind Offense
Cost: 1+m; Mins: Essence 1, Night Breeze 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
This charm reduces certain external penalties upon an attack.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Retreating Dunes Advance
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Onyx Jackal 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Knockback
Duration: Until Next Action
Prerequisites: Scouring Sands Initiation
The winds swirl against the dunes, tearing them apart. But the dunes scatter
the wind and reform, marching inexorably as the wind howls. This Charm supple-
ments a Guard action. Whenever the Onyx Jackal is successfully parries an attack,
the attack must make a check for knock-back, flying back a number of yards equal to
(the Onyx Jackal’s Martial Arts attacker’s Resistance), minimum 1. When an attack
is successfully knocked back, the Onyx Jackal may move one yard in any direction to
cancel one point of Onslaught penalty against him.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Onyx Jackal Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Onyx Jackal 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-Type, Obvious
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Retreating Dunes Advance
The mesomel hide in whirlwinds. They dance upon the crest of shifting dunes.
Leaping from within the sand itself, they catch their prey unaware. Activating this
Form, the Onyx Jackal whirls rapidly and descends into loose sand, a snow drift, or
similar material, leaving behind only a faint swirl on the surface. There he remains,
motionless, until his prey approaches. While in this position, he cannot apply his DV
to any physical attack and adds his Martial Arts to this Stealth. The Onyx Jackal
may remain like this indefinitely, though there are practical limitations most notably
the need to breath, eat, and drink. These limitations can be bypassed by artificial or
supernatural means.
The Onyx Jackal may whirl out of his hiding places as a Miscellaneous Action or
freely as a part of an attempted unexpected attack. Once he returns to the surface, the
Form remains active for only the remainder of the scene. As the Onyx Jackal twists
and twirls, he cannot be surprised simply be approaching from him from behind and
he moves lightly of soft and delicate surfaces such as snow, sand, or freshly fallen
leaves. He suffers no penalty for moving over or fighting on such material.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Erg Diving Evasion

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Onyx Jackal 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious, Counter-Attack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Onyx Jackal Form
Under threat of an attack, the Onyx Jackal spins wildly and dives within a
material suitable for the Form Charm. He emerges soon afterwards somewhere within
the range of his Dash Action. This Charm may be used whenever the Onyx Jackal
applies his Dodge or unarmed Parry DVs against an attack, and may also be used to
allow him to apply those DVs when otherwise prohibited by the Form Charm, causing
him to erupt suddenly from the desert.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Shimmering Mirage Placation
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Onyx Jackal 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Counter-Attack, Illusion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Erg Diving Evasion, Crescent Hanging Silent
The Onyx Jackal challenges the champions of the Raksha at their own game.
Responding to an attack that successful struck him, the Onyx Jackal feigns his own
death. He launches a (Manipulation + Martial Arts + Essence) counterattack against
the attacker’s Mental Dodge DV. If successful, the attacker is convinced his slew the
Onyx Jackal. This allows the Onyx Jackal the opportunity to escape or provides +2
automatic successes on his next attempt to re-establish surprise against the attack
during this scene. Resisting this unnatural mental influence costs 2 willpower.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Guarding the Gateless Passage

Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Onyx Jackal 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious, Compulsion
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Shimmering Mirage Placation
The Onyx Jackal draws a line in the sand, daring all challengers to face him
rather than divert around him. This line is purely symbolic, but its message is clear.
The Onyx Jackal rolls a social attack with (Manipulation + Martial Arts) against all
who can see his action. Anyone who fails to defend themselves from this unnatural
mental influence is compelled to do one of the following:
* Attack the Onyx Jackal directly in hand to hand-to-hand combat
* Attempt to dash across the Jackal’s line
* Divert their course around him, adding at least one hour to their travel time.
They are free to choose whichever option they prefer, and spending two points of
Temporary Willpower allows them to ignore this Compulsion completely.
Attempts to run across the line must make a (Dexterity + Athletics) roll which
may be parried by the Onyx Jackal as if it were an attack against himself.
When multiple Onyx Jackals employ this Charm at once, opponents are only com-
pelled by which ever Jackal is closest to them at any particular time, and spending
the Willpower to resist any of them resists all of them. Additionally, through either
stalwart will or unfailing stamina, the spiraling Onyx Jackal adds the higher of his
Integrity or Resistance to his Parry DV, and no one may cross the line he designates
without first trumping his Parry DV in hand-to-hand combat. Even foes that fly are
compelled to descend within range of his martial arts attacks before moving on.
As a permanent benefit of learning this Charm, the Onyx Jackal no longer suffers
the Servitude effect of Scouring Sands Initiation unless his fellow master has Essence
greater than his own.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Crescent Hanging Silent

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Onyx Jackal 4; Type: Simple (DV -2)
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Knockdown
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Onyx Jackal Form

The Onyx Jackal stops spinning for a moment. Sand, snow, capes or cloaks
carry on, riding the Jackal’s momentum for a moment, but settling to the ground
as well. In that moment of stillness, the Jackal crouches, one khopesh hanging for a
moment overhead, the other sweeping through the sudden silence. The first follows
soon after. The Onyx Jackal makes a single unarmed attack at his full dice pool with
intent to sweep his targets off their feet. This attack targets everyone within two
yards of the Onyx Jackal, forcing anyone it strikes to check for knockdown as normal.
This attack never does damage.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Scouring Sands Initiation

Cost: ; Mins: Essence 1, Onyx Jackal 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Servitude
Duration: Permanent
Doctrines and dogma provide structure in a chaos. Recognizing one’s place
within the one’s society and the laws of one’s culture steels the mind against hazards
of the outside. Having completed his initiation, the Onyx Jackal recognizes the sacred
authority of his mentor, his mentor’s mentor, and so on, even if he is unaware of the
style’s ultimate origins.
This Charm imposes a Servitude effect on the martial artist himself. All orders
or requests from the person who has mastered this style become unnatural mental
influences and costs one additional Temporary Willpower to resists. However, with
his life structured around proper reverence for his elders, the Onyx Jackal adds half
his Temporary Willpower, rounding up, to his mental DVs and his unarmed Parry
DV against Creatures of the Wyld and to any attempt to resist mutation by Wyld
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Two-Fisted Merrymaker
Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Orgiastic Fugitive 5; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Drunken Monk Loses His Sash
Reveling in the party atmosphere, the martial artist finds himself capable of
enjoying more than one indulgence at a time. He can flurry his activities to include
actions of indulgence, and attacks at reduced action penalties, and no penalties from
his recreational chemicals (or sex).Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 58.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Drunken Monk Loses His Sash

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Orgiastic Fugitive 4; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Orgiastic Fugitive Form
Gregarious from healthy partying and consumption of recreational substances,
the martial artist loses his concern for personal space. After activating this charm the

martial artist may make two clinch attacks at once with penalties that are mitigated
by chemical induced penalties.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 58.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

I Wasn’t There Understanding

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Orgiastic Fugitive 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 10)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Orgiastic Fugitive Form
In a stupor from conspicuous consumption of recreational drugs or alcohol the
martial artist’s movements are hard to predict; those that attack him may find them-
selves overshooting their target should they miss.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 58.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Drunken Monk Finds His Sandal

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Orgiastic Fugitive 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Drunken Monk Loses His Sash, I Wasn’t There Understanding
The martial artist in tune with his inner drunk, becomes fascinated with the
existential contemplation of everyday things, he stumbles about and though appearing
an easy mark, the timing of his movements cause him to avoid harm apparently by
chance.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 58.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Unhealthy Miasma Stance

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Orgiastic Fugitive 5; Type: Simple (Speed 6)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious, Poison
Duration: (Essence) actions
Prerequisites: Two-Fisted Merrymaker, Drunken Monk Finds His Sandal
Focusing the drugs and alcohol in his system the martial artist releases them
in a hazy blue cloud dispersing into the very nearby area. Those caught in the cloud
face the chance of joining the martial artist in his revelry whether they want to or
not; direct and prolonged contact increase those chances.Source Scroll of the Monk,
p. 58.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Orgiastic Fugitive Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Orgiastic Fugitive 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Clarity-of-Mind Moment, Saturnalia Memoriam Kick
A master of moderating his excess, the martial artist can prolong his binge.
He becomes the functional alcoholic; making his unconventional thought processes
work to his benefit. Channelling the effects of a recreational chemical, he charges
his martial actions; and a few non-martial actions too, with an odd prowess. The

negative effects of chemicals, alcohol, and sexual activities can be suppressed, while
still remaining in the background to be drawn on by the charms of this style. Source
Scroll of the Monk, p. 57-58.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Saturnalia Memoriam Kick

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Orgiastic Fugitive 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Slamming back a drink of hard liquor, or taking a pleasant puff of smoke, the
martial artist infuses strength into the blows from his assault. This charm adds power
to attacks made in one flurry that includes imbibing a recreational chemical.Source
Scroll of the Monk, p. 57.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Clarity-of-Mind Moment
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1, Orgiastic Fugitive 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 1 or 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Through the haze induced by all the drugs taken or alcohol imbibed, the martial
artist finds a way to function for a moment.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 57.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Overwhelming Violence Commitment

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 3, Raging Phoenix 4; Type: Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Form, Combo-Basic
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Unhesitating Aggression Opening
The Fighter lives for action and cannot be deterred from maintaining it. While
fighting he is barely heard other than in yells and whoops and his determination can
be seen plainly on his hardened features. Some stylists even begin to smile viciously as
they pummel their foes with essence hardened strikes while seeming to be unaffected
in return.
For the duration of this charm the Fighter ignores any wound or off-hand penalties
and adds his Essence to the base damage of all unarmed attacks.
In addition he may ignore Valor rolls; he passes or fails them at his leisure.
Source: AjaxTorbin

Red-Handed Courtesan Form

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Red-Handed Courtesan 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Resilience of Supple Flesh, Jaw Dropping Revelation
The martial artist movements take on the sinuous sexualized quality that is
identified with this style. She is unabashed, and unafraid, jaded by her experiences

in the world. She could be facing a demonic horde or a single adversary and she looks
upon them with the same sultry defiance. Her movements have an exaggerated quality
designed to excite, entice or otherwise distract her opponent. For the duration of the
combat she allows her sexuality to empower her fighting. Compare her appearance to
her opponent’s temperance, add the difference as an internal bonus to the her Martial
Arts attacks and defense. This bonus cannot exceed +3 and counts as dice added by
charms. This form offers no advantage against a character with a Temperance of 4 or
higher or against automaton’s or creatures without will of their own (and therefore
cannot be enticed).
Source: JiveX

Grasping Yoni Prana

Cost: 2m +1m per dice of damage; Mins: Essence 2, Red-Handed Courtesan 3;
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Undressed By Practiced Hands
The practiced courtesan has studied well the arts and sciences of pleasing her
clients. Her control over the muscles of her lower body is enviable, almost supernat-
ural. This discipline, the Red-Handed Courtesans learned, could easily be applied to
combat. A clinch attack supplemented by this Charm is imbued with greater crushing
Essence grants the Courtesans legs impossible crushing power, allowing her to
inflict lethal damage with a crush and inflicting an additional one die of damage for
every extra mote spent on this Charm. The Exalt may not spend more motes in total
on this charm than her (Martial Arts). It is said, though never publicly, that this
Charm can be employed, with potentially devastating results, during coitus, though
the muscles enhanced in this instance are not the legs.
Source: JiveX

Resilience of Supple Flesh

Cost: 2m per 1L/2B; Mins: Essence 4, Red-Handed Courtesan 2; Type: Simple
(Speed 5)
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Grasping Yoni Prana
Only the most talented of professional lovers are ever taught this style. By
the time they learn this martial art, most have satisfied some the appetites of some
truly strange and depraved individuals (or in some cases several such individuals at
once.) Their skin is still soft supple and firm, it is their business to be beautiful and
desirable, but the finely trained muscles beneath give their flesh strength that belies
its apparent softness. Blows that should raise welts do not, injuries that should cause
bruises merely redden the skin, and cuts are never as deep or as serious as they seem
like they should be.
Spending motes to activate this Charm, the characters Essence augments his soak,
reinforcing this impossible toughness. Every two motes spent on this Charm adds
one to the martial artists natural lethal soak and two to her natural bashing soak for

the rest of the scene. This soak is not without cost, this charm can only be activated
while the character is dressed in little, or no clothes, and the martial artist cannot
spend more motes on this charm than her (Appearance).
Source: JiveX

Insatiably Rapacious Concubine Attitude

Cost: 4m 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Red-Handed Courtesan 5; Type: Simple (Speed
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Questing Finger Distraction
Some people just never have enough sex. For the Red-Handed Courtesans, all
masters of the sexual crafts, this is the key to success. Through careful manipulation
of their internal Essence, they enable themselves, not only to ignore fatigue and injury
penalties during battle, but to use that pain to fuel their desire for more.
For the Charms duration the character ignores (Martial Arts) points of penalties
due to wounds or fatigue and gains a bank of successes equal to the amount of negated
points of penalty that he may reflexively spend to enhance any Martial Arts action
he takes while the Charm is active. When the Charms duration ends the penalties
return and any remaining successes vanish. Each success may only be applied once
per Charm activation.
Source: JiveX

Fearsome Boudoir Tigress Technique

Cost: 3m 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Red-Handed Courtesan 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Nubile Nymph Evasion
This is the most feared technique of the Red Handed Courtesan Style. Many
are the stories of courtesans who used this technique on their unwitting companions
while in the throes of passion, drawing their lives out subtly by forcing them to great
heights of exertion and/or passion.
This charm, when activated, enhances the Martial Artist’s actions so that they
draw energy out of her opponents. She moves her body in such a way that her
opponent’s actions are highly strenuous. If they want to touch the Courtesan, their
going to have to really ”work” for it. This charm makes combat (or indeed any
strenuous physical activity that requires direct contact with the Martial Artist) a
highly strenuous activity.
Activated in response to any close ranged physical attack (or attempt to Touch
the Martial Artist) this charm forces the opponent to make a (Stamina+Resistance)
roll against a difficulty of the Martial Artist’s (Essence). This roll, if failed, applies
one point of fatigue penalty to the target. This penalty cannot be negated through
spending willpower, as it is a crippling effect, otherwise it is a normal fatigue penalty.
If the total value of the target’s fatigue rises above their (Resistance+Stamina) they
fall unconscious due to exhaustion as normal.
Source: JiveX

Jaw Dropping Revelation
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Red-Handed Courtesan 4; Type: Reflexive (step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Grasping Yoni Prana
The martial artist activates this Charm when an opponent attempts to strike at
her from close range, doing so causes her to accidentally bare a glimpse of forbidden
flesh to her opponent at a critical moment. This titillating glimpse utterly disrupts
the attacker’s concentration. Activating this charm, the martial artist makes a coun-
terattack, with an (Appearance + Martial Arts) roll against the targets DMDV. If the
attack succeeds, the target is literally stunned off balance and knocked prone. The
target applies the benefits and drawbacks of relative appearance to his DMDV as
usual, and may also spend 1wp to steele himself against the martial artist’s lascivious
distraction, negating the knockdown effect. If the Martial Artist a successful use of
this counterattack, on her next action, with a clinch attack (while the character is
still prone) she adds an additional dice to her clinch roll.
Source: JiveX

Questing Finger Distraction

Cost: 2m 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Red-Handed Courtesan 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Red-Handed Courtesan Form
Ever seeking to explore new horizons with her partners, the
master prostitute always puts her hands in interesting and sur-
prising places. The Red-Handed Courtesans know the value
of this skill in combat. Her hands roam her opponents body
in a way that is difficult to predict. She may, without penalty,
roll to reestablish surprise, even when such a thing would not
normally be mechanically possible. Used before combat, this charm eliminates the
external penalty for establishing surprise in plain view (Exalted p. 151), and, if the
ambush is undertaken while the Exalt is mid-coitus, the Exalt adds the difference
between her appearance and her target’s temperance to the Stealth roll (minimum
Source: JiveX

Nubile Nymph Evasion

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 3, Red-Handed Courtesan 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Bliss-too-Soon Infliction, Insatiably Rapacious Concubine Atti-
The Red-Handed Courtesan moves with grace and sensuality. Their bodies are
elegant and highly trained, each movement is planned an d deliberate. In combat this
gives them an edge in defense, as they gracefully twist away from enemy weapons.
When Activating this Charm in response to an attack, the martial artist rolls
Appearance, adding the successes to her Martial Arts based defenses, also permiting
her to parry lethal damage while unarmed without a stunt.

Source: JiveX

Bliss-too-Soon Infliction
Cost: 3m 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Red-Handed Courtesan 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Crippling, Stackable
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Questing Finger Distraction
The touch of an experienced Courtesan is a dangerous thing indeed, for their
able hands can drive even the unwilling to
pleasurable distraction. Such talent, which is often valued in
their professional lives, can be decidedly inconvenient to an
opponent on the battlefield. Should an attack supplemented
by this Charm inflict post-soak damage greater than the targets
Temperance, the target is overwhelmed by orgasmic release.
This renders them Inactive until the tick on which they would
have taken their next action, at which point they must re-roll
join battle. Until this time their character can do nothing but
pant as their mind struggles to recover from the blissful ecstasy
they just experienced. Essence-users may spend one Willpower,
reflexively, to shake off the effect, but continue to suffer 1 point of fatigue penalty.
This penalty persists until the end of the scene and multiple invocations of this
charm stack the fatigue penalty.
Source: JiveX

Undressed By Practiced Hands

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Red-Handed Courtesan 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Touch
Duration: Instant
The Courtesans dexterous hands are well accustomed to expertly removing,
even the most complex of garments, with little though, often in low light conditions.
By comparison, mere armor seems like no obstacle at all. The Courtesans hands,
enhanced by this Charm, are uncannily capable of circumventing armor, they slide,
accomplishing acts that would require great coordination within even the closest con-
fines. An attack supplemented by this charm ignores (Martial Arts) points of armored
soak and hardness.
Source: JiveX

Lineage Insuring Defense

Cost: 3m+; Mins: Essence 2, Repentant Cock-blocker 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Prudent Caution Practice
By spending the 3m+ the character can ignore mundane crippling injuries. The
martial artist takes damage as usual, but any crippling effect not caused by a charm
is negated. At essence 3 the martial artist may spend an additional number of motes
equal to the essence of the character who uses a crippling charm on her to negate a

magical crippling effect, provided that his opponents essence is less than her own.
Source: JiveX

Invulnerable Brass Boulders Emulation

Cost: 3m per 1L/1B; Mins: Essence 2, Repentant Cock-blocker 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious, Stackable
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Repentant Cock-Blocker Form
The Cock-Blocker re-affirms his commitment to the ideals of the Repentant
Cock-Blocker, and shapes his essence to make his body as resilient as his ideals.
Activating the charm, the martial artists essence emulates the Boulders of Brass,
enhancing his soak. The martial artists skin takes on a metallic sheen which grows
more pronounced the more essence he spends on the charm. The Martial Artist may
not increase his soak by more than his Martial Arts.
Source: JiveX

De-Claw the Nefarious Foe

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Repentant Cock-blocker 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Repentant Cock-Blocker Form
Not all opponents fight fair, and when they dont the cock blocker knows he
must level the playing field. With a scornful look at the coward who would endeavor
to attack an unarmed opponent, the Cock-blocker strips him of his weapon, showing
him the folly of his craven ways. This charm may be reflexively activated whenever
an opponent attacks the unarmed cock-blocker with a melee or martial arts weapon.
Regardless of whether he successfully defends himself or not the Cock-Blocker may
roll to disarm his opponent during step 9 of attack resolution. This attempt does
not suffer from the usual -2 penalty, and, if successful the Cock-blocker may send the
weapon hurtling (MA) yards in any direction he chooses (but may not use it to attack
another opponent or take the weapon for himself). Cosmetically, attackers who miss
the Cock-blocker or have theyre attack parried, find their blades impossibly jarred
from their grips by the slight impact of their weapon against their foes flesh or by the
gentle touch of a foe as he dodges. The disarm is even more obviously supernatural
when the attacker scores a hit and finds his weapon imbedded inextricably in his foes
flesh or yanked out of his grasp in some equally impossible manner.
Source: JiveX

Trance of Peerless Testicular Fortitude

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Repentant Cock-blocker 5; Type: Simple (Speed 6,
DV -1)
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Invulnerable Brass Boulders Emulation
Cock-Blockers are not only righteous and temperate arbiters of justice, but also
exceptionally brave. Facing down a world which does not share, or is hostile to, their
values, they are committed that they can only be vindicated by struggling against

these odds. This charm seeks to balance these odds, if only slightly. The martial
artist mediates and centers himself for six ticks and spends the required essence, then
this charm becomes active, adding the Cock-Blockers Valor score to his Martial arts
rating for the duration of the scene. Furthermore, for the duration of the scene the
character will never fail a valor check.
Source: JiveX

Empathy From Experience Counter

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Repentant Cock-blocker 5; Type: Reflexive
(Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Trance of Peerless Testicular Fortitude, De-Claw the Nefarious
True, the Cock-Blocker focuses more on defense of his ideals than on harming
his opponent, in this way he sets himself apart from the ruthless Cock-Puncher.
However, some times the only way to show a villain the error of his ways is to allow
him to taste the suffering he inflicts upon others. This charm is activated after raw
damage is calculated but before damage is rolled. The attackers damage roll does a
minimum of his Essence in Levels (not dice) to the Cock-Blocker. If the Damage role
scores more levels of damage than the attackers essence then use this as the damage
instead. Either way, after absorbing this attack the Cock-Blocker is able to make a
counterattack with a dice pool equal to his current wound penalty. Resolve this attack
as normal, but, provided the counter lands, regardless of whether the counterattack
does any levels of damage, the Cock-Blockers opponent suffers an internal penalty
equal to the Cock-Blockers current wound penalty for a number of ticks equal to the
Cock-Blockers Essence. This penalty stacks with whatever other wound penalties the
attacker may already be suffering from.
Source: JiveX

Introduction to the Curriculum of Hard Knocks

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Repentant Cock-blocker 5; Type: Supplemen-
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Empathy From Experience Counter
The epitome of the Cock-Blocker credo, to champion the cause of justice, and
bring the wayward back onto the path of righteousness (with force if necessary), this
allows the Cock-Blocker to forcefully, but non-lethally, subdue his opponents. This
attack supplements a clinch attack or an opposed clinch roll, doubling the Exalts
raw damage before soak. In the event that that the crushing inflicts more damage
than the targets conviction, the Cock-Blocker can opt to temporarily strip away one
dot of either strength, stamina, or dexterity. This charm can be re-activated at the
cost of 4m on every subsequent action after the first during which the Cock-blocker
maintains the clinch. If any of these traits is reduced to zero during the clinch, the
victim falls unconscious for the remainder of the scene. Lost dots return at the rate
of one dot per scene. If several Attributes were reduced, then each regains one dot
per scene.

Source: JiveX

Gelded Bull Resilience

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Repentant Cock-blocker 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: (Martial Arts) actions
Prerequisites: Dragon Guards His Jewels
The Cock-Blockers training is a painful experience, and many suffer repeated
injury to the most delicate parts of their bodies in the course of mastering the Martial
Art. But from this pain, the noble Cock-Blockers can find strength. Once you have
been subject to ultimate agony, all other suffering pales in comparison. Remember-
ing the agony of their training, the Cock-Blocker may ignore (Martial Arts) wound
penalties. Furthermore, for the an additional 2 mote expenditure at activation, the
Cock-Blocker adds half his (Martial Arts) dice to the pool to resist being stunned.
Source: JiveX

Repentant Cock-Blocker Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Repentant Cock-blocker 4; Type: Simple (Speed 5,
DV -2)
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Gelded Bull Resilience, Lineage Insuring Defense
The Cock-Puncher style was born of the spirit of martial fury and ruthlessness,
its sister, the Cock-Blocker style, arose out of the sense of horror and shame that
overwhelmed the sifu when he realized what a foul, and dishonorable martial art he
had created. The Cock-Blocker is everything the Cock-puncher isnt, compassionate,
resolute and temperate, his posture is one of humble supplication, his stance reflects
the earnest desire to right what is wrong with the world. Adopting this stance, the
martial artists essence casts him in a soft glow, not unlike a faint halo. All characters
wishing to join-battle against a character with this Form active must succeed at a
conviction roll or spend one willpower per scene to attack such and obviously righteous
individual. Once this willpower is spent, however, the character is immune to this
deterrent effect for a year and a day. Additionally anyone in this form may parry
lethal damage unarmed without a stunt.
Source: JiveX

Grabbing the Bull Prana

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Repentant Cock-blocker 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious
Duration: (Martial Arts) actions
Prerequisites: De-Claw the Nefarious Foe
Confronting his past mistake was hard for this styles founder, but once he
resolved to do so, he found he could draw strength from that resolve thus overcome
hardship and find redemption. This Charm was born out of that epiphany. The
Cock-Blocker may activate it whenever he seeks to right mistakes of his past, or see
that a justice is met out. Spending willpower and the required essence, the Martial
Artist is limned with a radiant halo of blue essence so bright it appears almost white.

This brilliant aura replaces the soft glow of the Form charm (if it was active) and
causes the Martial Artist to instantly fail all stealth checks. Furthermore people find
his righteous radiance intolerable and hard on the eyes and he suffers a penalty of
(essence) to all social roles he takes while this charm is active. On the other hand
attackers have difficulty looking at him and this impairs their aim, inflicting a -1
penalty against all sight based attacks directed at the Cock-Blocker for the charms
duration. The Martial artists essence harmonizes with this newfound dedication to her
ideals and he gains a dice pool equal to half their Martial Arts or Essence (whichever
is higher) rounded up which she may apply to any single action he takes. This pool
may not be split, but refreshes each time their DV refreshes for the duration of the
charm. These dice may be added to a DV calculation or they may augment a specific
roll. The can not do both at the same time. Also, They may not be added to the
damage roll. If they augment an attack that is part of a flurry, they augment only
that attack, not the all the attacks in the flurry.
Source: JiveX

Prudent Caution Practice

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Repentant Cock-blocker 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
The practitioners of the Repentant Cock-Blocker style know well that their foes
cannot be held to the same moral standards as they. The world is a dangerous place
and those that walk it are often dangerous and untrustworthy miscreants. This charm
activates automatically whenever the subject is the target of an unexpected attack,
imposing a difficulty equal to the Martial Artists (essence)/2 (round up) on all such
attempts (this stacks with an other difficulties that the role might be subject to).
Source: JiveX

Dragon Guards His Jewels

Cost: 3m ; Mins: Essence 1, Repentant Cock-blocker 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
The Martial Artist recalls the old adage that a chain is only as strong as its
weakest link. Taking this wisdom to heart, the Martial Artist Redoubles His efforts
to defend his most vulnerable areas. This charm may be activated in response to any
attack made at close range. It for the purpose of this defense adds the Characters
Essence to the pool used to calculate Parry DV. Furthermore, should the character
successfully parry this attack, he gains an understanding of his opponents dishonor-
able intentions, for the rest of the scene he uses this modified Parry DV on all attacks
of the same type made against him by the same character.
Source: JiveX

Cherry Blossom Battle Readiness

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Salt Pentagram 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Obvious

Duration: Instant
To the user, the world appears to slow down- so much so that the Essence
of Creation is visible as Cherry Blossoms. When dodging an attack, add the Users
Essence again to the Dodge DV formula before dividing it by 2.
Source: DTemplar5

Bar the Invisible Eyes

Cost: 3m 1WP; Mins: Essence 1, Salt Pentagram 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One Scene
You can make an Essence + Martial Arts roll to ward an area against spirits,
elementals, demons, and ghosts.pc1=Cherry Blossom Battle Readiness
Source: DTemplar5

Striking the Corrupted Taint

Cost: 2m 1hl; Mins: Essence 1, Salt Pentagram 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Obvious, Holy
Duration: Instant
The users hands become bathed in a gentle red light, and it augments an un-
armed attack, making it carry the Holy Property.pc1=Bar the Invisible Eyes
Source: DTemplar5

Below the Stars and Sky Trick

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Salt Pentagram 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
The user distracts the opponent, using graceful hand movements to supplement
an attack. The user rolls Manipulation + Martial Arts + Essence to attack. However,
if an opponent has been hit with this move before, he gains a +1 to his DV.pc1=Cherry
Blossom Battle Readiness
Source: DTemplar5

Smashing Looks Kata

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Salt Pentagram 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Looks can kill, especially if it hits the right spot. The user may add his Apper-
ance to pre=soak damage dice.pc1=Salt Pentagram Form
Source: DTemplar5

Crimson Wave Motion Fist
Cost: 5m 1WP 1hl; Mins: Essence 3, Salt Pentagram 5; Type: Simple (Speed
6/DV -2)
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Instant
By focusing Essence into a single point, the user can force out a crimson bolt of
pure Essence. This attack deals lethal damage, and has a base damage of Charisma
+ Essence, and you gain bonus dice equal to your Essence to hit. This can hit dema-
terialized spirits, and has a range of Essence x 10 yards.pc1=Striking the Corrupted
pc2=Above the Sun and Moon Attack
pc3=Smashing Looks Kata
Source: DTemplar5

Above the Sun and Moon Attack

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Salt Pentagram 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Instant
By empowering herself with Essence, the user can make wide-sweeping and
powerful attacks, able to hit opponents that are farther away. Any opponent within
Essence yards of her can be hit with a single unarmed attack.pc1=Below the Stars
and Sky Trick
Source: DTemplar5

Salt Pentagram Form

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Salt Pentagram 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Bar the Invisible Eyes, Below the Stars and Sky Trick
The user becomes a force that is difficult to hit simply by presence. For the
duration of the charm, the users Appearance is increased by 1, and he can parry using
Charisma + Martial Arts.
Source: DTemplar5

Seafaring Hero Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Seafaring Hero 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Doldrums-Induced Tempo, Sea Spider Plunge, Stuck Rudder In-
The martial artist in activating this charm becomes the embodiment of a Sea-
faring Hero. He becomes capable of enduring the harshest of storms and rolling with
the movements of the deck, or any blows leveled in his direction.Source Scroll of the
Monk, p. 59.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Full-Stroked Ramming Kick
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Seafaring Hero 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Seafaring Hero Form
Like a ramming ship, the martial artist accelerates himself to flank speed and
launches himself at his opponent. Sailing through the air the martial artist’s kick
lands with devastating power, or severely overshoots should he miss.Source Scroll of
the Monk, p. 60.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Wave-Riding Navy-Breaker
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Seafaring Hero 4; Type: Simple (Speed 3)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Stackable
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisites: Seafaring Hero Form
Just as a ship rides a wave to gain momentum and speed, the martial artist
channel’s his power towards a tremendously powerful attack. Each activation of this
charm permits a stackable charge to empower the next attack, which must come
immediately after this charm, unless it is activated again within certain limits.Source
Scroll of the Monk, p. 60.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Terrible Sail-Rending Assault

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Seafaring Hero 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling
Duration: (Martial Arts) actions
Prerequisites: Seafaring Hero Form
Similar to the effective tactic of destroying an ememy’s sails in naval battles, the
martial artist reduces his opponent’s ability to move with crippling wounds, eventually
limiting defensive ability.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 60-61.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Sail-Furling Invulnerability
Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Seafaring Hero 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Full-Stroked Ramming Kick, Wave-Riding Navy-Breaker, Terrible
Sail-Rending Assault
Lowering its sails in the same way a ship would ride out a storm. The martial
artist avoids any chance of being hit by mundane ranged attacks, and offers limited
benefits to defense against other forms of attack.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 61.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Doldrums-Induced Tempo
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Seafaring Hero 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK

Duration: Instant
Calm seas and no wind can eventually unsettle even experienced sailors; driv-
ing them mad. The martial artist moves in unexpected ways throwing off the oppo-
nent’s defense to an attack; should the attack land, the unsettled defense lingers for
a time.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 59.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Sea Spider Plunge

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Seafaring Hero 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Emmulating the methods of sea spiders, the martial artist swings down on
a rope from amongst the ship’s rigging, snatching up his prey. This attack has a
significant defense penalty, but potentially limits exposure to the weapons swinging
below.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 59.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Stuck Rudder Infliction

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Seafaring Hero 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: (Essence) actions
When a ship’s rudder is damaged, control of a ship’s movement becomes lim-
ited. The martial artist, similarly, inflicts limitations of movement choice on his
opponent.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 59.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Seven-Hued Parrots Feathers Defense

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Seven-Feathered God-Hero 5; Type: Simple
(Speed 5)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Seven-Feathered God-Hero Form
The fifth lesson of the Seven-Feathered God-Hero is that even the greatest
defense can only defend a man for so long, so the wise warrior does not depend on
a single plan of escape which could be blocked off, a single shield which might be
shattered, or a single blade which might be knocked from his hand. Instead, he
always has an alternative strategy.
As long as this charm is active, the first unarmed martial arts attack the martial
artist takes with any given weapon during a given action has a DV penalty of -0.
Additionally, the martial artist does not suffer from Onslaught penalties the first
time he parries a blow with any given weapon during an action.
Source: Somnolent Layabout

A Dozen Hawks Descend
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Seven-Feathered God-Hero 5; Type: Extra
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Seven-Hued Parrot’s Feathers Defense, Fluttering Hummingbird
The seventh, and final, lesson of the Seven-Feathered God-Hero is that ten
effective plans of action spaced over the course of ten days are a good thing, but
ten effective course of action taken simultaneously are a greater thing. Seven potent
sword strokes over the course of a minute are a good thing, but how much better
when they take all of five seconds?
This charm is a flurry of unarmed martial arts attacks. Each attack suffers a
penalty equal to its place in the flurry, rather than normal flurry penalties. Unlike
most Extra Action charms, the flurry causes normal DV penalties. Finally, the flurry
may consist of up to seven attacks, but each attack must be made with a separate
Source: Somnolent Layabout

Fluttering Hummingbird Stance

Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Seven-Feathered God-Hero 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Seven-Feathered God-Hero Form
The sixth lesson of the Seven-Feathered God-Hero is that hesitation can bring
to ruin even the best laid of plans, and that it is the death of heroism. Scourging
himself of doubt and weakness, the Seven-Feathered God-Hero moves with the speed
of his own resolve.
While this charm is active, the martial artist reduces the speed of his unarmed
martial attacks by one (to a minimum of 3, as normal), although, if he makes more
than one such attack with any given weapon before his DV refreshes, his actions speed
is automatically set to six ticks.
Source: Somnolent Layabout

Seven-Feathered God-Hero Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Seven-Feathered God-Hero 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Endless Rain of Feathers Method, Last Feather Breaks the Back
The fourth (and some might say, most important) lesson of the Seven-Feathered
God-Hero, is that while lesser beings simply rehash their actions day after day, thereby
dulling their effects, their weapons, and their minds, one with a sharp enough mind can
find just the right tool form his current situation, and thereby dramatically increase
his impact.
Internalizing this lesson, the Seven-Feathered God-Hero only uses the correct
weapon for any given attack, and never immediately uses that weapon again, in-
stead finding a better one for the next blow. As long as this charm is active, the

martial artist treats all form weapons for this style as having an Accuracy (Essence)
higher than they otherwise would, but also treat them as having a Rate of 1, which
cannot be increased by any effect. In addition, the first time in the scene that he rolls
a given (Attribute + Ability) pool, he may spend two motes to add (Essence) bonus
dice to that pool. For example, if the character is having trouble with a foe’s high
accuracy pools, and makes a (Wits + Martial Arts) roll to scoop up a bit of sand with
the flat of her blade and fling it into her opponent’s eyes, she may pay two motes to
add her (Essence) to the roll, unless she has done this before in the same scene.
Source: Somnolent Layabout

Seven-Hued Parrot’s Feathers Defense

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Seven-Feathered God-Hero 5; Type: Simple
(Speed 5)
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Seven-Feathered God-Hero Form
The fifth lesson of the Seven-Feathered God-Hero is that even the greatest
defense can only defend a man for so long, so the wise warrior does not depend on
a single plan of escape which could be blocked off, a single shield which might be
shattered, or a single blade which might be knocked from his hand. Instead, he
always has an alternative strategy.
As long as this charm is active, the character halves the penalty to her DV caused
by any flurry of attacks, rounding down, as long as each attack in that flurry is made
with a separate weapon. Additionally, the martial artist ignores (Martial Arts) points
of Onslaught penalties the first time he parries a blow with any given weapon during
an action.
Source: Somnolent Layabout

Last Feather Breaks the Back

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Seven-Feathered God-Hero 3; Type: Reflexive (Step
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Talons at the Ready
The third lesson of the Seven-Feathered God-Hero is that, while two efficacious
actions are always superior to one, one hundred impotent actions are as chaff before
a reaper as compared to a single successful one. Not being inclined to single actions
in the slightest, the Seven-Feathered God-Hero must take another route to success;
letting all of her efforts contribute to one another.
This charm supplements an unarmed martial arts attack, adding one to the Raw
Damage for every unarmed martial arts attack the character has made before the
supplemented attack, during this action. This charm may not increase Raw Damage
by more than (Martial Arts) or seven, whichever is lower.
Source: Somnolent Layabout

Endless Rain of Feathers Method

Cost: 5m (+1wp); Mins: Essence 2, Seven-Feathered God-Hero 3; Type: Re-
flexive (Step 1, or Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One Action, or Varies
Prerequisites: Talons at the Ready
The second lesson of the Seven-Feathered God-Hero is that a general with
a thousand stratagems, or an archer with a hundred arrows, or a Exalt with ten
daiklaves, is no better off than one who has but a single tactic, shaft or blade, if he
cannot bring these things to bear in his current situation.
As long as this charm is active, the Martial Artist moves with preternatural speed
when drawing his blades, and may reflexively ready any form weapons he has on his
person, and may just as easily return those blades to their sheaths.
This charm normally lasts one action, but if the Seven-Feathered God-Hero Form
is active when the charm is activated, the charm’s duration may be extended to last
as long as the form is active.
Source: Somnolent Layabout

Talons at the Ready

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 1, Seven-Feathered God-Hero 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
The first lesson the Seven-Feathered God-Hero is never to be caught without
a plan, as doing so directly contributed to the fall of Ja-Janastis mortal incarnation,
during the otherwise unimportant, unnamed battle in which he was killed.
This charm supplements a Join Battle roll, adding the lower of (Essence/2) or half
the number of form weapons carried by the Martial Artist in successes to the roll.
Source: Somnolent Layabout

Lion Among Grass Technique

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Shadow Hunter 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
This Charm augments the Martial Artist’s Join Battle. See the full text of the
Charm for details.Source Debris from the Fallen Races, pp. 11-12.
Source: Debris from the Fallen Races

Wolves Slay Yeddim Method

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Shadow Hunter 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
This Charm supplements a coordinated attack, reducing the target’s DV fur-
ther. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Debris from the Fallen Races,
p. 12.
Source: Debris from the Fallen Races

Harrier Draws Blood
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Shadow Hunter 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Lion Among Grass Technique, Wolves Slay Yeddim Method
This Charm makes unexpected attacks due to the target being surrounded more
deadly. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Debris from the Fallen Races,
p. 12.
Source: Debris from the Fallen Races

Shadow Hunter Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Shadow Hunter 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Harrier Draws Blood
This Charm augments the Martial Artist’s DV when using hard cover, and
augments his move and dash speed. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source
Debris from the Fallen Races, p. 12.
Source: Debris from the Fallen Races

Coiled Mongoose Tactic

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Shadow Hunter 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Shadow Hunter Form
This Charm augments an attack, dealing more damage while the martial artist
enjoys hard cover. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Debris from the
Fallen Races, p. 12.
Source: Debris from the Fallen Races

Blood and Shadow Technique

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Shadow Hunter 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Serpent Among Reeds Gambit
This Charm augments an unexpected attack, ignoring a certian amount of Hard-
ness. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Debris from the Fallen Races,
p. 11.
Source: Debris from the Fallen Races

Serpent Among Reeds Gambit

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Shadow Hunter 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Coiled Mongoose Tactic
This Charm allows the Martial Artist to potentially re-establish surprise so long
as she can access hard cover. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Debris

from the Fallen Races, pp. 12-13.
Source: Debris from the Fallen Races

Strength in Readiness Approach

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Shield Maiden 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One action
The Maiden feels the presence of her shield on her arm, taking comfort in the
familiar weight. Activating this Charm negates all off-hand penalties for wielding
form weapons for a single action. Should she not be wearing a shield, she takes steps
to rectify this. While the Charm is active, the user can also reflexively equip and
ready any form weapons within her reach.
Wearing a shield, while useful, is not the same as being armed. As long as the
Maiden is able to activate this Charm, she may reflexively commit a single mote in
order to allow attacks with her main hand weapon to be considered unarmed Martial
Arts attacks when making attacks enhanced by Charms of this style for a scene.
Attunement motes may be used for this purpose.
Source: Weimann

Shield Bash Attack

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Shield Maiden 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
There are many weapons more damaging than a shield, but getting stuck by
one is still far from a pleasant experience, and recovering from it can be harrowing.
This Charm supplements a Martial Arts attack made with a form weapon. The target
must check for stunning (”’Exalted 2e”’, p.153), but he may not reduce the difficulty
with his Stamina. Furthermore, this attack causes all attempts to remain focused on
some difficult procedure, such as a Shape Sorcery action or any other action the ST
deems sufficiently delicate, to suffer a -1 external penalty.
Source: Weimann

Forceful Imposition
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Shield Maiden 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
An aggressive defence creates opportunities that would otherwise not show
themselves. The user meets the incoming attack with her shield, slamming it hard
against the weapon. Any time the user fully parries an incoming attack she may
attempt to disarm the parried weapon with her form weapon as a Counterattack.
The shield gains the D tag (”’Exalted 2e”’, p.373) for the purposes of this at-
tack.pc1=Strength in Readiness Approach
pc2=Shield Bash Attack
Source: Weimann

Shield Maiden Form
Cost: 7m; Mins: Essence 2, Shield Maiden 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Form-Type
Duration: One scene
Sinking into an aggressive, challenging stance, the Maiden is eager for battle
and her movements are trained and reflexive. This Charm adds (Essence) dice to any
(Wits+Awareness) roll to notice unexpected attacks, provided they are otherwise
blockable. Additionally, her form weapon gain Rate +1. Lastly, activating Strength
In Readiness Approach while the this Charm is active causes its Duration to increase
to Indefinite, and the Stun effect from Shield Bash Attack lasts for (Essence+1)/2
actions, rounded up, instead of one.pc1=Forceful Imposition
Source: Weimann

Flying Retribution Strike

Cost: 4m (4m, 1wp); Mins: Essence 3, Shield Maiden 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Being out of melee range does not mean that one is safe from the Shield Maiden’s
wrath. This Charm supplements a Martial Arts attack, grants the form weapon the
T tag, Range (Essence)x2 and Rate 1.
The Maiden may cause the shield to return to her hand after the attack by paying
a +1wp surcharge when activation the Charm.
pc1=Shield Maiden Form
Source: Weimann

Vengeful Imposition
Cost: - (+1wp); Mins: Essence 3, Shield Maiden 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Those who do not pay sufficient attention to their guard will suffer the con-
sequences. Whenever the Maiden fully parries an attack which suffers from Stun
penalties, she may pay a +1wp surcharge when activating Forceful Imposition. Pro-
vided the Maiden carries a weapon that she may wield with Martial Arts in her other
hand, she may make a normal Counterattack with that weapon instead.pc1=Flying
Retribution Strike
Source: Weimann

Maiden’s Resurgent Fury

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Shield Maiden 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Battle-lust overflowing, the Maiden forsakes her caution and launches a cathar-
tic barrage of attack at her opponent, indulging her mind and body. This Charm

supplements a flurry in which the Maiden performs all her available attacks which
she can make as Martial Arts attacks (but it may also contain other actions if she
wishes). Every time one of her attacks deal damage to an opponent, she may heal
a single bashing health level, or degrade a lethal or aggravated health level to the
step below. If she wishes, she may trade three bashing health levels for a point of
Willpower instead.
This reinvigorating rush does not come without its price. On top of the normal
DV penalty, the Maiden is also denied the Defense bonus from all her weapons until
her DV refreshes.
pc1=Vengeful Imposition
Source: Weimann

Ryozume (Blocked on Both Sides)

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1, Shinmei Muso Ryu Shoden 3; Type: Simple (spd
Keywords: none
Duration: Concentration (5 ticks)
The User raises their blade into the defensive stance and focuses their Essence
into their Anima enhancing their perception and reaction. The user of this charm
eliminates all overwhelming penalties related to PDV. Note that the user must con-
centrate and cannot perform another action while in Ryozume.
Source: Rethissunstar

Nukiuchi Makko (Sudden Draw and Cut)

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1, Shinmei Muso Ryu Shoden 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Essence connects the sword to user. By spending 1 mote they can draw, strike
and sheath the sword in one fluid motion. As long as the user is aware of an attack
they may spend one mote to use their parry DV if applicable. Note that sheathing
the sword after finishing attack or parry is not required.
Source: Rethissunstar

Ukenagashi (Block and Flow)

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Shinmei Muso Ryu Shoden 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Counter-attack
Duration: Instant (step 6)
Prerequisites: Ryozume (Blocked on Both Sides)
The Essence Channelled flows through the blade uniting user and weapon as
one. As an attack is parried the user automatically counter-attacks with the blade
weaving back to bite the opponent. The Counter-Attack is made with a number of
successes equal to the PDV of user subtract the Successes of the Attacker Plus the
Essence of the User.
Source: Rethissunstar

Yaegaki (8-Fold Fences)
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Shinmei Muso Ryu Shoden 4; Type: Simple (speed
Keywords: Concentration, Obvious
Duration: 5 ticks
Prerequisites: Ryozume (Blocked on Both Sides)
The user extends their awareness into their anima and their anima flares with
essence. The threat of blades that passes through the anima sensory field generates
a reflexive action to parry any intent of harm. When the awareness of the user is
extended they cannot take any action until the 5 ticks have elapsed. PDV cannot be
dropped in any way during the 5 ticks. This does not stop unblockable attacks.
Source: Rethissunstar

Hayanami (Fast Wave)

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1, Shinmei Muso Ryu Shoden 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
The Way of the Sword states that a Samurai must be ready to strike at all
times. Hayanami is the art of reacting faster than you’re opponent. User may add
their Martial Arts to the Join Battle roll.
Source: Rethissunstar

Yukichigai (Re-direction)
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Shinmei Muso Ryu Shoden 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Ukenagashi (Block and Flow)
As the a blow can be received by the sword, so can the sword be used to direct
that force somewhere else. If an attack is successfully parried the exalt may use this
charm to cause the attack to hit another opponent. This re-direction has no effect on
magically enhanced attacks.
Source: Rethissunstar

Shinmei Muso Ryu Shoden Form (Entry Transmission Form)

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Shinmei Muso Ryu Shoden 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form Type
Duration: Scene
Prerequisites: Ryozume (Blocked on Both Sides)
The first form of the art which is known as the entry level form. The user takes
the expression of the hungry blade. Always ready for the dance. The user may use
Charms:Nukiuchi Makko (Sudden Draw and Cut) Nukiuchi Makko (Sudden Draw
and Cut) to fight from the sheath by drawing, striking and re-sheathing the blade.
In this state of readiness they also gain the benefit of not dealing with overwhelming
from multiple opponents and gets a bonus to their PDV equal to their Permanent
Source: Rethissunstar

Shihoto Sono Ichi (All-Direction Cut Variation 1)
Cost: 2m per Target; Mins: Essence 2, Shinmei Muso Ryu Shoden 4; Type:
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Shinmei Muso Ryu Shoden Form (Entry Transmission Form)
The Exalt makes a wide arc attack channelling Essence through their body and
blade adding momentum to the strike and sharpness to the sword. Upon a successful
initial attack the damage is rolled plus a number of automatic successes equal to
the Users Permanent Essence. If the target is taken to incapacitated then the strike
continues (if the target is not the attack stops). The next target engaged in combat
with the Exalt receives an attack with the successes of the initial attack minus the
Permanent essence of the previous target. The User of this Charm cannot nominate
more targets than their permanent Essence.
Source: Rethissunstar

Shihoto Sono Ni (All-Direction Cut Variation 2)

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Shinmei Muso Ryu Shoden 4; Type: Extra-Action
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Shinmei Muso Ryu Shoden Form (Entry Transmission Form)
In a spinning attack the essence channelled trails behind the blade fuelling a
full rotation with deadly precision. The Exalt makes one attack roll. This Attack
effects everyone within reach of the Exalt and the attack is compared to each of their
defences. Targets, (as nominated by the user so there is no friendly fire), whos DV is
lower than the Successes rolled takes damage equal to the base damage of the weapon
with Essence instead of strength added. Anyone hit by this attack is also blown back
5 feet. The Essence portion of the damage is considered fire damage.
Source: Rethissunstar

Mela’s Swift Sanction

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Sigh of the Dragons 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
The Exalt strives for perfection in all things, from the first moments of the
battle to its ultimate conclusion. To use this charm the martial artist must begin
the battle with an Elemental Bolt Attack against an enemy, which cannot be an
unexpected attack. He adds his Martial Arts rating to his Join Battle dice pool, and
adds 2 to the first attack’s Accuracy and Damage ratings.
Source: Thundaka

Stern Mercy of Sextis Jylis

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Sigh of the Dragons 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Knockback, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Mela’s Swift Sanction

Not all who stand against the Exalt are deserving of the just execution of the
Anathema. Some are merely misguided, and deserve a lesser punishment so they may
live to see the error of their ways.
This charm spreads the concentrated energy of an Elemental Bolt Attack across
the character’s entire body, producing a powerful blast that can easily knock down
and disorient an opponent. The lethal damage of the attack is replace with an equal
amount of bashing damage, which will not transform to lethal damage regardless of the
levels inflicted. Furthermore, if the attack hits the victim must check for knockback
at a difficulty equal to the Exalt’s Martial Arts or be flung backwards (Martial Arts
x 2) yards. He must also roll (Stamina+Resistance) at the same difficulty to avoid
being stunned. If the latter roll botches, the blast’s concussive force renders him
Inactive until his next action.
Source: Thundaka

Inescapable Draconic Castigation

Cost: 1m per 20 yards; Mins: Essence 2, Sigh of the Dragons 2; Type: Reflexive
(Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
The righteous punishment of the Exalted will not be denied, not even to those
fools who think themselves safely beyond its reach. This charm extends the range of
the Exalt’s Elemental Bolt Attack, adding 20 yards for each mote spent. He may not
spend more motes than he has dots of Essence.
Source: Thundaka

Blossoming Elemental Wrath

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Sigh of the Dragons 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Elemental, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Inescapable Draconic Castigation
Meditating on the teachings of an Immaculate Dragon, the Exalt focuses the
Essence within him into a powerful expression of elemental rage. This charm greatly
amplifies the elemental powers associated with the character’s Elemental Bolt Attack,
enhancing each version as follows:
*”Air”: The target is enveloped within a mighty whirlwind for the next three ac-
tions, making even staying on her feet difficult. The internal penalty to the target’s
non-reflexive actions rises to 4, her DVs decrease by 2, and she must roll (Dexter-
ity+Athletics) at difficulty 2 each turn just to avoid falling down.
*”Earth”: The ground quakes violently beneath the target’s feet for the next three
actions. The difficulty of the roll rises to 5, made at the beginning of every action,
and if she falls she suffers an additional 4B damage. Should she remain prone, she
takes 1B each action. If used against an inanimate object, the attack instead doubles
its raw damage.
*”Fire”: The target’s body is set ablaze for three actions. In addition to the
normal damage bonus, the character must resist environmental damage for the next
two actions as if she was in a bonfire (see Exalted, p. 131) unless she spends a full

turn putting out the fire. Any wooden objects on the character’s person are consumed
by the flames.
*”Water”: The target’s lungs are saturated in seawater for the next three actions,
making it difficult to breathe. She must succeed at a difficulty 3 (Stamina+Resistance)
roll each turn, lest she lose her action. If any of the rolls fail, she also suffers a single
level of unsoakable bashing damage due to suffocation.
*”Wood”: The Exalt distills her Essence into a lethal poison with the following
statistics: Damage 3L/action, Toxicity 4, Tolerance -/-, Penalty 3. This penalty
does not stack with the normal 1 penalty, though that penalty persists even after the
poison has stopped dealing damage.
If used to enhance a Cooperative bolt, each invocation enhances only the elemental
effect corresponding to the invoker’s Aspect. Multiple characters may invoke the
charm to strengthen multiple elemental effects, though not to further enhance any
single effect.
Source: Thundaka

Sigh of the Dragons Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Sigh of the Dragons 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-Type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Stern Mercy of Sextis Jylis, Blossoming Elemental Wrath
The Exalt holds her torso perfectly motionless to emulate the perfect stability of
the earth, while her arms perform a quick series of katas reflecting the speed of wind,
the fluid grace of water, the passion of fire, and the resilience of the living Essence
within her. In harmony with the fundamentally elemental nature of Creation, the
practitioner may channel its power with stunning grace and speed.
So long as this form charm remains active, the Exalt is able to use Elemental Bolt
Attack as a normal attack that may be placed in a flurry. Though each attack still
requires an invocation of the charm, it is treated as a Reflexive (Step 1) charm rather
than a Simple charm. The Exalt’s intuitive mastery of elemental Essence allows her
to release that power with effortless speed, raising the attack’s Rate to 3 and lowering
its Speed to 5.
Source: Thundaka

Danaa’d Yields to None

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Sigh of the Dragons 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Sigh of the Dragons Form
The truly righteous require no shield other than their piety and no weapon
other than their courage, for the blessing of the Elemental Dragons will protect them
through even the most hopeless of ordeals. In response to a ranged attack of which she
is aware, the Exalt may reflexively fire a bolt of Essence to intercept the projectile in
mid-flight. (She must activate the Elemental Bolt Attack charm while doing so, and
hence must spend at least one additional mote on that charm.) She makes a normal
attack roll at her full dice pool; each success on this roll subtracts one success from
her opponent’s attack. If the charm completely cancels her opponent’s successes, and
the attacker is within range, any remaining successes are applied as an attack against

him. Even if she does not cancel all successes, she may apply her Dodge DV against
the attack’s reduced successes (subject to the usual 1 DV penalty for performing a
This charm may also be used to deflect a hand-to-hand attack. Rather than dealing
damage to her opponent, the blast knocks the weapon out of his hand. If the Exalt’s
successes exceed her opponent’s, the attacker must successfully roll (Wits+attack
Ability) at a difficulty equal to her net successes or be immediately disarmed.
This charm may only be used while Sigh of the Dragons Form is in effect, as it
depends upon the ability to wield Elemental Bolt Attack reflexively. For obvious
reasons, it cannot be used cooperatively.
Source: Thundaka

Restrained Fury of Hesiesh

Cost: 4m, 1W; Mins: Essence 3, Sigh of the Dragons 4; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Sigh of the Dragons Form
Where the arrogant and vainglorious exhaust their power in foolish displays
of rage, the enlightened Exalt conserves and cultivates his power, revealing his full
strength only when his proud opponents have squandered their energy and left them-
selves vulnerable. The Exalt stands more or less stationary, shunning frivilous and
wasteful theatrics, as he releases a fearsome barrage of elemental energy with impos-
sible speed. This charm is a magical flurry, allowing the Exalt to release up to his
Martial Arts rating in Elemental Bolt Attacks as a single action. The power of this
technique comes from the patient focusing of Essence by the Exalt; as such, the Exalt
may not use this charm again until a number of actions have passed equal to the
number of attacks in the flurry.
This flurry may only be used to perform Cooperative attacks if all participating
Exalts activate Restrained Fury of Hesiesh, perform the same number of attacks, and
each contribute to all attacks in the flurry. While costly, such an onslaught has the
power to annihilate all but the most powerful of opponents.
Source: Thundaka

Pasiap’s Illimitable Might

Cost: 3m, 1W; Mins: Essence 3, Sigh of the Dragons 4; Type: Simple (Speed 4,
DV -2)
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: (Martial Arts x 2) actions
Prerequisites: Sigh of the Dragons Form
The Exalt sinks into a low crouch, putting herself as close to the solid earth of
Creation as possible. Meditating on the unstoppable power of the elements, she may
temporarily channel that raw power with a ferocity uncommon even to the Princes
of Earth.
Until the charm ends, the damage of the Exalt’s Elemental Bolt Attacks is doubled,
inflicting 4L per mote spent. If combined with another effect that doubles the bolt’s
damage, such as the Elemental Lens artifact, the damage is tripled. In addition, the
character’s meditation allows her to channel more power into each attack, adding 1
to her Stamina for the purpose of the charm.

Source: Thundaka

Inexhaustible Rage of the Dragons

Cost: 3m per, 1W; Mins: Essence 3, Sigh of the Dragons 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Danaa’d Yields to None, Restrained Fury of Hesiesh, Pasiap’s
Illimitable Might
The greatest virtue of the Immaculate Dragons was not their strength, nor their
generosity, nor even the purity of their faith, but their unshakable persistence. Even
when the forces of the Anathema seemed impossible to overcome, they never once
turned their backs on those who depended on them. So, too, must the Prince of
Earth be unshakable in his devotion, holding his ground long after a lesser warrior
would give up the struggle in exhaustion.
As the Exalt activates this charm, he coalesces his Essence into an aura of blazing
elemental energy that surrounds each of his hands. His unarmed punch and grapple
attacks deal lethal damage, and every 3 motes committed adds one die of damage
to these attacks. More importantly, though, the Exalt may draw on the elemental
energy concentrated in his hands to effortlessly augment the power of his elemental
attacks. The cost of the character’s Elemental Bolt Attacks decreases by one mote for
every 3 motes committed, to a minimum of zero. The Exalt may not commit more
than (Essence x 3) motes to this charm.
Source: Thundaka

The Clownfish Smiles

Cost: 3m, (+1wp); Mins: Essence 2, Silent Reef 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Counter-Attack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Fisher of Men Stance
The clownfish darts among the poisoned arms of the sea anemone, acclimated
to and unconcerned by the danger. Embraced by the familiar stinging arms, the
clownfish fears nothing. Similarly, the Silent Reef martial artist has grown familiar
with the hazards of nets. When facing an opponent so armed, he shows little concern.
This Charm allows the martial artist to attempt to escape a net during Step 9 if
successfully entangled, or to escape a clinch in Step 9 if successfully clinched.
If an attempt to entangle the martial artist with a net failed, he may instead catch
the net thrown at him and, paying an additional willpower, return it to its owner, as
a reflexive martial arts attack at his full dice pool. He may not counterattack this
way against failed clinch attempts not made with a net.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Entangling Krait Courtship

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Silent Reef 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: (Martial Arts) Actions
Prerequisites: Fisher of Men Stance
The sea krait entangles its mate, and the two snakes twist around one another

in a tight embrace to prevent rivals from interfering. Mimicking this principle of the
reef, the martial artist binds his net to his target, making escape more difficult.
Activating this Charm supplements an attempt to ensnare a target in a net. If the
attack is successful, the base difficult to escape the net is the martial artists (Essence),
which does not decrease for the duration of the charm. Each unsuccessful attempt
imposes a -1 external penalty on the targets next attempt.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Polyp Proximity Strike

Cost: 4m, (+1m); Mins: Essence 2, Silent Reef 3; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: The Clownfish Smiles, Entangling Krait Courtship
The reef is a massive predator, but an immobile one. The millions of tiny
organisms that compose the reef wait patiently for the tides to bring their prey within
reach. The martial artist activates this Charm and attempts to clinch or throw his
net at a nearby target, making an unarmed attack at his full dice pool.
If the attack is successful and the target is within range without requiring the
martial artist to take a Move action, he may spend 1 mote and make a second unarmed
attack at his full dice pool without breaking the clinch. Alternatively, if the opponent
is out of immediate range and the martial artist is using a net capable of doing so,
he may use this action to attempt to reel in his target.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Silent Reef Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Silent Reef 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-Type, Poison
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Polyp Proximity Strike
The reef is as lush and vibrant as any tropical forest, where the quiet drama of
life plays out just as fiercely. Sea birds may cry, and waves may crash, but beneath the
water, there is silence. Among the coral, predators rely on their venom rather than
their speed to ensure their prey does not escape, struggle, or receive help. Whenever
the martial artist inflicts at least one level of lethal damage to a target, he may spend
1 mote to reflexively infuse that wound with the Silent Reef Toxin, so long as he has
a physical conduit through which he can channel the venom. Silent Reef Toxin has
the follow statistics:
”’Damage:”’ (Essence)*/1 minute, ”’Toxicity:”’
(Essence), ”’Tolerance:”’ /, ”’Penalty:”’ -1.
The poison itself does no significant damage. Instead it tightens and restricts the
victims breathing, and a living victim is physically unable to speak while poisoned.
If the target would take levels of damage from the poison, do not actually subtract it
from their health levels, but do keep track of how much of such hypothetical? damage
they would take. If the victim suffers more hypothetically damage from this poison
than her Stamina, she is unable to breathe suffering the
effects of such as described on ”’Exalted”’, p. 130, until she is incapacitated. Once
the target is incapacitated, the poison expires and the target can breath again, though

this does not restore consciousness. Multiple doses stack, but once the last dose has
run its duration, all the hypothetical? damage disappears. Magical effects that heal
levels of damage do not help, but those that remove poisons do.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Coral Body Meditation

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Silent Reef 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Silent Reef Form
The martial artist tangles his own essence around him, twisting and hardening
his skin with a coral-like texture. This provides him with +2B/+2L natural soak and
a -1 Mobility Penalty. This penalty stacks with the martial artists armor, but does
not prevent use of other Charms in this style. The soak from this Charm rises by
+1B/+1L every tick that the target doesnt take a Move, Dash, or Jump action (or
otherwise move physically from their position), to a maximum additional soak bonus
of his (Essence). If they take one of those actions, or otherwise moves, he lose the
accrued bonus and the soak resets to the basic bonus from this Charm.
Whenever his skin contacts a portion of his opponents body not protected by
armor, the target suffers one die of lethal damage, soaked separately. This may be
accomplished with a successful Called Shot, but it still doesn’t bypass the target’s
armor for the purposes of determining soak. It may also be applied if the opponent
successfully attacks the martial artist barehanded.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Hull-Breaching Atemi
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Silent Reef 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Coral Body Meditation
Many mortal fleets have been sunk, not in a fury of naval combat, but by the
unseen presence of the reef. No matter how well protected the vessel is from attacks, it
still risks damage merely by sailing into hazardous waters. This Charm supplements
an unarmed attack against an armored opponent. So long as the attack inflicts a level
of lethal damage, the martial artist also tears his targets armor, ripping long gashes
in it and undermining its effectiveness in combat. Until it can be repaired, the armor
suffers a cumulative -1L/-1B Soak. Such repairs require a successful (Intelligence +
Craft Fire) roll, with a base difficulty of (martial artists Essence + total accumulated
penalty imposed by this Charm). Each repair roll takes an hour and requires the
appropriate facilities. This Charm has no effect on armor infused with Essence or
made from one of the magical materials.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Reef Captures Frigate

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Silent Reef 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Counter-Attack
Duration: Instant

Prerequisites: Coral Body Meditation
If a vessel is fortunate, their ship will not be torn apart by colliding with a reef,
but merely run aground in its shallows. While this does no immediate harm, it does
expose the ship to attacks and renders it useless in combat until it can be freed from
the reef. If the martial artist successfully parries a hand-to-hand attack, he may make
an unarmed counter-attack with his full martial artist dice pool.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Anemone Makes a Friend

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Silent Reef 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious, Poison, Stackable
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Hull-Breaching Atemi, Reef Captures Frigate
Having mastered Silent Reef Style, the martial artist reexamines its early lessons
from the other side. He lures an opponent in, and ensnares him without need of a
net. His victim does not flee, because the world beyond the martial artist is more
dangerous, just as the clownfish does not venture far from the anemone, despite
the anemones poisons. This charm supplements an unarmed attack. The martial
artists unarmed strike does no damage but channels a potent poison into his victims
body, ensuring that she does not escape. This poison has ”’Damage”’ (Essence)L/10
minutes, ”’Toxicity”’ 3L, ”’Tolerance”’ /, ”’Penalty”’ -0. So long as the victim remains
within (their own Essence) yards of the martial artist, the poison remains inert. It
only begins to take effect once the victim has moved beyond this range or if the
martial artist dies while the inert poison remains within the victim. After twenty five
hours, the inert poison is purged from the body. The victim is intuitively aware of
the precarious situation, and as such, the Charm is Obvious only to her.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Fisher of Men Stance

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Silent Reef 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: One Scene
The martial artist adopts the stance of a prepared angler, net ready in one
hand, trident upraised in the other. So long as he holds one of these two weapons in
the other hand, he may use the other one-handed without penalty.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Cleansing Thunder Strike

Cost: 1 mote; Mins: Essence 2, Silver Kshatriya 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Holy
Duration: Instant
The roar of thunder in the heavens is the cry of Creation in its purist state.
The martial artist allows the pure might of Creation to unleash itself in a strike, that
their foes may tremble in righteous suffering. The attack supplemented by this Charm
inflicts lethal damage. Against creatures of the Underworld or the Wyld, it also adds

+3L to the raw damage.
Source: Upaatk

Purity of Courage
Cost: 2 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Silver Kshatriya 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Holy
Duration: Instant/Until next action
Prerequisites: Cleansing Thunder Strike
This art was formed around the principles of courage and honor in ways that
surpass mere mortal understanding to that of the ever-enduring adaptability of Luna.
This charm allows them to tap into that courage and surpass their own limitations
for a moment of communion with that understanding. For one action, the martial
artist can ignore all internal penalties from fear or exhaustion. When fighting against
creatures of the Underworld or Wyld this charm’s effect lasts until their next action.
Source: Upaatk

Surprising Echo Strike

Cost: 1+ motes; Mins: Essence 2, Silver Kshatriya 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Holy
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Purity of Courage
Thunder rumbles across the heavens as a monkey leaping in trees, bouncing its
roar between clouds in unexpected ways. By learning to move just as surprisingly as
the echos of thunder the martial artist can find ways to attack just behind the defenses
of their enemies. Each mote spent on this Charm reduces the external penalties caused
by cover or shields by one point, except against creatures of the Underworld or the
Wyld for which each mote reduces the penalties by two. The martial artist can only
spend enough motes to eliminate penalties from those sources.
Source: Upaatk

Silver Kshatriya Form

Cost: 5 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Silver Kshatriya 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-Type, Holy
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Surprising Echo Strike
The way of a Silver Kshatriya is the way of Luna. Her strength is the basis
for courage and honor that is ever lasting because it is ever changing and adaptable
to all circumstances. The practitioners of this art allow their minds to rise to rest
among the clouds and let their thoughts rumble as thunder through them, all under
the watchful grace of moonlight. In this state of mind the martial artist can substitute
any Virtue they choose for any particular Virtue test as they find the way to adapt
in unusual ways. Additionally, all forms of Charm induced natural mental influence
cost one willpower point less than normal for the Silver Kshatriya to resist. Against
creatures of the Underworld or the Wyld, the Silver Kshatriya automatically resist all
forms of natural mental influence and attempts at unnatural mental influence against
her suffer a +1 external penalty.
Source: Upaatk

Righteous Echo Roar
Cost: 4 motes; Mins: Essence 2, Silver Kshatriya 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Holy, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Silver Kshatriya Form
As thunder can echo across the sky even far from where it first roared so to can
a warrior’s might be known for a blow that echos across the battlefield. The Silver
Kshatriya using this charm makes an attack that does piercing damage against their
foe or negates armor entirely aginst creatures of the Underworld or the Wyld.
Source: Upaatk

Purity of Honor
Cost: 1+ motes, 1 willpower; Mins: Essence 3, Silver Kshatriya 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Holy, Stackable
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Silver Kshatriya Form
This art was formed around the principles of courage and honor in ways that
surpass mere mortal understanding to that of the ever-enduring adaptability of Luna.
This charm allows them to tap into that honor and surpass their own limitations as an
act of communion with that understanding. Each mote spent on this Charm negates
one point of penalties caused by pain or disability of the body, such as wound penalties
or Crippling effects, for the remainder of the scene. When fighting against creatures
of the Underworld or Wyld each mote reduces the penalties by two. This Charm
does not negate penalties brought on by factors such as environmental penalties to
mobility or visibility.
Source: Upaatk

Lone Crack Peals the Storm

Cost: 2 motes, 1 willpower, 1 lethal health level; Mins: Essence 3, Silver Ksha-
triya 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Holy, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Righteous Echo Roar, Purity of Honor
In battle it is just as before the might of a great storm brewing, it is a single
crack of thunder that signals the raw might to soon ravage the ground. The Silver
Kshatriya who has mastered this style has learned to become that crack of thunder
that opens the gates of war. She has caught the raw might of the heavens and adapted
to it as Luna would, to her own advantage. A nimbus of silver light surrounds the
martial artist making her stand out like a beacon of pride to any fighting at her
side. Activating this Charm, the character adds half her Essence (rounded up) to her
Strength, Dexterity and Stamina for the duration of the scene. In interactions with
creatures of the Underworld or the Wyld the character also adds half her Essence
to her Perception and Wits. For martial artists tattooed in silver or Moonsilver this
Charm costs one mote less to activate.
Source: Upaatk

Tumbling Down the Rabbit Hole
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Silver Pentagram 4; Type: Simple (Speed 3/DV -2)
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
With quick movements and grace, the user can traverse terrain normally difficult
for others on a battlefield. You effectively take a dash action, but if dealing with
difficult terrain, you have bonus successes equal to your Essence. This counts towards
use with any Excellencies for Athletics.pc1=Lighter Essence Dodge
Source: DTemplar5

Brief Eagle’s Flight

Cost: 2m 1WP; Mins: Essence 1, Silver Pentagram 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Till next action
The user can briefly hang in the air for a brief moment, like time has slowed
down- or longer. Until the users next action, if the user has jumped into the air, the
user can hang? on the sky until his next action is completed, in which case hell fall
right back down. This also helps when falling.pc1=Tumbling Down the Rabbit Hole
Source: DTemplar5

Fist of Fury
Cost: 1m/-1 penalty; Mins: Essence 2, Silver Pentagram 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Silver Pentagram Form
Like a tornado, you attack like a whirlwind. You may reduce the flurry penalty
by spending 1 mote per -1, to a maximum of your Essence.
Source: DTemplar5

Lighter Essence Dodge

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Silver Pentagram 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
A Silver Pentagram pracitioner has to learn how to be quick on her feat, lest
her opponents overwhelm her. When using this charm, the total penalty on the Dodge
DV is reduced by 1. This doesnt reduce wound penalties. The modified penalty can
only go down to 0.
Source: DTemplar5

Spring Step Dash

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1, Silver Pentagram 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant

A user of this charm moves faster than normal, with Essence springing her every
step, allowing her to manuver faster around opponents. The effective movement per
tick is now Dexterity + Essence yards.pc1=Lighter Essence Dodge
Source: DTemplar5

Liquid Silver Run

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Silver Pentagram 5; Type: Simple (Speed 2/DV -1)
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Instant
Like liquid silver, the user can move like a cheetah on the battlefield, being
neigh untouchable by her enemies. You effectively make a dash action that has a
distance of Dexterity + Essence + 6 yards. It also covers a shorter time frame, but
doesnt leave the user as vulnerable.pc1=Spring Step Dash
Source: DTemplar5

Silver Pentagram Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Silver Pentagram 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
The user becomes like the quicksilver animated; quick, light, and fast. Also
she becomes more able to perform amazing feats as the Essence allows her to almost
fly. For the scene, the user has Dexterity increased by 1, and every stunt grants
an extra bonus die, which is considered to be a charm bonus (and counts towards
Excellencies).pc1=Spring Step Dash
pc2=Tumbling Down the Rabbit Hole
Source: DTemplar5

Whirlwind Spinning Attack

Cost: 5m 1WP; Mins: Essence 3, Silver Pentagram 5; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Instant
With super-fast movements, really good legs and Essence, the final charm of the
Silver Pentagram can be like a tornado of destruction. The user can make a number
of kicks (and kicks only) up to her Martial Arts rating. Also, the damage is lethal,
with each kick dealing a base damage of Strength + Essence.pc1=Liquid Silver Run
pc2=Brief Eagle’s Flight
pc3=Fist of Fury
Source: DTemplar5

Whirlwind of Desperation Stance

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Six-Fisted Cockpuncher 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious

Duration: One Flurry
Prerequisites: Six-Fisted Cock Puncher Form
A fight cannot always be ended in one blow, but it should always be ended
swiftly at any cost. When this charm is activated the martial artist becomes a blur of
orange destruction. If the form-type charm for this style is active then the phantom
limbs swing wildly at the opponent. Blows rain down on her foe seemingly without
end. This charm can supplement a flurry in which the martial artist makes only
Martial Arts attacks. Its Speed drops by one (to a minimum of 3), her Rate increases
by one, and all unarmed blows do lethal damage.
Source: JiveX

Give and Take Technique

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Six-Fisted Cockpuncher 5; Type: Reflexive
(Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Loin Girding Prana
Youre going to get hit. This is a simple reality of combat. The Cockpuncher
accepts that in any conflict it is unlikely he will emerge unscathed. It is possible,
all true Cock punchers know, to turn even an personal weakness to ones favor. The
Martial artist resigns himself to this fate inn the face of an attack he knows he cannot
defend against. Once per enemy action, for the duration of the scene, the Martial
Artist may opt to forgo is Defensive roll and allow himself to be hit in exchange for
the opportunity to make a counter attack with his full Martial Arts dice pool plus
one die for every dice of raw damage rolled against him. This Charm cannot be used
against ranged attacks without a stunt.
Source: JiveX

Imp Goads The Bull Tactic

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Six-Fisted Cockpuncher 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Basic, illusion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Whirlwind of Desperation Stance
There is value in wounding ones enemy, but there is just as much value in doing
so and remaining anonymous, or better yet, directing youre foes hostilities elsewhere.
The martial artist makes a regular attack against an a character he is not currently
actively fighting. If that attack hits, regardless of whether it does damage or not, the
target believes a person of the martial artists choice initiated the attack. This person
must have been reasonably able to make such an attack (she couldnt convince someone
that it was a person in another room for example). The target may role (perception +
awareness) at a difficulty of the martial artists essence if he was aware of the attackers
presence (through site, sound or other means), success means he detects something
is awry, but doesnt know the specifics, higher degrees of success may reveal more
information to the target (like who really attacked him) at the storytellers discretion.
Source: JiveX

Radiant Sucker Punch Method
Cost: 3m+; Mins: Essence 2, Six-Fisted Cockpuncher 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Furious Loin-Smiting Approach
Appearing, if not calm, then certainly non-violent the martial artist gives every
impression that violence is the last thing on her mind. Those around her are put
at ease and convinced that she is not physical threat. One can only imagine their
surprise when the character, who is so completely not a threat, suddenly make an
attack. When this charm is active she does not suffer the normal penalties to make
a surprise attack in plain view. By expending an additional mote she may add one
dice to all rolls for the purpose of establishing (or re-establishing) surprise. She may
not spend more dice than her Essence rating. The Martial Artists demeanor is so
disarming indeed that he can even use this charm to re-establish surprise in combat
(under circumstances where she normally couldnt.)
Source: JiveX

Dragon Strikes Below the Waist

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Six-Fisted Cockpuncher 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Speed of the Unrepentant Opportunist
Perhaps the most recognizable maneuver of the Cockpuncher style, and one
of the most painful and effective martial arts techniques of the terrestrial sphere.
Dispensing with all sense of honor the Cockpuncher strikes at what he knows to be
his foes weakest point. His fists glow with essence and his eyes flash brilliant red,
betraying his fiendish intent. When he lashes out at his opponents a fist shaped of
radiant, orange hued essence erupts from his hand, extending beyond the reach of an
ordinary punch, and travels inexorably towards his opponents groin. Mechanically
this charm allows the martial artist to make one unarmed attack which has the R
tag. Furthermore, because this attack is made of pure essence, guided by the Cock
Smiting will of the martial artist, it ignores Shields and Cover, circumventing them
Source: JiveX

Six-Fisted Cock Puncher Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Six-Fisted Cockpuncher 4; Type: Simple (Speed 4,
DV -2)
Keywords: Form-type, Illusion
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Radiant Sucker Punch Method, Dragon Strikes Below the Waist
The Six-Fisted Cock Puncher Learns to slip swiftly into his form. Speed being
an indispensable virtue to thee ideology, as well as the day-to-day livelihood, of the
Cockpuncher. A warrior who wins his victories by exploiting his opponents most
vulnerable weaknesses and by striking before his foe even has a chance to consider him
an enemy, cannot afford to dawdle. Upon adopting a fighting stance his the martial
artists body is silhouetted by a coruscating flow of orange essence. This halo of essence
sheaths his whole form in dazzling, almost tangible, light. This light coalesces into

vague outlines of four extra limbs which weave through the air in a sort of visual
harmony with his real arms. These extra arms are ethereal phantasms, incapable of
interacting with matter. They do serve as a potent distraction to anyone able to see
them. The false arms draw the attention of characters who attack the martial artist,
causing them a. -2 DV penalty against the Cockpuncher. Spending 1wp negates this
penalty, allowing an opponent to ignore the illusory arms for one scene. On the other
hand this display makes all attempts at non-magical stealth automatically fail. At
will the martial artist may reflexively spend one mote to suppress the orange essence
flare, and the benefits and drawbacks they bring with them, but they cannot be
made to re-appear without re-activating the Form. Furthermore, the furious essence
surging through his body, hardens his body and mind for battle. For the Duration of
the scene, he may substitute his Conviction for his Valor, and adds 1 to the accuracy
and damage of his unarmed martial arts attack. Further, he may now parry lethal
and ranged attack barehanded.
Source: JiveX

Furtive Knee to Crotch Ascendant

Cost: 7m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Six-Fisted Cockpuncher 5; Type: Supplemen-
Keywords: Combo-OK, illusion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Imp Goads The Bull Tactic, Give and Take Technique
The pinnacle of Cockpuncher prowess is an attack that no-one suspects. Indeed,
sometimes the only person who knows it happened at all is the one effected and they
are seldom in any condition to tell tales. This charm supplements a martial arts attack
and makes it completely undetected. It gains all the benefits of an unexpected attack
and even the target cannot detect it through mundane means (though charms that
allow for the detection of unexpected attacks still will catch it). The Cockpuncher
may make use of his styles form weapon or combo this with charms that allow him
to do lethal damage to no ill effect. Onlookers do not see an attack, if the blow lands
and does damage then, as far as onlookers can tell someone stumbled into someone
else in a way that injured them. The most grievous maiming appear to outsiders as
if they are merely unfortunate accidents. Observers, and the injured party, must roll
(Wits + Awareness) against a difficulty of the lower of the Martial Artist’s Permanent
Essence to realize the attack was even deliberate.
Source: JiveX

Malevolent Demon’s Gelding Grip

Cost: 5m +1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Six-Fisted Cockpuncher 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Six-Fisted Cock Puncher Form
The Cock-Puncher sometimes takes it upon himself to teach his foes life-long
lessons. People who face a master of this style in combat seldom forget the experience.
This charm inures that they dont. Initiating a clinch attack, the martial artist grips
his opponent firmly in that most delicate of areas and twists The victim begins to
experience blinding pain immediately, and things only get worse. The Martial artist
inflicts (Strength + Essence) dice of lethal damage, and if her target suffers at least

one level of damage, then her twisting has crippled him. The degree to which the
character is crippled depends how much damage the martial artist inflicts, but the
effected body part is always the groin. With one level of damage, she may crush the
area. Inflicting long-term damage. Two successes mangles the region and sterilizes
the victim. At three-success she crushes her foes pelvis. This sort of damage causes -2
(or in some cases maybe greater) penalty to appropriate abilities (could be athletics,
or awareness due to pain) how this penalty manifests is up to the player (storytellers
discretion pending). The player may opt to do less crippling damage than he rolls.
Females characters cannot be sterilized by this technique.
Source: JiveX

Loin Girding Prana

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Six-Fisted Cockpuncher 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Malevolent Demon’s Gelding Grip
Focusing himself on the raging torrents of essence within him, the martial artist
steels himself for the hardship to come. He begins to glow faintly from within and
his features grow slightly more malevolent, as if someone were shining a light at his
face from below. This light is faint and has no effect other than to accent his features
in a disconcerting manner. For the duration of the scene the Martial artist adds hiss
essence to his lethal and bashing soak. This increased soak is considered natural.
Source: JiveX

Speed of the Unrepentant Opportunist

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Six-Fisted Cockpuncher 3; Type: Reflexive (step 1)
Keywords: Two Actions
Duration: Instant
The Six-Fisted Cockpuncher knows the value of being the first to attack. He
knows that battles can be decided by one blow and whomever can deliver that decisive
strike first will be the victor. This charm grants the attacker the boost of speed needed
to attack sooner. This charm supplements an unarmed martial arts attack, reducing
its speed by 1 but increasing the speed of the subsequent action by 1. This charm
can not be used more than once per action and cannot be used consecutively.
Source: JiveX

Safety-To-Danger Understanding
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Steamburst Rivet 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Pressure-Building Technique
When all is well, a pipe with many rivets is good, indicating a solid piece of work
that will give little trouble. When the lights flash and the klaxons wail, however, those
bolts that once promised safety become a terrible danger, steam hissing from between
their seams as they rattle and shake. While this Charm is active, the practitioner
suffers no off-hand penalties, and he reduces all multiple action dice penalties afflicting

him by the number of form weapons he is wielding, to a maximum reduction of -3.
Source: Revlid

Cautious Alarum Approach

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Steamburst Rivet 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: (Essence) Actions
Prerequisites: Steamburst Rivet Form
As the pipes finally give way, the klaxons begin to scream their warning, and
red lights oscillate on every other wall. Even the newest steampiper now knows to
be wary, and view every pipe as a potential enemy. While this Charm is active,
the martial artist adds (Martial Arts/2) automatic successes to any opposed roll he
makes to keep track of a character attempting to re-establish surprise (or otherwise
hide after he has become aware of them). In addition, he ignores any DV penalties
incurred by being completely surrounded.
Source: Revlid

Rivet-And-Rupture Prana
Cost: 2m (+1wp); Mins: Essence 3, Steamburst Rivet 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One Action
Prerequisites: Cautious Alarum Approach
Quite aside from the violence of a pressure-burst rivet and the crews who service
them, the martial artist learns to mimic the rivet itself, anchored thickly into a pipe
no matter the angle... but ready to explode outwards once the pressure becomes
too great. For the rest of the action, the martial artist may walk or run along any
surface that would be capable of bearing his weight if it were beneath him, including
walls and ceilings, moving a maximum of (Martial Artist) yards per tick along its
surface. He treats whatever surface he is standing on as the floor in all respects,
allowing all manner of improbable acrobatics, such as somersaulting off of a wall to
land on the ceiling. This Charm may be activated at the peak of a jump, explicitly
allowing a martial artist to jump up onto another surface and activate it, clinging
to it with impossible ease.If the martial artist does not take a Move, Dash or Jump
action after activating this Charm, then its duration is extended for a further action,
at no additional cost, continuing until the martial artist either moves or the scene
ends. If this Charm has been active for more than one action, the martial artist may
pay one point of temporary Willpower when finally moving off (with any action) to
increase the maximum distance of the movement by (Martial Arts x2) yards. This is
not a Charm usage.
Source: Revlid

Unforeseeable Incident Blow

Cost: 2m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Steamburst Rivet 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Violent Ricochet Strike
No matter whether a steampiper has worked his line one year or thirty, all it

takes is one, unforeseeable incident to end his life. This Charm supplements any one
unarmed attack, making it unexpected unless the target rolls (Perception+Awareness)
at a difficulty of the attacker’s (Martial Arts). If the attack is unexpected (whether
due to the effects of this Charm or otherwise) then it gains the Piercing tag. If
this Charm was used to supplement an attack whose target was altered by Violent
Ricochet Strike, the target suffers a -1 external penalty to their roll to detect the
Source: Revlid

Violent Ricochet Strike

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Steamburst Rivet 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Steamburst Rivet Form
As one section of the pipe bursts open, an experienced steampiper crouches in
on himself, reducing his profile as much as possible. He is wary of all angles, knowing
that rivets will ricochet off the steel walls of Autochthonia like a swarm of angry metal
hornets it matters little which direction they started, for their final trajectory could
be very final for anyone in their way. This Charm may be activated in Step 1 of any
unarmed attack in a flurry, allowing the martial artist to change the target of the
attack to any other character within range, if he desires. Even if he does not change
his target, then if this attack is not the first in the flurry, and has a different target
than the previous attack, then whatever onslaught penalty the previous target would
suffer from is immediately transferred to the second target. Further flurried attacks
in that tick on the second target will increase the onslaught penalty as normal.
Source: Revlid

Catastrophic Line Rupture

Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Steamburst Rivet 5; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Unforeseeable Incident Blow, Rivet-And-Rupture Prana
Finally, the whole pipe fails, steam rushing from every seam. Rivets, nuts
and bolts fly from their places, punching through flesh and denting metal. All the
steampiper can do at this point is run, hoping against hope to reach the end of the
line before the over-pressurised steam. This Charm creates a magical flurry, giving
the martial artist (Essence) unarmed attacks at his full dice pool, with a DV penalty
equal to the single highest DV penalty in the flurry (before other modifiers), and a
Speed equal to the single highest. If the martial artist is wielding at least two paired
form weapons, this is increased to (Essence+1) unarmed attacks. In addition, the
martial artist must reflexively move two yards in any direction between each attack
(obviously, moving too far away to make an unarmed attack against another character
will end this flurry prematurely).
Source: Revlid

Pressure-Building Technique
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Steamburst Rivet 3; Type: Supplemental

Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Action
Prerequisites: Desperate Navigation Dash
As pressure builds, the dials move into red, and the foreman slowly raises his
hand in readiness. In wartime, the results of a potential overflow are turned toward
horrible scalding traps in the hands of a martial artist, the principle of built-up
pressure is more directly deadly. This Charm supplements a single Aim action. Pro-
vided that the attack the action enhances is unarmed, the martial artist adds two
dice to the raw damage of the attack per tick spent aiming, to maximum of (Martial
Arts+Essence) additional damage dice.
Source: Revlid

Steamburst Rivet Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Steamburst Rivet 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Safety-To-Danger Understanding
The Steamburst Riveter darts about, leaping around his opponents and stabbing
at them with a multitude of blows that simulate the whipping bolts his mundane
profession hopes to avoid. Alchemical practioners often utilize Charms to allow them
to walk on walls or the ceiling, truly simulating the omnidirectional assault of a
burst steampipe. The martial artists unarmed attacks cause lethal damage, and he
may parry lethal and ranged attacks unarmed without a stunt. In addition, the DV
penalties of any flurry the martial artist makes while in this Form are reduced by one
for each of the following kinds of actions that are included in the flurry: jumps, dashes,
and unarmed attacks. The number of individual actions made does not matter. In
addition, if the martial artist makes at least one action while on a different plane than
an enemy (such as running on the roof, or over the walls), he reduces the penalty by
an additional one. The minimum a DV penalty can be reduced to is -0. In addition,
while this Charm is active Desperate Navigation Dash and Rivet-And-Rupture Prana
count as an innate powers, rather than Charm activations.
The first time a Charm with a Flaw of Invulnerability is used during the same
action Steamburst Rivet Form is activated, it adds a two Willpower surcharge to its
activation cost.
Source: Revlid

Desperate Navigation Dash

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1, Steamburst Rivet 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Action
The steampipe worker is not stopped not by steam, nor heat. He dashes through
them, navigating by memory and (if a stylist) Essence-enhanced vision. Until the
martial artist’s DV next refreshes, he ignores all penalties incurred by low visibility
caused by fog, smog, smoke, or other gaseous obfuscation. In addition, he gains one
automatic bonus success on the trauma roll for all environmental hazards based on
heat or gas. The number of bonus successes this Charm grants is increased to three
if he is dashing.

Source: Revlid

Second Wind of Essence

Cost: 3m 1WP; Mins: Essence 1, Stone Pentagram 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: None
Duration: One Scene
The Martial Arts of the Stone Pentagram are tough, and its vital to learn how
to recover from the draining techniques of the style. You can reduce penalties from
fatigue and wounds by 1, to a minimum of 0.
Source: DTemplar5

Stone Pentagram Form

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Stone Pentagram 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
The user becomes like the body of Creation, tough, strong, and powerful.
While in this form, the user gains bashing soak and lethal soak equal to his
Essence.pc1=Eternal Marching Motion
pc2=Built to Last Longer
Source: DTemplar5

Eternal Marching Motion

Cost: 3m 1hl; Mins: Essence 1, Stone Pentagram 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: None
Duration: (Martial Arts rating) actions
The user can use essence to allow his body to function even when it shouldnt.
By using this charm, penalties from diseases and poisons are reduced by your Essence
score. These effects return when the charm expires.pc1=Second Wind of Essence
Source: DTemplar5

Entropy Doesn’t Wear the Rock Down

Cost: 3m 1hl; Mins: Essence 1, Stone Pentagram 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: None
Duration: (Martial Arts rating) actions
Prerequisites: Eternal Marching Motion
The user can shrug off even the effects of the Exalted if enough Essence is
pumped. The user can reduce penalties from Crippling charms and other penalizing
effects from charms by the user’s Essence.
Source: DTemplar5

Stones that Chip and Shatters

Cost: 5m 1WP; Mins: Essence 3, Stone Pentagram 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)

Keywords: Obvious, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Focused on the Mountain, Entropy Doesn’t Wear the Rock Down,
Earth Retribution
When the knife hits the rock, it chips and shatters and bones will break on the
person when hitting the user. When the user is hit, the attack is immediately rolled
back, but at the users normal unarmed attack pool, but the opponent’s damage pool.
This works regardless if all the damage was soaked or not.
Source: DTemplar5

Earth Retribution
Cost: 1m per die 1WP; Mins: Essence 2, Stone Pentagram 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: (Martial Arts rating) actions
Prerequisites: Stone Pentagram Form
When hit, the Earth doesnt move. Unfortunately for the enemies of the user,
the user hits back. You can add a number of dice equal to the ammount of damage
you have taken. For example, if you have suffered 3 HLs, you can add 3 die to pre-soak
Source: DTemplar5

Built to Last Longer

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Stone Pentagram 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 10)
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
The user can practically make himself immovable as the rock beneath his feet.
The charm makes the user immobile, and adds a number of dice equal to your Martial
Arts rating to knockback and knockdown checks.pc1=Second Wind of Essence
Source: DTemplar5

Focused on the Mountain

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Stone Pentagram 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
The user can also deal particularly forceful blows. Add the users Essence to the
difficulty of any knockback or knockdown rolls the opponent has to make from the
users attack.pc1=Built to Last Longer
Source: DTemplar5

Jubilant Battle Proposition

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Swaying Grass Dance 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant

The martial artist catches her opponents off-guard by masking her aggressive
intent in joyous dance. The character must already be engaging in dance to acti-
vate this Charm. When she does so, she adds a number of successes equal to her
Performance to her Join Battle roll.
monkeys-vol-25-swaying-grass-dance-style.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 25
Source: Ink Monkeys

Swaying Grass Dance Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Swaying Grass Dance 4; Type: Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Jubilant Battle Proposition, Sweeping Meadow Awareness Prac-
The martial artist begins to sway and dance, shuffling in and out of combat-
ready stances unpredictably. Her kicks slash up from dead angles, and any glimpsed
openings are gone before opponents can act on them. The character’s unarmed attacks
gain -1 Speed, +1 Accuracy, +2 Defense, and +1 Rate. She takes no penalties for
fighting prone, and may rise from prone reflexively. These benefits may not lower the
character’s Speed below 3. She is also considered to be dancing while this Form is
active, and any attempts to recognize this Charms activation as a form of combat-
readiness suffer a -2 external penalty.
monkeys-vol-25-swaying-grass-dance-style.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 25
Source: Ink Monkeys

Sweeping Meadow Awareness Practice

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2, Swaying Grass Dance 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
The fighter sways and weaves as she fights, shifting her body and maintain-
ing full awareness of her surroundings. When surrounded by opponents, this Charm
prevents one of those attackers from making an undefended attack against the char-
acter’s back; the Grass Dancer applies her DV normally to this attack, removing its
unexpected quality.
monkeys-vol-25-swaying-grass-dance-style.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 25
Source: Ink Monkeys

Teeth in the Grass Strike

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3, Swaying Grass Dance 4; Type: Simple (Speed 5,
DV -1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Swaying Grass Dance Form

The character feints high then scythes her leg up from below with no warning.
So convincing is her feint that the opponent is absolutely convinced the next strike
will come in from above. The character makes an unarmed Martial Arts attack.
If the character’s successes on the attack roll exceed the target’s Dodge MDV, the
attack is unexpected. If the character is standing in tall grass or shallow water, or the
terrain otherwise obscures her legs and feet from view, add two bonus successes to
the attack. This Charms unnatural mental influence costs one point of Willpower to
resist. Targets become immune to this Charm for the rest of the scene after spending
three points of Willpower.
monkeys-vol-25-swaying-grass-dance-style.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 25
Source: Ink Monkeys

Rolling with the Wind Method

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 3, Swaying Grass Dance 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Swaying Grass Dance Form
The harsh upbringing of this styles practitioners makes them fast to react to
danger. Those who land one blow upon a Grass Dancer rarely manage a second.
When the character is struck and this Charm is activated, the martial artist goes
cartwheeling (attacker’s Strength x 5) yards away, exactly as though she suffered
from knockback, save that the character controls which direction he tumbles in and
whether or not she strikes any objects.
monkeys-vol-25-swaying-grass-dance-style.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 25
Source: Ink Monkeys

Whirling Rhythm Revolution

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Swaying Grass Dance 5; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Inescapable Tumbleweed Prana
The character listens to the music pounding in her heart, and then whirls to the
attack. She launches an unarmed Martial Arts attack, and, if it inflicts any damage,
immediately launches another. These attacks utilize the character’s full dice pool,
ignore Rate, and levy a DV penalty equal to the highest penalty incurred by any one
attack. The character may launch a total number of attacks equal to her Performance,
or until she fails to inflict damage, whichever comes first.
monkeys-vol-25-swaying-grass-dance-style.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 25
Source: Ink Monkeys

Grass Reaping Posture

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Swaying Grass Dance 5; Type: Simple (Speed
5, DV -1)
Keywords: Combo-OK

Duration: Until broken
Prerequisites: Inescapable Tumbleweed Prana
The character imposes her rhythm upon another, taking control of the battle.
This Charm begins with a low, sudden leg sweep. The character makes an unarmed
Martial Arts attack. Resolve this attack normally; if the attack strikes the target, they
suffer automatic knockdown. Thereafter the martial artist shuffles about her downed
foe, confusing him and buffeting him to the ground with her legs should he try to
escape. So long as the martial artist remains within unarmed attacking range of her
prone target, all the target’s attempts to rise from prone provoke a reflexive contested
Dexterity + Martial Arts roll. If the target wins, he rises from prone successfully. If
the Grass Dancer wins or ties, the target remains prone. Grass Reaping Posture lasts
until the martial artist moves out of range or until the target successfully rises from
monkeys-vol-25-swaying-grass-dance-style.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 25
Source: Ink Monkeys

Serenading the Reed

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Swaying Grass Dance 5; Type: Simple (Speed 3,
DV -1)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Whirling Rhythm Revolution, Grass Reaping Posture
The martial artist draws strength from dance, and his dance is empowered by
music. This Charm may only be activated in the presence of music or song with
rhythm, and this music cannot originate with the character. So long as the music
plays on, the character’s DV is raised by half the Performance rating of the most
skilled musician or singer performing (round up).
monkeys-vol-25-swaying-grass-dance-style.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 25
Source: Ink Monkeys

Inescapable Tumbleweed Prana

Cost: 1m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Swaying Grass Dance 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-basic
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisites: Teeth in the Grass Strike, Rolling with the Wind Method
Those who would oppose a practitioner of the Swaying Grass Dance Style reap
the whirlwind. Shuffling along with a dizzying series of quick-steps and cartwheels,
the character pursues an adversary. This Charm must be targeted against another
character when activated; this target must be within unarmed striking range, and
must have already attacked the martial artist within the current scene. For the
duration of the Charm, the martial artist gains whatever mobility is necessary to
follow her target. Her Move speed matches that of her target, even if Charms such
as Leaping Dodge Method or Rolling with the Wind Method are employed. This
pursuit explicitly includes whatever acrobatic prowess is necessary to pursue a flying
opponent, so long as there are trees or other structures to climb through in order to

reach them. Inescapable Tumbleweed Prana will not allow the character to follow a
target who moves away by teleporting.
monkeys-vol-25-swaying-grass-dance-style.aspx Ink Monkeys, Vol. 25
Source: Ink Monkeys

Inescapable Tumbleweed Prana

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Swaying Grass Dance 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-basic
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisites: Teeth in the Grass Strike, Rolling with the Wind Method
Those who would oppose a practitioner of the Grass Dance Style may reap the
whirlwind. Shuffling along with a dizzying series of quick-steps and cartwheels, the
character pursues an adversary inescapably. This Charm must be targeted against
another character when invoked, and the target of the Charm must be within striking
range, and have already attacked the character within the current scene. For the
duration of the Charm, the character gains whatever mobility is necessary to follow
his target. His Move speed matches that of his target, even if Charms such as Leaping
Dodge Method or Rolling With the Wind Method are employed. This explicitly
includes whatever acrobatic prowess is necessary to pursue a flying opponent, so long
as there are trees to climb through in order to reach him.
”’Note:”’ This Charm was a user-created Charm. That user later became a writer
for Exalted, and the Charm was released as official content.
Source hls
Source: hls

Twin Dragon Stance

Cost: 1m or 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Ten Thousand Guardians 1; Type: Reflexive
(Step 1 or Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Even the youngest and most inexperienced hatchling knows how to use all of its
claws at the same time to great effect, without tripping over its own feet or getting
in its own way.
The martial artist may reflexively activate this Charm to achieve two effects. The
character instantly draws and readies two weapons, one for each hand, and for the
remainder of the scene suffers no off-hand penalty while wielding both weapons. This
charm cannot be used to ready only one weapon, but can be used to allow a character
fighting unarmed to ignore his off-hand penalty. Once a character has Martial Arts
5 and Essence 3, this Charm also allows him to add the defense value of both his
weapons to the pool used to calculate his DV for an additional mote. Each die added
by this effect counts toward the character’s dice-adder limit, even though normally
weapon defense values do not.
Source: Apocalycious

Lightning Claws Method
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Ten Thousand Guardians 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Twin Dragon Stance
The martial artist and his allies suddenly change from nonchalant to combative
in a fraction of a second, instantly initiating hostilities. This Charm may be used after
a surprise attack, but only one that initiates combat and causes a Join Battle roll.
This Charm adds one automatic success per ally activating this Charm to the martial
artists join battle roll, and allows the martial artist to use the highest Join Battle
score of any of her allies who used this Charm. The maximum number of automatic
successes any one character can gain from this Charm is equal to his Martial Arts.
For example, one martial artist using this Charm alone is not much of a threat;
he simply would add one success to his Join Battle, after all. However, two martial
artists using this charm to enhance their Join Battles together would each add two
automatic successes to their Join Battles, and would each be able to choose which
Join Battle roll they would each like to use. Three characters would be able to add
+3 successes and would each be able to use the highest of the three individuals Join
battle rolls.
Source: Apocalycious

Gleaming Scales Shield

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1, Ten Thousand Guardians 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Twin Dragon Stance
The martial artist grits his teeth and takes a strike, knowing full well that any
harm that befalls him will be avenged by his allies. This knowledge gives him strength
and durability, and when channeling the Essence of this Charm, the martial artist
may increase his Lethal soak by his Permanent Essence score, and his Bashing soak
by his Martial Arts score, against one attack.
Source: Apocalycious

Hatchlings Defend the Nest

Cost: 1m per die; Mins: Essence 2, Ten Thousand Guardians 3; Type: Reflexive
(Step 5)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Stackable
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Lightning Claws Method, Gleaming Scales Shield
The martial artist dives to stop an attack directed against an ally or an innocent,
helping knock the target aside or providing more cover against an attack. This Charm
can be activated on any tick on which an applicable ally of the martial artist is subject
to an attack. First, this charm subtracts one from the martial artists own DV as he
steps, lunges, or otherwise moves out of an ideally-defensive position to aid another;
however, the martial artist rolls 1 die per mote spent on this charm, and each success
adds one to his allys DV versus a single attack. Because this addition comes from
the fact that the character is physically helping to block the attack, and not actually

making the target of this charm defend better, it does not count toward the normal
dice-adder limit for the character being defended.
Multiple martial artists may use this Charm to aid a single character against any
given attack, but a person cannot benefit from more applications of this charm than
their own Essence, so an essence 3 combatant could only benefit from 3 uses of this
charm on them for a given attack.
This Charm cannot be used to enhance a characters own DV against an attack,
and the martial artist cannot spend more essence on this Charm than his permanent
Essence score.
However, the spirit of this Charm grants it more power when it is used to defend
those who have not stained their hands with combat. If this Charm is used to guard
an innocent, defined as someone who has no weapons drawn and who has made no
attacks since the initial Join Battle actions were made, the bonus granted by this
Charm increases to 2 dice per mote and the maximum amount of essence the martial
artist can spend is increased by 50 percent, rounded up. Additionally, an innocent
bystander can be defended by a number of equal to twice their essence instead of their
Source: Apocalycious

Ten Thousand Guardians Form

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Ten Thousand Guardians 4; Type: Simple (Speed
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Hatchlings Defend the Nest
Through a series of practiced katas the Martial Artist can synchronize her
movements with those of other practitioners of this style. Then they move, they
move as though they are an entity with a single mind and purpose, their actions
coordinated perfectly to bypass the defenses of even superior foes, for when working
together all beings approach perfection.
The martial artist may make the roll to coordinate an attack with other people who
have this Form charm active as a Reflexive action rather than a Miscellaneous one,
and may use his Martial Arts in place of War for the roll to coordinate. Additionally,
the martial artist adds one die to all rolls made to Coordinate attacks that he is
participating in, either as one of the attackers being coordinated or as the character
coordinating the attack.
The martial artist also increases the DV bonus of the Guard action from -0 to +2,
increasing his DV by two while Guarding, and may parry lethal bare-handed while
this form is active.
Additionally, whenever an attack by a character using this form charm is directed
at another character with the same form charm active, the attacking character may
choose to abort the attack and assume a Guard action instead.
Finally, the martial artist may pay one additional mote to use any of the Reflexive
Charms in this style to enhance, aid, or affect another character, so long as the other
character is in Ten Thousand Guardians Form and is within a number of yards of the
martial artist no greater than his Martial Arts score. Innocent bystanders, as defined
in Hatchlings Defend the Nest, are also applicable targets for such enhancements.
Source: Apocalycious

Raking Talons Find Purchase
Cost: 1m or 3m+1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Ten Thousand Guardians 4; Type:
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Ten Thousand Guardians Form
The martial artists weapon or hand strikes strong and true, rending its way
through the armored carapace of his foes. This Charm causes a single martial arts
attack to deal lethal damage, if it would normally deal Bashing damage, and the
attack can entirely bypass hardness.
However, many claws tear more effectively than one. If the martial artist and
another practitioner who are making a coordinated attack through the use of Ten
Thousand Guardians Form both use this charm, they can pay an additional 2m+1wp
to give their attack the Piercing quality as well.
Source: Apocalycious

Thrashing Tails Distraction

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 3, Ten Thousand Guardians 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Ten Thousand Guardians Form
Moving in unison, the martial artist and his allies distract their foe from notic-
ing their allies and allow them to vanish in a blur of motion. If conditions would
normally allow it, the martial artist may use this charm to supplement and attempt
to re-establish surprise. The martial artist gains one bonus automatic success on
the attempt to re-establish surprise for each ally who is currently in Ten Thousand
Guardians Form in the combat, up to a maximum number of bonus automatic suc-
cesses of the characters (Martial Arts). The martial artist may count himself, if he is
Source: Apocalycious

Currents Sweep to Sea

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1, Terrestrial Hero 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Knockdown
Duration: Instant
This Charm allows a martial artist to knock down an opponent and facilitate a
clinch.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded, p. 191.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Drowning Embrace
Cost: 1m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Terrestrial Hero 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Varies
Prerequisites: Terrestrial Hero Form
This Charm augments a cinch attack, allowing the Dragon-Blooded to choke
her opponent out. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Manual of Exalted

Power: Dragon-Blooded, pp. 192-193.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Riptide Method
Cost: 1m per attack; Mins: Essence 2, Terrestrial Hero 4; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Terrestrial Hero Form
This Charm allows the martial artist to grapple more foes than he would
normally be allowed. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Manual of
Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded, p. 192.
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Master’s Hand Envisioned Anew

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 5, Terrestrial Hero 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Permanent, Stackable
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: , Mastery of a Martial Arts Style
Each purchase of this Charm adds one form weapon to a Style the martial artist
has already mastered. There are Celestial and Sidereal versions of this Charm as well,
requiring Martial Arts 6, Essence 6 for Celestial Styles and Martial Arts 7, Essence 7
for Sidereal Styles.
””’Note:””’ This Charm was developed by Saibok Gauto.
Source Lords of Creation, p. 157.
Source: Lords of Creation

Waves Break the Shore

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Terrestrial Hero 4; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Pounding Surf Style
This Charm duplicates the effects of Hammer on Iron Technique with an ex-
ception. See the text of the Charm for full details.
Source Thousand Correct Actions of the Upright Soldier, p. 104.
Source: Thousand Correct Actions of the Upright Soldier

Flow From the Rocks

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Terrestrial Hero 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Stackable
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisites: Pounding Surf Style
This Charm allows the martial artist to reduce her opponent’s armored soak
during a cinch attempt or grapple. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source
Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded, pp. 191-192.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratakeywords=Combo-OK, Leader,

Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Pounding Surf Style

Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1, Terrestrial Hero 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Stackable
Duration: Instant
This Charm allows a martial artist to ignore soak in a clinch. See the full text
of the Charm for details.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded, p. 191.
errata-fix edition=SecondSource=Scroll of Erratakeywords=Combo-OK, Leader,
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Terrestrial Hero Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3, Terrestrial Hero 4; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Currents Sweep to Sea, Flow From the Rocks
This form can improve both grapple attacks and soak of the practicioner. See
the full text of the Charm for details.Source Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-
Blooded, p. 192.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratakeywords=Form-type, Leader
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Smashing Tidal Wave Technique

Cost: 3m (+3m per additional target), 1wp; Mins: Essence 4, Terrestrial Hero
5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: (Martial Arts) actions
Prerequisites: Crushing Glacier Prana
This charm allows the Terrestrial Hero to initiate grapples against multiple
targets at once, and at a short range.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 42.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratakeywords=Combo-OK, Obvious-
cost=0m or 3m (+3m per target), 1wpduration=Instanttype=Extra actiontext=Total
DV penalty and Speed are equal to the highest of any single attack in the flurry. Ig-
nores Rate. If this Charm is being activated to sustain grapples initiated through
previous use of the Charm, the cost is 0m.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Trireme Strikes the Rocks

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 3, Terrestrial Hero 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Riptide Method, Drowning Embrace
This Charm allows the martial artist to deal lethal instead of bashing with a
clinch attack, as well as adding extra damge to the attack. This attack can also cripple

un-Exalted opponents. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Manual of
Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded, p. 193.
errata-fix edition=Secondsource=Scroll of Erratakeywords=Combo-OK, Crip-
pling, Leader
Source: Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded

Terrible Ascent-Driven Beast Form

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Terrible Ascent-Driven Beast 3; Type: Simple
(Speed 5)
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Stand-Without-Strength Intensity, Muscle-Without-Bone Relax-
Assuming the Terrible Ascent-Driven Beast Form improves the characters un-
armed attacks (including grapples), his Athletics, his ability to make fierce blows, and
his soak.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 11.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Falling-Without-Fear Assault
Cost: 2m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Terrible Ascent-Driven Beast 4; Type: Sup-
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Terrible Ascent-Driven Beast Form
The character falls from a great height, dealing extra damage if he attacks but
taking none himself.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 12.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Boulder-of-Intentions Rush Attack

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Terrible Ascent-Driven Beast 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Terrible Ascent-Driven Beast Form
This Charm allows a fearsome, if inaccurate charge attack.Source The Imperfect
Lotus, pp. 11.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Held-Without-Hands Perfection
Cost: ; Mins: Essence 3, Terrible Ascent-Driven Beast 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Boulder-of-Intentions Rush Attack, Walking-on-the-Dragon Life
Defense, Falling-Without-Fear Assault
This charm gives the character greater freedom when activating its prerequi-
sites, using them while grappling. It cannot be learned alongside Beyond-the-Idol
Perfection.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 12.

Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Walking-on-the-Dragon Life Defense

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Terrible Ascent-Driven Beast 4; Type: Reflexive
(Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Terrible Ascent-Driven Beast Form
The character dodges upward, potentially reaching great hights almost in-
stantly.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 11.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Stand-Without-Strength Intensity
Cost: 1m/d; Mins: Essence 1, Terrible Ascent-Driven Beast 2; Type: Reflexive
(Step 10)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
This Charm helps the character resist knockdown and knockback.Source The
Imperfect Lotus, p. 11.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Muscle-Without-Bone Relaxation
Cost: 1m/d; Mins: Essence 1, Terrible Ascent-Driven Beast 2; Type: Supple-
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
This Charm improves the character’s clinching damage.Source The Imperfect
Lotus, p. 11.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Beyond-the-Idol Perfection
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3, Terrible Ascent-Driven Beast 5; Type: Permanent
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Boulder-of-Intentions Rush Attack, Walking-on-the-Dragon Life
Defense, Falling-Without-Fear Assault
This charm gives the character greater freedom when activating its prerequisites,
using them while moving any direction. It cannot be learned alongside Charms:Held-
Without-Hands Perfection.Source The Imperfect Lotus, p. 12.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Secret of Bright-Burning Passion

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, The Path of the Arbiter 5; Type: Supplemental

Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: The Path of the Arbiter Form
This Charm allows the character to break normal Willpower expenditure lim-
its.Source The Imperfect Lotus, pp. 8.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Study of Deepest Devotion

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, The Path of the Arbiter 5; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: The Path of the Arbiter Form
The character gains improved benefits from certain stunts.Source The Imperfect
Lotus, p. 8.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Meditation on Judgment
Cost: 2m, 2wp, 1ahl; Mins: Essence 3, The Path of the Arbiter 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: Until discharged
Prerequisites: Forging the Soul-Born Sword, Forging the Armor of Integrity,
Forging the Bond of Fellowship
The user offers a choice: surrender, or face the wrath of his weapon.Source The
Imperfect Lotus, p. 10.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Meditation on the Heart

Cost: 2m/d; Mins: Essence 2, The Path of the Arbiter 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Meditation on the Enemy
The character gains greater benefit from channeling a Virtue.Source The Im-
perfect Lotus, p. 8.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

The Path of the Arbiter Form

Cost: 5m+; Mins: Essence 2, The Path of the Arbiter 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Meditation on the Heart
Assuming the Path of the Arbiter Form summons accoutrements gained through
later Charms, improves the user’s Mental Defense Value, allows him to sacrifice health
for Willpwer, and protects his surroundings from accidental harm.Source The Imper-
fect Lotus, p. 8.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Forging the Bond of Fellowship
Cost: ; Mins: Essence 3, The Path of the Arbiter 5; Type: Permanent, affects
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Study of Deepest Devotion, Secret of Bright-Burning Passion
The character calls a spritually bonded mount for the character.Source The
Imperfect Lotus, p. 9.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Meditation on the Enemy

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, The Path of the Arbiter 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: Indefinite
Activating this Charm grants the character a temporary specialty against an
enemy.Source The Imperfect Lotus, p. 8.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Forging the Soul-Born Sword

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3, The Path of the Arbiter 5; Type: Permanent, affects
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Study of Deepest Devotion, Secret of Bright-Burning Passion
The character forges a weapon from his soul.Source The Imperfect Lotus, p. 9.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

Forging the Armor of Integrity

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3, The Path of the Arbiter 5; Type: Permanent, affects
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Study of Deepest Devotion, Secret of Bright-Burning Passion
The character forges armor from his soul.Source The Imperfect Lotus, p. 9.
Source: The Imperfect Lotus

String-Plucking Claws
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Three String Sword 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 1 or
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Action
Street performers that play stringed instruments sometimes grow long, sharp
fingernails that they use as picks. No one ever suspects that these nails might be used
as weapons. This Charm hardens the user’s fingernails into claws, growing them out

to an inch long if they are not that long already. The user’s fists do lethal damage
and can parry lethal unarmed until his next action.
Source: Stratego

Music’s Metaphor Revealed

Cost: 2m per target; Mins: Essence 2, Three String Sword 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Social
Duration: One Scene
Music can speak subtle truths to one listener while merely sounding pretty to the
one beside him. This Charm allows a musical performance on a stringed instrument
to convey messages to any number of targets. This message contains as much detail
as spoken word. It is possible to engage in social combat and use Social Charms
without anyone other than the target realizing what is going on.
Source: Stratego

Comical Stage-Fighting Stance

Cost: 6m, 1w; Mins: Essence 2, Three String Sword 3; Type: Simple (Speed 6)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: String-Plucking Claws, Music’s Metaphor Revealed
The Street Performer’s motions become comical and self-mocking; clearly, he
is only stage fighting. Roll (Manipulation + Martial Arts). Those who percieve him
but are not in combat with him, and whose MDVs are less than his successes, believe
that his battle is not intended to hurt, but to entertain. This is an unnatural mental
influence and an Illusion effect that lasts a scene and can be resisted for one willpower.
Source: Stratego

Three String Sword Form

Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2, Three String Sword 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-Type
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Comical Stage-Fighting Stance
The signature technique of Three String Sword Style, this Charm uses music
itself as a weapon. To activate this Charm, the street performer must play a stringed
instrument. The music reverberates around him, deflecting enemy attacks and strik-
ing those unwise enough to approach him. This acts as a close range Martial Arts
weapon with the following statistics:Speed 4, Acc:+2, Dam:+3L, Def:+2, Rate:2
If String-Plucking Claws is used while this Charm is active, this weapon gains the
Piercing tag until the end of the action.
Source: Stratego

Unheeded Street Musician Technique

Cost: 7m, 1w; Mins: Essence 3, Three String Sword 4; Type: Simple (Speed 6)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Scene

Prerequisites: Three String Sword Form
Street performers are ubiquitous, harmless, and want to be given money; no
one really pays them attention. The Street Performer draws on this truth and seems
to fade away, leaving only his music. Roll (Manipulation + Martial Arts). Listeners
whose MDVs are less than the successes rolled lose track of the Street Performer,
aware only that someone is playing a stringed instrument nearby. This is an unnatural
mental influence and an Illusion effect that costs one willpower to resist for a scene.
In combat, this counts as reestablishing surprise. This Charm may only be used while
playing a stringed instrument.
Source: Stratego

Three String Sword Strike

Cost: 1m per 2L; Mins: Essence 3, Three String Sword 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Three String Sword Form
The Street Performer strums his instrument and a line of lethal sound slices
through the air towards his target. This attack has the following statistics:Speed 5,
Acc:+Essence, Dam:2L/mote, Range:Essence x 20.
The Street Performer can spend no more than his Martial Arts on this Charm.
This Charm is Obvious to its target unless it is unexpected, but Obvious to no one
else until it has done damage. This Charm can only be used while playing a stringed
Source: Stratego

Unsuspecting Audience Conclusion

Cost: 6m, 1w; Mins: Essence 4, Three String Sword 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Three String Sword Strike, Unheeded Street Musician Technique
The Street Performer strikes when his target least suspects it. This Charm
supplements an attack made during a performance. Roll (Manipulation + Martial
Arts), opposed by the target’s (Perception + Awareness). If the Street Performer
wins, the attack is considered unexpected.
Source: Stratego

Crosswind Offense
Cost: 1 mote per penalty cancelled; Mins: Essence 1, Thrown 2; Type: Supple-
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Seeking Throw Technique
This Charm lets the Terrestrial’s attack swing in a wide arc which bypasses
cover or shields.Source Aspect Book: Air, p. 73.
Source: Aspect Book: Air

Hillside Cleaving Attack
Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Thundering Avalanche 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Thundering Avalanche Form
Just as the avalanche is unhindered by walls and barricades, so too is the martial
artists attacks unhindered by the armour of her targets. For what metal can stand
against one who channels the fury of a mountain?When invoked against non-magical
armour this charm costs 3m and gives the martial artists attacks the P tag. If she
already has the P tag then she ignores the armour completely. When used against
magical armour this charm also costs a willpower point in addition to the mote cost.
Source: Anathema

Roiling Boulder Defence

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Thundering Avalanche 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
When observing a landslide it is impossible to discern any individual element,
due to the speed and ferocity all that you see is a roiling mass of dirt and rock
approaching. Using the same principles the martial artist surprises her enemies with
her great speed and strength. This charm supplements a Dash action made by the
Martial Artist, negating the DV penalty and allowing her to parry attacks normally.
Source: Anathema

Shards of the Mountain Assault

Cost: 6m, 1lhl; Mins: Essence 4, Thundering Avalanche 5; Type: Extra-Action
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Tremor Resonating Force Blow, Sudden Breakaway Strike, Hill-
side Cleaving Attack
With every avalanche the mountain sacrifices a part of itself. Every landslide
makes it that much less. Eventually this sacrifice will take its toll and the mountain
will be no more. In seeking to emulate the mountain the martial artist ends up
offering a piece of her life in order that she be granted the strength to destroy her
opponents.This charm creates a magical flurry of many martial arts attacks. The
total number of attacks is equal to the Martial Artists Essence + 1. These attacks
ignore rate restrictions and have no dice penalty although they cause impose normal
DV penalties.
Source: Anathema

Thundering Avalanche Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Thundering Avalanche 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-Type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Unflinching Boulder Determination
The martial artist takes on the thunderous aspect of an avalanche as her muscles

are filled with the strength of the mountain. Her every bounding step echoes with
thunderous joy at the destruction around her.The martial artist adds her permanent
Essence to her Strength and may substitute her Dexterity with her Strength when
calculating how fast she can move. Stealth while moving is impossible while this
charm is active as the martial artists thundering steps betray her presence.
Source: Anathema

Tremor Resonating Force Blow

Cost: 2; Mins: Essence 2, Thundering Avalanche 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Thundering Avalanche Form
The martial artists unity with the resonating power of a crumbling mountain
lets her unleash powerful blows that send her foes driven back as if theyve just been
struck by the very mountain itself.The base damage of an attack supplemented by
this charm is increased by her essence. In addition, on a successful attack the target
must make a Stamina + Resistance roll at difficulty 3 or suffer the martial artists
Strength in knockback at the end of the tick.
Source: Anathema

Tumbling Boulder Grapple

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Thundering Avalanche 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Observing a landslide long enough causes the martial artist to see an inherent
grace in the way every rock or wooden splinter tries to best the other yet still maintain
the ferocity of the landslide. Taking on the aspects of this destructive dance lets
the martial artist roll and tumble while in the clutches of another.When used to
supplement a clinch roll this charm lets the martial artist control the movement of
the grapple even when she loses control of the clinch. In addition, the amount she
can move is increased by her Martial Arts.
Source: Anathema

Sudden Breakaway Strike

Cost: 2m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Thundering Avalanche 4; Type: Simple (3,
DV -0)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Thundering Avalanche Form
Mimicking the surprising suddenness of an avalanche, the martial artist lets the
essence of the mountain flood her being as she rushes at her opponent. The crashing
fury of the mountain explodes around her on her charge, giving clear indication of the
fate that is about to befall her target.The character makes a normal unarmed attack
with a lower Speed and DV penalty than normal. In addition, the martial artist may
move up to her Strength + 6 yards on the tick she attacks. This attack can never be
considered an Unexpected Attack.

Source: Anathema

Unflinching Boulder Determination

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Thundering Avalanche 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 10)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Roiling Boulder Defence, Tumbling Boulder Grapple
Just as it is impossible to stop or divert an avalanche, a practitioner of Thun-
dering Avalanche Style becomes as unstoppable as the force she seeks to emulate.The
martial artist may add her permanent Essence as successes to a single roll to resist
the effects of Stun, Knockdown or Knockback as long as she moved on the previous
tick. Running around in circles does not count as moving for the purposes of this
charm. The beginning and end of the martial artists movement path must be spaced
no closer than the distance the martial artist could cover with a Move action.
Source: Anathema

Transcendent Warrior Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Transcendent Warrior 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-Type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Weapon-Wresting Method, Light Touch of the Master, Heart-
Stopping Blow
Standing tall and proud, the martial artist draws on his Essence to imitate that
of the Chosen. His gait becomes wider, his movements are more confident, his eyes
shimmer with the look of one who knows Essence.
While this Charm is active, the character soaks lethal damage, bleeds, and resists
poison, disease, and similar effects as if he was an Exalt, and may access his entire
Essence pool without spending Willpower. If a Charm or other effect has special
results when used on mortals, treat the character as one of the Exalted. He also adds
an automatic success to all Resistance rolls. Finally, he may parry lethal and ranged
attacks even if unarmed.
Source: Thundaka

Rabble-Clearing Maneuver
Cost: 2m per target; Mins: Essence 2, Transcendent Warrior 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Knockback, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Transcendent Warrior Form
Against a single student of the Exalted ways, a dozen or more soldiers may
be repelled. Against a squadron of them, an entire army falls. This Charm allows
the Transcendent Warrior to simultaneously attack as many opponents as he has
functional limbs. Each attack is made at the full Martial Arts dice pool for that limb,
though the martial artist still suffers the DV penalty for each attack seperately. If
the attack deals at least one die of post-soak damage, the defender must check for
knockback at a difficulty equal to the character’s Martial Arts. Should the defender
fail this roll, add the character’s Martial Arts in yards to the knockback distance.
Source: Thundaka

Light Touch of the Master
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, Transcendent Warrior 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Essence Understanding Technique
Armor is no obstacle to the great warriors of the Chosen, and those who follow
in their footsteps have a similar advantage. This charm allows a single unarmed
attack to deal Piercing damage, halving the soak and Hardness provided by armor.
Source: Thundaka

Harmony in Insight
Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Transcendent Warrior 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Stackable, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Invisible Anima Concentration
Though individually each Transcendent Warrior is a force to be reckoned with,
they all know that their greatest asset is the synergy of powers that comes when
they combine forces. By pooling together their heaven-inspired talents to protect and
support each other, this Charm transforms them into something far greater than the
mere mortals they had been.
Harmony in Insight’s benefits apply only to warriors who know Transcendent War-
rior Form and either have activated the Charm themselves or are under the direct
command of someone who has. The invoker receives its benefits as well, but in all
cases the Charm must affect more than one person; no individual can invoke it more
than once per scene. For each invocation of the Charm a character benefits from,
add one to the character’s Valor (to a maximum of 5) and subtract one from any
wound or fatigue penalties. Any coordinated attack penalties are reduced by one per
invocation, as the character’s allies impede the enemy’s movements to protect him.
Finally, an affected unit may have its members parry for each other, applying their
DVs normally in place of any ally within normal movement range (though the attack
still hits the original target if the parry fails), and may each roll to detect a sneak
attack if the intended target fails his roll.
If employed in mass combat, each invocation of this charm increases the unit’s
effective Drill and Morale by one (to a maximum of 5) and reduces fatigue penalties
as previously described. Any units benefitting from this charm also add one to their
Source: Thundaka

Fury of the Chosen

Cost: 2m per attack, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Transcendent Warrior 5; Type:
Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Rabble-Clearing Maneuver
Moving in ways that no mere mortal should be able to move, the practitioner
of this style gains a taste of the unchained speed of the Exalted. For every two motes
spent, the character may make an additional unarmed attack at his full dice pool.
The maximum number of total attacks equals (the lower of Essence or Rate + 1).

Source: Thundaka

God Among Men Meditation

Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, Transcendent Warrior 5; Type: Simple
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Fury of the Chosen, Harmony in Insight
This Charm represents the pinnacle of mortal achievement in the martial arts.
The character spends an hour in deep concentration, meditating on the image of a
perfect supernatural warrior. Focusing his Essence to fortify his muscles and bones,
he becomes that warrior. Infused with his newfound power, the martial artist is a
paragon of grace and stability whom even the warriors of the Exalted must respect.
While the Essence of the Charm remains committed, the martial artist’s Strength,
Dexterity, and Stamina increase by one. He may soak lethal damage with his full
Stamina, and heals bashing and lethal damage at the Exalted rate rather than the
mortal rate. Finally, he gains three -0 health levels. These health levels are the first
lost when damage is taken, and cannot be healed back; to regain them, the martial
artist must end the effects of the charm and then reactivate it.
Source: Thundaka

Invisible Anima Concentration

Cost: 1m, 1W, 1hl; Mins: Essence 2, Transcendent Warrior 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious, Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Transcendent Warrior Form
Using his hard-won understanding of the Essence around him, the martial artist
may draw it into his body in times of need through a sheer exertion of will. Upon
paying the price for this Charm, roll (Stamina+Martial Arts). Each success restores
three motes of Essence, which manifests as a very faint anima-like glow around the
character. This Charm has no effect in areas where the target could not naturally
recover Essence, such as the Underworld for an enlightened mortal.
At Essence 3, the martial artist may spend an additional mote to transfer the
gained Essence to an ally. He must be in physical contact with the recipient.
Source: Thundaka

Heart-Stopping Blow
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Transcendent Warrior 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Crippling, Obvious, Stackable
Duration: (Martial Arts) actions
Prerequisites: Essence Understanding Technique
Properly initiated, even a wise mortal may draw on the power of the Exalted to
stun lesser beings with their divine glory. His fingertips glowing faintly with Essence,
the martial artist strikes a few well-chosen nerve clusters on the victim’s body to
overwhelm his senses. So long as the attack does at least one die of post-soak damage,
the victim suffers a 1 internal penalty to all actions. Multiple applications stack; if the
total penalty from Heart-Stopping Blow ever exceeds the victim’s (Stamina+Essence),
he is rendered Incapacitated until the Charm’s duration ends.

Source: Thundaka

Weapon-Wresting Method
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, Transcendent Warrior 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Essence Understanding Technique
Those who rely too heavily on their weapons are weaklings who do not deserve
to wield them. The martial artist activates this Charm in response to a hand-to-hand
attack. He may apply his unarmed Parry DV even if the attack deals lethal damage.
If the parry succeeds, the martial artist may make an immediate disarm attempt,
ignoring the normal penalty and adding his Martial Arts to the disarm dice pool.
If successful, the character twists the weapon out of his opponent’s hands and seizes
control of it. (He can only do this if he is actually wielding no weapons.) Alternatively,
the martial artist can use the attack’s momentum to hurl the weapon away, throwing
it a distance of (attacker’s successes+net successes on disarm roll) yards.
Source: Thundaka

Vulture Circles the Dying

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Volant Predator 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Owl Descends in Silence, Shrike Impales Prey
The vulture chooses its prey cautiously, finding those who are near death and
waiting for their moment of weakness. Upon activating this charm, the martial artist
senses the approach of death and recognizes the presence of injuries from subtle
movements of the body. The martial artist rolls (Perception + Martial Arts) and
becomes aware of anyone within (Essence) yards who has fewer remaining health
levels, including dying health levels, than the number of successes rolled.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Volant Predator Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Volant Predator 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-Type
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Vulture Circles the Dying
The raptor in flight is beyond the assaults of predators on the ground. The
martial artists movements inspire the same sense of majesty as he cuts through a
battle with equal measures of grace and power. While this Form is active, every two
yards the martial artist moves adds one to his Dodge Defense Value for the remainder
of the Tick.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Kestrel Hovers Above

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Volant Predator 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Ok

Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Volant Predator Form
Before striking, the kestrel hovers over its prey waiting for the most appropriate
moment to strike. This Charm supplements an Aim action as long as the martial
artist remains above his chosen target. The speed of the action is doubled, but every
two ticks spent aiming provides the martial artist with one automatic success on the
subsequent attack.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Falcon Dives from Heaven

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Volant Predator 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Kestrel Hovers Above
The falcon plummets from the sky to attack its prey with surprising force. This
Charm supplements an attack from above. Instead of adding his Strength to the
base damage of his attack, the martial artist adds raw damage dice equal to half the
number of yards he has moved this Tick, overwhelming his opponent with inertia.
This may not add more dice of raw damage than (base damage of his weapon +
extra attack successes). The directness of this attack prevents the martial artist from
gaining the benefits of Volant Predator Form for this Tick.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Eagle Carries Fish

Cost: 2m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2, Volant Predator 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: Until clinch is broken
Prerequisites: Volant Predator Form
With only a single claw, the eagle may snare a fish from the water can carry
it back to its nest. This Charm augments a clinch. The martial artist must control
the clinch and may not be touching the ground or floor in order to take advantage of
this charm. The martial artist may maintain the clinch with only single appendage,
and if his (Strength + Athletics) permits him to carry this target, he may move
unencumbered. If he chooses, he may replace his Athletics rating with his Martial
Arts rating in order to determine whether he can carry his opponent.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Kite Pierces Shell

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, Volant Predator 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Eagle Carries Fish
The kite hunts for snails in the swamps and marshland of An-Teng, bypassing
their shells with its sharp beak once it has them in its talons. Likewise, the martial
artist breaks through his opponents armor. This allows the Martial artist to ignore
armor soak during a clinch, so long as Eagle Carries Fish is currently active and
neither the martial artist nor his target are touching the ground or floor.

Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Hawk Courts a Mate

Cost: 5m,1wp ; Mins: Essence 3, Volant Predator 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: (Martial Arts) Actions
Prerequisites: Falcon Dives from Heaven, Kite Pierces Shell
In courtship, hawks are known to fly in tandem, swooping and diving together,
matching movements perfectly. Upon activating this Charm, the martial artist selects
a single target. For the duration of this Charm, the distance between the martial artist
and his target will never be greater than the martial artists Dash action distance,
unless the target can move more yards in a single tick than twice the martial artists
Dash action distance. The two may circle each other or move closer, but the martial
artist will always close any extra distance the target puts between them with a sudden
burst of speed.
The unity of their movements makes the martial artist and his target particularly
vulnerable to the others attacks. For each action this Charm is active, their defense
value is decreased by one when either attacks the other. Finally, no matter how
the pair are actually arranged in relation to each other, the martial artist is always
considered above his target for the purposes of Charms of this style.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Owl Descends in Silence

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, Volant Predator 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: Instant
Whether on the wing or perched within a dark forest, the owl is not seen or
heard unless it wishes to be. This charm adds the characters Martial Arts rating to
his Stealth, so long as he is not touching the floor or the ground.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Shrike Impales Prey

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, Volant Predator 1; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Duration: Instant
The shrike is a small and unassuming bird, yet is among the most cruel preda-
tors in Creation. The martial artist emulates the vicious practices of the shrike.
Supplementing a Called Shot from above, this Charm allows the martial artist to do
piercing damage.
Source: Reminiscent Oasis

Owl Clutches at the Night

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2, White Veil 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 4)
Keywords: Combo-OK

Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Birdsong Over Blades, Alehouse Memory Stance
This Charm allows the martial artist to end his attack before it strikes. See the
full text of the Charm for details.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 62.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

White Veil Form

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2, White Veil 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Owl Clutches at the Night
When taking this form, the martial artist appears completely relaxed. While
the form is active, attacks made against the martial artist suffer from her seemingly
flippant attitude. This also helps to augment the martial artist’s attempt to re-
establish surprise. Finally, the Join Battle roll of those joining into an ongoing fight
will be decreased.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 62.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Blinded by Laughter
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2, White Veil 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: White Veil Form
This Charm augments an unexpected attack, preventing anyone from noticing
it or retailiating against it. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Scroll of
the Monk, p. 62.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

The Dragon Dies in Bed

Cost: 2m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, White Veil 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Poison
Duration: (Essence) actions
Prerequisites: White Veil Form
This Charm allows the martial artist to inflict poison upon a victim. See the
full text of the Charm for details.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 63.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

The Dragon Dies Screaming

Cost: 2m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, White Veil 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Sickness
Duration: (Essence) actions
Prerequisites: White Veil Form
This Charm allows the Martial Artist to inflict a Sickness upon a victim. See
the full text of the Charm for details.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 63.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

The Dragon Succumbs
Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3, White Veil 5; Type: Simple (Speed 6)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling
Duration: (Essence) actions
Prerequisites: Blinded by Laughter, The Dragon Dies in Bed, The Dragon Dies
This Charm prevents the victim’s body to ignore any poisons and diseases in the
system, decimating the victim’s immune system and allowing the poison or disease
to run at full effect. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Scroll of the
Monk, p. 63.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Birdsong Over Blades

Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 1, White Veil 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: (Martial Arts) actions
This Charm allows the martial artist to forgo damage done with her attacks,
although the target will still suffer wound penalties and supernatural effects as normal.
See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 61.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

Alehouse Memory Stance

Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 1, White Veil 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: (Martial Arts) actions
This Charm augments the Martial Artist’s ability to make an unexpected at-
tack. See the full text of the Charm for details.Source Scroll of the Monk, p. 61.
Source: Scroll of the Monk

The Eye Must See

Cost: 6m 1Wp; Mins: Essence 3, Wyld Sentinel 4; Type: Reflexive or Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Wyld Sentinel Form
The words of The Monster are false. This cannot be denied. This charm acts as
a perfect parry for any mental or social attack made by Fair Folk against the martial
artist. If, for any reason, the martial artist is under the effect of mental influence
of Fair Folk origin he may make a conviction roll to activate this charm as a simple
action and dispel all such effects of Fair Folk origin. If he fails on the conviction roll
he must then wait a full day before trying again and the originator of the effect will
know instinctively that something (but not what) is wrong.
Source: Foweraker

The Blow Cannot Miss

Cost: 3m 1Wp; Mins: Essence 3, Wyld Sentinel 4; Type: Suplementry

Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Wyld Sentinel Form
Creation is truth, The Monster is a lie. So then, it cannot resist Creation’s
demand. By grabbing this essential truth the Martial Artist can make an undodgeable
and unparryable perfect attack against a Shaped Fey that always hits with a threshold
of half the Martial Artist’s essence.
Source: Foweraker

The Lie Cannot Hold

Cost: 6m 1Wp; Mins: Essence 3, Wyld Sentinel 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Wyld Sentinel Form
Even the shape of The Monster is a lie. So then, its attacks cannot cause harm.
By grabbing this essential truth the Martial Artist can perfectly dodge an attack from
a Shaped Fey, even an undodgeable one. If the Martial Artist reactivates this charm
before his next action its cost is reduced to 2m
Source: Foweraker

Wyld Sentinel Form

Cost: 10m; Mins: Essence 2, Wyld Sentinel 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form Type
Duration: One day
Prerequisites: Break The Lie
By activating the form type charm of this style the Martial Artist internalises
some of the stability of creation. Unlike most Form charms this is not used for combat
but rather for travel. The Martial Artist is effected by the Wyld as if they where
one step closer to creation, with the exception of the Deep Wyld (which remains as
potent). It also adds the Martial artist’s essence to any pool to resist Wyld mutation,
regardless of source.
Source: Foweraker

Break The Lie

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2, Wyld Sentinel 3; Type: Suplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: See The Lie, Strike The Monster, Break The Monster’s Grip
Often it is not enough to be able to detect The Lies of The Monster, one must
destroy them. The charm enhances one Martial Arts attack made against a glamour.
The Glamour is considered to have soak equal to the Craft(Glamour) of the Fey who
made it. For every level of damage inflicted the duration of the Glamour is reduced
by one iteration (action/scenes/days). If the duration is reduced to 0 it is destroyed
in a flash of light. If used gainst perminent Glamours the Glamour has an effective
number of itterations equal to its creators perminent essence. Permient Glamours
that are damaged but not destroyed are repaired instantly at the end of the scene.
Source: Foweraker

See The Lie
Cost: 1+m; Mins: Essence 2, Wyld Sentinel 3; Type: Relexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: See The Monster
It is not only the Monsters that the Sentinel must contend with. This charm
reminds the user of creation and what is real to allow him to perceive the Monster’s
Lies. When confronted with a Glamour that permits glamour resistance the martial
artist can reflexively activate this charm to gain a bonus equal to the number of motes
spent, up to his martial arts score. Rather than simply seeing through glamours this
charm they are able to see the ghostly outline of the glamour, allowing them to better
deal with the results.
Source: Foweraker

Strike The Monster

Cost: 2+m (max 6m); Mins: Essence 1, Wyld Sentinel 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: Scene
One cannot destroy what one cannot strike. This charm throws the weight and
stability of the element of Earth behind a blow that causes it to seek the discordance
and falsehood of The Wyld. When he activates the charm the martial artist can
choose of one of two abilities. They can either chose to gain one dice on all attacks
against Fair Folk and Wyld Mutants per 2 motes spent. Alternatively he can specify
a single, specific Fair Folk or Wyld Mutant and gain 1 success per 2 motes spent. The
martial artists cannot have more than one instance of this charm active at any time.
Source: Foweraker

See The Monster

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 1, Wyld Sentinel 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: Scene
One cannot destroy what one cannot find. This charm uses the discordant
effect that the Fair Folk have on creation to detect them. The martial artist adds
their Martial Arts score to all attempts to detect Fair Folk, is always considered to
be actively looking for Fair Folk, and can tell if an object or person has come into
direct contact with the Fair Folk or their glamours. This final ability requires them
to spend one mote and make an (Awareness+Occult) roll. The touch of a Glamour
is distinct from that of a Fair Folk and lasts one hour. The touch of a Fair Folk lasts
a number of hours equal to the Fair Folk’s essence.
Source: Foweraker

Break The Monster’s Grip

Cost: 4m 1Wp; Mins: Essence 1, Wyld Sentinel 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: Instant

One cannot destroy what controls your mind. This charm uses the weight of
creation to wash away the influence of The Fair Folk. When he activates this charm
the martial artist places his hands on a person they believe is under mental influence
of the Fair Folk. He rolls (Charisma+Martial Arts) against the difficulty of the Fair
Folk’s essence (of that of the highest essence if more than one has affected the target).
If he succeeds the target is freed of all mental influence of Fair Folk origin (but other
damage such as drained virtues are not restored).
Source: Foweraker


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