Listening Exercise SAMUEL T 2.1 PDF

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1. Listen carefully and fill the gaps using the Present
Continuous tense.

1. David: Hi Teresa! It’s me, David. What are you going?

Teresa: Hi David I´m listening to music. What about you?
David: I´m playing videogames.

2. Julia: Hey James, what’s up? Do you want to go to the

beach with me?
James: Hi Julia, sorry I can’t. I´m going to the shopping
center with my mum.
Julia: Oh… okay, no problem! Maybe some other day.
Have fun!
Ingrid and her friends are talking about their hobbies:
3. Ingrid: I love playing the guitar and the piano. What
about you Neil, What’s your favorite hobby?
Neil: Oh, I love surfing the net and you Jenny, what do
you like doing in your free time?
Jenny: I enjoy spending with my family.

4. Ingrid: Hi Mike, let’s go and play tennis with Jessy and

Mike: Tennis? No, thanks. I don’t like playing tennis, I
prefer soccer baseball and Basketball. Basketball is my
favorite sport.
Ingrid: Oh, what a pity! See you later then.
Mike: See you, bye.

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