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Bull Jumping Ceremony

Posted by cynthiafaymanFebruary 10, 2013

The Bar-Mitzvah of the Hamer Tribe – The coming of a man.


Bull Jumping is a tradition that has been practiced by the Hamers’ for many 10’s of thousands of
years and still continues to be carried out to this day. The ceremony depends on the involvement
of the community as a whole. The women of the tribe dance & blow their brass horns while the
men whip the women as they scream in demand.


They gather the 7-10 bulls at sunset, line them up in a row and the ‘bull jumper’ is to run across
their backs 4 times. If he falls through the row of bulls he is to start again until he completes the
running 4 times without falling. The significance of the 4 times represents the number of teats on a
cow. I asked what would happen if the boy jumping was injured or permanently disabled in any
way. They told me that if this was the case they would place one man between each of the bulls
and help him over each animal until the jumping has been completed.

The sounds of the horns & jingling of the bells on their caves was awakening. Their initial song
and dance was the calling of the bulls. It went for about 3 hours.


Every so often, the women would approach the men and call on them with their horns to whip
them. Such focus these brave women would show as the men accepted their wishes and would
unleash a thrashing blow on their bare buttered backs. The sound was horrific and quite
traumatising. I felt rather ill.


A few girls couldn’t have been over the age of 10 asking to be whipped. The men rightfully
refused their wishes however it has been found that the men sometimes follow through on the
odd occasion.


In all honesty, it was incredibly difficult to watch. I have always believed in keeping tradition
alive. But this was hard to justify. The women did ask to be whipped a number of times. They
believe in the strength & beauty behind the pain & scarification.

I suppose it’s ‘ok’ as the whipping is never done against her will. In fact, the women will fight
over who will essentially be whipped first. Who can endure the most pain? Who will be a strong
enough bride for her warrior?


The local brew is potent. It tastes like mentholated spirits and sand. The texture is grainy and
looks like a clag glue when poured into pots to be shared around. In the photo above I sit with a
man as he mixes the drinks.The ostrich feather represents the fact that he is an uncle of the tripe.


One child was extremely frightened. When he saw the lashings and open wounds on his mother’s
back, he began to cry hysterically. The mother ran immediately to console him. She picked the
child up and reassured him that everything was ok and not to cry, bouncing him around from side
to side. She giggled at his innocent show of emotion with her friends and once he had calmed, she
handed him to a grandmother sitting on the side who was fortunately not participating in the
brutal custom.


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The boy was deep in concentration. The bulls were pulled into line and the jumping began. It is
customary for him to be completely naked and to show strength and confidence during his jump.
He put on an excellent show and finally gave a smile of relief when it was complete.

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The celebration goes all though the night. Unfortunately the travellers are not allowed to attend
the after party. The men & women apparently get a little rowdy and it becomes relatively unsafe
into the later hours of the night.


What an experience..

Posted in: African Rituals, My JournalPermalink8 Comments

8 thoughts on “Bull Jumping Ceremony”

1. Kruppy says:
February 10, 2013 at 11:16 am
Wow. Don’t understand why the women get whipped though? Isn’t the ceremony about the
boy becoming a man and jumping over the bulls?

cynthiafayman says:
February 10, 2013 at 7:35 pm
Scarification is practised regularly among many African tribes. It is a symbol of beauty,
strength & devotion to the tribe’s men. The women play a part almost as much as the men
do in this ceremony. The men were assessing the wounds on the women’s backs. It seemed
as if they were comparing the damage – determining who was able to endure the most
pain. Once the men have jumped, they are officially considered eligible bachelors and may
marry whomever they please. I assume that maybe the tradition of whipping is done to
impress the ‘jumpers’ – the soon to be bachelors?

2. Heddie Goldberg says:
February 10, 2013 at 1:26 pm
how abslutely amazing. these are experiences you will never forget. xxx

cynthiafayman says:
February 10, 2013 at 7:36 pm
Will definitely never forget this one..

3. Heddie Goldberg says:
February 10, 2013 at 1:26 pm
and what sensational photos.

4. mazz says:
February 10, 2013 at 8:14 pm
oh Sus,what an incredible experience. Your photos are amazing & descriptions quite graphic.It
makes me feel squeamish.. How wonderful to be able to part of these rites of passage. xxx

5. kp Attman says:
January 14, 2014 at 1:46 pm
Amazing photos and insight into a strange custom.

6. Annette Allen says:
March 3, 2014 at 8:05 pm
Cynthia, amazing photos and words! The ancient Cretans had a similar ceremony, in which
men AND women participated as equals. I was shocked that the women insisted on being
whipped. Female courage is NOT, absolutely NOT about masochism, but I respect that only
they can seek to change this tradition.

I did share your blog and images on a website called,

as one of the contributors had posted some facts behind the myth of Ariadne and the Minotaur.

(I lived in Ethiopia in the 1960’s and wrote a book recently about my former classmates: “An
Ethiopian Odyssey,” to raise funds for water projects there. Website below.)


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