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Co-ordinating conjunctions are joining words that link sentences and parts of speech together.

There are mainly seven conjuncts, but the list is not limited to these only:

But, And, Neither (this) nor (that), Both (this) and (that), Or, Not only (this) but also (that), Either

(this) or (that).

The easiest way to remember the list of conjunctions is by forming a word or phrase using the

initials of conjuncts, such as, Ban-bone.

An extending list of linking words (conjuncts) should be considered in order to conclusively

account for conjunctions:

Besides, however, nevertheless, otherwise, so, therefore, yet, still, though. (Mnemonic: )


Category: Preposition / Meaning: ‘In addition to’ / Position: _ noun, pronoun or gerund.

Example: Besides swimming, she practices horse riding.

Cat: Adverb. / Meaning: ‘in addition’ / POS: _, clause (more common). Or, clause _ (less common).

Example: The tank can’t be filled up. Besides, it has been drilled!


Cat: Adverb (of degree) / Meaning: Regardless of the degree of / POS: _ adjectives or adverbs.

Example: You won’t be able to possess anything indefinitely, however hard you try.

Cat: Conjunction / Meaning: But / POS: _ clause. Or, clause. Or, the first word or phrase _.

Example: I will invite Anna. However, I suspect that she’ll accept it.


Cat: Adverb / Meaning: differently / POS: _ verb.

Example: Modestly drinking water is tremendously helpful. Consuming it otherwise can lead to

health complications.

Cat: Conjunction / Meaning: If not; Or else.

Example: All candidates must fill out participation formula before hand. Or else, they’ll be dismissed.


Cat: Adverb (of degree) / Meaning: very much / POS: _ its adjective, or adverb.
Example: She was so angry (furious) that she abruptly threw the vase against the wall.

Cat: Conjunction / Meaning: therefore / POS: _ its clause.

Example: We ran out of time, so we had to call in the closest taxi.


Cat: Conjunction / Meaning: as a result (so) / POS: _ clause; the first word in the clause _; Or, main

verb _.

Example: The weather was getting quite disruptive. Therefore, the match had to be postponed.

Still & Yet

Cat: Adverbs (of time) / Meaning: continually (still); up until now (yet) / POS: phrase, or auxiliary _;

clause _.

Example: The car is still making a noise! It must not have been completely repaired yet.


Cat: Conjunction / Meaning: admitting that; nevertheless / POS: _ its clause.

Example: Queen Elizabeth is incredibly old; still, she continues to look after her kingdom with ample care.


Cat: Conjunction / Meaning: in spite of that; nevertheless / POS: _ clause.

Example: No one can live in two houses at once, yet a lot of the so called rich people buy more than one




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