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Write about any three types of slide shows in


Ans: The three types of slide shows in MS POWER

POINT are given as following:

1) THE STAGE SHOW:A live, stand up presentation

where you introduce an audience to a new idea for
the first time
 Big, stage-setting images (a place, a product, a
 Highly simplified data charts with just one, really
one, message
 Place holder slides (either empty or with a few
Note the charts that are absent in this
overview:  generic bullet point lists (you knew that
already), but also pointless images with visual
concepts that can be explained better verbally (no
need for the squished tomato to stay that things are
tough). Big agenda slides and presentation
structure slides might put your audience to sleep
early on. If the audience has to be reminded via
tracker pages where they are in the story all the
time, your story is probably not clear enough.
2)COLD CALL:Usually an email attachment or a
link to a web site that needs to grab the attention of
the recipient who is not neccessarily interested in
your idea. The slides will typically be the same as
the ones that are used for a stage show, but with a
crucial modification: there needs to be a clearly
written explanation because you are not present to
tell the story behind the slides.
We need to encourage the next page down click, so
including big, dense, boring, text slides early on in
your document ("we need to say everything on the
first 3 pages!") is likely to encourage your audience
to abandon ship early.
Note that I suggest creating slides with
"subtitles", small boxes with point 12 text that
explain the slide's idea in full, long sentences.
I have not seen many (if any) of those around.
That is the reason that SlideMagic ships with
an explanation panel that can easily be
switched on or of. 
3)DECISION DOCUMENT:This is a document that
contains a plan, a budget, a strategy, etc. that needs
to be agreed upon among a number of people.
Multiple versions of the document get sent around.
The document might be presented in a number of
meetings, but the audience has seen the material
before. The presentation is more about discussing
changes and getting people to agree.
Typical slides are dense tables, diagrams, Gantt
charts, and data charts. Data charts could highlight
multiple messages and trends. They are clear, but
require a bit of time to understand. Over time, the
audience group acquires a common language,
where cryptical names for scenarios or strategies
("green field", "organic", "frontal attack") become
meaningful abbreviations for complex ideas.
Note that including powerful/stunning/amazing
visuals does not add much to an audience who more
or less understands what you are talking about and
is worried with deciding how much budget to
allocate for marketing next year.
2. Four transition effects in MS POWER POINT.
Ans: The four transition effects in MS POWER POINT
are given as:
a) Entrance animations are used to introduce a slide
object within a slide. If a slide was a room, and you
were a slide object. Then an entrance animation will
be akin to you entering the room.
b)Emphasis: These animations are used to animate
slide objects that are already present on a slide.
Using the same analogy as we used for Entrance
animations, you would already be in the room, and
would move from one area in the room to another --
this would be akin to an Emphasis animation.
c)Exit: These animations are used to animate slide
objects off a slide. So, if you were a slide object in a
room (slide), then you walking out of the room would
be akin to an Exit animation.
d)Motion Path: These animations are similar to
Emphasis animations since they are typically used
to move slide objects already on a slide. They are
different from other animations though since motion
path animations cause movement set on a path. This
path could be a circle, a line, or anything else.

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