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Internship Project Proposal

Name/ID # Regina Mitchell Date: 07/06/2023

Assignment/Semester Baylor in Brazil Summer II 2023

As you develop your project proposal, answer these questions including how the agency will
benefit from the project and succinctly state how you will grow professionally from completing
the proposed project. Turn this proposal into your University Coordinator at or before the
completion of one-third of your internship hours.

Why: To experience cultural emersion in Brazilian communities will equip us with the
experience and knowledge to better provide for different communities regarding public health
issues. Additionally, provide Brazilian schools and churches with information on how to live a
healthier lifestyle.

What: To spread awareness about the importance of environmental health. Specifically,

explaining what a watershed is, point source water pollution, non-source point pollution, plastic,
medicines, nitrogen, and phosphorus impacts the environment. 

How: I will help develop the scripts and outlines for the EnviroScape and WET Incredible
Journey activity. Additionally, prepare materials for the activities so they are ready to be used in
the school and churches. The Baylor in Brazil program will benefit from this project because it
will have further outreach to help the Brazilian community improve their health. As a result, the
community can have positive feedback on the completed environmental health lesson and wish
for the Baylor in Brazil team to return. Baylor University will also benefit from its project by
increasing the sufficiency of one of the study abroad programs. Lastly, I will grow from this
experience by helping provide communities in need with the resources they may need access to.

When: Summer II 2023 Session. July 5th- August 3rd

Where: Vitoria, Anchieta, and Rio Brazil 

Which Areas of Responsibility will you be meeting? Throughout my internship, I will take on
multiple roles depending on the program's needs. This includes leadership and non-leadership

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