Day 1 Homework

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My Story Of Money

Remember all of your first impressions about money, your first experiences, all the conversation
that your parents had about money, and any of the conflicts that came up. What is the story that
got implanted in your mind about money? Write for 10-15 minutes.

There is not enough money. Working and making money is stressful and can cause severe
stress and illness. Money does not grow on trees. If I have money, I must have to take it from
someone. There are winners and losers. In order for me to win, someone has to lose.

Rich people are bad. It is easier for a rich man to go through the eye of a needle than to get
into the kingdom of heaven. Money is dirty. It is something you don’t talk about.

Mom hid her spending from Dad. When Dad found out there was anger and yelling. Spending
money is shameful. I need to hoard what I have. It is better to be a saver than a spender.


Reflect on your story and notice how it is your “magic glasses”. How is your current situation
around money, wealth, finance, and debt related to your “story” of money that you got when you
were younger? Write down 10 ways that you can see how your experience right now is
connected to your story of money.

1. Working really hard leads to stress which leads to illness so I need to limit how much I
2. Money should be saved, not spent. It has been hard for me to spend money.
3. If I become rich it means I am a bad person.
4. There is a finite amount of money in the world. I should not take more than my share.
5. People won’t like me if I become very wealthy.
6. Money should not be talked about.
7. I need to save everything I have and hold on to it, like a little kid sitting on top of an
anthill of money.
8. Money and how it is spent leads to fighting.
9. Having nice things means I am flaunting my wealth.
10. If I want to win at the money game, someone else has to loose.

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