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Project title: construction of a hospital for sickle cell patients in Jinja

(Eastern Uganda)

Executive summary

Problem statement: Sickle cell disease (SCD) is associated with high mortality for children
under 5 years of age in Uganda and sub-Saharan Africa. Within Uganda the disease burden
is more in Eastern Uganda accounting for ……...% of the total number of registered cases in
Uganda. Majority of the rural population with the disease in Eastern Uganda is poor and also
depend on government health structures for remedies. In Uganda the treatment structures for
Sickle cell Disease haven’t been given much attention yet the disease is on an increase and
claiming a lot of lives, most of the government treatment facilities for sickle cell disease are
located at reginal referrals and only one main treatment centre at Mulago National referral
hospital. The existing treatment structure in eastern Uganda cannot meet demands being
made on an already underfunded and understaffed public health system to meet both the core
Quality clinical care and psychosocial support needed by sickle cell patients. Although, there
has been improvement in the private sector health system, but unfortunately, they are meant
to serve the rich only, so build a sickle cell medical centre which can be accessed by every
patient will help improve the quality of health for these patients.
Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a major health burden in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), affecting
250000 annual births in more than 40 countries (by………). Under 5 (U5) mortality from
SCD is estimated at 75% in SSA and ….% in Uganda, accounting for up to 1 in 6 U5 deaths
annually. Many children affected by SCD die prior to diagnosis. Reducing the toll of SCD
is a World Health Organization priority and is estimated to enable saving of up to 9 million
lives globally, 85% in SSA.4. looking at the above statistics the most affected population is
the rural areas. The rural poor have been more marginalized than the urban poor in our
country. They are deprived from quality health care for sickle cell condition. Especially
public facilities are now distributed according to political party. So the other group is always
remain empty. Although they also can play the important role to our development. The direct
contribution of health to human capital formation and socio-economic development is
unquestionable and well recognized. So modern hospital in local town is essential for rural
people. Moreover, Unhealthy people are usually poor because they cannot work to earn a
living. They are usually malnourished and susceptible to diseases and therefore unable to
work either in the fields in rural areas or work in factories in the cities, and are therefore
unable to obtain food, shelter, and clothing. Thus, they become poor, and because they are
poor and they cannot obtain adequate healthcare and become unhealthy and sick and
eventually they become poorer. That is why such type of project has been taken.

Project justification:

Problem statement: The poor people of our country are neither capable of bearing their
health expenditure nor conscious of health, nutrition, and sanitation. Pervading poverty is,
therefore, a major challenge for ensuring health care for the growing number of population.
Almost of our rural population do not get healthy medical service. They deprived of whether
money or political problems that is why they remains sick over the yea rs.
Priority needs: Uganda being a third world country with a big population, it faces a hung
burden of diseases such Malaria, Enteric fever, Diabetes, Hypertension, Stroke, Chronic
respiratory diseases, HIV, Measles and TB among others yet it has a small public health
budget. So due to this some serious hereditary diseases like Sickle cell disease have not
enough attention as they require, constructing a special facility for this group of people will
help to address their health problems in the rural setting. has been realized and to improve the
health condition of those diseases affected people.

Proposed approach:

Hospital will have a special department for treatment & psychosocial support of the SCD
patients so as to get good and easy service which they need.

Project Sustainability.

For sustainability of the project the hospital will be offering other medical care services to the
general population so as the user fees generated from those services is allocated to the Sickle
cell department to enable the SCD patients access quality health services at a very subsided

Implementing organization:

The project will be implemented as an annex of Mercy life clinic Bweyogerere. This is very
renowned medical facility which has a vast experience in running medical facilities.

Mercy life clinic started its journey in …... The facility has already registered several
achievement such as ……..,so under the management of mercy life clinic we believe that the
project under discussion will be a success.
Project Objective:

This project has general objective; To improve the quality of life for people with Sickle cell
disease in rural settings through accessing quality and affordable subsided health services
they need.
The project specific objectives;
i) Provide neonatal screening for targeted population so as to reduce the deaths of
under 5 through early detection.
ii) ii) Provide curative medical care to the different opportunistic infections that
affect SCD patients.
iii) Provide psychosocial support to patients with sickle cell disease.
iv) Promote highly-advanced medical treatment (transplantation medicine, etc.).
v) Do community education of the importance of partner screening for hereditary
diseases so as to reduce on the community propagation of the sickle cell disease.

Target group:

The primary target group of this project is rural people of eastern Uganda with SCD and any
patient affected with the SCD in Uganda who can access the facility. And beside the facility
will be offering other health services to the general population within Busoga region.

Why Eastern Uganda? Reports from ministry of health …..Eastern Uganda has the highest
reported birth prevalence of SCD.13 An estimated 20 000 children with SCD are born there
each year, constituting 1% to 2% of the 1.5 million annual births and approximately 10% to
15% of all U5 deaths.

Project planning & Accountability;

The project implementing partners will from time to time be availed with Quarterly
accountability and Annual budget for the project to ensure transparency and value for
Project budget

Budget is a central concern of any project.

The estimate expenditure of this project

Activities/resource quantity Unit cost (UGX) Total cost (UGX)

Land acquisition 1 acre 100,000,000 100,000,000

Construction Facility structures

With…..bed capacity.
Patient Beds
Medical Equipment for
Laboratory and radiology
Medical accessories

Monitoring and evaluation:

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