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Assignment A

Text 2 – Upper intermediate

✔ This part of the assignment focuses on stages 3 and 4 of an upper-intermediate reading lesson.

✔ You should show what tasks you would set for the first and second reading.

✔ Read 'Advice on Approaching Assignment A' before you begin working on this template.

✔ Class: A strong upper intermediate (B2) class of 16 young adults, age range 18-23.

These students are highly motivated, well-educated and quick to learn. They are all learning English either to improve their job prospects or because they are hoping to study at university in an English-speaking country.

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They will then discuss this in whole-class feedback. The teacher notes main points, and especially any differences of opinion on the board.

✔ In the vocabulary pre-teaching stage, you will pre-teach these items. Some of these items should already be familiar, and some can be checked with only pictures, so 15 items will not overload this class.

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