DescribingPersonality 2

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matrix intermediate They aren’t used to living alone.

13 Jim is really ________________. He never

UNIT 2 goes on holiday. He even works on Sundays.

14 My Mum isn’t a very ________________
DESCRIBING PEOPLE person. She hardly ever smiles.
15 Is she ________________? I don’t think so.
She never notices other people’s feelings.
1 Find a suitable
adjective. ____ / 15
1 easily hurt or damaged ________________
2 always in good spirit ________________ 3 Make nouns from the adjectives using the
3 changing mood ________________ suffixes: –N, –ISM, – NESS and - ITY.
4 showing no patience ________________ 1 shy
5 unwilling to work ________________ ________________
6 working a lot and hard ________________ 2 optimistic
7 free in giving ________________ ________________
8 careless ________________ 3 reliable
9 seeing only positive sides ________________ ________________
10 someone who likes mess ________________ 4 ambitious
11 bashful ________________ ________________
12 timid ________________ 5 lazy
13 trustful ________________ ________________
14 someone who likes talking ________________ 6 pessimistic
15 someone who likes company ________________ ________________
16 willing to reach the top ________________ 7 generous
____ / 16 8 tidy
2 Insert a suitable adjective. ________________
1 I hate being ________________, but I just 9 moody
can’t clean my room every day. ________________
2 The opposite of pessimistic is ______________. 10 sensitive
3 Mary is a very ________________ person. She ________________
talks and talks if you are willing to listen to her.
4 People who are ________________ enough, ____ / 10
get a high position at their work places.
5 I become very ________________ if I have to 4 Complete the sentences using words from
wait in a queue. exercise 3.
6 She’s so ________________ that she always 1 Karen’s really ________________. You never
blushes when she has to talk to someone. know if she’s going to be cheerful or bad-
7 I could say I’m quite ________________ I tempered.
don’t like expressing my feelings or ideas to 2 My best friend suffered from terrible
other people. ________________ at school. She went red
8 I never get a good mark at school. I’m too every time somebody spoke to her.
________________ to learn hard. 3 I’, surprised she was late for the meeting. She’s
9 Some ________________ people contributed a normally so ________________.
large sum of money for our school party. 4 He doesn’t show much ________________. I
10 My sister is often ________________. You think he’s more interested in having a good
never know when she has a good or bad day. time than getting a better job.
11 He doesn’t care much about his work or career. 5 I tried to apologize to Anna after the argument,
He even pays no attention to his personal life. but I’m not ________________ that we’ll ever
He’s fat too ________________ for that. be best friends again.
12 Humans are ________________ living beings. 6 Look at the fabulous present Hiro gave me. I
can’t believe his ________________! 18 ‘The train leaves at eight o’clock.’ ‘Are you sure
7 Are you sure you want to share a flat with _______ that?
Nicole? You’re so messy, but she’s famous for 19 When you leave home, you’re responsible
her ________________. _______ everything!
8 Get up off that sofa and help me with the
20 I’m fed up _______ this weather! Where’s the
preparations for your party! Your
sunshine gone?
________________ is really beginning to
____ / 20
annoy me.
____ /8
6 Use these prepositions to complete gaps 1-
5 Complete the sentences with a
• ON • TO
FOR – AT – ABOUT – WITH – TO – IN – OF –
Hello, my name’s Sarah. I’m an archeologist’s
assistant and I’ve been working _____ a Roman
1 Thailand is famous _______ its temples and 2
fort _____ two weeks. I’ve always been interested
beaches. 3
_____ archeology, so when I saw the job
2 ‘I’m very angry _______ you.’ ‘Why? What 4
advertisement _____ the newspaper I applied
have I done?’
immediately. I was lucky. Although I had no
3 Are you good _______ maths? I’m hopeless. 5 6
experience _____ working _____ an
4 Jenny’s getting married _______ Matt. Did you
archeologist, I was offered the job. So now I spend
know? 7 8
most _____ the day surrounded _____ dust and
5 My sister’s very different _______ me. I’m
dirt! But it’s worth it. Why do I like my job? Well, it
blonde but she’s brunette. 9 10
brings the past _____ life. Everything we find,
6 I haven’t heard from my brother _______ 11
_____ the smallest cup to a piece of _____
ages. I’m a bit worried _______ him. 12
jewellery, tells us something _____ how our
7 I’m tired _______ painting this wall. I need a
ancestors lived. it’s fascinating!
____ / 12
8 I feel very sorry _______ Jenny. She’s had a
lot of bas luck recently.
7 Fill in the gaps with a suitable preposition:
9 Teenagers are often rude _______ their
1 Are you interested ____ modern history?
2 Albert got married ____ Simone ____ August
10 You passed your exams! I’m so proud _______
3 My sister isn’t afraid ____ dogs, she loves
11 Some children like to keep a light on at night
because they’re afraid _______ the dark.
4 Look ____ that picture! What a wonderful
12 Many dentists say that chewing sugar free gum
is good _______your teeth.
5 Alex often listens ____ music ____ weekends.
13 Bill is good-looking, witty and charming. I’m
6 – Shall we go fishing?
very jealous _______ him!
– Well... It depends ____ the weather.
14 ‘I told her I thought she was stupid.’ ‘That
7 This notebook belongs ____ George.
wasn’t very kind _______ you.’
8 – Why is she laughing ____ me?
15 Are you interested _______ going to the
– Because your sweater is similar ____ mine,
cinema tonight? There’s a good film on.
can’t you see, Harry?
16 His email was full _______ spelling mistakes.
9 Last night I was ____ the concert. I really
He should be more careful when he types.
enjoyed it.
17 ‘What are you so excited _______?’ ‘We’re
10 We are to look ______ our planet because it is
going on holiday tomorrow!’
______ danger.
11 I think I’ll have to take some aspirin. I suffer
____ a headache. And will you turn ____ the
music, please?
____ / 16

II. 1. in; 2. to, in; 3. of; 4. at; 5. to, at; 6. on; 7.

to; 8. at, to; 9. at; 10. after, in; 11. from, off/down

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