Data Entry App - The Basics - 2.2 Data Entry App (50 Mins) - GEN-D002-en Courseware - DHIS2 Online Academy

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6/23/23, 2:50 AM Data Entry app: The basics | 2.

basics | 2.2 Data Entry app (50 mins) | GEN-D002-en Courseware | DHIS2 Online Academy

GEN-D002-en Aggregate Data Capture and Validation Fundamentals

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Course  Module 2  2.2 Data E  Data En…

Data Entry app: The basics

One of the key features of DHIS2 is data collection. Getting data into DHIS2 is a
critical step toward being able to use it for data analysis and decision making. But
how can you enter data into a DHIS2 system? In this video, you’ll look at the basics
of Data Entry in DHIS2. You’ll start by identifying how to access the Data Entry app
then you’ll set up the app to allow you to enter data into a specific data set. Click the
play button below to start.

Data Entry app - The basics

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6/23/23, 2:50 AM Data Entry app: The basics | 2.2 Data Entry app (50 mins) | GEN-D002-en Courseware | DHIS2 Online Academy

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Activity - Data Entry app: The basics

   DHIS2 Entry     DHIS2 Documentation 
  Printable version 
Please use the log in details we have provided in the section 2.1 How to access DHIS2
Trainingland instances  .

In this exercise, you will enter aggregate data in DHIS2 using the Data Entry app.

Instructions… 2/8
6/23/23, 2:50 AM Data Entry app: The basics | 2.2 Data Entry app (50 mins) | GEN-D002-en Courseware | DHIS2 Online Academy

you can select the

the organization unit,
dataset and period
to open a data entry
You'll need to select
the dimensions in a
specific order.
First, select the
organization unit
that you are entering
data for.
Image 1 - A loaded data set ready to enter data into This is done in the
organization unit
How to load a data set:
on the left-hand side.
1. Sign in to DHIS2 Trainingland using the followingBy
URL: and the
clicking theplus
credentials you used when creating your account icon,
you can expand the
2. Open the Data Entry app from the Apps Menu hierarchy levels
3. In the green dimension box, select your Dimensions:
to find the
organization unit
Select the Organisation Unit from the Organisation Unit Tree on the
where you would like
right by either using the text search field or expanding the hierarchy.
to enter data.
Select the facility level Organisation Unit in Food Region (e.g.
Then click on the
Brownie Dispensary or Spaghetti Health Centre)organization unit to
Select the Data Set EPI - Immunisation from the it.
dropdown menu
You can also use the
Select a Period of your choice search icon
above the hierarchy to
Enter data and navigate a data set: search
for enter
1. Click on the first field BCG doses given, < 1 year and a particular
“2000” (two
thousand) as the data value. After typing the data organization
value in theunit.
field,… 3/8
6/23/23, 2:50 AM Data Entry app: The basics | 2.2 Data Entry app (50 mins) | GEN-D002-en Courseware | DHIS2 Online Academy

press Tab or Enter on your keyboard Simply start typing

the name of the
What error message occurs? What color is the field?
organization unit
2. Since the data value is outside the predetermined in the search
range forbox,
then click to select
element, the field turned orange. Update the datathe
to a value inside
the predetermined range
that you are looking
for. will turn green
3. Now that a valid data value has been entered, the field
(indicating a valid value was entered and saved) and theannext
When available
field will be automatically selected unit has been
4. In the next field, enter a character such as the at sign (@) or
its name willanturn
(*) orange in the
What error message occurs? What color is the field?
and it will also
5. Since the data value entered was invalid, the field turned
the Now
enter a zero or positive integer as the data value inorganization
the field (ifunit
the field
number you entered is outside the predetermined inrange, simply update
the green
the data value to value inside the range). Now thatdimension
a valid databox.value has
been entered, the field will turn green (indicating aThe next
valid dimension
value was to
entered and saved) and the next available field willselect is the dataset.
be automatically
selected The datasets available
to you
6. Practice entering data and navigating through theatdata set using
the organization
various navigation keys: use the Tab button to move
youthe next data
field or Shift + Tab to move backwards. You can also
willuse theinuptheand
down arrow keys dropdown list.
7. Notice you are unable to enter data in the gray fields eachdata
because dataset
is typically related
entry for those fields has been disabled and locked
to specific services,
8. If you are working in a long data entry form or onlythe
needlist to
of enter data for
a particular section, you can quickly navigate to the sectionatusing
available each the
Filter on Section feature in the green dimension box at the top
organization unitof the
data set. Use this feature to filter for the Adverse Events
will change Following
Immunisation section of the form depending on the… 4/8
6/23/23, 2:50 AM Data Entry app: The basics | 2.2 Data Entry app (50 mins) | GEN-D002-en Courseware | DHIS2 Online Academy

How does the data entry form change? kinds

of services provided
9. Return to the Filter on Section feature and select ‘Show there,
all sections’
as well as which
How many sections are in this form? datasets you have
access to
Explore DHIS2
based on your user
If you’d like additional practice in DHIS2, try these optional, exploratory steps below:
For this example,
1. Choose another data set, facility level organisationselect EPI period of
unit and
your choice Immunization.
Next, select the
2. Practice entering some data and using the keyboard functions
period to like
you would
navigate through the data set to enter data for.
Did you encounter any other data elements withThe dataset you
ranges? predetermines
Do you see any gray fields that have been disabled and locked?
the period type
3. Can you find a data set that has 4 or more sections?
based on how
frequently data for
that form are
Knowledge Check collected.
The immunization
dataset is collected
Question 1 1 point possible (ungraded)
so you need to select
the particular month
When entering data in DHIS2, a gray box means you'll be entering data
(select the one correct answer) You can use the
Previous and Next
The data field is locked and no data can be entered Year buttons
to move through
The data needs to be validated
different years if
needed.… 5/8
6/23/23, 2:50 AM Data Entry app: The basics | 2.2 Data Entry app (50 mins) | GEN-D002-en Courseware | DHIS2 Online Academy

Data needs to be entered before the data entered can be saved

Let's select a month
to enter data.
Since our form
contains multiple
Submit we can also see an
additional dropdown
at the top of the form,
filter on section.
Question 2 This can be used to
quickly go to a
0 points possible (ungraded) particular section
 Keyboard Help
of the form to enter
In which order should you set up the dimensions to begin entering
data. data in the Data
Entry app? Drag the items above and drop them in the correct order
If you below:
want to select a
different section,
Period Data Set Organisation unit or see the entire form
simply return to the
filter on section
and update your
The different types of
forms will be covered

Reset in more detail in the
customization course.
Feedback Once the dataset is
 Drag the items above and drop them in the correct orderyou can start entering
To enter a data value,
you simply need
Question 3 1 point possible (ungraded)… 6/8
6/23/23, 2:50 AM Data Entry app: The basics | 2.2 Data Entry app (50 mins) | GEN-D002-en Courseware | DHIS2 Online Academy

to select the field and

Data values are saved automatically in DHIS2 the form
as you enter them, so there’s no need
where to click
you want
enter data
to a
save button. and then enter the
(select the one correct answer)
You can click each
True field with your cursor
to enter data
False or you can switch
between the fields
by using the up and
down arrow keys or
the Tab key.
Submit Pressing Tab will
move the cursor to
the next field
and pressing Shift +
Tab will move the
Question 4 cursor back
0 points possible (ungraded) to the previous field.
 Keyboard Help A gray box means that
the data entry
When entering data in DHIS2, the color of the fields change depending on the status
of the value. Drag the definitions to the correct colored boxeshas been disabled for
this field.
So it is locked and
The system is in process can't be changed.
The value has been of saving the value or The field is locked and
saved you have entered an You
data willisnotice
entry that
invalid data value you cannot click on
these gray fields.
The value is outside a
predetermined range And if you are using
Tab, or the arrow keys
to navigate the form,
your cursor will
automatically skip… 7/8
6/23/23, 2:50 AM Data Entry app: The basics | 2.2 Data Entry app (50 mins) | GEN-D002-en Courseware | DHIS2 Online Academy

over them
to the next available
When you enter data
into a field,
the field should turn
This means that the
data value has been

Reset Data values are saved
automatically in
as you enter them.
© All Rights Reserved So there's no need to
click a Save button
and you aren't at risk
of losing any of your
If the field is yellow,
that means the
© 2022 HISP Centre, University of Oslo.
is in the process of
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saving the value
but it isn't saved yet.
Powered by:
In most cases, this will
only last for a
If you enter
edX, Open edX and the edX and Open edX logos are trademarks or registered trademarks an invalid
of edX Inc.

such as text instead
of a number in a
numeric value cell,
the system will
display a message… 8/8

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