A Tomorrow 2

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Ashton whiteman

Miss Bell

Eng. 12

Jan. 22, 2022

Will there be a tomorrow

Is covid ever going to come to an end? Eventually, but it’s going to come at a cost, and

Shane Koyczan tells you all about it in “A tomorrow”. This poem is very eye-opening to the fresh

ear as Koyczan has a very good way of putting a message out to the world from many cultures

and parts of societies. He shows this by the festivals and activities he has portrayed in the “ a

tomorrow” video. Koyczan is telling us that covid is going to come to an end but it’s going to take

some time, this time that we have to take could take years could take months. It's a process that

we’re all going to have to follow if we ever want Covid to stop. When koyczan says “there will be

a tomorrow when today finally ends” I think he’s talking about how there can’t be a better

tomorrow if nobody fixes the people we are in the present day.

The message in “a tomorrow” is that there’s still hope for everything that our society

stands for. It’s not going to happen overnight but as time goes on and when people realize

some of the things they do and surround themselves are making them horrible people and

taking the rest of us down with them. People that choose not to wear masks are making it worse

for themselves by not protecting their families and friends. We are just going to have to hold on

to that hope. Everyone wants the same thing but they choose the wrong way they want to get

that thing back. Being able to travel for work and see family after the years following the rules

now and that could happen again. Koyczan is just trying to show everyone that the world would

be so much better if people just follow the rules and do as they are told, such as wearing a

mask. Even if you’re vaccinated doesn’t mean these rules don’t apply to you, a mask should be
worn at all times when in public. If you don’t want to wear a mask don’t go out in public then.

“Doesn’t matter what you believe, we can’t stop caring about each other now” koyczan is

saying, even if you don’t believe in this whole covid virus try and care for the others that do and

help them to make it safe for everyone by wearing masks. “Masks aren’t comfortable,” they say

“they don’t even work”, yes they do work, that’s what they are made for, to stop Bacteria from

getting in your system, wear a mask they save lives.

People try to believe that once they get covid they can never get it again, so they stop

wearing masks and stop taking the precautions they did before they had it, that’s false. Covid

can infect you more than once. Koyczan says “ our history is a footprint left in the dirt to remind

us of the missteps we’ve made” means that, when you’re in a tough situation take a look back at

that problem and how the “rain” washed it away and fix that problem the ways you have before

just build around it. There is always a good side to the bad things, you just have to find it. Every

problem can be solved, this problem can be solved too, covid is going to stop eventually

koyczan believes that once we change the world will start to fall back into its “normal” state.

Normal, what is normal, the world can’t go back to normal. We have to change the normal and

the way we operate our actions, which is going to take more than a lifetime to achieve.

“A tomorrow” serves not only as a testament to the human spirit and its inherent

instinctual nature to survive but also highlights the qualities that humans possess that make

them superior to other species. Koyczan strongly asserts that in times of crises such as the

present COVID-19 era, we must not lose sight of what is important. While it is true that human

nature has an admirable to survive against all odds, we must not lose sight of nor be indifferent

towards people. Surviving the pandemic would mean absolutely nothing if the human spirit fails

to maintain a strong bond with family members and friends. More importantly, the poet

recognizes the collective contribution of members of the society who perform wholesome and

meaningful tasks such as the gardener who adds beauty to the suburban environment as well

as the garbage men who keep our streets clean and free from disease. In other words, the
sustenance of peace and the natural order of the human world depends on a delicate balance

where members of society both perform meaningful tasks and appreciate each other for their

valuable contributions.

In conclusion, the poem “A Tomorrow” by the poet Koyczan visualizes a future for the

reader, one where the human spirit will conquer the current COVID-19 pandemic and emerge

stronger than before. Having suffered significant losses such as precious human lives as well as

profound changes in how we interact and proceed in our daily lives, we must focus on how we

can improve on the qualities that make us human such as appreciating other members of the

society for their invaluable contributions. Furthermore, we must ensure to follow rules that

sustain the effective functioning of society as well as comply with standard operating procedures

such as wearing masks, getting vaccinated against COVID-19, and maintaining a safe distance

from others so that we can curb the further spread of the virus which has already caused

innumerable losses.

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