Rafia Assign # P.S

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Name : Rafia Bano

Roll No: 22105009-009

Department: ADP-DNS

Submitted to: Ma’am Erum Hanif

Submitted by: Rafia Bano

Assignment :2

Topic : First Constitution of Pakistan

Background :
By the end of World War II, the British imperial government granted independence to its Indian
colony and for that matter the British Parliament enacted the Indian Independence Act, 1947. Under
the Act, the British Crown relinquished its sovereign powers over India and transferred those powers
to the newly established dominions of India and Pakistan on 14 August 1947. The Government of
India Act, 1935, hitherto the constitution of British India, was amended to bring it in consonance with
the aims and objectives of independence as laid down in the 1947 Act. The combination of these two
constitutional instruments served as an interim constitutional order for both countries until their
respective constituent assemblies adopted their own constitutions.

Constitution of Pakistan 1956 : In May, 1955 the Second Constituent Assembly was
formed, which framed and passed the first Constitution of Pakistan on 29 February, 1956.
Promulgated on 23 March the same year, this Assembly provided for a parliamentary form of
government with a unicameral legislature

Causes of Failure of 1956 constitution:

 One Unit
 Electorate issue
 Economic crisis in the country
 Lack of proper education
 Greed of power
 Misuse of power

Functions :

The Constituent Assembly has got two main functions to perform.

 The first is the very onerous and responsible task of framing our future constitution of
 The second of functioning as a full and complete Sovereign body as the Federal
Legislature of Pakistan.

Time period of 1956 constitution:

It held its first sitting on May 19, 1956 and its last session was held from August 25 to August
28, 1958. This Assembly had held 80 sittings over 6 sessions when under the proclamation of
Martial Law on October 7, 1958, it was dissolved and the 1956 Constitution was abrogated.

Conclusion :
The assent was given on it by the Governor General on 2nd March 1956. This Constitution was
enforced with effect from 23rd March 1956. Under this Constitution, Pakistan became an Islamic
Republic, hence 23rd March became our Republic day.

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