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Herndo Cortés
By Will Bonner
Nice job
Cortés looked into the sunlight,ready for battle. Him and his men were standing
on the plain of Cintila. The Tabascans were to come soon, he had sent his
cavalry to the woods to surprise the indians.
All of the sudden they saw them. Bernal Díaz writes they were wearing
“great feather crests,. . . their faces painted black and white. ”he says they were
armed with ”bows and arrows, spears , shields , swords … and slings and stones
and fire -toughened darts. ” the warriors”surrounded us discharging such a rain of
arrows more than seventy men were wounded in the first attack. ”.
As they were fighting spanish weapons and tactics saved the day. As the Indians
rushed forward the spanish formed a tight squarethier cannons in the corners.
Swinging their sword with lethal persisian the soldiers forced the Indians to fall back.
Given the field of free fire the cannons tore massive holes in the enemy's ranks.
Despite the

battle of cinta from blogspot. com

Carnage fresh warriors filled the holes. The Indians didn't spot the thirteen
horsemen emerge from the forest. When they did panic spread as they had
never seen horses before. The horsemen cut down any Indians within reach.
Caught between foot soldiers and cavalry the indians retreated.
The next time they returned they brought gifts. The first gift of 20 women
aroused little interest. But the second gift of gold masks figurines and crowns.
Cortés asked were more gold could be found, the indians pointed north and said
two words… Aztecs and mexica. We know these people as the aztecs- and the
land mexico. This is the story of hernando Cortés.
Early Life
Hernando was born in 1485 in the spanish city of medilan. Medillan was
known for turning out hard ambitious men that turned into people who
found lots of fame in the new world even though it was one of the poorest
cities in spain. With Cortés it consists of: Vasco Nuñez de balboa,
Fransisco Pizarro, and Hernando de Soto.

Hernando’s dad was an explorer. As a child he was moved to live with his father
in Salamanca. Though he wasn't that wealthy he was still part of a noble family
which gave him access to travel.
Even though his family wanted him to be a lawyer he decided otherwise
because the life of a lawyer was too boring for him he decided to go find
fame in the new world. He first set sail and started a colony at the age of
Photo of Cortés from almany. Com

Photo of Cortés from almany. Com

The young explorer caught the eye of Diego Velázquez who decided to
put him in charge of
The expedition to mexico. Until he changed his mind but Cortés had already begun
to set sail. Velázquez met him on the beach. As Cortés was paddling to the flagship
this conversation happened and had the conversation from boat to shoreline: “And is
thus you part from me!” Velázquez shouted “Pardon me!” Cortés shouted back ̈ Time
presses, and there are some things that should be done … Has your excellency any
commands!” taken back Velázquez fell silent. Cortés waved as his sailors paddled him
to the flagship.

Diego Velázquez from

This was a little hard to figure out how to make text invisible and you can only see this in docs sooooo

Exploring mexico
Cortés brought elven ships which held live
turkeys and pigs, salted meats,maize, wine,oil
and sugar. Also with soldiers armor swords
lances javelins and crossbows. For guns they
had to make do with thirteen 13 muskets, ten
brass guns and some 4 small cannons. He also
put in 16 horses and a pack of dogs. The horses
were costly but he figured they'd pay for

After they had yelled at each other on the shoreline and Cortés had
boarded his flagship he headed off to the new world. When he landed,
tabascans saw them and told their chief which angered him. Cortes tried to
send peace offerings but nonetheless the tabascans attacked them but were
easily defeated. After they captured some tabascan they warned of a
massive army of thousands. They said they “would kill the invaders and then
they would eat them”
After the battle of cinta (see intro) the tabascans considered cortes a god.
When they told cortes were to get more gold he jumped at the offer. He
headed north to take some gold.
When they got there they were amazed at all of the big buildings and
beautiful architecture. Then they met the Aztecs who had their leader in
the front. Cortes stepped forward as to embrace him but the priests held
him back, only few were allowed to touch the emperor.

You've probably noticed every time I do a section do one of these.

The aztec civilization from

They got to the palace and were
looking around. People think that the
Aztecs let Cortez and his troops in
because there was a legend that a god
named Quetzalcoatl -who was a pale bearded man- sailed away on a boat of
searpants and promised to be back on a certain year. The year Cortez came was
that year. That's a big coincidence.
The townsfolk were angry that cortez had convinced Montezuma II (the
emperor) to take down some of the religious statues and replace them with cristian
crosses. Cortez was angry that some of his troops were murdered. He convicted
the eperor of the murder and took him to be a ¨geast¨ until he found the culprit.
When he did he let Montezuma go but he decided not to. He believed he was under
the will of the gods.
Then the townsfolk attacked. Cortez ordered Montezuma to calm his people.
But the priests threw stones at him. Nurses tried to save him but later Montezuma
died. Cortez then received worse news that the townsfolk had burned the bridges
out of the palace so they were stuck and under siege. Cortez lifted his mens spirits
by showing them the emperor's treasure. The veterans took small jewels but the
backup that had arrived earlier took massive amounts of gold. When they were
using the bridge to cross the people who took the gold drowned.
Once they escaped and killed them, Cortez went back to Spain were the king
gave him governor status. But it was stripped from him when he was accused of
murdering his wife. Eventually he died in 1547.
That was the life of hernan cortes. I hope you enjoyed it and I will get a good grade
because you enjoyed it. He is one of the most famous explorers and there's a good
reason why. He conquered the Aztecs and made a partnership with Diego Velázquez
and never cared about the odds, he destroyed an army much larger than his(the
Aztecs) and won.

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