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Name: The Ghost Bears

Symbol: A white skull gripped by a white mechanical hand.

Founding: Unknown Founding
Successors of: Iron Hands
Chapter Master: Mithridates Kruos
Homeworld: Hibernus Prime
Fortress-Monastery: Echo Prime
Colours: White and Black
Speciality: Siege warfare, Bionics, Armoured Assault, Cold Weather Combat
Battle Cry: “Reborn by Iron”


The Ghost Bears are a loyalist Space Marine Chapter created from the 327th Cadian Shock Trooper
regiment survivors. They fought valiantly against a Chaos invasion on their now homeworld of Hibernus
Prime. The regiment was reinforced by a squad of Iron Hands led by Captain Mithridates, who admired
their courage and resilience. Mithridates secretly arranged for the surviving Cadians to be inducted into a
new Chapter, using his connections with the Mechanicum and the Iron Hands Gene-Seed. Mithridates
would later become their first Chapter Master and take the surname Kruos.

The Ghost Bears are based on Hibernus Prime, a frozen world rich in minerals and ores. They have built a
massive Fortress-Monastery called Echo Prime, where they train and maintain their equipment.

The Ghost Bears are experts in siege warfare, using their heavy weapons and vehicles to break through
enemy fortifications and defences. They also specialise in Bionics and Armoured Assault, inherited from
their Iron Hands lineage. They have a strong sense of duty and discipline, following the Codex Astartes with
some modifications.

The Ghost Bears have fought in many wars and campaigns across the galaxy, earning a reputation as
steadfast and reliable allies of the Imperium. They also actively seek out and fight Iron Warrior Traitors and
Iron Warrior Warbands after the Metal Claws nearly wiped out the 327 th Regiment during the defence of
Hibernus Prime. The Ghost Bears consider them all enemies and rivals and will stop at nothing to destroy

The Ghost Bears are loyal to the Emperor and his Imperium but also value their independence and
autonomy. They do not trust other Imperial authorities easily, especially after their near annihilation due
to poor intelligence received from Imperial Intelligence. Nevertheless, they are proud of their heritage and
history and will defend it with their lives.

The Ghost Bears are closely related to the Mechanicum of Hibernus Prime, who provide them with
advanced technology and weapons. The Mechanicum also helps them maintain and enhance their bionics,
often customised and personalised by The Ghost Bears. The Mechanicum respects The Ghost Bears for
their devotion to the Machine God and their mastery of technology. In addition, The Ghost Bears often
assist the Mechanicum in exploring and exploiting Hibernus Prime’s hidden resources and defending them
from threats.


The Ghost Bears call themselves the Ghost Bears after the animal found on Hibernus Prime and them being
the ghosts of the 387th Regiment. The Ghost Bear is a large and powerful predator that can weigh up to one
ton and stand up to five meters tall on its hind legs. It has pure white fur that camouflages it in the icy
environment of Hibernus Prime. It is known for its conservative and patient hunting style, hiding near its
prey’s territory and waiting for the right moment to strike with unbelievable power and ferocity. It is also
known for its strong sense of family, mating for life and maintaining a connection to its offspring.

Chapter Culture:

The Ghost Bears have a culture and belief system influenced by their Cadian origins and Iron Hands
heritage. They value courage, resilience, duty, and discipline above all else. They follow the Codex Astartes
with some modifications, such as their preference for siege warfare and bionics. They worship the Emperor
as the Omnissiah, the Machine God, and the Master of Mankind. They also revere Ferrus Manus, the
Primarch of the Iron Hands, as their spiritual ancestor and patron. They have a strong bond of brotherhood
and loyalty among themselves, forged by their shared experiences and hardships. They have a tradition of
honouring their fallen brothers by grafting their skulls onto their bionic arms, which they believe allows
them to speak to them and fight with them. They also have a tradition of carving their names and deeds
onto their bionic limbs, which they consider to be badges of honour and symbols of their rebirth by iron.

Chapter Enemies and Allies:

he Ghosts of Hibernus have many enemies and few allies in the galaxy. Their main enemies are the Chaos
forces, especially the Iron Warriors and their Warbands, such as the Metal Claws. The Ghost Bears consider
them to be traitors and rivals, and will stop at nothing to destroy them. They also despise and distrust
psykers and anything to do with the warp, which makes them hostile to other Imperial factions that
employ psykers, such as the Inquisition and the Grey Knights. They also have a rivalry with the Space
Wolves, who they consider to be barbaric and undisciplined. The Ghost Bears have few allies, but they are
steadfast and reliable ones. Their main allies are the Iron Hands and their Successor Chapters, who share
their lineage and respect their skills. They also have a close relationship with the Mechanicum of Hibernus
Prime, who provide them with advanced technology and weapons. They also occasionally cooperate with
other Imperial forces, such as the Imperial Guard and the Astra Militarum, who appreciate their courage
and resilience.

Notable Chapter Characters:

 Mithridates Kruos: The first and current Chapter Master of The Ghost Bears. He was originally a
Captain of the Iron Hands who led a squad of reinforcements to aid the 327th Cadian Shock
Trooper regiment against a Chaos invasion on Hibernus Prime. He admired the courage and
resilience of the Cadians and secretly arranged for their induction into a new Chapter using his
connections with the Mechanicum and the Iron Hands Gene-Seed. He became their first Chapter
Master and took the surname Kruos, meaning “cold” in ancient Greek. He is a wise and charismatic
leader who has led his Chapter in many wars and campaigns across the galaxy. He is also a master
of siege warfare and bionics, having replaced most of his body with mechanical parts. He wears
white Terminator armour with black trim and carries a power fist and a storm bolter as his

 Ixion Kruos: The brother of Mithridates Kruos and the Captain of the 1st Company. He was
originally a Sergeant of the Iron Hands who accompanied his brother to Hibernus Prime. He was
one of the few survivors of the siege of Echo Prime, where he lost his left arm and eye to an Iron
Warrior Traitor. He was given a bionic arm and eye by his brother, who also made him his second-
in-command. He is a loyal and brave warrior who commands the respect and admiration of his
brothers. He is also a master of armoured assault and cold weather combat, having fought in many
frozen worlds. He wears white Terminator armour with black trim and carries a chain fist and a
combi-melta as his weapons.
 Theron Frost: The Captain of the 2nd Company. He was originally a Lieutenant of the 327th Cadian
Shock Trooper regiment who survived the Chaos invasion on Hibernus Prime. He was one of the
first Cadians to be inducted into the new Chapter by Mithridates Kruos. He is a versatile and
adaptable commander who can handle any situation or challenge. He is also a master of rapid
deployment and cold weather combat, having trained in many harsh environments. He wears black
power armour with white trim and carries a power sword and a plasma pistol as his weapons.

 Leonidas Shield: The Captain of the 3rd Company. He was originally a Major of the 327th Cadian
Shock Trooper regiment who survived the Chaos invasion on Hibernus Prime. He was one of the
first Cadians to be inducted into the new Chapter by Mithridates Kruos. He is a loyal and disciplined
strategist who excels in defensive warfare and fortification. He is also a master of bionics and
fortification, having built and maintained the Fortress-Monastery of Echo Prime. He wears white
power armour with black trim and carries a storm shield and a bolt pistol as his weapons.

 Ajax Blade: The Captain of the 4th Company. He was originally a Scout of the 327th Cadian Shock
Trooper regiment who survived the Chaos invasion on Hibernus Prime. He was one of the first
Cadians to be inducted into the new Chapter by Mithridates Kruos. He is an aggressive and daring
assassin who excels in offensive warfare and infiltration. He is also a master of stealth and melee,
having killed many enemies with his blade. He wears black power armour with white trim and
carries a power knife and a bolt pistol as his weapons.

 Demetrius Hammer: The Captain of the 5th Company. He was originally a Priest of the 327th Cadian
Shock Trooper regiment who survived the Chaos invasion on Hibernus Prime. He was one of the
first Cadians to be inducted into the new Chapter by Mithridates Kruos. He is a devout and faithful
follower of the Emperor who excels in close combat and melee. He is also a master of bionics and
melee, having replaced his right arm with a mechanical hammer. He wears white power armour
with black trim and carries a crozius arcanum and a bolt pistol as his weapons.

 Orion Hunter: The Captain of the 6th Company. He was originally a Sniper of the 327th Cadian
Shock Trooper regiment who survived the Chaos invasion on Hibernus Prime. He was one of the
first Cadians to be inducted into the new Chapter by Mithridates Kruos. He is a skilled and reliable
marksman who excels in reconnaissance and stealth. He is also a master of sniping and cold
weather combat, having shot many enemies from long distances. He wears black scout armour with
white trim and carries a sniper rifle and a bolt pistol as his weapons.

 Cassius Steel: The Captain of the 7th Company. He was originally an Engineer of the 327th Cadian
Shock Trooper regiment who survived the Chaos invasion on Hibernus Prime. He was one of the
first Cadians to be inducted into the new Chapter by Mithridates Kruos. He is a flexible and reliable
inventor who excels in tactical warfare and support. He is also a master of technology and bionics,
having created many devices and machines for his brothers. He wears white power armour with
black trim and carries a servo-arm and a bolt pistol as his weapons.

 Hector Storm: The Captain of the 8th Company. He was originally a Pilot of the 327th Cadian Shock
Trooper regiment who survived the Chaos invasion on Hibernus Prime. He was one of the first
Cadians to be inducted into the new Chapter by Mithridates Kruos. He is a fearless and reckless
flyer who excels in assault warfare and shock tactics. He is also a master of flying and cold weather
combat, having flown many missions in hostile skies. He wears black power armour with white trim
and carries a jump pack and a bolt pistol as his weapons.

 Magnus Fire: The Captain of the 9th Company. He was originally a Gunner of the 327th Cadian
Shock Trooper regiment who survived the Chaos invasion on Hibernus Prime. He was one of the
first Cadians to be inducted into the new Chapter by Mithridates Kruos. He is a powerful and
destructive warrior who excels in heavy warfare and fire support. He is also a master of explosives
and bionics, having blown up many enemies with his bombs. He wears white power armour with
black trim and carries a missile launcher and a bolt pistol as his weapons.

 Tiberius Shadow: The Captain of the 10th Company. He was originally a Spy of the 327th Cadian
Shock Trooper regiment who survived the Chaos invasion on Hibernus Prime. He was one of the
first Cadians to be inducted into the new Chapter by Mithridates Kruos. He is a diverse and eclectic
commander who excels in unconventional warfare and special operations. He is also a master of
disguise and bionics, having infiltrated many enemy bases with his masks. He wears black power
armour with white trim and carries a stalker bolter and a bolt pistol as his weapons.

Notable Events:

 The Founding of the Chapter: The origin and creation of The Ghost Bears, when they were the
327th Cadian Shock Trooper regiment who fought valiantly against a Chaos invasion on Hibernus
Prime. They were reinforced by a squad of Iron Hands led by Captain Mithridates, who admired
their courage and resilience. Mithridates secretly arranged for the surviving Cadians to be inducted
into a new Chapter, using his connections with the Mechanicum and the Iron Hands Gene-Seed.
Mithridates became their first Chapter Master and took the surname Kruos. The Founding of the
Chapter is celebrated annually by The Ghost Bears as a testament to their origins and destiny.

 The Siege of Echo Prime: The first and most crucial battle of The Ghost Bears, where they defended
their newly built Fortress-Monastery from a massive Chaos invasion led by the Iron Warriors after
the defeat of the Metal Claws during the original Defence of Hibernus Prime. The Ghost Bears held
the line against overwhelming odds, using their superior firepower and fortifications to repel the
enemy. The battle lasted three months, almost as a stalemate due to both being effective in siege
warfare until reinforcements from the Iron Hands arrived. The Ghost Bears suffered heavy
casualties but significantly damaged the Chaos forces. The Siege of Echo Prime is commemorated
yearly by The Ghost Bears as a testament to their courage and resilience.

 The Battle of Kharak: A large-scale planetary assault by The Ghost Bears against a renegade human
world allied with the Dark Eldar. The Ghost Bears launched a coordinated attack on the capital city
of Kharak, using their siege engines and tanks to breach the walls and storm the palace. The Dark
Eldar attempted to ambush and capture The Ghost Bears but were met with fierce resistance and
counterattacks. Nevertheless, The Ghost Bears managed to reach the palace and confront the
renegade Governor, guarded by a squad of Dark Eldar Incubi. The Chapter Master, Mithridates
Kruos, personally killed the Slaaneshii-powered Governer and his bodyguards, ending the battle and
securing victory for the Imperium.

Chapter Organisation:

The Ghost Bears have three main types of specialists in their ranks: the Techmarines, the Apothecaries, and
the Chaplains. Each one has a vital and indispensable role in the Chapter, and they work together to ensure
its survival and efficiency.

 The Techmarines are the engineers and mechanics of the Chapter, maintaining and operating the
vehicles and weapons of their brothers in the war and peace. They also design and construct new
and improved machines and devices, using their skills and creativity to enhance the Chapter’s
arsenal and capabilities. They are the liaisons and representatives of the Mechanicum, ensuring
that the Chapter follows the proper rites and rituals of the Machine God and respects the sanctity
of technology. They wear white and black armour with red cog symbols and carry a servo-arm and a
bolt pistol as their weapons. They also have various bionic implants and augmentations that allow
them to interface with and control machines.

 The Apothecaries are the healers and medics of the Chapter, tending to their brothers' wounds and
injuries in battle and peace. They also harvest and preserve the Gene-Seed of the fallen, ensuring
that the Chapter can replenish its ranks and honour its legacy. They are the experts and technicians
of bionics, repairing and replacing their brothers' damaged or lost limbs and organs with
mechanical replacements. They wear white and black armour with red crosses and carry a
Narthecium and a bolt pistol as their weapons. They also have a bionic arm that contains various
tools and instruments.

 The Chaplains are the spiritual and moral leaders of the Chapter, leading them in battle and
inspiring them with their words and deeds. They also oversee the integration of bionics into the
Chapter, ensuring that they do not compromise their loyalty or humanity. They are the keepers of
the Chapter’s history and traditions, preserving and passing on the stories and legends of their
Cadian origins and Iron Hands heritage. They wear white and black robes over their power armour
and carry a crozius arcanum and a bolt pistol as their weapons. They also have a skull-shaped
helmet that resembles their Chapter symbol.

 The Ghost Bears do not have any Librarians in their ranks, as they despise and distrust psykers and
anything to do with the warp. This is due to their traumatic experience from fighting the Metal
Claws, a Chaos Warband of corrupted Iron Warriors who used foul sorcery and daemonic powers
against them. The Ghost Bears consider psykers abominations and heretics and will not tolerate
their presence or influence. The Ghost Bears rely on their faith in the Emperor and their bionics to
protect them from the warp rather than psychic powers.

 1st Company: The Veteran Company comprises the most experienced and skilled Space Marines of
the Chapter. They wear white armour with black trim and have access to the best equipment and
weapons of the Chapter. They are specialised in siege warfare and armoured assault. They are led
by Captain Ixion Kruos, the brother of the Chapter Master and his second-in-command.

 2nd Company: The Battle Company comprises the most versatile and adaptable Space Marines of
the Chapter. They wear black armour with white trim and have access to various equipment and
weapons. They are specialised in cold weather combat and rapid deployment. Captain Theron
Frost, a veteran of many wars and campaigns, leads them.

 3rd Company: The Reserve Company, composed of the Chapter's most loyal and disciplined Space
Marines. They wear white armour with black trim and have access to standard equipment and
weapons. They specialised in defensive warfare and fortification. They are led by Captain Leonidas
Shield, a former Cadian officer and a master strategist.

 4th Company: The Reserve Company comprises the most aggressive and daring Space Marines of
the Chapter. They wear black armour with white trim and have access to standard equipment and
weapons. They specialised in offensive warfare and infiltration. They are led by Captain Ajax Blade,
a former Cadian scout and a master assassin.

 5th Company: The Reserve Company comprises the most devout and faithful Space Marines of the
Chapter. They wear white armour with black trim and have access to standard equipment and
weapons. They are specialised in close combat and melee. They are led by Captain Demetrius
Hammer, a former Cadian priest and a fervent follower of the Emperor.
 6th Company: The Scout Company, composed of the Chapter's newest and youngest Space
Marines. They wear black armour with white trim and have access to light equipment and weapons.
They are specialised in reconnaissance and stealth. They are led by Captain Orion Hunter, a former
Cadian sniper and a skilled marksman.

 7th Company: The Tactical Company, composed of the Chapter's most flexible and reliable Space
Marines. They wear white armour with black trim and have access to essential equipment and
weapons. They are specialised in tactical warfare and support. They are led by Captain Cassius
Steel, a former Cadian engineer and a brilliant inventor.

 8th Company: The Assault Company comprises the most fearless and reckless Space Marines of the
Chapter. They wear black armour with white trim and have access to essential equipment and
weapons. They specialised in assault warfare and shock tactics. They are led by Captain Hector
Storm, a former Cadian pilot and a daring flyer.

 9th Company: The Devastator Company comprises the Chapter's most potent and destructive
Space Marines. They wear white armour with black trim and have access to essential equipment
and weapons. They are specialised in heavy warfare and fire support. Captain Magnus Fire, a
former Cadian gunner and a master of explosives lead them.

 10th Company: The Reserve Company comprises the most diverse and eclectic Space Marines of
the Chapter. They wear black armour with white trim and have access to essential equipment and
weapons. They are specialised in unconventional warfare and special operations. They are led by
Captain Tiberius Shadow, a former Cadian spy and a master of disguise.

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