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Intuitional affiliation



TO: The Algoma Multicultural Centre (AMC) Sault Ste. Mary

FROM: Gaganpreet Kaur

SUBJECT: Recommendations to improve the conditions of the Algoma Multicultural Centre


Introduction gs

In 2008, the Algoma Multicultural Centre came into existence. by Sita Kaith for the

AMC. Sita and her daughter came to the conclusion that Sault Ste. Marie needed to bring the

citizens of the community together. A significant number of people who had immigrated to the

Sault departed the city because there were not enough jobs, they did not feel welcome, and they

felt isolated. The majority of people living in Sault were completely unaware of AMC and the

services it provided. The mission of AMC is to facilitate connections between immigrants to

Sault and persons of their own culture who have made the city their home. The AMC translations

various documents for immigrant clients. The most dependent countries on AMC are Italy,

Finland, and East India. The Algoma Multicultural Centre's attempts to raise awareness have

been thwarted as a result. This is the result of having insufficient experience and resources.


Government support

A number of individuals, including those affiliated with the YMCA and the government

as well as inhabitants of New to the Sault, have contributed their time, money, and other

resources to the AMC. As a direct consequence of this, AMC is obligated to acknowledge and

appreciate these kind donations. AMC has put out financial resources and carried out the

necessary administrative tasks in order to establish itself as a legal entity. In addition to ensuring

your financial future, you will need to purchase insurance. To put it another way, the company is

unable to spend money in this manner. Only one member of the board has the authority to make

financial requests on behalf of the organization, and that person is not even a board member. An

attorney located in Sault Ste. Marie provided assistance to the group in filling out applications

and took on the obligation of dealing with these documents; but, due to other commitments, she

is currently absent from the situation. These are the challenges that need to be conquered in order

to make a successful entrance into the market.

Bringing people's attention to something through an event

The AMC has only organized two events as of this moment; nevertheless, additional

events are essential for the organization if it desires to increase awareness regarding the reasons

for its establishment as well as the services it offers. In the past, the participation of a regional

labor union was required in order for an AMC event to be held. This was necessary for logistical

reasons. In exchange for the organization's participation in the planning and marketing of tickets

for AMC's own events, including the design of event posters and the sale of tickets, AMC was

willing to provide financial support to the organization.

The establishment of a website was beneficial to the group.

Although the American Migration Council (AMC) has a website, the material that is

required to educate prospective immigrants about the services offered by the AMC is not

included on the site. The website of the organization needs to have consistent updates made to

ensure that the most recent information about the services it offers is always accessible to users.

If the organization's website features alluring bonuses and benefits, more people may decide to

become members of the organization. Because there is a paucity of content, new immigrants to

the country will have a challenging time locating the information that they require on the AMC


Due to the fact that the website only supports a single language, those individuals who

are supposed to be browsing the website are unable to get in touch with the organization. The

Board of Directors was under the impression that their website domain subscription would run

out in March of that year, but they just found out recently that it will actually be valid until

September of that year. One student at Algoma University who is working toward a master's

degree in computer game technology is in charge of maintaining the website and ensuring that

everything is up to date. Due to the fact that students have numerous other duties that are

connected to their education, it can be challenging for them to keep up with the upkeep of the



The fact that the AMC's board members frequently quit due to the fact that they have

other commitments to attend to looks to be an additional concern for the organization. They need

to make this one of their top priorities, and they need to identify a leader who is capable of

shepherding them through the process. As a result, it is absolutely necessary to have a senior

executive who is capable of pointing the way forward for the entire firm.

Methods of marketing that are acceptable


It would appear that the AMC places an excessive amount of weight on word-of-mouth

advertising; as a result, they have been informed that this tactic is one of their strategies that

needs to be re-examined. Because there is not enough content on the AMC website, it will be

difficult for new immigrants to locate the information they require there now that the marketing

effort has been planned. This includes the placement of billboards, posters, and corporate

sponsorships. Due to the fact that the website only supports a single language, those individuals

who are supposed to be browsing the website are unable to get in touch with the organization.

Control and feedback

It is of the utmost significance to maintain a close eye on all plans and proposals,

regardless of whether or not they are successful in attaining the goals that they have set for

themselves. This is because it is important that you keep an eye on all of these things. On the

company's website, which should include a "feedback drop box," customers should be able to

provide their feedback regarding the services that are being provided by AMC, as well as make

suggestions regarding how things could be improved. This should be possible for each and every

client. These thoughts and suggestions ought to be made available to the general audience.

Contingency plan

In the event that none of the initial ideas or plans are successful as a result of a change in

one or more of the external circumstances, an alternate strategy is conceived of and developed. It

is possible, as part of a contingency plan, to make contact with benefactors and investors in order

to assist the organization in acquiring finances and improving its circumstances. Finding local

businesses that are willing to donate money to the nonprofit organization is the next step in the

process. There is little reason to doubt that a successful advertising campaign will resolve the

majority of the issues that have been plaguing the company. I believe that previous customers

and members of the organization, if given the opportunity to make a monetary donation to the

organization, would gladly do so because the organization had a positive influence on their life

and brought them happiness.

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