Citizenship Grading

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Student Behaviors That Support Learning

Citizenship Grade Rubric

Behavior 4 3 2 1
Standard (Honorable) (Satisfactory) (Needs (Unsatisfactory)
Participation I participate in I participate in I rarely participate in I do not participate in
classroom activities classroom activities classroom activities classroom activities
without being asked, when asked and listen even when asked to and prevent others
and listen respectfully respectfully to others. do so or am a from participating.
and encourage distraction to others.
participation from
Late Work I have 0-1 late or I have 2-3 late or I have 4-5 late or I have 6 or more late
missing assignments missing assignments/ missing assignments/ or missing
/assessments assessments assessments assignments/
Following Rules I follow classroom I follow classroom I follow classroom I rarely follow
rules and procedures rules and procedures rules and procedures classroom rules and
without being most of the time but but need frequent procedures
reminded, and I help occasionally have to reminders and
others follow rules be reminded redirection to do so *Any behavioral
referral results in an
automatic score of 1*
Tardiness I have 0-1 tardies I have 2-3 tardies I have 4-5 tardies I have more than 5
*A “1” in any category will result in a “Needs Improvement” as the best possible citizenship grade for that class.
Each teacher will individually work with students who want to improve their citizenship grade.
Please note: Poor citizenship grades may affect your eligibility to participate in extracurricular activities.

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