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Carrera: Psicopedagogía

Materia: Ingles Básico

Tutora: Adriana Acevedo

Nombre del trabajo: Actividad Evaluable N° 4

Fecha de entrega: 10/07/2023

Nombre y Apellido: Matías Vázquez

Sección: 19.894


Through this work I develop the activity presented


At his school, the professional was a teacher who focused on why the child does not
learn at the speed of his peers. Teaching has changed since then, theories and studies
provide material with which to work on the needs of the child. A clear example; before it
was thought that the child did not learn because he was clumsy, now it is known that
children have different abilities. Obtaining the title is not a guarantee of anything, but I
believe that there are possibilities to perform in what I want. I want to be a teacher of my

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