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SYLLABUS AND ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES School Subject Class Semester Competence Standard : Public Senior High School : Physics

:X :1 : 2. The student can be applied the physics concepts, write, and state it in the System International or SI units by correctly (incluiding symbol, values, and units).
Learning Experience Achievement Indicator Assessment Form of Assignment Instrument Individual assignment Objective essay Sample of Instru ment Time Source/ Tool Sources: Physics textbook

Basic Competence

Core Materials/ Description

2.1 Measuring The the physics physics quantities quantities using the and units. correct The instruments number of and analize significant data using figures. number of significant figures principles.

Preparing the instrument and measuring the basic physics quantities (mass, length, time) by correctly and considering accuracy, precision, and sensitivity aspects. Discuss about physical quantities, and units. Calculating the systematic error in the measurement Analyzing of the experiment data

Preparing the instrument and measuring the basic physics quantities (mass, length, time) by correctly and considering accuracy, precision, and sensitivity aspects. Define the number of significant digits and applied. Explaining the definition of systematic and random error in the measurement. Calculating the systematic error in the measurement. Analyzing of the experiment data

8 x 45

Individual and group assignment Daily test

Experiment Student Worksheet Objective essay

Principal Signature, Drs. H. Tri Suharno NIP. 130 792 440

Malang, July 17th 2006 Subject Teacher BUDI NURANI, S.Pd NIP. 132 172 387

SYLLABUS AND ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES School Subject Class Semester Competence Standard : Public Senior High School : Physics :X :1 : 2. The student can be applied the physics concepts, write, and state it in the System International or SI units by correctly (incluiding symbol, values, and units).
Learning Experience Achievement Indicator Assessment Form of Assignment Instrument Individual assignment Objective essay Sample of Instru ment Time Source/ Tool Sources: Physics textbook Student Worksheet

Basic Competence

Core Materials/ Description

2.2 Different The basic the basic physics physics quantities quantities The and the derivates derivates phyics phyics quantities quantities

Comparing the basic physics

quantities and the derivates phyics quantities and give the example in daily life Applying the units of the basic physics quantities in the System International.

Comparing the basic physics

quantities and the derivates phyics quantities and give the example in daily life Applying the units of the basic physics quantities in the System International.

4 x 45

Daily test

Objective essay

Principal Signature, Drs. H. Tri Suharno NIP. 130 792 440

Malang, July 17th 2006 Subject Teacher BUDI NURANI, S.Pd NIP. 132 172 387

SYLLABUS AND ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES School Subject Class Semester Competence Standard : Public Senior High School : Physics :X :1 : 2. The student can be applied the physics concepts, write, and state it in the System International or SI units by correctly (incluiding symbol, values, and units).
Learning Experience Achievement Indicator Assessment Form of Assignment Instrument Individual assignment Daily test Objective essay Objective essay Sample of Instru ment Time Source/ Tool Sources: Physics textbook Student Worksheet

Basic Competence

Core Materials/ Description

2.3 Doing the The Determine the dimension of the dimensional dimensional basic physics quantities. analysis of analysis Applying the dimensional analysis the physics in problem solving. quantities.

Determine the dimension of the basic physics quantities. Applying the dimensional analysis in problem solving.

4 x 45

Principal Signature, Drs. H. Tri Suharno NIP. 130 792 440

Malang, July 17th 2006 Subject Teacher BUDI NURANI, S.Pd NIP. 132 172 387

SYLLABUS AND ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES School Subject Class Semester Competence Standard : Public Senior High School : Physics :X :1 : 2. The student can be applied the physics concepts, write, and state it in the System International or SI units by correctly (incluiding symbol, values, and units).
Learning Experience Achievement Indicator Assessment Form of Assignment Instrument Individual assignment Objective essay Sample of Instrum ent Time Source/ Tool Sources: Physics textbook

Basic Competence

Core Materials/ Description

2.4 Analyzing The vector Finding the components of vectors the vector addition and for vector addition involves addition and the vector forming a right triangle from each the vector product. vector and using the standard product. triangle trigonometry. Calculating vectors product by taking the product of the magnitudes of the vectors times the sine of the angle (<180 degrees) between them. Calculating vectors product by determinant form.

Adding two vectors by polygon method. Finding the components of vectors for vector addition involves forming a right triangle from each vector and using the standard triangle trigonometry. Calculating vectors product by taking the product of the magnitudes of the vectors times the sine of the angle (<180 degrees) between them. Calculating vectors product by determinant form.

8 x 45

Daily test

Objective essay

Principal Signature, Drs. H. Tri Suharno NIP. 130 792 440

Malang, July 17th 2006 Subject Teacher BUDI NURANI, S.Pd NIP. 132 172 387

SYLLABUS AND ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES School Subject Class Semester Competence Standard
Basic Competence Core Materials/ Description

: Public Senior High School : Physics :X :1 : 3. The student can describe the natural phenomena of the discreet system clasycal mechanics (particle).
Learning Experience Achievement Indicator Assignment Assessment Form of Instrument Experiment Sample of Instru ment Time Source/ Tool Sources: Physics textbook Student Workshee t

3.1 Analyzis The straight Describe the definition of the line motion motion mechanical Position, Different distance and quantities in distance, displacement, the average the straight displacement velocity and instantaneous line motion Velocity, velocity, the average (constant acceleration and acceleration. acceleration instantaneous acceleration. and non Applying the mechanical constant quantities in the straight line acceleration) motion (constant . acceleration and nonconstant acceleration) and use it in problem solving

Describe the definition of motion Different distance and displacement. Different the average velocity and instantaneous velocity. Making conclusion about the characteristics of the straight line motion (constant acceleration and non-constant acceleration). Different the average acceleration and instantaneous acceleration. Applying the mechanical quantities in the straight line motion (constant acceleration and non-constant acceleration) and use it in problem solving.

group assignment

10x 45

Individual assignment

Objective essay

Daily test

Objective essay

Principal Signature, Drs. H. Tri Suharno NIP. 130 792 440

Malang, July 17th 2006 Subject Teacher BUDI NURANI, S.Pd NIP. 132 172 387

SYLLABUS AND ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES School Subject Class Semester Competence Standard
Basic Competence

: Public Senior High School : Physics :X :1 : 3. The student can describe the natural phenomena of the discreet system clasycal mechanics (particle).
Achievement Indicator Formulated the circular motion by qualitative. Describe the definition of centripetal acceleration, and applying in daily life. Giving the example of the circular motion in daily life. Assessment Form of Assignment Instrument Individual assignment Daily test Objective essay Objective essay Sample of Instrument Time 14 x 45 Source/ Tool Sources: Physics textbook

Core Learning Materials/ Experience Description 3.2 Predicted The circular Formulated the circular motion the motion by qualitative. mechanical Angular Describe the definition of quantities in velocity centripetal acceleration, and the circular Angular applying in daily life. motion acceleration Giving the example of the (constant . circular motion in daily life. acceleration and nonconstant acceleration ).

Principal Signature, Drs. H. Tri Suharno NIP. 130 792 440

Malang, July 17th 2006 Subject Teacher BUDI NURANI, S.Pd NIP. 132 172 387

SYLLABUS AND ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES School Subject Class Semester Competence Standard
Core Materials/ Description 3.3 Explaned Newtons I the law Newtons Newtons II law as the law dinamics Newtons III basic law concept Friction and Gravity applicated force in dinamics simple/stan dard problems. Basic Competence

: Public Senior High School : Physics :X :1 : 3. The student can describe the natural phenomena of the discreet system clasycal mechanics (particle).
Learning Experience Doing experiment about Newtons law. Drawing the force diagrams that acting on the objects. Describe the definition of weight and friction force and giving the example in daily life. Analyzing the problem solving about dynamics standard problems. Achievement Indicator Giving the example of the Newtons law application using Doing experiment about Newtons law. Drawing the force diagrams that acting on the objects. Describe the definition of weight and friction force and giving the example in daily life. Analyzing the problem solving about dynamics standard problems. Assessment Form of Assignment Instrument Individual assignment Group assignment Objective essay experiment Student worksheet . Sample of Instrument Time 10 x 45 Source/ Tool Sources: Physics textbook

Daily test

Objective essay

Principal Signature, Drs. H. Tri Suharno NIP. 130 792 440

Malang, July 17th 2006 Subject Teacher BUDI NURANI, S.Pd NIP. 132 172 387

SYLLABUS AND ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES School Subject Class Semester Competence Standard : Public Senior High School : Physics :X :1 : 4. describe the solar system concepts using data and information analysis, and menyadari how important universe as the energy source of life.
Learning Experience Identifying the solar system member Identifying the characteristics of comets. Identifying the characteristics of asteroids. Identifying the characteristics of meteoroids. Comparing the concepts about the beginning of the universes theory. Finding how to calculation the distance of the earth and the sun. Different the concepts of lunar eclipse and solar eclipse. Achievement Indicator Identifying the solar system member Identifying the characteristics of comets. Identifying the characteristics of asteroids. Identifying the characteristics of meteoroids. Comparing the concepts about the original of the universes theory. Finding how to calculation the distance of the earth and the sun. Different the concepts of lunar eclipse and solar eclipse. Assessment Form of Assignment Instrument Individual assignment portfolio Sample of Instrument Tim e 10 x 45 Source/ Tool Sources: Physics textbook

Basic Competence 4.1 Describe the concepts and the beginning of the solar system bedskan physics concepts, incluiding the planets, the comets, and the satelites..

Core Materials/ Description The structure of the solar system Rotation period Revolution period Comets Asteroids The theory cosmological The earth Lunar and solar eclipse

Daily test

Objective essay

Principal Signature, Drs. H. Tri Suharno NIP. 130 792 440

Malang, July 17th 2006 Subject Teacher BUDI NURANI, S.Pd NIP. 132 172 387

SYLLABUS AND ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES School Subject Class Semester Competence Standard : Public Senior High School : Physics :X :1 : 4. describe the solar system concepts using data and information analysis, and menyadari how important universe as the energy source of life.
Learning Experience Identifying the satellites motion. Explain about the space flight. Describe about the advantage of satellites. Present of portfolio task. Achievement Indicator Identifying the satellites motion. Explain about the space flight. Describe about the advantage of satellites. Assessment Time Form of Sample of Instrument Instrume nt portfolio 8 x 45 Source/ Tool Sources: Physics textbook

Basic Competence

Core Materials/ Description

Assignment Individual assignment Daily test

4.2 Describe the The space flight. concepts of the space flight.

Multiple choice

Principal Signature, Drs. H. Tri Suharno NIP. 130 792 440

Malang, July 17th 2006 Subject Teacher BUDI NURANI, S.Pd NIP. 132 172 387

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SYLLABUS AND ASSESSMENT PROCEDUR School : Public Senior High Scho Subject : Physics

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Silabus dan PROSEDUR PENILAIAN Sekolah: SMU Negeri Subject: Fisika Kelas: X Semester: 1 Standar Kompetensi: 2. Mahasiswa dapat diterapkan konsep-konsep fisika, menulis, dan negara dalam International System atau satuan SI dengan benar (simbol incluiding, nilai, dan unit). Kompetensi Dasar

Core Bahan / Keterangan Belajar Pengalaman Prestasi Indikator Penilaian Waktu Sumber / Alat Pengalihan Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen 2.1 Mengukur besaran fisika dengan menggunakan instrumen yang benar dan analisa data menggunakan jumlah prinsip angka signifikan. kuantitas fisika ini dan unit. Jumlah angka signifikan. Mempersiapkan instrumen dan mengukur kuantitas fisika dasar (massa, panjang, waktu) dengan benar dan mempertimbangkan akurasi, presisi, dan aspek sensitivitas. Diskusikan tentang kuantitas fisik, dan unit. Menghitung kesalahan sistematik dalam pengukuran Mempersiapkan instrumen dan mengukurMenganalisis data percobaan kuantitas fisika dasar (massa, panjang, waktu) dengan benar dan mempertimbangkan akurasi, presisi, dan aspek sensitivitas. Tentukan jumlah digit yang signifikan dan diterapkan. Menjelaskan definisi kesalahan sistematik dan acak dalam pengukuran. Menghitung kesalahan sistematik dalam pengukuran. Menganalisis data percobaan tugas Individu

Individu dan tugas kelompok Harian uji Tujuan esai


Tujuan esai 8 x 45 'Sumber: Fisika buku

Mahasiswa Lembar Kerja Malang, 17 Juli 2006 Pokok Signature, Guru Subject Drs. H. Tri Suharno BUDI Nurani, S. Pd NIP. 130 792 440 NIP. 132 172 387 Silabus dan PROSEDUR PENILAIAN Sekolah: SMU Negeri Subject: Fisika Kelas: X Semester: 1 Standar Kompetensi: 2. Mahasiswa dapat diterapkan konsep-konsep fisika, menulis, dan negara dalam International System atau satuan SI dengan benar (simbol incluiding, nilai, dan unit).

Kompetensi Dasar Core Bahan / Keterangan Belajar Pengalaman Prestasi Indikator Penilaian Waktu Sumber / Alat Pengalihan Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen Kuantitas fisika dasar2.2 berbeda jumlah fisika dasar dan turunan jumlah phyics Membandingkan kuantitas fisika dasar danPara turunan phyics jumlah turunan jumlah phyics dan memberikan contoh dalam kehidupan sehari-hari Penerapan unit kuantitas fisika dasar dalam Sistem Internasional. Membandingkan kuantitas fisika dasar dan turunan jumlah phyics dan memberikan contoh dalam kehidupan sehari-hari Penerapan unit kuantitas fisika dasar dalam Sistem Internasional. Tugas individu

Harian tes esai Tujuan

Tujuan esai 4 x 45 'Sumber: Fisika buku Mahasiswa Lembar Kerja Malang, 17 Juli 2006

Pokok Signature, Guru Subject Drs. H. Tri Suharno BUDI Nurani, S. Pd NIP. 130 792 440 NIP. 132 172 387

Silabus dan PROSEDUR PENILAIAN Sekolah: SMU Negeri Subject: Fisika Kelas: X Semester: 1 Standar Kompetensi: 2. Mahasiswa dapat diterapkan konsep-konsep fisika, menulis, dan negara dalam International System atau satuan SI dengan benar (simbol incluiding, nilai, dan unit). Kompetensi Dasar Core Bahan / Keterangan Belajar Pengalaman Prestasi Indikator Penilaian Waktu Sumber / Alat Pengalihan Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen

2.3 Melakukan analisis dimensi kuantitas fisika. analisis dimensional Tentukan dimensi besaran fisika dasar. Para Menerapkan analisis dimensional dalam pemecahan masalah. Tentukan dimensi besaran fisika dasar. Menerapkan analisis dimensional dalam pemecahan masalah. Tugas individu Harian tes esai Tujuan Tujuan esai 4 x 45 'Sumber: Fisika buku Mahasiswa Lembar Kerja Malang, 17 Juli 2006 Pokok Signature, Guru Subject Drs. H. Tri Suharno BUDI Nurani, S. Pd NIP. 130 792 440 NIP. 132 172 387

Silabus dan PROSEDUR PENILAIAN Sekolah: SMU Negeri Subject: Fisika Kelas: X Semester: 1 Standar Kompetensi: 2. Mahasiswa dapat diterapkan konsep-konsep fisika, menulis, dan negara dalam International System atau satuan SI dengan benar (simbol incluiding, nilai, dan unit).

Kompetensi Dasar Core Bahan / Keterangan Belajar Pengalaman Prestasi Indikator Penilaian Waktu Sumber / Alat Pengalihan Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen 2.4 Menganalisis penambahan vektor dan produk vektor. Penambahan vektor dan produk vektor. Menemukan komponen vektor untuk penambahan vektor melibatkan membentuk segitiga siku-siku dari vektor masing-masing dan menggunakan trigonometri segitiga standar. Menghitung vektor produk dengan mengambil produk dari besaran vektor kali sinus dari sudut (<180 derajat) di antara mereka. Menghitung vektor produk oleh formulir penentu. Menambahkan dua vektor dengan metode poligon. Menemukan komponen vektor untuk penambahan vektor melibatkan membentuk segitiga siku-siku dari vektor masing-masing dan menggunakan trigonometri segitiga standar. Menghitung vektor produk dengan mengambil produk dari besaran vektor kali sinus dari sudut (<180 derajat) di antara mereka. Menghitung vektor produk oleh formulir penentu. Tugas individu

Harian uji Tujuan esai

Tujuan esai 8 x 45 'Sumber: Fisika buku

Malang, 17 Juli 2006 Pokok Signature, Guru Subject Drs. H. Tri Suharno BUDI Nurani, S. Pd NIP. 130 792 440 NIP. 132 172 387 Silabus dan PROSEDUR PENILAIAN Sekolah: SMU Negeri Subject: Fisika Kelas: X Semester: 1 Standar Kompetensi: 3. Mahasiswa dapat menggambarkan fenomena alami dari sistem mekanika hati clasycal (partikel). Kompetensi Dasar Core Bahan / Keterangan Pengalaman Belajar Prestasi Indikator Penilaian Waktu Sumber / Alat Pengalihan Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen 3.1 teliti jumlah mekanik pada gerak garis lurus (percepatan konstan dan percepatan tidak konstan). Gerakan garis lurus

Posisi, jarak, perpindahan Kecepatan, percepatan. Jelaskan definisi gerak berbeda jarak dan perpindahan, kecepatan rata-rata dan kecepatan sesaat, percepatan rata-rata dan percepatan sesaat. Menerapkan jumlah mekanik pada gerak garis lurus (percepatan konstan dan percepatan tidak konstan) dan menggunakannya dalam pemecahan Jelaskan definisi gerakmasalah berbeda jarak dan perpindahan. berbeda kecepatan rata-rata dan kecepatan sesaat. Membuat kesimpulan tentang karakteristik dari gerak garis lurus (percepatan konstan dan percepatan tidak konstan). berbeda percepatan rata-rata dan percepatan sesaat. Menerapkan jumlah mekanik pada gerak garis lurus (percepatan konstan dan percepatan tidak konstan) dan menggunakannya dalam pemecahan masalah. tugas kelompok

Tugas individu

Harian uji Percobaan

Tujuan esai

Tujuan esai 10x 45 'Sumber: Fisika buku Mahasiswa Lembar Kerja Malang, 17 Juli 2006 Pokok Signature, Guru Subject Drs. H. Tri Suharno BUDI Nurani, S. Pd NIP. 130 792 440 NIP. 132 172 387 Silabus dan PROSEDUR PENILAIAN Sekolah: SMU Negeri Subject: Fisika Kelas: X Semester: 1 Standar Kompetensi: 3. Mahasiswa dapat menggambarkan fenomena alami dari sistem mekanika hati clasycal (partikel). Kompetensi Dasar Core Bahan / Keterangan Belajar Pengalaman Prestasi Indikator Penilaian Waktu Sumber / Alat

Pengalihan Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen 3.2 Diprediksi jumlah mekanik dalam gerakan melingkar (percepatan konstan dan percepatan non-konstan). Gerak melingkar kecepatan sudut percepatan sudut. Merumuskan gerak melingkar dengan kualitatif. Jelaskan definisi percepatan sentripetal, dan menerapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Memberikan contoh gerak melingkar dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Merumuskan gerak melingkar dengan kualitatif. Jelaskan definisi percepatan sentripetal, dan menerapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Memberikan contoh gerak melingkar dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Tugas individu Harian uji Tujuan esai Tujuan esai 14 x 45 'Sumber: Fisika buku Malang, 17 Juli 2006 Pokok Signature, Guru Subject Drs. H. Tri Suharno BUDI Nurani, S. Pd NIP. 130 792 440 NIP. 132 172 387

Silabus dan PROSEDUR PENILAIAN Sekolah: SMU Negeri Subject: Fisika Kelas: X Semester: 1

Standar Kompetensi: 3. Mahasiswa dapat menggambarkan fenomena alami dari sistem mekanika hati clasycal (partikel). Kompetensi Dasar Core Bahan / Keterangan Belajar Pengalaman Prestasi Indikator Penilaian Waktu Sumber / Alat Pengalihan Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen 3.3 Explaned hukum Newton sebagai konsep dasar dinamika dan diaplikasikan dalam dinamika sederhana / masalah standar. Newton saya hukum Hukum Newton II Hukum Newton III Gesekan Melakukan penelitian tentang hukum Newton. Gravitasi berlaku Menggambar diagram gaya yang bekerja pada objek. Jelaskan definisi berat dan gaya gesekan dan memberikan contoh dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Menganalisis pemecahan masalah tentang masalah dinamika standar. Memberikan contoh aplikasi hukum Newton dengan menggunakan Melakukan penelitian tentang hukum Newton. Menggambar diagram gaya yang bekerja pada objek. Jelaskan definisi berat dan gaya gesekan dan memberikan contoh dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Menganalisis pemecahan masalah tentang masalah dinamika standar. Tugas individu Tugas kelompok

Harian uji

Tujuan esai percobaan

Tujuan esai 10 x 45 'Sumber: Fisika buku

Mahasiswa worksheet. Malang, 17 Juli 2006 Pokok Signature, Guru Subject Drs. H. Tri Suharno BUDI Nurani, S. Pd NIP. 130 792 440 NIP. 132 172 387 Silabus dan PROSEDUR PENILAIAN Sekolah: SMU Negeri Subject: Fisika Kelas: X Semester: 1 Standar Kompetensi: 4. menggambarkan konsep tata surya menggunakan data dan analisa informasi, dan menyadari betapa pentingnya alam semesta sebagai sumber energi kehidupan. Kompetensi Dasar

Core Bahan / Keterangan Belajar Pengalaman Prestasi Indikator Penilaian Waktu Sumber / Alat Pengalihan Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen 4.1 Menjelaskan konsep dan awal konsep-konsep fisika sistem bedskan surya, incluiding planet-planet, komet, dan satelit .. Struktur tata surya Rotasi periode periode Revolusi Komet Asteroid Teori kosmologi Bumi Mengidentifikasi anggota tata surya Lunar dan gerhana matahari Mengidentifikasi karakteristik komet. Mengidentifikasi karakteristik asteroid. Mengidentifikasi karakteristik meteoroid. Membandingkan konsep tentang awal teori alam semesta. Menemukan cara perhitungan jarak bumi dan matahari. berbeda konsep gerhana bulan dan gerhana matahari. Mengidentifikasi anggota tata surya Mengidentifikasi karakteristik komet. Mengidentifikasi karakteristik asteroid. Mengidentifikasi karakteristik meteoroid. Membandingkan konsep tentang asli teori alam semesta. Menemukan cara perhitungan jarak bumi dan matahari. berbeda konsep gerhana bulan dan gerhana matahari. Tugas individu

Harian uji portepel

Tujuan esai 10 x 45 'Sumber: Fisika buku

Malang, 17 Juli 2006 Pokok Signature, Guru Subject Drs. H. Tri Suharno BUDI Nurani, S. Pd NIP. 130 792 440 NIP. 132 172 387 Silabus dan PROSEDUR PENILAIAN Sekolah: SMU Negeri Subject: Fisika Kelas: X Semester: 1 Standar Kompetensi: 4. menggambarkan konsep tata surya menggunakan data dan analisa informasi, dan menyadari betapa pentingnya alam semesta sebagai sumber energi kehidupan. Kompetensi Dasar Core Bahan / Keterangan Belajar

Pengalaman Prestasi Indikator Penilaian Waktu Sumber / Alat Pengalihan Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen 4.2 Menjelaskan konsep penerbangan ruang. Penerbangan ruang. Mengidentifikasi gerak satelit. Jelaskan tentang penerbangan ruang angkasa. Jelaskan keuntungan dari satelit. kini tugas portofolio. Mengidentifikasi gerak satelit. Jelaskan tentang penerbangan ruang angkasa. Jelaskan keuntungan dari satelit. Tugas individu Harian uji portepel

Beberapa pilihan 8 x 45 'Sumber: Fisika buku

Malang, 17 Juli 2006 Pokok Signature, Guru Subject

Drs. H. Tri Suharno BUDI Nurani, S. Pd NIP. 130 792 440 NIP. 132 172 387 Google Terjemahan untuk:PenelusuranVideoEmailTeleponObrolanBisnis Tentang Google TerjemahanMatikan terjemahan instanPrivasiBantuan

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