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Non Ethical
It is unethical, they never even talk abt this specifically, this would literally be
changing the ways humans are made just for the purpose of one-upping other
countries that aren’t even going to attack the US
Cancer Turn
O/w and turns case
They don’t even say the word cancer, meaning that you have to assume that even if
there is a 1 percent chance of this happening you vote AFF, we have a bigger
Any risk of mutating the wrong gene then causing a new type of cancer would be the
worst thing possible
Their card is more than six years old and we can never ensure that there will always
be positive development, its literally impossible
The only card that they read against this ab negative effects is also from 21 years ago,
science is constantly developing and there is always a change of a negative effect.
Also their Sarewitz and Karas 7 is way too old for context, as tech goes on there is a
bigger risk that it turns into something bad, and if you see even a 1 percent change of
them causing Cancer, vote neg to reject them and save the world mr. roberds, that’s
Chang ND
China Turn, their good w/ CRISPR
They completely mishandled this evidence abt china and its also a link to the
orientalism K, they read from a non Chinese author which risks the chance of higher
racism and China is racism ahead with CRIspir and would like to cooperate, but the aff
militarizes them for no apparent reason.

China leadership could be amazing and chance that we could make a way to work
together would be so good for the world and it o/w the AFF. ASO THEIR Bostom and
Sandberg 09, flows aff since it only says that regulations are key, so that means
Chinese regulation could work it litearlly ask for cooperation and that means they just
support he aff in the first place

Their Gisselsson 22 card flow neg since it means that they want peace team regulation
and that literally could be with China leadership is key for peace keeping, that’s Yamei
18 again. Vote AFF on it now, judge roberds.
Policy Solves unreg Tech
First their Moreno card is in the world of nuero tech, doesn’t mention Crispr and the
aff just assumes that crispr can work with it, w/out providing ev, they have no ev that
show NATO is key

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