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International Geology Review

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Mantle-hosted ophiolitic chromitites from

Colombia: implications for petrogenesis and
geodynamic evolution

Carlos A. Ramírez-Cárdenas, Núria Pujol-Solà, Joaquín A. Proenza, Marion

Weber, Montgarri Castillo-Oliver, Mónica Tobón & Antonio Garcia-Casco

To cite this article: Carlos A. Ramírez-Cárdenas, Núria Pujol-Solà, Joaquín A. Proenza, Marion
Weber, Montgarri Castillo-Oliver, Mónica Tobón & Antonio Garcia-Casco (2023): Mantle-hosted
ophiolitic chromitites from Colombia: implications for petrogenesis and geodynamic evolution,
International Geology Review, DOI: 10.1080/00206814.2023.2228361

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Published online: 25 Jun 2023.

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Mantle-hosted ophiolitic chromitites from Colombia: implications for

petrogenesis and geodynamic evolution
Carlos A. Ramírez-Cárdenas a,b, Núria Pujol-Solà b,c, Joaquín A. Proenza b
, Marion Weber d
Montgarri Castillo-Oliver b,e, Mónica Tobón f and Antonio Garcia-Casco c,g

Servicio Geológico Colombiano, Medellín, Colombia; bDepartament de Mineralogia, Petrologia I Geologia Aplicada, Facultat de Ciències de la
Terra, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; cDepartamento de mineralogía Y Petrología, Universidad de Granada, Facultad de Ciencias,
Granada, Spain; dDepartamento de Geociencias Y Medio Ambiente, Facultad de Minas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín,
Colombia; eARC Centre of Excellence for Core to Crust Fluid Systems and GEMOC, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Macquarie
University, Sydney, Australia; fCerro Matoso S.A, Montelíbano, Colombia; gInstituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra (CSIC-UGR), Armilla, Spain


Chromitite bodies can be found within ophiolitic mantle sections in three locations in Colombia: Received 31 January 2023
Medellín, Planeta Rica, and La Guajira. These chromitites are typically massive pods that are often Accepted 19 June 2023
surrounded by lateritic soil in Medellín and Planeta Rica, or small discoidal bodies in La Guajira. KEYWORDS
Inclusions in chromite are preserved to varying degrees in the three localities: olivine and pargasite Ophiolite; mantle; silicate
are partially preserved in Medellín and Planeta Rica, whereas inclusions in La Guajira chromitites inclusions; PGE; back-arc
are completely altered to chlorite. Compositionally, chromite from the chromitites is high-Al in basin; subduction-initiation
Medellín (Cr#[Cr/(Cr+Al) atomic ratio] = 0.41–0.51) and Planeta Rica (Cr# = 0.49–0.57), and high-Cr
in La Guajira (Cr# = 0.75–0.76), whereas TiO2 contents are low in the three localities (0.12–0.43 wt
%). Regarding trace elements composition, the chromitites are similar to others formed in supra-
subduction zone settings; the chromite from the high-Al chromitites is similar to that in MORB/
BABB, whereas chromite from the high-Cr chromitites has a strong boninitic affinity. Chromitites
from Planeta Rica are richer in Ti, possibly due to the presence of nearby gabbroic bodies and
impregnated peridotites. The alteration in chromite rims and silicate matrix is related to meta­
morphic processes. Bulk-rock platinum-group element (PGE) contents range from 30 to 487 ppb,
and chondrite-normalized PGE patterns show the typical enrichment in IPGE relative to PPGE
observed in most ophiolitic chromitites. The estimated melts in equilibrium with the different
chromitites correspond to MORB-like melts for the Medellín and Planeta Rica chromitites and to
boninites for La Guajira chromitites. However, the estimated TiO2 content in the melt is too low for
a typical MORB, indicating back-arc basin basalts and a back-arc setting for the formation of the
Medellín and Planeta Rica chromitites during the Late Triassic and the Late Jurassic, respectively. La
Guajira chromitites are interpreted to have formed in a fore-arc basin related to subduction-
initiation during Cretaceous times.

1. Introduction
are rich in PGEs (platinum-group elements) compared
Chromitites are rocks formed mainly by Cr-spinel and are to high-Al chromitites, which have higher TiO2 contents
a common lithology in the mantle section of ophiolites, (~0.5 wt%) and a strong PGEs depletion (González-Jimé­
having significance for both their economic value as nez et al. 2014 and references therein). The primary
a source of refractory and metallurgical-grade chromite composition of chromite from the chromitites can be
and for their petrologic implications. For instance, these used to infer the composition of the melts from which
rocks evidence mantle-melt interaction in supra-subduc­ they crystallized (Kamenetsky et al. 2001; Rollinson 2008;
tion zones (e.g. Arai and Yurimoto 1994; Zhou et al. 1994; Zaccarini et al. 2011).
Melcher et al. 1997; Proenza et al. 1999; Gervilla et al. Ophiolitic chromitites are typically found in the man­
2005). Based on their chemistry, chromitites are classi­ tle section of supra-subduction zone (SSZ) ophiolites
fied as high-Cr (Cr# [Cr/(Cr+Al) atomic ratio] > 0.6) or and, within them, high-Cr chromitites are located far
high-Al (Cr# < 0.6) (Leblanc and Nicolas 1992; González- from the Moho and interpreted to originate from boni­
Jiménez et al. 2014b; Arai and Miura 2016). High-Cr nitic melts, whereas high-Al chromitites are located close
chromitites have low TiO2 contents (<0.25 wt%) and to the mantle-crust transition zone and are associated to

CONTACT Núria Pujol-Solà Departamento de Mineralogía y Petrología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Granada, Av.
Fuentenueva s/n, Granada 18071, Spain
Supplemental data for this article can be accessed online at
© 2023 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

MORB(−like) melts. In the fore-arc region, both high-Al interpreted as remnants of oceanic basins and island
and high-Cr chromitites can be found, but the latter are arcs formed after the break-up of Pangaea starting in
dominant, whereas in the back-arc region, only high-Al the late Triassic (Ibañez-Mejía et al. 2020), which gave
chromitites are reported. Therefore, the mineral compo­ birth to the north-western corner of Gondwana (and
sition of the chromitite helps deciphering the geodyna­ later South America), causing the opening of marginal
mic setting of the host ophiolites (e.g. Zhou et al. 1994, oceanic basins and the drift of continental blocks (Spi­
1998; Robinson et al. 1997; Ballhaus 1998; Ahmed and kings and Paul 2019). During the Mesozoic and Ceno­
Arai 2002; Miura et al. 2012; Pujol-Solà et al. 2021; Yao zoic, a series of terrane accretion events, with both
et al. 2023). In situ minor and trace elements (V, Sc, Ga, Ti, continental and oceanic affinities, contributed to the
Ni, Zn, Co, Mn) on chromite are also key when decryp­ formation of the present-day geological framework of
ting the magmatic processes, such as fractionation (e.g. the South American continental margin (Restrepo and
Pagé and Barnes 2009; Farré-de-Pablo et al. 2020), and Toussaint 1988).
the post-magmatic processes, such as reequilibration or From the three ultramafic units containing chromiti­
serpentinization, registered in the chromitites (e.g. Pagé tes in Colombia, only the chromitites from the MMU
and Barnes 2009; Colás et al. 2019). have been studied in previous works (Álvarez 1987;
The study of the mineralogy of chromitites has gained Correa-Martínez 2007; Hernández-González et al. 2020).
popularity in recent years after findings of unusual (‘exo­ In this contribution, we present new petrographic, mine­
tic’) mineral assemblages in chromitites worldwide (e.g. ralogical, and geochemical data from the chromitites
Robinson et al. 2004; Yang et al. 2015; Griffin et al. 2016). hosted in the Medellín Metaharzburgitic Unit, the Pla­
These assemblages are typical of continental rocks (e.g. neta Rica Peridotites, and the serpentinites spatially
Robinson et al. 2015; Proenza et al. 2018) or formed at associated with the Etpana Formation in La Guajira
super-reduced conditions, either at ultra-high pressure peninsula. We provide the first-ever trace element data
(Yang et al. 2015; Griffin et al. 2016) or low-pressure for chromite forming the three studied chromitites and
conditions (Pujol-Solà et al. 2018, 2020; Farré-de-Pablo the first detailed studies for the chromitites from Planeta
et al. 2019). After these findings, far-reaching geodyna­ Rica and La Guajira. The obtained results reveal the
mic models were proposed for the origin and evolution composition of the parental magmas from which chro­
of the chromitites; for example, for the Luobusa ophio­ mite crystallized and the post-magmatic evolution of the
lite in Tibet (McGowan et al. 2015) or the Ray-Iz ophiolite chromitites, allowing the reconstruction of their tectonic
in the Polar Urals (Yang et al. 2015), which involved setting of formation. This, in turn, allows developing the
recycling or formation of chromitites in the Mantle Tran­ tectonic models of evolution, which help constraining
sition Zone (410–660 km depth). However, other works the geodynamic evolution of the South American mar­
show that these unusual minerals, such as diamond or gin during the Mesozoic. In particular, we suggest epi­
others indicating super-reduced conditions, could form sodes of Triassic and Jurassic back-arc formation in the
at shallow pressures during serpentinization processes western margin of Gondwana (high-Al chromitites of
(Pujol-Solà et al. 2018, 2020; Farré-de-Pablo et al. 2019). Medellín and Planeta Rica) and the potential generation
Thus, detailed mineralogical studies of chromitites can of a fore-arc – arc system in the Late Cretaceous due to
give further insights into the geodynamic setting of plume-induced subduction-initiation (high-Cr chromiti­
formation and the conditions of alteration of chromiti­ tes of La Guajira).
tes, allowing the distinction between their formation in
high- or low-pressure conditions.
2. Geological setting
Ophiolitic chromitites in Colombia have been descri­
bed in three ultramafic units: in the Medellín Metaha­ Ultramafic rocks related to oceanic terranes in Colombia
rzburgitic Unit (MMU) in the Central Cordillera (Álvarez are located mainly in the western part of the country, in
1987; Proenza et al. 2004; Correa-Martínez 2007; Hernán­ the Central and Western cordilleras, and are related to
dez-González et al. 2020), in the Planeta Rica Peridotites first-order crustal structures such as the Romeral fault
in the San Jacinto Fold Belt (Ramírez et al. 2019), and in (Restrepo and Toussaint 1974), which prolongs to the
the serpentinites related to the Etpana Formation in La north as the ‘Romeral lineament’ (Figure 1). Fragments of
Guajira peninsula (Lockwood 1965). These chromitites oceanic lithosphere can also be found in the Caribbean
are hosted in ophiolitic-related peridotites that form basin, such as the basement of the San Jacinto Fold Belt,
a discontinuous N-S belt along Colombia that extends the Santa Marta range, and La Guajira peninsula (Weber
to the neighbouring countries of Ecuador and Vene­ et al. 2009; Cardona et al. 2010; Silva-Arias et al. 2016).
zuela, whereby in the latter it follows an E-W trend follo­ These ultramafic complexes represent the mantellic por­
wing the continental margin. These ophiolites are tion of the oceanic lithosphere and are scattered following

Figure 1. Topographic and tectonic map of north-western South America and the southern Caribbean showing the location of
ophiolite-related ultramafic complexes (green diamonds). Chromitite bearing ultramafic complexes are highlighted as red diamonds.
Modified from Kellogg et al. (1995) and Gómez et al. (2015). Abbreviations: BR – Baudó Range, CC – Central Cordillera, EC – Eastern
Cordillera, LGP – La Guajira Peninsula, MA – Mérida Andes, PP – Paraguaná Peninsula, PR – Perijá Range, RL – Romeral Lineament,
SJFB – San Jacinto Fold Belt, SMR – Santa Marta Range, and WC – Western Cordillera.

a N-S trend, with an approximate length of 1500 km. They hornblendite dykes and sills are found within the unit
extend from the south, near the border with Ecuador (Figure 2(d)). The metamorphic mineral assemblage of
(Villares et al. 2021), to the northernmost point of South the metaharzbugites, which comprises recrystallized oli­
America, La Guajira peninsula (Weber et al. 2009; Figure 1), vine + tremolite + talc + serpentine + chlorite, is conside­
following the E-W trend of the continental margin. They red a result of prograde metamorphism that reached
have been classically interpreted as the suture between amphibolite facies (Correa-Martínez 2007; Restrepo
continental terranes and allochthonous oceanic terranes 2008; Garcia-Casco et al. 2019) in two possible scenarios:
(Restrepo and Toussaint 1974; González 1980; Villagómez ocean floor (Correa-Martínez 2007) and subduction-ini­
2010; Spikings et al. 2015). tiation metamorphism (Garcia-Casco et al. 2019). The
MMU is considered the mantellic portion of a SSZ ophio­
lite (Correa-Martínez et al. 2004; Correa-Martínez 2007;
2.1. Medellín Metaharzburgitic Unit
Restrepo 2008), called the ‘Aburrá ophiolite’. The crustal
The Medellín Metaharzburgitic Unit (MMU) is an ultra­ section of the ophiolite may be represented by metaba­
mafic body located in the northern part of the Central sites, such as the El Picacho Metagabbro and the Espa­
Cordillera of Colombia (Figure 1) and is one of the largest dera-Chupadero Amphibolites (Restrepo 2008). TIMS
peridotite outcrops, with a length of 36 km and and LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon dating on the El Picacho
a maximum width of 5 km of ultramafic rocks (Garcia- Metagabbro yielded crystallization ages of ca. 217 Ma
Casco et al. 2019). The Rodas fault represents the eastern (Correa-Martínez 2007) and ca. 221 Ma (Ibañez-Mejía
limit of the unit, separating it from the Santa Elena et al. 2020), suggesting a Triassic age for the construction
Amphibolites and the Sajonia Mylonitic Gneiss (Figure 2­ of the crustal section of the Aburrá ophiolite.
(a)). Late Cretaceous granitoids such as the Ovejas, San
Diego, and Media Luna stocks intrude the ultramafic
2.2. Planeta Rica peridotites
body, locally producing contact metamorphism (Res­
trepo 2008). Metaharzburgites are the main lithology of The Planeta Rica Peridotites form an elongated body of
the MMU (Garcia-Casco et al. 2019). In addition, subordi­ 10 × 2 km following the N-S trend of the Romeral align­
nated metadunites, serpentinites, and amphibolite and ment (Figure 1), a basement structure that divides the

Figure 2. Geological maps of the ultramafic complexes in Colombia hosting chromitite deposits and schematic sections of the sections (not to
scale). a. Geological map of the Medellín Metaharzburgitic Unit. Modified from Garcia-Casco et al. (2019). b. Geological map of the Planeta Rica
Peridotites. Modified from Ramírez et al. (2019). c. Geological map of the La Guajira area. Modified from Lockwood (1965). Abbreviations: as –
albite-epidote-biotite schist, cs – chlorite schist, p – phyllite, and q – quartzite d. Schematic geological section of the ophiolite hosting the
chromitite bodies in the Medellín area. e. Schematic geological section of the ophiolite hosting the chromitite bodies in the Planeta Rica area.
f. Schematic geological section of the location of the chromitite bodies in the La Guajira area.

San Jacinto Fold Belt to the west and the Lower Mag­ and Duque-Caro 1981) and rests discordantly above the
dalena Valley to the east (Silva-Arias et al. 2016). This other Jurassic-Cretaceous units. The peridotites are
unit and other ultramafic bodies (Cerro Matoso and San highly serpentinized and sheared, and serpentinites
José de Uré) represent the core of the San Jacinto Fold are the main lithotype. The protolith is mainly harzbur­
Belt, a 500 km long thrust-fold belt located in the NW of gitic, with minor dunites (Naciones Unidas 1975), howe­
Colombia (Dueñas and Duque-Caro 1981). The Porvenir ver, impregnated peridotites are common, especially
Gabbro, a Late Jurassic mafic-ultramafic body, intrudes near the contact with the Porvenir Gabbro (gabbros,
the Planeta Rica Peridotites (Figure 2(b)) defining the clinopyroxenites, hornblende gabbros, and hornblendi­
mantle transition zone (MTZ) of a SSZ ophiolite (Ramí­ tes) (Figure 2(e)). The degree of impregnation, defined
rez et al. 2019). Both units are overlain by a Late Creta­ by the plagioclase content to a mesoscale, ranges from
ceous fore-arc volcano-sedimentary sequence formed 5 to 35 vol.%. Dykes of rodingitised and pegmatitic
by the Nuevo Paraíso Basalts and the Cansona Forma­ gabbros are also found crosscutting the peridotites
tion. The Ciénaga de Oro Formation (Oligocene-Mio­ (Figure 2(e)). The main deformation event recorded in
cene) is deposited at an angular unconformity above this unit occurred at brittle-ductile conditions, forming
the Cansona Formation (Naciones Unidas 1975; Dueñas shear zones with mylonites, foliated cataclasites,

cataclasites, and pseudotachylytes (Ramírez et al. 2019). deposits are found outcropping or buried a few metres
Hydrous silicate-type Ni-laterites are found in certain under the surface. When the chromitites are surrounded
areas with favourable topography, as noted by Tobón by lateritic soil (Figure 3(b)) they are referred to as ‘floa­
et al. (2020), and the mining of these laterite deposits is ting chromitites’, because silicates were more affected
currently ongoing. by the weathering processes than chromite, leaving
a porous chromitite with no silicates.
In the Planeta Rica Peridotites, chromitites are found
2.3. Etpana formation
in an isolated ‘floating’ outcrop in the central part of the
The Etpana Formation is located in the Jarara range, in La unit (Figure 2(b)). The outcrop has a lenticular shape
Guajira peninsula (Figure 1). It comprises a low-grade following a N30ºW orientation and measures 4.5 × 1.5
meta-volcano-sedimentary unit composed of finely lami­ m (Figure 3(e)). Chromitites show massive textures (80 to
nated phyllites, coarsely laminated quartzitic phyllites, 90 vol.% chromite), with interstitial chlorite and pull-
coarsely bedded quartzites, albite – epidote–chlorite apart veins filled with serpentine (Figure 3(f)). Locally,
schists, albite – epidote–biotite schists, and ‘complex’ a chlorite crust made up of book-like crystals is preser­
zones of mixed phyllites and serpentinites (Lockwood ved (Figure 3(g)). The host peridotite is weathered to
1965). This unit is interpreted as parts of an intra-oceanic lateritic soil and the closest unaltered outcrop (located
arc and a subduction – accretion complex related to the 170 m to the west) is a shear zone with foliated serpen­
evolution of the Caribbean plate, probably accreted tinites and decimetric to metric blocks of serpentinized
during the Late Cretaceous (Weber et al. 2007, 2009; harzburgite. Chromitite cobbles are found in the foot­
Zuluaga et al. 2008). The age of metamorphism of this hills and drainages of the Sabana’s Hill, in the central part
unit is constrained by the maximum depositional age of of the peridotitic body, 1.5 km north of the chromitite
the sedimentary protoliths (71 Ma; Weber et al. 2010) outcrop, suggesting the presence of other unidentified
and the crystallization age of the Parashi granitoid (47– chromitite bodies in the area.
50 Ma), a quartz diorite pluton that intrudes the Etpana In the serpentinites related to the Etpana Formation
Formation (Cardona et al. 2014). (La Guajira Peninsula), massive chromitites (Figure 3(h))
The serpentinites are described as exotic blocks are found as small discoidal-shaped bodies with sizes
(Figure 2(c)) hosted within a metapelitic matrix (Zuluaga ranging from less than ten centimetres to one metre, the
et al. 2008), containing blocks of serpentinites, rodingi­ contacts with the host serpentinite are sheared (Lock­
tes, epidosites, mica-schists, chlorite-schists, and blues­ wood 1965).
chists (Weber et al. 2010). Serpentinites have massive
textures and are composed of antigorite and magnetite
4. Studied samples and analytical techniques
with scarce chrysotile veins. A harzburgitic protolith is
suggested based on the presence of bastites (Lockwood We studied representative samples of massive, semi-
1965; Arredondo et al. 2005). Zoned rodingites are also massive, and cataclastic chromitites sampled from pods
found within the serpentinites (Arredondo et al. 2005). and dykes from the three known locations of chromitites
The intrusion of the Parashi granitoid (Figure 2f) caused in Colombia: Medellín (n = 8), Planeta Rica (n = 4), and La
contact metamorphism on the serpentinites and the Guajira (n = 2) (Figures 1, 2). The coordinates, textures,
metapelitic rocks (Lockwood 1965; Arredondo et al. and mineralogy of the studied samples are summarized
2005). in Supp. Table S1.
Petrographic observations were performed with
a Nikon Eclipse LV100POL petrographic microscope
3. Chromite deposits
with transmitted and reflected light equipped with
Within the Medellín Metaharzburgitic Unit, the chromite a Nikon DS-Ri2 camera and a JEOL JSM-7100 field-emis­
deposits are found in two localities: San Pedro and Patio sion scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) equipped
Bonito (Figure 2(a)). The ore bodies occur mainly as with an energy-dispersive spectrometer (EDS) at the
centimetric to metric pods with massive to semi-massive Centres Científics i Tecnològics de la Universitat de Barce­
textures (Figure 3(a–b)), but also as highly chloritised lona (CCiTUB), Spain. The operating conditions were 15
dykes (Figure 3(c–d)), lenses, and disseminated schlieren kV accelerating voltage and 5 nA in backscattered elec­
(Álvarez 1987; Hernández-González et al. 2020) that are tron (BSE) mode.
concordant to sub-concordant with the host peridotite Quantitative electron probe microanalyses (EPMA)
(Correa-Martínez 2007). Patio Bonito is the largest of the were conducted at the CCiTUB using a JEOL JXA-8230
two deposits, measuring 30 × 7 m (Álvarez 1987; Proenza in wavelength dispersive spectroscopy mode (WDS).
et al. 2004), and was mined during the 1970–1980s. The Analytical conditions were 20 kV accelerating voltage,

Figure 3. Field and hand sample photos of the chromite deposits. a. Chromitite body (grey-fractured) embedded in lateritic soil,
hammer for scale. San Pedro deposit, Medellín area. b. Chromitite body (dark grey) embedded in lateritic soil. Patio Bonito deposit,
Medellín area. c. Chromitite dyke within a partially weathered metaharzburgite. San Pedro deposit, Medellín area. d. Highly chloritised
chromitite hand specimen from the dyke shown in C. e. Outcropping chromitite pod in Planeta Rica. f. Massive chromitite sample from
Planeta Rica, white spots are interstitial chlorite. g. Coarse chlorite crystals forming a crust around the chromitite in Planeta Rica.
h. Cataclastic chromitite (massive in appearance) from La Guajira.

10–20 nA beam current, 1–5 μm beam diameter, and 10 (GAU) (Australia). Laser analytical conditions include an
s counting time per element. Natural and synthetic stan­ energy density of 4 J/cm2, with a repetition rate of 5 Hz.
dards used were diopside (Si; TAP), kyanite (Al; TAP), The spot size was 30 micrometres, and all analyses were
wollastonite (Ca; PETJ), orthoclase (K; PETJ), periclase done on areas free of inclusions, without fractures or
(Mg; TAPH), albite (Na; TAPH), Fe2O3 (Fe; LIFH), CoO evidence of alteration. The elements analysed by LA-
(Co; LIFH), NiO (Ni; LIFH), sphalerite (Zn; LIFH), rhodonite ICP-MS are listed next: 24Mg, 45Sc, 46Ti, 47Ti, 51V, 55Mn,
(Mn; LIFL), Cr2O3 (Cr; LIFL), V (V; LIFL), and rutile (Ti; LIFL). Co, 60Ni, 66Zn, 69Ga, and 71Ga. Additionally, 29Si, 39K and
The correction procedure PAP (Pouchou and Pichoir Ca were also included to monitor unwanted ablation
1991) was used to convert specimen intensity ratios of silicate inclusions. Each analysis was normalized using
into concentrations. The chemical data for Cr-spinel the Al values obtained from previous EPMA data. Cali­
(chromite) was stoichiometrically recalculated to distin­ bration of the instrument was done using the standard
guish FeO from Fe2O3 according to the procedure des­ NIST610 silicate glass (Norman et al. 1996), whereas the
cribed by Carmichael (1966). Analyses of chromite, BCR-1 standard (Jochum et al. 2016), and the in-house
olivine, chlorite, pargasite, and garnet in the studied LCR-1 chromite standard (Lace mine, South Africa; Loc­
chromitites are presented in Supp. Table S2. melis et al. 2011) were analysed as unknowns in order to
Trace-element composition on chromite was obtai­ assess the accuracy and precision of the analyses. Our
ned following the procedure of Colás et al. (2014). LA- results are consistent with previously published values
ICP-MS analyses on chromite were carried out with for the same standards (see Supp. Table S3; Locmelis
a Photon-Machines Excite 193 nm excimer laser system et al. 2011; Mukherjee et al. 2015; Jochum et al. 2016).
coupled to an Agilent 7700× ICP-MS mass spectrometer A typical run of LA-ICP-MS would consist of 20 analyses,
at Macquarie University Geochemical Analysis Unit comprising 12 analyses of samples, bracketed by 2

analyses of the NIST610 at the beginning and at the end chromite and is also related to the general texture,
of each run. After the first 2 analyses of NIST610, two ranging from massive (low chlorite) to semi-massive
analyses of BCR-1 and LCR-1 standards were included. (high chlorite) chromitite textures. Brecciated textures
The acquisition time for each sample was 180 s (60 defined by non-rotational fragments of chromite in
s background and 120 s signal). Data reduction was a chlorite matrix are observed in some samples (e.g.
carried out online by using the GLITTER software (Van sample ME17-10A).
Achterbergh et al. 2001; Griffin et al. 2008). Results of The chromite alteration rims in the Patio Bonito depo­
minor- and trace-element analyses for chromite are pro­ sit are thin and transitional to unaltered cores (Figure 5­
vided in Supp. Table S3. (a)). They are characterized by patchy development of
Whole-rock PGEs analyses were performed on 7 chro­ chromite with slightly higher reflectivity (Figure 5(a)), as
mitite samples at Intertek Genalysis (Perth, Western Aus­ well as the presence of irregular to octahedral inclusions
tralia) using fire assay nickel sulphide collection and filled with chlorite and minor rutile and pentlandite
analysed by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectro­ (Figure 5(a)). In the San Pedro deposit, the altered chro­
metry, following the method described by Chan and mite rims show sharp irregular contacts with the unalte­
Finch (2001). For the analytical procedure, 25 g of sam­ red cores (Figure 5(b)). The altered rims are highly
ple was fused at 1200°C with a flux containing borax, heterogeneous, composed of high-reflectivity chromite
soda ash, silica, nickel oxide, and sulphur. The nickel enclosing Fe-rich spinel crystals and rounded to acicular
sulphide button was dissolved with hydrochloric acid inclusions of chlorite and minor rutile and pentlandite
at ~ 100°C. The undissolved PGE sulphides and gold (Figure 5(b)).
were collected on a cellulose nitrate membrane filter Primary silicate mineral inclusions in chromite from
and digested with aqua regia in sealed borosilicate test both San Pedro and Patio Bonito are altered to chlorite,
tubes. The solution was diluted with 10% v/v nitric acid often leaving only relict textural evidence. The unaltered
and thoroughly mixed. The final solution was analysed silicate inclusions preserved in those chromitites are
using a Perkin-Elmer Sciex ELAN 6000 ICP-MS. Six cali­ rounded olivine crystals up to 300 μm long (Figure 6(a–
brating standard solutions were used as standards and b)) and pargasite crystals up to 200 μm long (Figure 6(c–
samples were spiked with two internal standards for drift b)), the latter occurring as irregular and elongated inclu­
monitoring. A certified reference material (South African sion clusters. Some chromitite samples are characterized
Reference Material, SARM-7) and in-house standards by the abundance of fine acicular to rounded inclusions
(AMIS0516) were included in every analysis batch. The of rutile and ilmenite (<1–50 μm) (Figure 6(e)). Less
measured PGE isotopes were 99Ru, 101Ru, 102Ru, 103Rh, abundant are pentlandite, chalcopyrite and cuprite
Pd, 106Pd, 108Pd, 189Os, 193Ir, 195Pt, and 196Pt. The inclusions, located in both core and rims.
results were corrected for interferences produced by Ni
and Cu argides. Detection limits are 1 ppb for Rh and 2
ppb for all other PGEs. Results for the analysed samples 5.1.2 Planeta Rica chromitites
are presented in Supp. Table S4. Chromitites within the Planeta Rica peridotites show
massive to semi-massive textures (>60 vol.% chromite)
(Figure 4(e)) and preserve primary igneous textures
(phaneritic-globular), with local grain-size banding
5. Results
(Figure 4(f)). Chromite crystals are subhedral to anhedral
5.1. Petrography with rounded borders, varying in size between 1 and 6
mm. They are dark red in colour and are generally unal­
5.1.1. Medellín chromitites
tered or slightly altered towards the rims to high-reflec­
Chromitites from Medellín (i.e. Patio Bonito and San
tivity chromite (Figure 5(c)) or patchy magnetite.
Pedro deposits) have massive to semi-massive textures
However, this alteration is minimal compared to the
(90–50 vol.% chromite) (Figure 4(a)), which consists Medellín chromitites. The chromite grains also show
mainly of partially altered (Figure 4(b)) anhedral to irregular and ubiquitous pull-apart fractures (Figure 4(e)).
subhedral reddish chromite grains (up to 1 cm), with The intergranular minerals are mainly anhedral chlorite
irregular fractures. Chromite is partial to fully embed­ (Figure 4e) filling globular spaces, green-brownish gar­
ded in a matrix (Figure 4(a)) composed of bladed- net (Figure 4h), with pentlandite crystals scattered bet­
tabular chlorite crystals with minor olivine (Figure 4(c)), ween the silicates. Serpentine is found in veins
rutile, ilmenite (Figure 4(d)), magnetite, titanite, pen­ crosscutting the chromitite. Centimetric shear zones
tlandite, and millerite. The chlorite abundance is posi­ with cataclastic textures are found in some chromitite
tively correlated with the degree of alteration of samples (Figure 4g).

Figure 4. Photomicrographs of the chromitite samples (a-d) Medellín, (e-h) Planeta Rica, (i-l) La Guajira. TL= transmitted light,
RL= reflected light, CP= crossed polarizers, BSE= back-scattered electrons. a. Semi-massive chromitite with subangular chromite
crystals embedded in a chlorite matrix (TL). b. Chromite crystals with laminar chlorite inclusions in an octahedral arrangement (RL).
c. Rounded olivine crystal embedded in chlorite, filling the interstitial space between chromite crystals (TL). d. Ilmenite-rutile
aggregate embedded in chlorite in a highly altered chromitite (RL). e. Semi-massive chromitite with subhedral-anhedral chromite
crystals (some pull-apart fractures are highlighted with pink arrows) and globular interstitial spaces filled with chlorite (TL). f. Grain-
size banding in a chromitite sample, the upper left area shows coarser chromite crystals and less interstitial space compared to the
lower right area (RL). g. Cataclastic domain formed by angular chromite fragments that become smaller at the centre of the domain
(RL). h. Interstitial space between chromite crystals filled with chlorite and garnet (TL). i. Cataclastic chromitite composed of chromite
fragments cemented by garnet with some interstitial chlorite and talc (TL). j. Chromite porphyroclasts in a fragmental matrix cemented
by garnet, fractures are filled with chlorite and talc (RL). k. Cataclastic chromitite composed of chromite fragments cemented by garnet
with some interstitial chlorite and talc (RL). l. Uvarovite garnet, chlorite, and talc filling the interstitial space between chromite crystals
(TL). Abbreviations: Chl – chlorite, Chr – chromite, Grt – garnet, Ilm – ilmenite, Ol – olivine, Rt – rutile, and Tlc – talc.

In the chromitites from Planeta Rica, silicate inclusions crystals; Figure 6g) with minor amounts of orthopyroxene,
(20–500 μm) are common, consisting of olivine (rounded phlogopite, and pentlandite, as well as alteration minerals
crystals; Figure 6f) and pargasite (clusters of irregular such as chlorite and tremolite located in both core and rims.

Figure 5. Back-scattered electron photomicrographs of alteration rims in chromite crystals (a. Medellín – Patio Bonito deposit.
b. Medellín – San Pedro deposit. c. Planeta Rica. d. La Guajira) and Fe3+-Cr-Al ternary diagram for unaltered and altered chromite
(e. Medellín. f. Planeta Rica. g. La Guajira). Metamorphic facies fields are after Barnes and Roeder (2001), Evans and Frost (1975), Freitas
and Strieder (1996), and Purvis et al. (1972).

5.1.3. La Guajira chromitites 0.57 (Figure 7(a)), Mg# between 0.62 and 0.67, Al2O3
Chromitites from La Guajira show cataclastic textures from 22.5 to 28.4 wt% (Figure 7(b)), Cr2O3 from 40.1 to
(Figure 4(i–k)) and are composed of chromite porphyro­ 44.9 wt% (Figure 7(b)), low TiO2 (0.27–0.43 wt%), FeO
clasts (up to 6 mm) and crystal fragments (80 vol.%) in from 11.01 to 13.00 wt%, Fe2O3 from 3.40 to 5.30 wt%,
a fine-grained cemented matrix formed by euhedral to and Fe3+# up to 0.06. Primary chromite in the La Guajira
massive green garnet, chlorite, and talc (Figure 4(k)). This chromitites has high-Cr composition, with Cr# ranging
silicate assemblage also fills the interstitial spaces bet­ from 0.75 to 0.76 (Figure 7(a)), Mg# between 0.63 and
ween chromite crystals (Figure 4(l)). Chromite crystals 0.68, Al2O3 from 12.1 to 12.6 wt% (Figure 7(b)), Cr2O3
are mainly unaltered (Figure 4j) showing a dark-red colour from 55.6 to 57.8 wt% (Figure 7(b)), low TiO2 (0.15–0.33
and an irregular fracture pattern. Some chromite grains wt%), FeO from 8.94 to 12.52 wt%, Fe2O3 from 3.59 to
are slightly altered showing porous rims (Figure 5(d)). Due 5.40 wt%, and Fe3+# up to 0.07.
to their fractured nature, inclusions in chromite grains are Altered chromite rims (Figure 5(e-g)) show higher Cr,
totally altered to chlorite (Figure 6(h)) and, to a lesser Fe2+ and Fe3+, and lower Al and Mg, than unaltered
extent, to tremolite. chromite cores, generally progressing towards Cr-rich
chromite, which is the typical alteration path in chromite
(e.g. Gervilla et al. 2012). Altered chromite has maximum
5.2. Mineral chemistry
Cr2O3 contents of 60.39 wt% for the high-Al chromitites
5.2.1. Chromite and of 67.87 wt% for the high-Cr chromitites (Supp. Table
The composition of unaltered primary chromite cores in S2). The Medellín altered chromite rims show Cr# bet­
the chromitites from Medellín is high-Al, with Cr# ran­ ween 0.52 and 0.89, Mg# between 0.36 and 0.92, Al2O3
ging from 0.41 to 0.51 (Figures 5(e), 7(a); Supp. Table S2), from 2.61 to 27.6 wt%, Cr2O3 from 17.7 to 63.2 wt%, TiO2
and Mg# [(Mg/Mg+Fe2+) atomic ratio] between 0.68 and from 0.04 to 1.05 wt%, FeO from 3.55 to 21.42 wt%, Fe2O3
0.82. The Al2O3 content ranges from 26.5 to 34.5 wt% up to 48.8 wt%, and Fe3+# up to 0.69. The altered chro­
(Figure 7(b)), Cr2O3 from 35.6 to 42.7 wt% (Figure 7(b,c)), mite in Planeta Rica shows Cr# up to 0.92, Mg# between
and the TiO2 content is low (0.12–0.41 wt%; Figure 7(c)), 0.11 and 0.57, Al2O3 contents from 2.67 to 12.4 wt%,
FeO ranges from 4.32 to 13.65 wt%, Fe2O3 from 0.97 to Cr2O3 from 41.0 to 55.2 wt%, TiO2 from 0.22 to 0.68 wt
4.92 wt%, and Fe3+# [Fe3+/(Fe3++Cr+Al) atomic ratio] up %, FeO from 8.80 to 26.3 wt%, Fe2O3 from 2.78 to 18.6 wt
to 0.05. Primary chromite in the chromitites from Planeta %, and Fe3+# up to 0.25. Whereas La Guajira altered
Rica also has high-Al composition, with Cr# from 0.49 to chromite has Cr# up to 0.95, 0.49–0.75 Mg#, Al2O3

Figure 6. Photomicrographs of inclusions in chromite crystals (a-e) Medellín, (f – g) Planeta Rica, (h) La Guajira. TL= transmitted light,
RL= reflected light, CP= crossed polarizers, BSE= back-scattered electrons. a. Rounded olivine inclusion (CP). b. Elongated olivine
inclusion (BSE). c. Pargasite inclusions with concave margins (TL). d. Elongated irregular pargasite inclusions (BSE). e. Complex rutile-
ilmenite inclusion and scattered fine rutile inclusions in chromite (RL). f. Rounded olivine inclusion (left) and inclusion crosscut by
fractures and altered to chlorite (right) (BSE). g. Globular and irregular pargasite inclusions. Phlogopite inclusions are also present but
texturally indistinguishable (BSE). h. Rounded inclusions altered to chlorite in a fragmented chromite crystal (BSE). Abbreviations: Chl –
chlorite, Chr – chromite, Ilm – ilmenite, Ol – olivine, Prg – pargasite, and Rt – rutile.

Figure 7. Compositional diagrams for chromite. a. Mg# vs. Cr# diagram. Mg# [Mg/(Mg+fe)], Cr# [Cr/(Cr + Al)]. b. Cr2O3 (wt%) vs. Al2O3
(wt%) diagram. Fields from Leblanc and Nicolas (1992). c. TiO2 (wt%) vs. Cr2O3 (wt%). Data for Cr-spinel from different tectonic settings
are compiled from Bonavia et al. (1993), Kamenetsky et al. (2001), Proenza et al. (2007), and González-Jiménez et al. (2015).

contents from 2.42 to 12.5 wt%, Cr2O3 from 57.7 to 67.9 Caribbean, such as in Cuba, Dominican Republic,
wt%, TiO2 from 0.18 to 0.33 wt%, FeO ranges from 9.54 to and Venezuela (Proenza et al. 2011; Colás et al.
17.74 wt%, Fe2O3 from 1.31 to 5.20 wt%, and Fe3+# up to 2014; Mendi et al. 2020).
0.07. Two clear alteration trends can be observed from
core to rim in the studied chromite grains (Figure 5(e– 5.2.2. Olivine
g)): 1) an increase in Cr, especially observed in La Guajira Olivine inclusions in chromite from Medellín have
chromitites (Figures 5(g)), and 2) an increase in Fe3+ high forsterite content (Fo96–97) (Figure 9(a)), with
(Figure 5(e,f)). Magnetite or other oxides, such as haema­ MgO ranging from 53.6 to 55.1 wt%, FeO from 3.21
tite, which would represent the final product of alteration to 4.35 wt%, and NiO ranging from 0.57 to 0.75 wt%.
of chromite have not been analysed in the studied rocks. Interstitial olivine in the chromitites matrix has higher
The content of minor and trace elements of unaltered forsterite content (Fo98–99) (Figure 9(a)) due to high
chromite cores from Medellín (n = 46) are (Figure 8; MgO (56.2–57.3 wt%), low FeOtot (1.43–1.54 wt%), and
Supp. Table S3): 1–3 ppm Sc, 1000–1700 ppm Ti, 730– abnormally low NiO contents (0.08–0.14 wt%) (Supp.
1000 ppm V, 900–1330 ppm Mn, 195–240 ppm Co, Table S2). Olivine inclusions in chromite from the
1140–1580 ppm Ni, 390–560 ppm Zn, and 37–49 ppm Planeta Rica chromitites have high forsterite content
Ga; whereas those of Planeta Rica (n = 24) are: 1–3 ppm (Fo95–96) (Figure 9(a)), with MgO ranging from 53.2 to
Sc, 1880–2135 ppm Ti, 650–1070 ppm V, 1120–1520 53.9 wt%, FeO from 4.4 to 4.8 wt%, and NiO from 0.66
ppm Mn, 195–245 ppm Co, 1340–1650 ppm Ni, 470– to 0.76 wt%.
535 ppm Zn, and 37–46 ppm Ga. Chromite from La
Guajira (n = 11) yielded contents of 4–5 ppm Sc, 1130– 5.2.3. Pargasite
1220 ppm Ti, 570–610 ppm V, 1100–1180 ppm Mn, 190– Amphibole inclusions in chromitites from Medellín
210 ppm Co, 1660–1770 ppm Ni, 330–350 ppm Zn, and and Planeta Rica have calcic compositions (CaB
22–24 ppm Ga. = 1.744–1.944 apfu) and are classified as pargasite
The minor and trace element contents of the according to the classification of Hawthorne et al.
Medellín and Planeta Rica chromitites are very similar (2012) (Figure 9(b)). As a whole, they show limited
and generally within the field of high-Al chromitites variation in Si (6.004–6.587 apfu), Mg (4.025–4.396
(Figure 8) except for Ti, which is higher in the Planeta apfu), slight variations in AlT (1.455–2.448 apfu), Fetot
Rica chromitites (Figure 8(a)) and plots outside the (0.087–0.578 apfu), Ca (1.744–1.944 apfu), and Na
field for typical high-Al chromitites (Farré-de-Pablo (0.579–1.179), and low contents of Ti (0.079–0.273
et al. 2020 and references therein). Minor and trace apfu), Cr (0.214–0.389 apfu), Mn (up to 0.064 apfu),
elements from chromitites from La Guajira plot syste­ and K (up to 0.040 apfu) (Supp. Table S2). Pargasite
matically in the field for high-Cr chromitites of from Medellín has higher Na (0.751–1.179 apfu) than
Figure 8. La Guajira high-Cr chromitite shows lower pargasite from Planeta Rica (0.582–0.795 apfu) and
Ga and higher Sc compared to the high-Al chromiti­ higher Al (1.594–2.448 apfu and 1.496–1.811 apfu,
tes of Medellín and Planeta Rica, a pattern that has respectively), whereas Mg, Ca, FeT, and Cr are similar
also been observed in other chromitites from the in amphiboles from both localities.

5000 4000
A li b Medellín

Planeta Rica
3000 La Guajira

3000 k

Ni (ppm)
Ti (ppm)
2000 li HA-oc
HA-oc HC-oc k HC-oc

2500 700
C d
li 600
500 k

Co (ppm)
V (ppm)


1000 HA-oc 300 li
500 HC-oc HA-oc
100 HC-oc

2000 7000
E f
Mn (ppm)
Zn (ppm)


k 3000
800 li HC-oc
2000 li k
HA-oc 1000

16 80
G h

12 60 li
Ga (ppm)
Sc (ppm)

8 li 40
HA-oc HC-oc
4 20

0 0
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
#Cr #Cr

Figure 8. Variations in terms of Ti, Ni, V, Co, Zn, Mn, Sc, and Ga vs. Cr# [Cr/(Cr + Al)] in the studied Colombian chromitites. Fields are
from González-Jiménez et al. (2017) and references therein. Fields abbreviations: HA-oc – high aluminium ophiolitic chromitite,
HC-oc – high chromium ophiolitic chromitite, k – kimberlite, and li – layered intrusion.

Figure 9. Compositional diagrams for olivine, amphibole, and chlorite. a. Forsterite (Fo) vs. NiO (wt%) for the analysed olivine.
b. Classification diagram for Ca-amphiboles. Modified from Hawthorne et al. (2012). c. Classification diagram for chlorite (Hey 1954).

5.2.4. Chlorite slope from Ru to Pd, which is typical for ophiolitic chro­
Chlorite from the Medellín chromitites corresponds mitites (e.g. González-Jiménez et al. 2014). The chromi­
mainly to clinochlore according to the classification of tites from Planeta Rica are the most enriched in PGEs
Hey (1954) (Figure 9(c)), with MgO ranging from 30.8 to (268–487 ppb) and the chondrite-normalized pattern
35.7 wt%, Al2O3 from 8.3 to 24.1 wt%, FeOtot from 0.8 to (Figure 10) shows a marked negative slope from Ru to
2.2 wt% (Supp. Table S2), Si between 5.296 and 7.993 Pt. The chromitite sample from La Guajira has a bulk-rock
apfu, and up to 0.444 Cr apfu. Chlorite from the Planeta PGE content of 235 ppb, and the chondrite-normalized
Rica chromitites has more variable composition and is pattern shows strong enrichment in IPGEs relative to
richer in Fe than chlorite from Medellín. It corresponds to PPGEs. The chromitites from the three studied areas
clinochlore, pennantite and talc-chlorite (Figure 9(c)), have PGE contents in the range of typical values for
with MgO ranging from 31.3 to 36.2 wt%, Al2O3 from ophiolitic chromitites (<1000 ppb total PGE; Leblanc
2.0 to 16.6 wt%, FeOtot from 1.2 to 3.9 wt%, Si between 1991; Gervilla et al. 2005; Ismail et al. 2010). However,
4.464 and 7.984 apfu, and up to 1.459 Cr apfu. Chlorite there is an order of magnitude of difference between the
from the La Guajira chromitites corresponds to clinoch­ PGE content in the Medellín chromitites and the higher
lore and pennantite (Figure 9(c)), with MgO from 32.7 to PGE content of chromitites from Planeta Rica and La
34.7 wt%, Al2O3 from (12.0 to 15.7 wt%, FeOtot from 0.4 Guajira (Figure 10).
to 1.1 wt%, Si between 5.754 and 6.460 apfu, and up to
1.597 Cr apfu.
6. Discussion
5.2.5. Garnet
6.1. Alteration of chromitites
Two types of garnet are found in the Planeta Rica chro­
mitites (Supp. Table S2). The first one has a main andra­ Textural and chemical alteration of chromite and silica­
dite component with a secondary uvarovite component tes in the chromitites reflects the post-magmatic proces­
(Adr72–76Grs19–13Uv9–11) with Al2O3 from 3.45 to 3.79 wt ses undergone by these rocks. In the Medellín
%, CaO from 33.24 to 34.39 wt%, Cr2O3 from 2.42 to 2.72 chromitites, two stages of alteration are recognized in
wt%, and FeOtot from 17.89 to 20.05 wt% (Supp. Table the alteration rims (Figure 5(e)): 1) a first stage characte­
S2). The low totals (90.39 to 92.28 wt%) observed in the rized by Al-loss and relative enrichment of Cr, which
analyses may indicate the presence of hydroxyl groups occurs under water-saturated conditions accompanied
in the garnet structure (Melcher et al. 1997). The second by volume reduction and formation of chlorite inclu­
type of garnet has a main uvarovite component (Uv53– sions, followed by b) a second stage that involves the
58Adr28–21Grs19–20), with Al2O3 from 3.59 to 4.08 wt%, formation of a Fe3+-rich spinel phase that accompanies
CaO from 30.85 to 33.03 wt%, Cr2O3 from 15.86 to chlorite (Gervilla et al. 2012 and references therein; Her­
17.41 wt%, and FeOtot from 6.57 to 7.99 wt% (Supp. nández-González et al. 2020). As shown in Figure 5(e),
Table S2), with totals between 87.66 to 90.56, also inclu­ the compositions of altered chromite rims plot mainly in
ding an important hydrous content. the compositional fields of Cr-spinel from greenschist to
The garnet in La Guajira chromitites is similar in com­ amphibolite facies. Amphibolite facies conditions are
position to the second type in Planeta Rica with a main recorded within the whole MMU (Correa-Martínez
uvarovite component (Uv87–90Adr12–9Grs1), Al2O3 from 2007; Restrepo 2008; Garcia-Casco et al. 2019; Hernán­
1.78 to 2.36 wt%, CaO from 31.93 to 33.61 wt%, Cr2O3 dez-González et al. 2020). According to Garcia-Casco
from 26.42 to 28.72 wt%, and FeOtot from 0.18 to 0.43 wt et al. (2019), the metamorphic mineral associations in
% (Supp. Table S2). However, totals of these analyses are the host metaperidotites indicate temperatures of 550–
between 97.76 to 98.68, indicating that the hydrous 700°C at medium to low pressures (<6 kbar) during
component is less significative than those from Planeta cooling. Hence, the alteration of the Medellín chromiti­
Rica. tes can be directly related to the metamorphism at
amphibolite facies conditions.
In the Planeta Rica and La Guajira chromitites, com­
5.3. Bulk-rock contents of platinum-group
positions of altered chromite rims are similar and cha­
racterized by a Cr-rich spinel phase (Figures. 5(f–g))
Bulk-rock platinum group elements (PGEs) contents corresponding to ferrian-chromite, which developed
(Supp. Table S4) in the Medellín chromitites are very during an alteration stage comparable to the first
low (30–54 ppb) and the chondrite-normalized pattern event underwent in the Medellín chromitites. However,
(Figure 10) shows a slight enrichment in IPGEs (Os, Ir, and the compositions of altered chromite rims of Planeta
Ru) relative to PPGEs (Rh, Pt, and Pd) defining a negative Rica and La Guajira chromitites lie outside the

González-Jiménez et al. 2015, 2016). However, the Pla­

neta Rica chromitites only experienced low-temperature
ocean floor metamorphism and are associated with gab­
broic bodies and impregnated peridotites (Figure 2(e)),
which has been related to this higher Ti content in high-
Al chromitites (Proenza et al. 1999, 2001; Pujol-Solà et al.
2020, 2021). Hence, trace elements in chromite suggest
that the primary chromite composition is preserved,
allowing petrogenetic interpretations (see next section).
Metamorphic processes are not only recorded in the
chromite grains but also in the matrix. In the chromitites
from Medellín, high forsterite/low Ni olivine (Figure 9(a))
recrystallized from the precursory primary olivine (see
Garcia-Casco et al. 2019) and ilmenite + rutile inclusions
were leached from the chromite (where they appear as
inclusions) and reprecipitated within the matrix (Figure 4­
(d)). The presence of garnet in the chromitites from Pla­
neta Rica and La Guajira (Figure 4(h–l)) is related to the
activity of hydrothermal fluids that leached Al and Cr from
chromite and Ca from nearby gabbros, similar to the
interpretations for garnet in chromitites from the Moa-
Baracoa ophiolitic massif in Cuba (Proenza et al. 1999).
Figure 10. C1 Chondrite-normalized PGE patterns for the analy­
sed chromitites. Normalization values are from Naldrett and
Duke (1980). Additional data from Medellín is from Hernández- 6.2. Petrogenesis and parental magmas
González et al. (2020) and data from Cerro Colorado is from
MORB-normalized trace element patterns of chromite
Mendi et al. (2020). Fields from SSZ chromitites are from Farré-
de-Pablo et al. (2020) with data from Economou (1983), Peder­ cores from the three sites generally overlap those of
sen et al. (1993), Melcher et al. (1997), Economou-Eliopoulos podiform chromitites from the oceanic SSZ mantle
(2010), and Arai (2013), and references therein. Pt detection limit (Figure 11). The range of compositions in the chromitites
is below the represented vertical scale. from Medellín and Planeta Rica (high-Al; Figures 7 and 8)
and from La Guajira (high-Cr; Figures 7 and 8) is linked to
the composition of the parental melts from which they
compositional fields of Cr-spinel from the amphibolite crystallized (Kamenetsky et al. 2001). In the TiO2 versus
facies (Figure 5(f–g)). Texturally, the chlorite inclusions in #Cr diagram (Figure 12(a)), the composition of the high-
the rims are coarser in the chromitites from La Guajira in Al chromite from Medellín and Planeta Rica falls within
comparison with Planeta Rica (Figure 5(c–d)). This diffe­ the field defined for accessory Cr-spinel in MORB and
rence may be related to the different metamorphic gra­ between the fields defined for accessory Cr-spinel in
des in both areas, as the host serpentinites within the boninites and MORB, whereas high-Cr chromite from
Etpana Formation underwent regional greenschist facies La Guajira plots within the field defined by accessory
metamorphism (Lockwood 1965), whereas the Planeta Cr-spinel in boninites. The Medellín and Planeta Rica
Rica Peridotites experienced low-temperature ocean chromitites plot in the field for Cr-spinel precipitated
floor metamorphism (Ramírez et al. 2019). from MORB and/or BABB (back-arc basin basalts), whe­
Regarding the trace elements, the studied chromitites reas chromite from La Guajira plots in the field for Cr-
overlap the field typical for ophiolitic chromitites spinel in magmatic rocks from arc settings (Figure 12(b)).
(Figure 11(a–c)) and the chromitites from the three The composition of the melts in equilibrium with the
areas show very similar patterns. The Ti content for the chromitites has been estimated using the composition of
Planeta Rica chromitites (Figure 11(b)) is slightly higher, unaltered chromite grains and the equations by Zaccarini
plotting outside the field for SSZ mantle-hosted chromi­ et al. (2011) for high-Cr and high-Al chromite, based on
tites (Farré-de-Pablo et al. 2020). This higher content in Ti data from chromite-melt inclusion pairs in arc lavas and
could be related to the addition of this element during MORB reported by Kamenetsky et al. (2001) and Rollinson
metamorphism, which has been reported in other (2008). For Cr# <0.6 (Medellín and Planeta Rica), Al2O3
greenschist to amphibolite facies metamorphosed contents have been estimated with the equation (Al2O3)­
ophiolitic chromitites (e.g. Colás et al. 2014, 2020; melt = 4.1386·ln(Al2O3)spinel − 2.2828 and TiO2 contents


Chromite/Chromite in MORB


SSZ mantle-hosted
“podiform” array (n=253)

n = 47
V Sc Ga Ti Ni Zn Co Mn
Planeta Rica
Chromite/Chromite in MORB


SSZ mantle-hosted
“podiform” array (n=253)

n = 24
V Sc Ga Ti Ni Zn Co Mn
La Guajira
Chromite/Chromite in MORB


SSZ mantle-hosted
“podiform” array (n=253)

n = 12
V Sc Ga Ti Ni Zn Co Mn
Figure 11. Spider diagrams showing the composition of minor and trace elements of chromite from a. Medellín, b. Planeta Rica, and
c. La Guajira. Data normalized to MORB (Pagé and Barnes 2009) and compared with SSZ mantle-hosted chromitites (compilation from
Farré-de-Pablo et al. 2020).

were estimated with the equation (TiO2)melt = 0.708·ln the equation (TiO2)melt = 1.0897·(TiO2)spinel +0.0892. The
(TiO2)spinel +1.6436. For Cr# >0.6 (La Guajira), Al2O3 con­ FeO/MgO ratios have been estimated with the equation
tents were estimated with the equation (Al2O3)melt = of Maurel and Maurel (1982): ln (FeO/MgO)spinel = 0.47–
5.2253·ln(Al2O3)spinel − 1.1232 and TiO2 contents with 1.07·Al#spinel +0.64·Fe3+#spinel + ln(FeO/MgO)melt, with FeO

Figure 12. Tectonic discrimination diagrams for chromite and accessory Cr-spinel in peridotites. a. Cr# vs. TiO2 (wt%). Boninitic and
MORB fields were defined by Arai (1992). b. Al2O3 (wt%) vs. TiO2 (wt%). Compositional fields of accessory Cr-spinel in different types of
basalts and peridotites in SSZ and MOR settings are from Kamenetsky et al. (2001).

and MgO in wt%, Al# = Al/(Cr + Al + Fe3+) and Fe3+# = Fe3 González et al. 2020; Ibañez-Mejía et al. 2020 and
/(Cr + Al + Fe3+). references therein).
The parental melt in equilibrium with the Medellín As stated before, calculations on the composition
chromitites has a composition of 15.85–16.93 wt% of parental melts are based on the composition of
Al2O3 (Figure 13(a)), 0.12–1.04 wt% TiO2 (Figure 13(b)), unaltered chromite grains. However, the exsolution
and shows variable FeO/MgO between 0.41 and 1.06, of solid phases can modify the composition of the
consistent with a MORB parental melt (15–16 wt% chromite during the crystallization and cooling pro­
Al2O3; Gale et al. 2013) (Figure 13(c)). Similar values cesses. The presence of rutile and ilmenite inclu­
were previously reported by Hernández-González sions, probably formed by exsolution, in some of
et al. (2020). The parental melt in equilibrium with the chromite samples from Medellín implies that
the Planeta Rica chromitites has a composition of the TiO2 contents in the parental melt should be
15.17–16.13 Al2O3 (Figure 13a), 0.72–1.04 wt% TiO2 higher than the mean calculated (~0.63 wt%)
(Figure 13(b)), and 0.89–1.05 FeO/MgO, also consis­ because some of the TiO2 was exsolved from the
tent with a MORB parental melt (Figure 13(c)) but chromite as rutile and ilmenite.
with lower TiO2 content, since typical MORB melts From the point of view of their composition, chro­
have 1.20–1.68 wt% TiO2 and 1.38 FeO/MgO ratios mite from high-Al chromitites (Medellín and Planeta
(Gale et al. 2013). The parental melt estimated in Rica) is similar to chromite in MORB/BABB, whereas
equilibrium with La Guajira chromitites shows chromite from high-Cr chromitites (La Guajira) has
a composition of 11.91–12.12 wt% Al2O3 (Figure 13(a)), a strong boninitic affinity (Figure 12(a)) (see González-
0.26–0.45 wt% TiO2 (Figure 13(b)), and 0.64–0.91 FeO/ Jiménez et al. 2014 and references therein). This is
MgO, consistent with a boninitic parental melt (0.1– consistent with the parental melt compositions just
0.5 wt% TiO2; Hickey and Frey 1982; Mg-rich, low described for the chromitites. Moreover, the trace ele­
FeO/MgO ratios; Dick and Bullen 1984; Kelemen ment compositions of the chromite from the different
et al. 2004) (Figure 13(c)). chromitites fall within the typical fields for ophiolitic
However, the presence of hydrated phases (parga­ chromitites (Figure 7(b–c)). In general, minor and trace
site) as primary inclusions in the chromite from Mede­ elements are in agreement with the results obtained
llín and Planeta Rica chromitites indicates the using major elements.
hydrated character of the parental magma, in which The studied samples show a negative correlation
pargasite crystallized from volatile and H2O-rich between Cr# and Ga contents (Figure 8(h)). Indeed,
liquids segregated/differentiated from the melt Ga contents clearly discriminate between high-Al
(Johan et al. 1983). The hydrated character of the and high-Cr chromitites (Figure 14(a-d)) (see Farré-
magma favours a back-arc basin basalt (BABB) for the de-Pablo et al. 2020: Figure 5). The trace element
parental melt similar to what has been interpreted in composition of the studied chromitites from the
Medellín (Garcia-Casco et al. 2019; Hernández- three areas show typical high-Al and high-Cr

Figure 13. Calculated composition of melts in equilibrium with the studied Colombian chromitites compared with spinel-melt
relationship for MORB and arc lavas (Kamenetsky et al. 2001). The regression lines are from Zaccarini et al. (2011) using data on
chromite-melt inclusions in MORB and arc lavas reported by Kamenetsky et al. (2001) and Rollinson (2008). a. Al2O3melt vs.
Al2O3chromite. b. TiO2melt vs. TiO2chromite. c. FeO/MgOmelt ratio vs. Al2O3melt. Tectonic compositional fields are from Barnes and Roeder

a 1600

Zn (ppm)
2000 1200

V (ppm)
1500 BON
500 MORB
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
Ga (ppm) Ga (ppm)
700 4000
c d
500 3000

Mn (ppm)
Co (ppm)

200 1000
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
Ga (ppm) Ga (ppm)

Medellín Plume-influenced ophiolitic chromitites

Planeta Rica Stratiform chromitites
La Guajira Chromite from komatiite
High-Cr ophiolitic chromitites High-Al ophiolitic chromitites

Figure 14. a-d Variations in terms of Ga vs. V, Zn, Co, and Mn of chromite from chromitites. Values of chromite from boninite (BON)
lavas (red cross) and mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB; blue cross) are from Pagé and Barnes (2009). Diagram modified from Farré-de-
Pablo et al. (2020), data sources for the other fields are high-Al ophiolitic chromitites: Mercedita, Cuba (Colás et al. 2014), Sagua de
Tánamo, Cuba (González-Jiménez et al. 2015), Coto, Philippines (Yao 1999; Zhou et al. 2014), and Islahiya and Dogansehir, SE Turkey
(Akmaz et al. 2014); high-Cr ophiolitic chromitites: Thetford Mines, Canada (Pagé and Barnes 2009), Acoje, Philippines (Zhou et al.
2014), Luobusa, Tibet (Zhou et al. 2014; McGowan et al. 2015), Dyne, New Caledonia (Colás et al. 2014), Afsin, SE Turkey (Akmaz et al.
2014), Antalya, SW Turkey (Akbulut et al. 2016; Uysal et al. 2016), and Pozanti-Karsanti, S Turkey (Avci et al. 2017); stratiform
chromitites: Bushveld, South Africa, and Great Dyke, Zimbabwe (Yao 1999); komatiites: Western Australia (Yao 1999); and plume-
influenced ophiolitic chromitites: Loma Caribe, Dominican Republic (Farré-de-Pablo et al. 2020).

compositions (Figure 14(a–d)), with high-Al chromi­ Loma Caribe ophiolitic chromitites, which have hig­
tites exhibiting relatively low Ga contents and her Ga, Zn, Co, and Mn (Figure 14(a–d)).
slightly higher Zn contents than those expected for
typical high-Al chromitites (Figure 14(b)). The high-
6.3. PGE concentration and mobilization
Cr chromitites from La Guajira show major elements
compositions in the range of the plume-influenced The distribution of PGEs in mantle rocks is accepted to
ophiolitic chromitites from Loma Caribe chromitites be controlled by the presence of accessory base-metal
(Dominican Republic) (Figure 7(b–c)). However, trace sulphides and platinum-group minerals (PGMs) (O’Dris­
elements show clear differences between the La coll and González-Jiménez 2016 and references therein).
Guajira chromitites (which plot in the fields for typi­ The typical enrichment in IPGEs (Ir-Os-Ru) in ophiolitic
cal high-Cr chromitites) and the plume-influenced chromitites relative to PPGEs (Pt-Pd-Rh) is related to the

difference in the compatibility of both PGEs subgroups Cretaceous for the serpentinites from La Guajira (Weber
during partial melting of mantle peridotites. The budget et al. 2010), records a long history of construction of
of precious metals in basaltic melts is related to the oceanic lithosphere, starting from geodynamic proces­
magmatic processes that promote the destabilization ses related to the break-up of Pangaea (Spikings and
of PGMs, and it is in these conditions that the most Paul 2019) and ending before the collision of the Carib­
refractory IPGEs remain in the sulphides or PGMs beha­ bean Large Igneous Province (CLIP) and oceanic volcanic
ving as compatible elements, whereas the less refractory arcs of the Caribbean realm with the South American
PPGEs together with Au, S, Se, Te, and Cu behave as margin (Figure 15) (Cardona et al. 2010, 2012; Weber
incompatible elements and are transferred to the silicate et al. 2010).
melt (Bockrath et al. 2004; Helmy et al. 2010; González- As stated before, the Triassic chromitites from Mede­
Jiménez et al. 2014; Saunders et al. 2015; Luguet and llín (high-Al) formed due to the interaction of hydrated
Reisberg 2016). However, the moderate to high degrees MORB-like melts with a metasomatised harzburgitic
of partial melting in supra-subduction zones (20–25%) mantle in the mantle transition zone (MTZ), which sug­
favour the extraction of IPGEs by the dissolution of gests that they formed in a back-arc environment (Figu­
sulphides and PGMs of the mantle residue (Bockrath res 10, 12, 13). Recent models propose extension of
et al. 2004; Lorand and Grégoire 2006; Prichard et al. continental back-arc basins and drifting away of Mexican
2008), hence, explaining the IPGEs enrichment relative and Central American terranes (Acatlán, Chortis, and
to PPGEs in ophiolitic chromitites (González-Jiménez Oaxaquia blocks) from the NW margin of Gondwana
et al. 2014 and references therein). The chondrite-nor­ (Spikings and Paul 2019 and references therein) during
malized PGEs patterns of the studied chromitites show Triassic times, which led to the formation of oceanic
this clear enrichment in IPGEs, similar to most ophiolitic lithosphere. In this scenario, the Medellín Metaharzbur­
chromitites elsewhere (Figure 10; see González-Jiménez gitic Unit (Correa-Martínez 2007; Garcia-Casco et al.
et al. 2014, b and references therein). The samples from 2019) and further south the Peltetec ophiolitic belt in
Planeta Rica and La Guajira overlap both the fields for Ecuador (Villares et al. 2021) represent these extensional
fore-arc and back-arc ophiolitic chromitites, whereas systems (Figure 15(a–b)). During the Late Jurassic, the
chromitites from Medellín (lowest overall PGEs contents) break-up of Pangaea continued (Figure 15(c)) and the
overlap only the field for back-arc ophiolitic chromitites, Proto-Caribbean opened, separating Gondwana and
having similar concentrations to the chromitites from Laurentia (Pindell and Kennan 2009). To the south, the
Cerro Colorado, in Venezuela (Mendi et al. 2020) but Ecuadorian-Colombian back-arc was formed (Figure 15­
with lower PGEs concentrations. (c)), and decompression melting mixed with fluids sour­
The low concentrations of PGEs in the chromitites ced from the dehydrating slab (Farallon Plate) produced
from Medellín (30–54 ppb) were previously interpreted MORB-like melts that interacted with the depleted harz­
as an expression of the tholeiitic nature (MORB/BABB) of burgitic mantle to form the high-Al chromitites of Pla­
the parental magmas (Hernández-González et al. 2020). neta Rica.
Nonetheless, similar parental magmas are proposed for During the Early Cretaceous, a westward-dipping sub­
the chromitites from Planeta Rica, which have higher duction zone evolved to form the long-lasting Great
PGEs concentrations (268–487 ppb). Alternative expla­ Caribbean Arc, also Great Antillean Arc (Figure 15(d–e))
nations for the low PGEs concentrations in Medellín (Burke 1988; Pindell et al. 2012; Hu et al. 2022). Frag­
include post-magmatic processes such as metamorp­ ments of the oceanic arc are found on the Caribbean
hism, serpentinization, and hydrothermal alteration, coast of Colombia (Weber et al. 2009; Cardona et al.
which may be capable of modifying the PGE/PGM 2012) and the serpentinites from La Guajira may repre­
assemblage of the chromitites (Pujol-Solà et al. 2021). sent the fore-arc region of this oceanic arc (Figure 15(d–
Future studies focused on characterizing PGMs phases in e)). The age of these rocks related to the Etpana forma­
the studied chromitites are required to further clarify the tion is not well constrained, and therefore, an alternative
low PGEs content in the Medellín ophiolitic chromitites. possibility is that these rocks are part of the arcs propo­
sed to have formed due to plume-induced subduction-
initiation on the northern (Lázaro et al. 2015), southern,
6.4. Geodynamic implications
and western margins of the CLIP at around the mid-
The temporal distribution of the studied ultramafic com­ Cretaceous (Whattam and Stern 2015) (Figure 15(f)).
plexes along the three periods of the Mesozoic, i.e. Nevertheless, no CLIP-related rocks have been recorded
Triassic for the Medellín Metaharzburgitic Unit (Correa- in the Etpana formation, and chemically the mafic rocks
Martínez 2007; Ibañez-Mejía et al. 2020), Jurassic for the from this unit have been associated with the oceanic
Planeta Rica Peridotites (Ramírez et al. 2019), and Aptian-Albian Washikemba Group of Bonaire (Weber

Figure 15. Triassic-Cretaceous model geodynamic evolution for the Caribbean-Northern Andes region, inspired by Pindell and Kennan
(2009), Pindell et al. (2012), Spikings et al. (2015) and Whattam and Stern (2015), with the potential formation locations of the Medellín
(Triassic) and Planeta Rica (Jurassic) back-arc chromitites and the La Guajira (Cretaceous) fore-arc chromitites. Note the two potential
locations of the latter, in the early Cretaceous Caribbean fore-arc or a late Cretaceous fore-arc related to plume-induced subduction-
initiation in the Caribbean back-arc. See text for details.

et al. 2011), considered to represent the Great Arc of the (Cr# = 0.41–0.51), high-Al chromitites in Planeta Rica
Caribbean (Beets et al. 1984; Thompson et al. 2004; (Cr# = 0.49–0.57), and high-Cr chromitites in the La
Wright and Wyld 2011). Besides, the composition of the Guajira (Cr# = 0.75–0.76). Primary magmatic composi­
studied chromitites shows no influence of mantle plume tions of these chromitites indicate equilibrium with
(Figure 14), but it should be noted that plume-related MORB-like melts for the high-Al chromitites and boni­
chromitite chemistry is not a condition in the context of nitic melts for the high-Cr chromitites, indicating their
plume-induced subduction-initiation and extension in formation in back-arc and fore-arc settings, respecti­
the fore-arc. However, recent studies suggest that the vely. Trace elements show enrichment in Ti in chromi­
impact of the Galapagos plume at the base of the Fara­ tites from Planeta Rica, probably related to the
llon lithosphere may have occurred at least, during presence of nearby gabbroic bodies and impregnated
Jurassic times (ca. 170 Ma; Rojas‐Agramonte et al. peridotites. Alteration of chromite grains occurred at
2022). If this holds true, the model proposed by What­ amphibolite facies conditions in the case of Medellín,
tam and Stern (2015) would imply that non-steady and at greenschist facies conditions in the case of
plume rise along the tail was active and episodic Planeta Rica and La Guajira without modifying the
plume heads evolved with time. Further investigations primary composition of chromite. In these last two
are needed to resolve this issue. In either model, boni­ bodies, alteration of associated gabbroic bodies libe­
nitic melts formed in the late stages of subduction-ini­ rated Ca and Al to form garnet (andradite and uvaro­
tiation (Ishizuka et al. 2011), after partial melting of vite). Primary mineral inclusions within the chromite
highly refractory mantle, which later interacted with formed during crystallization of chromite via melt trap­
the overlying harzburgitic mantle to form high-Cr ping and exsolution and record the involvement of
chromitites. hydrated melts (pargasite inclusions) in the formation
The textural and compositional alteration patterns of of the Medellín and Planeta Rica chromitites. These
the chromitites reveal the post-magmatic histories of the inclusions were partial to totally altered during post-
Medellín, Planeta Rica, and La Guajira chromite bodies magmatic processes. However, unaltered Fo-rich oli­
adding some clues to the tectonic evolution of the host vine related to the metamorphism is also observed in
ophiolitic complexes. For the Medellín ophiolite, two the Medellín chromitites. PGE contents are within the
contrasting scenarios have been proposed to explain range of typical ophiolitic chromitites (30–487 ppb)
the amphibolite facies conditions and associated defor­ but especially depleted in the Medellín chromitites
mation recorded in the ophiolite (ultramafic and mafic (30–54 ppb), probably related to post-magmatic pro­
sections) and chromitites from the ultramafic section: a) cesses such as metamorphism. The proposed geody­
ocean floor metamorphism and b) subduction-initiation namic models for the studied chromitites and
(Garcia-Casco et al. 2019). While cooling recorded in the associated mantle sections of the ophiolitic bodies
alteration products of chromitite is consistent with both involve Triassic and Jurassic back-arc formation in the
scenarios, Ibañez-Mejía et al. (2020) favour a subduction- western margin of Gondwana and South America
initiation scenario based on age constraints (ca. 221 Ma) (high-Al chromitites of Medellín and Planeta Rica, res­
and the tectonic location of the mafic section below the pectively), and Cretaceous fore-arc formation in the
ultramafic section. The chromitites from Planeta Rica Caribbean arc system or a new plume-induced subduc­
only show mild alteration at low temperatures (greens­ tion zone during the mid-Cretaceous in the back-arc of
chist facies or lower) and the host serpentinites are the Caribbean arc (high-Cr chromitites of La Guajira).
highly serpentinized with no evidence of neoformation After the formation of the corresponding oceanic lit­
of metamorphic olivine (Unidas 1975; Ramírez et al. hospheres, subduction-initiation at the Triassic back-
2019), which is compatible with ocean floor metamorp­ arc, Jurassic ocean floor metamorphism and late Cre­
hism during the post-magmatic stage. The greenschist taceous volcanic arc-continent collision, respectively,
facies alteration assemblage and the intense cataclasis triggered transformations in the composition and tex­
present in the chromitites from La Guajira could be ture of the chromitite bodies.
linked to the collision of the CLIP with the South Ameri­
can margin, a process recorded in the host serpentinites
and the Etpana Formation (Weber et al. 2010). Acknowledgments
This paper has been produced within the framework of the
7. Conclusions MinResET (Mineral Resources for the Energy Transition)
research group (2021-SGR-00239, Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts
Ophiolitic chromitites in Colombia have been descri­ Universitaris i de Recerca de Catalunya). NPS thanks the
bed in three areas: high-Al chromitites in Medellín Margarita Salas grant given by the Universitat de Barcelona

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