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RI 9-10.

Focus on
RI 9-10.2
important words
to recognize to conclude or ascertain
and name after reasoning

SWBAT identify key details IOT determine the

the thoughts, concepts, notions, or impressions that

are of greatest importance in the text or portion of
the text; it may be implied or explicitly stated

central idea of a text.


What is the difference between central idea theme?

● Theme is usually used in a literary text & it is a
universal statement that can be applied to all people.

● Central idea is referred to when looking at informational

texts (it can be applied to literary texts though), but it is
a statement that is specific to the text and may not be
applied universally.
What is central idea?
● . . . the thought, concept, notion, or
impression that is of greatest importance
in the text or portion of the text, it may be
implied or explicitly stated

● . . . the BIG idea expressed

in a particular section of the text or in the

overall text
How do I find the central idea?
1. Ask yourself: What is the subject of
this text (news broadcast)?
● Derek Redmond is the subject of this
news broadcast.
2. Ask yourself: What does the author
(or speaker) reveal about the subject?
● Even though injured, Derek Redmond
displayed determination and courage,
that allowed for him to finish the 400
meter Olympic semi-final race.
How do I find the central idea?
3. Now, turn your answer to #2 into a question.
● How did the injured Redmond finish the 400 meter Olympic
semi-final race?
4. Answer the question using details from the text.
● Redmond waved off help from Olympic staff.
● Redmond walked/jogged with a hopping motion, trying to
avoid putting pressure on his leg.
● Redmond summoned his strength, determination, and will to
push through the extreme pain.
● His father (Jim Redmond) helped Derek cross the finish line.
Theme vs. Central Idea
Love can make you do amazing and
crazy things, to the point where you ay
find yourself very confused.
Theme vs. Central Idea

A young child learns to admire and

respect his parents to eventually
have a long and successful life.
Theme vs. Central Idea
People that are evil oriented will always get
what they deserve.
Theme vs. Central Idea

Micheal Jackson pursued music and

gave it his all throughout his entire
life to become one of the greatest
performers of all time.
Theme vs. Central Idea

An individual that is full of

boastfulness and greed can lead to a
dark path.
Theme vs. Central Idea
The judicial branch representatives
attempts to make the best decisions
based off the American people and
the position of the United States.
Learning Target(s) 🎯

“I Can” Statements
● I can identify key details.

● I can identify a central idea.

Activating Activity

Sometimes, a visual
representation helps make
the connections clearer. Central Idea

Even though injured, Derek Redmond

displayed determination and courage, that
allowed for him to finish the 400 meter
Olympic semi-final race.

Key Detail: Key Detail: Key Detail: Key Detail:

Redmond waved Redmond Redmond His father (Jim

off help from walked/jogged summoned his Redmond)
Olympic staff. with a hopping strength, helped Derek
motion, trying to determination, cross the finish
avoid putting and will to push line.
pressure on his through the
leg. extreme pain.
RI 11-12.2a: Determining two or more central ideas of a text and Epiphany Word Bank

analyzing their development over the course of the text, including Analysis- the process of separating material into its constituent elements or
how they interact and build on one another to provide a complex Central Idea- the concept, thought, notion, or impression that is of greatest
importance in the text or in a portion of the text; it may be implied or
analysis; providing an objective summary explicitly stated
Objective- not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering or
Title of Text: representing facts
including establishing relevance/context
Olympic Champion Derek Redmond Summary- a brief statement that contains the essential ideas of a longer

Central Idea 1: Central Idea 2: Central Idea 3:

Even though injured, Derek Redmond finished
the 400 meter Olympic semi-final race.
Key detail that supports central idea 1: Key detail that supports central idea 2: Key detail that supports central idea 3:

Redmond waved off help from Olympic staff; he

walked/jogged with a hopping motion, trying to
avoid putting pressure on his leg.

Key detail that supports central idea 1: Key detail that supports central idea 2: Key detail that supports central idea 3:

Redmond summoned his strength,

determination, and will to push through the
extreme pain. With the help of his father,
Redmond eventually crossed the finish line.

Key Ideas and Details (24) © Educational Epiphany

PBO #1 Review: We Do Check for Understanding

1. Watch the
video linked
to the image.
2. Respond to
questions 1-4
on the Pear
Deck slides
that follow.
Central Idea
Sometimes, a visual
representation helps make
the connections clearer.

Central Idea

Key Detail: Key Detail: Key Detail: Key Detail:

Sometimes, a visual
representation helps make
the connections clearer.
Central Idea

The young man proved to be a honest and

trustworthy individual.

Key Detail: Key Detail: Key Detail: Key Detail:

The lady got on
The young man The boy met the
the bus and left The boy picked
and a lady were lady at the next
her purse on the up the bag and
waiting at the bus stop and
seat at the bus took off running
stop returned the bag
stop. with it.
to her
RI 11-12.2a: Determining two or more central ideas of a text and Epiphany Word Bank

analyzing their development over the course of the text, including Analysis- the process of separating material into its constituent elements or
how they interact and build on one another to provide a complex Central Idea- the concept, thought, notion, or impression that is of greatest
importance in the text or in a portion of the text; it may be implied or
analysis; providing an objective summary explicitly stated
Objective- not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering or
Title of Text: representing facts
including establishing relevance/context
“Honesty Pass It On” Video Summary- a brief statement that contains the essential ideas of a longer

Central Idea 1: Central Idea 2: Central Idea 3:

The young man proved himself to be an honest
Key detail that supports central idea 1: Key detail that supports central idea 2: Key detail that supports central idea 3:

He and the lady where sitting at the bus stop.

He got on the bus and left her purse.

Key detail that supports central idea 1: Key detail that supports central idea 2: Key detail that supports central idea 3:

He is seen taking the bag and running off with it.

He meets the lady at the next stop and returns
the purse to her.

Key Ideas and Details (24) © Educational Epiphany

Exit Ticket 🎯

● In 3-4 sentences, summarize the day’s

lesson. You MUST use the words key
details and central ideas, be sure to
discuss how the videos relate to the
PBO/learning target.
Georgia Standards of Excellence

Determine two or more central ideas of a
text and analyze their development over the
course of the text, including how they
interact and build on one another to provide
a complex analysis; provide an objective
summary of the text.
09/07: Quick Write

Briefly describe a time where people have

made assumptions about you before knowing
Tell of a time where you made assumptions
about someone/something before getting to
know them.
RI 9-10.2
to recognize important words to conclude or ascertain
and name and phrases after reasoning

SWBAT identify key details IOT determine the

the thoughts, concepts, notions, or impressions that

are of greatest importance in the text or portion of
the text; it may be implied or explicitly stated

central idea of a text.

Determining the Central Idea
Review the General Process
Idea 1. Ask yourself: What is the subject
of this text?
ral 2. Ask yourself: What does the
author (or speaker) reveal about the
the subject?
3. Now, turn your answer to #2 into a
ing question.
Step 4. Answer the question using specific
s to
details from the text.
1. Tie the pencil to the middle of the string
ral 2. Tie yourselves with the ends of the
3. ONE PERSON will blindfold themselves.
Find 4. The other will act as a guide.
OBJECTIVE: Get the pencil in the cup without
touching ANYTHING!!
Informational Texts:
Additional Clues to Find Central Idea
● The TITLE of a text often summarizes or
suggests key ideas developed in a text.
● The HEADINGS in a text will help convey
central ideas.
● Sometimes, other central ideas can be
conveyed in the SUBHEADINGS.
Basic text features NOTE: Some subheadings convey
help readers make supporting details, so look carefully. If the
sense of what they are ideas are too specific, the subheadings are
reading and determine supporting details instead.
what is important. ● Text Structure helps convey the writer’s
purpose, which is also linked to central idea.
Gradual Release of Responsibility

I Do
The Scottsboro Boys and Fundamental Rights
by David Pitts


Miss Juanita E. Jackson of the NAACP (fourth from left) visiting the Scottsboro boys, January 1937.
(Library of Congress)
Text Features Help
Develop Central Idea
Title: Scottsboro Boys and Fundamental Rights
Consider how
Italics: paragraph 1 these text
features help
develop central
(Opening: paragraphs 2-3 > NOT a part of text features)
ideas in this
➔ The Importance of the Case: paragraphs 4-5
➔ The First Landmark Supreme Court Ruling: paragraphs 6-8
➔ The Second Landmark Supreme Court Ruling: paragraphs 9-11
➔ Later Court Decisions: paragraphs 12-16
Text Features Help
Develop Central Idea
● The TITLE provides clues to the topics that will be discussed in the
● What is the topic or central subject of “The Scottsboro Boys and
Fundamental Rights”?
○ The Scottsboro Boys
○ Fundamental Rights
● Now, these topics or subjects are too broad to be considered the
central idea.
● We have to look further to determine the central idea of the text or a
portion of the text.
Italics is used to
Text Feature: Italics emphasize information,
indicating it is important.

(1) This year is the 70th anniversary of a trial that captured the imagination
of the nation for almost two decades. (2) The case of the Scottsboro Boys v.
the state of Alabama became a cause celebre, was a major precursor of the
➔ What
U.S. civil idea is of
rights greatest importance?
movement and led to two landmark U.S. Supreme Court
➔ the high court’s rulings were significant
rulings that enhanced fundamental rights for all Americans. (3) The case
➔ Why were the court’s rulings significant?
➔ Thewasrulings
a sobering reminder
lead to enhanced that rights
fundamental enshrined
rights in written constitutions
for all Americans.
are rarely immediate realities, but instead evolve over time in the light of
judicialThis portion of the and
interpretation text lets the reader
review. know about the editor
(4) Contributing important
David Pitts
information that will follow in the article.
discusses the significance of the high court rulings in the following article. (5)
He also visited Scottsboro to talk with the mayor of the city and to ask how
his town has changed since the first trials took place there in 1931.
Text Feature: Headings

● Remember, key details are important

words and phrases.
● Central idea is defined as the thoughts,
concepts, notions, or impressions that are
of greatest importance in the text or a
portion of the text.
● The central idea may be implied or
explicitly stated.
● Let’s look at a portion of the text.
● Reread section 1: The Importance of the
Case (paragraphs 4 and 5).

● QUESTION: The central idea ● QUESTION: The central idea of

of paragraphs 4 and 5 is the section 1 is stated in the following
importance of the Scottsboro sentence:
case. “But throughout most of the life of the
● FALSE Republic the right to counsel was
● The HEADING identifies the limited to those who could afford one
topic of this portion of the text. and also confined to crimes under
● The HEADING is too broad to federal jurisdiction.”
convey the central idea. ● FALSE
● This sentence is too narrow for a
central idea; it would be considered
a supporting detail.
QUESTION: Which of the following states the central
idea of section 1: The Importance of the Case?

A. The Scottsboro Boys case is extremely important. too broad

B. “But throughout most of the life of the Republic the right to counsel was
limited to those who could afford one and also confined to crimes under
federal jurisdiction” (para. 5). too narrow

C. “The Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution includes various rights

intended to ensure that criminal defendants receive a fair trial” (para. 5).
too narrow
D. The Scottsboro Boys case influenced Constitutional law by broadening
or enhancing the rights of defendants.
Gradual Release of Responsibility

We Do
Directions: 1. Read the portion of text 2. Choose the letter of the
indicated in questions 1-3. BEST answer.
Applying Central Idea

QUESTION 1: Which of the following states the central idea of section 2:

The First Landmark Supreme Court Ruling?
A. The Supreme Court made a landmark ruling in Powell v Alabama
B. The Court ruled that poor defendants facing the death penalty must
be provided with adequate counsel in both state and federal courts.
C. “The Court based its decision largely on the due process clause of the
Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution” (para. 6).
D. ". . . Powell v Alabama was a limited decision in that it applied only to
capital cases . . ." (para. 7).
Applying Central Idea

QUESTION 1: Which of the following states the central idea of section 2:

The First Landmark Supreme Court Ruling?
A. The Supreme Court made a landmark ruling in Powell v Alabama
B. The Court ruled that poor defendants facing the death penalty must
be provided with adequate counsel in both state and federal courts.
C. “The Court based its decision largely on the due process clause of the
Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution” (para. 6).
D. ". . . Powell v Alabama was a limited decision in that it applied only to
capital cases . . ." (para. 7).
Applying Central Idea (cont.)

QUESTION 2: Which of the following states the central idea of section 3:

The Second Landmark Supreme Court Ruling?
A. After the first Supreme Court ruling, Alabama retried the case; death
sentences were returned.
B. The Supreme Court made another landmark ruling in the Norris v
Alabama case (1935).
C. Alabama violated “equal protection under the law” rights guaranteed
by the Fourteenth Amendment.
D. The Court ruled that a person cannot be excluded from a jury based
on his or her race.
Applying Central Idea (cont.)

QUESTION 2: Which of the following states the central idea of section 3:

The Second Landmark Supreme Court Ruling?
A. After the first Supreme Court ruling, Alabama retried the case; death
sentences were returned.
B. The Supreme Court made another landmark ruling in the Norris v
Alabama case (1935).
C. Alabama violated “equal protection under the law” rights guaranteed
by the Fourteenth Amendment.
D. The Court ruled that a person cannot be excluded from a jury based
on his or her race.
Applying Central Idea (cont.)

QUESTION 3: Which of the following states the central idea of section 4:

Later Court Decisions?
A. The later Court decision regarding Gideon is one “of extraordinary
importance” (para. 14).
B. From 1790-1936, right to counsel was only guaranteed to defendants
charged with capital crimes in a federal court.
C. Later Court decisions guaranteed the right to counsel for both state
and federal cases where a jail sentence could be awarded.
D. “The nation had come a long way since nine young frightened African
Americans stood in a hot, dusty Alabama courtroom in the spring of
1931 on trial for their lives” (para. 15).
Applying Central Idea (cont.)

QUESTION 3: Which of the following states the central idea of section 4:

Later Court Decisions?
A. The later Court decision regarding Gideon is one “of extraordinary
importance” (para. 14).
B. From 1790-1936, right to counsel was only guaranteed to defendants
charged with capital crimes in a federal court.
C. Later Court decisions guaranteed the right to counsel for both state
and federal cases where a jail sentence could be awarded.
D. “The nation had come a long way since nine young frightened African
Americans stood in a hot, dusty Alabama courtroom in the spring of
1931 on trial for their lives” (para. 15).
Smart Start: Select ANY movie, tv show, song,
poem, etc. and provide a summary in 4-5 sentences.
RI 9-10.2
the thoughts, concepts, notions, or impressions that
are of greatest importance in the text or portion of
to recognize and name the text; it may be implied or explicitly stated

SWBAT identify one or more central ideas of

not influenced by personal feelings
or opinions in considering or a brief statement that contains the
to write or create representing facts essential ideas of a longer passage

text IOT compose an objective summary.

What does it mean to be
● not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering or
representing facts

● Unbiased; void of opinions and personal feelings

● Only state the facts

How do I write an objective
Name It Verb It Central Idea

“Boyz N the Hood” by John Tells The dangers of growing up

Singleton Shows in the violent, drug-infested
Explores inner-city of Los Angeles.

Key Points Events:

- Tre moves to stay with his father Furious
- Doughboy in and out of jail
- Ricky, a rising athlete, is shot and killed.
How do I write an objective
John Singleton’s Boyz N the Hood portrays the dangers of growing up in the
violent, drug-infested inner-city of Los Angeles. Half brothers Doughboy and
Ricky are foils of each other’s personality presenting very different approaches
to the challenging lives they face. Ricky, an All-American athlete, seeks
salvation through sports. While, Doughboy succumbs to the violence and crime
surrounding him. Between these two is Tre’, who is lucky to have his father to
teach him the strength of character to do what is right and to always take
responsibility for his actions.
One the most popular musical instruments is
the piano. In the traditional musical What is the central idea of the
instrument classification system of string, passage?
woodwind, percussion and brass, the piano A. The piano is both a string and
falls into two categories. It is considered a
percussion instrument.
string instrument because the sound comes
from the strings inside the piano. It is also B. The piano is a string instrument.
considered a percussion instrument, since the C. The piano is a popular
player strikes the keyboard, which signals an instrument.
internal hammer to strike the strings. D. The strings of a piano makes the
One the most popular musical instruments is
the piano. In the traditional musical What is the central idea of the
instrument classification system of string, passage?
woodwind, percussion and brass, the piano A. The piano is both a string and
falls into two categories. It is considered a
percussion instrument.
string instrument because the sound comes
from the strings inside the piano. It is also B. The piano is a string instrument.
considered a percussion instrument, since the C. The piano is a popular
player strikes the keyboard, which signals an instrument.
internal hammer to strike the strings. D. The strings of a piano makes the
RI 11-12.2
the thoughts, concepts, notions, or impressions that
are of greatest importance in the text or portion of
to recognize and name the text; it may be implied or explicitly stated

SWBAT identify two or more central ideas of

not influenced by personal feelings
or opinions in considering or a brief statement that contains the
to write or create representing facts essential ideas of a longer passage

text IOT compose an objective summary.

1. Which sentence from the first paragraph BEST
describes the main idea of the text?

A. Our student body, faculty, and staff will relocate permanently to a new,
modernized campus two miles away.
B. Also, the district is reassigning approximately fifty students from
Overton High School to this new facility in order to alleviate
overcrowding on their campus.
C. Along with the change in location, the school board is considering a
change in the name of the new school and has even begun accepting
suitable names from the community.
D. We, the editorial staff of the Central High Bear Print, strongly oppose the
name change.
1. Which sentence from the first paragraph BEST
describes the main idea of the text?

A. Our student body, faculty, and staff will relocate permanently to a new,
modernized campus two miles away.
B. Also, the district is reassigning approximately fifty students from
Overton High School to this new facility in order to alleviate
overcrowding on their campus.
C. Along with the change in location, the school board is considering a
change in the name of the new school and has even begun accepting
suitable names from the community.
D. We, the editorial staff of the Central High Bear Print, strongly oppose the
name change.
2. The following question has two parts. First,
answer Part A. Then, answer Part B. Part A.

What does the author believe about changing the name of the new school?
A. The students of Overton do not have as much pride as the students from
Central do, so Central's name should carry onto the new school.

B. The new school should be named Overton because the Overton students are
proud of their school and their community.

C. Both Central and Overton schools should work together to come up with a new

D. Central High School is steeped in pride and tradition, so the new school should
not have its name changed.
2. The following question has two parts. First,
answer Part A. Then, answer Part B. Part A.

What does the author believe about changing the name of the new school?
A. The students of Overton do not have as much pride as the students from
Central do, so Central's name should carry onto the new school.

B. The new school should be named Overton because the Overton students are
proud of their school and their community.

C. Both Central and Overton schools should work together to come up with a new

D. Central High School is steeped in pride and tradition, so the new school should
not have its name changed.
2. Part B: Which sentence from the text BEST
supports your response in Part A?

A. We Overton students decry the mandatory transfer of any of us to another

high school, but we vehemently oppose our athletes and scholars being
forced to wear the unwelcome name Central High Bears.
B. The mayor of our town, forty-three percent of the school district's teachers,
two county supervisors, and the state controller are just a few of the many
successful Central High School graduates.
C. That team, by the way, included last names belonging to some of our town's
oldest families, as well as at least one first-generation American.
D. We do not want to force anyone to wear a team shirt or a class ring from a
school (s)he does not honor, but we believe that the name Central High School
resounds with deserved pride, positive tradition, and democratic promise.
2. Part B: Which sentence from the text BEST
supports your response in Part A?

A. We Overton students decry the mandatory transfer of any of us to another

high school, but we vehemently oppose our athletes and scholars being
forced to wear the unwelcome name Central High Bears.
B. The mayor of our town, forty-three percent of the school district's teachers,
two county supervisors, and the state controller are just a few of the many
successful Central High School graduates.
C. That team, by the way, included last names belonging to some of our town's
oldest families, as well as at least one first-generation American.
D. We do not want to force anyone to wear a team shirt or a class ring from a
school (s)he does not honor, but we believe that the name Central High School
resounds with deserved pride, positive tradition, and democratic promise.
3. Which statement BEST summarizes the central
idea of the text?

A. Workers' rights were terrible until they joined together and fought
against their oppressive bosses.
B. When she lost her husband and children, Mother Jones stopped
working and decided to join the movement for workers' rights.
C. Revolutionary for her time, Mother Jones became a powerful leader in
the workers' rights movement and kept fighting alongside workers
almost to her death.
D. Mother Jones became a strong leader in the movement for workers'
rights because she was forced to work in harsh conditions and got fed
up with the unfairness she faced in her job.
3. Which statement BEST summarizes the central
idea of the text?

A. Workers' rights were terrible until they joined together and fought
against their oppressive bosses.
B. When she lost her husband and children, Mother Jones stopped
working and decided to join the movement for workers' rights.
C. Revolutionary for her time, Mother Jones became a powerful leader in
the workers' rights movement and kept fighting alongside workers
almost to her death.
D. Mother Jones became a strong leader in the movement for workers'
rights because she was forced to work in harsh conditions and got fed
up with the unfairness she faced in her job.
4. What is the central idea of the paragraph?

Wherever there was a strike or labor A. Mother Jones fought for what
dispute, Mother Jones was there fighting for she believed in her entire life.
the workers. She was even arrested during
a protest in 1913 at the age of 83. She
B. Mother Jones lived a very long
continued to speak about workers' rights as life and was buried in southern
her health permitted until she was 96, when
she was no longer able to continue her
work. Her last known public appearance C. Mother Jones made many
was at her 100th birthday party, when she public appearances throughout
was as fiery as ever. She passed away in
1930, seven months after her 100th her life.
birthday. Mother Jones was buried near the D. Mother Jones was arrested
victims of an 1889 mine riot in southern
when she was 83.
4. What is the central idea of the paragraph?

Wherever there was a strike or labor A. Mother Jones fought for what
dispute, Mother Jones was there fighting for she believed in her entire life.
the workers. She was even arrested during
a protest in 1913 at the age of 83. She
B. Mother Jones lived a very long
continued to speak about workers' rights as life and was buried in southern
her health permitted until she was 96, when
she was no longer able to continue her
work. Her last known public appearance C. Mother Jones made many
was at her 100th birthday party, when she public appearances throughout
was as fiery as ever. She passed away in
1930, seven months after her 100th her life.
birthday. Mother Jones was buried near the D. Mother Jones was arrested
victims of an 1889 mine riot in southern
when she was 83.
5. Which of the following sentences BEST
states two central ideas of this text?

A. Women speakers at conventions inspire each other;

they also spread their message to men.
B. Women are weaker and quieter than men; their roles
in life keep them this way.
C. Some women have jobs in education and in business;
they are on their way to equality.
D. Women have been held down in many ways; they are
even enslaved within their families.
5. Which of the following sentences BEST
states two central ideas of this text?

A. Women speakers at conventions inspire each other;

they also spread their message to men.
B. Women are weaker and quieter than men; their roles
in life keep them this way.
C. Some women have jobs in education and in business;
they are on their way to equality.
D. Women have been held down in many ways; they are
even enslaved within their families.
6. Which is the BEST summary of this text?

A. A person can succeed in the world only with money and education. However,
women have never been given the opportunity to pursue an education or to
earn money through employment.
B. Women who have traditionally worked at home for no pay should be given the
option to perform other kinds of jobs. Modern industry would thrive with the
addition of women in the workforce.
C. Women are treated equally only in their family lives. In other areas they are
considered inferior and do not receive the same pay as men who perform
similar jobs.
D. A woman's place in society was historically similar to that of a slave, because
she did not have the rights and freedom given to men. Although women's
options have expanded, their treatment is still unequal.
6. Which is the BEST summary of this text?

A. A person can succeed in the world only with money and education. However,
women have never been given the opportunity to pursue an education or to
earn money through employment.
B. Women who have traditionally worked at home for no pay should be given the
option to perform other kinds of jobs. Modern industry would thrive with the
addition of women in the workforce.
C. Women are treated equally only in their family lives. In other areas they are
considered inferior and do not receive the same pay as men who perform
similar jobs.
D. A woman's place in society was historically similar to that of a slave, because
she did not have the rights and freedom given to men. Although women's
options have expanded, their treatment is still unequal.

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