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Novel Natural Sorbent for Oil Spill Cleanup

Vinitkumar Singh,† Sudheer Jinka,† Kater Hake,‡ Siva Parameswaran,§ Ronald J. Kendall,†
and Seshadri Ramkumar*,†

Nonwovens and Advanced Materials Laboratory and §Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas Tech University, Lubbock,
Texas 79409, United States

Cotton Incorporated, Cary, North Carolina 27513, United States

ABSTRACT: A novel sorbent was developed using the aligning of raw unprocessed cotton fibers leading to low-density,
hydrophobic, oleophilic, and sustainable cotton batt. Cotton batting developed using immature cotton exhibited oil sorption
capacity of 50.27 g/g, which is significantly higher than the oil sorption capacity of many commercial sorbents reported in the
literature. Fundamental mechanisms such as adsorption, absorption, and capillary action govern the oil sorption phenomenon,
which were verified using environmental scanning electron micrographs. In addition, optical microscopy was used to understand
the difference in the longitudinal cross section of the mature (base range) and immature (low micronaire) cotton, which was
determined quantitatively using Brunauer−Emmett−Teller surface area analysis. Effect of cotton characteristics such as fineness
and maturity on the oil sorption capacity was also investigated. Nonwoven cotton batts consisting of immature and finer cotton
fibers showed oil sorption capacity that was 7% higher than that of cotton batts developed using mature and coarser fibers.

Oil spill incidents have detrimental effects on our ecosystem
For practical applications, loose fibrous sorbents need to be
compacted in the form of mats, booms, or pads17−19 and
from environmental and economic points of view.1−3 Although should be easily recoverable without leading to secondary
there have been many technological developments in processes contamination so that these sorbents do not disintegrate when
to extract oil from nature,4,5 available cleanup technologies to applied to oil spill cleanup. Radetic et al.19 studied recycled
combat any accidental or deliberate oil spill are decades old and wool fibers as well as its nonwoven form to compare the
incompetent.6,7 More importantly, these oil spill remediation difference in oil sorption capacity. Needlepunching technology
techniques such as in situ burning, bioremediation, chemical was used in this study to develop nonwoven pads. The authors
dispersants, and synthetic sorbents are used extensively despite reported that needlepunched recycled wool nonwoven webs
inadequate information on their environmental consequences.8 were easy to use in a practical scenario, but a 100% decrease in
For example, most commonly used oil sorbent materials are the oil sorption capacity was observed with use of these
made from polypropylene fibers,9,10 which are not biodegrad- nonwoven webs as compared to its loose fiber form. Similarly,
able and hence may lead to secondary contamination.7 Among Choi et al.17 investigated cotton nonwoven pads for cleaning up
the aforementioned oil remediation techniques, many research oil spills and studied the effect of needlepunching process
and industrial case studies have emphasized sorbents as the parameters on oil sorption capacity of cotton nonwoven pads.
most economic and sustainable solution for effective contain- Although nonwoven webs developed in this study were easy to
ment of oil spills.11 Recently, numerous research groups have handle, sorption capacity of these needdlepunch mats was
attempted to investigate sustainable oil sorbents such as carbon significantly lower than that of its loose fiber form. Their
nanotube sponges,12,13 nanocellulose aerogels,14 and thermode- analysis concluded that reduction in the capillary pore diameter
gradable polyolefin superabsorbent,7 to name a few. Although is the leading factor in the decrease in oil sorption capacity of
these materials show higher oil sorption capacity (g/g), because needlepunched nonwoven webs, as needlepunching makes the
of high raw material cost and complex processes involved in structure compact. In the needlepunching process, consolidated
developing these sorbents, using them in real-time scenarios is webs are formed wherein capillary movement is restricted
still an issue. Wahi et al.15 and Majed et al.16 have extensively between the pores formed among mechanically interlocked
reviewed the use of natural materials for oil spill cleanup. fiber assemblies. This observation was also substantiated by a
Particularly, Wahi et al. have reported that natural fibers such as mathematical relationship between interfiber capillary uptake
cotton and kapok are the best materials for cleaning-up oil spills and pore diameter of the nonwoven webs presented by Choi.18
in oil−water systems based on their sorption performance and As is evident from the aforementioned studies, these authors
environmentally friendly characteristics. Overall, these authors have attempted to develop sorbents that are practically useable;
in their elaborate reviews have concluded that natural fibers, however, it was observed that sorption capacity of the
because of their higher oil sorption capability, biodegradability, mechanically bonded nonwoven composite decreased, resulting
and recyclability, are the preeminent materials for developing
environmentally sustainable sorbents for oil spill cleanup. It Received: May 13, 2014
should be noted that most of the work cited in the Revised: July 9, 2014
aforementioned overview papers are for sorbents consisting Accepted: July 10, 2014
of loose fibers, which presumably have limited their application. Published: July 10, 2014

© 2014 American Chemical Society 11954 | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2014, 53, 11954−11961
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Table 1. HVI Properties of Cottona

sample micronaireb length (in.) uniformity index (%) strength (g/tex) elongation (%)
cotton-1 3.16 (0.04) 1.13 (0.01) 80.82 (0.64) 28.03 (1.08) 7 (0.74)
cotton-2 4.36 (0.03) 1.07 (0.02) 80.77 (0.61) 29.12 (0.99) 4.8 (0.21)
Values within parentheses indicate the standard deviation. For the micronaire measurement, the following procedure was used: one repeat per
sample and three samples per cotton type. For the length, uniformity, strength and elongation, the following procedure was used: two repeats per
sample and three samples per cotton type. bMicronaire is related to the fineness and maturity of the cotton fiber.

in poor sorption capacity and commercial acceptability. In Table 2. AFIS Properties of Cottona
addition, these authors have also concluded that further studies
fineness immature fiber content maturity
focusing on understanding nonwoven material processing sample (millitex)b (%)c ratiod
parameters are needed to develop practically useable and
cotton-1 149 (1.2) 9.93 (0.5) 0.79 (0.01)
highly efficient oil sorbents.
cotton-2 162 (1.5) 7.27 (0.3) 0.85 (0.01)
In this study, we report a novel oil sorbent which not only a
gives significantly higher oil sorption capacity along with Values within parentheses indicate the standard deviation. For the
environmental sustainability, but also is easy to use in practical fineness, immature fiber content, and maturity ratio, the following
testing procedure was used: one repeat per sample and three samples
settings. Nonwoven cotton batting for oil sorption was per cotton type. bFineness is related to the linear density of the fiber
developed using minicard to obtain unique alignment of raw (measured in millitex); the smaller the millitex value, the finer the
unprocessed cotton fibers, which heretofore has not been fiber. cImmature fiber content is relatedto the percentage of fibers with
reported. Cotton batting developed in this work resembles a less than 0.25 circularity. dMaturity ratio defines the degree of cellulose
spongy low density membrane, wherein raw cotton fibers are deposition in the process of cell-wall development. Ideally, maturity
loosely interlocked via fiber entanglement without disturbing ratio of one correlates to fully matured fiber.
the capillary network between the fibers. No bonding process
was employed so that pore structure and capillary network are Table 3. Carding Machine Details
not affected. Environmental scanning electron microscopy
particulars size speed (RPM)
(ESEM), optical microscopy, and Brunauer−Emmett−Teller
(BET) surface area analyses were performed to understand the number of flats 8 stationary
oil uptake mechanism, fiber morphology of different grades of machine width 10 in. −
cotton, and the effect of fiber specific surface area on oil feed roller 2.3 in. 0.3
sorption capability, respectively. In addition, the effect of cotton licker-in 4 in. 859
characteristics on oil sorption capacity was also studied. cylinder 10 in. 369

doffer 6 in. 9.5
doffer comb − 1264
EXPERIMENTAL SECTION web collector drum 10 7
Cotton Samples. Two cottons having micronaire values
3.16 and 4.31 were obtained from Plains Cotton Cooperative swatches cut carefully using a similar size of plastic stencil.
Association, Lubbock, Texas. In this study, 3.16 micronaire and Thickness was measured using ASTM Standard D 5729-9721
4.31 micronaire correspond to discounted immature and method under a constant load of 2 kilopascals (kPa). Bulk
mature varieties of cotton, respectively, and the terms cotton- density of cotton batt was calculated using weight and volume
1 and cotton-2 are used to identify these two cotton fibers in of the batt. Basis weight, thickness, and bulk density values are
the following sections. given in Table 4. In addition, surface and structural morphology
Characterization of Cotton Fibers. Cotton quality
characterization using the standard and most commonly used Table 4. Physical Characteristics of Cotton Batta
cotton quality testing instruments such as the high volume
instrument (HVI) and the advanced fiber information system sample gsm (g m−2) thickness (mm) bulk density (g cm−3)
(AFIS) was carried out at Texas Tech University’s Fiber and cotton-1 337.48 (20.07) 4.04 (0.46) 0.085 (0.005)
Biopolymer Research Institute. Fiber characteristics such as cotton-2 328.16 (12.05) 4.13 (0.26) 0.078 (0.004)
micronaire, fineness, and maturity obtained using HVI and a
Values within parentheses indicate the standard deviation. For basis
AFIS are given in Tables 1 and 2. weight (gsm) measured in grams per square meter and bulk density
Fabrication of Cotton Batt. A carding process which measured in grams per cubic centimeter, the following procedure was
individualizes fibers and aligns them in one direction20 was used followed: one repeat per sample and five samples per cotton type. For
to develop cotton batt as a low-density and lofty fibrous thickness of the batt, the following procedure was followed: two
network of cotton fibers. Fibers were loosened by hand before repeats per sample and five samples per cotton type.
carding. Carding of cotton fibers was done in the Platt’s
minicard, wherein the fiber tufts were converted into batts of 10 of cotton fibers were studied using a Hitachi S-4800 field
in. width. Process parameters used to develop cotton batt are emission environmental scanning electron microscope and an
given in Table 3. In this experiment, the same quantity of optical microscope Olympus BX50, respectively. Detailed
cotton fibers were fed to the carding machine for both types of procedures of ESEM and BET analyses techniques used in
cotton during the batt formation as the amount of fibers fed to this study have been described in our previous work.8
the carding machine determines the thickness and basis weight Sorption Testing Method. Oil sorption and retention
of the batt. capacity of the cotton batt using regular motor oil was
Characterization of Cotton Batt. Basis weight and determined using ASTM Standard F 726-06 test procedure
thickness of cotton batt were calculated using 4 × 4 in.2 previously described.8,22 The schematic of the experimental
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Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Figure 1. ASTM Standard F 726-06 test method for oil sorption study. (A) Top view of cotton batt. (B) Side view of cotton batt. (C) Lofty
structure of the cotton batt. (D) Experimental setup for dynamic oil sorption study. (E) Oil bath and sample cell assembly. (F) Oil-soaked cotton
sample after soaking for 15 min. (G) Oil-draining setup. (H) Oil-soaked cotton after draining for 30 min.

Figure 2. Dynamic oil retention capacity (g/g) for cotton-1 and cotton-2 in the batt form versus time.

setup is shown in Figure 1A−H. Then, to further evaluate the and dynamic degradation analysis of the cotton batts were
practical performance of the sorbent, additional tests such as performed by following ASTM Standard F 726-12.23 The
sorbent water uptake capacity, long-term oil sorption capacity, characteristics of regular motor oil at 22 ± 1 °C were as
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Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Figure 3. Average oil sorption capacity (g/g) for cotton-1 and cotton-2 in the batt form was found to be 50.27 and 47.01, respectively. Statistical
analysis was performed using two-sample t-test. Statistical significance in oil sorption was observed between low-micronaire cotton (cotton-1,
micronaire 3.1) and regular cotton (cotton-2, micronaire 4.3). Cross bars represent standard error of means, n = 30; the region denoted by an
asterisk (*) represents P < 0.05.).

follows: density, 0.866 g cm−3; dynamic viscosity, 0.12 Pa s; and reported heretofore. The main focus of our work was to
surface tension, 30.89 mN m−1. A Kruss K-100 SF tensiometer develop a novel sorbent using unprocessed raw cotton with
was used to determine surface tension and density, and a high oil sorption capacity, which can be used in real-life oil spill
Brookfield LV, DV++, Pro viscometer was employed to scenarios. Important characteristics for developing an efficient
calculate the dynamic viscosity of the oil. oil sorbent using cotton are (1) type of cotton used, (2) fiber
Wax Extraction Analysis. Wax content of raw unprocessed size, (3) specific surface area, (4) bulk density, (5) pore
cotton was calculated using a slightly modified method based volume, (6) fiber lumen, (7) chemical composition such as wax
on the AATCC Test Method 97-2009.24 Approximately 3 g of content, and (8) hydrophobic and oleophilic properties.11,25
the sample was taken and dried to a constant weight, and an Our research primarily focuses on using environmentally
accelerated solvent extractor (Dionex ASE 100) was used with sustainable materials such as raw unprocessed cotton for oil
hexane as a primary solvent to extract waxes from cotton. The spill cleanup. Additionally, we focused on reducing the bulk
amount of waxes in cotton was determined gravimetrically density of the fibrous assembly of cotton fibers using the
using eq 1. carding process. A lofty fibrous network of cotton fibers was
⎡ A − B⎤ obtained (Figure 1C), which not only exhibited higher oil
E=⎢ 100
⎣ A ⎥⎦ (1)
sorption capacity but also was easy to handle. The dynamic oil
retention and maximum oil sorption capacities of low-grade
where E is percent waxes extracted, A the mass of the specimen discounted cotton with low micronaire (cotton-1) and base
before the extraction (g), and B the mass of the specimen after range (cotton-2) cotton batts tested using regular motor oil are
the extraction (g). shown in Figures 2 and 3, respectively. As is evident from


Numerous researchers have studied a wide range of materials
Figure 2, for the first 5 min of the draining cycle, a drastic
decrease in the oil retention capacity was observed because of
the removal of excessive oil that was adhered superficially to the
for oil spill cleanup.4−11 Recently, Hubbe et al., in their surface of the sorbent.8 In other words, oil that was not
elaborative review on cellulosic materials for oil spill cleanup, adsorbed or absorbed within the cotton batt was released from
concluded that the most important criteria to evaluate the the sorbent because of reduced capillary retention pressure
sorbent performance is its per unit oil sorption capacity (g/g)11 developed between the fibrous assembly8,22 owing to excessive
and oil retention capacity. In addition, properties that govern oil present within the lumen of the fiber as well as interfiber
the oil sorption capacity of the sorbent are mainly viscosity and capillary network.17,18,22,28 Finally, after 30 min of drain time,
surface tension of the oil in conjunction with geometry and sorbent−oil equilibrium was observed (Figure 2) and oil
pore structure of the sorbent.25 Although there have been many sorption capacity was calculated. It was determined that cotton-
reports in the literature showcasing the effect of oil viscosity 1 showed oil sorption capacity higher than that of cotton-2. For
and/or surface tension on the sorption capacity of the cotton-1 (3.16 micronaire), 1 g absorbed 50.27 g of oil; for
sorbent,26,27 limited studies investigating the effect of sorbent cotton-2 (4.31 micronaire), 47.01 g of oil sorption capacity was.
structure, particularly of unprocessed raw cotton, have been The difference in the average oil sorption capacity observed
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Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Figure 4. Relation between oil sorption capacity of raw cotton batt and its fiber characteristics such as fineness, immature fiber content, and maturity
ratio. Cotton batt consisting of finer (smaller fineness value) and immature fibers (cotton-1) has an oil sorption capacity higher than that of cotton
batt made of coarser and mature fibers (cotton-2). Cross bars represent standard error of means, n = 30.

Figure 5. ASTM Standard F 726-12 dynamic degradation test: Average water pick-up (g/g) for cotton-1 and cotton-2 in the batt form was found to
be of 5.4 and 7.1, respectively. Statistical analysis was performed using two-sample t-test. Statistical significance in water pick-up was observed
between low-micronaire cotton (cotton-1, micronaire 3.1) and regular cotton (cotton-2, micronaire 4.3). (Cross bars represent standard error of
means, n = 3; the region denoted by an asterisk (*) represents P < 0.05, and the region marked as “n.s.” denotes data that are not significant.).

among these two cotton batts (cotton-1 and cotton-2) was earlier work and focuses on practically applicable aligned batt
statistically significant as explained in Figure 4. Micronaire is a structure.
characteristic that collectively quantifies the fiber linear density In addition, water uptake and maximum oil sorption capacity
and maturity of cotton fiber.29 In our previous report,8 we are important parameters for evaluating effectiveness of the
studied extensively the influence of micronaire on oil sorption sorbent for it to be used in real-time oil spill cleanup scenarios.
by unprocessed raw loose cotton, and an inverse nonlinear Therefore, static and dynamic water uptake tests for cotton
relationship was observed. The present study differs from our sorbent were performed, and it was observed that in the
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Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Figure 6. ASTM Standard F 726-12 oil sorption-long test: Average oil sorption capacity (g/g) for cotton-1 and cotton-2 in the batt form was found
to be 52.5 and 45.8, respectively. Statistical analysis was performed using two-sample t-test. Statistical significance in oil sorption was observed
between low-micronaire cotton (cotton-1, micronaire 3.1) and regular cotton (cotton-2, micronaire 4.3). Cross bars represent standard error of
means, n = 3; the region denoted by an asterisk (*) represents P < 0.05.).

dynamic water system, the water uptake capacity for cotton-1 an environmentally sustainable oil sorbent with high sorption
and cotton-2 were 5.4 g/g and 7.1 g/g, respectively. Although capacity.
raw cotton fibers, because of the presence of waxes, are The fact that sorption capacity is a function of sorbent
hydrophobic in nature,8,17−19 the dynamic water uptake density has been validated by several researchers.11,25 However,
capacity evidenced for these cotton batts could be attributed bulky fibrous substrates developed using fibers such as
to the physical trapping of water molecules within the interfiber milkweed, polypropylene, hemp, and carbon have been studied.
pores. In the static system, wherein stagnant water could not Very limited work has been reported using raw cotton; in
penetrate within the bulk structure of the sorbent, very minimal particular, research using raw unprocessed cotton in the batt
(less than 0.5 g/g) water uptake capacities were determined for form has not been reported heretofore. In this work,
cotton-1 and cotton-2, as shown in Figure 5. More importantly, significantly high oil sorption capacity exhibited by raw
in both dynamic and static systems, these batts passed the unprocessed cotton batts could be attributed to low bulk
dynamic degradation test (water uptake test), as sorbents were density of the batt via unique arrangement of cotton fibers that
afloat for more than 24 h, according to ASTM Standard F 726- creates air pockets between fibrous networks, which act as an
12. In the oil−water system, there was no visible oil sheen on oil reservoir. Also, oil is absorbed inside the cotton fiber into its
the surface of the water as the entire oil slick was completely lumen, which is the hollow tubular portion in a cotton fiber. As
absorbed by the cotton sorbent. Furthermore, to evaluate the is evident from the ESEM micrograph (Figure 7), oil uptake
ideal maximum oil sorption capacity of these batts, a long-term between the fibrous network via capillary uptake and within the
oil sorption test was performed.23 In this test, cotton batts were fiber via adsorption and absorption are dominant mechanisms
free-floated in the oil bath for 24 h for complete saturation, and causing high oil uptake and retention.8,27,30 As briefly described
it was determined that immature cotton bats (cotton-1) in the Introduction, Choi et al.17 have reported oil sorption
showed ideal maximum oil sorption capacity 14% higher than capacity of needlepunched nonwoven matts produced using
that of mature cotton batts (cotton-2). As is evident from raw cotton. We differ from the aforementioned work based on
Figures 3, 4, and 6, low-micronaire cotton shows higher oil the process used to develop raw cotton sorbents. In our work, a
sorption compared to higher-micronaire cotton. More detailed carding process was used to obtain aligned cotton fiber batts
discussion on the difference in oil sorption capacity will follow with low density and hydrophobic characteristics. More
later in the discussion. Moreover, it is worth noting that importantly, we found a significant increase in oil sorption
unprocessed raw cotton in the batt form shows oil sorption capacity while using cotton batts as compared to the decrease
capacity (50.27 g/g) significantly higher than that of various in oil sorption capacity reported by Choi18 and Gupta et al.,31
forms of cotton sorbents used by other researchers for oil spill wherein a needlepunching process was used to develop bulky
cleanup.11,15,16 Therefore, we believe using unprocessed raw sorbents. The needlepunching process used by Choi et al. and
cotton in the batt form would be a viable option for developing Gupta et al. makes cotton fibers compact, thereby reducing the
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Figure 7. (a) ESEM micrograph of sorption of regular motor oil by Figure 8. Light micrograph of a longitudinal sectional of raw cotton
raw cotton batt showing complex mechanisms such as absorption and fiber. (a) In cotton-1, because of immaturity, there is less cellulose
oil uptake via interfiber capillary action. (b) Oil sorption within the deposition, causing collapsed structure leading to finer fibers. (b) In
fiber causing swelling of cotton fiber is shown in the ESEM. cotton-2, being mature cotton, thick cellulose deposition forming an
intact secondary wall is evident.
void space available in the sorbent, which leads to decrease in
oil sorption capacity. determined according to AATCC 97-2009, were 0.633 and
Cotton Fiber Characteristics and Oil Sorption. In this 0.252, respectively. Cotton-2, being mature, showed 60% less
study, immature discounted cotton showed oil sorption wax than immature cotton fibers (cotton-1), and this difference
capacity higher than that of mature cotton, as shown in Figures observed in the percentage wax content values were statistically
3, 4, and 6. Higher oil sorption capacity was observed for raw significant (p < 0.05). Thus, presence of wax on the surface of
unprocessed cotton fiber batts compared to sorption capacity cotton fiber aids the oleophilic nature of the fiber, leading to
for cotton sorbents reported in the literature,15−18 and there higher intermolecular interaction of C−H bonds between
was at least a 7% difference in the sorption capacity of surface waxes and absorbed oil.30,35−37 The presence of higher
immature and mature cotton batts. In addition, we have wax and enhanced fineness in low micronaire cotton leads to
endeavored to investigate if the difference in the oil sorption increased oil sorption compared to base and high micronaire
capacity observed in these cotton batts was due to the batt cotton. These observations corroborate well with our earlier
structure or the batt composition. The study also investigated work reported on crude oil sorption by raw cotton fibers,
the effect of cotton fiber characteristics on the oil sorption wherein higher oil sorption capacity for immature cotton was
capacity of cotton batts. Furthermore, to eliminate the effect of found.8

batt structure on oil sorption capacity, the process used for
developing cotton batts from cotton-1 and cotton-2 was CONCLUSIONS
maintained identical; hence, no visual difference in the bulk
In summary, environmentally friendly, low-density, hydro-
structure of batt of the two cottons was observed. Moreover,
phobic cotton batts have been developed using the fiber-
quantitatively, bulk density for cotton-1 and cotton-2 were
aligning carding process without the use of any synthetic or
0.085 and 0.078 g cm−3, respectively, and statistically no
natural binders. Cotton batts obtained using low-grade and
significant difference was observed (*p < 0.01). Therefore, it
regular-grade cottons were examined as potential oil sorbents.
could be safely assumed that the batt structure played a
Low-grade cotton batt showed oil sorption capacity 7% higher
significant role in increasing the oil sorption capacity of cotton
than regular-grade cotton. ESEM analysis performed on oil-
batts; however, it was not the sole contributing factor for the
soaked cotton confirmed the occurrence of sorption mecha-
statistical difference observed in the average oil sorption
nisms such as absorption and capillary action for absorption
capacity of the two cottons in the batt form. Thus, the
and retention of oil in the cotton fiber assembly. Light
difference in sorption capacity of immature and mature cotton
micrographic images showed the presence of a collapsed
batts may be related to the differences in their fiber
structure in low-grade cotton, resulting in lower micronaire and
characteristics, such as fineness, immature fiber content,
increased fineness, exhibiting oil sorption capacity higher than
maturity ratio, and micronaire index.
that of regular-grade cotton. Overall, the significantly higher oil
It is of interest to note that cotton 1 was finer with high
sorption capacity (50.27 g/g) observed for low micronaire
immature fiber content and lower maturity ratio compared to
cotton batt clearly demonstrates the potential for these batts to
cotton-2. This difference may be attributed to the fact that the
be used as an environmentally sustainable material for oil spill
immature cotton, because of less cellulose deposition, has a
cleanup. The structure of the cotton assembly, in this case the
collapsed structure with larger lumen, whereas in mature
batt form, and the characteristics of raw cotton influence the
cotton, there is thick cellulose deposition leading to coarse
overall oil sorption capacity.

fibers with smaller or no lumen,32 as evident in the light
micrograph shown in Figure 8. Because of the collapsed AUTHOR INFORMATION
structure and higher fineness, the available surface area for
cotton-1 (BET surface area, 0.661 m2 g−1) in the micronaire Corresponding Author
measuring cell was higher than that of cotton-2 (BET surface *Tel.: 806 742 4567. E-mail:
area, 0.462 m2 g−1). Therefore, cotton-1 showed a micronaire Author Contributions
value smaller than that of cotton-2. Furthermore, previous All the authors contributed to the work. V.S. and S.R. designed
researchers have proven that immature cotton has a wax and executed the study.All the authors approve the manuscript.
content higher than that of mature cotton.33,34 In this study, Notes
percentage wax content values for cotton-1 and cotton-2, The authors declare no competing financial interest.
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Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research


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