Speaking 4 - PART 1

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Unit 1
- Do you admire any geniuses? Clarify the reasons.
Leonardo da Vinci exemplifies the synergy between creativity and intellect. Leonardo
da Vinci's multidimensional genius, combining art, science, and innovation, serves as a constant
reminder of the boundless possibilities that emerge when creativity and intellect intertwine. His
extraordinary legacy continues to inspire individuals, like myself, to embrace interdisciplinary
thinking, fostering a deeper appreciation for the synergistic relationship between diverse fields of

- Geniuses are born and made. Do you agree?

Unit 2
- Who has helped you to overcome challenges in life?
- Do you currently have any Achilles heel? What is it?
- Talk about one of the challenges you encountered in life.
+ What was the challenge?
+ How did you overcome it?
+ What lesson(s) did you learn from it?
- Do you know any famous person who managed to overcome their life obstacle(s) to
become successful?

Unit 3
• Do you sleep well? Do you fall asleep easily?
• Are you an “early bird” (a person who gets up early) or “a night owl” (a person
who stays up late)?
• A proverb: “Early to bed, early to rise, makes you healthy, wealthy, and wise.”
What does this proverb mean? Do you agree with it?
What advice would you give to somebody who suffers from insomnia?

Unit 4
1. What animals do you think are intelligent? Explain why or give an example.
2. What abilities do animals have that people don’t have and vice versa?

Unit 5
How would you imagine your life at the age of 80?
An old lady aged 60 is not enjoying her life. Which advice would you give her to
enjoy her life more?
Which age do you think is the best in one’s life? Why?

Unit 6
How do you understand “Giving to others is also giving to ourselves.”?
Do you do any volunteer work? What are some benefits of doing volunteer work?
Do you think school students should do volunteer work? What types of volunteer
work are suitable for them?
Is there any charity organization that you would like to work for? Why?

Unit 7
When and where do you typically do your assignments? Do you do anything else at
the same time?
What were your attitudes towards homework as a school child? And now?

Unit 8
Do you play video games? Why (not)?
What video games do you play?

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