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Name: Subject: English Marks : 20

Class: III
Date: Duration:

I. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below:
A farmer lived in a village. He had a hen. It laid a golden egg daily. The farmer sold the eggs and
became rich. One day his wife grew greedy. She wanted to have all the eggs at once. She asked
her husband to kill the hen and get all the eggs. The farmer took a knife and cut open the hen. But
there were no eggs inside the hen. The farmer and his wife felt very sad. But it was too late now.

1. Which of these words means “daily” ?

a. greedy b. everyday c. full day

2. What did the hen lay daily?


3. Did they find eggs inside the hen?


4. What is the moral of the story?

II. See the picture and complete the sentence (3M)

SECTION –B (Grammar) (6M)

III. Arrange the following words in an alphabetical order.

1. spider, caterpillar, mosquito, beetle

2. paper, notebook, scissors, ball pen

IV. Rearrange the words to make sentences.

1. not well is feeling Deena

2. the train I now missed

V. Match the following groups of words to make correct sentences.

1. A school lives under the ground

2. My father likes to eat chocolates

3. The worm knows what is best for me

4. Children is a place for learning

VI. Write the type of sentence (Assertive, Interrogative, Imperative and Exclamatory) against each
of the following:-

1. I have a new pencil_______________

2. How beautiful is the rain__________________

3. Sit quietly__________________

4. Where do you live___________________

VII. Answer the following questions.
1. What appeared in the grass when Aladdin’s uncle did magic?


2. Who bought a fancy store for Aladdin?


3. How did Aladdin’s father die?


4. Do you think Abanazar was a wicked man? Why?


VIII. Write the meaning for the following.

1. Astonished -_____________

2. Messing around -_______________

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