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Nonlinear Engineering 2022; 11: 100–111

Research Article

Feras Yousef*, Billel Semmar, and Kamal Al Nasr

Dynamics and simulations of discretized Caputo-

conformable fractional-order Lotka–Volterra
models ordinary differential equations such that any small change
received January 22, 2022; accepted March 14, 2022 of the model will lead to a qualitatively different type of
Abstract: In this article, a prey–predator system is con- behavior. The most important feature of this model is that
sidered in Caputo-conformable fractional-order deriva- it lumps prey birth and death rates into one logistic growth
tives. First, a discretization process, making use of the term, and it assumes that the predator birth rate remains a
piecewise-constant approximation, is performed to secure linear function of their per capita consumption [5].
discrete-time versions of the two fractional-order systems. Predation is normally quantified in terms of the func-
Local dynamic behaviors of the two discretized fractional- tional and numerical responses, which are the effects
order systems are investigated. Numerical simulations are of predation on the prey and predator growth rates,
executed to assert the outcome of the current work. respectively [6]. The classical model of Lotka–Volterra
Finally, a discussion is conducted to compare the impacts under the linear functional response of predator reads
of the Caputo and conformable fractional derivatives on as follows:
the discretized model.
⎧ dN = N (a − bN − cR) ,
⎪ dT
Keywords: Caputo fractional derivative, conformable frac- (1)
⎨ dR
tional derivative, prey–predator system, discretization, sta- ⎪ dT = R( −d + ceN ) ,
bility, bifurcations, chaos ⎩
where N and R are functions of time T , representing the
prey and predator population densities, respectively [7].
The parameters a , b, c, d , and e are considered as posi-
1 Introduction tive constants, representing the maximum birth rate per
capita of prey species, the strength of intraspecific com-
Dynamic analysis is widely used in engineering and petition of the prey species, the strength of intraspecific
science. Understanding the dynamics of prey–predator between prey and predators, the death rate per capita of
interactions is one of the most primary operations that predator species, and the efficacy of converting ingested
shape the framework and function of ecological societies prey to new predators, respectively.
[1,2]. To describe the dynamic behavior between prey and Recently, it has been shown that many mathematical
predator, models can be a very useful and powerful tool. models can be effectively reformulated via noninteger-
The oldest and most celebrated prey–predator model is order differential equations owing to the unsuitability
the Lotka–Volterra model, independently introduced by and ability of the integer-order differential equations in
Lotka [3] and Volterra [4]. This model is formulated in formulating many phenomena [8]. The noninteger-order
derivatives are oftentimes said to be fractional-order deri-
vatives or artlessly fractional derivatives. It is well-known
* Corresponding author: Feras Yousef, Department of Mathematics, that the derivatives with integer order are in local nature,
School of Science, The University of Jordan, Amman 11942, Jordan, unlike the derivatives with fractional order [9]. It has
e-mail: been evinced that the nonlocality merit of the fractional
Billel Semmar: Department of Mathematics, University of Badji
derivatives is employed to make them a suitable tool
Mokhtar Annaba, Annaba 23000, Algeria,
for describing the dynamic behaviors of many life phe-
Kamal Al Nasr: Department of Computer Science, Tennessee State nomena and dynamical models that have inherited the
University, Nashville, TN 37209, USA, e-mail: properties of memory [10,11]. Due to the memory effect,

Open Access. © 2022 Feras Yousef et al., published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License.
Discretized Caputo-conformable fractional-order Lotka–Volterra models  101

the fractional models integrate all previous information α 2

⎧ D x (t ) = rx (t ) − px (t ) − qx (t )y (t ) , (4)
from the past that makes it easier for the researchers to ⎨ α
⎩ D y (t ) = x (t )y (t ) − qy (t ) ,
predict and translate the biological models more accu-
rately [12]. Consequently, many existing differential equa- where D α is the fractional derivative of Caputo type and
tions describing various phenomena in engineering and defined as follows:
science have been recasted by means of fractional deriva- t
tives [13–25], and their solutions and dynamic behaviors D α f (t ) =
Γ(1 − α )
∫(t − τ)−αf (τ)dτ, 0 < α < 1. (5)
continue to be of widespread interest today in many other 0
disciplines [26–35].
Our first aim is to discretize the model (4) making use
In the present work, we nondimensionalize the system
of the piecewise-constant approximation [36] as follows:
(1) by performing the following change of variables.
ea c cd ⎧ D αx (t ) = x ⎛⎡ t ⎤h⎞⎛r − px ⎛⎡ t ⎤h⎞ − qy⎛⎡ t ⎤h⎞⎞ ,
x (t ) = N (T ) , y (t ) = R (T ) , t= T. ⎪ ⎜ ⎟

d d a ⎝⎣ h ⎦ ⎠⎝ ⎝⎣ h ⎦ ⎠ ⎝⎣ h ⎦ ⎠⎠
⎨ t t
Hence, we are lead to work with the following non- ⎪ D αy (t ) = y⎛⎡ ⎤h⎞⎛−q + x ⎛⎡ ⎤h⎞⎞ ,
⎜ ⎟

dimensionalized system: ⎩ ⎝ ⎣ h ⎦ ⎠⎝ ⎝⎣ h ⎦ ⎠⎠
⎧ dx (t ) = rx (t ) − px 2 (t ) − qx (t )y (t ) , where [ h ] denotes the integer part of t ∈ [nh , (n + 1)h),
⎪ dt n = 0, 1, … , and h > 0 is a discretization parameter.
⎨ d y (t ) The nth iterative solution of system (6) is given by:
⎪ dt = x (t )y (t ) − qy (t ) ,
⎩ α
a2 b a ⎧ xn + 1(t ) = xn(nh) + (t − nh) (xn(nh)(r − pxn(nh)
where r = cd , p = ce , and q = c . ⎪ α Γ (α )
Thus, the following fractional-order system is obtained ⎪
− qyn(nh))) , (7)
by changing the first-order time derivatives by the deriva- ⎨
⎪ (t − nh)α
tives of fractional order. ⎪ yn + 1(t ) = yn(nh) + αΓ(α) ( yn(nh)( −q + xn(nh))) .
α 2 ⎩
⎧ D x (t ) = rx (t ) − px (t ) − qx (t )y (t ) , (3)
⎨ α If we let t → (n + 1)h in system (7), then we will
⎩ D y (t ) = x (t )y (t ) − qy (t ) ,
achieve the discretized version of the model (4):
where 0 < α < 1 is the fractional-order derivative para-
meter and t > 0. It is easily verified that the equilibrium ⎧ xn + 1 = xn + h (xn(r − pxn − qy )) ,
⎪ α Γ(α )
points of system (3) are the trivial state E0 = (0, 0), the (8)
⎨ h α

( 0), and the steady state of coexis-

axial state E1 =
, ⎪ yn + 1 = yn + αΓ(α) ( yn( −q + xn)) .

tence E = (q, ) for r > pq.
r − pq
2 q We next investigate the local stability and bifurcation
Several studies revealed that the discrete-time system to the points of equilibrium for system (8).
exhibits much fruitful dynamic behaviors, such as bifurca-
tions and chaos, than those of its continuous-time system Theorem 2.1. The point of equilibrium E0 = (0, 0) is a
counterpart. Consequently, in the sequel, we will explore (i) Saddle point when 0 < h < α
the dynamic behaviors of the discretized fractional-order
prey–predator system that includes both Caputo and con- (ii) Source when h > α ;
formable fractional derivatives. 2αΓ(α)
(iii) Non-hyperbolic when h = α .

2 The dynamics of the discretized Proof. The Jacobian matrix computed at the point of equi-
librium E0 for the linearization of system (8) is given by
Caputo fractional-order α
⎛1 + h r ⎞
prey–predator system ⎜ α Γ (α )

J (E0) = ⎜ hα ⎟
In this section, we consider the Caputo fractional-order 0 1− q
⎜ α Γ (α ) ⎟
version of model (3) as follows: ⎝ ⎠
102  Feras Yousef et al.

hα hα
and has eigenvalues λ1 = 1 + αΓ(α) r and λ2 = 1 − αΓ(α) q . Proof. The Jacobian matrix computed at the point of
Since r > 0, then ∣λ1∣ > 1. Now, since q > 0, we have the equilibrium E2 for the linearization of system (8) is given
following cases: by
(i) If 0 < h < α , then ∣λ2 ∣ < 1 and E0 is a saddle α q2hα ⎞
q ⎛ 1 − pqh −
point. ⎜ α Γ (α ) α Γ(α ) ⎟
J (E2 ) = ⎜ α ⎟.
(ii) If h > α , then ∣λ2 ∣ > 1 and E0 is a source. h ⎛ r − pq ⎞
q ⎜ ⎜ 1 ⎟

2αΓ(α) ⎝ α Γ(α ) ⎝ q ⎠ ⎠
(iii) If h = α , then ∣λ2 ∣ = 1 and E0 is a nonhyper-
Next, the trace and determinant of J (E2 ) are com-
bolic. □
puted as follows:

Theorem 2.2. The point of equilibrium E1 = ( , 0) is a

p Tr(J (E2 )) = 2 −
(i) Sink when q − (
)p < r < min ( , pq);


α Γ(α )
2 (9)
pqhα hα ⎞
(ii) Source when r < (q − )p and r > max ( , pq);
2αΓ(α) 2αΓ(α) Det(J (E2 )) = 1 − + q (r − pq )⎛ . ⎜ ⎟
hα hα α Γ(α ) ⎝ α Γ(α ) ⎠
(iii) Non-hyperbolic when r = (q − )p or r = 2αΓ(α) 2αΓ(α)
hα hα According to the Jury conditions [37], both eigenva-
or r = pq ; lues of the Jacobian matrix J (E2 ) have modulus less than 1
(iv) Saddle point for the other values of parameters except 2pqhα
⎛ −4 ⎞
those values in (i)–(iii). if max ⎜ αΓ(αh)α 2 + pq , pq ⎟ < r < p
q ( )
( αΓ(α)

+q . ) □
⎝ α Γ( α ) ⎠
Proof. The Jacobian matrix computed at the point of
equilibrium E1 of the linearization of system (8) is given The following result is regarding the bifurcation of
by system (8). We refer the reader to [38] for more details
about the major forms of bifurcations in two-dimen-
α hα qr
⎛1 − h r − ⎞ sional maps.
⎜ α Γ (α ) α Γ (α ) p ⎟
J (E1) =
⎜ α
h ⎛r ⎟ Theorem 2.4. The positive point of equilibrium E2 =
⎜ 0 1+ − q ⎞⎟ ⎜ ⎟

⎝ α Γ (α ) ⎝ p ⎠⎠

(q, r − pq
q ) forfeits its stability through a
and has eigenvalues λ1 = 1 − and r λ2 = 1 + (i) Transcritical bifurcation if r = pq ;

αΓ(α) ( r
p )
− q . Now, we have the following cases:
(ii) Flip bifurcation if r =
α Γ( α )
+ pq ;
(i) If q − ( 2αΓ(α)
hα )p < r < min ( 2αΓ(α)

, )
pq , then ∣λ1∣ < 1 and q ( ) hα 2
α Γ( α )

∣λ2 ∣ < 1. Hence, E1 is a sink. (iii) Neimark–Sacker bifurcation if r = p ( αΓ(α)

+q . )
(ii) If r < q − ( 2αΓ(α)
hα )
p and r > max ( 2αΓ(α)

, )
pq , then
Proof. From Eq. (9), we have
∣λ1∣ > 1 and ∣λ2 ∣ > 1. Hence, E1 is a source.
(i) Tr(J (E2 )) − Det(J (E2 )) = 1 when r = pq . Hence, the
(iii) if r = q − ( 2αΓ(α)
hα )p or r = 2αΓ(α)

or r = pq , then ∣λ1∣ = 1 point of equilibrium E2 forfeits its stability through
or ∣λ2 ∣ = 1. Hence, E1 is a nonhyperbolic. a transcritical bifurcation when r = pq .
(iv) For other values of parameters except those values 2pqhα
in (i)–(iii), we have ∣λ1∣ < 1 and ∣λ2 ∣ > 1 (or ∣λ1∣ > 1 and (ii) −Tr(J (E2 )) − Det(J (E2 )) = 1 when r = α Γ( α )
hα 2
+ pq .
∣λ2 ∣ < 1). Hence, E1 is a saddle point. □
q ( )
α Γ( α )

Hence, the point of equilibrium E2 forfeits its stabil-

Theorem 2.3. The positive point of equilibrium E2 = ity through a flip bifurcation when r = α Γ( α )
+ pq .
hα 2

(q, r − pq
) is local asymptotically stable if and only if q ( )
α Γ( α )

⎛ 2pqhα ⎞
(iii) Det(J (E2 )) = 1 when r = p ( αΓ(α)
hα )
+ q . Hence, the
−4 α Γ (α ) point of equilibrium E2 forfeits its stability through
max ⎜ 2
+ pq , pq ⎟ < r < p⎛ α + q ⎞ .
⎝ ( )
h α


⎝ h ⎠ a Neimark–Sacker bifurcation if r = p ( αΓ(α)

+q . ) □
Discretized Caputo-conformable fractional-order Lotka–Volterra models  103

3 The dynamics of the discretized as a conformable fractional derivative, which is essentially

an extension of the well-known limit-based derivative,
conformable fractional-order and this definition satisfies all the usual properties of the
prey–predator system integer-order derivatives [40]. We refer the reader to ref.
[41] for a comparative study of all definitions of fractional-
Several authors prefer to study the fractional-order models order derivatives.
by using Caputo derivatives because the definition of The conformable fractional-order version of system
Caputo-fractional derivatives shows the property of line- (3) is presented as follows:
arity and yields zero the output for a fractional derivative α 2
⎧ Da x (t ) = rx (t ) − px (t ) − qx (t )y (t ) , (10)
to a constant. However, this definition fails to show the ⎨ α
usual properties of the derivative such as the chain rule, ⎩ Da y (t ) = x (t )y (t ) − qy (t ) ,
product rule, and quotient rule. More recently, Khalil et al. where Daα is the fractional derivative of conformable-type
[39] proposed a novel local derivative operator recognized and defined for a function f : [a , ∞) →  , a ≥ 0:

Figure 1: Stable dynamical behavior of system (8) subject to the initial condition (x (0), y (0)) = (0.25, 0.2) for the parameters
p = 0.5, q = 1, h = 0.15, and r = 1 : (a) α = 0.95, (b) α = 0.75, (c) α = 0.6, and (d) α = 0.5.
104  Feras Yousef et al.

Figure 2: Stable dynamical behavior of system (22) subject to the initial condition (x (0), y (0)) = (0.25, 0.2) for the parameters
p = 0.5, q = 1, h = 0.15, and r = 1 : (a) α = 0.95, (b) α = 0.75, (c) α = 0.6, and (d) α = 0.5.

f (t + ε (t − a)1 − α) − f (t ) Applying the rule in Eq. (12) to the first equation in the
Daαf (t ) = lim , 0 < α < 1. (11)
ε→0 ε system (13), for h > 0 and t ∈ [nh , (n + 1)h), n = 0, 1, … ,
From the aforementioned definition, it has been evinced gives the following Bernoulli differential equation:
in ref. [40] the following necessary fact: d x (t )
(t − nh)1 − α + (qy (nh) − r )x (t ) = −px 2 (t ) . (14)
Daαf (t ) = (t − a)1 − αf ′(t ) . (12) dt
We obtain by simplifying this equation
In the following, we will adopt piecewise-constant
approximation to discretize the model (10). x′(t ) (r − qy (nh)) p
− + = . (15)
x 2 (t ) x (t )(t − nh)1 − α (t − nh)1 − α
⎧ D αx (t ) = x (t )⎛⎜r − px (t ) − qy⎛⎡ t ⎤h⎞⎞⎟,
⎪ a
⎝ ⎝⎣ h ⎦ ⎠⎠
⎨ α t
⎪ Da y (t ) = y (t )⎛⎜−q + x ⎛⎡ ⎤h⎞⎞⎟ .
⎩ ⎝ h
⎝⎣ ⎦ ⎠⎠
Discretized Caputo-conformable fractional-order Lotka–Volterra models  105

Figure 3: Stable dynamical behavior of system (8) subject to the initial condition (x (0), y (0)) = (0.25, 0.2) for the parameters
p = 0.5, q = 1, α = 0.95, and r = 1 : (a) h = 0.15, (b) h = 0.35, (c) h = 0.55, and (d) h = 0.75.

(t − nh)α xn(r − qyn)

Multiplying Eq. (15) by e (r − qy(nh)) α , we have xn + 1 = . (18)

pxn + (r − qyn − pxn)e−(r − qyn) α
d⎛ 1 (t − nh)α
(r − qy (nh)) α ⎟ ⎞
⎜ e
d t ⎝ x (t ) ⎠ In a similar way, from the second equation in the
p (r − qy (nh
(t − nh)α
)) α , model (13), we obtain
= 1 − α
e t ∈ [nh , (n + 1)h) .
(t − nh)
d y (t ) (x (nh) − q )
= dt . (19)
Integrating with respect to t on [nh , t ) both sides of y (t ) (t − nh)1 − α
Eq. (16), we obtain
Integrating with respect to t on [nh , t ) both sides of
1 (r − qy(nh)) (t −nh )α 1
e α − Eq. (19), we obtain
x (t ) x (nh)
(17) (t − nh)α
p (t − nh)α
ln y (t ) − ln y (nh) = (x (nh) − q ) ,
= ⎡e (r − qy(nh)) α − 1⎤ . (20)
r − qy (nh) ⎣ ⎦ α
t ∈ [nh , (n + 1)h) .
Ultimately, let t → (n + 1)h in Eq. (17) and replacing
x (nh) with xn yields
106  Feras Yousef et al.

Figure 4: Stable dynamical behavior of system (22) subject to the initial condition (x (0), y (0)) = (0.25, 0.2) for the parameters
p = 0.5, q = 1, α = 0.95, and r = 1 : (a) h = 0.15, (b) h = 0.35, (c) h = 0.55, and (d) h = 0.75.

For t → (n + 1)h in Eq. (20) and replacing y (nh) with Theorem 3.1. The point of equilibrium E0 = (0, 0) is a
yn provides saddle point.

yn + 1 = yne (xn − q) α . (21)
Proof. The Jacobian matrix computed at the point of
Consequently, the discretized version of the model equilibrium E0 for the linearization of system (22) is given
(13) is derived as follows: by

⎧x = xn(r − qyn) hα
⎪ n+1 hα
, ⎛er α 0 ⎞
pxn + (r − qyn − pxn)e−(r − qyn) α (22) J (E0) = ⎜ hα
⎨ 0 e qα⎟

⎪ yn + 1 = yne (xn − q) hα . ⎝ ⎠

hα hα
and has eigenvalues λ1 = e r α and λ2 = e−q α . Thus, E0 is a
We next investigate the local stability and bifurcation
saddle point since ∣λ1∣ > 1 and ∣λ2 ∣ < 1. □
to the points of equilibrium for system (22).
Discretized Caputo-conformable fractional-order Lotka–Volterra models  107

Figure 5: Bifurcation diagram of system (8) as a function of r for the parameters p = 0.5, q = 1, and h = 0.15: (a) α = 0.95 and (b) α = 0.5.

Theorem 3.2. The point of equilibrium E1 =

(i) Saddle point if r > pq;
( , 0) is a
(i) If r > pq , then ∣λ2 ∣ > 1 and E1 is a saddle point.
(ii) If r < pq , then ∣λ2 ∣ < 1 and E1 is a sink.
(ii) Sink if r < pq; (iii) If r = pq , then ∣λ2 ∣ = 1 and E1 is a nonhyperbolic. □
(iii) Non-hyperbolic if r = pq.
Theorem 3.3. The positive point of equilibrium
Proof. The Jacobian matrix computed at the point of equi-
librium E1 for the linearization of system (22) is given by
E2 = q,
r − pq
q ) is local asymptotically stable if and only
⎛ e−r hα
−1 + e−r α ⎞ )

if r < p ( α

+q .)
J (E1) = ⎜ p ⎟,
⎜ α ⎟ Proof. The Jacobian matrix computed at the point of
⎝ 0 e( r
p − q) hα
⎠ equilibrium E2 for the linearization of system (22) is given

and has eigenvalues λ1 = e−r α , which satisfy ∣λ1∣ < 1, and by
λ2 = e( r
p − q) hα
. Now, we have the following cases:

Figure 6: Bifurcation diagram of system (22) as a function of r for the parameters p = 0.5, q = 1 , and h = 0.15: (a) α = 0.95 and (b) α = 0.5.
108  Feras Yousef et al.

Figure 7: Maximum Lyapunov exponents corresponding to: (a) Figure 5(a) and (b) Figure 6(a).

hα q hα According to the Jury conditions, both eigenvalues of

⎛ e−pq α ( −1 + e−pq α ) ⎞
p the Jacobian matrix J (E2 ) have modulus less than 1 if and
J (E2 ) = ⎜ ⎟ .
⎜ (r − pq ) hα

1 ⎟
⎟ only if r < p ( α
hα )
+q . □
⎝ ⎠
The trace and determinant of J (E2 ) are computed as The following result is regarding the bifurcation for
follows: model (22).

Tr(J (E2 )) = 1 + e−pq α and Theorem 3.4. The positive point of equilibrium E2 =

Det(J (E2 )) =
α − h α (r (
− pq ) −1 + e
). (23)
(q, r − pq
q ) forfeits its stability through a Neimark–Sacker
pα bifurcation if r = p ( α
hα )
+q .

Figure 8: Chaotic attractor for the parameters p = 0.5, q = 1 , α = 0.95, h = 0.15, and r = 4: (a) system (8) and (b) system (22).
Discretized Caputo-conformable fractional-order Lotka–Volterra models  109

Figure 9: Time series plot of system (8) with respect to Figure 5(a): (a) asymptotically stable for r = 2 and (b) chaotic for r = 4, and system
(22) with respect to Figure 6(a): (c) asymptotically stable for r = 2 and (d) chaotic for r = 4.

Proof. From Eq. (23), we have Det(J (E2 )) = 1 when r = be fixed and vary α , h, and r . Suppose that the initial state
of systems (8) and (22) is (0.25, 0.2). Figures 1 and 2
p( α
hα )
+ q . Hence, the point of equilibrium E2 forfeits
demonstrate the local stable dynamic behaviors for the
its stability through a Neimark–Sacker bifurcation if
two-dimensional discrete systems (8) and (22), respec-
r=p ( α

+q .) □ tively, at the positive point of equilibrium E2 with les-
sening the fractional-order parameter α . We note that
lessening the fractional-order parameter α and fixing the
discretization parameter h lead to destabilize the two-
4 Numerical simulations dimensional discrete systems and chaotic behavior occurs.
Figures 3 and 4 show the local stable dynamic behaviors
Theoretical studies cannot be verified without numerical for the two-dimensional discrete systems (8) and (22),
investigation of the obtained results. In the present study, respectively, at the positive point of equilibrium E2 with
numerical computations have been accomplished through rising the discretization parameter h. We note that rising
the use of MATLAB-R2020a software. Let p = 0.5 and q = 1 the discretization parameter h along with fixed fractional-
110  Feras Yousef et al.

order parameter α leads to destabilize the two-dimensional equilibrium E2 . While, the discrete conformable-system
discrete systems and chaotic behavior occurs. undergoes only a Neimark–Sacker bifurcation.
The bifurcation diagrams in Figures 5 and 6 demonstrate
that rising the values of r may destabilize the point of equili- On conclusion, these fractional derivatives act to
brium E2 through a Neimark–Sacker bifurcation. The maxi- some extent the same function in importing some of the
mum Lyapunov exponents corresponding to Figures 5(a) inherited properties of the time fractional to the time-
and 6(a) are given in Figure 7. The chaotic attractor for integer Lotka–Volterra prey–predator models.
system (8) and system (22) is presented in Figure 8. The
chaotic behavior exists when lessening the fractional-order Funding information: The authors state no funding
parameter α and rising the discretization parameter h. involved.

Author contributions: All authors have accepted respon-

sibility for the entire content of this manuscript and
5 Discussion and concluding approved its submission.

remarks Conflict of interest: The authors declare that they have no

known conflict of interest that could appear to influence
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