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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division of City of Malolos
Marcelo H. Del Pilar National High School
Bagong Bayan, City of Malolos, Bulacan


1. Why do you have to make good choices when you are preparing for adult
- Concerning Adult Life Preparation. 'The more decision-making possibilities
we have in our life, the more confident we will become.' We can embrace
difficulties, comprehend risk, and learn from failures by making our own

2. What does “Treat difficulties as challenges” mean? Explain.

- It is treating our issues as challenges, which may add excitement to our life.
This attitude denotes the development of a responsible and intellectually
mature adolescent. It indicates that, while hardships are tough, accepting
them as challenges builds character and experience because you may learn
and grow as a person by conquering them.

3. Explain each of the 8 simple rules which could help teenagers become a
responsible adolescent prepared for adult life in one sentence.
a. Focus on your studies and do well in all your endeavors. There is a time
for everything.
- Concentrate on your academics and achieve success in all of your
undertakings. Everything has its time and place. To sum it up, choose what
is more important
b. Take care of your health and hygiene. Healthy body and mind are
important as you journey through adolescence.
- Take excellent care of yourself, both physically and mentally. From infancy
through maturity, maintaining a healthy body and mind is essential when
growing up.
c. Establish good communication and relation with your parents or
guardian. Listen to them. Though this may be easier said than done at
this stage, but creating good relationship with them will do you good as
they are the ones you can lean on especially in times of trouble.
- Build a good relationship with your parents or guardians. Pay attention to
what they're saying. Though it may be easier said than done at this point,
developing positive relationships with them will benefit you because they are
the people you can count on in difficult situations.

Address: Bagong Bayan, City of Malolos, Bulacan

Telephone No.: (044) 795-5343
E-Mail Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division of City of Malolos
Marcelo H. Del Pilar National High School
Bagong Bayan, City of Malolos, Bulacan

d. Think a lot before doing something. Evaluate probable consequences

before acting. Practice self-control and self-discipline.
- Before you do anything, give it a lot of thought. Before action, consider the
likely repercussions. Exercise self-discipline and self-control. In short, learn
how to control yourself
e. Choose to do the right thing. There are plenty of situations in which it
is better to use your mind rather than your heart.
- Make the choice to do what is right. There are various situations where
using your mind rather than your heart is beneficial.
f. Do your best to resist temptations, bad acts, and earthly pleasures and
commit to being a responsible adolescent.
- By avoiding temptations, immoral acts, and earthly pleasures, you may
commit to becoming a responsible adolescent.
g. Respect yourself. You are an adult in the making. Do not let your
teenage hormones get into you. If you respect yourself, others will
respect you too.
- Self-respect is important. You're on your way to becoming an adult. Do not
let to your adolescent hormones win. Others will respect you if you respect
h. Be prepared to be answerable or accountable for your actions and
behavior. It is part of growing up in becoming an adult.
- Be aware that you will be held responsible for your actions and conduct. It's
all part of the process of maturing into an adult.

4. How will you ease the transition of being an adolescent into becoming an
- Parents may work with their teenagers during adolescence to prepare them
for adulthood in order to make this transition as seamless as possible. After
all, every parent wants to create self-sufficient, responsible, and well-
adjusted people who can contribute positively to society.

Address: Bagong Bayan, City of Malolos, Bulacan

Telephone No.: (044) 795-5343
E-Mail Address:

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