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A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan

In Mathematics 3

A. Identify symmetry in the environment and in design;
B. Visualize symmetry in the environment and in design

A. Topic: Concept of symmetry M3GE-IIIg-7.3
B. References: Mathematics3 Book/TG
C. Materials: Cut-out pictures, flash cards
D. Values Integrated: Cooperation and Creativity


A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance.
4. Review/ Drill
Mental Math
Show flash cards. Let pupils convert to its standard form
12 hundreds 12 tens 4 ones =1,324
21 hundreds 20 tens 20 ones =2,320
47 hundreds 8 tens. =4,780

5. Motivation
Teach the pupils the song about a butterfly (Tune: Sitsiritsit)
Fly, fly, the butterfly
In the morning, it’s flying high
In the meadow, it’s flying low
Fly, fly, the butterfly.

Ask the pupils what was the song all about.

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
Present a picture or butterfly. Ask pupils to describe the butterfly.
Fold the butterfly into two. Ask pupils what they see. Ask pupils if the butterfly is equally
divided into two.
Introduce the word “symmetry”.

2. Performing the Activity

a. Group Activity
Divide the class into 4 groups. Provide each group with 8-10 drawing pictures that are either
symmetrical or asymmetrical.

Directions: Write Symmetrical or Not Symmetrical after each object and explain your answer.

3. Processing the Activity

What are the objects or pictures that are symmetrical? Why?

4. Reinforcing the Concept

Pair Activity
Let each pair show the sample of object in their classroom that are symmetrical.
Tell the pupils that they will be doing fun activity.

5. Summarizing the Lesson

What is symmetry? How do we know that a figure or object or shape is symmetrical?
What other examples in the environment can we find that shows symmetry?

a. Divide the class into 4 groups
b. Have pupils loot through the sample pictures and cut out objects that they think are symmetrical.
c. Challenge them to find unusual ones and explain their answers in front of their classmates

a. We have Activity 1 and Activity 2
b. The students should be able to answer the Activity 1 and Activity 2

Ask the pupils to draw some objects that show’s if it’s Symmetrical or Not Symmetrical

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